Sheesh Duk, throw down a /sarc tag if you’re going to drop this sort of cold cut
My pleasure.
Douglas Murray Addresses the Mass Murder of Christians in Syria | Direct Address EP. 6 I am still thinking of…
This is unbelievably foul, yet you can’t stop watching. 😀 Where’s arky? https://x.com/OntWtf/status/1900348808690589867?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1900348808690589867%7Ctwgr%5E0eac7096d9dd30bef0594551254c79ef43326cae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Face.mu.nu%2F
From Service Vic website.
In other words “have vax, can travel” with no other requirements.
And yet if you are vaxxed and test positive you’re locked up and everyone panics.
As if her visage alone wasn’t frightening enough, Palaszczuk has now issuing dire warnings to regional Queenslanders that “covid will hunt you down”.
My now elderly aunt really was right when she said we were better off without any of them. Polliemuppets just fuck off.
honestly – does anyone fly qantas these days?
As you say, they’re shit. Singapore has always been great, as you say.
Again it proves that politics attracts narcissists, grifters and psychopaths. No one under 50 would be a very good start to addressing this problem.
November 5, 2021 at 10:39 am
Boambee Johnsays:
November 5, 2021 at 10:26 am
I assume that means if my excuse is ‘relocation’ or ‘moving to NSW’, then I can travel for that purpose?
Toss in the word “employment”, Perrotet is keen to at least appear to be re-building the state economy. What skills do you have o offer?
I’m a mechanical engineer, with permission from the boss to start an office in NSW.
Work the move well, and NSW will probably pay your removal costs.
Oops…is now issuing.
Just another dumb Queenslander here.
I should’ve picked up a pallet of date rolls at Coles.
“Scold” is in the ear of the receiver.
Maybe we should move on to Hectoring. With a side dish of Shaming.
No one under 50 would be a very good start to addressing this problem.
Except little Hawke filth but then he already was a pollimuppett before he actually got into parliament.
If I lived in Queensland I would be more concerned about Palashit hunting me down than the coof. Is there no end of these ugly people, and that’s not even getting into how they look. In the physical stakes I’m sure Cats will agree the more ugly they look the worse they are. Except myself of course.
You are now exactly where I was three weeks ago.
I’ve often thought aspiring politicians should be subject to psychological testing just as police & military are. Weed out the sociopaths and pathological narcissists. We’d have been spared several recent prime ministers, for starters.
St Ruth and stix.
Let me explain this in terms you may be familiar with.
When it comes to my life and my decisions, I am a sovereign being.
Your thoughts on this have no standing with me.
Sounds as though she’s gearing up to put the screws in to all north of the Tweed. Get ready for a taste of what the others in Vic, and to a lesser degree NSW, have had to endure guys.
Thanks Lizzie.
We’ve been lucky in the NT to be relatively insulated from all the COVID crap happening down south. I have no idea how many in the dance group are vaccinated (although as it’s all more mature ladies ,I’m assuming most of them are), or what their attitude is to the unvaxxed. Guess I’ll find out soon.
I’m not going to be a martyr. If it gets to the point where I need to be vaccinated to fully participate in society, I will. I don’t think we’re quite there yet in the NT. I’m still hoping that as they try to actually implement mandatory vaccination, that it will all fall apart.
I mainly go for the social aspect. It would be far too easy to become a recluse. A couple of hours of dancing and social chit chat once a week is my polite nod to remaining connected to an increasingly crazy world.
Too many liberation fronts.
No. My > 2 million FFPs are spent on JAL, a Star Alliance partner. I can’t remember the last time I flew Qantas. Usually Cathay, but as they have been eaten and are now digesting in the Chinese dragon, they’re out as well. British is okay, but it’s Qantas with pommy accents.
Vaccination rates are lower in the regions than the cities; she’s trying to scare people into getting it.
The only way she’ll do that, Roger, is by using the exclusion route.
It has worked for Andrews and Perrottet/Gladys, it will work for her.
His number was up:
A 30 y.o. man in Brazil was eaten by piranhas after jumping into a lake to escape a swarm of mad bees.
Forever the patriot.
Whose choices have been restricted to such an extent that you only have one left.
Freedom is the expansion of possible choices, not their restriction.
Wrong. I am simply calling you a hypocritical hypocrite. Yooz all get sacked or yooz Nastis and are not Resisting hard enuff!
And I am truly sorry your ego is so fragile that it is unable to roll with such punches and continue.
And as far as steering wheels go, I have in my lifetime encountered a great many road users (including Mighty Road Warriors like your august self) who have great difficulty using them.
And who have even more problems with using their brakes…
Divide and rule; the odlest trick in the politicla playbook.
Meanwhile, surgical, medical and mental health bed numbers have been cut in Queensland Health’s Central Queensland Health Service hospitals after 8% of health care workers failed to comply with a vaccine mandate. The same story will be repeated in the other regions of Australia’s most decentralised state. And this comes on top of backlogs from 2020 when Labor virtually shut public hospitals down. We’ve had…what? 7 covid deaths since early 2020…how many have died as a result of government polciies in the same period?
Typos…blood pressure rising!
Better that, than Stunning and Brave…
Vic style Tyranny is about to be unleashed up here.
In the regions vaccine rates are lower than 30%
More Aussies per head of population and more time for them to work out the vaxxes are dangerous duds.
Just the way things have gone.
Once Queensland goes you can kiss the nation bye bye.
Let’s hope like hell it doesn’t fold as well.
No one is falling over others to get jabbed up here.
The difference between Victoria and Queensland is time.
Calm down Victorians, I am not having a go at you.
Just the sequence of events.
