Open Thread – Tues 4 Jan 2022

The Rape of Europa, Francisco de Goya, 1772

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January 8, 2022 12:08 pm

I saw Stoker in action at the first CPAC.
Everyone was very excited about the event so she enjoyed a rousing reception. Unfortunately, her words were just platitudes. She was there for appearances sake.
She is no Canavan.
None of which implies that I agree with the sleeze Photios operative McGrath engineering her out of the Senate.

January 8, 2022 12:08 pm

This is the reality dawning.

Midwives, unlike tube drivers, take time to train up.

January 8, 2022 12:09 pm

Queensland health workers with COVID-19 but no symptoms may need to work due to staffing crisis

Hundreds of perfectly healthy, many already immune, health workers still banned from entering a QLD hospital unless it’s an medical emergency.

Not about medicine, all about power and punishment.

Always was.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 8, 2022 12:10 pm

Perhaps TA were just trying to do what they thought was on the best interests of tennis and thought a handful of covid regulations could be honoured in the beach?

It looks something like that.
Another case of Big Sport being deafened by the sound of its own wheels.

January 8, 2022 12:13 pm

Speaking of “the public mood”, the way the Chamberlains were treated was probably the first inkling that all was not sweetness and light in the modern Australian psyche.

January 8, 2022 12:18 pm

Queensland Government up to it’s old tricks, this in Weipa. Apparently cancelled “due to COVID”, yeah right more like after I would say it got out on Twitter and attracted the undue attention it deserves:

They literally call it a “pfizer pool party”.

Did they hire pedobears white van and park it down the beach to advertise too?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
January 8, 2022 12:20 pm

Alas, witty headlines are a thing of the past, in the MSM at least. And even in student papers.

My favourite of all time; [apologies to those who don’t know their AFL]

There was an article in the Fin Rev about the Sydney Swans getting a sponsorship from Pfizer, manufacturers of Viagra.
AFR headline:
“Up There Cazaly”.

January 8, 2022 12:21 pm

Re. ‘yous all line up to get a RAT pack – or you die.’ With barcodes and all – down the road a bit when uptake of the RAT packs is disappointing to say the least -I would not put it past that gormless twat, Morrison to seek out every Australian on government support and mail them their very own personal barcoded RAT packs that one must sign for! Those bad people who refuse to sign and collect will be checked against a register and their payments substantially reduced or cancelled altogether.
Just a nasty little though I had.

January 8, 2022 12:23 pm

I gather there was a faction within the royal Navy who didn’t particularly care if they ended up fighting the Frogs or the Huns, and another which argued the Huns would be less inconvenient.

The UK always had a policy of not letting Europe be dominated by one power.

For centuries the most likely candidate was the French.

Once Germany unified and administered a few butt whippings it was reasonably obvious they were the dominant millitary.
So English calculations changed and you ended up with Germany/ Aurstro-Hungary/Italy on one side and Russia, France & the Poms on the other.

A few things seemed to stand out for me.
By keeping the reeking corpse of Austro-Hungary alive the Germans ensured the UK saw them as the power to be defended against. If they had disintegrated then the UK might have considered it not worth Allying with the Frogs.

The Boxheads made a huge mistake going through Belgium. The UK might have been hopelessly divided politically as the only “hard” alliance they had was the guarantee of Belgian sovereignty. Even if Belgium had chosen not to contest the entry of boxhead troops and allow themselves to be used as a transit the UK would have had trouble declaring war.

And finally the UK & France, despite not having a hard treaty responsibility had already carried out a naval agreement whereby France took over the Mediterranean as its responsibility and the UK was responsible for the Atlantic/costal areas around the English channel.

The fleets had already repositioned.
If the UK hadnt joined WW1 the whole Northern/Atlantic coast of France would have been open slather to the boxhead navy with little chance of the frog fleet being able to get back.

Its an amazing little book.

January 8, 2022 12:25 pm

It was either refugee activists, climate loons or pallid Aboriginals.

How about “serial pests” – these idiots just love picking up on anything that is in the news to make a nuisance of themselves.

They thrive on the publicity, plus slap-on-the-wrist penalties (if any) no matter how much property or economic damage they do.

While peaceful protestors against lockdowns get knocked to the ground, tasered, beaten etc etc these goons cite ‘freedom of expression’ or ‘climate change’ and woke magistrates and judges act like they are the indulgent parents of toddlers.

Which I suppose they are.

January 8, 2022 12:27 pm

The man behind Moderna.
Old history from 2016 and very interesting

S. Bancel.

Delta A
Delta A
January 8, 2022 12:33 pm

January 8, 2022 at 12:25 pm

Well said, johanna.

January 8, 2022 12:34 pm

From the Mark Felton video “it’s been tradition…since WWII”…lol.

Typically, the serial plagiarist chokes out Margaret once, and only Thatcher thereafter, unlike Bliar.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 8, 2022 12:34 pm

Queensland Government up to it’s old tricks, this in Weipa.

BoM model is saying a cyclone will form right over Weipa later this week.
Seems like Gaia is unhappy with the Qld Government jab men.

(* Not sure how persistent the graphic will be since BoM’s model changes hugely each day. Yesterday the cyclone was forming off Cooktown and moving west, today it’s forming over Weipa and moving east. What really will happen is a mystery, even though the BoM model tells us we’re all going to fry by 2100.)

January 8, 2022 12:39 pm

Speaking of “the public mood”, the way the Chamberlains were treated was probably the first inkling that all was not sweetness and light in the modern Australian psyche.

Australia is unique in the world as an island continent that is a single country.

As a consequence, all visitors are foreigners – the “other”. Whether or not it was intended, that makes Australia one of the world capitals of xenophobia.

Even though he is someone I find a thoroughly unlikeable man, Novak Djokovich is on the end of that syndrome at the moment. Next month it will be someone else – because such xenophobia is a major component of the Australian national character.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
January 8, 2022 12:39 pm

My brother’s partner, who runs a successful restaurant in regional Victoria, says the latest threat by the mad dog Marxist Andrews regime to name any business or locality as a Kung Flu hotspot means that it’s now barely worth opening the doors as people are scared they’ll be forced into isolation if they go out.

We’ve had quite a length of time now in Victoria where unvaxxed are allowed into some places (retail, basically), but not others (hospitality etc.).
Presumably Maximum Leader’s government will soon be issuing the statistical analysis showing that covid “hotspots” are disproportionately places where unvaxxed are allowed.
After all, that must be the case – otherwise the restrictions on the unvaxxed would be unscientific superstitious voodoo-worshipping nonsense propagated by gaslighting fearmongerers vilifying scapegoats as a coverup for colossal government incompetence.

January 8, 2022 12:40 pm

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have not completed any study into the effectiveness of face masks.

January 8, 2022 12:42 pm

Speaking of the BOM, this morning at about 9 am I clicked on their national pressure map to find that it was still showing the one from 6 pm the previous night. It’s not the first time, either.

I suppose that massaging the numbers to ‘prove’ that we’re all gonna fry takes away from delivering basic services.

January 8, 2022 12:43 pm

That’s not quite as silly as it sounds. Doesn’t stress affect the immune system? Aren’t there studies showing that the more constrained an animal is, the less choices they have in their lives, the more prone they are to illness – and self-harm?

Welcome aboard Indolent!

Emotional trauma leads to real physiological changes that help the animal cope. It’s a survival mechanism. And it isn’t a probabilistic thing. It’s a direct “if, then” causal relationship.

January 8, 2022 12:47 pm

As a consequence, all visitors are foreigners – the “other”. Whether or not it was intended, that makes Australia one of the world capitals of xenophobia.

For my money our high rate of urbanisation has a lot to do with it, for a number of reasons – anonymity, hive mind, and so on, which is all amplified by social media.

Personally, I’ve observed less xenophobia in regional Australia. Government has cottoned on to this, leading to several regional cities becoming preferred for refugee resettlement.

January 8, 2022 12:47 pm

For a society to function in a semi-balanced way there needs to be three spheres of power operating and battling away:


Australia is drowning in two and completely missing one. In fact the political and material spheres have worked together to effectively criminalise the religious sphere. But it is a belligerent religious sphere that roots a country to the concept of an immovable truth that is greater and longer-lived than today’s feed and this government’s term of politics. It can provide some mental immunity to the kind of political and material gaslighting that’s going on daily now, and importantly, fortifies people against an insane fear of their mortality – which as we see is easily abused to any end. Without all that you see what we see in so many people, almost a completely different person with a different ‘truth’ as given to them by politicians and media, week by week. You get young healthy people terrified out of their minds of the miniscule risk of dying from this or that. You get some old people willing to destroy civilisation and everyone coming after them if it means not facing the inevitable for one single more day.

If the end of a person is a dirt hole in the ground, as it is in the minds of so many in a godless nation, then it becomes self evident to people that there is nothing more important than staying alive. We see it, we’ve all heard people speak on those lines over the last two years. Which creates a downward death spiral into “I’ll accept anything, any condition of living, no matter how miserable, that’s not being dead, over being dead, because being dead is the end of me, so all resources must be put into keeping me alive. All risk to me, from you, must be eradicated no matter how low, at any cost.”. When that attitude becomes dominant in a large active and vocal minority in a society how can there be any way for it to continue functioning or remotely free?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 8, 2022 12:48 pm

Scott Boland’s Test career: 30 overs, 11 wickets.

Guy gets a run, steps up.
We don’t see that much these days.
Good on Boland!

(Now 2/66 with Warner out for 3. KD will be happy! Scorecard.)

