Open Thread – Mon 20 Dec 2021

The Annunciation, Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1898

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December 20, 2021 1:45 am


December 20, 2021 2:23 am

Please put up a link to the COVAX 19 petition. I don’t know how to do that sorry. Jo Nova has it on her site.

December 20, 2021 2:43 am

I could have been first, forgot to look. Turd will do.

December 20, 2021 2:46 am

Thank God for dogs.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 20, 2021 2:53 am

Dogs, and insomnia.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 20, 2021 2:59 am

And watermelon wine.

December 20, 2021 3:30 am

Yes and thank God especially for dogs & watermelon wine when you have insomnia.

December 20, 2021 3:42 am

It’s funny, my ‘old’ dog is still quite young but around the pup he puts on his ‘wise old uncle dog’ act, you know, setting the right tone for the youngster … until they get outside … then it’s zoomies & silly buggers until the pup picks up something she ought not and then the ‘old’ dog suddenly becomes a ‘wise old uncle’ dog again & a magician, suddenly magicing himself to a far away part of the yard.

local oaf
December 20, 2021 3:48 am

Too hot to sleep, must be global worming

December 20, 2021 4:00 am
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Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
December 20, 2021 5:03 am

I have a very lefty family member with whom heated discussions are had vis a vis the effectiveness of ivermectin in 3rd world countries and yet it’s administration for treatment in Australia has been banned.

Here is a link to an article by a fellow by the name of Scott Alexander, which has influenced my family members view on ivermectin:
The link is accompanied by this comment:

Scott Alexander is a psychiatrist from the US who writes a blog called Astral Codex Ten, formerly Slate Star Codex, and who is so influential in the “rationalist” community that the NY Times tried to write something of a hit piece about him and his blog. He’s not a standard intellectual who fits easily into either a left or right stereotype.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
December 20, 2021 5:07 am

And here are another couple of links to articles which have influenced my family member’s thinking Two articles by David Fuller:

Sent to me with these comments

These are two articles on Ivermectin and Bret Weinstein, a proponent of ivermectin, written by David Fuller, a British journo who’s a friend and supporter of Weinstein in the past and writes for Rebel Wisdom, a nonpartisan independent media outlet and who really takes a principled approach to his criticism since he considers Bret Weinstein a friend and colleague.

These articles I believe are written in good faith by people who are not captured by the standard tribal demarcations which so often define these issues.

Winston Smith
December 20, 2021 6:10 am

A mixed crowd of more than 150 people packed a school board meeting in Salinas, Calif., on Dec. 15 as frustrated parents clashed with supporters of two teachers accused of subverting parents and recruiting middle school students into a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) club.

The idiots in these School Boards are courting disaster – some enraged parent is going to take matters into their own hands if the system won’t stop this grooming of kids.

Winston Smith
December 20, 2021 6:16 am

“Cases of sexual violence against women in France have been steadily climbing since the migrant crisis of 2015 and 2016. From 2017 to 2018, reports of rape increased by almost 17 percent,”

What the Hell did they expect would happen when they voted for an idiot who said he’d let more migrants in?

Anchor What
Anchor What
December 20, 2021 6:40 am

The Australian government has suppressed antiviral treatments and the new protein vaccine. Add these to the growing list of instances of government failing to use anything resembling common sense.

December 20, 2021 6:44 am

Thanks Tom needed a laugh this morning although most poked fun at the present situation around the world the underlying problems are too disturbing. Where in the hell are we going to end up ?

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 20, 2021 6:47 am

Let the jokes commence!

The public is paying the bill for convicted criminals in the state’s jails to freeze their sperm, while an embarrassed health department has tried to cover up the details.

Justice Health, which provides healthcare to prisoners, claimed in a freedom of information request from The Daily Telegraph that they did not hold this information.

The query was sparked after the release of notorious rapist Mohammed Skaf, who controversially had his sperm stored after undergoing treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2002.

The government at the time, under then-premier Morris Iemma, said that Skaf, who was 17 when he joined his brother in leading the series of atrocious rapes in 2000 on four women, would have to pay for the procedure himself.

Despite that, Skaf was never asked to pay.

While Justice Health said it had no details of how many prisoners were given permission to have their sperm collected for medical reasons, such as chemotherapy which might affect their fertility, nor how many were made to pay, The Daily Telegraph can reveal that Skaf is not the only one.

Justice Health, which is run under NSW Health and not Corrective Services, has recommended that five other ­inmates be allowed to freeze their sperm over the past two decades.

In that time, Corrective Services commissioners have knocked back half and given permission for three. Only Justice Health can require them to pay and none have been asked to foot the bill.

A request from an inmate with a terminal illness in custody for violent offences, was rejected in 2020.

The section of the policy which relates to the procedures states: “This policy provides directions on the roles and responsibilities of Justice Health and Forensic Health Network staff in assisting patients undergoing Assisted ­Reproductive programs if ­undergoing medical procedures that may render them infertile or requesting Parentage testing”.

One observer said that the department, with an annual budget of $250m, was a law unto itself.

“I find it laughable that they couldn’t find the information you sought,” the source said. “They fly under the radar everywhere. They are like a ­secret agency.”

Victims’ advocate Howard Brown said it was an “abuse of power” by Justice Health.

“The bottom line is that we as a community have a responsibility to ensure that every prisoner in NSW, including forensic patients, be provided with care to ensure their safety.

“How is freezing sperm a requirement for their health and safety? It’s not,” he said.

Daily Tele

Sounds like not all the wankers are behind bars!

December 20, 2021 6:54 am

If they killz more than BAT FLU ..SIMPLES!.. Less automotive contraptions .. less deaths .. do the maths .. BAN ‘EM!.. LOL! ..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2021 7:00 am

Tinta – Those articles are pretty good, although don’t adequately cover the political landscape, which is tilted so heavily and hysterically for vaccination and against ivermectin. But it is very encouraging that your lefty relation is exploring these areas.

I scanned the latter two articles and I’ve seen the Scott Alexander one before. My take is the following:

1. There is absolutely no justification whatsoever to have banned ivermectin, or to persecute GPs who prescribe it
2. There is absolutely no justification whatsoever to enforce the vaccines with such immoral and involuntary arm-twisting.

So whilst the questions may be in the ‘uncanny valley’ the authorities are camped out at the very top of one side and are forcing their will upon everyone like a bunch of jackbooted thugs.

In general the data would suggest to me that ivermectin works, at least on some people, and especially in designed therapy regimens. But that can be said about several other repurposed pharmaceuticals too. And for example Pfizer’s new protease inhibitor they are developing (which is a tell since ivermectin also has protease inhibitory action). But it’s clear there certainly isn’t any pressing reason why it should not be available, yet the extreme repression of it by the authorities is breathtaking.

Another thing that they don’t really address is the bias of the data collection. So vax injuries data collection is much lower than 100%. And vax injuries are much higher than reflected for example in VAERS. There’s a lot of anecdotal reports of health professionals being monstered to not report such events.

At the same time while there was so much examination of ivermectin efficacy (with health system bias against it in some cases, eg studies designed to fail) there is no examination of the safety of ivermectin. That tells me that it is extremely safe or we’d be hearing screamers screaming about how dangerous it is.

So there’s silence on this aspect at the same time that there’s incredible pressure to silence people pointing out the terrible harm that some people are suffering from the vaccines.

If it is hard to detach people from the totalitarian state positions on just two aspects I can imagine what would happen if you start talking with your relo about other things, like HCQ, asprin and antihistamines. All of which have various degrees of evidence in favour also.

Finally the issue I’ve been flagging ever since the Israeli data became available is now emerging into official visibility: that vaccine efficacy is only good for about 4 months and the health authorities are moving towards boosters literally 3 times per year. That is going to cause ructions far beyond what we’ve yet seen.

December 20, 2021 7:01 am

Go to and search for “crime wave usa” and you’ll get articles from 2020 and before about Kenosha, George Floyd and that terrible Orange Man.

