The Auditor General is on the case. However, if they own the land then NO. And I thought that in…
The Auditor General is on the case. However, if they own the land then NO. And I thought that in…
Mostly from twitter. Here’s the thread. The videos are always nice. Belugas Cafe – Ace (13 Mar)
Ace’s stuff Really. Who did he get it from?
Playing Chess. Checkmate.
Well I can download it I have a Subscription.
Just spent $100 at Amazon through your portal Dover.
Panzer, if it’s any consolation, you still have more slightly credibility than any gerbil worming spruiker.
Black Angus?
Taste like dog food and show no fight in the bullring.
Cut out added sugar and take polyphenols through apples & wine, vitamin C in citrus (moderate carb consumption).
Have a look at EFA ratios and look into intermittent fasting.
Inflammation is controllable.
And the Carol Burnett Institute covid modelling department.
Not if we starve to death first or die of a totally unexpected and unpredictable consequence of the lifesaving experimental drug presently being forced on us.
FDA Authorizes Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for Emergency Use in Children Ages 5–11
It’s an admission that neither the vaxx nor the PCR is any good. It also is a signal that, should anyone succumb, they took all possible measures to limit transmission.
Any way you look at it, it’s bullsh*t on stilts.
And, you test +ve for the Big Rona overseas, kiss your seat goodbye and welcome to a world of pain in a country far, far away.
Have a friend whose sister calls Alan Joyce FLIC.
As in F***ing Little Irish Cu …. umm, Lady’s Front Bottom.
It’s just more “we care for your safety” virtue signalling.
From this morning’s offerings, our lunatic betters are going to:
– kill us with death jabs
– force us to eat vegan diets
– freeze us to death
– suspend elections
– stop us earning an income
– abandon us if we dare to leave and get sick
– stop us having Christmas
I’m sure there’s more.
That minimal government thing might work. We should try it some time.
The billionaire, the book and the PM: How Bill Gates convinced Scott Morrison on net zero
Exactly; it’s about saving their arse, not the customer’s.
Corporate leaders are presently third behind politicians and film producers in the most repellant human beings stakes.
Probably big market in negative PCR tests, would be available from India i’m sure
Calli – you forgot castrations, woke MacBeth productions and bad movies.
Nolte: Marvel’s Woke ‘Eternals’ Must Really Suck to Get These Reviews (29 Oct)
I love his tea-leaf reading. Takes real effort to erode such a money-making machine as the Marvel comic-book series. But wokerati are capable of anything.
Tim Smith has the feeblest trolls. Low energy.
Why any wannabe liberal/conservative politician bothers with the twitter sewer is beyond me. Just that lite progressive oozing out thinking they can play with the deep slime. Idiots.
What would happen if a Russian MP turned up in Melbourne a few weeks ago to check on the expat community and in response 50000 unvaccinated people, protestors, pro freedom people, ethnics, turned up at Melbourne’s airport and started boarding planes on the tarmac to escape to Russia that evening?
Would would be done to stop them leaving the country? How far do you think Andrews and Scommo and their security forces would go to maintain their iron grip of control? How far would the mob demand they go?
An interesting thought experiment.
Surely the vaporisation of the Associate Professor class has driven up the price of Jims Mowing franchises? Arguably a more productive use of their time.
From my list above, our politicians resemble…the White Witch of Narnia.
As I recall, she came to a sticky end.
I’ve yet to see a single person here resisting ‘on principle ‘ that doesn’t also claim the vaccines are useless/make you sick/ are dangerous and, mostly, anyone that’s had one is a traitor/a fool/a cowardIm doing so on principle you unhinged mong.
I havent made any of those claims however.
1: The vaccines dont prevent getting the virus or you passing it onto anyone else. So a major “were all in this together” is a big fail. Also given the chance of mortality to me as an individual with no co-morbidities is somewhere around 1 in 10,000 there is absolutely no basis to force me to undergo a medical procedure I dont consent to,
2: Its targeted tyranny, using businesses as catspaws because what they are doing is otherwise illegal. Prisoners 9people directly under state control) arent mandated but Vicky at Colesworth is.
3: I might have to end up buckling, I dont have FU money and am only flying under the radar here because Im extremely difficult to replace with less than 2 or 3 people due to the roles Im spread across.
4: and the big one for me. This has been the single biggest violation of medical ethics for at least a generation. But if I actively or passively resist Im likely to lose my Paramedic registration. Thats the same “penalty” every health professional is facing.
Its seriously vile shit.
Re traveling, a lot of countries respect proof of previous infection as as good as vaccination for many things.
Australia doesn’t even talk about it.
Is it even possible to get tested for covid antibodies in Australia? Or is that illegal too.
Leftists were largely right about them.
I tried vegan once. They taste like pork.
How about we replace the mobs of kangaroos with goats? Better than sheep for sex (so I am told) and we can import the skilled labour to care for them.
October 30, 2021 at 4:16 am
ICAC was designed for bottom-feeders like David Rowe.
I love your Toons Tom but rowe is a piece of shit and broelman just as bad.
October 30, 2021 at 9:29 am
All I have to say is wow…
And on that, NSW has local govt elections on 4 Dec. If Perrottet decides to push that 1 Dec date back, what happens to voting? The LGA elections have already been moved from Sept, moving them again would be delaying them until next year, which may look a bit tricky so close to the Federal romp.
I can’t see the govt saying to the unvaxxed: “You may not pass” (h/t Gandalf) because its mandatory voting in this country and even at the LGA level. [edit: I know, most?/all? people find local govt elections a waste of time, but didn’t someone upthread mention principles?] And on raising distinctions, I’m reliably informed that voters do not have to wear masks, but the electoral workers do; so that can’t help the govt.
A different entrance to the booths for the unvaxxed perhaps? But that will force the disclosing of vaccination status of voters, with the distinct aroma of making the unvaxxed into not just imagined but into real 2nd class citizens, and in front of everyone.
Don’t forget for our betters, who at least on the surface all believe in – you know the thing – mandatory voting, it would be really distasteful having to see it play out in front on them. For it would be a breaking of that great Australian democratic spectacle of everyone coming out to do their civic duty.
I can’t see the media not reporting some great footage of tired, unkempt voters, all needing a haircut and being forced to stand apart from the favoured ones. I know, previously they’ve liked bikini-clad girls and blokes in boardies inside the booths but, hey, what’s not to like pictures of folks, still for the moment sans the arrow stripes [edit: where’s my lipstick!], respectfully standing away from their betters while all join in with the democratic process as one a one and free people.
