Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in…
Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in…
I’m buying frenchies and canned veges.
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
cohenite March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…
That’s not really how that might work. Once the ICBMs start flying, they all go, because that’s the logic of…
Rosie – They’re using Covaxin, which is a traditional killed-virus vaccine. It’s made in India. It would be nice if the Australian government could obtain this vaccine, since Novavax is delatyed.
They do also use AZ, but as you know I am not willing to use it for conscientious reasons.
So what was that stuff about last week about payments being made to unvaxxed being stood down?
The meeja and the political class really are scum – with a few notable exceptions.
Spiked On-Line has been solid on this matter. Always worth a visit.
Good chance they are subsidised anyway.
See “Part F” payments.
This is the turd publishing on slate that people who are for Ivermectin are cranks.
Arts degrees.
Arts history
Yep, that doctor board in Japan are right wing domestic terrorists!
EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE has said that it is vitamin d and zinc are KEY / CRITICAL to fighting COVID. As usual with these touted studies – there is not one mention of either in the linked journal article.
The India cocktail that wiped the Delta Variant out in two months and eliminated COVID totally included these as well as vitamin c, antibiotic and aspirin. All serving to ensure that the zinc got to where it was needed and strengthened the immune response.
And the argument that there is no covid is false too. India is still doing more than a million tests a day still in an environment where there is little or no disease.
Bruce of N
It was painfully amusing. I thought of alternatives and decided Victoria – The Fascist State suited best.
Not sure that Vicco can claim exclusive rights to the title.
Bear: Italy. They don’t like taxes, drive like maniacs, park anywhere, cook good food. And, as everyone knows, Italian gals are the world’s best lookers.
Lockdowns in India.
Right up there with 1.5 metre distancing rules.
Comedy material.
Farmer Gez/other rugged Aussie farmers – which one of these farmers is most like you?
Thanks to CL and his excellent blog.
The comparison between Kerala which went down a remdesiver/vaccine route instead, and Uttar Pradesh which handed out ivermectin packs to everyone, is pretty clear.
I hope you were able to get payment, RickW!
Wait for Carosene’s next next vicious attack on Perrotett and his family values.
I have no faith that he will be a genuine conservative leader, Photios won’t permit that, but I absolutely deny the right of ABC and associated amoral bitches to even comment on his personal values.
Just in time for Glasgow COP26.
Sudden Stratospheric Warming
Not that it matters but alarmism predicted Stratospheric cooling.
You asked for it, areff.
Farmer Gez/other rugged Aussie farmers – which one of these farmers is most like you?
Thanks to CL and his excellent blog.
None Shy Ted, I’m better looking, tatt free and not insane.
So, what’s wrong with this pic?
3 people from 3 different states, unmasked, not socially distancing, 2 being alleged rape victims but comfortable close to creepy guy and so on. What reasons did they put on their travel requests. When was their last test and when is the next? Who paid for 2 people to travel? Have they been through any hotspots? (they must have). And why are the girls looking to the left of the camera but that fat bloke is straight on. Nothing spontaneous about that shot.
They are, after all, our betters. We need to look after them.
October 18, 2021 at 12:07 pm
David Amess murder suspect radicalised by Anjem Choudary
That tells you everything you need to know about why the West is being fucked by muslim and commies. They allow bastards like choudary to be out and about preaching actual violence against the West and its peoples. It’s like war time England allowing Nazis to wonder around preaching their philosophy during the War. Islam must be designated an enemy of the West, along with communism.
Fat fucking chance when most of our pollies are owned by the commies and the rest regard islam as a fellow victim of capitalism.
I think this went unnoticed last week:
Babbitt shooting internal police docs reveal ‘no good reason for shooting,’ according to Judicial Watch
Not unnoticed but ignored just like this:
In July Trump supporter and activist, Philip Anderson confirmed to The Gateway Pundit that Capitol Police killed Trump protester Rosanne Boyland on January 6.
Philip knows this because he was next to her when she died. He was holding her hand. And Philip nearly died himself.
Plus the fact that officer Sicknick died of unrelated heart problems and was not killed by protesters as the demorats and media claimed for months and you have as good examples as you need to show the justice system in the US is dead.
Farmer Gez/other rugged Aussie farmers
Mong Fest 2020!
The only person there who looks like they’ve done an honest days work in their life is Peter Holding.
Better out than in.
That’s Rugby League. Also add in drugs. Cocaine is the substance du jour.
Rugby Union players are prone to the same things just at a lower incidence.
An important difference to we followers of The Game They Play in Heaven.
Nothing sinister going on here, people. Move along.
And the satellite time series data suggests neither Stratospheric warming, nor cooling.
What to do, when the data is so inconvenient?
The only answer is The Science.
Dover, those “disaster payments” run out when vax percentages get to, I think 80%, so that is no more than a week or two, tops.
And hopefully Friedeggburger will resist pressure to extend it.
Bloke on the other Cat continualy goes on about agrarian socialism, a concept at least 70 years out of date that doesn’t even make a sensible meme today.
I’m sure that Gez and the other agricultural ladies and gentlemen would support me in saying that the last time we obtained any Govt support was beyond living memory.
He confuses rural electorate vote buying with support for rural industry. Vote buying money stays in regional cities or goes to cronies, not to mere farmers.
I defy any Green Nat to even name a farmer that they know. Why waste political effort on a tiny minority of regional city dominated gerimandered electorates.
The teachers, council staff, rural college academics, green cronies, health social welfare people are where the votes are.
Given crony puppet Morrisson’s treason it is reasonable to imagine that the rural city squatocracy will not need to be bothered about we rustics within the foreseable future.
Blasphemous – in the original and only interpretation – twaddle.
Yes, indeed.
