Nothing stopping them from getting grants from industry instead.
Nothing stopping them from getting grants from industry instead.
Couldn’t agree more.
It makes it very easy.
Yep. Why did you get this smaller jar? I ask Hairy. That the way it comes now, he says. Price…
Macquarie Uni was established in 1964 at great expense no doubt- what net benefit has to brought to Australia? I…
John Hancock is what Americans refer to as a signature in slang. Instead of “sign here please’, their slang is “put your John Hancock here”.
Groogs is really be bopping the wrongology tonight. He’s all over the place – cherries, succession law …. Only the golden thread of wrongness runs through them all.
Timothy, if possible, have a look at the volume of taxation law changes from 1980’s onward. Then Keating brought in taxation rulings which did not have force in law but were widely referenced. I think in the 70’s most accountants only needed a single CCH volume for most tax returns. Now what is required can probably fill a bookshelf. I’m relying on very distant and not employment related memories so others should have more information.
So it isn’t just the new laws, it is the expansion of existing laws.
You are of course 100% correct. As a tax lawyer myself I can tell you that the legislation which used to occupy one printed volume in the early 1980’s now takes four larger volumes with smaller print. And those volumes don’t even include the rulings.
For the gym freaks. Some surprising results in the research. There can be some value in incorporating isometrics into a workout but isometrics are not a substitute. This is not about what is better but rather what is appropriate for the intended goals.
A bioneer beast.
Can’t you convert them into a separate format (PDF/Mobi/Epub ect) and save the copies?
I dunno.
Can I?
Download a free PDF Converter program .. I use Ice Cream PDF Converter (but there are lotza different ones available) .. does batch as well as single conversion with a coupla clicks .. I’ve just batch converted an Ian Rankin collection, 26 books, from Epub to PDF in 20 minutes .. reason I go with PDF is they are readable thru various progs/devices rather than stand alone stuff ……
Welp, Bird wore out his welcome at the Furniture Store at last. Struth finally nuked him this evening- For calling him a c***.
Struth had a bit of a flap and wax lyrical about how he is the bestest and the greatest and ‘exposed’ Bird for what he was, and how everyone else is afraid of being called ‘Nazis’ and so nuke Bird on sight.
But it was really because Bird called him a c***. And Struth did not like that…
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Morten Morland.
Brian Adcock.
A.F. Branco.
Gary Varvel.
Patrick Cross.
First let me say that Inheritance Taxes are double dipping taxes, and therefore theft.
Second. It was sold to the Queensland public because the wealth level which incurred death duties had not been revised since the 1940’s and had started to bite even those of modest means. As per the mindset that still exists in Australia today, it’s fine to tax the shit out of ‘the rich’ with all manner of targeted taxes, in order to enhance ‘fairness’ and distribute wealth, but when it bites ‘me, me, me’, it’s a bloody travesty.
As per a lot of things today, if laws and legislation where applied equally to every single Australian, without favour or exception, this country would be a better, more united, place.
A single line addition to our constitution, stating this, could resolve a great many issues.
No special superannuation entitlements and age restrictions for politicians.
No essential versus non-essential jobs during pandemics.
No special ‘closing-the-gap’ freebies for the Aborigines.
No tax brackets, just a flat percentage.
All or none.
Let’s see Labor introduce Death Duties when Sally of Tarneit is going to lose 40% of her inheritance, regardless of how modest it may be.
Japan embraces Ivermectin and it works! Who’d a thunk it?
Meanwhile we are governed by globalist muppets.
via Jo Nova
Yep, My Mil and her sister are proof of this. Is Ed Homer Paxton?
How many Russia Hoaxes have there been? Apparently the dossier has been rewritten a few times over ten years or more, and used against various characters before it was aimed at Trump, says
Gateway Pundit
Had an interesting experience up here in a NSW beachside town yesterday.
With the government having gone the full mask retard again, I was forced to wear one to go into a bakery to buy the young lads a pie each.
On exiting the bakery and removing the face nappy, an attractive, well dressed 30+ year old woman approached me and asked if she could ‘borrow’ my mask so she could likewise enter the establishment. Clearly, she didn’t give a rats rectum about my vaccination status, or my potentially carrying the virus, she just wanted her bread. I gladly donated my 50c turtle killer to this damsel in distress.
Her care factor for this bullshit was clearly zero. It warmed my heart.
Which two journalists might be connected to both the Russia Hoax and the “get Project Veritas” exercise involving a certain young woman’s diary?
And (surprise, surprise) which news group do they work for?
via Powerline
Mater opines:
Some Battler earns $20 grand in a year, pays 20% Tax, he won’t even be able to put a roof over his head and feed himself.
Some NufNuf that inherited an Income Stream of $1,000,000/year pays 20% Tax, it’s a drop in the Champagne bucket, but he’ll still be bitchin’ an’ moanin’ like a MoFo about it.
Here’s the thing you’re missing:
There’s always going to be many multiples more Battlers than there are people livin’ High on the Hog who don’t have to work at all.
So the question becomes:
in the interests of Australia and Australians, is it better to help the battlers or should Hoarders be looked after and encouraged?