Time to play Dom’s Wheel of Fortune: so make your selections:
1) Stick to the 1 Dec opening for all and have the state move on?
2) Introduce health orders to remove the right of the unvaxxed to vote and so break the electoral laws?
3) Force the unvaxxed to enter by a different door to vote in dedicated booths and thereby permanently create different classes of citizen whenever the need arises?
[edit: If it was up to the health bureaucrats, I know what they’d want to do. But what will Dom do?]
(p.s. I wanted to put up that clip of Lord Farquaad’s perfect match scene from Shrek – but I can’t get it to work – I need some in-house training).
Kyle Becker Retweeted
I’m hearing a very bad thing just happened at the Supreme Court.
Barrett and Kavanaugh ruling in favor of mask mandates with libs.
Preliminary report — let’s see if it plays out.
Bad. Bad. Bad.
Corporate leaders
Leftists were largely right about them.
This is where it gets interesting. So many things the ‘left’ hated- big business, multinationals, the Washington War Machine and the royals- they now love. Maybe the’ left’ has changed or it was all pretense. It’s turned out that they were right about big business, multinationals, the Washington War Machine and the royals. Johnny Rotten had the saxe-coburg gothas worked out over 40 years ago.
Lake Macquarie doctor who issued hundreds of vaccine exemptions suspended
“Yes, Australia Post?”
“ I bought a Cartier watch online but it hasn’t arrived.”
Mole if you are in WA mining aren’t you being forced to have it? I am getting pressured to show my status.
So far resisting as am in a temp role that finishes before Christmas.
Not just Leftists.
Nice science news story for naval history Cats:
WA shipwreck reveals secrets of 17th -century Dutch seafaring domination (29 Oct)
The article is light on details, but there’s a link at the bottom to the paper itself. It answers the question where the trees came from:
Prof. van Duivenvoorde has a great Dutch name!
Heard an interesting podcast. Covid should be reconsidered as a inflammation induced illness.
JC, an even more interesting podcast was interview with an Indian GP in South Africa who has treated around 7,000 COVID patients. A wily, observant old blighter – he noticed that patients had mild or no symptoms for the first 7 days. Then, for SOME patients, all hell broke loose on the 8th day when….you guessed it…..inflammation exploded.
To him, it was typical of an allergic reaction & he treated it accordingly with anti-histamines and steroids. Only 4 patients succumbed after this treatment – & they had serious co-morbidities.
His thesis is that it is, indeed, an allergic reaction…..to the DEBRIS left from the virus which the immune system largely dealt with after 7 days.
What made this very impressive for me was not only his successful record with patients – but the recall of a story about an aged care home in Spain which had no medications other than anti-histamines……they, too, did not lose a patient – in spite of the average age of their patients.
I have so much saved info on this stuff…..but I will post it if I can find it.
Ashley Mallet brown bread. Cancer.
We have some dissent from a few QCs in Viktoristan.
Where are all the medical practitioners voicing their disapproval of the Dan and Sutton acts of insanity?
The medical profession is in lockstep with Dan of the Dead.
Imbues one with confidence when your GP will not step outside the boundaries established by a madman.
“I’m sure there’s more.”
Involuntary euthanasia. It’s coming.
October 30, 2021 at 11:27 am
Mole if you are in WA mining aren’t you being forced to have it?
Tactical ambiguity is being employed at the moment.
2 efforts at an exemption have failed.
Thats why i might end up being forcibly consented to get the damn shit.
Another unneeded attack on religions: Archbishop Comensoli
Melbourne prelate slams the state government’s move against exemptions underpinning mission, identity of religious organisations. Catholic schools are now under direct threat, he says
By Staff Writers -October 29, 2021 – The Catholic Weekly
But of course; not to be outdone by the Poms:
The murdochs still pumping out sludge
I have just returned from my daily walk around my farm & have been ruminating (yes – like the cows!) on my risk analysis re COVID & not agreeing to be vaccinated.
As it is spring, I have encountered 4 snakes (2 blacks & 2 Eastern Browns) in my daily walks over the last weeks. Many of my city friends would faint at merely being told about this. But in every case, I saw them because I understand their habitat, habits & level of aggression. At this time of year, I am constantly scanning for them. The nearest hospital is 45 minutes away – & that is nearing the limit for Eastern Brown venom recovery – & that is without reaching the house. Because of this, I also carry a compression bandage & have decided to now carry “a walkie-talkie” to reach my husband. But does this danger make me want to sell the farm or stop my walks? No. It is managed risk analysis – although I hope this is not “famous last words”!
How is COVID different? The risk is far less when you consider the excellent chances of recovery from COVID. Am I wrong?
My GP says it will be good for me, as long as I commit to a booster shot.
He says fizzer are the bestest.
So right Gab. We live where everything is dangerous, cars going through red lights, drugged idiots breaking into peoples homes, not keeping your fridge at a low temp to stop bacteria growing, snagging your hand on a rose thorn (FiL did, arm turned black), tripping over my best wee mate because he was in that space first. I admit when I got caught overseas when Scumo announced closing the borders I read online on the ABC (colour me stupid) I wouldn’t be getting back. Pure sensationalism to be expected. Not a problem I duly returned on the flight I was already booked on but I wasted a day trying to find out what really was going on. I got back to Sydney, there was one doctor? asking everyone “are you ok” that was it. The first thing I thought was you haven’t got a clue and continued to think the same thing since. Walked through customs without being checked, could ‘ve had my walk on luggage full of heroin. All they wanted was people out of there. Insanity has raged ever since. The grifters saw an opportunity, the rest is history. How come the only ones that made any money out of this are the elite, and their day of reckoning is coming. Since we have let the left makes words mean whatever they wish there can be no arguing, only actions. This is only the end of the beginning. I’m one of those that just want to be left alone. I don’t back down.
FDA authorises Pfizer in children see P somewhere up thread. Miserable rats always preface their authorization” with emergency. In what way is vaccinating children an emergency in view that we all know that children are the least affected, the vaccine does not stop a vaccinated person getting covid 19 or becoming infectious or passing it on and the icing on the cake ,you can die boosted and fully vaccinated .
2 efforts at an exemption have failed.
Thats why i might end up being forcibly consented to get the damn shit.
In the same predicament here, mole.
