Dover, I’ll say it on here as I did to just you before: the stupid shit chases out the quality.
You need to either reign in or lose some of these idiots.
You can’t even know what you are missing. How many people never comment because they don’t want to be alongside this crap?
Put your stamp on this blog.
You don’t have to feel obliged to keep hosting the warmed over turds from something Davidson waked away from. You owe these turkeys nothing.
November 26, 2021 8:32 pm
It’s so true.
No it’s not. I’ve read many megalomaniac’s manifestos and it hasn’t change me one bit.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 8:33 pm
The World Bank invented the One Belt, One Road concept.
Prove me wrong.
Not inconceivable, but it depends on whose money is providing the majority of the World Bank’s backing at the time.
Once, you could have reasonably argued it was American. But given China’s conscious efforts to exert the greatest possible influence over transnational organisations, the better with which to enact its own hegemonic desires, it is possible that China-aligned suits did what their paymasters wanted with their paymasters’ provided equity…
November 26, 2021 8:34 pm
Dover, I’ll say it on here as I did to just you before: the stupid shit chases out the quality.
His of course is quality stuff. I think the best way would be for him to begin his own blog and show everyone how things can work out.
Arky stop whining. If a genuine conservative movement got into power, I’d be satisfied. (Why so many frauds and cucks? Inquiring minds wanna know.)
You have dreamt up a bogeyman for yourself what libertarians are.
You’re 90% of the way there. Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.
Right now the enemy is the political establishment.
You also didn’t answer my question. We both know you cannot write a sensible response to that without timing down the catty invective.
November 26, 2021 8:35 pm
In other news, the tap water in Port Mac is so highly chlorinated I can smell it.
That would be a holdover from the dreaded days of the cryptosporidium outbreak that laid waste to NSW in the late nineties. Seems topical for some strange reason.
November 26, 2021 8:35 pm
JC, is the fed owned by the government of the USA?
Educate us all pleas
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 8:36 pm
Encourage him to start his own blog as he appears frustrated here by some of the unwashed yobbos here. Then lets see how he goes.
No. No. Not what I meant.
Anchor What is someone I have not seen yet, or not recently. I am trying to determine what we have here- A new and unique poster or an as-yet-unmasked Bird sock.
I tend to fall more along Arky’s perceptions of the world than I do others’ but I see and agree with a lot of what Dot has to say.
After that, I chart my own course! Haha!
November 26, 2021 8:38 pm
This mean a lot of fodder grade grains, or will it be too mouldy/shot to be any good?
Will be significant downgrading to feed and other low grades.
The falling numbers test will be done on every load which is another hassle.
Will try and catch you somehow, Dover can give you my details if you like.
Hopefully I can get the email working on this phone again by tomorrow morning.
H B Bear
November 26, 2021 8:40 pm
He was one of the Victorian Liberals better performers.
Shame about his driving.
November 26, 2021 8:40 pm
JC, is the fed owned by the government of the USA?
Educate us all pleas
It’s now about the 10th fucking time you’ve been told it is. All of us don’t need the education. It’s just you. Shut up, It does.
Banks are perhaps around 12 to 1 leveraged. That is 12 dollars of debt to one of equity
Depends on what is securing the debt and what is in the safety boxes. When the lights go out I’ll be rummaging through the banks, the guns and ammo stores and the liquor outlets.
Profiling is not meant to change Its to work out who they are, calli. Everybody does it and some are more open about it. We aren’t who we are by chance it’s combination of nature and nurture.
November 26, 2021 8:47 pm
It’s complex , But I think the money center banks own a portion of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This is where conspiracy nutballs get very confused.
The Fed- the organization that resides in Washington is an agency and therefore an arm of the US government apparatus -therefore owned by no one. This is like no one owning the IRS as it was conceived by federal statute.
Here’s more:
The Federal Reserve System is not “owned” by anyone. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act to serve as the nation’s central bank. The Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., is an agency of the federal government and reports to and is directly accountable to the Congress.
The Federal Reserve derives its authority from the Congress, which created the System in 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. This central banking “system” has three important features: (1) a central governing board—the Federal Reserve Board of Governors; (2) a decentralized operating structure of 12 Federal Reserve Banks; and (3) a blend of public and private characteristics.
The Board—appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate—provides general guidance for the Federal Reserve System and oversees the 12 Reserve Banks. The Board reports to and is directly accountable to the Congress but, unlike many other public agencies, it is not funded by congressional appropriations. The Chair and other staff testify before Congress, and the Board submits an extensive report—the Monetary Policy Report—on recent economic developments and its plans for monetary policy twice a year. The Board also makes public the System’s independently audited financial statements, along with minutes from the FOMC meetings.
In addition, though the Congress sets the goals for monetary policy, decisions of the Board—and the Fed’s monetary policy-setting body, the Federal Open Market Committee—about how to reach those goals do not require approval by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branches of government.
Some observers mistakenly consider the Federal Reserve to be a private entity because the Reserve Banks are organized similarly to private corporations. For instance, each of the 12 Reserve Banks operates within its own particular geographic area, or District, of the United States, and each is separately incorporated and has its own board of directors. Commercial banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System hold stock in their District’s Reserve Bank. However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. In fact, the Reserve Banks are required by law to transfer net earnings to the U.S. Treasury, after providing for all necessary expenses of the Reserve Banks, legally required dividend payments, and maintaining a limited balance in a surplus fund.
Here’s the thing Dot.
You share a philosophy with a group of people who on here decided that the way to win the debate was to use every heavy handed dirty argumentative trick in the book and that has rubbed off on you and characterised the debate on this blog from the beginning. It’s one thing to unloose on left wing idiots, it’s another when it becomes a habit.
There is fair debate to be had between conservatives, traditionalists and libertarians, but it can’t be had with people who have decades long habits of mind of attack and never concede a single point.
That is the Carallaxy way, and it’s not something that interests me.
I now usually prefer to present whatever thoughts I have in posts, and not engage in debate. This today is a rarity for me now.
Knuckle Dragger
November 26, 2021 8:48 pm
KD, Keep voting LNP.
You’re gonna need to some research on that one, Miss.
I have to admit most of you are right.
We are fucked & most of you accept it.
Knuckle Dragger
November 26, 2021 8:50 pm
The Federal Reserve System is not “owned” by anyone. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act to serve as the nation’s central bank.
Well, aren’t we fucking honoured. Oh excuse me, I’ve obviously been watching too much Yellowstone.
November 26, 2021 8:52 pm
You share a philosophy with a group of people who on here decided that the way to win the debate was to use every heavy handed dirty argumentative trick in the book
Like this?
Comments will be curated based on the philosophy that the article above encapsulates. My philosophy. Not libertarianism. If you fail to understand that, the fault lies with you, not the author. No explanations given, no arguments entered into. Do not defame anyone. Do not threaten or doxx anyone. Do not provide links to boring crap I haven’t the time to read.
Or this?
Stupid comments will this time be deleted without their tiny little corpses left strung up as indications that they existed in the first place. If there are zero comments after an hour, either no one cares or every comment was remorselessly eliminated as authored by idiots.
How about this?
Comments will be open for a bit maybe. I’ll do something different this time: I will delete most of your comments. Anything that doesn’t interest me will get the heave ho. Only the very best will remain. If you think you are up to it, feel free to submit a comment. If your feelings are easily hurt by deletion, maybe stay on the other threads. Hopefully few if any of you bother.
Boambee John
November 26, 2021 8:52 pm
They were surprised. In all the deluge of “signalling” not a word of this simple, yet effective countermeasure. It’s as if the very idea of being “healthy” has disappeared.
Along with all the “nudge” ads about no fat/sugar/booze/ciggies, and exercise daily, and the food pyramid, etc, etc.
Are they afraid that people might decide that looking after themselves is better than the “vaccines”?
November 26, 2021 8:53 pm
the way to win the debate was to use every heavy handed dirty argumentative trick in the book
Does that include deleting comments made in good faith and then lying about the contents of those comments?
Because you had the power to do so on someone else’s blog. And just to make a cheap “notice it’s the women” point?
You hypocrite.
Boambee John
November 26, 2021 8:55 pm
Bar Beach Swimmersays:
November 26, 2021 at 7:42 pm
I know BoN….but at least he’s put Chant back into the box
Cassie, she’s lurking, just like Cat lurkers do.
