Well thanks be to Allah that he handed himself in at the station.
Well thanks be to Allah that he handed himself in at the station.
Ex 6PR dude. Got the arse there after a couple of decades. Just another j’ismist.
The last time prices spiked to this level was following the outbreak of war in Ukraine, which led to bills…
The spanking continues. https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1897087980566884597?t=KWFZ1T5CKKDnmqgRWJVRGg&s=19
With the whole Aussie MSM polishing his boots with their tongues I suspect his chances are better than you believe.…
That quote is Churchill apocrypha, allegedly after the mike was turned off from the ‘we shall fight them on the beaches’ broadcast.
Best wishes for the others in the family too.
Paul Homewood had a look at this.
Global warming not responsible for Madagascar famine: study (5 Dec)
Basically a repeat of 1991. One of the interesting things on the BoM website is the climate drivers page. It says this:
So four out of four big climate patterns favouring wet Australia, especially on the East Coast. And wet it has been. Conversely when it’s wet here it is dry in Madagascar. Hence the Madagascar drought. It’d be interesting to go back and see if 1991 had a similar pattern to 2021.
I think it’s called a Gypsum Duck? 😛
‘Honestly, I would just can this whole bill’: Elon Musk rips Biden’s Build Back Better plan despite its massive subsidies for electric cars
Musk explains two fundamentals:
Mmhmm. Tell it. Tell it, Brother.
On subsidies and ‘free stuff’:
Mmhmm. Yes Lord. Lay it on me.
The real indictment on the failing West is that it takes a whacky entrepreneur to make these obvious, eternal truths newsworthy.
(Also worrying, Musk has embraced Kim Jong Un’s 2018 haircut.)
Busy atm and unsure if already covered but came across this. More Adem soap operas or is he going to do a Latham?
Latter could be spicy.
OOOOO, conspiracy theorists in 1991!!!
Pity – I thought it a very apt quote.
I don’t know, with an attitude like that are you really cut out to be a scientist in today’s world?
Margaret Campbell, Duchess of Argyle, was photographed preforming fellatio on a man whose head did not appear in the photograph. There was some speculation as to his identity, particularly (1) The photograph was taken by a Polaroid camera, if which there were two in all England. (2) The Duke of Argyle listed over eighty of his wife’s lovers, when he filed for divorce.
Obviously I don’t associate with the best people, or get out much.
Margaret Campbell, Duchess of Argyle
Don’t know if I’d want those prim lips around my old fellah, headless or not. Still, she was a looker before she went to seed.
I have sympathy to those posh people caught in scandals. I myself have been a matyr to satryiasis . Fortunately in old age I have been able to control it .
Ironic, given how this was the way Elon has made most of his fortune.
Still, far be it from me to call out one man’s apparent hypocrisy, when an entire generation of millionaires and billionaires in energy and so forth all do it now…
Top Ender,
I thank you. While, historically there has been no requirement for Naval officers to be gentlemen, you certainly are both.
Bit by bit it becomes permanent and compulsory:
Good news!
Less competition for us remaining satyrs.
I have put up a link to the ombudsman’s report into the Vic border closures on the main page.
It covers much more than the closures and people stuck in NSW.
Recommend people flick through it.
Chook fight.
Independent MP Zali Steggall says Scott Morrison’s push for Gladys Berejiklian to run for Warringah is a tactic to ‘deflect from his problems’ (8 Dec)
She sounds unhappy.
Chinese cyberattack almost shut off power for THREE MILLION Australians in terrifying demonstration of what the belligerent regime could do in wartime
To demonstrate Australia’s folly in not embracing Huawei 5G, or not allowing CK Asset Holdings to own most of the nations gas pipeline infrastructure.
That quote is Churchill apocrypha, allegedly after the mike was turned off from the ‘we shall fight them on the beaches’ broadcast.
Pity – I thought it a very apt quote.
I think he did say to a lady at Chartwell that if the Germans invaded she should get the largest kitchen knife she could find and plunge it into the first German she came across.
she was a looker before she went to seed.
I need to remember this line!
Meanwhile the vax’d are free to spray Omicron all over the hospital.
Sounds logical.
As an engineer, I like to think I am the same. Having worked for two large government science organisations, the level of groupthink around climate, vaxx, renewable energy, diversity, etc approaches 99.5%. I’m invariably in the 0.5%. So the majority find comfort in likemindedness.
Just read your news. You poor chap.
Oh well, no more likes from me.
Do you use horseshoes? Those nails must be painful. Are you good with a bow?
(From the wiki. 😀 )
This is beyond stupid. Everyone that implemented and continues to support these policies needs to pay a price. This merely extends the stupid and inhumane policies recently criticized by Vic Ombudsman.
One of the worst effects of not having a sense of smell – is that you can’t enjoy coffee as much. Doesn’t affect tea, thankfully.
December 8, 2021 at 11:52 am
OOOOO, conspiracy theorists in 1991!!!
Granddad was a Douglass credit fanatic.
From the bits i read its basically an appeal to subsidy for certain “special” industries.
I was shocked way back when the jargon became ‘the science is settled’ maybe 2007, and I disparaged this as propaganda in a parents’ committee at school. A fellow committee member was a highly-credentialled CSIRO statistician and said to me afterward in hushed tones “But Chris…climate change is real!” I looked back, without opening my mouth to disagree. He was I assumed VERY uncomfortable with the idea that someone was not on board with the assumptions of their grant funding proposals.
