About 100 percent?
About 100 percent?
Refurbish coal plants, don’t close them. Of course, only where the governments retained ownership of the power stations is this…
Too many bad actors in too many places. “Never in the 236-year political history of the United States has there…
Hopefully a grid wide blackout before the election. It’s the only thing that’ll smack reality into people.
Embedded in this piece on possible election manipulation in Wisconsin you’ll find a disturbing bit about the left never sleeping…
Either Australian Conservatives had poor security or it was a Honey Trap.
the vista problem
The thing here is, Rex, that if you head up a political party called Australian Values Party, promising to restore integrity and leadership to Australian politics based on your career as a soldier – and you’re serious about it – you don’t have a side gig selling pics of your willy standing at attention on the interwebs.
That’s how Money Laundering works.
No one’s hanging this shit above the mantelpiece, no matter how much they paid.
Russell has embarrassed a lot of people who were eager to help defend the SAS.
Or is Josh Robertson just pissed Heston was holding his own todger and not his?
Seriously, everyone’s up in arms because an obviously tapped veteran who is employed by a veterans mental health charity and subsequently does something stupid and is outed by some gay bloke at the ABC who is trawling gay forums and stumbles across a story?
I find no reason not to support the SAS, I don’t expect people who serve in the military to be wholly normal, as individuals.
But thank god the pure as the driven snow Catallaxy files can always find a comrade in the ABC to shine it’s pristine light into dark places.
Oh, and we’ll done for using an SX-64 as a portable computer – no-doubt a very exclusive club. Bonus points for taking a photo of yourself using it pool-side sans-cables per the advertising!
I don’t think there’s anyone here who does not support the SAS.
”Gaslighting” is just a new term for lying, yeah?
Explain in some detail how it works and why it works in the art market.
Really? I wash mine in Gypsum. It’s the only way to get the stains put and really restore the shine.
And nowhere near as expensive for airfares…
It’s a technique, or subset of lying.
Rather than a baldfaced statement, a word is repeated to create a subliminal impression. The best one so far is “rare” when applied to vaxx reactions. Another is “safe and effective”.
There were some fabulous ones during the Trump era – compilations of the MSM using the same word or phrase across all networks and platforms. Creepy, scripted stuff.
Combined with wilful and deliberate manipulation for malicious ends.
Which is why it is always amusing when the Left try to complain using that term.
Mid 1960s I worked in the PMG computer centre in North Sydney (Union Street next to pub .. LOL), computer took up a whole floor & might of been comparable to the power of the, later, C64 ..
We used to do all the NSW phone billing back then (which was not a daunting task!) .. info came in on paper tape rolls, daily, then needed re-spooling before transfer onto punch cards by a team of, around, 30 women before off to the computer folk upstairs ending up back downstairs on continuous perforated sheets to be fed into fed into a splitter/enveloper machine (about 4 metres long) .. great fun & games as the envelope end regularly stuffed up and manual paper insertion was fairly normal … LOL!
They way I understand gaslighting Gab is that say the ABC says it’s raining, you look outside and it’s sunny but you don’t go out because you believe the ABC.
The first example of gaslighting is in Genesis.
“Did God really say…?”
No guesses who the speaker is.
Why gaslighting though? How did the term originate as it must have some even loose connection to gaslight?
NKP – Yes. Railroad Tycoon on the sidecar in all its four colour glory was excellent. RT is still a fine educational tool for kids. Panic!!!
Meanwhile on the Amiga side was playing fine space sims in 16 colours. And many excellent wargames from our own SSG, like Reach For The Stars and Warlords. I once had the privilege of playing a game of Civilization (the Hasbro boardgame) with Ian Trout and several others at CanCon. He was seriously good.
JC, is TrumpTwitter the next Tesla?
Mileswmatis.com, click on updates, get your art info from the Horses Mouth.
It does, JC. The 1944 movie “Gaslight” – Ingrid Bergman is the victim of the manipulation.
The house lighting is used to create an impression of fear and uncertainty with the intention of driving her mad. I won’t give any more away, as it’s a thriller and it’s bad form to give away too much of the story.
Google it!
Title of a 1945 film starring Charles Boyer as the evil husband trying to convince wife Ingrid Bergman [and other parties] she’s losing her mind, assisted by evil housekeeper Angela Lansbury.
I always describe to the kids the first 1gb hard drive I ever saw. It was the size of a small fridge and cost nearly 250k in 1980$.
Then I do the lesson on sizes eg mb,gb,tb etc.
Then I hold up my 1tb micro SD card. Eyes usually as big as saucers at that point.
And not just a “word”. Actions and pictures can be used.
Remember all the pictures of armoured vehicles being moved after the US elections, giving the impression of imminent martial law? Or the drop deads in Wuhan? All the QAnon rubbish? The internet is truly fertile ground.
The use of “paleface” filters on the murderous SUV driver by various media outlets is a form of gaslighting, designed to give the impression that he wasn’t black.
I hope so. But I tell you what, when I read your comment, it made me think of beginnings of Foxnews when the bald guy went to Murdoch after he’d left the Bush Snr administration and was bankrolled with $10 million to start a conservative leaning (ie honest) cable news channel. A few years later Foxnews was making $US450 million a quarter.
50% or more of the public is clamoring an for alternative to leftwing scumbags. Trump sees an opening and has been testing the water for a while now.
Have you seen the film?
Boyer and Lansbury manipulate situations to cause Bergman and others to believe that she is losing her mind.
The film is set in 1890s London, when streetlighting was gaslit, hence the title.
I was about to write something similar when I scrolled up and saw your comment. Well done.
I’m not prepared to spit on someone based solely on the word of a organisation with long experience in seeking to undermine and damage the reputation of our armed forces, based on often spurious, poorly-researched evidence.
If what is claimed is correct, then yes, it was an error of judgement on Mr. Russell’s part. Like the concept or not, if as alleged, he sold intimate photos online, it was a legal exchange. If you are making a moral judgement based on those exchanges alone (absent the nascent political ambitions), I would suggest this judgement is a reflection of your own self-image.