Because you can’t do both.
No, you idiot.
She was trying to pick you up!
I’m not missing a thing, Ed.
One pays $4,000 tax, and the other pays $200,000. Which one is contributing more to “the interests of Australia and Australians”? That’s what’s great about percentages, they’re proportional.
Also, Tax free thresholds exist for a reason, and they apply to all…even those with a $1m income stream.
She’s only human!
More Mater:
Yet Australia was a better, fairer, more united place when State Death Duties were in operation.
Death Duties discouraged mindless hoarding, among other things.
I heard of a bloke in Brisbane who owned 700 houses, started as a penniless migrant, used Vendor Finance back in the day when existing inner city houses were hard to sell, the BCC had a Department devoted solely to dealings with this guy.
He died, left 4 or 5 kids a million each and the rest of his Estate to his latest wife, who was worth $ 100 odd million in her own right.
So it went to the Courts, probably still in the Courts …
Here’s the point:
If Death Duties in Qld were still Law he woulda been incentivised not to mindlessly hoard 700 houses, the Courts wouldn’t be clogged up with bullshit, the BCC wouldna have had to employ a Department to deal with this FruitLoop and everybody woulda been better off.
….Because you can’t do both.
This is absolutely correct!
The economy NEVER shifts in response to changed regulatory conditions.
Tax cuts for investment have NEVER resulted in higher employment levels and thus increased demand for labour and thus higher wages.
That’s why when Reagan and Thatcher followed the advice of Art Laffer they both plunged their countries from happy prosperity in 1979-80 to poverty and misery by about 1988.
You KNOW it makes sense !!!!!!
Ed Case says:
December 28, 2021 at 7:16 am
So the question becomes:
in the interests of Australia and Australians, is it better to help the battlers or should Hoarders be looked after and encouraged?
Because you can’t do both.
What an idiotic argument!
You cherry-pick an outlier hypothetical and compare it to another tug-at-your-heart-strings BS and pretend you’re making a rational argument.
If I’m not mistaken, the top 5% of earners pay something like 45% of income tax in good old egalitarian Oz. And that doesn’t include the dozens of other taxes hidden by this gangrenous, thieving government.
Apparently, that’s just not fair, the hard workers should be paying much more, doncha know?
I often wonder how and why you keep posting here, just to be abused 99.99% of the time.
So, do… kindly.. fuck off!
You’re welcome.
If Death Duties in Qld were still Law he woulda been incentivised not to mindlessly hoard 700 houses,
This is absolutely correct!
No-one EVER bothered to get rich when State death duties were in operation.
You KNOW it makes sense !!!!
Ok, you win. I’m convinced that paying taxes twice is a good thing.
Hard cases make bad law.
Besides, what’s wrong with this outcome…other than offending your envy ridden values and principles? A penniless immigrant makes good, and you want the government to steal it to provide for you because you didn’t?
5 minutes ago you were talking Flat Tax rates, now it’s Income Threshholds.
Let say the Battler earns $40 grand then and the Income Threshhold is $ 20 grand.
He’s still battling, he’s still gotta pay GST on everything he’s still gotta pay exhorbitant Taxes on Fuel, either directly or indirectly, the NufNuf on a $Million/year who’s never worked in his life is still unaffected and is basically a Free Rider
This is always the underlying motive.
Did you miss the bit about thresholds applying to all?
That doesn’t contravene my ‘equality for all’ principle.
Please do take Gilas’ advice.
Take away one of the States revenue streams and they become dependent on The Feds, who’ve also got to get the money somehow.
But enough about the Labor decision during WW II to remove income taxing powers from the states. Perhaps they should have those powers returned to them, with the Commonwealth relying on the GST, excise and limited tariffs?
Thanks for making my case for me.
This outcome (the bulk of the populous hurting from taxes and excise) would drive better, more considered government policy and spending.
When I say “bulk”, you’d be an idiot to think there’s more than a tiny percentage of Australians who have an income stream of $1m+. Even fewer still who don’t work damned hard for it.
Mmmm…the benefits of eating cherries. Thanks for that info Dot.
Also refreshing to read of Mater’s encounter with an un-Karen.
Still got a full house. All off to the HV to the zoo, some wineries and the Christmas light show. They hand over the baton to the next lot on NYE. After that I will need a holiday.
Taxation isn’t theft.
Where’s the Double Dipping?
He woulda paid Stamp Duty on the Houses, so you say he and his Heirs
can own them in Perpetuity?
State Death Duties are a legit Tax, it encouraged people to arrange their affairs rather than leave it to the Courts [free riding] and it prevented hoarding, where a few people own a colossal share of the Wealth.
This used to be called The Commonwealth of Australia.
That’s become a joke since State Death Duties were abolished.
A more appropriate description would be the EliteWealth of Australia, Commoners do not matter.
It would appear that Ed has decided I’m in his sights.
Think carefully before you start accusing me of things you say I said.
It may not end necessarily to your advantage.
It is expropriation, this and an unrealised capital gain tax should be resisted at almost any cost, you ignorant, braindead commie twit.
