A better account of the Afghani stabber in Germany: Omarzai was known to police for at least three prior criminal…
A better account of the Afghani stabber in Germany: Omarzai was known to police for at least three prior criminal…
Henry Payne.
Tom Stiglich.
Matt Margolis.
A.F. Branco.
Well, what about them?
Study: Moderna, Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines less effective in seniors with chronic health woes (20 Dec)
When it’s time to go it’s time to go. Make sure you are in good grace before then.
biting incidents since Biden took office in January, including a string of eight days in a row in which Major bit a Secret Service agent.
No bad dogs.
Only bad owners.
YT showed that to me about 30 minutes ago. Some weirdos out there all right. No worse than the folks who don’t believe the moon exists I suppose.
At least the ids might learn something, but on the other hand nothing gets built and costs even more.
Anyone who bends their back to earn a crust.
He probably said it off the cuff and might have phrased it better.
He’s stating a philosophical principle of true science.
And, yes, he also drilled it into his students that the person the scientist has to question most is himself.
Is it? ‘Science is based on the belief that the experts are wrong.’
‘Science is based on the [evidence] that the experts are wrong.’
I’m not sure there is any significant difference since beliefs generally are based on evidence of some kind. As in: I believe A killed X. Why? There is this and that piece of evidence which establish that A killed X. It’s just a shorthand. But, yes, I do think it may say something about his intellectual modesty.
Enjoying Tassie. Have to … McClown has just shut us out of going home. ?
He stated the easiest person to fool is yourself but who he is fooling when most people pay no heed to that?
I used to see George Joseph around the way.
Is he still alive?
He has to be pretty old.
More Feynman:
‘The first principle is that you must not fool yourself – and you are the easiest person to fool.’
What we should worry about is that Russia has had hypersonic missiles for decades and China has long claimed to have to the same. I sometimes wonder if the USA military-industrial complex is so full of it they can charge huge sums for aircraft that take too long to be combat ready, stealth ships that will never be put into production, and cost overruns that would have most manufacturers in court for breach of contract.
Disagree Dover, belief is based on the flimsiest of evidence. Belief doesn’t let facts get in the way.
Snap, John!
Not widely known among epidemiological modellers, I’d bet.
Yet time and again they are shown to have fooled themselves.
Either that or they are intellectually dishonest.
Should men aged between 65 and 79 forgo all medical treatments if they have any of the health issues on that list because covid is going to get them?
And Christians should all always be ready to go, all the time, shouldn’t they?
I’m more than happy to abolish universal healthcare and go to a user pays system.
Fat old fucks and degenerate urban soy fags may not like it though.
Thinner blue line: Police explain the Queensland border enforcement
We’ve tried warning these filthy southerners about the snakes and crocodiles and Irukandji jellyfish and Dengue mosquitoes and bird-eating spiders.
Yet still they come.
So time for the big guns: CMO Uncertainty.
The very fact that this is even being discussed just shows that Australia has fallen.
It can be but isn’t necessarily. Belief simply means that you think X or Y to be true where it can be false. Nothing more or less. As in: I believe Epstein did not kill himself. I could be wrong, but the preponderance of evidence is striking.
We have to begin with some set of beliefs about the world or we’d simply descend into solipsism.
Those beliefs then have to be tested against “the facts” as they are brought to light.
But, in fact (!), the facts are only probabilities or relative facts. We know very little with absolute certainty.
If they keep this up, then pretty soon these will turn into rocks, and from there……
Oops. Market must be getting tippy when you start seeing this.
“Science is based on the belief that the experts are wrong”.
Science advances because a person believes the experts are wrong.
He then advances science by either proving them right or proving them wrong.
But back to the question.
I have no children, but what is the concensus here of those with skin in the game?
Doesn’t that impinge on your right to forgo medical treatment?
What they don’t admit is that the raw data and experience they have is so tiny it makes modeling extremely problematic. For example, we’ve had over 100 years of aircraft production with thousands of different aircraft designs being tested time and again yet even now we still need test pilots and things go wrong. By comparison the epidemiologists have nuffin data and experience wise upon which to create their predictions about pandemics. Should epidemiology even be a full time discipline?
Sancho Panzer:
Like the National Cabinet?
He’s now officially dumber than CNN.