January 8, 2022 12:49 pm

Okay Cats, I made it home. Now for two weeks of home imprisonment, though I get a bit of day release today and day 12 to have a PCR test.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 8, 2022 12:52 pm

For a society to function in a semi-balanced way there needs to be three spheres of power operating and battling away:

Religious Judeo-Christianity

FIFY. As I said yesterday the green-progressive religion is like Islam. If you have a large cohort of people in a country that believes it that country is screwed.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 8, 2022 12:53 pm

Good to see you made it, jupes.

January 8, 2022 12:53 pm

Number one son has been staying with us on his break as he’s moved out of barracks and is waiting to move into new digs. Went to the big smoke for NYE and has since been sick. Army ordered him to test as his leave was nearly up. He’s just got the call from QLD Health that he’s covid +. Make of this what you will, but the only person in the household not complaining of symptoms is yours truly. For a few days I felt like I was fighting something off – a bit of fatigue & a fuzzy head – but nothing serious.

John H.
John H.
January 8, 2022 12:55 pm

January 8, 2022 at 12:43 pm
That’s not quite as silly as it sounds. Doesn’t stress affect the immune system? Aren’t there studies showing that the more constrained an animal is, the less choices they have in their lives, the more prone they are to illness – and self-harm?

Welcome aboard Indolent!

Emotional trauma leads to real physiological changes that help the animal cope. It’s a survival mechanism. And it isn’t a probabilistic thing. It’s a direct “if, then” causal relationship.

It is chronic stress, days and weeks, that can deplete the immune response. Acute stress elevates the immune response by promoting inflammation which is an essential prerequisite for inducing a response to pathogens and promoting healing. The response to chronic stress is maladaptive giving rise to potentially life threatening conditions, inducing depleted T cell counts, high blood pressure, inhibition of growth factors, cardiovascular disease and cognitive deficits.

If you wish to correctly understand the relationship between stress and immune responses read the seminal paper by Sapolsky et al.
Full text at link.
How Do Glucocorticoids Influence Stress Responses? Integrating Permissive, Suppressive, Stimulatory, and Preparative Actions*

January 8, 2022 12:58 pm


Politics is downstream from culture which is downstream from religion.

Having lost our religion we shouldn’t be surpised that the other two spheres are falling apart, resulting in ever more authoritarian measures to hold them together.

January 8, 2022 1:01 pm

Dan always delivers a fuck up.

50,000 cases yesterday. How good do those fauxines work?!

Fucking idiocracy.

Delta A
Delta A
January 8, 2022 1:02 pm

Rukshan is at the Melbourne protest.


January 8, 2022 1:03 pm

Okay Cats, I made it home.

Huzzah!!!! Well done; more proof that bloody minded persistence gets you places brains won’t go. Particularly when dealing with government.

January 8, 2022 1:08 pm


If you have netflix try ‘Vikings’ to pass the time.

January 8, 2022 1:09 pm


I like that one.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 8, 2022 1:11 pm

‘Blackfishing’: Alt-right pushes to co-opt Aboriginal Tent Embassy to cause
Jack Latimore
By Jack Latimore
January 8, 2022 — 5.00am

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For the Aboriginal Tent Embassy on the banks of Lake Burley Griffin in the national capital, this is a milestone year. Celebrations will begin later this month to mark the 50th continuous year of occupation of a site originally set up to demand land rights, the protection of sacred sites, and proper compensation for land not returned.

The “embassy” is heritage listed and the world’s longest-standing protest.

But before it can celebrate, its current occupiers must endure what amounts to an attempted hostile takeover by a coalition of alt-right “freedom” groups riffing on notions of “sovereignty” markedly different to the Sovereignty sought by most Aboriginal people.

Over the past two weeks, tensions have exploded into action and public consciousness, after a group of people purporting to be conducting a traditional “smoking ceremony” under the historic portico of the Old Parliament House set fire to its doors.

The fire, which Victorian Greens MP Lidia Thorpe initially appeared to celebrate before reversing herself, caused damage that Museum of Australian Democracy director Daryl Karp says may be unfixable. Soot covered many parts of the building and caused the building’s sprinkler system to go off, damaging original flooring. Five people are facing charges over the incident.

A statement issued by the Embassy Council on December 30 condemning the “smoking ceremony,” said it was done “without the knowledge, consent or mandate of the Embassy Council and Traditional Owners responsible for the regulation of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy”.

Earlier this week, the “freedom” protest group formed a campsite on the grounds outside the National Portrait Museum – the same area containing the cafe-restaurant where protesters trapped then Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott after Abbott said it was time to move the embassy on. On Thursday, a heavy police presence forcibly evicted them, pushing them back towards the embassy.

There, in a place that has hosted generations of Aboriginal activists, the protest has effectively split into two divisions: one camp containing the Tent Embassy and an increasingly larger group behind and to the side of it in what is called the rose garden area.

The newcomers are an iteration of a growing, US-influenced protest movement in Australia that is trying to legitimise its various agendas by co-opting Indigenous people and issues through a process activists and academics have termed “Blackfishing”.

They first turned up at the Tent Embassy in early December and, according to Ngunnawal elder Matilda House-Williams, speaking to The Canberra Times, “there’s a whole tonne of them”.

When police forcibly moved them they responded with QAnon-style phrases, such as “you’re non-player characters” and “paedophile protectors”.

Video posts by some of the group’s adherents and influencers as well as its alt-right supporters reveal how gaining control of the Tent Embassy is only a stepping stone in a more ambitious scheme. They want to “take the chair” of Old Parliament House itself.

And despite a number of arrests after the disastrous smoking ceremony, it appears they are there to stay.

Daily call outs are now being made for “freedom” supporters to converge on the nation’s capital to join them.
‘Original Sovereigns’

At the head of the new protest group is Murrawiri and Budjiti environmental activist Bruce Shillingsworth, whose prominent activism around water shortages and related issues in the Murray Darling Basin have been nationally lauded. Around him are several Indigenous men and women already prominently involved in the alt-right “freedom” movement rallies in Sydney and Melbourne. None would speak to The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

Shillingsworth was closely associated with respected Yuin elder and cultural lore man Uncle Max Harrison, who was allied with the vaccine-sceptical Informed Medical Options Party and the broader “freedom” movement, before his sudden COVID-related death in early December. Uncle Max addressed the “millions march” rally in Sydney two weeks before he died in a COVID ward at the Sutherland Hospital.

Shillingsworth and his group, black and white, have called via social media videos for the broader “sovereign citizens” movement as well as Indigenous “Original Sovereigns” groups around the country to converge on Canberra in convoys.

When police moved them away from the portrait gallery on Thursday, they responded with QAnon-style phrases, such as “you’re non-player characters” and “paedophile protectors”. Indigenous members of the group demanded the police prove their jurisdiction over the area with “deeds and titles”, and Shillingsworth repeatedly demanded that $100 trillion in taxpayer gold be transferred to his personal bank account for breaches of a pseudo-legal contract he attempted to serve on senior officers.

A series of virtual meetings between prominent Indigenous group members and non-Indigenous alt-right activists suggest a plot to effectively copy the US Capitol Hill insurrection. For the Australian version, the target is Old Parliament House.

They believe the quasi-mystical locus of power in Australia is vested in the “seat” of the Old Parliament because that is the address listed on the ABN registrations of the Commonwealth’s economy and trade departments.

The new Parliament House, the seat of federal government since 1988, is “pretend,” they say, and the government’s jurisdiction “fiction”.

Over the past fortnight, Shillingsworth has identified himself as an Original Sovereign – a local variation of the international Freemen of the Land movement.

Many of the planning meetings tied to the new protest group involved Indigenous man David Cole, also known as Lurnpa, a leading figure in the Original Sovereign Tribal Federation (OSTF) which was established by non-indigenous man Mark McMurtrie aka Gunham Badi Jakamara after he was impressed in 2009 by the pseudo-legal counsel of David Wynn Millar, an American retired tool and die welder and self-appointed “king of Hawaii”.

Last year The Age and Herald revealed the collaboration between the Original Sovereign Tribal Federation and former One Nation senator Rod Culleton who, at the time, was trying to establish a right-wing political party in a formal alliance with the Indigenous sovereign citizen movement.

In the United States, sovereign citizens are regarded by the Justice Department as a domestic terrorism threat after several armed actions in which law enforcement officers and civilian men, women and children have been killed. They do not have the same label in Australia.

January 8, 2022 1:13 pm

Found a kid’s toy randomly looking on Gumtree with a (now) unfortunate name.

Chad Valley

Kiddies Tea Set.

(Fire up your Red Shoes and Cheese Pizza tunnels, Lizard! Peoples!)

Hmmmmmmmmm…..pretty sure the kiddos are meant to look like a young Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret.

January 8, 2022 1:15 pm

As a consequence, all visitors are foreigners – the “other”. Whether or not it was intended, that makes Australia one of the world capitals of xenophobia.

Nonsense. Even into the 1950s, many Australians regarded Britain as ‘home’, so the suggestion that all visitors are ‘foreigners’ is demonstrably wrong. Visitors from Britain were welcomed and often feted.

I detest this kind of broad-brush approach to our history. It is reminiscent of the plague affecting the US, where every single thing has to be viewed through the lens of slavery, no matter how little it has to do with it.

To suggest that Australia was/is uniquely xenophobic is simply ludicrous, and sounds like the leftist rubbish pervading the West – where every country is berated as being uniquely ‘xenophobic.’

Do us all a favour, and just piss off.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 8, 2022 1:15 pm

Gee I wonder if there is a problem with the mRNA COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ – New Medicare item specifically for cardiac MRIs — hmmm

Sorry if previously posted – am unable to lurk at all -COVID-related

January 8, 2022 1:16 pm

Good to hear you made it home, Jupes!