You are far too generous in your assessment of Mr Ed’s intellectual capacity. Fvckwit is as fvckwit does fits him better.
What’s Grigs up to now? 48 hours of rock solid stupidity and still going….
All this talk of inheritance taxes…two years of covid waste isn’t going to pay for itself. I saw an article a couple of weeks ago about the average amount a millennial can expect from their (dead) Boomer parents. Quite substantial.
Too bad. So sad. Better rethink the cracked authoritarian panic or there’ll be less than nothing left.
Unloading a grain truck and I was thinking about necessities in life and the value we put on them.
How much money is spent on supporting and improving our food supply as opposed to the spending on the Heath system?
You need food every day but only a doctor occasionally.
Really? You are that dumb?
Ok. I work for 50 years. Earn money. Pay income tax on that money. Put money in bank. When I die, the government re-tax that money before I can bequeath it to my children.
State Death Duties are a legit Tax, it encouraged people to arrange their affairs rather than leave it to the Courts [free riding]
This is absolutely correct!
People stopped making wills the moment death duties were abolished.
You KNOW it makes sense!!!!
Two stupid notions in the one sentence. Outstanding effort. Well done to whoever wrote it.
That’s the Reactionary point of view, let the situation become more and more oppressive untilo the dam bursts.
Here’s the reality:
Assets are scarce, abolish State Death Duties, and over the following 50 years, assets are still scarce, but now more tightly held since the State stopped taxing them at the owner’s death.
That’s how you end up at Oligarchy, a tiny number of people have a colossal share of The Wealth and their only interest in life is to conserve and add to that wealth.
That’s Guatemala, for instance.
That isn’t what Australia is supposed to be about.
A life without risk is boring.
Ok clown, out to you.
Assets are scarce, abolish State Death Duties, and over the following 50 years, assets are still scarce, but now more tightly held since the State stopped taxing them at the owner’s death.
This is absolutely correct!!!!
That’s why real estate agency is a dying profession.
You KNOW it makes sense!!!
Any government wanting to do (voting) millennials out of juicy, unearned inheritance dosh will be committing hari kari.
A time comes in the life of a kidult when they want to settle down, buy a house and produce a family. How on earth are they going to do that without money?
Mr Ed
in the interests of Australia and Australians, is it better to help the battlers or should Hoarders be looked after and encouraged?
When the ALP was the party of the rural and urban working classes, you might well have directed that question to them. Now that the ALP is the party of Big Business and the urban tertiary credentialled bureaucratic class (greedy hoarders?), you will need to look elsewhere for an answer.
Perhhaps ask Pauline or Craig?
I say dumb/ignorant statements sometimes but unlike Ed it not’s a lifestyle choice.
Mr Ed
I heard of a bloke in Brisbane who owned 700 houses,
You are supposed to eat the crystalline salt, not snort it. That is the gypsum way.
Fvck off fvckwit, in (Ed) case I haven’t said so recently.
Mr Ed
the NufNuf on a $Million/year who’s never worked in his life is still unaffected and is basically a Free Rider
But enuf(nuf) about the Queensland public service.
I miss iampeter.
State Death Duties are a legit Tax, it encouraged people to arrange their affairs rather than leave it to the Courts [free riding] and it prevented hoarding, where a few people own a colossal share of the Wealth.
Mr Ed is right on the (‘ed) case. There were never rich people when there were Death Duties. The only tax which never collected a dollar, because it prevented hoarding (How did that bloke live in 700 houses, or was he helping to house others by renting them out, like the Housing Commission?), and no one had a colossal share of the wealth. (That’s sarcasm Mr Ed, in case you don’t know.)
Someone asked up-thread if Mr Ed is Homer Paxton.
Doubtful, even Homer doesn’t seem to be that stupid.
Wondering how this unrealised capital gains tax will work out for Vic. I sure that some here can think of how it will effect the property market. I’m thinking that the state gov will use it to force people to sell land they don’t wish to sell and select areas where they want development, they could also use it as a eapon against those that the gov doesn’t like. Will they rezone in bulk or just little patches here and there? If they do it in bulk you’ld think that it would drive down the price of land as most owners would have to sell almost straight away to pay the tax. If they do it in small lots it will increase the price of land by a lot. I guess it comes down to how desperate Dan is for money.
Paxton liked death duties for the same reasons that’s why I asked, John.
‘mindless hoarding’
Someone last night encapsulated this perfectly.
Ed. Because you are an incompetent shut-in and incapable of making a dollar on your own without it being shoved down your throat by Gummint, does not mean your life should be subsidised forever by those with that particular life skill.
Timothy Nielson ululates:
No, Timothy.
What happened was that the few people who were in a position to attrace State Death Duties no longer had any incentive to minimise their Estate prior to their passing on.
That caused
1. Assets to be held by fewer people.
Over time that causes rises in Asset prices because velocity is taken out of the Economy.
Mater at 7.05:
I second that assessment.
‘Can I borrow your mask?’, accompanied by a sweet smile has become, in the current environment, an invitation to the boudoir.
How do you go about hoarding 700 houses?
