The federal minister used to have veto over ARC grants, and in coalition governments the minister would do so. The…
The federal minister used to have veto over ARC grants, and in coalition governments the minister would do so. The…
The Newman a government ended the Qld Premiers Literary Award to great wailing and hashing of teeth. It did so…
TBF, it takes 4 years to train a graduate engineer to be useful anyway. Chock full of theory but nought…
That is so cute!
Why yes, yes you can. I love skid steers. Is there anything they can’t do?
Okay, good enough. My kids went to school in the US and they weren’t allowed to enter school grounds on opening day without their immunization papers. They went to school here for a short time but can’t remember and assumed it was requested.
Perhaps some private schools require it because I think I can vaguely recall wifey hunting around for papers, but can’t be 100 %.
I know people who say the only years they’ve ever gotten the flu was when they got the shot.
Anecdotes are fine but some are more vague than others.
Every leaf is sacred in NSW Deep-Green run Councils, Top Ender. Don’t expect an easy ride.
An arborist once told us that Woollahra Council (in the land of million dollar harbour views) makes more money from fining owners fifty thousand dollars starting rate per tree for any unauthorised tree interference or removal than they do from anything else they charge ratepayers for.
A Council aborist inspecting trees on our property after major storm damage, and a removal recommendation for a Coral ‘weed’ tree from the SES emegency services, looked up at the very large Jacaranda about two metres from our building and said she would not permit pruning it of anything wider than a man’s finger. Luckily, I love the tree due to its blossoms and bird habitat. The foliage drops to expose views during the winter while its shade is useful in the summer and we have views elsewhere anyway.
Hairy, nevertheless, does chop away at it regardless of the branch size when it intrudes into our verandah or when some branches of it thrash about on our roof. He has a long-handled gadget which he employs for such things. That arborist woman was a sniffy drip-nosed total Karen.
Luckily I can still telephone Mavellous Mervyn No Surname, a friend of trees yet a man of good sense and swift action, when something subtle needs to be done, for our block has ten large trees.
The trees in our area that are really a problem for many people are those lower down the hill lining a Council street. The are universally loathed, except by rabid greenies. At one time they were sensibly pollarded but since those glorious days have been allowed to push up long straight view-blocking corms.
Every pro-vaxer I’ve ever met has believed that doctors all have access to time machines. Doctors use these time machines to go back to before a vaccine is introduced and use modern laboratory techniques to retrospectively test 100 per cent of the population (symptomatic and asymptomatic).
This way, pro-vaxers argue, we can definitively compare numbers pre-vaccine vs post-vaccine.
Poor old binary.
He really thinks that the symptomatic profile of different diseases can’t have been identified before vaccines were developed, because every medical advance in relation to a disease must in his view happen in lockstep with every other advance. Same applies to pathology and immunology. It’s just stark staring impossible in his world for the symptoms and pathology of different diseases to be identified before a vaccine is developed for any of them, so thus he thinks it’s impossible for reasonable stats for pre and post vaxx to be kept. It never occurs to him that there’s inevitably a lag time between identifying a possibly dangerous virus, completing the analysis of whether the virus is indeed dangerous, and then developing a vaccine against it, during which time it’s possible to do accurate stats on the symptoms and pathology of what the virus does.
Poor old binary.
As an example I pointed out to him that medical science had no difficulty realising that Lou Gehrig wasn’t suffering from polo in 1939, even though no effective polio vaccine existed till 1955. Poor old binary thought that he could refute the argument by stating that it is now believed that FDR was misdiagnosed with polio in 1921. Poor old binary can’t understand that medical knowledge of polio needn’t have been totally static from 1921 till 1939. Poor old binary.
JC depending on when your kids went to school in the US you could have easily got a religious (in some cases philosophical) objection.
Up until a few years ago, West Virginia and Mississippi were the only places with no non-medical objections (the laws were in place long before the red/blue divide on this issue).
And no private school in Australia, as far as I am aware, has tried to or can mandate vaccines.
You know my father? Shirles
Is there any group in Australia that Scumo hasn’t alienated?
After carving through the conservative vote and driving off any disaffected Labor voters who have been jabbed or impoverished by coercion, he’s now pissing off sports fans.
Surely Dutton must be feeding the idiot lines to hasten the demise.
NYC was mandatory. The kid simply wasn’t allowed on schools grounds.
Okay about Australian private schools as I couldn’t recall.
Mater I know it’s the HPV vaccine, but the rhetoric they use to sell the HPV vaccine to parents of boys is it’s to protect all the girls they root from cervical cancer.
Are you allowed instead to promise that you’ll teach your son to put a party hat on Mr Happy every time Mr Happy wants to go exploring? Surely that would work.
Thanks Tim. So much drivel.
Not only do we have time machines but now we have the claim that literally *every* disease in history has been 100 per cent unambiguous and that the term “differential diagnosis” isn’t real.
Note too that Tim – who thinks *every* disease in history has presented unambiguously – tries to insult me by calling me “binary”.
There is a reason why pruning jacarandas is a mistake.
The wound site quickly sends a message – “grow”. And so it does – long, willowy witches brooms of ugly vertical growth, quite unlike the naturally maturing tree which tends to be gnarly and tending horizontal. Check it out sometime as you wander Sydney streets – you can always pick the lopping site. Power companies are notorious for hideous pruning.
If the thing is making a nuisance of itself, then pruning is the only answer of course. Just be aware that the strong new growth is coming from the outer part of the tree and not the heartwood, so don’t let it get too big and heavy. It makes sense to keep lopping away at this site – eventually there will be so much callous that new growth will be retarded.
This is also a problem with poorly pruned eucs – you create widow makers, just waiting for wind and rain to peel off onto someone’s car…or head.
They noticed, alright.
I mean this in the nicest way possible.
My frustration here is obvious.
This is because at one time Catallaxy files commenters were way in front of the eight ball, and had read the political tea leaves correctly before all others.
By god , has that changed.
I have just scrolled back and again I wonder what I am doing here.
There are certain things that just will not be admitted, which has sent catallaxians to the back of the bus.
They cannot come to the right conclusions until they do.
But come hell or high water, self delusion is now the only way to cope for many, and god help anyone trying to shove the truth in their face.
You’ll still see people comment on the spineless behaviour of ScoMo, for example.