Most people in Victoria were jabbed before they saw the nurses all quitting etc.
Not so up here. There’s a lot of vaccine deaths and all the other bullshit being seen.
So all I am saying to people is hold off as long as you can.
This jab can kill/ maim you.
If everyone had resisted at the start this would not be happening.
It only gets worse.
At least make killing you as hard a task for them as possible!
Political inoculation.
Having been forced to give up on the Canute Strategy because the economic failure of major Queensland industries, the Palacechook knows that:
a) Nosferaflu will become endemic in Queensland – probably before October 2024;
b) Jabbing will manage symptoms, but not stop transmission;
c) Regional health in Queensland is in an ignored state that cannot be blamed realistically on the Commonwealth.
So get jabbed, National/Katter bumpkins, or suffer in yer jocks.
Luckily for Heinrich’s little girl, Queensland has no Upper House and no Opposition. And Stephen Miles attention is focussed on not being boned by the Public Service Greens in Mt Coot-tha
I think Samuel Johnson said it best:-
It has worked for Andrews and Perrottet/Gladys, it will work for her.
Divide and rule; the odlest trick in the politicla playbook.
This is true and it’s also shocking when you realize that it has come to this. Our ‘democracy’ no longer exists and the political class has decided that it is the ruling class.
Who determines patriotism?
Is it the stunning and brave Kenworth troubadour who once courageously went to a cenotaph whilst the coppers were too busy with their bacon and eggs to notice?
Is it the serial letter writer from Atherton?
Or is it more generally … The People?
What would we be without “studies”?
Study finds alcohol and cannabis sales rose with pandemic (4 Nov)
I love bleedingly obvious science papers.
the winners.
No one else.
I reckon it was Fraser-Whitlam when democracy began to die.
The arguments of the unhinged.
Apparently I called for everyone to get sacked from their jobs, says the choo choo driver.
And I’m still working (although not for much longer)
How dare I??!!
He’ll leave the “if they mandated vaccinations” part out of it, because, well, he’s unhinged and needing to bullshit …sort of like claiming the general freight rail is not subsidised…………………………………..
Don’t worry, we won’t put him through all that again.
This is being discussed internationally now:
Berenson and el gatto malo have two brief posts on it. Of course, it’s the vaxx roll out but is there a single Australian journalist prepared to pick the scab?
But you’re doing OK since your missus pulled a job paying double her previous job with no vax requirement, right?
So not really in a position to lecture us, eh?
I’m not the self declared arbiter of such things.
I think all I said was that this system will fall apart if people only use the passports sparingly (compassionate use – to keep job, see family, etc). Medical appointments would clearly fall under this category.
Not this bloke.
The weasel words of the submissive.
Thanks Mater.
That is what I was referring to.
I owe it to those close to me and who depend on me to look after myself.
Rants from white feather distributors 4,000 kms away have no impact.
Or ‘no standing’ as we like to say now.
Bit of a shambles in Darwin, Helen, due to the directive only double vacc people can go to work. As a result most businesses and gov departments have ground to a halt, or are making work-arounds. Traffic on the roads about 30% of normal.
Not known yet what happens next…Katherine is in lockdown for 72 hours, and Darwin a “lockout” for the same.
This is over one case.
Rants from white feather distributors 4,000 kms away have no impact.
To bloody right- obnoxious and hysterical
Don’t undersell it TE. This may be just a single case, but it will give the entire NT the appearance of Dresden in 1945.
Let me make it clear for the weasel, Frank.
Neither Mrs Struth or myself have ever submitted to any of it, and I admit, that’s been easier up here than in Victoria, however that’s a fact.
So how we are doing with our finances and jobs is of no business of yours.
We have taken jobs where we don’t have to submit, and given away those that wanted us to.
But as a couple not rich but not living beyond our means, we are not complying and not going backwards financially.
We all will be shortly.
Because people complied nearly two years ago and have continued to.
It would have been so much easier to stop this back then but those saying it were shouted down as conspiracy theorists by the hysterical …..
We were grandstanding, etc etc.
Oh how they scoffed at everything from Vaccine passports to the WEF.
The months of working out how to save themselves from the sniffles.
Those cheering on lock downs (only to stage two of course) and believing all the government said.
Thanks, fuckwits.
Just looking at the state level for the moment, because we’ve seen how powerful state government can be over the last two yars – we used to have credible oppositions that could hold governments to account and present themselves as a viable alternative government come campaign time.
We don’t have that anymore in any of the states as fas as I can see.
Why is it? I think it’s the poor calibre of people going into politics in both major parties and that is the result of the dumbing down of our education system over the last several decades. The problem for oppositions, in particular, is that without the trappings of government that the incumbent has at their disposal with which to disguise their ineptitude, they have all the appeal of stale bread.
Hopefully that means there is a lot more unvaccinated people out there than you would think from MSM reports. Specially as the NTG and Feds have been arguing over who’s numbers are right.
This is going to be interesting.
They can vax my cold dead body. And kiss my arse whilst they’re there.
Remain a pureblood.
No fascists for me.
And no likes for vaxxies. Take that quislings.
Aha, my superpower is back..
Before the Covid deluge, my work made me a (depressingly) frequent long haul flyer.
I used to fly QANTAS wherever possible: Tier 1, convenient routes, good service.
I gave that away just before the leprechaun became CEO: when they became expensive, less reliable (business class passengers being bumped because 130% booking) – and replaced the stately old queens in the cabin crew (who roguishly kept your glass topped up) with Be Grateful Girls.
Since then I’ve slutted around with Cathay, Emirates, JAL, Unzud, and BA (but only under duress).
Value for money.