Working through options but the GP system is inept and in lockstep. One GP I tried to hash out some vaccine issues with looked like a primary school kid who hadn’t memorised a presentation properly and got all nervous when I asked questions about my situation. Completely not convincing and embarrassed to think that anyone would get similar advice and think “yep, I’m ok with this”.
He kept going back to the side effects and the conversation pretty much word for word was,
“Have you had any blood clots?”
“Have you had any stroke?”
“Have you had any heart inflammation?”
Not to my knowledge.
“Have you had any myocarditis?”
Not that I know of.
“See, you’ll be fine then!”.
Could some of the musicians /poets around here lampoon the vaccines using Lilly the Pinks medicinal compound that saved the human race?
I read a story overnight about how he decided to keep a diary, and started it on the plane to England.
He opened the diary at the first page and then promptly spilt coffee on it.
First diary entry just below the stain.
Professor Obvious leaps into action!
Widespread fast-food restaurants linked to higher rates of type 2 diabetes (29 Oct)
I quite like that this is from the Grossman School of Medicine. Is there a Svelte School of Medicine somewhere? Every time someone tries to sell vegan fast food the business dies horribly. Maccas could tell you this since their advertising of their rabbit-food menu seems to’ve quietly evaporated.
At the risk of not trusting the ‘science’ my own personal experience with Covid is as follows.
People I know personally or with one degree of seperation who have had Covid, zero.
People I know personally or with one degree of seperation who have had a reaction to a Covid vaccine, six. Two being significant.
These are people I know, not anecdotal Facebook or Daily Mail stories that the modern day Karen would consider to be practically family.
I don’t know about from GPs, but you can use imedical.com.au to order your own pathology tests online, they offer covid antibody testing. It’s a good service if you want to bypass GPs.
I’m only on coffee#2, granted, but I think I missed what this was about. Running and living and dying.
Assistance required. Genuine, joshing-free enquiry.
Americans eat too much food. The portion sizes are outlandish and their systems are in constant overload trying to process the food they have eaten. That’s the cause of their diabetes.
There’s also a Les Grossman School of Human Resources & Film Production Management.
Sugar. HFCS.
Superb gully fieldsman.
Sure as shit Hannah HispanicToken-Reed didn’t go to that one.
mole, do you need to have an op? P’raps, an old footy injury needs fixing as it’s been giving you a bit of grief lately?
Sounds like little Hannah is going to try the A Big Boy Did It And Ran Away defence.
Got that one wrong. I said a couple days ago house opposite is on market (Arky was thinking of moving). I thought it’d list for $450k. An agency sign has now appeared out front of it this morning so I looked it up. Ouch, $649k!
It doesn’t come with herons though. Sadly they’ve moved on.
Haven’t we had this discussion on the Cat before? Modern methods of interrogation mean that no – one would need to lay a finger on Khan?
It truly is the dumbest TV rights deal in Australian broadcasting history: Network Ten bought the rights to the week-long Melbourne Cup carnival in 2018 for $A20 million per annum – five times what Seven paid.
Ten has four days to try to make its money back from its audience of millennials who hate paying for anything (no paywalls at the Guardian, Fakefacts or the ABC) while, at the same time, Seven’s free-to-air affiliate Channel 78 (a.k.a.racing.com) is still able to broadcast the whole thing unimpeded for racing purists.
More evidence that Ten’s owner, CBS of the USA, is using its Australian investment as a tax write-off and that there are no adults in charge at Ten.
I’ve yet to see a single person here resisting ‘on principle ‘ that doesn’t also claim the vaccines are useless/make you sick/ are dangerous and, mostly, anyone that’s had one is a traitor/a fool/a coward.
I’ve been resisting on principle from near the start of the fiasco! In the beginning I wasn’t really interested or bothered , regardless of my age .. 73.. told my family way back then I’m fit, healthy and not intending to catch BAT FLU, anyway so, unnecessary, jab! .. then as time went on and the gummints’ (state & fed) squealing and threats became more about punishment than BAT FLU I rephrased my NO JAB policy ..
“To hell with them .. if they want to keep threatening me then I’m definitely NOT having it!” ..
I’ve maintained that stance ever since and, regardless, of how often they move the goalposts I won’t be submitting … even the thrice weekly NSW Housing Commission texts are getting more desperate, yesterday’s effort …. Do you realise 81% of south west Sydney HC residents are vaccinated .. let’s make it to 100% …. no reply msg ..
Depends. Americans eat too much is the same as saying Americans are all the same. But the regional differences are vast.
Here are the 10 countries holding the most landwhales. It’s a little misleading because they’re mostly one ethnic group.
Nauru (61.00%)
Cook Islands (55.90%)
Palau (55.30%)
Marshall Islands (52.90%)
Tuvalu (51.60%)
Niue (50.00%)
Tonga (48.20%)
Samoa (47.30%)
Top 20
1 Nauru 79.4
2 Cook Islands 77.8
3 Palau 77.6
4 Marshall Islands 75.5
5 Tuvalu 75.2
6 Niue 73.1
7 Tonga 72.7
8 Samoa 72.1
9 Kiribati 72.0
10 Micronesia 71.4
11 Kuwait 70.2
12 United States 69.9
13 Jordan 69.9
14 Saudi Arabia 69.6
15 Qatar 69.6
16 Libya 69.1
17 Turkey 69.0
18 Egypt 68.5
19 Lebanon 68.5
20 United Arab Emirates 68.2
Like intelligence, America has the smartest people in the first world and also the dumbest. Similarly, it has the fattest & unfit but also the fittest people in the industrialized world.
Never generalize about that massive complex country, Champ. You get into trouble doing so. Your point also veers along that ridiculous stupid near belief by supercilious Australians that Americans are stupid.
No you’re not. But don’t tell the CHOs about the snakes.
I’ve come to terms with my detention since Ghastly Gladys resigned under duress. No more listening to my mates trying to trump my ailments and symptoms with theirs.
Anyway my multiple likes superpower has returned. Pure bloods may or may not have been the recipients of my largesse.
If I have mistakenly liked a vaxxer well I’ll cop that sweet. It will be treated with all the concern it merits.
October 30, 2021 at 10:30 am
Must have been a hitherto unknown clan of black Scotsmen
Never heard of the Black Angus clan?
Pffft. Nothing to the differences between Cameron of Lochiel and Cameron of Erracht
Has anyone thought that this might be why the island is sinking? Not rising sea levels?