A little New South Welsh myopia, where the most common and highest profile rugby is league, had me assuming saying ‘rugby’ was enough.
Apologies to Union players everywhere.
Yep, Spiked Online is one of my favourite sites – not that I agree with them about everything, but they are very solid on free speech and the importance of protecting Western civilisation and its values.
Deserves a link on the sidebar, IMHO.
Maybe nasty, from your point of view. Who has no sense of humour? Not antivaxxer (you using emotive words since you got the jab. Still trying to convince yourself you did the right thing.) Had many vaccinations and will in the future, but not these ones, which are in no way anything like a vaccine. Must be getting near time for you to have another jab? You really have become most irrational. Could be a side effect of the notavaccine. Did you like my joke or am I being nasty?
Areff, if you are seriously looking, consider going South young man.
Da heel ofa da boota.
UK: Ali Harbi Ali, killer of MP, is son of former Somali official and lives in wealthy London neighborhood.
How could this chap be wealthy? Doesn’t he know that poverty causes terrorism? That’s a nearly universally accepted axiom in the West, although it is really just a call for Western nations to write more checks to governments of Muslim countries and Muslim organizations in the West. It’s also demonstrably false…….
CNS News noted in September 2013 that “according to a Rand Corporation report on counterterrorism, prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 2009, ‘Terrorists are not particularly impoverished, uneducated, or afflicted by mental disease. Demographically, their most important characteristic is normalcy (within their environment). Terrorist leaders actually tend to come from relatively privileged backgrounds.’
Thanks, Dover. As CL so eloquently put it, “Lovely bottom and hips.”
Excellent crop, machinery all serviceable, harvest staff have actually arrived, transport arranged (neighbours coop).
It’s raining!
There are times when …..
Also the spike in Indian Covid death rate in June following withdrawal of the home covid treatment kit (the one that included Ivermectin) is pretty clear too!
[India – acting on WHO advice removed the home kits at end of May, and the death rate reversed trend and climbed up to near max levels again in June. When the kits were re-introduced – surprise, surprise the death rate dropped.]
Sage radio advice from a VicPol shewolf: “If confronted by a situation like this” — a knife loony stabbing away in aisle four at Coles — “it is important to get to somewhere safe”.
Very powerful stuff. I wish more men of influence would put their heads above the parapet too.
Oh yes, don’t we all remember Notafan’s trip up here where she was panicking and I said to her, despite our differences, I would help her get across as trucking friends were just not checked as the border wasn’t really closed and we get her in.
It wasn’t needed….I’d be kicking myself now for helping the unprincipled vax pusher ,if I had.
Yes she crossed a border when it was easy, and just a Permit.
Yet there are people stuck outside of WA that can’t get home without taking the jab.
They too thought constantly changing border rules weren’t constantly changing .
As stated, I have never taken a jab, I have never worn a mask, QR coded in anywhere, I’ve traveled Australia while not complying, wouldn’t be as moronic as to lock myself in my own home……..but yes, we still must wait to fight because , well, as we see nearly two years later and people are still arguing the pros and cons of vaccines against a cold with a virtual zero death rate.
My hope lies in the fact that I was wrong about something.
Looking at other social media, there are far more right wingers that get what is going on now, than here, which I thought would not be the case.
But old age, a boomer level of trust in government, and an inability to believe what is happening because of the Australia that once was, that many here lived through, makes the truth just too unbelievable, and those telling the truth are classified as conspiracy theorists.
But we’ve been right all along.
If you look, as Melbourne prepares to be sort of exercised around the yard to keep everyone from rebelling over the three days of summer some will actually call freedom, like last year, while Dom Pairo’tits still seems to be supporting the vaccine passport.
There’s a million still imprisoned in their homes, the level of restrictions still on the doubled jabbed are ridiculous, and Pair o’tits will be got at soon enough.
Sco mo just rode all over him.
If he was being a tyrant scommunist would have said “my hands are tied”.
And yet here is the resident wrongologist thinking everyone is going to be free soon, and scoffing at those who said this was the great reset.
Oh yes, Miss stage two tyranny herself.
Remember this for more laughs in the future.
Because I sure as hell will.
Blech. Looks like a beige online dating smorgasbord.
The usual assortment of dweeby names, including ‘Tryphena’.
I’m with you. The only reason to get the shots is to flee the country.
The country itself is great. Shame it’s a crapocracy.
No. It is meant to be “news delivered differently”.
Which means using alleged comedy to deliver a far-left mantra irrespective of the actual news of the day.
That includes using a conservative piñata (Steve Price) to belittle, hector, and make a fool of.
Matrix on the old thread and re-posted by Arky at the top of the page.
I am still tossing up about the vax.
I don’t like that my choices are to take a 1/10,000 chance with Kung Flu or a 1/1,000,000 chance with the vax*.
But “Return to 2019 – Do not pass Go” is not an option, so that is the fork in the road we are all faced with.
Matrix – you seem to find his arguments convincing but I detect that you are still wavering.
Is that a fair assessment?
(BTW “Piss off, it’s a personal decision” is one of the multiple choice options).
* Resist the urge to debate exact numbers. For me it seems clear that virus is more dangerous than the vax, but neither is free of risk.
“Spiked On-Line has been solid on this matter. Always worth a visit.”
Always…one of my faves. Spiked are also doing a very good podcast.
It’s the Michael Moore model.
Present it as a documentary.
When someone pulls you up on the facts you say, “Oh, no, I am a polemicist. I was advancing a point of view for those who don’t have a voice. I may or may not agree with all of it.”
Disavow ownership of content and make lying sound noble.
Incidentally I was half-listening to 3AW the other day and the subject of favourite movies came up. Someone mentioned “Bowling for Columbine”.
