vr March 7, 2025 11:43 amWhere are we on tariffs now? The constant exaggeration and then walking things back is not…
vr March 7, 2025 11:43 amWhere are we on tariffs now? The constant exaggeration and then walking things back is not…
Downgraded to cat 1.
I note with interest that Alfred is slowly,slowly making its way towards land. Very slow indeed. Perhaps he’s waiting for…
Lizzie, the rubber suits in which the Gimp spends most of his time, suspended from the ceiling, are simmering Petrie…
I don’t really care, Gimp.
Everybody was Kung Foo Fighting.
But were those Cats fast as lightning?
Like my tan, man
That was a little bit frightening…
Late to the party.
Wisconsin Elections Commission ‘Shattered’ Laws By Telling Nursing Home Staffers To Illegally Cast Ballots For Residents:
From the tail end of the OOT:
I should have picked it earlier. Baba-ba-ba-ba-ba-bundyrum.
It can’t stay away.
I have absolutely nothing to contribute but just happy to be here. Thank you.
From the sidebar, in case it shifts overnight:
I’m smelling a rat. Why are election officials “ordering” anyone to do anything?
The particular prose of this article doesn’t “sit right”.
Today in 1920, the Communist Party of Australia was founded.
In Sydney. Naturally.
Well Steve Waterson pens another superb article again in The Oz today:
Imagine, for a perverse, twisted moment, that you’re the author of the world’s longest and most brutal Covid-related lockdown.
You’ve watched with satisfaction as your ranks of Robocop stormtroopers smash their way into private citizens’ homes, unannounced and without warrants, to arrest them for thoughtcrime.
You’ve felt a warm glow as they roll up in their futuristic battle wagons to beat and kick dissenters senseless, thrilled as they sneak up to slam people face first into the floor of train stations, squealed excitedly as they flatten and pepper-spray elderly ladies, clapped with glee as they fire rubber bullets (don’t whinge, they’re not lethal – yet) into the crowds of protesters.
You’ve battered your subjects into submission with absurd fines, sucked the joy out of their lives, denied them all freedom of movement, destroyed their businesses and their physical and mental health, saddled them with debt so great it will take generations of their descendants to pay down.
Time, surely, to sit back and put your feet up, congratulate yourself on a demolition job well done.
As if, as the kids say. That’s what your everyday, run-of-the-mill dictator might do, but the truly ambitious ones are not so easily satisfied. They focus on the limits to their power, and work to eliminate them. Hence Victoria’s Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021, designed to kick in the day after the current state of emergency ends on December 15.
The preposterous sanctions proposed for breaching a public health order – $90,000 and two years’ jail for an individual, almost half a million dollars for a business – have been widely criticised, but these are but a distraction from the more sinister aspects of the legislation, which runs to 113 pages, with a further 73 pages of an explanatory memorandum; and for my sins, I’ve read them.
Unless the government’s legal sycophants are especially speedy (not a noted characteristic of lawyers or public servants), it looks like they have been concocting this scheme for some considerable time, ready to drop it on a weary public the day after a few desultory “freedoms” were granted. And as they plugged all the frustrating gaps in the Premier’s powers, adding vicious bells and whistles, not one of them appears to have questioned the morality of the exercise.
We can leave it to more public-spirited lawyers to analyse the Bill in detail, but a few highlights leap out even to the untutored eye.
The power to declare a pandemic shifts from health officials to the Premier, who, conveniently, “may make a pandemic declaration whether or not … the relevant disease is present in Victoria”. That should be handy; no need for that infuriating wait for an actual case of infection to justify the next lockdown and suspension of parliament.
Fortunately, the initial pandemic declaration can only be for four weeks; unfortunately, it can then be extended, at the Premier’s discretion, for a maximum of three months. Oh, but hang on, “maximum” doesn’t appear to bear its usual meaning, for “there is no limit on the number of times a pandemic declaration may be extended by the Premier”, each time for a further three months.
This could sound a bit scary, were it not for the wisdom of the lawmakers, who have built in a number of safeguards, checks and balances.
The new section 165AQ, for instance, makes provision for the tabling in parliament of a pandemic order and associated documents. “This is another important measure to ensure pandemic orders are made available to parliament,” the Bill says, “to ensure they can be scrutinised”.
But look, what have we here? Two paragraphs later, the real strength of the “important measure” is revealed: failure to comply with this requirement, the Bill notes, “does not affect the validity of the pandemic order”. Scrutinise that, parliamentarians.
An order can be applied to any person “identified by one or more of the following – (a) their presence in a pandemic management area or in a particular location in a pandemic management area; (b) their participation in or presence at an event; (c) an activity that they have undertaken or are undertaking; (d) their characteristics, attributes or circumstances”.
That covers things pretty well. I fear (d) means trouble for the sarcastic, for people with small ears, for the bewildered, but insert your own target group.
And when they come to lock you up, detention “commences when the person is first taken into the physical custody of an authorised officer”, or of “a person assisting an authorised officer”.
Prudently, the people permitted to assist in your detention are only those who fit the narrow legal category of “any person”.
Sounds like there’s an opportunity to summon the Comancheros to take a breather from their meth labs and help administer some street justice. Safe as houses.
Thank God there’s a restriction on how long you can be detained. It “must not exceed the period that the minister believes is reasonably necessary”. Another careful, objective protection in a document of peerless legal precision.
But enough of that. The Bill will become law soon enough, when the time-serving crossbenchers in Victoria’s upper house – unworthy, single-issue idiots who can’t believe their luck in securing the wealth and dubious prestige of a seat in parliament – exchange their votes for another CBD injecting room, a safe space for companion animals and a fresh term on the public teat.
Elsewhere, is there light at the end of the tunnel? Perhaps, but it’s not very bright. I’ve read that long ago there used to be other states and territories – some, according to legend, even had proper cities – but their names are lost to history.
NSW survives, however. Here in Sydney you sense a government trying, trying, to loosen the shackles, but it’s so very hard, so very unnatural.