My Mum went by boat trip the UK and return back in the day. We have come so far since then.

January 8, 2022 1:20 pm
incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 8, 2022 1:24 pm

Thanks Tinta!

January 8, 2022 1:29 pm

Bruce anything is possible atm, the Coral Sea/Gulf of C seem to be full of energy and we saw Cyclone Seth despite pushing into the sub tropical jest stream/lower SST defied odds and just bombed then persisted. A mate up that ways has said they got little rain in December and January is looking similar. The heat and humidity is that oppressive that something is going to have to break in his words.

That said 2 areas being watched in SW pacific, JTWC is usually good but was surprised by Seth’s development so I wonder if we will indeed see a significant cyclone in CS in a weeks time.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
January 8, 2022 1:32 pm

Emotional trauma leads to real physiological changes that help the animal cope. It’s a survival mechanism. And it isn’t a probabilistic thing. It’s a direct “if, then” causal relationship.

Did anyone ever deny it?

The real problem is with people who know that, but suffer some mental defect preventing them from understanding that not every “disease” need be caused by the same phenomenon, and that any particular disease may have a number of contributing factors.

January 8, 2022 1:32 pm

Khawaja must replace Harris in Hobart.

Winston Smith
January 8, 2022 1:35 pm

Seeing as you are the pruning lady here, I have two apple trees in tubs (I had to buy them as a pair so I assume they are m/f.) about 1 meter high.
I was advised to let them go nuts for two years, then start pruning to shape.
Already getting fruit but only small ones. About ten so far and the birds got to them first. I’ve got netting to go next year when they go in the ground.
Do you think I’m doing it right so far?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
January 8, 2022 1:37 pm

“… that is trying to legitimise its various agendas by co-opting Indigenous people and issues through a process activists and academics have termed “Blackfishing”.”

Which of course has never occurred at any mine site.
There’s definitely never been any case of a miner meticulously documenting the instructions of the local indigenous community about sacred sites etc., operating harmoniously with that community, and then having its operations disrupted by weirdos, ratbags, compulsive masturbators and macro-fuckknuckles blowing in from the cities and persuading a minority of the local community to renege on what the tribe had previously said.

January 8, 2022 1:40 pm

On the whole old Parliament house fire. There’s been so much bovine excrement thrown around and a concerted attempt obfuscate by the media I don’t know whether I believe anything anymore.

Seems kinda convenient Q Anon, Alt right keeps getting plug. Not saying they weren’t stirring the proverbial but you can bet your bottom dollar lefties were involved as well. Might see if I can find those videos again because on one of them a well dressed white woman coming out of the tent embassy seem to be issuing instructions to the cameraman and asking he caught all that.

Na I think they were all in on it and the only good that will come out of it is they are unlikely to try again. Just my thoughts anyway and smelling a rat.

January 8, 2022 1:42 pm

that not every “disease” need be caused by the same phenomenon,

Good to know. Now give me an example of physiological conditions that you think are better explained by germs (predominantly) than trauma.

January 8, 2022 1:49 pm

Winston, it depends on what type of apple tree. If they are the “ballerina” compact and columnar type, they will tend to be vertical, no matter what you do.

For any other apple, prune after fruit is removed, usually late winter before the sap rises. Apples fruit on spurs, funny little knobbly growths along the branches. Don’t cut these off. Ever.

Very young trees need to be trained to an open, basket form with three or four main branches. First, cut the “leader” – the strongest branch, which is an extension of the trunk. This sends a message for the laterals to grow. Cut the ends of these as well back to buds. I used to take them back by 1/3 to 1/2, depending on how brutal I felt.

You have now set up your new babies to grow as well-balanced and fruitful individuals.

I wish it was as easy with children.

January 8, 2022 1:49 pm

Sometime in the 1960s, the Sydney Uni paper Honi Soit had a front page scoop:

Archduke Ferdinand Found Alive – WWI for Nothing

I believe this was actually the winning entry in a competition for dramatic headlines run by an Austrian newspaper in the 1920s or 30s.

It has had several runs including the Onion since

January 8, 2022 1:49 pm

Yep, serial pests are now “alt right” according to the MSM.

Sticking a label on people is much more important than finding out what is going on, especially if you can find a label that fits the narrative.

Anyone who has followed what is going on in the US will recognise this tactic. That article in The Australian fell for it, hook line and sinker.

BTW, I prised the backspace key off and cleaned out the muck with a cotton bud dipped in soapy water. Worked. For those who get sticky keys – what the hell, otherwise you’re going to have to buy a new keyboard anyway. Pull it off and have a go.

Oh, and the Best Mullet competition kicks off at Summernats in an hour or so. The good news is that the skies have cleared, so it won’t be rained on. A sodden mullet is a sad sight.

Finally, the motel is hosting a wedding party which I suspect is planning to have the nuptials at Summernats. There has been a lot of frantic texting and phoning, which poses as anguish, but is in fact immensely enjoyable to the participants, whom I gather are from around Wollongong. One of the male members’ suit didn’t turn up, so several people rushed to Canberra to secure another. There was a problem with the flowers. And so on.

While I deplore the current trend to mega-weddings (which this one is not) it does seem that a lot of people get an adrenalin rush and a bit of interest in their lives from a traditional wedding – as in, a wedding with a lot of bells and ribbons and ramifications attached.

January 8, 2022 1:53 pm

I detest this kind of broad-brush approach to our history. It is reminiscent of the plague affecting the US, where every single thing has to be viewed through the lens of slavery, no matter how little it has to do with it.

To suggest that Australia was/is uniquely xenophobic is simply ludicrous, and sounds like the leftist rubbish pervading the West – where every country is berated as being uniquely ‘xenophobic.’

Agree with your analysis Johanna.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
January 8, 2022 1:54 pm

Good to know. Now give me an example of physiological conditions that you think are better explained by germs (predominantly) than trauma.

Pretty useful starting point here.

January 8, 2022 2:16 pm

The filty old waters witch (older than the Pelosi witch) seems to be very vocal. Does she believe the poison she sprouts are is she some kind of attack dog for the marxist-mafia establishment?

Old bloke
Old bloke
January 8, 2022 2:24 pm

I haven’t checked upthread, is there any news about Jupes?

Did he get back safely to Perth or was his plane shot down over the WA border with a surface to air missile?

January 8, 2022 2:30 pm

Interesting. Looks like SA publishes their covid stats with vax status. Shock horror surprise…’s not unjabbed taking up all the ICU.

Winston Smith
January 8, 2022 2:35 pm


My frangipanis have barely flowered this year. Normally they would be covered in blooms by now. Nothing but a few measly flowers.
Flowering is activated by heat, of which we have had half of bugger all.

Mine have gone crazy.
We’ve had a bit of heat…

Winston Smith
January 8, 2022 2:42 pm


We’re in so deep that the average normie has no idea about all the special exemptions handed out to the beautiful people over the last two years.


Somewhere there is a file with all these names on it.
I’d suggest it be made public by someone in the department, but I’d end up in gaol because ‘secret’.

January 8, 2022 2:46 pm

This may have been commented on previously ……

Chief sports writer at the UK Telegraph, Oliver Brown, tweeted: “51,356 positive cases in state of Victoria today. And Djokovic, who tested negative to board his flight, is somehow an unconscionable risk to the community?

An editorial in the same British paper also said “The country is lumbered with restrictions that no longer make any rational sense, but which have nonetheless become totems of a failed zero Covid strategy that are difficult politically to unwind.”

Separately, the French Sports Minister has said that Djokovic will be welcome in France, whether he is vaccinated or not, to play in the French Open.

Finally, I have doubts whether that Craig Tiley fellow will survive this debacle.

January 8, 2022 2:48 pm

Jupes made it back. Now 2 weeks home isolation.

January 8, 2022 2:48 pm

I think in regard to Djokovic I’m not even going to take sides. Not sure that like any of them.

January 8, 2022 2:52 pm

Malcolm Turnbull has tested positive for COVID.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 8, 2022 2:53 pm

Some discussion, on a previous thread, on how to get out of jury duty, if called up.

Several weeks into the San Jose trial of Elizabeth Holmes, a juror was excused after expressing concerns that her Buddhist beliefs would prevent her from a verdict that would send Holmes to jail. Her religion required her to practice compassion and forgiveness, the juror said.

Winston Smith
January 8, 2022 2:54 pm

Boambee John:

And the result is only some soft tissue damage.

We really need that downtick button.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 8, 2022 2:55 pm

Did he get back safely to Perth or was his plane shot down over the WA border with a surface to air missile?

He got back into Stalag Luft Sandgroper OK. Straight into the cooler, though.

The Escape Committee is now working on finding him a decent motorbike for the next attempt…


January 8, 2022 3:01 pm

45,098 in NSW.

You mean banning singing and dancing didn’t work? I don’t believe it!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 8, 2022 3:02 pm

Malcolm Turnbull has tested positive for COVID.

My sympathies are with the virus.

January 8, 2022 3:03 pm

Yeah I’m back Old bloke. Plane was delayed two hours so made it with three hours to spare. Only two hours to make it out of the airport so it could have been worse.

January 8, 2022 3:04 pm

The filty old waters witch (older than the Pelosi witch) seems to be very vocal. Does she believe the poison she sprouts are is she some kind of attack dog for the marxist-mafia establishment?

Milton F,
if you have read any H Rider Haggard eg; King Solomon’s Mines, you will know who I mean when I say Mad Maxine reminds me of Gagool. She was a central character in the story. An evil, ugly old hag who enjoyed betraying people in the most wicked of ways. Gagool was bald, Mad Maxine wears a James Brown wig.

Coincidence? I think not. Perhaps that part of the story was true and Mad Maxine is a direct descendent.