The guest said, “Mmmm. No. The way Moore so obviously trapped Charlton Heston and edited to suit his narrative was disgraceful”.
Nearly fell off my chair.
We should push them for an estimate.
I mean, it is obvious to the point of being trite that there would be an uptick as people interact more frequently and widely, so there is no expertise there.
Let’s see instead if they actually have any business posing as authoritative, or if their prognostications are exaggerated drivel. Whether we should listen to them in the future, and what harm we may have done listening to them in the past.
Farmers for Climate Change is hilarious- Fundraising Coordinator, Community Engagement Officer, Donor Liaison, Public Relations Head… wot, no laboratory chiefs?
I heard that the Covid payment now requires a weekly update of lost-job status.
I’m probably most like the second bird, in the Arts degree. That and also spending far too much time preening for the internet.
Looking for this pretty clear Indian death rate spike in June.
Just not seeing it.
What I do see in the data for some individual states looks very much like China. Large populations, heavy infestation in April/May – flatlined at virtually zero cases since June.
‘Trust but verify’ doesn’t work well as a strategy to understand the Subcontinent.
I saw what you did there Baba.
Good stuff, and deserves more than a mere thumbs up.
I don’t know, but I am guessing that Centrelink are treating Vax objectors as a resignation – no disaster payment (which expires next week anyway) and a waiting period for the dole.
Is that on the right thread?
I couldn’t move to a tropical climate, I like seasons and snow in winter. Northern Italy is looking, the Italians don’t worry about rules overly much and the climate and food is good. There are a few cheap places here – https://www.idealista.it/en/news/property-sale-italy/2019/01/08/2342-25-cheapest-mountain-homes-sale-italy
I like this place but the neighbourhood doesn’t look that good, plus it’s pretty high so you wouldn’t get much of a garden going, my wife would turn her nose up at it but I like it – https://www.idealista.it/en/immobile/15676641/
Re podcasts, Delingpole is still good on London Calling the Ricochet podcast. I still listen to the Delingpod, James has found religion and good for him, what’s not so good is that he is getting right into really mad theories, he’s not far off believing in the Lizard Men, sad.
I expect to spend a bit of time in the semi-independent city state of Sydney, close to family. Then off to France, which has a long tradition of supporting political refugees. If France proves too much of a struggle, perhaps onward to one of the more conservative of the formerly United States of America. I’m seriously questioning whether I can ever come back to Australia (other than to get or sell my stuff). We’ve just suffered 18 months of Dan Andrews’ violent police-state dictatorship, with the federal government, public service, courts and half the electorate cheering him on.
As one commenter said here: you don’t have to wonder whether it could actually happen here – it already has.
Or, to repeat myself: most Australian voters have shown they’re not fit to live in a free country, so now they don’t.
The Iron Curtain falls.
The Palacechook to allow fully vaccinated and PCR tested southern filth into Queensland – for a 10-day home isolation holiday.
[Link to follow.]
I think I can wait out until Xmas to see if this bears true or not.
Funny we should discuss border issues changing.
You now can’t get into Qld without the jab…double jabbed.
Just happened minutes ago.
Sheepdog at the top of its game. Amazing creatures.
A question.
My mobile is old and crappy and despite being a very basic “smart” phone, I’ve never connected it to the internet. I only ever got one in case of emergencies – car breakdown or medical.
I want to replace it.
Is it possible to buy a phone which doesn’t even have any capability to connect to the internet, but will handle voice calls and texts? Preferably one which comes unlocked so I can just put my existing sim card in it and start using it.
oaf, I think you can buy those old brick Nokias still? They only do calls and texts.
Oh, FFS! Is there no end to these sanctimonious finger-wagging medicos and their rancid interference in people’s lives?
HM QEII is 95 years old. She has one martini a day — and now they’ve barred her from even that! Let me repeat — she’s a 95-year-old lady. Let her enjoy her last few years with her daily martini (ONE!) you pecksniffian, pettifogging QUACKS!
14 day isolation, not 10.
And you have to fly in.
So Fido and the camping kit has to stay at home.
Tourist industry saved!
And, it’s all Scummo’s fault, because no more OPM.
Hi Dover
Thank you for putting up the post on the front page re the ”Trusted” Digital Identity Bill.
Any chance it could be pinned at the top for the next few days, please?
Si Sancho, correct thread.
The proof – Baba says:
October 18, 2021 at 11:16 am
There’s a Weld Club?
Meets every Tuesday.
Only discerning men of a certain age will understand the gorgeous humour.
I think I can wait out until Xmas to see if this bears true or not.
Not unreasonable.
Personally I’m doomed and expecting an AluminiumCarbon life-form to burst out of my chest at Xmas lunch.
I suspect the Queen will tell them where to get off…politely, of course.
So basically, if I’d gone to see my parents, I’d never see my wife again.
Isn’t that correct, scoffers?
No income lost jobs, can’t see my wife again, if I went to SA.
That’s what would have happened if I’d left, scoffers.
Now my money that I earn is paying for my oldies to be able to run their car and pay electricity bills that have soared, etc.
This I didn’t go into with the scoffers, but I could guess this bullshit was coming sometime soon.
It’s Queensland’s turn.
Especially since Pairo’tits is going to “letit rip” it’s the perfect excuse.
I can still work for now and help pay for my parents….which I would never ask my son to do.
I am with my wife.
But according to Frank and Notafan none of this needs to be considered. Just get jabbed, fall in line and whatcha bitchin’ about!!?
Easy, fill out a few forms, the border rules never change.
Except when they do.
A ridiculous own goal by a Fascist government.
It’s becoming plainly obvious that the clot shots don’t work and will never work. Hence the reason for bringing in ‘pills’.
