What? They did real journalism?? Sorry that’s not possible.
What? They did real journalism?? Sorry that’s not possible.
It’s not unusual, Lizzie. Williamtown near Newcastle has military and civilian craft in the same space. Also Canberra. Though when…
OSINTdefender@sentdefenderInsane Footage captured by a Ring Doorbell Camera, showing the Learjet 55 spiraling towards the Ground while in Flames, before…
BNO News@BNONews2hBREAKING: New video shows the plane crash in Pennsylvania. Reports of multiple victimsLike a missile strike.
It’s a blunt instrument. You’re going to also kill projects you have no ideological animus towards and/ or may even…
At least I don’t spend my time Googglin’ for a Gotcha, like some.
But let’s say your very minor correction is correct.
How does that change the point of my comment?
But remember, that ambit was SRR’s.
Not any of ours.
Cohenite – Both Thera and Krakatau were phreatomagmatic but Tambora wasn’t. So the problem in the former two were the waves more than the ash, lahars and pyroclastic flows. (The Royal Society report into Krakatau from 1888 is entertaining reading.)
Taupo in NZ was similar to Tambora although 1500 years before. One of the fun thoughts I’ve had is that the Melanesians may have colonized NZ well before the Mauri arrived, but were wiped out by Taupo. The volcano mythology in the Disney movie Moana was fun since it suggested a very long memory of such things in their culture.
Wot JC said.
Or he’ll hit you with his lobster, and I’ll give you Crabs…
Lol.. Thought leader emoting again. Made to appear a fucking imbecile all the time must be tough. What a whacko.
Wally Dali, I realised that about twenty years ago when we drove into the Mt Selwyn ski resort car park and ours was the only sedan there, the rest were SUVs.
Don’t engage. Let it roll around in the muck on it’s own.
I think you can feed them the stuff.
Dunno what they taste like afterwards, though…
You do really know fvckall about history, don’t you? The widow of Edward IV was Elizabeth Woodville, her daughter, Elizabeth of York, married Henry Tudor and was the mother of Henry VIII…
Richard Cranium’s Google-fu has been failing him a lot lately.
I don’t have to “Googling for a Gotcha” where you’re concerned, Grogs. Strange old fashioned things called “books” serve well enough.
Never, ever engage.
I almost slipped up and engaged there, but I caught meself in time.
LOL. Applicability in real life – less than zero.
Eggheads expounding.
The last thing this planet needs during these very troubled times.
“Kiss the boot, of shiny shiny leather …” :
Oops, doubled up the url for the Krakatoa report. Here’s the correct link.
Clutch, Arky! Clutch!
He’s been engaging me all day indirectly. He’s been shown to be a egoistical moron with every argument his posts. A complete loser.
He thinks by saying “never engage”, he’s tricking everyone into thinking he doesn’t when that’s all he’s done . The real offense that ought to be taken is that he thinks people are just as stupid and hallucinatory as he is. Total waste of space.
But that’s enough about me.
Starting point on any discussion about a car industry should be who is the customer base. Local/export or a mix. This is my challenge to the egg heads to find a workable realistic solution.
I bet none can.
But I pledge in the best tokenism tradition to play nice.
Black Puddings at the ready, folks! 😀
With musical accompaniement: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko0U7UjP_6g
Ohh hoo hoo.
Squeal like a pig, boy.
Squeal I say.
Just watching Deliverance again.
Great movie.
But they don’t get speared. 🙁
Potted for export, yes.
The only people who waste time spearing them are those who were aiming for something fishier, missed and got lucky when the spear lodged in something other than rock.
Much like how my sister’s first ever fishing catch turned out not to be a snag, but a Stonefish… 😐
You would have made a great extra.
JC, stop throwing tantrums and start swinging your pudding like everyone else.
You miserable git.
Eeyore – Depression
Better! 🙂
Rex, focus of abusing Ed. That’s your best side.
But, don’t engage…he says. LOl. We make Nafink. Nafink!
Squeal boy, squeal.
The Cat’s on the loose, I tells ya!
Not true. Tropical rock lobsters don’t take to pots. They are speared or commonly now, caught by hand.
All the crays we got back in the day were speared. The cruise ship trade out of Miami only wanted tails.
He owns the site. The boss.
How did that work out, Arkemedes. 🙂
You whack job.
Now, THIS is the JC stoushing I prefer to see…
Colour me corrected. SA and WA’s rock lobsters, as far as I know, are only ever potted. Sometimes farmed, too. They make good eating and command a pretty penny, but are a bit rich for me…
Loved The Goodies when I was a kid.
It is a truism but one of many reasons to have free trade.
Heckscher Ohlin is more applicable in the real world but it has some simplifying assumptions and has about 13 predicates. Most people without a B Ec have never heard of it.