SMH is also reporting senior minister (Hazzard?) is saying that 95% may be the point at which unvaccinated will gain access to facilities now only open to vaccinated.
The fact that RUBY is still Health Minister tellz me that Parrot-head is just another in the Photios appointment lineage .. !
nuttin’ to see ‘ere .. mooove along lpeeeze!
Speaking of which. Did you know that the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed still has not started? A perfect example of the torpid state of justice in the once great US.
Vicki, no you’re most certainly not wrong as the chances of survival are as close to 100% as they could be for someone who sounds fit and isn’t that old. The trouble is that by all accounts it’s multiples more heavy duty than the flu for those who get it bad and you’ll feel like dying for 2 to 3 weeks. A flu lasts for about a week.
There’s one person who posts here, who shall remain nameless and contracted the thing sometime last year, and is still dealing with the after effects – apparently on and off steroids.
Getting or not getting the shot is a very personal decision and should be left that way without state intervention.
2 major protests in Melbourne, marching to meet at the Parliament
VicPol are actually walking ahead of the protestors. Watch it live because you can bet your life the MSM won’t report it at all or accurately if they do deign to report it.
Don’t pick on the Polynesians: they’re fat because that’s the only way their ancestors survived long sea voyages when they set out to discover new specks of land in the Pacific.
Oh JC, of course I can generalise. Everyone does it.
No, I’m saying Americans eat too much – not that they are all the same. “Eat too much” not equal to “all the same”. Strawman 1 demolished.
Irrelevant to the assertion that Americans eat too much. Strawman 2 demolished.
If your assertion is that eating too much does not mean you get diabetes. Well then, you might have a valid argument. However, I assert that eating too much does contribute to the diabetes problem.
Just had my first denial of entry since no vacc certificate.
The auto parts outlet known for being, ‘super’ and ‘cheap’ now interrogates people and requires the showing of the vaccination proof. I merely wanted some auto wiring joiners, and did the pretend check-in and had the old white mask fitted, and was then asked “Do you have your vaccination pass, mate?”
Answer: “No, I do not”.
“Well you are not allowed to enter”
“OK, then you do not want my money”. Said while turning to leave…
Smarmy retort from young smart arse: “No, and I don’t want your virus…”
Charming. Met a lady outside who told me there were three people similarly treated in the last few minutes, including her. Interesting discussion then took place, she is like minded and reckons this all has nil to do with health or any virus, and is all about control and fear. Her vire that the vaccine is more risky than the supposed virus.
Came away miffed at the young authoritarian in the shop, but encouraged that there are people out and about who are not all of the same brainwashed mindset.
Is it even possible to get tested for covid antibodies in Australia? Or is that illegal too.
Twostix, I would love to have that test – a blood test I believe – if it was possible. I would think it would be a hoot if I had been exposed, immune system overcame it, & so now have pretty good immunity.
But others say don’t bother – GPs have been told not to give the OK.
Some people, me included decided to get the shot – not because of the fear of dying as I don’t give a shit about those odds. The concern is that eventually all of us will contract covid and it’s about 6 to 10 times worse than a bad dose of the flu if you get the stronger contraction. That is comparing the two worst cases of the illnesses. Screw that.
Of course you can. Keep doing it and keep getting it wrong, Champ.
Stop trying to sound smart.
I didn’t make any assertion about diabetes, you idiot. Zero.
I made the assertion that the US has vast regional differences and can’t really be compared to say a unitary European nation.
KD at 11:55.
I have no idea what the hell this first wave/second wave gibberish was all about.
Standing (or falling if necessary) maybe.
“OK, then you do not want my money”. Said while turning to leave…
Smarmy retort from young smart arse: “No, and I don’t want your virus…”
Geez, I would want to punch his lights out……..and THAT is why I won’t even attempt to enter these premises.
But as I have said here before……I won’t forgive or forget.
BTW love the French! As a mark of solidarity with the unvaccinated,the the vaccinated are going into supermarkets which ban unvaxxed, fill their trolleys, & then leave them at the cash registers!
I see they’ve got a helicopter tracking them.
You should have said:
‘We know not yet whether you have sworn secret oaths’, and then advised him that a) it doesn’t matter whether you’re vaxxed or not as to whether you get it, b) he has a bit of catching up to do, and c) to go fuck himself.
Thanks, Will. Marvellous Dilbert. Scott Adams’s great talent is simply not being sucked in by infantile bullshit: it used to be taken for granted, but, since infantile bullshit is now everywhere, it has become a special skill.
Survival rate of covid is now at 98%
Covid cases in Australia between 2020 and now is at 0.5%
Deaths from covid (allegedly) in Australia to date is 0.005%
But it’s 6 to 10 tens worse than a bad flu. .
Hang on. That can’t be right. Sure he wasn’t a Boomer in disguise?
Survival rate of covid is now at 98%
Erratum: Survival rate of covid is now at 99%
The US Census:
About 40 million people clearly don’t eat too much. If only they had communism.
I thought of you and your T-shirt when I put up this comment.
Which can still be passed to the prick even by the vaccinated.
Will Governments Survive the Coming Peasant Revolt?
GOP contender is about 8 points ahead in Virginia.
The Demonrats are now doing false flag rallies pretending KKK and apparently, according to a Tweet, the morons were caught out as they had a black dude at the rally holding a KKK torch.
Is there anything worse than evil morons?
Get a load of this. They’re Demonrats.
More here with Mike Sandwich.
It is airborne, how close did we get? You might already have it… maybe… oh gosh
Do you think you should be tested?
The cheap super where I live didn’t have anyone on the front for the few times I’ve been there. But I also ” allegedly ” made my own vax pass which works a treat. 🙂
Superb gully fieldsmam.
Ashley Mallet later revealed he was a depressive type. He liked fielding there to be more on his own.
They’ve been reading the cat again
COVID support to shift to home health care
You missed the point Gab. A bad dose of Covid is 6 to 10 times worse than a bad dose of the flu. That’s what I was saying. Compare like with like.
Also, you really can’t compare the contraction numbers here for both illnesses the way you are as we have never socially distanced and closed the economy for a year because of the flu.
If we treated covid the same way as we treat the flu in terms of avoiding it (we don’t) I’d take a rough guess and suggest 50% of the population would have had it by now. The flu has a contraction rate of about 1.1. The Chinese bio-weapon started at 2.5ish and the new variant could be as high as 4.5.