If you are trying to portray Frank as weasel, the comma runs counter to that intent.
That syntax suggests you are talking to Frank about a third party (to wit, this ‘weasel’ chap).
Slow down.
Take the time to express yourself correctly.
Consult your Encyclopaedia Brittanica if necessary.
Good grammar, like good manners, costs nothing.
Roger I think from my knowledge of the Federal, NSW and Vicco Parliaments it’s very much a closed shop with uniparty preselection only open to approved people. Those with experience and accomplishments in the real world are not wanted. Hence the disdain for someone who actually ran a fish and chips shop. Contrast the acclaim given to the grub who was a diplomat and did so much damage.
It’s very much a parasitic politico-media class wanting to cut it on the world stage against productive citizens. Class warfare.
I used to like the World Book at school.
Funk and Wagnalls was always the go-to for 14 year old boys looking for a jolly good laugh.
This is where the problem lies.
Go and do whatever you must now.
Take the jab, over and over.
Frank and his chums argue the present situation, and how they should respond to it.
But boy, last year they knew how to respond to it, didn’t they!
The question is, did they help bring about this situation?
If only they’d fought as hard against corrupt government as they did against a sole person advocating giving the finger to tyrants and honouring our war dead without needing permission.
People pointing out the bleeding obvious were whack jobs, Queensland hick conspiracy theorists.
Now it’s all come back to bite them on the arse, we must forget their attitude for the last two years which helped put us into this present situation, (that they now contemplate and submit to).
Yep we had a F&W
No doubt, milton.
We had a case here recetly where the local preference was a respected professional with a high community profile who was reportedly overruled for preselection by Morrison, no less, because he held some forthright views and would not have been content to merely carry water for the party machine
Dear Sancho Panzer/Professor Higgins/Leigh Lowe
Get fucked
Kind regards,
Fat tony
Used to buy them a Coles New World on Thursday nights.
At 90% vaccination (inclusive of 12+) all unvaccinated (including 12+) will be treated the same and be encumbered with additional restrictions. The kids are not escaping their grasp, and are, in fact, the pressure point of choice for Dan.
All these freedoms are limited to the double vaxxed. It may not be mandated, but the alternative is torture for kids, especially teenagers.
Now TWO cases in the NT.
We are doomed.
Time for me to sell my sword collection to the Cats so I can spend my time in the bomb shelter drinking spirits until the end.
22 edged weapons from 1800 to the present day, in immaculate condition. Best piece: a Wilkinson sword of Rear Admiral Purves, first engineer flag officer of the RAN. Scabbard; sword knot; etched blade….who will give me $5k?
Pauline was an anathema to the ruling class, how dare you, asking “please explain” when all the nodding heads sagely nodded on, not having a clue what the conversation was about.
Sorry TE only Japanese required.
Mater, you said that the success of opposition to mandates now depends on the vaxxed.
How would you propose winning enough of those over to, say, boycott the everyday use of passports (excluding medical and family reasons)?
How do you engage enough of them to win the battle?
Pauline was an anathema to the ruling class, how dare you, asking “please explain” when all the nodding heads sagely nodded on, not having a clue what the conversation was about.
To think that they put her in jail. Australia’s first political prisoner. Pell was probably our second.
TE, that could come in very handy when implementing HOP Time™.
Lets see how they police it, Mater.
They are bringing in the digital facial recognition and no cash soon.
Digital control means those continually jabbed will police the situation themselves through fear.
Your kids won’t be able to hang around their 10th jabbed teenage mates without those mates shunning them through fear.
This is just the start.
But, they are not there yet, and the USA hasn’t rolled over, and unlike the rest of the world, Australia has been a prison of angry millions now for nearly two years.
The Australian population virtue signalled and stupidly sacrificed their freedoms based on getting double jabbed, and were told they’d be free once that happens.
But when that contract is torn up by government…………………………….
Hey Biggles, I see you are still a pathetic wanker 🙂
Your very good health, TE
Looking at dirty disgusting geriatric criminal filth like pelosi and the old thief, I note that they are pushing a ‘socialist’ agenda. I assume that they don’t really believe this. Just $$$ for them and theirs. Even though $$$ won’t be worth much if things keep going this way.
I don’t have the answer/s. I wish I did.
I think people getting fed up with lining up to be scanned like cattle in a run will eventually create its own momentum. Realising that compulsory boosters make this a permanent state of affairs, might expedite the discontent.
Without some incredible revelation about the safety of the vaccines, which sees them pulled (highly unlikely because the process is now too big to fail), I don’t see any way out of being jabbed until the politicians decide to mandate boosters. Whilst people are still kidding themselves that this is a temporary measure, they’ll comply.
As for exposure, we need prominent Australians to start standing up and using their profiles. People, especially the more gullible, worship celebrities. They need to start using those profiles for good, rather than the asinine.
When do you think you will be dragged to the Gulag St Ruth?
Just a rough timeline will do.
Plus or minus six weeks either way.
I mean, it must be soon, right?
Is there no end of these ugly people, and that’s not even getting into how they look. In the physical stakes I’m sure Cats will agree the more ugly they look the worse they are.
Gladys in sheer ugliness takes the cake; but the hunchback is neck and neck with her; palachook is a different kettle of fish. Apart from that double chin which wreaks of self-indulgence and her fat guts she’s not ugly. Palachook says she has endometriosis and did lose a kid so that may explain her attitude. Personally I think the weirdest looking pollie is tits shorten; look at him jog for instance.
Funk and Wagnalls was always the go ..
Remember buying it, for the kids, by the volume, weekly, at the newsagent, maybe, 30 years ago for $5.95 each .. made it very popular .. LOL!