From the hit-piece, the allegations do not appear to be of any criminal act. Until that changes, I’m prepared to remain open-minded.
Your stupid link is even more muddled than the other halfwit’s constant linking to that loon, Karl Denninger’s Market Ticker.
Present the specific evidence the art market is a money laundering clown show.
Explain it and and no stupid, meaningless links.
Quite amazing how powerfully this works on human psychology. For example my hairdresser recently rang me to say she decided for the good of her business that she shouldn’t do the hair of heinously unvaccinated people like me. It was clear when she did so that she was afraid. Afraid. Afraid of someone who has no diseases. I knew it was fully emotional so I just nicely said thanks for letting me know. This stuff is eyeopening.
Wow! You go to a female barber. What other service does she provide , Bruce?
And that, my friends, is a form of gaslighting.
First – question the intended victim’s memory
Second – challenge them on some small detail, it matters not whether it is true or false
Third – have them look up the plot line to make sure that what they remember is correct (as I just did)
Conclusion: it was the flickering house lights that were manipulated to cause stress and fear of madness.
Nice try.
The Beloved uses a female hairdresser to shear his greying locks.
Should I be worried? 😀
Aussie Cossack:
Special Counsel Durham found the e-mails Fusion GPS tried to hide
Maybe this is the cause of the nonsense about new information coming out about the Mueller report.
Feds could soon release ‘alternative’ Mueller report…
December 5, 2021 at 1:06 pm
”Gaslighting” is just a new term for lying, yeah?”
It’s grooming. In some ways it’s even more sinister than bare-faced lying. It’s a form of sinister hypnosis…where people are cunningly manipulated into believing something or events are distorted to suit an ideology. Nowadays the left, MSM scum and social media sewers are expert practitioners of of gaslighting. It’s been used effectively with the Pell saga, with SSM, with climate change, with the transgenderism gunk, with Covid fear, with Porter, with Trump is evil, with Abbott is evil and of course, with the protests over the last month…where the media deliberately gaslight the notion that the protests are filled with far-right neo-Nazis.
Cults have long used gaslighting. We’re now living in a cult world….dominated by the cult of far-left progressivism. It isn’t pretty.
“However, ABC Investigations has obtained evidence that Mr Russell sold explicit images via OnlyFans just weeks later, charging $US60 ($94 at the time) on Anzac Day last year for a picture of himself holding his erect penis”.
Insert pun about ” Half mast”.
Insert pun about ” Half mast”.
I was thinking more along the lines of that great chef, Heston’s Bluemantool.
Who said this?
“He did not think much of lawyers, believing they were ‘men deficient by nature or deformed by experience’.”
That’s bad enough. But what about the weirdos who bought the pics.
“I was thinking more along the lines of that great chef, Heston’s Bluemantool”.
Or maybe a lesson in shooting off a bazooka.
Eek. Enough .
He did not think much of lawyers, believing they were ‘men deficient by nature or deformed by experience’.
Hitler. I personally think lawyers are the salt of the earth, immensely talented folk with intellects only matched by their altruism and wit.
Critical settlement currently being resolved? 😉
So Heston wants to make money from a sellable rising asset and all the conservatives and libertarians shriek in horror. fmd
I like lawyers because they don’t cast a shadow or have a reflection
Does anyone know who the black bloke was that had heaps to with the blood bank system, and who bled to death outside a hospital because it was for whites only?
Finally answered my own question. (Takes longer these days).
Nope. His father did serve though, and perhaps is still serving?
Maybe we could talk about the former ABCess staff who have been convicted of possessing child you-know-what? Does the taxpayer-funded ABCess owe it to their employers and the community, a more stringent background check and monitoring process? After all, it only takes one successfully prosecuted in the legal system possessor of child you-know-what to stain the whole organisation, doesn’t it?
Oh dear.
Apparently Rex the choo choo man can read the constitution because he is in agreeance that the states have the powers.
They do not, according to our constitution.
(which I admit, they are wiping their arse with, and taking it to an Australian court is like asking different members of the crime gang to adjudicate on other member’s crimes).
Yet it is plainly written so that during times like this, we do not shirk our responsibilities to each other by claiming it’s all over our heads and we can’t possibly understand it.
It’s ours and is a living document that is only as old as our last amendment by referendum.
It maybe not the best constitution, but if followed and criminal politicians like Sco Mo did not put himself and others above it, we would not be in this mess.
This is for you to decide , for you to understand whether the contract between the people and the government has been broken.
So lets start with 109.
‘when a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid’.
What do you think that means?
Can’t read?
If you are having trouble with comprehending this, it could be psycho- somatic, seek help.
So here’s one of those superior laws in the constitution that over rides state laws
The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:
51(xxiiiA) the provision of maternity allowances, widows’ pensions, child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family allowances
with sect 51 ix
Quarantine is a separate discipline from what a health department can know how to do, and involves many geographical and demographic considersations that a moron like Jeanette Young has never trained in and has not right to exercise.
ONLY a Federal department should be involved in Quarantine services.
If you don’t agree with this you are advocating that states can raise their own armies if the Prime Minister feels like letting them.
Complete Bullshit.
Now look at this for bullshit.
Sect 117.
A subject of the Queen, resident in any State, shall not be subject in any other State to any disability or discrimination which would not be equally applicable to him if he were a subject of the Queen resident in such other state.
According to the people JC says are the only ones who should interpret this, they have said this…
Historically, section 117 had been read down by the High Court so as to be devoid of any real meaning.
[1] For example, in 1904 it was found that discrimination in favour of people who are “residents of and domiciled in Western Australia” was permissible, as the Constitution only prohibited discrimination on the basis of a person’s State of residence, not their State of domicile.[2]
When you get such an obvious load of bullshit as interpretation, it is up to us to know it and call it for what it is, hold our local members to account and demand the bullshit interpretations are reversed by way of a referendum which overturns the bullshit government interpretation.
We can demand a referendum, and we can change these things.
We are the only ones that can.
I know in apathetic Australia that it would never happen, of course I know that, however, it is up to us to look at it and to know there is nothing now that will stop totally deadly tyranny as they have put themselves above the constitution.
