Ash Wednesday today – the beginning of Lent and fasting — I’ve been practising with intermittent fasting between meals
Ash Wednesday today – the beginning of Lent and fasting — I’ve been practising with intermittent fasting between meals
Why? How? Who?
Telling the truth would so disrupt the narrative
Brutal-as reality often is
Espncricinfo. I wonder how long AI would take to work out the meaning of this whereas most cats would pick…
I, a citizen of this country, am not allowed to move freely “all the way around the country”, but they are encouraged to? That’s nice…
Wow internal polls must be precipitously bad for Scomo. He’s looking desperate…
I’m old enough to remember when Vic CHO Brett Sutton said the vaccines would reduce transmission by as much as 60%.
I think the levy is dry.
You’re a baby, Farmer Gez. In my days, I remember, they were saying – it’s 95% effective, just take your two jabs and get your freedoms back.
Indeed, I know a few people who eventually yielded, spitting and foaming, having held out as long as they could – and they are absolutely seething – they feel like they have been raped. Our wise masters are making a big mistake if they think ‘92% jabbed’ = 92% support
I didn’t think it could happen but Brett is wronger than Timmy.
C’mon Flanners, have you lost your mojo?
Rockdoctor says:
January 19, 2022 at 1:16 pm
About 7-10 days ago, the polling for the LNP was disastrous. Even if half of those polled carried through with their stated voting intentions, the LNP will be swept from power and could look forward to 2 terms on the opposition benches.
It remains to be seen of course but Scotty will need to pull off his best Lazarus impersonation if the LNP are not to sink into electoral oblivion.
Is this number real?
like “92% of scientists say”
For those sneering something like “I want to see the policy on sniffing dogs bums before I vote for them. ” Just F off.
FFS look what we have now you morons. They are not going to get in anyway.
The messaging is a bit confusing – ATAGI certainly states the following as qualifying for a ‘temporary’ exemption – ‘PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, where vaccination can be deferred until 6 months after the infection’.
However, to get said exemption requires your GP to fill out an ‘ Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) – immunisation medical exemption form (IM011)’ and said form lists several other illnesses as qualifying for natural immunity exemptions (mumps, measles etc) but NOT SARSCoV2. With the large number of people who are now sporting ‘PCR Positive’ text messages, no doubt this will be tested shortly.
Probably not but it works to our advantage to let them continue that particular lie.
They are doing this in multiple ways, eg
‘Vaccines’ instead of ‘marginally effective pretreatment drugs’
‘Boosters’ instead of ‘Remedial Shots’
The election is Albo’s to lose. And once they start rolling out their policies I’m sure a bit of shine will come off Labor’s lead… whether that’s enough is another thing.
Why don’t you make way for a woman, Craig?
Data as at 17/1/22 is that the current average (across all states and territories) of Australians who have received 2 jabs is 92.63%. Nationally, 95.12% have had a single dose. 16.61% of children (5-11) have had their first dose.
Woolfe Johnson is right!
You can’t make Democracy in the Antipodes much worse.
And then in Danistan we have police terrorizing Dan’s political opponents, but don’t worry its only other people.
Well, it was inevitable, I guess — our daughter in Sinney has just rung to say she has Covid.
Positive side? Her symptoms: sore throat, which is managed nicely by Nurofen — and a headache if she forgets to take her Nurofen. That’s it. Zip all else.
She’s had two AZ shots. She’s 36, very fit and healthy. She only needs to self-isolate for 7 days, so we have our fingers crossed for her. Fortunately, she can also work from home, so lesser chance of boredom from isolation. Even so … gave my stomach a nasty flip-flop when I heard the news.
Correct, I wrote dozens of vaccine and mask exemptions last year. ALL the vax exemptions were binned by the CHO, but NONE of the mask exemptions have ever been questioned – I regularly walk around face naked and have never been challenged about it.
Albo just needs to stay in hiding, do a few Labor gigs for the ABC cameras and adoring rusted ons and keep the Labor women talking.
The retardation of the city dwellers will take care of the rest. Hail our new king!
Their policy won’t be out yet but Labor have opposed re-opening the immigration floodgates post-covid.
I’m starting to notice the pre-campaign barrage of Commonwealth Government how-good-is-that TV ads.
Moron from Marketing won’t get away with the joy of recycling PET bottles into park benches.
Vote minor parties. Put LNP/ALP/GRN last.
That is what I will be doing.
flyingduk says:
January 19, 2022 at 1:24 pm
What? Feeling as if they have been violated by the Stairman? That’s never happened, surely!
I want to see him crying “mea culpa” and on his knees begging for voters to return.
Uh, huh.
My favourite is the ACT, which claims 98.6% of those over 12 are ‘fully vaccinated’ – yet has still managed to chalk up over 15,000 ‘cases’ since new year – or over 3 per remaining dirty pureblood.
Written and authorized by most LNP voters.
Bumfsckistan, Dannograd.
Uh, huh.
I know. But it’s what the polls are telling them. And Scotty’s not listening.
This! I am beyond livid at the dumb idiots utter nerve in uttering this complete insult to the citizenry
He needs to do more than that.
I would tell you except it is not that sort of blog.
I want to see him torn into 4 pieces by horses, his head ripped off and my dog shitting down his neck – as a prelude …
Clive’s support for Howard’s RET was a disappointment, but he may have moved on from that? The UAP policy now is for nuclear energy in Australia which will make the RET redundant, there’s no need for windmills when you have all the energy you need from emission free nuclear.
I’d prefer more coal fired generators as they are cheaper, but nuclear is cheaper than windmills and guarantees reliable supply.
In any event, I’m not voting for Clive, I’m voting for Craig.