Search for “record murder rates in usa” and you’ll get nothing relevant to that topic.

Same result for “inflation in the usa”.

If (as hoped) the Democrats are wiped out electorally in the mid-terms, Australians who rely on the ABC for news from the USA will be completely bewildered. What exactly does the ABC’s correspondent in the USA do?

December 20, 2021 7:11 am

Looking across the Oz online paper sthis morning and their hysteria over BAT FLU & pathetic attempts to cancel Christmas leaves me wondering would they be bleating soooo loud if it wuz an moslem religious holiday that was fast approaching ……!
Surprisingly, I think NOT! ………..

December 20, 2021 7:14 am

The ABC’s USA correspondent clocks in at the Democrats head office every morning.

December 20, 2021 7:18 am

Agenda 21 in 10 minutes. Absolutely terrifying.

“People Are Completely Unaware Of This” – Something is Going On…

December 20, 2021 7:18 am

I see the Feds have a zero road deaths by 2050 goal. Another unrealistic target. Are there any adults in charge?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 20, 2021 7:20 am

Well, if I took anything away from the weekend thread, it’s that we are all at risk. Every single one of us.

Because we all have enemies. And if what happened to Henry VIII is any guide, your enemies will poison you as quick as look at you.

Granted, Hank 8 was King of England. And he, like every other monarch for the past couple of thousand years spent his entire life having enemies because he spent his kingship trying to take their stuff off them (and they him).

But the gout and syphilis and unhealed jousting misfortune were covers, likely invented by spooks. It was really poison.

Get in first, is my advice. Go hard with your enemies, and especially people you think might be. Can’t be too careful.

Also, and on an unrelated point, olive oil is poisonous.

December 20, 2021 7:31 am

I see the Feds have a zero road deaths by 2050 goal. Another unrealistic target. Are there any adults in charge?

Easy peasy. Just eliminate private transport, which is exactly what they’re working towards.

December 20, 2021 7:33 am

Just eliminate private transport
Buses, trains and airliners crash and kill people too. Boats (including ferries) don’t seem all that good either.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
December 20, 2021 7:36 am

I see the Feds have a zero road deaths by 2050 goal. Another unrealistic target. Are there any adults in charge?
Easy peasy. Just eliminate private transport, which is exactly what they’re working towards.

Just stop all transport, everyone stay home. However People would not accept a solution like this to save a handful of lives …oh wait.

December 20, 2021 7:41 am

I smelled a rat as soon as drugs that have been safe for use for decades were declared as dangerous but only in the case of COVID-19. It didn’t make sense. The next huge revelation was that no other treatments were sought, this also didn’t make sense. If this was such a dangerous disease wouldn’t the world want to use a multi-pronged attack while an effective and safe vaccine is being produced?

The dog that did not bark is the media. If they are unbiased reporters of events then they could get just as much circulation and clicks by reporting on the brave search for treatments as they do in “we’re all gonna die” alarmism.

There will have to be a reckoning for all the lives and livelihoods lost, a form of Nuremberg trials to keep the monsters back for a few generations again.

December 20, 2021 7:41 am

Ivermectin is ‘safe’ it’s been prescribed as an antiparasitical for decades and and is manufactured and sold for human use by a reputable ‘big pharma’ but there are still no reliable double blind trials demonstrating that it is effective against covid.
I notice that when ‘big names’ like Joe Rogan* have used it they’ve also gone for the very expensive monoclonal antibodies treatments and of course Allen West’s prophylactic use was a failure.
*clearly didn’t trust the cheap option

December 20, 2021 7:44 am

Pre-COVID and the 2020 US election I used to think that no matter how awful our politicians are we can ride it out as the bureaucracy will run the country on auto-pilot until the insanity passes. Now I think that even good politicians cannot fight the unelected bureaucracy once it goes rogue.

December 20, 2021 7:48 am

Ivermectin is ‘safe’ it’s been prescribed as an antiparasitical for decades and and is manufactured and sold for human use by a reputable ‘big pharma’ but there are still no reliable double blind trials demonstrating that it is effective against covid.

Why would it suddenly have unacceptable side-effects when I’d didn’t when used for treating other diseases? Are the “experts” saying that side-effects of ivermectin are far worse than COVID-19? Are they saying COVID-19 is really harmless?

You can’t have it both ways.

December 20, 2021 7:49 am

Ivermectin is ‘safe’ it’s been prescribed as an antiparasitical for decades and and is manufactured and sold for human use by a reputable ‘big pharma’ but there are still no reliable double blind trials demonstrating that it is effective against covid.

Perhaps they can do what they did with the ‘vaccines’…force it on the public, and see what happens.

No need for full and comprehensive trials anymore. Just give it provisional approval, and let rip with a ‘No Gob, No Job’ policy.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 20, 2021 7:50 am

authorities are moving towards boosters literally 3 times per year.

Scotty bought 150 million shit shots.
Your body constantly hyper stimulated by viral RNA couldn’t lead to some nasty long term outcomes, could it?

Mark M
Mark M
December 20, 2021 7:53 am

Two quick videos from tik-tok via twitter … some cursing is heard …

Just how dangerous is omicron?

December 20, 2021 7:55 am

I’m enjoying the tussle between Liberals and the Voices For since I don’t have a dog in that fight. Now the treacherous ScoMo can see what it was like for Tony Abbott.

December 20, 2021 7:58 am

Scotty bought 150 million shit shots.

But according to them this virus mutates so fast that the vaccine may be ineffective anyway. It’s hard to decide whether it is stupidity or corruption.

Leon L.
Leon L.
December 20, 2021 7:59 am

A safe drug (ivermectin) thats been around for 35 years needs a double blind trial before it is safe to use.
A new technology treatment (mRNA “vaccines”) are approved in 106 days without any double blind trial evidence required.

It certainly gives new meaning to “evidence based medicine”.
You do have to be doubly blind.

December 20, 2021 7:59 am

December 20, 2021 at 6:54 am
If they killz more than BAT FLU ..SIMPLES!.. Less automotive contraptions .. less deaths .. do the maths .. BAN ‘EM!.. LOL! ..

The road toll will only increase as the gene therapy gets past the blood/brain barrier and damages the brain thus affecting driving ability.

Scientist Sounds Alarm: COVID Vaccines Producing Parkinson’s Symptoms, Other Neurodegenerative Disorders

December 20, 2021 8:01 am

Leon L.says:
December 20, 2021 at 7:59 am
A safe drug (ivermectin) thats been around for 35 years needs a double blind trial before it is safe to use.
A new technology treatment (mRNA “vaccines”) are approved in 106 days without any double blind trial evidence required.

It certainly gives new meaning to “evidence based medicine”.
You do have to be doubly blind.

And it doesn’t even work. Look at all the vax’d spraying Omicron all over the place.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 20, 2021 8:06 am

In Deeply Unlikely news:

Greg Hunt says Australia unlikely to follow Netherlands and impose Covid lockdown

Having played down the prospect of new lockdowns, Hunt was asked whether he thought the states and territories could impose restrictions on movement and gatherings either during the Christmas holiday period, or in 2022, given increasing case rates.

The federal health minister left that open. The minister said none of the state and territories had telegraphed doing that at this point, but “obviously, everyone looks and responds to the circumstances”.

Translation: Hi, everyone.
Everyone. Hi.
My name’s Greg and I’m the National Health Minister in charge of National Health…

December 20, 2021 8:14 am

The ‘voices’ contains seems to have many lieboral connections which is interesting- Hewson, McPhee, Trumble (is the creep still a member or not?), Spender (I assume Austin Allegra is the daughter of John Spender who I assume was related to Percy Spender). Tells me a lot about what the lieboral party really was and is.

December 20, 2021 8:15 am
December 20, 2021 8:16 am

As soon as the meja started bleating about the latest variant it was obvious that the establishment was getting ready to have another go. Great resets don’t reset themselves you know.