There is nothing legal at all about what they are doing.
That’s why we find ourselves still imprisoned on this Island for nearly two years.
Those that saw what they did in March 2020, knew exactly why we were in the shit, just by looking at the constitution.
I think Clive doesn’t get it if he thinks he’s going to win in an Australian court, and even though I know they have put themselves above the rule of law, I don’t quote the constitution as if we can use it for defense.
Once they’ve kicked it to the curb, they’ve kicked it to the curb.
They have the guns.
I quote the constitution so we all know we are dealing with criminals outside the rule of law who have the guns.
If any of this was legal we might have a hope.
It isn’t and that’s the point.
Two years of a state of emergency being rum by criminals outside the rule of law, making it up as they go, is COMMUNISM.
Crowd at least 2-3 thousand, possibly more.
His name was Charles Drew, but it was a vicious rumour he bled to death outside a “whites only” hospital.
Some more reasons why women should not have the vote:
Wimen should be allowed to vote .
But all employees of the govt and employees of service providers to the govt should not be permitted to vote.
“Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts.”
Richard Feynman (Theoretical Physicist).
Wimen should be allowed to vote .
But all employees of the govt and employees of service providers to the govt should not be permitted to vote.
Even if they’re women?
Of course not.
So Struth,
Far be it from me to question the superior rmunderstanding and rule-following capability of a truck driver, but if the Commonwealth allegedly has all these superior powers and authorities where State Law is in conflict with Federal,
Could it be that the current arrangements are in place because none of them conflict with Federal Law on the matter?
And could it be that the States’ own Constitutions allow them to do so, too?
And do you have an expert Constitutional Law on speed-dial to confirm the truthfulness of your assertions, or are you simply relying on received Struth?
All further references to Hurr Durr cH0o Ch00 MaNz! and mUh CoMmUnizM! will be taken as confessions that you do not.
Sorry Struth, but the whole process is far more complicated than asserting the truth of your ambit calling everyone who doubts you mean names…
Another link:
Eureka Freedom Rally. Ballarat, December 5th.
Anyway forget about voting, it so 20th century.
Instead lets have Scott Mengele and Dethpickabull decide what is beast for us.
best, I meant best of curse.
So, have the Chyneez refused Dethpikable asylum?
Could we offer them a small parcel of land if they take him?
Constitutional law is whatever the High Court says it is.
Which is why struth is ultimately wrong, despite pointing out that the law in the constitution is not actually being enforced.
Thanks, Cats.
Still just sounds like lying to me.
Are the TGA incompetent or complicit?
Embrace the power of “and”.
I thought the operative feature was that it was intended to make you doubt the evidence of your own eyes (or the equivalent). Like Psaki telling people that there is no inflation in the US. It seems to work and the press are the main culprits.
The thing here is, Rex, that if you head up a political party called Australian Values Party, promising to restore integrity and leadership to Australian politics based on your career as a soldier – and you’re serious about it – you don’t have a side gig selling pics of your willy standing at attention on the interwebs.
At least it didn’t get a dishonourable discharge!
Yes. That’s why I quoted the perfect prototype from Genesis.
It installs a seed of doubt and softens up the ground for a full-blown bare faced lie. In that old case, an assertion that someone else is a liar. As Bruce pointed out, it works very well, particularly on the innocent or gullible.
Wicked old bats are tougher to crack, but it happens. (Those footsteps I hear might be Nemesis…gotta zip!)
A very interesting read on vaccines.
Needle points.
In other news, I have just discovered my Elaeocarpus eumundiis are finally in flower, after a seven year wait! My baby trees have grown up and reached puberty. At least they won’t grunt at me.
Or Negligent… O_o
Which is why Struth, if he had bothered to read all the way through my post on the matter the other day, might have taken particular interest in the fact that any Constitutional challenge needs to look at every previous case arguing the clause (or clauses) in question, as to establish the desired outcome every previous judgement on that matter must be struck down.
It is not, and never will be just a case of This is not being enforced in the way I have interpeted it as being!
“I thought the operative feature was that it was intended to make you doubt the evidence of your own eyes (or the equivalent). Like Psaki telling people that there is no inflation in the US. It seems to work and the press are the main culprits.”
Is there any reason why we shouldn’t consider what our “governments” and media have been doing to us for the last two years as, state sponsored t3rrorism?
They’ve certainly managed to terrify a large proportion of the population into submission and obedience. Even to the point of medical experiments being performed on children!
Fucking abc after Heston Russell, the gay, conservative ex-vet who supports BR Smith and has started the Australian Values Party. Apparently Russell sells tasteful photos of himself to raise funds for ex-vets.
Calli how dare you. My five year old is still just looking at me in a sneering fashion.
Admittedly, being flattened by a cyclone as a two year old probably contributed to its sullen disposition.
My flowering malleys were stunning this year for about eight hours before a squillion lorikeets wrecked both the blossoms and the trees. They are for the bin sadly, growing WA trees in QLD ain’t smart.
Tell me this bitch isn’t a CCP operative:
Does this mean that the ABC is engaging in some sly homophobia to further their own ends?
They only work well if they’re grafted onto local rootstock, like the E. ficifolia cultivars. The WA ones generally hate clay and they have little resistance to the local soil pathogens.
A non-native, the cape chestnut, has flowered too. Only a few, but this it’s second year of maturity. Worth the wait, but it drives you crazy. This one was seed grown, but I have had much better success elsewhere with the grafted ones, hot pink and a white. Another seven year wonder.
Mr Sutter said Swiss 8 was only prepared to comment publicly now that Mr Russell was “starting a political party and attempting to use his former commando and veteran status”.
So it wasn’t an issue before?
I’m not sure Swiss 8 sounds like a worthy, apolitical ‘charity’.
Yes, rickw. Because only the unvaxxed can carry the virus. Asymptomatic but infected vaxxed cannot. Because Science.
I wonder how much Xi pays her.
John H. says:
December 5, 2021 at 4:04 pm
Anything for knocking it back a few cogs?
Heston Russell is aqn AstroTurfed politician.