You mentioned recently your “machinery removal guy”. Do you know how hard or expensive it would be to transport a small knee mill from SA to regional Vic? (no fork lift at either end)
Looked at renting a truck and getting it myself but SA won’t let dirty unvacced in.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 8, 2021 at 11:45 am
Good post. None of the big extreme weather events are getting worse. None. In fact a warming world has LESS extreme weather. Even professor Mueller knows that. Alarmists, particularly the media, are liars.
she was a looker before she went to seed.
Not sure if this is a PHRASING! or not.
Voted most likely to suck seed?
She never managed to suck Cess (he was away that afternoon)
etc etc…
Cohenite – Ah, but La Nina makes your skin rot. I read it on Sky News so it must be true.
La Niña’s strong winds, widespread rain and extreme humidity triggers skin flare-ups (8 Dec)
On the other hand the Covid vaccines certainly do cause autoimmune reactions, which is what eczema mainly is, so I wonder if they are invoking Gaia to deflect blame for the skin rot problem?
‘Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.’
Richard Feynman, Physicist
My hair hasn’t been this long since I joined the Army.
If they remake Rawhide I can play an Indian.
Looking feral is not something I can joke about.
Zali has the classic resting bitch face.
Bruce of Newcastle,
Good at archery? A dead-eye dick.
Why do you ask?
I made a post a few days ago attempting to relate sacrifice, responsibility and tribalism.
A few think it missed the mark, and maybe it did.
However, in this video with Chis Martensen, the “mass formation” bloke relates how ritual sacrifices are required for mass formation, and how it relates to mandates etc:
“The Science Is Settled” has become a popular pisstake saying in the world of real science and technology. It nicely covers off the frustrations in life.
As in:
• Sorry, but it’s an HR policy…
• Look, we’ve talked this to death, but I’ve got to make a decision…
• I’ve nooo fucking idea why that’s happening, but it probably doesn’t matter in the bigger picture…
“If you do not want to receive a vaccination because you are opposed to it, this is unlikely to be a sufficient basis to lodge a discrimination or human rights complaint.”
Quite true.
However, should GovCo decide that you are not allowed to leave your house to go to work because of that choice, then that may be considered a violation of human rights as described by the UN Charter on Human Rights. As in: there is insufficient long term data to make an “informed” choice; You can not be coerced or forced to undergo an irreversible medical procedure; you have the right to earn your own living; you have the right to freedom of movement within the state (country).
Make your complaint anyway, but be sure to cite that you are being coerced into an irreversible medical procedure and that part of said coercion is removal of your right to earn a living and removal of your right to free travel within the borders of the state (Australia). And that these rights are part of those rights defined by a UN charter, of which Australia is a signatory.
Probably won’t make a difference, however you need to push them to deny this to you in writing.
They’ll prevaricate, stall, and push it to the higher-ups to cover their own arses.
Might not help now, but when the brown stuff hits the twirly thing, it will be evidence they didn’t do their job and they will produce evidence that they were so directed by such-and-so. We’ll be able to know who makes the rules…
The movie-still is gloriously camp. There was an innocence about movies back them. These days the woman would be the satyr, and the white guy would be tied up and hung from a tree branch by a part of his anatomy.
A fellow committee member was a highly-credentialled CSIRO statistician and said to me afterward in hushed tones “But Chris…climate change is real!”
A trite statement of the bleeding obvious. I suspect that no sentient being doubts that the climate changes all the time, and has been doing so for millions of years. The real issues are, first, the extent of human influence (probably very limited), and second, the extent to which the likely changes are potentially “catastrophic”(again, probably very limited, recent changes have seemed to more beneficial than detrimental).
I remember hearing years ago a (likely apocryphal) story about a survey administered to a group of doctors, another of nurses, and finally one of members of the general public.
The questions were related to slightly abstruse medical points, avoiding what would have been the bread and butter of GPs.
The results were something like the general public chose to answer about 5 percent of the questions, but of those 5% they were 90% right.
Nurses answered about 50% and of that got about 50% right.
Doctors answered about 90%, and of those got maybe 30% right.
Overall the doctors answered most correct, followed by nurses and finally ordinary peeps. As you would expect.
The big point was that the doctors assumed they knew much more than they did and the plebs knew how scant their knowledge was and only volunteered answers when they were really sure.
How often are doctors seduced by their own ‘doctor’ image? Are they aware that not everyone has the same image of doctors as doctors do?
Big Clive letter; posted by Shy Ted from other Cat:
Dear United Australia Party Members,
This is just a short note to update you all and prepare you for the difficult fight we have ahead of us.
As expected, the major parties are trying to create controversy and peddle misinformation about us – most recently about our preference arrangements.
To enable real change we have to change the government. The United Australia Party’s main goal is to see Craig Kelly elected as Prime Minister and have as many of our candidates elected to parliament as possible.
We have already announced that our first preference will go to the Liberal Democrats, and are currently negotiating our second preference, which will go to another minor party. However, we cannot finalise all our preferences until the candidates are known.
Craig Kelly, the national executive and I considered our preference exchanges very carefully. One thing we unanimously agreed upon is to put the Liberals, Labor and the Greens at the bottom of our ticket in all electorates. Any suggestion to the contrary is completely false. There is no difference between the Liberals and Labor.