So Mater, in summary, there isn’t much you can see that can be done by Joe Citizen to sway a significant number of the vaxxed to push back?
The only portion of the vaxxed that can potentially switch are those coerced for this or that reason to get vaxxed. Given that, the only means of winning them over are if a catastrophe occurs in their household, or they finally comprehend they have submitted to a series of medical interventions that they are no longer in control of and reject further interventions. Failing that, bureaucratic inertia will maintain the present situation indefinitely. I don’t think there is a way out of this without some hardship being endured.
sounds like a Catallaxy open forum
I think people getting fed up with lining up to be scanned like cattle in a run will eventually create its own momentum. Realising that compulsory boosters make this a permanent state of affairs, might expedite the discontent.
Hope you are right. I tell people, when the subject comes up, that I think it’s all bullshit. Some concur some get ratty. The ones that get ratty, I don’t have much time for anymore.
Probably not from Joe Citizen, except continuing to engage in discussion/rational debate with those whom he/she interacts with.
As facts emerge and/or the permanency dawns, these discussions will start to get more and more traction. Giving up or submitting to the government talking points and narrative will be counter productive, despite the embarrassment of being labelled an anti-vaxxer or Covid denier.
The whole process of implementation of tyranny has been masterful, and specifically made sure that Joe Citizen could do nothing, say nothing, or hear nothing that might endanger the government narrative.
I know one thing, going along with it isn’t going to help. It might be only one person, but if we think that won’t help, why would anyone bother to vote (other than the fine).
They should all be conscripted for national service. Then they might see the value.
But Australian Defence Association chief executive Neil James labelled the students “extremist ideologues”.
Fuckwits and spoilt brats also come to mind.
I thought the Sydney Uni SRC would love the modern ADF- feminism, ‘sex change’ ops etc.
Precisely what I have been doing.
The primary focus is on mandates.
I am not really much bothered with vaccine side effects or vaccine efficacy or LockDans, except where they intersect with and support that main point.
Mandating vaccination is the bit that strikes a chord with most.
Calling them “good little Nazis” doesn’t elicit quite as favourable response for some reason.
The only service they could preform is building roads, putting up tents, and digging latrines. Would you trust them with weapons?
The Rittenhouse trial revealing how biased the demorat state is; good account of it here:
That, and I think peaceful protests have their place in this too. Some might feel encouraged to express their resentment openly, seeing that they are not alone.
I’m not trying to persuade anyone to go to the State library tomorrow at noon.
Mandating vaccination is the bit that strikes a chord with most.
Does seem to be the case from random convos I’ve had.
If I was a Covid virus I would probably want to give Queensland a miss too,
True, but some are deserving of the title, and I admit to anointing a couple of people with the title…to their face.
It takes a bit to enrage me sufficiently, but a few have succeeded. My father, who advocated holding people down and injecting them, was one of them.
Just checked the NT Independent news site, as they don’t have a paywall on comments.
This is going to be fun.
It depends solely on how gutless the vaccinated are.
From what I’ve observed, things don’t look good.
Trucks v trains. Never forget.
PP that refuses to offer vaxxed only masses has it right.
People should not have to provide private medical information to attend church services, or do anything else for that matter.
More like him please.
I think Samuel Johnson said it best:-
I thought it was
“English, mf! Do you speak it?!”
eaten by piranhas after jumping into a lake to escape a swarm of mad bees
Needs more dickwolves.
Isn’t that also the position of the LDP?
From what I’ve observed, things don’t look good.
Stalin basically starved 30+ million Kulaks to death – nobody cared.
Mao Tse Tung did the same but 70+ million – nobody cared.
Does anyone really think the world will give a flying fuck about the 20+ million murdered in Australia.
Australia was doomed with the Deep State Coup in the USA.
November 5, 2021 at 2:14 pm
Isn’t that also the position of the LDP?
Im not sure if the LDP have fleshed out their dickwolf platform yet.
Ask Dot.
Nuremberg 2 now.
How would you propose winning enough of those over to, say, boycott the everyday use of passports (excluding medical and family reasons)?
How do you engage enough of them to win the battle?
Make them realise that they are now in a Russian Roulette vaccination game requiring a 6 monthly jab to revalidate their freedom and employment.
Sooner or later that injection is going to be into your bloodstream, then you’ll most probably be fucked.
Daily Mail.
What will stop the bureaucratic juggernaut?
The usual thing. Widespread tragedy, followed by outrage, followed by either massive insurrection or blameshifting and scapegoating.
The only unknown is the degree of damage left in its wake.
Welp, the screeching hyperbole and multiple ‘destroyings’ of various people you have lashed out with over the last hour or so suggest that my summary of your position was quite accurate.
(Note to anyone trying to camoflauge themselves from artillery fire- You do yourself no favours by having secondary explosions every time they land somewhere near you…)
The Purpose Of Propaganda
Nov 5, 2021
Tony Heller
“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.”
– Theodore Dalrymple
Quite so Rex.
Toddler tantrum at the supermarket lolly counter.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s time for my vax-nap.
This is absolutely correct.
And the Cat is still waiting for your body of evidence that conclusively demonstrates otherwise.
Hard for McGowan. But pretty clear to AMA (WA) President, Mark Duncan-Smith what the problem is: McGowan and systematic under resourcing.
Similar for most of the rest of the Australian health system, according the the AMA. Greater usage over the past five years (for a range of factors) and static funding = bed shortages and ramping.
So, the implication by trusted bloggers is that the ‘unprecedented strain on hospitals’ can only have one possible cause. Vax injuries.
