Trump’s mob need to start now to prevent cheating in the mid terms.
Trump’s mob need to start now to prevent cheating in the mid terms.
Only in America can a hardworking young man from Appalachia rise from his humble circumstances to enter the Oval for…
“Fell in with the wrong crowd.” OK, identify the “wrong crowd” to us and testify against them, and you will…
Earlier, and apropos of shady foreign cabals apparently funding cans of spray paint and hammers for dunderheads: Overseas Actors is…
News Corp does a reasonable job. It could do a lot better.
/Spins wheel
Climate change causes armadillos!!
coercion and liberty restriction apparently is just a tool in the nanny state’s arsenal against its population
How does climate change cause armourdildoes?
Ha, take this you bigoty bigot X-Tians scum…
The Liverpool bomber was a Christian convert!!
Emad al-Swealmeen: Liverpool attack suspect reported to be Christian convert
32-year-old is said to have changed name to Enzo Almeni before failed asylum application in 2014
He is said to have converted to Christianity after moving to the UK from the Middle East and was later briefly taken in* by Christian volunteers Malcolm and Elizabeth Hitchcott in Liverpool.
Al-Swealmeen had changed his name by deed poll to Enzo Almeni, in honour of Italian race car legend Enzo Ferrari, to sound more western on his asylum application, which subsequently failed in 2014, Hitchcott told the Daily Mail.
Hitchcott told the newspaper: “He first came to the cathedral in August 2015 and wanted to convert to Christianity. He took an Alpha course, which explains the Christian faith, and completed it in November of that year. That enabled him to come to an informed decision and he changed from Islam to Christianity and was confirmed as a Christian by at least March 2017, just before he came to live with us. He was destitute at that time and we took him in.”
Pictures posted on Hitchcott’s Facebook profile showed the suspect smiling and posing alongside the couple during a walk a few years prior, including a picture showing al-Swealmeen during a service at Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral.
Speaking to the BBC, Elizabeth Hitchcott said: “We’re just so, so sad. We just loved him, he was a lovely guy,” adding she and her husband were “very” shocked by the incident.
*Oh I think I can guess who was really take in..
I use tutanota. Brit based email
How does climate change cause armourdildoes?
Vintage Ford vehicles overheat and cant keep the numbers down through vehiclecide.
Here we go again…
Boris Johnson refuses to rule out UK Christmas lockdown as covid case numbers rise.
” certainty helped that group.”
The language of mafia thugs, they “helped” you come to the right decision by threatening you, they say.
The Supreme Court hearing of doc Hobart, I note the page says I’m not allowed to download, but can anyone do it for us? I’ve got a doc appointment I cannot miss.
Rex Anger:
Yes there was, and you didn’t notice?
I shall dob you in to the Australian Public Ethics Committee.
Bloody peasant.
Be prepared to spend the next ten years in the Pine/Lime Splice Mines.
coercion and liberty restriction apparently is just a tool in the nanny state’s arsenal against its population
Apparently the list of items we are waiting on backorders is now out to 40 pages.
And this is a smallish minesite.
Big Newport drive through covid testing station has been closed permanently with people being redirected to Melbourne showgrounds.
Did see a line of about 15 people queuing at the pathology lab on Miller’s Rd though.
“Dr Griffin” says.
The office / academic / bureaucratic middle class is a literal hive of nazism. I’ve been sounding the warning on these people for five years. They’re mad, I’ve watched people I know go mad – Trump was the final straw and they fully embraced their dark hate of the proles outside the window of the highrise or off campus once and for all. And they’re ruthless and they’re amoral and 100% utilitarian. They have been slowly figuring out that they have all the power now, from silly little beginnings like unilaterally banning plastic bags, to wild eyed ideas of blowing up coalfired power plants so windmills can power the world, to crazy things they don’t even really believe themselves – like ordering everyone to accept there is no such thing as a man or a woman, or married people need to ‘confirm consent’ before a root or they are committing a crime. Each one of those things was them trying out their new power as a class, seeing what it felt like, getting a taste of what they can do, seeing how far they could go.
Now like angry bees they’ve poured out of the online-hive into real life and have completely swarmed society. Angry bees stinging, buzzing, everywhere, cowed into accepting complete authoritarian / totalitarian nightmares of which they are in total class dictatorship control over to avoid being stung. In just 18 months they’ve staged a revolution and seized total control of the levers of the state. Where are the courts? Judges are them. Lawyers are them. Where is the media? Journalists are them, management is them. Where is the Liberal or Labor party? Same class, party apparatchiks are them.
This is a class war, old fashioned style.
Do it!!!!!
Anti-coal protesters disrupting trains in NSW’s Hunter region face 25 years behind bars if demonstrations continue (16 Nov)
Unfortunately the chance of this actually happening is roughly that of the Earth falling into an undetected black hole next week.
But Perrottet has a chance now to be an actual hero, the true Laura Norder premier, the great-for-the-economy premier and the first actual Lib premier this century to have a working brain. Also he’d get in the good books of Joel Fitzgibbon.
Blockade Australia protesters should face ‘tough fines’: Labor MP (16 Nov)
Sadly as the political inhabitant of my Federal electorate he’s retiring at the next election, not that I would ever vote for him. Amazing what a humble PHON tradie can accomplish.
Were they laying odds?