Elements of her influence are visible in yesterday’s announcement, including the masks. But the end of most QR coding is a big defeat.
November 26, 2021 8:55 pm
Reeking of cognitive dishonesty, bla!
November 26, 2021 8:56 pm
Not sure how it works but close contacts might need to isolate along with the positives, and then get tested after the required isolation time – 7 days? That is, you might get to be a not free agent for the duration of the isolation, at least for purposes of avoiding HR.
November 26, 2021 8:57 pm
The excerpt is trying to be very particular on the question of ownership. Ownership is appropriately used the private sense, like BHP owns these mines etc. It’s may be used when discussing government but it’s wrong as we the people supposedly control the government and we the people supposedly own the assets controlled by the government. Supposedly.
November 26, 2021 8:58 pm
Well, aren’t we fucking honoured. Oh excuse me, I’ve obviously been watching too much Yellowstone.
Cronkite, what are you up to?
November 26, 2021 8:59 pm
To sense China’s mood, look at what its top-grossing movie is
By Andrea Widburg
In 1950, following significant successes against the communists in what’s now South Korea, United Nations forces pushed into North Korea, threatening the new Chinese communist government. Mao put guns in the hands of 120,000 farmers and sent them into the freezing mountains above the Chosin Reservoir, where they encircled UN and American forces. The UN’s and US’s forced retreat was, in its own way, a triumph, especially for the Marines, who left no one behind, dead or alive, but it marked the end of any Western attempts to relieve North Korea from the heavy burden of communism. Now, the Chinese Communist Party has released a propaganda film celebrating the Chinese victory there and it’s a massive hit.
I have to admit most of you are right.
We are fucked & most of you accept it.
I am now going to bring up a third time, that most people have moved past Awareness to Action, i.e. Acknowledging something is not right and Doing Something About It.
One day, this might sink into whatever layered, U238+ density material that happens to be encasing your brainpan…
To fight to retain our liberties, the default position should be; liberty is bad? That will truly give us liberty?
.. I think the conservative view is that liberty is desirable, but that it is one of those contrary, weird things that the more you directly and explicitly chase the further it receded. In other words, when you seek duty, responsibility and limits you arrive at the nescessary conditions for a free society. But when you trach young people all about their rights and what they should expect and demand and neglect to tell them of the other side of the coin: well, here we ate. On other, other words: liberty is a women, the direct approach doesn’t work always.
Monica Smit talks to a close contact of a person who came up positive for Covid-19, who was then sent off for 14 days to the Darwin quarantine camp (neither the person with the positive recording nor the inmate showed any symptoms). Perhaps something to reflect on if you’re in the habit of QR’ing wherever you go.
Like I said, watching Yellowstone. So don’t tell me what fucking happens.
Mother Lode
November 26, 2021 9:08 pm
Had a meeting-y thing today about couf and going back to the office.
They made a point about it not being acceptable to refer to people as antivaxxers, but since that was from the same person and in the same tenor as their entreaties to not refer to bepaunched middle-aged males in creepy Lolita-esque skirts and gaudy clumsily daubed make up as men, I put little store by it.
I don’t need simpering mealy-mouthed emasculated wimps like them defending me. It is more embarrassing than anything else.
But they conceded (in passing – a very hurried passing) that the being vaccinated does not mean you are not carrying a viral load, and that all the vaccine does is ameliorate the symptoms. So to justify the various measures they are taking they mentioned that the company had a policy of vaccination (who is the company to have a policy about my private choices – how is the policy to be effected without breaking laws) and that one of (and indeed only) reasons to push it was the burden on the health system.
Even when there was no vaccination the health system was not in distress. Even before the lockdowns. (The panic was yet another of the governments keystone-cops buffoonery).
But seriously? The cost to health? People culled by couf (such as they are) are only dying now. We all die eventually. Even the vaccinated will die. All will be their own burden on the health system. And, frankly, the older you are the more you probably cost. A person with diabetes, and a heart condition, who develops cancer, will require more complex and expensive treatment than someone dying from a single cause. You know, of that was how we measure people’s entitlement to health care. People snuffing from couf are a bargain.
So perhaps they must argue that people who die before they need to are vicious because they have not paid as much in taxes to offset their cost as they would have if vaccinated.
And now it really begins to sound like government policy. Your right to things like healthcare is contingent upon how much tax can be wrung out of you over a hypothetical lifetime.
November 26, 2021 9:10 pm
.. I think the conservative view is that liberty is desirable, but that it is one of those contrary, weird things that the more you directly and explicitly chase the further it receded.
Look, you didn’t even know that the demand and expectations you had of your commenters along with the threats were 100% libertarian and you then ridiculously chided libertarianism. You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.
In other words, when you seek duty, responsibility and limits you arrive at the nescessary conditions for a free society.
Duty as to what? What duty? The duty the state demands?
But when you trach young people all about their rights and what they should expect and demand and neglect to tell them of the other side of the coin: well, here we ate.
And that’s the fault of Libertarians? You asshat.
On other, other words: liberty is a women, the direct approach doesn’t work always.
Brilliant analogy. It so brilliant it sucks. I want to be thought led by a thought leader.
What you really want is people agreeing with you. You said it here:
No explanations given, no arguments entered into.
Last comment about this stuff as it’s so fucking depressing. I hope the noose if well hidden as I don’t want to find it after this.
November 26, 2021 9:12 pm
Like I said, watching Yellowstone. So don’t tell me what fucking happens.
No, last time you screamed at me for even alluding to something on the show. Stiff, you have to watch it all now as I’m not helping you skip. The daughter is really good looking but kind of a rough head. She actually British.
You share a philosophy with a group of people who on here decided that the way to win the debate was to use every heavy handed dirty argumentative trick in the book and that has rubbed off on you and characterised the debate on this blog from the beginning. It’s one thing to unloose on left wing idiots, it’s another when it becomes a habit.
I don’t argue like that (on my best behaviour) and I have wasted countless hours trying to have proper dialogue.
Furthermore…name them? Anyway, arguing a certain way is owned by one ideology? Nope.
There is fair debate to be had between conservatives, traditionalists and libertarians, but it can’t be had with people who have decades long habits of mind of attack and never concede a single point.
Look. The way me and Dover treat each other is exemplary.
November 26, 2021 9:16 pm
WHEN an Alice Springs mother was burnt to death by her partner her community was left with a single question: “Where was the national outrage?”.
nobody ever asks what did she do to piss the guy off
November 26, 2021 9:17 pm
.. I think the conservative view is that liberty is desirable, but that it is one of those contrary, weird things that the more you directly and explicitly chase the further it receded. In other words, when you seek duty, responsibility and limits you arrive at the nescessary conditions for a free society.
More thoughtfully put than some of your posts. Take that as a compliment.
I think a more coherent way to put is that you cannot HAVE rights without concurrent responsibilities.
The very idea of rights implies a responsibility to respect those same rights belonging to others.
That is one reason why animal-rights are a bogus concept. Animals do not respect the rights of others.
My Right to freedom of movement does not imply that I can ignore your Right to security of property. My Right to travel stops at your front gate.
My Right to freedom of movement can also be lost as a consequence of my own actions. If I kill you and steal your stuff (breaching the Rights to life and property), then I may be locked up…..
Liberty without responsibility is Licence.
Responsibility without liberty is slavery.
We need both.
Arguing that one is more important than the other is like arguing that the engine is more important than the wheels. Unless you have both, yiu ain’t going nowhere.
November 26, 2021 9:18 pm
Making truck axels in Pakistan. They should be showing these as educational videos in schools. A lot of Cincinnati, Colchester and Elliot machinery still in use after what must be 60 years of hard work.
Perhaps something to reflect on if you’re in the habit of QR’ing wherever you go.
If QRing is the law, then it’s likely illegal to suggest not doing it.
Once Testing and Contact Tracing hits it’s stride the Quarantine Camps will fill up.
Banks, Post Offices, CentreLink, those are places to keep out of.
Pay cash in Servos and Supermarkets, tho the Servos have your Rego anyway.
In other words, when you seek duty, responsibility and limits you arrive at the nescessary conditions for a free society.
I don’t know how many times beyond the tends of thousands of times groups like the LDP, US LP, Advocates, Australian Libertarian Society, FEE, Ron Paul et cetera et cetera et cetera have said: freedom is about having personal responsibility. Just like how the government won’t let me have personal responsibility for my health right now.