In a month’s time, so the official Covid website promises, the state will be “fully reopened”. Except we’ll still have to wear masks on public transport, of course, and on planes, and in airports. And so will the people who attend you at a restaurant. Where, naturally, density limits will continue to apply.
Ooh, almost forgot: those density limits of one person per 2sq m, indoors and outdoors, will still apply to retail shops, gyms, churches, bars, museums, weddings and funerals, until who knows when. Nightclubs will be treated differently, obviously, because people traditionally enjoy getting down on a sweaty, crowded dancefloor.
Well, not exactly. Instead let’s double the social distancing required to one person per 4sq m. Groovers hitting clubs in the Cross will find dancers spread across the room like at a Jane Austen ball. “Fancy a line of toot, Miss Bennet?” “Indeed I do, Mr Darcy. Pray take my arm and lead me to the unisex toilet.”
Even more curiously, the 4sq m rule also applies to brothels. I’m no expert, but it strikes me that order runs counter to the purpose of such establishments.
Sadly, I can find no information on when the tiresome QR codes will be retired, save a suggestion by the Minister for Customer Service a month ago that when we reach 95 per cent fully vaccinated they might be removed from low-risk venues.
At 95 per cent I’d have thought everywhere was low risk, but hey, caution, remember. At least vaccine certificates won’t have to be produced, which means the ladies who lunch in Sydney’s eastern suburbs need no longer fear someone catching a glimpse of their date of birth.
So this is what freedom now looks like. It hasn’t aged well since we last saw it. The sorry fact is that even outside the benighted state of Victoria, we had a sinking feeling this nonsense was never going to end, didn’t we?
Some of us look at countries such as Norway, which decided last month, at just under 70 per cent double-vaccinated, to lift all restrictions at once – yes, masks too – and wonder why the same can’t happen here, at our much higher rates.
Where does the idea come from that our tiny rump of unvaccinated citizens are a threat to the vaccinated? The whole country has detected only 166,000 cases from 43 million tests since the pandemic began 20 months ago, but all of a sudden, with more than 75 per cent of Australians fully vaccinated and an additional 15 per cent about to be, the holdouts are all going to contract the disease at the same time, and all so seriously that they require admission to intensive care?
Are otherwise healthy people, by virtue of not having an injection, magically transformed into statistical outliers in terms of vulnerability? Have we abandoned all logic?
It’s become so tedious. If you persist in believing unvaccinated means infected, and fear exposure to the unclean, stay at home, wear a mask forever and let the rest of us get on with life. Good luck to you. And unvaccinated people, if you still cannot be persuaded of the benefits of the Covid injections, good luck to you too – and good luck getting to Paris any time soon.
But it’s not just our governments and bureaucracies dragging the torture out; ordinary citizens, emboldened by our leaders’ consequence-free (for them) rule-making are now imposing their own half-witted versions of pandemic management, dripping with caution in such abundance that it threatens to drown us all.
Here’s a fun example: it doesn’t matter when the NSW Premier and his team decide to lift restrictions, a collection of Sydney theatres and their ensembles, revered for their ability to dress up, pretend to be someone else and memorise words, have declared you’re not entering their enchanting world of make-believe unless double-vaccinated and sporting the mask of obedience (which also conveniently hides your grimace at their right-on pieties), even after those rules are gone. By the way, thanks for the $75m arts stimulus package, everybody!
Medical professionals, not content with your multiple injections, are further demanding negative Covid tests a day or two before examining or treating you. What happens when the free testing stops? Will we be obliged to fork out hundreds of dollars to assuage other people’s paranoia? See, it’s not just the wicked unvaccinated who will be punished.
Employers in all manner of low-contact industries are implementing “No jab, no job” conditions, temperature testing their staff, continuing to mandate social distancing like it’s the bad old days of 2020, their security guards empowered to check your vaccine status.
What happens when vaccine certificates are no longer required? Will it be legal for hospitality venues to continue to demand them? Will pub bouncers be trained to make a snap health assessment, some steroid-fuelled ox with his meaty hand on your chest saying, “You look a bit crook, bro. Me and Bazza here reckon you’ve got long Covid, so bugger off”?
We might fantasise about lifting the mindless, petty, micromanaged rules and regulations all at once, but no, that might be unsafe.
Better to have people drift away from compliance as our governments peel off the Band-Aids agonisingly slowly, dragging the lunacy into next year and beyond.
For if the past 20 months have taught us anything, it’s that it’s not long Covid we need to worry about. It’s long government.
Loving the new site, thanks DoverBeach. But you’re all fighting over who has the smallest cock. Trust me, you are all weak as piss.
God Bless
show us your wheelbarrow.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
ICAC was designed for bottom-feeders like David Rowe.
Graeme Bandeira.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Chip Bok.
Matt Margolis.
Steve Kelley.
Gary Varvel.
Al Goodwyn.
Matt Margolis #2.
Patrick Cross.
Thanks Tom, The late bird catches the early work! Some popcorn to go wth it 🙂
Tom Stiglich.
Steve Breen.
Ben Garrison.
Ooops, sorry for the interruption. Time to call it a night. G’day
Libs finally get it
please shut up and leave us alone
Dan Andrews; I love me and don’t you forget it
here’s hoping
Leak acknowledges that COP26 is as much about targeting Australian Beef as it is Coal.
If anyone is wondering, the bloated figure to BloJo’s right is Antonio Guiterrez, he fucking hates Australians, presumably the other one is Joe Biden.
Perfect. Waterson does it again.
Tim Smith has the feeblest trolls. Low energy.
Steve writes brilliant stuff. This morning is no exception.
However, I sense some cognitive dissonance in the quote above.
Much of what he is rallying against, has it’s roots in the numbers who took up the vaccine. That, and the fact that they are leaky, will see boosters mandated. Mandated boosters mean an absolute requirement for a Vaccine Passport and, if people aren’t physically held down and injected, a ‘vaccine economy’.