Severe Exacerbations of Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome After COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Series
Without a hint of irony or embarrassment Australian ‘human rights experts and lawyers’ jump to action:
“A group of senators, human rights experts and lawyers are calling on the federal government to assure Australian consumers that the solar industry is not exposed to grave human rights abuses in China’s Xinjiang province.
The United Nations and countries including Australia have accused China of persecuting the Uyghur minority in the region, saying there is clear evidence of mass surveillance, extra-judicial detention, restriction on freedom of religion and forced labour. ”
So to all who have asked “where are the human rights lawyers”?? They’re still there – worrying about Chinese muslims in China making solar panels.
There’s worse.
Urban leopards of Korea’s past could hold clues to species survival (, 15 Nov)
Being out after dark in Seoul in the 1800’s would be an interesting experience. At least it wouldn’t be human muggers you’d have to be afraid of; they would’ve been eaten first.
The question not allowed to be asked, apparently…
If his asylum bid failed in 2014, why was he still in the UK seven years later?
How Dare You threaten me with a good time?!
I quite like Pine Lime Splices… 🙂
[The Rainbow Paddle Pop stash is secure. I repeat, the Rainbow Paddle Pop stash is secure…]
Thank you again, Bruce for the links yesterday. I added a couple of mine own too and send the below. Hopefully it will help this friend of mine to see things from a different angle.
Damn good show. The Light Cavalry units in the Army Reserves circa 2009-10 used to joke that it was our unofficial Field Manual.
If you ever wanted to understand Digger culture (albeit, with different accents and names for things), this is where you go looking. It’s rude, crude, foul and utterly hilarious.
Rittenhouse Prosecutor Thomas Binger Breaks Basic Gun Safety Rules Holding Rifle in Courtroom
There was this discussion on whirlpool this morning… The thread is called USPS suspends services to Australia
Was speaking to an eBay seller in the USA about postage restrictions to Australia. He pointed me to this website regarding postal services suspension to various countries including Australia:
This is updated as of November 2.
Bigbudgie replies
Looking at the link shows we are in great company, literally third world !
Looking further down the page is this gem
Australia Post advises that inbound letter-post items are no longer being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is still experiencing issues with other categories of inbound items and all categories of outbound mail.’]
So it is because Aussie Post can’t cope!
Then the reply from Grammercy Riffs
So it is because Aussie Post can’t cope!
Absolutely 100%. Utterly disgraceful not to mention downright embarrassing!
Looking at the link shows we are in great company, literally third world !
Indeed AusPost service is literally third world looking at that table.
The best of Boris Johnson 2021 | Spitting Image
Scotty with his girlfriend from NZ, Frau M and the rest of the mob.
Comment -Tyrone Noonan
12 hours ago
Much love from Australia. Wish we had the Australian version of this. And nice to be reminded that we are not the only country run by idiots!
Apparently, they are going to try and push the Pandemic bill through today.
Big Newport drive through
The one at the aquatic complex?
Nine new Covid-19 cases in Katherine…
The “mask mandate” has returned for all of the NT until next Monday 6pm.
A litte update from the chap with the vaccine reaction.
Received this from the lady assisting.
(Ive excluded most of the “chatty” stuff about our bloke.
What counts as a medical exemption
The only reasons you might be able to get an exemption from having a vaccine are if you:
had anaphylaxis after a previous dose of a vaccine
had anaphylaxis after a dose of any component of a vaccine
are significantly immunocompromised—for live vaccines only
have natural immunity—for hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox only.
So reading that he should be a slam dunk for an exemption, furthermore he shouldnt have been given a first dose because of:
had anaphylaxis after a previous dose of a vaccine
had anaphylaxis after a dose of any component of a vaccine
Which he previously had.
But the interesting thing is apparently
have natural immunity—for hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox only.
Doesn’t count for Covid.
So you can recover, have better than vaccine protection but still need the jab.
I ordered a book weeks ago on Abebooks. I don’t know where is coming from, where it is or when it will get here. Welcome to shopping in the 21C.
Apparently, they are going to try and push the Pandemic bill through today.
PUSH might be overdoing it .. they know they have WON .. the amendments are a joke! .. the bill needed KILLING but with all the opposition on-side but pretending to be concerned .. DUN DEAL!
I hope those guys bought their Cartier watches in a bricks and mortar store.
NT government imposes lockdown over a huge area around Katherine following 2 aboriginal people testing positive.
I can see the NT News headline now:
Government bans Walkabout!!
November 16, 2021 at 1:59 pm
mole, I’m a bit confused. Are you saying that natural immunity from those five (or one of those five?) illnesses gets you off the hook?
My regular “Australia Post” delivery driver is a sub-contractor to a sub-contractor of Aus Post.
With fuel going up I don’t know how he’ll manage to stay on the road.
Mole, you mean that answer is a generic one for all “get out of gaol jabs.” So if you’ve natural immunity for those five then you don’t need to get the jab for them.
Bar Beach Swimmer
Nope, just if you have natural immunity to those ones then you dont need to be vaccinated for whatever one you have the immunity from.
Not Covid.
Covid is special.
“I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for reason I can tell you the Pollies dont have any, but what I do have are a very particular set of Spikes. Spikes I have acquired over a very long career. Spikes that make me a nightmare for immune systems like you. If you let my vaccine go now that’ll be the end of it for 6 months. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you and I will Coof you.”
