Slowly slowly these timid gerbils are starting to speak up… Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry calls for ‘realistic’ renewables…
Slowly slowly these timid gerbils are starting to speak up… Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry calls for ‘realistic’ renewables…
Hey Dover, did you see this? The New England Journal of Medicine just identified a brand-new illness: SRDS—Sudden Russian Death…
Vinegar Tits and Pretty-boy are stymied. The Nosferatu Nurses refuse to be interviewed by NSWaffen. What can we do now?…
Wonder how big the impact in Finance will be. Most valuations can be mechanized if it already isn’t. A lot…
Don’t learn to code.
I would like to thank all those gathered here? There aren’t any.
My neck is killing me, can’t sleep.
What’s happened to Cassie?
Calli you didn’t rant, you were being accurate.
The Vatican financial scandal explained with this timeline of events:
A real web of corruption, intrigue, incompetence, illegality and immorality and, if investigations are allowed to proceed, revelations even more damning could follow.
Good morning, see ya later.
If you’re missing Tom’s toons this morning, they’re over on the weekend open thread.
That pillar article was fine until the the money being sent to Melbourne bit.
That is incorrect* as is the attempt to tie the attempted destruction of Cardinal Pell to the Vatican.
This is a big problem for outsiders looking in.
They have no idea about Victoria and the two decades long story of Get Pell.
*The amount sent to Australia was 9.5 million between 2014 and 2020.
No doubt the rest of the shady dealings story has legs.
an interview with Cardinal Pell, seems there is a cloud of suspicion about matters being helped along but definitely a home grown scandal.
Mater’s Musings #46: Boom! Adem drops the MOA Truth Bombs
The other plague, scientism, is running rampant.
‘When science mixes with politics, all we get is politics’ (9 Dec)
He doesn’t address the elephant in the room which is climate scientism. That is at least as bad as the Covid scientism we’ve been afflicted by, and is likely to be even more harmful if it doesn’t collapse under the weight of its own inconsistencies and hypocrisy.
I find it interesting that Russell Brand has more viewers than CNN yet nobody in the media refers to this. I’m sure there are other vloggers with even bigger viewership numbers yet nobody is discussing this realignment. In other words, the real debate is happening but not in the media.
I am confident in stating that journalists, most of the pundits in the official media and people who watch, listen and read them are the most ignorant of us all.
Jimmy & Glenn Greenwald talk Assange & Snowden.
To the Cats who thought that shooting Snowden & Assange would have been awesome (the ones that said that on the weekend should hang your heads in shame), I hope the the big Government does nothing to you.
But I hope you live long enough to see your kids get put through the wringer by the exact forces that Snowden & Assange were exposing.
boosters available from 5 months moderna as half dose
The main issue is the boomers who mostly still watch propaganda channels such as the ABC.
We need the boomers to start dying off en-mass to get our country back.
the UK goes with three month boosters for everyone
Dilbert 2
Dilbert 3
It’s an interesting point. When is exposing unpleasant truths about your own government treason? I disagree with Jupes about this. Showing that the US government was behaving illegally was undoubtedly disloyal to the government, but not to the people.
Aha! As Rugbyskier points out above, ‘toons are (accidentally) at the old fred.
That’ll go down well with the punters. Not. Especially when you add Falsi’s latest:
Fauci: Americans Will ‘Just Have to Deal with’ Yearly Boosters, if They Become ‘Necessary’ (12 Dec)
That’s cute because he knows just as well as ATAGI that even six months is too long, which is why last week they reduced the recommended period to 5 months. I suspect that will come down to 4 months, consistent with the Israel data. So it’s clear Falsi is trying to soften up the US population for endless booster Russian roulette 3 times per year. That can only lead to a revolt as there’s no way with the side effects that the people will accept such tyranny.
Boris Johnson: UK faces ‘tidal wave’ of omicron cases
Why are they setting their hair alight for a harmless variant? Might it be to provide a distraction from their own conduct?
Who got the Get! Pell! money?
“It was for a gate! It was all donated to a soccer club at a Bunnings Sausage sizzle!”
This is exactly what that creep tried, and failed, to do with the flu shots. If there ANY justice in the world he’ll fail again, and be tried for his crimes.
Hahaha, thats funny. If the .gov said you need to take the clot shot weekly, 95% of the brain dead population would just line up.
Is CVS About to Turn Over Millions of VAXX Records to Bill Gates? Microsoft Partnership Raises HUGE Questions About Medical Privacy and Corporate Exploitation of ‘Vaccine’ Mandates
Go easy on the elimination rhetoric, a large proportion of readers and commenters here are boomers. What’s more, boomers are not a homogenous generation, most of us just got on with it and built great lives and families. The boomer Karens and dictatorship supporters are the the same people who were hippies and protesters of the 60s and 70s. They were the spoiled middle class kids protesting against capitalism that kept them comfortable and they are still doing the same. They were then dictatorship sympathisers and are now.
Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS): ‘We should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely’
As some have suggested, the vaccine is the bioweapon.
This is where we get to distinguish between the theory that they want to institute a new world order that keeps the proles under their grubby thumbs, and the theory that they blundered and can’t lose face so keep on pushing vaccines.
If the blunder theory is right, the omicron variant is their big chance to back off the vax madness. If they really are trying to close down democracy, they’ll double down on vax insanity.
Place your bets.
OMI HOPE South Africa’s Omicron outbreak SLOWING with no deaths, low numbers in hospital and only 15% in intensive care
Maybe, just maybe this will burn itself out before they can ratchet it up into the next Ebola. This is from the UK Sun.
Yes, ok, not ALL boomers, but a substantial % of them need to go.
Top o’ the mornin’ Cats. Excellent discussion last night, just finished reading through it. Lots of light with just the right amount of heat.
Apart from the impenetrable (to me) statistics being made clear, the above was the best takeaway.
And this morning the Jerusalem Post article might be the first few pebbles of the avalanche – what happens when vaccines are no longer effective, even in their lousy current form?
I vote they will double down.
People say this and that about the Chinese ‘saving face’. But the so called ‘politicians’ are way worse.
Crikey, that Johannes Leak ‘toon has belled the cat. To see how close to the money it is, we’ll have to see how the ABC-Fairfax-Grauniad oat latte alliance cope. Outrage and banishment, like his dad was cast beyond the pale?
The main issue is the boomers who mostly still watch propaganda channels such as the ABC.
Not many Boomers left in politics these days, but there are an awful lot of inner city academics and other assorted wankers/influencers who live by those propaganda channels. They are more significant than the Boomers.
Read a comment elsewhere that UNI of WESTERN SYDNEY is accepting entrance applications from anyone completing year 12 , regardless of marks .. no link .. anyone heard/read this?
I know they claim money has dried up without O/S students but shirley this is overdoing it?
Popcorn time, if you can afford to buy it anymore.
Aussie Eco-Warrior Fury over Wind Farm Wilderness Devastation (12 Dec)
So Greens are now finding out that renewables operators are clear-felling forest to build wind farms? Wow are they quick or what? Maybe some of them will notice the carnage to wildlife they cause too.
Dont worry, Pfizer can develop a new vaccine in 3 months. Which will take two years to deliver to 7 billion people, by which time a new scariant will be out. Rinse and repeat.
Very profitable business model.
Completely and utterly harmless. We should be celebrating it and having Omicron parties.
.. and they’re recommending vaccine boosters for it, despite the dodgy stats (pp20)
we’ll have to see how the ABC-Fairfax-Grauniad oat latte alliance cope.
Coping 2021 is too just ignore it .. it’ll go away .. ect .. countering the argument is sooooo 2019-ish .. LOL!
Hahaha, thats funny. If the .gov said you need to take the clot shot weekly, 95% of the brain dead population would just line up.
While elbowing each other out of the way to get on first to the cattle cars going to the death camps.
I haven’t the slightest doubt that it’s the former. Too much uniformity of approach worldwide. However, that wouldn’t stop someone like Boris, caught in a major scandal of his own making, from grasping any straw in the wind.
Neil Oliver made the best point about the true situation when he said that they were party without a care in the world last Christmas, while keeping the population locked up and overwhelmed with fear porn. They knew they were lying from the beginning.
Uni courses are offered on supply and demand.
If no one wanted to be a doctor, they’d take a C average student.
How many people want to major in pure mathematics? Clearly one of the hardest courses, yet the marks are lower than stuff like “fashion”.
Farrelly booted from the Herald — it must be xmas.
LOL, but only if they’ve had the clot shot. Clown World.
Anyone who would even bother coming to Australia automatically has a low IQ.
I will keep eye out for how far back COVID 19 has been out there.
This ultimately might be the firey thing to hold the political establishment’s feet to.
She’s too sane for that “you lot” of soy consooming Stalinists.
Yep. Barking Betty is actually a voice of reason there.
How is that different from accepting any international student who fronts up with the fees? Academic ability is the last consideration.
“They” are really laughing at us, or as Mark Steyn said Hypocrite leaders want you to see their privilege.
Elizabeth Farrelly writes passionately from a green-left bias at the SMH. She recently joined the ALP, provided advice on strategy, started discussions about running for office, and officially registered her interest. She also had an ALP placard in her front lawn and handed out ALP cards on election day. She didn’t tell her employer any of these things.
The kicker: Farrelly also remains adamant there was “no undisclosed conflict of interest of which my readers should have been made aware”. (The Oz)
The new SMH editor fired her.
This is why increasing numbers of bona fide international students don’t want to come to Australia and prefer the UK, US or Canada in that order.
And we get the one the rest rejects.
Excellent discussion last night, just finished reading through it. Lots of light with just the right amount of heat.
True, JC staged an absolute masterclass in the art of self-beclownment. Readers, if you don’t have time to track the whole thing from its source, jump in at JC’s 9.42 pm BIIIIG statement and watch him immolate his own credibility with a pyrotechnic display of evidence and logic-free doubling down and dissembling.