While we admire the individual courage of MPs who have crossed the floor or supported Craig Kelly and his bills to throw out vaccine mandates, ban vaccine passports and protect our children, the Liberals, Labor, the Nationals and the Greens are oppressors of the people and must be removed from parliament at the next election.
As Craig Kelly says, the whole political class has turned against the people. We know we can never trust the Liberals, Labor the Greens or Nationals again.
The upcoming Federal Election will be unlike any other we have ever experienced. You must be ready for the misinformation and constant attacks on the party, our people and what we are trying to achieve. Now more than ever, this is a time to stay strong and stay united, because the real battle is yet to begin.
God bless you, your family and the Australian people. Our party has a strong resolve not to let you or them down.
Clive Palmer
(Now it’s up to the machines)
Anthony Fauci: I Am the Science (29 Nov)
Methinks power has gone to his head. Bonus cartoon.
His name is Burns, after all.
Never trust a Campbell. 😀
Good lord.
Such Annie-bait.
Harvest ban on again today, no vehicle movement in the paddocks. No work for Pedro’s gang.
Might have a long lunch, an afternoon nap and go down to the pub later and lean on the bar for a while.
Aircon is a seriously wonderful invention.
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception – 8 December
Gospel Acclamation cf.Lk1:28
Alleluia, alleluia!
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women.
Craig Kelly released part I of his video response to Mr. Georges.
I’m not sure who the guy is, but apparently he has some following in NSW and was MCing the last Sydney protest. His accusation was that Clive has secretly colluded with Liberals and will preference them in exchange for more mining lands. Some people told him, he said. So, vote Liberals, since it’s the devil we know. That was Mr. Georges advice. I guess I know who got into his ear.
Kelly’s point-by-point response was very good. It’s on his Telegram channel and, probably, on YouTube.
I guess Mr. Georges’ video was a catalyst for Clive’s email.
Used to live in hole in middle of the road, we did, but I can remember when “Header air conditioning” was an umbrella, over the drivers seat…
Woman sets herself alight in Werribee
“Mandates are killing us, no-one cares”
Not in the MSM anywhere?
Yes struth, I was one of the dumb bunnies who agreed to inform fellow primary producers of how ‘innocent’ new rules, by-laws & laws we were being groomed to accept were actually part of the foundation of this Globalists Age we’re all now suffering under with their Globalisation of “Public Health Mandates”.
Just like Stasi & other betrayers of their own, too many accepted becoming the new, ‘prosperous untouchables’, lying about how they suddenly became so much more successful than they ever managed before trashing their competition who refused to sell out.
Another fit young athlete.
Cyclist this time.
Sarah Gigabyte and her heart scare.
Gotta love auto complete on a tablet.
Sarah Gigabyte!
No wonder she caught a virus.
I’ll see myself out
And you harvested in a giggle hat, stubbies and thongs.
Yep, a better job, a better judgement, a better position in Google search results; there have been countless ways in which ordinary people have been rewarded for CONvincing their their nearest & dearest and those in their social & work circles of just what Globalists need people CONvinced of.
When it comes to getting the rest of the big picture, seek out those who used to be popular & respected before they refused to “Join The CONsensus”.
Dot – My ISP is still blocking Blazing Cat Fur. Who elected them controller of the internet? I find Tunnelbear amusing, and as lately I’ve been using their Kiwi server the geo located ads on various websites have been interesting. How many Kiwis ever buy real estate in Jerusalem? Mustn’t be many.
The cop is ok to mlisten to, but the coroner investigator nails it.
I agree with ever utterance from this good man. Please watch him.
That is one stunning example of cognitive dissonance.
From that article:
I’ve noticed a lot of people commenting on my posts that vaccines are dangerous. I don’t know what caused my illness (and there are lots of possibilities – some people in the comments section seem sure that it was the COVID vaccine), but no matter what it was, the fact is that I was incredibly unlucky. Myopericarditis is not a common side effect of anything.
I just want to say that vaccines work, and these vaccines in particular save lives. I’m very fortunate to have been able to be protected against the horrible disease that is COVID-19 and I encourage everyone who has the opportunity to embrace it with open arms and a raised sleeve.
I love this a-vote-for-Clive-is-a-vote-for-ScoMo666 stuff.
No one ever says a vote for Adam Ant is a vote for Albo.
Even though Ant and Albo are love children and Palmer incandescently hates Libs.
good with a bow?
(From the wiki. ? )
Is that Dan Andrews practising?
From the Lotus Eaters:
The Patriot Front- What thoroughly leftist-captured Institutions think a Right-wing ‘grassroots’ organisation looks and sounds like, but it actually believes its own propaganda about right-wing ideas being so toxic, they cannot allow (and do not trust) their Actors to speak or write about them…
“It’s quite well known that volunteer firefighters are sometimes the arsonists who set the fire.”
Let me assure you, it’s not only volunteers, the professionals have their fair share.
I encourage everyone who has the opportunity to embrace it with open arms and a raised sleeve.
The idiots will keep lining up for boosters until they’re all dead.
And now you understand why the demise of steam-powered road, rail and sea vehicles was such a terrible outcome for society.
Every last one of those latent pyromaniacs had a job for life. Granted it was laborious and uncomfortable and dirty, but it was a productive and remarkably prosperous use of their desires and urges…
As a lifelong footplateman, I assure you my pyromania is uncontrolled.