BTW love the French! As a mark of solidarity with the unvaccinated,the the vaccinated are going into supermarkets which ban unvaxxed, fill their trolleys, & then leave them at the cash registers!
How good are the French at protesting? ..
They gotta have have a cert.3 protesting certificate course in their TAFE system .. shirley!
Plenty of outdoor mask wearing around about this morning in my part of Melbourne, including young people.
I guess quite a few don’t believe a single day and Dansays changes anything in regards to whether walking outside makes a difference to your covid risk.
Leftards were going to do whatever it took to rid themselves of the cognitive dissonance in the White House that made them quite mentally ill. But even with him gone, they’re still addicted to Donald Trump. Tucker Carlson Tonight.
The vax pass is open to creativity. Just saying. How easy is it alter a screenshot.
“Publican Craig Laundy told reporters a shortcut for vaccination proof, which pubs were likely to accept, was to screenshot your immunisation status – if people were not able to add it to their smartphone wallet system.”
Maybe tell that to the FBI then.
Capitol riot defendant “viciously and savagely” beaten by guard in Washington, D.C. jail, lawyer says (8 Apr)
He’s still rotting in jail without trial.
Allegedly a highly vaxxed population reduces that rate to .7 .
That’s what the Danes were claiming, anyhow.
My darling, I provide numbers based in evidence, you provide ”a guess” and a ”suggest”.
And yet the vaxed can still acquire the deadly sneaky virus and also pass it on.
The Supercheap brand of automotive electrical connectors are shit. Don’t buy. Other auto places sell Narva brand which are good.
So why do you continue to babble on about it day after day?
‘The Evidence Is Mounting There’s Been A Cover-Up’: Rand Paul Blasts Fauci Over Possible COVID-19
At a telephone town hall on Tuesday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) argued that COVID-19 came from a lab in Wuhan.
Ominous turn of events:
What was he being told he was going to have to do.
I mentioned a while ago that I watched a long video of him at the start of this nonsense. His brother is some CSIRO futurist bugman, they were both in the video His brother was stating clearly that people are going to have to give up the idea of privacy for the new medical technological order. Krispen here, to his credit baulked at his brothers attitude a little and gave the example of AIDS testing requiring absolute privacy to ensure people would come forward without fear.
But he didn’t strike me as a man who was going to handle the incredible political dance of the CHO position in QLD well, certainly not when the screws needed to be driven in as they are about to do.
The Western world has no shortage of epidemiologists and they must find projects – however inane they migh tbe – on which to spend their funding.
Publish or perish.
One of the ABC’s go to woriers on covid is a specialist in…hand washing in SE Asia. Funny that they never mention that; you have to go to the trouble of checking her C.V.
any instructions, or tips, so i can recognise this outrageous fraud?
So, someone shouldn’t have to disclose Hepatitis A, B & C, Salmonella and TB status to get a job in Food Prep?
Gimme a break.
The Issue is Vaccine Injury, that’s it.
Everything else is a sideshow.
Dark matter isn’t real.
Move the funding to nuke & exotic propulsion.
Make it so!
No such thing as a bad case of the Flu.
Flu is life threatening, it either turns into pneumonia and death likely ensues, or you slowly recover after the crisis, which lasts days.
What you’re calling Flu is just a bad cold.
Check with your doctor on this, he won’t give you a straight answer, but you’ll get the gist.
Decent sized protest at Parliament House in Spring Street at the moment. Seems to have caught the police by surprise, since the cops had to send reinforcements from the local station running up Bourke Street through the crowd. They lined up to start their usual attack on peaceful protesters, but someone called them off and then a good number were pulled back out of sight into the Parliament Gardens. They kept a few armoured stormturtles on show behind the regular uniforms, but there was no obvious threat of attack as of fifteen minutes ago.
There’s clearly some protest organisation going on, which is good. The bad news is that the organisers are giving the microphone to any idiot speak who can find a way to the front. Must do better. Shrill stream-of-consciousness monologues with no call to action . . . fail. If any of you are in a position to make a difference, for goodness’ sake vet the speakers. Make sure they have a succinct message that’s on point, keep your own hand on the microphone, and cut them off brutally once they begin straying into retard territory.
Anyway, yet another good-humoured crowd out to exercise their civil rights in a peaceful manner. Who knows, it may eventually catch on.
Go to all the big review sites and post one star reviews, use emotive language. Make some real noise not about the policy per-se, but about the abuse of it and link to where you bought the part for $1.15 on ebay instead and will just do that from now on.
They don’t have to do any of that now dummy.
I was addressing grayranga specifically about his personal intentions re novavax.
And thank you once again for underlying my point regarding the rudeness and abuse dished out by the high horse riders.
Which tells you that while the mass of people are well intentioned, the issue has been taken over by Socialist Worker Party types.
Is that the broad with funny glasses always on Zoom?
What is going one with you ed? You used to be a cool contrarian man, don’t tell me you’ve contrarianised yourself into becoming a hypochondriac.
Fiona M Russell via David Limbrick
Don’t hear much about hand sanitiser anymore.
Just another experiment that was implemented, sung from the highest offices in the world as being critical for everyone’s survival, then discarded without discussion.
Remember last year? I knew people with hands that were red from all that shit they were so manic about using it. Holy shit people are mental.
Anyone can join in.
My point that there are many jobs that require vaccination, e.g., Q-Fever in the Meat Processing and Dairy Industries, Salmonella testing as a condition of working in the Meat Export Industry, Hepatitis B vaccination for water treatment and water reticulation workers, likely quite a few others require proof of vaccination.
So, that’s not the real issue, is it?
This just came into my mailbox via a COVID protest site (Tom Woods) Read it & weep:
I write as a long-time listener to share my personal story regarding the vaccine mandates. As a Rothbardian libertarian, I have followed you for many years, watched you speak in person, and attended the Mises Circle on multiple occasions. I listen to your podcasts and read Lew Rockwell on a near daily basis.
I work at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA as an RF/microwave engineer, where I design, develop, and maintain high-powered transmitters for NASA’s Deep Space Communications network.
A portion of my work involves developing and maintaining the radar transmitter for the one-of-a-kind Solar System Radar on the Goldstone 70-meter Antenna also known as the Mars Site, which not only identifies and studies near earth asteroids that potentially endanger the Earth under the charge of “planetary protection,” but communicates with spacecraft such as the Voyager Spacecraft at the very edge of the solar system.