Wear masks indoors whether ‘mandated or not’: Scott Morrison addresses nation following national cabinet (Sky News, 22 Dec)
CNN expert: Cloth masks are useless “face decorations” at this point (Instapundit, 21 Dec)
There’s something about Covid which has an amazing effect on politicians. It turns them into complete imbeciles even if they don’t catch it.
Unloading super phosphate bags! By yourself!
Become a candidate for One Nation!
I used to think that. But the evidence is overwhelming that most beliefs are shared among friends and rellies with no evidence needed. Ppl buy a belief because it gives them comfort, and wanting to be in a gang does the rest.
Insisting on observable data is rare.
Doesn’t help that most of them have had their spines removed upon entering office.
Aaron, my children are grown and make their own decisions, but if they were minors I’d be very reluctant to have them vaccinated given what we presently know and don’t know about the possible effects long term.
Like economics, epidemiology can be used to explain as well as forecast.
Explaining is fine, and valuable – but forecasting takes one into the domain of the fortune teller.
Forecasters who rely on models are worse than a fair-ground clairvoyant.
There was a time when fortune-telling was illegal. Maybe it should be again made so, with a capital punishment attached.
With Scomo there was no turning into, he has always been the blunt instrument in the paddock. He is the most cognitively dull PM I’ve seen witnessed since the early 70’s. Albo aint exactly beaming with smarts either mate. Can we at least have some better smarts in our PMs? They don’t have to be well read, they don’t have to be uber smart, but can we at least have PMs and pollies who aren’t so dull that they continuously fool themselves and all too often believe they are experts in so many things?
I think their “scope of practice” needs looking at.
We’ve had experts in hand washing in hospitals opining on virus mutations for goodness’ sake.
You wouldn’t get that in any specialist field of medicine.
Those I put on the list and the others that have been added all have one thing in common, they’ve been ‘work hardened’, they’re the strongest but anyone who has to do a 10 to 12 hour day or more working physically hard is much the same. The occupations I listed are the strongest but farmers, fruit pickers and many many others are made hard through work. They don’t feel the cold or the heat, they care little for creature comforts. Give them enough to eat and drink and the odd fight every now and then and they’ll go until they drop.
I was listening to an interview with a mountaineer the other day and the interviewer (James Delingpole) brought up the subject of clothing. The mountaineer noted that although the early mountain climbers wore mainly wool, it was very heavy and coarse, that along with the fact that most of the early climbers were tough as nails from hard work. He said he takes people who spend months in the gym, they’re ripped and strong but not tough, they can’t understand why they find it so hard.
Plus one other bloke not to pick a fight with – ‘Mad Eyes’ Robbo, I worked with him, he played for Collingwood, was half mad and dangerous. I think Collingwood kept on for his willingness to ‘man up’, top bloke but mad as a cit snake.
Morrison is an arsehole.
If an explanation doesn’t provide predictive value then be skeptical about the explanation.
“Prophecy is not an activity of science.” Theodore von Karmen
“My children are grown and make their own decisions, but if they were minors I’d be very reluctant to have them vaccinated given what we presently know and don’t know about the possible effects long term”.
Exactly my opinion.
But with with Israel leading the way and now a fourth shot.
Who knows.
Let’s go Brandon gets some more airplay.
EXPOSED: The Media Cartel Controlling Boris Johnson | Peter Jukes
Talk about incestuous!
Here’s the problem:
Would you trust the current population of Australia to write a Bill of Rights?
Would you trust the current State and Federal politicians to write a Bill of Rights?
We would end up with having to choose between two documents that were unfit for purpose, and measurably worse than the current Bill of Rights.*
* Yes – I know we do not have a BoR.
Sweden with four thousand cases per day and most Swedes seem reluctant to die of Covid.
Denmark, half the population and double the cases. Deaths at 72 for the week and Sweden 20.
Whatever you do, don’t mention Sweden.
Especially fusion.
A family in town here had their claim rejected because when an appliance blew up due to interrupted power supply and they didn’t have fusion covered, their loss of house claim was rejected.
No Bear.
Not the entire market.
This was a company which listed in October and has suddenly discovered they have a GST issue.
It’s the predictive power that is the whole value of an explanation. The warm sensation of insight was what got Freud and Marx able to pass as scientific when they were nothing of the kind.
Would you trust the current population of Australia to write a Bill of Rights?
If forced medical procedures continues at the current pace they might end up with a very clear view on that at least.