Lighting a hundred fires a day in picked-up ploughed paddocks gave me a taste.
Woman sets herself alight in Werribee
“Mandates are killing us, no-one cares”
Not much longer before we see those being driven to self harm starting to project that outwards.
Glorious. 🙂
Sparked from Collie’s finest, no doubt? 😉
True. But it seems to take a lot of paperwork and effort. Friends of ours have managed to leave Victoria, but they had to rebook flights twice before they actually got to leave. Four adults, 10 kids and a good 2 inches of paperwork to make it through the airport.
Mater – I hope your lousiness is short-lived. I’m sorry. So many people are having to make very hard decisions because of all this and it really is tragic. We can only hope that lots of people are reaching the end of their tolerance-for-tyranny levels. Frankly, I’m not seeing it, though.
I’ll add that we actually know quite a number of unvaxxed, some who have already lost their jobs, and others who are expecting to. Last weekend in our local area, over 100 people met to talk about how to support each other, options for education, health, employment and so on. So I can hardly claim to be alone in it all.
“I liked this bloke’s placard, “Make Australia Florida”.”
Almost as good as the one for Facechook changing to Meta – “META – Make Everything Trump Again” 🙂
Lighting a hundred fires a day in picked-up ploughed paddocks gave me a taste.
Kid up the road had pyro tendencies. Dad sent him off into a stubble with a box of matches. Returned sometime later burnt, scorched and smoked, pyromania cured.
You know what really pisses me off right now?
The Sky right and News Corp conservatives tweeting out shock-horror about the abuse of children and the young, the mental health catastrophe in Victoria, restaurant bans and passports for toddlers etc.
Several months ago the same people were nudging and bullying everyone to Get The Jab because it was “the only way out” etc. They fed the lie beast, submitted to the needle and now they’re pretending they’re the rational demographic in a dystopian shithole they helped to build.
Our place adjoins the track and the fires from trains were very rare before I was born and steam rare anyway by the time I was in primary school.
I was being obscurely Monty Pythonesque calling myself a footplateman.
As a little kid lighting the fires and bringing firewood for the kitchen and copper were my job. As I got older, among my jobs was t0 pick up and burn piles of sticks and stumps and mallee roots to clean paddocks for cropping, and a good day might have well over a hundred lit fires…. my wife calls me her pyro!
Obviously rat-catching is the furtherest thing from their minds:
Victorian government backs changing of ‘racist’ Moreland Council name
A controversial bid by an inner-city council to change its “racist” name has won support from the state government.
The Andrews government has backed a controversial move to change the “racist” name of Moreland Council due to its link to a 19th-century Jamaican slave estate.
Minister for Local Government Shaun Leane favours a proposal for a community engagement process in 2022 to choose a new name in consultation with Aboriginal people.
“I confirm my support and will be pleased to facilitate renaming of the council in accordance with the requirements of the (Local Government) Act if the proposal is supported by council and the local community,” he wrote in a letter to Moreland Greens mayor Mark Riley.
A council meeting on Monday will consider a management report recommending that the renaming process go ahead after Aboriginal elders approached the council about “a confronting example of ingrained racism of historic origin”.
Early Melbourne settler Farquhar McCrae named his land near Moonee Ponds Creek after a family plantation in Jamaica, which traded in slaves, sugar and rum.
The report said the Moreland Council name only dated to 1994 following the merger of Brunswick, Coburg and Broadmeadows councils.
“In its 27 years, Moreland City Council has historically stood against racism and for diversity,” it said.
“Having a name which is considered racist and offensive conflicts with this history, and with council’s commitment to social justice, diversity and community inclusion.”
“Retaining the name now … could cause considerable reputational damage to Moreland as a progressive and responsive local government service provider to a diverse multicultural community.”
If adopted, the council’s consultation process will get advice from the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Heritage Aboriginal Corporation identifying suitable names that reflect local Indigenous places and culture.
“It is also proposed to open a conversation with the community on the impacts and consequences of dispossession and racism, and encourage respectful understanding through a program of education, truth telling and reconciliation,” the report said.
Director of the Foundations of Western Civilisation program at the Institute of Public Affairs, Dr Bella d’Abrera, accused Moreland Council of “a masterclass in virtue signalling”.
“(They) clearly believe that they are morally superior to the ‘racist’ men and women of the British Empire,” she said.
“The ratepayers of Moreland are being unjustly compared to slave-owning colonials who lived and died some 300 years ago.”
“Perhaps the council and Shaun Leane need to be reminded that while the British did follow Arabs and Africans into the slave trade, they were also the first to leave it, and its hideous racism, too.”
My thick thumbs seem to have inadvertently reported some people.
Please ignore all reports from me. I don’t report anybody. Ever.
Los Angeles School District Vaccinates Students Without Parents Knowledge or Consent
December 7, 2021 | Sundance
Cult of Nice Cuckristianity is the biggest, most malevolent enemy of christianity the world has ever seen.
Change its name to Baleocotton.
How about Stalingrad, or Holodomor.
Which led to the title of Malachy McCourt’s memoir A Monk Swimming.
The mark of a good fireman is the inability to walk past a fire without tending it.
As some tourists in South Africa at a festival I once went to found out to their consternation.
(Never, ever put volunteer steam loco crews in the same accommodation as tourists- The volunteers like their beauty sleep because of the weird hours they work for the tourists’ benefit, and they have this tendency to want to stoke any fires- Including the water heater- They see…)
Where’d they go?