Gagool came to a fitting end.

Winston Smith
January 8, 2022 3:04 pm


I’m not sure what this is all about but it can’t be good.

In other words, they are debating to have you vaccinated if you are “Attending a place.” and there’s no defining a ‘place’, so it can be whatever they define it as. This is a bill to have people imprisoned at home.
Here’s me hoping we had politicians who would stand back from the cliff their egos are pushing them toward.
It looks like I was wrong. Bigly.
Bloody ‘ell.

Winston Smith
January 8, 2022 3:07 pm


I guess she doesn’t see the contradiction inherent in those two sentences, when put together.

Of course not, Mater.
It’s all about the feeeels.

January 8, 2022 3:07 pm

Gagool- will check it out Pogria!

January 8, 2022 3:08 pm

Is that on a proportion basis? Because it does look a little bit like the unvaccinated are overrepresented in those SA numbers.
It’s getting tedious pointing out that there was never a claim made for 100 percent vaccine efficacy and I think everyone now knows the effective of these vaccines wanes over time.
If you are over 90 and get covid your chances of dying remain quite high, vaccinated or not.

January 8, 2022 3:11 pm

Yesterday : Evil NSW Premier personally responsible for every case in the state, thank goodness Dear Leader in Victoria is keeping us safe.
Today : ….

Winston Smith
January 8, 2022 3:12 pm

Incoherent Rambler:

Scratching your balls in the morning in Viktoristan is now subject to a $15,000 fine.
Self reporting is encouraged.

Is this genital scratching allowed between consenting adults in the privacy of their own bedroom?
… and is bragging in seedy bars the equivalent to official reporting?
Asking for several itchy friends.

January 8, 2022 3:12 pm

The Age : “A Rugged Time”.

Old bloke
Old bloke
January 8, 2022 3:20 pm

Speedbox says:
January 8, 2022 at 2:48 pm

Jupes made it back. Now 2 weeks home isolation.

Thanks Speedbox, another two weeks detention but he’s home at least.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 8, 2022 3:23 pm

the French Sports Minister has said that Djokovic will be welcome in France, whether he is vaccinated or not, to play in the French Open.

Is that the France which has zero tolerance for the unvaccinated? Or a different France?

Macron Doubles Down on Plan to ‘Piss Off’ the Unvaccinated (8 Jan)

Old bloke
Old bloke
January 8, 2022 3:24 pm

jupes says:
January 8, 2022 at 3:03 pm

Yeah I’m back Old bloke. Plane was delayed two hours so made it with three hours to spare. Only two hours to make it out of the airport so it could have been worse.

Welcome back to Marxist McGowan land.

January 8, 2022 3:24 pm

I don’t think omicron will kill most but it is killing a few, including the rare ‘young and healthy’ individual.
We all want it to be completely predictable but it’s not.
Case numbers in France now heading towards 7 million but only 3300 odd thousand in a serious condition, that still means hospitals are under pressure.

Delta A
Delta A
January 8, 2022 3:26 pm

January 8, 2022 at 2:02 pm

Questacon is excellent, a ‘must visit’ when in Canberra. Founder, Professor Michael Gore, must have been a brilliant mind with a keen- and sometimes quirky – sense of humour.

Thanks for that post, P.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 8, 2022 3:27 pm

Malcolm Turnbull has tested positive for COVID.

Finally, some good news.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 8, 2022 3:28 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
January 8, 2022 at 3:02 pm
Malcolm Turnbull has tested positive for COVID.

My sympathies are with the virus.

The poor thing had hardly recovered from its bout with Bananaby.

January 8, 2022 3:31 pm

All this personal data being fed in to State and Federal databases:

“Gee” say the allegedly independent (leftie infested) thinktanks funded by State and Federal governments. “We could do a lot of good if only we got access to that data.”

Scomo and pals – “Be my guest.”

My rules of life are – tell them nothing, do not join so-called ‘rewards’ programs, avoid Spacechook and the like, have multiple email addresses given by secure providers.

January 8, 2022 3:36 pm

January 8, 2022 at 3:08 pm
Is that on a proportion basis? Because it does look a little bit like the unvaccinated are overrepresented in those SA numbers.
It’s getting tedious pointing out that there was never a claim made for 100 percent vaccine efficacy and I think everyone now knows the effective of these vaccines wanes over time.
If you are over 90 and get covid your chances of dying remain quite high, vaccinated or not.

rosie I honestly have no idea. I linked it because SA is the only state that publishes the details and because of the political muppets breathlessly proclaiming it’s all the unvaccinated causing the issues. Regardless, from what I can make out it’s mostly the old and unhealthy that are ending up in ICU, someone who’d not either of those is at minimal risk. But you can’t push that through the fear that’s been conjured up over the last two years.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 8, 2022 3:41 pm

Bruce of N

Is that the France which has zero tolerance for the unvaccinated? Or a different France?

That would be the France that is still p1ssed off about submarines and AUKUS.

January 8, 2022 3:41 pm

It’s getting tedious pointing out that there was never a claim made for 100 percent vaccine efficacy and I think everyone now knows the effective of these vaccines wanes over time.

No. One hundred percent efficacy is a ridiculous proposition.

So the sensible question is – how much efficacy, what percentage is acceptable given the price economies and people have paid? And what is acceptable re the tail-off? What interval between initial two doses and subsequent boosters?

These are serious questions and need serious answers, not “have the booster and be happy or don’t have it and lose your job”.

On “healthy young people” dying of Omicron, I remain a sceptic. If there are some in that position, they must be vanishingly small in number. Otherwise it would be blared day and night by the captive media.

So far, these vaccines have proved unimpressive to my untrained eye, at least. If I was giving a report card, it would be F and “try harder”.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
January 8, 2022 3:56 pm

If you are over 90 and get covid your chances of dying remain quite high

rosie, if you are over 90 and get anything your chances of dying are quite high. In fact, even if you don’t get anything, those chances remain significantly elevated, not to put too fine a point on it.

January 8, 2022 3:56 pm

When you’re looking at vaxxed/unvaxxed covid patients as a percentage, it would be helpful to know the percentage of the population that are vaxxed, so you could get a handle on the ratios involved.

Raw percentages can’t give the full picture.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 8, 2022 3:57 pm

Asking for several itchy friends.

No and No.
Additionally no scratching your arse and then doing a Kevin Rudd with the same hand.

January 8, 2022 4:00 pm

It’s getting tedious pointing out that there was never a claim made for 100 percent vaccine efficacy

No, not 100% but close. The whole strategy of zero Covid was premised on achieving a population almost completely vaccinated with very effective vaccines.

January 8, 2022 4:00 pm

It’s getting tedious pointing out that there was never a claim made for 100 percent vaccine efficacy and I think everyone now knows the effective of these vaccines wanes over time.

That’s not how Big Pharma and Government sold it at the outset. Traditional definition of vaccine, long term immunity and highly effective.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 8, 2022 4:01 pm


January 8, 2022 at 3:56 pm

When you’re looking at vaxxed/unvaxxed covid patients as a percentage, it would be helpful to know the percentage of the population that are vaxxed, so you could get a handle on the ratios involved.

57% hospitalised out of, say, 90% vaxxed (or, conversely, 43% hospitalised from 10% unvaxxed) proves the opposite to what I think the underlying assertion is.

January 8, 2022 4:03 pm

First law of repeat business – undersell and overdeliver.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 8, 2022 4:04 pm

if you are over 90 and get anything your chances of dying are quite high

Indeed. I have had many many relatives in their 90s where stuff just stops working and they die.

January 8, 2022 4:05 pm

On “healthy young people” dying of Omicron, I remain a sceptic.

I’m not surprised given the tortuous language used in reports describing the sad case of the 23 year old weightlifter.

January 8, 2022 4:06 pm

Is that the France which has zero tolerance for the unvaccinated? Or a different France?

That would depend on whether you’re an international sports star, it seems.

Can’t help but think that French animus against Australia over subs is behind the French Sports minister’s dig.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 8, 2022 4:08 pm

The virus aggregates in the fur on tennis balls.

You can’t risk it. Think of the children.

January 8, 2022 4:09 pm

Just scrolled up…snap, BJ.

January 8, 2022 4:11 pm

Sancho Panzersays:
January 8, 2022 at 4:01 pm

January 8, 2022 at 3:56 pm

When you’re looking at vaxxed/unvaxxed covid patients as a percentage, it would be helpful to know the percentage of the population that are vaxxed, so you could get a handle on the ratios involved.

57% hospitalised out of, say, 90% vaxxed (or, conversely, 43% hospitalised from 10% unvaxxed) proves the opposite to what I think the underlying assertion is.

Still not the full picture. What is the age and comorbidities?

Either way you cut it, the vax is poisonous nonsense that doesn’t work with no long term safety data.

January 8, 2022 4:13 pm

For example, El Camino is in California. Stats for that state are:

83% – first dose
66% – two doses

It would be interesting to know the vaxx uptake in the community surrounding the hospital to get an even clearer ratio.

This is the sort of stuff Dr Faustus has been talking about for weeks.

There’s way too much showboating going on.

January 8, 2022 4:16 pm

Rails run for the Dan ,congratations on another record , 51K+ cases.
Records are made to be broken.

January 8, 2022 4:17 pm

57% hospitalised out of, say, 90% vaxxed (or, conversely, 43% hospitalised from 10% unvaxxed) proves the opposite to what I think the underlying assertion is.

To be fair, vaccine injuries should also be considered, but won’t be.

My daughter’s BiL ended up in ICU with blood clots within days of his second Pfizer dose. The doctors at the hospital refused to log the episode as vaccine related because they said a link couldn’t be proved.