If this is “the benefits of the Covid injections” of which he speaks, then “good luck” to him, too. When he gets sick of endless mandatory injections, within six months he’ll end up in purgatory like we ‘refuseniks’. Some had the foresight to see the government’s angle, and resisted on principle. Even when Dan has admitted we were right and he is actually living it, Steve demonstrates that he still can’t see it.
I think I can get everyone to say rude words at their screen.
Meghan and Harry wade into politics AGAIN with new letter to G20 leaders (29 Oct)
Every time you reach what you thought was the highest possible peak of obnoxiousness you see another even higher one revealed before you.
Now that some warmer weather has (finally) blessed Sydneystan, so much for sleeping in.
Mater, I noticed that para as well. Ruined an otherwise almost spot on piece about the infuriating idiocy we’ve been cursed with over the last 20 months.
Rabz and Mater, I suspect that was a nod to the company line.
Not just “good luck” getting to Paris but good luck leaving there too. If you need a negative PCR before boarding, regardless of vaxx status, your holiday might be a little longer than anticipated.
And London to a brick, you’ll contract it because it’s endemic.
Yes, Skier. I thought that too. The “benefits” of which he speaks are dubious given the context.
skier* – It’s now obligatory in the braindead lamestream meeja, e.g. – “I think we’ve been subjected to some of the most inexcusable fascist idiocy since February 2020, but, how about those evil monstrous anti-vaxxers, I asks ya?”
*How’ve you been Squire?
Not “anti-vaxxers” as such, Rabz.
Just not this one.
The MSM is starting to notice such things.
Study: Fully Vaccinated People Can Spread COVID-19 (Newsmax, 29 Oct)
Double-vaxxed Lisa Snowdon issues warning as she’s hit with SECOND case of Covid (Express, 29 Oct)
But another booster is sure to work. The experts in white coats tell us so.
Remember last year when the VicPlod lady was up the punters face for taking his bins out without a mask.
And she berated/bullied him because there was a pandemic on & if he didn’t wear a mask he’d kill nanna?
With 1500-2000 cases a day with Dan playing golf, I wonder how she’s feeling about her actions.
In the olden days, she’d would have resigned in disgrace & joined a convent.
Not these days.
She wouldn’t even remember the incident.
Very probably true, but a man in his position and with his reach could do a lot of good by writing an article explaining the logic I’ve outlined above.
If people realise how they’ve been manipulated, they MIGHT just wake up to the fact that they have been.
Bush – you think I enjoy being denounced as one? I’ve had just about every vax imaginable.
Except for these useless unnecessary toxic chemical cocktails. So far, the decision not to do so has been a breeze. Not having to incessantly justify that decision to various intimate others has helped.
Equal parts informed decision and obstinacy. The more the stupid fascist bastards try to coerce me into being administered them, the more the hooves dig in.
Steve took such a strong line from the beginning demeaning the severity of COVID-19 that I was surprised & disappointed when he revealed a while ago that he had been vaccinated.
Like many others, including some of my closest friends whom I greatly respect, have done the same, & for the same reason -so that they can travel. This lure of travel has undermined even stalwarts like James Allan. I think it is the singularly most significant incentive for those who have been sceptical of both virus & vaccines.
Since my husband & I have travelled in most parts of the world, as well as all over our own magnificent country, travel no longer has any importance to us. And, even more significantly, we don’t have family living OS.
Even so, they must have great faith that these leaky “vaccines “ will not have long term negative effects on their health, as well as being prepared to have continuous boosters. A step too far for me.
Doing alright, and you?
Being regional NSW I managed to get 20+days skiing before everything got shut down. Had to drive back to the mountains a fortnight ago to pick up all my ski gear from my locker after things reopened. Lots of young aimless people wandering around Jindabyne at the moment, Queenslanders and West Aussies who were working the winter in the mountains, can’t get home and have nowhere to go. Shameful.
Unfortunately, bern – yes. What a fascist shithole this country has become. Another new (Karen) kommandment:
Thou shalt not take thy rubbish bins* out without wearing a face nappie.
*Even more so if not properly sorted, you planet destroying criminal.
I’ve yet to see a single person here resisting ‘on principle ‘ that doesn’t also claim the vaccines are useless/make you sick/ are dangerous and, mostly, anyone that’s had one is a traitor/a fool/a coward.
I do know someone outside the cat who thinks the vaccines are as advertised but won’t get one because government overreach (and is handily young and healthy).
Good luck with that rhetoric as a strategy to get the vaxxed on board with you politically.
There are many countries, US states etc where life is back to normal and has been so for many months. There is no good reason for ongoing pandemic powers other than for Andrews to maintain his facade of mastering a virus.
Waterson is right though, the double maskers who will continue to wear them when the chance of a fine no longer exists can continue to carp and moan, and unvaccinated Australians won’t be travelling to Paris anytime soon, France is a sovereign country and has every right to say foreigners begone.
The only way out for Victorians is the ballot box and the only thing that motivates Andrews is fear of losing at the ballot box ( or losing a case in the legal system) .
I don’t care if he modifies this or eases that I want him gone, for good and I can’t see how carping at people here who are vaccinated serves any useful purpose.
Get on social media, write and phone mps, and direct your ire at Dan and LaborVictoria, they are the problem, not the vaccinated, because you just might be wrong about that .
Sorry Rabz, not directed at you and I know what you mean.
They trot out the anti-vaxxer line thinking it’s a winner when in reality it gives us an excellent way to slap them down.
COP26 – Covid Carbon super spreader event
2 private air fields
over 100 private jets
50% of all plane emissions are from private jets
no red countries so no quarantine
No vaccine requirements and no passports.
Some animals are more equal than others.
Tim Pool is crook so no show today.
Malice being re-scheduled.
The question is, does Tim have COVID?