But when you trach young people all about their rights and what they should expect and demand and neglect to tell them of the other side of the coin: well, here we ate.
That is not what anyone like Rand, Nozick, Mill etc have ever said. What you are talking about is literal cultural Marxism. How many libertarians wrote the Victorian school curriculum? I am guessing exactly zero.
November 26, 2021 9:23 pm
Damn good blog Dover. Thanks again.
H B Bear
November 26, 2021 9:26 pm
nobody ever asks what did she do to piss the guy off
Based on my (admittedly unscientific) anthropologic observations that can be a pretty open ended question, particularly after the first carton.
Chaos has the best lore in WHFB. Then High Elves, Undead and Skaven are equal second. The rest suck a little bit, The Empire is okayish.
I have been re reading the 4th edn Army books. Tzeench is da best. I like that Nagash though. He wouldn’t quit a useless liberal arts degree. He’d graduate with merit and learn how to code in his spare time.
Duty as to what? What duty? The duty the state demands?
It’s what you should do in the moral sense…… at least in my view.
I share your distaste at Governmental use of the word “obligation”, when referring to things that they are coercing and threatening us into doing.
But humans are a social species, that functions by instinct within a social context. Mostly.
That implies a certain degree of reciprocity.
I grew up in a farming community which contained two types of men. Those who helped each other when threatened by fire…. and those who ought to. That is “duty”, and abuse of it by Government does not prove that it doesn’t exist. If anything, it is a matter of negotiated give-and-take by people who agree to live together.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 9:31 pm
Pay cash in Servos and Supermarkets, tho the Servos have your Rego anyway.
But Grigory, Gypsum requires cheques and is unavailable outside of specialist, licenced dealers.
You are screwed…
November 26, 2021 9:35 pm
I think a more coherent way to put is that you cannot HAVE rights without concurrent responsibilities.
Which is close to the top if not the very top of condition libertarian thinking.
Honest to goodness, have people here criticizing libertarian thinking ever picked up a book explaining libertarian thought? I say this because in most ways libertarianism is actually nearly all of un-corrupted conservative thought. Well, not all but to a large extent. Add in consequentialism and public ostracism and you are there.
That is one reason why animal-rights are a bogus concept. Animals do not respect the rights of others.
It’s possibly bogus but it has a rough righteousness about it that could be described as thus. Demonstrate kindness to animals.
My Right to freedom of movement does not imply that I can ignore your Right to security of property. My Right to travel stops at your front gate.
Not necessarily PeterW. You see hikers all through Britain walking along public access walkways inside private property. You see it here on the Portsea and Sorento cliff with public access in front of people’s homes over their well cut lawns.
Arguing that one is more important than the other is like arguing that the engine is more important than the wheels. Unless you have both, yiu ain’t going nowhere.
Yea naaa. I think liberty is by far the most important element of a healthy society.
November 26, 2021 9:37 pm
PeterW says:
November 26, 2021 at 9:30 pm
Duty as to what? What duty? The duty the state demands?
It’s what you should do in the moral sense…… at least in my view.
I share your distaste at Governmental use of the word “obligation”, when referring to things that they are coercing and threatening us into doing.
But humans are a social species, that functions by instinct within a social context. Mostly.
That implies a certain degree of reciprocity.
I grew up in a farming community which contained two types of men. Those who helped each other when threatened by fire…. and those who ought to. That is “duty”, and abuse of it by Government does not prove that it doesn’t exist. If anything, it is a matter of negotiated give-and-take by people who agree to live together.
Minimisation of coercion. That is the highest priority.
Minimisation of coercion ends as Rule Of The Strong.
That works in a frontier Society.
In the Society we live in, minimisation of coercion means some weenie can hire a posse to brutalise the honest.
Dot says:
November 26, 2021 at 9:21 pm
I’ll be nice
I’m not interested in doing this Dot.
This is why I no longer engage in conversation here.
You don’t even seem aware of what you are doing.
You framed the thing by demanding I say why I hate liberty, then I reply with my understanding of a conservative position that liberty flows from a population with the capacity to understand the concept “responsibility”.
You then take that to mean I deny the place of individual responsibility in libertarianism.
It’s a twisted and pointless debate.
Not doing this.
As for those who wonder at my experiments with comment sections lately, I will briefly explain.
The legalities of who is responsible for comments weighs on me. I don’t sleep when comments are open and I feel responsible. I am known. The people making the comments aren’t. I can either let it flow and try to pretend I don’t have the capability of curating the comment thread, or I can actively curate it. It isn’t something I asked for. I never asked to write for this blog, I was invited. The comments permission came with. I would be happier just submitting by email. I do not want the responsibility for comments. If I did, I would run a blog. This is why I admire both Sinc and Dover.
So I experimented with what to do with comments.
My first thought was to invite them and then delete them all as. a stupid joke. But it’s actually much harder to delete comments than you might think.
So I thought I’d just generally discourage them.
Then I thought that the bleating I was getting indicated that this was something interesting that required further experimentation and that it pointed to something important about exactly what the hell we are doing on here. The cliques and the infighting and bullying.
So I then started to see if people would contribute to a comments section that actively insulted them.
And they did.
And actually some people who couldn’t comment on closed threads came onto other threads to comment. There were times when I had generated more comments on a post with no comments allowed than the posts either side with open comments. (But they were from Kates, so that’s understandable).
I’m bored with the whole thing now.
But it all started with me looking at a way to avoid singling out stupid, crass and legally jeapardlus shit from my posts and then having to enter into debate with the idiots who made them.
I’m a bit annoyed that I have succumbed to the urge to explain myself.
There is no hypocrisy here, I’m no libertarian and anyone who mistakes me for one is brain damaged.
November 26, 2021 9:49 pm
I heard a really interesting podcast today marking the difference between the US and Australia. We could be the more similar but the second amendment holds us back. The US government knows the punters are armed to the teeth and that to some extent makes “we-the-people” hold up as more legitimate than here. Australian security forces have the ability to bully us at will . We clearly see it in that vid with the cops and the sometime commenter here.
Minimisation of coercion ends as Rule Of The Strong.
shut up you mong
November 26, 2021 9:52 pm
It’s possibly bogus but it has a rough righteousness about it that could be described as thus. Demonstrate kindness to animals.
No… that is not coherent.
We are kind to animals because we owe it to ourselves, our God (however you define to highest authority in your life) and possibly to those around us.
If animals genuinely had Rights, then it would wrong to be a predator, of any kind . Lock up the fox, if the rabbit does not consent to being eaten.
November 26, 2021 9:56 pm
What’s stopping you from submitting posts by email, Arky.
November 26, 2021 9:57 pm
Not coherent as an argument regarding animal Rights
Treating them well is in some ways like charity. It’s a morally good thing to do, but forcing you to do it is something else again.
Just because it is good to give to the poor, does not imply that the poor have a right to your wallet.
Irony is that those who argue for animal rights, typically do bugger-all to prevent tens of millions of roos dying nasty deaths every time there is a major drought. That is a tangential argument, but “by their fruits you shall know them”.
November 26, 2021 9:58 pm
No… that is not coherent.
We are kind to animals because we owe it to ourselves, our God (however you define to highest authority in your life) and possibly to those around us.
I get it, but it doesn’t really matter as long as it begins and ends with demonstrate kindness to animals because “we owe to ourselves” and whomever. I’m fine with that.
If animals genuinely had Rights, then it would wrong to be a predator, of any kind . Lock up the fox, if the rabbit does not consent to being eaten.
Animals have no natural rights. Rights are a human concept derived by thinking man.
Ed Case
November 26, 2021 10:00 pm
We’re seeing coercion right now.
The Government knows their enforcement squads are inadequate, so they lie about the Vaccination numbers.
This feeds into the Powerlessness Narrative and people give up when all they need to do to triumph is disobey.
Ed Case
November 26, 2021 10:04 pm
Irony is that those who argue for animal rights, typically do bugger-all to prevent tens of millions of roos dying nasty deaths every time there is a major drought.
What do you suggest we do?
Give the roos birth control Pills?
Biuld dams for roos?
November 26, 2021 10:05 pm
Minimisation of coercion ends as Rule Of The Strong.
That works in a frontier Society.
In the Society we live in, minimisation of coercion means some weenie can hire a posse to brutalise the honest.
Nope… it’s the minimisation of mutual responsibility that permits the strong to rule.
