Crypto will bring Trump down. The next impeachment cycle, after mid terms, will be over crypto.
Crypto will bring Trump down. The next impeachment cycle, after mid terms, will be over crypto.
Well, her mouth pursed up bigtime and her expresson and body language said she was Not Happy. Miranda was excellent,…
The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
https://youtu.be/R0Iv28yYMCc?si=RYzBNGj2PqgTA5W0 enjoy this Mozart and Mendelson are the greatest
facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…
You killed Penny, classic. ?
I get it, but what does the hip thrusting mean?
Are these cartoons takes on old silent movies you are so fond of? If so, how do the silent characters communicate?
its a little known fact that everyone was deaf in ye oldde days.
So it mattered a lot less than you think.
Our saving grace with QLD’s generic evil doctor villian looking, second pick CHO, is that he isn’t a politician. And he’s a mouth, and he’s spent his whole life running his mouth to fawning Australian luvvie “interviewers” and “conferences” to wonderous applause no matter how dumb and contradictory he is.
And it already shows.
All the current CHO’s have years of being politicians. He’s spent his time “training” to be a super hero in his own mind. He’s got a lot going against him, not least of which he’s a man. And looks like a manlet.
independent from reality
She’s out of the insane asylum? She came down with one of the worst cases of TDS I’ve ever seen while she was the DC correspondent. Trump broke her.
that’s exactly where its all going
I get it, but what does the hip thrusting mean?
I knew you were a virgin.
Because Stuff. There fixed.
followed closely by the mandatory assisted dying laws.
That’s unusually funny for you cronkers. Keep it up or keep trying.
For instance, I was reading a reach-around level “interview” with CHO Lex Luther where he was saying how awesome he is for setting up a vast “infectious disease” unit at the gold coast hospital. About what a massive risk it was and, people were starting to give him shit for it, but then “Yes!” (fist pump) “Covid proved me right”.
And what were his Big Brained ideas for it?
From 2019:
Big Brained CHO boasted that the Gold Coast Hospital puts infectious patients in single rooms, and encourages the washing of hands.
No joke.
So a FULLY VAXXED ONLY music festival in Newcastle is closed down due to the risks from a virus that everyone is vaxxed against?!?!
So the point of getting jabbed is …. ?!?
Make it make sense please!!It’s all about da ”science”.
I can’t get to the marches, but at least I can “raise awareness” here.
One of the media’s go to epidemiologists – Professor Marie Louise McLaws- is an expert in hand washing too
No joke there either.
I don’t want to be unkind, but she presents herself as an expert on the virus when she’s basically a nurse educator who’s scored a big gig in the halls of academe. Note the tilty head & Erkos. I wonder what she’s contemplating?
Why aren’t the jabbers getting fired up?
Thanks, Arma. That was well worth an hour.
Perhaps Dover could put up Holbein’s “The Ambassadors” as a thread header – a comment of the transience of life.
A lot of interesting stuff comes up when you google ole Dr Gerrard Luther.
For instance this was obviously now his job interview for position of understudy CHO in QLD.
Just look at this little scumbag:
That was back in October. December Fact Check: 100% WRONG.
And here’s the money shot:
Oh Gerrard. Oh you sycophantic bald little manlet, could you signal any harder they you’re Their Guy?
And his pre-emptive answer to the ever-feared “what is your greatest weakness” question:
“Me and my public health colleagues sat around for thirty years and fantasised about how in a pandemic the public would do exactly as we told them, how they would be so in awe of us they would prostrate themselves before us in the streets so as we may step on their bodies instead of the filthy infected ground, and how they would inject themselves and their children in the eyeballs with whatever random concoctions that we delivered to them without question. How did we get it so wrong? Well, it’s the public’s fault to start with…”
Consume product?
I made the observation a little while back that Pfizer was behaving like the British East India Company of old, but without the semblance of a sovereign government to reign its worse excesses in.
I think Pfizer has gone beyond full East India Company now, dictating on a global basis to whom and how and when their products will be purchased, distributed and consumed.
Much as I dislike the motivations and desires of the Western bugman class, setting them on an anti-trust pogrom against Pfizer does now seem attractive…
In an age of hyperbole this sadly isn’t. It’s fun but.
Jah, jah, we know the rest of the story. But since history in schools has been turned into wokeness I suspect most of the European population don’t. Certainly not Aussies younger than fifty.
The Year Of The New Normal Fascist (16 Dec)
He’s backed all his tangential language with a couple dozen links, so it ain’t just demagoguery. Mr Hopkins looks like an interesting guy, although I only know what he has on his about page.
To keep pressure off the public hospital system.
That’s the new narrative they’ve segued to since the true efficacy of the vaccines has been discovered and Delta came along.