I could probably squeeze a couple behind the spare tea towels in the Handy Hallway Cupboard.
Maybe a few more by the hot water system.
But 700?
It is of course obvious that Ed’s excretions last night and this morning are driven by jealousy.
Much like socialism.
Crash land values, since people will have to sell into a flooded market to pay the tax.
It’s Whitlamesque in it’s irresponsibility, but that’s the price of electing Labor Governments
Oh dear, has Special Ed been “thinking” again?
Owning 700 houses is how you forget about them. You know, like a Liar politician.
“Want to come up and see my etchings?”
“Sorry, no mask.”
Anchor What:
It really does make you realise just what a sinister organisation the FBI morphed into under the O’Biden/Harris Regime.
Even worse than when it was run by Edgar G Hoover.
The question is how can it be reformed, or just close it down?
Start in the early 1950s when the Property Market in Brisbane was very quiet, use Vendor Finance, rent them out, after a while the bloke employed his own Real Estate Agent to buy houses for him.
The story I heard, he was driving round Brisbane looking at houses as he drove by, he says to his Agent “Buy that house for me.”
Agent replies “You already own it.”
What his motivation was, who cares, I was told he did no maintenance on the Houses, but he wasn’t jacking the Rent up every year [or even every 5 years] either.
Like the ABC, I would say the FBI is beyond reform.
I’m afraid Mater misheard that woman.
What she said was “Amo a mi burro mas que a nada”.
If his Spanish was up to standard he would have known she neither wanted a mask nor was attempting to pick him up, but was simply e tolling the virtues of her donkey.
Boambee John:
It would be a way of putting competition back into taxation – a bit like when Joh got rid of DD and forced the other states (IIRC) into giving them up.
You’re funny, Winston.
The complete works of Ed Case on the Cat, paraphrased:
‘The story I heard’
‘I’d say’
They could do it the same way many of us did it – forego consumption spending, save the money for a deposit and get a second job, whilst going to night school to continue the education we needed to get a better job.
Perhaps that’s too hard?
What’s this about a cap gains tax in Victoria? I did a search and it doesn’t show up so therefore I’m going to assume it’s bullshit.
Leftist Men Getting Vasectomies To Protest Texas Abortion Law
So the left has chosen to remove itself from the long-term gene pool. Can’t see a downside here.
Shut up Ed. Stop annoying everyone.
As far as I can tell it is a ‘re-zoning’ tax.
When land is re-zoned to residential, thus yuuugely increasing it’s value, the Gummint will take a chunk.
virtues of her donkey.
Like a Tijuana butchers.
Mmyes death taxes made us the most prosperous country per capita pre WW1.
That’s not quite ambush, since the holders of the land probably bought it with the expectation of a huge Capital Gain down the track.
From the commie turd’s own work website:
Yes, it will benefit da communidee. You betcha.
Probably why there is a need to acquire and brainwash other people’s children.
I would imagine it would be based on the most wildly improbably prices to maximize the government cut. So my mate that bought for ~$180K would be hit for the place that went recently for over $800k in the same suburb, not the house next door that was used to cook meth and has no working plumbing.
And no, the $800k is not worth that. Prices have just gone stupid with people desperate to get out of melbourne.
I said connect the black wire, not the red!
Bear, further to etchings:
Mr Ed
The story I heard, …
Tales my nanna told me? Surely it would not be difficult for a researcher of your skills to come up with some actual, written, evidence?
December 28, 2021 at 9:12 am
Like the ABC, I would say the FBI is beyond reform.
Perhaps hand the regional offices and some selected staff to the US Marshals Service, the forensic labs somewhere else independent, and demolish the HQ building?
They said the vaccine would stop transmission.
They said the vaccinated could quit wearing a mask.
They said the vaccinated would not get sick.
They said the vaccinated were not going to die.
They said the vaccine stopped transmission. Now they are lying and saying they didn’t.
Saw about a dozen ppl on my morning walk yesterday, including a family of four. Of the dozen, only one was wearing a mask, and he put it on when he saw me coming.
Today, I saw only about half a dozen ppl. None of them wore masks.
Maybe, just maybe, the insanity is winding down.
People do not remember that there were both state and federal death duties.Most estates attracted state duties.In Victoria you needed a certificate for each asset from the govt before you could dispose of it.
It meant heaps of work for lawyers setting up multi generational, trusts to keep the assets out of the hands of the government.
Primary production land that contains a home will also be exempted up to two hectares.
So instead of rates driving you out slowly the socialists will get you to put up the farm for sale overnight.
Laird Andrews clearing the lands.
Yes an NZ lady told me re Death Duties that when someone died some k**t from the government would come round to your house and go through his/her things.
No way, Beaugy.
Having destroyed the WA tourism industry, premier McClown is now attempting to wreck the horse racing industry, singling out Perth’s top jockey, Willie Pike, who is refusing to be vaxxed, to be made an example of.
And if you aren’t double-vaxxed (that is, most of the WA population), you won’t be allowed to attend the Perth Cup on New Year’s Day.
McClown’s low-IQ power-drunkenness is just getting started.