—Covid -19, Taken
Exactly, the culturally insensitive pricks. Punters in Kulgera, just north of the SA border now get to mask up because someone in a completely different tribe over 1500km away spent the weekend with ‘family’ in a Katherine tin shed somewhere.
Pure theatre, with several feet of shit smeared over the top with a grader.
My regular “Australia Post” delivery driver is a sub-contractor to a sub-contractor of Aus Post.
How does that work money-wize? .. two weeks ago the delivery drivers were on strike cos they reckoned they couldn’t earn a decent quid at the going rate without working a60 hour a week ..!
sooo how do you sub-contract a job your not, supposedly, making anything from, already? .. LOL!
Petition for nuclear power.
Remember the hoary old chestnut ” If you have concerns, consult your Doctor”?
I did and the fix is in.
Just another brick in the wall.
61. Two stents, partialled blocked LAD and once in intensive care for anyph shock.
I can choose between possible blood clots or a swollen heart.
“Meh. We recommend the booster for people like you”.
Yeah, I will just ignore the obvious shitstorm brewing in Europe.
This is not medicine or science.
The NSW Govt has extended the emergency powers to 2023. It’s never going to be over.
Perrotett has proven himself a worthless sack of waste. I rebuke him three Times, etc, may be finds what he is looking for, and so on and so on.
There is absolutely no need for emergency powers until 2023. 91%+ double vaccinated.
These guys are just power hungry maniacs.
worthless sack of waste.
Dot, please; plain English will suffice – a worthless sack of sh1t.
Another year of oppressive, capricious despotism from our state government.
At best.
Dom must have been comparing regulations and rules with Dan and decided his was too small.
The NSW Govt has extended the emergency powers to 2023. It’s never going to be over.
Collective insanity and hubris.
Quiz: Has the Wuhan institute on virology represented the greatest ROI for a weapon since Gavrilo Princips’ shitty little pistol?
March 2023 can’t arrive fast enough.
Hopefully a towelling up federally next year might give them a pointer to their fate.
They’re toast.
I keep talking about voting at the next election … Listening to the droning going on in Victoria – nobody is challenging the Bill on the basis of Constitutionality; Human Rights; Morals and Decency. No one is mentioning that there are tens if not hundreds of thousands marching against it … and risking being arrested, shot at or otherwise abused under LESSER powers that this Bill will convey.
I switched it off.
I still hope that my next vote actually has meaning. I’m coming to doubt that.
No one is interested in the rights of the people anymore.
No one is saying LOOK AT THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE!!!!
Perrotett has proven himself a worthless sack of waste.
dum parrot-head is just the scapegoat on OPM .. looney kean is the Photios anointed head but wasn’t palatable enuf to slot into the top job .. they needed a mug to follow orders, unquestionably .. GLADYS had parrot-head waiting in the wings, fully trained .. I’d LOL but it isn’t a laffin’ matter .. duuh!
Dan provided a cover for Dom.
Anywhere with low vaccination rates is targeted for lockdowns now – particularly so for regional and rural areas.
If a case doesn’t exist they’ll manufacture one at this point. In their mind it’s for the greater good, a small lie to save people, etc, etc.
Back in reality it’s because they must get 95% – they promised each other in the increasingly gang looking National Cabinet and Scomo in turn promised it to his masters at Pfizer and the WHO.
Government’s are essentially going entire terms with unlimited power never having to answer to anyone. As if they are going to give that up!
What absolute dumbshit generation thought it would be a good idea to pass all these laws in the 2000’s??
I get the chance to have my say earlier, I’m in the state electorate of Monaro. Not sure when the by-election will be but it can’t come soon enough.
No one actually voted for these laws. The Govts just passed them. Salami tactics. But yeah. Happened on my watch.
Just face it – the bastards want us all dead and they’re going to keep the jackboots firmly on our necks until 95% are dead.
Resistance will be met with the full force of the law (including real bullets, not rubber ones)
Tony, honest question.
Why does our government want us dead?
this must the groupthink ’21 version of the word “vaccinated”
Band Apologizes After Female Lead Singer Calls Fan on the Stage Then Pees on His Face (VIDEO)
November 16, 2021 at 3:22 pm
Government’s are essentially going entire terms with unlimited power never having to answer to anyone. As if they are going to give that up!
What absolute dumbshit generation thought it would be a good idea to pass all these laws in the 2000’s??
I seriously doubt if any MP/Senator, with the possible exception of the relevant Minister (and that exception is only possible, NOT probable) actually read any of the draft Bills. The more conscientious ones might have had an advisor read the Departmental Explanatory Memorandum, which would make the Department’s case, in broad generalities.
WE need a legal requirement that the Bill be read aloud, in place of the Minister’s speech. No MP/Senator not present during that reading should be allowed to vote on it.
This would have the additional advantage of slowing down dramatically the speed of legislative action.
Oh, joy, just what we need — another mandate!
Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg fraudulently gave his best mate, Seven’s Ryan Stokes, at least $47 million of the taxpayer funded Jobkeeper
The news media, including its “fact-checkers”, made up stuff about Kyle Rittenhouse that libelled him and prejudiced his trial. Then Big Tech silenced anyone pointing it out. Tucker Carlson Tonight.
I hope Riitenhouse, like the Convington kids, makes a squillion from the lawsuits.
