LOL that’s a good one Wally!!!! 🙂
LOL that’s a good one Wally!!!! 🙂
*might not be actually true, but bluff is 99% of gameplay around here.
Ha just landed my first two-punch zinger of the third age of Trump. Karen- ermergerd, can you believe he thinks…
Yes, my hope is that the number of quite young Republicans who have been given responsibilities under Trump, don’t all…
They are on to it … If you are aware of a change in any contract description or personnel position…
The Left really isn’t taking this well.
“F**k This Murderer”: Left Becomes Unhinged After Rittenhouse Acquitted (19 Nov)
Rittenhouse acquitted. Media mad (19 Nov)
Lefties are already threatening violence after the Rittenhouse verdict because of course they are (19 Nov)
Much screeching.
They couldn’t ‘persuade’ so they’re making it mandatory for everyone. Which shows that the ‘persuasion’ was always a coercion campaign. It was always backed by the threat of punishment if you and the people didn’t allow yourselfs to be ‘persuaded’.
They’ll do exactly the same thing here and everywhere re boosters when people refuse to get them.
Surely if there’s one thing people have learned over the last two years is it’s better to fight when it is easy than when it’s too late.
Wow! Train is already full. Seeing lots of posters and banners.
Kyle Rittenhouse has walked free. Now it’s open season on protesters
He means rioters and arsonists. One can live in hope.
You make your own luck, Bruce.
In this case, by bringing a knife to a dogfight.
The problem for Oppositions, Areff, is they are meant to oppose. Unfortunately for the Vic Libs they tend to agree with Dan on everything: lockdowns, masks, vaccination, social progressivism, climate rubbish, you name it. I doubt the poor Lib voters think quite the same as the their soft-left so-called “representatives”, but they seem too entrenched to replace with sane candidates.
Their ABC paints a picture:
Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty of killing two people at Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha
Worth a read.
If only to better understand the prism through which the National Broadcaster views events.
If Groundhog Guy and the Victorian Liberals had any spine…and of course they don’t….every single one of them, from Guy down, would be in attendance at today’s protest in Melbourne.
Albanese promising increased funding for the ABC if elected.
Given they’ll hold his feet to the fire on climate change it appears he’s decided to sacrifice coal miners for the Green vote.
Not a winning strategy, I would have thought.
Those who prefer their news unsullied by facts
aren’t handling the Kenosha Kid acquittal well.
The white equivalent of “an aspiring rapper”.
A change from the promising footballer and his mate the aspiring rapper.
Rabz and any other cats going in Sydney, I’ll be wearing a black sic semper tyrannis t-shirt, say hello!
It’s started! They can’t help themselves.
From MH at Dashcat:
‘Biden suggests he disagrees with Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal, calls for Americans to protest ‘peacefully’
“While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included,…”
What a POS biden is. Dershowitz says Rittenhouse can sue the media outlets. Biden is more problematic. But some leftie outlets are saying Rittenhouse’s victims (FMD) can sue him in civil proceedings. I’m calling bullshit on that because you cannot profit from a crime. Rittenhouse has been cleared of any crime but none of his justified killings have.
Thanks, Dr Faustus at 10.44am: an excellent compendium of how the ABC turns news and “analysis” into weaaponised propaganda.
“I fight Tories!”
From the Guardian:
They have always had the right to travel, armed or otherwise. And yes, if they are threatened, they have the right to protect themselves.
Of course he is. He’s also Dutch, very very white and very, very marshmallowy soft. The only “heavy arms” he’s ever likely to lift are his own with a big piece of pizza attached to the end.
The phonetic, and ironically correct version of his name is “Cast Mud”.
Worth a read.
If only to better understand the prism through which the National Broadcaster views events.
The aggravation would raise my BP about 50 points. Nothing at the abc is worth anything. Do we really need any further confirmation of the hive-mind of the abc or any other left wing organisation.
Big crowd on the train, not many wearing masks funnily enough.
Is that what you call a guy who is staying with his father in that same suburb, and who works there each day? Golly, if I went up the the end of my street I could be a chaos tourist too. That’d be fun!
Bakari Sellers Lies About Rittenhouse Four Times In 15 Seconds On CNN (17 Nov)
CNN and the ABC should get together, it’d be a love match made in Minitru.
To think I pay for lies like this:
A pity the court guards didn’t shoot the prosecutor when he started waving a weapon around the courtroom with his finger on the trigger </em.
They had cause.
Fox News is spruiking a Tucker Carlson exclusive interview with Kyle Rittenhouse on Monday (midday Tuesday AEDT on Foxtel channel 608).
Once a houso, always a houso. Apparently.
With the accent on weaponised.
It is most disturbing that the ALP & the ABC are seeking to import the worst aspects of American culture wars and politics into Australia in the attempt to demonise anyone not of the green-left.
Dover! I need formatting privileges.
Albanese strikes me as a very one dimensional character. Someone whose worldview hasn’t developed much beyond his early 20s when it was essentially formed.
Their ABccess has an analcyst on whats “really driving the protests’….
Is as disingenuous and insulting as you could imagine
Melbourne protests and threats of violence show the global reach of fear and conspiracy
First bit,
” … you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.”
Donald Trump on Charlottesville, 2017
Just to set the tone, because orangutang bard.
