Old Parliament House “set on fire”

Police officers stand in a line in front of a burnt door.

The Australian left are as stupid as the American left and just as vicious and malicious. This may be the most disgusting story I may have ever come across in Australia in many years: Old Parliament House’s front door set on fire a second time as protests in Canberra continue. Not even for the first time, but the second time. And if it is the second time, this was no accident but deliberate. What a repulsive lot these people are. I found this particularly striking.

Commander Linda Champion from the Australian Federal Police said the fire likely began during a smoking ceremony performed by protesters, which police were aware of and had approved to occur.

“There was a small smoking ceremony and that is something that we had agreed with a lot of the members who were attending each day as part of a peaceful protest,” she said.

“It then became a little bit out of hand and then when ACT police went to respond, that’s when it was greatly exacerbated.”

A smoking ceremony! In North America I can sort of see the point, since that is where tobacco comes from, peace pipes and all. But here? Such an unimaginative lot who have no ideas other than to destroy, with no concept whatsoever what it takes to build or to cherish one’s heritage and history, never mind the source of our freedoms and prosperity.

Firefighters clean the damage from a burnt-out doorway.

Firefighters clean up the fire-damaged entrance to Old Parliament House

Let me bring this added detail up from the comments with much gratitude to Cliff Boof. I knew none of this which will teach once again never to depend on the media to keep me aware of what’s going on.

“The Australian” reports that no arrests have been made.

On 10 August 2021 activists representing Extinction Rebellion committed acts of vandalism in Canberra. On 24 August, four of the activists had all charges “proven but dismissed” by Magistrate James Stewart. Magistrate Stewart remarked to one of the activists, Eric “Sergeio” Herbert, “Your actions arose out of peaceful demonstration to further local, commonwealth and world attention to climate change and the inevitable effects it will have on the world community”. Canberra ‘Duty of Care’ rebels have court cases dismissed or given $20 fines – Extinction Rebellion Australia (ausrebellion.earth)
The above link includes the following statement attributed to Herbert: “Today in the ACT court of law it has been reaffirmed that property damage and public disruption in this rebellion are required to enforce the law and protect the occupants of this land. This outcome has provided me with the unimpeachable understanding that the ACT Judiciary are willing to stand behind us as we enact our lawful indispensable duty to bring down this government through. That is our Duty of Care.”

So it will be interesting to see, if arrests are eventually made, how the ACT judiciary will react.

P.S. This bloke Herbert tried a similar trick in Newcastle a month later and was arrested but unfortunately for him Mark Latham’s missus was the Magistrate.

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Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
December 31, 2021 1:58 pm

So just what is the penalty for setting fire to a building with people inside?

December 31, 2021 2:05 pm

There is something very symbolic about this – which is no doubt obvious to all.

Our colonial past, indeed, our western ideological past, is anathema to many, these days. Nothing is worth preserving. Everything must be torn down.

Fin de siècle.

Living the dream
Living the dream
December 31, 2021 2:29 pm

Pictures suggest furniture was piled against the doors to enhance the fire. A notice pinned to the door asserted some sort of “sovereign citizen” claim. I think we will finds that nutters are involved.

Cliff Boof
Cliff Boof
December 31, 2021 2:43 pm

“The Australian” reports that no arrests have been made.

On 10 August 2021 activists representing Extinction Rebellion committed acts of vandalism in Canberra. On 24 August, four of the activists had all charges “proven but dismissed” by Magistrate James Stewart. Magistrate Stewart remarked to one of the activists, Eric “Sergeio” Herbert, “Your actions arose out of peaceful demonstration to further local, commonwealth and world attention to climate change and the inevitable effects it will have on the world community”. Canberra ‘Duty of Care’ rebels have court cases dismissed or given $20 fines – Extinction Rebellion Australia (ausrebellion.earth)
The above link includes the following statement attributed to Herbert: “Today in the ACT court of law it has been reaffirmed that property damage and public disruption in this rebellion are required to enforce the law and protect the occupants of this land. This outcome has provided me with the unimpeachable understanding that the ACT Judiciary are willing to stand behind us as we enact our lawful indispensable duty to bring down this government through. That is our Duty of Care.”