I guess I should not be amazed at the attitude of this Catholic Bishop in the current climate. Especially his statement that he feels he is wasting his time talking to “anti vaxxers”.
calli says:
November 16, 2021 at 3:31 pm
Tony, honest question.
Why does our government want us dead?
You’d have to ask them – either bribery or blackmail.
Explain their actions with the lies & coercion over the past 20 months in any other way.
They are absolutely 100% determined to get evryone in this country injected with these poisonous “vaxxines”.
No alternate views or discussion of alternate treatments for COVID will be entertained. Any medicos who have disagreed are banned / blacklisted /unpersonned
Now they want to inject it into 5 year old kids – who have absolutely nothing to worry about with COVID.
Convince me it is all for our own good and they are just trying to save face.
Calli – If you get a Green pissed they may start talking about the ineffable 500 million.
Perhaps. But to what end?
I just can’t think of a coherent reason why you’d want your entire population to die.
Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter.
Unassailable proof that the COVID vaccines are the most deadly vaccines in human history
I wonder who will be authorised to vote in the so called Victorian election, November 2022?
From the comments and replies to the article Bruce’s post references RE: Robo-braking:
I wonder who will be authorised to vote in the next so called Federal Election?
Says it all, really…
Bezos said that Earth will be kept as a nature park.
We’re the ones being ‘divisive’.
I don’t think it is a mass cull that they want.
More a case of drowning men clutching at straws.
Or miraculous concoctions.
Why would you kill the people who produce your food, housing, clothes, and most importantly of all – pay taxes?
Sounds stupid to me.
I have to go with the stupidity explanation.
that is, “never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity”.
“Over time any institution’s actions will be indistinguishable from if it were controlled by a cabal of its enemies.”
On the other hand, some of the claims I see flying around The Resistance suggest not stupidity but dementia.
calli says:
November 16, 2021 at 4:04 pm
I just can’t think of a coherent reason why you’d want your entire population to die.
Obviously we are not talking about sane & reasonable people….
Rhodesia, South Africa & now Australia are being de-whitened.
Australia will be used for its farms & other resources.
I imagine they would re-stock it with African bi game – for the rich to go on safari for, without worrying about all the nasties in Africa.
What need would there be to pay taxes?
Bezos envisages living on a “satellite” and sending ‘minions’ down to ‘the nature park’ to select whatever he wants from that pristine, human free, estate.
FlyingPigs says:
November 16, 2021 at 4:06 pm
I wonder who will be authorised to vote in the so called Victorian election, November 2022?
Won’t matter – all future elections will be on-line, with the incumbents gaining 130%+ of the vote
It does.
On the other hand communism also sounds stupid, but it’s been tried multiple times and a lot of people still believe it might work “if you do it right”.
I think the vote machines will finesse it more like 1.01% and take days to work it out.
Due to the ongoing emergency, El Presidente Dan has declared himself supreme ruler of Danvik (previously know as Viktoristan) for life.
Elections are no longer required.
we are way past the twilight zone.
The Vic Bar Assoc has basically seconded my post (updated) above. They say that the amendments alter the least concerning aspects while leaving the worst untouched. They note in their press release that:
In other words, you can be detained, but you cannot get yourself before a court seeking a merits based review; all you can look forward to is an ABC-like internal review by the Health department.
Okay. Given “they” want to depopulate the world and go back to Nature, “they” must realise that “Nature” will be a weed infested wilderness of bushfire ruined wasteland, not Featherdale Nature Park.
And that many…many species will be lost in the resulting inferno?
I’m not avoiding anything like that. My point is that the numbers you’re focused on don’t really show us much and it most certainly doesn’t mean those extra deaths were directly related to covid. I looked at 2018 because the website I went to did go further back (2018) than your site which just stopped at 2020.
Anyone who disagrees with the cancellation of elections should:
1. Consider what happens to opponents of El Presidente.
2. With their mobile phone scan the QR code at
November 16, 2021 at 4:04 pm
I just can’t think of a coherent reason why you’d want your entire population to die.
The difficulty I have with the concept of a mass cull is, that unless everyone dies nearly simultaneously, then the instigators (politicians, health bureaucrats, UN and WEF luminaries, media and many more, will have to go to a secret, fortified, refuge until everyone is dead. They would have zero hope of survival themselves if those about to die chose to do it while tearing Caesar and his/her/zer acolytes limb from limb. Then they have to wait for the bodies to be cleaned up either by animals or time.
Put aside the detail that most of those characters have little idea of what it takes in practice to maintain an advanced civilisation, and might not have saved plumbers, electricians, power engineers, construction workers and the myriad of other essential skills. What would happen to nuclear reactors during the “clean up” period, as a very basic question?
These types might see themselves as masters/mistresses of the universe, but their actual planning skills for practical necessities are almost certainly inadequate. I doubt that any collection of individuals knows how civilisation is currently maintained, so they will probably end up going full Lord of the Flies on each other.
The ultimate survivors would be sub-Saharan Africa, India (if they and Pakistan did not destroy each other) and Chynerr. A future of intellectual stasis would be the probable result in those areas.
November 16, 2021 at 4:53 pm
Okay. Given “they” want to depopulate the world and go back to Nature, “they” must realise that “Nature” will be a weed infested wilderness of bushfire ruined wasteland, not Featherdale Nature Park.
See my earlier comment. These are the types of intelligent fools who think that they can establish a perfect society purely by the power of their intellects. They are neither reasonable nor sensible.