I made an exception – in these trying times 🙂
Whilst tied to a tree and covered in fire ants.
It’s all about Clive baby….
“Billionaire Clive Palmer has announced he will run for the Australian senate at the upcoming federal election.
The businessman and former federal MP will lead the Queensland ticket for his United Australia Party, putting himself in direct competition with Pauline Hanson and former Queensland Premier Campbell Newman.”
No thanks. I hope either Campbell or Pauline get up.
And I still wouldn’t vote for him. They’re not getting my $2.70 or whatever it will be.
That could be awkward.
Perhaps some of the more descriptive rants from recruit instructors could be applied….
flyingduk says:
January 19, 2022 at 1:24 pm
Indeed, I know a few people who eventually yielded, spitting and foaming, having held out as long as they could – and they are absolutely seething – they feel like they have been raped. Our wise masters are making a big mistake if they think ‘92% jabbed’ = 92% support
Damn straight.
Nah. I’m thinking medieval. Hot irons. Sharp stuff.
Let me work on the details …
ChurchMilitant.com • January 18, 2022
Choosing jabs over Rosaries
Video & Transcript
“In any event, I’m not voting for Clive, I’m voting for Craig.”
You only vote for Craig if you’re in the seat of Hughes. And if Craig doesn’t win his seat (and there’s a high probability of that)…what next?
I’ll give that to the Libertarian candidate to help him defray some of his costs. He’s a local small businessman who in 2019 ran a good grass roots campaign on his own dime.
“I want to see him crying “mea culpa” and on his knees begging for voters to return.”
It’s too late….he’s outed himself as a complete liar, fraud and phony.
I want to see him crying “mea culpa” and on his knees begging for voters to return.
Whilst tied to a tree and covered in fire ants.
With Golden Syrup poured on his empty scrote sac.
“I want to see him [Scomo] torn into 4 pieces by horses…”
Read history – there are many, varied and extremely more painful ways to act with “extreme prejudice” against a traitor…
Felt a bit out of sorts yesterday, headache and an episodically runny nose, plus a yen to sleep for hours (which I did).
Not much better today, although not much worse either.
If this is as bad as it gets, I’ve had hangovers an order of magnitude worse.
Back to bed!
Many thanks to the kind Cats for your responses.
Blushes … as a direct entry RAAF Officer, I am embarrassed to say I avoided even basic training, being lucky enough to head to Timor almost the day my commission was granted. I do however remember a verbal communication sent my way by an army WO as I sauntered across his parade ground – he seemed to be having some sort of apoplectic fit
I didn’t say I’d believe him.
Just that I want to see it.
Many thanks to the kind Cats for your responses.
So does that mean the party is a no go then, custard?
I even polished my fishbowl for the keys…
By saying “look what we have now” are you suggesting the debate is about a choice between UAP or LNP?
If so, that misrepresents what the discussion was about.
It was generally about “which minor party” and was focusing in on LDP vs UAP.
And many are saying yes to LDP and no to Fat Cloive on the basis of his proven selfishness in politics and his abject lack of policy.
The big criticism of LNP voters is that they vote that way because “at least it’s not Labor”.
What is the difference between that and “vote Fat Cloive. At least he’s not LNP/ALP/Green”.
Now put it through the spin doctors and voila!
Does anybody here remember Malcolm Fraser’s trembling lower lip as he fought back tears?
One of the high points of modern Australian politics.
By the way, filthy junkie mum is hiding in Hospital. Police can’t speak with her until Doc gives OK.
There have been many accounts of omicron symptoms and to add one more, my local Australia Post contractor delivered a parcel to my place yesterday. He is a good bloke and we usually have a chat. I guess he is mid 60’s in age and revealed he had the coof a couple of weeks ago. (confirmed by test).
His symptoms were sore throat, mild headache, mild congestion and profound tiredness. Claims he slept much more than usual over of the ~ three days he was ill. Overall, he compared it to a moderate grade cold or low grade ‘flu’.
He has been back working for a few days with no lingering symptoms.
Ffs sancho it doesn’t matter, they are not going to win anyway. But no worries, carry on debating the pros and cons of each.
Some comments in the past, regards live cattle/sheep exports, by LDP luminaries may not be helpful to them garnering any votes beyond the goat cheese curtain.
where do I sign up?
I’ve had three sinus infections since this mask bullshit came in. Only had one in my 50 years prior after (electric) planing a bunch of cedar without any protective gear.
The stand-in for my usual GP refused to consider a temporary mask exemption while I was dripping toxic pus, let alone a permanent exemption. All she could say was ‘better get a test’. Useless, brain-dead lemming.
Faced with a funding freeze and the likely scrapping of the licence fee before 2027, the BBC has leapt into action to remind Britons of what great value they get for “just 43p a day.” Judging by the BBC’s declining viewership – I don’t think they have a single channel that leads in its market sector – most Britons might rather save that money for a pint at their local on the weekend.
He doesn’t talk about boosters nowadays, he says you need the three shots. The term “boosters” will be reserved for the fourth jab.
This was commented upon upthread.
A man has appeared in court charged with the murder of a missing schoolgirl who disappeared from the NSW Blue Mountains before her body was found in a barrel. Court documents reveal the girl was killed between 7pm on Tuesday January 11 and 10am January 12, but police were not made aware of her disappearance until days later.
The girl was reported missing from a wedding estate in Mount Wilson about 8.20am Friday, sparking a major air and ground search. Police attended a Riley Street unit at Surry Hills about 8.30pm Tuesday and arrested a 32-year-old man, who was then charged with murder and refused bail. He briefly appeared at Central Local Court on Wednesday from the cells at Surry Hills police station where his lawyer requested he was protected in custody as he was worried about his safety.