Thanks skier, maintaining my sanity somehow. Drove down to Thredbo in April to visit my sister and BiL who own a chalet there. Had a wonderful time with much hiking through the national park, as well as a white knuckled top down drive through the park one evening at dusk.
All gone now, of course, thanks to our wonderful “bat flu normal”.
Never forget what they have stolen from us.
Vicki, the travel lure was a key motivator in this household too*. It didn’t matter how much and in how many different ways I outlined the dilemma, it fell on deaf ears.
Now that I have capitulated and I have re-run all the possible scenarios for our proposed trip late next year…the penny has finally dropped. If we go to Croatia, the Netherlands and Scotland as planned, we will get it. The exposure sites are too many and varied. In addition, airline travel within Europe is fraught if a neg PCR test is required prior to boarding.
Ten months might make all the difference and requirements might change, given the uncertainty and unworkable nature of the beast in a tourism context. But I doubt it. It would mean relinquishing control.
* with age and comorbidities the chief drivers
No worries, Bush. That stupid term just instantly gets the hackles up.
“I think I can get everyone to say rude words at their screen.
Meghan and Harry wade into politics AGAIN with new letter to G20 leaders (29 Oct)
Every time you reach what you thought was the highest possible peak of obnoxiousness you see another even higher one revealed before you.”
Actually, I’ll write some rude words about these two attention seeking parasitical whores…
It’s a pity there isn’t a cellar waiting for them.
M & H must still think people are interested in them.
Which is true in a side-show alley kind of way.
calli – fear not. You’ve probably already been blessed with “it” and didn’t even notice.
I reckon I got “it” in late February last year. Living in a suburb chock full of mainlanders made it unavoidable.
Didn’t even notice, as opposed to the last time I was blessed with the ‘flu (Jan 2016), which rendered me bedridden for three nightmarish days.
I agree Rabz. We’ve all been exposed. Never had a test so it’s only a guess.
I’ve had to be particularly careful as I look after my very elderly parents. I haven’t been in the least concerned for my own health, being of a robust unkillable type. 😀
And unvaccinated people, if you still cannot be persuaded of the benefits of the Covid injections, good luck to you too – and good luck getting to Paris any time soon.
Paris? Right now I’m just focused on trying to keep my job….
“I think you will find next week there will be a decision made that they won’t let unvaccinated people in the community until we hit 95 per cent across NSW,” Ray Hadley said on 2GB this morning.
However, with NSW’s soaring vaccination rate, this change could mean unvaccinated people will be freed from lockdown early.
According to data from Covid Live, NSW is expected to have 90 per cent of people over the age of 16 fully vaccinated on November 8.
On November 13, 90 per cent of NSW residents over the age of 12 are also expected to be fully vaccinated.
This means the state could hit the 95 per cent double dose goal before December.
Under the current restrictions, unvaccinated people will be granted new freedoms from December 1, when the state was originally expected to hit 90 per cent double dose vaccinations.”
You need to pay closer attention then instead of spraying your constant low IQ nonsense around in reaction to anything that doesn’t meet the exacting standards of the Bible of All Knowing, All Seeing Self.
Exactly Rickw, which is why the focus should be on bringing the political fight to Andrews, not on ‘clot shots’ and boosters.
There is a surge out there of people who think people should not have to reveal medical status to participate in life, who vehemently oppose the pandemic bill.
Gee, thanks Rose.
I have never been tested. But I know three people, all lefties, who’ve been tested, not just once but more than three times. My boss has been tested at least five times…he’s a progressive, a Guardian reader, ABC watcher, who thinks Tom Gleeson, Shaun Micallef and Charlie Pickering are funny.
As I’ve written before, I firmly believe that a lot of Covid hysteria aligns with people’s political beliefs.
SMH is also reporting senior minister (Hazzard?) is saying that 95% may be the point at which unvaccinated will gain access to facilities now only open to vaccinated.
I reckon they would love to punish the unvaccinated by denying them a Christmas with family.
Never forget. Never forgive.
From Rosie’s link at 4:58
This is what it is all about for them.
Sutton yesterday bragging that Victoria was on track to be among “the top five jurisdictions in the world for vaccination”.
Nothing to do with any alleged science or even flaky modelling.
It’s an obsession with finishing on the podium in some macabre race.
Presumably it will boost Sutton’s price on the WHO speaking circuit.
Yes. You sense a degree of malice that beggars belief. The creepiest types appear to be in positions of power. And we voted them in.
I think it will be important to ramp up the ire to Labor and Greens at a federal and local government level as well so they understand there is political risk for them as well. Full court press. Liberals too I guess.
More misfortune for me this morning, “Today”just did a sneering piece on the US’s perception of Australia’s Covid policies.
Without any self awareness, that vacuous, plasticated, aged, talking Ken doll (Richard Wilkins) stated “we don’t like other people telling us what to do”.
Ironing is not dead.
and a good thing too … just take your Ivermectin with you (Eraquell looks just like cereal) and start at the first sign of a sniffle. ATAGI, despite not including the usual ‘because I say no’ as a valid reason for not getting the jab, does allow until complete recovery from PCR diagnosed COVID, which they note can be ‘up to 6 months’.
My plan is to get a mild dose and a positive PCR asap then to ‘not fully recover’ for a long time after.
Will there be any proof that vaccination rates are 95% or are we supposed to just believe the government propaganda?
When has there ever been 95% agreement/acceptance on anything among large population groups?
Just maybe they are making this crap up to stop the peasants starting a freedom revolution.
I always thought the December 1 “lifting of restrictions” would be rescinded.
How they’ll physically restrain me from attending my nephew’s place in the Shire for Christmas lunch remains to be seen. Roadblocks presumably.
If that happens, I’ll be going medieval on various hitlerist imbeciles’ lard laden backsides.
And unvaccinated people, if you still cannot be persuaded of the benefits of the Covid injections, good luck to you too – and good luck getting to Paris any time soon.