In addition, over the last five years I have lead a team which has been developing a new type of transmitter technology that has the potential to revolutionize communications for space applications. We are on the precipice of completing a working prototype of this new technology, scheduled to be completed this next year.
Unfortunately, on December 8th, I will be placed on unpaid leave for refusing a forced medical injection, and ex-terminated shortly thereafter, along with colleagues of mine that also went from hero to zero this past year after participating in placing the Perseverance Mars Rover on another planet.
I am devastated that the time, energy, and passion I have invested in my development work will be halted in its tracks when I am placed on leave, and my innovative efforts will die alongside me. Not only will I be terminated from my job, but my career as well, as government money touches and corrupts all aspects of my industry of expertise, and I will be unable to work for any company within my field.
I have witnessed the decline of our civilization for years now, but I must admit that I am shocked at the recent rapid acceleration of our societal decay. Despite the logical part of my brain having expected something like this for some time, I still find the entire situation that we find ourselves in a bit surreal.
Having shared my situation, I want to express how very much I appreciate the work that you do. People like you help others of us by serving as a beacon of light during dark times, and dark times we very much face, my friend. Your podcasts serve as a reminder that there are other kindred spirits out there.
With your example and inspiration, I recently chose to take a lead role in mounting a resistance within my organization by seeking out and recruiting like-minded individuals. Through our efforts we have managed to bring together many individuals from all walks of life, with differing backgrounds, cultures, and education with the sole focus of seeking liberty.
Thank you again for all that you do. Please wish us luck in our battle against the State.
Now, remember:
These are the kinds of stories we can never forget. We can never forget what the crazies have done to us.
Some time ago I featured on the Tom Woods Show a group of professional filmmakers — with credits you would recognize — who have anonymously banded together to create the ultimate COVID documentary, with all the charts and arguments against the standard narrative, but also with human interest stories that remind us of the human cost of the lockdowns and general inhumanity of the COVID regime.
I think you know why they’re anonymous — they don’t want their careers destroyed.
As I mentioned in the episode, I myself contributed $10,000 to this project, so I am not asking you to consider doing anything I myself haven’t done.
But I hope you’ll support them. For a couple of days they have a matching grant, so anything you give will be doubled.
No one is coming to save us, folks. We have to do this ourselves:
P.S. FYI, my friends at Rocket Languages (and I mean that literally — I know the co-founder) are taking 60% off all foreign-language courses, but only the next 200 courses or so, so once those are sold the sale ends. Thought you might want to know; our daughter loved their Japanese course. The link: http://www.tomwoods.com/rocket
Thank you.
I have to doff my cap to lefty protest groups. They have this down pat.
The speakers all have a tight 15 second grab for the news.
And they decide how they want to represent the protest demographic (“kids concerned about da planet” or “grandparents worried about their grandkids”) and stack the front row accordingly.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
“But the media lie and misrepresent”.
They do.
But make them go find someone up the back to suit the narrative.
Don’t give some 5G nano-wriggler deadshit the microphone.
I know this pushes buttons here, but I go back to the Great Convoy. If that was a lefty protest they would have tightly stuck to the theme (which was anti Carbon Tax). The very witty “Ditch the Witch” guy would have been ushered away and the front row would have been salt-of-the-earth fluoro wukkas.
No point crying “snot fair”.
Learn to play smarter.
Sounds like her…McLaws or similar.
She’s basically a nurse educator with a PhD.
No, there are definitely SJW types in the crowd, but they’re not the problem. The problem is that the organisers kill off momentum and create a huge buzz-kill every time they give the mike to an untrained speaker with a rambling, boring, semi-coherent monologue. Public speaking’s like riding a bike: one’s first attempt shouldn’t be done in front of five thousand people.
(p.s. Sancho Panzer’s comment about the need to craft the right message and public image for a stupid, lazy and frequently hostile press is exactly right. Keeping idiots and distractions at bay is only half the battle, if that.)
Most smart phones have their own photo editors, or you can get photo editor apps. Same with QR codes , you can make them yourselves. Small flip phones with little screens I hear are good because everything is condensed within that small space it creates it’s own fuzzy effect, aids intrusive squinty eyes so would probably look more authentic, you could sms a creative vax pass to a phone and save in gallery. I’m more or less supposing how it all could be done and imagining it working. 🙂
Running a meeting 101:
Have your speakers lined up.
You’re saying they can organise 5,000 people to turn up at Spring Street but they can’t organise 4 or five speakers?
Mate, the Socialist Workers Party or similar have taken over this movement.
Why would they give a platform to anyone talking sense?
Andrews and his cronies are their best mates.
QR codes
Phorona virus.
I dont have a problem with vaccines that have been properly tested. I do have a problem with blanket mandates and government tyranny and the big dollars behind all this.
Just had a look, Roger, that’s not the one I had in mind.
I have been roped in to MC the odd wedding.
A couple of points:-
– Don’t wing it. Write and rehearse. Very few people speak coherently off the cuff.
– Keep it short. Then halve it. Remember the guy who spoke for two and a half hours before Lincoln at Gettysburg? No? No-one does.
– Stay off the piss. No matter how funny you are with two mates at the pub after eight pots, for some reason it doesn’t translate to a large room.
Off for the shot at 3:00.
Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye.
October 30, 2021 at 1:12 pm
Good article.
thought Id check this line.
the government giddily used the last half-century to print and spend dollars until the value of a dollar today is worth only two cents compared to 1971.
$1 in 1979 is worth $3.78 today
this calculator gives it as $.15.
Not as bad as he says, but still very Arky…
Austfailure does even better. (RBA site)
A basket of goods and services valued at $ 1
in calendar year 1979, would in calendar year 2020cost $ 4.85
Saturday arvo ‘Stones. Sublime solo from Mick Taylor.
Time waits for no one.
Noner of the Covid Vaccines have been properly tested.
One of the studies was blown up aftern8 weeks by giving the blinds the vaccine.
A bit suss?
You’ll have to narrow that down, Dover. They’re all broads with funny glasses.
Including the blokes.
And thank you for demonstrating your outstanding and consistent ability to miss the point. Criticism of your flights of fancy is neither rude nor abusive.
I read about that. Dr Malone seemed to think that was ok. But he definitely is against the vax, even though he took moderna which caused him some issues. He reckons if had the info that available now, he wouldn’t have taken it.