As a certain revolutionary is alleged to have said, “If we do not hang together…..”
Crime against you IS a crime against me, and I have a responsibility to help defend you.
Note that word “help”. I have no responsibility to do for you what you can do for yourself, particularly when you *refuse* to do it for yourself.
Ed Case
November 26, 2021 10:05 pm
No roo will starve in a drought by, say, 2030?
November 26, 2021 10:07 pm
What do you suggest we do?
Give the roos birth control Pills?
Biuld dams for roos?
Stop claiming that animals have rights, while acting like they don’t.
That is called hypocrisy.
Ed Case
November 26, 2021 10:09 pm
Note that word “help”. I have no responsibility to do for you what you can do for yourself, particularly when you *refuse* to do it for yourself.
How would you know if someone doesn’t deserve help?
You’re Playing God now.
November 26, 2021 10:10 pm
No roo will starve in a drought by, say, 2030?
If YOU think roos starving is a bad thing, then YOU do something about it.
Concept too hard for you?
Ed Case
November 26, 2021 10:11 pm
Stop claiming that animals have rights, while acting like they don’t.
That is called hypocrisy.
But you’re the one who built the Strawman about animal and their defenders.
November 26, 2021 10:12 pm
How would you know if someone doesn’t deserve help?
You’re Playing God now.
It’s called using sound judgement…. a concept apparently foreign to you.
Ed Case
November 26, 2021 10:12 pm
If YOU think roos starving is a bad thing, then YOU do something about it.
Concept too hard for you?
It’s your Strawman.
John H.
November 26, 2021 10:13 pm
On the science side impacting the economy, there is a scheduled test for the global consortium the fusion rector test coming in 2024.
Then explain why they have been fudging the Q values for decades.
I think there are incredibly positive breakthroughs on the health science coming our way.
Name the breakthroughs.
November 26, 2021 10:13 pm
But you’re the one who built the Strawman about animal and their defenders.
No I didn’t. I simply report an observation.
The “strawman” would be pretending that that is the basis of my argument, instead of being tangential to it.
November 26, 2021 10:13 pm
Someone recently gave Driller a difficult time because of employers not sticking up for their workers over the issue of vaccination. This is not to defend Driller. It would never be the case.
On the last night of freedom back in June , we went to Lamaro’s pub in South Melbourne. Nice digs. Curfew was supposed to commence at 9 pm but the pub owner kept it open past that time. The owner was a vocal opponent of the laws and had been on TV and other media opposing this crap. So of course the local cops visited the pub and fined the poor fuck 10K (I think) for staying open after 9pm on the first night of curfew that was announced the day before.
How about the person complaining about employers not backing up employees (thereby risking major fines) call up Lamaro in sth Melbourne and offer to pay the fine? It shows a certain symmetry with the expectations described above.
A popular South Melbourne hotel has been fined $10,000 for breaching COVID-19 restrictions.
Paul Dimattina, a former AFL player, said his Lamaro’s Hotel was hit with the fine for trading past the introduction of the 8pm COVID-19 lockdown last Thursday.
It’s called using sound judgement…. a concept apparently foreign to you.
And you’re down to the Ad Homs now.
That didn’t take long.
November 26, 2021 10:14 pm
Arky I have not attempted to comment on your post since you deleted my first two. It’s your right even if a disagree with your reasoning. But it looks to me that your constructing some sort of Chinese whisper and expect people to judge without context.
So just who needs to learn about rights and responsibility’s?
Miss Anthropist
November 26, 2021 10:15 pm
Coercion is distinctly unAustralian.
The state, territory and Federal governments are being unAustralian.
Its UnAustralian to allow them to be so unAustralian.
Chuck the bastards out now.
November 26, 2021 10:16 pm
Ed , stop annoying people.
November 26, 2021 10:16 pm
It’s your Strawman.
Resorting to that level of dishonesty merely tells me that you can’t rationally defend your argument.
Try telling us in plain words why, if animals have rights, it is ok you you to act as tho they don’t.
I respect consistency.
November 26, 2021 10:19 pm
Coercion is distinctly unAustralian.
No it’s not, not even close. The place was a penal colony for FFS.
And as someone said. Our cultural underpinnings is made up by the descendants of those who were transported and jailed and also by the descendants of the jailers.
Ed Case
November 26, 2021 10:22 pm
Try telling us in plain words why, if animals have rights, it is ok you you to act as tho they don’t.
I respect consistency.
Well, your arguing by creating Strawmen is consistent, so you’ve got that going for you.
November 26, 2021 10:22 pm
And you’re down to the Ad Homs now.
That didn’t take long.
More dishonesty, Ed?
An ad-hom is a logical fallacy, arguing that an opponent is wrong because he is deficient. On the contrary, I observe that you are deficient because you argue wrongly.
In arguing for animal rights, you are demanding that other people do something. In refusing to do what you demand of others, you reveal yourself as a hypocrite.
You show yourself unfamiliar with sound judgement, when you confuse that with god-delusions. Wisdom is a virtue that we should all cultivate…. gullibility is not.
Farmer Gez
November 26, 2021 10:24 pm
Animals have rights – except for corgis.
Kick the little bastards on sight.
Ed Case
November 26, 2021 10:25 pm
And as someone said. Our cultural underpinnings is made up by the descendants of those who were transported and jailed and also by the descendants of the jailers.
If someone did say that, they were talking out their arse and likely a member of some Push.
Those people are the cultural descendants of the convicts.
November 26, 2021 10:27 pm
Farmer Gez says:
November 26, 2021 at 10:24 pm
Animals have rights – except for corgis.
Kick the little bastards on sight.
LOl. Never thought about it, but they’re horrid looking little fuckers.
Ed Case
November 26, 2021 10:28 pm
In arguing for animal rights, you are demanding that other people do something. In refusing to do what you demand of others, you reveal yourself as a hypocrite.
Another Strawmam.
I’m thinking you can keep this up for a fair while?
November 26, 2021 10:28 pm
Ed, STFU and stop annoying everyone. You haven’t made a decent comment since the old blog.
Making truck axles in Pakistan. They should be showing these as educational videos in schools. A lot of Cincinnati, Colchester and Elliot machinery still in use after what must be 60 years of hard work.
Amazing stuff.
It gives an idea of the conditions the Communists worked under after the relocated their industry into the Ural Mountains during WW2.
Well, perhaps they were a couple of steps up the ladder from Pakistan.
Our cultural underpinnings are constituted from the descendants of those who were transported and gaoled and also by the descendants of the gaolers
Yet we had broken free of such idiotic restraints well before the late 1800s (when my father’s Italiano family settled here) as a golden land of unrestrained opportunity.
We’ve just taken a lot longer to become the new Argentina.
No… that is not coherent.
We are kind to animals because we owe it to ourselves, our God (however you define to highest authority in your life) and possibly to those around us.
I’m kind to animals because I’m not a prick.
You’re overthinking it.
November 26, 2021 10:45 pm
If you have a spare 17 min hear is an address by Neil Oliver on the importance of freedom to prosperity.
Special Ed doesn’t make strawmen.
He makes gypsummen.
I think in the interests of peace and harmony and community outreach, the lion laying down with the lamb, dogs and cats living together blah. Blah, blah we can all, commie, conservative and beagle buggering libiterians ( and some small tribes in Africa who talk in clicky language) can all agree Ed knows nothing and everyone who reads his stuff loses IQ points.
This is not to defend Driller. It would never be the case.
(You’re not a true libertarian unless for you a side trumps adhering to a principle)
Someone recently gave Driller a difficult time because of employers not sticking up for their workers over the issue of vaccination.
That discussion is far from over, & it can’t really start until the relevant health direction has actually been issued.
It is expected to be issued to the public somewhere between the 13th – 16th of December.
The new measures will commence on the 17th of December
the local cops visited the pub and fined the poor fuck 10K (I think) for staying open after 9pm on the first night of curfew that was announced the day before.
Mr Diamattina’s version will be the correct one.
The police version will be a disingenuous falsehood. (I’ll lay money on that.)
Don’t anyone ever forget how the police have conducted themselves over the Covid rules.
There is not one state police force that has not shamed itself & disgraced itself with the way it has treated normals.
This is the actual nature of police. They’re not called “pigs” without good reason.