The question I have is, can anyone who has been coerced into getting the clot shot sue the Hunchback and is anointed Goons if/when they are maimed by said clot shots?
Winter 2021 was Antarctica’s coldest on record. Cue Cathedral stenographers.
CBD is dead!
“We have a government which is so out of touch with reality that there is no chance that they will ever stray back to it”
Poor dear. After the departure of her husband and helpmeet, and after so many decades of service, you would expect her to be able to look upon her own inevitable demise almost as if it was a mild gentleman who would lead her some place beyond worries or years.
But her sense of duty keeps her rooted on earth, dreading what havoc her preposterous son might wreak coupled with the embarrassment of that emasculated grandson whose fading jezebel keeper has little to trade on except his link to the monarchy.
Amusing you have to be vaccinated to leave this place.
No escape for dissidents.
Maybe ScoMo could build a wall to keep everyone in.
Like East Germany did.
I should go to the Chinese Embassy and request asylum.
How to know that this is not about a virus example 4, 789.
No Covid in WA, or SA, but Palaspoop just said “anyone coming to Queensland”
In other news, there is no one working at the Qantas FFP desk.
Must be a cost cutting measure. Pterodactyl Airlines would have better service. On their RockPhones.
WA’s Mt Sterling recorded 5 snow events this year, including one this month.
The last time that happened was 1968.
Anyway, it’s 11.5c outside in my neck of the QLD woods. Wood burner going.
Did someone say “flee the country”?
First you have to acquire a ticket.
The only old style Nokias I can see at Nokia’s page or Officeworks, are the 800, 225 and 2720. They are all internet capable.
Seems to be just a gimmick of making them look retro and lo-tech by giving them a keypad, but otherwise they do everything ordinary smartphones do.
Sorry oaf. They’re the ones… didn’t realise they had connectivity…
Just Google “dumbphones”.
There are a few choices.
Some good comments at the Spectator in response to Peter O’Brien’s piece on the bullshit of aboriginal glossed history; one is mine and here it is:
The first people came to Australia 47000 years ago; they were called Negritos and came from SE Asia and New Guinea. They got busy exterminating the Mega Fauna and burning the place down.
About 25000 years ago the second mob arrived, having walked across the land bridges since sea level was about 135 meters BELOW what it is today and you could walk from Tasmania to India. This mob were called the Murrayians and were genetically similar to the Ainu people of Japan. They got busy exterminating the Negritos and continued the slaughter of the Mega Fauna and burning the place down.
The current mob arrived about 15000 years ago. They also walked, from Sri Lanka and are genetically similar to the Vedda people from Sri Lanka. This mob were called the Carpentarians and finished off the Mega Fauna, really got into the burning programme, finished off the Negritos and did the same to the Murrayians who went to Tasmania just before the land bridge was cut off from the mainland about 11000 years ago due to rising sea levels no doubt due to man made climate change because of the all the arson this lot were doing.
The social structure of the Carpentarians was totally patriarchal with women having the same rights as goannas. Excess children were left to die and inter tribal warfare was constant and brutal. Contrary to Pascoe’s BS they were pure hunters and gatherers with a few sea shells, middens and finger paintings to show for their occupation.
So to summarise: the first nations exterminated the Mega Fauna, the biggest human caused animal extinction event, completely burnt the place down, exterminated the previous 2 groups of people who were here before them, had one of the most oppressive social structures ever known and had no artifacts and made no contribution to human knowledge.
And for this Western culture which literally saved the aboriginals from extinction has to feel guilty and pay retributions, in addition to the $30 + billion PA society currently gives them.
Here’s another good comment which is not mine:
Since indigenous means someone who is born in the country then most Australians are indigenous. One does not become more Australian or more indigenous depending on how far back they can trace some of their ancestry, often so trivial it means little or nothing. And that is because we have a modern democracy and not a backward tribal system. All citizens are equal and if born here, are indigenous, regardless of whether they can trace some of their ancestry in Australia back ten days, ten years, a century, two centuries or a thousand years.
And since the 350 plus groups of peoples here in 1788 were also migrants and colonisers, just did it earlier and through different waves of migration, what makes their colonisation different or better than that of the British or Europeans? As to them being ‘reduced to drinking, begging and playing pokies,’ they were not. The Missions and Governments worked to try to create employment for Aboriginal peoples. Many assimilated and joined the broader community. Even more intermarried and straddled briefly, two worlds and their descendants have generations of integration and assimilation into the broader community behind them.
Most Australians with Aboriginal ancestry are doing fine, many better than most and live fully functional lives as a part of the broader community. And today, of the roughly 700,000 Australians who register Aboriginal ancestry most are more Anglo-European in ancestry than Aboriginal and they range from 100% Aboriginal ancestry, not many of those, to less than 1%. Someone half Aboriginal and half European is not Aboriginal or European but an Australian with mixed ancestry.
The small group suffering in serious dysfunction are those who are least assimilated into the modern world and remain trapped in backward, tribal belief systems.
They should be given the chance to replicate their old culture, even though they have scant records of what it actually is
I am always curious when people say things like this without explaining what they mean. Since all humans once lived stone-age hunter-gatherer lives with similar tribal systems and beliefs, why would anyone in this modern age want to return to such a life? And how would such a world fit within the parameters of modern living? Would we deny these people the Flying Doctor Service? Let them die during drought? Refuse them regular water supplies, electricity, permanent housing, schools? Because only by denying them everything that has been developed since the late 18th century life could any of them replicate their old cultures.
As to not knowing what life was like before the British arrived, there are copious records of Aboriginal cultures from 1788 onwards. Millions of records, journals, reports detailing their often brutal stone-age hunter-gatherer lives. Do you seriously think any of them want to go back to that? How about infanticide, cannibalism, child marriage, initiation practices which often killed or deformed boys and girls, women as virtual slaves and the old men dictating life and death to all? The first Aborigine to accept an iron axe was assimilating.