What?! The girl was killed on the Tuesday or the Wednesday but her ‘disappearance’ wasn’t reported until Friday. What kind of people are these? As for the accused’s safety, I have little concern for his welfare.
On top of the insult to citizens unable to move freely around the country, it’s partly untrue – WA isn’t open to these people until Feb 5. It’s also a bullshit promise that’s as flimsy as Australia’s international reputation as a country governed by law. Any state premier could change the rules at any time and trash it. What are odds McGowan decides to preserve Fortress WA a little longer to please the Covid hysterics and keep the nervous normies on their toes? There’s a decent chance.
Unfortunately they lurk greasily at the bottom of the preference list waiting and waiting for those yummy preferences to slip and slide and finally land in their gaping mouths like cane toads sucking up small innocent frogs.
They don’t care they’re losing the $2.80 because one of them is still going to get your vote. There’re other ways to obtain money. Lots of nice sticky ways, once they’re in government.
I stopped taking the BBC seriously after a ridiculous ‘documentary’ about the y2k bug. The bLIAR effect was starting to kick in bigly. Sure it was always a bit leftie but it was pretty good once.
It was a bit righty in my childhood. Compensating for lefty grandparents. May have contributed to my scepticism.
The BBC has produced some great programs.
Its zenith was probably Keneth Clark’s ‘Civilisation’ series.
But that was produced in the late 60s (for the advent of colour TV; and it still stands out in many ways too).
The Ascent of Man too. Just brilliant.
Scotty Kirkup.
Interestingly, both series were commissioned by David Attenborough when he was at BBC2.
Now that does show just how long ago the BBC’s zenith was!
That is interesting Roger because I can’t stand DA now!
Given these days the sequel should be The Descent of a Species with Unspecified Gender Roles.
Ditto, milton.
But the photography on his specials was always amazing.
And the Bolzano (aka Bozen) region is also known as South Tyrol, with two-thirds of the population being German speakers. So the region with the highest birth rate are the ‘mountain Germans’.
One shot of 762 or 556 and that will sort the problem out, oh did that hurt McClown, so sad too bad and nobody will need anymore.
His docos were wonderful too. I’m very sad he caught climate disease. These days he goes on and on like a religious fanatic.
David Attenborough warned ‘collapse of civilisations’ is ‘on the horizon’ (Express, 17 Jan)
Nope, I’m not seeing anything in the real world data except a greening of the planet from the extra CO2. Yes there’s environmental degradation, but only where people are poor and governments are awful, especially due to socialism.
I just see the Aboriginal flag as an attempt to represent a Nation/Nations that did not, and never did exist.
The Beeb produced a reboot of Civilisation. It was called “Civilisations”. It was crap. It was filled with all the usual religion bashing, re-telling of history to suit the narrative, blah blah blah.
You could tell it was going to be crap because that dumb boot, Simon Schama had a big hand in it.
It was so lame that nobody has even bothered to review it on its imdb page.
Sunk without trace. Apropos.
Speaking of collapse of civilisations and birth rates.
On a recent Babylon Bee podcast Elon Musk (channeling his inner Mark Steyn) warned that civilisation will collapse if birth rates are not increased. I didn’t expect this from him.
Speedbox says:
January 19, 2022 at 1:33 pm
Data as at 17/1/22 is that the current average (across all states and territories) of Australians who have received 2 jabs is 92.63%. Nationally, 95.12% have had a single dose. 16.61% of children (5-11) have had their first dose.
If these numbers are correct & the “vaccines” actually work, then why the push to get that last 5 – 6 % injected with the toxin?? “Herd immunity” was supposed to happen around the 80%.
Fucked if i know how anyone can look at what’s going on and attribute it to incompetence or not being able to stop digging that hole or saving face.
Omicron will be used to bully & bluster and force repeated injections (monthly) and controls on everyone – even though they know it’s nothing more than a cold.
As I’ve said before – it’s more than just corruption. If it was just corruption, those 280 million doses would be paid for & just sit in a warehouse somewhere. They intend to force that drug on everyone – from 6 month old babies up. They really want to inject everyone.
So you gotta start asking yourself “WHY”
Yes; in light of the outstanding quality of the original I didn’t think it rated a mention, Pogria.
I understand that they wanted to fill in some gaps but it was poorly done, no doubt with a loaded agenda to begin with. That’s why Clark’s series was so remarkable – Attenborough didn’t give him direction, he just let Clark unfold his ideas on civilisation as he went. A book accompanied the original series which I had but lost in my travels somewhere.
He has more than a few children himself.
Gez at 1.14:
Yes. Be an outlaw.
Collingwood gear. Tick.
Dentistry cancelled. Tick.
Jerky. Tick.
Woodstock cans? I don’t know you.
Previous collapses may have arisen because previous generations built up the civilisation that required a large population to sustain the various institutions, infrastructure etc. The collapse of birth rates is a common feature in collapse so I can appreciate where they are coming from but I think it is dangerous to make the argument because I regard history as being discontinuous post WW2. We can automate so much now and our productivity can be enhanced without human labour being such a critical determinant. Just make sure we keep the robots happy.
Don’t the robots have plastic parts? Like made from the same stuff that is banned in supermarkets?
SloMo literally fell over the line last time, sandbagging the marginals against the oleaginous Peanut Head. He’s finished. The Lieborals will be lucky not to be wiped out.
Forget the small minibus.
It’s Tarago Time!
Fat Tony says:
January 19, 2022 at 3:07 pm
Yes, it’s bizarre.
As at the 17th, NSW, VIC, TAS and CBR are all north of 90% double vax rate. The other states and territories are nearing 90% double vax with the NT at 86.3% through to SA at 89.9%.