(This is the way they treat pubs all the time)
A couple of minutes of cricket for the cameras in front of Victoria’s parliament house is already fooling some people.
November 26, 2021 10:55 pm
In AD&D terms Ed is the girdle of femininity/ masculinity with a twist.
We could be the more similar but the second amendment holds us back. The US government knows the punters are armed to the teeth and that to some extent makes “we-the-people” hold up as more legitimate than here.
It’s not just the lack of equipment, it’s also the lack of the mindset that results from it.
Australian’s could be quite formidably armed, even within the tough constraints we have, but they chose not to be because it’s easier and entails less responsibility for one’s own destiny.
November 26, 2021 10:59 pm
November 26, 2021 at 8:45 pm
Bugger, COVID test NEGATIVE.
No, you presume that. I said you were 90% of the way here but you have to be catty about our differences.
90% of the way where? To agreeing with your priorities?
This also is something that made me want to reject people in the comments.
I don’t want to belong to a side or join a club.
I am also quite unclear precisely what you are disputing with me now, and you’re one of the slightly better ones.
Maybe try to put forth a proposition without presuming what I might think and I’ll respond.
I’m watching Lambie clip on Sky.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 11:05 pm
@ Dot.
If Nagash wasn’t such a miserable dick and kept hanging on to souls that weren’t his to hold onto, he’d probably be a very alright chap.
Morr owns the realm of the dead. Not ol’ Naggy…
November 26, 2021 11:05 pm
Or perhaps Ed is more like the deck of many things, but all the cards are the cool one.
It wasn’t Australia when the place was a penal colony.
Not a lot of people know that
UnAustralian of you to quibble with me.
Not a lot of people know that
November 26, 2021 11:14 pm
Lambie will be re-elected.
You have another 5-10 years to learn to love her.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 11:14 pm
Or perhaps Ed is more like the deck of many things, but all the cards are the cool one.
The love that crouches in the corner with it’s arms wrapped around it’s knees, rocking back and forth and sobbing.
November 26, 2021 11:17 pm
Father Alexis Bugnolo says 2 billion dead in the next year. Are you ready?
Scary news if true, I don’t know what order Father Bugnolo belongs too, nor the accuracy of his projections.
I simply can’t watch this to the end. It’s just too horrendous. I don’t doubt for a moment that this is the intention. The real question is whether it can achieved and I can only pray that it can’t. However, it’s really hard to be optimistic when so many, many people have been tricked or coerced into taking this malignant drug.
The level of evil involved is simply beyond imagination.
November 26, 2021 11:20 pm
Idiot not fool.
Rex corrects.
Better than spellwrecker
November 26, 2021 11:21 pm
Seems Covid has not been kind to Paul Dimattina – see sidebar/Rebelnews post. Hope he gets well soon. Glad you are OK rickw, hope your wife and young lad are OK too.
I’m watching paint dry
I’m watching myself insert a compass point into my temple
I’m watching myself extract my fingernails without anaesthetic
I’m watching myself twist myself into pretzels …
Yarks – enough – try and justify your own existence, as you’re obviously incapable of even trying to comprehend ours, FFS … 🙁
H B Bear
November 26, 2021 11:25 pm
The history of Australia and the US couldn’t be more different. The US pilgrims were essentially trying to escape the (British) government. Captain Philip was acting on behalf of it.
Seems Covidbeing vaccinated has not been kind to Paul Dimattina
(FIFY, in the interests of accuracy)
Miss Anthropist
November 26, 2021 11:37 pm
I wonder if those of us with the courage of their convictions will inherit the Earth?
I certainly am quite meek. And quite proud of my humility.
November 26, 2021 11:37 pm
Bugger, COVID test NEGATIVE.
Perhaps you’re one of the 80% of people who had natural immunity to corona viruses, at least in early 2020. I wouldn’t know what the percentage is now.
Ed Case
November 26, 2021 11:37 pm
The US pilgrims were essentially trying to escape the (British) government. Captain Philip was acting on behalf of it.
The Pilgrims didn’t found America, and the Roanoake Colony beat them by 16 years anyway.
They weren’t escaping the British Government either, they were just peeved that they weren’t allowed to impose misery in England.
try and justify your own existence, as you’re obviously incapable of even trying to comprehend ours, FFS … ?
Here’s the justification.
Over a year ago I told you all “The vaccines won’t do shit”.
I told you this and people asked me “What do you mean”? They could not understand.
And here we are looking at lockdowns again in 2022 and boosters forever.
In 2015 I told you the polls were wrong and Brexit would pass.
People said “What about the betting markets”? And I told you all the betting markets were based on polling and therefore were not extra information.
In 2016 I told you again to ignore the polls and that Trump was likely a winner.
In 2019 I told you to cool your enthusiasm as Trump was likely to suffer from the number of mail ballots.
In January 2020 I told you the supply chains were being thrown into reverse as I watched CCP minions smurf PPE.
I warned you to buy any essential big purchases last year. If you ignored me and listened to others you are now paying more or going without.
The World Bank invented the One Belt, One Road concept.
Prove me wrong.
An ex-colleague scored a tax-free job (as they all are) with the WB. A lunatic Commie advising third-world countries how to develop on borrowed money.
It appears JC and Dot, that we have terribly upset this poor man.
[Adjusts monocle and takes a contemptuous puff of his pipe]
More Cognac, gentlemen?
November 26, 2021 at 8:26 pm
Regards to Lizzie”
Will do. It’s a Sydney Cat catch up tomorrow night.
Mike Lindell has a big SCOTUS court action this coming week.
Big if successful.
“Senior Liberals confirmed Mr Smith was overseas and say he is in Britain, where he has a large professional and social network.”
He was one of the Victorian Liberals better performers.
@ Anchor What-
In what particular ways?
Encourage him to start his own blog as he appears frustrated here by some of the unwashed yobbos here. Then lets see how he goes.
Dover, I’ll say it on here as I did to just you before: the stupid shit chases out the quality.
You need to either reign in or lose some of these idiots.
You can’t even know what you are missing. How many people never comment because they don’t want to be alongside this crap?
Put your stamp on this blog.
You don’t have to feel obliged to keep hosting the warmed over turds from something Davidson waked away from. You owe these turkeys nothing.
No it’s not. I’ve read many megalomaniac’s manifestos and it hasn’t change me one bit.
Not inconceivable, but it depends on whose money is providing the majority of the World Bank’s backing at the time.
Once, you could have reasonably argued it was American. But given China’s conscious efforts to exert the greatest possible influence over transnational organisations, the better with which to enact its own hegemonic desires, it is possible that China-aligned suits did what their paymasters wanted with their paymasters’ provided equity…
His of course is quality stuff. I think the best way would be for him to begin his own blog and show everyone how things can work out.
Arky stop whining. If a genuine conservative movement got into power, I’d be satisfied. (Why so many frauds and cucks? Inquiring minds wanna know.)
You have dreamt up a bogeyman for yourself what libertarians are.
You’re 90% of the way there. Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.
Right now the enemy is the political establishment.
You also didn’t answer my question. We both know you cannot write a sensible response to that without timing down the catty invective.
That would be a holdover from the dreaded days of the cryptosporidium outbreak that laid waste to NSW in the late nineties. Seems topical for some strange reason.
JC, is the fed owned by the government of the USA?
Educate us all pleas
No. No. Not what I meant.
Anchor What is someone I have not seen yet, or not recently. I am trying to determine what we have here- A new and unique poster or an as-yet-unmasked Bird sock.
I tend to fall more along Arky’s perceptions of the world than I do others’ but I see and agree with a lot of what Dot has to say.
After that, I chart my own course! Haha!
Will be significant downgrading to feed and other low grades.
The falling numbers test will be done on every load which is another hassle.
Will try and catch you somehow, Dover can give you my details if you like.
Hopefully I can get the email working on this phone again by tomorrow morning.
Shame about his driving.
It’s now about the 10th fucking time you’ve been told it is. All of us don’t need the education. It’s just you. Shut up, It does.
‘Who owns the Fed runnyted?’
‘Oh, do some research’
Who owns the US Fed. Reserve? Hint: it is privately owned!
The US government!
Who owns the US Fed. Reserve? Hint: It isn’t the government!
The US government! They own a supermajority of the shares.
You mean the US government owns it!? Made up in part by the US Congress?
Why I find that terribly unsettling, you awful, awful man.
What a hilarious backpedal from true lunatic conspiracy theory crap.