Let us state the bleeding obvious.
If you don’t know by now, looking at the entire world, that this has nothing to do with a virus and never did, you are PURPOSEFULLY deluding yourself to cope.
If you don’t want to believe there is a Klaus Schwab, a Bill Gates and the whole Davos crowd (which includes the UN, and the WHO and all the other global socialist elites who have their bought and paid for traitors in nation governments world wide, you are denying reality.
It’s a sad time, for sure, but it’s sadder to see the self inflicted demise of those who cannot cope with reality.
Those who refuse to.
Look at JC above.
A former shadow of what he once was, unable to come clean with himself and his reaction to all this, he withers away losing a few tommies each day.
Many here, aren’t that stupid, were once quick aware of their surroundings.
There is hope, we have progressed somewhat from the dribbling cretins the initial propaganda made of many in 2020, and so I keep making statements like this, knowing I’ll be the messenger shot for doing so.
But humouring a man who thinks he is a woman is a tragedy for the individual in question, and does them no good.
And it’s the same with those who are suffering from Globalist coup denial.
It does them no good to humour them.
Repeat after me.
Sco Mo is not weak, he is one of the main culprits.
Now say….this is happening all over the world, especially the west and is not just an Australian domestic political problem.
The elections will be rigged, if they occur at all.
Repeat it.
Say…if I want to know what is really going on all I have to do is go to the WEF website.
My refusal to do so is because of my delicate mental state and fierce objection to knowing the truth.
The jab is not and cannot be proven to be a vaccine, yet it’s already killed hundreds of thousands and probably millions if reported honestly.
I am not being honest with myself and cannot help my fellow man whilst deluding myself because I’m about twenty steps behind the game being played and just reacting and not being pro active.
I mean that without being a smartarse, although I’m well aware of how it will be received.
Wake the fuck up.
NYC had religious exemptions until a few years ago (2019 I think). To be fair, unlike virtually every other state with the same exemptions, those applying in New York state (prior to their abolition) were heavily scrutinized.
Hence the cautions against orally pleasuring your partner.
More psychosis.
Imagine believing that the more you procreate, the more diseased you must be.
Note that people who believe this also believe in “survival of the fittest”.
Something I miss in my own garden here is a jacaranda. Made up for by some down the street that I can enjoy. Nothing like a Sydney summer and that purple haze edging the harbour at the heart and following the suburban sprawl like veins.
They are particularly prolific around the Ryde area – I was told that Matron of the hospital sent new babies home with a seedling jac for mum and dad to plant. It’s a nice story, and might even be true.
Not only do we have time machines but now we have the claim that literally *every* disease in history has been 100 per cent unambiguous and that the term “differential diagnosis” isn’t real.
Poor old binary. I point out that there’s a time lag between identifying a virus and development of a vaccine (if necessary) for it, with specific reference to understanding of polio between 1921 and 1955, and he immediately leaps to the conclusion that I’m claiming that “literally *every* disease in history has been 100 per cent unambiguous”.
Poor old binary.
No, binary, I’m not making any such claim. Only someone who suffered a mental defect locking them into binary thinking could imagine such a thing. Very obviously “in history” there have been times when various diseases weren’t “100% unambiguous”. Indeed it may well be that that’s the case for every disease at some point. But that doesn’t validate your binary concept that (a) being unable to distinguish the symptoms and pathology of one disease from other diseases with similar effects, and (b) having a vaccine for the disease (and getting the vaccine rolled out comprehensively) must happen within too short a time frame for meaningful “before” and “after” vaxx stats to be compiled.
Poor old binary.
There were no exemptions at the school my kids went to. I can’t say if was state or being NYC – city sanctioned. However, both weren’t allowed in as I mentioned before. Also, different schools. Nothing is clear over there, so perhaps the city has a different ordinance to the state? Dunno.
Top Ender, it also may be worth chain with locals, especially those who have homes that may have left them to face similar issues. Be plenty of stories to complete the picture, I’m sure.
So your now saying viruses are real but created by stress?
So your now saying viruses are real but created by stress?
Stress lowers the immune system it creates nothing.
Seems Japan withdrew HPV vaccinations due to side effects:
Jacaranda are the standard unimaginative street tree around my home suburb in Perth. Bloody messy trees – always dropping something. Yep, they don’t like pruning. My current LGA look like they are planting coral trees and eucalypts. Plenty of past mistakes around, including a few 30m ficus which look great but are destroying everything around them. Very few decent trees in private gardens now.
We also need to learn to distrust our own bodies, learn to be jumpy in our own skin. Only testing can dispel the fear of a projected disease.
Yes. The trees in a lower street from us are not Jacarandas but because they were once extensively pollarded in the past, they have now broken free with witches’ brooms, which the houses under them have made even taller by trimming anything but the canopy (whether Council approved or not I don’t know). Now they are ugly swaying big things in the way of views of Watson’s Bay. We are less affected by them than others (the $6 million house next door may have some buyers regret as their growth this year has been stupendous with all the rain) as we have wide background views but these rogue trees still block out a bit of harbour foregound for us and virtually all harbour views for anyone lower down. I notice that even Allegra Spender’s spiel letterbox drop has a bob each way – she intends to ‘protect trees’, but also adds ‘and views’. I wouldn’t believe her for a minute on the latter. She is an utter Green Left plant.
You’re an idiot. One thing *always* happens straight after a vaccine is introduced to muddy the waters. Another thing usually happens too which adds to the mud.
The first is organic. Most doctors don’t *want* to diagnose the condition in the vaxed because they’re heavily biased in favour of the vaccine. Of course they are. They give it. They recommend it. They bully parents to get it.
The second is that the diagnostic criteria is strengthened. So lab testing goes from unnecessary before the vaccine to necessary and then, sometimes (eg for polio) to insufficient.
Nah we’ve had this conversation before, giving boys the HPV vaccine was always about eradicating cervical cancer, to stop them ‘passing on HPV”. The ‘protects males from cancers too’ was ancillary as it was not “cost effective” to run a mass HPV vaccination campaign for the low numbers of male HPV cancers, and only tacked on later as a rhetorical selling point as parents balked at the idea of vaccinating their sons to benefit girls.