By the way, a national double vax rate of 92.6% is among the best in the world.
Yesterday I posted this: Australia has one of the highest rates of adult vaccination (92.6% at 17/1/22) in the world. Yet, our daily infection rate (as a percentage of population) outstrips comparable 1st world nations who typically have much lower rates of vaccination (typically ~75%) among their populations. Further, about 21% of our population have already received the ‘booster’ shot and even 14% of our children (5-11) have received their 1st shot. On paper, this nation should be a global textbook for defence against covid with tiny infection rates. But we’re not.
Why is that?
So called ‘herd immunity’ should have kicked in long ago.
A remake of The Ascent of Man would be great. Episodes could include the impact of the Younger Dryas, our evolution in Africa, the populating of various land masses, the critical importance of beer in early civilisations and that alcohol may have been a major driver of agriculture, the role of religion in modifying human behavior. There is so much new material to work with. It will be probably be done but littered with PC crap with some show pony being the host. At least Bronowski was a brainiac but no hope of that happening again.
Peanut not being elected showed that the electorate does have limits to its tolerance of idiots.
The man charged with the murder of a nine-year-old girl was caught on CCTV buying 100 kilograms of sand from a Bunnings store, before trying to dump her body in the Colo River, police will allege.
They will further allege that the combination of her weight, the weight of the sand and the barrel concealing her, meant he was unable to get it into the water — with NSW Police left to make a grim discovery by the banks of the Colo River on Tuesday night.
It is believed the young girl — who cannot legally be named — may have been dead for up to three days before her mother made a desperate call to Triple-zero to report her missing last Friday, January 14.
Portugal – the Canberra of Europe.
100% vaxxed and sky high infections from Omicron.
As usual the ABC could see a loser from a mile away and put the house on it.
He put so many feet wrong.
Labor won’t be that stupid next time (?) plus this time Slomo isn’t a cleanskin & will have to campaign on his record, which may prove more difficult.
Memorable moments:
1. the bloke in Gladstone who pointed out Shorto’s tax policy of “hitting the rich” was going to hit half the people in the mining belts. The bloke lost his job, and the kerfuffle was such that the company he worked for lost their contract.
Simply because he spoke the truth about what Shorto’s tax policy would do.
(Wonder what happened to the journalists who reported it?)
This backroom pressure on a working man sent a cold chill down the throats of everybody in Hi-Viz electorates.
Climate change won’t cause the collapse of civilization but irrational belief in “Climate Change™” just might. That and all the other stupid Marxist green-progressive religious doctrines, like the one about having children being bad for the planet. (The saga of climateer Eric Holthaus’s vasectomy was epic. Then he had two kids…)
It was interesting that Hungary, when they renounced leftist cant and brought in decent encouragements for having children, the birth rate immediately rose.
If the vaccine does not prevent transmission in some large percentage of recipients, herd immunity is impossible. This is the case here.
Bear – I believe (hope) you’re right but we can never discount the desperation of a politician who controls the Treasury.
Having said that, the LNP margin cannot get any thinner with a one seat majority. On current polling and what appears to be the general ‘mood’ of the electorate in addition to the MSM who are salivating at the prospect of sticking it up Scotty and Friedburger (at least), I think two terms in opposition is probably the best the LNP can hope for. If they loose by HALF of the polling prediction, that equates to ~21 lost seats. If the full prediction came true, that would be some 39 seats (in which case at least 3 terms in opposition).
Polls always have to be treated with caution but Scotty and Co are in deep trouble. Added to that, the possible rise of UAP and LDP (who, at a minimum will draw more disaffected voters away from the LNP) not to mention the Senate outcome (balance of power?), the next election will be a cracker. Frankly, I can’t wait!!
All hail Albo!!! (cough, cough, spit)
this is not a criticism of you in any way, shape or form. I just believe the little Angel should not be forgotten because of legal mumbo jumbo.
It is believed the young girl — who cannot legally be named
If we keep saying it out loud, she won’t be forgotten and left to become a footnote to a junkie couples’ pretend punishment.
The whole concept of ‘herd immunity’ is tosh – there is no such thing with highly contagious, fast mutating respiratory viruses because in such case, immunity is a CONTINUOUS process and an individual one. These viruses are so ubiquitous and so contagious that EVERYONE will get exposed, repeatedly. Whether you get sick or not depends on how fit your immune system is. How fit your immune system is depends on how fit and healthy you are, and how much training your immune system has had.
Each of us has regular encounters with such viruses constantly, and the degree of resultant illness we get depends on the above factors – none of which are ‘herd’ phenomena, all are unique to each individual.
The very concept of ‘herd immunity’ here is just another extension of the creeping ‘someone else is responsible for my life’ socialist thinking that is well on the way to destroying the west.
vaccines and boosters associated with faster case growth in UK – especially among the oldest and highest risk. this is a worrying trend.:
iirc Bronowski thoughtt Civilisation was too arty so he came with something more sciencey
All hail Albo as an impotent minority PM in coalition with UAP and other minors who will REQUIRE an end to mandates, vax passes etc as a condition for their support.
Who would have thought, an election ago, that economic ruin at the hands of Labor would be a preferrably option to medical tyranny under the Liberals (sic)
I think that was hi sbrief – to produce a series that would complement Civilisation from a science viewpoint. Not sure how well the science stacks up after nearly 5 decades.
flyingduk Johnson is right!
Many times.
flyingduk says:
January 19, 2022 at 3:48 pm
The whole concept of ‘herd immunity’ is tosh…..
What the hell flyingduk? I distinctly remember lots of talk about ‘herd immunity’ from various health experts and the assorted government leaders when the vaccines were first rolled out. They PROMISED IT.