Once it be4came clear that he used Swiss8 to get a public profile to start a Political Party, Swiss* shut him down as it was entitled to..
If Roberts-Smith fails in his legal action and if any charges are ever brought against him, then Heston Russell has succeeded in Gaslighting conservatives, which was almost certainly the intention.
FTFU ed, you dickhead.
Talking to someone today, who mentioned something about a group at yesterday’s Melbourne (or perhaps Sydney) protest having a bit of activity outside the ABC Building. Has anyone else heard anything like that?
Just got told people who used MSM, Closed Road Signs etc. to try to find the Ballarat Rally got SENT to the Town Hall, NOT THERE, the Civic Centre, NOT THERE, God knows where else because the internet is working at Chinese Firewall levels and it’s just thanks to scrolling back to this link posted by P that I see it’s at the ‘official’ Eureka Stockade Location, NOT somewhere out of towners are going to drive through unless they’re doing the tourist trap routes.
I heard that police elsewhere have been deliberately misdirecting people to keep numbers looking lower than those trying to gather and protest together.
Not a bad turnout in Ballarat. I muted sound when the Alternative Agenda Aboriginals were given airtime. Topher Field, again gave a good speech which was a call to arms (of sorts), in my opinion – and rightfully so. Craig Kelly heckled by some Andrews’ Rent-A-Rabble, it seems.
I wonder if the ABC employee/contractor who bought a copy of Heston’s pic successfully claimed reimbursement of expenses?
It may just be Putins Afghanistan.
Don’t forget the Ukraine seperatists were still fighting against the Soviet reoccupation of the Ukraine until finally crushed in 1950. (Only to reappear later on.)
The Holodomor is still a vivid memory for these people, along with the repeated redrawing of the maps of the Ukraine by powerful neighbors.
I bet they wish they’d kept the nukes the Soviets left in the Ukraine.
“Boambee Johnsays:
December 5, 2021 at 4:28 pm
Talking to someone today, who mentioned something about a group at yesterday’s Melbourne (or perhaps Sydney) protest having a bit of activity outside the ABC Building. Has anyone else heard anything like that?”
Yes I was told in an email that there would be one outside Channel Ten in Ultimo.
Thanks Cassie. I wonder if Their ABC reported it?
I’m back after finishing it and this is the best summary of the Covid and vaccine affair I have read.
Should be plastered across the MSM.
Needs to be spread far and wide.
Needle points
How can the Holodomor be a ‘vivid memory’ for people who weren’t alive when it happened?
Sounds a bit like aboriginals claiming genocide suffering is past down genetically.
Just occurred to me.
Edgar is describing Scott Morrison. ?
Had a blue-faced honeyeater kiddie gird his lions and take some bread from my fingers this morning. He was so happy with his brave achievement that he then did it another half dozen times. Bravo! His sister is holding off though. I’ll have to work on her.
And another a currawong also did so for the first time. Nearly got one of the newest magpie chicks to do so too. Rather successful morning in such things, if you measure success in a certain eccentric way.
rosie says:
December 5, 2021 at 5:00 pm
How can the Holodomor be a ‘vivid memory’ for people who weren’t alive when it happened?
Maybe firsthand stories from their parents & grandparents?? This does actually happen.
When I was a kid (about mid 1960s) one of my mother’s friends showed me her concentration camp identification number tattoo.
“Mr Yeo told the court that a former director, Allan Guo, had confirmed that he had access to Blockchain Global’s cryptocurrency, however the credentials needed to access it were on a laptop that had gone missing.
“Mr Guo informed my staff that ‘before COVID’ in late 2019, he was in China and had his belongings stolen,” Mr Yeo said, according to court documents.
“Amongst the items Mr Guo said was stolen was his laptop which contained the credentials for accessing the wallet, and therefore cryptocurrency.”
Mr Yeo said that Mr Guo had been asked to provide a police report to confirm the theft, however, it had not been received.”
Seems likely
‘stolen laptop’ liquidators of collapsed Melbourne crypto pursue bitcoin millions
Second Sunday of Advent
December 5, 2021 | Menagerie
Seems clear to me that memories belong to those that experience an event, not their children, grandchildren or great grandchildren.
Like I pointed out, if you accept that as an example as a ‘vivid memory’ then you’ll also accept any similar claim, say that of Aborigines or Palestinians.
china in focus
01:08 52% Americans see China as top threat: Poll
02:20 U.S. responds to criticism over democracy summit
03:40 Get democratic yourself: Taiwan to China
04:17 U.S. nearly doubled its troops in Taiwan this year
05:19 Beijing buys up Taiwan’s allies
07:48 China blocks Lithuania’s exports
10:01 Apple becomes largest phone brand in China
10:38 #DiDi to delist from NY, seek listing in HK
12:26 Default threat increases for Evergrande, Kaisa
13:44 Evergrande says it’s likely to default
14:42 Global attention grows over tennis star Peng
18:36 Activist says IOC is putting Peng Shuai in danger
19:26 Half of all people in China earn less than $160/mo
20:33 HK: over $300m in pension funds withdrawn in Q3
21:56 5th round of mass testing in Chinese city
rosie says:
December 5, 2021 at 5:00 pm
I understand your point. Careful. There are plenty of studies that show that what someone’s grandparents ate or how much those grandparents starved, can affect sugar and fat metabolism in the grandchild. Hell, even breech birth is thought of as increasing the risk for all kinds of physical and mental illness in a child.
Then there’s all those DVA claims and appeals for claim reviews from kids and grandkids for the Vietnam veteran parent/ grandparents’ stressful experiences.
Interestingly enough types of long lived RNAs are thought by many to be the basis of inheritance of all kinds of processes- external to the genome and what’s normally considered hereditary.
Peoples – it’s summer, yet it’s 18 degrees here in Sydney.
The fascists (waving their uglee syringes around) are coming after li’l young people.
2022 promises to be worse than 2020 and 2021 combined.
Whet the hell do we do? It’s all very well to reminisce. 😕
No, she’s a beauty. Forced to step up because wallies like myself have vacated the field.
It’s not something I’m proud of.
