A harsh but fair rant about the lunatic left from the Rev. —- Reverend Simon Sideways: Am i just being…
The Transvestite (or whatever) who was driving the Blackhawk that crashed into the jetliner over D.C. has just made a…
Who gives a flying F-ck. Really depressed. If they can’t find a Saint guilty I have no chance. what’s the…
Gosh, umm, I’d like to thank the Academy, the director, the lighting technicians….
At the outset, probably this Open Thread will be about:
* return-to-work blues.
* baseless speculation about ScoMo cancelling the federal election because of covid.
* continuations of Bird-watching at the Furniture Factory.
* arguments over who would win in a fight between a prickly pear and a cane toad.
* covid, covid, and more covid.
A sobering little bit of video:
The numbers are staggering.
However, just keep in mind that what went on in Stalin’s reign as the Red Czar, and the brutal, murderous regime of the Maoist Chinese, not to forget the unspeakable “pure” socialists of the Khmer Rouge.
Also keep in mind that ripping off the scabs of all these death cults, (nazis excepted), is increasingly subject to “disapproval”. Then, ask yourself; WHY is this so?
Damn! I was hoping for Irma la Deuce!
Oh well, quattro will do.
Good to see Obama’s speechwriter has settled into her new gig comfortably here in Oz.
Easy job though. All I, I, I, I, I, me, me, me, me, me, my, my, my, my, mine, mine, mine, mine.
I wonder if the Teleprompter will also find work.
Colonel Crispin Berka says:
January 4, 2022 at 12:12 am
At the outset, probably this Open Thread will be about:
* return-to-work blues.
* baseless speculation about ScoMo cancelling the federal election because of covid.
No way Scummo would cancel the election – but he would have it on-line, like the recent Census (which was a great success).
We may then see Scummo & Co returned with 130% of the vote.
New fred smells… 🙂
Bird has gone to bed. And probably just as well.
I wonder if National Cabinet will also ask for an inquiry into ALL cases since the pandemic started?
Scott Morrison will push state and territory leaders to reconsider how they record Covid-19 hospitalisations, with many people admitted for other illnesses and only 51 infected patients on ventilators nationwide. (The Australian)
Ferkin gherkin insomnia.
(Any expectation to write something wise & witty is patriarchal, colonialist oppression. Respect mah victim’ood!).
Early. Tired.
Bored shitless.
Cockroaches gone beddy-byes an hour ago.
Now midnight in Queensland, online banana bending is over for the day.
Handing the thread controls over to sandgroper contingent. Bring it back tomorrow with a full tank, yeah?
Buggrit- 3 public holidays (as it were) in a row is enough.
Working for the 4th one tomorrow.
‘Night, Cats.
Who was the first shagger to come with counting sheep as a solution for insomnia? It’s not working for me, cos not only is it dark, so I can’t see them to count, but they won’t shut up, so I’m becoming even more irritated. Plus I’m living in suburbia & my dog is glaring at me as if to say “You’re far too big to be sitting on my kennel, & why are you making sheep sounds?”
*Sigh* Lives of the functional & successful, huh?
Maybe some warm yak’s milk will help.
Yep, thought so.
Might even put it in a mug next time.
Yeah, but nah, but nah.
Still here.
Still nothin to write, but nothin’s gonna stop me from writin nothin.
I’m pretty confident that’s a liberty quote.
Is it just me who thinks it’s only a matter of time before we see an alien lifeform burst from the abdomen of an Australian politician or senior public servant (or j’ismist) on live TV?
The vital question, of course, will be ‘Was that A.L.F. vaccinated?’
It’s a lotta pressure trying to entertain you people.
It’s worth it though.
I can feel my self-esteem rising.
Sorry, that’s just reflux.
I have a bucket of grotty old dog toys. That’s the solid basis for a new political party.
Who’s with me?
Saw a few seconds of SloMo on Koch-heads breakfast program. He looked and sounded ridiculous. Better start mentally preparing for PM Albo. The silver lining is that Plibbers will probably never take up residence at the Lodge.
I will qualify this by saying it was the ALPBC and necessary warnings (barbecued refugees. May not have happened) should be applied.
We may see k d wrong back in the Chairman’s Lounge as Foreign Minister. That should help when we go to war against China. Or look slightly incongruous.
So many infections to choose from, Bear. We really are spoiled, aren’t we?
Slap some lippy on it & you’ll find someone happy to throw away their vote on a tropical ulcer.
Can I eunuch ascent anti-cross my own comments? What’s the protocol here?
Best to ensure you wake up on Sunday morning with a hangover. That way the result is the least of your worries (at least for those of us of a certain age).