Winston Smith
January 8, 2022 4:19 pm

Anchor What:

He tried to save the USA. If he failed to do so, he certainly showed how many creatures lurk in the mud.

My optimist side says he may have saved the US anyway because he allowed the nation to see the rot within.
Even if the US separates with/without a civil war, it will allow the removal of the grubs from half of the nation.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 8, 2022 4:22 pm

There’s way too much showboating going on.

These links are remarkably light on precise details.
Phrases like “A respected Oregon doctor” and “a major Texas hospital”.
Assertions that are impossible to check.
What we are seeing is the “mainstream traditional anti-vax” movement hijacking this issue.
Prime example: Olympic standard dickhead and all round snake-oil salesman RFK Jnr.

January 8, 2022 4:24 pm

My optimist side says he may have saved the US anyway because he allowed the nation to see the rot within.

Agree and not just in the US- the reaction of people like Trumble, hoWARd and Fraudenberg was very very telling.

January 8, 2022 4:26 pm

“Unexpected” flooding in SE QLD. 15 people missing, 1 dead.

The BOM evidently didn’t consider in their modelling that cyclone Seth might turn into an old fashioned low pressure trough and linger about, just like they were wont to do back in the 1970s & ’80s.

Winston Smith
January 8, 2022 4:32 pm


Those bad people who refuse to sign and collect will be checked against a register and their payments substantially reduced or cancelled altogether.
Just a nasty little thought I had.

That’s been a worry for a while now – the Federal Government cracking down on people who are on one of the many pensions etc are a prime target for punishment.
Fortunately, most are not vulnerable because of State politics.
If Dan and his cronies had this lever then the pensioners would have been targeted already.

January 8, 2022 4:32 pm

So, if people are vaxxed and die of Covid or with it, how do we know what killed them.

Two 30 yo in Qld die of myocarditis.

Put it down to Covid. Hmm.

I am hearing rumours of a very healthy Gold Coast man
who died shortly after a booster and Covid was the verdict despite the man never being tested for it.

Myocarditis latest research.

January 8, 2022 4:34 pm

Pew, pew…pew

January 8, 2022 4:38 pm

The other thing, and Twostix has pointed it out, is that the “vaxxed” are either now “unvaxxed” or nearing the end of vaccine efficacy.

So any way you look at it, the assertion of “pandemic of the vaxxed” is as silly as “pandemic of the unvaxxed”.

The bottom line is that the vaccines don’t work in the way they were sold and no amount of stupid sloganeering is going to hide that fact.

January 8, 2022 4:42 pm

Speaking of precise details.

Some infectious disease experts predict anywhere between 70 and 50 per cent of the population in Victoria and NSW could soon be exposed to or infected with coronavirus.

Exposed to or infected? Big fucking difference. And putting the highest estimate of scary stuff occurring first? Is that something taught in j school?

January 8, 2022 4:49 pm

by Raymond J. de Souza
1 . 6 . 22

The funeral of Archbishop Desmond Tutu took place at St. George’s Cathedral in Cape Town on New Year’s Day, with the eulogists praising him mostly as a social reformer and less as a Christian pastor. That was fitting, as Tutu’s record on the former was more admirable than the latter.

It’s difficult now, more than thirty years after Nelson Mandela was released, to remember how important Archbishop Tutu was in the 1980s. With his magnetic personality, transparent goodwill, infectious humor, and inspiring rhetoric, he mesmerized crowds. He was a powerful leader when leadership was desperately needed.

Tutu lived a long Christian life and now the prayer of all who admired him must be that he finds himself home in heaven and not the “other place.” South Africa could well have become a hell on earth during the 1980s, a veritable conflagration of hate and vengeance. It didn’t, and Desmond Tutu was a principal reason for that. Requiescat in pace.

January 8, 2022 4:50 pm

Bimbos, etc. – or so I read from this morning’s and later comments about the people outside the Djokovic hotel .

Well, those that made an effort – note, made an effort in the pouring rain – did so to protest against the actions taken to enforce mandatory vaccination. Recall, the root cause of the problem in the circumstances is that the state has been incompetent in enforcing its own tyrannical mandatory vaccination program by inviting someone who had, as required, made his vaccination status known to those who wanted to known.

So perhaps those not in favour of such wanton mandates might prefer to support the protesters.

(In case it was not clear, several anti-refugee protesters yesterday had attached themselves to the anti-mandate protesters some of whom were of a Serbian background, with Serbian flags. In the end, it was very much an overlap event, friendly, even though the persons I spoke to were not in agreement with the Manus refugee supporters.)

January 8, 2022 4:54 pm

Oh god I see notafan’s inner covid karen has returned with a vengeance.

It’s getting tedious pointing out that there was never a claim made for 100 percent vaccine efficacy and I think everyone now knows the effective of these vaccines wanes over time.

You’re so full of shit.

This time last year any statement, any contradiction with the “95% efficacy, two ‘jabs’ only and this is all over” lie had you busting out snopes and

Best you go back to stepping over unvaccinated italians to get your coffee on your european grand tour.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 8, 2022 4:55 pm

(In case it was not clear, several anti-refugee protesters yesterday had attached themselves to the anti-mandate protesters some of whom were of a Serbian background, 

Speaking of hijackings that is a real danger.
ScoMo could end up being battered from pillar to post by reffo protestors around the world, and ends up opening the floodgates.

vlad redux
vlad redux
January 8, 2022 4:57 pm

I’d say the only thing that could make Novak’s incarceration worse for him is making all that noise outside his cheap hotel where he won’t be able to escape from it. Protest outside Dan Andrews’s office and leave Novak to get such rest as he can.

January 8, 2022 4:57 pm

Winston Smithsays:
January 8, 2022 at 3:04 pm

I’m not sure what this is all about but it can’t be good.

In other words, they are debating to have you vaccinated if you are “Attending a place.” and there’s no defining a ‘place’, so it can be whatever they define it as. This is a bill to have people imprisoned at home.
Here’s me hoping we had politicians who would stand back from the cliff their egos are pushing them toward.
It looks like I was wrong. Bigly.
Bloody ‘ell.

I skimmed through the legislation.

Looks like the Feds are giving themselves the power to mandate vax’s for federal workers, and close the loop hole to get out of Oz unvax’d.

Bar Beach Swimmer
January 8, 2022 4:59 pm

Prime example: Olympic standard dickhead and all round snake-oil salesman RFK Jnr

Over the past couple of days I’ve been watching Joe Rogan’s interview of the other day with Dr Robert Malone. Malone referred to RFK Jnr and his new book, The Real Anthony Fauci, which I haven’t read, but which Malone lauded in the interview.

January 8, 2022 5:00 pm

I’m still puzzled as to how they think old formulations will be effective against new mutations.

Is there any scientific basis for this?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 8, 2022 5:02 pm

Mr Khawaja having an excellent test. Second century! Well done that man.
Like Boland he has grabbed his opportunity with both hands.

January 8, 2022 5:02 pm

January 8, 2022 at 4:54 pm
Oh god I see notafan’s inner covid karen has returned with a vengeance.

It’s getting tedious pointing out that there was never a claim made for 100 percent vaccine efficacy and I think everyone now knows the effective of these vaccines wanes over time.

You’re so full of shit.

This time last year any statement, any contradiction with the “95% efficacy, two ‘jabs’ only and this is all over” lie had you busting out snopes and

Best you go back to stepping over unvaccinated italians to get your coffee on your european grand tour.

Exactly. It was never 95%. The vax is useless, it doesn’t work as clearly can be seen with 100s of thousands of double clot shotted getting covid.

January 8, 2022 5:03 pm

You’d get more truth out of the production reports from Tractor Factory #7 in 1953 Ukraine than from anything any health department are producing regarding covid now.

But let’s go to the reports of what our own lying eyes are telling us today:

95% efficacy: lie.
Grants immunity: lie.
Handles mutations: lie.
Stops it spreading: lie.
Two jabs and it’s all over: lie

Other than those few minor things, I’m sure they’re being up front and honest.

January 8, 2022 5:05 pm

January 8, 2022 at 5:03 pm
You’d get more truth out of the production reports from Tractor Factory #7 in 1953 Ukraine than from anything any health department are producing regarding covid now.

But let’s go to the reports of what our own lying eyes are telling us today:

95% efficacy: lie.
Grants immunity: lie.
Handles mutations: lie.
Stops it spreading: lie.
Two jabs and it’s all over: lie

Other than those few minor things, I’m sure they’re being up front and honest.

And yet they still mandate this useless, deadly poison that has no long term safety data.

January 8, 2022 5:05 pm

From that SA update:

“Of those hospitalised, 87 people are fully vaccinated, 14 are either unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, and 43 have an unknown vaccination status”.

43 unknown? In the height of a contagious outbreak fuelled by the unclean?

How could this be?

January 8, 2022 5:06 pm

Also I say again, the entire western world owes a truly deep debt of gratitude to all the unvaccinated, normal, healthy Africans whose rejection of our maniacal vaccination crazed mass-society ideology allowed Omicron to come into being in the first place.

Not only have we outsourced all the dirty and dangerous (read productive) work to the third world, and having babies which we then harvest the cream of to fill our declining universities, we’re now outsourcing virus protection. There will be an Aztec level reckoning for a society that operates like this.

January 8, 2022 5:07 pm

ScoMo could end up being battered from pillar to post by reffo protestors around the world, and ends up opening the floodgates.

12months ago I would have said na Sancho. Today I could actually entertain the possibility of that happening despite the I stopped the boats statue. He has shown all the morals of an alley cat. I don’t think he will do it though, he would give the minor right parties an enormous shot in the arm in an election year in doing so.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 8, 2022 5:07 pm

I’m still puzzled as to how they think old formulations will be effective against new mutations.

