Open Thread – Weekend 4 Dec 2021

The Triumph of Judas Maccabeus, Peter Paul Rubens, 1635

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December 4, 2021 1:27 am


Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 4, 2021 1:30 am

Silver again.
Morning purebloods.
Hello members of the borg.

December 4, 2021 2:07 am


December 4, 2021 2:07 am

What happened to the link!!

December 4, 2021 4:01 am
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December 4, 2021 4:30 am

Take a bow Mr Garrison.

December 4, 2021 5:09 am

Blacks causing blackouts? True.

South Africa plunged into darkness by rampant theft at power utility

Two black ESKOM employees and their accomplices contracted by the South African power utility, were arrested last week and charged with fraud, theft and corruption in connection with hundreds of millions worth of goods that were stolen. The goods and services paid for by the power utility were not delivered nor rendered at the country’s Tutuka Power Station.

The whole country is currently suffering from debilitating black-outs because of rampant theft perpetrated by these employees and private suppliers. The black-outs are called “load shedding” so as not to hurt black feelings.

The arrests came after months of investigations. The two black men oversaw the theft of approximately R100 million worth of fuel oil per month from the power station. This massive criminal endeavour was made possible after the utility started making use of private suppliers.

December 4, 2021 5:27 am

The arrests came after months of investigations. The two black men oversaw the theft of approximately R100 million worth of fuel oil per month from the power station.

Hard to believe that there was any supervision if theft at that scale could go on for months.

surely, tolerance for race don’t come into it by now?

December 4, 2021 5:53 am

Artur Palowski:

Canada is in deep, deep trouble.
Corrupt politicians have stolen the rights and freedoms that once made our country so great.
The great takeover by authoritarian powers is well underway. We are witnessing the destruction of democracy right in front of our eyes.
Worse yet, the courts have failed to step in and defend our rights. They are supporting this direct attack on our freedom by the COVID establishment.

Sounds pretty familiar.

December 4, 2021 6:10 am

South Africa was test run.
When the globalist get together at the pub they say, geez how did that get out of the lab?

December 4, 2021 6:18 am

If you want to read a profile of a grade A cock head, the oz has a piece on Mick Fuller, former NSW police commissioner.
This is what you call a job application.
Effectively, “yep, employ me on your boards, your advisory committees & you can trust me to do whatever the fuck you direct me to”.
A lot of rewriting of history.
This guy is going to blow up without the massive state apparatus around him.

December 4, 2021 6:26 am

Dr John Campbell, the need for aspiration:

December 4, 2021 6:29 am
December 4, 2021 6:41 am

Where is our PM, our courts?

Sitting around applauding it, saying “Yeah, but it’s reasonable and proportionate”.

December 4, 2021 6:44 am

WOW! Round of sustained applause for Ben Garrison this morning!

December 4, 2021 6:49 am

Sfw – that Twitter site is amazing – thanks

December 4, 2021 6:53 am

Where is our PM, our courts?

Very reminiscent of the Defence Force Correctional Establishment, where they had control lines everywhere that you had to stand on and seek permission to cross whenever you moved anywhere.

They also used to have to shit in buckets, and clean them out. I wonder if the NT authorities have cottoned on to that little pleasure for the inmates?

Bloody animals.

December 4, 2021 7:14 am

The Age is hinting that Andrews might lift passport rules in weeks, not ‘most of 2022’, as the pressure on businesses and volunteer groups to police his rules is unsustainable.
Christmas religious services are going to be a nightmare.
I know one parish is looking for volunteer Christmas covid marshalls, another which is refusing to police is restricted to 50 people per service, even five masses, a huge burden for one priest, will not be enough to meet demand. Regular parishioners won’t be delighted to miss out for Christmas Christians.

another almost unnoticed fatality of Andrew’s covid passport regime. At the Guardian.

December 4, 2021 7:22 am

Russell Brand’s latest on Australia’s latest.

Gee, we’re not doing ourselves any favours.
If you’re in the international tourist industry, can I suggest your future looks bleak.

December 4, 2021 7:34 am

Wow, just wow. From the Cat’s Twitter feed.

These people not only all need to rot in gaol, whoever enabled them does as well – be it Obama, Bush or both – also the Feds and spooks need to be shut down.

They only truly need the US Marshals, Capitol Police, Secret Service & US National Park Police.

Catturd ™@catturd2·9h
Imagine still having faith in the sickening, corrupt CIA and FBI?

They’re beyond repair.

John Solomon@jsolomonReports
CIA staffers weren’t prosecuted for sex crimes with children: Report | Just The News

December 4, 2021 7:41 am

Mainstream TV is a psyop.

Look at utterly crap products like “Criminal Minds”. A fat know it all problem glasses wearing wahmen flirts with the athletic cool black guy (in the real world, he would find her repulsive). She’s also the physically fittest on “team PT test day”(!).

Oh and the FBI are the best and full of nice totally professional people. Anyone in society who doesn’t fit in or who privately owns any firearm is also generally a serial killer, or at best a ludicrous joke. Most wahmen in the FBI are total babes too, sir (they’re called babes, sir). The FBI is also never wrong!

FMD. How did that show run for so long?

WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
December 4, 2021 7:52 am

Something to cheer us all up in these maddening times – even if you are being condemned to a slow and painful death by crucifixion !

December 4, 2021 7:53 am

For Dot.

Some stylish old footage that Cohenite would love too. I prefer the “Our Gang” sequence.

December 4, 2021 8:04 am

“Yeah, but it’s reasonable and proportionate”

I want a Constitution and Bill of Rights that has no fucking “reasonable and proportionate” in it, only absolutes.

We get that when we deal with the mongrels that are in charge.

December 4, 2021 8:04 am

How did that show run for so long?

Mandy Patinkin got out after a couple of seasons. His reason was that the whole thing was becoming too gruesome and dark.

His best lines were as Inigo Mantoya anyway. And gave birth to a thousand memes.

December 4, 2021 8:05 am

Round of sustained applause for Ben Garrison this morning!

Collectivists, two years ago, screeching about the cause du jour: “But what will the rest of the world think of us?”

Well, now we know. They think we’re a bunch of pathetic cowardly compliant fly blown sheep, being tyrannized by some of the most preposterous z-grade hitlerist imbeciles to have existed in human history.

You helped enable this, you monstrous fuckwits – are you happy now?

December 4, 2021 8:06 am

Of course it’s “reasonable and proportionate” to detain and incarcerate people without trial.

When I don’t like them and I’m holding the gun.

local oaf
December 4, 2021 8:07 am

Sorry, accidentally reported feelthebern at 4:30 am

Too early for eyes to focus properly

December 4, 2021 8:07 am

His best lines were as Inigo Mantoya anyway. And gave birth to a thousand memes.


December 4, 2021 8:12 am

Reflecting on Brand’s latest – his take on Gunner was amusing, particularly the overabundance of saliva.