Yes, BJ.
On the most simple of tasks – it’s very difficult to spin and weave and make clothing from scratch. If animals aren’t involved in providing the initial fibre, very difficult indeed.
And, something even more basic…a litre of water weighs a kilogram. Think about that for non-mechanised agriculture.
It’s all just ridiculous from a practical point of view.
Dover Beach:
Scary stuff.
It looks like only a violent reply to them is going to work.
If the Rittenhouse jury cucks it, it’s all over red rover. I simply cannot believe what the prosecution has done in this case, lied, broke laws, bullied their own witnesses, lied, lied, lied. They’re almost at bad as the Pell prosecution.
If only Dan knew what they were doing. This can’t be right.
Calli and Boambee John
I totally agree.
But they are the one’s buying and selling the science fiction.
Not me doing it.
I reckon they’re going to convict the kid.
This is despicable.
I’m gonna hafta lay in a big stock of cigars. Otherwise the smell of rotting corpses will be a real bummer.
JC said:
I agree, JC — I don’t think there’s any chance of him being found otherwise than guilty.
Don’t forget, you will go without, they will have all the perks.
Thanks guys for taking my question seriously.
I grew up reading Paul Erhlich’s stupid book. It still have it on the shelf. Read first at sixteen, utterly rejected by the time I turned twenty. The reason being that it was a load of tosh sprinkled with some truths in order to seduce the unwary.
The thing that turned me off most of all – the final chapters where he had “suggestions” on how to proselytise. It read like the most ham-fisted evangelistic tract ever or an Amway recruitment brochure.
And since then I have bunched the whole lot of them, Greta included, into the same pen of numpties. Blindly believing, without reflection, the fervour and malice growing inversely to their understanding of natural systems. Ignorance, they name is Greens.
isn’t the government protecting their ‘citizens’?
It’s all just ridiculous from a practical point of view.
But they are too detached from the practicalities of life to know that.
If you’re down the mines its gonna be a Gaytime Rex.
From Dover’s link.
Over at CL’s Brussels thread, Non Compos Mentis/Paxton is accusing me of not helping save “JC from all the mistakes he has made and the own goals he is conceding.” I think he has mixed you up with CL! ROFLMAO!
JC, they show up to 2 to 6 times, sometimes higher, more people dying in summer/ autumn in 2021 than in any other year. How is that not much? I pointed to 2020 v 2021 because we are focused on the last two years with COVID, 2020 without vaxx, 2021 with vaxx, and we see counterintuitively, more significantly more deaths in summer/ autumn in 2021. It’s remarkable.
liberty quote
Knew a bloody good civil engineer gave up practise to flog off Amway. Made more money. Some of their products actually worked really well.
Don’t forget, you will go without, they will have all the perks.
Not if there are no plumbers or electricians.
JC said:
I reckon they’re going to convict the kid.
I agree, JC — I don’t think there’s any chance of him being found otherwise than guilty.
Well, as I said, I think it’s a line in the sand. This kid is a good kid and if the right allow him to be sacrificed then the right may as well not exist. If he does go down it means the system is owned by the left.
I hope you’ve had a better day Calli as the last couple have been pretty rough. I note your spelling even had gone Awry, there are no ss in pi55. Not being pedantic, I know you would like to know.
This is about the time that the SS cleanses the SA.
Boambee John says:
November 16, 2021 at 4:56 pm
November 16, 2021 at 4:04 pm
I just can’t think of a coherent reason why you’d want your entire population to die.
The difficulty I have with the concept of a mass cull is, that unless everyone dies nearly simultaneously, then the instigators (politicians, health bureaucrats, UN and WEF luminaries, media and many more, will have to go to a secret, fortified, refuge until everyone is dead.
New Zealand
Calli – Keep in mind that Ehlich’s long time coauthor John Holdren was Obama’s science czar.
Seventeen-year-old Washington female dies from heart attack weeks after receiving second Pfizer vaccination
My copy was some use – I threw it into the open fireplace.
Okay. 2021 autumn and Winter was a terrible time in the UK. with respect to Covid. The place was in severe lockdown for most of the cooler season. How do you know these deaths you’re focused on were direct covid deaths and not say deaths from other illnesses because covid took centre stage and hogging the medical limelight? You don’t.
Topper alert.
They think that AI will take care of everything. Plus they believe they can merge people with machines and control their minds. I don’t know if it’s actually possible but I’m positive that they believe it is.
Muzzies upping the ante in the UK with several recent attacks, including one bastard blowing himself up outside his target, a hospital. The media shits doing their usual treason, saying they all suffer from mental illness but I suspect they really are upset with boris’s failure at COP26.
So. Now we know who is filling all the hospital beds up.
And they’re blaming unvaccinated people for it. Imagine that.
You have read Wyndham’s “The Chrysalids”.
JC, who said they were direct Covid deaths? More likely direct vaccine deaths. Have you read some of the links I’ve been posting?
Just the news
They’ve been going on and on about the ‘overloaded’ hospital systems everywhere. I thought they were just ginning up a mob against unvaccinated people.
Turns out they’re not lying, it’s just a couple of thousand mRNA drug reactions that are in all the free beds.
So what they’re really saying is:
“By not taking the vaccine you might take a bed from a person damaged by the vaccine!”.