Listening to a podcast on Luke 3 right now as I write. Poor John the Baptist, he was the original cancel captive: he told Herod he was not doing the right thing and Herod put him in social media gaol. Which in those days was more than losing Facebook posting rights, it was a real dungeon. The principle is the same: the elites hate it when their hypocrisy is exposed.
Had a blue-faced honeyeater kiddie gird his lions
How are his fingers? xD
It’s OK when they do it…
Intergenerational trauma was first documented in the children of Holocaust survivors, the mechanism remains unclear but I’ve noted changes to stress response axis proteins which is instructive given the stress response is so frequently altered in psychiatric conditions. Probably an epigenetic mechanism in play. Very weird, doesn’t make evolutionary sense. Evolution can be really dumb at times because most epigenetic processes appear to have negative consequences. I think it is an accident, another evolutionary stuff up, because epigenetic processes are fundamental to cell differentiation in development that is the primary role of epigenetic processes not these maladaptive responses like intergenerational trauma. The same issue occurs with aging because it can be measured by the increase in an epigenetic signature, methylation(Horvath’s Clock).
There is a very important lesson in the studies of descendants of Holocaust survivors. By the third generation the descendants have reframed the experience turning it into a positive account of perseverance and strength in their ancestors. So those idiots who keep using intergenerational trauma as an excuse for behavioral problems don’t realise that by consistently portraying it in a fatalistic fashion they are perpetuating the problem.
It’s very cold today in NW Sydney.
I have two grandchildren, 10yrs and 9yrs, and I know my daughter will not allow them to be vaccinated.
I fear that it will be inevitable for attending school (they are both at a Catholic school) in Sydney inner West.
Daughter says if this eventuates she will home school them.
Same here, Rabz. It’s been a very cool spring/early summer here, with temps mainly in the high teens and 20’s, when normally we would have had a few 40’s by now.
I checked the forecasts for summer and was shocked (and delighted) to find not one 4o – barely any 35’s- in our region, which is notorious for scorching hot, dry summers.
Figure of speech Rex. Blue-face honey eaters don’t have loins.
Power to her arm, P. Good choice whichever way you look at it.
I imagine if when you’re a little kid you regularly see your parents and grandparents crying and distressed at the memories of the terrors they experienced, you might feel distressed about those times of your childhood.
I doubt many people who survived mass death from starvation and even cannibalism, put it behind them and serenely got on with their lives. Could well have traumatised their own kids as they tried to deal with the past.
My daughter says the same, P. She even kept the children home from school last week when the vaccinators were scheduled, worried that they might be coerced by bribes (it has happened frequently) or peer pressure.
P – I’m born and bred inner west Catholic Sydney. What you’ve described above is an obscenity.
This needs to end, peoples. When the li’l ones start getting abused, it’s time to get off your comfortable house sized backsides and start mobilising.
Or you end up on the wrong side of history. Then you (deservedly) end up here.
Being an evil unvaxxed I’ve been trying to figure out the Dec 17 changes for Qld. Reading through the nonsense it is obvious the restrictions are about forcing people to get vaxxed not protecting the population. There is a perverse “moral hazard” in play because it is well established that the vaxxed can be infected and have viral loads equivalent to the unvaxxed but the load falls more quickly. Nonetheless the research I’ve read doesn’t really offer much hope of increased protection against infecting others and the government framing of this issue is undoubtedly leaving many with the impression that being vaxxed means no threat to others.
How are they going to check everyone entering a stadium? That would take several hours to process. How many business owners are going to enforce the restrictions on the unvaxxed?
The gym issue worries me because I’m not sure if I need to be vaxxed to continue training. It’s a 24 hour gym and as I train during the evening when no staff are present I’m hoping my evil unvaxxed status will be irrelevant. From what I have read I can’t see any restrictions on gyms but ya never know with these totalitarian bastards.
Nope – you didn’t say anything! JMH did.
Natural immunity is greater than 30%, I think it’s somewhere in the 80% to 85% range.
That 15% who succumb to the dreaded lurgy have a 99+% recovery rate and they then join those with natural immunity. The only people who are in danger are the frail aged who have weakened immune systems and other co-morbidities.
They’re tough and territorial, though.
If they were Big Cats, they’d be lions. Fortunately they aren’t otherwise their nest in the big cordyline would break it down. In fact, they have two nests. The main one and a penthouse. Maybe they can’t get rid of their kids either.
Artcile 7 of the Rome Statute, which informs the work of the International Criminal Court in The Hague:
For the purpose of this Statute, “crime against humanity” means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
(a) Murder;
(b) Extermination;
(c) Enslavement;
(d) Deportation or forcible transfer of population;
(e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
(f) Torture;
(g) Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;
(i) Enforced disappearance of persons;
(j) The crime of apartheid;
(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health;
For future reference.
Maybe (j) should be bolded as well; it would depend on the definition of apartheid.
(k) is the clause of the article which might lend itself the best to what is being done to the unvaxxed by governments.
The verbal accounts matter but the same phenomenon is seen in animal studies so there probably is a biological component. The biggest risk is for mothers who were holocaust survivors which may well relate to the behavioral component because mothers are typically the principal caregivers and hence can more frequently communicate their distress to the children.
I am very happy, as is my daughter, with the school at Enmore that my grandchildren attend. I am pleased with all I have seen that comes out of that school.
It is a though in a Green LGA.
I got that bit. It was the typo about girding his lions that gave me the giggles… 🙂
Or those who now find out they have a compromised immunity system because of the untested “provisional” injection.
Jesus wept.
*immune – not ‘immunity’ !!
2022 in an ideal Universe …
Intergenerational trauma isn’t ‘vivid memories’ or even the claimed ‘genetic’ suffering of Aboriginal people though is it John?
Seems more like the behaviours developed by the survivors in order to survive are passed on to their children.
At some point these things have to pass away.
I don’t, for example see any food hoarding in decendants of Irish famine survivors, though I do believe the IRA received funded from America due to passed down grudges in some families.
Pining for the fjords will do this.
Mandrake The Magician?
They’ve jumped the shark here.
Whaddabout the Caste System in India?