Gotta luv this obsession that some folks think we all have with wanting to travel .. personally, I’ve no interest in going O/S (renewing passport waste of money ect ..!) but applaud those who want to go and risk being locked out! .. Given the way the goalposts are moved on a whim anyone travelling out-country needs to keep a firm grasp on their worry-beads .. LOL!
Does anybody want to place bets on how long before flu shots, shingle shots and pneumonia shots are forced on anybody who wants a job?
One insane pro-vaxer (but I repeat myself) just has to write one email to the head of Commonwealth Bank or Woolworths saying how scared they are of being around un-shingles-vaccinated people in store and all of a sudden 15 year old shelf stackers will have to take a vaccine that was formerly only suggested for 70 year olds. Probably need to get it every year too. After all, it will take just one case in a vaccinated person and, following covid vaccine logic, that means that everybody will need to get continuous boosters.
Go and have a look at what we subject our babies to – dozens of vaccines in the space of 18 months – which has led to, sorry, “coincided with” a complete collapse in the health of our children (as measured by chronic illness and disability rates). No doubt they will up the dosage for adults too.
I predict that in 12 months time, the average person will need at least a dozen different injections per year (covering dozens of different diseases) just to be allowed to earn a living and enter shops. Unless of course people start to actually fight this. Don’t see an awful lot of that going around though. And let’s face it what are people going to do? They didn’t stop and fight it when they were forced on their babies, imagine how stupid (and evil) they’ll look if they say “but I don’t want these for myself”?
And you’ll say “oh people will never accept *that* many vaccines so quickly” but they (well, you, I sure as hell didn’t) allowed it for babies.
Does Rosie still want to tell us that “No Jab No Pay/Play” wasn’t a big deal? Because it bloody well was. It was the worst policy in Australian history and the only reason you didn’t see it at the time was because the belief in contagious disease turns your brain into mush. The very word “vaccine” makes most people lose half their IQ points and all of their principles.
Speaking of St Ruth …
Any bat flu related “facts” or “data” I’ve immediately assumed to be bullshit from the get go.
95% would require widespread physical coercion. Unless the anti-vaxxers are dealt with by other means.
Why are you lot going on about all this stuff?
The great Begone! event is only 27 hours and 38 minutes away.
Oh wow!
Rosie is convinced that despite just shifting the goalposts, they absolutely, definitely, positively won’t shift the goalposts again!
I always thought the December 1 “lifting of restrictions” would be rescinded.
As time has worn on and the umpteen lectures I’ve had off my son (for my own good, of course!), over me not being jabbed I’ve come to realise that he would luv the date to be extended just so he can say, “Serves you right” ..
Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble.
British Theatre Adds Trigger Warning to Shakespeare’s Macbeth (29 Oct)
Gosh, real cigarettes? How terrible.
Harvard Retelling of Macbeth as Black Female Empowerment Reserved for the “Black-Identifying” (29 Oct)
Must have been a hitherto unknown clan of black Scotsmen then. Am I allowed to says “Scotsmen’? Well, ok, maybe not, kilts are quite trannie.
How lucky you are that the only concern you have is travel.
I’m just trying to keep my job to pay my bills.
How can anyone not read a sentence like that without becoming very angry? If you don’t you’re an unrepentant fascist and part of the problem.
That we exist in a state where big stupid government can take away or grant “freedoms” shows how far we’ve fallen.
No one voted for the likes of Chant, Sutton or that hideous gargoyle in Queensland.
Steve Kelley, top notch, Tom. As someone noted the other day, where the CDC & Wuhan as yet can’t seem to bring him to account, the puppies may just do it. (No brevity).
Gary Varvel & the vultures very good as well.
On Varvel, that Chinese vulture up close and personal with Biden.
A comment I put up on Arky’s Caption Wanted, which seems to fit Varvel’s cartoon
Bar Beach Swimmer says:
October 29, 2021 at 12:26 pm
Pommyal says:
October 28, 2021 at 11:51 am
Rats in the rafters at Xi’s wet market
That reminded me of the song, The Cat’s in the cradle- could be re-written.
Rats in the rafters and Xi is a hoon,
Little mad Joe on his own in his room,
Will you bring me ice cream here in DC?
Not very likely, says Xi; my goal’s to annihilate thee
JJJ nooze – “Grater Thunburger has accused the US of not taking the climate crisis seriously enough*”.
Clown world. We are existing in it.
*Geriatric Joe has responded with a simple request – “come and sit on my lap sweetie and I’ll tells ya about my hairy legs”.
Maybe book a cruise. It sounds like you may have some spare time. I’m sure someone here could recommend a fabulous travel agent.
This exact scenario happened to my mate. Didn’t know he had it until the test results came back. That was a few weeks ago and he still hasn’t been able to leave (due to flights not the ‘rona).
My Utter Rubbish Meter just exploded.
Ha ha ha.
I got to thinking about this the other day, Bear.
Pre Kung Flu, travel agencies were a dying business, with everything being booked online.
I reckon there will be huge growth in travel agency advice services to navigate all the bullshit.
The great Begone!
Playlist set.
Let’s roll.
No R.E.M.s?
Ray Hadley is a bully.
My view is he’s making shit up to see where he sits with the new premier.
Like everything else over the past 18 months, when the media is wrong they move on immediately.
Until Perrottet says differently, it’s 1st Dec or 90% double phase III trial.
Whichever is sooner.
Panzer at 8:44 – I think it has already started. Expect a few squeals as people try to get travel insurance.
Panzer – are your Nikes buffed and ready to be donned? Is the apple juice and cayenne pepper infused koolaid imbibed before or after that profound act?
OS travel? I’d settle for free interstate travel.
The Dapto Dogcaller loves the Kung Flu crisis.
Same as Nanny Neil Mitchell in Melbourne.
Every morning there is a smorgasbord of Covid Porn numbers, a conga-line of concerned Karens on talk-back and a pre-prepared cohort of outcasts to beat up on.
The show writes itself and ratings are booming.