December 20, 2021 8:21 am

Ms Spender is a McKinsey’s alumna – interesting. McKinsey’s- downsize, offshore, outsource

December 20, 2021 8:25 am

Ivermectin is ‘safe’ it’s been prescribed as an antiparasitical for decades and and is manufactured and sold for human use by a reputable ‘big pharma’ but there are still no reliable double blind trials demonstrating that it is effective against covid.

Shills gonna shill.


December 20, 2021 8:29 am

December 20, 2021 at 8:25 am
Ivermectin is ‘safe’ it’s been prescribed as an antiparasitical for decades and and is manufactured and sold for human use by a reputable ‘big pharma’ but there are still no reliable double blind trials demonstrating that it is effective against covid.

Shills gonna shill.


Exactly. The clinical results speak for themselves.

The .gov has clearly been captured. There are many other vax’s that have been approved for use in other countries, and are even accepted to enter Australia. So, why aren’t they available?

December 20, 2021 8:32 am

Wien Austria
Police going after children now.

This is how much government really cares about us. They’re releasing the jackbooted thugs.

December 20, 2021 8:32 am

miltonf says:
December 20, 2021 at 8:14 am

Anyone know if Kylea Tink is a rellie of Andrew Tink? If so, there’s another one,

December 20, 2021 8:33 am

there are still no reliable double blind trials demonstrating that it is effective against covid.
Apparently there are no reliable double blind trials that establish that parachutes are any use when jumping out of aeroplanes. Because of the lack of volunteers for doing the trials with aeroplanes in flight they had to do the trials on the ground and the distance from the step to the ground was about 2 feet.
Lots of engineering in use every day was not established by double blind trials.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 20, 2021 8:37 am

In That’s The Way To Do It news:

More mild COVID cases likely to warrant a new reporting regime in Qld

From next year, Queensland may only report COVID hospitalisations as the state’s high vaccination rate renders many new cases mild, Chief Health Officer Dr John Gerrard said.

At the moment, all positive COVID-19 cases are reported to health authorities in all states.

A golden victory for Our Lady of Isolation.

December 20, 2021 8:38 am

I wondered that too Calli.

December 20, 2021 8:45 am

as the state’s high vaccination rate renders many new cases mild

99% of cases have always been mild.

Clearly they’re going to ride omicrons mildness to triumphal vaccine victory.

December 20, 2021 8:51 am

I suggest mandatory jabs for all promoting jabs and their families until the 150000000 are all used up to see what happens. If there are some problems like permanent disability or death, don’t worry it is for a good cause as humanity doesn’t need these sort of people in the gene pool. Listening to the opinion (also known as the news) every day we have some expert telling us how to live our lives or we’re all going to die. I just wish they would go back to anonymity like in the good old days. I hate to think how much money is being wasted on them.

December 20, 2021 8:54 am

December 20, 2021 at 8:45 am
as the state’s high vaccination rate renders many new cases mild

99% of cases have always been mild.

Clearly they’re going to ride omicrons mildness to triumphal vaccine victory.

Hence the push to get the purebloods. Got to get rid of the control group ASAP or they wont be able to pull their BS.

December 20, 2021 8:57 am

I almost feel sorry for Jeannette Young. She took the slings and arrows of implementing the new world order in QLD, then her Lex Luther looking second string replacement arrives and rides omicron to victory.

December 20, 2021 8:58 am

Get a load of the deadshit in Ireland-they don’t even pretend anymore

December 20, 2021 9:01 am

More photos coming out of Boris and his mates partying and having nice big get togethers during the vicious lockdown he imposed in England at the start of the year.

Nobody in power believes this shit is any great danger and they never did.

Just feed for the proles.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2021 9:02 am


How are you going interpreting the ancient cursive writing in your GGF’s Service Record?

December 20, 2021 9:04 am

I think BloJo Eton filth meant something completely different when he said ‘get Brexit done’.

December 20, 2021 9:09 am

It’s hard to decide whether it is stupidity or corruption.

I think in the world of today it’s time to reverse that old saw about not putting down to corruption what can be explained by incompetence.
We need to just assume corruption facilitated by the stupidity.

December 20, 2021 9:12 am

Boambee Johnsays:
December 20, 2021 at 9:02 am

How are you going interpreting the ancient cursive writing in your GGF’s Service Record?

Not great. It’s clear he went to hospital once in the 2 years he was at the front. Took me a while but it appears it was a bad case of Scabies! LOL.

December 20, 2021 9:14 am
December 20, 2021 9:15 am

December 20, 2021 at 9:01 am
More photos coming out of Boris and his mates partying and having nice big get togethers during the vicious lockdown he imposed in England at the start of the year.

Nobody in power believes this shit is any great danger and they never did.

Just feed for the proles.

No, but the elites seem to want him gone. Otherwise there’d be no leaks.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 20, 2021 9:22 am

I almost feel sorry for Jeannette Young. She took the slings and arrows of implementing the new world order in QLD, then her Lex Luther looking second string replacement arrives and rides omicron to victory.

You might want to avoid Bill and Chloe on Sunday morning.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 20, 2021 9:27 am

For engineering wonks:

4 dead, 8 injured in ramp bridge tilt in C.China’s Hubei, allegedly due to serious overloading

The live load of a 200 tonne truck caused the long span bridge section to twist on its single central support pier and fall onto the road below. As this drive through shows, the entire 200m structure was balanced on two narrow columns – just waiting for the moment (hilarious engineering joke there).

Truly, amazingly shite engineering design – with failure 100% predictable, even without double blind testing.

But in typical CPC style, Central Authorities are not in any way to blame:

“The truck clearly broke the regulations, for it didn’t leave the highway at the toll station it was supposed to. The tilt of the overpass doesn’t mean that its design or construction didn’t meet the standards or regulations, but it indicates that the weight of the 198-ton truck surpassed its safety redundancy – its initial design goal on safety,” emphasized Li [researcher at the Research Institute of Highways at the Ministry of Transport]

According to Li, Chinese transportation authorities have been considering a rise in the safety redundancy of bridges to prevent similar accidents.

So, obviously no blame there.

Luckily, the short straw has been drawn:

An investigation is underway. A person surnamed Xiong who is in charge of the transport team is cooperating in the investigation and will take responsibility for the tragedy.

Presumably a person surnamed Xiong will shortly be enjoying an early morning last bowl of rice.

A cloud of invisible Fuckup Fairies, up and down the Xi Empire.
It’s the way China rolls…

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 20, 2021 9:28 am

Blockquote fail on a CPC scale, right there.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2021 9:35 am


Not great. It’s clear he went to hospital once in the 2 years he was at the front. Took me a while but it appears it was a bad case of Scabies! LOL.

If that’s the worst that happened to him in two years in a MG unit on the Western Front, he did well.

December 20, 2021 9:36 am

Dr Faustussays:
December 20, 2021 at 9:27 am
For engineering wonks:

4 dead, 8 injured in ramp bridge tilt in C.China’s Hubei, allegedly due to serious overloading

That’s a short 200 ton live relatively UDL. I wonder what loads they need to design for in China. That would be like 100 cars worth compressed into a much shorter length.

December 20, 2021 9:39 am

Blockquote fail on a CPC scale

All good, Faustus.

No one was injured reading it.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 20, 2021 9:40 am

If (as hoped) the Democrats are wiped out electorally in the mid-terms, Australians who rely on the ABC for news from the USA will be completely bewildered. What exactly does the ABC’s correspondent in the USA do?

My BiL suckles from the ABC news teat, and has time and again come a cropper for it. ABC news and current affairs appeals to a particular vain demographic.

I remember a few years ago, while Mueller was ringmaster of that dog-and-pony show of his, my BiL telling me with a sneering self-satisfied sagacity and conviction that was more of a dare than anything else that inescapable charges would be delivered the next day and Trump would likely be in an orange jumpsuit by Friday. My BiL had been watching the ABC. The ABC told him what happened and what would happen.