The TGA reports vaccine injuries nationally requiring hospitalisation in the 10’s at any one time, not 100’s, or thousands.
Now the the AMA and the TGA will be talking their own books to some extent. For sure.
But, absent any better and more authoritative contrary information, accepting unsupported robust statements leads us into the world of confirmation bias and error.
Notice that the only solution that had apparently been successful has been kicking patients out very quickly, presumably most of the time that has been because of better treatment options but, for example, new mums get barely 24 hours these days.
I haven’t noticed the commensurate increase in hospital beds in Melbourne that has gone with the 200 000 extra people per annum we were stuffing in pre covid.
public hospital problems in Australia predate covid
World Spinning Out Of Kilter
Nov 5, 2021
Tony Heller
Junk science is spinning out of kilter, not the climate.
From my reading of the Bill Leak biography, one thing that is interesting is the News v Fauxfacts rivalry which picks up the whole Sydney v Melbourne thing.
Although it is increasingly less relevant now, it is an interesting question to ask to what extent do (did) newspapers guide public opinion and to what extent do they just reflect it? And what might replace them, if anything?
Victor Davis Hanson Diagnoses The Dying Citizen
Nov 4, 2021
Hoover Institution
Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution. His new book is The Dying Citizen: How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America. As is typical whenever Dr. Hanson joins us, this interview covers a wide spectrum of topics and references, including the Acts of the Apostles, immigration, Jim Crow laws, primary tribal identities, the suburban everyman, the shrinking middle class, and JFK’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech. It’s a bracing conversation with a scholar who has an incredible breadth of interests and knowledge.
Yeah. My kids will need to hold out for a couple of years, they are both not active outside of school, and introverts. So they only way to stuff them is mandate the clot shot for school, in which case, home schooling or online (working on this at the moment).
By then I expect the truth, what ever that is, will come out about the clot shots. If it all looks good in a few years I guess my kids will get the shots.
Jack the Insider that soft Canbra-never-wanted-for-anything pubic ‘service’ look about him.
So, you got nothing, in other words.
What a dickhead. Rogan is far from an idiot.
Facts and reason:
Covid is nothing
Covid is very dangerous
Wear a mask
Don’t wear a mask
Wear multiple masks
We’re all in this together
You are excluded from the economy
Australia is a world beater in vaccination
Many Nordic county have actually halted mRNA vaccines
Week 89 of just two weeks to flatten the curve
Pfizer efficacy is 97%
Pfizer efficacy is actually 33 -88 %.
We are guided by The Science.
The Science changed.
They need to start using those profiles for good, rather than the asinine.
Pretty blond lass from one of the soapies (Neighbours???) tried that, and got pounded on social media. Lawrence Fox in the UK, The Scottish documentary bloke, it will take a lot more to get it rolling.
The best hope is the “non mandatory” boosters, I think.
I reckon Rex has got quite a lot and I enjoy reading his posts.
Richard Farmer is another example of Canbra.
Australia is the world’s leading NANNY STATE
By then I expect the truth, what ever that is, will come out about the clot shots. If it all looks good in a few years I guess my kids will get the shots.
You don’t have to wait a few years. The evidence and bodies are mounting.
You have to be pretty bad to think claiming to be a j’ismist is a step up.
Not really, rosie.
The patient-go-round that is Activity-Based Funding has this nasty tendency to produce repeat admissions.
You come in for a proedure or woth unspecified ‘pain.’ You are assessed in ED, given a few cursory pokes and prods and sent to an Acute Admissions Unit (a General Ward). You are then cursorily poked and prodded again for a day or two and released. Shortly afterwards, you are feeling so bad you return to the ED. This time around, the condition is actually correctly diagnosed.
Throughput your visit, your Hospital’s staff has been under time pressure to either admit you within 4 hours of arrival or kick you out. And this attitude persists throughout your stay.
The nature of the actual quality of care you received is hidden by the throughput and timing statistics.
Activity-Based Funding also only rewards inpatient admissions and corresponding discharges, so is murderous to outpatient health services (Which are intended to thy and keep punters out of hospital in the first instance!).
The NHS first came up with it to try and reduce their sclerotic processes. And the bugmen here thought it would be nice to implement…
Italia went from 130k deaths with Covid to not much more than 3k from Covid.
WHO’s lying?
Australia is leading the world in Tyranny.
Am I banned Dover?
Jack the Insider….real name Peter Hoysted….is an untalented, tedious and far-left bore. His repetitive shtick every week for years now has been the Catholic Church in Victoria and sexual abuse, anti-vaxxers and now QAnon.
As for Hoysted’s description of Joe Rogan as “idiot podcaster Joe Rogan”….it isn’t Rogan who’s the idiot.
Nice projection you got there, Struth.
Pity it looks like you rather than me…
Jack The Insider is and always has been a fuckhead.
I believe you Rex.
My daughter was booted post baby and readmitted three hours later with serious condition that required surgery.
Both girls now going private for any future offspring.
And I’m very glad another family member with serious medical condition has good private health insurance.
Is there a Vice Admiral Lear?
The person that claims Italy has only had three thousand covid deaths?
Lawerence Fox should be running Britain, Ireland and anywhere in northern Europe where The Flodders was once considered risque.
Italy’s Institute of Health now counts only those who died from COVID-19 has having died from COVID-19, reducing COVID-19 deaths in the hard-hit country from over 130,000 to fewer than 4,000.
“Of the … 130,468 deaths registered as official COVID deaths since the start of the pandemic, only 3,783 are directly attributable to the virus alone,” reports Summit News.