E.g Tanya Plibersek announces boys will be reducing cervical cancer:
NSW Health:
Federal Health:
But here’s the NY Times originally announcing the project originally:
Sometimes you’ve got to throw caution to the wind.
Worth the risk.
No. The mind causes *real* physiological changes in response to stress.
Because of course it does. It’s, quite frankly, kind of obvious that our minds would try and instigate some kind of physiological response to enable us to increase our odds of survival under various types of jeopardy.
The type of jeopardy would determine the type of physiological response. For example, if you need to run fast, you get extra lung capacity.
The first is organic. Most doctors don’t *want* to diagnose the condition in the vaxed because they’re heavily biased in favour of the vaccine. Of course they are. They give it. They recommend it. They bully parents to get it.
And you’ve got the proof that this phenomenon really exists and has such an impact that it affects stats?
[Warning – incoming circular reasoning…]
The second is that the diagnostic criteria is strengthened. So lab testing goes from unnecessary before the vaccine to necessary and then, sometimes (eg for polio) to insufficient.
You yourself say it “sometimes” happens.
Let’s do some basic logic. You’re saying all vaccines are useless. (I’m not denying that some vaccines may be useless – medicine does make some big mistakes – but I’m saying that there’s evidence that some are effective.) So your “sometimes” simply can’t prove your point, unless you can show that every single time diagnostic criteria aren’t strengthened the stats show no benefit from the vaccine.
I wonder when the average citizen will figure out that masks don’t work. Looking at the big picture, we have had mask mandates for almost the whole stupid nightmare, but they have made no difference whatsoever. The ‘rona is now out of control in some states.
At the local level, you would think that, surely, people would notice the ridiculous mask pantomime at cafes and pubs? Mask on to walk in. Mask off to sit down. Just silly. How the hell will that stop a virus?
But no. Walking around the street, morons still wear masks even though they are not mandated.
When I learnt this it never occurred to me to come up with an endless stream of bizarre rationalizations as to why I should continue to believe in the impossibly ridiculous germ theory.
This new theory fit all the observations that I personally could make. I could argue the details, but the general principle wasn’t just plausible, it was obvious.
A bunch of 12 and 13 year olds with surplus gear and BB guns making their own WWII movie series:
I have quotes from various public health agencies encouraging this very thing.
If I provide them will you admit that everything you believe about vaccines is a lie?
And it’s not circular reasoning to start off with the premise that doctors believe the vaccines work. If they didn’t and they still gave the vaccines, wouldn’t that make them psychopaths?
Vis instapundit
Slowly but surely they drag us all back into the lockdown nightmare.
Remember that summer is meant to be the time they leave us alone.
Imagine what winter is going to look like once the flu also reappears like magic, as I notice the media and governments are now pump priming us to accept without a thought.
If all girls are vaxed against it then where will boys be contracting it from in the first instance.
So just a hearsay story of “people you know who say …”
It’s not all down to Morrison, nor is it recent.
Immunisation for preschoolers in NSW was mandated by the Greiner government in the early 1990s. I remember having an argument with my then boss in The Cabinet Office about it at the time. I wanted to brief the Premier against it (it came from Health Minister Peter Collins) but was over-ruled.
Health Departments, both State and Federal, are an absolute menace. They all have a wish list a mile long of things they want to force on the population (for our own good) and are relentless in bringing the list out every time a new Minister is appointed. Even if the fool only agrees to one item, it’s another victory for them until the next gullible and green politician who wants to ‘make a difference’ comes along.
Every Australian reference you provided there backs up my point, protecting girls was an added benefit.
Remember,too, that every women who doesn’t have HPV is generally also protecting a bloke who might fancy some cunnilingus. It’s not a one way street.
But by all means, do what you think is right for you and yours.
Ah, yes.
Well, not sure I want to go anywhere which is packed tighter than one person per 2 square metres.
The absolute state of Australia’s political machinery. From WA’s insidious ‘fact sheet‘ about it’s insane vaccine mandates:
“Law? What law? We are the law”.
NT lockout until Monday, along with a mask mandate.
In all seriousness, Chief Minister Michael Gunner is vain and stupid enough to do this to draw some attention back from Djokovic, and to grab a small bit of #metoo action at the National Trophy Cabinet of Fuckwits.
January 6, 2022 at 4:48 pm
Something I miss in my own garden here is a jacaranda. Made up for by some down the street that I can enjoy. Nothing like a Sydney summer and that purple haze edging the harbour at the heart and following the suburban sprawl like veins.
In Brisbane, they flower at exam time. Some sadist had lined the roads leading to the St Lucia campus (U of Q was the only uni there in those days) with jacarandas, so the students were warned that time as running out.
I love jacarandas — yes they can be messy but only for one month of the year and for me any mess is forgiven, it’s only for a very short time – the colour is so vibrant and beautiful contrasting as it does against the green bushland, particularly beautiful around the harbour, jacarandas are welcome heralding as they do the arrival of Summer –
yes calli I heard the same story the one I heard was that a matron at St Margaret’s in Crown Street would send home a jacaranda seedling with the baby — I love that story, could even be true.
This is because your psychosis causes you to make me answer the same questions over and over.
The fact that the official data is biased doesn’t mean the efficacy is zero. Of course not. It simply renders the evidence *that is always promoted* as proof the vaccines work as completely invalid. It’s worthless.
From there I go with two separate approaches.
I point out actually valid data (at least data unbiased against vaccination) to show there was no *measurable* benefit.
So paralysis rates after polio vax. Congenital defect rates after rubella vax etc.
The next is first principles. And it’s from this that I can unambiguously say that vaccines provide *zero* benefit.
If you think boys shouldn’t bother to have the HPV vax if all it does is protect subsequent partners, I think you forfeit the right to argue that I shouldn’t get the Kung Flu vax because getting it increases the social pressure on you, St Ruth and others.
Glad you have affirmed that vax decisions should only be made for selfish reasons of protecting oneself, without considering broader implications on others.
Good to clear that up.
Indoor mask mandate in Victoria, plus density restricted to one per two square metres.
As jupes indicated upthread, this is meaningless, all for show and has no benefit for anyone except the vanity-cravers thumping pulpits at pressers.
And as C.L. said – they can’t let it go.
That sort of talk will attract the inventor of cunning linguist, Faulty.
What’s your problem Sancho?
The story I was responding to was vague.
