The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…
Broken English
Thanks, Tom.
Trump was a disappointment who was too nice and didn’t realise the extent of the deep state.
Who did? Trump’s genius was revealing the fucking swamp.
He also got into too much debt and too much money was printed.
Compared to what. He oversaw the best US economy ever, brought industry and manufacturing back, increased employment amongst minorities to record levels, created a peaceful world and so on. He also took on the decadent and partisan media, which eventually beat him.
Trump was betrayed by the GOP.
Did he make mistakes: I rather think he was tricked by very nefarious forces. No one else could have done what he did.
Your judgment of Trump and our Jane reveals major blind spots in your character Dot. Work on them.
Now they claim thay is not there argument.
After leaking it to the media for 48 hours solid.
Check out “self harm” and “accidental falls”.
Diabetes up, heart disease down. Flu and pneumonia up.
IT was the funny guy.
The funniest thing he did was to lead the WA Liberals and run for Premier at the last WA State election.
blindside Scotty
Oh Ed.
Scotty’s 360 degrees blindside.
I know right, far too merciful.
“Rex Angersays:
January 16, 2022 at 1:23 pm”
An accurate summary.
Yeah, but what’s the average Age Of Death for people born in 1947?
It can’t be 83. .
listen to the Fed Court wank on about anti-vax sentiment.
presupposes that intrinsic to such sentiment is a ‘danger’
a boogie-man perhaps?
it’s all insane … this is how far down the post-modern slippery-wank-slope we have traveled.
institutions (and QLD) stuck in a Hegelian trap of their own making
“I think a lot of the vitriol back then was directed at (and by) NamBob which was considered fair game.”
Speaking of the always supercilious Vietman….I have a hunch that he’s reappeared on another thread.
If IT shows up I’ll be like the dad in the parable of the prodigal son.
Who, me?
Never… 😛
I was thinking of the actual Chinese ones. And then there were the GetUp! trollherd, too.
Trump has always been a Wall Street Stooge and the GOP is disgusting, even compared with the Democratic Party.
Dover, you are a crazy person.
The best place on earth for me was the Kona coast of the big island.
Volcanic rock, dry heat, breezy.
The ducks nuts.
“Trump was betrayed by the GOP.
Did he make mistakes: I rather think he was tricked by very nefarious forces. No one else could have done what he did.
Your judgment of Trump and our Jane reveals major blind spots in your character Dot. Work on them.”
Trump accomplished a lot but he also made some colossal mistakes. We all love Orange Man Bad but he’s also human.
Which one?! 😀
True JC.
Never get in a blog stoush with someone who can somehow stay awake for 72 hours.
“Rex Angersays:
January 16, 2022 at 1:51 pm
I have a hunch that he’s reappeared on another thread.
Which one?! ?”
The “Cult of Covid” thread. Go read.
Grigory betrays his DNC backing.
Time to put the keyboard down and go back to the basement, Grigory…
I love the sound of a thousand safety catches in the morning.
Trumps wins.
Legislating the SALT changes.
Executive order sidelining PBMs (until Biden got rid of it on the first day, that’s why insulin dropped during & then skyrocketed post Trump).
Legislating tax cuts including the Opportunity Zone components.
Abraham Accords.
First Step legislation (even though it was hijacked).
Right to Try legislation (even though it has been hijacked).
The war of the “whatever’s!!!!!” was a bloodbath.
I still get pains in my side thinking about it.
Keep this in your back pocket for the Big Day, Dover.
Don’t forget the “diddums” war that Gab waged against Septimus.
Brutal stuff. 😀
If it is indeed Collaborator Bob, he’s admitted to becoming a private employer somewhere along the way, and then sacking him because he was not vaxxxxxine-compliant.
How the world has changed, when a fellow who believes that capitalism is built on an inherent series of unfair transactions participated in it.
I think he only did it because he wanted to feel the perceived thrill of sacking someone…
Kneel’s work on the cult of covid thread is awesome.
Also, Dot’s “Good Morning Vietnam” call.
Ftb, don’t get me wrong, I’ve done a few winters on the North Shore and loved it. Visited Kauai on one of those trips too. Never done the Big Island though but would love too, same Maui. I have a real soft spot for island life. But is the summer dry? I thought it was quite humid. I remember flying to Hawai back in early 90s and we stopped in Suva to refuel. For some reason they openned the cabin doors and the humidity even at night was off the charts.
Numbers was born in 1947.
Not sure how the old gent is keeping, since he’s 100% for every Vax ever produced, but i’m wondering whether the Flu Vaccines from 2018 killed way more people than usual?
That’s why the Kona coast is so special.
You get baked, not steamed.
I liked the Hana coast of Maui, bugger all development, but the humidity takes getting used to.
There is above average obesity in Hawaii (which is saying something for the US).
But they have some of the longest life expectancies in the US.
The island life is good for you.
Yep, they are deliberately stealing the (formerly) good name of vaccines to confer false authority on their new products
They are the same – ineffective products pushed annually onto people who don’t need them, under the false claim this stops grandma dying.
Yep, I’ve taken to calling them ‘remedial shots’ and explaining that the dumb kids at school who are failing maths go into a ‘remedial class’ not a ‘booster’ class.
Yes dark times.
And the “Battle of the best-ist (who was) friends” is crime against humanity that should never be forgotten.