Morrison retires immediately following the election to spend more time with family, leaving Dutton to form a minority government with the conditional support of UAP.
It’s called Epigenetics, and it’s real.
Which is why it’s always a good idea to know you own families personal histories early on.
err, what we’re we talking about, again? 😕
I’d hope we would see a truckload of other minors hitching their wagons onto that particular cause.
We can only hope the PHONS, A1s and LDPs sort out their preferences with “sense” at the forefront!
Good on all you who attended Ballarat, now for the predictable MSM misinformation campaign and LOL there’s a reason why I rarely go near News.com anymore… Below and it took me half a dozen google searches to pull this lazy journalism apart.
Business owner (all unnamed, but is the Midtown Cellar Bar who didn’t take long to work out they are recent blow ins from Footscray) says will reopen when “tantrum” leaves town.
(More to follow to avoid being memory holed by multiple links)
The similarities with apartheid have been noted by many observers.
The chief difference is that it is not Indian government policy and, in any case, India is not a signatory to the Rome Statute.
(Part 2)
Gets better, quotes Unionist and self identified socialist without being honest at what he is.
The cherry on top. Uses tweet from News Corp staff member without acknowledging his paid employment as well but his twitter feed is deliberate obscure as well especially the senior editor bit.
The author apparently has 7 years as a journalist and apparently awarded. I reckon a high school student could write something more credible. No wonder News Ltd is dying.
The more the merrier in the senate!
More Cersie than Cersie.
“Intergenerational trauma isn’t ‘vivid memories’ or even the claimed ‘genetic’ suffering of Aboriginal people though is it John?”
Correct. I know quite a few Holocaust survivors…their children and grandchildren. The children and grandchildren have no “vivid memories” of say, Auschwitz or Buchenwald or Sobibor. I find trhat ridiculous. What some of the children do have (though not all) is a malaise or depression from having grown up with very depressed parents. My best friend is such a person. Her parents were both survivors, the mother a survivor of Auschwitz and her late father was a survivor of forced labour camps…they were extremely depressed and unhappy people and the daughter suffered (and suffers) from depression and unhappiness. So yes, there is intergenerational trauma….but my friend doesn’t have a vivid memory of being in Auschwitz.
I have you know that I know the difference between lions and loins, and girding lions is much better than girding loins, especially for men.
During the long lockdown in NSW my daughter was contacting the parents of children in the school of her daughter and son through some zoom programme.
She finally got a Moderna Vaccination after the many parents of children at her children’s school made it clear that they did not want any child of unvaccinated parent/parents mixing with their children.
I want Australia to be ungovernable after the next federal election.
That’s my dream.
Yah. Even Skynews Oz website is reading more like the Phage lately. Lots of Labor tongue-bathing stories stories lately. And endless climate rubbish.
rosie says:
December 5, 2021 at 5:12 pm
Rosie notaclue – most of what you come out with is specious in the extreme.
I usually scroll past your crap, but somehow mistakenly read that comment.
Thirty three years and counting, Bruce.
Don’t we all, Cass.
I’d settle for it being impossible to get new legislation through parliament without repealing pieces of bad legislation first.
Rosie the vivid memories of indigenous peoples in the distant past is nonsense. Genetics doesn’t make that happen but it can alter the stress response axis. There is no survival value in these behaviors being passed onto their children. There might have been a survival value for those experiencing the trauma but I doubt that. Viktor Frankl argued what enhanced survival in the concentration camp was the hope of being reunited with family, of believing that one could survive by holding on one day a time, a future to aim for. As Robert Louis Stevenson wrote: An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.
As I have stated, we are not talking about positive adaptation here. Epigenetic changes typically are deleterious.
PART 1: The Truth About The Public Corruption Unit’s Investigation of the Epstein Sex Trafficking Ring
What a piece of R ‘n’ R* …
*No, it’s not Bozo and the lads.
Coercion. Bullying. Shaming. This b/s HAS to be stopped.
This is Bozo and the lads.
It’s quite an interesting subject.
Lol at Tonythetroll excusing himself for once again, ‘accidentally’ reading a comment of mine.
I just thought claiming people who didn’t actually experience an event could have ‘vivid memories ‘ of it was the sort of claim progs would make and we would reject.
And gosh I’ve seen a survivors tattoo too.
Spain about to put another vaxx into the mix.
With the collapse of the National Party vote in Qld in 1998, PHON were able to glean 11 of the 89 seats.
That’s when seats only averaged 31,000 voters.
With seats averaging 106,000 in Federal Parliament, they’re no chance of electing anyone.
Same goes for Palmer and the other clowns.
Bottom line:
Don’t vote Liberal or National or LNP?
Elect Labor.
Testing out a redhead’s temper …
I wrote:
You replied:
I think any reasonable reader would understand that I was referring to a group of people, considering the context.
What a fucking mess:
How an innocent Black man served time for the rape of author Alice Sebold
So many men have been falsely accused. In the current Tudge, Porter, Laming cock-ups the women escape all scrutiny; at the same time as the sexual bullying report by Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins is released the msm has forgotten the majority of sexual bullying is by the left side of politics:
The treatment of women by the left has always been a cynical political process with only women who can further the cause evoking concern from the pricks. You’d think the conservatives would know this by now but look at Hollie Hughes and the rest of the lnp doing nothing about that mad kunt thorpe.
A group of people is made up of individuals.
How is claiming a group of decendants has a ‘vivid memory’ better than individuals having ‘vivid memories’?
I’m rejecting the entire presence of second third or fourth generation’vivid memories ‘ individual or collective.
You’re rewriting history there, mate.
There’s never been an independent country of Ukraine, before it became a SSR around 1920 it had been part of Russia for Centuries.
Just back from the street Christmas function. Nice folks, but I withdrew into my shell.
Renewables good, covid is real and scary and “Anna deserves to be so popular, she has protected us “.
I know how the Jews felt as their world collapsed underneath them.
Nothing can be done; all is lost.
They’re also going after their own side too, Cronkite.
Big Fat Harvey, Epstein, Cuomo bros with the latest news that Chris Cuomo got whacked. I don’t think Jizlane will ever see the other side of a prison wall again.