Question – is there a version of that spittle flecked rant with superimposed toothbrush moustache yet? I swear I see the ol’ Austrian paperhanger redux.

December 4, 2021 8:13 am

That word doesn’t mean what you think it means.

December 4, 2021 8:17 am

That knobhead in the Nothing Territory: “But, but, but, me and me poor li’l family is gettin’ death threats, I tells ya!”.

Yes, it’s a phenomenon known as “reaping the whirlwind”, you monumental moron.

December 4, 2021 8:23 am

Mater says:
December 4, 2021 at 6:53 am
Where is our PM, our courts?
Very reminiscent of the Defence Force Correctional Establishment, where they had control lines everywhere that you had to stand on and seek permission to cross whenever you moved anywhere.
They also used to have to shit in buckets, and clean them out. I wonder if the NT authorities have cottoned on to that little pleasure for the inmates?
Bloody animals

Our tourism industry disappeared as soon as we became the butt of international jokes about Victorian lockdown. Tourist operators Australia-wide should sue Daniel Andrews for what he has done and is still doing. There should be a commercial version of Nuremberg trials.

December 4, 2021 8:25 am

Rabz says:
December 4, 2021 at 8:17 am
That knobhead in the Nothing Territory: “But, but, but, me and me poor li’l family is gettin’ death threats, I tells ya!”.

Yes, it’s a phenomenon known as “reaping the whirlwind”, you monumental moron

Has he been getting speaking lessons from Eric Bana?

December 4, 2021 8:27 am

Loved Garrison’s cartoon this morning, thanks Tom. We really are a poor country when foreign cartoonists can sum up our plight better than our own cartoonists.

December 4, 2021 8:28 am

I seem to be here all by myself, everyone else must be at breakfast.

December 4, 2021 8:29 am

Crossie – Eric Banana, more like. With bonus spittle.

December 4, 2021 8:31 am

Michigan school shooting suspect’s parents charged

Ethan Crumbley was with his father when he bought the 9 mm Sig Sauer pistol on Nov. 26, McDonald said. The teen posted photos of the gun on social media, writing, “Just got my new beauty today,” she said. Jennifer Crumbley also posted online about testing the gun out with her son, McDonald said.

According to McDonald, the morning of Tuesday’s shooting, Ethan Crumbley’s teacher saw an alarming note on his desk. McDonald described the note as “a drawing of a semi-automatic handgun pointing at the words, ‘The thoughts won’t stop, help me.’ In another section of the note was a drawing of a bullet with the following words above that bullet, ‘Blood everywhere.’”

Ethan Crumbley was removed from the classroom and his parents were called to the school, McDonald said. By the time a counselor obtained the drawing, the teen had allegedly altered it, McDonald said.

“At the meeting, James and Jennifer Crumbley were shown the drawing and were advised that they were required to get their son into counseling within 48 hours,” she said. “Both James and Jennifer Crumbley failed to ask their son if he had his gun with him or where his gun was located and failed to inspect his backpack for the presence of the gun, which he had with him.”

The parents left school while Ethan Crumbley returned to class, likely with the gun in his backpack, McDonald said.

Federal agencies are part of manhunt for parents of the Michigan high school shooting suspect who were charged with involuntary manslaughter

Un-freaking-believably irresponsible parents. Result? 4 dead and 7 wounded.
Maybe they can get some serious family time by sharing a jail cell.

December 4, 2021 8:35 am

Council elections. Everyone’s at the polling booth with their Artline heavy markers poised for action.

There will be a few masterpieces generated today.

December 4, 2021 8:35 am

everyone else must be at breakfast

Devoured mine about twenty minutes ago. A breakfast of champions, given this hangover and all the gardening that needs to be done.

Still wondering whether I should head into town or pass until next Saturday.

December 4, 2021 8:37 am

Council elections.

Cast my postal vote last week. Couldn’t attend on the day due to “my religious beliefs” – i.e. I religiously believe that voting in council elections is one of the most pointless activities known to humankind.

December 4, 2021 8:48 am

WASHINGTON D.C.—During a press conference today, Jen Psaki confirmed that President Biden will soon be visiting Waukesha to comfort the family of the traumatized SUV driver.

“President Biden has a big heart, and he truly cares for hurting people,” said Psaki. “He will be visiting Waukesha next week to console the family of Darrell Brooks, as they mourn the arrest of their loved one. Mr. Brooks was clearly the real victim here.”

“That Brooks guy’s a good guy, just made a mistake,” said Biden to the diaper pail in the corner of his restroom. “He was obviously scared and was running away from white supremacy or something like that. Made a wrong turn and then ran over 70 people while zig-zagging to hit as many as possible. Just slipped up, is all! Happens to the best of us! Come on, man!”

December 4, 2021 8:54 am

There will be a few masterpieces generated today.

Not on the Central Coast – still under the thumb of the Administrator

December 4, 2021 8:54 am

Glenn Beck –

Crime or Cover-Up?

In depth review of where we are and how we got here.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 4, 2021 8:54 am

Bern, earlier and apropos of ex Chief Plod Fuller:

Yes. Yes he will fail in the private sector, just like alllll the other chiefs and deputy chiefs that prepare for their exit by approving courses for themselves that involve Executive Masters’ Degrees and company directors’ courses.

One of the myriad of reasons they fail is, as bern so accurately noted, that they no longer have the nursery of sycophants around them they are used to. Most have never had a job other than that one, then very shortly after they start they decide that all that icky actual police work involving actual crooks and getting hurt isn’t for them, and then it’s office jobs and cultivating sponsors from above.

Look at – just from a Vicco perspective – Comrie, Nixon, Overland, Lay and Ashton. All have been used to prepare ‘diagnostic reports’ on various other things (including other police forces) post-retirement, and all have been ignored.

Overland in particular tried to run a council they same way he ran a police force, and said council were that horrified they were able to get him booted – and for a city council in Mongyang, that’s really saying something.

December 4, 2021 8:55 am

WASHINGTON D.C.—During a press conference today, Jen Psaki confirmed that President Biden will soon be visiting Waukesha to comfort the family of the traumatized SUV driver.

Hard to pick the Bee from the MSM sometimes

December 4, 2021 8:59 am


America is really getting to know us, and not in a good way.

December 4, 2021 9:02 am

Further to Dover’s short UnHerd link yesterday, a 20m vid is now up on youtube with over 400,000 views in a day.

Inside Australia’s Covid internment camp

December 4, 2021 9:06 am

Bern, earlier and apropos of ex Chief Plod Fuller:

Yes. Yes he will fail in the private sector, just like alllll the other chiefs and deputy chiefs that prepare for their exit by approving courses for themselves that involve Executive Masters’ Degrees and company directors’ courses.