LOL Infidel Tiger. I lost the contents of beverages over the screen a countless times, he sure had a way with words. Especially being able to walk up to a line and for the most part along it.
No, Bern. It’s because Polynesian culture champions being fat. It was the only way Polynesians could survive long exploratory sea journeys as they fanned out from Melanesia 1000-2000 years ago. Being fat is good for you if the alternative is dying of starvation.
flyingduk – you may be able to help.
These “tests” for COVID – what do they actually detect?
If it is the spike protein, how does it tell the difference between the COVID spike protein and the “vaccine” spike protein?
Given the large number of “vaccinated” people testing “positive” for COVID, I think it is relevant.
Monty. King of Hawaii.
I am really glad Egg visited. He has been keeping an eye on us. 😉
A lot of people have to show this “certificate” as a sign they were forced to do something by the government in order to keep a job and therefore keep the wolves from the door.
It is a physical symbol of state interference on the individual concerned and on society at large.
It’s the most anti libertarian thing one could think of.
I suppose it can be rationalised by some when they say “I chose to get the jabs” thus, somehow, rendering the overt coercion to a not to be discussed, background discomfort.
They certainly took out most of your brain cells, Grigory…
No one can deny the ability of Trump to draw a crowd.
This Arizona one is big.
And every candidate who has been endorsed (or who want’s his endorsement) are there.
Correct Rex.
Always be wary of accepting a teaspoon full of shit from someone because “his heart’s in the right place” and “at least he’s having a go”.
Especially on-line.
Because the teaspoon dose quickly becomes a tablespoon and pretty soon you are gulping it down by the cupful.
Poor Razey.
In the space of 24 hours he’s gone from a ” brave pioneer boldly going where few men have gone before” to a whimpering wreck in his Jason recliner in Glen Waverley, all because mean girls on a blog.
Good luck dealing with the culture shock of a move to Asia if you are that fragile.
I said I understood, by expressing how intrusive the process is. We agree on that part. What we don’t agree on was that Hallward (I think it was hallward) said we’re letting strangers view our medical history when we are not. We’re showing on facet of our medical history on a green certificate which is not all or medical history. I couldn’t have have been clearer.
Oh shit!
I’m sorry everyone.
I never intended …
It’s all my fault.
I shouldst not hath spaketh his name.
COVID chasers’ trying to catch Omicron on purpose are ‘playing Russian roulette’, experts say
When the ABC’s “experts” advise you to do something, do the opposite or do nothing. In this instance, if you are at low risk of developing severe symptoms when infected with Covid (which would mean most of the population), deliberately infecting yourself with OMG seems to me to be an extremely prudent approach. Especially so if Delta is still on the scene. And anyone who has been paying attention to what genuine experts are saying about OMG symptoms, which are very different from previous variants, will be able to make the distinction.
From an “expert” advising against this:
Well, well. You’re being incredibly cautious here, given we also don’t yet know the longer-term full impact of the experimental gene therapy you’re insisting we pump into our bodies.
And someone who is more idiot than expert also weighed in:
Neither does getting juiced, so I will apply this logic consistently.
Another “expert” makes a heroic effort to include as many smears and talking points from the institutional Covid narrative as possible:
Only vaccines can provide herd immunity? Now, I admit I’m not a – I mean, the – professor of global biosecurity at a sandstone university, but I feel confident in saying the good professor is being very anti-science, a science denier and peddling in dangerous junk science by making such an obviously false statement. I wonder how carefully she has considered her position here, because if recovering from Covid does not confer natural immunity from the virus, then how do vaccines induce immunity? And not just Covid ‘vaccines’ – for all vaccines! This dangerous anti-science quack is a closet anti-vaxxer!
And just in case the reader isn’t aware of the Great Barrington Declaration, the article goes on to add:
Oooh, let’s play My Experts Are Better Than Yours – I like this game! On the one side, we have an epidemiologist and the professor of global biosecurity at the University of New South Where? – I mean Wales. And on the other, we have “three academics” from obscure tertiary institutions – perhaps they’re trade schools, who knows – has anyone heard of Harvard, Stanford and Oxford? Anyway, let’s find out a bit more about these three academics:
The UNSW expert definitely trumps these three nobodies who wouldn’t know anything about infectious disease. They’re not experts at all. And anyway, she has seen through them and is onto their sinister game:
Wow. I’ve read the Great Barrington Declaration and I didn’t find a trace of that agenda anywhere in the text! It’s lucky this expert is such a big brain in calling these three rogues out, because if they came after her for defamation, she’d be able to rely on a truth defence in court by explaining how they have a “eugenics agenda” based upon the contents of the Great Barrington Declaration.
The PCRs detect a small specific fragment of the viral genome, so should NOT in of themselves turn positive in the presence of the S protein (leaving aside the argument that excessive test cycles can produce false positives irrespective of ANY such fragment being present.)
In contrast the RAT contains a test medium which captures SarsCov2 surface proteins and illuminates when it does. Whether this could result in a false + RAT is an interesting question. The best answer i could quickly find is that these vaccine induced spike proteins DO NOT produce such false positive RATs because they dont get into the respiratory mucosa which we are swabbing (whereas live virus in those tissues does). I am not 100% sure i buy that, but there you go.
Trump has always been a Wall Street Stooge and the GOP is disgusting, even compared with the Democratic Party.