Christine was defiant and bereft all at the same time. Her family was now entirely without income. They had lost their jobs — Christine, her husband and daughter too — all stood down after they refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
She was standing on the steps of Parliament House in Melbourne, among the beating drums and loud hailers and the placards accusing the Victorian premier Daniel Andrews of treason, and declared that her freedoms were being taken away by the state Government’s bill to replace a temporary state of emergency with ongoing public health management laws. That’s why she had driven all the way in from Diamond Creek. That’s why she was going to stay.
And the rest of the article appwars to be an aktually…
You know how the rest of this interview goes, don’t you? It always strikes me as simultaneously a cheap shot and a necessity to ask if Christine was familiar with the original legislation being replaced; or had looked at the new legislation being proposed; or was aware of the amendments that had just been made. And you know the answers too.
This condescending smegma smear on a NZ ewes anus is now going to explain away the lady whos family has been severely impacted by snorting ‘she hasnt read the legislation which has made her and he hubby lose their jobs… how silly are they”…
The Animal Justice Party crossbench MP, Andy Meddick — one of the three parliamentarians central to the bill being able to pass — told me this week that he feared a US Capitol-style storming of Parliament House if the heat wasn’t taken out of the protests.
If this conversation took place BEFORE young Master Meddick became the new Jussie Smollett then its a huge coincidence…
Another key crossbencher, Fiona Patten of the Reason party, told me she believed some Opposition members were going close to “incitement” with their encouragement of the protesters to do anything they could to stop this bill going through.
That would be the one representing brothels, which were effectively granted liquor/function licences en-masse just as this legislation needed her vote?
That one?
Well we know what she is, and we know what she charged Dan to Screw the state.
Yesterday morning Meddick revealed his daughter Kielan had been assaulted overnight, saying he had reason to believe the attack could be linked to his role as an MP and his public support of the bill. It was both a shocking wake-up call and a sickening inevitability: you don’t bring a noose to a public demonstration unless you had some kind of fantasy about using it.
Hmm so it appears, by the language used that Master Meddicks MAGA molesters attacked it just after daddy told the ABC it would happen.
Anyone else think the “perps” might be known to Master Meddick?
you don’t bring tear gas to a public demonstration unless you had some kind of fantasy about using it.
you don’t bring ninja turtles to a public demonstration unless you had some kind of fantasy about using it.
you don’t bring baton rounds to a public demonstration unless you had some kind of fantasy about using it.
The protesters crowded on those steps had for a long week invoked satanic child abuse cults and warned of totalitarian power. Some wanted to see MPs who supported the bill physically punished and they threatened to storm the building.
Note the tarring of every protester in that sweeping generalization and the equating of opposing totalitarian powers with conspiracies about molesters.
Via a @New_Catallaxy retweet.
Excerpts from Lucy’s link:
I have some difficulty accepting the good Dr Sarah’s inference that she, an expert in maternal and foetal health, and Scottish maternity hospitals in particular are not keeping tabs on the Covid and vaccination history of expectant mothers admitted to give birth.
Instead it’s a couldabeen Covid virus infections and an excuse to push the jab.
It gives me the shits.
Warning shots fired as unrest breaks out over Dutch plans to restrict access for unvaccinated people to some venuesPolice said in a tweet that “there are injuries in connection with the shots” during the violent unrest on Friday night. Riot police used a water cannon in an attempt to drive hundreds of rioters from a central street in the port city.
Photos in Dutch media showed at least one police car ablaze and another with a bicycle smashed through the windscreen.
Police said in a tweet that rioters started fires and threw fireworks. Authorities closed the city’s main railway station, they said.
Local media said gangs of soccer hooligans were involved in the rioting.
Mayor Bill de Blasio @NYCMayor · 5h
This verdict is disgusting and it sends a horrible message to this country.
Where is the justice in this?
We can’t let this go. We need stronger laws to stop violent extremism from within our own nation.
Now is the time.
Quote Tweet CNN@CNN · 5h
JUST IN: Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted of all charges in his homicide trial [link deleted by BoN]
Brian Dawe @DJBrianDawe
Replying to @NYCMayor
Enjoy your lawsuit. At the rate you people are going this kid will be a billionaire.
5:52 AM · Nov 20, 2021
Ooh, ten digits worth of yummy lefty cash!
Not of Dutch ethnicity, I would suggest.
That’s the (hitherto unforeseen by the Left) problem of importing masses of folk not particularly invested in your agenda. They are not as malleable as the local proles.
Ah the “very fine people” hoax. Says everything about the ABC you ever need that they repeat this stinker.
Tarring the protesters with the “molester”tag? I better check to see if “molester” is a condition of employment for the ABC.
lot of cops at wynyard train station. mask on before they saw me.
the irony
covid riots in rotterdam
Criticism of the Rittenhouse defence team’s lackluster performance had me going back over proceedings.
The critics are right, they were apalling. Endless lost opportunities.
Most bizarre was their dismissal of their jury trial expert adviser on the day before the trial.
He is a very lucky young man given that his defence team took their inspiration from the Victorian ALP.
How very Dutch
Police confiscating placards??
Seems a little… odd.
Victoria police officers with a placard taken from protesters against vaccine mandates and Covid restrictions in Melbourne, Australia. Photograph: Darrian Traynor/Getty Images
HYSTRICAL moist member on the loose.