Muddy – give yourself a dickless uptick. Feel free to launch into a series of monologues about how you have been grievously wronged and will be spending less time here in future. Repeat. And repeat.
I’ll leave you to it.
Looks like I should stay in Italy for 14 days before sneaking into France.
What a bother covid restrictions are.
Even though cases are exploding in Italy it’s a safe ‘green zone’ to enter France, no covid test required. If travelling from Australia, also green triple antigen is needed. Still not clear what, if anything I need to do to travel to Sardinia.
I will, no doubt, find out.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight classic.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
Steve Bright.
Morten Morland.
Patrick Blower.
Tom Stiglich.
Gary Varvel.
Chip Bok.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Thank you Tom
Thanks Tom for the morning laugh but it’s harder to get these days
Hey Muddy,
I would have stayed for a chat if I had known there was another insomniac in front of the screen. No one posted for ages, so I went and watched South Park for a couple of hours then dozed off.
I hope you gave the dog his house back.
Pogria. You, you, you, you, you. And some more you. Biden speechwriter.
That’s about as sensible as your comment above presumably directed at me.
At the end of the old OT Grigs put together a series of my comments out of context as part of his long-standing trolling of me.
At an earlier stage in his managerial career ABC TV did a similar sort of hit job on Hairy, splicing together footage and interview material he had granted them to create their usual fakery around any issue where they thought they could gain leftist traction by an attempt to destroy someone’s credibility. He never allowed such a thing to happen again. He may have been lulled because when he was still a Labor man they had done a much gentler piece on him. Not so this time though, when they went for blood. Hairy is not a politician but we here know this mode in their politics very well.
Great work to see 47 uptickers of a troll do better here than the ABC in the same mode.
I’m as bored as everyone else with Lizzie’s self-regarding monologues, but draw the line at ignoring outright lies:
Add to the bulging file labelled “Things that never happened/Lizzie.”
I never published his name, and AFAIK nor did anyone else. I merely pointed out that she herself had doxxed him.
I thought that the ABC gave their victims a four week break this time of year.
Not so apparently. 7:30 was on in the background at the place I was at last night.
Full blown illogical Covid disaster porn. A queue of non-entity experts. Morrisson’s plea to end the stupid was, of course, drop kicked.
It appears that they have given up on lockdowns as the preferred tool of repression. The new game is testing.
Covid passports are no longer enough. “Show me your test result”. Love is a test kit in every handbag. “No test result, no lollipop” is the new ABC screech.
It will never end.
If you start “the stupid”, no good whining for it to end. Commenters here saw the result of the National Cabinet 18 months ago. No doubt others, closer to him, did too. He can’t pretend he wasn’t warned.
Paid for by other people’s money, of course.
Goats may eat blackberry down to the dirt but the roots remain, next spring the place will be covered in blacberry again. There is only one solution for anything more than the odd isolated small plant. Herbicide.
oops, apostrophe in the wrong spot, the ABC doesn’t want one person to pay for it, they want lots of people to pay for their peace of mind.
Very happy this morning ! ! !
My beloved Wolves won at Old Trafford for the first time in 42 years beating Man Utd 1-0.
Thanks for your updates on travel requirements during Covid, Rosie. It can help with future planning for some here to get a handle on likely problems. We are concluding a booking today for travel to the UK at the end of April for five weeks.
Oh, and thanks too to Franx for your kind words on the OT yesterday about my recent publication. Here I am sorry to say it is likely to be very subject to complete misapprehension about its intent; but here thankfully is not the rest of the world.
I have suggested to friends that my piece is best read as it is presented on Quadrant’s front page – as part of a thematically-linked trio. Patrick Parkinson’s piece on UN policy regarding marriage is a good precursor to my experiential exposition and Gary Furnell’s essay on the good sense found in the marital politics in Jane Austen’s work is precursed by a belief that young people don’t read Austen much anymore.
I think there is some resurgence of interest by young women in Austen’s sensibilities and good sense.
Ellie Dashwood’s cute little blog puts paid to the idea that Austen in the minds of the young is just for old fogies. She makes it alive and explicable to da yoof who read Austen and watch in droves. This old fogey really enjoys it too (while knowing the Regency period quite well already).
Not only is that a vision of hell, society is getting dumber, good luck finding someone who reads and isn’t a leftist twat who thinks they are literally Hermione Granger.
Mater’s Mischief #5: Our next American President/Prime Minister?
johanna says:
January 4, 2022 at 6:35 am
I wish all of this would just go away.
No offense E B but you ask for privacy and at the same time giving out your daughters place of work and status. That is a public co. wouldn’t take too long to find her details, would one be that way inclined.
Just let it be.