Weak as piss. Stick to impersonating a conservative.
The Djokovic tribunal has wound up.
The beaks plan to:
So, secret judging business.
Nah. Spring Street are simply swapping handlers and revising the script.
Like Matty darling, the ‘private’ health bugman who was all over any coof thread on the Cat at the height of 2020’s LockDans, going full prguy17 on anyone who dared question VicHealth’s Narrative. With a side of TDS for variety. Remember how he confidently predicted Orangutan Bard would die of a late-occurring double pneumonia after he was diagnosed with the couf?
This is the lady from OzSage responsible for the advice to people living in units to seal their front doors with tape if they can smell their neighbour’s cooking.
flyingduk says:
January 16, 2022 at 2:46 pm
thanks Dr duk
Watch for a surge of oximeters in various states of use and disrepair (from ‘mint-in-box’ to ‘fucked’), appearing on various Vinnies, Good Sammys, Cash Converters and assorted thrift shops and pawnbrokers over the next six to eight months, once the proles panicked by Their ABC’s ‘Medical Elf Experts’ have realised Omicron is not the dreaded vampiric Nosferaflu which will turn them all into newts. But merely a glorified sniffle.
Because they were infected, took a day or two off work and got better.
It would be even safer to seal your nose and mouth to make absolutely certain you aren’t breathing in anything infectious.
Sound advice.
If they are using fish sauce in the wok.
IT = Zack Kirkup.
You know it’s true.
Raina MacIntyre has a piece in The Saturday Paper about how Covid will never become endemic.
She is a vaxx spruiker, speaks of “Omicron” but says nothing about mutation and the inability of previous formulations to address other variants.
And she ignores the obvious – malaria exists in a narrow climatic band where its vector, the anopheles mosquito, lives and thrives.
I didn’t link – the article was published yesterday.
This is already happening.
We have gone from “I don’t know anyone who has had it” (which is a prime environment to cultivate fear) to the, dare I say it, “lived experience” of people either having it themselves or knowing a dozen people who have had it without dire consequences.
A friend, who was all-in for lockdowns a year ago, mentioned that a friend of his daughter had caught it and “got really crook”.
After a pause he went on to say, ” … although she doesn’t suffer in silence at the best of times”.
Thanks, Roger. I did wonder.
She’s way outside her lane then. Like most attention whores, she’s found her soapbox and won’t relinquish it easily regardless of her babblebotting. Covid has given her a reason for existence.
It was Cassie who spotted vietman. Well done that lass!
Do any Australian batsmen know how to play the hookshot?
Whatever happened to rolling your wrists so it doesn’t go in the air?
Was it “wanker” or condescending verbiage that gave him away? 😀
One of Mrs D’s customer’s husband and son caught it. Customer said it turned out every bit as tragic and deadly as the manflu.
But wait…there’s more…
She’s a member of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on COVID-19 Vaccine Composition.
And of the WHO’s Global Outbreak Response and Alert Network.
Some might say she has a vested interest in talking up fear of the virus.
I tell a lie. MacIntyre adds the little factoid of mutation at the end. But…but tailor made vaxxes for Omicron are in the wind! So take your useless booster and shut up.
And of course, we have the ear-splitting squeal of “unfairness”. It wouldn’t be the Saturday Paper without it.
Yeah. Right.
Both. How someone as thick as he is can condescend to anyone is strange. I guess teaching retarded children has developed habits he can’t change.
Mh doing excellent work over at DashCat reporting on Djokovic hearing.
Adjourned, possibly until tomorrow.
If Prince Andrew’s titles have been nixed by the Queenie, what do you call him now: Andrew Windsor?
Well I’m NOT a Perfessor of Global Biosecurity either, but I am a clinician with 32 years experience in medicine AND a (lowly) 1st class honours degree in Epidemiology, so might I respectfully remind Prof MacIntyre of the known pre-requisites for eliminating ANY human disease via vaccination? … and, as they say ‘compare the pair’.
1) There is no animal reservoir (otherwise it leaks back into the human population after you ‘eliminate’ it … oops – bats, pangolins, chickens, minks etc etc etc – )
2) The vaccine is fully ‘Sterilising’ (ie it stops the progress of the virus stone dead in every vaccinated person… oops)
2) It has a slow rate of mutation and you have the ability to very rapidly to vaccinate the whole world (otherwise it mutates around your vaccine before you get the whole population done, and you have to start again, Sydney Harbour Bridge style…)
But, as I said above, I’m not a perfessor
PS … My own experience with ‘covid parties’ is so far disappointing – I have spent literally hours face to face, in house and in vehicles with 4 families of symptomatic positives over the last 2 weeks , and cant even raise a sniffle 🙁
Funny how the FBI didn’t see this one coming. Shouldn’t be surprised, they were too busy setting up Americans for crimes they didn’t commit or persecuting anyone who objects to the left’s policies.
Yea, Schmuck is his middle name.
Andrew Schmuck Windsor.
Just in from Texas…
Four hostages are reported free and safe – good.
Hostage taker is reported dead – good.
Well, they do only generally catch the ones where they set up the whole thing. Sometimes not even then.
This is how you fucking do it. You don’t fuck around, just get on with it and do what you promised.
Seems McIntyre is something of a feminist icon too.
And a subject of an Archibald Prize finals portrait last year.