Hirsute European skewers American dum dum literal know nothing Tik Toker and history vandal.
This dummy is actually gaining a lot of notoriety. I have seen others do “WTF” videos on Yew Chube.
“ROME WAS GREEK…(well…the Byzantines called themselves Roman…)”
“ROME WAS SPAIN!” (I am Maximus Decius Veridius, true Emperor of Rome and heir to my mentor, Marcus Aurelius…”
BananaCurly toed slippers republic...
Saw four people walking down the road last night near a shopping centre.
Older couple with two girls around nine or ten y.o.
The “adults” had both the children masked up, but were themselves without masks.
Bloody nutters.
There’s no Free Lunch and you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
State Governments were able to balance their books during the Death Duties era.
Ta ta Death Duties?
Hello GST.
Holiday bloke on 3AW has two topics this morning: Lego blocks and COVID testing.
That’s the standard. Commentators who play with children’s toys and wide eyed believe everything the government says.
December 28, 2021 at 8:50 am
Paxton liked death duties for the same reasons that’s why I asked, John.
Leftism is based on envy, so Mr Ed and Paxton favour similar envious policies.. Leftists are stupid, so they are both stupid, but Mr Ed is stupider
Seriously if you listen to 3AW in the morning what else do you expect. Might as well have faine on.
Put an audio book on instead.
‘Redeem the time, because the days are evil.’
I strongly suspect Andrews and Cuomo talk to each other.
Two words to get used to in 2022: “Profiteering” and “hoarding”.
Now that the dumbarses are accustomed and conditioned to sacrifice their freedom for “the good of the community” via mask mandates and lockdowns, so too will selling or holding things of value that others might need become subject to disapproval and sanction.
The principle, once breached might now be applied to many things.
You need to know what the thickies are thinking so you can predict what’s coming down the pipe.
I am sure that her ass was very nice…
Andrew’s tax is the perfect example of big government and big business working to tax the little people out of the way.
A small investor who has a hunch years out that this land could have value or a lifestyler with a bit of cash and a yearning for near city rural living won’t dare buy for fear of punitive tax.
The big end investors are the only lot who could wear the tax long enough to reap the development money and they’ll get the land far cheaper as the competition is squeezed out.
Naturally the clueless marxists at the ABC won’t join the dots.
No, because people didn’t mask up and get jabbed “for the common good.”
They did it because of fear or because they were coerced into it.
Saying it was “for the common good” just made them feel better about it.
“McClown’s low-IQ power-drunkenness is just getting started.”
Correct….and McClown is laughing, there’s no credible opposition to scare him.
Speaking of the Liberals, it’s almost been a year since the obliteration of the WA Liberals at the March 2020 state election. Has the party made any attempt to regroup since then?
Wow, Andrews is a cretin but it highlights a problem, the security of Contact Tracing info. This info should be only accessible to Cops, work cover etc under order of a court with evidence of wrongdoing. It is not there for fishing expeditions for fat lazy detectives or over zealous QANGO’s.
I reckon the Fed’s could tweak the Privacy Reg’s overnight to make this happen if they really wanted to.
This is partly why I quit economics.
This is all bullshit. You simply cannot trust the official data.
Not everyone can get a job in the minerals and energy sector. Inflation is destroying purchasing power. Retail is in a very bad way.
Re the lieboral pardy and the WEF, we now know of two lieborals with connections to that enemy of democracy, the working and middle classes- Hunt and Bragg. Who else?
I liked economics in year 11. Then in year 12 we started all this Y = C + S stuff. In uni it was MC=MR for optimum production. Bullshit on stilts.
Yes indeed. Contact tracing information should only be available to the jacks under warrant, and even then if there is enough information before a judge to suggest the person the information relates to has committed an indictable offence, ie one that would get you significant jail time.
There’s quite a bit of effort and paperwork that goes into that process as well. If this is going on, it’s circumvented the exact system in place that’s supposed to ensure that inappropriate disclosure doesn’t happen.
Then again, it’s in Victoria so it shouldn’t shock anyone.
Five deaths in NSW and Vic today – no mention of their vaxx status at either the ABC or Fairfax.
Ergo: they were all vaccinated.
Ed Casesays:
December 28, 2021 at 10:17 am
There’s no Free Lunch and you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
State Governments were able to balance their books during the Death Duties era.
State governments have relied on Commonwealth subsidies since they lost income taxing power.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed this appearing in daily round-ups:
– Fairfax
Sounds to me like ICUs are free enough to be parking dozens of people who are no longer dangerously ill.
I should have added that not only would contact tracing information relate to the commission of an indictable offence by a person, but that the contact tracing information would be directly relevant to the identity of the person committing that offence AND that the information would supply evidence of the commission of said offence.
Close enough, CL.
Most Health Systems have a policy of bunging straight into ICU anyone whom they feel is (or risks becoming) unable to fend for themselves on a general or specific (e.g. Respiratory or Cardiac) Ward.
So after certain surgeries of if you have a particular comorbidity or get particularly sick after admission, a stay of at least some duration in ICU is all but inevitable.