Great coup de gras by Dr Beaugan at the end.
Just discovered an interesting tidbit of trivia about the painting chosen for this thread – the face of the devil is a caricature of Caravaggio, the artist’s chief rival.
John West we are not.
I hope she won’t mind me filling people in on this – she’s recuperating in hospital after some knee surgery. She’s OK, but you don’t get over that type of thing quickly.
I don’t know about “self-beclownment”, Tim. If someone doesn’t step in and supply a counter argument the place becomes an echo chamber.
Or a news amalgamation site.
LOL. Good ol’ Barkin’ Betty, I was wondering what had happened to her.
Thanks Rabz. Been there, done that, but just a partial. Hurts like billy-oh. The Beloved had the full bilateral and took him out of action for a few weeks.
Dave Sharma can walk the streets of Wentworth for a few weeks in safety. After that…look out! 😀
Bruce of Newk
My wife recently contracted Omicron. Now recovered. Double jabbed AZ. Last dose 21 September. Less than 3 months ago.
Excellent statistical ‘discussion’ last night on the OT.
It wasn’t trains v trucks, sure, but in this day and age you take what you can.
Is there any walkin-n-shoutin going on in Perth this Saturday? Looks like it was a Sunday gig this weekend gone, but I’m in the city for a rare jaunt, so I’ll do my bit.
Got to love green pollies, they have such a touching faith in human behaviour.
Owning a car is outdated ’20th-century thinking’ & we must move to ‘shared mobility’ to cut carbon emissions, UK transport minister says (11 Dec)
She better not visit Italy is all I can say.
Italian Petition Calls for Women-Only Train Cars After Rape Incident (12 Dec)
One wonders how long that would last in the face of fake trannies trying to take advantage of train cars full of yummy ladies without male protection.
Apropos of Tom’s toons:
You just knew that Boris Johnson’s empty-headed greenie missus was going to run that country. That Boris would become her public mouthpiece.
That there would be an incrementally decreasing supply of nookie, dependent on which and what policies he endorsed.
That the poor old infant would become a bargaining chip so he couldn’t punt her over the Thames, even if he realised what he had become – a spokesman for the What Mrs Johnson Thinks Company.
An empty coat. A Toom Tabard, if you will.
I thought JC held his own last night.
My lying eyes tell me the current rate of infections in Victoria suggest the supposed proof is shot.
And the very idea that people might make last minute decisions to get vaxxed because someone they have had contact with has it.
As for the UK, they are averaging around 50k cases a day and around 150 deaths
It’s not a big nothing.
It is a pandemic of the vax’d. After all, they are the ones allowed to spread it around
Germans germaning.
Police start measuring distances between people with folding rulers.
Baba are you still joining your wife in Europe to celebrate Christmas?
Old School Conservative – REALLY ?! SMH fired Elizabeth Farrelly?
Geez, maybe I will starting reading SMH again.
She is not in Europe and I never said I was.
I’ve been looking at Israel data closely to see what the demand for boosters would be (given that every Israeli is “eligible” for one) and it certainly seems to be significantly lower than the demand for the second dose (in Israel you need the third dose to be considered “fully vaccinated” for the vaccine pass). Over 1 million double-vaxed Israelis have refused the booster despite it meaning they are shut out from various activities (unlike Australia though there are still plenty of jobs available for those who refuse). And that’s to go along with the 1.5 million or so Israelis that refused at least one of the first two doses.
Having said that, there is a very large proportion of people on this planet (and in this country) that could still be suffering harsh effects from the previous shot and they’d still be pleading for another.
The thing is though, the path is inevitable. Governments have no idea what to do now they’ve trapped themselves into a corner such that whenever someone gets a sniffle they just have to “do something”. They can’t admit any of the things they have done are wrong and, whilst they are petrified of the backlash from more lockdowns and more boosters, these concerns are always going to be overshadowed by the inability to admit error, meaning that the solution will always be to double down on the actions and increase the propaganda to justify it.
I thought JC held his own last night.
He certainly was doing that.
Checks dig p-values, cointegration, truncated regressions and PLS2.
So where is that Victoria’s Secret model I am paying (for her laptop to get through uni)?
(…and no, I am not a pay piggie or a SIMP…I don’t even know what those Nazi dog whistles are, you fascist incels).
COVID 19 has been around since March 2019.
“This isn’t Spain. This is England!”
I am not vaxxed and have absolutely no intention of getting jabbed.
Travelling back to farm from Sydney & husband has car radio on 873am. Some clown replacing Hadley just had a rant about Perrottet releasing the unvaccinated from bondage on Wednesday. Reckons that allowing them to spread the virus(!) was shocking & was dreadful that they should be allowed medical treatment in hospitals!
Made husband change station as I said I refuse to listen to someone who actually would like to see me dead. He is more sanguine about these things, but it enrages me.