So it will be interesting to see, if arrests are eventually made, how the ACT judiciary will react.

P.S. This bloke Herbert tried a similar trick in Newcastle a month later and was arrested but unfortunately for him Mark Latham’s missus was the Magistrate.

December 31, 2021 2:54 pm

Wow! Even judges are now using George Orwell’s terminology openly and blatantly:

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength

Peaceful demonstrations indeed.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 31, 2021 2:59 pm

Frankly I see little point setting fire to Parliamentary buildings unless the politicians are inside.

December 31, 2021 3:17 pm

Pictures suggest furniture was piled against the doors to enhance the fire. A notice pinned to the door asserted some sort of “sovereign citizen” claim. I think we will finds that nutters are involved.
Sooooo, post-Brittany, multitudes of CCTV and a plod contingent and no one noticed furniture being piled up around the doors .. then again, it is Parliament House soooo security, probably, told, “Hi we’re just delivering some furniture and the members wanted it hot of the truck ” ……
The obvious fact that 251s were effortizing should have been the give-away from the, usual, bonging around the humpy scenario ………

December 31, 2021 3:18 pm

There is something very symbolic about this – which is no doubt obvious to all.

Except the ACT police, it would seem.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 31, 2021 3:29 pm

Two possible outcomes here.

(1) The ACT’s woke police treat the case as Victoria’s pack of leftist political prostitutes in uniform treat arson attacks on churches. That is, they make no effort to find the perpetrators (unless, of course, one of them is silly enough to try to torch a police station as well). Fifteen unsolved cases at the last count I saw.

(2) As the horrified recognition dawns that they have desecrated a leftist sacred site – the scene of Whitlam’s post-dismissal rant – the ACT police and courts will do a complete about turn and throw the book at them.

The MSM are still censoring the story of the Thorpe tweet, by the way.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 31, 2021 3:36 pm

Pictures also suggest that, after the fire, “protestors” also daubed their handprints on the burnt facade of the once-sacred site.
No regrets, no regard, then.

December 31, 2021 3:38 pm

Can you imagine if someone had walked up to the doors prior to the fire, removed their mask and protested lockdowns etc? The entire line in the photo would have descended on the individual, boots, pepper spray, truncheons and all, to restrain and apprehend the enemy of the state.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 31, 2021 3:39 pm

Videos show Old Parliament House fire deliberately lit

Fire at Old Parliament House

A person is seen throwing fuel on a fire at the doors of Old Parliament House as protesters stand in front of the blaze. Pictures: Facebook


11:15AM DECEMBER 31, 2021

Videos posted to social media show the blaze which engulfed Old Parliament House was deliberately lit against the door of the iconic building, with protesters fuelling the flames in actions that are not consistent with indigenous smoking ceremonies.

ACT police are examining clips and images of the fire posted to social media and have appealed to members of the public to come forward with any footage.

In one video, a protester can be seen throwing kindling into the fire as others stand around singing “stand up and be counted”. The fire is lit directly against the doors of the building and the flames are rising several feet into the air.

Painted handprints can also be seen on the walls of the building on either side of the entrance.

The director of the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, Daryl Karp, told The Australian: “I’ve certainly not seen a smoking ceremony of that type before.”

“It was pushed up right against the door. People added fuel to it.

“They deliberately covered the cameras … Why would you cover the cameras if your intention is a peaceful smoking ceremony?” she said.

Indigenous community leader Warren Mundine also told The Australian he had seen footage of the fire online, rejecting suggestions it was a smoking ceremony.

“If you believe that’s a smoking ceremony then you don’t want to go to their house and have a BBQ,” Mr Mundine said.

“I think the AFP need to look at these videos,” he said. “If they don’t start laying charges it makes a mockery of what this group is doing. Everyone has disowned them. Even the (tent) embassy.