KD, Keep voting LNP.
Here’s the Gateway Pundit article on what the case is about.
Just so we know.
Sad Dot.
Bugger, COVID test NEGATIVE.
Banks are perhaps around 12 to 1 leveraged. That is 12 dollars of debt to one of equity
Depends on what is securing the debt and what is in the safety boxes. When the lights go out I’ll be rummaging through the banks, the guns and ammo stores and the liquor outlets.
James Hetfield said it best.
Profiling is not meant to change Its to work out who they are, calli. Everybody does it and some are more open about it. We aren’t who we are by chance it’s combination of nature and nurture.
It’s complex , But I think the money center banks own a portion of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This is where conspiracy nutballs get very confused.
The Fed- the organization that resides in Washington is an agency and therefore an arm of the US government apparatus -therefore owned by no one. This is like no one owning the IRS as it was conceived by federal statute.
Here’s more:
Here’s the thing Dot.
You share a philosophy with a group of people who on here decided that the way to win the debate was to use every heavy handed dirty argumentative trick in the book and that has rubbed off on you and characterised the debate on this blog from the beginning. It’s one thing to unloose on left wing idiots, it’s another when it becomes a habit.
There is fair debate to be had between conservatives, traditionalists and libertarians, but it can’t be had with people who have decades long habits of mind of attack and never concede a single point.
That is the Carallaxy way, and it’s not something that interests me.
I now usually prefer to present whatever thoughts I have in posts, and not engage in debate. This today is a rarity for me now.
You’re gonna need to some research on that one, Miss.
Ankor Wat
Anyway, latest instalment from Pauline:
I have to admit most of you are right.
We are fucked & most of you accept it.
No no no! The Childroths!11!1!11!!!!
None so blind! It all makes sense now!1!
This today is a rarity for me now.
Well, aren’t we fucking honoured. Oh excuse me, I’ve obviously been watching too much Yellowstone.
Like this?
Or this?
How about this?
They were surprised. In all the deluge of “signalling” not a word of this simple, yet effective countermeasure. It’s as if the very idea of being “healthy” has disappeared.
Along with all the “nudge” ads about no fat/sugar/booze/ciggies, and exercise daily, and the food pyramid, etc, etc.
Are they afraid that people might decide that looking after themselves is better than the “vaccines”?
Does that include deleting comments made in good faith and then lying about the contents of those comments?
Because you had the power to do so on someone else’s blog. And just to make a cheap “notice it’s the women” point?
You hypocrite.
Bar Beach Swimmersays:
November 26, 2021 at 7:42 pm
I know BoN….but at least he’s put Chant back into the box
Cassie, she’s lurking, just like Cat lurkers do.
Elements of her influence are visible in yesterday’s announcement, including the masks. But the end of most QR coding is a big defeat.
Reeking of cognitive dishonesty, bla!
Not sure how it works but close contacts might need to isolate along with the positives, and then get tested after the required isolation time – 7 days? That is, you might get to be a not free agent for the duration of the isolation, at least for purposes of avoiding HR.
The excerpt is trying to be very particular on the question of ownership. Ownership is appropriately used the private sense, like BHP owns these mines etc. It’s may be used when discussing government but it’s wrong as we the people supposedly control the government and we the people supposedly own the assets controlled by the government. Supposedly.
Cronkite, what are you up to?
I am now going to bring up a third time, that most people have moved past Awareness to Action, i.e. Acknowledging something is not right and Doing Something About It.
One day, this might sink into whatever layered, U238+ density material that happens to be encasing your brainpan…
.. I think the conservative view is that liberty is desirable, but that it is one of those contrary, weird things that the more you directly and explicitly chase the further it receded. In other words, when you seek duty, responsibility and limits you arrive at the nescessary conditions for a free society. But when you trach young people all about their rights and what they should expect and demand and neglect to tell them of the other side of the coin: well, here we ate. On other, other words: liberty is a women, the direct approach doesn’t work always.
Monica interviews a healthy young lady who got forced into Howard Springs quarantine
Monica Smit talks to a close contact of a person who came up positive for Covid-19, who was then sent off for 14 days to the Darwin quarantine camp (neither the person with the positive recording nor the inmate showed any symptoms). Perhaps something to reflect on if you’re in the habit of QR’ing wherever you go.
Cronkite, what are you up to?
Like I said, watching Yellowstone. So don’t tell me what fucking happens.
Had a meeting-y thing today about couf and going back to the office.
They made a point about it not being acceptable to refer to people as antivaxxers, but since that was from the same person and in the same tenor as their entreaties to not refer to bepaunched middle-aged males in creepy Lolita-esque skirts and gaudy clumsily daubed make up as men, I put little store by it.
I don’t need simpering mealy-mouthed emasculated wimps like them defending me. It is more embarrassing than anything else.
But they conceded (in passing – a very hurried passing) that the being vaccinated does not mean you are not carrying a viral load, and that all the vaccine does is ameliorate the symptoms. So to justify the various measures they are taking they mentioned that the company had a policy of vaccination (who is the company to have a policy about my private choices – how is the policy to be effected without breaking laws) and that one of (and indeed only) reasons to push it was the burden on the health system.
Even when there was no vaccination the health system was not in distress. Even before the lockdowns. (The panic was yet another of the governments keystone-cops buffoonery).
But seriously? The cost to health? People culled by couf (such as they are) are only dying now. We all die eventually. Even the vaccinated will die. All will be their own burden on the health system. And, frankly, the older you are the more you probably cost. A person with diabetes, and a heart condition, who develops cancer, will require more complex and expensive treatment than someone dying from a single cause. You know, of that was how we measure people’s entitlement to health care. People snuffing from couf are a bargain.
So perhaps they must argue that people who die before they need to are vicious because they have not paid as much in taxes to offset their cost as they would have if vaccinated.
And now it really begins to sound like government policy. Your right to things like healthcare is contingent upon how much tax can be wrung out of you over a hypothetical lifetime.
Look, you didn’t even know that the demand and expectations you had of your commenters along with the threats were 100% libertarian and you then ridiculously chided libertarianism. You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.
Duty as to what? What duty? The duty the state demands?
And that’s the fault of Libertarians? You asshat.
Brilliant analogy. It so brilliant it sucks. I want to be thought led by a thought leader.
What you really want is people agreeing with you. You said it here:
Last comment about this stuff as it’s so fucking depressing. I hope the noose if well hidden as I don’t want to find it after this.
No, last time you screamed at me for even alluding to something on the show. Stiff, you have to watch it all now as I’m not helping you skip. The daughter is really good looking but kind of a rough head. She actually British.
I don’t argue like that (on my best behaviour) and I have wasted countless hours trying to have proper dialogue.
Furthermore…name them? Anyway, arguing a certain way is owned by one ideology? Nope.
Look. The way me and Dover treat each other is exemplary.
nobody ever asks what did she do to piss the guy off
More thoughtfully put than some of your posts. Take that as a compliment.
I think a more coherent way to put is that you cannot HAVE rights without concurrent responsibilities.
The very idea of rights implies a responsibility to respect those same rights belonging to others.
That is one reason why animal-rights are a bogus concept. Animals do not respect the rights of others.
My Right to freedom of movement does not imply that I can ignore your Right to security of property. My Right to travel stops at your front gate.
My Right to freedom of movement can also be lost as a consequence of my own actions. If I kill you and steal your stuff (breaching the Rights to life and property), then I may be locked up…..
Liberty without responsibility is Licence.
Responsibility without liberty is slavery.
We need both.
Arguing that one is more important than the other is like arguing that the engine is more important than the wheels. Unless you have both, yiu ain’t going nowhere.
Making truck axels in Pakistan. They should be showing these as educational videos in schools. A lot of Cincinnati, Colchester and Elliot machinery still in use after what must be 60 years of hard work.
If QRing is the law, then it’s likely illegal to suggest not doing it.
Once Testing and Contact Tracing hits it’s stride the Quarantine Camps will fill up.
Banks, Post Offices, CentreLink, those are places to keep out of.
Pay cash in Servos and Supermarkets, tho the Servos have your Rego anyway.
The stoushing has started early tonight.
I’ll be nice.
I don’t know how many times beyond the tends of thousands of times groups like the LDP, US LP, Advocates, Australian Libertarian Society, FEE, Ron Paul et cetera et cetera et cetera have said: freedom is about having personal responsibility. Just like how the government won’t let me have personal responsibility for my health right now.