So the vaccinations ‘didn’t do shit’?
Everyone will need to lick a plastic stick before entry, regardless of the green tick?
Who’d have thought that it was about continued control and compliance.
Sinclair would disagree. And that is the end of the matter.
Yep is how plants spread.
Deliberately released, Gabor, just to show up those who would pursue such things.
Don’t take me too seriously. 🙂
I care far less about being doxxed these days although when it really counted I cared a lot, and Hairy just laughs at Catallaxy’s puny ’50’ now. In truth, there are so many young women circulating in the higher echelons of the Big Four these days and they change their names too with marriage, making further tracing a herculean job for what, for any chaser here, would be a minor reward. Marriage, btw, and a hugely expensive wedding (tell me about it) is resurgently popular amongst Australia’s middle class young women, who have seen an older tribe of career girls left childless on the shelf.
Marriage is still much decried however amongst those still living in an urban bugman bubble, or in the drug-ridden unclass that is a sadest legacy of the boomer laissez-faire ‘youthquake’ I wrote about.
that’s ‘underclass’ not ‘unclass’.
Active contributors even on Sinc’s Cat were only relatively few.
But they sure post a lot.
If I stay up really, really late…….
I may be able to have the last word.
From the Age.
Gentleman, start your money catching nets!
Family Law ought to be through collaborative practice. No court, clean breaks, lower fees and more matters dealt with.
A lot of them have bullshit jobs.
Deloitte has some absurd titles for a firm that can do good forecasting and economic analysis, but the sillier director titles are just for chasing taxpayer subsidised diversity rivers of gold.
I think doing this saved my marriage, Dot.
Discussed this quite recently with a family member who has shifted from corporate into a qango. Amazed at all the “busywork” jobs and useless regulations and hoops just in the recruitment area alone.
Made a few observations about how the whole thing could be streamlined and was shouted down with a Thunbergian “how dare you!”. Everyone is “stressed” and doing too much work but most of it is duplication. Sounded to me like the ghastly Circumlocution Office, with Tite Barnacle this time dressed in leggings, sloppy t-shirt and unbrushed hair.
I suspect they’ll only last 18 months, if that.
Speed is life, so a cane toad in a 1v1 dogfight.
Cane toad.
Prickly pear has a known predator, can be controlled with glypho or grubbed out and burned.
Cane toad’s enemy is Dettol. But you have to be there to pull the trigger.
Learn to scroll, peoples!
And try to play the ball and not the man…
And, if I can contradict myself and play the man for just a minute…
I love reading Joh’s posts about Queanbeyan tradies, kangaroo goings-on at the golf course and ACT insider stuff. I generally scroll her Lizzie commentary (but catch a little of it) and wonder why she gets fixated on her. Every time.
I love reading most of Lizzie’s posts and feel the place is not the same when she’s absent. I welcome her unflouncing but dread the inevitable Lizzie War that follows. I don’t recall Lizzie ever starting a new battle though, just Joh (or a pile-onner), even if Lizzie always feels the need to push back (fair enough, but scrolling resumes for this Player).
Can we just live and let live?
Bullshit jobs, C Northcote Parkinson wrote extensively on this back in the 50’s, he even managed to use maths to explain how the rate of increase in administrative jobs always exceeds the number of people to be managed and has no corelation at all to the work that was to be done. He was a brilliant writer using humour to get his point across but the subject matter was serious, unfortunately his insights were quickly forgotten.
If you can lay your hands on a copy of ‘The Law’ by him or any of his other works take the time to read and enjoy and weep at the same time.
Yeah sfw,
It is one of the most treasured books Dad passed down to me.
What a little gem.
The back story, evidence. During the period after Sinc closed down the site when I had removed myself from commenting for a defined three-month self-imposed period of recovery. Johanna was still going strong in her crusade against me though and referred on the OT to my husband on two occasions, firstly by Christian and Surname, and secondly as Mr. Surname, caustically inviting him to visit her in Queanbeyan.
Original print-outs available should people disbelieve that this doxxing happened.
Needs more depth or this if your consistent applied to transgender concerns and women’s sport.
That would require a majority of people waking up and realising that government is a scam.
Most of the vaxxies and normies can’t break their psychological conditioning.
“Choice…?…what the hell is that!”
Yeah, as long as they’re not trying to impose their ways on me or anyone else who doesn’t want it, Bespoke.
Dot, ’tis better to work on that than endless wars with fellow commentators who are largely on the same side.