New trade theory explains patterns of trade and FDI.
My own theory is FDI is trade in endowments*, but I never got to test it.
*Consider the argument by Paul Craig Roberts that FDI disproves comparative advantage.
Someone who can’t change a wheel v Someone who rebuilt a car.
Should be a close contest.
Theme song for a rambunctious Wendesday night Cat:
Our lobsters aren’t even real lobsters! Crayfish, I was told by marine biologist friend, Dr Castanza.
The harridan who slapped an 80 year old man unmasked.
‘Baywatch’ Actress, Former Playboy Model Patricia Cornwall Is ‘Karen’ Who Slapped Airline Passenger over Mask
Remember: pigs LIKE it down in the shit.
And they are always looking to find someone to drag down there.
Not me brother.
Play on your own if that’s your game.
Arky watching Deliverance just reminded me: Whatever happened to the creepy kid playing the banjo?
No, that can’t be. Richard Cranium told us her name was fake.
OK, assuming that one is a freshly-conjured nurgling, Dot, what is your acronym for FDI?
I only know of it as a Fire Danger Index, the natural enemy of a fellow who drives (very rarely spark-chucking) old trains in fire-prone forested parts of Western Australia as a hobby…
If you want to learn proper graduate level trade economics (no, you probably don’t):
Freenstra – Advanced International Trade
Markusen – New Trade Theory
Dunning and Narula – FDI and the investment development path
Casson – New International Economics
Yes of course these touch on the theory of the firm (Penrose etc) and you need the undergraduate stuff like Appleyard & Cobb (good explanation of trade diversion) as well as Salvatore. I also recommend International Monetary Economics by Emil Maria Classen.*
*Soon mocked me for bringing up very basic calculus on a blog whilst debating Bird brain.
Oh yea, the slime-ball who accuses libertarians as being dog fuckers is now offering behavioral advice on blogs. The biggest debbie downer to ever find a blog is accusing others of bringing discussions down. FMD. He’s just angry because he can’t make an argument without being shot down. A headcase.. a complete whacko.
Friendly Daddy of Innoculation (Papa Nurgle)
Foreign direct investment
Don’t waste your time, Dot. The numerical genius knows it all. Believes he’s smartest guy in the room.
Tropical lobsters aka painted crayfish are tougher than the sole off a workboot and taste like one as well.
Won’t go into a pot, have to be caught by a hook, a loop wire or speared although why anyone would bother is beyond me.
WA crayfish aka Western Rock Lobster are juicy and delicious and fetch a premium price around the world.
And from personal experience, the freshwater ones (aka ‘yabbies’) are smaller, clawier, angrier and more dangerous to trifle with than their delicious and desired saltwater cousins.
Curiously similar to how freshwater crocks are naster than salties, despite the size discrepancy…
That’s the coldest scene in movie history, when the young feller plays along in that brilliant duet, then after just looks at the guitar player like he is nothing. Nothing.
That’s when you get the feeling someone is going to have to squeal like a pig before this movie is done.
Martin Foley explains Ladder Fu
Also very reference heavy and loaded with empirical data.
I also recommend the Elsevier Handbooks on Development Economics.
Where’s my car industry! Where!
I was watching yabbies at an aquarium.
They front up to each other head to head and a staring contest ensues.
The smaller one will eventually jump backwards, giving victory to the bigger specimen.
I watched one of them front up to a dead one. The dead one was just standing there being dead, and wasn’t really up for the contest, but as the contest involves just holding your ground…
The live feller was getting increasingly agitated because the smaller dead bloke wasn’t conceding. After an inordinately long time it figured out something was wrong with this yabbie and walked of looking a bit confused and dejected.
Sounds painful.
Can you get me some of them animal spirits? 😉
Casson’s book is harder to read than anything I have read other than credit risk modelling (Springer) or Applied Industrial Economics by Phipps (very math heavy game theory, but very insightful).
Casson’s book is conceptually tough, not mathematically rigorous like the above.
Different from Foreign portfolio investment.
The Simpsons: Grandpa and Lampwick Fist Fight
Did Springer talk about VAR, value at risk?
Hi Bird.
IIRC it was a separate book.
No it’s not. Ideally trade in balance is best. The mirror of a trade surplus is a deficit on the capital account, which means capital is leaving the country. Why is it a good thing when domestic investors have to go overseas to find adequate return on capital? I’d love an explanation.
Similarly a trade deficit may mean that ROI is higher than the rest of the world which is why we’re attracting capital.
So, in effect, having the capital to splash about and buy other folks’ stuff thanks to prudent savings and so forth, potentially offsets said folks’ economic advantage of being better able to manufacture or mine something because it more readily abundant for them than others?