Dover O’Beach:
I can – our political/Brahman Class is utterly incapable of telling the truth, or believing anything that doesn’t conform to their own version of reality, or giving a damn about anything that doesn’t appeal to their ego or wallet.
Life is so damned fleeting. Our good friend was diagnosed with breast cancer that spread to her bones back in 2012. She had surgery then and like every month had a shot of chemo to calm down the monster in her bones. She’s a real trooper with a great attitude if a bit of an inner city leftie.
This week we learned she had brain surgery to remove a nasty cancer. Again, she is as strong and as positive as anyone could be in that situation.
This will be the language of the “voice to Parliament..” – “the trauma, the intergenerational trauma, the family domestic trauma..”
I have no children, but what is the concensus here of those with skin in the game?
Aaron, as Roger stated, my son also is grown, so the decision is his. Fortunately, he is as vehemently anti the clot-shot as I am. When he was a child, I made sure he had the Sabin drops and the Triple Antigen. I was a child of the Polio era and remember well children at school with withered legs having to wear the metal frames attached to built up boots. We also had a woman in our area whose life was lived in an Iron Lung. I also remember babies with Whooping Cough, kids at school who almost choked to death from the pus in their throat courtesy of Diptheria. So many of the Anglo kids also had dreadful Scabies on their legs and warts on their hands and knees, something you rarely see these days. My mother was particularly proud that none of us ever had scabies or lice. One of my sisters had a wart.
Sorry for the lengthy screed, but I had no hesitation in having my son immunised as a child for all of the above illnesses. If he were a child now, or had children himself, I would fight tooth and nail to stop him from being stabbed with the clot shot, or his children, if he had any. I can say without a doubt that I would have hidden him if it became law. My parents lived through WWII, and in the mid fifties escaped from the Communist country where they had lived with four children.
I know what it is to have every bit of your life dictated by someone in authority.
I hope this has helped.
The occupations I listed are the strongest but farmers, fruit pickers and many many others are made hard through work. They don’t feel the cold or the heat, they care little for creature comforts.
A man I know was in a Soviet concentration camp for Germans at the end of WWII, he said that only the farmers survived.
It’s no wonder that politics attracts too many dim bulbs, at least as a percentage.
Given the way that the left and much of the media (BIRM) treat the game, those with the intellect to do something with their lives will most likely go and do it.
Leaving us with too many rather ordinary types, including some who allegedly share with their staff such gems of observation as “I could do with a good root”.
A couple of reasonably capable ones have been ousted or downgraded recently.
Conspiracy theory: without a left-leaning media that might not have happened.
Best to get rid of the “capables” so the “dregs of the middle class” get a run.
Thanks media. We see what you did in the USA too.
Please sign and pass it around. Closes midnight tonight AEDT.
Petition EN3625 – Against the motion of vaccinating children aged 5-12 years
Good comment Pogs.
Already done, Gab.
So Called ‘Covid19’ is the only disease we’re not allowed to die from.
Winston, the best opportunity was in the ’90s but Howard killed it.
Didn’t want to dilute parliamentary – i.e. politicians’ – power.
I don’t believe a Bill of Rights is a panacea, but it’s better than nothing,* which is what we have atm.
*Assuming it’s well drafted. And we certainly don’t have a surfeit of talent in that area presently.
Howard put us on the road to destruction. He was the worst PM we ever had.
Apparently throwing snowballs at the police makes the video “age-restricted” on Utube.
My request to visit my father’s grave (died in October) with my kids, and to spend time with their aging grandmothers was denied.
I think they will let me go by myself, but for the kids “family reunions” is not a valid reason to leave Australia. Unless you’re stabbed, that is.
No, Roger. The US Bill of Rights only worked because the bunch of guys who wrote it distrusted government like it was ebola. Which it mostly is.
In Howard’s time there was a touching allegiance to government, but it’s clear now that the Gramsci march was already pretty complete even in his time. Any Bill of Rights written then would be a boot on a human face, as it would also be if written today.
Indeed at this present moment we would be better served if all “rights” were annulled. At least then everyone would be equal in their slavery to the government.
Yeah, saw that. Cute trick, since I most certainly wasn’t going to log in to watch it.
I am really starting to dislike the Silicon Valley nudge units.
An excellent comment. Thank you so much for sharing.