One of the myriad of reasons they fail is, as bern so accurately noted, that they no longer have the nursery of sycophants around them they are used to. Most have never had a job other than that one, then very shortly after they start they decide that all that icky actual police work involving actual crooks and getting hurt isn’t for them, and then it’s office jobs and cultivating sponsors from above.

Look at – just from a Vicco perspective – Comrie, Nixon, Overland, Lay and Ashton. All have been used to prepare ‘diagnostic reports’ on various other things (including other police forces) post-retirement, and all have been ignored.

Overland in particular tried to run a council they same way he ran a police force, and said council were that horrified they were able to get him booted – and for a city council in Mongyang, that’s really saying something.

KD, isn’t that the council that was promptly fired by our glorious leader?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 4, 2021 9:14 am


That would be the one. You’d think ‘Thimon’ would be well suited to leading a pack of incompetents, but evidently not.

December 4, 2021 9:14 am

Somyurek fired Overland so Andrews fired Somyurek and set up his own apparatus to run council.

December 4, 2021 9:16 am

Tim Pool beclowning Claire Lehmann again.

Great stuff.

Have a fantastic local.council election day, all.

December 4, 2021 9:17 am

How Activist Teachers Recruit Kids

This is from California. I wonder how different it is here.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 4, 2021 9:24 am

Spending the day with a now-12 year old niece I haven’t seen in a couple of years.


Cassie of Sydney
December 4, 2021 9:24 am

December 4, 2021 at 8:55 am
WASHINGTON D.C.—During a press conference today, Jen Psaki confirmed that President Biden will soon be visiting Waukesha to comfort the family of the traumatized SUV driver.

Hard to pick the Bee from the MSM sometimes”

Quite so…and what’s the bet that if a white driver had mowed down seven black people, including children, the Sniffer in Chief and other Democrat scum such as Icecream Pelosi and Satan Schumer would have already visited the families of the dead.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 4, 2021 9:26 am

Sitting around applauding it, saying “Yeah, but it’s reasonable and proportionate”.

That’s also the disturbing opinion of many average Australians.
Off to a big family celebration tonight and two of the group are not invited because of their non-vaccinated status. Everyone else is on board with their exclusion.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 4, 2021 9:35 am

VicPlod Overland will think it is a good career outcome if he can still catch the tram each morning. Symbolic of how much work has to be done (by whom?) in Victoriastan.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 4, 2021 9:41 am

Ben Roberts-Smith defamation trial set to resume in February
Michaela Whitbourn
By Michaela Whitbourn
December 3, 2021 — 4.47pm

War veteran Ben Roberts-Smith’s defamation trial against The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald is set to resume in February after a six-month pause owing to coronavirus restrictions.

On Friday, Federal Court Justice Anthony Besanko, appearing via video link from Adelaide, ordered that the trial would resume in Sydney on Wednesday, February 2.

Mr Roberts-Smith is suing The Age, the Herald and The Canberra Times over a series of stories starting in June 2018 that he alleges accuse him of war crimes and an act of domestic violence against a woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair. He denies all wrongdoing. The media outlets are seeking to rely on a defence of truth.

Barrister Nicholas Owens, SC, acting for the media outlets, told Justice Besanko on Friday that the newspapers’ preferred start date was February 14.

The outlets intend to call a number of witnesses from Western Australia who are affected by border restrictions in that state.

West Australian Premier Mark McGowan has indicated his state’s borders will reopen when 90 per cent of residents aged 12 and up are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, which is expected to happen in late January or early February.

Mr Owens said a February 14 start date was at the “cautious end of that period that the premier has indicated”.

Arthur Moses, SC, appearing for Mr Roberts-Smith, said he didn’t “mean to be disrespectful to statements made by the WA premier” but it was not clear when interstate travel would resume without restriction and “the Federal Court can’t be held hostage to whims of decisions by a state premier”.

“It’s been three-and-a-half years since the proceedings were commenced,” Mr Moses said.

By February, it would have been seven months since Mr Roberts-Smith gave evidence in the proceedings, he added. Mr Moses proposed that the trial should resume on January 31.

December 4, 2021 9:42 am

Off to a big family celebration tonight and two of the group are not invited because of their non-vaccinated status. Everyone else is on board with their exclusion.

The best Germans outside of Germany.

Why are you going? I would be telling them all to get fucked and organising an alternative event with the unvaxxed plus anyone else who isn’t a mindless Nazi.

This comes down to individual action. Rub their fucking Mong faces in their Nazism at every opportunity.

December 4, 2021 9:43 am

Melbourne today Event Programme and Special Guests:

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 4, 2021 9:46 am

Why are you going? I would be telling them all to get fucked and organising an alternative event with the unvaxxed plus anyone else who isn’t a mindless Nazi.

Or spend a short time at the big celebration, then announce your departure to meet “absent friends”.

December 4, 2021 9:49 am

You helped enable this, you monstrous fuckwits – are you happy now?

They should shut down Tourism Australia. What’s the point of trying to market a 4 week old road kill wombat?

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 4, 2021 9:53 am

everyone else must be at breakfast

Probably getting their democracy sausage.
As for me, I’m trying to vote electronically and vote often, but the iVote site has crashed.

December 4, 2021 9:54 am
December 4, 2021 9:58 am

Man Tries to Dodge Covid Vaccine With Silicone Arm.

Close, but no cigar.

Had been seriously contemplating that….

December 4, 2021 10:01 am

So it’s now “reasonable and proportionate” to lock up people who don’t have covid?

December 4, 2021 10:03 am

December 4, 2021 at 8:31 am
Michigan school shooting suspect’s parents charged

This is a particularly bad school shooting. The 4 dead kids were all top shelf and the punk who did it left a trail of psychological warnings. His parents look like ratbags and are currently on the run.

I can see the 2nd Amendment being qualified by Red Flag laws and psychological criteria.

December 4, 2021 10:07 am

Had been seriously contemplating that….

My plan: Make a fake silicone deltoid starting just where your singlet strap sits and going down to just above elbow. Put 0.5 mm aluminium underneath it, make it about 20mm thick. Wear a singlet and use this to conceal the joint between it and flesh and blood. Go to somewhere completely unqualified to deliver vaccinations such as a chemist. Wear a shirt and unbutton it and slip it down off your shoulder to receive the clot shot.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 4, 2021 10:08 am

Why are you going? I would be telling them all to get fucked and organising an alternative event with the unvaxxed plus anyone else who isn’t a mindless Nazi.

Yep, my RSVP would be very NSFW.

December 4, 2021 10:10 am

I am over this semblance of democracy in a “bigly” way. In my experience, the General Manager & his underlings run local government. The elected Councillors are fundamentally grandstanders. Some mean well & think they can make a difference. They can’t . It is a bureaucratic structure through & through. Occasionally, a very strong Mayor – like Frank Sartor when he was Mayor of Sydney City Council, & Clover Moore who has very strong backing of staff – can dominate. But that is relatively rare.