Jason Clare is asked if Labor is being “nit picky or pedantic when they compare Scott Morrison to President Trump”. His response:
I think this is pretty simple. You’ve got a group of people marching down the street with a life-sized execution device. You’ve got people threatening to kill the premier of Victoria. If you’re any sort of leader, you just condemn that, full stop. You don’t go on and then say, ‘But I understand why people are frustrated.’
I think it is legitimate to point out that Scott Morrison has pulled the sheet out of the Trump handbook here. Lie, deny, blame other people, never take responsibility for anything, try and divide the community, pander to the extreme right – this is Trump without the toupee. And, seriously, I think the Australian people deserve better than that.
Jason Clare has never worked in his life beyond sucking at the public teat.
When he left school he joined the Labor Party and was the secretary of the Cabramatta Branch for 10 years (1992 to 2002). He completed a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of New South Wales. He was a senior adviser to former NSW Premier Bob Carr and an executive at Transurban, one of Australia’s Top 100 companies
Snaggletooth wouldn’t know a tory if he fell over one. Of course he knows what a socialist scumbag looks like every time he looks in the mirror. Hope you’re double vaxxed Albo otherwise the local rub’n’tug will have to refuse service or is that excempt for political scumbags?
Our team, very well supported in the district, are all sons/daughters or rellies of the District folk. Mostly farm kids, some from ag college looking to make a pot while young.
We have no problems with them, but they experience endless problems. The Union and tame bureaucrats are all over them.
As appears increasingly the case with modern entrepremurial rural youth, they stand up for themselves.
Jason Clare.
This is Peter Hartcher in the SMH at some point in 2013:
‘oooooooh, he’s so firm.’
“I fight the champagne Socialists, who live in waterfront mansions, for the good of the “Wukkas!.”
Browsing the autistic screechings, I was surprised to learn
the Kenosha Kid’s 5.56NATO FMJs were banned after that war we can’t mention,
because they were literally bAby KilLInG mAssACrE BulLetS.
Here’s another authorised-narrative beauty: Trump, populism, extremism, nooses to make a gal clutch her pearls, Hitler, Meddick, ‘organised far-right’, dog-whistling PM, anti-vaxxers, all garnished with commentary from ‘terrorism expert’ Greg Barton.
H B Bearsays:
November 20, 2021 at 11:03 am
“I fight Tories!”
Once a houso, always a houso. Apparently.
That is quite unfair to our valued colleague shatterzz.
Yes Bill.
It’s called concealed carry with one in the chamber & stand your ground.
I see it differently, Rosie.
A competent, thoughtful and responsible PM or leader of any sort would first at least have a staffer do some background digging, at least make an enquiry to the local police involved, do a little research into the background of the people involved before spluttering his indignant “opinion” at the press.
A responsible leader does not go off half-cocked and make an idiot of himself, at the same time as he feeds the media and the perpetually offended another excuse to bash those they deem their enemies.
It would appear the northern monsoon is moving over the eastern states cropping belt for the next week.
Wish us luck.
Mx Meddix is another Jussie Smollett until further evidence disproves this.
The bloke is allegedly running the country, so jumping at the first bait that hits the water like a Billy Big-Mouth Bass does not inspire confidence.
As if I’d pay to read Australian journalists.
Must only happen to unvaccinated people.
(Cool hat, possibly no eggs).
But hey. Nice hat.
Placard idea (more succinct than yesterday’s(:
…the plaintiff’s wife, hearing the plaintiff’s cries for help, ran from their residence and stabbed the assailant animal to death with a kitchen knife…
Definitely keep that woman on!
Nice work from a spacecraft the size of a shoe box.
LightSail 2 has been flying for 30 months now, paving the way for future solar sail missions (19 Nov)
I don’t like NASA’s chances with a new launcher and a whole new propulsion system to get to an asteroid, but it’ll be epic if it works. Don’t miss reading Sunjammer by Arthur C Clarke.
Once a houso, always a houso. Apparently.
Too right! .. LOL! .. been a houso for over 30 years raised 4 kids as a single Dad in a drug riddled western Sydney estate …. 3 of my 4 are millionaires, all 4 own their own homes, my son has 6 properties, my eldest daughter 3, three of the four own businesses and employ folk ..
The downside.. my eldest daughter has re-written her family history and hasn’t spoken/acknowledged me in 5 years and my son doesn’t mind me visiting their beachside mansion but draws the line at the grandees visiting me .. no problems with the other two as to who they were or where I live.
Me, I’m past the arguing/concern stage .. as long as I see the grandkids I’m happy tho BAT FLU and gummint have severely curtailed that part of my old age .. Duuuh!
As to living in HC .. it’s just the life I’m used too .. I don’t get hassled or bothered .. just the opposite with NO neighbours who use English as a 1st language I get left alone and as long as going out walking after dark isn’t your thing your fairly safe .. The drugs are, mostly, gone now as kids grew up and the trade has moved on, never known of any break-in/burglaries in well over 10 years so, probably, as safe as anywhere else in Sydney plus I’ve a swimming pool within walking distance (if dum parrot-head ever frees me!) and heaps of kms of bike tracks close by .. my two outside hobbies! .. LOL! ..
so, as I keep telling the kids .. why swap what I’m used to for the unknown …
let this sink in, our governments have gone from quietly nudging, to coercion to open punishment and exclusion, to force compliance over something that is entirely not needed for the vast majority of people.