Frydenberg and Morriosn havem’t exactly been models of economic probity. Their very fortunate the Australian economy has proven as robust as it has, despite their best attempts to wreck it by underwriting state covid policies.
I think some of the stuff on DNA in Ascent of Man is very dated and the computers are primitive.
I just remembered something I wanted to share with you all. Many of you will remember a brilliant blogger from years back. He used to comment occasionally at Tim Blairs’ blog. He had produced one of the funniest clips of all time called “Shooty, no Shooty!”
The Frogman is back!
Living way out in the west, I can’t personally vote for Craig, but I can support his stance. Last year before the Liberal Party kicked him out, I commented in this august journal that I’d vote for him if I lived in his electorate. He now leads the UAP so I’ll honour my pledge and vote for them.
He may not get back in, but at least he’s trying, he’s doing something.
“What next?” – who knows how the election pans out, but I’ve got my humble vote and it won’t be going to any faction of the Uniparty.
We’re an interesting experiment.
After two years of Zero Covid, allowing time to build up a substantial fully vaccinated population – and without much actual infection to muddy the population antibody mix – we’ve suddenly opened the gates because 80%=immunity.
And Bazango: Covid everywhere.
(Albeit arguably less harmfully to the elderly and infirm.)
Yes, Omicron happens. But hopefully there is a public health lesson for someone in all this.
Effective vaccine = herd immunity
Covid vaccine = Jack shit.
We, too, are voting UAP, with preferences going to One Nation. Hoping for a thrashing for the Liberal Party, a poor vote for the Labor Party – and the small parties holding the balance of power.
It’s possible.
It may not stack up well but that was why I suggested a remake because now we know so much more. For example the idea that alcohol may have been a major driver of agriculture is not a joke, it has been seriously addressed. For example:
Hmmm, so what of those peoples that did not have alcohol? For the record I’m doubtful about the claims that mind altering substances were that important but it is an interesting subject to explore. Artists certainly like their drugs more than the general population but scientists and nerds not so much.
For people like myself it is exciting to read about the latest findings regarding our African evolution. Blombos Cave, Port Howieson, Border Cave, and many other sites are challenging our views of early humans beings and how they lived. At Blombos Cave there are remarkable artifacts from 70,000 years ago. Yeah that’s me but in a full series should be plenty for most people to find interesting.
They (LDP & UAP) are swapping preferences anyway so it doesn’t matter that much.
Peanut not being elected showed that the electorate does have limits to its tolerance of idiots.
Don’t kid yourself. Country Queensland and WA won’t save the Libs this time. It’s about time the immigration Ponzi eastern cities started lifting their weight. Afterall that’s been the gateway for all the shit that’s dragging our country down.
It gets worse – they aimed at ELIMINATION by vaccination, not just herd immunity, and FWIW, we already knew the conditions that needed to be met to achieve that
1) Slow mutation rate/rapid vaccination rate
2) Sterilising Vaccine
3) No animal reservoir
How’s 0/3?
Gee, that wind has come up today. Blowing a gale down here.
It’s about time the immigration Ponzi eastern cities started lifting their weight. Afterall that’s been the gateway for all the shit that’s dragging our country down.
what a ridiculous statement- the immigration Ponzi is driven from Canbra which is artificial, parasitic city
I received an email from AEC (electoral commission) whether I want to work at the next federal election, since I worked at a polling place a few years back. They demand all who want to work this time to be injected, which is to be expected.
I wonder if they’ll try to push the same bs for voters too – mail-in only for un-injected. There is close to a 100% guarantee that all these ballots won’t have majors in the top 5. It’s very convenient for a desperate political party.
The decline of David Attenborough is not mentioned in our household. It is too distressing. I was madly in love with him more years ago than I care to remember – when he was a dashing young naturalist making groundbreaking films on animals and the natural world. God, he was handsome! Dad and I used to watch every doco he made on TV. Compulsive viewing.
He still is a remarkable man in his longevity and passion for the natural world. But it is heartbreaking to listen to him waffle on about the Climate Religion.
what a ridiculous statement- the immigration Ponzi is driven from Canbra which is artificial, parasitic city
Obviously we have different views of what east means.
And yes! The eastern states city dwellers allowed the creep of immigration that has been growing steadily. Just because you’ve happily gone about your life blinkered to the obvious doesn’t mean it is not true.
No suggestion that mail in ballots might be lost….
The eastern states city dwellers allowed the creep of immigration that has been growing steadily.
flyingduk says:
January 19, 2022 at 4:15 pm
It gets worse – they aimed at ELIMINATION by vaccination….
Hahahaha yes. You probably remember many Cat participants going off their nut at the early concept of “flatten the curve” – I thought some of the posters were going to have a heart attack. Then lockdowns, herd immunity, elimination etc. The bald face lies and government actions were serious – but many of the Cat comments were utterly priceless and directly over the target.
Sadly, I seriously doubt there will ever be a ‘reckoning’ about all this.
Poor pussies!
S.African lions, pumas contracted COVID from zoo workers: study (18 Jan)
And hamsters.
Hong Kong to cull 2,000 hamsters following COVID outbreak (18 Jan)
Dogs can catch it too. And hippopotami. Pretty amazing this critter can infect so many different species.
His symptoms were sore throat, mild headache, mild congestion and profound tiredness. Claims he slept much more than usual over of the ~ three days he was ill. Overall, he compared it to a moderate grade cold or low grade ‘flu’
Yesterday, I went to the dentist. The dental nurse told me that her entire family had it. It seems that her MiL was in hospital for an unrelated matter, came home just before Xmas with it and passed it on to them.
Previously, the nurse was worried about getting it because she has asthma and diabetes but nothing but the symptoms listed above happened.