Just out of curiosity, what does Simon Goddeck think about Newtonian physics?
Rex, you may be familiar with the railway dams along the old narrow gauge railway line between Yellowdine and Coolgardie in WA.
Chock a block with gilgies (aka “yabbies”). Throw in a pot with a bit of roadkill and in an hour you will have a bucket full of them.
Also the fattest and best fed rabbits to be had with a .22 and a spotlight as they feed on the greenery around the dams. Rabbit traps are useless as as soon as a rabbit gets caught and starts squealing the huge feral cats come from nowhere and pinch your feed.
Oh, lordy.
I seem to have interrupted some lofty economics discussion.
I’ve been privy to some interesting photo tours and dicussions about them, certainly.
Some incredible engineering, particularly where the WAGR used stone retaining walls and channels to direct rainfall off the granite rocks in some particularly dry areas to form them. Clever, clever folks… 🙂
And still giving, 100+ years later. 🙂
Actually Wilmott was tough, JC. He made/promoted a better system of financial maths with non-Brownian randomness. So you have to go back and tweak the assumptions of the calculus used as it is applied to statistical data. Millvian calculus, I believe it is a called. I understood bits and pieces.
Still reckon Phipps was a tougher read.
Nah. You’ve just walked into a developing Birdstrike.
Hang about. It’s gonna be fun… 😉
Is there anything you think about at all, Graeme, that does not involve oligarchies, conspiracies and Juice?
Not even canals?
yeah I thought that too Rex
Also, for your future reference, don’t call Struth a c*** on his own blog, and you might actually have a place to stay.
Friendly advice, offered in a spirit of benevolence… 🙂
Joe Biden prints a lot of money and China pegs – we get a trade surplus, but not necessarily a BOP surplus (although highly likely) or deficit.
Try to remember what the BOP actually is.
Interesting… A doctor schoolmate in South Africa has told me they not playing anymore, taken their bat, stumps and all. Get over it. The health department has decreed that Covid is no longer a reportable disease, no more testing, limited self quarantine. Somebody has finally done an intelligent cost benefit analysis and got a sane result. They cant afford the costs of “mitigation”, and have found living with it easier.
Listen up you retarded dickhead.
Did you see that the oil exploration offshore of Sydney was effectively banned in the last two months?
That’s the real reason why we cannot produce “things” anymore.
An attitude to regulate and tax the economy to death.
Which taboos are those, Graeme?
I think he just did. In turn, when is a surplus not truly a surplus?
Perhaps when the trade and currency values are artificially manipulated as Dot said, by a centrally-planned pegged currency (Chinese renminbi) and by money printing (most Western nations)?
‘Nite all.
Bird strike solution.
And these too, screw with trade surplus and deficits, Graeme. Sovereign risk.
Why would I put good money into corrupt regimes where I might have it all taken off me at a whim? They do it, our own Governments have started doing it, too.
Sorry Rex
Fat fingers like me need an un-report button…
Seen this show many times and it ends with something bout the lizard people running the world. So good night.
Nice, Pedro. 🙂
Though I think you are a trifle under-gunned.
Try this…
Good on them. 🙂
There are also a lot of expats who would like to come home and see family, but stymied by border closures and worse, the apparent non-recognition of AstraZeneca (for the oldies) by the SA govt up to this point.
Who is Thought Leader?
You can’t spend policy, Graeme. Else the Soviets would have won the Cold War before World War 2 started, and the Mao-era Chinese with all their internal propaganda wpuld have been the world’s pre-eminent economic power in the 1960s.
And the millions of developmental aid poured into it by the USA’s Marshall Plan programme immediately post-1945 as a practical deterrent to the attractions of Soviet-style commu ism clearly had nothing to do with that, right?
Ditto the millions spent on restoring and stabilising Europe?
Or was this all mere magnanimity that would have happened all by itself, Graeme?
Oh Graeme, he answered your question already. And yet, you are so entrapped by your own messiah-complex that you won’t see…
We run a trade surplus with China and we run a surplus on our balance of payments. We’ve reliably run a surplus against China like forever. Our economy is far more open than theirs.
Argh a Furniture Store reject. God help us. Where’s a rabbi when you need one?
And I take it that all these ‘professional taboos’ you claim blind us all, are somehow inextricably linked to some debbil-debbil Oligarchy, Graeme?
I’m going to feed the nano wrigglers.
Welp, if I were a rich man…
[I’d be answering Graeme’s madness-powered magical thinking exactly the same way. Just using a slightly more expensive device]
Line them up and put them to work doing something useful.