Not only the vaxxes either.

Monoclonal antibody therapy not working against omicron variant (5 Jan)

Which makes sense seeing the monoclonal antibody is designed for the alpha spike protein and the omicron variety is vastly different. The virus has changed its locks and the old key no longer works.

local oaf
January 8, 2022 5:08 pm

A question about January 6.

I keep seeing MSM reports which state five people died, yet I’ve only ever heard about Ashli Babbitt.

Were there others who died? If so, what were the causes?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 8, 2022 5:10 pm

South Africa could well have become a hell on earth during the 1980s, a veritable conflagration of hate and vengeance. It didn’t, and Desmond Tutu was a principal reason for that.

Tutu met his match at the hands of one “Pik” Botha -A.K.A. “the old krocodile.” While the Truth and Reconciliation hearings were in session, Tutu told Botha that he should fall on his knees and beg forgiveness from that Commission. Botha replied that your true Afrikaner knelt only to his God, and whereas Tutu may have thought of himself in that role, Botha did not…

January 8, 2022 5:16 pm

South Africa’s cases peaked after a couple of weeks with little intervention. They were loud and brash in trying to tell us that omicron is mild and pre-2020 would barely have even made it onto the radar.

Our local health priests know all this, they are sober and fully apprised of the situation in South Africa, they have read the detailed stats and reports. Indeed you even occasionally catch them forgetting themselves and talking about it. All of this theatre, ‘returning restrictions’, masks, talk of lockdowns. It’s all extremely cynical and very disturbing fakery, it’s a governing class that has completely abandoned any duty or sense of connection with the people. Perhaps they are just as revolted by the Australian everyman’s grovelling acceptance of their endless lies and manipulation as everyone else is.

January 8, 2022 5:16 pm

But let’s go to the reports of what our own lying eyes are telling us today:

95% efficacy: lie.
Grants immunity: lie.
Handles mutations: lie.
Stops it spreading: lie.
Two jabs and it’s all over: lie

Other than those few minor things, I’m sure they’re being up front and honest.

You’re lying or at least not fully understanding the process. The vaccine was effective against the first variant. That’s a fact. Your comment just as much bullshit as the crap we used to read,” vaccines don’t do shit”. The alpha variant died out quickly because the vaccine killed it off. Delta was also partially bruised as a result of the vaccine and Covid appears to be pretty much in its death throes with Omni coming out of the closet because of the vax.

As far as I’m concerned, you entitled to avoid getting the vax as that is a personal decision, but don’t spread bullshit, Stix.

January 8, 2022 5:16 pm

Bishop poo poo was a nasty little poseur

January 8, 2022 5:16 pm

Oh, bugger it.

It’s time for the science. MR I AM SCIENCE.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 8, 2022 5:17 pm

I keep seeing MSM reports which state five people died, yet I’ve only ever heard about Ashli Babbitt.

Were there others who died? If so, what were the causes?

From the Oz.

There was a riot at the US Capitol on January 6 last year. But it was not deadly in the usual sense of the term. And five people were not “killed in the melee”. These are the facts. One person was killed during the riot. The 35-year-old US air force veteran Ashli Babbitt was shot dead by a Capitol Police officer – an action that was assessed as justifiable homicide. Two protesters died of natural causes and one appears to have been crushed to death during the demonstration. One Capitol Police officer died the day after the riot. The cause of death remains uncertain but the original view that he was hit on the head with a fire extinguisher has been disregarded.

Bruce in WA
January 8, 2022 5:22 pm

jupes says:
January 8, 2022 at 12:49 pm
Okay Cats, I made it home. Now for two weeks of home imprisonment, though I get a bit of day release today and day 12 to have a PCR test.

I have 9 hours 38 minutes to go, according to the KGB app on my phone.

Bring it on; these last couple of days have been insufferable, especially as we’ve been tested twice Days 2 and 12) and found to be “undiseased”.

January 8, 2022 5:22 pm

You’re lying or at least not fully understanding the process. The vaccine was effective against the first variant. That’s a fact.

ATAGI reports vaccine efficiency of Pfizer and Moderna (not AZ IIRC) of anywhere between 33% and 88% – different variants?

January 8, 2022 5:24 pm

43 unknown? In the height of a contagious outbreak fuelled by the unclean?

How could this be?

Lots of people people in South Australia don’t have Medicare numbers?

January 8, 2022 5:25 pm

Not only have we outsourced all the dirty and dangerous (read productive) work to the third world, and having babies which we then harvest the cream of to fill our declining universities, we’re now outsourcing virus protection. There will be an Aztec level reckoning for a society that operates like this.

1. The most dangerous work in Australia is and has been working on a building site. This hasn’t changed in decades and while you see the occasional Asian face, 95% of building site workers are white.

2. Wow, Harvard, Stamford, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, Melbourne, Sydney universities are declining? Are you doing drugs?

3. Our universities – at least our best ones, which are the ones that really count- are only declining in your parallel universe.

Harvard’s current endowment:

$53.2 billion
The Harvard University endowment (valued at $53.2 billion as of June 2021) is the largest academic endowment in the world.

10 years ago, that number was around US$35 billion.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 8, 2022 5:26 pm

RFK Jnr has been a rabid “vaxes cause autism” yada, yada for ages.
Not to mention a total arse in his personal life (google the death of his second wife).
He is as bad as Teddy, both personally and publicly.
I basically bin anything with his name on it based on his past form.

January 8, 2022 5:27 pm

ATAGI reports vaccine efficiency of Pfizer and Moderna (not AZ IIRC) of anywhere between 33% and 88% – different variants?

Dot, the delta variant disappeared because it failed to spread. It failed to spread because it had difficulty finding hosts. The vaccine had something to do with that.

January 8, 2022 5:29 pm

Head Prefect, I see you are still shitting yourself over getting the poison jab.

Delta A
Delta A
January 8, 2022 5:29 pm

putting the highest estimate of scary stuff occurring first?

A new terror every day, keeping the population timid.

A Qld man died today after being swept away in floodwaters. That’s tragic. But it’s not enough drama for The Australian:

Rainbomb washes away highway, kills man.


January 8, 2022 5:30 pm


Go pick bananas.

January 8, 2022 5:30 pm

Under what conditions does a virus decide it must mutate – can it do so without a host of sorts?

January 8, 2022 5:31 pm

You’re lying or at least not fully understanding the process.

I’m lying by quoting the Guardian to notafan who said nobody ever said the vaccines were essentially 100% effective.

Oh really.

So why then in November 2021, just two months ago, were we being told from top to bottom in this country that the drugs are 95% effective and that’s why, millions of people in this country were told they have to take the drugs or they’d lose their jobs?

Because they’re only effective against the February 2020 strain? In September 2021?

Hands up anyone who remembers Australia’s politicians telling them in September 2021 that the drugs are only 30-40% effective and will require tri-yearly doses for the rest of your life, but you have to take them anyway? Anyone remember that?

See here’s the problem, some of you early-adopters have an incredibly powerful subconscious need to rewrite history so that you don’t come off looking like victims of a con.

January 8, 2022 5:31 pm

The virus has changed its locks and the old key no longer works.

It’s the same with pests and diseases in hort, Bruce. A simple principle that seems to have gone out the window.

I know we’ve paid a motza for lots of doses but why use them if they’re now obsolete? It isn’t just the price of the vials, it’s the whole apparatus of delivery that goes with them (especially for Pfizer).

It must be time for topical remedies like nasal sprays and the like, which I understand are in the pipeline. Amazing that these haven’t been fast-tracked like the intravenous rubbish.

Bar Beach Swimmer
January 8, 2022 5:32 pm

If I was giving a report card, it would be F and “try harder”

With that report card there should be no second chance for any of them.

January 8, 2022 5:32 pm

RFK Jnr has been a rabid “vaxes cause autism” yada, yada for ages.
Not to mention a total arse in his personal life (google the death of his second wife).
He is as bad as Teddy, both personally and publicly.
I basically bin anything with his name on it based on his past form.

We’ve hit a new low when the brains trust here is peddling RFK. FMD. Any port in the storm I guess.

January 8, 2022 5:35 pm

I have 9 hours 38 minutes to go, according to the KGB app on my phone.

In case I never post again due to having died from the kungflu, Service NSW have just notified me I was in the same place as an infected person on the 4th of January.

The notification is so timely as to be totally useless

January 8, 2022 5:36 pm

Under what conditions does a virus decide it must mutate

Mutations are proportional to the square of the number of journalists

January 8, 2022 5:38 pm

Thank God I can afford not to have to watch FTA TV. Kerry O’Keeffe just observed on Fox Cricket that, if the English cricket team was at the Alamo, they’d be shouting: “C’mon Davey Crocket, you can do it!” Top shelf!

January 8, 2022 5:39 pm

“Lots of people people in South Australia don’t have Medicare numbers”?

It someone is in an Australian hospital at the moment,I cannot fathom how they got in without being asked vax status

Unless they are in the throes of myocarditis induced agony.

January 8, 2022 5:40 pm

Its spike proteins indicate Omicron is the original Wuhan strain adapted for infecting mice.

January 8, 2022 5:40 pm

I’m lying by quoting the Guardian to notafan who said nobody ever said the vaccines were essentially 100% effective.

Oh really.

Stop trying to change the subject, you angrified doofus. You’re lying by the comment you made that I pointed to.

So why then in November 2021, just two months ago, were we being told from top to bottom in this country that the drugs are 95% effective and that’s why, millions of people in this country were told they have to take the drugs or they’d lose their jobs?

Link please.

Because they’re only effective against the February 2020 strain? In September 2021?