The first Aborigine to realise broken glass made a better spear tip was assimilating. As were those who accepted or ‘found’ blankets, cooking equipment etc. So, like any sensible human, Aboriginal peoples could see value in the advanced technology of the British. Why would they not? And today, in communities where Australians with Aboriginal ancestry live on their own land do they want to live primitive hunter-gatherer stone-age lives? They do not. They could but they do not. Why would they?
They want housing, water bores, electricity, television sets, cars, phones and the technology of the modern world. If they hunt they do it with Toyotas and guns, not on foot with hand-made spears. So, let us accept the fact we live in the modern age, what was done was done and done to all humans for migration and colonisation have been critical parts of our evolution, and recognise the courage, curiosity and resilience of all human beings who have made new lives in new lands and learned new ways, often painfully, from more powerful colonisers.
If the British who were colonised a dozen times could make their way through and thrive, then so too could Aboriginal peoples. And indeed, most did.
Slegs Ingeënt!
A comparison of official Government (U.K.) reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Fauci returns to his start point?
Hence the reason to wait a year and see what happens to the ‘vax’d’ in the Northern Hemisphere.
I figure that after another year I’ll have more confidence in safety of it to take it to leave the country.
They may ‘get’ me once, but the jokes on them. I will then no longer be subject to lockdowns and future ‘booster’ mandates – ever.
I have already started selling stuff.
Avoid Finland.
No wonder they drink ryyppy. Like antifreeze for the bloodstream.
September Mean Temps In Northern Europe See Little Change Over Past Decades…Snow, Frost Arrive (17 Oct)
Does have a nice “closing the circle” feel to it. Now off to the bathhouse for some bareback action.
calli at 2:50 pm
just google dumbphones
Thanks calli
I found this at Allphones
“Opel Mobile Smart Flip (4G/LTE, Keypad) – Black – Innovative & Easy to Use Smart Flip Phones For The Elderly & Vision Impaired.
Please Note : This device cannot read QR Codes and does not work with Covid Safe apps”
A lot of the supposed dumbphones are actually internet capability, but have found this one which looks promising.
“Another good choice is the Nokia 105. It is a lightweight option and making it a good choice for younger kids, and there is zero internet connection, although that does indicate no email. You get an MP3 player, a torch, and some games which include the popular Nokia Snake game. Other specifications include;
1.8-inch touch screen
15 hours talk time
30 days standby
73 grams
No internet at all
Solid display
MP3 player
No email
No camera
No email would be a blessing. A real power move is no phone, just a manservant.
“BELOW what it is today and you could walk from Tasmania to India.”
Untrue. Ever heard of the Wallace Line? Whilst there was a land bridge between mainland Australia and Tasmania and New Guinea, there was never a land bridge across the Lombok Straits so you could never walk from India to Australia. And if there had been a continuous land bridge, other mammals would have followed human mammals into Australia.
The Wallace Line or Wallace’s Line is a faunal boundary line drawn in 1859 by the British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace and named by English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley that separates the biogeographical realms of Asia and Wallacea, a transitional zone between Asia and Australia. West of the line are found organisms related to Asiatic species; to the east, a mixture of species of Asian and Australian origin is present. Wallace noticed this clear division during his travels through the East Indies in the 19th century.
The line runs through Indonesia, between Borneo and Sulawesi (Celebes), and through the Lombok Strait between Bali and Lombok. The distance between Bali and Lombok is small, about 35 kilometres (22 mi). The distributions of many bird species observe the line, since many birds do not cross even the shortest stretches of open ocean water. Some bats have distributions that cross the line, but larger terrestrial mammals are generally limited to one side or the other; exceptions include macaques, pigs and tarsiers on Sulawesi. Other groups of plants and animals show differing patterns, but the overall pattern is striking and reasonably consistent. Flora do not follow the Wallace Line to the same extent as fauna.[1] One genus of plants that does not cross the Line is the Australasian genus Eucalyptus, except for one species, Eucalyptus deglupta, which naturally occurs on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines.
Those humans crossed using primitive rafts.
Fauci is Dr Evil.
Fauci Warns Unvaccinated Might Bring a Fifth COVID Wave (17 Oct)
That is about as despicable, mendacious and unscientific as you can get. Two things are absolutely certain. One is that another of many waves will soon occur since they’re going in to the cold season, and secondly the vaccines will have worn off, thus the vaccinated majority will be the primary driver of the next wave.
But I suppose he fits just about perfectly in with the Biden regime.
Not sure about the popular Nokia snake game. Maybe the Nokia snake game which sucked balls, even at the time. The original Atari console was the ducks nuts.
This seems relevant –
A very serious vaccine injury story from a 37yo West Australian Police Officer who took the Pfizer injection out of fear of losing her job.
The story’s on Facebook so I can’t read the details. Someone might like to comment.
October 18, 2021 at 2:53 pm
Here’s another good comment which is not mine:
That comment has now been removed from the Spectator site; which just goes to show even a bastion like the Spectator has it’s limits.
Vaxxies getting AIDS? That Government campaign from the eighties finally coming through.
I, on behalf of all normies would like to thank you all for your sacrifice.
When I mentioned bending over and taking it I didn’t mean it literally.
Did someone say “flee the country”?
I honestly think the only way you could get out of here unjabbed is on an ocean going yatch.
“That comment has now been removed from the Spectator site; which just goes to show even a bastion like the Spectator has it’s limits.”
Perhaps they could also remove/edit this line..
“About 25000 years ago the second mob arrived, having walked across the land bridges since sea level was about 135 meters BELOW what it is today and you could walk from Tasmania to India.“.