I myself, being more circumspect, said I thought it highly unlikely. Unlike him I accepted that my own knowledge might be incomplete, or that some shenanigans might be afoot. But I could not be 100% certain. Merely that, from what I knew, it was unlikely that Trump would have findings delivered against him the next day.

I was right.

But for my BiL something had gone terribly awry. Fortunately for him the ABC went straight to the business of delivering with the same absolute authority they had used before explanations as to why it didn’t happen.

I dislike discussing much with him – he is one of those people who is able to suddenly cite an event that vitiates your point. Just like that: Bang! Yup, it is a lie. It is bad faith, but there are deeper foibles at play. He needs to be right. It is how he sees himself.

December 20, 2021 9:41 am

When I saw the initial vision of the collapse, my immediate thought was – I bet it was held up by a pair of chopsticks.

Wasn’t far wrong!

December 20, 2021 9:44 am

December 20, 2021 at 9:14 am
University of Oxford PRINCIPLE Trial Puts Ivermectin Study Arm on Hold—Purported Supply Issues

The Oxford PRINCIPLE trial commenced in June.

How convenient.

December 20, 2021 9:45 am

Scotty bought 150 million shit shots.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2021 9:46 am

Ita Buttrose demands more money for ABC Nick Tabakoff

ABC chair Ita Buttrose: ‘I’m optimistic that after the election, the funding of the ABC will be given proper consideration.’ Picture: Richard Dobson

11:16PM December 19, 2021

There’s been plenty of tension between the federal government and the ABC in 2021, with everything from hostile questioning of Aunty’s bosses from Coalition politicians in Senate Estimates to Christian Porter’s shelved defamation case against the public broadcaster.

But if ABC chair Ita Buttrose is fazed by the dramas of the year, she isn’t showing it. Ita was in fine form when we caught up with her on the road on Friday, on her way from a two-week speaking road-trip in the NSW Hunter Valley.

Buttrose talked expansively about everything from how much money the ABC receives to the impact of the Omicron variant, with the ABC chair stating both she and Aunty were “ageing with zest” ahead of the public broadcaster’s 90th anniversary celebrations in 2022.

Most notably, however, Buttrose was keen to put both PM Scott Morrison and Labor leader Anthony Albanese on notice on one key subject: the government’s funding of the ABC, which she argues is insufficient.

She has let both leaders know she expects 2022 to be a watershed moment for the amount of money the ABC receives, currently set at just over $1bn a year including transmission fees.

Buttrose has told Diary: “I’m optimistic that after the election, the funding of the ABC will be given proper consideration. We would hope that the 90th year of the ABC will be the reason for whoever wins government to give us the funding we need.”

Depending on the timing of the election, the issue of money for Aunty could be settled as early as March. The ABC’s three-year funding is expected to be unveiled in the 2022 federal budget, which will be handed down pre-election in late March if Morrison goes to the polls in May.

But Buttrose is already in full campaign mode, citing a report commissioned by the ABC from Deloitte Access Economics which found screen productions contributed $744m to the economy between 2017 and 2020, and Aunty was a jobs generator for the economy, with ABC productions found to support 8300 full-time equivalent jobs between 2017 and 2020.

Elsewhere, Buttrose has hinted the emergence of the Omicron strain means some working-from-home arrangements may have to endure at the ABC, despite suggestions it may lead to a milder form of Covid-19. “We can see that it’s very contagious, so we’ll still see flexible working arrangements going forward,” she said.

But she isn’t fazed by yet more uncertainty: “In spite of the restrictions that Covid-19 puts on us, border closures and difficulties of travelling, I think we’ve all been surprised about what we’ve been able to achieve.”

Buttrose has also revealed she’s back on her beloved speaking circuit after Covid-19 lockdowns, delivering speeches in six NSW Upper Hunter towns, including Muswellbrook, Scone, Murrurundi, Aberdeen and Merriwa for a non-profit aged-care group.

Tongue firmly planted in cheek, she used both herself and the ABC as role models for ageing well: “I was talking about ageing with zest, and that’s something the ABC has done very well. The ABC has aged with zest, and so has its chair. You can have that one!”

December 20, 2021 9:54 am

A cloud of invisible Fuckup Fairies, up and down the Xi Empire.
It’s the way China rolls…

Anyone who thinks the choggies can build anything of quality as some here have suggested are wrong. Everything they make is inferior due to cost cutting, graft and know it alls in charge. Pretty much what happens here with politicians and bureaucrats who have never made anything in their miserable lives deciding what works.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
December 20, 2021 9:58 am

Tongue firmly planted in …

I stopped reading there.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 20, 2021 9:58 am

That’s a short 200 ton live relatively UDL. I wonder what loads they need to design for in China.

It’s a ridiculous load to be travelling unsupervised.

It appears (from the GT piece) that the maximum load limit for the bridge was 49 tonnes. Given the bridge was apparently designed to carry 2×2 500m lanes of traffic this allows for a potentially massive unbalanced live load for the structure.

December 20, 2021 10:01 am

I scanned the latter two articles and I’ve seen the Scott Alexander one before. My take is the following:

1. There is absolutely no justification whatsoever to have banned ivermectin, or to persecute GPs who prescribe it
2. There is absolutely no justification whatsoever to enforce the vaccines with such immoral and involuntary arm-twisting.

This must be in other countries because there wouldn’t have been a GP in Australia that has treated a Covid patient unless I’m mistaken nether lone prescribed IVM. Doctors surgeries in my area have signs saying if you have symptoms – go away! The last person I’d ask for advice on Covid is an Australian GP. They have abrogated their responsibility in the last 18 months. It’s shameful how they turned their backs on patient care.

December 20, 2021 10:03 am

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the plant in Victoria state was expected to produce up to 100 million mRNA vaccine doses every year when it begins operations in 2024.

SYDNEY – U.S. drugmaker Moderna Inc will produce millions of mRNA vaccines a year in Australia after agreeing to set up one of its largest manufacturing facilities outside the United States and Europe.

BusinessWorld Online
Home Health Moderna to produce millions of mRNA vaccines in Australia
Moderna to produce millions of mRNA vaccines in Australia

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2021 10:08 am

California is really overachieving lately.

Pot Industry in California on Verge of Collapse (18 Dec, via Instapundit)

More than two dozen industry executives signed a letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom, pleading for relief.

Four years after broad legal sales began, “our industry is collapsing,” said the letter, which also was sent to legislative leaders in Sacramento.

The industry leaders asked for an immediate lifting of the cultivation tax placed on growers, a three-year holiday from the excise tax and an expansion of retail shops throughout much of the state.

The cannabis officials don’t ask for much. All they want is for Newsom to overturn the state constitution that grants control over such matters to local government, cut or eliminate their taxes, and help them drive the illegal pot trade out of California.

But that’s not going to happen when legal pot is twice the price of the alternative.

Only lefties could manage to produce weed so inefficiently that illegal operators, who are always at risk of being busted and losing all their gear, can grow the stuff for half the price the government-regulated shops charge.

December 20, 2021 10:10 am

Dr Faustussays:
December 20, 2021 at 9:58 am
That’s a short 200 ton live relatively UDL. I wonder what loads they need to design for in China.

It’s a ridiculous load to be travelling unsupervised.

It appears (from the GT piece) that the maximum load limit for the bridge was 49 tonnes. Given the bridge was apparently designed to carry 2×2 500m lanes of traffic this allows for a potentially massive unbalanced live load for the structure.

They will need to talk about kN/m^2 for the loads they mention to make much sense.

If the truck is say 25m long x 2m wide = 60m^2. A 200 ton load = around 2000kN, which would mean a load of around 30kN/m^2.

December 20, 2021 10:12 am

Germans germaning, I guess.

On December 19, 2016, Islamist attacker Anis Amri drove a stolen truck through a crowd in central Berlin, killing and injuring dozens. Five years later, the background to the attack remains unclear.

German authorities are still investigating the Gleiwitz radio station attack.