Daughter had a client who complained about her subordinate who had not given a toss about the client being weanie pathetic fag and not giving due deference. Which is one of the best ways of handling (so to speak) the alphabet type, it drives them crazy. My daughter’s reply was “don’t mind him, he used to kill people he didn’t like”. Ex army. Poor fag got flustered and that was that. She rang the client’s boss, the real Client, not to complain just a heads up. She is really enjoying private enterprise, no make work meetings that go nowhere like the APS before.
Wonder if this is just a US thing or is happening here and in other countries?
Deaths of those 18 to 64yo up by 40%.
Fair enough NKP, but what a person considers an imposition is always due to circumstances and experiences.
Well said that man. I’m in for that.
From the old thread
Dick ‘Ed
Dot wouldn’t know his own arse from a hole in the ground.
Well deserved response in 3 … 2 … 1 …
The Mainstream Media Is Losing The Fight Of Its Life…All Thanks To Joe Rogan
A couple of things all happened together over the last 48 hours.
First, I came up with the idea of writing 100 predictions for the year 2022 – a blog post that I might still wind up finishing at some point. And second, I listened to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast interview of mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., hours after the doctor was banned from Twitter for having opinions on Covid that stood at odds with the mainstream narrative.
The Mainstream Media Is Losing The Fight Of Its Life…All Thanks To Joe Rogan
I’m expecting one of the largest mainstream media pivots in history in 2022, catalyzed by capitalism and common sense.
The opinions that Malone echoed during his Rogan appearance included, but were not limited to:
Calling the government “out of control” and “lawless” in their Covid response
Stating mandates of “experimental” vaccines are “explicitly illegal”
Noting that India had success in treating Covid early with drugs like ivermectin
Saying “half a million” excess deaths have occurred due to government actions
Arguing those with natural immunity have higher risk of vaccine adverse events
Alleging that people are living through a mass formation psychosis
Predators cannot.
Sorry, but that is not ‘evidence’, as you put it. Evidence would be the actual post/s you refer to.
All you’ve done is publish emails talking about something that may or may not have occurred. Invoking the prior blog owner’s name doesn’t add any credibility to it.
It’s like discussing what you thought was a UFO sighting, without producing the UFO.
Sorry about the fact check above, but as I said to Sancho, historiography is important to me.
It’s done. Let it be is certainly my aim now.
Agree NKP, I enjoy both of them but the last couple of days is pathetic added to the other pathetic goings on so far this year. Please people don’t wreck Dover’s Cat. He has done a great job, better than Sinc did. Mind you I think Dover isn’t invested in Turdbullshit and Bombing Bombers. Get over yourselves. If JC can, anyone can.
Throughout Covid I have compared it to the AIDS crises, perhaps the last major medical crisis Big Government and BigScience saved us from. We are nearly at point where, if your not Gay or African, go back to whatever you were doing. The analogy is not quite perfect as certain people can still get into trouble if you get Covid.
Grigory is an ignorant bugman.
I don’t have to list my CV and life experience to that pathetic creature who fails even at trolling.
Needless to say, I helped friends rebuild vineyards and fences after the last big fires.
Grigory cried about Asians eating a fish.
Numberwang would love not having to prove the high ground he claimed and be back in front of a needy captive audience.
The emails are time-dated KD and Sinc could verify receipt of them and his subsequent actions if need be if we are talking subpoenas in a Court of Law, which we are not. The time date itself would enable any serious researcher to access the old blog files and find the original comment where it stood with an obvious redaction of Hairy’s name, made by Sinc. Cassie’s original alert to me possibly also contains a hard copy of the comment itself: I haven’t checked that in the heaps of emails I exchange with Cassie on all sorts of topics and meet ups, no need to make it all a Federal case. My kindest interpretation is that Johanna simply forgot she made this comment. It happens.
Let’s move on now.
Yep. Add Grey Nurses to the list.
January 4, 2022 at 8:28 am
Learn to scroll, peoples!
You’re so funny.
50 and a 1/2
It’s not evidence Lizzie. I don’t mean to be mean.
You said you would provide evidence, and in fact produced vague clues and a mystery person – in this case, the previous blog owner.
I can say Might and Power won the Cup in 1997 with Jim Cassidy on board, but if questioned I would need to produce the race results, not a record of me talking about it.
It’s not a Scooby Doo episode.
Okay, exclude the true wrongologists who are the man and the ball. They stick out in the line of fire so effectively anyway. And anyone whom Cassie declares is worthy to dump on. 🙂
FMD. What’s going on? You’ve got a bad case of jihad against things people like to eat.
KD, now I have the date of my email to Sinclair I have just done a search on Cassie’s original email to me.
In it Cassie has copied the comment that concerned her and her lawyer partner.
So yes, there is a dated hard copy available. It can rest where it is though. No disclosure.