You could not walk from Tasmania to India or from India to Tasmania. It just didn’t happen. We on the right complain about the left making up stuff to suit narratives……we shouldn’t do it either.
A comparison of official Government (U.K.) reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Is this transmissible?
Untrue. Ever heard of the Wallace Line?
Sure. They walked 5000 + klms and then swam, floated or, according to Pascoe, used spirit time dirigibles, to cross the 35 klms of water which wasn’t covered by Sahul time land.
Indonesia will take up a Turn-the-boats-back policy.
Comments like this are catnip to IT.
The comparison was done by an anonymous trusted blogger, using numbers plucked from a secret database, not related at all to anything contained in “official Government (U.K.) reports”.
So, yes, highly transmissible.
You ok Cassie. Maybe they had really long canoes and walked up and down them as they crossed the 35kms which wasn’t part of the land bridge. How about: you could walk from Tasmania to India, apart from 35 kms of water which wasn’t part of the fucking land bridge.
We on the right complain about the left making up stuff to suit narratives……we shouldn’t do it either.
The left making up stuff is the least of my worries with them.
Maaaate, it’s the mountain Bluff Knoll, in the Stirling Ranges.
I grew up seeing it out my bedroom window.
One of those snow events in 1968 gave enough snow for a couple of my primary school classmates to build a snowman, 60 km west of that mountain.
“You ok Cassie.”
I’m fantastic…….and fabulous.
“Maybe they had really long canoes and walked up and down them as they crossed the 35kms which wasn’t part of the land bridge. How about: you could walk from Tasmania to India, apart from 35 kms of water which wasn’t part of the fucking land bridge.”
Don’t be so touchy…I wasn’t getting stuck into you personally.
Australian /New Zealand farmers are among the least subsidized on the face of the Earth. I’ve met American and E.U. farmers who don’t know how we make a living…
We came through the 2002 drought, the worst since 1914. Government assistance? Not a cracker..
Little blokes first day back at school, prep, the sick fucks are “encouraging” them wear masks.
Thanks to Roger re the article in Unheard. The absurdity of modern food production in the yookay- factory farmed dairy cows fed of soybean imported from fucking Brazil. The article also talks about the Tom Friedman turd- I once bought ‘the lexus and the olive tree’ hoping for some profound insights and ended up dropping it in the recycle bin after about 40 pages.
I looked her up on Fb.
Hard to deduce much.
She doesn’t mention “Police Officer” in her bio (just WA Govt), but that doesn’t mean much, as coppers keep their job details off soshuls as a matter of course.
She seems to run a pet food company and is a brand ambassador for a clothing brand for “strong women”. Uh-huh.
She also has a couple of posts about vaxes which may or may not pre-date her story.
And here’s the thing.
It is a very long story but it is light on specifics.
The only date mentioned is a vax mandate “in August”.
There are no other dates or places mentioned in the story.
For an account which appears highly detailed, it lacks … well … details.
Could be fact, but it needs a bit more back-up.
I’d love to go and have a holiday in Queensland, but even if Palacechook let me in, McClown in WA wouldn’t let me return home.
Beautiful, ML.
Wait until they mandate the clot shots for the kids to attend.
Also, the other way they can get you is to say, if both parents arent vax’d the kids can’t attend school.
Yep he would, Old Bloke, if he let you out in the first place.
14 days at home
Biometric face scan for remote policing- ie in the cloud under AI.
Oaf, Best Man has an old style Nokkia and I have it’s sibling, a flip Samsung. Both have internet capability.
stop it you’ll ruin the narrative!
The Phoenicians brought slaves from north-eastern Africa and the Indus Valley to work in their mines in Australia, hence the Afro-Indian DNA found in Australian Aboriginals.
Haha. Good one, old bloke.
The details are on the Reignite Democracy webpage, someone posted a link earlier.
I find Aris is always worth reading, milton, even if I sometimes disagree with some of his points.
Life would be boring if we only read those we agree with wholeheartedly, though.
Looks like travelling between SA and QLD arrangements are exactly the same today as they were yesterday.
South Australia is not a ‘hotspot’
You’re being far to generous. Assume it’s bullshit until evidence and cross referenced evidence arrives. Then demand incontrovertible proof.
Lastly, demand either Doc Holliday, Faulty2 and or Brucie say confirm its true, which immediately seals its fate as total bullshit. 🙂
My preppy niece got to go with her lovely bright facemask – for 2 hours – then the school was shut down because of a close contact last Tuesday.
She will be homeschooled when the clotshots are mandated for school attendance.
Not sure how my 17 year old is going to react to me homeschooling her though!
Life would be boring if we only read those we agree with wholeheartedly, though.
For those without Facebook, I’ll be posting her testimony in full at 8pm.
I will home school as well when they mandate the clot shot for school next year. But will need to take it about this time next year when we leave the country.
Yeah, a lot of the headline stuff being reported relates to inbound overseas travel.
This is just PalaceChook trying to knock over Dom Perrottet ’96’s international travel initiative.
Pure politics.
Someone upthread mentioned wanting to travel to Queensland.
Fuck it.
Not going near it whilst Pole-Mole is in the big chair.
Dr. Stella Immanuel: “The Whole Pandemic Was A TROJAN HORSE For Vaccines – Fauci Is The Epitome Of Evil.”
And no-one wanting to holiday in qld will waste two weeks in ‘home’ quarantine so Palaszczuk’s zero covid policy is safe, for now.
Can you see Facebook?
I just looked her up again.
Eight days ago (Sunday 10th October) she put up a post about getting engaged, as did her fiance (two separate posts from him).
There are over 100 comments combined on the three posts.
Not one mentions her harrowing ordeal with the vax.
Something doesn’t smell right about this.