December 20, 2021 10:13 am

December 20, 2021 at 10:10 am
Dr Faustussays:
December 20, 2021 at 9:58 am
That’s a short 200 ton live relatively UDL. I wonder what loads they need to design for in China.

It’s a ridiculous load to be travelling unsupervised.

It appears (from the GT piece) that the maximum load limit for the bridge was 49 tonnes. Given the bridge was apparently designed to carry 2×2 500m lanes of traffic this allows for a potentially massive unbalanced live load for the structure.

They will need to talk about kN/m^2 for the loads they mention to make much sense.

If the truck is say 25m long x 2m wide = 60m^2. A 200 ton load = around 2000kN, which would mean a load of around 30kN/m^2.

Haha, my calc is wrong 😛 Just assume the truck is 30m long.

December 20, 2021 10:15 am

Only lefties could manage to produce weed so inefficiently that illegal operators, who are always at risk of being busted and losing all their gear, can grow the stuff for half the price the government-regulated shops charge.


Puts the lie to the libertarian theory that legalisation is the answer.
Crims don’t go away just because you made the thing they were doing legal.
For sure, it could be true that prohibition has an initial accelerating effect on organised crime. But legalisation doesn’t undo networks of organised criminals or undo their corrupting influences.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2021 10:16 am

SYDNEY – U.S. drugmaker Moderna Inc will produce millions of mRNA vaccines a year in Australia after agreeing to set up one of its largest manufacturing facilities outside the United States and Europe.

Those yokels down under are easy marks eh?

Moderna’s COVID Vaccine 4 Times More Likely To Cause Heart Inflammation Than Pfizer’s: Study (19 Dec)

“Vaccination with [Moderna’s vaccine] was associated with a significantly increased risk of myocarditis or myopericarditis in the Danish population,” and the rate was “threefold to fourfold higher” with the Moderna vaccine compared to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, authors said in the study, which spanned almost 85 percent of Danes, or 4.9 million people aged 12 and older.

The increased risk of myocarditis or myopericarditis with the Moderna vaccine was “primarily driven by an increased risk among individuals aged 12-39 years,” said the researchers, from Denmark’s Statens Serum Institute.

The population-based cohort study, published Dec. 16 in the British Medical Journal (the BMJ), also corroborated previous studies and reports such as those from Israel and the United States that say there is an increased risk of myocarditis or myopericarditis with taking the mRNA-based Moderna or Pfizer vaccines.

Very safe. Very very safe. I wonder what the Danish soccer team thinks of the study?

December 20, 2021 10:18 am

We’re going to see the same thing with the green scams.
The corrupting effects of government money directed at subsidy farmers and hoodlums won’t go away easily.
They are networked and established.
They’ll need blasting out with specific anti corruption bodies like the FBI did to Capone.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 20, 2021 10:23 am

Get a load of the deadshit in Ireland-they don’t even pretend anymore

Not even a little bit.
Stupidity on stilts. It’s what happens when you mix up a coalition of careerists with the Greens.

My rellies tell me that outside of the CBD’s, the lockdown restrictions are very loosely interpreted. In the burbs and small towns and villages the local Gardai are not likely to charge into the pub at 8:05pm and start enforcing.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
December 20, 2021 10:25 am

It’s hard to decide whether it is stupidity or corruption.

One of the greatest con jobs in AU history was to convince people that government and bureaucracy was benignly stupid.
So to help you along, they are corrupt and evil. Know this.

Cliff Boof
Cliff Boof
December 20, 2021 10:28 am

On 5 October the PM announced that the Australian Government had ordered 300,000 courses of the Merck drug molnupiravir.
Australia secures access to additional COVID-19 treatment | Prime Minister of Australia (

There was no mention of the cost but the US Government contracted to buy 3.1 million courses of molnupiravir at $US2.2 billion, or $US709 per course.

So it is reasonable to assume, fellow taxpayers, that our 300,000 courses will cost $A298,653,000.

Unfortunately, Merck’s product is not as efficacious as hoped.
Fall in efficacy of Merck’s molnupiravir puts Pfizer in driver’s seat – (

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2021 10:32 am

A nice story. SpaceX is about to reach the milestone of its 100th first stage recovery landing. Assuming they’re successful it’ll be a breathtaking achievement (they nailed the 99th landing yesterday, and the 98th the day before: they now have three drone recovery ships in operation.) Due to launch tomorrow.

(via Instapundit)

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
December 20, 2021 10:33 am

They’ll need blasting out …

Anti-racketeering laws, RICO laws are a start.
200 years in gaol and confiscation of everything you owned might slow them down.

RFK introduced anti organized crime laws and look what happened to him!

December 20, 2021 10:35 am

The old thief polluting the Whitehouse really is an evil old c**t. Blows my mind that deadshits and morons in Delaware actually voted for the Senator from MBNA for all those decades. I suppose a lot of deadshits and morons voted for the grub last year too but not as many as the establishment would have you believe. Talk about trash in the Whitehouse.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 20, 2021 10:37 am

Ita Buttrose demands more money for ABC Nick Tabakoff

I would dearly love a politician to say to Ita something like “So you think the Omicron variant means the ABC needs more money? But doesn’t the taxpayer need more money for the impact of Omicron on them? Would it be fair to leave them with even less than before to give to the ABC so you can have even more than before?”

December 20, 2021 10:37 am

Back when the Poms made excellent TV, the Thames series Crime Incorporated was very instructive. It’s interesting to contemplate how much money from crime found its way into legit business.

December 20, 2021 10:39 am

That article on Buttrose was a nauseating puff piece. Another great reason not to waste your money on newspapers.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
December 20, 2021 10:39 am

Witches are resistant to COVID.
Lets see if she recovers.

December 20, 2021 10:40 am

THOUSANDS Turn Out to See President Trump in Houston

Looks like tens of thousands to me.

December 20, 2021 10:52 am

Isn’t BloJo talking about a ‘circuit breaker’ two week assault an liberty?

December 20, 2021 10:52 am

December 20, 2021 at 10:48 am
What are the odds, even in summer, Perrottet and consequently Andrews will heighten restrictions in the next few weeks? The jungle drums are nearing fever pitch at the moment.

Andrews is pretty much a shoe in, NSW I don’t know enough to take a guess. Suspect Andrews will need to deflect attention from other things at the least.

December 20, 2021 10:55 am

Does that very wealthy demented slag Waters believe the venomous invective she sprouts or is she programmed when required?

December 20, 2021 10:56 am

Isn’t BloJo talking about a ‘circuit breaker’ two week assault an liberty?

Indeed he is.

A short sharp lockdown to flatten the curve and save the NHS.

Round and round we go and where we stop nobody knows.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2021 10:59 am

The jungle drums are nearing fever pitch at the moment.

Yeah, must be ginormous pressure on them, especially Perrottet.

But some good news: Perrottet has managed to finesse Matt Kean out of the Environment portfolio.

Perrottet unveils major Cabinet reshuffle (Sky News, 20 Dec)

In the most significant move Deputy Premier Paul Toole will become Police Minister – seeing David Elliot move to Transport.

Deputy Liberals Leader Stuart Ayres will reclaim the Sport ministry – while Treasurer Matt Kean will lose his Environment portfolio to Manly MP James Griffin.

Promote him to Treasurer then reduce the huge load on his shoulders by releasing him from Environment. It’s very Yes Ministerish! I have no idea what Griffin is like, but he’d be hard pressed to be worse than Kean.

December 20, 2021 11:00 am

Anyone have thoughts on this yet?

Someone linked yesterday.

More harm than good.

December 20, 2021 11:02 am

Very nice choice of artwork for this open thread, Dover. Thank you.

December 20, 2021 11:05 am

The senior public servant charged with investigating Christmas parties held in 10 Downing St. last year whilst people were dying alone in hospitals has stepped down after citizen journalist Guido Fawkes revealed he himself hosted two Christmas parties in his office during the same period.

Lamp poles in service station forecourts are too good for them.

local oaf
December 20, 2021 11:05 am

Mother Lode says:
December 20, 2021 at 9:40 am

He needs to be right. It is how he sees himself.