Stuck in a charming little village called Fahrkno Ware, courtesy of my equally charming and supportive employer, I’ve had time to re-read Medieval Military Combat: Battle Tactics and Fighting Techniques of the Wars of the Roses by Dr. Tom Lewis.
I’m getting more from it the second time around. I would have liked to have read more about the battlefield medicine of the time, but perhaps there is little documentation to work from. I’m not sure the ‘blurb’ at the link does it justice, but the author’s approach has produced a unique study that hopefully others will build on.
Sorry to hear that John. What sort of country won’t let you leave?
Hardest men I ever saw were the hard rock miners working narrow vein air leg (aka jumbo) equipment underground back in the 70’s/ 80’s.
A lot of them came from the former Yugoslavia and naturally well built, but after a few years of hefting heavyweight compressed air drills around they bulked up like Superman.
The mining camp messes were a sight to behold as well for a young Pedro watching these incredible hulks eating four steaks and a dozen eggs at a sitting. Then they would head off to the wet mess and drink 20 beers, chain smoke and usually at least three times a week go outside for a fist fight.
Back on shift the next day and they were all best of friends and fresh as daisies ready for another day of solid hard work underground.
With today’s ‘elf and safety rules they would be sacked and black banned after the first day.
Different times.
Six young blokes in the family circle went to the cricket in Adelaide. They returned negative PCR tests to get back in to Fortress Queensland.
Just heard all six are now glowing with diagnosed Covid – having spent several days at various Christmas pissups.
One, feeling a bit shit, was diagnosed Tuesday – the other five, asymptomatic and tested as close contacts, were diagnosed this afternoon.
In safe hands.
Thanks, mc.
I knew one back in the day.
I’ll try to apply again, but this time for longer than three months. From their reports it looks like this category gets more approvals.
East Germany.
sorry to hear that from me too, John.
I know give a shit about gerbil warming as I believe it will be solved through nuclear and fusion will become reachable in the next 20 years and cold fusion reactors will become available in 30 years.
I have to say, I’m enthralled with this Mercedes EV. Aside from the sports model, it’s the best looking Merc in the market. I’m seriously thinking of buying one. It does 400 K on a charge and it’s incredibly fast on takeoff. The driver’s cabin is amazingly beautiful.
Chris Smith on Sky continues to disappoint, he feels sympathy for Anthony Fauci. Poor Fauci has been lambasted by the right and may quit soon. Americans can’t be that lucky.
Haha, Castle Palacechook has been breached.
Further restrictions for QLD as state records huge spike in COVID-19 cases (Sky News, 22 Dec)
Once more unto the snot test dear friends!
How’s the mandatory vaccination policy working for the AFL:
It appears Durham is looking closely at the Clinton campaign and its connection to the Russian collusion theory.
Good afternoon, can anyone remember that list of departments and businesses that had made application to access my health data? I remember being quite shocked ages ago, after I had opted out with my records going up there.
If you do and have it handy could you post the link again? it would be interesting to see if any change, permissions have been granted.
White Supremacists are targeting Asian women – CNN
The vaccines are ”100% safe” which is why BIG Pharma has been indemnified by the Govt.
And why the govt is now paying for funeral costs using taxpayer money:
DOn’t forget your ”booster” shots.
He’s got that right.
Many employers will require Full Vaccination for entry to their sites from January 1.
For Queensland cats.
One of my offspring works for a Queensland government-owned corporation in Brisbane. Today the CEO sent all staff an email telling them to take their laptop home over the Christmas New Year break.
A similar email has preceded every previous Covid lock down.
Make of this what you will.
It is interesting to watch the trajectory of the fascist left over the past two decades.
Around 20 years ago, they were rioting in the street against globalisation (remember Seattle and Melbourne). Now they are all in favour of it.
About the same time ago, they were adamantly opposed to “Big Business”. Now it, in its various branches, banking, IT, etc, they see it as a major supporter.
For half a century, “Universal, free, healthcare” was a core element of their “narrative”. Now, they are pushing for the unvaxxed to be thrown out of the system. How long before their other pet health hates (smoking, booze, obesity, lack of exercise) also become targets for health discrimination?
Who, twenty years ago, would have predicted all (or even any) of these things?
Peoples! 🙂
What will Lasers be like in 20 years time?
Big time, I would suggest.