Massive Protests Break Out in Austria Against Oppression of Unvaccinated and Talks of Mandatory Vaccinations
Latest one nation youtube stabs Big Cloive very well..
Coffee .. keyboard .. WINNER! .. LUV IT! 10/10
Tho, probably, a bit too subtle for DAN .. LOL!
” Dan, Please dont stab minors with your Deathpickle’
It’s called concealed carry with one in the chamber & stand your ground.
I just got the Khyber from Bunnings.
No double jab proof.
Papers please!
A responsible leader does not go off half-cocked and make an idiot of himself, at the same time as he feeds the media and the perpetually offended another excuse to bash those they deem their enemies.
Methinx, responsible leader & mention of BRADBURY should NEVER appear in the same sentence .. LOL!
Very good natured and diverse crowd on the train. Really ran the full gamut from “will protest the opening of an envelope” through “I am 60 years old and this is my first protest” with everything in between including looney sovcits.
Many have been blackmailed in getting jabbed and are furious.
more rotterdam
The only poll that counts and all that…but that poll predicting an increased majority for Andrews must have been well within the margin of error or they’d have repeated it.
In which case a majority of Victorians are quite content to hand over their freedoms – such as they are – in return for being kept safe by Dan. Internal polling has been showing the same, judging by Dan’s emboldened behaviour of late.
Sorry for the format fail there; the opening sentence was Dot’s.
Anyhow, another example of Biden’s policies inadvertently backfiring on the Democrat agenda.
He really is a goose.
“Kyle Rittenhouse, NOT GUILTY on ALL CHARGES!!!!”
Perhaps more significantly, after the verdict was read and the jury dismissed, the judge told the defense “Your motion is granted and the charges are dismissed with prejudice”.
Make of that what you will… to me, it says the judge was not going to allow a guilty verdict, but wanted to give the jury their chance. Backed up by the judges comments to the jury that they were worthy of the faith the founders had placed in them.
including looney sovcits.
One of the funnier things if you peruse the gruinaid comments sections is the SHUT IT DOWN whenever a commenter accidentally mentions any of the protesters might not be garage nazis or Q-anon types.
It causes immediate cognitive dissonance and the person making the comment usually gets dogpiled as to how they were wrong.
When did anti vaxxers as stated in this article become “right wing nut jobs”. The two people that I know that aren’t vaccinated vote Labor and are vegan. So by my experience anti vaxxers are left wing and vegan nut jobs.
See how bias’s and poor researched statements create division.
Dogpile excerpts..
Being vegan has nothing to do with this – people who refuse to get vaccinated know just what they are doing and don’t care.
Two people? Not much experience there.
If you have a look at this poster’s history you might get a sense of what they think in general of both Labor voters and vegans, so make what you will of this person’s worthy opinions.
It’s the right wing nutjobs pushing their agenda for ulterior reasons and roping in the patsy’s. They are being had and don’t realize it.
Maybe read up a bit on liberalism and you might see the connection between the arguments of anti-vaxxers and the political right….
The borg requires assimilation…
It’s BIG here in Melbourne!
My current circumstances have seen me resident in East Victoria Park. My trundle to Coles takes me down a long street past a range of places … including some housing commission places, one of which burnt down last winter. It is clear the main difference is attitude.
There are some very modest places with hardy, common plants that are well maintained with obvious pride. Bins (including the neighbours) are brought in promptly.
Even loons have a right to free political speech under Australia’s Constitution.
But just watch a Labor government try and shut that down under the guise of “public safety”*.
* When there are already adequate laws addressing incitement to violence.
Several public comments of late from Labor luminaries Husic & Shorten suggest they’re just itching to do it.
Better than last week, me thinks!
Good pickup.
This effectively means the kid cant be retried?
“Your motion is granted and the charges are dismissed with prejudice”.
Yank lawyer version here.
For a case to be dismissed “with prejudice” means that the case is dismissed permanently, it cannot be brought back to court, and the charges cannot be refiled. A case that is “dismissed with prejudice” is completely and permanently over.
A case will be dismissed with prejudice if there is reason for the case not to be brought back to court; for example, if the judge deems the lawsuit frivolous or the the matter under consideration is resolved outside of court. Although a case that has been dismissed with prejudice cannot be reopened, it is possible to appeal the dismissal to a higher judge or to file different charges under a new case.
This link seems to say it is binding on other courts, would that apply to injury or death claims?
That judge just ended that Assistant County Attorney doll’s career.
Even better than Gillard’s attempt to licence the (Murdoch) press.
Tim Blair:
Haters hoping for a prosecution appeal should abandon those hopes:
The panel of five men and seven women deliberated more than 25 hours over the past four days in a closely watched case that polarized an already divided nation. The verdict cannot be appealed …
An excellent summary of the trial by Blair. RTWT:
Ed Case:
You are wrong.
The Lefts position on this is “No one is allowed to retaliate when we throw things at them.”
The Gallows of Shame.
So sturdy and terrifying it had to be circled in red.
Fear! you commie ants!
Knuckle Dragger:
Very little pisses me off more that the “Woman is the Eternal Victim” card being played when convenient.
The contribution of the Democrat Party to Dans’ re-election continues to pay dividends.
doll’s –> dill’s
I thought you meant he was a “Ken”, Dot. Plastic hair and all.