Oh…and you’re not allowed to ask what they’ve been doing about hospital and ICU capacity over the last 20 months of a “global pandemic” such that the hospitals need to be protected from sick people..
I don’t think eugyppius has disagreed with that over his numerous posts for the elderly. Norman Fenton, though, has argued that the all-cause death rate don’t show much difference at all between vaxxed and unvaxxed. That would seem to indicate that the risk profile of the vaxx is more or less the same as that for contracting and dying of COVID.
You know, I have a feeling we’re getting played with the whole “WE’RE ALREADY OVERLOADED” state hospital thing. 1980’s Telecom two weeks and seven men to dig a trench and connect a phone line to a house style ‘overloaded’ maybe.
It’s all just BS. It must be something nefarious going on.
Surely in a smart society, once everyone’s had a chance to have a clot shot, it should just all be opened.
My educated opinion is: This is fucked in the head.
Only the Vax’d can stop this madness.
Just say no more!
For data tragics.
Snapshot of the Omicron Variant, currently destroying the NHS and Boris Johnson:
As of Wednesday:
Indicated Cases: 49,138
Hospitalisations: 20
Deaths: 1
The UK HSA is awaiting 250 cases in hospital to generate enough data to say what it all means.
But I can guess.
My educated opinion is: This is fucked in the head.
Hey, hey, settle down with the technical jibber-jabber egghead.
Not all of us aced primary school on the first go you know…
They could take all the unvaccinated nurses that they’ve run out of the system, set up a special hospital just for them to staff and send all of the covid patients there.
I mean, with the complete embargo on any possible non-mRNA treatments, it’s not like there’s a vast and complex treatment regime.
Reminds me of that Yes Minister episode about the hospital with no patients in it.
Fauci Sets Stage For Omicron Panic, Warns Hospitals Could Be ‘Overwhelmed’ Within Weeks (16 Dec)
Help! We’re overwhelmed by people with the sniffles!
Relax everyone.
The cure for the ChiComPox has been staring us in the face, from day one.
Oh no, ‘Stix.
Rest assured that this is Ops Normal for the vast majority of the Public Health system.
Take it from somebody who spent 9 years in it, between SA and WA Health- If you haven’t just lurched (Or witnessed the lurch- Hooray for Public Transparency and universal KPI emails! 😀 ) into yet another logistical or operational crisis today, chances are you’re one of the overpaid Executive-level bugman ‘Administrators’ responsible for the whole debacle…
Yep. The opening year or so of Fiona Stanley Hospital was the best it has ever been. Even with the early-days staff haemorrhages…
It may be that the Almighty is having the last laugh on these liars.
The more the virus attenuates and does what it should, the more they run around with their hair on fire while trying to justify the unconscionable cruelty of the last two years – the more feeble and stupid and wicked they look.
Some house porn: victoristan: $9 mill.
Things that make you go….hmmmmmm:
went to Japan to help with the early Coronavirus outbreak onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship
QLD’s new Lex Luther CHO was “helping” on our Diamond Princess when it was still in Asia?
This is called a cover or a rerun.
Lipstick on a pig.
The band could be “cool” doctors, on Tik Tok, called “Johnny and the Injectors” or “The Readmissions”…
Grassy knoll news.
Biden Admin Releases Nearly 1,500 Secret Documents On JFK’s Assassination (16 Dec)
I’m entertained that in 1963 a Polish driver for the Soviet Embassy in Canberra reported to the local US Naval Attache that Oswald was on the Moscow payroll. Might even be true!
That’s a ton of money for Dame Edna’s birthplace. Wow. Okay digs, but very showy and likely suit a Russian gangster type buyer.
Heh, cohenite. Those glass-sided pools look great until someone slips over and cracks themselves. The corner is best for permanent brain damage.
Alright, how about this pile; same place, same price; a bit more sedate.
I have it on excellent authority that nurses in a large regional teaching hospital are today being tested because one of them is a close contact of a positive case in Brisbane and – contrary to QLD Health regulations – they are being sent immediately back to the wards because there is nobody to replace them if they went home and isolated for 14 days as those regs presently require.
Unfunnily enough, the big public hospital on the Sunny Coast spent so much money
on the machines-that-go-bing for a cardiac surgery unit, there wasn’t enough left
to actually staff the unit.
Muh.. I’ll leave it too , thanks.
All north of the river, Cronker’s. You get a nose bleed that far up. Have you ever been to Melbourne. I ask because lots of northerners haven’t made the pilgrimage.
Iiuc, the 7 day regime doesn’t come in until early January up here.
Have you ever been to Melbourne. I ask because lots of northerners haven’t made the pilgrimage.
Once. I was judging at a female body-building contest. I only had time to eat a few pastries; it was all pecs, deltoids, quads and glutes.