Phrasing, Rosie. Phrasing.
I don’t know about “self-beclownment”, Tim.
It’s not that he was totally wrong, and proved conclusively to be totally wrong by Arky and Dr B.
Being wrong can happen to anyone.
The three stages of macro-bozo level self-beclownment are:
1. The BIIIG statement issued in a strident and unqualified way – e.g. JC’s disdainful dismissal of dover’s reference, saying that the 287/409 difference was “nothing out of the ordinary” and thus could be purely random.
2. The evidence and fact free doubling down – e.g. JC being asked for evidence to support his assertion and just going for hours, comment after comment, insisting that he was right and everyone who questioned him was wrong, but never actually producing a scintilla of evidence.
3. Then the denouement, provided in this case by Dr B.
Dot, what’s your reference?
Well done mate. Me neither.
Just got terminated due to vaccination status by Mobil Oil Australia.
Joined as a scholarship winner, worked 11 years, then resigned to pursue other interests. Re-hired by the company after 5 years of work in Africa and Middle East.
Had been the manager of the Jet Fuel supply into Melbourne Airport. Three pipelines, two storage facilities and an aircraft refuelling operation.
Joint Inspection Group standards working group committee and operations group committee member. One of the leading standards for Aviation fuel handling.
25 years of Aviation Fuel handling experience .
All done, tough times ahead.
It gets worse.
Good on you, RickW. You’ve got my full support. Not many are brave enough to throw it all in… I wish many more had as the first chips of vaxx fascism fell.
Sorry to hear, but I think you are brave and deserve accolades. Hopefully you will land a job in consulting or just go out on your own.
I’m probably on my last legs now as well. 2022 isnt looking great for anyone really.
JC is worried about the jabs he has had.
He just needs some reassurance that his choice is not going to bring forth his own personal Armageddon.
Don’t worry JC. Be happy.
I really feel for you, rickw. The effect of my decision upon my life is nothing in comparison.
Leak nails it. Don’t throw out your Population Ponzi tickets just yet. Harry Triguboff breathes a sigh a relief and backs the truck up (just like the good ol days).
rickw- wow! We all bear the consequences of our decisions. But that is a biggie.
The best of luck and well-being to you and your family.
Just got terminated due to vaccination status by Mobil Oil Australia.
Sorry to hear that rickw.
Hope something good turns up to replace it.
If any of the unvaxxed cats in Vic are interested in putting together a phone tree for support and sharing of info, I’d be interested in such.
I know my missus will come to the same point as Rick soon, and I’m sure there are others of us.
Condolences on the fuckery of your former employers and State Government, rickw.
My employment status is tenuous too. Not, however, on matters of principle.
The uniformity just might be due to bureaucrats just copying each other’s ideas; they aren’t noted for originality of thought. But I’m inclined to agree with you for other reasons.
I’m so sorry Rick.
Thanks for reassuring us about Cassie, Rabz. I hope she’s back and firing on all cylinders soon.
New QLD Covid Czar:
“It’s clear that COVID-19 is not going to dissolve into the background any time soon, it’s going to remain for a couple of years as a dominant respiratory virus,” [Dr Gerrad] said.
“But that doesn’t mean that we can’t make the lives of the average vaccinated Queensland as close to normal as possible.”
Individuals will still be asked to quarantine if they are close contacts of a known cases, with the public health response known as TTIQ — Test, Trace, Isolate and Quarantine — becoming key to preventing widespread outbreaks.
Masks will become more common again, and social distancing measures will be important, while Dr Gerrard stressed the need for the state to get to 90 per cent vaccination and beyond.”
Quarantining, masks, social distancing, never ending jabs…
He thinks this is “close to normal.”
Remember when the vaccines were going to do get is there?
Hammer, meet nail.
All the best for a new start in the new year, Rick.
Enjoy the downtime with the family meanwhile.
RickW, you’re a tough bloke and you’ve kept your integrity under pressure. I’m sure it’s more important than any job. I’m confident that you’ll survive and flourish. People like you do.
He thinks this is “close to normal.”
Remember when the vaccines were going to get us there?
“Victoria’s mask requirements for shoppers to be lifted
Mask restrictions are set to lift in time for the last-minute Christmas shopping rush, after Victoria dodged a “significant jump” in hospitalisations.”
Herald sun
Sorry to hear that.
Had it been for any of the fashionable lifestyle bugs*, Scummo would’ve been first in the queue
calling for the board to resign.
At some point I would expect the more rabid left to start demanding that the government take over production of these vaccines – rather than letting hated capitalists to profit from them. These lefties believe that capitalism is the system where whatever can be delivered is delivered at an inflated price to line the pockets of evil rich men. Take out the profit and you get the same stuff cheaper.
That is not in fact how things work, as evinced by the opposite happening every time they try to sideline capitalism and let government take over. But these people will not be told.
The ones with the cushy relationships with the crony capitalists seem to be going through career changes of late. They have been greedy, and corrupt, but practical. The Pelosis, the Clintons etc.