All good.
dont get yr epigenetics and yr epigenesis mixed up.
when in doubt … ask rosie for help
Yah, Bons, people go mad in herds but only come to their senses one by one.
We’re in an age of insanity. It’s very Heinleinian.
Well, in the case of Tudge and Porter the women concerned had a story to tell, in Laming’s case it was just petty local Labor politics.
Scotty Mandates coulda and shoulda stood up for Laming.
Turnbull started it by not supporting the bloke who got Downer’s seat in South Australia.
Forgotten his name, he was pretty pissed in Hong Kong but he didn’t assault anyone.
I reckon the one who ought to be whacked hard is fuckhead, Jack Thompson, who happens to be really ill these days. That piece of shit was bonking his then girlfriend’s sister who was under age. He ended up living with both of them. That’s just so fucking sick.
John H. says:
December 5, 2021 at 6:32 pm
Perhaps “vivid” memories aren’t the driver in what is being claimed to be intergenerational trauma. I’d argue that environment can be and is as much the actuator of trauma, or the trauma like sense and perception as is any underlying, less visible epigenetic mechanism(s). I refer to social engineering, where it does seem plainly clear that taught and learned attitudes toward a “racial” or ethnic group can have a significant impact on the way a person who is different is treated. Subjective resilience to objective difficulties caused by this learned communal influence is obviously a determinant on how that person may perceive that social environment.
I am rather dark featured myself and tan up quite well. The Police in Sydney gave me an awfully hard time as a young bloke when I was studying, working and living in the inner city. Particularly changing trains at Redfern, bailed up for a ticket and ID on a platform full of commuters, a few too many times. I recall copping a hell of a lot for several years from late 2001 onward from people I’d never met, though I could walk around places like Lakemba and Lidcome any time of night, say waiting for a train and have no issues. Mates from school that had more of the Anglo features rather than my Celtic would get mugged every time they waited for a train. They forgot about a flat they rented the week before and got out, lost the bond and all.
Perhaps there is the argument that these epigenetic mechanisms are of particular use in predator, prey relationships and pressures that may vary in influence and impact given change in environment. I understand this kind of thing is a consideration in studies of how some dingo populations have learned and transmitted this learning regarding avoiding 10-80. Say you are a mob of kangaroos under diverse predation and environmental pressures in a prolonged drought period or mini-ice age. The locals are hungrier than normal having access to for example plant based, insect and shellfish foods unavailable longer term. Such stress/ trauma related epigenetic changes that improve reaction time may play a signifcant role in favouring particular offspring’s survival.
I read that traumatised people are way better drivers with shorter reaction times and are less likely to have car accidents.
Well, in the case of Tudge and Porter the women concerned had a story to tell,
FMD, the poor bloody woman in Porter’s case was mad and dead. There was no fucking story. In Tudge’s case it looks like a classic case of sour grapes: I was dropped, my ego is shattered. Woman scorned and all that bullshit. Tudge should have come out and stated she was a dud root.
He’s really edgy though. We should tolerate edginess.
Sebold made a heap off of a book she wrote about her traumatic experience at the hands of her black rapist. Now that his innocence has been proven and he has finally been released from prison she has shifted gears. Now she is loudly decrying the ‘evil American justice system that put him there’.
Oddly, she seems to have forgotten that HER false testimony was exactly what put him there as there was no other significant evidence against him.
Proving once again that there is absolutely no fact that the left won’t try to write out of the narrative and no evidence they won’t sweep into the forgettery.
“Well, in the case of Tudge and Porter the women concerned had a story to tell, “
I’m sure Kathy Sheriff has a story to tell too……yet the progressive scum in the MSM and on social media aren’t interested in her story. Odd. Why could that be?
Someone’s face is also their personality. It says so much. Get a load of this 44 gallon drum of acid.
Tudge should be clipped but for going near her.
I apply a simple mantra which is said every time I get into the vehicle. ‘Arrive alive. Get home alive’! So far, it’s worked a treat. Am I a better driver – because of trauma? Or as someone who has been traumatised – am I just more alert and/or careful?
“the poor bloody woman in Porter’s case was mad and dead”
This woman’s story, as Ed likes to quaintly call it, was used as a political tool by a monstrous regimen of progressive women………Hanson-Dung, Crabb, Maiden, Frank Wong et al.
Nothing to see here.
I had vivid memories as a child of Custer at the Alamo. Many a night a young Shan Ke Ho would have to sing me to sleep. I still get the sweats.
Baba says:
December 5, 2021 at 4:31 pm
I wonder if the ABC employee/contractor who bought a copy of Heston’s pic successfully claimed reimbursement of expenses?
Vindictive gutless scumbags sniping at a soldier because he exposed their bullshit journalism.
Will one of our useless government ministers finally recognise that it cannot be fixed.
“Tudge should be clipped but for going near her.”
My thoughts too.
A phenomenon known as “eating their own”.
And where are “conservatives” in all of this?
Patting themselves heartedly on the back and eating some mildly tastee food, washed down with some equally forgettable bubblee.
Get it right, it’s Skan Ke Ho an Asian warlord’s mistress. The idiot is doing his best to ruin CL’s blog.
JC, bloody auto correct.
JC – it was Latham who brought the concept of the “Skankee Ho” to the Sheitgeist.
JC, God bless Homer. That story still makes me laugh out loud.
Tudge’s squeeze, resting bitch face.
That’s possible but if we look at epigenetics as a whole the trend is towards negative consequences. The animal examples you cite can also be explained by natural selection of alleles which can be remarkably rapid. Modeling of that challenged my intuitive assessment of how quickly the changes can happen. It doesn’t take that many generations for allele sweeps through the genome.
Heightened arousal because of elevated anxiety\paranoia. Swings and roundabouts, an advantage on the road but increased risk of anxiety, depression, paranoia, and related changes in the brain that can have unfortunate consequences. Unfortunately the changes may provide protection on the road but also lead to increased risks for cardiovascular disease, psychiatric disorders, and dementia.
dover0beach says:
December 5, 2021 at 7:31 pm
I had vivid memories as a child of Custer at the Alamo. Many a night a young Shan Ke Ho would have to sing me to sleep. I still get the sweats.