I would like to see the official link that relates to because I won’t take your word for shit.

Hands up anyone who remembers Australia’s politicians telling them in September 2021 that the drugs are only 30-40% effective and will require tri-yearly doses for the rest of your life, but you have to take them anyway? Anyone remember that?

Lol, oh so now there’s no evidence but just a roll call asking others to back your assertion. You clown, stix. I honestly thought you were better than that.

See here’s the problem, some of you early-adopters have an incredibly powerful subconscious need to rewrite history so that you don’t come off looking like victims of a con.

I’m not rewriting anything. You are by making absurd fucking claims and then demanding a roll call to back your stupid assertions. In order words you have no evidence.

Oh Oh, stixy, I remember, I remember. Count me on your side.

How fucking sad is that.

January 8, 2022 5:40 pm


No need for nasal sprays “in the pipeline” – we use a nasal spray as an anti histamine with a steroid – budesonide-which, although it is not an anti viral as such, has proved effective against Covid in clinical trials. I wouldn’t use it for long periods – but in the current climate, it is fine.

January 8, 2022 5:42 pm

I agree Mark, that’s probably why it’s good to avoid getting any contagious disease if you are over ninety.
I get the impression that it is covid complications that kill the occasional healthy young person.
And if they happen to be unvaxxed it’s hard to blame the vaxx.
I’m just waiting for omicron to peak in the hopes normality will return.
Even with the small burden of masking, social distancing and super green passes life is pretty normal here. Italians are very enthusiastic users of hand sanitiser too, I’ve noticed. I get the impression masks are considered as much a device to prevent you transferring bugs from your hands to your face as anything. High grade medical masks required indoors. I saw a few Ryanair flights arriving yesterday afternoon, I’m assuming visitors from places further north.
I visited the national archaeological museum yesterday, fascinating to see the wealth of evidence of Sardinia’s transition from early neolithic to the Roman age including the Nuragic civilisation which left over 7000 ‘nuraghes’ around Sardinia. The bronze figurines were amazing.
You don’t get that kind of thing in Australia.

January 8, 2022 5:43 pm

January 8, 2022 at 5:30 pm
Under what conditions does a virus decide it must mutate – can it do so without a host of sorts?

Face the facts JC, your vax is a poisonous, ineffective gene therapy. You cannot vax your way out of a pandemic, simple.

You cant be that dumb, I suspect you have Pfizer stocks.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 8, 2022 5:43 pm

What did I think the vaxxes would do, prior to their release?
I thought they would basically like the flu-vax.
That is, not 100% effective, and the Achilles heel being variants.
I expected annual boosters, just like flu-vax.
What has happened?
The protection hasn’t been as high as I thought, the decay of protection quicker, and thus boosters more frequent.
One thing I did strongly buy into was the theory that later variants would be increasingly contagious but decreasing in virulence.
That would appear to be where we are.

January 8, 2022 5:43 pm

It someone is in an Australian hospital at the moment,I cannot fathom how they got in without being asked vax status

Unless they are in the throes of myocarditis induced agony.

Question 1. Medicare card?
Question 2. How do you feel?

January 8, 2022 5:44 pm

On all the different mutations and why they disappeared, I can’t help but go back to the two petri dishes – the Diamond and Ruby Princesses.

Not everyone contracted it. Not everyone who contracted it got sick. Of those who did get sick, some were sicker than others.

Somewhere, somehow, there is an inbuilt natural immunity. Not watertight, it never is, but it’s there. You can do all sorts of things to keep it out – washing, cleaning, masking, distancing, locking up – but eventually it finds a way. The more deadly forms are natural dead ends, the less deadly but more transmissible always has a better chance. This is how the natural world works.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 8, 2022 5:44 pm

Did someone say “vaccines do naffink”?

January 8, 2022 5:44 pm


The trusted lonely voice in the wilderness.

Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn’t believe it was Sirhan Sirhan.

January 8, 2022 5:45 pm

Amazing that these haven’t been fast-tracked like the intravenous rubbish.

Trialling one in Melbourne as we type, I believe. Heparin based. Did receive some fast-tracking on account of the institutions involved, including Oxford University. What will be interesting is if it has any potential efficacy against existing or novel coronaviruses down the track that do/could cause serious disease.

January 8, 2022 5:45 pm


You lose the bet by midnight? 🙂

January 8, 2022 5:46 pm

Diogenes- likewise I have been notified that I was a close contact of a positive case in IGA when I was in Sydney on 4th.

What a completely useless bit of information . I have decided to fake my QR as my grandson assures me all the young ones do!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 8, 2022 5:46 pm

Not everyone contracted it. Not everyone who contracted it got sick. Of those who did get sick, some were sicker than others.

Quite so.
It is the random patchiness of symptomatic effects on individuals which is strange.
Other colds and flus have a tighter and more predictable range of symptoms on all who are exposed.

January 8, 2022 5:47 pm
January 8, 2022 5:47 pm

Head Prefect, no need to have a dig at me, I have done some stupid things in my life too.
Mind you, none as stupid as getting an experimental poison pumped into me voluntarily.
Live & learn eh? well the living bit might be a bit debatable.

January 8, 2022 5:47 pm

What did I think the vaxxes would do, prior to their release?
I thought they would basically like the flu-vax.
That is, not 100% effective, and the Achilles heel being variants.
I expected annual boosters, just like flu-vax.
What has happened?
The protection hasn’t been as high as I thought, the decay of protection quicker, and thus boosters more frequent.
One thing I did strongly buy into was the theory that later variants would be increasingly contagious but decreasing in virulence.
That would appear to be where we are.

I agree but with one huge caveat. What does RFK jnr think?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 8, 2022 5:47 pm


January 8, 2022 at 5:45 pm


You lose the bet by midnight? 

Maybe I do.
Let me re-check the tape.

January 8, 2022 5:48 pm

The World’s longest lockdown, curfews, closed borders
and people having the shit kicked out of them for leaving home did far more than any vaccine.

Look what happens everytime the locks are opened.

Off it goes.

Bar Beach Swimmer
January 8, 2022 5:51 pm

I basically bin anything with his name on it based on his past form

I only made the comment on the basis of Malone’s estimation of Kennedy’s book, but would add even a stopped clock is right twice a day

January 8, 2022 5:51 pm

Yea, but the tape won’t show nafink.

January 8, 2022 5:51 pm

Three cultural activities in total yesterday including the national art gallery because it was included in the archaeology museum ticket.
Almost feels like a job I have to do.
Mostly Christian art in the gallery from the 1500 and 1600s, that my poor Italian tells me was collected from local churches as tastes changed to the baroque and much of it moved to St Francis Church (now demolished) before being housed in the museum.
Today I think might be crypt visiting day.
There is an underground Cagliari tour but no, as my tolerance for guided tours is low .

January 8, 2022 5:52 pm

Its spike proteins indicate Omicron is the original Wuhan strain adapted for infecting mice.

I have seen reports that claimed there was no clear lineage between Delta and Omicron. It either came out of the lab or had been hiding somewhere for almost 2 years.

January 8, 2022 5:52 pm

Ironically super early adopter covid karens went through the delta and now omicron “waves” essentially unprotected, vaccine well and truly worn off now.

Isn’t that funny.

January 8, 2022 5:53 pm

Calli – re the cruise liner infections in 2020:

My pulmonary physician (I have very mild bronchiecstasis ) was a passenger on the Greg Mortimer when the original virus spread on board. Obviously he was involved in treating the infected passengers.

Yet, he did not himself contract the virus. He concluded, as you have suggested, that he must have developed innate immunity from corona viruses over the years.

January 8, 2022 5:53 pm

I miss Dr. Duk. He would have some learned views on this subject.

January 8, 2022 5:54 pm

Can we get the Rt Hon Mark McGowan MLA a set of hair clippers and a monocle for his brilliant leadership?

January 8, 2022 5:57 pm

Where IS flyingduk ?

January 8, 2022 5:59 pm

Question 1. Medicare card?
Question 2. How do you feel?

Question 3…

January 8, 2022 6:00 pm

Where IS flyingduk ?


January 8, 2022 6:00 pm

Dot, the delta variant disappeared because it failed to spread. It failed to spread because it had difficulty finding hosts. The vaccine had something to do with that.

There is evidence that CV 19 was in Spain in March 2019.

You might have had it and never known.

On top of a very large coercive and economically destructive vaccine & isolation programme.

January 8, 2022 6:01 pm

I haven’t heard a single Australian accent since I arrived, normally they are everywhere.
Got asked if I was Russian or Czech yesterday, the museum volunteer trying to place my accent 🙂

January 8, 2022 6:02 pm

I think Gilas is a doctor also. Haven’t seen him for a while either.

All I’m doing is playing Doctor Plant. I can keep you all green and growing, but I don’t think you’d like being bathed in Seasol and fed chicken sh*t. 😀

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 8, 2022 6:03 pm

Separately, the French Sports Minister has said that Djokovic will be welcome in France, whether he is vaccinated or not, to play in the French Open.

Listening to FranceInfo, Mme. Maracineanu actually said (paraphrased):

Djokovic would be welcome at Roland-Garros. However he would still have to follow French health protocols and would have to remain in a ‘sanitary bubble’ and not be able to train and move freely in the same way that the vaccinated players can.

Slightly different to ‘Yeah, what the fuck, we’d let him in…’, as reported.

January 8, 2022 6:04 pm

The spike protein thing is oversold by pro vaxxie Karens and “no muh 5G gooce” *anti vaxxers*.

Spike proteins are common in the microbial world.