They sound delicious. Flaky pastry or choux?
I know, I know. Just hosted my first Christmas lunch of the season – friends went home well watered and fed. I will be grim again tomorrow.
She’s really cute too.
Louisiana judge to take unpaid leave after being caught using N-word — but refuses calls to resign.
Dover O’Beach:
I’m happy for you to give out this email address to anyone who wants it
[email protected]
My nanny used to go apeshit if I used the words ‘damn’ or ‘blast’. If I’d said ‘bugger’ she’d have gone into orbit. It’s strange how ppl change their linguistic taboos over time. It’s as if the outrage is pretty much constant, only the outraged and the words change
Remind me – how did that work out?
Musk is great . He’s such good value.
He reckons we should be worried about population implosion rather than an explosion. He’s actually right. Developed and moderately developed countries are looking like they will be populated by old geezers.
more mirth marks Myrtleford
Qld vs WA atm…
Wait for WA’s new health minister to up the ante…
Bluddy hell cohenite it looks like a crematorium
Anyone shunned from the Christmas table by kin gripped by fear of the unvaxxed?
Regarding deaths from/with COVID I can attest to the death hitherto of at least one 45-year friendship, a 25-year friendship as far as I know, more to be certified I am sure.
That’s tragic, Tinta. Those sorts of friendships are like a marriage. They just can’t be replaced.
In this universe, everything must come to an end.
God holds the key of all unknown,
And I am glad;
If other hands should hold the key,
Or if He trusted it to me,
I might be sad.
Indeed and speaking of marriage the 45-year friendship is that of my Madge, so that is very sad but there are reasons, seasons and lifetimes — so I guess I’ll have to go with seasons.
lol. World Socialist Website.
I think we should bear in mind the parable of the Prodigal Son here. I’ve had friendships scorched and associations forsaken… but if anyone would return to me, admit that they were less than 100% right, realize that the scales have fallen from their eyes, ask forgiveness, they will be welcomed back to the fold. Without hesitation, without condition.
You mean that while your friend was pulling into the driveway you would drop everything and run out to them with a beer in one hand and extended, ready to shake with the other?
Ironic that at the heart of Christmas is the incarnation of Christ, in which he who is holy and clean came to dwell and sup with the unholy and unclean in order to redeem them.
I’d aver that we are presently unworthy of his grace, but then God is much more merciful and patient than I am. Thankfully.
I think I’ve got that kind of cold temper that the vaxx fascists can’t tolerate- i stand my ground, i back up my info, i will not be distracted or misdirected, and I (actually I quite enjoy this, even tho wifey loses her marbles) love to return to tender topics with a irreverent gag that reminds the uptight opponent that i don’t hold grudges, and my silence is not contrition.
The plus side of a good temper, i genuinely have never burned anyone off. My door is always open, particularly if it means someone might return to me with a stronger case once their own red rage subsides.
kids birthday party in the park last weekend
one of the aunties unvaxed.
got crook on monday and tests positive
got better by wednesday
everybody else
a decent mix of vaxed and unvaxed
media and govt say we’re all gonna die
real life … not so much
Good to know, Wally. That first made you sound like the older brother (who was well within his rights).
I hate losing friendships over rubbish…and it has happened to me many times.
I am a second class citizen to some people; they are dead to me.
The chances of them ever admitting they are wrong are very slim. Even a calamity like reduced female fertility would have to be so tragically bad for mandated, experimental vaccines to get the blame. They would have to lose so much for any sense to be brutally pile driven into their thick skulls.
I’d rather be mutually outcast to them than the worst fears of the “vaccine hesitant” coming true. It would be so brutal we would move from left wing medical fascism to a vindictive populist regime. The day of the rope if you will.
Not that any of us have a choice on the matter, but I would rather be hated than for the to lose it all. I have let go of them so to speak and don’t need to punish them to conform to my ego.
Too many people in Australia are dependent on government and government employment.
This is exactly what Mitt Romney was talking about.
This is precisely why everyone appears to be going along with this stumbling cluster fuck of moronic failure.
Am sort of shunned in that have shunned myself – was told by brother about some outsiders (coming to the large family gathering at his place – he wanted the event at his place) who wanted to know if anyone was unvaxxed. I said not on. Not their business. But but … people were just being responsible and simply would not come if unvaxxed came. So – why tell me? So I asked if he and his wife were concerned about unvaxxed – ah, er, not particularly. So I though the correct answer would have been, not at all. Brother. Seems the non family persons are most worthwhile, though. So there it is. I said goodnight. An unvaxxed DiL will be going and has said she will test on the day to reassure persons, all to keep the peace. There’s more madness to the story, but it’s all too much. So it will be Christmas alone, and have also been cancelled by my choir (not my local church), no midnight Mass music; no Christmas morning sung Mass, nothing of the sort. Don’t know what they are doing. Could not earlier bring myself to sing in a grotesque masked choir; and I called the music director a busybody after there were moves afoot for the choir to work on parishioners to get jabbed, while we were zooming. I think it will be a splendid Christmas, though. I don’t know why, but it will be. Because Christmas is simply wonderful. The Incarnation revealed.