Hairy always cautioned his staff about emails and blogging on the net, long before they became fashionable in litigration and politics. If you write it, consider it a public and legal document, was his mantra.
Hey. This is secret Queensland business.
(Pro Tip: Dilute the Dettol with meths, not water: your water pistol will thank you.)
I suppose Lizzie could provide the post number (it may be in Cassie’s email that she has) but the post may have disappeared. The Trove scrape of is next to useless while the Wayback Machine is more complete and navigable, multi-page open freds often only have one page of the many archived.
Or we can all just move on.
The copy is clearly a direct cut and paste of comment made on Catallaxy. i.e. authentic.
Is this some sort of code for Lizzie vs Johanna?
Interesting choice for the OT header, Dover. Goya treats a classical subject in a whole new way, with broad, soft strokes and suggestion.
Quite a departure from those fat, baroque damsels and lusty teutonic bulls nestling in garlands of flowers.
It would stand up as evidence in any Court of Law. So the message is, be careful about what you write.
Here is ok so far, but new legislation may well turn up to bite Dover’s bum.
I won’t be party to it, but it could happen.
Nelson, from what I can gather, the Trove archive has only the final page for each month (and the threads listed thereon). I found some interesting comments from early 2020 there a few days ago when I had an hour to kill.
Oh, and happy six months anniversary to FlashCat!
Okay, okay…five months.
Not a bad start though.
Can I have Option B please?
The “Or we can all just move on” one.
Interesting as to what makes for evidence. Hermeneutics will have its work cut out with emails of the past.
As for the puzzle women, their work too is cut out. Shall check to see how or if is progressing.
ahuh, a very public and high profile person that can’t be named
Ah, geez. I doze for two hours & the blissful harmony that has pervaded DoverCat recently starts showing signs of rigor. You people just cannot cope without me, can you?
This ‘Muddy, you’re indispensable’ sh!t is growing fungus.
Who is “on owe side’ and gets a free pass. From my perspective unrepentant feminist and ex back door Alp power brokers should be at least viewed with scepticism not embraced as voices of movement that is and very vulnerable to ulterior motives.
The Wayback Machine is quite good. Almost all threads apart from the open forums are there, complete, and there are usually multiple captures over time. Like I said, the multi-page threads are less complete as the crawler did not find the other pages in all cases, just the main (usually last) one. The fact that there was fiddling of the Çat’s look at different stages (e.g.: page size) seems to mean some eras are more complete than others. Start here if you wish to fossick in old dirt. 🙂
‘It would stand up as evidence in any Court of Law.’
No. It is an inference at best.
No. No, it would not. The post itself is evidence. Anything else is gossip.
I think this may be a Perry Mason episode.
the real murderer is …
the prosecutor
who knew?
Always good news when Man Utd lose. My beloved Mighty Reds hammered them 5-0 a couple of months ago, at Old Trafford.
“Hey, while you’re here….”
Headline in Drudge : “France relaxes”.
Headline 2 in Drudge.
This year’s model.
So we have reached the point of Schroeder’s doxxing. The only way to prove Hairy was doxxed is to doxx Hairy.
If only we could go to closed court. If the rest of you could see yourself out. Groogs can stay. He probably has the details on a flash card already filed.
This is all getting a bit silly, even for me.
I’d like to bring attention to my post of 2:10 a.m. Three ticks? Are you kidding me? You heartless bastards! This is MY time, & I demand you inbreds acknowledge my wit, wisdom, & glowing charisma (which might be sunburn)!
If that won’t trigger long-deserved empathy, I’d like to describe the rash I had 23 years ago. It was a cold & lonely night …
That would be Schrodinger’s doxxing.
Schroeder’s doxxing would involve a few bars of Beethoven.
Or you could put your hand in a blender.
Talk of small businesses in hospitality closing or suffering….but we have really noticed it on returning to Sydney in the last few days.
Deciding to try to get a meal at local restaurants with outdoor facilities, we found one seafood place now only serves takeaway of fried fish & chips. We decided on the Italian restaurant next door with outdoor tables & found ownership had changed, Chinese people running it & the food was awful (I was mildly sick afterwards).
Next morning drove to our usual cafe on beach, only to find it closed with sign (due to staff unavailability).
Mmmm……..all this talk of a sensational economic recovery? All pollie talk!
Sorry. I’ll withdraw my Peanuts reference.
So I was close. Physics is not my area.
This article is so funny.
The hysteria over normal erosion is palpable. Does the msm know that Tasmania was attached to the mainland a while ago?
I gave you a sympathy uptick, Muddy.
Cherish it. I hand out very…very few of the things.
That’s it. I’m flexi-flouncing.
Good Moaning.