“That is not a smoking ceremony. It looks to me a deliberately lit fire or they are incompetent.

“I didn’t know what the protest was about.”

“Everyone has a right to protest but a bit of common sense and law and order has to come into this stuff.”

The footage of protesters fuelling the fire with was posted on the Facebook page of “Tim the Yowie Man” who has provided after dark tours of Old Parliament House. His website says he acts as a “location and historical Adviser for international programs on unusual phenomena”.

The footage was sent to him anonymously.

In the Facebook post, Tim the Yowie Man makes clear he does not support the actions of the protesters, saying: “For almost two weeks, some media have been reporting that the two fires at OPH were ‘accidental.’ Here’s how an ‘accidental’ fire starts.”

There had previously been a fire at the building before Christmas.

An Australian Federal Police officer leaves the crime scene. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

Ms Karp told The Australian it was “really unclear” who had been driving the protest.

“The Tent Embassy have put out a formal statement condemning the actions.

“There is no clear leader. They are not working through any recognised body … I’m not clear who is actually driving this particular protest at the moment.

‘This particular one has been ongoing for the last ten days. In the lead up to Christmas, we were closed on the 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th. They were protesting outside.”

“My position from a Museum perspective is that one of the great beauties of Australia’s democracy and Old Parliament House and the Museum of Australian Democracy has been openness. Our democracy is one of the best in the world.

“It celebrates protest and freedom of expression but only if it is legal, peaceful and doesn’t impinge on the rights of others. We do not condone violence or destruction.”

An official statement made by the Aboriginal Test Embassy said that the actions of protesters in conducting a smoking ceremony was “done so without the knowledge, consent or mandate of the Embassy Council and Traditional Owners responsible for the regulation of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy.”

‘The Aboriginal Tent Embassy does not condone the actions of protesters who occupied the steps of Old Parliament House. Although we support the concept of nonviolent direct action, we do not condone the destruction of public and private property.”

December 31, 2021 3:47 pm

<i<Pictures suggest furniture was piled against the doors to enhance the fire. A notice pinned to the door asserted some sort of “sovereign citizen” claim. I think we will finds that nutters are involved.

More likely the arsonists using misdirection.

Remember this?

Lincoln Project claims responsibility for fake ‘white supremacists’ at Glenn Youngkin event

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 31, 2021 4:06 pm

Some protesters paraded through the Capitol on Jan 6.
Many of those people are still in jail without trial.
These arsonists deserve much more than those people.
Will they receive justice? I doubt it very greatly.

December 31, 2021 4:11 pm
Mak siccar
Mak siccar
December 31, 2021 4:27 pm

Excellent article indeed. The perpetrators will, if identified, get the ritual bashing with a wet lettuce leaf. The Speccie should have Like buttons and a Reply option on their articles.

December 31, 2021 4:36 pm

Mark Steyn said it best, they are not citadels of democracy, they are citadels of crap.

Sure it’s wrong but stop carrying on like a lefty about it.

December 31, 2021 4:43 pm

It has been a little instructive to see attempts to try and label the perps of the fire as anti-vaxxers etc…

12 foot ladder to the rescue.. (for pics and video)


Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 31, 2021 5:12 pm

The woke left and their organ at the ABC have been campaigning full-throttle to burn down everything good that the building stands for. Take only the most prominent recent example, the campaign by Milligan and Four Corners, aided by activist lawyers, to overthrow British liberties such as the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair trial, and proof beyond reasonable doubt.

December 31, 2021 5:24 pm

This was a deliberate act of arson, which may well have resulted in a lot more destruction than it did.

No thanks the ACT pigs, who stood back, let it happen and then had the gall to bleat that “this could never have been predicted”.

“first nations”, “smoking ceremonies”, “smallpox blankets”.

These (invariably white) frauds are too stupid to even invent their own memes of “oppression”.

What a joke – and a very unfunny one at that.