Hehe, just had a call from internet CEO brother who invited me to Christmas dinner. He is masking and decontaminating everything. I explained that I was a leper.
Was fun conversation. He rode the idea of leperness and decided to invite me anyway (our elderly dad is coming). In his business he’d have no alternative to doing the rituals anyway, but was pretty open to the science. I’ll catch the train down and enjoy the day, if our Macquarie St masters allow it.
I am actually like that in real life.
My sister told me Trump was a fascist for locking up BLM and other Soros backed terrorists. Her husband was very rude to me when I rather politely suggested that BLM and Antifa were actually violent terrorists who support totalitarianism.
I should have cut them off there and then. They were incapable of adult discussion.
Extended family canvassing if the unvaxxed should be permitted at the gathering. That alone is enough to make me want to skip it.
Mitt Romney is a Small Government guy?
Last machines moved into the new workshop!
Forget to mention in the previous machinetool inventory my Cazeneuve HB 575, last machine in. Sacre Bleu!
media and govt say we’re all gonna die
real life … not so much
The Little Bloke had been far far sicker from bugs with no name.
Couldn’t blame you for that.
By the way, did you know the protagonist in Stephen Kings “The Stand” initials were RF? Randal Flagg?
I happen to know for a fact that areff’s initials stand for “Randy Fag”
Anyone know the quantity of “vaccines” purchased by the Australian people and their total cost?
And the total cost of the PCR test kits purchased by us?
This appears to be a process of looting Australia before rooting Australia.
Cool! My brother renovated his house a few years ago, and they moved to a flat up the road during the carnage. The flat had a nice courtyard. So he rang his landlord and asked if he could install a mast and a dish in it. (He needs serious bandwidth for his business.) No, says landlord, nothing permanent.
Okay. So brother puts up a 20 m tall pole, with dish, all temporarily attached to balconies and whatnot using cable ties. A bit of careful juggling and he’s in the zone and all his servers are happy.
It was fun to turn up that Christmas Day to see a giant telecom mast in his courtyard held together by cable ties. But landlords are boss.
We’re not paying for it.
Our grandkids are.
Someone meme Alan of Nottingham calling off Christmas.
Much as I dislike the motivations and desires of the Western bugman class, setting them on an anti-trust pogrom against Pfizer does now seem attractive…
Pfizer shouldn’t even exist after what it did in Nigeria, completely immoral and incompetent. The skulls of their executives should still be adorning Lagos International Airport.
I would like to know more.
Ribbed Franger (to resurrect my schoolboy nickname()
Tailenders smacking the Poms all over the park before putting them in for the last hour.
8/473. Righteous.
9 for 473. Declared.
Had a chat to crane truck driver to check he made it back ok.
Asked how his son and DIL were going as they had been both crook from Pfizer last time he took up a load.
DIL (28) has just had an MRI done on her heart as they try and work out what the hell Pfizer has done to her heart.
Randall Flagg, as mentioned above, aka the Walkin’ Dude, aka John the Conqueror was about the most menacing book villain ever.
The Stand was about the end of King’s best work, which was completed with the aid of cocaine by the bucket.
The stuff he wrote when sober was and is terrible.
Daniel was endorsed by Voices of Goldstein as an independent candidate to run in the 2022 federal election in the seat of Goldstein. Her candidacy was endorsed by former member for Indi, Cathy McGowan, former leader of the Liberal party, John Hewson and minister in the Fraser government, Ian Macphee.
The old deadshit is still around.
Roger says:
December 17, 2021 at 8:41 pm
Anyone know the quantity of “vaccines” purchased by the Australian people and their total cost?
And the total cost of the PCR test kits purchased by us?
We’re not paying for it.
Our grandkids are.
I sincerely doubt that Pfizer would be waiting for our grandkids to pay.
Our grandkids will definitely pay, but the billions would be handed over now.
I’m curious as to actually how much of our tax dollars are being looted by the Australian CCP government.
KD – You forgot to mention that the feral bogans scored nearly 300 of those runs.
I rather like feral bogans, they’re Ncl denizens in spirit, if not in geography.
Heir to the empire is in Mongyang.
He’s slated to go to Brisvegas on 30 December to spend a week with the ex-Mrs KD, aka The Skank. So, PCR test 72 hours before and after arrival there.