Without a bit of a boot up the arse this blog becomes a sewing circle.
Complete with the girls having a bitch about each other.
No fun at all.
How many boosters are you going to have Lizzie?
Those OS trips don’t happen if your Nazi pass turns red.
You do realise Frau Notaclue may tell you what good Nazi international travel requires this week, but it can change by the second, do you not?
In a bondage dungeon somewhere, a malefactor shivers with pleasure – reaches for a Kleenex – and returns to xis Googling…
Ha! ha! so true and how incessant nagging is so powerful to the practitioners.
I have stopped using Wikipedia. Those pleas for $2.75 were getting to me.
So is it the tick that counts or the colour.
BTW it’s pathetic what excites you these days. I came home jubilant from shopping because I was able to purchase Rhinocort nasal spray which has Budesonide, the steroid which has proved very effective against Covid in the early stages. Generally, this is only available through prescription & we try to avoid GP visits. I havnt been to see a doctor in 3 years though husband saw the regional GP a few months ago.
Still no Quercetin available. But I have a nice little stock added to as it comes available. My daughter, who attends a naturopath regularly, was able to purchase some from him & gave it to me for Christmas. Pathetic, isn’t it?!
calli says:
January 4, 2022 at 10:01 am
I blame L. van Pelt.
Good on you Vicki. I am pleased for you.
calli says:
January 4, 2022 at 10:02 am
As long as you don’t upend that piano.
And about that football…
@ Muddy:
I recommend a few fingers of OP Bundy and warm (NOT boiled) milk as a nightcap. This could be a challenge if you do not have a nice gig as a pubic serpent a to pay for the Bundy and the energy bill for heating the milk.
Technically, it’s not even evidence…Johanna could have probably pointed that out.
Retirement dinner scheduled for this Friday postponed one month due to the number of COVID cases in Mongyang.
Do these fucking vaccines work or not?
‘Technically, it’s not even evidence’
Saying my evidence is not evidence?
That is actionable.
Look, I’m sure you’re trying to help but …
New Study: Pacific And Indian Ocean Sea Levels Rising ‘Much Slower Than Climate Model Predictions’ (3 Jan)
Atolls getting bigger? How amazing is that, when you have atolls in the South Pacific that are like giant rings with the central volcano long since submerged. Maybe climate scientists and Nine News journos should be required to do a course on basic geography.
The IHU variant of SARS-2 CoVID-19.
So this should keep the narrative up to about mid March!
It’s meta evidence. Like metadata. Ask the Zuck.
Sorry Tom hit the report by accident. Dover disregard.
WTF with that Darwin article, Malak is down past the airport. Beach is quite a few km away!
What law precisely do you claim has been breached, and how?
Always good news when Man Utd lose. My beloved Mighty Reds hammered them 5-0 a couple of months ago, at Old Trafford.
Yep, they even made, the once mighty (I still remember being a kid .. LOL!), TOON look the goods in that 1-1 draw last week (which Toon should have won .. but as usual .. duuuh!) .. any team that can make Newcastle look competitive, these days, has very serious problems ..! .. LOL!
If they weren’t so totally lefty I might consider a donation. But nope, not while they censor righties and fill the pages with endless lefty swill. They can go ask Bill Gates or Laurene Jobs for a handout.
It’s Magna Carter, it’s Hideous Corpus; it’s the Warsaw Convention.
Do try to keep up.
Let it be.
Followed by five more posts on the subject.
Final Birdwatch for today, and some time:
Struth banned him again- This time for just being Bird, and shitting everywhere in his obnoxious and monomanically repetitive manner.
But at least Bird didn’t call him a c***. And Struth didn’t grandstand about being the free-est and open-est and truthiest this time.
It appears we can relegate the vaccines to the “things that were going to set us free, but didn’t” bin…right along side the COVIDSafe app.
Rapid Antigen Testing is the next saviour in line.
Some of the greatest agricultural science writings of our time have gone in the bin?
Say it isn’t so.
No-one tell the MSM about the end of the last ice age, they’d freak out. The sea levels rose so far that Australia was cut in two and Britain was separated from western Europe.
The original Brexit!
Mabo, the Constitution, the Vibe?
More disgusting Chinese landfill to go with the filthy masks.
This makes my beef with endless disposable nappies look tame.
Any “environmentalists” piping up to whinge? Not a chance.
There’s someone missing from this amazing, heart-warming story.
Let it be.
Followed by five more posts on the subject.
Sancho, as there are several gentlemen on this blog of a nervous disposition regarding the “Betty Bucket Imbroglio”, (not your manly self, of course), I suggest a “Last Word Off”.