Dishlicker man doesn’t want to let that go.
In Moron and Micron news:
AUKUS submarine deal with Australia was ‘clumsy’, US President Biden tells French President Macron
What does this red button do?
Here’s a great discussion, uploaded yesterday on The New Culture Forum Youtube channel. Peter Whittle and David Starkey have a conversation…
I particularly liked David Starkey’s description of bloated universities in 2021 as akin to the bloated church in medieval Europe….and Starkey says that the structures of academia need to be blown apart and there needs to be an academic reformation.
“Ray Hadley is a bully.”
Yep….a nasty, narcissistic bully.
Will the People’s Tribunals be live-streamed, or do you rock up to the nearest courthouse
and hope the local Magistrate gets dragged out by his heels?
Why anyone would willingly subject themselves to the rantings of that fat bloviating blowhard boofhead is beyond me.
there’s so many things you don’t see.
… sometimes, I think its willful
Everything is ready Rabz.
Nikes have arrived, boarding passes printed, black tracksuits are neatly folded and purple satin squares have been ironed (God, satin is a bitch to iron).
We are controlling the trajectory of the Hale-Bopp comet and boarding will be on schedule.
Heaven’s Gate awaits and we will begone!
Sancho, the Hale-Bopp comet is not due for another 4523 years. What are you guys on about?
Panzer – good to hear. Don’t forget to keep in touch once you hit the heavens.
Give it to JC’s Mum. She might be able to do it with his jeans.
Samantha Maiden
I think some may have misread my comment.
I am not the one wanting to “travel”. Unless it’s out the back door and into the garden. I’m more than content with my garden and family and friendship groups and hobbies.
The other half, though, has been Walter Mittying over itineraries and airline bookings for nearly two years. I married him for better and for worse and, it seems, for endless traipsing here and there.
Won’t happen. The logistics are impossible on today’s “travel” model. Which I have been telling him for months now – only just now has he realised the horrid truth.
You guys, of course, have always been ahead of the curve.
Gab, it’s a spoof of another Big Prediction.
Something Big will happen on Sunday. I’m weeding the garden and tidying up just in case it’s a non event.
I know something.
I won’t be looking to you for any insights into principles.
Not after that late night rambling and its subsequent walk, no, run back.
Biden administration refuses judge’s request to hold off on firing unvaccinated employees seeking religious exemptions
If I’m reading it correctly, it wasn’t a request but an order. Total contempt for the rule of law.
After reading Steve Waterson’s description of the Pandemic Management Bill, if it gets through Victoria will never have to worry about such things again because it will easily handle such minor annoyances as appeals to justice.
Had your operation yet Sancho?
German on Trial for Castrating Men on His Kitchen Table (29 Oct)
Germans do kinky with the same extreme attention to detail that they apply to everything.
I think some may have misread my comment.
Too late calli.
Scarlet letter time !
On the other hand the logistics might get sorted very quickly over the next three or four weeks as thousands rush for the exits and various airlines do their level best to facilitate that rush.
I don’t think so.
I’ve been looking at it through my telescope for the last week and we have made contact.
I can even steer it remotely just by moving my telescope.
Well, OK.
As long as it is a scarlet form letter.
That’s it you’re the fool. Not because of being frightened of believing the so called experts, who changed tack with every fresh breathe of wind. Which experts did you believe because just about every single one has said the opposite of what another has said.
Just these vaccines fool. They are not vaccines in any form but you know that. What makes you a fool is you keep doubling down. When the Novavax becomes available I will most likely have it after a year or so to see if it really works or what sort of side effects it has. One thing I can say about the so called vaccine side effect is it throws rationality out the window in a lot of cases and causes a rabidness that would see a dog put down. You’ve turned into Karen. Where has it got you? Take a deep breathe and reflect on what you say. People on this site generally care about others even if they disagree. You’re heading in the fixated direction, its never too late too pull back.
Sorry, reported Vicki by mistake.
The Dan bots are still blaming NSW for their misery and quote the deaths in the current outbreaks as a victory for the Chairman.
NSW 510
Vic 280
Taken over the length of the outbreaks Dan is still in the worst at every measure.
NSW 3.49 deaths per day.
Vic 4.91
Adjusted for population it’s worse again naturally.
237 cases in NSW today. The Armageddon promised by the “experts” gets another rain check.
How long before the bleeding obvious gets noticed by the media and they call on the experts to account for the hype?
Do I get the 1945 haircut as well? My mullet is becoming quite luxurious – no need for a hat. It’s my useless virtue signal of solidarity with the poor buggers who can’t find a hairdresser for the Unclean.
Sh*thole Cities Run by Leftists ?
Paul Joseph Watson
Said the husband.
From your post last night about Bandana Man getting the crap beaten out of himself. In ever tire of seeing that specially how the other Wallabies looked on wishing they were doing it too.
Well, this is awkward.
What I thought was Hale-Bopp was just a smear of pigeon shit on my telescope lens.
No escape for us.
We are going down with the Adelaide judiciary.
May as well drink those Hale-Bopp welcome aboard cocktails and be done with it.
It’s no surprise that when a few micro-cap miners were looking to relist as online pron companies the Berlin stock exchange was a popular dual listing option. The Germans love their kink.
Oh yes novavax the holy grail of vaxxes.
Funnily enough I don’t care what vaxx you get or when or where you get it.
Probably a good idea. 😀
All I have to say is wow…
Not true at all. What about me?
They are dangerous and useless. These. Are. Facts. There are better ones available or on the pipeline . It is part of the reason why I don’t want them. Principle is the other part.
I have never bought into the nano wrigglers or traitor nonsense, please don’t conflate the two perspectives.
As for “being free”, I was free the day I was born. Despite the shocking assault on civil liberties that has occurred during my lifetime, I welcome Dom P bringing forward the end of medical apartheid in NSW.
