Are we then supposed to assume that the Muslim name of the Nomads heavy allegedly behind it is purely a…
Are we then supposed to assume that the Muslim name of the Nomads heavy allegedly behind it is purely a…
Charisma wins government. You have to win government before you can institute a correction.And then you get a Tony Abbott.
If he’d bought gold, it would have been <90%
Rarely a word said in the media. Why is it when it’s a choice between Communism and Freedom, our media…
Faaaaaark. Don’t get me started on tire shops.
If you are talking about the MV “Cormo Express” shambles, you are only ten years, and 50,000 sheep out. Oh, and it was the Government of Bahrain that initially refused those sheep, citing “Scabby mouth” as the reason.
9/123. 150 to get with nobody left in the shed but the bunnies already gone.
‘Go Poms’, somebody said.
Grigory, your claim about the Edsel being one of the biggest passenger cars ever made is a bit bullshit, it seems:
Not even number 50 on the list.
You might need to park up that latest silly ambit of yours in the garage amd leave it to rust out…
All over red rover!
Aaaaaaand there we go.
4-0, with rain and light preventing a whitewash.
Have you got an update Faulty-Groogs?
Have a geek at Custard’s Twitter link.
Labor are taking this defeat hard, they’re bringing up the Tamil Girls, some woman who lost her son, Craig Kelly, Christensen, Country Shoppers on Nauru for 9 years …
Imagine finding a Country to deport Craig Kelly to.
Are there that many cream buns in the entire World?
What, same as all the Euro soccer players?
The worst use of the English language ever.
Worse than ‘jazz hands’.
Dr John Campbell shows some decent chart sets re COVID in a range of European countries.
Over at Malice Locals, there are a range of stories about French & Italian regional courts ruling that compulsory mask wearing outside is unconstitutional.
Jupes, think we all know the answer to that question… There’s been no move on period in immigration, to either patch over some of the more activist decisions from the bench by legislation or regulation or even to robustly appeal ones handed down in lower courts by the likes of Bromberg.
They found a backbone on this though even though the first attempt was a comedy of errors.
Scomo is already trying to beat it up as a “Tampa” moment and news.com have it low in their news feed, rest of them not even covering Scomo. IMHO the whole charade locally will go one of two ways, in 2 weeks after AO is finished into memory hole or like the bushfire fiasco they find some cock up, attribute it to the Fed’s and go the full Monty.
The Howard Government brought those sheep for ten million dollars – they paid the Eritreans a million dollars and 3,000 tonnes of feed to take them – the sheep, that is.
Good luck with that. They only went along with Hawke as the political establishment, left and right, has mainlined “Health” Jenkem.
Ah so Ed is in the deflect and slime stage of this weeks bath salts binge.
As per normal for the abnormal.
Mater, can you explain what barriers there are to emigration out of Straya?
I asked that earlier this morning when you said that someone could leave but not with their kids.
Was there parental consent from both parents?
Was the family court involved?
There could be other questions.
Are there outstanding criminal matters or unresolved ATO issues?
That could be as simple as lodgement of a final return.
Be specific.
Is there, or is there not, a blanket ban on Australians leaving the country permanently?
When the pressure gets to much for me
I bite …
The soccer players were in some lowly league watched by nobody.
This is the Australian Open, watched live by hundreds of millions live.
You understand the difference, right?
No one’s collapsing and dying of Anaphylactic Shock here and the only way to ensure that doesn’t happen is to make sure they don’t get thereal McCoy CovidVax.
Barrie Cassidy…’the Court did not declare Djokovic innocent.’ Too right Bazza.
Some Perth wuss-bag boomer contact Dr John Campbell.
Complained how WA was opening up & he was old & had comorbidities.
Let’s say that’s right, tho your previous commenting history doesn’t inspire confidence.
So it cost us $10 mil to the shipowners, $1 mil to Eritrea and whatever it cost to buy 3,000 tons of grain and ship it to Eritrea.
Plus Middleman Fees.