If you ask me, it didn’t do the pretty lady justice.
Andrew Schmuck Guelph.
Egg, though amusing & at times interesting, wasn’t all that smart.
The sort of person Ed Case aspires to be.
Look, I can see Cassie’s presumption of innocence argument, but I don’t totally buy it.
As I have said many times, I believe Epstein’s main game was blackmail.
Interesting that JC says he was a virtual unknown on Wall St.
So, a renowned self-promoter who has his head in every photo at 11:00 p.m. suddenly becomes a shy wallflower the following morning at 10:00 a.m. and keeps all his big business deals under wraps?
Pull the other one.
The point is, Epstein would have been on the radar of security services on both sides of the Atlantic and Andy would have had the rare privilege of being privy to that intel.
I daresay it was done very discreetly, probably via Phil the Greek.
But Andy pushed away the life preserver thrown to him and kept swimming down the sewer. Because muh friends. And, unlike the Windsors, they recognised how bwilliant and clever and witty I am.
I think that is what has pisses off Betty and Chuck.
You were fucking warned, Andy.
Repeatedly warned, and now the goodwill has worn out.
A few days ago I posted some information abut a little 3 y/o who died ‘with’ covid. He had the dreadful Niemann-Pick disease and his life expectancy was very limited. Poor little bugger apparently got covid from a health worker visiting his home.
Anyway, two days ago I saw this immunologist on the ABC and she was saying how covid was a dire threat to all children and then “of course, we saw a very young child die from covid just a couple of days ago…..”
I was soooo angry. You despicable heartless slag. The worst that could be said was that he died with covid, not from covid. But to use the child’s tragic pre-existing health condition to promote a false narrative that may alarm young parents is a disgrace. You should be ashamed of yourself. And the ABC interviewer let it pass without comment.
I only mention this now as I have been brooding on the matter for a couple of days.
Thanks Speedbox. So sorry for the poor little kid.
Speedbox, that is an infuriating story.
Anyway, anyone seen Epstein’s desert ranch? Or the plastic wrapped, blood soaked beds in his rather shoddily built temple?
I haven’t found the “artistic” nude of Jizz Laine Max Swell, but she did have a cracking body and motherly bosom at a younger age (I have done the research, and I have reviewed the data).
The ranch is far from impressive. You could pick it up for a 3 – 5 mil in country NSW.
It’s unethical.
And it’s only one example of many.
And in the longer term they’re doing a disservice to science and their profession that will come back to bite them and quite possibly have negative effects on public health.
Andrew Schmuck Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
If you ask me, it didn’t do the pretty lady justice.
It looks like a Friesian cow’s arse.
No it’s not all our history.
But why show any at all?
You say it’s a huge personal intrusion and are totally against it, followed immediately by “however…”.
There should be no “howevers” or “buts” wrt this.
It’s like a tacit acceptance.
Reading the terrific news from Cassie, I was reminded of this most excellent sequence.
You’ve been asking about inflation. This dude, who I respect a lot is suggesting the Fed is behind the curve and therefore if it doesn’t act quickly and dramatically, inflation could get out of control.
I disagree with him. I think the Fed is waiting to see what happens with Omni and if it’s okay will act quickly.
He uses the 5 year breakeven. I look at the 10 year and it’s a tiny bit lower.
Virginia Governor Youngkin Signs 11 Executive Actions on His First Day in Office
Glenn Youngkin, Virginia’s first Republican Governor in more than a decade, wasted no time addressing his campaign pledges, signing nine executive orders and two executive directives. Within hours of being sworn in, Youngkin:
1. Banned the use of CRT and other inherently divisive concepts in schools;
– Executive Order 1
2. Ended school mask mandates;
– Executive Order 2
3. Terminated the entire Parole Board of the Commonwealth of Virginia (all were Democratic appointees);
– Executive Order 3
4. Initiated an investigation into Loudoun County;
Executive Order 4
5. Established the position of Chief Transformation Officer to review all government agencies, beginning with the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Virginia Employment Commission;
– Executive Order 5
6. Declared Virginia open for business and initiated a review of burdensome Covid regulations;
Executive Order 6
7. Established a commission prevent human trafficking and provide support to survivors;
– Executive Order 7
8. Established a commission to combat antisemitism;
– Executive Order 8
9. Withdrew from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI);
– Executive Order 9
10. Directed all Executive Branch entities to reduce job-killing regulations by at least 25 percent;
– Executive Directive 1
11. Rescinded the vaccine mandate for all state employees.
– Executive Directive 2
@Maximus_4EVR adds:
“Meanwhile, new Attorney General Jason Miyares (who was also just sworn in) has terminated the entire Civil Rights Division of the AG’s Office (many of them Soros backed lawyers). YOWZA! ?
That was a MASS firing within a few moments of being sworn in. The MSM are calling it ‘insane’ and ‘mean.’
AG Miyares also warned all county prosecutors he will be pursuing charges for crimes they refuse to file charges for themselves. This is a warning to local VA DAs not to do what NY’s DA is doing.
Shades of a post ‘Election 2022’ world?”
Sources? Free Beacon, WJLA News, TGP, @Maximus_4EVR
Related? Virginia’s Election Fraud Defense System
Learn more?? VA Thread
I was watching a show the other night on, I think, SBS on Demand called “The Backside of TV” or somesuch.