5 Reported Comments says you call someone a c*** before then and get banned, Graeme! 🙂
They’ve gotten a bit flabby and slow since they ate all of the Universe’s aether, and have had nothing much to do since except infest cotton buds and frighten small children…
Where is your pressurised reaction vessel, Graeme?
And don’t tell me you can drink the reagents and fart it all out…
he can be funny but
shame he’s bat-shit crazy
You idiot. You’ve been shown by fair means (JC) and foul (Dot and I). That you choose to keep dancing about with ‘muh perfeshmel tattooz!’ indicates you should be in bed. Not wasting yet another of your IP addresses on this blog.
O.K., if you must bring the qualifier, “ultimately”, into it, then I’d say ‘The Perfect Accountant’ will ultimately balance the books so that the screw over merchants will ultimately wish they hadn’t have screwed over honest labourers.
In the mean time, I know a lot of old labourers who own more than one home thanks to the steady work & overtime they had in the car industry.
Simon Goddeckstein is not to be listened to on economic matters.
He’s banned from hospitals and train stations, you see.
And was this pre- or post-Protocols, Graeme?
Given that objective right vs. wrong with you comprises frantically agreeing with whatever magical thinking you’ve seized on in the last 10 minutes while you were in the bath, Graeme, I think I’ll roll with JC and Dot’s take. Perfeshnul tattooz or not…
Or did you stare into the Numerical abyss, and Numbers stared back, Cthulhu-style?
Welp, that’s new.
Half an hour ago, you were abusing Dot and I about that, Graeme. And how this was impossible and wrong.
Please do try to keep your line of argument together, or just drop the pretence and start screaming about Juice.and calling us c***s.
Whatever makes your brain hurt less…
So what you’re saying is that by saving and being productive you get a surplus.
Never work.
We’re not squirrels.
Nuts. 🙁
You don’t need nuts.
You can just borrow someone else’s at these interest rates.
Arrr, feck!
KD, I mis-reported you while going for the thumbs-up.
The touchscreen oligarchy strikes again… 🙁
Yeah. The present regime of decimal percentages and negative rates confuse me.
I thought I’d be obliged to share my own… 🙁 🙁
Graeme you puffed up moron I answered your rather unremarkable question at 10:31 PM tonight.
The Japs have never been the same since that Knights Templar expedition in 1172, that’s for sure. I don’t know why the nips agreed to change currency to the Gold Pig, which became the Yen after the 1688 Glorious Revolution.
Oh you blithering idiot.
Let’s stop private sector projects like new businesses with high start up costs, also, let’s ban getting a home loan.
Magical thinking, Graeme.
If selling and resolving debt only makes a negative in the system worse, why bother?
You sound like you’ve been blowing proponents of Modern Monetary Theory, them of the ‘Print until you’ve run out of paper! Then there will be no debt!’ brigade.
The Perfezhnel T.a.t.u of this age is Inflation is not inflation if we say it is not inflation, and not one of those debbil-debbil blue-collar proles like Rex or actual traders like JC or dissident fools who like to knock on the economic engine to see how it sounds like Dot can say otherwise! Cuz we in charge and they aint!
Magical thinking, Graeme. Just like your every pronouncement…
You mean… Teh Oligarck-[R]eee?
So if debt means nothing, Graeme, why do folks go out of their way to buy it up?
Like the Chinese at one point making strenuous efforts to buy US Soveriegn Debt?
If being a creditor does not mean you have your debtor’s bollocks in a sling, as we find every time a business of any size collapses in capitalism and the administrators amd debt-collectors move in, does that not mean the entire system is a sham and does not work?
Magical thinking, Graeme. Between that, personal abuse and an obnoxious monomania with the sons of Abraham, you are a very small person…
No. Sloppy nonsense.
You cannot say this is a certain prediction in the short term (it is only ever partly true outside of highly simplified theoretical models) and you certainly cannot prove it is true in the long run.
Shades of MMT and utter ignorance of a floating exchange rate.
So you’ve just been pulling your dick for a few hours coming up with ridiculous ideas to get a trade surplus in such absurd ways that even 1970s academics would shy away from.
Gee thanks for educating all of us dummies.
Rex Anger, it’s not that you and others just make shit up, it’s not that no one cares to call out the bullshit anymore unless it’s themselves being bullshitted about (and we all know that counts as a double negative against the bullshitted about), it’s the filthy ill will demonstrated by your glee in mocking all human trafficking victims, that makes you & your ilk too f’n’ dark to want to be around, as no doubt intended.
Anyway …
You, Rex Anger, are only one of countless self selecting Stasi, constantly running about looking for people to brand, “Unpersonned”, and eventually we all pay for our choices.
You absurd idiot. The only components are imports and inbound FDI? You clown.