If the negative PCR test as entry qualification can fail like that – anecdotal as it is – Elf Authorities have no control over what they think they are doing.
“Interesting” is not the term I would use, BJ.
I can live with “appalling”.
Bluddeee hell – a rather unfortunate reference given that regrettable incident in Taxmania and the other many kiddees’ deaths that could be directlee attributed to that aforementioned fat stupid upscreeching ukranian imbecile.
Loathsome they are. Why we tolerate this is beyond me.
Then most of us are not an allegedlee “big brained” members of the Nomenklatura we’ve so stupidlee gifted ourselves.
At my work we have not been advised to take our laptops home though most of us did so. Cynicism was very high among my colleagues that we will see another lockdown soon.
Catch up, Grigory.
Most of the rest of the world and Australia has already enacted such dictates.
Why do you think so many people are out on the streets.
Go sit in the corner and play with your Gypsum. The adults are talking.
All the new Migrants that are going to save us, they’ll be coming from Africa i guess.
Here’s my question:
Since Africans are more or less immune to COVID, what’s the point of Vaccinating them?
BJ – I was thinking “infuriating”.
Always works wonders for the blood pressure, I assures ya! 🙂
The drawbridge has already slammed shut in Sandgroperstan as of Boxing Day, and Uncle Mark, our beloved and strong Comrade Sneakers osnalready dictating we must all be given third injections as soon as we are ‘eligible…’
It appears Durham is looking closely at the Clinton campaign and its connection to the Russian collusion theory.
Durham can look closely at shrillary’s clacker for all the difference it will make. The demorats own the instruments of power. The revolution has occurred and they won. Durham is a distraction, a sop to keep the Trumpers in place until the last duck is in place: the military.
I wouldn’t be so sure, Grigory.
And besides, why are you not in the corner with your Gypsum?
A boy with a thorn in ‘is side …
Hitler plans to make the Covid-19 vaccine mandatory
Makes sense really.
Since Africans can’t get COVID, what we need is many more of them.
Spending half a mil is the easy bit.
Working on it day in day out for 8 years is far harder.
(Checking net I see 9″ of Bachmann HO gauge is about five bucks Aussie. So half a mill would only buy you 23 km of track. Not that much! Railways are expensive critters.)
Has to be countered with this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhl5OU7MahQ
Get a Maybach JC, much more imposing, in an understated sort of way. The convertible versions were better though.
err, Arks and Dovers – any chance of obtaining a recurring Friday Night (or even better, a weekend) “radio show” post on this esteemed blogue?
It will keep myself and those many other music fans* off the weekend open threads (err, hopefully 🙂 ).
Music and a corresponding film clip only, with comments strictly limited to the aforementioned.
*alleged to be music obsessives, they could be … :
And the crowd cheered mightily and added another glittering jewel to Sneaker’s massive codpiece.
McGowan could strangle a fluffy kitten on live TV and still win an election in a landslide.
Please, stix. Big is not a synonym for smooth.
Is there any such thing as an Opposition in the Wild West these days?
Or they acquired Covid in hospital.
That’s great news Gab, if I take the devil juice, I’ll get a free funeral. Great inducement.
Is the Government admitting themselves to be liable? Can families of the 600 – 700 vaxx deaths now start suing the Government for damage’s payments?
How much is this colossal schemozzle going to cost us?
They can make a pair for Bridge.
And then this. If there’s a more signal example of Ozzies unrepentantly taking the piss out of the global sheitgeist*, then I’d like to see or hear it.
*Including Hollyweirdoes, en masse, as they were, before we tried, regrettably (again) to be part of it.
December 22, 2021 at 8:49 pm
BJ – I was thinking “infuriating”.
Always works wonders for the blood pressure, I assures ya! ?
I can go with that (but “interesting” is better for the blud pressure).
Ok, Rabz, I’m off to bed but I put up this one in awe of Elon and SpaceX, who nailed their 100th booster rocket landing today.
Air – Surfing On A Rocket (2004)
As a doubler the Frogs (Air being froggy) are due to launch NASA’s James Webb space telescope on Christmas Eve via an Ariane V. Fly well little telescope!
I can’t help but like these, taking the piss out of The Bat Eared Mong:
I have it from a mate who is a nurse in qld health that the ho in the premier’s office is gonna lock down the state next week after Christmas.
I now therefore change my nom de keyboard to Pat the Hermit.