Zealots like AOC and her ilk might want a good old socialist solution.
War is hell.
Rickw, I’m so sorry to hear that, after weeks of tension, your fears have been confirmed. It is appalling that Australians are being treated this way.
My heart goes out to you and your family, and to all Cats who are suffering from this tyranny.
Never forget.
How can Australian business, any Australian business, afford to lose someone like Rickw?
How can they justify this because of a bullshit non-directive by government? Because da feelz or fear of litigation by an aggrieved wokka who gets Covid and thinks it might be Rickw who gave it to them? Either way, it’s a stupid knee jerk reaction by head office lickspittles who wouldn’t know their arse from their elbows.
Rickw, there’s a smorgasbord of opportunities out there waiting for someone just like you. Godspeed in your efforts to pick the very best one.
They can’t; they just don’t realise it yet.
She did say that, I’d forgotten. Get well Cassie.
Barking Betty was just too close to home for most SMH readers. Quite confronting really.
Calli is right. Arguments and counter-arguments hone our beliefs. Furious agreement will only make us intellectually lazy.
Me neither…though it requires rather less moral courage in my case. There’s been very little personal impact other than on my blood pressure…but reading politics will do that to you, regardless.
I’m retired, live in rural Tasmania and I really don’t care if I never see another human being (other than my wife, the LAME and the various contractors who cut the hay and so forth) ever again.
rickw, sorry to hear that. The enormity of what presently is occurring is incredible.
He may have squeezed a bit tight.
Why do you think they’re pushing EVs? No private transport for the prols, only the special people.
What’s the supposed proof?
So…NSW is creeping up to the 15th.
Are restaurants still able to demand showing a certificate after the 15th?
All the best for a fresh start in 2022.
William Pike, champion hoop in WA, reported Saturday as ‘suspended’ so no rides.
This morning RSN reveals he has refused to get vaccinated.
Some staff at RSN also refusing to get vaxxed and have been let go.
‘Bloody idiots’ seems to be the on air attitude.
Sorry, I just looked back and saw what had happened to RickW.
This is monstrous.
Rickw really sad to hear that and somewhat infuriated . I’ll be in the same situation come January.
It is a shitty, scary time all for a virus with 99% recovery rate. If only the majority had not given in to the spurious mandates and fear propaganda, we’d all have our jobs.
Will keep you in prayers.
This isn’t journalism. Can it be fellatio?
And reading comprehension is overrated.
PandaCon alert!
The ratio is hilarious.
Just curious …
These 50k cases – are they for people who have never had the virus? Are any of these cases repeat infections? How many of these cases actually have to be hospitalised? How many of these cases are already vaxxed?
The deaths – how many were vaxxed? What comorbidities are they not telling us about? What are the ages? Given the PCR tests have a bad rap for false positives, how do we know any of the deaths were caused by the virus?
Sorry to hear rickw, are you going to make a Fair Work complaint even if its only to cost them money? Having been sacked so many times myself for doing my own work and pointing out others who didn’t, I enjoyed the spectacle later of the same people that fired me getting the boot or going broke.
There must be a subject they study in j’ism courses. These pieces where they set elaborate scenes, an elevated realm where the person in need of a carefully crafted image will sail serenely through and amaze us with their majesty as a hundred little things are recounted by the author whose heart is as close to bursting as you can get without a Pfizer shot.
Remember the pieces about Gillard, knitting kangaroos, waiting for the First Hairdresser to come home. Like us, but above us. Worthy of our admiration, overflowing with humanity, looking down but without condescension.
J’ismists really think we are stupid.
William Pike
William Pike was an English Roman Catholic martyr who was beatified in 1987. Several sources state that William was born in Dorset. In ‘A History of Dorset’ A. Lindsay Clegg, former Town Clerk of Bournemouth, claims that Pike lived at Moordown, now within modern Bournemouth, then part of the Liberty of Westover.Wikipedia
Sorry to hear of your sudden unemployment Rickw.
As someone who has been made redundant twice in my career, it is not always a bad move as it forces you to make changes you wouldn’t otherwise have been motivated to do. Long term, I am in a much better place than if it never happened. I hope that works out for you too.
Mother Lode – re will restaurants still demand vax passport after Wednesday:
I believe so. As our fearless leader Morrison reminded us. – at the end of the day it is a decision of the business owner.
In practical terms – it depends on their current profitability, I guess.
Back from treadly ride, was interested to see a queue of cars nearly a km long for the bat crud testing station. None all last week. How odd…
Newcastle nightclub on Omicron alert after 24 test positive to COVID-19 (13 Dec)
Weird huh? How could 680 people have fake vaccination apps on their phones? Surely they couldn’t be vaxxed people, even though the despicable unclean unvaxxed aren’t allowed to visit nightclubs until the 15th. It’s a mystery.
Condolences Rickw. Problem is you will be replaced with a trained monkey working for peanuts with a fraction of your qualifications courtesy of the population ponzi. Scomo and some states have already signalled it with those who defy the jab.