How did they get on a plane unclean?
Incompetence? Meh.
Corruption? Meh.
Name? Hair on fire!
The bugmen cometh:
There are various carriers that don’t require vaccination to board.
Does this mean “Richmond”, in Sydney, will have to have it’s name changed?
local oafsays:
December 8, 2021 at 2:38 pm
Perfesser Stefan Loondowski demonstrating a remarkable inability to look into a mirror as he babbles on about “cults”!
Heart problems for kids from jabs?
MSM Nothing to see here.
Imagine that famous old lunatic Marilyn Shepherd turning up in comments.
and being on the side of the angels.
An ANUs graduate.
From Canberra.
That’s like a sphincters sphincter.
Local oaf: Did you notice who was quoted?
None of than Stephan Lewandowsky, formerly of the University of Western Australia and author of numerous papers linking climate sceptics to UFO cults and moon-landing conspiracies.
Lewandowsky is soooooo smart that Alene Composta had his guts for garters.
9-144. It’s over.
In other words, it’s pointless for conservatives or traditionalists to expect libertarians to side with them on most things.
Libertarians are simply psychologically or temperamentally not wired that way.
The coalition between conservatives and libertarians is a myth.
Investigation? More research is needed? But they know everything there is to know about the safety of these vaccines do they not?
Oh, and looky here:
Hold onto your heart white man.
In other, other words, we’ll all get along much better on here if we stop pretending we’re going to convert each other to things we by temperament are never going to be converted to.
Hey Ed. Fair is fair and consequently I owe you an apology for doubting your comment that the art market is rife with money laundering. Forgive me, but it would have to be the first time you’ve made an accurate comment in the history of Ozblogdom.
I don’t quite get how it works because at the end of the day, the person overpaying for a piece of crap has to receive the surplus funds somewhere around the world. These days nothing is closed to the Western financial authorities in terms of examining suspicious transactions floating around.
Anyways here’s an ironic piece in the NYPost, highlighting the administration’s resolve to clean things up in the art world,while ignoring Bunter Picasso-Hiden’s money laundering activities in this space.
Yeah, name fairly leapt off the screen at me. They never give up, grow up or go away do they!
I will not forget them. Many of them fell into line because Gladys decided it was the ‘right thing to do’ and many of these people, while praising principle and evidence, abandon it out of loyalty to those unworthy of it, at the drop of a hat. The whole ‘vaccines work and are our only hope’ mantra was and is nothing more than a golden calf. It needs to be smashed, and done so, mercilessly.
All out 147, including five wickets for rookie skipper Pat Cummins.
Areff, confirm this, didn’t ‘dowsky peddle at 100 mph out of Uni of WA. If memory serves he cooked up some bullshit “research” and ended up being caught out. I could be wrong, but something happened in WA causing him to take a runner.
Speaking of money laundering, I’ve seen some speculation book deals are another way it’s done. Someone get a massive advance, book is produced, “sells” and boom, clean money.
I can confirm that they removed six months “vaccine” exemption period for a positive PCR.
Bastards are saying it is safe to go and get the jab straight out of a quarantine. They even offer a home service now, with an interpreter if required.
I’m overwhelmed by their “science”. I’m drowning in it.
Why did I go? Only earned a scorn of my kids for getting them grounded right before school year ends.
Poor old coal misses out again:
The European Union is likely to unveil on Dec. 22 its plan for how natural-gas and nuclear-energy projects would be classified under its green investment rules.
… Good thing I can’t smell anything.
That’s more like corruption although I accept both things could be occurring at the same time. Traditionally, money laundering works like this. You have a boat filled with cash, and say Blackey buys it at say 50 cents in the dollar. He then credits your account with electronic funds somewhere in the world. Alternatively, Blackey has a business and buys the cash for some x service or goods sold at a much higher price. The higher component is the laundered money and also the fee. I think that’s how it works, but I’m no expert. I think you require a science degree to figure it out. 🙂
Russia in Ukraine by Christmas.
There’s going to be a massive fucking short opportunity in the renewball space in a few years time. It could be absolutely massive.
JC: a lot of his dubious ‘research’ came under sustained fire and he decamped as it was reaching critical mass. I don’t believe, though, he was in any danger of being booted — that only happens in Australian universities if, like Geoffrey Blainey, you have incorrect opinions and air them.
The paper that exposed him was “Recursive Fury” and the journal’s retraction is here:
The journal’s explanation is utter bullshit, as the commenters on the thread make abundantly clear.
I hope that isn’t what I think it is.
SMBC is falling into line with all the other institutions, including schools.
And what a contrast the new Head makes to that old warrior who returned from the Chinese Inland Mission so long ago, where danger lurked around every corner. Now the danger is disguised as the flawed thinking on “obedience to authorities”. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard it in the past two years.
Why did I go? Only earned a scorn of my kids for getting them grounded right before school year ends.
Did you manage to get it you lucky bastard?!
Rona running rampant through the house and fucking 20 PCR tests later and I’m still negative….
Um, you know how we said “vaccine” and “95 percent”
and “safe” well, ah that damned Omricon stuff has come along and damn.
Luckily, the MSM are in the tank.
That’s it. The Recursive Fury paper. hahahahahahahahahahahaha
FMD he’s shonky.