For example did the flu shots stop *all* respiratory illnesses or just he deems were severe based on some (presumably objective) measurement of severity.
I have quotes from various public health agencies encouraging this very thing.
If I provide them will you admit that everything you believe about vaccines is a lie?
As I said above, you’re claiming that all vaccines are useless, so you’ve got to prove that there’s some ground for believing that every set of stats that purports to validate a vaccine is suspect. And that includes clinical trials as well as follow up surveys. So showing that some governments try to influence diagnoses in relation to some vaccines after the vaccine is released, i.e. after the clinical trial that purported to validate the vaccine, wouldn’t cut it.
You do realise that they test vaccines in clinical trials before they release them, don’t you? So if a later set of stats corroborates the clinical trials that suggest the vaccine is effective, would you insist that both sets of stats must be wrong? And why would we assume that that’s always the case where both clinical trials and post-release surveys indicate vaccine effectiveness?
And it’s not circular reasoning to start off with the premise that doctors believe the vaccines work. If they didn’t and they still gave the vaccines, wouldn’t that make them psychopaths?
Actually I was expecting you to say something else. No, I wasn’t implying that.
I see reporting of positive self administered rapid tests is now mandatory in Victoria ( and clearly, easily enforced), even more reason not to bother.
A Characteristic Daily Telegraph Heading:
Gangster killed leaving beauty salon.
One person per 2 square metres.
This means six people in a space the size of a small bedroom.
Really only affects nightclubs.
Vic ‘Health’ Minister Martin Foley now says (in The Hun) he’ll start counting RAT positive tests as ‘probable cases’, and therefore cases.
100,000 a day. Here we go.
If that comment doesn’t crack 100 likes, nothing will.
Are you Bird?
If you have symptoms or are a close contact the government doesn’t want you to get tested.
How times have changed.
Who would self report?
Me: So your “sometimes” simply can’t prove your point, unless you can show that every single time diagnostic criteria aren’t strengthened the stats show no benefit from the vaccine.
Binary: This is because your psychosis causes you to make me answer the same questions over and over.
The fact that the official data is biased doesn’t mean the efficacy is zero.
I spoke too soon about circular reasoning. Here’s the absolutist-binary – circular reasoning combo.
The “fact” that “the official data” is biassed. All of it. Undoubtedly. Even though binary himself says that “sometimes” the diagnostic criteria are tightened.
January 6, 2022 at 5:23 pm
A bunch of 12 and 13 year olds with surplus gear and BB guns making their own WWII movie series:
Once you have children, the state owns you through them.
Which is why I never wanted to have kiddies. Apart from the fact that I would have been a lousy parent, I did not want to end up like so many sad ol’ thirty, forty and fifty something year olds who’d been bankrupted and humiliated in the family kangaroo court – and yes, I know enough of them to know I made the right decision. F*ck that sh*t.
This is also why I’ve been able to avoid the clot shots so effortlessly.
Obscenities like the gardasil mandate confirmed lifelong gut feelings about the evils of big, stupid government and the monstrosities visited on normal people by its bureaucracy enabled disgusting hideously ugly vindictive karens – who’d never be voted into power by any sane electorate, so they slime their way in through the back door.
As for voting Beryl Gladyschlocklian and the coalition into government in 2019, that worked out a treat, didn’t it, suckers?
See also Anaesthesia Pluckachook and her merry band of imbeciles in Queensland.
From the Oz. Europe’s energy crisis now going global. It’s the Wall Street Journal and still uses the term ‘Trumpism’, but it is certainly a recognition that Western energy economies are going to hell in a handbasket over ‘climate change’ (knee taken towards that of course) and that things must change.
Yes, we need to be careful about converting an arguably genuine concern about these vaccines and the speed of development into a rabid and irrational fear of all vaccines.
This will be part of the fallout from inflicting unwanted medical procedures on responsible adults.
But the mongs will blame Alex Jones or Trump for “vaccine hesitancy” for the usual kids shots rather than their own jackbooted idiocy.
How many people have seen victims toppling over in the street- you remember all those years ago, the footage that led to this idiocy in the first place?
Apparently EVERY intelligence agency/health agency took that as 100% legit and advised that only an expert reaction could cope.
Now sometimes experts lend you money
And sometimes they lend you lots of money
And sometimes when the subprime mortgages collapse
And banks close and businesses fail
And the crisis spreads around the world–
Sometimes other experts say:
Just because aII the markets crashed
Doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a bad thing.
And other experts say: Just because aII your friends were fired
And your family’s broke and we didn’t see it coming
Doesn’t mean that we were wrong.
And just because you lost your job and your house
And all your savings doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay for the bailouts
For the traders and thd bankers and the speculators.
Clause only an expert can design a bailout
And only an expert can expect a bailout
Author above is Holman W Jenkins, Jnr.
Always like to give the writer his due.
As evidenced by the number of people citing that certifiable loon RFK Jnr as their go-to Messiah.
That’s it for the Melbourne Open then.
Slowly but surely they drag us all back into the lockdown nightmare.
Remember that summer is meant to be the time they leave us alone.
Imagine what winter is going to look like once the flu also reappears like magic, as I notice the media and governments are now pump priming us to accept without a thought.
2022 is going to be fucked.
While on the deliberate “up yours” incompetence of our quisling class nomenklatura, I have never seen a supermarket that so resembled one in the former USSR, Cuba or Venezuela as I saw this morning.
Empty shelves everywhere you looked.
Great work, you staggeringly stupid, massively incompetent, traitorous f*ckwits. 😡
Of course, there’s only one answer to this idiocy – voting the labore pardee into power next feral election.
You know it makes sense. 😕
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
If it wasn’t so serious it would be funny.
It wasn’t the collapse in the street which raised my eyebrows.
It was the OTT state propaganda which followed which belled the cat for me.
Velly best glorious People’s Ambulance Squad turned up in full PPE within 30 seconds.
No probs.
Yep. They won’t be able to help themselves.
Fascists gotta fascist.
NEW – Emmanuel Macron denounced France’s 5 million unvaccinated as “non-citizens” and vows: “I really want to piss them off. And so we will continue to do so, to the bitter end. That’s the strategy.” (Le Parisien)
And Nigel Farage on Macron’s comments
Strangely enough, Trudeau, Ardern and Biden spoken in very similar terms. Do you think there might be some collaboration involved?