As the Daily Sceptic’s Toby Young wrote on Thursday, “All the other Italians who lost their lives had from between one and five pre-existing diseases. Of those aged over 67 who died, 7% had more than three co-morbidities, and 18% at least two.”
We are locked down and controlled for 2 years for a disease that kills sick old people.
…and forced to take experimental vaccines that don’t work as well as traditional vaccines.
Italia went from 130k deaths with Covid to not much more than 3k from Covid.
WHO’s lying?
The CDC admitted a while ago that only 6% or so of the “covid deaths” in the USA were from covid.
Apologies if already covered, Vice News on SBS Vice Channel last night trying to tie in US Evangelical Preachers, i.e. the Religious Right, with QAnon.
Pure slime.
Their Squalid-like stick insect Injun host makes my skin crawl.
USYD is currently looking to cut upwards of half a million dollars from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences through a series of course cancellations, program closures and the amalgamation of departments.
Under proposed changes, “non-essential” undergraduate units with historic enrolment figures of 24 or less could be cut, according to a proposal sent to USYD staff from deputy vice-chancellor Annemarie Jagose and obtained by The Australian.
Better described as “a good start”?
‘Elite squad’ to take Cleo Smith accused Terry Kelly to Perth prison
The man accused of abducting four-year-old Cleo Smith from her family’s tent will be shifted from a police cell in the remote town of Carnarvon to a Perth prison on Friday.
The logistics of transporting Terence Darrell Kelly, 36, are more complicated than for some prisoners because he has twice self harmed in police custody, including by repeatedly banging his head against a wall.
After discussions between police and the West Australian Department of Justice about how to move Mr Kelly, it was decided that an elite squad from the prison system should be flown from Perth to do the job.
“Officers from the Department of Justice’s Special Operations Group will undertake the escort and transfer of the prisoner from Carnarvon to Perth,” a spokesman from the Department of Justice said.
“The prisoner will be transferred to a maximum security facility.”
Mr Kelly will be under heavy guard when he makes the 960km journey from the fruit-growing town.
Carnarvon does not have a prison and Mr Kelly has been held in a cell in the Carnarvon police complex since his arrest in the early hours of Wednesday.
More recently, he has reportedly been in a padded cell designed for prisoners who have self harmed or who are considered a high risk of self harm.
It was not clear on Friday morning if Mr Kelly would be taken to Perth by plane, which is standard when transporting prisoners over long distances, or by road.
He was charged late on Thursday with stealing a child and made a brief appearance in the Carnarvon court.
Jack the Insider is a smart@rse.
Because QAnon is an online mischief-maker who thinks it’s hilarious to dupe gormless and often hopeless, downtrodden people, all for the enjoyment and ridicule of the so-called “smart people”.
It’s so very convenient to hide seeds of truth in outrageous claims, so that the baby is thrown out with the bathwater. That’s the intent.
And, you can have a good laugh at your political enemies in the process.
So? Have they locked people in their homes and locked them out of jobs?
… blah, blah, blah…
Yes, Jack. “Sensible people” always know with the benefit of 20-20 hindsight.
Here’s something the other “sensible people” know also – the rates of Covid infection will not diminish with 80 or 90 or 100% “vaccination”. It’s endemic.
Rear Admiral Purves
Is there a Vice Admiral Lear?
Sad but true. The naval hero who sank the first Japanese submarine for the RAN in WWII was called Desmond Menlove.
Rex Anger and Struth
Would you kindly back off.
The fact is that both rail and road are both subsidised by taxation.
And none of the tax money is spent properly for either one.
But we need both.
That guy seems a bit bent. (Is he just very simple? Mad? Fetish? No social conditioning? Is he a public servant?)
I know some kids have trouble being toilet trained overnight, but nappies and four year olds don’t gel in my mind. Not the way or my extended family were raised.
I started school before I was five.
Can you imagine a kid at school wearing a nappy?
Good lord.
@ Rosie-
Based on that QA with Dr Duncan-Smith, and having seen the same problems of a bloated bureaucracy chewing up practically all the available budget while simultaneously eroding actual service delivery and quality of care (albeit from the coalface as a Medical Scientist), I am in 100% agreement with him on shredding the executive apparatus and leaning it right out.
They can keep the clerical and typing pools- These people do useful work. But there are far too many Deputy Vice UnderSectretaries Assisting the UnderSecretary In Charge, and so forth…
Yea.. naaa. He’s just a loudmouth and doesn’t appear to think past the next breath he has to remember to take. It does go with being a Queenslander too, so you’re right there.
say it like you mean it
Hey Struth
How’s the “component purification” going?
Jack the Insider….real name Peter Hoysted….is an untalented, tedious and far-left bore. His repetitive shtick every week for years now has been the Catholic Church in Victoria and sexual abuse, anti-vaxxers and now QAnon.
As for Hoysted’s description of Joe Rogan as “idiot podcaster Joe Rogan”….it isn’t Rogan who’s the idiot.
Also reminds me of Bernard Keane.
Bernard Keane is an Australian journalist for Crikey. He has been Crikey’s political correspondent since 2008.
Prior to his work with Crikey, Keane studied history at the University of Sydney, and then worked as a public servant and a speechwriter in transport and communications.[6] In doing so he acted unceasingly to achieve his childhood ambition of bringing very fast train travel to the Australian people, without success. [7]
Look up the Starfish story.
Desmond Menlove
This can only be answered by more *military blogging*.
I burst out laughing.
Should have signed in pre jab tyranny as Rear Admiral Desmond Menlove.
The fact is that both rail and road are both subsidised by taxation.
Grabs the bottle of whiskey and shuffles to the side of the saloon….
Des Deskperson – anyone know if he has been posting here?