It was obviously 6 – 12 months old, for reasons I will come to in a minute.
The guy was red-hot on bagging two things:-
.1 True crime TV (see post below);
.2 Commercial TV current affairs shows.
He was banging on about how Channel Nein and Seven attacked “fringe views” like those of Pete Evans but they ran a show suggesting bat-flu came out of the Wuhan Lab.
Which he declared also a “fringe view” which should be debunked.
That declaration hasn’t aged well.
“However” wasn’t used to belittle my opinion that it’s intrusive. It was used in context of Hallward’s assertion that we’re giving away our medical records to strangers. We aren’t. We’re allowing strangers to look at a medical certificate which in most cases is a green rectangle on a iphone.
I was reacting to the drama queening. “But”, “however” can be used for legit reasons as I just showed.
I’ve been watching Bosch on amazon prime.
Kind of ok.
What I do like is how they get LA’s smog.
And how most of the cars are dirty.
Unlike Entourage which has every car in LA gleaming.
He drives to Vegas in one episode & the windscreen is filthy when he arrives.
As it should be.
The other issue “The Backside of TV” got stuck into was True Crime TV.
Particularly the Falconio case.
Yes, I am going to go there, and youse can’t stop me.
I lost count, but the host must have referred to “convicted cocaine dealer and discredited lawyer, Andrew Fraser” possibly ten times.
He also correctly pointed out that, in two separate TV outings, Fraser has promised “stunning new evidence”.
Which hasn’t surfaced after two years.
Hi egg_ly!
Mind you, if the host wanted to be even-handed about True Crime shows containing traces of bullshit, he could have devoted time to similar non-existant “stunning new evidence” in the Kelli Lane case, or possibly some of Seven-Nilligan’s flights of fancy.
Australian politicians take note – this is how it’s done!
Came across this side effect of that complete bastard biden’s open border policy:
Among girls in the U.S. who are sex trafficked before the age of 18, how many times will the average victim be raped over her lifetime?
You get 3 choices.
Fair enough, JC.
At a fundamental level it is a health record and where to from here?
What’s next?
Virginia Governor Youngkin Signs 11 Executive Actions on His First Day in Office
The goodwill was long gone in the UK – particularly in tabloid land, which caters to the bulk of the UK’s monarchists.
Example: The Sun – a populist “Lor’ Bless You Ma’am” rag – which is now merciless about the Duke of Stupid, and grimly leading the UK reporting on Team Gold Digger’s squirrel grip on the Royal nuts.
A tragic gun-cleaning accident would be welcome amongst constitutional monarchists.
I missed the ‘showboating’ that apparently went on yesterday.
Must have been quite something.
The Golden Rule – never get into a stoush with…..
With…… with…….
Ah geez. Forgot. Never mind.
That’s a bit misleading cohenite.
I reckon they’re conflating (possibly) consensual acts after they obtain their majority.
I reckon (and hope) most of them are more towards adulthood, I can see unwitting johns sleeping with marginally underage girls and being none the wiser, but a really young girl, there’s that much trade going on outside of elite weirdos or basement dwellers?
Slap me if I am being naive.
I still said thousands, because you want to make NPV calculation look good, even if you are a rotten people smuggler and pimp of underage girls. You use assets as much as you can early on.
Represented Alan Bond…
I think the entire covid bullshit response is close to breaking down. It’s breaking down in Europe and the mandates in the US have to a large degree been thrown out the window by SCOTUS. This variant appears to be either a bad flu or a mild cold. It’s over bar the shouting now… provided we don’t end with a much more serious variant, which I really doubt we will. Possibly, another 3 to 4 weeks of this Omni scare.
Complete, utter, unexpurgated Garbage.
Polynesians originated in Korea, they’re Koreansbwho’ve spent, say, 40 generations in a sunny, food rich environment.
How did Africans end up in Melanesia, New Guinea and the Torres Straits?
That’s an interesting question, since they didn’t paddle there in canoes.
Daily Mail.
The “MyHealthRecord” was far more insidious in terms of allowing any Elf Perfessional to look up detailed individual records.
That was about to slide through unnoticed until there was an outcry and they hastily pulled together the “opt out” option.
As petty as it sounds, the clincher for me was a neighbour who was a part-time ambo and who was also a fulltime town gossip.
I knew full well he would be looking up everyone in town on day one.
The fucking idiot got all antsy:-
Ambo : “What about if you’re in a car accident, and the ambos want to know your blood type?”
Me : “Firstly, blood type isn’t routinely recorded, is it? And secondly, do you carry bags of all blood types in the meat waggon?”
Fuck, I wouldn’t mind if information is shared between my GP, Specialists, dentists, and anyone I have a direct professional relationship with.
But do I want some Nurse Karen seeing my name on Facebook and looking me up?
And before Googlery starts banging on about “safeguards”, we all know that the number of Elf Perfessionals disciplined for improper access at the end of the first decade of operation would be approximately zero.
That’s how it should be done. Do what you promised to keep faith with voters. Australian so called conservative politicians have completely abdicated their responsibilities and need to be voted out.
The Poms picked a good side for a change, I think they might go after Boland and Green in the next innings
You’re sundowning early. Stop annoying people.