So you want high exports from low exchange rates but also money and credit so restricted that loans are mostly small business investment in machinery and you also want high interest rates to stimulate savings even though you would restrict the demand for loans?
What a load of unworkable dirigiste nonsense.
You fraudulent moron.
Now you’re saying capital goods cannot be funded by debt?
You are slowly turning into Imam Graeme, as predicted years ago.
Yes Graeme. Debt is mostly Haram. Whatever you say, Insh’allah.
I got it right, you presented a very simplified (incorrect) version of it which supports your partially correct (incorrect) predictions.
No, I am right, you are wrong.
You are mangling the accounting identity so it produces your desired outcome (your mangling of accounting identities is very limited in its representation of reality) as to conform with your Nation of Islamic ideology.
Poor Mrs Faulty. You came in with a throwaway line how subsidising the car industry was beneficial to the working class. And how the money wasted on the coof response was for non-working class folks’ power fantasies. And got butthurt when your mean-spirited and morally small interjection was treated with the derision it deserved.
I quiver in my boots, Mrs Faulty. This is almost as awful as when Bird calls me a n****r or a c***…
Come now, Graeme. You’ve just about hit the end of your latest ambit. You’ve gone completely off-track from where you began, and your magical thinking is now so magical, I’m waiting for the forum to be invaded by an influx of Care Bears and unicorn ponies.
Start talking about terraforming Mars, or how 9/11 was somehow an atomic demolition job done by the oligarchy’s Underpants Gnomes (Phase 1- Blow up the Building. Phase 2-??????. Phase 3- Total Control and Enslavement and Genocide of everyone), and be done with it.
At him, Dot!
He’s up to whining like a toddler and pointing his grubby little fingers…
“Daniel Andrews TRIPLES the number of public service bosses earning up to $479,900 while ordinary Victorians endure the world’s longest lockdown
Number of public service executives in Victoria has tripled since 2014
There was an increase of 271 in the past year alone, latest figures show
The premier has created a bigger Government while the private sector battled ”
No, they are not public servants.
If they were they would serve the public and end this Wu Flu Farce.
Call them what they are, the working class stepped up to the privileged positions of the Stasi class.
Sounds terribly French, Dot.
And aside from semi-manipulative foreign trade deals for military hardware and civil avaiation, I do not recall the French being a particular economic powerhouse anytime in the last 40-50 years…
You do understand that the majority of Public Servants are not working class, correct, Mrs Faulty?
‘Authorised Officers’ tend not to be redeployed street sweepers or typists. By design and intent, they are people with significant prior qualifications and credentials, with a sector-specific Cert IV or Diploma tacked on.
Unless you choose to consider anyone with at least a Bachelor’s Degree to be ‘Working Class,’ which I do agree is not an unreasonable claim to make in this post-Whitlam era of Tertiary Degrees For [Almost] All…
Now I see where Struth gets his pattern of rhetorical face-planting, then claiming his blood on his face is someone else’s from…
Graeme baby, you only started talking about manipulation of surpluses after we showed you it spoiled your original claim about always being able to run a trade surplus despite any barrier or tariff.
For heaven’s sake, man! Hold your line of argument. An external observer might be forgiven for thinking you were mad and unable to maintain coherency. Oh wait…
C’mon Graeme, just call me a c*** and get it over and done with.
I am starting to feel sorry for you able to keep a coherent train of thought here…
There we go.
Couldn’t help yourself at last, could you Graeme?
Couldn’t a resist a few These arch-manipulators are so clever. We didn’t stand a chance. And But certain taboos and trip-wires have been implanted in Australian Christianity and so … And waiting with childish glee for your prophesied massive explosion of cosmic skullduggery bearing down on us.
All magical thinking. As much as your ‘basic economics…’
Of course not. Because by the time I wake up tomorrow morning, WA Time, you’ll be gone again in a flash of pixellated feathers and a silent scream of rage.
And folks will be looking back at the scattered fragments of half-conversation, shrugging to each other and whispering ‘Birdstrike,’ before carrying on with their day. Another day, another burned IP address.
Have a happy and stable New Year, Graeme. I have no doubt we’ll be forcibly made to make your acquaintance again before long…
They live in their little bubbles and are incapable of looking at the larger picture. Small minds, small views.
…on tonight’s episode of Australian Public Servants…
*Cue A Country Practice theme.
Go away, Graeme.
We are done with your latest outburst of unwisdom.
Go to bed.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Peter Broelman.
Brian Adcock.
Michael Ramirez.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Patrick Cross.
Bob Gorrell.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks Tom.
On Zulu’s post above:
West Australian Police Commissioner Chris Dawson’s fight to end alcohol mayhem
Observation of “banned drinker registers” and other preventative methods of limiting alcohol in the NT suggests such measures are useless.