That is not what anyone like Rand, Nozick, Mill etc have ever said. What you are talking about is literal cultural Marxism. How many libertarians wrote the Victorian school curriculum? I am guessing exactly zero.
Damn good blog Dover. Thanks again.
Based on my (admittedly unscientific) anthropologic observations that can be a pretty open ended question, particularly after the first carton.
Chaos has the best lore in WHFB. Then High Elves, Undead and Skaven are equal second. The rest suck a little bit, The Empire is okayish.
I have been re reading the 4th edn Army books. Tzeench is da best. I like that Nagash though. He wouldn’t quit a useless liberal arts degree. He’d graduate with merit and learn how to code in his spare time.
Ahh. Stick-to-it-ive-ness. What a leader needs.
No one will ever guess I am a sock.
It’s what you should do in the moral sense…… at least in my view.
I share your distaste at Governmental use of the word “obligation”, when referring to things that they are coercing and threatening us into doing.
But humans are a social species, that functions by instinct within a social context. Mostly.
That implies a certain degree of reciprocity.
I grew up in a farming community which contained two types of men. Those who helped each other when threatened by fire…. and those who ought to. That is “duty”, and abuse of it by Government does not prove that it doesn’t exist. If anything, it is a matter of negotiated give-and-take by people who agree to live together.
But Grigory, Gypsum requires cheques and is unavailable outside of specialist, licenced dealers.
You are screwed…
Which is close to the top if not the very top of condition libertarian thinking.
Honest to goodness, have people here criticizing libertarian thinking ever picked up a book explaining libertarian thought? I say this because in most ways libertarianism is actually nearly all of un-corrupted conservative thought. Well, not all but to a large extent. Add in consequentialism and public ostracism and you are there.
It’s possibly bogus but it has a rough righteousness about it that could be described as thus. Demonstrate kindness to animals.
Not necessarily PeterW. You see hikers all through Britain walking along public access walkways inside private property. You see it here on the Portsea and Sorento cliff with public access in front of people’s homes over their well cut lawns.
Yea naaa. I think liberty is by far the most important element of a healthy society.
All good, PeterW.
Minimisation of coercion. That is the highest priority.
The Sinister Truth about Peng Shuai Has Been Revealed
Minimisation of coercion ends as Rule Of The Strong.
That works in a frontier Society.
In the Society we live in, minimisation of coercion means some weenie can hire a posse to brutalise the honest.
No. Stop being a dickhead.
I’m not interested in doing this Dot.
This is why I no longer engage in conversation here.
You don’t even seem aware of what you are doing.
You framed the thing by demanding I say why I hate liberty, then I reply with my understanding of a conservative position that liberty flows from a population with the capacity to understand the concept “responsibility”.
You then take that to mean I deny the place of individual responsibility in libertarianism.
It’s a twisted and pointless debate.
Not doing this.
As for those who wonder at my experiments with comment sections lately, I will briefly explain.
The legalities of who is responsible for comments weighs on me. I don’t sleep when comments are open and I feel responsible. I am known. The people making the comments aren’t. I can either let it flow and try to pretend I don’t have the capability of curating the comment thread, or I can actively curate it. It isn’t something I asked for. I never asked to write for this blog, I was invited. The comments permission came with. I would be happier just submitting by email. I do not want the responsibility for comments. If I did, I would run a blog. This is why I admire both Sinc and Dover.
So I experimented with what to do with comments.
My first thought was to invite them and then delete them all as. a stupid joke. But it’s actually much harder to delete comments than you might think.
So I thought I’d just generally discourage them.
Then I thought that the bleating I was getting indicated that this was something interesting that required further experimentation and that it pointed to something important about exactly what the hell we are doing on here. The cliques and the infighting and bullying.
So I then started to see if people would contribute to a comments section that actively insulted them.
And they did.
And actually some people who couldn’t comment on closed threads came onto other threads to comment. There were times when I had generated more comments on a post with no comments allowed than the posts either side with open comments. (But they were from Kates, so that’s understandable).
I’m bored with the whole thing now.
But it all started with me looking at a way to avoid singling out stupid, crass and legally jeapardlus shit from my posts and then having to enter into debate with the idiots who made them.
I’m a bit annoyed that I have succumbed to the urge to explain myself.
There is no hypocrisy here, I’m no libertarian and anyone who mistakes me for one is brain damaged.
I heard a really interesting podcast today marking the difference between the US and Australia. We could be the more similar but the second amendment holds us back. The US government knows the punters are armed to the teeth and that to some extent makes “we-the-people” hold up as more legitimate than here. Australian security forces have the ability to bully us at will . We clearly see it in that vid with the cops and the sometime commenter here.
shut up you mong
No… that is not coherent.
We are kind to animals because we owe it to ourselves, our God (however you define to highest authority in your life) and possibly to those around us.
If animals genuinely had Rights, then it would wrong to be a predator, of any kind . Lock up the fox, if the rabbit does not consent to being eaten.
What’s stopping you from submitting posts by email, Arky.
Not coherent as an argument regarding animal Rights
Treating them well is in some ways like charity. It’s a morally good thing to do, but forcing you to do it is something else again.
Just because it is good to give to the poor, does not imply that the poor have a right to your wallet.
Irony is that those who argue for animal rights, typically do bugger-all to prevent tens of millions of roos dying nasty deaths every time there is a major drought. That is a tangential argument, but “by their fruits you shall know them”.
I get it, but it doesn’t really matter as long as it begins and ends with demonstrate kindness to animals because “we owe to ourselves” and whomever. I’m fine with that.
Animals have no natural rights. Rights are a human concept derived by thinking man.
We’re seeing coercion right now.
The Government knows their enforcement squads are inadequate, so they lie about the Vaccination numbers.
This feeds into the Powerlessness Narrative and people give up when all they need to do to triumph is disobey.
What do you suggest we do?
Give the roos birth control Pills?
Biuld dams for roos?
Nope… it’s the minimisation of mutual responsibility that permits the strong to rule.
As a certain revolutionary is alleged to have said, “If we do not hang together…..”
Crime against you IS a crime against me, and I have a responsibility to help defend you.
Note that word “help”. I have no responsibility to do for you what you can do for yourself, particularly when you *refuse* to do it for yourself.
No roo will starve in a drought by, say, 2030?
Stop claiming that animals have rights, while acting like they don’t.
That is called hypocrisy.
How would you know if someone doesn’t deserve help?
You’re Playing God now.
If YOU think roos starving is a bad thing, then YOU do something about it.
Concept too hard for you?
But you’re the one who built the Strawman about animal and their defenders.
It’s called using sound judgement…. a concept apparently foreign to you.
It’s your Strawman.
Then explain why they have been fudging the Q values for decades.
Name the breakthroughs.
No I didn’t. I simply report an observation.
The “strawman” would be pretending that that is the basis of my argument, instead of being tangential to it.
Someone recently gave Driller a difficult time because of employers not sticking up for their workers over the issue of vaccination. This is not to defend Driller. It would never be the case.
On the last night of freedom back in June , we went to Lamaro’s pub in South Melbourne. Nice digs. Curfew was supposed to commence at 9 pm but the pub owner kept it open past that time. The owner was a vocal opponent of the laws and had been on TV and other media opposing this crap. So of course the local cops visited the pub and fined the poor fuck 10K (I think) for staying open after 9pm on the first night of curfew that was announced the day before.
How about the person complaining about employers not backing up employees (thereby risking major fines) call up Lamaro in sth Melbourne and offer to pay the fine? It shows a certain symmetry with the expectations described above.
And you’re down to the Ad Homs now.
That didn’t take long.
Arky I have not attempted to comment on your post since you deleted my first two. It’s your right even if a disagree with your reasoning. But it looks to me that your constructing some sort of Chinese whisper and expect people to judge without context.
So just who needs to learn about rights and responsibility’s?
Coercion is distinctly unAustralian.
The state, territory and Federal governments are being unAustralian.
Its UnAustralian to allow them to be so unAustralian.
Chuck the bastards out now.
Ed , stop annoying people.
Resorting to that level of dishonesty merely tells me that you can’t rationally defend your argument.
Try telling us in plain words why, if animals have rights, it is ok you you to act as tho they don’t.
I respect consistency.
No it’s not, not even close. The place was a penal colony for FFS.