If he draws the short straw and has to isolate for that week in the same house as his mother, only one of them will walk out.
I think you mean blam.
after poor-quality aluminium was imported from China.
What the fuck is wrong with defence procurement?! Surprised at poor quality materials out of China AND caught out by it?! These people are either fucking retarded or traitors.
I’ll never forget seeing McPhee and Menadue ( a Whitlam pubic serpent) standing side by side. Proof that the uniparty existed as early as 1982.
100 from a moon unit, and almost-tons from the uberbogan and the sooking cheat.
aka The Skank
How’s her new slow cooker going?
3 failures from Harris, eh?
Is this bloke someone’s nephew, because he ain’t a Test cricketer?
My family must be a 99% percentile outlier. Of everyone meeting up, only ONE is vax’d.
‘slow cooker’
Ahaha. Sweet.
Dunno. Haven’t actually talked to the silly bitch in two years or more. I expect a detailed analysis from the heir on his return.
Which I will of course share, because as far as I can gather he’s – get this – an out of work plumber.
Exactly! I love feral bogans.
To win in desperate contests you need nutters who are very good at what you need them to do. Like Warner, Smith, Labuschagne, Sherman and Grant. Sherman would’ve loved sandpaper.
It’s not exaggerating to call the Fraser government hard left.
Cack-handed manbun-wearer Rory Burns just mentally retired from all forms of the game.
For those lovable Sydney Cats:
Joining hands and Singin’ in the words of the ol’ Negro Spiritual:
Consequently, We want to get loaded and have a good time…
We’re going to have a pardee! 🙂
Young people drowning in debt are getting vaxxed to keep their jobs [and their houses and their toys].
And their Missus.
Think of it as Getting Vaxxed for The Bank.
Which Bank?
Any Bank, they’re all crooks.
I am a second class citizen to some people; they are dead to me.
Stop whinging and get a Viking steak. After that you’ll be the belle of the ball.
Bottom dollar 3rd world project engineers who don’t have a clue about materials & quality control. Just went for the cheapest shit they could get.
Remembering the great Gary Gilmour this Christmas.
A true natural.
Pericarditis and myocarditis at 62 was bad enough in terms of lifestyle/working, but 28?! That’s bloody rotten luck.
Problem is that there’s going to be a massive shortage of transplantable hearts unless they change the criteria for donors.
I wanna goil with a mind like a diamond …
Who uses a machete to cut through this stupid, stupid country’s red tape … 😕
I wanna goil with a short skoit and a long jacket …
I tells ya! 🙂
Luck has nothing to do with it. This is a coordinated attack on our health and liberty, and the sheep just lap it up.
Clown World.
A Christmas number in honour of Rush Limbaugh
Hard not to feel sorry for the Poms. Test cricket is hard enough when you can see the ball.
Analysis of Pfizer / FDA first document release:
Winston, you may not be anywhere near the minority some may have believed you to be.
I reckon we’ve fewer than half the number of people we usually have for a Friday night.
Turned away a helluva lot of people today and more so far this evening, coz not fully vaccinated.
Portland city officials have awarded a nearly $12 million clean energy contract to a nonprofit run by a woman convicted of defrauding energy companies.
According to an investigation by the Oregonian, Linda Woodley, 71, has served time in prison over the past 25 years for defrauding energy companies, and racked up millions of dollars in liens for unpaid federal and state taxes – including a six-figure penalty filed just earlier this year.
She has also faced accusations of failing to disclose financial records, and has been investigated by the IRS.
But Portland city officials awarded her nonprofit organization, Diversifying Energy, a contract worth nearly $12 million earlier this month to purchase, deliver and install portable eat pumps and cooling units inside 15,000 homes and apartments of low-income individuals.
And not one will lose their job or pension over it.
an out of work plumber.
Can’t operate handsaw, pot of glue and a shovel?! Takes some doing!
I thought The Heir’s Slow Cooker comment was bloody hilarious, stuck in my memory.
What if it’s not meant for me?
The BBC Live Version … 🙂
The latter being my favourite song of 2021* – essaying as it does, Miss Ellie’s effortless transcendence of pop mediocritee …
*By a country mile. Nothing else even comes close.
Just like Pelosi being against banning US Congress Critters from insider trading.
It’s a big club and you’re not in it.
Bluddee hell – reminiscing about 9.9 Janeys is a “concept”, apparently.
From 4:30 in. Let it ring out. 🙂
Vatican Court judge criticizes Bill Gates, George Soros and Klaus Schwab for using Covid to impose ‘total control’ on population
Good to see someone speak up.
We live in a no blame culture.
But what actually happens is that as soon as a project goes pair shaped people start quitting. The smart ones who can see what’s coming quit the earliest.