Been very hit and miss in the mining game. Some sites are coercing workers where others aren’t. I think it is more sized based though, smaller companies can’t afford to lose staff so are wary to tread that path where as the bigger players like BHP are on board fully and can absorb the short term losses.
Good luck rickw.
How can Australian business, any Australian business, afford to lose someone like Rickw?
They can’t; they just don’t realise it yet.
They may never realise it. They may go totally broke, taking employees, creditors and shareholders with them, and still be asking each other, mystified, “but how did this happen? – we did everything we were told to do by government, MSM and social media to earn our “social licence””.
From old thread before I realised:
Just got sent pics of CM & Townsville Bulletin. Crowing about the expected tourism from open borders. 10’s of thousands apparently… Talk about counting the chickens before the eggs hatch, IMO be mostly stranded residents or family moving back. Very few I know are crossing any borders until the openings are full and unconditional. Those that are are doing it out of pure necessity for family that haven’t been seen in 2 years and are under no illusions they may be stranded at a whim.
LOL Voice for Victoria has tweets from Somyurek singing like a canary. Probably the biggest corroboration of political corruption in 30 years and not a peep in News Corpse, Fewfacts or their ABC. Go figure.
That’s a different faith, Razey.
Good luck, Ricky.
QLD’s new CHO is a vaccine true believer, a born again evangalist.
His brother died from Hong Kong Flu and now a lifetime later here he is – CHO in the middle of a ‘pandemic’.
Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS)
The painting at the top of the page is appropriate.
I believe it’s the Roman god Bird Guy, come down to earth to violate reason and statistics. If you look carefully, you can see Goat Man in the background checking out Bird Guys boner and thinking to himself, “Yeah baby, let’s see you calculate this standard deviation”.
The few surviving residents of Jonestown said the place wasn’t bad until Jim Jones and his entourage showed up and settled in.
It’s time to roll out a few witnesses that will testify that their crops went rotten when the unvvaxxened walked by.
And their cat/dog died.
And the wool fell off their sheep.
And their dog caught its tail!
Witchery is afoot. The unvvaxxened must be tested on the ducking stool!*
* ducking stools are currently being installed in all VIK courts.
Good luck, Rick!
What they did was appalling but you seem to have some very marketable skills. After a break, I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up in a better position, either employed or self-employed.
From a leper who has not much to lose. I dips me lid!
I would like to add my sympathies/empathy to everything that has been said by other Cats thus far. I am proud of you for sticking to your guns, even though we all know that it comes at a cost. As a mother, I would like to add that, by staying true to what you had stated is the greatest lesson you could have given your son.
The most important lesson we teach our children is by showing them that we stick by what we say, rant etc when we are actually put to the test. We have all been around people who come out with the “this is what I would do, blah blah blah”, but when actually faced with the problem, gape like a goldfish and nary a peep out of their mouths.
Bravo RickW, and the very best to you and your family.
That was one of the better decisions I made – to Hell with working for wages, and becoming self employed.
Best wishes Rick. Large companies are so in bed with big government intimately these days, straight out of the fascism playbook. And they’re actively squeezing out the small guys too. It can’t end well, but they never learn.
The Gulf States are going to be in the box seat over the next few years, and I doubt they will be so anal about covid as Aussies seem to be. May be keen for expats.
U.S. Shale Slams Biden’s Oil Policies (Oilprice.com, 9 Dec)
Biden’s response has been to put a stealth tax on natural gas. It’s clear his staffers are full-on climate crazies, they just don’t want the US voters to realize how much they’re going to have to pay.
Biden’s New “Regressive” Methane Tax Will Raise Average American’s Gas Bill By 17%: Op-Ed (12 Dec)
All of this is on purpose:
Had coffee with a friend whose brother and 2 sisters are under the Covid mandate axe. 11 years in the corrections system (outside), 20+ years teaching. This cannot be sustainable.
Shit state of affairs rickw.
As has been said, these companies – now bereft of decades of world-class experience – will express shock and incredulity when things fall to shit, or explode or tumble into pits.
‘Nobody could have foreseen this’, they’ll say. But they could have.
Virtue signalling at the expense of a business’ primary function will become – if it hasn’t already – counterproductive. And it will always, always be nobody’s fault.
Except it will be somebody’s fault, and it won’t be yours.
Best case – you’ll be asked to return in twelve months, and you can name your fucking price.
am not vaxxed and have absolutely no intention of getting jabbed.
Well done mate. Me neither
I’m the same but unlike others here I’ve nothing to lose, been retired a few years now soooo unless BRADBURY was threatening my OAP there isn’t anything they can use to pressure me …..
I dips-me-lid to all those like RICKW who were/are playing with cards still on the table …. 10/10!
Not a lot of wriggle room when dealing with local subsidiaries of American oil companies. Need good nodding and egg sucking skills I’m afraid. And Australian iron ore majors.
they can’t
snap! Rog
I have been reflecting on Rickw and his termination while pulling out weeds (and due to anger, many…many weeds are now wilting in the sun).