‘Freest country in Europe’ not invited to Biden’s summit
The Biden administration is snubbing the Hungarian government by not inviting it to an upcoming international forum on the state of democracy around the world.
The U.S. State Department has stricken Hungary from the list of over 110 invitees to the first-ever Democracy Summit, to be held in Washington, Dec. 9–11. Hungary is the only country in the European Union not invited.
Get a load of this swill ETF’s 3 year record
ICLN iShares Global Clean Energy ETF 157.33%
QCLN First Trust NASDAQ Clean Edge Green Energy Index Fund 271.82%
QCLN First Trust NASDAQ Clean Edge Green Energy Index Fund 271.82%
ACES ALPS Clean Energy ETF 181.80%
In other words, it’s pointless for conservatives or traditionalists to expect libertarians to side with them on most things.
Libertarians are simply psychologically or temperamentally not wired that way.
The coalition between conservatives and libertarians is a myth.
Arky, Lew Rockwell’s “The Case for PaleoLibertarianism” address this. Sorry but I can’t figure out links, othewise I’d attach the PDF. It comes up top of the page on a web search.
What a news service.
Good job we have a control group.
Mrs went to the primary end of year ‘ceremony’ today.
20 end of year awards handed out. 17 to girls, 3 to boys.
Same every year.
Yes I did. I have no idea where from.
All the other six members of the household have tested negative. Apparently this disease is considered highly contagious.
You might have… what’s that anachronistic term? … ah, yes, natural immunity.
The case for eating libertarians, sorry, paleolibertarianism.
Right from the start I said this shamdemic was a shibboleth.
I urged people not to take those venomous frankenvaxxed.
I told people the temporary restrictions were the thin edge of the wedge and more and more of our liberties would be trampled.
I told people Gladys and Chen were evil bitches.
Sometimes I’m right, sometimes I’m wrong.
Smoking protects you from covoid and futile attempts to overthrow the government and bring back the noose.
I invite you all to smoke a fag whilst I have a durrie.
No, here
Why not? There are only a few dozen communists in Brussels pushing back and Biden has gutted NATO. He might as well have written an open cheque for Putin’s private Swiss account.
Quite incredible what is going on in the West.
Yes, ‘Recursive Fury’. As I recall, his ‘research’ reported a strong correlation between crazed flat-earth UFO beliefs and being skeptical of AGW.
On examination, his methodology was
Create online survey that asks if 1) are you a crazed flat-earth UFO conspiracy nut and 2) are you an AGW skeptic.
Announce that said online survey exists at the meeting of Antifa and Climate Action.
Count responses that support hypothesis.
Write paper and profit by publication count.
Another complete shonk that UWA hosted was Naomi Oreskes, whose book Merchants of Doubt is a great type example of ad hominem smear by association. I shake my head.
Stephan Lewandowsky is a massive grub
Imagine producing this as “scholarship”.
Research integrity: Don’t let transparency damage science
Transparency has hit the headlines. In the wake of evidence that many research findings are not reproducible, the scientific community has launched initiatives to increase data sharing, transparency and open critique. As with any new development, there are unintended consequences. Many measures that can improve science — shared data, post-publication peer review and public engagement on social media — can be turned against scientists.
Orchestrated and well-funded harassment campaigns against researchers working in climate change and tobacco control are well documented. Some hard-line opponents to other research, such as that on nuclear fallout, vaccination, chronic fatigue syndrome or genetically modified organisms, although less resourced, have employed identical strategies.
Given his field is about a coin toss of accuracy Id suggest many of the “opponents of SCIENCE!!!” are on reasonably firm grounds to be skeptical.
Psychology’s Replication Crisis Is Running Out of Excuses
Another big project has found that only half of studies can be repeated. And this time, the usual explanations fall flat.
Psychology’s Replication Crisis Is Running Out of Excuses
Another big project has found that only half of studies can be repeated. And this time, the usual explanations fall flat.
Mind you he did publish that in Nature, not covering itself in glory lately.
Considering the latest scandal around Okobota’s research paper, several question come to mind: Why can’t a journal like Nature demand from researchers to provide the research paper, the correct protocols and all the raw data linked to it? And if there are so many versions of the protocol around, why isn’t it required to have a full audit trail of all the previous versions and a clear statement which version of the research paper let to which results?
Pod People meeting.
BON @10.25am Windmills is what the Dutch have, lots of windmills, thats what we need. Wonder no more.
FOI documents from complaints about Shonkendowskis paper.
Rectal furry or whatever it was.
Even better..
But hey, science!!!!
Yes, ‘Recursive Fury’. As I recall, his ‘research’ reported a strong correlation between crazed flat-earth UFO beliefs and being skeptical of AGW.
Lewy helped get me kicked off the conversation. This is a good summary of the Recursive Theory bullshit:
Prior to this Lewy had published a paper stating sceptics believed the Moon Landing had been faked despite every astronaut who had been to the Moon asserting they were sceptics.
#Todesspielezeugeisenbahn (blame Rex)
All this chat about pyromaniacs reminded me of an academic anthropologist I used to know who owned some property that required clearing. She slashed a lot of it and piled it up, set fire to it and then understood. By the way when I was a kid I could set fire to anything that could burn. Not like my mate who blew up stuff. Still does. Years ago advised the AFP on how easy it was. They didn’t have a clue and probably still don’t.