Which is funny because at the start of all this people used to mock the rhetoric around this whole thing with: “If it saves just one life, your death will be worth it”.
And here we are.
it’s only twice as expensive because it works 4 times better
Has anyone got references to a scientific study regarding the waning protection?
Just wondering if 2+ booster will be good for 24 months?
They don’t know yet.
I never said they were direct COVID deaths.
Fat Tony
New Zealand
There will be mass deaths there also, the oligarchs had better hope that the entire ADF (and every other western defence force) is dead when they flee, NZ is not exactly readily defensible, and it won’t take too much to ruin their moment of triumph..
While I am grateful that my family unanimously rejects the vax, I am concerned that Son are Daughter are leaning towards the conspiracy view; that it’s all a plot to depopulate Earth.
I have said, as calli pointed out, if that happened there’d be no-one to maintain this idyllic utopia filled solely with the elite of the elites. No essential services workers, no fuel to power their luxury jets or yachts. No staff for the five star hotels, no serfs to pander to their every desire.
Daughter has gone all out prepper, planting huge vegetable gardens and laying in a store to equal Costco. I’m all for that, but for different reasons: I suspect there will be serious supply disruptions and shortages in the next months, maybe years. With a large family – 10 now all up – it’s wise to be as self-sufficient as possible.
everyone seems to have heard of Day of the Triffids, but I have always believed The Chrysalids to be far more prescient. Towards the end of the book, the little girl who has been telepathically communicating with people on the other side of the world, becomes irritated because the adults keep saying “sea land”. She insists it is called “zee land”, “zzzz, like the bee”, she insists. That it is the only inkling you have that it is New Zealand Wyndham was describing.
Since the Vaxx crap started, this particular book has been at the forefront of my thoughts. Invasion of the Body Snatchers when the pox first reared its ugly head.
I’ve been ‘tooning again…
If anyone wants to appropriate the concept but with decent art, feel free!
Boambee Johnsays:
November 16, 2021 at 6:12 pm
“There will be mass deaths there also, the oligarchs had better hope that the entire ADF (and every other western defence force) is dead when they flee, NZ is not exactly readily defensible, and it won’t take too much to ruin their moment of triumph..”
I would be more worried about the resident Maoris than whether the Oligarchs can protect themselves from the rest of the world. I would be stoked to see the Mongrel Mob run amok amongst that crowd of entitled pussies. The Maoris also know the terrain a lot better than anyone or anything the ADF would put up against them.
calli says:
November 16, 2021 at 6:00 pm
New Zealand
You have read Wyndham’s “The Chrysalids”.
No – I generally only ever read technical books (engineer)
I’d whip up a meme for you Nelson, but I’m cooking tea.
I like your thinking. Sadly, they represent the Karen majority which is, through fear and propaganda, of their own creation.
The whole mass cull thing is a non-starter. If it is what they want it’ll be an advancement on what is happening now: more cancer, more strokes, more sterile couples, not everyone dropping dead all of a sudden.
But these people absolutely do want to reduce the population of the earth back down to more ‘natural’ numbers, they’re all over the place saying that and they have long term goals for it. They’re not at all backwards in coming forwards in saying there are too many people in places like Africa and Asia and vaccines and birth control and ‘education’ are a way to deal with it. Reasonable people read that to mean access to a better material life and their birthrates will drop like ours did (to suicidal levels). But simultaneously the same elites say that those people must not have access to a western material style life or the world will meltdown…so that gets tricky to explain what they actually mean then.
Boambee John says:
November 16, 2021 at 6:12 pm
Fat Tony
New Zealand
There will be mass deaths there also, the oligarchs had better hope that the entire ADF (and every other western defence force) is dead when they flee, NZ is not exactly readily defensible, and it won’t take too much to ruin their moment of triumph..
I never said they were smart. The one thing I do know is that it will not have the “fairy book” ending they think it will have.
Aaron – Pfizer loses about 85% of its efficacy after 2 months. I haven’t seen a study of the booster’s time frame, but you can see from the data at the link that the booster is only producing half the efficacy of the 2nd dose.
This is why there’s such a problem right now. The mRNA vaccines are only giving about three months of reasonable protection. Whereupon the vaccinated are again susceptible to infection (or even more susceptible if you see some of the most recent studies). But the health establishment know that there is absolutely no way they could sell the idea of boosters every three months. The population would not buy into that, not at all. And certainly not in view of the unprecedented level of vaccination injuries we’re seeing.
Ah now it makes sense why Channel 7 reported only a thousand people at the protest.
“Well, as I said, I think it’s a line in the sand. This kid is a good kid and if the right allow him to be sacrificed then the right may as well not exist. If he does go down it means the system is owned by the left.”
I agree. I also believe Kyle will go down because the jury is scared….same as with the Chauvin jury. Derek Chauvin was guilty of manslaughter, not murder. Kyle will be a sacrificial lamb, it’s a tragedy. As for the right, in the US, here in Oz…in fact all over the west, they’ve brought this on themselves.
The right has spent forty years ceding everything to the leftist fascists…..and now the left is running amok. Why wouldn’t they? They’re in control now.
I would be more worried about the resident Maoris than whether the Oligarchs can protect themselves from the rest of the world. I would be stoked to see the Mongrel Mob run amok amongst that crowd of entitled pussies. The Maoris also know the terrain a lot better than anyone or anything the ADF would put up against them.