Cassie of Sydney
December 31, 2021 5:24 pm

So, I’m wondering, has anyone heard our great and fearless cultural warrior, the so called Liberal PM, Scumbag Morrison, speak up against this deliberate arson attack on Old Parliament House? You know, the same Scumbag Morrison who didn’t hesitate joining in the denunciation of our SAS soldiers last year? The same Scumbag Morrison who put the boot into Christine Holgate. The same Scumbag Morrison who didn’t hesitate putting the boot into George Pell and who said nothing when the HC acquitted Pell 7-0.

His silence is deafening. By the way, for all his faults, John Howard would have said something by now and I even think that Turdbull would have denounced it.

December 31, 2021 5:41 pm

Weren’t most of these ‘indigenous’ ceremonies invented in the 20th century?

Peter Smith
December 31, 2021 5:58 pm

What I can’t figure is why the police didn’t intervene earlier. Why didn’t they borrow rubber bullets and pepper sprays from their Melbourne colleagues; charge the offenders in full riot gear? One can only speculate.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 31, 2021 7:05 pm

Weren’t most of these ‘indigenous’ ceremonies invented in the 20th century?

“Welcome to Country” and “Smoking ceremonies” certainly were.

Cassie of Sydney
December 31, 2021 7:09 pm

” Why didn’t they borrow rubber bullets and pepper sprays from their Melbourne colleagues; charge the offenders in full riot gear? One can only speculate.”

It’s only ever about the ideology.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 31, 2021 8:07 pm
December 31, 2021 8:28 pm

This is Canbra we’re talking about- the marxist vandals will probably get a pubic service medal. I how many of them are pubes.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 31, 2021 9:05 pm

This stuff blackwashes aborigines.
If Mundine has said that if the Tent Embassy served any purpose at all, it was fulfilled years ago and the denizens squatting there now are low lifes and grifters, he might sound credible as a leader.
Interesting thought:
Has the Tent Embassy established Squatters Rights?
It’s been there 50 years without being moved on.
I remember living next to the beach at Cape Trib, the Ranger used to move people on every fortnight.
So you went to Cairns for a coupla days then back to the Cape.

December 31, 2021 9:53 pm

Todays burying by MSM and weasel words have made me a tad more animated about this but reading the above, wow o wow.

James Stewart, you now join the ranks of Pat O’Shane enjoy the infamy. Sheesh, where do they get these Lionel Hutz’s from FMD.

As for Linda, don’t treat us like idiots. Plenty of footage out there now of the cops deserting their post and the fact the kindling was stacked up prior to the event. Not only that this is a second attempt. No plans to prevent attempt. No riot squad. No arrests with all the footage on the internet! Not only that, I’d say your intelligence was telling you exactly what was going to happen. You and your commanders have show rank incompetence and dereliction of sworn duty. You all should be sacked.

Lastly get rid of the monstrosity that has caused all this once and for all, it is not and never been any sort of diplomatic mission. How embarrassing in our capital, I expect it in NQ or across the top end but not in the seat of power. Great look for the rest of the world outside the western hemisphere.

January 1, 2022 8:02 am

The story had already disappeared from the Age’s website front page by yesterday afternoon. And it was not mentioned at all on that evening’s 7pm ABC bulletin. But there was coverage of the Aussie cricketer who got stuck in a lift.

SBS ran a short item on the Canberra arson just after 7pm. This is their modus operandi when they feel obliged to run a story, but want as few people as possible to see it, knowing that anyone who watches the 6.30 SBS bulletin switches over to the ABC at 7.00

January 1, 2022 8:52 am

I cannot understand how this behaviour is supposed to make me respect the indigenous and their acolytes more. I find them increasingly disgusting.

January 1, 2022 9:05 am

It was arson and not mere vandalism, also arguably close to domestic terrorism.