In any event, Macron should be eviscerated for this. He literally called the unvaccinated non-citizens. How much more provocative can you get.
Nigel Farage was asked what he thought of Tony Blair and his Knighthood and posted this from circa 2005 in response.
Farage: What I think of Tony Blair.
That seems to cover it.
Obscenities like the gardasil mandate confirmed lifelong gut feelings about the evils of big, stupid government and the monstrosities visited on normal people
Per above Reuters link, it seems like the Japanese Government is the only competent one, and the only one not brought and paid for by Big Pharma.
No Mater as every press release states, the benefit is to eradicate cervical cancer in girls – which is why Tanya Plibersek, arch YougoGrrl highlighted that point when her government announced it.
Expanding it to boys as a national program was always to eradicate cervical cancer, the fact that it cleans up a handful of HPV cancers in boys had little to do with it except as a marketable selling point, and many, many people and institutions argued and still do, that it is inequitable to spend the money to do so compared to other things that could be done for boys health for far greater gain.
Just a few years before that the Commonwealth wasn’t even going to fund it at all, let alone make it a program, at $400 a shot, by the way.
Isn’t that everyone else being selfish?
Bodily autonomy is a big deal, ask a feminist.
If you are a royal never name your kid Charles.
The Imbecile King who put his foot on the gas pedal (3 Jan)
As it happens the article isn’t really about Charles II of Spain but about someone else. See if you can guess. 😀
Oops, stuffed the link. Here it is again: Charles II of Spain
link busted.
Until they roll the roof closed.
Low energy take.
The argument that boys should get vaccines to protect girls is identical, in fact it is the exact argument (now order) being forced on us right now that young healthy people should get a Covid vaccine not for themselves, but to protect old people and the ‘community’. Indeed you are correct about that, the foundation for this moment was laid right there back in 2013, and indeed it was a fight back then about how unethical it was even though it was vastly more clear cut.
But you getting a vaccine because the government says if you don’t it’s going to lock us all up and throw away the key if you don’t, but will leave you alone to pretend to be free for a while and only lock the rest of us up if you do, and you running out and doing it because of that threat, is just you failing the prisoners dilemma.
Sorry, try again.
I suspect quite a lot of them are already non-citizens of no describable appearance or religion. I wonder when Macron will notice and do a backflip with pike?
I suspect there are a lot of fake vaccine passes in parts of Paris that the police carefully don’t notice.
18 out of 30 “sharticles” on the ABCcess nwes webpage are Covid related.
Ranging from Jokers defenstration to “oh yeah, we really love our staff who were with us since we started up, but we had to make them unemployed because McClown said they had to be jabbed (govern me harder daddy)…
From Eugyppius:
Narcissists and weirdos.
‘get a covid vaccine not for themselves, but to protect old people and “the community”’
If healthy young blokes are going around handing out cunnilingus to old people and randoms in the street, then the problem is larger than anticipated.
There is a level of physical contact missing in one of these scenarios.
Off to the pub for a countery now. Unknown at this stage whether what was once described by a (hot AF) ladeeeee housemate a lifetime ago as a ‘trip to the rose garden’ will eventuate.
I memed.
Haha, checked the SCG scorecard. Goat had a strike rate four times higher than anyone else in the innings. He’s a good team guy. Declared 8/416.
It may have started to eradicate cervical cancer, hence why it was only free to girls originally. It changed.
As for “a handful”, it’s far more than a handful, let me assure you.
I supported Djokovic mostly as a spoiler but also because if he succeeded it would show up the health fascists for refusal to accept immunity post infection and demanding that the recovered uselessly get vaccinated. All good.
Having learned however that he is involved with the putrid Clooney woman cancels all that.
He’s just another elitist.
There were two telling aspects of Farage’s video of Blair that clearly define the
one gif…
Liberal poling
I think Jorge’s quote nails it:
It’s a false-god religion. They’re going to report their RAT results like sinners in a confessional box.
The Amal Clooney thing was a joke, the link went to
Jupes, had you seen this in The Age?
Industrial respirator masks should be widely adopted by the public to counter the explosion of Omicron cases in Australia because cloth and surgical masks, while much better than no mask at all, allow particles with COVID-19 to spread.
Methinks some cracks are appearing i “The Science”.
How did that happen?
To continue:
that clearly define the creature’s character.
The first, and this is almost impossible to believe, is that he pointed at Farage like some deranged head teacher lecturing recalcitrant Smithers. I don’t believe that I have ever seen that behaviour in a public debate. Megolamania.
The second was the personality revealing combination of supercilious and arrogantly superior smirk. Megolamania again.
The only good result of the Gulf War was the demise of that man’s career.
‘Who would self-report?’
Those seeking absolution while in thrall to the faith of scientism and the god of safety.
About half-way through last year, Scummo said Australia would be a very different country by Christmas – he was about 2 weeks out. Ironic that the least dangerous variant will be the one that completes the process.
Scummo has sold out this country – anyone who thinks he hasn’t, please explain what the pustule would have done differently if he had.
Bruce of Newcastle
When you’re continually told by religionists that you’re a moral vacuum who believes in nothing and is the cause of all evil in the world, you might instinctively tend to get up on the hind legs and moralise back, thanks very much.
FFS, being likened to a vegan is unforgivable.
Really? So if you can’t disprove, one by one, every study showing the efficacy of homeopathy then you have to believe it do you?
Clinical trials for vaccines are mostly done under the assumption that the principle of vaccination is valid. For example antibody response is often used to measure efficacy rather than clinical disease.
Non-inert controls get used instead of actual placebos rendering comparisons invalid.
Just as bad, actual placebos get used, meaning trial participants can often work out if they got the vaccine. This enables them to manipulate the data to make the vaccine appear safe and effective.
You’ve (as per usual) misunderstood. The official data is *always* biased. Sometimes the reasons for this include an explicit change in diagnostic criteria, but it doesn’t have to. The doctor bias against diagnosing in the vaxed will still exist.
Atheists/agnostics are not the cause of all evil in the world.
Any Christian “religionist” who says so doesn’t know their doctrine.
I had a nightmare last night. Terrifying.
And that gave me hair cancer.