Mind you, if the host wanted to be even-handed about True Crime shows containing traces of bullshit, he could have devoted time to similar non-existant “stunning new evidence”
Missing the William Tyrell case .. lotza gardens still to be landscaped before this one is cultivated!
Love the Bosch. …but not in that way. Old school Brooding, patient, has his faults, gets the job done, takes responsibility, gives respect when due. Kept me sane during lockdown.
Seems that way.
I suspect that the Federal election will be the catalyst for us.
Neither of the Uniparties will want to go with ‘more of the same’ Covid policies while the wheels are falling off around the anglophone world.
I’ll say it.
Whoever it is on the other thread is not Liability Bob.
The writing style’s wrong. The awther uses words Old Yeller doesn’t use, and said awther doesn’t use words Four Leaf Tayback does.
Like ‘conscription’, ‘Vietnam’, ‘MX5’ and ‘why haven’t they built an oncology centre across the road’.
Also, ‘wise old Uncle Wang’ doesn’t get a run.
I, ah…I was being charitable, cohenite.
I laughed out loud when I saw it. It reminded me of the church cleaning lady in Italy (?) who “touched up” a painting of Jesus.
Read the accompanying text – if you can stand it.
How do these people take themselves so seriously?
It shouldn’t even be another 3 to 4 minutes.
You think the mandates and proof of status will disappear?
Not that they should’ve appeared in the first place.
They’ve got to LogIn to access your Data.
That’s not erasable.
Get caught, find another job sweeping the dunnies at Maccas.
Samsung tvs show a gallery of pics and videos when it’s on semi hiatus. I just saw a pic of NYC and caught a glimpse of our building to the left of the moving pic. After over two years, I guess it’s better than nafink.
Struth gets today’s award for taking a statement in isolation. I’ll let you find the rest.
We may have exactly this standard of leader, were we to make two radical changes:
1/. Public primaries.
2/. Premier decided by statewide vote.
1/. Pre-selection done by party committees, often the the same committee of a half-dozen deciding the candidates for the entire state, or even at times a committee two states away deciding a federal candidate.
2/. Premiers govern only with the consent of the majority of those their party’s committee got elected.
One step out of line & there’s a “challenge”
This makes it possible for an advocacy group to replace the Premier via a social media pressure campaign on a few backbenchers in marginal seats.
Enjoyed TWIP meme:
New COVID variant discovered. To be called Anothercon.
They do it so we don’t have to.
Heroes all.
That was bullshit.
A fishing expedition immediately after WA Plod found the kidnapped girl and timed to coincide with the retirement of NSW brass.
Then running some totally unrelated charges against the foster parents right in the middle it.
And finding “items of interest” in the bush nearby.
Was that the Spiderman suit?
Some pieces of string and a Minties wrapper.
That is of course true, but it wasn’t my point.
Slap me if I am being naive.
Consider it done. And then reflect on what the muzzies did in Rotherdam: young girls repeatedly gang raped. What would happen to young sex slaves coming over biden’s border should come as no surprise. Being staked over an ant’s nest would be too good for biden
the MEDICAL issue of COVID will indeed be over within a month or 2, the heaven sent self spreading live attenuated vaccine know as OMICRON will see to that. In addition, it will amply demonstrate to the quivering masses
1) The control measures DO NOT WORK
2) The disease aint that bad, certainly not worth living the rest of your days in fear over
The only question is how much the proles have to do to get our wise masters to give it away .
The only question is how much the proles have to do to get our wise masters to give it away .
Heads on Pikes?
I think you are majorly under estimating the number of people still backing the nanny state to protect them and their families from the deadly disease. Even if they are fully vaxxed.
Dot, don’t ever give Cronkite and inside edge. He never misses the opportunity. Haven’t I ever taught you anything?
And right on cue, Googlery goes with “safeguards”.
Surprise, surprise, it has already happened at our local hospital.
Minor Melbourne TV celebrity admitted to hospital after a car prang and suggestions that private info had been circulated.
Complaint dismissed as “poor password security by individuals and can’t ascertain who actually accessed the record.”
More training.
Maybe even counselling.
So what? Police get sacked, but only after finding the ex and her new boyfriend and turning up fully armed and doing what he likes. Modern police clean up the mess far more than they protect.
Best coffee and almond croissant combo in the world.
Bel Ami, 68th street, NYC. Just reminiscing
What Makka just said.
This shit is not just “going away”.
Particularly for those un vaxxed.
First against the wall should be the MSM.
Nut Case is just annoyed that people opted out.
Gunna need a bigger wall.
Makka, Bush
That maybe so in Australia, but Europe and the US will most of this up by February. We’ll lag but not by much.
That was precisely the tone taken by my ambo neighbour.
I got the distinct impression that he was less concerned about me bleeding to death on the side of the road than he was about missing out on that goldmine of gossip fodder.
I agree, I dont think the sheeple have hurt near enough yet – but more hurt is coming, particularly when inflation, empty shelves, deteriorating services etc etc etc become more visible. That, plus the realisation that 1) the disease wasnt that bad – not bad enough for what we went through trying to avoid it, 2) There really are vax side effects 3) The 2/3 shots I had already didnt work 4) they STILL want me to roll up the sleeve for jabs 4, 5, 6
Nah .. fool me once…
Looks a bit pooftah pansy to me.
Whoops close most
No, cohenite is being naive.
I think underage girls are being abused, sure.