That job of his – it isn’t just a position to be filled by any joe blow. It’s essential, sensitive and highly specialised, requiring someone not with just technical nous, but someone who is utterly trustworthy and, dare I say it, a patriot. Those fuel pipelines and storage facilities…think about it for a minute or two.
I wonder who will take his place? Will it be a proven, skilled, ethical and upright individual or a kow-towing, clueless lickspittle? Perhaps that skill, for a “skill shortage” there now is, will be an import. And what will that mean for the security of those facilities? I would rather one unvaxxed rickw than a dozen be-jabbed halfwits.
Stupid, stupid country.
Please remember the Pilots Strike about 1990.
Don’t count on the unvaxxenated bing asked back. It may occur for many individuals, but older workers are more expensive and a year’s experience of responsiblity for the lower level team members often makes them far better better value than they were.
Concentrate on the future, where you stand now.
The number of fuckwits in senior positions in business is astonishing.
Japan announces public and private sectors cannot discriminate against those refusing experimental injections
Stupid, stupid
countrycuntry.Shit deal rickw.
NationalQueenslandCoronavirus pandemic
‘We make our own luck’: New CHO’s single-minded focus on COVID
No farming background then.
Nice to be in such a bubble that you believe that’s absolutely true.
Good advice Chris. The pilot’s strike was a watershed in a number of different ways. Ansett certainly had the ear of Big Government.
Poor Rick.
Hopefully you can bang some work out at home for private clients. Hopefully it turns out for the best. Hopefully this madness ends and they beg to to come back for more money.
Reference for COVID 19 being in Spain on at least 12 March, 2019.
Hmmm, the surgeon just gave me the report card from my tumble into the spa. It sounds a little like a casualty list from a battalion assault.
Two compacted vertebrae in my coccyx (that hurts).
A torn cartilage cushion further up – minor apparently.
Deep tissue contusions (she mumbled something about trombonists and possible necessary application of a chain saw and bilge pump, or sommit).
Possible hairline crack in the pelvis (only a problem if giving birth).
Broken finger (only minor chords to be played at the Christmas concert).
Chipped shoulder (bugger, this is the third time and I know that it takes two or three years for a chipped shoulder to stop hurting).
A minor concussion (nobody would notice),
An economy sized free range egg on the noggin which they drained to ensure that no nasties were lurking.
A pair of pub brawl standard black eyes.
All up, no great drama except that I’m basically immobile short term and everything will continue hurting for a while.
Problem is I’m not allowed to fly so I miss out on seeing the kids for Christmas yet again.
Repeat after me: “old fools use stair rails”.
Imagine snubbing Japan on a technical level. You’d be a damned fool.
I trust their scientists over our politicians.
Mother Lodesays:
December 13, 2021 at 10:14 am
So…NSW is creeping up to the 15th.
Are restaurants still able to demand showing a certificate after the 15th?
Yes, but you are not forced to eat there. There will be others more “flexible”.
Re the vaxx mandates, has anyone actually quantified the absolute risk re transmission that a rickw actually represents to his fellow workers? If they are going to hang the argument on OHS can we please have this quantified. It has to be vanishingly small. Leaving aside that he could actually catch it from his own household, the chance of an unvaxxed person actually catching COVID given the small number of active cases, must of whom are isolating, would be tiny, and then you have to multiple this with the likelihood of transmitting it, the risk of transmitting would be even smaller.
People are being fired or put on unpaid leave and we have no idea what the absolute risk of transmission is from someone who is unvaxxed. How is that an acceptable state of affairs?
LOL. Roof-top solar peoples are quietly getting “curtailed”.
Solar curtailment is emerging as a new challenge to overcome as Australia dashes for rooftop solar (10 Dec)
That’s the problem with renewbulls, they don’t produce when the customer wants it, at 7pm while they’re cooking dinner. It’ll be fun when governments mandate all new solar to have batteries too. That will triple the cost of installations and cause screeching audible on Mars.
Bons, it’s American, but you need to install one of these. As he says, make sure you use brass fixings.
And no more Playboy Mansion games in the spa please! 😀
Wow, Bons, your fight with the spa sounds like ten rounds with Cassius Clay. Get well soon!
It isn’t.
They are weeding out the non-compliant.
No cuts from broken glass? Woodstock and cola can?
I think people in this thread underestimate the malevolent hate that the lilly white managerial / ceo class have for capable technically minded nuts and bolts everyman australians. Vaccine mandates are giving them an overt excuse to do what they were already doing in IT and medicine for a decade: purging and replacing one technically minded white men with 10 barely literate retards from India, Iran, China and Afghanistan. Then lording over their crumbling empire of shit like Aztec priests.
They’re more than happy if it means reduction in profit, catastophic failures and loss of customers, they couldn’t care less.