By the time the project really starts bleeding lots of cash, pretty much everyone who worked in the project has been replaced. The lower level engineers who know they cant be blamed for any fuck ups will tend hang around. That way it’s not their responsibility the project has gone to shit. ‘It was the previous idiots Mr Manager Sir!’
More proof that politics attracts narcissists, grifters and psychopaths.
Is Omicron Really a New Variant?
For poor ol’ Arks, he loves our Queen, he does … 🙂
From the “woeful” thread.
The “false positive paradox” and risks of testing asymptomatics
Just think, Salvatore, they may have lied about not being vaxxed.
Meaning that maybe your operations need reviewing.
These people are either fucking retarded or traitors.
They’re public servants.
Roight now, peoples*!
I am an anarchist
I am an anti-christ
Don’t know what I want
But I know how to get it
I want to destroy
Our beloved politico/bureaucrat/meeja class
‘Cause I
Wanna be
Anarchy … 🙂
*Get out those mighty ten holes!
This dude has had a wild ride in life. He has six kids.
The next five after losing one :
Franxsays: December 17, 2021 at 10:11 pm
Huh? Please expand that a little?
Who may have lied about their vaxx status?
What operation of mine may require reviewing?
poor kid.
he’ll prolly need to sell his JetSki
I didn’t want to force the issue because the old girl who runs the pub is a nice lady, but I had to do it because the stand – as small as it is – has to be made.
I said to her that I’d be back when the lunacy is over and that there were no hard feelings.
He’s gone …
2,000 miles
Gets colder day by day …
The kiddies were singing
He’ll be back at Christmas Time … 🙂
Winston: You can’t force the issue. It is law.
The direction is made under the Qld Health Act 2005, and thus is Qld law.
Everyone we turn around, we’re telling to phone the ALP state or federal member nearest them & tell ’em next time you’re in a polling booth, Labor will not be getting your vote, & sound like you mean it.
This seems to be being taken on board.
It may have some impact.
You can’t make this shit up.
What US firm has paid the largest corporate fine ever?
A 1.Some of those you turned away may in principle have been saying myob. Principles are what they are.
A2. As my mother would say, biznest is biznest. So why turn away biznest. That too is a principle.
widow of Chilean dictator Pinochet, dies aged 99
Europe Faces Dire Winter as Nuclear Outages Deepen Energy Crunch
Bloomberg) — Europe could face a grim winter as nuclear outages in France put the continent’s energy market near a breaking point, raising the risk of rolling blackouts in the coldest months of the year.
Electricite de France SA is halting reactors accounting for 10% of the nation’s nuclear capacity, worsening Europe’s energy shortages and leaving the continent at the mercy of the weather at the height of winter in January and February. Even before the outages, a shortage of natural gas had already forced Europe to rely on burning coal to keep the lights on.
Supply concerns plaguing Europe have sent gas and electricity prices breaking fresh records several times this year, a headache for policy makers already contending with rising inflation. Geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine could also further crimp supplies. Jeremy Weir, chief executive officer of commodities trader Trafigura Group, last month warned that Europe could experience rolling blackouts in case of a cold winter.
“Europe will have a lot of problems if it gets cold,” said Emeric de Vigan, CEO of energy analysis firm COR-e. “Now it would only take 2-3 degrees Celsius below the seasonal normal to get into trouble.”
The French nuclear fleet is a crucial round-the-clock source of power not just nationally but at peak times in markets such as Germany, Italy and Britain. Plant availability was already low as the pandemic delayed works on some reactors, and now EDF is halting two units and extending stoppages at two others after discovering a fault at a plant during regular maintenance.
Without these units, about a third of France’s nuclear fleet will be halted at the start of January, forcing the nation — which typically exports electricity — to import more supplies at peak times from neighboring markets. The crunch will mean Europe — already faced with shortages of natural gas — has to burn more coal, and even oil in places like Germany and Sweden, another obstacle for policy makers trying to curb carbon emissions.
Europe’s energy crunch could still get worse. An escalation of the tensions between Kyiv and Moscow could lead to further disruptions, with the potential for Russian gas shipments to be curbed or halted altogether in the case of an invasion. Conflict could also further delay the start of the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline linking Russia to Germany, which has already suffered repeated delays. Tom Marzec-Manser, an analyst for European gas and LNG at ICIS, said Europe faces tough choices ahead.
The price of power for delivery in January in France soared 60% to a record 630 euros ($715) a megawatt-hour on the European Energy Exchange. In neighboring Germany, the equivalent contract surged 25% to an all-time high of 381 euros a megawatt-hour.
France may need to stop exports to Britain and Italy, according to Jean-Paul Harreman, an analyst at energy consultant Enappsys Ltd. If that happens, it will push up prices in the core markets across the continent.