Best Quote, link, video wins. We need a judge. Talk amongst yourselves fellas and choose one.
I submit my humble contribution for your perusal. 😉
There’s someone missing from this amazing, heart-warming story.
Can’t locate the meme, but it was a cartoon of a speaker saying “every corporate Board needs 50% men and 50% women” to the smiles of the woke audience, then saying “every child needs a mother and father” at which point the torches and pitchforks came out.
I wonder if the ABC will do the follow up show in around 10 or so years’ time when Ellie’s Y chromosome puberty has kicked its way past the hormone blockers and Ellie realises that getting “her” dick chopped off wasn’t a good idea.
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.
As some so like to arrogantly taunt, Sinc’s old cat vault is impenetrable.
Let’s call them members of, ‘Team A’.
Team A also loves to appeal to ‘proofs’ at Sinc’s old cat or Sinc’s word, neither of which are available to we teamless individuals who Team A regularly calumniate.
They are low, cheap, propagandistic tactics of the MSM, such as Their ABC which we now know Lizzie’s Hairy, like Sinc, was a regular on (and a Labor man; makes one wonder how many of those so often boasted of diamonds came via Labor’s/OPM), but I digress; I still ‘read’/scroll by the Johanna & Lizzie Shows as just another game of Team A propagandists playing, ‘Diversion For The Sake of The Team/Party.
That’s all I have to say on the matter/s.
Here’s mine…
Here’s mine.
I suggest a “Last Word Off”.
The good ones are rare, and like your example frequently scripted.
Quoting from memory of something in Steve Waugh’s autobiography about an on-field incident.
“It was the perfect time for a witty sarcastic retort but unfortunately all I could think of was “fuck off”.”
” IHU variant of SARS-2 CoVID-19″.
It’s about now you start thinking of “Hmm, will my booster last through another variation”?
What the hell?
Pootled into town.
The car thought it was 32 in the shade, a steady miasma dispersing breeze was coming in
from the WNW and the Sun was set to insta-basal cell carcinoma.
Yet nearly everyone in the street wore the Blue Scrap of Safety.
Has Umbrella Corp. had another leak?
Or is Anna the Munificent, Mother of All Queenssslanders,
worried she is no longer first in our hearts?
There, Mater, FIFY. Oops, I forgot: and masks.
Queensland mandates masks in all indoor settings (Sky News, 1 Jan)
May as well wear a bag over your head, it’d be just as efficient. Hopefully the MSM will get bored of all this soon.
British Medical Journal: “The End Of The Pandemic Won’t Be Televised”. It’ll End When Media Lose Interest (2 Jan)
Unfortunately, seeing how incredibly boring most lefty news outlets are, it may take a while.
Not exactly a “last word” in the sense Pogria is suggesting but still one of my all time favourites, quoted on page 1 of Gerald Stone’s history of Channel 9 post the Goanna.
Kerry Packer is on his deathbed and drifts into unconsciousness. He wakes up briefly, just long enough to say, before his final checkout:
“Am I still here? How long is this going to fucking take?”
Bird is best experienced in realtime. It’s the thrill of the smiting.
You guys Rock!
Oh and on RATs, I was amused to read more about the Karen who sat on an aircraft toilet for three hours after coming down with crud midflight.
CNN Story Perfectly Captures The Mass COVID Neuroticism Of 2021 (2 Jan)
So there you go, she did two PCR tests and five RATs. But the eight test was positive! It’s like the castle in the swamp, only sillier.
Hop back in your tunnel and eat some more pizza, srr.
We adults are fighting, now…
Some people like to read the old Cat. But only as an allegory.
Oh, it was a rhetorical question.
Carry on.
Some people like to read the old Cat. But only as an allegory.
Plenty of smitings in the Old.
The New is far more about giving everyone a second chance.
I still ‘read’/scroll by the Johanna & Lizzie
I tune in for the travel and gardening segments.
Thought I would flounce in here and whip out the 12 inch
pepper grinder and see if anyone can match me.
Ya feelin’ lucky punks.
How’s that working out for everyone?
How Ellie came to terms with her transgender identity at age 7
Whatever thoughts occupied my mind at 7 I can’t recall but one thing I do know they didn’t involve gender .. What I do recall(throughout my mid 1950s’60s schooldays) is there was NO tolerance (amongst kids) for being different .. none whatsoever … being different at 7 would have, probably, resulted in only one outcome .. the failure to attend one’s own 8th burfday ……..
Where do these kids learn this stuff? .. my, & most kids, I grew up with 1st interest in gender other than taunting didn’t occur until the teenage years became reality ……. & it wasn’t about wearing dresses .. either!