January 1, 2022 10:39 am

Please refrain, when using your own words and not quoting someone else, from genuflecting to these parasites by describing them using their chosen label of ‘activist.’ By continuing to so acknowledge them as benign individuals or groups motivated by a feel-good ’cause,’ you contribute to the same foreign-funded marketing that sees them legally absolved from the consequences of their actions.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 1, 2022 12:11 pm

Such an unimaginative lot who have no ideas other than to destroy, with no concept whatsoever what it takes to build or to cherish one’s heritage and history

They wish to destroy everything until they are the only things left.

They will destroy all history until only the or version is left. They will destroy all values until only theirs are left. They will destroy all social norms until I knew theirs are left.

Truly awful people.

And relentless. Where good people see as compromise they see qualified surrender, and the new frontier between the two sides becomes the new front line from which they attack. Eventually they expect to win all.

Anecdotal they can do this because we fund them.

January 1, 2022 12:18 pm

Bring back the stocks to the square I say, so the rest of us can publicly show our scorn for these low lifes. Especially those who took their poor “forever apologizing for being white privileged” kids to watch on.

January 1, 2022 1:43 pm

Here is what is published in American news “Said one protester, “If government doesn’t stop this tyranny, we’ll burn down the present Parliament house and hang the elected officials by their necks as they run out of the burning building.” Kudos

January 1, 2022 7:40 pm

OK from Jay352 above and some googling, can’t find any reference to the statement but if so constitutes Domestic Terrorism. Wait for the cops to arrest the perp in their pyjamas, oh wait how many arrests has their been with footage???

Warning on the below link but you tube has pretty well much memory holed a full length footage for small sound bites mainly from MSM whitewashers. Hal Turner from my research sounds like a bit of a nutty southern US gentleman, however his website has the full 23min vid from one of the rabble up:


Highlights I noted from the footage that no j’ismist is going near. (KD or other ex-cops like Docket72 feel free to rap me on the knuckles if I am being unfair as I am a a little worked up over this.)

o min mark Place well alight at start so initial ignition would have been a good time before this started.

3min mark Cops appear, appear to be normal GD, minimal PPE, outnumbered and no public order squad.

5min mark One of the ringleaders tells the rabble to stop cars, quite a bit of heckling going on that must be spoiling their style.

7 min mark some fat slag yells about cops protecting under age abusers, take a look in your own camp or many camps across NT, Qld & WA first bint.

9 min mark rabble in cops faces that elicits a few piss weak move back commands, get they don’t want to escalate or even worse stand out as a lightning rod but these guys are well within striking distance.

11 min mark agitators now walking right up to cops, no move on issued. Now contrast to Vic Pol a few months back.

12 min mark a number of the badge numbers on cops partially concealed LOL but cops still don’t issue move on order, again contrast this to Vic Pol a few months back.

15min mark control appears lost as a bearded bloke is walking unhindered behind lines.

15:30 mark finally taped off what is an arson crime scene.

18 min mark rabble seemed to be copping it again from bypassers, nice.

19 min mark rabble bloke moving on pedestrian bypassers, some heckling by the sounds. 🙂

19:30 mark sounds like pepper spray finally used, instructions by woman at the eyesore across the road. Pretty well put blows their claim we did nothin’ out of the water. J’ismists hello, hello, where are you? Warren Mundine issued a similar laughable statement yesterday.

23 mark. End of footage, still no Public Order Squad despite provocation & OC spray deployment.

Not a good look, I don’t blame the lower level cops. They look on the surface like they had no orders and some looked indecisive with their body language. That tells me their commanders were probably frozen with fear till ordered from above on what to do, we saw the same at Lindt Cafe. Political hot potato and no one was willing to make a call.

January 4, 2022 4:14 pm

Vicki @ 1. My apologies for reporting your comment when I meant to reply to it.

Our Aborigines, First Nations People, Indigenous types had 60 millennia to build something, anything, and failed miserably. They must just be envious that a mob of whites came here and in one quarter of one millennium built a thriving democracy and a real Nation with laws for everyone, a health system for all and education for those who want it. Envy is a killer.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x