All that happens is the “dry communities” get to kick out their itinerants to the bigger towns and cities. There they congregate to live in filthy and violence-filled “town camps” which are basically collections of them fuelled by marauding taxi drivers who take cash orders and go to the bottle shops to feed the addiction.
The bottle-O’s have security guards, and all of the spirits behind wire grilles to prevent casual dash-and-grab raids. You also have the laughable situation of a “floor tax”which means a $5 bottle of wine down south is $1 up north. The difference goes into the pocket of the bottleshop owner.
Added to all of this is the confusion on the faces of tourists who are told they cannot buy anything without acceptable photo id.
Good luck to the northern WA authorities. They should refuse to allow “dry communities” and force the townships to deal with their own violent drunks. At least that way there would not be thousands of them on the streets of The Alice, Katherine, Tennant, and Darwin.
My last sentence would read better as: “At least that way there would not be thousands of them on the streets, as there are in The Alice, Katherine, Tennant, and Darwin.”
Someone said that tropical crayfish aren’t that good to eat, I don’t know where the Port Moresby RSL on Ela Beach got theirs from in the 70’s but they were delicious, two Kina would get you as much to eat and drink as you wanted. I loved them.
I used to do a bit of scuba diving in the area and never saw a crayfish, people said they were there.
Someone said that tropical crayfish aren’t that good to eat, I don’t know where the Port Moresby RSL on Ela Beach got theirs from in the 70’s but they were delicious, two
Bit like asking to describe the worst blowjob you’ve ever received…
Duplicating my comment on Kates’ thread:
The China virus has brought out in western governments a strong streak of “chinese” totalitarianism that was latent, now patent.
Here we are with admissions that the bug is now endemic, not pandemic, that it is attenuated in effect – but we have renewed QR code movement tracing and “you will obey” mask play-acting.
Thank you Tom.
Could you pls pass along tips to the cartoonists…
1. I think COVID protocols and the 3 wise men cartoons have been done to death. Pls Move along.
2. Depicting the new year as a baby and the current as an old man has been done since Adam played junior footy. Lazy cartooning IMHO
3. As for Garrison, if you need to write so many labels in a cartoon, what’s the point of doing a cartoon?
Thank you.
Damn! Robert Malone had just been suspended from Twitter.
183,000 cases in the UK yesterday and yet the death toll hasn’t shown any corresponding rise with the OmiGod! strain, in fact, it’s decreased significantly over the last two days.
AZ may be the reason as some immunologists suggest that it’s rather effective against the virus but not in the measurements used by the big pharma drug pushers.
It’s over folks and the length of the epidemic was brought to you politicians and the health bureaucracy. It’s not crazy or unscientific to argue that all the measures used have merely delayed the normal mutating of the virus into a less lethal form.
South Africa should receive a world award for its low immunisation and breeding efforts.
So Australian premiers are going to cynically ride “omicrons” total nothingness, a mild common cold, to “We Did It!” Vaccine Victory, while simultaneously literally telling everyone that the vaccine doesn’t work against omicron and ordering that you must get another dose against something that sends nobody to hospital.
The sound like Amway salesmen hocking an end of year glut of product. It’s degrading.
Also watching the CHOs press conferences it’s clear that the concept of catching an ultra mild virus and gaining natural immunity to it is essentially, if not explicitly considered an anachronism in their field, and is to be continue to be banned in favour of a drug dependent population going forward in this country as far as they are concerned.
I say this based on the smirking dismissal the QLD Led Luther looking CHO gave to that exact very important question yesterday: “get your booster” he mocked a double jabbed reporter who asked if it’s not better to just catch omicron and gain natural immunity. “sounds like those chickenpox parties” he smilingly warned bringing in an old vaccination Nazi attack on “anti vaxxers”. The journalist got the message and immediately shutup.
What he should have done is ask that given the vaccines definitionally don’t work – that is provide immunity, how, without natural immunity, is this ever going to end.
They. Are. Idiots.
Also I watched NSW witchdoctor Chant put her foot in it something shocking re “he who must not be named” natural immunity.
After 40 minutes of Soviet level propaganda contradictions within around this whole thing as aboves, she went off script and attempted to show off Science(tm), re the reason that after two years of taking a baseball bat to the population because Cases, now suddenly when there are 10,000 cases they don’t care anymore.
Now we know, but they’re telling the story so it’s fitting to ask. So she dragoons “Science(tm)” in to rescue her “it’s actually got science behind it, in South Africa there was a big increase then a big drop off as people caught it then gained an immunity boost…” Realizing what she was saying and how much trouble she was going to be in mentioning the unmentionable she quickly blurts out like a tourettes sufferer: “which is something like a vaccine boost”.