Areff’s link shows someone by the name of Cook to be coauthor with ‘dowsky of the Recursive fraud. I think he’s the bullshit artist who went a step further with the 97% scientists believe in AGW crap. For propaganda value, the turd would get an A plus for the paper as he even had the Kenyan citing the 97% crap at one of the debates with Romney. Now that’s propaganda that even Goebbels would admire.
McClown jizzing in his jodhpurs.
COVID-19 vaccine deadline passes with more than 1,900 WA government workers yet to get the jab
“That is a very high vaccination rate. 97.5 per cent have abided by the rules.
“There is 2.5 per cent who have not. They will have that two-week period to get themselves vaccinated, otherwise certain steps will be taken and they will leave our workforce.
“That is a choice for them. If they don’t want to get vaccinated and they want to not work for the government anymore, that is their choice.“
If I hold him with a pistol to his head while I violate his prized beagle in front of him with the threat to shoot if he complains, thats his choice!
But altogether we can say: We have carried out this most difficult task for the love of our people. And we have suffered no defect within us, in our soul, in our character.
Told ya!
I know its fluff, but look at this pic and tell me who it is before you click through to the story.
Good on her.
Rebel Wilson? Really? World’s food supply has obviously increased.
Cocaine and no carbs…
Hell of a diet.
Dr Rudi knows
Experts question Labor’s claim it will cut power bills by $378 by 2030
• Network costs to blow out 2-3 times the bullshit estimate;
• Wholesale price to go up – not down
Cats read it here first, last week.
Chris Bowen’s spokesthing tries to double down:
Sure, Buddy.
First time in the history of infrastructure where low-cost loans have any downward impact on construction costs;
The rises in wholesale electricity prices will come from renewable generators, feasting on the ‘cheap’ regulated network infrastructure (and desperate government), and gaming the market to jack the unregulated feed-in price.
It’s Rebel. Wow!
The stain on this country. That this is still happening is unforgivable.
Meanwhile Jussie slams down the victim cards:
Smollett told the court he was upset that a friend had involved the police in the assault because:
Strong play. Having a shot for compensation as well as acquittal.
Areff re Lewandowsky:
Ah, that brings back memories. I am proud to say that I am one of the deplorables cited in that paper, based on comments I made at (IIRC) Bishop Hill. He not only misrepresented what I said, blatantly, he also lumped me and other perfectly sane people with moon landing deniers.
While he didn’t get openly booted from UWA, he did skulk off after the Recursive Fury debacle. From memory, he sort of went on leave to the UK and never came back. I think the University of Bristol gave him a job there.
Academic disgrace sure ain’t what it used to be. 🙁
Firearms prohibition orders (FPO) for you, and you, and… is that a pin in your shirt? Looks like a firing pin. Five to fourteen years for you on my say-so alone.
WA’s forthcoming amendments to the Firearms Act and a few others make it certain we cannot own a waterpipe (firearms precursor), replace a part on our .22 (unauthorised repair), possess a book with an exploded parts drawing (precursors and plans for manufacturing), reload at all (manufacturing).
As a handyman and muzzleloader target shooting hobbyist I can see a very great level of danger for individuals.
And its very clear from past and present prosecutions that the claimed intention to use it on bikies will evaporate the moment the law is gazetted.
I always thought the warnings on cigarette packets about it causing heart disease were supposed to scare us.
Turns out that heart disease is actually harmless.
Presumably the anti-smoking brigade will back off now.
Figures, explain this
I know its fluff, but look at this pic and tell me who it is before you click through to the story.
Rebel is rootable. But the down side is no more fat girl comedies.
Bird fits into the ‘dowsky’ model of denying both gerbiling and the moon landing. Bird used to say that that whole moon landing thing was created in a Hollywood studio.
There is actually a tiny, atom size kernal of truth to this. There isn’t , but there is 🙂 Hear me out.
From what I’ve read, when the astronauts got back to earth, the film was given to Hollywood film experts by NASA to review and possibly tweak the rough edges out. Of course, this was then expanded to the whole thing was filmed in Lot C at 2oth C Fox studios.
Sophisticated city folk don’t talk like that in public. Pull you head in.
As Twostix says, there are still airlines that will take the unvaxxed. I’ll tell you where they went when they finally get there. It has been an incredible saga – they could write a book about it. Lots of patience and perseverance on their part.
This is for Twostix:
(The ‘nice’ fur only lies in one direction, after all.)
If the churches weren’t such jellyfish, we might be in a very different place now. What we are seeing is heartbreaking and unless Aussies fight back it’s going to be the jab and/or escape for all of us.
John of Mel, you didn’t pick it up at that super spreader event Saturday week ago did you?
I have got a sore throat but I can still smell. Will hold off the test
“Italy is now among the growing list of countries that refuses to allow unvaccinated individuals to participate in society. Italians must provide a Super Green Pass that shows proof of vaccination or recovery from COVID within the past six months. Those without the Super Green Pass will be banned from entering restaurants, gyms, bars, hotels, movie theaters, music venues, sporting events, and more. Although the restrictions are supposed to end in mid-January, there is a good chance the “precautions” will be extended. …
The Super Green Pass is only valid for nine months, upon which adults and children must be subjected to the vaccine again.”
How many countries is that, now?
A great opportunity for some of our carbon-woke financial institutions to step up. Offer punters $500 in the hand now in return for them assigning five years savings on their power bills over 2030-35.
Should be a great little earner for shareholders.
So, it was you, mc?!