Difficult to gauge without further information.
While their covid infections may no longer be “active” if they have co-morbidities, which can almost be assumed, they may still not be out of the woods…or ICU.
No no. Jack the Insider insists that our 99.999999999 vaccination rate is testament to our Aussie-Aussie-Aussie matey-mate voluntary love of our community.
Those who recall the long forgotten Royal Commission into Aged Care will know just how much the average Australian cares about vulnerable members of the community.
Related: ‘Granny dumping’ troubles Ontario doctor who sees it most over the holidays.
Note the sympathy in this report for the dumpers.
Dunno. Ed seems to enjoy setting up piñatas and watching people spend time and energy beating them.
All watch, no lollies.
A lonely hobby.
Snap, Rex.
Japan embraces Ivermectin and it works! Who’d a thunk it?
This is the only reason to have an inquiry in this country. Too string up the fucking educated bastards who banned Ivermectin use in Australia. Worried about saving lives? Here it is, again doing a job it’s done for decades. From Scomo down and branching out into every bureaucracy and department these pricks need dragging from their pedestals and be held accountable in the harshest possible way. From the PM to the compliant local hospital staff, gut the lot!
Daily Mail.
in the interests of Australia and Australians, is it better to help the battlers or should Hoarders be looked after and encouraged?
Because you can’t do both.
Trump did. Lowered the company tax rate, got rid of the red tape, encouraged US employment and general patriotism, everything the commie globalists and spivs are against.
Aged care activist – who looks after her 90 something mother at home – on ABC RN AM this morning stating that things are worse since the RC.
Trump did. Lowered the company tax rate, got rid of the red tape, encouraged US employment and general patriotism, everything the commie globalists and spivs are against.
which is why they stole the election last year. Sounds like the lesbian bitch is getting ready to make another move too.
Dr F
A lonely hobby.
Perhaps Mr Ed never worked out how to handle that other solitary pastime?
Microeconomics is solid. It is as good as gold – in the same league as accepted physics and chemistry. Provable beyond doubt.
Macroeconomic orthodoxy (Keynes) is simply garbage and the official data has several problems beyond manipulated definitions.
The best thing to come out of mathematical macroeconomic theory was Okishio’s theorem. An implication of that is the assumptions Marx had about capitalism are simply not possible in the long run or in a wide enough portion of an economy. That is, matrix algebra debunks Marxism.
Let’s not even delve into the suicidal stupidity of modern monetary “theory”.
But all you do it Beat It! Just Beat It!
It’s hard to continue being loyal to a country that jails a 19 year-old for going clubbing while infected with a harmless cold – as a magistrate did this morning, refusing him bail – but a Queensland Premier who has caused multiple deaths blocking entry to the state (including a 78 year-old who died waiting in a car park) isn’t even asked a hard question at a press conference.
I haven’t got Dr Ivy Mecktin yet but I am taking the Sambucol prophylactics with elderberry extract, vitamins C & D, zinc and astragalus.
Plus the apples, cherries and pineapple I have been tanking for quercetin, bromelain and various polyphenols…and glorious sunshine this time of year.
Generally,placing a premium of your health and well being has not been a priority at the Perth Cup.
It’s hard to continue being loyal to a country that jails a 19 year-old for going clubbing while infected with a harmless cold – as a magistrate did this morning, refusing him bail – but a Queensland Premier who has caused multiple deaths blocking entry to the state (including a 78 year-old who died waiting in a car park) isn’t even asked a hard question at a press conference.
It’s puke making. It’s not the country- it’s the pollimuppett-meja class.
From the horse’s mouth, apologies for the
TGA word wall.
These changes have been introduced because of concerns with the prescribing of oral ivermectin for the claimed prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Ivermectin is not approved for use in COVID-19 in Australia or in other developed countries, and its use by the general public for COVID-19 is currently strongly discouraged by the National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce, the World Health Organisation and the US Food and Drug Administration.
Firstly, there are a number of significant public health risks associated with taking ivermectin in an attempt to prevent COVID-19 infection rather than getting vaccinated. Individuals who believe that they are protected from infection by taking ivermectin may choose not to get tested or to seek medical care if they experience symptoms. Doing so has the potential to spread the risk of COVID-19 infection throughout the community.
Secondly, the doses of ivermectin that are being advocated for use in unreliable social media posts and other sources for COVID-19 are significantly higher than those approved and found safe for scabies or parasite treatment. These higher doses can be associated with serious adverse effects, including severe nausea, vomiting, dizziness, neurological effects such as dizziness, seizures and coma.
Finally, there has been a 3-4-fold increased dispensing of ivermectin prescriptions in recent months, leading to national and local shortages for those who need the medicine for scabies and parasite infections. It is believed that this is due to recent prescribing and dispensing for unapproved uses, such as COVID-19. Such shortages can disproportionately impact vulnerable people, including those in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
To summarise,
You might take something that fixes you and we won’t know about it.
Vax is gooder!
You might take the wrong dose as we’ve blackmailed your GP under threat of disbarment if he/she advises or prescribes ivermectin.