I will not be taking part in this charade & will vote informal to stop be fined.

December 4, 2021 10:12 am

Depends where the family reunion is being held. Private home, there’s no excuse to uninvite the unvaxxed. If it’s a restaurant or club, the venue’s rules apply.

And yes. It’s sh*t.

December 4, 2021 10:14 am

Depends where the family reunion is being held. Private home, there’s no excuse to uninvite the unvaxxed.

What…and pass up an opportunity to virtue signal!?

December 4, 2021 10:15 am

I’m at the Conservative end of the electorate.

The blue tent looked very lonely. The red tent ditto, regardless of having the mayoral hopeful in attendance.

I suspect it will be an Independent avalanche.

December 4, 2021 10:18 am

Yes Vicki- I recall someone saying about for former LGA in Sydney: “It’s run by the staff, for the staff”.

December 4, 2021 10:18 am

Cut and print!
That was great, Prime Minister.
You nailed the tweeny instagram influencer vibe perfectly.

December 4, 2021 10:19 am

I am over this semblance of democracy in a “bigly” way. In my experience, the General Manager & his underlings run local government.

Pssst….that’s how the Local Government Act was designed!

Its a goddamned joke.

IIRC, local councils were actually better when we elected mayors – roads were not totally shit when I was a kid. Even parts of Sidonee and NSW towns have roads that like a 3rd world nation.

December 4, 2021 10:20 am

When my name was ticked off, I told the lass at the table that I’d vote for anyone who promised to get rid of the stupid masks pronto.

She concurred, eyes a-twinkle.

On masks, I have noticed that fewer and fewer people are wearing the stupid designer ones, opting for the generic surgical blue. The novelty has worn off, political numpties.

December 4, 2021 10:21 am

The elected Councillors are fundamentally grandstanders. A magnet for the untalented and self important as AJ once said. Paying them was a very bad move too.

December 4, 2021 10:25 am

Anyway, if you are a budding career pollimuppett whose gunna save the world, the council is a great start until your talents are truly recognised allowing you to be PM or Premier or UN Sec Gen.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 4, 2021 10:27 am

Couldn’t attend on the day due to “my religious beliefs” – i.e. I religiously believe that voting in council elections is one of the most pointless activities known to humankind.

Went in at about 10am, booth at local shopping centre. Empty as. I was half hoping to be turned away for being a leper, but all they wanted was for the proles to sign in and sanitize our leprous hands. Amusingly they gave me a pen and didn’t want it back again because leper-cooties or something.

December 4, 2021 10:29 am

The parents have been charged in the Michigan school shooting.

They’re appalling.

And now, prosecutors are criminally charging Crumbley’s parents with manslaughter.

To be sure, the parents appear to have been utterly irresponsible. According to the charges filed, in the hours before the shooting they had been urgently summoned to the school, because a teacher had discovered that Crumbley had drawn images of a gun that had been fired at a fallen body, with the added inscriptions, “Blood everywhere” and “The thoughts won’t stop. Help me.”

Furthermore, on the day before the shooting, Jennifer Crumbley had sent her son a text — a blood-curdling one in hindsight — laughing off the fact that a teacher had seen her son searching online for gun ammunition: “LOL, I’m not mad at you, you just have to learn not to get caught.” The parents left the gun — a 9-millimeter Sig Sauer pistol that had just been lawfully purchased by James Crumbley — unlocked in a bedroom drawer.

December 4, 2021 10:31 am

Snap Cronkite.

I read andrew McCarthy at NRO

December 4, 2021 10:31 am

Really, there has to be a point at which it all stops.

December 4, 2021 10:32 am

‘Democracy’ has been a bit of a joke since Whitlam-Fraser. Vote Whitlam out, get the same stuff eg free Uni and Muliculturalism anyway. Destruction of the electricity sector- we get it from either side of the uniparty.

December 4, 2021 10:34 am

December 4, 2021 at 6:10 am
South Africa was test run.
When the globalist get together at the pub they say, geez how did that get out of the lab?

Thought that myself. Not a conspiracy theorist but everything that has happened in last few years are definitely looking like it

December 4, 2021 10:35 am

Don’t think I can get to rally in Sydney today (assume there is one). Have returned this weekend but have been instructed to make blender soups for grandson with broken jaw. Family first.

December 4, 2021 10:35 am

++ungood candidates are not permitted and will be dealt with. Ask Pauline.

December 4, 2021 10:37 am

++ungood candidates are not permitted and will be dealt with. Ask Pauline.

Ask Tony Abbott and Peter Beattie for more information on this topic!

December 4, 2021 10:39 am

Can anyone shed light on this very suspicious piece of TheirABC finding ‘evidence’ of fast rising sea levels?

Tasmania’s World Heritage-listed Port Arthur Historic Site is under threat from climate change, according to the authority responsible for managing the major tourism destination.

Some heritage has already been lost at the Coal Mines Historic Site, also on the Tasman Peninsula, where convicts were once forced to perform hard labour.

David Roe, the archaeology manager for the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, revealed to a parliamentary committee that climate change will be one of the “biggest issues” for the site in coming years.

The small burial site at Port Arthur, the Isle of the Dead, contains what is believed to be the world’s oldest oceanic tidal benchmark.

Experts say it indicates the tide level has already risen 15 centimetres since 1841.

Although this bit might be a clue:

Part of the island fell into the sea in the 1890s.

Any Taswegians or sea level geeks able to advise?

December 4, 2021 10:39 am

‘Democracy’ has been a bit of a joke since Whitlam-Fraser.

Fraser was certainly a harbinger of things to come from the Liberals.

Here, in his own words, he lists his greatest achievements:

“I think multiculturalism, the inquiry into post arrival services for migrants – the Galbally report – human rights, law-based issues, reform of administrative law, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, the Human Rights Commission, because these things are all interrelated. They all go to how governments treat people.”

The Liberal Party since 1975 has spent most of its political capital establishing the Left’s agenda.

The only exception I can think of is Abbott restoring border sovereignty.

December 4, 2021 10:39 am

Re Omicron: assume it’s just the expected evolution of the virus. If it’s as innocuous as they say – that’s a good thing. The great fear is that Gertrude VanDen Bossche is right & global vaccination will drive a more deadly virus to develop.

December 4, 2021 10:39 am

Not a conspiracy theorist but everything that has happened in last few years are definitely looking like it

The establishment expected Clinton to win and they were very very angry with the electorate in the US for not voting as the teev told them. Brexit was unexpected also. Action needed to be taken as a punishment and a warning. There was a putsch last year.

December 4, 2021 10:39 am
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 4, 2021 10:40 am

Sitting under a tree starting to work through the ALP’s emissions policy – including its (remarkably detailed) economic modelling package.