It’s like that cartoon about ads “how does showing two men kissing sell more burgers?” says the customer to the ad executive,
“How does firing the likes of rickw and hiring 10 incompetent indians help this business increase its profits?”
If you got your second dose in July, it’s time to get your booster.
ATAGI – Australia’s technical advisory group on immunisation – has this weekend recommended a five month interval between second and third doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, reduced from six months.
Fuck off you drug pushing freaks.
dot, there is more here on COVID being in Europe as early as Sept 2019.
That would require untampered, raw data. Verifiable.
Some of that data you are not gonna get from the “lets lock em up” crowd.
excellent description!
So true.
Even that is not enough. If someone has an unvaxxed work colleague they’re never going to get Covid from anyone else.
This all sounds very suspicious.
You’re not really Dan Andrews are you?
This is one of the reasons I think Struth is right: it’s not incompetence, it’s a power grab.
I have no doubt that the GetPell squad was both sufficiently motivated and unethical to frame the Cardinal for the crime of being a high profile opponent of the leftist agenda.
I have an open mind as to whether elements within the Vatican were co-opted to help move things along.
Bolt said on-air that he had seen documents concerning the acquisition of a house. He has not named the buyer of the house but did say he was surprised the person would have had enough money to make the purchase. This column is aware of social media connections between the buyer and the selling agent.
Old fools use stair rails – don’t ask how I know this!
People are being fired or put on unpaid leave and we have no idea what the absolute risk of transmission is from someone who is unvaxxed. How is that an acceptable state of affairs?
Because instead of State & Federal gummints putting in safeguards to protect everyone, regardless of vax status, they have either ignored or encouraged active discrimination towards the UNCLEAN ….!
Mind you, they’re incompetent as well.
Assange gave military information to the enemy in wartime.
The death penalty is the only appropriate punishment for that.
100%. Bang on.
It’ll be fun when governments mandate all new solar to have batteries too. That will triple the cost of installations and cause screeching audible on Mars.
Batteries will be “funded” by “government” cuz Enviroment!
Baba, sadly no, just not looking where I was going. I may have tripped over the hound, but can’t recall. However, milady did give me a tumbler of delightful cognac before dragging me off to casualty.
Arky, humour ceases the moment that man’s name is mentioned, damned bounder you. May your ghost be buggered by queues of putrid poxed armidillos, Sir.
Don’t make me laugh, it hurts.
If you got your second dose in July, it’s time to get your booster.
ATAGI – Australia’s technical advisory group on immunisation – has this weekend recommended a five month interval between second and third doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, reduced from six months.
Watch for the pivot!
It’s no longer a ‘Booster’, it’s the third dose.
Repeat after me: “old fools use stair rails”.
Unless their name is DAndrews, in which case they should dance down the stairs, eyes closed, and in slippery leather soled shoes.
with a BAC exceeding 1
There are also claims that competitors at the Wuhan Military games suffered COVID-like symptoms in October
What military information? I may not be keeping up.
Has anyone heard from Flying Duk lately?
The 750.000 classified documents stolen by Bradley Manning.
UK is reducing the time between doses to three months.
They’ve all known all along it’s a antimalarial style preventative treatment regime that requires constant dosing to stay effective. They’ve known that and deliberately lured everyone into taking it. Your government has signed you up as a subscription to these companies without telling you.
The truth is if you got your last jab in September you’re now no more immune than unvaccinated people are – maybe less so.
That’s reality that they’re now gradually introducing everyone to now that everyone is on the dope train. 30 million doses down, 250 million already purchased doses to go – then more.
The danger: they’ll tell you mid next year that, like many drugs, you can’t simply stop taking the drugs without risk to yourself. Will it be a lie or truth? That’ll be up to people to decide themselves.
Rick’s plight (sad to hear, Rick) has a fair bit too unpack. Some aspects from my perspective:
– The primary catalyst is Dan’s proclamation that only the jabbed are permitted to work onsite. (This applies for Victoria, still.)
– This gives cover for employers to thin-out the numbers while avoiding redundancy payouts that may have built up for long-term employees. All they have to do is claim that 100%-working-from-home is no longer viable (even if it is) and ‘Oh, you cannot come in?’ becomes ground for termination.
– At the moment it’s not coming for all, given many have voluntarily taken jabs or at least submitted to the blackmail of jabs for ongoing jobs. The precedent is being set with little resistance.
You may be against big redundancy payments in principle, but regardless many have factored those into their working plans and now it is being swept from them. Those two birds in the bush are going to be harder to catch.
He makes it sound like a bad thing. Western governments have declared war on a proportion of their own people. So fuck them. Western governments must be destroyed.
RickW, if you want to share your story and dismissal with Quaddie readers, get in touch.
I’m late to the party Rick but am sorry to hear your news. I have no doubt that you will adapt and overcome in 2022. Good luck.
Ah. Glowies is as glowies does… 🙂
Indeed. Here is a Pfizer captain being interviewed by Der Spiegel:
And just like that the third injection becomes part of the original course and any future injection is the booster.