Fingers crossed more and more people will, as a result of experiencing a minor flu-like illness, wake up.
On Scummo, that presser was all about the backbench and with messaging gleaned from the focus groups, imo. I didn’t count how many times he uttered the word “frustrated” but it almost reminded me of Gillard’s “moving forward” spiel. Don’t forget, he said, we’ve saved 40k Australians because of our coof strategy. And then went on to remind everyone how much was still being spent.
No-one’s listening.
I’ve managed to jag a term’s work. Of the 6 going in on contract, 1 from NSW (me), 1 Vic, and 1 from SA, other 3 are new grads.
Talked to ex-colleague, it seems that NSW DoE is heavily recruiting Afdanistanies to work in the Riverina and offering relocation costs.
And finally happy birthday 2nd Reich, proclaimed 150 years ago. Missed yesterday’s 45th anniversary of the Granville Accident
I would like to do economic history – sadly neglected and explains so much on the rise and fall of empires and human progress
US experience says they are more likely to be ‘found’
Sounds like something Dian Fossey might be involved with?
WTF is going on at the BOM, we are in the throws of heading back to NQ and I get on to see the weekly tropical update. Busiest time of the year in the coral sea and they are rationing them. The one over the Christmas break was nearly a month apart, now they are doing them fortnightly. Once upon a time I would have said the BOM was above reproach with stuff like this, now I find myself trawling through 2nd & 3rd world states around us like Fiji Met or even Thai Meteorological Dept to get more up to date info.
That said a low off Fiji from where Cyclone Yasi originated, all conditions right except the lack of mid level moisture. Westward steering too. Noice.
We were graciously allowed out from quarantine to get our day 12 PCR today. 38 degrees here and we spent over an hour in a short queue of maybe a dozen people.
Turns out that the ‘science’ in WA means that whenever a ‘close contact’ gets tested in the clinic, they have to sterilize the room, then wait half an hour before the next person is allowed in. The person doing the testing has to take a shower.
So on one side of the country, a ‘close contact’ is treated as though they have leprosy or the plague, while on the other they would be allowed back to work. Fucking insanity. I pointed this out to the bloke giving us the details and he had no answer. Good that some other Western Australians heard the exchange.
BTW our test results are due back tomorrow morning, however we will have to remain in quarantine until our full 14 days and three hours are up. Spiteful fucking arseholes.
Hmmmm …. thats not quite the traditional method…
Brian Cox.
Turns out that the ‘science’ in WA means that whenever a ‘close contact’ gets tested in the clinic, they have to sterilize the room, then wait half an hour before the next person is allowed in. The person doing the testing has to take a shower.
Who TF came up with that?
Apparently the good people are now those obey the rules and don’t break the law.
A few law breakers.
Marin Luther King
Nelson Mandela
Where the bell is spiel chuck.
Idea for t-shirt.
Roger thanks for the unherd interview with the Israeli doctor.
Agreed with everything he said, and the last comment about those over 50/60 was something I’ve said and is absolutely spot on regarding who is at risk and where vaccination makes complete sense.
But what would he know?
You’re welcome, rosie.
I hope you read what I took from it – the covid paradigm is collapsing.
Any of those alive?
Truckers Stage MASSIVE Protest Blocking U.S. Border Defying Vaccine Mandates, Shortages Get WORSE
Tim Pool Published January 18, 2022
Rumble — Truckers Stage MASSIVE Protest Blocking U.S. Border Defying Vaccine Mandates, Shortages Get WORSE. Cananda’s new plan to require all truckers entering to be vaccinated is causing a major crisis.
As food shortages hit maybe democrat state and cities the last thing needed is for Truckers to bow out. Without truckers food and goods will not reach cities.
Yet politicians like Trudeau and many democrats seem oblivious to how the economy actually works
His docos were wonderful too. I’m very sad he caught climate disease. These days he goes on and on like a religious fanatic
Like so many other celebrities it’s the only way to keep being invited to social occasions. They don’t want to be at risk of Gareth Evans’ relevance deprivation syndrome.
I know some were wondering , I forgot to mention, that unless the child is sick, the official word is no child will be turned away next week or the week after (Qld).
A question I also posed after they failed to predict the post-Seth rainfall.
That resulted in a critical lack of preparedness in the areas that flooded.
My Interview on One America News yesterday about my upcoming documentary release on the 29th of January – The Rape Of Britain
Translate post
Posted on 7:00 AM · Jan 19th, 2022
The family that hid Anne Frank…
Hmm … noted
the missus has degrees in Lit and Secondary Teaching
The People unifier?
I’ve been asking about this money for years where the hell is it where did it go! Audit DeBlasio’s wife!
Speedbox says:
January 19, 2022 at 4:30 pm
….Sadly, I seriously doubt there will ever be a ‘reckoning’ about all this.
Depends on how many kids are killed by the “vaccines”…
A question I also posed after they failed to predict the post-Seth rainfall.
That resulted in a critical lack of preparedness in the areas that flooded.
Complacency will bite them on the rear end again, Roger. Seth looked very unremarkable and was pushing into the sub tropical jetstream but bombed anyway. Mind you the MJO was a driver in that one.
At the moment SST from about Bowen north are at or above 30 deg, some coastal areas near Princess Charlotte Bay and Cleveland/Halifax Bay pushing 32deg. I’d say from memory prob about 2 deg above what I have normally seen in past. A lot of energy pent up there.
John of Mel says:
January 19, 2022 at 4:20 pm
I wonder if they’ll try to push the same bs for voters too – mail-in only for un-injected.
I’m more worried the big COVID pron campaign is designed to get people to accept on-line voting.