Excellent point. Apparently vaxxing is lagging badly in the Maori and Islander population of NZ. A few hundred thousand pissed off Maori and Islanders would ruin the comfortable refuge of the Self-selected!
Fat Tony
I never said they were smart. The one thing I do know is that it will not have the “fairy book” ending they think it will have.
I think that we agree about the likely ending. Where we differ is that I think they are not quite stupid enough to try it on.
What do you think caused those extra deaths then?
twostix says:
November 16, 2021 at 6:27 pm
The whole mass cull thing is a non-starter. If it is what they want it’ll be an advancement on what is happening now: more cancer, more strokes, more sterile couples, not everyone dropping dead all of a sudden.
I put the current deaths to be unforeseen complications due to the trials and the perfection of the “vaxxines” on the Uighurs – a quite rugged healthy people who would not have too many of the genetic defects of us Westerners.
The mRNA trials of the past 20 years had a pretty well zero survival rate for the test animals when exposed to the wild virus.
The idea was to get 95% of the population “vaxxinated” prior to the mass cull – or the Great Dying. The non-vaxxed 5% would be too busy helping their dying family & friends to go after the perpetrators.
New Zealand has been sold to chyna triffords.
he non-vaxxed 5% would be too busy helping their dying family & friends to go after the perpetrators.
A gutsy bet by those with everything to lose in an orgy of revenge.
Do you have any credible evidence for this or should we treat it as another assertion based on a fakenews blog? Blogs along the lines of Team Tucker Carlson don’t work.
Boambee John says:
November 16, 2021 at 6:36 pm
Fat Tony
I never said they were smart. The one thing I do know is that it will not have the “fairy book” ending they think it will have.
I think that we agree about the likely ending. Where we differ is that I think they are not quite stupid enough to try it on.
BJ – you would have worked in places where stupid ideas caught hold and flourished.
When everyone agrees with everyone else, it’s amazing what can be done.
Pogria – I was thinking today that Consider Her Ways has a lot of relevance too. If you have noticed there’s quite an effort on anti-agathics going on quietly. Sometimes you see articles like the following:
Scientists say there is no limit to human life expectancy (30 Sep)
Living to 150 May Be Possible. But Is Society Ready for It? (26 Oct)
I think these ideas are pretty silly given the aging mechanisms in humans. Something will always get you. As the Bible says the lifetime of humans will be about 120 years, which seems about right empirically. But I strongly suspect a lot of lefty billionaires are throwing large amounts of money at this.
The media is so much more cooperative if they’ve been bought. That has been evident right from the start.
One only has to see the vast weight of government sponsored advertising to assess the commercial media’s “independence”.
They are whores. At least they charged an enormous price for their wares, so the shareholders get a small dividend. Make sure you Glen20 it first before it goes in the bank account.
Also Bruce, you’re a little ambiguous as usual. What efficacy does it lose EGGSACTLY? Are you suggesting it loses 85% effectiveness in preventing transmission and if so does it also lose effectiveness in reducing symptoms.
Bruce, as Newcastle’s chief scientist, you’re required to be a little more specific.
But I strongly suspect a lot of lefty billionaires are throwing large amounts of money at this.
You would do everything you could to avoid death if you were going to the same place as most of these arseholes.
Perrottet dumps Health Hazzard’s desire to extend NSW’s Emergency Power bill.
Oops, I meant Trouble With Lichen not Consider Her Ways. Was typing too fast without thinking because dinner in progress. Sorry.
‘Australia’s most glamorous home’ Boomerang has $80m asking price
Fucking cannon-brookes lives next door in his $100 mill pile.
Cassie, I wondered about that idiotic “demonstration” by the prosecutor.
The jury may have been in no doubt about what awaited them and he reinforced it.
After Jan 6 and the fallout, nothing is too far fetched.
Sneeze on every telephone you can find, Golgafrincham-style.
Otherwise youse a pooftah-pansy and not Resisting hard enough!
Link please?
I hope you’re right!
Why are you doing that JC?
I’ve had a shit couple of days being trolled by arseholes here. Why would you join their ranks?
You are so much better than this.
As they say, in for a penny, in for a pound. Or a pounding.
Bruce of Newcastle,
thanks for those titles. I always enjoyed John Wyndham when I was in high school. I will see if I can find copies of the two you mentioned.
Everyone needs to treat Bruce’s assertions as having zero cred until the doofus explains
1/ where the loss of 85% effectiveness came from other than a nondescript blog.
2/ does 85% loss apply to transmission was well as potential for reduced symptoms.
Calli explain as I’m happy to.
The vaccines don’t lose their effectiveness, BUT you need a booster?
They’re also super duper effective in the first place?
At some point in time, we have been lied to, at least once.
I don’t think their goal is an immediate depopulation of the planet. They understand they need serfs to do the “dirty” work for them and the social upheaval it might cause. It’s more of a gradual process. Combined with the Great Reset (“you will own nothing”) it will lock in the dwindling population in place with no possibility to run or refuse anything it is asked to do. With the global tracking (aka contact tracing) implemented, there will no options left, but to obey. If you want to eat, you’ll do what you’re asked, even if you’re a Maori.
If the population starts growing again, just implement new “booster shots” for a new and “scary” virus.
In the end how many people do you need to service “top” 1%?
That’s all, obviously a wild speculation on my part, based on some known facts.