An explanation of how I can underlie anything from where I sit on my alleged high horse would be helpful. Looking down on people from up here is much more entertaining.
For pity’s sake Grigory, feed your beasts more before you send them to market.
Stop blaming da gummit for your ineptitude as a rancher…
The very witty “Ditch the Witch” guy would have been ushered away and the front row would have been salt-of-the-earth fluoro wukkas.
And just how bad, on a scale of 1-10 would you rate the offensiveness of that sign?
The chap in question had a couple of others made up which actually were a little OTT which were left in a pile on the ground.
or this on high rotation?
Why not?
You might be thinking of Catherine Bennett?
Which tends to undermine Malone’s credibility.
It’s one thing to announce a vaccine is safe to use after only 8 weeks of Trials, but to then give the 50% of blind participants the real vaccine on the grounds of public health is stretching credibility.
They blew up the Trial, so basically the vaccine is untested, despite Dr Malone’s spin.
You can have salmonella non acutely?
It isn’t endemic to the environment?
You are one cool, smart and popular guy, Ed.
It was neither rude nor abuse Rosie. You can’t handle the truth. Your comprehension leaves a lot of room for improvement. Get off the stepladder its hard to balance on a high horse.
Absolutely no need for that. The press photographers/cameramen would frame him out of shot and the stenographers would say/write nothing about him.
Did those images make the nightly news, Mole? If not, why not? Flouro-clad workers?
RTWT then the second linked article.
I believe so, a person can carry it but be symptomless.
I had to go to the local hospital emergency dept a couple of hours ago, we have no doctors that work weekends here. I suspected that I have an infection in my left hand (blood borne). Anyway they wouldn’t let me in, someone spoke to me on the intercom and said to wait outside until I could be seen, so it’s freezing cold and windy here and I sat outside in the open for over half an hour. Finally a nurse came out and wouldn’t take me inside because of covid, I have no symptoms and haven’t been anywhere near other people lately. Still wouldn’t let me in so I sat in a chair outside and the nurse brought out a blood pressure machine etc and assessed me out front, I was shivering it was so cold. Then off he goes to call the doctor, about 20 minutes later came out and gave me some antibiotics and told me to take them and see the doctor on Monday, he also advised a tetanus shot. So he then went back inside and brought out the tetanus needle. I then in the front of the hospital almost on the street had to take off my upper clothing to get jabbed.
That is what passes for medical in Danistan.
Covid-19 Injections – A Gateway to Transhumanism By Dr. Carrie Madej Oct. 23, 2021
Transhumanism seems to be the buzzword for the WEF and Davos crowd. This presentation is a description of it and, most frustratingly, it won’t load for me past the first minute.
If anyone can view this would you kindly post a summary of what exactly she saying.
Earlier I referred to an Indian GP in South Africa who had treated over 7,000 COVID patients. He had noted that most had mild symptoms, but a minority became very ill suddenly on the 8th day of the virus. This, of course, was the cytokine storm that causes oxygen levels to drop dramatically. To this old GP, it looked vert much like an allergic reaction. He reasoned that the immune system in these patients may have dealt with the virus initially, but had an allergic reaction to the virus debris.
As a result, he successfully treated these patients with a combination of anti-histamines & steroids, with dramatic improvements. It reminded me of an item I had read about an aged care home in Spain with only anti-histamines in their medical arsenal – & they did not lose a patient.
The piece on the Indian doctor is well worth viewing.
“kaysee says:
October 29, 2021 at 6:54 pm
Jim Caviezel calls on ‘Christian warriors’ to fight for freedom, ‘be saints’ in rousing speech
The Passion of the Christ actor Jim Caviezel topped headlines this week when he gave an impassioned address at a Las Vegas “patriot” convention urging listeners to fight for freedom, “set yourselves apart from this corrupt generation,” and “be saints.””
All of the scientific rigour we need.
I dunno, Grigory.
You may be a carrier, but you give everyone else the shits…
I then in the front of the hospital almost on the street had to take off my upper clothing to get jabbed.
That is what passes for medical in Danistan.
Holy Cow, sfw!
We have got to a stage where I have been stockpiling medications. So what if they are somewhat out-of-date? At the rate we are going, they may be the best we can get in some circumstances.
Pz went kaput. Vale.
Professor Fiona Russell?
P, not her either.
Off for the shot at 3:00.
Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye.
And he was never seen again….
Jeez sfw, that’s outrageous. Hope you’re ok but the treatment protocols are a disgrace.
What did he say?
“ahh, mmpfh. oh ee, ah. ahh… ”
“get off my chest!”
h/t Max
I’m selling your spot on Comet Repentance.
Yep. Seen worserer than that.
I have a list to check off once the revolution gets underway.
PRGUY17 outside Victorian parliament
“mh says:
October 29, 2021 at 8:52 pm
‘Ireland: Highest Covid hospitalizations despite having the highest vaccination rate (91%) in Europe’
I note a Melbourne Storm star forward will be unable to play next season as he is not vaxxed. What is the science underpinning these work restrictions? Vaccines don’t stop the spread, that’s now off the table. So what is the argument being made that stops a young professional athlete from earning a living?”
And Rosie wonders why so many of us are concerned?
Try again.
@ Rabz:
“…that hideous gargoyle in Queensland.”
Which one?
Do you mean the one who is “transitioning” to State Governor as we type?
That gargoyle?
Nice work if you can get it! I reckon the wheels are already in motion for a serious “gong” soon and at the end of her “Governorship”, a “Damehood” and / or an OAM or similar..
Snap SRR
I can’t recall via Twitter , David Leyonhjelm
Peak stupidity, anyone?
“kaysee says:
October 30, 2021 at 2:39 pm
A tweet that aptly describes the scamdemic
Glenn Greenwald:
“The COVID pandemic is one of the most consequential and life-altering events of the last several decades. Only the most anti-intellectual, stunted cretins would concoct reasons why it would be better not to learn everything we can about its origins and whether US officials lied.””
Not so fast, grasshopper.
Bit sore in the arm but still upright.
More sore in the arse from my 15 minutes on a Ministry of Seating plastic chair in the ‘observation’ room.
That’s true, you did. However, if you want to compare like with like, the flu season literally collapsed in 2020. 435 cases if the flu were reported and no one died over the 12 months.
Without a cost benefit analysis, social distancing, lock ups etc did lower contagion. However, that isn’t how you would determine actions against a pandemic.
You get the laugh of the day, Slim.