The recent Census was a trial run.
That way, the incumbents will get back with 130% of the vote.
Any Dari, Pashto?
Nelson Mandela was on the Central Committee of the old South African Communist Party, and they don’t come more hard line then that.
By all means, vote immediate self-interest Barry, but don’t pretend that an economic system constipated with a highly regulated labor market combined with a labor supply shock for the past two years is great for business. Your kid deserves the marginal product of his labor and not a cent more. The Libs are doing the right thing.
The Lieborals could lose 3 or 4 seats in WA alone. Game over right there.
In fact anyone gouging employers because of current circumstances- I’m calling it reverse wage theft.
srr says:
January 19, 2022 at 4:59 pm
Truckers Stage MASSIVE Protest Blocking U.S. Border Defying Vaccine Mandates, Shortages Get WORSE
Yet politicians like Trudeau and many democrats seem oblivious to how the economy actually works
No – I’m pretty sure they know exactly how it works.
Crises (esp manufactured ones) need strong responses – more controls…
The bloody back is giving me grief again.
Helped load some garden sleepers onto a fork lift at a wood yard yesterday and tripped over the chocks on the ground. Thought nothing of it until today.
I’m booked to see my physio, a big strong Kiwi lass who’ll give it a good work over.
I don’t know the Covid rules but I doubt she’ll care. She’s to the right of Genghis Khan and hates St Jacinda with a passion.
It’s almost worth getting an injury to hear her let loose on her old homeland.
Anything can happen in the current climate. Last time it was an election the scumbag Liars couldn’t lose and they lost despite the polls. Shit is far more volatile as you know.
iirc Bronowski thoughtt Civilisation was too arty so he came with something more sciencey
In his foreword to the book of the series Bronowski says that the BBC approached him with the idea and persuaded him to do it.
The People unifier?
This insanity must be shared:
New Rasmussen poll highlights how far many Democrats have gone when it comes to embracing authoritarian/inhumane Covid measures towards the unvaccinated:
-55% support FINES for anyone refusing the vaccine
-59% support permanent house confinement for unvaxxed
-48% support PRISON for anyone who questions vaccine efficacy on social media
-45% support putting unvaxxed in quarantine (internment) camps
-47% support surveillance and tracking of the unvaccinated
-29% support the government TAKING KIDS from their parents
These are my sworn enemies… the enemies of freedom and humanity. These people and this mindset MUST be confronted and called out EVERYWHERE we see it.
Follow @Dschlopes
Roger says:
January 19, 2022 at 5:01 pm
WTF is going on at the BOM
Too busy homogenising & bastardising historical temperature records.
The past doesn’t get colder on its own, you know.
Regular physio does my back a world of good.
nope …
fluent in shoes and able to construct a dynamic 3d image in here head of most shopping centres,
but barely manages English
I see Perfidious Dan is beating the drum on a 3 dose becoming mandatory soon. Also using minions to signpost boosters every 3 months.
As someone pointed out unthread,SloMo is a known quantity this time around. He will need a Covid Tampa or something.
Weekly fascist update on Sydney buses…..I hobbled into the CBD to pick up an online order, I caught the bus to and from the CBD. On the bus coming home I got on with my walking stick and sat in one of the single seats……..diagonally across from me, where there are three seats all together, a rather large woman was sitting with her mask on. A man got on, very Darlinghurst, very gay, very fit, and sat opposite her. He had his mask on but it was under his nose. Sacré bleu! She then yelled at him to cover his nose. In a loud voice he told her to mind her own business, that he was double jabbed and that, unlike her, he’s fit and slim and unlikely to suffer from Covid. Then a petite Asian girl got on and went to sit on the third seat near the large woman. The large woman tried to stop her from sitting down and I and the gay man yelled out to the little Asian woman to sit down and I said to the large woman that “you’re not boss lady on this bus”. That shut her up. She then remained silent.
We’ve cultivated nasty selfish fascists. It’s obscene.
HB, Dawson and Herbert could be in the mix in Qld as well. 2 decent candidates for the ALP too and in Herbert they have hired a well known ALP head kicker who wants to settle a score with the sitting Phil Thompson.
I think Katter will hang on as well as Entsch. The rest of the Queensland regional seats south seem very safe for the LNP too.
Last election the Liar Left got ahead of themselves and panicked the horses. You can bet that won’t be allowed to happen again.
Andrew’s is a misogynist by practise.
Horrible little man.
What the media won’t show you!
Canada’s medical community has stood up en masse against forced vaccination!
There are 33,000 doctors and personnel in Canada who are refusing to receive the jab. They don’t have the resources of big media, so we have need to share!
I love your bus stories, Cassie!
It’s Nature, red in tooth and claw. 😀
Nothing like a trip on public transport for taking the National mood.
I would take an opinionated gay man over a chunky MamaMia Karen every time. Especially in Sydney.
I always read that as Calumnist.
That is, a purveyor of calumnies.
It’s a true blue Sydney Story.
A beefy Gay, a tiny Asian and a Cranky Hobbler get onto a bus…
The rest writes itself.
I sometimes miss Sydney.
It’s like some horror movie where everyone is taken over by alien monsters, waiting to devour any remaining humans –
The People unifier?
H B Bear says:
January 19, 2022 at 5:35 pm
For sure. If Labor learnt anything from last time I presume it is they need to keep the lunatic left under control. Plenty of time to hand out largesse after the election and if everyone behaves themselves beforehand, they will have at least 6 years to do it.
How many chickens does one need to eat for breakfast every day to occupy all three seats without lying down? *burp*
Cassie – your experience today, and related just now:
Monstrous obese wildebeest have always hove around among us. They are (as mentioned) monstrous, obese and hideous, and they are aware they are monstrous, obese and hideous.