First impressions:

1) You can immediately see why ‘industry’ (ie industry bodies dominated by businesses with deep roots in the renewables scam) have a hard-on for little Chris Bowen.

Team Albanese is proposing to spend $20 billion (so, $40-$60+ billion real world) on network infrastructure to support widespread Thief Sector rollout of yummy, low risk, 18%+ ROI renewable/storage/hydrogen projects. Enough to guarantee a 10-year stream of massive executive bonuses at AGL, Origin, KPMG, Energy Australia…

2) The economic underpinnings are laughable. Based on a $20 billion Fed-spend, plus a further $50 billion splash by private sector rent-seekers:

…access to an abundant supply of low-cost renewable electricity under the ALP’s Rewiring the Nation policy is forecast to result in lower electricity prices, with annual average NEM wholesale prices forecast to reduce by 18% ($11 MWh) by 2025 from today’s levels ($62 MWh), and 26% ($16 MWh) by 2030.

Sure Buddy. A simple DCF model of an even $50bn capital/return tariff spread – with IRR set to 18% – tells a different story.

3) 435,000 new jobs by 2030 – including 125,000 in construction of the new transmission infrastructure.
Or possibly only 4,000.

But wait, there’s more:

Competitively priced energy is therefore able to support higher economic growth associated with increased mining, new manufacturing jobs, and a renewable-fuelled energy export sector.

But no detail on what the cheap power jobs are about, or where these skilled infrastructure constructors are coming from. Or going to, post construction.
Canberra? India, perhaps.

4) The Albo/Bowen ‘roadmap’ is just as reliant on future cargo cult technology gains as Moron’s.

If the media don’t immediately pull the wings off this awful gobshite and all its unsupported aspirational nonsense they are in the tank.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
December 4, 2021 10:40 am

Is there a protest rally in Brisbane today – anyone know??


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 4, 2021 10:42 am

Ooops. Rant.

December 4, 2021 10:42 am

The establishment expected Clinton to win and they were very very angry with the electorate in the US for not voting as the teev told them. Brexit was unexpected also. Action needed to be taken as a punishment and a warning. There was a putsch last year.

That’s exactly what it is.


December 4, 2021 10:45 am


I was a bit confused when hot Hayley said the CDC said she was being punished.

I wonder if the NT has its own NSA and NATO as well?

December 4, 2021 10:46 am

Hi Calli,
the Elvis Costello clip you put up for Dot was great. I have always enjoyed his music very much, but, have not indulged in recent years because he was one of the loudest berating bands and singers for performing in Israel.

On a good note, didn’t Basil Rathbone have the most elegant profile? swoooooooooooon

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 4, 2021 10:46 am

Experts say it indicates the tide level has already risen 15 centimetres since 1841.

So 1.25mm per year. We should panic immediately! Another metre of sea level rise will only take 800 more years. Maybe Albo could produce green jerbs and protect us by building lots of dikes, like the Dutch do. Very small dikes.

December 4, 2021 10:47 am

Mainstream TV is a psyop.

Saw an ad last night on ABC for the latest adaptation of the H. E. Bates ‘Larkin’ books (Darling buds of May, etc.) These were originally written as postwar fantasies of rural hedonism for a miserable, grey austerity Britain and are just about the whitest things you can imagine. So who’s the first character you see in the ad? A black guy. He plays the tax inspector who’s come to bring the anarchic Larkins to book, but who will obviously succumb to their carefree way of life. Funny thing to be making in any Western nation at the present time. Or maybe this time the Larkins will come to see their civic duty to pay high taxes, stop brewing their own booze, cut out eating meat, stop smoking, stop bonking and vote Greens.

December 4, 2021 10:49 am

December 4, 2021 at 10:34 am

December 4, 2021 at 6:10 am
South Africa was test run.
When the globalist get together at the pub they say, geez how did that get out of the lab?

Thought that myself. Not a conspiracy theorist but everything that has happened in last few years are definitely looking like it

You reminded me of the work of an old cat; from July 2011 –

Not what Frank Capra had in mind…

December 4, 2021 10:49 am

Never be sorry, Faustus. Very informative.

You should write more, but you probably have a life.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 4, 2021 10:50 am

Oops, got to correct my terrible Saturday morning arithmetic. 15 cm in 180 years not 120, so 0.83mm/year sea level rise. That puts off one metre more of wet Armageddon until 3221AD.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 4, 2021 10:51 am


IIRC, local councils were actually better when we elected mayors – roads were not totally shit when I was a kid.

When the Town Clerk/Shire Clerk became an overpaid “Chief Executive Officer”, and other titles were “upgraded”, the fairly average administrators who occupied those positions started to believe that they really were Masters of Public Administration. Then everything turned to sh1t, because they remained the same fairly average administrators, but with swollen heads.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 4, 2021 10:51 am

Dan’s crack team is closing in on NSW with total deaths in the Delta outbreak.
It used to be 100’s and now stands at 30.
“Various factors” does not cut it as excuse.
Victorians are poorly lead and poorly served.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 4, 2021 10:52 am

Fraser was certainly a harbinger of things to come from the Liberals.

Elected in a landslide, a majority in both houses, a clear mandate to reverse the failed experiment in social engineering that were the Whitlam years…it was almost as though he was too timid to exercise that mandate…

December 4, 2021 10:52 am

I have always enjoyed his music very much, but, have not indulged in recent years because he was one of the loudest berating bands and singers for performing in Israel.

What’s he got against indigenous folk living on their land?

December 4, 2021 10:52 am

I can see the 2nd Amendment being qualified by Red Flag laws and psychological criteria.

Problems is, the background check was done on daddy because he bought the gun. Not the kid.

Why? Because his precious little 15 year old psychopath wanted one for Christmas and the kid was too young to purchase it himself.

Next the parents will say that he never ever exhibited any anti-social or unbalanced behavior in the past and this is a complete shock. Morons might even believe them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 4, 2021 10:55 am

I suspect Taswegian sea level rise is only half the typical tide gauge value of about 1.6mm/yr* because Tasmanistan is still rebounding from the Ice Age glaciers melting. Plus a tiny bit of residual plate tectonics from the old eastern coast subduction zone.

* see Nils-Axel Mörner’s tide gauge data analyses.

December 4, 2021 10:56 am

I have always enjoyed his music very much, but, have not indulged in recent years because he was one of the loudest berating bands and singers for performing in Israel.

Costello turned out to be an absolute TURD. He was one of the loudest and most vociferous anti-Israel blow hards.

December 4, 2021 10:59 am

Anyone else seen the revolting “freedom” ads from the feds on FTA television?

Apparently vaccination macht frei or something.

Revolting slime, they are going to “give us back’ our freedom as long as we are good little serfs and peasants.

I dont live in this Australia, the Australia of frightened urban bugmen yearning to lick the hand of daddy government in submission.