JC – I will respond to you this once. The data is a peer reviewed study of a large cohort of Israelis. Which if you’d bother to look at it you would’ve seen. The 85% number is the different between the first bar on the graph and the third bar on the graph, which is from after 60 days. Which, if you could use one finger and one brain cell you could’ve seen yourself.
If you are scared of the virus and the fact that the vaccine is waning in your veins well that’s your problem not mine. Go do some trading and leave me alone.
Isn’t Islamic immigration a wonderful thing? So enriching to societies.
On Kenny tonight, Peter Jennings, who hails from the Australian Strategic Policy institute, spoke a truth many in government and the MSM (SCUM) are reluctant to speak…he said that whilst he sees a lot of talk about “right-wing extremism”*, he doesn’t think it presents the same threat that Islamic terrorism does.
Good to see an expert speak some truth but all I can say to Mr Jennings is….firstly, it isn’t rocket science and secondly, you’re not telling us anything we don’t already know.
I won’t be naming names, JC. You know me better than that.
Maybe all the flying bullshit from both sides has got the better of me. It always will because I prefer light to heat.
“Link please?
I hope you’re right!”
It’s online at the Oz.
Aaron, look at the studies referred to here. The boosters will do nothing the first two didn’t. It’s a endless round of boosters with waning protection plus the cumulative risk of AEs. Enjoy. Try the salad.
Still, “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men. Gang aft a-gley”.
Or, as the primary source says: “Many plans are in a man’s heart, But the counsel of the Lord will stand.”
The geek peddles in fake news and fakenews sites. If you challenge his assertions his throws mentals and accuses people of on understanding science as well as he does.
1. He peddled bullshit that face masks don’t work period.
It’s not as easy as that and there are instances where they could work and when they may not. In fact there’s zero science that could prove either the effectiveness of masks or lack thereof. In fact I would argue it is scientifically impossible to prove their effectiveness as you can’t devise an experiment a practical experiment. The geek reckoned the virus droplets are tinier than the tiny holes found in masks. It may be true but the virus also latches onto water droplets which aren’t. Hence why it’s scientifically ambiguous.
Wearing masks indoors has always been a risk management issue.
2. He linked to Zero Cred (Hedge) which reckoned fines in Australia relating to covid were causing people’s properties to be confiscated by governments. Guess fucking what, that was fake news. All… let me repeat… ALL fines eventually make their way to property ownership and ultimately, confiscation in order to meet the fine.
3. The other day he linked to a site called Team Tucker Carlson to suggest it offered evidence of some claim. Really?
He hallucinates
My God! It’s now happening in NSW! It seems that Hazzard pushed this on the advice of the “New World Order” devotee, Kerrie Chant.
There is an excellent article in the Australian Spectator today by Douglas Murray who, talking about the British situation, laments that the country is now being run by unelected bureaucrats.
No, no, no……….this has got to stop…….
Combo of COVID, AEs, plus whatever effects the mRNA vaxxes are having on the immune system.
feelthebern was right.
What a prick!
Screw this. I have gone full Bosi.
“Stop, don’t become what you hate!”
Shut up and get in the noose.
Link to the exact study, and not what looks like a fakenews site. Go! Yesterday, you linked to something call Team Tucker Carlson. Seriously, who could have any confidence in bullshit like that?
What does the 85% effectiveness or lack thereof mean? Does it mean it offers 15% protection against transmission and or symptoms?
Of course I’ll leave you alone, but I won’t leave stupid assertions alone, so deal with it.
Apparently there are millions of charging points all over the Middle Eastern deserts, and the US Army can easily wait 8 hours or so for their vehicles to be topped up. Not.
GM Defense To Build Military Version Of Hummer EV (15 Nov)
I feel like I’m living in a surreal universe where all the laws of science have been rewritten without anyone bothering to tell me.
“Screw this. I have gone full Bosi.”
Please don’t.
Yea, I feel your pain, especially with masks hallucination.
You’re going to be a very, very busy boy JC. Spread your gaze site-wide.
Are you up to the challenge? 😀
It’s times like this that we miss IT.
He would provide a very rude and very pithy circuit breaker.
There’s a link in the article, if you bothered to look. I will correct myself in that the linked article was pre-peer review. The peer reviewed final version is in Nature. The data and chart is the same. Idiot.
You really need to get your head straight, JC, you are turning into a lefty.
Or flamethrower. With extra petrol.
I’ll add to that, there are also neglected non-COVID cases leaking into those numbers too.
JC, can you please explain what’s been happening for the last 18 months in your opinion and what is going to happen in the next year or two?
I’m about to make a very important decision (nothing fatal 🙂 ), and need to hear a different take on this madness.
What’s been happening and what going to happen in 2 years… in what respect?
Look you hallucinating twit, you’re linking to obscure sites like Team Tucker Carlson and Zero Cred. It’s NOT up to the fucking readers to verify your post’s cred, it’s up to you, you ridiculous geek.
You hallucinating twit, link to proper sites.
Team Tucker Carlson.
Bruce in WAsays:
November 16, 2021 at 3:45 pm
Ask Rio Tinto about autonomous trucks braking when the sensors see something that may or may not be there. On a haul road it is just an irritation.
Fun and games when these cars start braking at shadows, especially in busy urban areas…
Is it wrong to wish to be reincarnated as Brad Hazzard’s pancreatic cancer?