Here is a list that yours truly suggests of non negotiable demands that I am sure We, The People will assent:
1. He ought to sack Elliot, Chant, Worboys & Hazzard.
2. Repeal all emergency COVID regulation & legislation and related “contract tracing”.
3. Repeal the public health Act.
4. Move civil liberties back to where they stood in the 1980s before cheap Laura Norder fat men from the Dapto dishlickers demanded we destroy an 800 year old legacy so the most deranged of his callers (Hi, Stackja!) feel safe with their 37 cats and Mother’s ashes.
There wasn’t exactly a throng of Wallabies descending on Bandana’s assailant with a chorus of, “Hey, Froggie, leave our boy alone!”.
You seem to be sarcastic about it though.
A good excuse to skip the edges.
This is what it is all about for them.
Sutton yesterday bragging that Victoria was on track to be among “the top five jurisdictions in the world for vaccination”.
Nothing to do with any alleged science or even flaky modelling.
It’s an obsession with finishing on the podium in some macabre race.
Presumably it will boost Sutton’s price on the WHO speaking circuit.
Absolutely spot on. It’s another manifestation of the political class’s desire to be part of the transnational elite rather than serve the people who elected them and pay them.
One in, none in.
Bern @ 8:48.
Had a long discussion about this last night with my sister. The original “report” was from Hadley & as you say, Bern, until Perrottet changes the Govt’s statement, there’s nothing to it.
It does however remind me of something I read here the other day: one of Glady’s media-type people said that she only bought in the outdoor mask mandate because of the daily pounding by the media. So if it is a media-driven policy change, is Hadley the “go-too” on that? Not likely.
The only other scenario that makes sense is Hadley’s been fed the story from someone in the govt to see whether everyone will accept a change. (Remembering that awful Chant started talking about 95% the other day – coincidence?)
But trying to argue that it was Glad who said 1/12/21 and not the current bloke won’t wash IMO because the people don’t like promise-breakers and everyone knows the date.
I know the govt has been slowly pushing up the % (Chant) but they’re already opened up most everything for most people. And, for them, the 1/12 was essentially sold as the end of it all – pushing the date further back, and when Perrottet said he wanted to move more quickly to open, makes him look shifty, especially when combined with the goal posts move to a higher %.
Lastly, once Dec hits everyone starts thinking about Xmas and their family. Saying to people who are not fully vaxxed/unvaxxed that they can’t go out to organise their family Xmas is bringing the Xmas Grinch into play.
I realise that the vaxxed/unvaxxed arguments are still real for many people, but another Xmas destroyed by govt? Well, that won’t wash with a lot of people.
Just like hoWARd’s silence about the assault on the economy and freedom but he was happy to speak up for certain Afghans.
It is already happening
As far as I can tell about 40-50% of proffs and assoc proffs at a particular university here have vapourised.
and the missus is now without a PhD supervisor
Last word I got was that she’ll be allocated one from the pool of those remaining who are of course, ideologically sound. The best part is that there will be a committee for ultimate oversight.
Timeline … er, they don’t have one
Kulaks, guess what political stripe unites the new guard?
non-Black allies? Are Black people fighting a war and have allies on their side?
I wonder who the enemy is, and just who are the generals who are using the Black people as their shock troops?
Covaxin is already available, and is being exported from India around the world. Maybe you could write a letter to Mr Hunt asking him to order some.
I’m going postal if I have to overhear another bunch of commie post-grads zoom each other.
today’s important takeaway … always use the word ’empathy’ as a weapon
Bruce, are you sure? I understood that it has completed all trial stages in Iran & has gained approval there. I also understood it is being manufactured there.
The big doughnut celebration in August with the nutjob swimming coach video didn’t age well.
The Governors race must be getting desperate for the Dems, they broken out the tiki torches and tried to insinuate that Youngkin is a white nationalist:
But trying to argue that it was Glad who said 1/12/21 and not the current bloke won’t wash IMO because the people don’t like promise-breakers and everyone knows the date.
Maybe. But the current Premier is the same one who said there would be no vaccine passports.
Commodus Dan has only a couple of days to go before the total cases in Vic for these outbreaks tops NSW.
Headlines no doubt.
In Poirot news:
Statement from Hannah Gutierrez Reid- Armorer on the Rust set.
So, all guns under control at all times.
No plinking by the naughty crew.
And ‘someone’ popped a few live rounds into the armorer’s unattended box of 500 mixed blanks and dummies. For some reason.
Probably the end of the era of feisty armorer chicks.
Also Alec Baldwin’s production career, because OH&S.
If you asked to name a date before 2050 it is wise to decline.
Speaking of bogans demanding the immediate restoration of their cheap Bali holidays, the poison leprechaun insists you are double waxxed, secure three (3) negative covid tests within 72 hours of any international departure and don the compulsory mask for the 20+ hour flight all the way to London.
If everyone on the flight is jabbed and negative for the Rona, just where does this execrable flog think the virus is hiding waiting to strike?
Inside their shitty in flight rag?
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
If memory serves, one of Bandana Man’s teammates showed his solidarity by re-tying his bootlaces whilst Bandana Man was lying prone on the deck.
How long before you get the top-up jab.? Will it it give you any more protection that the other ones didn’t or will it make your own natural auto-immune system weaker. I posed the same question to my wife, she said I won’t get a booster. Then why did you get the jab in the first place? Blindly believing the so called experts has proved to be fraught with danger. Stop being the “Fool”.
“Don’t fight in the North or the South. Fight every battle everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend. Every possible series of events is happening all at once. Live that way and nothing will surprise you. Everything that happens will be something that you’ve seen before.”
Vicki – It is in use in India in addition with the AZ vaccine according to recent news reports. I suspect it will take over the grunt vaccination work there because AZ is inherently limited by development of immunity to the adenovirus vector. AZ is of course a mRNA “vaccine” whereas Covaxin is a real killed-virus vaccine.
From the news reports it looks like WHO is dragging their heels about Covaxin. I suspect there mught be pressure from US pharma and from the Chinese Government behind that.