From the source
hip hip hooray
Sure I have an obsessive hatred of Canbra but for good reason.
The Mafia must envy the Frankenvax shakedown, eh Gen J.J. Frewen?
Have you seen the fried carp with the alive head being eaten yet?
It is important for your education. Meat doesn’t come from the fridge.
I have heard horror stories from some young teachers of children starting school who aren’t toilet trained.
Imagine it. This was from around ten years ago. It’s probably worse now.
Top Ender says:
November 5, 2021 at 3:06 pm
Rear Admiral Purves
Is there a Vice Admiral Lear?
Anyone remember (Catholic) Cardinal Sin ? (1960s or 1970s)
You would be foolish not to, if you can get it.
The Medicare Enthusiasts and lefty hobby-horse riders in Australian society treat our system as a sacred cow that must never be critically examined. Despite its failures.
Those Debbil-debbil Americans and their privatised systems as least have the temerity to self-criticise and see where costs can be reduced and care improved. To the point where their Quality Assurance and Investigation programmes are exported worldwide. I should know, as I was enrolled in one such program while still working in WA Health.
(Not a good situation to be in- While I knew the improvement processes and where they could be implemented, I was too low in the chain to have any influence, and all my managers from my Senior Scientist up the the Service Executive Director were very happy with the dysfunctional status quo…)
No and I’m not looking. And yes, meat comes from the fridge or the alternative is too hard to swallow. 🙂
NO NO NO! Surely not! I thought Covid was striking down our young, our best and brightest.
The media, government, pharmaceutical companies and doctors certainly would not lie to us.
That is just another silly conspiracy theory.
Y’all are retards and you’re raising yer young’uns wrong.
LOL. Hubris. We will see how this smarmy fucker and all the Nazi Vaxtards behave when lockdowns come back in winter. Haha
Why So Many QAnon Believers Are Evangelical Christians
Australia is leading the world in Tyranny.
For the Catictionary: Tyrnanny: a particularly heartless and bossy nanny.
Given that we are not going to get out of this nightmare anti-coal religious mania stuff for at least another thirty years, then I am all for the buiding of some (many) nuclear power plants in Australia asap. We need to have some good base load energy, and quickly, to stop us pouring good money after bad into ruinables. The rest of the idiotic global warming stuff – the farting cows, the growing of more petrol trees to create more bushfires and lost vistas and pastures, the electric cars and insane levels of recycling – well, they can all disappear too along with the virtue signalling around the time that the solar panels and windmills are decided to never be replaced but sent to landfill. We can also pull the nuclear plants down later (like Germany did) if coal comes back into fashion, as it may well once the lunacy of the climate change era is well and truly behind us and the rest of the world too has come ot its senses. What was all that about? you can see future historians querying, about the same time that the Covid Mania is also being examined for its illusory paradigms by some serious virology and epidemiology, pointing out Covid as a model for how not to deal with any future epidemics.
Well, that’s Gypsy Lizzie’s Crystal Ball reading for today.
Like Helen, I’m feeling a bit too beyond striking a blow for the future at this stage of my life.
Things often have to get worse before they can begin to get better.
“Pure slime.”
Yep…that’s the MSM.
Daily Mail are on the job in WA…the suspect is being bundled onto a plane and winks at the cameras.
Notably, he’s in shackles – cue some activist complaining that this is a harsh echo of the past….the clock starts NOW!
How Global Finance Really Works
Al Murray
It is no revelation that most Italians that died of covid had other pre-existing conditions including the most dangerous one of being (very) old.
That would be true of most covid deaths worldwide wide.
Didn’t the CDC last year confirm that 94% of people in the US dying of covid had one or more pre-existing conditions?
The major interstate road and rail networks most certainly are covered by the taxpayers. But not all State networks.
And not the rail freight companies themselves, which is Struth’s generalised assertion.
I drive for a private company on a privately leased State rail network. Said Network Managet charges me for a personal licence and medical clearance to access it, and my company for every last metre of line it uses.
We are not paid by the government nor the Track Manager to exist or to use their rail line. And no interstate freight company is paid by the Feds or States to exist or run on the Feds’ or States’ leased lines, either.
Full cost-recovery all the way.
No Cat is paying my wages, unless they happen to be one of my company’s customers…
The problem for oppositions, in particular, is that without the trappings of government that the incumbent has at their disposal with which to disguise their ineptitude, they have all the appeal of stale bread
Exactly. Recall when the Slapper was trying to force a referendum to recognise local government in the Constitution, she only funded the yes case.
I appeared to be the only person who was terrified for our democracy because of this totalitarian breach of precedent.
Incumbency never used to mean the right to harness all of Government resources for political ends. It certainly does now. Not only public sector resources but bribed or threatened corporates as well.
VVaxtards will be well behaved, once the public beatings and executions begin.
New Zealand has done a fantastic job.
Looks like they trot the same story out every couple of months, the recent one was trying to smear an individual outspoken anti Biden Preacher, in particular.
I do concede that Struth might have a point if he was chipping me for driving Sparks for Sydney Trains, Metro in Adelaide or Melbourne, Queensland Rail or the PTA in Perth. Or Railcars for V/Line, Transport for NSW, or the aforementioned QR and PTA.
But then I’d quietly suggest he turn in any concession cards or special fare arrangments he may hold…
Not too far wide of the mark. J’ismist, enough said. Should be used for medical experiments instead of beagles.
Are they all like Truenadashadadapressure Biden, with spike proteins/nano wrigglers in the brain?
Rex I was told that if you abolished concession travel on the Melbourne sparks, it would break even.
Started by a story in Il Tempo, reported in English by News24.