What she was talking about obviously was herd immunity, remember that whole thing? Pre 2019 you couldn’t get Chant etc to shut up about it, now it is banned.
Let me guess what your drug addled, tiny little mind believes Bird.
A. Khazarians.
B. Lizard people.
C. The Royal Family.
D. Satanic pedophile elite NWO cabalists.
E. Actually all of the above, it was The Shoes!
Now now, you can’t in a rather milquetoast manner point out most of the medical establishment is wrong, your facts and logic are not wanted here.
Facts and logic? We do Science here, Dr Malone and it changes from time to time.
““The evidence suggests that Edward was sent to live out his days on his half-brother’s land as long as he kept quiet, as part of a deal reached between his mother and Richard III, and later with Henry Tudor.”
Absolute rubbish. Henry Tudor was utterly ruthless in dealing with his enemies, the few remaining Plantagenets who managed to survive his reign attested to that ruthlessness. Henry Tudor’s hold on the throne was always shaky and insecure and thus he was unflinchingly ruthless when dealing with his enemies, particularly those in his family and in his wife’s family. There’s no way, no way in the world, that Henry would have tolerated one of the little princes in the tower….Edward……living out his days in Dorset. And if one of the princes in the tower did, why did he remain mute when Perkin Warbeck appeared?
The whole thing is codswallop.
Richard III instigated the murder of the little princes in the tower…..and yes, I’ve read Josephine Tey’s book. It’s a good book but it’s fiction. All historical evidence points to Richard.
After two years of ordering you to get tested no matter what, with Jonestown hothouse level real and ugly threats following, social shaming, and imprisonment if you refused. They all turned on a dime and are now chiding people for turning up to get tested.
This is the most naked and grandest manipulation and leading by the nose of a population I think we’ve ever seen.
Globalist Corporations Begin Seizing Farmland in America Under Eminent Domain to Halt Food Production in the Name of Fighting Climate Change
They seem to be working hard on creating famine.
And this is a perfect example of the “whatever happens it’s our fault” climate change narrative developed to underpin the power grab. From Buzzfeed under “Science/Climate –
“Baked From The Inside Out”: 2021 Proved Climate Change Is Here And It Is Deadly
Surely de la Pole had a better claim?
I see they’ve watered down the definition of ‘close contact’ in order to lessen testing workloads.
It’s an admission that the health systems that governments have had TWO YEARS to apparently fortify are still money pits with avaricious self-perpetuating public servants at their bottoms, and more importantly that the fucking thing isn’t deadly.
Also a black pill, this is summer. This is meant to be the time they leave us alone.
Remember last summer in the depths of the “pandemic”? I was freely traveling back and forth to NSW and going to the beach down there and totally free.
Now a year later and at a billion % vaccinated with the ” mild” variant we’re all permanently under “restrictions”, mass testing, masks, quarantine. Funny that isn’t it?
So we don’t even get summer respite now. It’s covid mania 365 days a year.
Here’s a fun thought. AZ has been withdrawn now because after two shots people become immune to the adenovirus vector that AZ uses to supply the spike mRNA.
So what if the immunity to the adenovirus (which is a cold virus) is causing immunity to the Omicron strain (which is also a cold virus)?
It’d be wonderfully ironic.
Yes. There’s a school of thought that it was a “who will rid me of this turbulent priest?” situation, conveniently absolving the monarch of the crime, but it all sheets back to Richard as their protector. Of course the Tudors were masters of propaganda – the “Tudor rose” being one of the most enduring symbols. The Yorkists were to be obliterated and disgraced.
I thought the skeletons under the stair were found to be unrelated, possibly animal bones.
Also, we’re talking about an age where children were expendable, and royal children were political pawns. A bit more civilised than the ancient world, but nothing remotely like the way we view children today.
What’s everyone’s odds on how long the clowns in charge keep the theatre going for?
Living in Victoria, I’m going with a minimum six months. The pandemic laws were passed after all, so have to be used. Will also be useful to keep the attention of Dear Leader’s failings.
What’s even “funnier” is that we have banned the better treatments – Ivermectin, Covaxin & Novavax.
All demonstrably safer and more efficacious by a considerable margin.
It is almost like people with a God/Messiah complex wanted us to be dependent on them.
The Public Health Acts MUST be repealed.
Bang on. Henry Tudor got the arse out of Pomland, and had to raise and entire army sufficient to kick arse, going into debt and making all sorts of promises doing it, then tromp through English sludge for months before having Dick III publicly displayed after Bosworth and then grab an insecure crown with other more substantial claimants to it still walking around.
There is zero chance he said to the strongest claimants to his throne ‘yeah, just go and live in Dorset with the sheep, and please don’t tell anyone you’re supposed to be the King of England.’
Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines has been suspended from Twitter for calling out Pfizer’s dodgy practices.
Apparently he’s going to be on Joe Rogan’s show today or tomorrow for anyone who’s interested.
Pfizer should be disbanded and it’s execs jailed. Surely the biggest scandal on earth at the moment is their influence and corruption of governments across the globe.
It’s also an admission that some things can’t be controlled by man. Doctors and scientists are not Gods. They can’t hold back the tide anymore than they can part the seas, or walk on water.
The arrogance, it’s blinding.
Inevitably, they have lost control. What should have occurred 19 months ago, is about to eventuate. Years of lost freedom (and hundreds of billions of wasted dollars) later.
“Just one more dose and we’ll finally be free” they say as they place more restrictions on you than when you had none.
Always remember that the QLD government announced unvaccinated people would be placed under movement control orders by telling us they were “giving Queenslanders more freedoms”.
Now two weeks later everyone is back in masks and we’re still banned from life. One step backwards, two steps backwards with these people.
Secret clues in the church.
‘Like a Dan Brown novel.’
Fuck off.
The de la Poles should have arced up when Charles I was screwing up, but they took their eyes off the prize.
Alexa, who paid the largest corporate fine in US history?
I put it out there last year that we’re in a replay of last century. Except instead of the population’s private economic decisions and material state being socialized and seized and centrally planned by legions of big brained beaureucrats and controlled from the capitals, it’s the populations private health.. Essentially the nationalization of the immune system.
Vaccines don’t stop Covid hospitalizations or deaths
They never have, even at peak effectiveness. A huge US database offers proof
You forgot about the inevitable backslapping, AMs and other gongs & softball journalism as to how these superhuman geniuses saved humanity from the common cold.
“There is zero chance he said to the strongest claimants to his throne ‘yeah, just go and live in Dorset with the sheep, and please don’t tell anyone you’re supposed to be the King of England.’”
Quite so…..it’s actually laughable. If you want to read a good book on just how ruthless Henry VII and his son Henry VIII were when dealing with claimants, please read Desmond Seward’s book “The Last White Rose: The Spectre at the Tudor Court, 1485–1547”.
Henry VII sent assassins to continental Europe to hunt down claimants, even as far as Hungary. Numerous Poles, de la Poles, Plantagenets and so on were on the run for decades, living in fear. I find it laughable that both Henry VII and Henry VIII would sit back and allow Edward Plantagenet, the son of Edward V and Elizabeth Woodville, to live out his life in anonymity in rural Dorset. Laughable.
Finally, some geezer at a press conference when asked how long QLDers would be in masks for said “until we reach 90%”.
So there you go. Masks aren’t in any way linked to cases or illness but to a completely arbitrary vaccination target. Masks as method of coercion and compliance and they aren’t even pretending otherwise.
“but it all sheets back to Richard as their protector”
UK: Vaccine effectiveness ZERO for hospitalization
Edward IV, Cassie.
Edward V was the young prince in the tower. Almost as short a “reign” as Queen Jane.
Finally have a family member curious enough to ask exactly WHY we remain unvaxed. Am sending them a small number of carefully selected articles one by one. Most people are entirely unaware that rational opposition exists, they just assume that the non-vaxxed are ignorant.
The FMIC has been running dead on the story of Ray Epps and January 6th
Until now…
Carlton AFLW errr “star” reveals “they” is.. errr I mean they are of course, non-binary.
That’s two, and counting, there’s bound to be more over time as young hormonal girls think about how much they hate their mum and dad.
Hospital pass to the commentators. Now obliged to run a “pronouns” sheet to get the call correct on both pronouns and verbs, with a tenses tripwire in there too. “She is pulling up her socks for a tight angle attempt” becomes “they are pulling up their socks”…
Revolver News exposed this guy months ago.
December 30, 2021 at 8:33 am
Edward IV, Cassie.
Edward V was the young prince in the tower. Almost as short a “reign” as Queen Jane.”
Quite right Calli. Apologies.
Fuck off, arseclown.
You have to be a glowie with this level of confected stupidity.
Paid disruptors such as yourself deserve Bane’s Court and a special place in hell.
“Carlton AFLW errr “star” reveals “they” is.. errr I mean they are of course, non-binary.”
I’m so sick of this shit.
‘There is no virus.’
So it’s just the nano-wrigglers you can see?
It’s a shitnado.
– covid
– crt and blm
– gender crud
– brandon
– fauxservatives
And that’s just the tip of the shitberg.
There are glowies everywhere.
Don’t lose heart, the establishment is pooping their depends…I’m Joe Biden and I am running for the Canadian Senate in the Province of St Pierre and Miquelon.