The leftwing mindset summed up right there. All their beliefs boil down to a belief in their own virtue.

Any evidence from the real world contrary to their beliefs, merely indicates even more right wing evil in action than they previously thought!

December 20, 2021 11:06 am

Brad Hazzard still there though.

Not good.

December 20, 2021 11:10 am

Notice how Salvini is being put on trial for trying to stop illegal immigration. It’s similar to harassing and threatening with prosecution SAS personnel for doing their job. The marxist push is relentless. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2021 11:16 am

after citizen journalist Guido Fawkes revealed he himself hosted two Christmas parties in his office during the same period.

Guido got a scalp? Well done that blogger!
Don’t let him near any gunpowder though.

December 20, 2021 11:17 am

The senior public servant charged with investigating Christmas parties held in 10 Downing St. last year whilst people were dying alone in hospitals has stepped down after citizen journalist Guido Fawkes revealed he himself hosted two Christmas parties in his office during the same period.

His report will be completed and presented tot he PM instead by the Minister for Levelling Up.

What say they “level up” by allowing everyone to celebrate Christmas this year?

December 20, 2021 11:18 am

When dead reckoning goes wrong.
A nautical tale lightly told.

December 20, 2021 11:18 am

Guido got a scalp? Well done that blogger!

Well, he keeps his job, alas.

Incidentally, our ABC in their report describes Guido as “a right wing blogger”.

December 20, 2021 11:21 am

Is BloJo any different from bLIAR? I suppose BloJo hasn’t started a war yet so that’s in his favour.

December 20, 2021 11:21 am
December 20, 2021 11:23 am

Notice how Salvini is being put on trial for trying to stop illegal immigration. It’s similar to harassing and threatening with prosecution SAS personnel for doing their job. The marxist push is relentless. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

the price of freedom is refreshing the tree of liberty

December 20, 2021 11:23 am

I suppose both BloJo and bLAIR have both been at war with the British people though. Just like the political class in all western countries.

December 20, 2021 11:26 am

“A Global Coup Has Been Carried Out Across the World – Has Destroyed the Very Foundations of the Rule of Law” – Archbishop Vigano’s Message to America

fact check: TRUE

December 20, 2021 11:27 am

Last year, I think, non-leftwing governments and their people – Boris, “Scomo”, Trump thought this was going to be Swine Flu 2.0 on steroids – a politically driven ‘pandemic’ by the China / Pharma occupied WHO and global public health class and pharma companies to gin up another ‘bird flu’ scare, but really underneath it all, just a wedge against Trump and to makes some $$$ as they did in 2009. Tell people to wash their hands, pay the danegeld to Pfizer and we’d move on.

They didn’t personally take it seriously and thought as long as they have the government – similar to climate change, the media and institutional hysteria would pass soon enough through the populace like a virus itself and eventually it’d go away, they just had to play the game and manage and release the pressure.

So Boris ‘locked down’ but his people all still had parties and Morrison didn’t bother too much with ‘securing’ vaccines or making commonwealth employees ‘social distance’ or even let them work from home (this was a mini scandal in parts of the APS). They let the provincial governments under them run riot perhaps in a sort of ‘let the mob have it the way they want it’ mode of thinking. So Melbourne get their teeth kicked in by their government, Brisbane lives largely freely but kick the can down the road, London gets arrested on the park bench and bang pots together for the NHS like in Mao’s China.

But then this year they learned that no, this isn’t going to pass. Somethings different than 2009. Much different. And the public is now so fully propagandized and committed to the whole thing, and the entire establishment working in such perfect harmony on pushing it forward, that their puny national government’s had better show up or they are going to get lynched – like Trump.

And so they did.

But now having ceded control of the power over the people to everyone and his dog except them. Now they’re the target and they have no power to do anything about it.

December 20, 2021 11:33 am

I wouldn’t call Scummo and Blojo ‘non leftwing’.

December 20, 2021 11:35 am

December 20, 2021 at 11:27 am
But now having ceded control of the power over the people to everyone and his dog except them. Now they’re the target and they have no power to do anything about it.

I disagree. They are part of it. If they wanted to shut it down, all they need to do is tell the truth.

December 20, 2021 11:39 am

I disagree. They are part of it. If they wanted to shut it down, all they need to do is tell the truth.
Correct. It’s all about 2030 and the great reset and their need to push back against Trump and Brexit. A punishment and a warning. I suspect the Australian political class has been fully on board with this for decades. Possibly as far back as Fraser whose government was hard left.

local oaf
December 20, 2021 11:40 am

Maybe I have too much spare time, but I wonder about things,

such as

If any Black US president ever become so revered that they put her/him on coins, won’t the shiny silver make them look sort of bright and shiny and well, not black?

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2021 11:40 am

Mother Lode

I remember a few years ago, while Mueller was ringmaster of that dog-and-pony show of his, my BiL telling me with a sneering self-satisfied sagacity and conviction that was more of a dare than anything else that inescapable charges would be delivered the next day and Trump would likely be in an orange jumpsuit by Friday. My BiL had been watching the ABC. The ABC told him what happened and what would happen.

Your BiL is munty? Sad!

December 20, 2021 11:41 am

The re-emerging of McPhee has reminded me how left wing the Fraser abomination was.

December 20, 2021 11:45 am

I always felt a cold contempt for Australia and Australians from McPhee and Menadue.

December 20, 2021 11:46 am

and Fraser

December 20, 2021 11:48 am

from the humping whales link above

“We broke up,” Tammy tells her. “I guess you could say I did it, cause I was tired of fighting with him and he said my insecurities were my problem. And, like, at the beginning of the relationship I told him, I was like, can you promise you’ll help me through my insecurities. He said it got to be too much.”

strictly a first world problem

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 20, 2021 11:49 am

Greg Hunt 8th October.

The next stage, the general population stage of the booster program, we’re expecting advice from ATAGI before the end of October, and we’ll share that with the public. But we have over 150 million vaccines that are secured for the future, and so we’re able to implement that on the time frame and with the urgency and immediacy that is suggested by ATAGI, if and when they provide that, but we’re expecting that before the end of October.

December 20, 2021 11:49 am

Not a WOKE role model, this girl ……!

Simone Segouin, mostly known by her codename, Nicole Minet, was only 18-years-old when the Germans invaded. Her first act of rebellion was to steal a bicycle from a German military administration, and to slice the tires of all of the other bikes and motorcycles so they couldn’t pursue her. She found a pocket of the Resistance and joined the fight, using the stolen bike to deliver messages between Resistance groups.
She was an extremely fast learner and quickly became an expert at tactics and explosives. She led teams of Resistance fighters to capture German troops, set traps, and sabotage German equipment. As the war dragged on, her deeds escalated to derailing German trains, blocking roads, blowing up bridges and helping to create a German-free path to help the Allied forces retake France from the inside. She was never caught.
Segouin was present at the liberation of Chartres on August 23, 1944, and then the liberation of Paris two days later. She was promoted to lieutenant and awarded several medals, including the Croix de Guerre. After the war, she studied medicine and became a pediatric nurse. She is still going strong, and this October (2021) she turned 96.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2021 11:50 am

Only lefties could manage to produce weed so inefficiently that illegal operators, who are always at risk of being busted and losing all their gear, can grow the stuff for half the price the government-regulated shops charge.

Same experience with rapidly increasing tobacco excise here in Australia.

December 20, 2021 11:53 am

The ABC told him what happened and what would happen.

He believed Sarah Ferguson? Sad.

December 20, 2021 11:55 am

I disagree. They are part of it. If they wanted to shut it down, all they need to do is tell the truth.

They’ve joined the lie now, but in any case no it’s not that simple. If Boris Johnson or Scott Morrison ‘told the truth’ today they’d have the entire American state apparatus, the WHO, EU, China (I repeat myself), the media, the public health apparatus globally and locally, the AMA and equivalents openly calling them murderers.

But I’m talking about last year anyway.