Not as flash as Tinta’s, I know.
In Queensland we call that a hut.
BoN – Air – well observed, Squire.
Bluddee hell, peoples – forgot to include a trigger warning for that photo of the monstrous Crate Blandchcick.
These things happen 😕
That monstrous grotesque deformed jug eared imbecile, ordering peons around, again … 😕
Bad Santa is a better Christmas flick than Die Hard.
Could you throw Rabz the keys to host such a thing whenever he likes?
Yo – thanks, Arks 🙂
On the break for the next three and a half weeks, peoples. 🙂
Worst year of my life.
What 2022 has in store for us, I’d rather not even attempt to contemplate.
You can buy metre lengths of flextrack for $6-7, depending on your scale, rail height and so on. Turnouts, diamond crossings and other specific appliances etc. are costlier. Some bonkers folk I know lay their own rail and sleepers and build their own turnouts and pointwork.
So, track is relatively cheap. It is the models, materials and other goodies that are expensive.
I just did my numbers,* and old mate has modelled the exact equivalent of 1.5 scale miles of 4-track mainline and a major station in OO (1:76 scale, or 4mm/ft). It will be a bit longer once the return loops and fiddle/staging yards are added in.
*(1.5miles = 7920ft. 7920/ (1/76) = 601920mm scale distance).
FMD an electric Merc. That’s a contradiction in terms, a perversion. This is a car.
Via St Johns ambo email.
McClown has announced 3 vaccines as mandatory.
There wasn’t ever a non violent way out of this use of wartime powers in peacetime was there?
I hope Dover concurs.
Iran going gangbusters with its nuclear weapons program while the traitor biden restricts weapons to israel. Iran nuclear in a year.
What are the scariest words known in Australia?
Scott Morrison has called a meeting of the National Cabinet.
Miss Ellie in excelsis* – despite what certain ol’ Eastern Suburbs personages might allege – when you see a rock ‘n’ roll chick that looks like her, irregardless of alleged truth bermbs like this, – “Oh, she’s not that beautiful, R”, you disagree, with every fibre of your being. 🙂
*The performance of 2021. This is romance. 😕
So that means ultimate responsibility rests with him. Amiright?
How good is Scott Morrison!
Wow, Lovin’ this new Fleetwood Mac single …
I was always partial to the Greek acoustic version
Booster Games:
Peoples – err, I have to make a confession. Several months ago, during the height of the NSW schlockdown, I posted many comments here denouncing my fellow Ozzies and this country.
Incessantly. “Mosquebourne”, “Sydneystan” and most damning of all (as I so vainly thought at the time), “This Stupid, Stupid Country”.
However, one morning, I “woke” up, so to speak.
A voice said to me:
Hey, you preposterous cardboard cut out – “You are of them – you were born here, so were both your parents and three of your great grandparents”. Your father was a war hero.
You loved this country when you were growing up in the 70s, despite it being the most monstrous period in human history.
You don’t get to pretend that you no longer have any stake in what goes on here.
What is happening now is almost beyond comprehension to a soft, narcissistic ‘everything will come to me’ decadent western wallee.
“Get off your increasingly soft backside and try to do something right in your life, you joke.”
However, for all those offended by my abuse of this continent and the peoples residing on it, I don’t give a rodent’s backside. Time to treat the threats to this country in the same way that Sir Les Patterson treated the Yaartz.
As a receptacle of our mighty love. 🙂
…that’s one bleak smiley
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese would have to be up there, somewhere?
A stupid stupid country.
had a loverly experience today
went for the obligatory xmas feast with closest allies
which usually consists of a chicken parmy and 2 schooners
checked into club (yes we have them in Melb) where I’m not a member but the biz partner is.
put on the mask and did some QR Kabuki
dredged up the vax cert which was waved away with a flippant, ‘yah … cool’
my other wife (business partner) confirmed with the door-bitch …
do we need to wear a mask?
nup she says… you don’t, only we do.
then he explained how it works
they keep yr data on file
they’ve seen yr pox-pass and now also on file
hence-forth, scan in and no questions asked.
I like these people … they seem to stick doggedly to the rules
Wasn’t it Douglas Bader who said that regulations were for the guidance of wise men, and the blind obedience of fools?
It’s enough to make you start stomping down the High St … 🙂
The ABC is taking the piss big time even as Ita is begging for more cash. FMD
Michael Smith just posted this on his blog.