The French grid operator had already said vigilance would be needed at the beginning of the year in the event of a cold snap. To cope with supply shortages, RTE increased contracts that allow it to briefly cut power of some large manufacturers. After that, it can reduce the voltage on the grid, and then utilize rotating regional power cuts of less than two hours as a last resort.
“I can see grid managers paying industrial companies to not run if it gets really cold in a short period, they have done so in the past and they can do it again,” COR-e’s de Vigan said.
Before this latest blow, markets were already under severe strain. Gas prices that are more than six times higher than usual have pushed up the cost of generating electricity, and Europe’s wide network of renewable energy sources hasn’t been able to fill the gap due to low wind speeds. High energy prices risk further industrial shutdowns, halts to cross-border power flows and even full on blackouts.
Rosie does, all the time …
Yeah, nah, I was being a bit uncharitable then … she doesn’t make it up, just spreads it … like poison …
Franxsays: December 17, 2021 at 10:44 pm
Except for the part where it actually is my business, you’re spot on.
Because it is the law.
You want that I should break the law? How do you think that will work out for me?
Hey Hitlerists!
I will not kneel … 🙂
willie … time slips away
Loicensing sarjun’s can be real coves, the powers that Police Supernintendos have in QLD (and NSW) are bloody absurd.
John Hewson? Lost the unloseable election to Paul Keating?
Which Gary Gilmour? The one executed by firing squad in Utah – the first capital punishment in the US for ten years? (Personally, I think shooting was too good for him)
In other words: the Positive Predictive Value of screening testing is very low when background prevalence is low (Bokhorst et al. 2012; Skittrall et al. 2020; Dinnes et al. 2021).
I fucking love that.
Except I forced the issue by turning up and ordering a beer.
I could have walked past the pubs and not made an issue of it, but I chose not to.
This is what I meant by making the stand.
“Stop telling those dumb uncouth smelly tradesman and servants what you know is best for them”.
“They’ll find out soon enough when the electorate is stupid enough to vote us into power (again) 🙂
“Now fetch me my colostomee bag, Filipina!”
The authorities in Utah were copping it in the neck from the anti death penalty crowd. At the same time, they had to issue a statement, that no, they didn’t need any volunteers for the firing squad, and no, it didn’t matter if you offered to bring your own ammunition.
I took some friends and children to Tiamo restaurant in Hampden Rd for dinner. I stipulated, in writing, a roast turkey, carved at the table. With roast potatoes. What I got was pressed roll of turkey meat and fried potatoes. It was garbage food. I’m never going there again.
Stay away from Tiamo. They cheat you.
Liberty quote from Kate Bingham, who mistressminded the vaccine roll-out in the UK, about Civil Servants:
Salvatore, yes the law. So be a good person and adhere to the letter of that law. Because the letter of the law counts and one never ever goes against any aspect of the letter of the law, ever. Say it is so, say it is so with everything and in every detail of your operations.
Alternatively, to answer your question, one may want that you should break the law. How might that work out for you? You never know.
PS there is a foodie place in the Melbourne cbd smack dab in the middle of everything, hospitals, doctors places, tower residences, the lot, that took no notice of not allowing eating in the place, sitting, etc during the lockdown. The place was a joy and no one reported it. The doctors from the hospitals frequented it. The place simply existed then and now. Strange, yes. But there you go.
The ABC continues to cheerfully lie in its contradictory reporting regarding the OMG variant:
[bolded text as it appeared in original article]
Oh, we do know that, do we? And how do we know that, given what we just said we don’t know? We really are a bunch of fuckwits, aren’t we?
Tch, stupid formatting. Bolded text ain’t bolded. So it appeared like this:
Earlier this week, Professor Kelly said Omicron “still appears to be relatively mild in most circumstances, but we need to have further information on that over the coming week and we will share that when that comes.”
We do know vaccine booster shots are key in protection against Omicron.
“Unfortunately, with this new variant, Omicron, the two-dose vaccine schedule is not as effective as it was against previous strains of the virus, such as Delta,” Professor Kelly said.
I don’t know if the Swan Valley is in your orbit, but the Memsahib and I had lunch at the Wild Swan, at Mandoon Estate, to celebrate her birthday the other day. Pretty damnfine.
My sources are spicy. Too spicy for republication.
still not dead
Vaush is mentally ill, dot. He makes wacky claims when he’s off his meds.
Travelling in country Utah (where there were Bison in the fields) some years ago we checked into a restaurant with a sign on the door saying: many people in here carry handguns, take your chance.. This was not far away from a gorge where Butch Cassidey hang out, and the last chartered territories in the US – southern Utah, not the Mormon North.
They are all lying about omicron OCO, including Sky News and The Australian.