They stupidly probably thought this was just going to be used get rid of Trump then it’d go away once that was achieved and the Tamiflu 2.0 danegeld was paid. That the public was just having an media / WHO / Democrat – ginned up hysteria and they just needed to ‘manage’ their way through it while having parties back at the office until it settled down in six months or a year.

Except once everyone in the public health and ‘left’ realised how perfectly the propaganda had worked and how deeply it had penetrated they thought they’d push forward as far as they can. And by not telling the truth about it and dispersing their power to the public health and bureaucratic classes, they’d now are held hostage in their castles with a ginned up covid mob outside and a ‘court’ that is actively against them.

December 20, 2021 11:58 am

But legalisation doesn’t undo networks of organised criminals or undo their corrupting influences.

We’ll see more of this growing out of the networks established to sell under-the-counter cigarettes at half to two-thirds the cost of the taxed variety.

In a certain Western suburb there is even a price war going on between buttleggers’ sales outlets. Manchester Reserve, smuggled in from England and comparable to Camel Lights (which are no longer legally available), were $20. Now they are $18 as market forces and competition kick in for the sly smokers’ dollar.

Crims understand supply and demand, unlike the prime minister and his clown show cabinet.

December 20, 2021 11:58 am

Last year, I think, non-leftwing governments and their people – Boris, “Scomo”, Trump thought this was going to be Swine Flu 2.0 on steroids – a politically driven ‘pandemic’ by the China / Pharma occupied WHO and global public health class and pharma companies to gin up another ‘bird flu’ scare, but really underneath it all, just a wedge against Trump and to makes some $$$ as they did in 2009. Tell people to wash their hands, pay the danegeld to Pfizer and we’d move on

Doesn’t look like they expected it keep coming back in waves, pfizer et al probably couldn’t believe their luck. Trump went down, although they still had to rig the election and Hong Kong fell without a shot fired.

December 20, 2021 11:59 am

Scomo himself is massively pro-vaxx so he’s totally happy to go along with all of this madness now. He also possibly hates the Australian people because of the bushfire response, and his administration is full to the brim of grifters and globalist nation hating filth.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 20, 2021 11:59 am

twostix says:
December 20, 2021 at 11:27 am

That’s broadly how the thing unfolded.

In the UK – which set the pattern Moron followed closely in early 2020 – the politics was all about ‘flattening the curve’ and protecting the ‘treasured and universally loved NHS’.

This in turn was driven by the long-running scare politics that says the Tories are trying to privatise the UK’s Health system – a scare that’s still running hot.

Economic, social and public health considerations have always been secondary to party politics – particularly ‘doing something’ with minimum blame.

The doctariat and Pharma-windfalls (which we’ve adopted in spades) are the logical creations of that process.

December 20, 2021 12:00 pm

December 20, 2021 at 11:55 am
I disagree. They are part of it. If they wanted to shut it down, all they need to do is tell the truth.

They’ve joined the lie now, but in any case no it’s not that simple. If Boris Johnson or Scott Morrison ‘told the truth’ today they’d have the entire American state apparatus, the WHO, EU, China (I repeat myself), the media, the public health apparatus globally and locally, the AMA and equivalents openly calling them murderers.

It’s an interesting theory and would explain a few things about our handlers behavior (see Boris). The elections is where all this will pan out. If we don’t get a hung parliament on our side, then Oz is 100% cooked.

December 20, 2021 12:00 pm

twostix says:
December 20, 2021 at 11:27 am

You might want to read Ben Irvine.

December 20, 2021 12:03 pm

Economic, social and public health considerations have always been secondary to party politics – particularly ‘doing something’ with minimum blame.

“No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems—of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind.”

Thomas Sowell

December 20, 2021 12:11 pm

Doesn’t look like they expected it keep coming back in waves

Neil Ferguson himself is on record saying they could not believe that people in the west accepted what they did (and are doing) to us. The immense global public health bureaucratic class saw that the people were compliant and decided to go all in on their long dreamed of ‘new normal’ (a utopian vision of a data driven, ‘scientific’ state of mass surveillance, and control to create perfect illness and crime free cities – using their much admired Chinese autocratic method of governance) and here we are.

They were telling us in plain language last March that this is what they were doing and why.

Trump, Boris and co should have united in opposition to it but their own base: older people (boomers – sorry it’s true) got spooked and revolted against the idea of doing the basics only. They demanded action. Lock up the young people! Was the cry and without their base the interloper non-leftwing ‘leaders’ could and would not rally against the vast establishment. And also they thought it would just fizzle out once Trump was gone and they hated him so didn’t care too much.

So they handed over the power of every national government to everyone else but them, and now they don’t have any real power themselves to end this.

December 20, 2021 12:15 pm

More good news: Coronavirus Australia live news: Perrottet: Now is our moment to live with virus

Mr Perrottet said there were no plans to re-impose lockdowns or mask rules despite another 2501 new virus cases reported on Monday.

The Premier said staying open was a reward for the state’s high vaccination rate, which is at almost 95 per cent first dose and just over 93 per cent double vaccinated.

“Now is our moment”, Mr Perrottet said on Monday. “The virus isn’t going away, we need to learn to live along with it.

“We need to move away from fear and move to hope and confidence.

“Other countries are having to close down because they don’t have the vaccination success.

“We are going with a balanced and proportionate response, and treating the people of our state like adults because they have gone out and gotten vaccinated at an incredibly high rate.

December 20, 2021 12:16 pm

Also, the final piece, was that when they did feebly try and put the brakes on, hard-left local governments – NY and Victoria spring to mind immediately – magically killed thousands of old people in Aged care homes with Covid by deliberately sending it in then goading and mocking them national leaders about it.

These people mean business. And “Scommo”certainly didn’t have the balls to take on that level of commitment to a cause.

December 20, 2021 12:16 pm

Simone Segouin, mostly known by her codename, Nicole Minet, was only 18-years-old when the Germans invaded.

never mess with a french girl

December 20, 2021 12:16 pm

This in turn was driven by the long-running scare politics that says the Tories are trying to privatise the UK’s Health system

Being the grauniad, Bliar’s NuLabour auctioning off the sacred NHS’s profitable bits for quick bux
is never worth a mention.

December 20, 2021 12:17 pm

“Now is our moment”, Mr Perrottet said on Monday. “The virus isn’t going away, we need to learn to live along with it.

“We need to move away from fear and move to hope and confidence

that’s off narrative, what the?

December 20, 2021 12:18 pm

December 20, 2021 at 12:15 pm
More good news: Coronavirus Australia live news: Perrottet: Now is our moment to live with virus

Mr Perrottet said there were no plans to re-impose lockdowns or mask rules despite another 2501 new virus cases reported on Monday.

The Premier said staying open was a reward for the state’s high vaccination rate, which is at almost 95 per cent first dose and just over 93 per cent double vaccinated.

“Now is our moment”, Mr Perrottet said on Monday. “The virus isn’t going away, we need to learn to live along with it.

“We need to move away from fear and move to hope and confidence.

“Other countries are having to close down because they don’t have the vaccination success.

“We are going with a balanced and proportionate response, and treating the people of our state like adults because they have gone out and gotten vaccinated at an incredibly high rate.

What a condescending wanker. Mandates are not how you treat ‘adults’.

Plus the jokes on him. The higher the vax rate the higher the covid rate. NSW will be in full lockdown before winter.

December 20, 2021 12:21 pm

Plus, once they take NSW ‘freedom’ again, they’ll blame everyone not taking the ‘booster’ every 3 to 4 months.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 20, 2021 12:21 pm

On fire, twostix.

December 20, 2021 12:23 pm

More good news: Coronavirus Australia live news: Perrottet: Now is our moment to live with virus

He’s a politician – treat with extreme caution.

Having coerced millions into receiving an experimental medical therapy on pain of losing their employment he now says “we are going to treat you like adults”.

Condscending prat.

December 20, 2021 12:24 pm

Snap, Razey.