Their ABC paints a picture
Fuck the ABC. Just a retarded dog rolling in its own shit. Put it down.
Anyone got links to live streams? Thanks in advance. Aussie Cossack’s YT channel seems to be suffering, er, technical difficulties.
Blair paywallBed, Ivan.
Cannae read.
Re the so-called Poll that puts the Dictator in a victorious position at the next State Election, if there are over 100,000 plus people eligible to vote marching right now in Melbourne, what’s the likelihood of those 100,000 plus and extending out to families and friends NOT voting for the mongrel, how would loss of numbers like that affect the outcome of the election?
Pretty good footage of the Melbourne protest being played up here, on the other side of the country.
Really good stuff.
Dan is not worried at all. He can swing the protest management team into action before the next election.
Take photos of friends and family before they go to a protest march.
Keep this handy
Couple of Red Ensigns in the crowd I can see.
Very cool.
Scroll on down that thread a bit to reach one by “Calvin”, with an image of Queens Hospital in the UK.
Apparently there’s a new variant of this covid stuff that “a new symptomless variant“.
You couldn’t make this shit up – except that they are making it up.
I cannot believe that a man this thick & tin eared could make it to the Top Job in Australia.
So quick to establish his woke credentials that he unwittingly brings Armageddon onto the favoured son via the Streissand Effect – ta, whoever put that bit up.
It’s going to be the most crucial state election in Australian history, with ramifications beyond Victoria’s borders. Palaszczuk and McGowan will be watching closely for starters. Ardern too. Just how much can you get away with in a parliamentary democracy and still come out on top electorally because people think governments can & will keep them safe? And if what’s happening in the nothern hemisphere is a reliable indicator, Victorians will have gone through another winter of lockdowns and vaccination boosters before the election is held.
Cue the emotionless emoji – if this is true; then COVID is a farce and should just be ignored.
“This effectively means the kid cant be retried?”
On any of those charges, no he cannot. The state cannot appeal either, as they could for a “not guilty” verdict.
The motion was for mistrial because of prosecutorial misconduct, including tampering of evidence, impugning witnesses for exercising their constitutional rights and ignoring pre-trial rulings on admisable evidence.
The dismissal with prejudice precedent arises to prevent the state from prematurely withdrawing charges part way through a trial that is going badly for them, and then bring them again at another date. It has been rightly decided that since the state has essentially unlimited resources, such a process would allow the state to keep trying the case until the defendant’s resources to defend themselves have been exhausted – which is in no way justice and is open to abuse.
I do wonder how much media attention will fall on this though – likely very little. They will focus instead on how everyone was “racist”.
Morrison always drifts to the side of an issue that he perceives will trigger least disruption in the people’s minds – which he has with typical foolishness taken to mean in the news papers.
There is a section of the left that will go on a rampage when they don’t get their way. There is no equivalent on the right. So when an issue arises he will discern that the left is threatening mayhem and violence and the right is not. So he swings behind the left and thus avoids column inches of property destruction, scuffles, bruised police officers, and other accompaniments of the leftist idea of democratic process.
If he there is any sinew in him that tightens at the thought of abandoning principle and foresight for the sake of his own convenience, any atom which mere inertia would offer some resistance to the leftward swing, any fragment of meat from a more noble animal in his intestines that might embarrass his DNA, they are over time isolated and excreted.
So he is steadily serving up society to the most intolerant and violent members of it. No society can flourish under those conditions. But he will do it because it will give him another week in the big chair.
It is funny to think that he was once a child with all the innocence, earnestness, naivete and candour.
Look at him now. It is a good thing that the child-Morrison is dead.
The Omega variant will not effect Dan voters.
Hence restrictions will only apply to people who do not vote Dan.
Gotta zip.
Salty’s stream today on Rittenhouse and the five year long tantrum about Hillary forever not being President, has truly been epic.
Guess I am a salty convert.
Yes, another big crowd today. A family day out for many. Pretty much a cheerful crew having a good-natured time of what remains a very serious matter.
For the first time, however, I have seen some actual extremists: three groups of very obvious antifa-style problem children, one pair armed, along with a number of dodgy looking lefties carrying heavy bags full of who-knows-what. I don’t know what sort of trouble they’re looking for, but they’re clearly looking for it all right.
Anyway, I’m increasingly starting to think the next election’s going to be a blood bath for the major parties. If there was ever a moment for independents to stand, it’s now.
He could have waited until he knew the facts, but was too busy polishing his woke halo.
Where is the criticism of the excesses of the police state he could have stopped at any time but didn’t because he is a gutless fool, more interested in fellating his backers?
This travesty of a PM makes me so damned angry.
I never hated Malcolm Fraser this much.
Here with Megan, Rickw and others!
Unbelievable stuff!
Seems quiet at Spring Street. Where are you guys? 😉
My picture.
Always done very well out of real estate, its in the family. Heard one a long time ago. If you have not much money, buy in the cheapest suburb, don’t move , the price will always come to you. The scum (h.t. Cassie) always move on. I recently passed on a Mid Century Modern in a crap neighbourhood 50% cheaper than similar two suburbs away. I have enough on my plate for the next few years but it is annoying me no end.
Behind Enemy Lines – take photos of these guys. They may be needed.
Massive crowd. Will have pics and vids later.
Is there a no-dox way of recognising you?