Have a go at this lot:
ABC’s Aboriginal Advisory Board
Ita knows the A.B.C. is untouchable!
I tells ya … 😕
Rabz, shot me an email from the contacts page re music night post.
Em George Performs ‘The In Between’
Sydney grrl … I like it … produced version is better but this is good too
The ALPBThee, the Ita and the irredeemable imbeciles in the Goose Morristeen “government”:
“We paid record amountth in taxpayerth’ lost litigaython, I tellth ya! We need more taxpayerth’ money, you large fathitht hitleriths!
Alan Sludge: Yeah well we’ll do whatevah ya want, just don’t report me to the senate sexual harrassment kommittee, I beseecheth ya! 😕
Break out the following t-shirts en masse … 🙂
Sorry Pedro, I got distracted by his post from 2/14 Light Horse’s mounted parade…
Farmer Gez says:
December 22, 2021 at 6:13 pm
Sweden with four thousand cases per day and most Swedes seem reluctant to die of Covid.
Denmark, half the population and double the cases. Deaths at 72 for the week and Sweden 20.
Whatever you do, don’t mention Sweden.
So many weekly reports that are now into their 18 month have dropped Sweden from their chart sets, this week.
I’ve emailed a group in London this morning asking them why.
Yet to hear back.
Dog monster sleeps at the end of the bed.
Geez a weimaraner can snore.
Is it really an Aboriginal advisory board without Bruce Pascoe? Looks more like a dusky Friends of the ALPBC self help group.
Wasn’t it Douglas Bader who said that regulations were for the guidance of wise men, and the blind obedience of fools?
Hey finallly a comment I have relevance today… my UK origin father a painter by trade emigrated to NZ mid 1950s . At a community meeting in Auckland met Sir Douglas Bader. SDB said that my Dar was needed back in UK to rebuild Britain. My Dar told him out here he needed as well but is treated as an equal and it feels good and right so get lost.
Ee ad no time for SDB. Eey uup.
Bruce Pascoe’s booked his seat on “The Voice to Parliament.” He’ll be sitting next to Lidia Thorpe.
sfw says: December 22, 2021 at 4:23 pm
Once had a 21-yo Rugby League star frequenting the pub.
Full of oats & hubris, his party trick at the time was to take on nightclub doormen & put them in hospital.
As I had no doormen, he decided he’d take on a 45-yo exhibition woodchopper in the front bar.
He weighed the scales heavily in his favour by king-hitting from behind.
Had he instead taken on Mike Tyson by king hitting him, nothing about the incident would have happened any differently.
Not the time frame to completion (well under one second from king-hit to lights-out).
Not the indifference to being king-hit.
Not the express-train-like brutality of the response.
Sal’s post reminds me of the Slav hard rock miners I mentioned above.
Wouldn’t know what a gym looked like and never had a boxing lesson in their life, but knew every dirty street fighting trick in the book and their muscles came from years of seriously hard work swinging an air leg drill. Great friends but fearsome enemies.
Some of these pretty boy gym junkies wouldn’t have lasted ten seconds with these blokes.
In Sweden, a vaccine passport on a microchip implant
What is the fuss about Sweden? 15,206 deaths, new restrictions coming into force tomorrow, rising infection rate.
Bluddee hell – a study in contrasts …
She’s: Beautifulee unconventional …
Then she’s expounding Yuk foo …
OK. Time for a mini dissertation. Both young women are equally legitimate. I’d posit that both li’l personas could be fulfilling their desires to be fabulous li’l actresses, which Miss Ellie effortlessly both is 😕
Fifty years ago, young women as aesthetically pleasing as Miss Ellie could look forward to a career in the typing pool.
To paraphrase the late Andrew Peacock, “It’s not right, is it?”. 😕
Err, Pol – this does not mean that I reject your preposterous Bill Cosbee inspired “poundsand&metoo#” movement, as obscure as its alleged aims evidentlee might appear to be. If that’s any consolation.
Unknowing we mime … 😕
There’s plenty of occupations that make a bloke strong/fit.
Underground hard rock driller would have to be an odds-on contender for the title.
Hey, England – Lift yourselves, or another 5-0 is unsurprisingly on the cards.
Time to shake up the 8 ball and invoke the spirit of Mark E Smith.