Luckily a shower and a hearty breakfast put me in a better frame of mind and I got better.
A little further on from the same eugyppius piece:
The cracks can be remedied by using surgical tape to seal the edges of face masks. Spread the word!
Has Australia gone full retard?
It’s not just the moralising but there’s more. Atheists hold conferences and meetings. What is there to talking about? Nothing? It’s insane to be holding these meetings to talk about NOTHING!
Bloomberg interview of John Hopkins doctor, sheds some light on why rats are now preferable to pcr
No, it’s just a rumour. It has to be the most retarded country in the world.
Wasn’t Schwab arrested a few weeks ago in Switzerland?
No thugs in our house … 😕
JC – which would explain why I don’t attend such gatherings.
But of course, religion is a “private matter”, except when it isn’t, it seems.
If I ever get caught proselytising atheism (let alone willingly playing golf), then get the blunderbuss out and shoot me.
Good luck with either, BTW.
Governments love atheists’. Instead of bowing to God, they bow to them instead. Just look at the shit hole Australia and all the bedwetting morans obeying government without question.
Really? So if you can’t disprove, one by one, every study showing the efficacy of homeopathy then you have to believe it do you?
Of course not. Homeopaths refuse to use randomised double blind clinical trials because they “don’t work” i.e. they fail to validate homeopathy. So there’s no problem in refusing to believe in a supposed therapy where the therapists say outright that clinical trials aren’t any use in evaluating their therapy, while accepting a different therapy where the practitioners are willing to abide by the results of clinical trials.
Clinical trials for vaccines are mostly done under the assumption that the principle of vaccination is valid.
There’s that “mostly” again. And in any event if a trial is done without the assumption that the particular vaccine works, is done properly, and validates the vaccine, why should it matter whether the people conducting the trial “believe” the vaccine principle or not?
Non-inert controls get used instead of actual placebos rendering comparisons invalid.
Really? How often? And how often would such a study be accepted as valid?
Just as bad, actual placebos get used, meaning trial participants can often work out if they got the vaccine. This enables them to manipulate the data to make the vaccine appear safe and effective.
“Enable” the participants to manipulate the data? Why would the participants do that, even if you’re right that the participants “often” [that qualifier again] work out which group they’re in – an assertion which I’d need to see some solid evidence for to presume correct.
The official data is *always* biased. Sometimes the reasons for this include an explicit change in diagnostic criteria, but it doesn’t have to. The doctor bias against diagnosing in the vaxed will still exist.
You’ve failed to prove that “doctor bias” will always exist, and you’ve only got handwaving claims to impugn clinical tests – far short of anything near impugning every vaccine that’s been validated by clinical tests and subsequently validated by survey. It’s all just “if this were universally true it would justify my assertions so I’ll take it as axiomatic”.
They’re arresting phonemes now?
When will this madness end! Are we to end up speaking English like Japanese Elementary School students? Stressing every syllable? Speaking with only 5 vowel sounds?
We must…never mind.
They literally want you to starve.
Gunner eh- another career pollimuppett. Obligatory bludge BA then ‘worked’ as an electoral orrificer. Didn’t even finish his LLB apparently. These people are an absolute menace as are fArts courses which incubate them (at taxpayers’ expense). One of the more nasty ones it seems. Ofcourse Morrison could stop this at the stroke of a pubic service pen.
I wasn’t zeroing in on you personally. I was making the point that just as religious people have conferences – they even have church on Sundays (how about that) – atheists have them too , but about what I have no idea.
It is a private matter in terms of the relationship between religion and state at least it should be. However these days, that seems to have gone by the wayside as the state is always getting involved in religious matters.
I’d like to, but I don’t own a gun, so can I borrow yours?
Rabz, religious people have a lot to discuss as there’s constant back and forth about the teachings of Jesus for instance. But what exactly is there to discuss in atheism eggsactly? Nothing. Zero. Consequently discussions among atheists is stupid. Some of them actually treat atheism as a religious experience.
Has Madam De Farge gunner not heard of the concept of paying bills and buying food or is that only something the nice clean people do
The tree vandals butchered a beautiful 40yo Kurrajong in our front garden just before Christmas and trampled a dozen stems of our purple buddelia snapping them off at ground level. If they had simply pruned the Kurranjong and let it grow into its normal tulip shape it would have sailed up past the powerlines and never been a problem. But no, hack the top of it off every ten years or so and ensure that the new growth aims straight at the damned lines. Ditto for the young eucalypt sapling further the garden. They have pretty much guaranteed themselves work for life, which is no doubt the whole point of the exercise.
It costs us a $160 payment to council for a permit to even prune our trees because So Vitally important Heritage Vegetation Overlay. Powerline tree butchers are exempt apparently. Still livid.
Just checking. Is a homeopath some perverted form of sociopathic homosexual? Is that what it means?
Is Alice Springs still the lesbian capital of Australia?
Rabz, any “religionist” who calls you a “moral vacuum” needs to have a good, hard look in the mirror.
And strawpersonages across the planet were duly outraged, especially if their surname wasn’t Moran.
In other news, the magpie family has brought their new and very noisy child for my inspection.
It is a bottomless pit, and is currently amusing itself picking the carefully cultivated moss from the trunk of one of my grass trees. It clearly enjoys living dangerously.
That’s what I like about it, funnily enough. Leaves me plenty of time to discuss other far more interesting subjects, where mysticism is not a factor.
Sharri Markson loses the plot:
calli – the last two years have left me wondering if I am indeed, a moral vacuum.
The stupidity and insanity we’ve witnessed during this period has been “disillusioning” to put it mildly.
At this rate and sometime very soon, I’ll be staring into an abyss, that may just stare back at me.
If that happens, all bets are off. 😕
I was doing some background research a few weeks ago on legislation banning little old ladies from praying the rosary outside abortion clinics. I was surprised to come across an old piece wherein Sharri Markson was gung-ho in favour of locking them up.
Now it all makes sense.
Sharri has a blind spot as big as a house. Not wanting to breathe the same air as “the unclean”?
She has clearly learned nothing from her parents and grandparents. Or perhaps she just doesn’t see the implications.
On Spotlight – the buggers wanted my vaxx status before I entered the store. They can go jump.