I’ll bear it in mind, ZK2A, but it’s a long way from Crawley.
Big big big hair
I have to say that the children enjoyed it, mainly because of the chips and dips. I enjoyed the children enjoying it. They got lemon lime and bitters and enjoyed that too. The adults had bolly.
Wherever There’s A Farmer… | Road To Bali (1952) | Retrospective #Shorts
Relax at your peril, peoples … 🙁
It’s the default to panic mode that grates. And the use of the first person plural voice. Don’t lump me in with your propagandising and fearmongering, pinhead journos. There is no ‘we’. You don’t speak for me.
I’m remembering a heated argument just after the Port Arthur massacre,that, if Australians had been allowed to carry handguns, Martin Bryant would have copped a couple in the back at close range..
In the Badlands, late April ’93, about 100 of them. At dusk, blocking the road, the last two straggling bulls looking more than ready to charge the Fairmount.
Bemused, we was. Photos were taken, to prove this event actually took place.
That would have been a heated argument ZK2A. But in those days, and these days, nobody here walks around with a gun in their pocket, so Port Arthur could not have been averted that way. It’s a cultural thing. We are not the US, which I say with great respect to the US.
or balls deep in a honey pot
The cops had him in their gun sights at the Fox and Hounds Inn just up from Port Arthur later that afternoon. They should have popped him right there. It would have relieved a lot of anguish, and saved us from having a movie made about him.
Winston Smithsays: December 17, 2021 at 11:17 pm
Good job Winston.
Keep it up. Every day.
Be mindful of the penalties; $1,400 for you & $14,000 for the pub.
One dickhead cop is all it will take, say the CQ entrapment officer … I mean, Highway Patrol in mufti & cleanskin car, popping in to see how many hick, yokel, one-horse pubs they can pinch on a quick tour.
(Never forget the dog act they pulled last year on Yuleba, Mitchell, Injune, Roma et al.)
Franxsays: December 17, 2021 at 11:31 pm
It is so, in every detail of my operation.
Actually I do know.
I’ll be in the frame for a $14,000 fine.
If you want me to break the law to make you feel good about your “sov cit” predilection, start the ball rolling by transferring $20,000 in cleared funds to my bank account (the extra to cover the incidentals)
Easy for you when you’re demanding I put my balls under the guillotine.
Move to NSW: The Freedom State.
Sydney lockout
higher bank account fees
Daylight saving
Bed tax
Roadworthy required
Population density
NSW Like Florida, Alberta and Wyoming – one of the last Free States on the planet.
I’ll take Wyoming thanks.
Don’t get your point Salvatore. Yes, we have winter, and taxes..
Me too. Wyoming in winter and Florida in summer.. Oops, maybe not.
There’s no winter here Lazlo.
I haven’t worn shoes & socks in years. I do not own a coat.
The entire hotel does not have even one blanket (I know, coz a few years ago a guest asked for one)
We run aircon every day, & every night, of the year.
There’s no way I’m moving back to NSW, if I’m going somewhere cold, I’m going somewhere proper cold, with hibernation (eg, Wyoming, to a decent sized ranch – or Wyoming’s idea of a decent size)
True, there is no winter here. I am seriously starting to think about a very cold Xmas end 22. We have done Banff and the Rockies (minus 20c, good cold and luxury fun) but maybe Iceland, and the Aurora? Iceland is serious fun.
That’s the part I most disliked about being camped out in the open in the Northern Territory.
So bluddee cold, and it only got worse once you were up on a horse (provided you stayed up there).
Spent a year in Alberta, waaay north of Banff, other end of the province. It’s a different type of cold there.
The maximum-minimum thermometer showed for the three months of “official” winter, a high of -25.
I had a serious re-think about whether I really wanted to live there.
An old Swedish colleague of mine once said: there is no such thing as being cold, only not enough clothes.
Turned away a lot of people today & tonight.
A mixture of;
People who had no idea there is a vaccine mandate.
Those who confused one dose with being fully vaccinated & were totally unaware there is such a thing as a “second dose”.
Fully vaccinated but had no proof, no idea how to prove it, & never imagined they’d need to prove it to go into the pub.
Those trying it on – they were the easiest of all to turn around.
And one TV/film star celebrity big shot high falutin’ important person, who it seems is not vaccinated, & was the only wheedler of the day, they culminated in “Do you realise who I am?”
The police were very well behaved, which surprised me. They musta been told to not burr us up.
Clearly he didn’t have to live & work outdoors.
Like most, I’ve been in very cold places, but nowhere; nowhere compares to Wyoming when a Norther cranks up.
You simply cannot be outside, no matter what you wear.
From Mark’s Cat.
News we never hear about number eleventy zillion.