And as someone said. Our cultural underpinnings is made up by the descendants of those who were transported and jailed and also by the descendants of the jailers.
Well, your arguing by creating Strawmen is consistent, so you’ve got that going for you.
More dishonesty, Ed?
An ad-hom is a logical fallacy, arguing that an opponent is wrong because he is deficient. On the contrary, I observe that you are deficient because you argue wrongly.
In arguing for animal rights, you are demanding that other people do something. In refusing to do what you demand of others, you reveal yourself as a hypocrite.
You show yourself unfamiliar with sound judgement, when you confuse that with god-delusions. Wisdom is a virtue that we should all cultivate…. gullibility is not.
Animals have rights – except for corgis.
Kick the little bastards on sight.
If someone did say that, they were talking out their arse and likely a member of some Push.
Those people are the cultural descendants of the convicts.
LOl. Never thought about it, but they’re horrid looking little fuckers.
Another Strawmam.
I’m thinking you can keep this up for a fair while?
Ed, STFU and stop annoying everyone. You haven’t made a decent comment since the old blog.
Amazing stuff.
It gives an idea of the conditions the Communists worked under after the relocated their industry into the Ural Mountains during WW2.
Well, perhaps they were a couple of steps up the ladder from Pakistan.
… armadillos and moles.
Yet we had broken free of such idiotic restraints well before the late 1800s (when my father’s Italiano family settled here) as a golden land of unrestrained opportunity.
We’ve just taken a lot longer to become the new Argentina.
Thanks, collectivists. 🙁
…all that swarf lying around, and yet most of them had all their fingers.
That comment did make me laugh out loud, Gez. Because completely correct.
You’re an interesting bloke, Arky.
We need to get together and have lots of drinks and shoot at things.
You dirty dog.
I’m kind to animals because I’m not a prick.
You’re overthinking it.
If you have a spare 17 min hear is an address by Neil Oliver on the importance of freedom to prosperity.
Special Ed doesn’t make strawmen.
He makes gypsummen.
I think in the interests of peace and harmony and community outreach, the lion laying down with the lamb, dogs and cats living together blah. Blah, blah we can all, commie, conservative and beagle buggering libiterians ( and some small tribes in Africa who talk in clicky language) can all agree Ed knows nothing and everyone who reads his stuff loses IQ points.
Who writes these jokes?
I am the son and the heir …
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar …
No, you presume that. I said you were 90% of the way here but you have to be catty about our differences.
I was very direct. I find your argument arcane and bewildering.
Since I said I would be satisfied with a decent, principled conservative government – why I must hate liberty too.
I cannot understand your argument other than you probably don’t actually understand libertarians and never have.
(You’re not a true libertarian unless for you a side trumps adhering to a principle)
That discussion is far from over, & it can’t really start until the relevant health direction has actually been issued.
It is expected to be issued to the public somewhere between the 13th – 16th of December.
The new measures will commence on the 17th of December
Mr Diamattina’s version will be the correct one.
The police version will be a disingenuous falsehood. (I’ll lay money on that.)
Don’t anyone ever forget how the police have conducted themselves over the Covid rules.
There is not one state police force that has not shamed itself & disgraced itself with the way it has treated normals.
This is the actual nature of police. They’re not called “pigs” without good reason.
(This is the way they treat pubs all the time)
A couple of minutes of cricket for the cameras in front of Victoria’s parliament house is already fooling some people.
In AD&D terms Ed is the girdle of femininity/ masculinity with a twist.
The girdle of monginity/ idiocy.
Corgis are evil and need to have the piss taken out of them on every possible occasion.
We could be the more similar but the second amendment holds us back. The US government knows the punters are armed to the teeth and that to some extent makes “we-the-people” hold up as more legitimate than here.
It’s not just the lack of equipment, it’s also the lack of the mindset that results from it.
Australian’s could be quite formidably armed, even within the tough constraints we have, but they chose not to be because it’s easier and entails less responsibility for one’s own destiny.
Just the threat of Ivermectin Sent Covid packing.
Not going peacefully or otherwise into that long dark night, peoples … 🙂
Which is why we just kick him, PeterW.
If in doubt, kick the troll.
90% of the way where? To agreeing with your priorities?
This also is something that made me want to reject people in the comments.
I don’t want to belong to a side or join a club.
I am also quite unclear precisely what you are disputing with me now, and you’re one of the slightly better ones.
Maybe try to put forth a proposition without presuming what I might think and I’ll respond.
I’m watching Lambie clip on Sky.
@ Dot.
If Nagash wasn’t such a miserable dick and kept hanging on to souls that weren’t his to hold onto, he’d probably be a very alright chap.
Morr owns the realm of the dead. Not ol’ Naggy…
Or perhaps Ed is more like the deck of many things, but all the cards are the cool one.
More evidence of global warming and reunions with poor old coal:
You have one life. You just want thoze prizes.
It wasn’t Australia when the place was a penal colony.
Not a lot of people know that
UnAustralian of you to quibble with me.
Not a lot of people know that
Lambie will be re-elected.
You have another 5-10 years to learn to love her.
You mean, The Idiot one?
Or The Fool?
satisfy me
Pay via apps and you have a fighting chance to say you never went inside so don’t need to isolate.
The love that crouches in the corner with it’s arms wrapped around it’s knees, rocking back and forth and sobbing.
I simply can’t watch this to the end. It’s just too horrendous. I don’t doubt for a moment that this is the intention. The real question is whether it can achieved and I can only pray that it can’t. However, it’s really hard to be optimistic when so many, many people have been tricked or coerced into taking this malignant drug.
The level of evil involved is simply beyond imagination.
Idiot not fool.
Rex corrects.
Better than spellwrecker
Seems Covid has not been kind to Paul Dimattina – see sidebar/Rebelnews post. Hope he gets well soon. Glad you are OK rickw, hope your wife and young lad are OK too.
That would be the love yes..
I’m watching paint dry
I’m watching myself insert a compass point into my temple
I’m watching myself extract my fingernails without anaesthetic
I’m watching myself twist myself into pretzels …
Yarks – enough – try and justify your own existence, as you’re obviously incapable of even trying to comprehend ours, FFS … 🙁
The history of Australia and the US couldn’t be more different. The US pilgrims were essentially trying to escape the (British) government. Captain Philip was acting on behalf of it.
I feel love …:)
Covidbeing vaccinated has not been kind to Paul Dimattina(FIFY, in the interests of accuracy)
I wonder if those of us with the courage of their convictions will inherit the Earth?
I certainly am quite meek. And quite proud of my humility.
Perhaps you’re one of the 80% of people who had natural immunity to corona viruses, at least in early 2020. I wouldn’t know what the percentage is now.
The Pilgrims didn’t found America, and the Roanoake Colony beat them by 16 years anyway.
They weren’t escaping the British Government either, they were just peeved that they weren’t allowed to impose misery in England.
Let’s have some Romance, peoples! 🙂
Here’s the justification.
Over a year ago I told you all “The vaccines won’t do shit”.
I told you this and people asked me “What do you mean”? They could not understand.
And here we are looking at lockdowns again in 2022 and boosters forever.
In 2015 I told you the polls were wrong and Brexit would pass.
People said “What about the betting markets”? And I told you all the betting markets were based on polling and therefore were not extra information.
In 2016 I told you again to ignore the polls and that Trump was likely a winner.
In 2019 I told you to cool your enthusiasm as Trump was likely to suffer from the number of mail ballots.
In January 2020 I told you the supply chains were being thrown into reverse as I watched CCP minions smurf PPE.
I warned you to buy any essential big purchases last year. If you ignored me and listened to others you are now paying more or going without.
2020 for Trmp defeat, not 2019.
Tina, the Spector and the Ike … 🙂
Fuck off Grigory.
Your wrongology is obnoxiously stupid.
@ MissAnthropist-
A song for you, Squire:
Yeah, gee, thanks Arks. You’ve produced no new evidence, Squire.
Not that I thought you would have.
We make our own decisions and we wear the subsequent results.
Personal responsibility.
A concept that imbeciles are incapable of comprehending.
I have no idea what you are bleeding on about.
Unsurprisingly. There is more to life than being a misanthrope, Squire.
Still no idea.
Do you have a point you expect a response to or can I go to bed now?
Adjourn. We will resume this eternal contretemps at the next available opportunity.