Reality is that a disturbing number of atheists these days are refugees from the failed protestants sects and moved on to environmentalism in its extreme form. That’s where these critters are holding out now. Gerbil warming is their new religion and solar panels and windmills are their religious icons.
Foul geriatric of the day- Elizabeth Warren: what on evil old dishonest waste of space.
Yeah, I’d wager that Oz has gone full retard.
If only.
More along the lines of Chad Thunderbrain’s preferred species of quack, if he must be forced to see one…
Another observation. Christians are not immune to worshipping government, or a thousand other things.
The bias towards idolatry is strong in all of us. We just call it different names to avoid the truth.
This we don’t know Helen, and we won’t know with the present reporting regime.
That Chant lady said that anyone admitted to a hospital in NSW suffering from an adverse reaction to a vaxxination, within 14 days of receiving that vaxxination, would be registered as a Covid patient.
Maybe Mr. Double Jabbed just had his booster, who knows. In that scenario, his death would be registered as a Covid death, nothing to do with the vaxxine.
Who ever said there was no such thing as a witch? Clinton, Warren, Pelosi- just off the top of my head.
Look how awkward she is.
In a pizza parlour I believe.
calli – I thought you banned spotlight many moons ago?
While wearing a pair of red shoes.
Melbourne has missed all the big rains and storms. 160mm in places west of Bendigo in two hours last night.
If ever a city deserved to be washed into the sea it’s Melbourne.
There you, Pizzagate in Switzerland.
A big weakness of the USA imho is the domination by the legal profession. Here too.
Religion is not a “private matter”.
In a pluralist society adherents of religions have a rightful place in the public square.
Governments love atheists’. Instead of bowing to God, they bow to them instead. Just look at the shit hole Australia and all the bedwetting morans obeying government without question.
Government is an alternative religion. How on earth otherwise can you explain the hideous Mong Andrews having a fan base? Govern me harder Dan!
I’d be extremely disappointed if I was a US taxpayer. How many tens of millions, or hundreds of millions of tax-payer dollars went to developing this virus with its “gain of function” trimmings enabled.
And what did they get, what “bang for the buck” was there?
Nothing, Omicron, another common cold virus.
Very disappointing
Government is an alternative religion. How on earth otherwise can you explain the hideous Mong Andrews having a fan base? Govern me harder Dan!
Yes too true and rather pathetic.
Melbourne has missed all the big rains and storms. 160mm in places west of Bendigo in two hours last night.
If ever a city deserved to be washed into the sea it’s Melbourne.
It’s almost been raining here for 2 days straight. (NE vic)
That’s pretty obviously been the plan all along
Once the Vaxxine Casualty Rate overwhelms the Hospitals, you’ll really see those Civil Liberties go up in smoke.
It’ll be door to door Vaxxing Baby, any resistance and … Euthanased on the spot.
I did, Rabz. When they mandated vaxx for their employees.
And, because of my addiction to all things textiles (read idolatry), I weakened and approached the Castle Hill store to buy a skein of DMC thread.
The shame of weakness is with me still. As it turned out no thread was bought. I satisfied my lust in a shop weeks later in Taree, no masks, vaxx or anything else. There’s a lesson there. At least for me.
So Twostix, do you agree that if boys shouldn’t bother with the HPV vax on the grounds of no net personal benefit, you also agree that my Covid vax decision can equally be made without reference to any of the tenuous claims that my vax decision increases pressure on others?
Fair enough?
You can have mine, Grigory.
Retardation of the degree you display will probably require a double dose, anyhow…
Anything can be an alternative religion.
‘The human heart is an idol factory’ – John Calvin.
But trusting in government instead of God is a temptation post-Christendom Westerners are particularly prone to falling for. Government has its (limited) place, but not as that in which we trust as the ultimate good. That is a very foolish notion.
As ye sew, so shall ye…
Bugger! I can’t think of a sewing or seamworking term that mimics the sound of reap. 🙁
calli – the last two years have left me wondering if I am indeed, a moral vacuum.
Do you have an urge to become a bugman? If not, you’re probably not gone yet.
[Bernard Woolley, in “Yes Minister” (hard copy)] “I asked Humphrey if I too would end up as a moral vacuum. His reply surprised me. “I hope so,” he told me. “If you work hard enough”.”
Mate, it really is time to go. It’s not just the disgusting mandates.
Soon we will all be forced to label ourselves as one of the 100+ genders. Using Male/Female will be banned. A man can be pregnant. A woman can have testicles, and if you disagree you wont be allowed to work or enter shops. Woke will dominate every aspect of Australian life.
The writings on the wall.
As someone here correctly pointed out- the abuse and assaults by the political class on the demos is world wide and coordinated from Darwin toParis.
Macaroon is another nasty steaming pile.
The HPV Vax is another deadlyscam
Girls shouldn’t be receiving it, let alone boys.
***Assorted shop vac noises intensify***
Tim why didn’t you just say that no matter what, the burden of proof will always be shifted to me because your views aren’t falsifiable?
You actually argued that if I can’t read the mind of every doctor in history then that is proof that vaccines work.
Given it’s now been around since mid 1988 (i.e. “only” 33.5 years) you could argue that it is relatively “new” (given the scale of human history).
How is “Gaia” any different to any other deity that humans have worshipped? These people are not atheists, they’re seeking rituals, validation from an all powerful being and an easily demonised out group (e.g. “carbon criminals”).
The nomenklatura, as always, are preposterous. They so want to be different from (and of course so much superior to) the great unwashed that the rituals demonstrating this literally invent themselves.
Bluddee hell, the tesla appears to have just exploded in the garage! 😕
Did you give Mummy something nasty, Grigory?
Indeed. My view is, children don’t need to be vax’d against sexually transmitted diseases.
If they want it once they are adults, I couldn’t careless. But as it stands, I wont be responsible for any adverse events. (Noting it has been quietly banned in Japan), as the ‘gov certainly wont be picking up the tab for adverse events.
The whole premise of her argument is that the vaxxed cannot pass on COVID. That premise has now been eviscerated. Therefore, the mandates have no ground. Has Sharri et al. apologized to those that have lost their jobs or been excluded from public gatherings, restaurants, etc.?
9c and a light breeze.
Time to retreat for more clothes.
“And, because of my addiction to all things textiles (read idolatry), I weakened and approached the Castle Hill store to buy a skein of DMC thread.”