December 4, 2021 11:01 am

it was almost as though he was too timid to exercise that mandate…

Fraser had different ideas and wouldn’t be told otherwise.

Not against a bit of social engineering himself: one of his legacies is western Sydney where he settled thousands of Lebanese Muslim hillbillies after public service advice that they weren’t the best citizenship material. But Malcolm knew better, thus we gfot the “Lebanese Concession” that circumvented immigration law.

December 4, 2021 11:02 am

Here’s another decade old on a very closely related topic to what’s currently consuming people’s minds –

It’s do as I say, not as I do…

December 4, 2021 11:03 am

Anyone here make their own ersatz tobacco?

I have been reading a bit, perhaps rose petals, apple leaf, oak leaves would work, with some mint, legal salvia and even brassica leaf & celery…(some contain the evil nootropic, nicotine).

Americans use coltsfoot but I have NFI what that is.

Got to be careful because I don’t want to get high off my tits. No I am not smoking wattle bark.

It might seem ridiculous, but here is the law on your own tobacco:


Only licensed producers to produce tobacco leaf etc.
(1) A person who does not hold a producer licence must not intentionally produce material that is tobacco seed, tobacco plant or tobacco leaf knowing, or being reckless as to whether, the material is tobacco seed, tobacco plant or tobacco leaf.


(a) for tobacco seed or tobacco plant–2 years imprisonment or 500 penalty units; and

(b) for tobacco leaf–2 years imprisonment or the greater of:

(i) 500 penalty units; and

(ii) 5 times the amount of duty, worked out under the regulations, being the duty that would be payable if the tobacco leaf had been manufactured into excisable goods and entered for home consumption on the penalty day.

Note: See section 4AA of the Crimes Act 1914 for the current value of a penalty unit.

(2) A person who does not hold a producer licence must not produce tobacco seed, tobacco plant or tobacco leaf.

Penalty: 100 penalty units.

(3) Strict liability applies to subsection (2).


IIRC a Commonwealth penalty unit is $222 (Porter actually signed off on the last legislative instrument) and indexation will start again after this COVID crap goes away.

December 4, 2021 11:06 am

Costello turned out to be an absolute TURD.

That was pretty clear from his behaviour in his early days, Pogria.

Not long after his first album made him a star he left his wife and child for an American model, iirc.

I saw him live c. 1978 when he was playing with The Attractions and they were great but he treated the crowd with contempt.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 4, 2021 11:06 am

Dr Faustus

If the media don’t immediately pull the wings off this awful gobshite and all its unsupported aspirational nonsense they are in the tank.

ROFLMAO! Where have you been for the last 30 years. The MSM have been up to their grubby eyeballs in the scam for at least that long.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 4, 2021 11:09 am

Bruce of N

Maybe Albo could produce green jerbs and protect us by building lots of dikes, like the Dutch do. Very small dikes.

What are all those tiny “women in sensible shoes “(h/t the fun Robin Williams) going to do about sea level?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 4, 2021 11:10 am

If you see a guy wearing a necklace of human fingers, and you’re driving a Mercedes, run away.

Mercedes Introducing Fingerprint Scanning Next Spring (3 Dec)

I don’t think they’ve quite thought this one through, somehow.

December 4, 2021 11:10 am

local councils were actually better when we elected mayors

I mean when the mayor was effectively the CEO. Some places already elect their mayors. I don’t think any did before 1993?

December 4, 2021 11:12 am

December 4, 2021 at 11:03 am

Tobaccos seed is easy to purchase.

Support your local business.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 4, 2021 11:13 am


I dont live in this Australia, the Australia of frightened urban bugmen yearning to lick the hand of daddy government in submission.

I don’t think that it is the hand they want to lick.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 4, 2021 11:15 am

I have noticed that fewer and fewer people are wearing the stupid designer ones, opting for the generic surgical blue

My GP insisted on the latter because all “others don’t work”.
Said the GP wearing both a blue mask and a face shield.
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

December 4, 2021 11:16 am

My dream before I die of a terminal illness as an old man is to plant tobacco, salvia, jimson weed etc everywhere and let it go absolutely feral.

I don’t want everyone to get high, I want everyone to have bodily autonomy.

They won’t prosecute someone dying of liver cancer. I am also betting on the disruption agents of diversity and equity being too incompetent to catch a doddering old man in 2146.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 4, 2021 11:18 am

December 4, 2021 at 11:10 am
local councils were actually better when we elected mayors

I mean when the mayor was effectively the CEO. Some places already elect their mayors. I don’t think any did before 1993?

Pretty sure that Queensland did back in the 1950s/1960s. See Clem Jones.

December 4, 2021 11:19 am

My dream before I die of a terminal illness as an old man is to plant tobacco, salvia, jimson weed etc everywhere and let it go absolutely feral.

Our very own Johnny Appleseed!

December 4, 2021 11:20 am

Yes Roger, it’s hard to find anything good to say about Fraser except that he wasn’t Hawke who I probably disliked even more. All career pollimuppetts. All tarred with the same brush as my dear grandmother used to say.

December 4, 2021 11:21 am

Collectivists, two years ago, screeching about the cause du jour: “But what will the rest of the world think of us?”

The same leftist fucktards that for years decried Australia to be an international embarrassment and now we are one are nowhere to be seen.

December 4, 2021 11:25 am

Sorry, accidentally reported feelthebern at 4:30 am

I mistakenly hit the odd report button on occassion. Does it show somewhere who has hit the report button?

I always liked the idea that if you push report a little calling card or tag replaces the comment. Along the lines of…

“You have been fat fingered by EvilElvis!”


December 4, 2021 11:26 am

December 4, 2021 at 11:09 am
Goebbels would admire the chutzpah. Apparently, the significant rise in heart problems is the result of post pandemic stress disorder (PPSD), not the vaccines. These people are evil.

At least he’s inadvertently confirmed the extent of post-vaxx heart damage.

December 4, 2021 11:27 am

Severe AEs begin in AFL.

No exercise for three months and expected to make a full recovery.
I’m sure his footy career will make a full recovery too.

December 4, 2021 11:29 am

I have noticed that fewer and fewer people are wearing the stupid designer ones, opting for the generic surgical blue

The blue paper masks are a lot cooler than the designer masks. If I have to wear one I put a plastic frame on as well to keep it away from the mouth.

December 4, 2021 11:30 am

“But what will the rest of the world think of us?”

I think we might be finding out, soon enough.

December 4, 2021 11:34 am

Johanna 10.39am,
Sydney Fort Denison Recording Station (BOM began measuring sea level there in 1914) shows that in the last century sea level dropped 6cm.
Search for the SFDRS and you’ll get a Saltbush Club article from 2019 on this.
“The seas and oceans to the east of Australia form the largest body of water on Earth. This broadly connected vast body of water presents a genuine sea level.”