I don’t think they’re all 13 and under when they get smuggled. That figure is true, but bullshit.
Yep, I would agree to their “correct” answer.
I reckon they’re conflating illegal child abuse with consensual (legal or not) prostitution acts – or different crimes, sex trafficking, but not of children (at the time of the later offences).
1000 acts of abuse is terrible, but 5000? I just doubt that many obviously young prostitutes exist. Sorry, I just don’t think that many pedophiles exist.
It might be inflated if they claim to be minors when their abusers are caught – I am only 15 and my family were killed before the coyotes transported me to the house of ill repute. Um, if her family sold her (or they went willingly) and the US have no records, how are you going to send her back unless other victims or the abusers give up intel?
I should slap you for being naive, cohenite.
Andy Sang
True, it’s upper Eastside so most things are a little on the homosexual side. The coffee almond croissant double is mouth watering.
I dunno where you live, but if you’re ever in Melbourne there’s a hipster joint in
Collingwood that specialises just in croissants. They’re better than the frog’s. Forget the name
“Sancho Panzersays:
January 16, 2022 at 4:50 pm
Missing the William Tyrell case .. lotza gardens still to be landscaped before this one is cultivated!
That was bullshit.
A fishing expedition immediately after WA Plod found the kidnapped girl and timed to coincide with the retirement of NSW brass.
Then running some totally unrelated charges against the foster parents right in the middle it.
And finding “items of interest” in the bush nearby.
Was that the Spiderman suit?
Some pieces of string and a Minties wrapper.”
Correct…I would also add that Mick Fuller, outgoing NSW Police Commissioner, had a personal beef with Gary Jubelin, the detective who initially investigated the case.
“Whoever it is on the other thread is not Liability Bob.”
You might be right on that…….it could be Felixa Kruella.
Oh no not Cruella
Andy Sang – The jolly swagman
Political correctness ruins everything. Imagine I sound like Jeremy Clarkson.
“Oh no…”
“Oh no…”
“Oh no…”
“Oh no…”
“Oh no…”
Now this is one I found:
It’s still funny.
Alice Springs just went into lockout for seven days.
The Deputy CHO quite shamelessly said it was to prevent overwhelming the Alice Springs Hospital, which is already overwhelmed with pisswrecks and victims of tribal bashings and mutilations, as well as the standard eight-deep crowd of domestic violence victims.
Again, this is rapidly becoming about preventing the exposure of incompetent and wilful medical bureaucrats than actual public health.
Incidentally, Alice Springs ‘health professionals’ are known to be rabidly activist. There are very well placed sources that indicate that hand-patting medical staff leaked Constable Zachary Rolfe’s home address to family members of the career criminal he shot and killed, and while Rolfe was in hospital getting his stab wound stitched.
This would explain why Rolfe’s Alice Springs house was trashed and burnt, which unsurprisingly hasn’t shown up in the MSM.
So. Self interest is number one. Hand-patters gotta handpat.
Lune croissanterie
It’s not in Collingwood, it’s Fitzroy and there’s one in the CBD too. Skip the one in Brisbane Queerland as it won’t be any good.
… I’ve never met anybody before that crossed the river and lived to tell the tale
That just means “I don’t like it but you have the power to do it”.
Same way ‘Racist’ means “I am losing an argument and have nothing else”.
Being a Pureblood is the New Win
Styxhexenhammer666 Published January 15, 2022
Been travelling much of the day. Did the numerical ostrich make an (unwelcome) appearance?
That’s it.
But I refuse to queue.
And I rarely venture into the Goat’s Cheese Circle.
“Look, I can see Cassie’s presumption of innocence argument, but I don’t totally buy it.”
The reason why I feel strongly about this is that I’m tired of seeing men lynched….Pell, Porter and so on. I think Andrew is a particularly ghastly, money loving git with an outrageous sense of entitlement. As I wrote the other day, he was easy prey for someone like Epstein to latch on to because both Andrew and his equally ghastly ex-wife are very shallow individuals and they just love the dosh. And I agree that Andrew would have been warned numerous times about his association with Epstein but you see, such is Andrew’s grotesque arrogance and his need for lotsa money, he no doubt ignored those warnings.
And note how no one is speaking up for Andrew….in fact the knives are out for him. If Andrew was better liked I doubt very much we’d be witnessing such jubilation over his sacking from the royal firm.
One thing is clear, nobody likes him.
I’ll say it again, I don’t care whether he’s the most awful person on the planet, everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence.
You can, but you have to be very careful.
Make sure you wear black and smile at ugly fat dykes. They’ll think you’re one of them… not a dyke but a northerner.
I should slap you for being naive, cohenite.
Go ahead. I’ll cry but head prefect will give me a cuddle.
The “Voting Rights Act” isn’t about Voters Rights and Must be Stopped Completely
Styxhexenhammer666 Published January 15, 2022
Rumble — It isn’t about voting rights any more than clean coal is clean or the patriot act was patriotic: https://archive.ph/BQe1i
The Prince Andrew Story is a Shiny Distraction from a Scandal Magnitudes Bigger
Styxhexenhammer666 Published January 15, 2022
Rumble — The effective sealing of documents related to over a thousand others Maxwell and Epstein trafficked to is a much bigger story than one civil case involving a lesser noble: https://archive.ph/1Kw1U
I think the media scumbags , prompted by our Govt parasites will energetically mobilise to mitigate any message that even hints at holding them responsible for the horrible damage they have inflicted on us. That will result public opinion remaining wedded to nanny “Govt has saved us”. That realization you speak of will be very difficult to identify among the numpty proles. We return to normal broadcasting, until the next crisis we need saving from arrives.