Am in stealth mode, without the mobile phone or the rest of my usual baggage.
link to real Rukshan live feed
Is there any live stream?
More people in the Bourke Street Mall. Not the agreement of printed signs. Almost all hand made.
Got all excited reading about the late Husic and Shorten, then reread. Poo.
Should edit ..
Rukshan LIVE
Godspeed (May God cause you to succeed) & stay safe everyone down there in Melbourne.
Aussie Cossack live feed
Bourke Street Mall.
Thanks, P & Carpe.
not exactly a huge crowd at the anti anti Dan rally
Huge, happy and peaceful crowd at Melbourne protest.
Rukshan covering it on Facebook.
The idiotic mask rule lifted for the NT, except in Katherine.
They will focus instead on how everyone was “racist”.
It’d all they have. White shoots whites attacking him. Clearly waaayysist!
Estimates that the crowd is larger than last week.
Sadly, a dozen or so crackpots with their SRA* rubbish have infiltrated the genuine protesters. I wager that the msm will focus on their signs, rather than the thousands of clever signs supporting the protest.
*Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Thanks to whomever put this link up.
The threat could not have been clearer – China has threatened us with nuclear annihilation – “Armageddon, Armageddon, Armageddon.”
We should be sending out emissaries to the world – we will pay cash/gold/bitcoin for nuclear weapons in working order, no questions asked.
I would think there are a few Nuclear Weapons Technicians unemployed now because of the refusal to have the vaccine, who could help us.
…and numbers will love this – bring back National Service and immediately raise 9 Infantry Brigades.
Link fail ++++
Heading in to Spring St. I assume the people end up there at some point.
Listening to 3AW (Melbourne talk back radio) news described protest as ‘so called Freedom Rally’ then proceeded to give oxygen to anti racist and ant fascist protestors with no biased introduction. Whereas they could have used ‘discredited’ or ‘violent thug group’ …
rosie says:
November 20, 2021 at 1:27 pm
not exactly a huge crowd at the anti anti Dan rally
Anti fascist rally.
They are fighting the fascists using fascist symbolism to depict Dan.
Special people doing special things.
Reports coming in that bank robbers are striking in protest.
Great placard:
“Sorry!…I voted Labor.”
World Wide Rally, Live from Adelaide
Salty Cracker forecast after Rittenhouse verdict: cloudy with a chance of rain and lots of get fucked commies.
Reached Flagstaff Gardens. Lots here but may be hard to see in the news pictures. Lots of noise, though.
Incredible numbers.
Black culture: (Black) Woman Pissing In Middle of Parking Lot Starts Shooting at Observers
“Failed Lynching
Nov 20, 2021
Tony Heller
The left is very upset that their second attempt to lynch Kyle Rittenhouse based on his race has again failed.“
Media is here. Ruskin just passed me…
From the Malcolm Gruinaid..
I’m told the anti-fascist counter-rally is moving down Swanston Street now from Carlton.
So the anti-fascists are the ones pro segregation, punishment of the noncopliant and the Victorian enabling act..?
What maroons.
Looks like YouTube…the like…and our most benevolent Telstra have been playing funny buggers this morning. Live streams “switching” in and out of private status as well as dropping out in the case of the former.
More pathetic bullshit from TPTB. All the urgent Sydney trainline trackwork that had to be done at short notice. Now I at least and apparently from the various live feed comments, am supposed to believe that because the physical/ spatial distribution of people using internet/ wireless services may be a little different on days like today versus others, and the network can’t keep up? When the masses of people are in locations where the highest functioning telecommunication system/ traffic nodes are? Useless C*nts!
Melbourne media legend, Rukshan!
How to run the Earth from solar power, from my former colleague:
Big system idea:
Batteries are still a problem for major solar power storage.
I hear there is talk of a solar farm at Tennant ck to supply power to Indonesia.
Think bigger:
How about a BIG power grid, several power lines running from North To South poles with big solar arrays at each pole, so feeding power from the summer to the winter end. Pick off power for each country as needed. Also need latitudinal connections to feed power from day side to night side across continents from arrays anywhere convenient on continents. The coverage should then be 24 hours everywhere, and even local weather systems should not matter much.
I’m sure there will be a few minor engineering problems to iron out. Eat your heart out Cannon -Brookes.
David Limbrick down here. Just walked past.
Take your cameras, make piccies of the shit stirrers. Identify them and dox the pricks. Use their weapons against them.
Bill Whittle explains the importance of the Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict –
“Not Guilty on All Counts
Nov 20, 2021
Bill Whittle
Sometimes it’s the newest Americans who have the freshest take on what it means to live here.“
Awfulk people.
The worst.
Believe me.
Stephanie Convery Stephanie Convery
The rally out front of parliament is moving now, heading down Bourke Street, to chants of “Kill the bill”, “Sack Dan Andrews” and “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi Oi Oi”.
This anti-bill rally is huge. People are packed in from Parliament to past Swanston Street now. I’ve seen a lot of protests but I’ve never seen this many people at a rightwing rally in Melbourne.
To give you a bit of a flavour of this protest, here are some of the slogans I can see from my current vantage point:
Dan Andrews is the #1 enemy of the state
You divide, We Unite
Permaculture: local solutions to global problems
Mandates are keeping families apart
Silence is compliance
No jab, no job, no way
Dan is an Illuminati puppet
No vax passports
It is not OK to grant unchecked power to government
The crowd is composed of a cross-section of ages – lots of families – though it is mostly caucasian as far as I can see. A few masks on, not many.