It’s how quite a lot of them fight and feed off each other.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 8, 2022 6:05 pm

The Oz headline on our hard copy polluting our front steps this morning said “What a Djoker: Can I have my own chef?” but in the online version this piece of ratbag headlining had been toned down to saying he was seeking ‘luxury exemptions’. Can’t find either headline anywhere now on the Oz. I was so incensed I wrote to the editor and complained about their hard copy piece of outright mass propaganda masquerading as journalism.

Then I posted this in response to the hysterical pile-ons of tall-poppyism on someone with a bit of cash who was basically doing no harm. (Reminds of something, somewhere, somehow, I dunno).

To say nothing of those Hollywood stars and other arrivals on our shores over the past two years who have been given special exemptions and considerations. Our treatment of this tennis player who has come to play in the AUSTRALIAN Open is a disgrace, catching him in a welter of insane and changing rules and regulations he clearly tried to comply with. Now the mob is howling for his blood, huge class envy on display, definitely the Aussie ‘tall poppy’ syndrome, one of our very worst attributes, when he seeks the same sort of treatments other elite sportspeople have received.

A lot of it stems from pent-up frustration at insane Covid restrictions over two years, I am sure. But it is also signal to an unfortunate national tendency to hit out at success and wealth. I don’t play or watch tennis, and don’t know this man’s personal style, but he doesn’t deserve this, no matter what.

Hairy simply says it’s like reliving the thirties, making comprehensible the behaviour seen then.

Fortunately, Chris Kenny adds some sense to all of this in his piece, below:

Djokovic visa: It’s shame, set and match … and the Djoke is on us

Return of Serb? Tennis star Novak Djokovic has shown Australia – and the world – how Covid has turned us into a baying mob of paranoid vigilantes. icture: AFP
11:00PM JANUARY 7, 2022

It is not about Novak Djokovic.

Love him or loathe him, the Djoker is one of the greatest tennis champions of all time and the way this country has pushed him from centre court to the federal court in a farcical circus shows us not what winning has done to his character, but what coronavirus has done to ours.

Djokovic was given proof of vaccination exemption from Tennis Australia and Victoria, and applied for and was granted a visa from the federal government. But he spends this weekend in detention, as yet another target for public Covid shaming and political grandstanding.

The Queensland women who went shopping in Melbourne and returned with Covid-19, the footy fans who broke to rules to see Melbourne win the AFL grand final, and the Adelaide teenager who did not head straight home from a nightclub when he received his Covid positive text – we want to take out our virus frustration on people. It is futile, the virus will outlive any of our rules.

Plenty in the community denounce Djokovic, the multi-­millionaire Serbian. The public have been conditioned by politicians, hysterical media and even some leading medicos to denounce the unvaccinated as if they are viral-terrorists – infected, dangerous, and deliberately acting as superspreaders.

The reality is that Djokovic is more likely to catch Covid-19 in Melbourne than bring it in – especially given he has already had the virus. Presumably he tested negative before the flight – which is a requirement for all those who travel to Australia.

It is absurd that we are encouraged to treat the unvaccinated as lepers given that more than 90 per cent of our compatriots are vaccinated and the latest virus variant is spreading wildly, mainly via fully vaccinated people.

The unvaccinated are a risk to themselves, not the rest of us.

As a fully vaccinated person, I could care less whether the person next to me is vaccinated or not. But mobs like to identify a bogeyman, and politicians love to fuel such antipathy to justify their power grabs and deflect criticism.

Djokovic, an arrogant and divisive figure, proved too easy a distraction for the Morrison and Andrews governments, media blowhards, the Twitter crowd and large sections of our community who still react to the pandemic virus as if it is Ebola. They cheer his confinement.

The paranoid fear one more infection when we are dealing with more than 70,000 new cases a day. They seemingly resent their own jabs and compliance with the rules and only draw comfort from others being forced to comply.

Many nations, including Israel and right across the EU, provide Covid recovery certificates which effectively replace vaccination certificates and they are recognised for entry to other nations including the US. To the extent that vaccination certificates still might be demanded in this country, they should be mirrored by recovery certificates for those who have derived immunity from the disease itself.

Vaccination status is checked at restaurants and sporting events; we have to show our certificates and negative tests to cross state borders.

We were urged to get vaccinated so we could dispense with this nonsense – yet still we are overwhelmed with onerous and illogical rules and restrictions.

A nation that cleverly and stoically kept the virus largely at bay by imposing international border quarantine is now locked in to a rolling series of confected crises under a never-ending onslaught of emergency powers and inane rules despite more than 90 per cent of our adult population being vaccinated. Now we must rush for the boosters and vaccinate the kids, then perhaps, we are told, the panic will subside, and rules will ease – unless there is another variant, of course, or more misleading media alarm about case numbers.

We are sending healthy nurses and doctors home from hospital because they have been in close proximity to, wait for it, sick people. We are crippling other workplaces with similar precautions, leaving some supermarket shelves empty.

We have overstretched our Covid testing systems by encouraging everyone to get tested; yet the infected are told to go home and take Panadol. We know Covid can kill the vulnerable and unvaccinated, so with strains becoming increasingly mild we ought to focus less on case numbers and more on those who are ill.

This is what medical experts recommend and leaders promise. But their actions defy their words.

Some will not be happy until they ruin another school year or chalk up another $100bn in debt while they punch the pongy air under their doona to celebrate another year of “resilience”.

To keep these people happy, and to make our leaders seem gritty, we reject from this country a Covid-recovered, negative-tested tennis star who was granted a proof of vaccination exemption and a visa.

It is embarrassing for a country once seen as welcoming, rational and easygoing. The rejection of Djokovic – the return of Serb – is not a sensible or science-based approach, except for political science.

There is a school of thought that says no matter his objections, Djokovic has brought this upon himself and could have avoided all of this by getting the jab and following the rules. While it is difficult to comprehend the reluctance of some to accept the protection of vaccination, it is easier to understand in those who have already had the disease.

But when it comes to rules, Djokovic arrived only after being granted exemptions and a visa. He was not to know he would be used as a convenient whipping boy in an ongoing pantomime – a Covid theatre of fear, paranoia and political one upmanship that ensured his case would receive exceptional scrutiny.

So long as we have high vaccination rates and vaccines show limited efficacy in halting infections and transmissions, the unvaccinated imperil themselves and not us. We should not easily trample on their rights, because it sets a bad precedent and demeans our democracy.

Certainly, the rich and famous should not be afforded any special favours, as they infamously were in Queensland, spirited across borders while bereaved Queenslanders or sick southerners were denied. Yet, in those and similar episodes in other states the problem was not the treatment of the stars but that similar common sense was not applied to the rest of us.

There are two reasons the Djokovic case is an abomination. First, he abided by the rules as they were outlined. Second, those rules have become redundant – mandatory testing is sensible to minimise infections in the confined spaces of 14-hour flights, but vaccination status hardly matters now when both our vaccination and infection rates are so high.

For at least a year and a half in these pages I have expressed concerns about this nation going to too far, overreacting on the pandemic and becoming a victim of our own success. The impossible zero-Covid goal infected the nation. Only NSW has shown any propensity to judge costs against benefits before delivering proportionate responses.

Scott Morrison was decisive in closing the borders early and then getting the states to back and implement quarantine. He has often verbalised the right approach but even his innovative national cabinet has not been able to deliver a consistent countrywide response – a co-ordinating meeting, it does not so much impose federal power as expose it limitations.

The Djokovic Djoke shows how the federal government apparatus has been caught up in the same paranoia, crowd-pleasing and disproportionate nonsense that has bedevilled five states.

Having deliberately fuelled fear and anxiety for two years – first to get people to follow the rules, then to justify their actions – the politicians and bureaucrats are now servants to the baying mobs they have created.

Oppositions have been too timid to call it out, preferring to profit from outrage and trepidation. Most media are addicted to Covid catastrophism, drawing eyeballs with hysteria and downplaying or ignoring the social and economic costs.

After quickly closing borders when the virus was rampant and unencumbered by vaccines, then delivering vaccination rates the envy of most of the world, Australia put itself in a position to claim one of the most rational and successful responses to the pandemic.

It was as if we had won the first two sets 6/3, 6/3, and were serving for the match.

But this Australian Open farce shows we have we failed to keep our calm. We have given ourselves the yips and bungled the third set – the one where we were going to learn to live with the virus.

Djokovic first won in Melbourne in 2008 and has kept returning for nine titles in all. Regardless of whether he plays or is returned, he has seen, and shown us, how much we have changed.

January 8, 2022 6:05 pm

If covid was in Spain in March 2019 why weren’t the Spanish dropping like flies and why wasn’t covid rapidly spreading throughout the world.
It’s extraordinarily popular destination for tourists.
Seems to me the movement out of wuhan is very well documented.

January 8, 2022 6:06 pm

Can I make one simple verifiable comment about Dr. Malone. Malone had alpha status in his medical degrees. He is a top scientist vs those around here who attempt to claim such status when it’s simply not true.

Here’s a problem with Malone.

Malone reckoned there is an Indian state where they used a cocktail of drugs of Iver and hydro and the death rate was zero from covid. Just to repeat for emphasis, he reckoned the death rate from using this cocktail was zero in the time period.

Guess what else was zero in that Indian state over the exact same period?
Death! There were no dead people in the state, according to their stats. In other words, no one died from old age, from cancer, from accidents, from murder during that time.
In other, other words, Indian stats are fucking useless. They’re useless but Malone used them in a attempt to claim a point. His assertions are therefore pretty much useless on other things relating the vax.

If anyone doesn’t believe this, go read the refutations of this assertion on the web and come back and tell everyone where exactly I was wrong. Heard this on a podcast.

This 100% shows the problem of listening and believing arguments from authority and from rogue docs.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x