There’s a shortage of this easily and cheaply made drug.
India and Japan are developing countries.
Oh, but there’s an oral treatment available, just not for Covid, fnyaaarrr!!
What a pack of C*nts!
Speaking of pollimuppetts- every time howard opens his mouth I dislike him more.
Look, Brandon was more far gone 5 years ago than The Gipper was at the end of his Presidency, but results count.
Ended the Afghaniostan War
Trump: Talked about it
Stopped the BLM/Antifa rioting
said: “There’s good people on both sides” and headed out to the Golf Course
It’s like being a soldier…you enlist because of patriotism but you end up fighting for your mates.
Judge rules Catholic Church vicariously liable for Ballarat paedophile priest Bryan Coffey’s abuse 50 years ago
Leave the issue of vicarious liability to one side. The Judge also unleashed the superpower of recovered memory:
Abuse is an awful thing. But the prospect of an easily awakened $200k will not pass unnoticed in ruined lives everywhere.
Mother does not approve.
Mmmm, might get a Big Mac for lunch.
“Recovered memory” is bullshit.
Oh look…a piñata.
Now, where were we?
Yellow card. Typos. Settle down little fella.
“the man had suffered since the memories were reawakened.”
Memories are always there. You don’t forget, you don’t wake up one day and suddenly remember.
It’s just bullshit.
It looks like Ed McClown is taking the Scorched Earth route.
He could have taken the Withdraw at Leisure approach, but he’s trying to double down and keep all the gains he’s made, which, historically speaking, has been the quickest way to lose everything.
The whole WZV Drama has been a failure and the smart ones are looking for a way out. The dumb ones are escalating.
No indication that this man’s life was ruined though.
$200,000 is still a lot of money.
This man would have had to satisfy the Court and his Solicitors that his memories were genuine, that would be near impossible to fake.
Biden surrendered to the Taliban, the riots continued and the left complained when Trump starting locking up “peaceful protestors” and wanted to put Rittenhouse on gaol for killing a wife beater and serial rapist of boys (who were violent rioters).
The last five years have been a massive tantrum from the left because their Kween, Hillary did not win even after she stole at least 5 million votes.
his solicitors
You’re an absolute joke, Grigory/Septimius.
Surprised by a long queue of cars on the other side of town.
Either the local meth lab is trialling a factory direct drive through,
or everyone is taking the kiddies to get a cotton bud up the nose
because the weather is too manky for the beach.
Looks like a trip Down Under will be the cause of death for another English captain.
No, it usually takes some extremely stressful event, or Therapy, to suddenly recall details of awful events from childhood.
It probably is in the Family Court, it may be when Police and lawyers are chasing a prosecution,
but in Civil Cases such as the above, Judges aren’t making Awards to grifters on the basis of bullshit.
That pivot to the left on climate worked a treat, Scotty.
Labor predicted to take 9-12 seats from the Libs.
That’d ruin your well earned break.
Meanwhile, noted in Rod Dreher’s column at American Conservative:
Poms 7-61, still 21 runs behind Australia. Debutante Aussie bowler Scottt Boland 4 wickets for 5 runs.
Mitchell Starc has a better batting average than any English batsman in this series.
That’s how shithouse the Poms are travelling.
Scott Boland, in his first Test, gets a five-for. MCG specialist.
Sounds like the good Dr Hobart wasn’t the only one trying to “first, do no harm.”
How many others have been destroyed without us knowing about it?
No, it usually takes some extremely stressful event, or Therapy, to suddenly recall details of awful events from childhood.
Boland has five.
An innings defeat chasing 267 would have interesting effects upon Fleet Street methinks.
Blockquote fail.
Scott Boland 6-5.
“No, it usually takes some extremely stressful event, or Therapy, to suddenly recall details of awful events from childhood.”
What a load of absolute drivel. Just fuck off gargoyle.
Never seen anything remotely like it in any Ashes series, ever.
Boland – Michelle +1 on debut.
Any psychologists in Melbourne. Please make your way to the MCG.
It’s puke making. It’s not the country- it’s the pollimuppett-meja class.
They have a symbiotic relationship, one can’t survive without the other. Destroy the MSM, and the polliemuppets lose much of their ability to hold power without serving those they rule over (but do not lead).
Given that the real world data show the efficacy of the currently available vaccines are less than 80%, then even if EVERYONE was vaccinated; we would NEVER achieve herd immunity (80% vaccination is what is required as a rule of thumb), then how is this an argument against the use of Ivermectin?
If we approved the use of Novavax, Covaxin and Ivermectin, we’d all be better off!
Looks like all those promises that QR coding was private and would not be disclosed to third parties was all a lie.
The English players must be in two minds:
Do we forfeit the series and get on the next plane home?
Or do we seek asylum?
Individuals who believe that they are protected from infection by taking ivermectin may choose not to get tested or to seek medical care if they experience symptoms. Doing so has the potential to spread the risk of COVID-19 infection throughout the community.
Condemned out of their own mouths. Let me revise that:
Individuals who believe that they are protected from infection by vaccination may choose not to get tested or to seek medical care if they experience symptoms. Doing so has the potential to spread the risk of COVID-19 infection throughout the community.