When the Doom music kicks in.
my mental ex missus did this … I call this game Summoning Spectres
It’s been a Political Triumph for Scotty, no wonder News.com aren’t covering it.
Djokovic’s statement was graceful, he knows he did the wrong thing and so does everybody else with a brain.
Does anyone else see the irony here?
Oh, and for what it’s worth, I was running a wheat and sheep farm at that time, supplying sheep to the live trade, so I think I’ve a bit more idea of the issues regarding the “Cormo Express” matter then you. Ten years and 50,000 sheep out…
They sure get big crowds at those lowly matches….and multi-angle live TV, and for some reason label the teams as ‘Finland’ and ‘Denmark’
Nor there, the delayed cardiac events are myocarditis – You understand the difference, right?
So good to see you back here flyingduk.
Yeah, except MY federal employer has used OHS to keep us unvaxxed working from home, out of “solidarity” with the non-commonwealth-workers.
My fucken vaxxed colleagues are terrified of me, while Omnivid runs rampant through the 99% vaxxed staff.
Yeah, Gore Vidal.
He wrote some interesting essays way back, looked at it again a few years ago, it didn’t stand the test of time.
He did describe Jack Kennedy as a “so so Historian and World Class gossip” in relation to something Truman did during the ’48 Campaign.
Not Googlin’ it, but if my memory improves i’ll post a comment.
Sure, and quite likely to be Vax Adverse Effects.
You understand that advertisers at the AO watched by a billion people don’t want players collapsing with Myocarditis?
Yeah, yeah, whatevs.
Not particularly interested in how B&T you might be about your ex.
The question is, if someone is barred from leaving the country with their children, it begs the question:-
Is this solely about vaccination status?
Or is it about something which was embedded in law pre-Covid?
For example, a Family Court order that prohibits the removal of the kids from the country without the consent of the other parent.
stop being a moron Sancho.
many of us know the family in question
well, at least try
Winston Smith,
I remember having to go to a hamlet called Branden to get pints otherwise it was pots only.
There and back on motorbikes. Funny how the trip back took less time.
Happy days. Now they lock you up for that type of thing.
How come I never get invited to your little soirées?
I don’t necessarily wish to attend.
But an invite would be nice. Good manners and such.
Reeling liking woke free Russian films. Check out ‘Soldier boy’ a bit soppy but good to pass the time with the misses.
The live action cinematic trailer for the computer game Warpath was better than most modern Hollywood movies.
Watching old Bugs Bunny cartoons is better than what Hollyweird offers these days.
I had no intention to mislead.
Of course the desire has to be genuine and supported by documentary evidence.
I’m of the firm opinion that the government views wanting to abruptly come back and clogging hotel quarantine as the potential mischief.
The issue here, as is often the case, is your personal animus, good grief, over such an minor point, especially when pre 15 November 2021, everyone vaxxed or unvaxxed faced the same ludicrous hurdles to leave.
This is not that sort of blog.
And on the matter of removing children, I’ve certainly had to jump through that hoop to get a child passport issued, to take a child on holiday.
I don’t know why people get so hot under the collar when they don’t know the facts of a particular case, which I wasn’t referring to anyhow.
I read the legislation and thought it personally feasible that a trip overseas for a minimum of three months for the purpose of say retirement or employment (and obviously assuming supporting documentation) would be the type of thing envisaged, for the probable miniscule number of Australian citizens intending to move to/visit a country which did not require proof of vaccination to enter.
There are twenty two thousand fewer farmers, in South Africa, then there were in 1994, but food production is at a record high…
Watching a double episode of Anthony Bourdain. Sort of scratches my travel itch for the moment. Depending what unknown part he went to. The heel of Italy looks interesting.
rosie … ease up on the limoncello
Dot, Call of Duty “no Russian” mission.
Can’t believe it was released.
I’m in France.
Where people bring their dogs to Sunday lunch at the restaurant.
Mater, can you explain what barriers there are to emigration out of Straya?