The prog-left is doing more harm to indigenous folk than paternalistic missionaries ever did.
Alas, Rabz can only dream of an endorsement like this.
Hilary is unavailable to comment;
Days of our Djokovic resumes at 5:45AEDT. Last bets.
The number of people who will admit to making a mistake is miniscule. This will apply to handing over freedom to health tyranny as well. There will be all sorts of “reasons” for submitting.
I can think of a few to excuse my own actions and attitudes. They all seem quite reasonable to me, but to others here…not so much. However, self-awareness is not a strong suit generally.
The whole walkback will have to be couched in doublespeak because anything else will cause utter havoc. The politicians know this and want to protect their skins. The longer they leave it, the smaller the window of protection gets.
Virginia Governor Youngkin Signs 11 Executive Actions on His First Day in Office
Dude! Walked in, racked the slide, emptied the magazine into The Swamp!
The number of people who will admit to making a mistake is miniscule.
Already seeing this “we didn’t know at the time”, well, we did fucking know, but you stupid arseholes decided that the world was ending rather than seeing commonsense.
The legacy media reporting of the Texas siege is criminal.
Twitter is capturing the best bits.
Along the lines of “had nothing to do with the Jewish community” is being trotted out by the Cathedral.
joker lost
joker lost
We all lost, Australia lost.
Prince Andrew is a veteran.
He’s probably not the most popular card n the pack.
He hasn’t faced court yet.
What has happened to him is a disgrace.
Except for Her Majesty the Windsors can kiss my arse.
Embarasing visa refusal. We don’t like how you think / act – no soup for you!
Not unexpected.
While the cricket was at lunch, I flicked as you do, came across some sheila’s trying to play a game not as well as primary school kids. I remember watching a nephew playing soccer when he was nine. Wherever the ball was there were about ten kids around the ball. The following year they had learnt positional play. These sheila’s were in the 9yo category. Pathetic.
“Along the lines of “had nothing to do with the Jewish community” is being trotted out by the Cathedral.”
Of course…anything, anything to absolve the perpetrator.
turns out that it is indeed, The Vibe
It may have been Gayfl but I may be mistaken.
It was always a big ask. It was not as if the Minister was using his discretion to turf a refo.
Djokovic gorn.
A tennis player playing a pivotal role in reshaping the country. Well I never.
News at hand scotty from marketing blows 3 judges.
Unanimous decision – dismissed with costs.
Now the politics can resume again. ScoMo (and hence Australia) looks churlish like the kid who takes bat home after being given out in the nets. Good work Lieborals.
I will take great pleasure in voting the Libs LAST in the next election.
If we are so bent on being tyrannised, it’s time to have a taste of the real thing.
Agree with Roger. Ministers powers are quite broad but with double standards options for middle eastern/African crims.
I now wait for him to dump on everyone once he returns to Spain. He’s got 25 hours to stew on it and Serbs don’t have the coolest blood.
there goes the AO, the GP
winning like Melbourne
Gavrillo Djokovic just shot Archduke Scummo and his missus, Alexandra Hawke.
They are so tightly sewn into their smug corsetry that they just don’t feel any pain yet.
But they will.
So the minister took the line that Australians need to be treated like children and the judges agreed.
They’re probably right over all.
I like Struth.
A wee bit over the top sometimes but not as hysterical as some on here.
I’d have a beer with him but I’m not sure if Queensland has schooners.
Bang on, Bear.
If it was possible to make this (in most circumstances, excellent) country look even worse, then that was it.
The only consolation here is that most of the countries on this planet are ACTUAL shit-splattered toilets, of the type Ewan McGregor dived into in Trainspotting.
Aussies out for 155, Poms to get 271.
Go Poms!
Bundled out in the legal second round.
“Now the politics can resume again. ScoMo (and hence Australia) looks churlish like the kid who takes bat home after being given out in the nets. Good work Lieborals.”
Well said. Our international reputation has been trashed.
If you couldn’t be more humiliated or embarrassed to be an Australian, three judges just upped the ante.
Our government and judiciary believe we are stupid little people and need protecting from ourselves in case we are led to wrong thinking by a tennis player.
Don’t expect any support for basic human rights from the courts. They were asked to support freedom and chose to support capricious tyranny from government.
He’ll STFU.
It was a massive attempted StoogeUp of the Australian Government, Djoker and the Labor Party and others were up to their ears in it.
Back to the Kiddies Pool, losers.
“So the minister took the line that Australians need to be treated like children and the judges agreed.”
One thing is clear, many Australians liked to be treated as children.
Not even 11 Joe Burns are making 271 on that pitch in the 4th innings.
‘Go Poms!’
‘Davey’ and ‘Uzzie’ and ‘Wadey’ and ‘Paino*’ would be mortified.
*Not his actual nickname.
Grey Ranga,
The Swedish Womens wogball team are hot.
The Dutch aren’t bad either.
And the was an American goal keeper who seems quite uninhibited.
I don’t know what their positional play was like.
What Farmer Gez said.