Are you posting for a laugh or do you believe it’s … like… true?
JC at 5:19.
This chick has got Belle Gibson written all over her.
The other interesting point that Aris Roussinos raises is the left’s embrace of globalism. In my mind that equates to hatred and contempt for the working and middle classes in first world countries. As he points out, it wasn’t always that way. It’s grotesque too how big business from Melbourne to New York has embraced political correctness- I suspect this is a smokescreen and a cloak to allow them screw their employees and customers.
The left had a legitimate point re the Washington War Machine and unscrupulous multinationals. Now that these have become pc or ‘woke’ that are immune censure.
immune from censure sorry
Promote ‘Gender Equality’ and NAIDOC week and then try to force your employees to do unpaid overtime.
Does she have a Fundme page? Man, there are some fucking frauds appearing from under rocks with the vaccine stuff.
This morning, one of the three stooges linked to something suggesting vaccines cause AIDS. He received up votes in the teens with this abject nonsense. FMD.
Who knows JC?
It could be kosher, but my bullshit radar is whirring.
Just looking through the timelines of her Fb posts, something doesn’t look right.
143 chance in 10 million of having a pfizer related stroke so yes it does happen.
Who cares?
I can’t get it twice.
And stop calling me Sanchez.
hmm so just heard in wa parliament estimates: https://councillinq.parliament.wa.gov.au/Media.aspx
“aboriginal kids make up 57% of in-care kids from child protection.”
wasn’t there something about a stolen generation and the ebbil Brits?
Are you posting for a laugh or do you believe it’s … like… true?
I do believe it head prefect: fauchi is evil incarnate.
I can but I never use it. I was hoping the Senator did some due diligence but the above doesn’t smell quite right. Yeah, might hold off for the moment.
On the “ vaccines cause aids”
Sounds like someone’s skimmed this paper.
Mentions an attempt to vaccinate against aids that went to shit.
The couple are Chantal Uren and Marc Kelly.
For those with Facebook, do a search.
Her story linked above is first up on her feed, so that is her.
For someone who has had a stroke sometime in the last six weeks, there are an awful lot of photos at regular intervals of someone with no impediments.
Did she cop a minor and temporary dose of Bell’s Palsy like the politician in NSW?
Either way, I smell a heavily over-egged pudding here.
Comprehension fail. You might want to reread that post, AIDS wasn’t mentioned, rather Acquired Immunity Syndrome was.
I will not speak to the accuracy of the report because I don’t have a clue, but I do get shirty when people are misrepresented.
FM… I was looking forward to getting knocked over with a bowling ball! 😛
Talking about people moving away:
Despite our green (small l) liberal premier, quite a number of Victorians are moving to SA, even to our beautiful little regional town. Two have bought in our new street, snapping up the last of the nine five-acre blocks, and no wonder when housing here is a fraction of the price in the eastern states.
Daughter and SiL have just (tonight) sold their five bedroom, two bathroom house on quarter-acre block for $525,000, having bought it five years ago for $360,000. Similar size (within same distance of city) in Sydney/Melbourne would be double that price.
It’s a good point Diogenes and there actually are some serious articles about it auto immune impact of vax. The problem is, well, nobody knows (vax hasn’t been ’round long enough)
Do the Jabbers get a free tin foil hat and jar of gypsy tears to protect them from the un-jabbed? They seem shit scared of the un-jabbed.
Inquiring minds want to know.
“For those without Facebook, I’ll be posting her testimony in full at 8pm.”
Her Facebook link was on that Twitter feed.
She suffered a stroke .
She also put a picture up of her , right side of face slightly droopy.
Corrupt Chinese Officials Ruined your Neighborhood – Made Houses Unaffordable!
Oct 8, 2021
902K subscribers
Ever wondered why real estate prices have skyrocketed insanely and become completely unaffordable in many parts of Canada, Australia, the USA and even your country? Corrupt CCP officials and laundered money is most probably the answer…
There’s plenty of evidence that the Phoenicians were here KD around 950 BC, around the time of the reign of Solomon. The Bible mentions the large seafaring vessels that they had at that time which would be at sea for years and return with strange animals for Solomon’s zoo.
Phoenicia refers to a geographic region rather than an ethnicity, i.e., the eastern seaboard of the Mediterranean which was home to the Israelites and the Canaanites, who were later joined by the Egyptians, hence altars to Yah, Baal and Ra found were the Phoenicians settled.
This video, Phoenicians In Australia 3,000 years ago, looks at one of their sites in Queensland.
The paper does point out vaccine or long term infection can cause an immune system collapse.
I suppose that could be called “aids like” but wouldnt be transmissible to anyone else and using aids as a scare is dishonest.
I am not 100% saying it isn’t kosher, Dover.
Giving her the benefit of the doubt, I do wonder if it might not have been a brief episode of Bell’s Palsy.
Drooping facial muscles, but no other cognitive impairment or paralysis, and a very quick recovery.
But Bell’s Palsy is not a stroke and couldn’t be confused with one after proper diagnosis.
I think it’s highly likely she had a minor stroke, as described, and is now recovered, which is very good news.
There is no question that the vaccines cause side effects.
Still down to which represents the greatest risk when you are sitting this side of the vaccines and covid.
Look at all the posts she has made since the vax mandate in WA was issued (which I think was 2nd September for Elf Wukkas, but not sure about WA Plod).
There seems to be very little time in her busy schedule to squeeze in a stroke and a miraculous recovery.
Don’t get me wrong.
I am totally against vax mandates.
But latching onto every grifter with a tale of woe does more harm than good.
“strange animals for Solomon’s zoo.”
Those strange animals were from Africa, not Australia. The Torah (or “Old Testament”) does not mention kangaroos, wombats or koalas.