The sweats might be from too much undercover action…ease up a bit, let the memories fade
The New York AG is a black female who wants to be Governor. She would have had to defeat Andrew Coumo in a primary election to do that. So when multiple juicy and credible sexual harassment claims were made against him the opportunity was just too perfect for someone running for Gov on the ‘you go gurl’ ticket to pass up. So she pulled out her Alinsky checklist cranked up the lefty machinery, investigated the hell out of the claims, and made sure it got plenty of press coverage to keep the heat on.
Meanwhile, Fredo Coumo, not being the sharpest tool in the shed and certainly not being burdened with any integrity, abused his position (and staff) at CNN to dig up opposition research for his brother. In this case, looking for dirt on Andrew’s accusers. He also began prodding Andrew’s Chief of Staff to participate in using that dirt to create/conduct a counter insurgency campaign to impugn the accusers’ characters and smother their claims.
Doing ‘woke’ as a white male politician is a narrow path fraught with hazard. The Coumos stepped on a landmine that they helped the left plant. Then they ran out of clout to refill their democrat credibility debts and the lefties foreclosed.
and Lamark drove a Tesla before it was cool
I know. I was just making hay to intro the story. The Skanky Ho debauchery would have to be the best story in ozblogdom’s history. A few come close, but as you’ve demanded peace I can’t mention them.
Even now, he won’t back down. My God he’s an idiot.
Ted Steele, controversial Aussie immunologist pointed out the possibility of Lamarckian style inheritance long ago with “Lamarck’s Signature”. The book didn’t do his career any favours and later he was involved in some academic scandal at the Uni of Wollongong.
I know right and rather than sprint off at light-speed he sprinted to her and light-speed.
Thanks for coments on epigenesis, John H. It’s an interesting subject, which has not perhaps had the research it deserves because of the caricature of Lamarckism, which I was taught about in high school science as being utterly phony. Darwin roolz OK, we were told.
The truth is obviously more complicated. I don’t see why both processes could operate simultaneously, although the time scales are very different.
Nobody disputes that things that happen to the mother during pregnancy, or things she ingests, can have significant effects on her offspring. That this might include effects on the DNA of her offspring is not beyond the realms of possibility. Indeed, it may be that the DNA of her eggs can be affected by external events prior to pregnancy.
These effects would probably be very small and almost always undetectable. As you say, there is no apparent advantage in them. But, there is no apparent advantage in mutations generally – the vast majority die out and amount to nothing.
When it comes to intergenerational trauma, it is not difficult to understand why it would persist for a generation or two. After that, as others have said, it requires external support to survive. That might involve cultivation of a grievance based culture which is acquiesced to by those with money and power.
The history of US blacks is instructive. During the post WWII period, blacks steadily improved their situation by every metric – education, income, home ownership, family formation. Then came the grievance culture, egged on by white ‘liberals.’ Suddenly, being a victim was a status symbol, families fell apart, bla bla. We all know the sad story.
It has nothing at all to do with intergenerational trauma, and they know it. It’s politics.
Oh, and Cassie, well done for calling out Ms Lehmann.
Her throwing Andy Ngo under the bus was the last straw for me.
What a phony!
Cassie of Sydney says:
December 5, 2021 at 6:22 pm
I don’t have any direct contacts with that community but somehow discovered Maus which gives a window into that across the generations. I’ve also encouraged my kids to read it.
When this blew up she gave as an example of his poor treatment
“On a trip I got so pissed I don’t remember leaving the bar, and when my phone rang at 4am, I was in his bed, and he was kicking me to get out”.
John H. says:
December 5, 2021 at 7:41 pm
…[traumatic]…changes may provide protection on the road but also lead to increased risks for cardiovascular disease, psychiatric disorders, and dementia.
I don’t disagee. What I thought interesting is what I’ve heard from mates that went to the Defence Forces from high school and others that joined mature aged. That after completing all the psychometric tests on application, candidates are asked to make selections on what kind of role/specialisation/ unit they are interested in joining. Apparently people with indigenous heritage seem to end up driving things with engines quite frequently.
Hey Johanna. The big problem with the way people use the concept of intergenerational trauma is that obviously many people are not impacted by it so the imperative should be to find the causal factors to explain that. The rate of psychiatric illness for the first descendants of Holocaust survivors was only x3 the general population so that is hardly a devastating blow to the generation. Studies some months ago highlighted that if we want to help children who have been through trying times the goal is to intervene before puberty. That’s pretty much up to parents to get their act together and optimise the opportunities for their children. There are plenty of examples of indigenous Australians and US blacks doing wonderfully well. For example, Stan Grant has commented how his parents worked so hard to make a better life for him. By any standard he has done very well but he won’t use the example of his parents to suggest to indigenous people to get their act together and start taking better care of their children because then he would have to point the bone at his own tribe which will alienate him from the activists. His lack of honesty about this issue disgusts me. He is just playing politics.
I agree in that I think the biological basis of intergenerational trauma does wash out. I think that is primarily a culturally induced wash out.
As featured in various Sky Nooze reports “appearing” to be his woife. The ALPBC was onto this very early.
Which is why the latter can quickly claim the moral high ground while the likes of Tudge and the Porter are at the laundromats lodging their trousers for a long overdue cleaning.
Tudge’s squeeze, resting bitch face.
Apparently some poor bastard was married to her at the time. Is that marriage still on. Apparently Tudge’s ex-wife mowed all his work shirts when she found out.
Tudge is an idiot and you have to question his mental process after shagging this bint. That combined with any lack of resistance to the bint’s bullshit really detracts from his suitability as a minister.
No dickhead.
We are voting for LDP, UAP and PHON.
We will put the ALP, GRN, NP and LP last.
“Lets hope nobody’s bright enough to ask
Ah shit
Mark Drakeford Caught on Hotmic
Kenn3th Published – December 5, 2021
Three simple words guaranteed to make her life better, and to better serve the immortal souls of those bullies:
Go. Fuck. Yourselves.