There needs to be Government approval, none of the potential issues you mentioned were present. As I understand it they had to submit documents to leave three times before it was approved.
Basically we’re all prisoners of the Australian Idiocracy. Former Indian co-worker was fucking furious that the Mongocracy rejected her request to leave Australia four times and in fact never approved it.
Call me crazy but if I was on holidays in France or Italy the last thing I’d be doing is arguing about stuff all on here.
France was the last overseas holiday the Memsahib and I went on before all this virus bullshit…
Not good enough.
If you try to kill an argument with “well, the government stopped us, but can’t say too much”, reasonable people ask questions.
Because that is not the experience of others, and you would need to explain what the difference is between your “special case” and the general experience of others.
I was a little disappointed with the end of Mansfield Park.
After so much reading of correspondence and intimate conversation there is no detailed reveal of the blossoming love of Edmund for Fanny.
Still very entertaining.
Like dogs but not at restaurants.
Sorry to hear that Barry. I used to have option of working from home. Not so now. Science is tricky like that
As much as I would like Hawke to have the tennis racquet shoved up his arse, the worry was that it would have been the end of ministerial discretion and broader immigration policy would have been weakened.
The point is pretty moot. You can count on one hand the times these fucking arseholes have used ministerial discretion appropriately.
France eh?
… then ease up on the Marie Brizard
Meanwhile as some fucking tennis player gets the boot; I wonder if the 2 are related:
“[E]nclaves, mini-states and neighborhoods in large European cities will begin to appear. Yes, they will always be a minority. But they are more united and threaten violence. And the state will have to obey their instructions”. — Sergei Markov, Russian political scientist, interview in Lenta.ru, January 3, 2022.
Many of the migrants already live on the generosity of European welfare, even as the police, social workers and ambulances do not enter these areas or must be protected when they do.
In these lost areas, we are no longer in Europe.
On December 8, 2021, during the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 30 of the Catholic faithful were attacked in the street and threatened with death. The attackers shouted, “kuffars” (“infidels”) and “it is not your home”, Le Figaro reported. “Wallah [I swear] on the Koran, we will cut your throat”, attackers told the priest who opened the procession. This took place not in Pakistan, but in Nanterre, France.
In Brussels, according to former Secretary of State Bianca Debaets, “there are too many areas where it is difficult for women and homosexuals to walk”.
Although women of foreign nationality are only one-sixth of all women of childbearing age in Belgium, half of all children in Belgium are now born to foreign women…. This is the picture that just emerged from the National Institute of Statistics.
One-third of Belgium’s population is of foreign origin; Belgians are already in the minority in Brussels….
But as everyone knows, the “Great Replacement” is just a far-right fantasy….
been to Korea?
I’m travelling on my own, and shall do as I please.
There’s no rule that says I can’t read a newspaper or a novel, or watch TV, or argue on internet while travelling.
So it got approved in the end?
stfu sancho, fucking shit-talker
looks like its a tag-team tonight
I don’t really mind the dogs, one is sitting on a chair next to me, it is France after all.
That is true.
Hi, Man Monis, if you’re listening.
I guess I was saying I didn’t want the opportunity for further judicial interference in the exercise of that discretion.
Shit talker?
Or asker of awkward questions?
Are you vaxxed?
they took me out to many Korean BBQs and then stirred me mercilessly about eating the ‘dog food’
You are vaxxed aren’t you?
After egging others on to hold out.
Poor form.
just stay off the turps ya crazy mole
For sure I’ve eaten dog but that was in Sydney.
sancho, you dumb fuck … it wont work with me.
what the actual ?
I’m a bit puzzled why there are so many soccer players copping it. No other individual sport seems to have had so many victims.
Are there many from other sports, but not the same publicity; or is there something special about soccer as an activity?
Also, does this happen more in cold weather sports?
I mean, where are the Aussie soccer players collapsing?
Yep Bankstown, Matrix.
Hell yes. Remember watching them back in the 80s with my uncle and seeing him in tears watching the Road Runner outsmart Wile E. Coyote. Beep. Beep.
and here’s me thinking Melb was the culinary capital
well, I never …
There is no real example.