Outdoors… I wouldn’t think so.
Chemtrails? 🙂
I see Head Prefect is gobbing off again.
Some info below on the USA Fed ownership oh financial guru.
Maybe you should watch Bill Still & his doco on u tube called The Money Masters (3 plus hours)
Please HP tell me who owns the RBA & The Bank of England?
Anyone who follows the advice of HP needs to look & research as he is no guru, just a gobshite.
I was teaching someone in veggie maths a while ago. The game seems to be 1) parse the sentence for the keywords, 2) associate them with correct icon on the graphics calculator, 3) enter the list of numbers and press go followed by 4) pattern match the response into the appropriate sentence for full marks. Notably there was no need for any understanding of the underlying concepts involved, it was an exercise in data entry masquerading as mathematics.
I took a stats course for postgrads recently over two weeks for the required credit. It was full of all types from the full range of faculties. It involved identifying the problem from the nature of the question and then loading the raw results into the appropriate R package before running the appropriate test on it and then pattern matching the response into the correct format for publication. Notably absent was any requirement to understand the underlying mathematics involved, it was an exercise in data entry and learning to associate the correct test to run based on the nature of the text of the problem. We now have the ability to make something scientific looking after taking a two week course that had no real numerically based pre-requisites.
Most science is done via stats these days and yet there appears to be a reproducibility crisis in the discipline for some reason. One can’t help but wonder sometimes.
Sorry it’s a “no” from me.
Because she is just the latest beautiful person to be given quarantine exemption by Hazard of the high seas.
Meanwhile, parents can’t take their suicide victim son’s body in the same country.
More –
toilet seat?
I’ve no idea what they look like.
Can someone put up a PDF copy so I can see?
Definitely nothing dodgy goin’ on ‘ere, guv.
Good heavens she looks like a tranny
Elevator buttons?
shook a libertarians hand?
Thanks for that, Ellen.
Leadership is a huge responsibility. That’s why we pray for our leaders constantly and support them in every way we can.
I’m finding that obeying the authorities stuff frustrating, when it’s just paying lip service to tyrants – a libation to an idol. The pressure may not come from the leader at all, but lower down the chain. It calls for the wisdom of Solomon to navigate.
R² = 1.0
The Ukrainian Army has really good recruiting ads.
My takeaway from that is we need to ban swimming pools. Look at all the problems they cause.
The Signal ecosystem is a US deep state front.
Joe Hildebrand has just jumped a battalion of sharks whilst wearing a clown suit. I am impressed!
Prime Minister Scott Morrison needs Gladys Berejiklian to help him win election (8 Dec)
Joe Hildebrand
SkyNews.com.au Contributor
“St Gladys” is the saviour of the Liberal Party! Whoa, someone ready the rubber room.
If Dolph Lundgren and Michael Jackson had a baby …
Straight to the Pool Room.
Meanwhile, parents can’t take their suicide victim son’s body in the same country.
We are ruled by moral mongoloids.
The only cure left.
Every state parliament and the festering chancre of Canberra
Good heavens she looks like a tranny
If Dolph Lundgren and Michael Jackson had a baby …
I wouldnt crawl over her to get to you…
Mother Lode:
No they are not, because no one tells them to their faces.
Mind you, it’s the same with just about every profession.
Even mine…
Psychologists get tired of people thinking that they know everything. After encounters with many psychologists over many years one sometimes wonders if they know anything.
dover0beach says:
December 8, 2021 at 4:15 pm
Aaron Ginn
German police detain an elderly woman who didn’t have her vaxx passport.
This scene looks [eerie].
Quite incredible what is going on in the West.
What would be really eerie is if someone casually rode past on a bicycle while whistling, emptied a surpressed sten into them, dipped his hat and rode on.
Mind you, it’s the same with just about every profession.
Except engineering, no one hesitates to tell an engineer that they don’t know shit and that they fucked up.
John Schneider (Dukes of Hazzard) on the Baldwin shooting, something for the novice on how a single action revolver works and the safety aspects.
Induction for a new engineer – the wooden part of the broom is where you push, get to work
Well it wasn’t me then, I don’t think we shared a toilet seat
What would you know
I think someone needs a hug, c’m ere, go on, come to Uncle Carpe. It’s gonna be all better.
What would be really eerie is if someone casually rode past on a bicycle while whistling, emptied a surpressed sten into them, dipped his hat and rode on.
It would be eerie since the Sten is a British machine gun now worth a lot of quids. Since this is a Kraut debacle what would be more appropriate would be a Heckler & Koch MP5.
rickw we can only hope.
Tucker Carlson Tonight on the takeover of the Biden regime by the Washington neo-cons — only three months behind the surrender in Afghanistan.
Just watched the Australian movie ‘Walkabout’
Thought it would be same as the children’s book.
Young nudity, suicide, immolation, spearing game… Walkabout would be a solid R movie circa 2021.
Very straightforward. Cheers Carpe.
Ellen O’Tassie:
Always assume that there are people with an agenda willing to infiltrate little community groups like yours.
Watch out for the front bar urgers, and make sure you keep an eye on everyone who wants to lead a mob from behind.
I like the comment
“I’m standing behind Alec – there’s no way I’ll stand in front of him!”
Oustanding advice.
Advice of the year. Of the decade.
Fu Manchu-level advice.
Jenny Aggitur.
I vaguely remember something on this the other week.