The rally at Trades Hall is on the move now, heading towards the city.
The front of the anti-bill rally is all the way up at Flagstaff Gardens now, which, for anyone who isn’t particularly familiar with Melbourne’s layout, means they’ve crossed almost the entire CBD. When I left Russell Street not long ago, people were still streaming down from Parliament.
There are thousands of people here.
There is a lot of nationalism on display. Not just the Australian flags, which are everywhere, but I’ve also seen flags and scarves from Poland, France and Greece.
I’ve also seen a rainbow flag and an Aboriginal flag. Politically, it all feels completely topsy turvy.
peeches have started at Flagstaff Gardens. Right wing pundit Morgan C Jonas leads chants of “kill the bill” before claiming this is the biggest protest in Australian history (it isn’t, anti-war protests, climate protests and union marches in Melbourne over the last two decades have drawn equal or bigger crowds).
He’s also claiming credit on behalf of the movement for the pandemic legislation bill being delayed in Victorian state parliament this week and expressed admiration for Adem Somyurek, who he says “will not sell out”.
“Are we willing to go to the absolute end?” Jonas says, and the crowd cheers.
“Is it fair to say that we will go to any length necessary to rid our parliament of those traitorous politicians?” More cheers.
“There is no doubt in my mind that we are winning.”
The dissonance is hurting some of the #stand with dan people. “Everyone is NAZI!!!” is impossible to sustain.
Yep, G’luck 123.
Are you onto the peas yet?
My brother in SA had his hurt severely by frost but the benign season has given him a crop. All they have to do is get it off.
Idiot profession.
Who coined “Cognac Dissidents”?
Avi just walked past. This is attracting all the right people!
I know I’m a dinosaur, but how does the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks benefit the Democrats?
Just shook Avi’s hand! Another Melbourne Media legend!
You must be in the hotspot, Mater. I’ve retreated to William Street!
fantastic diverse crowd in Sydney, everyone was friendly and enjoying the comrade.
Aussie cossack a big hit with the crowd as was Craig Kelly.
Just into the grassed area on Cnr Williams and Latrobe St.
I’ve probably passed you, LOL!
Perhaps i need a t-shirt with the Çat banner picture across the chest. Available via Dover’s affiliate link?
My Google map tells me Flagstaff is “busy as it gets”. 😉
I watched the excellent live coverage by Rukshan. Camera showed several angles of the lady in the hat with the denim coloured (or blue/grey) brim, navy band and white top. She had a beautiful face. Probably the only face I shall remember.
Brisbane protest checking in.
Ripper pop culture reference Inco! We need a Charlton Heston.
Bons says:
November 20, 2021 at 2:26 pm
Yep, G’luck 123.
Are you onto the peas yet?
My brother in SA had his hurt severely by frost but the benign season has given him a crop. All they have to do is get it off.
Idiot profession.
The cool weather continues in the Wimmera.
Canola to come down this week but the barley has so many green heads coming up from small tillers it’s a wait or windrow game.
Wheat is a Christmas job at this stage and the lentils are green and just starting to show turn.
We’ll roll up some pasture sown to oats in resistant ryegrass paddocks. Cheap and cheerful.
Backed into a power pole in the ute this morning, don’t ask.
Damn it! I can’t get it on any links I have seen! Any suggestions?
Our ute now going (Toyota gas/petrol) after having start & idle problems for yonks. Husband pulled head off finally & had new valves, and head serviced in Sydney. Goes like a top. At last – was driving everyone crazy who drove it. No one could diagnose the problem – including Toyota.
If you are still able to type about it and the lights are still on, no harm no foul! 😀
Winston, the SALT thing is so totally hypocritical that even Bernie is sounding off about it. And his guys are basically running Joe. But the SALT thing is Pelosi not Joe.
Bernie Sanders Rips Nancy Pelosi Over Dem ‘Hypocrisy’ On Proposed Tax Break For The Rich (19 Nov)
Breathtaking, especially since this is from PuffHo.
Pole got in my way the other day. Not was he cranky!
Excellent turnout in Melbourne. Had a couple of great escorts in Mater and rickw. Thanks for getting us off the couch and out to be counted.
Despite the headline on the Hun website we failed to identify a single counter protester.
Overhead cop on crossing duty say to colleague that it was bigger than last week. Well done, Melbourne marchers, you were brilliant!
Despite the headline on the Hun website we failed to identify a single counter protester.
The Malcolm Gruinaid mentioned there were only about 300 counter protesters…
So you can halve that for a closer figure (the pic they had of the group was taken very close in, a sure indicator of bugger all there)
Well done all. Good to hear you made it, even if we didn’t meet. My Çat-in-person-o-meter is stalled at a very low count!
Martin Geddes
The Saviours of Humanity
This is about transhumanism. It’s not the first time of heard about it and it is truly terrifying. Possibly more so than anything else we’ve faced.
The geriatric Buttrose slag is certainly doing a good job trashing what credibility she may have once had.
A House (snerk) divided against itself cannot stand.
Let alone a Senate…
Brisbane massive
Couldn’t see it, but we can hear it over at Southbank.