Absolutely not. Last week you said Sanchez was fine, so it’s staying that way..
Panzer, I don’t have FB. Only read that one story of hers.
Now my active imagination is running on what Solomon would have made of a kangaroo! And I’m remembering a rather cold pair I saw in Paris.
If only Noah had shipped unicorns. The world would be a richer place. 😀
The jury is out for me.
Extremely quick recovery if it was a stroke.
On October 1st she posted making reference to “some health issues three weeks ago” which she has “recovered from” (using nutrition and grrrl power it seems).
But no mention of stroke in that post.
I wonder if she has been “re-diagnosed” in the interim.
There’s a biblical zoo in Jerusalem. I’ve been there. I can confirm that there are no kangaroos or wombats or koalas or quokkas in the zoo.
C’mon fellas
Believe All Women ?
Daily Mail.
Actress Cancels Movie Over Vaccine Mandate, Moves Entire Set to Republican State
At least they still have somewhere to escape to.
No armadillos, Cassie? And surely there’s a meerkat on a motorcycle smoking a pipe!
I bet there’s an elephant. A cranky, righteous one. With a twinkle in his eye.
This might be a clever way of getting a free ride out of the country un-jabbed!
I would love to be deported !!
Pick Up Artists Are Recanting Their Careers
Oct 18, 2021
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
A message to all Original peoples across Australia and around the world.
This vid has picked up a lot of views since I saw it about 4hrs ago.
Probably because of it hitting twitter.
How about a few attempts at being lighthearted and amusing at times? This site is getting awfully depressing. I don’t mean in a bad way, but boy there are some very depressed, humorless and permanently outraged folks posting. There is some funny/happy shit happening in the world like… US banking stocks heading to the moon…
The new season of Succession starts tonight. 🙂
You accepted last week it was okay (just for me) to call you Sanchez. It can’t be helped because it’s like Cohenite auto-correcting to Cronkite, so I left it. Sanchez is the name of the super at our NY apartment building. It auto-corrects to Sanchez and it’s staying that way. The auto-correct AI obviously only knows Sanchez.
cool shades bro
Seems to me she is cranky about something that has happened since, and decided to tell her story on social media.
Btw I would assume perhaps wrongly, that if you get the vaxx because your employer mandated it you would have a work cover claim?
BoN shoots laser beams
your sums it up pretty well
(Goldman Sachs)The Vampire Squid is posting incredible earnings. Just incredible. Last week announced it made just under US$5.5 billion last quarter. I don’t own it, but it 500 buck plus stock I reckon.
Bolta shows greta tarting around a night-club; let’s hope some soyboy knocks her up and she fucks off.
he said that people can get get affected in different ways and in some, its devastating.
all your other points yep, I dont disagree.
and the bloke drives a Tesla
so you know, grain of salt
Not enough upticks for that, cohenite.
We need an uptick “with extreme prejudice” as well as the dickless one.
Was thinking this exact thing myself this morning. A lot of us are obviously reacting to the situation in Australia and becoming dour and cynical as a result. Many of the jibes are no longer tongue-in-cheek or friendly/frivolous.
I can do friendly and frivolous, Bruce.
It’s my superpower.
Not sure if this has been posted, but highly enlightening
Joining the dots in a minute and a half.
Seems BL Don’t M Anymore –
Shocking Video Shows EXACTLY Why People Are Hesitant To Take The Vaccine
[A history of Medical Experiments carried out against black people in the US]
Also, how is your daughter going? The plight of all the singletons in Sydney (and elsewhere) worried me.
My little niece only just escaped Parramattastan before it locked down and is flatting with a friend rather than being all alone. Even so, she hasn’t seen her family for months.
You want humour? Turnbull could have been one of the greatest PMs.
Equity: A Translation from the Wokish | James Lindsay
No, let’s do depressed shit 24/7. 🙂
My mum reckons Dan is doming a suit and tie to get some of that Perrottet flavour.
A wag on twitter said something about more Andrews babies.
Twins might do it.
be like Dom they said
I think it is time you did a deep dive on CAD.ASX 🙂
Andrews is pretending to be a human.
The safe word to screen out replicons is “pineapple”.
” but boy there are some very depressed, humorless and permanently outraged folks posting”
I think poor Cohenite has been a touch sensitive today.
Okay, that’s enough humour.
Funny stuff JC.
When I was a kid, I bought shares through Baillieu.
I had a heap of Cluff Resources, made about 8.5% annually off bonus shares I didn’t even realise I had about 10 years later. Think I needed to pay for textbooks.
If you are feeling down.
Remember the chap in charge of finding a cure for covid/ AIDs used to cruise gay bathhouses to get a clue why it was so prevalent among the San Francisco chaps.
I’d say finding out some chaps were having the number of “brief encounters” in one evening he hadn’t had in his life should have been a clue as to it’s prevalence in this group.
Bolta shows greta tarting around a night-club; let’s hope some soyboy knocks her up and she fucks off.”
I think even soyboys have better taste and more sense.
The pricks built the ring road in Toowoomba. I knew it.
for us the main thing was immediate adverse reaction
long term … meh, one foot in the grave and all that … sometimes I tell the missus, kill me now so I dont have to put up with all this bullshit.
I’m a bit ashamed that I didnt think to ask about their recent brainwave to go after the kiddies.
I realise now of course, how many older people are probably in the stoic camp like me.
My own mother is.
Parents on the other hand have a whole different problem
I really need to hear about how we got to this.
Did the decision come from govt, or was the dry old Perfessors that recommended it?
I still think the virus and the risk it poses is anything but random, the bloke did say immuno compromised have big big problems with the virus
All the talking was via the missus and I pretty much just listened
I wanted a dry assessment without the usual politicised talking-points
Im still suss