Repeated by trusted bloggers.
Quickly corrected by ISS:
So probably not actually a 97% reduction in deaths.
Takeaway: Covid kills the elderly and unwell.
Known and discussed at the Old Cat since March 2020.
It can’t possibly be age that is making the commute out to the farm to help with the harvest an increasing trial. There must be another explanation surely.
Daughter and her, ahem, man can cruise through 16 hours or all night, but after a shift in the header or the bin I become concerned about the drive home.
What could possibly be the problem here?
In a column about vaccination victory calling Rogan an idiot does raise what would normally be considered the insurmountable cavil that…Rogan was right. He got better using a course of treatment we were told (and I am pretty sure ‘Jack the Head Up His’ would have agreed) would not work – a non-vaccinated course including Ivermectin.
Jack would have to show that seemingly significant detail was in fact trivial or at least not conclusive.
Failure to do so kind of undercuts the claim that vaccines have saved us.
Hoysted with his own petard.
Calli at 2:23, correct. I wonder how many of the elite are actually jabbed? I’ve never hated anyone but I hope the elite, all their famililes (don’t want them breeding) and psycofants (my spelling of psychotic infants) all suffer the most horrendous deaths, nothing less. Globull warming gone as well.
Try to keep doing the visits, Helen, as it is all too easy to become too internalised once retired.
My dance group and the many friends I have made there have been an invaluable support to me for over fifteen years now. I found my tendency was to gravitate at dance and other hobby classes towards those who have a more similar approach to life. However, over time, sharing experiences with many whom I thought at first I hadn’t much in common with can turn up trumps for new close friends. As older friends from other arenas such as work have become less social, and many are located overseas, and family becomes more locationally spread, and as we have lost other old friends due to our changing views of the world and its politics, I am very alert to the fact that opportunties for new friendships and social contacts must always be made, and those friendships taken. Husbands (amongst my friends anyway) are always more reclusive, and tend only to keep up sporting and old uni and work contacts unless prodded into new ventures involving new people.
I think too it is genetic. Women are more chatty and really need to seek out other women. A Canadian woman with five children to a Japanese husband, living in Myazaki in the remotest part of Japan, confided to me that she had to learn Japanese and join mother’s groups ‘or I would have died of loneliness’. Men’s Sheds suggest men need companionship too, but I’ll bet the noise levels of chat are just not those of our coffee mornings. A group of us have even been shushed in cinemas. Ooops.
I know that if it was free, no tickets, no ticket machines, no checkers etc. then it would lose less money.
Can we not agree that all of us will pollute the fuck out of the Chinese folk and we in the corrupt West will be pure arsheholes?
Thanks for that, egg_. Interesting viewing, and it sums up my point about hiding the kernel of truth in a mass of nonsense so it is all dismissed.
The title is incorrect, though. They say 27% of evangelicals think that QAnon is correct most of the time, and 49% thought Antifa was responsible for the Capitol violence.
As for the “end times”, Christians have been encouraged to look for the signs of the times since the beginning. There is nothing extraordinary about this. What some Christians do is fall into the trap of seeing everything as a sign rather than accepting the fact that the world is fallen. Also, there are a lot of fakes who pretend for all sorts of reasons, mainly financial or political gain or sexual favours – this too is not new.
America’s great strength is its broadly Christian population. It is that very fact that makes attacks on them so desirable, in many ways they are easy targets.
That wouldn’t surprise me.
But then, they wouldn’t be offerimg a ‘public service,’ would they? 😉
Public Transport fares are a bugger, as they have to be pegged at the lowest common denominator for the huge cross-section of the travelling public they capture. And even then people won’t be happy.
Chances are that even the worst of the pension and welfare allowances nowadays are better able to absorb concession fare rises than in the past. But bureaucratic and public blowback will always be vastly disproportionate to the proposed change.
The bigger your passenger catchment, and better laid-out your network, the better you will do, too.
So Melbourne probably has a better chance than Sydney or Brisbane.
And all 3 have a better outlook than Perth.
Cue a protest from the Aboriginal Legal Service, complaining that it smacks of the bad old days of colonialism…
Oh God..
Sorry i accidentally reported your appeal to a higher power
Krishna Andavolu
Krishna Andavolu is a producer and actor, known for Weediquette (2016), Vice News (2013) and Channel Surfing (2018).
Probably just like the Injun behind puppet, AOC.
Do these swarthy stick insects hate middle America?
I see all the good little fascist collaborators are ganging up on purebloods.
Begone. We do not recognise your authority and you have sat here too long.
No likes for you. Or soup. That’s right. You heard. No soup for you.
Eggelton. you’re back I see. Good! After your frank admission that time about getting a legover one of the Cat gals, you’re now known as Ram Jet Eggly.
Rex the money wasted on the Myki ticket system was scandalous- they say it would have been cheaper to bring back tram connies. A story that’s never really been told.
“I know some kids have trouble being toilet trained overnight, but nappies and four year olds don’t gel in my mind. Not the way or my extended family were raised.
I started school before I was five.
Can you imagine a kid at school wearing a nappy?
Good lord.”
Unfortunately Dot, for over 20 years kids have been turning up to Kindergarten wearing “pull-ups”, with a spare in their school bag. The mothers expected the teachers to change the kids during the day “if they needed changing”, ie, if they had dropped a number 2.
The teachers jacked up, and rightly so. Toilet training of toddlers deteriorated after disposables became cheap and went mainstream. Kids don’t know if they are wet or dirty and parents too lazy to wait while junior is on the pot.
The average child was toilet trained by the age of three, these days it is closer to five or six.
Naked and innocent?
Those years are long gone, mate.