I’d look shocked at that tale of freezing woe, sfw, except that it seems to be the current state of what passes for a health system in the Great State of AfDanistan.
Hope you are back to rude health soonest.
Ministry of Seating plastic chair in the ‘observation’ room.
I got a reply from the CEO of Children of God for Life – they’ve been investigating abortion tainted medicines/vaxes for years. cogforlife.org
On Covaxin he stated that it is free of any association with abortion.
You’ve become quite nasty since you got the clot shot, Rosie.
“mh says:
October 30, 2021 at 10:51 am
‘Thousands of Australians with unpaid fines for breaking Covid rules have their homes seized, bank accounts raided and licences cancelled as government chases $5.2million’
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10136275/Unpaid-Covid-fines-taken-bank-accounts-seized-homes-Queensland.html “
@ Mole-
Was that to stop the victims from escaping, or to keep them upright during that mandatory 30 minute observation time?
I note that two of Sydney’s most influential trainers, Gay Waterhouse and James Cummings, are both at Flemington for the racing purists’ Christmas, Derby Day, with its four Group 1s and fortunes to be made in the thoroughbred breeding business, rather than attending Peter V’landys’s stupid Hollywood popup races for fickle theatregoers and inch-deep celebrities at Rosehill.
And Sydney’s top trainer Chris Waller and Sydney’s top jockey James McDonald won the breeders’ gold medal in the $1.5m Coolmore Stud Stakes at Flemington.
V’landys is a one-trick pony with no friends whose only talent is wrecking things. People who know stuff suggest V’landys is heading for a major confrontation in the next week with Racing Australia’s new chairman, John Messara (one of the country’s top breeders), about his pointless, bloodyminded intransigence.
“mh says:
October 30, 2021 at 10:18 am
‘Alex Jones breaks down the campaign to normalize heart attacks and strokes in children as COVID injections tied to these very conditions are pushed on the public.’
https://banned.video/watch?id=617c6e3f24b5d9235e28298f “
An interesting couple of days. I went to upgrade my phone which now has 16 Gb of sludge on it and won’t download emails nor let me delete the Korean phonetic alphabet. In salubrious Claremont new phone in stock but a dispute with the minimum wage Indian over ID proved insurmountable. Today in povo East Vic Park “Nah don’t know when they’re coming in.” I wonder how often this occurs. A visit to the Claremont Quarter reminded me how absurd the place is as I hadn’t been there for a couple of years.
Gab – That’s excellent! Perhaps a letter to the Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox Archbishops of Sydney might give some leverage to getting Mr Hunt to consider it. (Not having heard of Cogforlife, I checked them out, they look good.)
Right now I’m somewhat exhausted since the guys over the back fence saw me feeding several Cafe customers on the fence and said there’s a rainbow lorikeet wandering around their yard. So I said I’ve a cage. Off they went. The guy comes back a short time later with a pained expression. “He bit you?” asks I. Yep, and he hands me the lorikeet, who is just fledged. Ouch I say (since the lorikeet immediately latches onto my finger – it’s not happy.)
So into cage for a short while then onto the clothesline, since two pairs of adult rainbow lorikeets were around. Not the parents unfortunately. So much for Plan A.
Plan B was to go get some honey and put it on some bread. Which lorikeet kid thought was wonderful – I’m hungry! Then back into kitchen to make a paste of bread and honey and water, which goes into a small jar lid and into the cage. Kid lorikeet went for it very happily and ate the lot.
And now I feel stuffed, it’s amazing how much mental energy you can burn doing something so trivial. That’s most of a Saturday arvo gone. We’ll see if kid lorikeet’s parents turn up.
A house for South Australians looking to relocate..
(who says i cant do real estate pron)
Even comes with the essentials to make you feel at home.
– 3 seperate living rooms (games-room ex bank… includes walk in vault)
Thanks USSR. With mh not here, I was wondering about Alex Jones links. You’ve provided us for that unmet need.
Nah. Sorry Mole, don’t like it.
Not enough barrels…
I haven’t read back thread to see if it’s been mentioned, but there is a report in the Oz today about a ‘far-right coup plot’ in France just thwarted, the plot members including ‘military, police, lawyers’.. “Prosecutors said their targets incorporating violent action were institutional sites, vaccination centres and 5G masts … a satanist pedophile elite infiltrated by freemasons’. Surveillance intensified last spring after a band of retired generals and some serving officers said the army might have to seize power to avoid “civil war”. The leader of a breakaway group is Remy Daillet, ‘a leading figure in the French version of America’s Q-Anon movement’ who was a regional official in the centrist Democratic Movement political party before breaking away from that. Interrogators describe him as “a charismatic, intelligent manipulator … criticising a supposed cabal of bankers, paedophiles and corrupt politicians defiling the state”. Investigators were told of “a satanist pedophile elite infiltrated by freemasons” being opposed by a group of 300 led by a retired colonel, Christophe M who had appointed regional ‘captains’ who were to gather firearms and other riot gear for an attack on the Elysee Palace. The French clampdown might have something to do with Bossi’s beliefs in a ‘big event’ for the linkages to a currency of thought are obvious?
I am sure that ASIO and others will already have plenty of tabs (justified in my view) on some of this sort of genuinely far-right activity taking place in Australia. Nothing a centre-right blog like the Cat would want to be associated with, imho, these extremes of political protest veering into idiocy, but stemming from despair at the real loss of democratic freedoms.
RE: Ravensthorpe- 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon time!
This time last weekend, I was setting up to drive one of the locomotives that worked down there from 1909 until about 1933.
She then ended up as one of the Bunbury jetty shunters, later to become the Leschenault Lady…
For those who may have forgotten, the San Francisco poofta men’s choir sings We’re coming for your children:
Yes, Bruce, suddenly the whole world around us at home here seems to be fledging. One of our Currawong fledgies has taken off to another nearby small tree whose branches interlock with the Pittosporum where the nest is, while the other fledgie is sitting cheeping helplessly on the edge of the nest, the parents feeding both of them with our pork mince. Not too much, I say to Hairy, or these fledgies will be thinking port mince grows on trees and missing out on important learning experiences re insects and berries and baby lizards. There are also little honeyeater fledgies around, and noises emerging from the Lorikeets’ nests further away. I saw a group of Currawongs further down the garden chasing away a big grey bird, only got a quick glance but I think it was a channel-billed cuckoo. A dangerous time to be a fledgling.