December 20, 2021 12:25 pm

The Premier said staying open was a reward for the state’s high vaccination rate, which is at almost 95 per cent first dose and just over 93 per cent double vaccinated.

“Now is our moment”, Mr Perrottet said on Monday. “The virus isn’t going away, we need to learn to live along with it.

“We need to move away from fear and move to hope and confidence.

“Other countries are having to close down because they don’t have the vaccination success.

“We are going with a balanced and proportionate response, and treating the people of our state like adults because they have gone out and gotten vaccinated at an incredibly high rate.

Not sure why this is good news. He’s cornered into mandating everyone gets the next doses because ‘staying open was a reward for the state’s high vaccination rate’.

He’s endorsed the August response.

December 20, 2021 12:26 pm

never mess with a french girl

I liked messing with French girls.

Delta A
Delta A
December 20, 2021 12:27 pm

Maybe I have too much spare time, but I wonder about things,

You’re a funny guy, oaf.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 20, 2021 12:30 pm

Being the grauniad, Bliar’s NuLabour auctioning off the sacred NHS’s profitable bits for quick bux is never worth a mention.

It’s often difficult to explain the potency of this scare in UK politics.

In Australia, for example, very few people would have a deep seated, almost visceral affection for their local hospital/GP clinic, far less the health system more generally.

In the UK, soshul meja pictures of weepy nurses, giving each other back rubs and hugz, are up there with Labrador puppies.

December 20, 2021 12:33 pm

December 20, 2021 at 12:25 pm
The Premier said staying open was a reward for the state’s high vaccination rate, which is at almost 95 per cent first dose and just over 93 per cent double vaccinated.

“Now is our moment”, Mr Perrottet said on Monday. “The virus isn’t going away, we need to learn to live along with it.

He’s another fake Christian. If he legislated against mandates and coercion, then yeah he may be redeemed. But this is all hot air bullshit.

Australia has fallen.

December 20, 2021 12:33 pm

Moderna’s COVID Vaccine 4 Times More Likely To Cause Heart Inflammation Than Pfizer’s: Study (19 Dec)

“Vaccination with [Moderna’s vaccine] was associated with a significantly increased risk of myocarditis or myopericarditis in the Danish population,” and the rate was “threefold to fourfold higher” with the Moderna vaccine compared to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, authors said in the study, which spanned almost 85 percent of Danes, or 4.9 million people aged 12 and older.

This was known from early this year when Moderna was released in the USA. I think it was Robert malone who first drew attention to the early “signals” that there were problems also with this vaccine. Of course, no one in our medical bureaucracy (TGA and AMA) seem to have the ability to notice what is happening OS. Or if they do – they don’t care or contractually, can’t do a thing about it.

December 20, 2021 12:34 pm

December 20, 2021 at 12:25 pm
Mr Perrottet said on Monday. “The virus isn’t going away, we need to learn to live along with it.

Code for: You will get the booster as many times as we tell you, or else.

December 20, 2021 12:35 pm

I wouldn’t call Scummo and Blojo ‘non leftwing’.

Yeah I know but what is left and right in 2021?

“Leaders not liked by the technocratic elite, their bureaucratic Brahmins and the middle class Twitter / Guardian reading office worker drone lickspittles who have seized total control of western societies” is too much to type.

December 20, 2021 12:37 pm

I have a sneaking suspicion that the Hunchback will make the gene therapy shot mandates permanent.
Politically it would be no problem.

December 20, 2021 12:40 pm

True stix- I would have thought concern for the working man and his family would have been a bit left once. Now it’s racist, redneck and deplorable.

December 20, 2021 12:43 pm

Friend in WA (2 x jab) very very upset for her daughter in NSW (3 x jab) who cannot go home for Christmas. They all got the jabs because they believed the lie govt and media told them that having the jabs means life will return to normal.

Sadly, the penny hasn’t dropped for any of them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2021 12:45 pm

Whatever is number three is far behind.

Disagree with Sowell on this one. Number one is to get rich. Number two is to get laid. Number three is to get elected/re-elected. Maybe #1 and #2 are in the wrong order (thinking of several particular pollies). Really is quite fun to see the “domestic” disasters these people get into. Of course you mainly only get to read about the righties for the obvious reasons.

December 20, 2021 12:45 pm

I wouldn’t call Scummo and Blojo ‘non leftwing’.

Morrison and the Liberal Party’s problem – I’m assuming, merely for argument’s sake, that they have non-negotiable core beliefs here – is that the electorate is moving incrementally leftwards and has been for decades.

The lazy politician’s answer to this is to chase the electorate leftwards rather than attempt to pursuade it that you have a better way.

Being lazy they’ve opted for chasing but in the process they’ve shed a massive number of traditional voters over the last decade.

It’s the Liberal’s version of Labor’s problem with the Green vote.

And it means Australia is ripe for political alternatives.

December 20, 2021 12:47 pm

Disagree with Sowell on this one. Number one is to get rich. Number two is to get laid.

Bruce, those benefits are conditional on getting elected in the first place, so Sowell still applies.

December 20, 2021 12:49 pm

good fear porn

Top Australian doctor, Dr Zoe Hyde has issued a warning to people who have been vaccinated with the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, stating that there’s “little protection” against symptomatic infection.

This is despite someone having two doses of the vaccine, with protection against severe disease also dropping.

“Data from the UK confirm that two vaccine doses now provide little protection from symptomatic infection caused by the omicron variant,” she shared.

“More concerning still, protection from severe disease is likely also reduced to some degree, particularly after six months.”

December 20, 2021 12:50 pm

The lazy politician’s answer to this is to chase the electorate leftwards rather than attempt to pursuade it that you have a better way.

address the source of the problem: the education system

December 20, 2021 12:53 pm

the electorate is moving incrementally leftwards and has been for decades.
Reckon? How come Abbott won in a landslide in 2013 on stop illegal immigration and the CO2 tax?

December 20, 2021 12:53 pm

William M Briggs
This image brought to you by “doctors” and “Science”.

Without comment.

antidote to the lunacy NSFW
BEACH BUNNY 2021 Bikini Fashion Show / 4K / Priscilla Ricart, Celeste Bright, Haylie Turnquest

December 20, 2021 12:55 pm

This just in:

[Palaszczuk] said she strongly recommended wearing masks in indoor settings, but it would not be mandated.

Does that mean last week’s mandate is over?

Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
December 20, 2021 12:57 pm

Sadly, the penny hasn’t dropped for any of them.

This is despite someone having two doses of the vaccine, with protection against severe disease also dropping.

Heap big buyers remorse incoming in three…..two….

December 20, 2021 12:57 pm

two Christmas parties in his office

They’re not parties. People are not forming conga lines and dancing around the room. They’re a wrap for the year. You get together with colleagues and talk shop and share a bit of banter over a few drinks. It’s a healthy thing for an organisation. Boris takes the Morrison route and caves. How many of the press reporting on this will be doing the same at the end of the year. Boris should appear at his next presser with a colourful boa draped across his shoulders and tell them to get stuffed.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 20, 2021 12:59 pm

Top Australian doctor, Dr Zoe Hyde has issued a warning to people who have been vaccinated with the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, stating that there’s “little protection” against symptomatic infection.

Not a top doctor and these jabs aren’t vaccines .

December 20, 2021 1:00 pm

Friend in WA (2 x jab) very very upset for her daughter in NSW (3 x jab) who cannot go home for Christmas. They all got the jabs because they believed the lie govt and media told them that having the jabs means life will return to normal.

Another untouched area of critique is nations being carved up into essentially ‘zones’. This should be fodder for arguments. People being confined to zones and ‘regions’ plays large in utopian dreamers plans for the future.

One of the most powerful rights we secured over the last 600 years wasn’t necessarily free speech, it was the freedom to leave, to leave the estate, our job, our parish, our province, our state our country.

Wiley covid-dodgers know well that there is an effort underway to make it impossible to ‘escape’, your LGA, soon your street, by street zone.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x