Using their own standard, a single changed word destroys the case for continuing with vaccination.
I am burying my Vegemite hoard for the catastrophic day when the Vegemite Mines run out.
You gotta cut a deal with the Vegemite Gnomes. Fortunately they don’t have much of a business plan.
Inside two and a half days.
Bowled out for 67. 67.
Ashes are home.
As BoN said, Fleet Street will crucify this rabble and rightly so.
All over red rover. The front pages in Pommyland tomorrow may be a little incendiary tomorrow.
Mr Ed
Stopped the BLM/Antifa rioting
You have reversed cause and effect. The BLM/Ante-Fa (precursor to fascism) riots stopped once they had achieved their intended effect, the “election” of Creepy Joe.
Oops I have repetition disease. Like England in this series.
At least the Australians usually take the full day to capitulate.
An innings and 14 runs. The GOAT didn’t even need to warm up.
Excellent MCG track as well.
Poms second innings all out 68. Aussies win the Third Test and the Ashes series.
As Rex Hunt would say, a destroyation.
It’s like the final decades of the Soviet Union – the central planning couldn’t get the information they needed to allocate resources, because they refused to allow the information to reflect the real economy.
Mr Ed
This man would have had to satisfy the Court and his Solicitors that his memories were genuine, that would be near impossible to fake.
ROFLMAO, what a load of pretentious bullsh1t. Mr Ed might better be named Francis the Talking Mule, except that Francis was waaaayyyy smarter.
The TGAs three reasons are specious. The first equally applies to vaccines. The second is absurd as it doesn’t apply to GPs prescribing ivermectin. And the third is without merit because ivermectin is easy to manufacture and procure.
We haven’t seen a credible reason against the use of ivermectin when prescribed by a medical practitioner. Not one.
They will but they’ll be hitting the wrong target.
I watch a vlogcast with Atherton, Husein and Rob Key.
By all accounts the ECB has let the County game go to seed while they rake in the dosh from the white ball game. That’s why they’re not producing Test players.
The only plus is the Poms should now give a bunch of newbies a chance for the next test. So long as the selectors don’t get woke and pick a bunch of ex-Afghans or something it may give a few young county players an opportunity to perform in the big time.
in Civil Cases such as the above, Judges aren’t making Awards to grifters on the basis of bullshit.
Mr Ed (aka Francis) confirms that “recovered memories” are bullsh1t, used by judges with no skin in the game to impress their dinner party guests at someone else’s expense.
They sent the Lions home after Brisbane, Bruce.
We’ve just about seen all of their squad.
NYPD Stormtroopers round up a little boy and his mum at a restaurant: Video.
This is Nazism, straight-up.
I’m glad to see you make that claim because I’ve been telling people that the economic data at present doesn’t make any sense.
JC it’s real and it’s magnificent, if you like that sort of thing.
Even the professional psychological associations maintain that memories aren’t, of themselves, cogent evidence of abuse.
Was corroborating evidence presented to lead the judge to deem that the balance of probabilities had been met?
The church’s lawyers must appeal on principle.
Tom says:
December 28, 2021 at 11:54 am
Poms second innings all out 68. Aussies win the Third Test and the Ashes series.
Newly appointed English manager, Dan Andrews commented on the loss “Some people can’t bring themselves to say, well done.”
Dot, I had hypnotherapy to find out why I suddenly started getting agorophobic in my very late teens.
Got hypnotised, and immediate memory resurfacing from when I was about 9 or 10 years old involving a drunken Matron in the Home. When I spoke to family about it they all remembered it, so it wasn’t manufactured.
But as you say there’s a lot of bullshit being peddled for the compensation.
Such as?
It’s sickening watching Scott Boland buying into blackfella victimology. He doesn’t need a leg-up. He doesn’t need identity politics. He took six wickets on debut today on merit. It had nothing to do with having one poofteenth blackfella blood. It came from hard work.
At 32 he has to consider his post-cricket future.
Boland is obviously of Aboriginal descent and he’s only putting pressure on himself by buying into the victimology, but:
Cricket Australia are now Woke and extremely PC, so was his selection strictly on merit or perhaps his riding instructions are to be a cricketing Adam Goodes?
Ivermectin is not approved for use in COVID-19 in Australia or in other developed countries
Japan is not a developed country?
Maybe that should read “or in other WEF captured countries.”
Bruce Pascoe named for 4th Test. Cricket Australia CEO …
Boland is great bowler, terrific figures for a test match.
London to a brick he will never be publicly criticised or dropped for any future poor performance because racism.
A pity, because he could stand on his own merits without any of the “first nations” crap.
isn’t this just a subtle variant of the rezoning game that has brought the Chinese economy to its knees?
I just heard an elderly friend is in hospital in Perth with severe heat exhaustion.
He spent two hours standing in the sun yesterday in 40C+ heat waiting for a Covid test. He had apparently been advised in an SMS that he was a casual contact from one of the many places the diseased Frog backpacker has visited.
Angry doesn’t describe my mood right now.