Just bluster.
Yes, John of Mel had a few snags but posted here that he ticked the “leaving for more than three months” box and it was all good.
Immigration are only concerned about quarantine on return.
If you are fucking off permanently (or for greater than three months) they don’t give a shit.
Razey must be halfway to Japan by now, eh?
lol, sancho … I see you’ve gathered some ‘facts’ now.
good for you
Where is Razey?
I miss him so.
You’ve been royally had, ladies and gentlemen.
Goodnight from me.
And goodnight from him.
night sancho. be sure to dream of the Alamo
Where are you Razey?
You’re right here.
Whose doggy was it.
The Cook Islanders joke about calling doggies barking pigs as they tend to be used as food in hard times.
More to the point where is Rabz with my invite?
LoL … seriously mate… you got this.
Rabz is a man ‘o mystery.
Who knows?
He may be a nut case, but this is undeniably true. No matter how bad the Liberals are, Labor will defy the impossible to be even worse. He will provide cover to Andrew and Palace Chook. They will be emboldened to ramp up to eleventy, and try and overturn Perrotet and make Australia coast to coast totalitarian.
The biggest fallacy is “it can’t get any worse”. It can and it will.
Undeniably true, Beery.
Good. The Liberals must be destroyed. Then, hopefully, out of the ashes of that pathetic party, a conservative party just might emerge. Far better than to keep on kicking the can down the road.
Because there’s gazillions of them.
“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.”
Like tears in the rain.
Someone on twitter suggested two million, or was it 20 million or 200 million registered players.
Apparently it’s a very popular sport.
in France they cry out ‘Liberty Djokovic!’
been far too long thanks to the clowns
It will get worse regardless of which major Party rules.
The fantasy is that things can get better without them first getting worse. Until you recognise this, you are only delaying the inevitable.
We are well past the first stage. Our choice is between the second and the last. Have no doubt that as long as you deny this, our enemies are entrenching their position.
You’ve dropped a lot of questions for me upstream, about a particular example (John of Mel). I don’t have the time or inclination to scroll through and answer them all. John’s case is an example, but not really all important in and of itself.
Suffice to say that I have shown that the Australian Government requires unvaccinated people to provide a “compelling” excuse for people to leave this country, even for three months. One they find acceptable. Rosie misled the blog. She misled you.
I understand why you are now twisting and turning like a wind chime, because you spent a day criticising certain people based on Rosie’s bullshit.
Sancho Panzer
January 15, 2022 at 12:41 pm
BTW, I agree in large part with the sentiment.
The endless noise about “leaving this shithole” is somewhat reminiscent of the pathetic never-Trumpers in 2016, threatening to move to Canada or NZ or Mexico, but going nowhere.
I also agree that “this shithole” (even with it’s warts) may be as good or better than most of the other shitholes.
And I reject the proposition that “I could leave if I wanted to, but I can’t”. We established the other day (I forget who posted it) that you can leave Australia unvaxxed as long as you tick the box saying you will be away for three months or longer.
Tick that box and “change your mind” to permanent migration later.
Could it be that some of those expressing a desire to leave still want to collect the OAP, Medicare benefits and other social security from “this shithole” whilst overseas?
Vaccinated people can leave without question or exemption. The unvaccinated cannot. Done.
Please don’t ask me to jump through hoops and balance balls on my nose so you can try to weave justification around your erroneous statement above. The truth is, it doesn’t matter whether John (or anyone else) ticked the three months box on an emigration request, the unvaccinated don’t have the power to decide to do it. It’s obvious that they need government approval, and that government approval is not a given.
I’m not going to play games with you. I have neither the time, nor the inclination. You (based on Rosie’s bullshit) were wrong.
Dick Ed
Not Googlin’ it, but if my memory improves i’ll post a comment.
Even Googling it, you are unlikely to be correct.
Hi Duk,
I was thinking of you when I came across this sad video. 😉