Stop trying to envision a peak and just get out there and make it happen, FFS …
“We’re actually not very fucking noice” – then get out and prove it, you hapless jokes … 😕
You’re all men of straw. If you weren’t, we wouldn’t be existing through this hitlerist insanity.
Cats, our so called “leaders” are the worst.
Ever. 🙁
We May Be Prescribing Antidepressants Wrong, Claims Concerning New Review
Big Pharma wins again. The early trials of Prozac were so obviously rigged to produce the desired profit. There has always been controversy around antidepressants, especially since most are prescribed by GPs many of whom prescribe antidepressants all too quickly. Exactly what Big Pharma wants. Depression is a real condition and requires treatment but most diagnoses of depression these days are just people going through a bad patch. However depression is not self pity as some here have argued, it is often the very opposite of that, sometimes it clearly has a biological component, but far too often our society is scripting people to think the blues they are experiencing is a disease when it is typically just a maladaptive response to the exigencies of life which leave them feeling overwhelmed because they haven’t been taught or learnt an adaptive response that pulls them through the travails. Try stoicism.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Peter Broelman is hysterical.
David Rowe.
Graeme Bandeira.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
Al Goodwyn.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Gary Varvel.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks, Tom. Broelman really has caught the hysteria.
Via Iowahawk.
Illinois population drops 113k.
At this rate they’ll lose a congressional seat by the time the 2024 elections roll around.
It’s not a surprise, but the selective reporting of COVID cases is really poor “journalism”.
100k new cases in the UK (meaning it’s at least double that).
But the death rate is hardly moving & it’s a month into this one.
New York & California numbers get passing coverage at best.
Texas & Florida numbers are jumped on.
Is Brett Baier of Fox much better than Chris Wallace? You might recall he was on duty on 3rd November 2020 and called Arizona for Biden rather early.
“ Baier interviewed NIH Director Francis Collins on Collin’s last day in office this past Sunday. Baier did a poor job, letting Collins disparage the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration as “fringe epidemiologists” without providing any notion of their professional prominence, the substance of the debate, or their sapience on the issues, for that matter. “
Depression is a disease.
Caused by a combination of Sugar, Carbohydrates, lack of sunlight, poor sleep.
You can’t rationalise your way out of depression, that’s silly.
“As Democrats continue to trash Joe Manchin, we learn that they have succeeded in confirming the highest number of federal judges in the first year of a presidency in four decades. The Senate has confirmed 40 judges this year. That’s more than twice the number in Donald Trump’s first year.
This couldn’t have happened without Joe Manchin. Without Manchin, the West Virginia seat he holds would be occupied by a Republican. Of this, there can be no doubt. West Virginia is a solidly Red state.”
Anyone noticed the work done on Albo’s appearance for the upcoming election? My husband reckons he’s like a second hand car “detailed” for the car lot. But when you start it up, it’s still mis-firing.
How stuffed is America?
USAF goes full retard on gender and pronouns.
No wonder that the Russians and Chinese are not quaking in they/them boots.
Manchin is the latest on the villain rotation cycle.
novavax for the one percenters in January
stairman’s holiday face
no holidays for his social media unit though
Good description Vicki.
Australian constitution experts everywhere
god that caro thing is ugly
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is blaming grocery stores for the explosion in food prices.
has this wealthy old slag ever had a real job?
Rabz, darling, your Lady Ellie is very bootiful. Enjoy.
You just showed me a not-so-good fone foto the other day.
Even fifty years ago she would have escaped the typing pool.
Just coming in here to reassure you of that. 🙂
The most detailed evidence yet of the devastating damage Covid vaccines can do
Dr. Charles Hoffe Delivers A Dose Of Reality
Dr. Hoffe is from Canada. This is truly a firsthand account and covers pretty much all the issues. It’s enough to make you furious.
Lizzie hope you come back on a more permanent basis. The only people that can insult you are your family and those that know you well. The rest don’t matter.
It wasn’t Brett Baier who called Arizona for Biden but a piece of journalistic shit named Chris Stirewalt, the Fox News editor fired shortly after the infamy he brought on the organisation.
NB: As in Australia, 90%+ of journalists are Democrat (ALP-GRN) voters. They are the worst possible people to be deciding what is “news”.
It wasn’t Brett Baier who called Arizona for Biden
Brett Baier did & will continue to do whatever the voice in the ear piece says.