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 4, 2021 11:36 am

iVote is currently receiving a high volume of applications. Please try again soon.
This is what I get in my latest attempt to vote on-line today.
At least the site is now responding. Earlier the crash led to no site at all.
At this rate the 1pm cut off (to apply to use iVote) will come and go before I can do my civic duty.

December 4, 2021 11:37 am

Johanna, haven’t been to Port Arthur since I was 15 and certainly not with the knowledge I have now. I just came across this:

The area had a detailed Geological survey in the 1970’s.The area like the rest of Tasmania is very complex. At a hunch from the map on page 9 and the photos I saw, Isle of the Dead would be the interbedded Permian Mudstone & Sandstone formation around Port Puer. Now without the hardness or geotechnical data and due to the complexity of the area, I am not going out on that limb but mudstones are generally softer than silt or sandstones.

You are probably right smelling bovine excrement with the climate change angle, could be any number of causes and like much more benign.

Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
December 4, 2021 11:39 am

I just found out that I am unable to go to my local council tip due to resisting the vax. Clown world is real.

Cassie of Sydney
December 4, 2021 11:39 am

It’s Local Council elections here in NSW. I voted a few days ago. Just walked up to Oxford Street Paddington and saw ugly duckling Daisy Turnbull swanning around wearing a sweater emblazoned with the words “Team Turnbull” on it. This is no accident. She’s doing deliberately.

December 4, 2021 11:40 am

Thanks, BoN. I was intrigued about a chunk of the island falling into the sea. The winter storms around there are pretty fierce, I expect. Plenty of erosion going on.

Still, presumably the local authority smells the possibility of some gubbmint moolah if they bleat loudly enough about ‘climate change.’

Cassie of Sydney
December 4, 2021 11:41 am

“The Liberal Party since 1975 has spent most of its political capital establishing the Left’s agenda.”

Liberty quote.

December 4, 2021 11:44 am

Couple of ladies down here at the protest walking around (nearly naked) wearing boards that proclaim that “Apparently clothes are not essential”.

A warmish day, thankfully.

December 4, 2021 11:47 am

Numbers have fallen off significantly, as I suspected they would.

December 4, 2021 11:48 am

Just read the submarine geology part. Steep underwater gradients, from drowned river valleys formed during previous sea level regressions. Could be some subsidence below the waterline as well.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 4, 2021 11:53 am

I just found out that I am unable to go to my local council tip due to resisting the vax.

Probably afraid you’ll infect the bin chickens.

December 4, 2021 11:54 am

It’s Local Council elections here in NSW. I voted a few days ago. Just walked up to Oxford Street Paddington and saw ugly duckling Daisy Turnbull swanning around wearing a sweater emblazoned with the words “Team Turnbull” on it. This is no accident. She’s doing deliberately.
did you punch her in the face?

Cassie of Sydney
December 4, 2021 11:55 am

did you punch her in the face?”

I felt like it. I’ve met her numerous times….and I can attest to her being a nasty, rude, entitled, snobbish piece of garbage….but with parents like that, she had no hope.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 4, 2021 11:58 am

I started reading your post thinking it would be numbers has fallen off his perch.
That was a dirty trick to play on a poor old cripple.

December 4, 2021 11:58 am

in the mid to late 70’s, my music consisted mainly of listening to the radio and saving to see Aussie bands. At that time, the best Oz music was heard in the pubs. They were great venues and a lot of the bands were very interactive. I saw them all, including Split Enz when they were wearing their original clown suits. Unfortunately, I was never to see ACDC as Bon Scott had not long passed.

The only overseas band I saw was Rockpile.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 4, 2021 12:01 pm

Surely the Lebs are Frasers greatest achievement? The original goat herders that showed what was to come. Ah, multikulti.

December 4, 2021 12:01 pm

Still…not a shabby turnout.

December 4, 2021 12:02 pm


next time a surreptitious tripping or an accidental stumble on your part when you just “happen” to grab her clothes to save yourself, and then end up landing on her, for cushioning, of course.

Actually, it’s a very simple and unobtrusive, easily learnt Judo move.

I can but hope.

December 4, 2021 12:05 pm

Live Melbourne Australia 4th December 2021 Eureka Rally

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
December 4, 2021 12:06 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:
December 4, 2021 at 8:54 am
Bern, earlier and apropos of ex Chief Plod Fuller:

Yes. Yes he will fail in the private sector, just like alllll the other chiefs and deputy chiefs that prepare for their exit by approving courses for themselves that involve Executive Masters’ Degrees and company directors’ courses.

One of the myriad of reasons they fail is, as bern so accurately noted, that they no longer have the nursery of sycophants around them they are used to. Most have never had a job other than that one, then very shortly after they start they decide that all that icky actual police work involving actual crooks and getting hurt isn’t for them, and then it’s office jobs and cultivating sponsors from above.

Look at – just from a Vicco perspective – Comrie, Nixon, Overland, Lay and Ashton. All have been used to prepare ‘diagnostic reports’ on various other things (including other police forces) post-retirement, and all have been ignored.

Overland in particular tried to run a council they same way he ran a police force, and said council were that horrified they were able to get him booted – and for a city council in Mongyang, that’s really saying something.

Well said KD.

It’s true of the other emergency services too. It’s like they just want to wear the pretty uniform but don’t like getting dirty. They get themselves as far away from operations as possible, then they become hostile to the operational personnel.

They start becoming champions and allies of whatever stupid ideas the government are pushing and have the same tin ear as the PM.

Once the admin and bureaucracy are in their ear, they forget that they exist because of operational staff. Without them, they would have no reason to exist.

That they are held in contempt by operational personnel goes without saying…….

December 4, 2021 12:09 pm
December 4, 2021 12:10 pm

Looks like eugyppius has been un personed on Twitter.

December 4, 2021 12:14 pm

what the hell was that?!?

December 4, 2021 12:20 pm

Re Isle of the Dead in Tasmania see discussion by John Daly

December 4, 2021 12:21 pm

Re Isle of the Dead in Tasmania see discussion by John Daly

December 4, 2021 12:23 pm

@covid19crusher is another good Twitter site to follow

December 4, 2021 12:25 pm

Claire Lemon.

Yes, she is a dud.

Vaccines work

Most that pass trials do – many of them have very few adverse effects and are effective for decades.

COVID vaccines permitted in Australia, thus far, are not.

December 4, 2021 12:27 pm

Claire Lehmann is an evil piece of trash.

December 4, 2021 12:32 pm

I see I have committed a musical faux pas. I have a nasty habit of separating art from artist.

Re-education is my only hope.

Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines
December 4, 2021 12:40 pm

I second Mater’s reporting here. It’s a much smaller crowd than the last two weeks. Still a decent crowd, given that people have responsibilities that don’t end on weekends. Plenty of familiar faces and flags. Am still seeing some newbies, too (welcome, Japan!).