Salubrious nest box tree decided to shed a foot thick branch after midnight, which managed to miss everything except my letter box. Kerrrash! Very dead letterbox was a metre behind heronmobile, which escaped unscathed to the amazement of everyone. So out I go. Part of the branch has landed on electricity feeder and torn it out of front of house. Or more accurately torn off the front of the house…without actually severing electricity supply (go figure). None of the clip thingies worked.
So out I go to with torch to look at the carnage, and neighbour arrives with chainsaw. He’s a fine neighbour! A steelwukka. We remove half a tree from the driveway and I back the car out…straight into the power pole just across the road. Some days it pays not to get up in the morning. But the well accoutered penthouse has a young resident right now and the parents are bringing all sorts of unfortunate creature to feed it. Tree-from-hell-with-nestbox got a 3000 dollar seeing to but still lives, just.
Apologies accidentally reported your comment instead of upthumbing Twostix. Dover please ignore
Grey Ranga:
What would be amusing is if he succeeded in suing the pants off all his defamers, and he became a Billionaire who bought one of the big newsies like CNN, sacked everyone and replaced them with his own choice of editors and journos.
Or just bulldozed the bloody lot.
“It’d all they have. White shoots whites attacking him. Clearly waaayysist!”
Most amusing to me was “There’s only one black person on the jury – racism. We want equity!”
Because Kenosha is 90% white, so out of a jury of 12 randomly selected people, 4 times out of 5 you’d expect just one black person (and the other time 2).
Hollywood scumbags react to Rittenhouse verdict:
Kyle Rittenhouse Not Guilty Verdict Breaks Hollywood: ‘I Weep for This Country’
The Antifa thugs are hanging around the State library picking off line protesters going home.
Even Bigger This Time, Another Massive Protest in Melbourne Australia Against Vaccine Mandates and Pandemic Laws – Livestream Links
November 19, 2021 | Sundance
Huh?… “picking them off”… please elaborate.
Is this like past protests, where anybody caught on their own afterward was given a good kicking by Antifa?
Backed into a power pole in the ute this morning, don’t ask.
Isn’t this the mark of a real Ute?
The crowd is composed of a cross-section of ages – lots of families – though it is mostly caucasian as far as I can see.
The population is mainly caucasian.
And how does she know that they aren’t indigenous, like the plaintiffs in Eatock v Bolt?
I noticed more south east asians last week than this week, but more subcontinentals this week. Probably just the vagaries of where I happened to be.
The Antifa thugs are hanging around the State library picking off line protesters going home.
Where’s Kyle when you need him?
The Antifa thugs are hanging around the State library picking off line protesters going home.
And why didn’t we leave via the state library?!?
November 20, 2021 at 3:25 pm
Hollywood scumbags react to Rittenhouse verdict:
“Actors generally are stupid people.” Anthony Hopkins.
“Apparently there’s a new variant of this covid stuff that’s a “ new symptomless variant”.
Maybe not so new, considering how many people have compulsory tested because they were in the same state as a Covid victim.
Thousands probably got the shock of their life when told they were positive.
Melbourne today. Small mob of ferals pretending to protest anti-racism and pro-vaxx and anti-Right abuse Rukshan – a man of colour – at Trades Hall. This mob is endorsed by Samantha Ratnam and Fiona Patten.
Have just returned from the Sydney Protest Rally – absolutely awesome I am so glad I went — the crows was remarkable in its size, determination, DIVERSITY, politeness and friendliness and co-operation. I was there with unvaxxed friends and their 35 year old son who is in a wheelchair, the kindness shown us by the crowd was exemplary in patients and kindness.
I was hoping to CATch up with some Cats but it was not to be but I know they were there, salutations – what an experience of a lifetime.
Are biggles & JC leading the charge there in Melbournistan?
Two of the most radical people ever.
Never heard of any of the “Hollywood celebrities!”
rickw says:
November 20, 2021 at 3:31 pm
Backed into a power pole in the ute this morning, don’t ask.
Isn’t this the mark of a real Ute?
Nah. Just a stupid bugger who rolled back down the dam bank and turned the wheel just enough to catch the pole. Tub ute for maximum damage. A tray ute would hardly have shown a mark or a quick belt with a rubber mallet to fix.
That’s what insurance is for, though it’s not my first effort at reverse engineering.
On the train home. You could hear the roar at Roma Street. Listening to some of the conversation around me people are swapping protest stories. For many (@ 1/3) this was their first, for about half, this was their first since protesting Johs anti demonstration laws or anti apartheid when Hawke was still PM, the last anybody spoke about were at the anti Iraq War rallies.
I wonder if the Qld govt will realise the depth of feeling out there.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
November 20, 2021 at 3:52 pm
Of the ones mentioned, I know who Bette Midler & Stephen King are (though strictly speaking, King ain’t a “Hollywood” sleb)
Alyssa Milano I’ve heard of, but couldn’t say what she’s known for.
Viola Davis is in a few Tom Selleck movies, & used to be super-bangable, that may have changed as she’s obviously an unhappy dumbass & won’t be getting any younger smoother or slimmer as years go by.
Sorry we missed you. Cat identifier for large crowds is definitely required.
Alyssa Milano I’ve heard of, but couldn’t say what she’s known for.
Was in some TV series about 20 years ago about young witches in present day San Francisco.
Predictably gutless. The crowd would have rolled straight over the top of them, smiling all the while.
Alyssa Milano.
Nowadays a complete loon.