Sounds good so far. Uses dead virus cells, based on tried and TESTED technology. But I need to know was it developed and/or tested using aborted fetal cell lines?
miltonf says:
October 30, 2021 at 9:33 am
This is what it is all about for them.
Sutton yesterday bragging that Victoria was on track to be among “the top five jurisdictions in the world for vaccination”.
I noticed that too.
There is no bar low enough that these leeches can’t limbo under if the right tune is playing.
Do tell?
I welcome it. I have NFI if it is going to happen but if it reaches old targets before Chant went off script and started talking about 97-98% double vaccinated rates, it is a possibility.
It’s a miasma, waiting to be hoovered up by passing airliners.
Don’t know Gab, all I’ve looked at is the wiki I linked and the news (put Covaxin in DDG and look at the news tab: lots of Indian articles, they seem quite miffed with the WHO). According to the wiki the virus is cultured in a green monkey cell line.
You need to get out more…and stop verbalising people on this blog. I know LOTS of people who have held out on principle, sometimes contrary to their personal health (if the narrative is to be believed). Some have recently been forced to cave, others are in a world of hurt.
Do you know for certain that these vaccines have no long term adverse impacts?
As for “traitor/a fool/a coward”:
Traitor: Maybe unknowingly (which is probably more accurately described as a ‘useful idiot’), but if the cap fits.
Fool: If you are trying to deny that getting it contributed to the establishment of the ‘vaccine economy’, this would be correct.
Coward: If you advocated trading in our freedoms, to save your own skin, again, accurate.
Give it a rest rosie, you’ve become a shill, and I’ve caught you out a couple of times now with less than accurate posts. You come across as a dogmatic know-it-all. So much of what we now know about these vaccines has come to light AFTER they were released/forced on the public. There is every chance there is more to come. What is beyond doubt is that they have been used to transform our society in less then two years.
Which – if true – would leave only two suspects in the frame for loading the weapon with live rounds – Hannah &/or the prop master.
They aren’t thinking this through very well.
Sutton is probably measuring up the curtains at Government House already.
Absolute gold from the mental patients at Medium today.
“Yes my lady, I totally respect you and I am very happy you turned me down for a coffee date”
Wait until you’re 40.
Go back to the cubes you bigots! Reeeeeeeeeee!
I prefer this sort of activism rather than carbon taxes, nett zero and the destruction of industry.
They’re wrong about a lot, but if everyone went out and planted trees themselves and voted in nuke; it would be be better than going down the stupid path of nett zero.
You mean thorium.
No champ.
Don’t be fooled by the media image … “reluctant self-effacing hero thrust into the limelight and saves us all”.
He loves it and has Hindenburg sized ambitions.
We already do the latter. We have a range of helpful creatures collect and process the plants for us!
Great stuff
So I got the Hale-Bopp lap times wrong by four or five millenia.
Big deal.
Magistrate Armageddon will still be a thing.
Trust me on this.
Thanks, Bruce.
The Diggers Club guy is a loon.
I went to their nursery in Blackwood a while ago and left with the distinct impression that it was an Australian Democrats sleeper cell.
Details, details. Pfft.
The vegan climate mafia are fun. What they don’t seem to realize is that if stuff like Australian grass-fed beef and lamb are banned (see Leak this morning) it would increase GHG generation and land-use based warming as more land would have to be given over to broad-acre agriculture, because unfortunately for vegans we can’t eat grass.
High hopes for COP26 climate summit
Hale-Bopp misses Adelaide and frizzles the Scottish Event Campus.
Tweet : Kamala Harris explaining how giving good oral helps women like her get ahead .
(Not real, but so funny)
Holistic grazing is wonderful for carbon sequestration, if it matters.
Combine that with increased forestry from permaculture and the justification to have any form of carbon tax or cap & trade system is completely shot.
Just checked again today. Yep, answer is still the same: I’d rather be free than safe.
Yeah he is, but I like some of what he does.
I bet he’s personally aggressive about politics as well.
I predict a steady increase in new business registrations in NSW heading into the New Year and a continued outflow of population – and state tax base -from Victoria. Thankfully Scotty will have the population ponzi back up and running by then: destination Melbourne.
And to suspend elections indefinitely.
Heard an interesting podcast. Covid should be reconsidered as a inflammation induced illness.
Every single co-morbidity has an inflammation market, and ever cure has an anti inflammatory element. Shit.
One very natural way of reducing inflammation is drinking lots of green tea.
There were others but can’t be bothered listing them.
Must have been a hitherto unknown clan of black Scotsmen
Never heard of the Black Angus clan?
Compared to drinking green tea Covid doesn’t look so bad.
Wide variety of plants and seeds and way superior to the Bunnings stuff.
Pity he is totally Greta.
The L.G.B. Community Theme Song
One very natural way of reducing inflammation is drinking lots of green tea.
Alas, the side-effects downside of green tea therapy include the urge to engage in homosexual sodomy and a compulsion to hang wind chimes and Tibetan prayer flags.
About 95% of people ingested the kool-aid, voluntarily or not.
The 5% who didn’t had made a run for it, the first wave of runners sensing trouble brewing were dealt with by the security forces at the airport. Ironically that was the cause for the total breakdown. The second wave ran during the crises and some survived. The difference being adrenaline and better cover during the chaos of the crises I guess. The first group despite being more attune to the moment, underestimated how bad things really were. The second later saw with their own eyes.
But here’s the unfortunate thing. The first wave of runners wanted out, they bravely exited their society when there was no immediate crises. They felt something was going badly wrong with their society, saw what was coming and acted before it did. To the loud jeers and denouncement and mockery of their leaders and society and friends and in some cases own families. They mostly died at the hands of the security forces who were ordered to prevent them leaving the country an hour later.
The second runners, who survived, had not left with them. Either afraid or didn’t believe (or want to believe) what the people in the first group were saying. Yet they alone largely lived.
Quite the paradox.