So, here we are.

None of the federation’s checks-and-balances safeguards have protected what was left of our already much-diminished rights. And the normies’ attempts at a People Power approach hasn’t achieved what they hoped for (because of course People Power is just another example of the left’s perpetual money-go-round).

Granted, I’ve been happy to turn out for protests because it shows the government’s lack of legitimacy. Plus, ordinary people need to know they aren’t alone.

Well, now they know.

Yet Victoria now lives under a dictatorial enabling act while the federal government, courts and major political parties sit on their collective thumb.

Barring any surprise relief, the ‘normal’ political process has just ended.

A new stage begins.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 4, 2021 12:40 pm

Claire Lehmann
– Human lives are precious.


“I think because I’m Australian, and I take so many things for granted like universal health care, access to abortion, and we don’t have guns everywhere.”

Yep, human lives are just sooo precious we have to be allowed to kill them before they’re born.

My body my choice, eh Ms Lehmann? What a precious hypocrite.

December 4, 2021 12:45 pm

My body my choice, eh Ms Lehmann? What a precious hypocrite.

Also, like Janet Rice and Sarah Hanson Dung, insists that women cannot defend themselves from murdering rapists.

December 4, 2021 12:48 pm

Someone else:

Claire Lemon – “It isn’t a state run camp if you can still take selfies while you’re there ”

Because nothing says libertarianism like publicly shilling for ANY form of state run ” camps ” .

December 4, 2021 12:48 pm

Aussie Cossack just to the left of me and Mc.
He’s looking sharp in the Versace sunglasses.

December 4, 2021 12:53 pm

From Tim Pool’s rant about the Claire Lemon shill.

4 hours ago (edited)
My grandmother is currently in the Royal Adelaide Hospital. 84 years old. Just had surgery for a broken hip. Last night she was told if she didn’t get vaccinated, they couldn’t get her into rehab. My mother and auntie have been liaising with the doctors for every part of her treatment. Grandma is not an English speaker.

They doctors have given less than 24 hours notice for her vaccination.

So, after we said no to the vaccine, they went and got an interpreter to talk to her and now she’s getting vaccinated.

I called the hosptial last night and there was no doctor there. The nurse said they’ll have the doctor call me before anything happens.

I don’t trust them to make that call. There is no way that my grandmother would have agreed to being vaccinated if she has had full disclosure of risks for her.

For the record, I’m a fully vaccinated stem cell biologist with a PhD. I’m not anti-vax. My mother has had a severe reaction to the Modena vaccine and has neurological reactions (like Shawn Vidiella Skelton – look up her video).

Her reaction began within 2 minutes of her second vaccine shot.

So, we are not stupid or scared people. We don’t agree with the coercion being used to pressure my grandmother to be vaccinated.

This is not how medicine should be practiced.

I’m not in the state where my grandmother is and am waiting to get a call from the doctor before they attempt to vaccinate her.

I can’t guarantee a paper trail to hold them accountable.

December 4, 2021 12:53 pm

Aussie Cossack – Melbourne Protest LIVE

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 4, 2021 12:54 pm

– Technology and the scientific method are good.

Perhaps so, but the scientific method is not the same as “The Science”. Indeed, the latter is a complete rejection of the scientific method.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 4, 2021 12:59 pm

– Human lives are precious.

Nothing controversial there.

– Technology and the scientific method are good.

Too true – although she might also have added ‘rare’.

– Vaccines work.

What? Merely be dint of being called vaccines? That would not be consistent with the previous statement. If instead she means medicines that bestow immunity (or at least resistance) then it is tautology – things that work, work.

It is a pity. I have enjoyed Quillette. I had assumed she was left wing from her profession, but was not sure because of the tenor of the place. It was only ever a guess based on a remote assumption because she did not give herself away in anyway plainer. If she was a lefty she was the good sort* open to open discussion. But on this she is clearly being tone deaf, and has missed the nub of the argument – whether these are truly vaccines and whether they ought to be forced on people against their will.

* This also begs the word ‘rare’.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 4, 2021 1:00 pm

What are all those tiny “women in sensible shoes “(h/t the fun Robin Williams) going to do about sea level?

Start up an award-winning Equity and Diversity initiative, attend lots of Confetences on equlaity and equity, wear many coloured ribbons, host morning teas, sponsor Women in STEM programs, appear in many TV ads spouting feminist and environmentist boilerplate and motherhood statements, fawningly tongue-bathe each other on interviews at Their ABC, Teh Grauniad and The Ageist and maybe land at least one Australian Of The Year.

Eating vast quantities of Sate and Federal tax dollars without generating any value in return and producing no solutions of any sort to sea level changes goes without saying…


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 4, 2021 1:02 pm


Should be State.

December 4, 2021 1:10 pm

December 4, 2021 at 12:01 pm
Still…not a shabby turnout.

At time of typing, Rukshan is nowhere to be viewed! Topher’s live feed was unwatchable with massive buffering.

December 4, 2021 1:11 pm


Turnbuckle’s kid. She’s horrifying.

December 4, 2021 1:13 pm

G’day all!
I notice a missing thread. Apologies if I screwed it up.

December 4, 2021 1:22 pm

There are several good sources of sea level information which repudiate alarmist hysteria: Berkeley, PSMSL are 2 good ones and here is NOAA for Fort Denison:

December 4, 2021 1:23 pm

Technology and the scientific method are good.

Only if you ignore The Ruby Princess Petri dish.

I have been thinking about the figures relating to the Ruby Princess provided by Flyingduk.

We haven’t really opened an effective front on “Da Science”, there’s a whole massive pile there ready to be used.

A real live test with our “elderly and most vulnerable” puts all their fucking modelling to shame.

But we need herd immunity! Well arseholes, we already have it if you choose to look at the data. Without vaccination and without mandatory vaccination.

December 4, 2021 1:24 pm

I see I have committed a musical faux pas. I have a nasty habit of separating art from artist.

Erm, I think we can all do that, calli.

December 4, 2021 1:25 pm

…the scientific method is not the same as “The Science”. Indeed, the latter is a complete rejection of the scientific method.

State approved Science is neo-Lysenkoism.

December 4, 2021 1:25 pm

During a press conference today, Jen Psaki confirmed that President Biden will soon be visiting Waukesha to comfort the family of the traumatized SUV driver.

Excellent. I hope they show it live on all the networks, with the accompanying signing and leftard voice overs, with BLM chanting and cheering outside. While Biden shows off his dimness , working out why tf he’s in this black household.

1 2 3 5
  1. Refurbish coal plants, don’t close them. Of course, only where the governments retained ownership of the power stations is this…

  2. Too many bad actors in too many places. “Never in the 236-year political history of the United States has there…

  3. Embedded in this piece on possible election manipulation in Wisconsin you’ll find a disturbing bit about the left never sleeping…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x