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
January 4, 2022 at 11:17 am
The gruinaid has an Australian Karen trying to top the aircraft dunny experience…
“I love my kid so much I dragged them sick out of bed with a positive case of covid to get a second test”…
My 19-year-old son was the first to go down on Tuesday, 28 December. In the morning he developed stomach cramps, vomiting, a migraine and a high fever. I bought him the last rapid antigen test at the local servo. It came up as positive.
And so began our efforts to be included in New South Wales’ latest Covid figures. A week later and we are still not part of that count.
I live in northern NSW and last Tuesday was a public holiday. I rang three public hospitals to find out which testing centres were open and learnt that every testing centre was overrun and our chances of getting in were Buckley’s.
I was undeterred. My son had severe asthma as a child. Would Omicron trigger his asthma? I’m probably an anxious mother, but I wanted an official diagnosis in case he needed hospital care. I also believe that the state and federal governments need to chart the spread of infection because it’s their job to deliver resources to hospitals and tighten pandemic restrictions to slow infection. I was determined for us to be included in the Covid count.
On Tuesday afternoon we drove to the Byron drive-through testing clinic – the security guard said they couldn’t test any more people. We then headed to Ballina only to be turned away. Lismore and Casino’s drive-throughs were also closed.
We went home. My son’s temperature was above 38C that night despite the Nurofen and Panadol. The headaches also started for me.
At 6am on Wednesday, my feverish son dragged himself out of bed and I drove him back to a drive-through testing clinic. It was almost 20C, but he wore a hoodie, and brought a blanket and box of tissues. By 9am we’d crawled to the front of the drive-through queue. I told the nurse he had a positive RAT and a history of severe asthma. She said his results would be fast-tracked and back in 50 hours. I was surprised that 50 hours was considered fast, but still grateful he was a priority.
We drove home from the testing centre and into the twilight zone. The whole family became unwell, and days of high temperatures, strange dreams, headaches, dizziness and exhaustion followed.
Since the summer influx of visitors to the northern rivers, one member of my family has received a Covid exposure site alert every second day. It has been like playing dodgem cars with Covid. We got hit.
Our region is popular with tourists so they add to rapidly increasing case numbers, but it also has a high percentage of elderly and First Nations residents and a limited number of ICU beds. I hope our health system holds in coming weeks.
NSW premier Dominic Perrottet has told journalists: “We will tailor our response to the situation that comes. If evidence changes, we will have targeted restrictions in place.”
For seven days, we have been trying to contribute to “the evidence”. Yesterday – 122 hours after being swabbed – my son and I received our positive results so I anticipate we will be in today’s figure, exactly a week after he became sick. My husband and daughter will surely be added to the numbers having also been tested.
The questions I keep coming back to now are: is the testing system so slow because labs are under-resourced, and the state government did not plan for a contagious new variant and Christmas travel and celebrations causing a surge in cases? Or are numbers rising so quickly it’s simply impossible for labs to keep up? Should we consider Victoria’s lead and look at allowing people to upload RAT results?
What is clear though is the latest numbers being given out by government clearly do not reflect daily infection rates. I’ve come to think of the NSW Covid-19 figures as being like a Hubble space telescope – reporting back what happened light years ago.
The picture is a classic “Car based Karen demands to speak with the manager“
That is the equivalent of reading the articles. Buy a bag of ocelots’ spleens and enjoy the show.
Kung Flu Kartoon:
So far the only common symptoms of all the variants is stupidity.
Once you could only get Covid skiing in Aspen. Now every Tom, Dick and Harry has it.
It’s Magna Carter, it’s Hideous Corpus; it’s the Warsaw Convention.
I thought it was the “Magma Carter”?
Mole – That is glorious! Only Aussies have this wonderful ability to disappear up their own orifices so completely that they turn themselves inside out. I like the floral print on her face nappy.
From their stupid bloody parents and tachers*.
You can see why Lord Waffleworth was so keen to get the Grauniad down under.
Awwwww….shucks. Send those diseased proles home, pronto!
The Beloved has had a four-day-late ping on his phone daily, and two yesterday. Because terrible tourists.
They ask him to be aware of symptoms. So far…none. Super infectious cunning virus!
Typical heartless extreme right wing capitalist bringing up “work”
as if it’s the only thing that matters.
Clearly you are not a sovereign citizen.
calli – it’s worse in the West. Perth people have gone to Margaret River.
At least “Karen” is starting to get the picture.
Baby steps…
Wonderful to see the grown adults walking down the street with masks.
Face nappies in case the wearer shits themselves in fear.
thought so
Extra always cautious? It’s nice that Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke are still going well.
We need to be careful with the word “work”. It can be misinterpreted.