Aside from winning prizes for slavering down kilograms of mozzarella cheese and Diet Coke, they are purposeless.
Covid has given them an out. It won’t be self-inflicted heart attacks, or positional asphyxia caused by wedging themselves on the shitter or arteries like 105mm howitzer barrels that causes their death. In their tiny, beady-eyed fat-encrusted minds it will be Covid, which they will have been given to them by some random somewhere. That way it’s not their fault they are monstrous, obese and hideous, and close to death.
In simpler times these specimens wouldn’t have had a reason to mouth off in public, and if they did they would have received ‘Fuck off, toothless Godzilla’ or ‘wind your chubby neck in, porky’, or ‘need another cheeseburger, Jabba?’.
Now they see themselves as saviours. Look upon your works, Mr Hazzard, and despair.
I don’t wish to dwell on the tragedy of the dead little girl…murdered by scum….but yesterday I saw a picture, in the Daily Telegraph, of the man who’s now the alleged perpetrator . I got a shock……because I’ve seen this man quite a few times wondering around Oxford Street….in Paddington and Surry Hills. I remember last year seeing him sitting on a park bench opposite Paddington Town Hall, he was off his face. But I remember being struck as to how handsome he was and I remember thinking…..what a waste. The choices people make in life. Anyway, this man doesn’t come from struggle street, he’s the son of a very rich family. This arvo, as I hobbled through the QVB building, I noted that all the shops were open….except one…..Martin & Stein Jewellers, owned by the man’s father.
“A beefy Gay, a tiny Asian and a Cranky Hobbler get onto a bus…
The rest writes itself.”
Love it!
I have to confess, I rather like walking around with a walking stick.
Tim Gill
They’re ALL crooks??
? Here is the sentencing memo for George Nader – who was quietly convicted of donating millions of foreign dollars to the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016.
Can’t wait ’til some of that justice falls on those closer to home.
Standby for some DA REEF IS DOOOOMED screeching then. Those temperatures will cause a bleaching event. The climateers will totally forget to mention the thing called La Nina which brings the warm water to the west side of the Pacific basin.
Ahahaha! Now that made me laugh.
You need a sword cane, Cassie.
You know it makes sense.
I’ve seen this too, Cassie. Children from wealth and privilege, self destructing. It’s a terrible thing and sometimes the parents are beside themselves, wondering where they went wrong.
On “local colour”, the best place to see it here is outside the Terrace Court House handily located on a major intersection for viewing pleasure. It isn’t for nothing that the tatt parlour got “Business of the Year”.
The “Respectable Court House Clothiers”… not so much.
I have to confess, I rather like walking around with a walking stick.
when I was doing my hobbling, the walking stick was a godsend. Push your full trolley for you? Oooh, thank you so much! Here, have my seat, oooh!, thank you so much! Load your groceries in your car? ooooh!, thank you so much!
Seriously though, while I was on the stick, and then crutches after the operation, without question, people were so kind. Men, women, all age groups.
Wearing shorts because it was summer was also good because of the two very long dressings on my legs. Had many great conversations with complete strangers.
I was wondering if our high infection rate, given that immunisation doesn’t prevent transmission, is because Australia pursued an elimination strategy for two years whereas most countries have had successive waves of infections, though look at any country’s graph and omicron is a tsunami in comparison to earlier waves.
And isn’t it just awful those scientists couldn’t come up with a perfect one shot vaccine like we should all realistically be able to expect in this day and age.
Come to think of it what about a cure for cancer.
Not good enough! Where’s my thumbs down button!
“The FBI has been communicating, the Department of Justice has been communicating, with Pfizer about Project Veritas.”
-James O’Keefe, @jamesokeefeiii
[video] https://gettr.com/post/pp73wae922
he’s the son of a very rich family.
the serious problem with that is, the family will spend every last dollar to ensure he has a cushy room in a nuthouse, and never does time for his evil.
I also believe that he targeted this woman as soon as he found out she had a little girl. He probably has form but, as often happens in these cases, family money was used to buy silence. This time, sadly for sweet Charlise, whatever MO he normally used, something went dreadfully wrong.
My adult son’s serious Pfizer reaction occurred after the period between injections was reduced to only three weeks. Now they are at it again for the boosters. Very bad medicine.
I hit the dentistry phones running the moment I broke my front tooth the other day thinking you never know when they are going to insist on giving you teledentristry and instead of treatment I would find myself stuck with a Hallowe’een hello and advice on how to cope with it.
Urgent was an understatment. 🙂
I’m booked to see my physio, a big strong Kiwi lass who’ll give it a good work over.
I used to have one of those.
Half Kiwi bird that used to work wonders on my back.
If she doesn’t look like she could bench press you, don’t let them near you.
It goes without saying a man can never let another man work on his back.
“I also believe that he targeted this woman as soon as he found out she had a little girl. He probably has form but, as often happens in these cases, family money was used to buy silence. This time, sadly for sweet Charlise, whatever MO he normally used, something went dreadfully wrong.”
Maybe but I think scum attracts scum. I’ve just watched the news…the police are remaining tight lipped but it’s clear that the mother knows more than she’s revealing….she’s in hospital and not talking.
Just as a matter of interest, Sportsbet are offering $1.70 for a Labor majority and $4.25 for the LNP at the next election.
Dutton is $1.90 to be the next LNP leader after Morrison followed by Friedburger at $2.10
Well I just had the phone call with my work. The termination letter will be mailed this week as I cannot logistically be fully vaccinated by the end of the month.
Joining the ranks of the unemployed will be novel. It’s only a couple of years ago I gave away working two jobs. No idea what I’ll do with the free time.