Calli….I love my DMC cross stitch patterns. I buy from Morris and Sons.
Rex, it’s an old stitcher’s joke.
Seam ripping is also called “reverse sewing”.
I’ve been having fun with southern magpie kiddies, three of them. All healthy, which is a near-miracle since mum is their half-sister and dad is also their grandad. Kind of like the Habsburgs I linked about earlier. He’s brought them to the Cafe this week and they’re slowly working out why dad is so friendly with large scary hairy troll. Seems to have something to do with yummy red stuff.
LOL. They will double down, and you know it.
The doctor who said that you would save women’s lives during birth if doctors washed their hands was committed to a mental institution. Wasn’t until a long time later he was vindicated.
There are actually quite a few key differences, but I don’t want to get in the way of the point you’re making for now. Let me just say this, we become like what we worship.
Wrong, Chad Thunderbrain.
He’s calling bullshit on your claims that everything that doesn’t support your particular worldview is, by definition, R-O-N-G wrong.
Now get off this blog before your attempts to counter our alleged psychoses with your own stresses and traumatises you to the point where your Thunderbrain causes you to develop AIDS-tinea, and your willy falls off and spontaneously combusts…
It’s for your own health, Chad Thunderbrain.
Weakness is infectious and hyper-virulent…
Katie Hopkins
A swift decline for Western Europe now.
Compulsory jabs in Austria and Italy. Fines for non compliance
Quarterly fines for the elderly in Greece
‘The unvaccinated are no longer citizens’ in France.
Pray for us
Unfair comparison.
As parents, we are making a decision on behalf of someone else. That is, we are essentially forcing it on our children, on the basis that it’s the best thing for them. We should not do that for the benefit of a third party. In the same vain, I also wouldn’t offer my children’s kidney for transplant to save someone else, either.
In respect to Gardasil, kids are done at 12-13 and it required a parent consent form, so it will always be parents making the decision.
If people want to be philanthropic and take a risk for others, I have no issue with that. As long as they are making a personal decision with personal consequences, and not pushing someone else into the breach.
Katie Hopkins
Macron. Leader of France.
I want to piss off the unvaccinated. And I will keep doing it.
They won’t be allowed to go to restaurants, they won’t get to go for coffee or the theatre.
Evil is showing its horns
Katie Hopkins
Stand by America. You are already feeling it at the pumps … but now it’s coming to your homes.
Brits are about to be crucified with energy bills
Bruce, the Beloved (who is this household’s Bird Man) has discovered something very interesting.
With each generation, the butcherbirds are becoming more tame. The parents sit on the gutter, waiting for him to flick them food which they catch on the wing. The first set of four babies (now almost fully adult) line up on the back of the garden lounge and take turns of food from his hand.
The newest baby, just the one this year, hopped onto his hand today for food. Cheeky buggef!
Bear in mind Macron is soon facing an election campaign and things are not looking good for him.
Horrible little man status confirmed though.
God help us. The modern version of Rockefeller or Vanderbuilt. The bald guy and the trannie.
Atrocity Propaganda from Spook Central.
The Taliban is the Spook’s puppet, without Western Interference the Hazara would rule at least part of Afghanistan.
Back home, via New Farm Colesworth;
Selectively stripped:
• Mince, sausages, and chook bits;
• Toilet paper;
• Tissues and kitchen roll;
• Nappies;
• Laydeez products;
• Rice and noodles;
• Throat lozenge things.
The gloomy floor manager, who treats the place like his family business, tells me the joint was raided this morning. “They come with mini busses.”
If only it were atheists alone who are, in CL’s judicious use of the term, ‘touched in the head.’ Far, far too many practitioners of several of the denominations across the board are also that way, but maybe precisely because they are practitioners more so than believers. Dangerous persons, these.
We’re going to need ration cards and ID if this keeps up.
Calli – Very cool! My experience is up and down. Presently down. I know that the Cafe grey butcherbirds have had two nestings this year, successfully looks like. But I haven’t seen a single chick. Not one. Yet even this afternoon both parents were keenly taking back food. The male pastes himself onto my screen door like a giant moth, because he’s worked out that food is inside.
All my friendly pied butcherbirds left a couple years ago. Haven’t seen any sign of them since. And the other male grey butcherbird, who’d do like your young one and sit on my hand, he too has vanished with his whole family after the kids this season were out of the nest. I think he may’ve found another sponsor, since he can’t make it to the Cafe because the resident chases him away. At least that’s my hope.
You’ve really been hurting this week, haven’t you, Grigory?
Now resorting to Bird-grade Glowposting to try and get a rise.
If you want to assert your dominance over the more Alpha-grade trolls and shit-stirrers you’ve been cucked by all week, try T-posing instead.
It can’t be any more or any less ineffectual and incompetent than anything else you’ve tried…
The Taliban is the Spook’s puppet, without Western Interference the Hazara would rule at least part of Afghanistan.
Pilger and other exponents of the blowback theory would be proud of you. For me anyone who implies the taliban or indeed islam is the fault of the West or any part of it, even the fucktards in the CIA etc, should have red hot pipes stuck up their arses.
Dr. Zoidberg-style? 😀
Of course not. Logic has gone completely out the window on this. Blind Freddy can see vaccines have precisely zero effect on transmission of the virus. Despite over 90% of the population being vaccinated, case numbers are at record levels and increasing exponentially.
What is wrong with these people?
Everything you could possibly imagine and more.
Classic lefties, who have never understood Maxim #29:
The enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy. No more or less.
You said it yourself – logic has gone out the window.
If it was ever inside to begin with, that is.
Last birdie comment…
The poor mother magpie was so fed up with her horrible child this afternoon that she was about to come in through the patio door. I stopped her in her tracks because I have experience with spooked birds in the house (the moorhens are particularly messy). The magic silver cupboard of food is just too enticing.
Ha ha.
There is a club out Fairfield way in Melbourne.
The Australian Anarchists Club.
Ah, look, if you are a real anarchist you are not joining a club with office bearers, a constitution, meetings on the first Tuesday of the month with full minutes and written agenda.
Evening Cats.
Thought I’d just zoom by and get the latest updates on our country’s mass formation psychosis.
Yep, all good. Almost nothing surprises me anymore.
That Gunner bloke in the NT is pure evil.