John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
It is 1994. I have no money. I think I’m in love with Downapha. I go to to Bangkok to…
I’ve said it before. Attack Stevo ( Owner ) and Cash will snap. The PSI of his jaw is insane!…
Jaw dropping 2 Ryan Routh, the man who tried to kiII Trump before the election, is deeply connected to Ukraine’s…
Cassie’s bus trip & KD’s follow up.
These land whales are the real drain on society.
Any time anyone raises a tax on the unjabbed around me, I always counter there should be an obesity tax well before an unjabbed tax is even considered.
Or at least a benefit for those who are not obese.
Example, a 50bps cut in their medicare levy.
Or something like making the compulsory private health cover 150% deductible.
If there is no political will to make the obese pay their way, there needs to be a benefit for those who aren’t the drain.
Two top o’ the pages in a row !
The Truth about Masks, Mandates, and Vaccines. Dr. Peter McCullough with Sebastian Gorka
AMERICA First with Sebastian Gorka Published January 18, 2022 1,114 Views
Rumble — For this One-on-One, Sebastian talks to Dr. Peter McCullough about how the Coronavirus keeps adapting and spreading, why mask and vaccine mandates are useless, and debunk various misinformation spread by the government about the Chinese virus.
Bastia was, unfortunately, heavily bombed by the allies, after the Germans had left.
the area around where I’m staying still has that look, where buildings should have been, but are not.
Further to my gripe last week about my medical appointments being cancelled because I’m unvaxxed, the receptionist at the cancer centre rang back to say that my haematologist wanted a telephone appt with me.
Last visit, he was rather ho-hum about the vaxx, but when he rang today he was all for it. After delivering the good news about my November blood test – everything almost normal. Hurrah!) – he urged me to reconsider my opposition to the jab. He cited the Qld report stating that unvaxxed are a gazillions times more likely to die from Omicron. I cited today’s NSW figures of 32 dead, 18 double vaxxed etc and eight unvaxxed.
He had a little chuckle and said that he has four sisters in Canada.* One is a senior nurse who refuses to be vaccinated. He and she have many arguments. “I do not wish to argue with my patients.”
And so our consultation ended. He is a delightful Chinese man, incredibly respectful and obviously very knowledgeable: his dosage for my anti-cancer tablets is spot on. BTW: some idiot here said last night that chemo is a waste of time. I would be dead without it.
* He told me last year that one of his sisters has the same type of cancer that I do. Interesting, because it is, apparently, quite uncommon.
Apologies if anyone has already answered in the same vein, I’ve been out working and getting rained on while doing so. Fun.
This offer by Morrison to backpackers and overseas students to come here and work to fill the shortfall created specifically by the jab mandates dictated by state governments, and never opposed by that soft-handed pudgy occupant of The Lodge, is a direct – and I believe deliberate – insult to all those people sacked or pushed out of their jobs buy those jab mandates.
It’s deliberately rubbing the noses of the un-jabbed in the shit that the political and bureaucratic classes have created. It’s done simply because the un-jabbed refuse to comply with a totally unreasonable mandate to do something to their own bodies that they know they should not.
When there are fit, healthy people able to do the jobs needed, but who are specifically prevented from doing so by government diktat, it’s disgusting to then beg and cajole people from overseas to come here to replace them.
Maybe it’s time we invited some decent overseas politicians in to replace our own. It’s not as if this mob is doing much of a job, after all.
I just do not recognise my country any more. I can see what it’s being remade into, and it’s not good.
Delayed gratification is next to cleanliness and godliness.
Well said, Bushkid.
Morrison doesn’t care for Australians, that’s become clear over the past two years.
I also believe that he targeted this woman as soon as he found out she had a little girl.
Zero doubt.
These animals don’t wake up one morning after 32 and target a kid for the first time.
There would be a history of some kind.
Geez…watching Sky News…..I learn that there is a Western Australian Liberal leader. Is he one of two sitting Liberals?
Happy for your good report, Delta.
Liberty Quote:
Senator John Kennedy,(R-La),
“If aliens landed tomorrow and said, ‘take me to your leader,’ it would be embarrassing” .
I believe that is Liberty Quote worthy, dover.
Sorry to hear you are being treated like that Bluey.
Seriously at 95% jabbed, who gives a shit who isn’t.
It’s capricious.
So Scumbag is being pressured by germalists and the left to sack Christensen because of his views on vaccination. Scumbag finally says at a press conference, unconvincingly, that “its a free country”.
God he’s a joke.
My work isn’t the problem, Andrews is. Work would’ve quite happily kept me on. They have been very good about it, gave me a month more than they could have.
A West Australian Liberal leader? That’s news to me!
Dr. Peter McCullough: Official COVID ‘narrative has crumbled’
Is the COVID narrative crumbling?
YES – 99% (1813 Votes)
NO – 1% (23 Votes)
Never bring a knife to a stickfight….
bern, top o’ page:
Damn straight.
Cassie, you’ll need a cape and top hat to complete the terrifying effect.
Beware footpads! And angry landwhales!
Is he one of two sitting Liberals?
Nice try but don’t worry about ‘he’ think capital ‘v’…
In their infinite (it seems) wisdom, WA has hired the very person responsible for governance of the Mongyang quarantine fiasco, Ms ex-DHHS Secretary Kym Peake. This scabrous thing was pilloried at the subsequent enquiry for failing to provide critical information to ex-Health Minister Jenny Mikakos.
Peake will head an ‘expert panel’ whose job it apparently is to review WA Health’s………..
governance system.
The sinecures. They never end.
I’m not seeing deliberate targeting. More drug-addled psychosis and panic after the fact.
Amazingly rational after reality set in, but it’s a “rationality” embedded in delusion. As a general rule, the Police know. They just have to put together the evidence.
The’re a Vogon?, do they do poetry?
Morrison’s most significant achievement in the last 3 years has been the ability to hide his narcissism. His cover is blown and perhaps that is why he looks rather rattled these days.
Peake will head an ‘expert panel’ whose job it apparently is to review WA Health’s………..
George Carlin was right.
That Peake-related disaster is in the Hun. Can’t link right at this minute.
Geez…watching Sky News…..I learn that there is a Western Australian Liberal leader. Is he one of two sitting Liberals?
Yes, and it’s a she, Cassie. She’s a good sort, I’ve done some farm- road- school stuff with her, but I’ve let her know that her running with the lockdown hounds at the last election has lost her a lot of cred as a supposed right-winger. I might end up clashing with her on behalf of the LDP if there are any townhall meetings.
The leader of the opposition is also a dame, and a younger one at that… here I go namedropping again, but she we were in the boarding school / country kid circles in Perth. She’s alright, not a patch on her dad though. Maybe just fell into the role of green-shirt pollie, and then ended up Stephen Bradbury after the 2019 rout.
Does that mean WA has attained Peake Stupid?
Boom tsch.
Thank you, Roger. I’m very happy, too.
They still exist Delta. When they get cancer they will change their mind. The data is obvious, while chemo is far from perfect it has improved a great deal and is saving many lives. The doctor that does my skin exams told me that he is treating patients whom a decade ago would have been long gone.
Hey duk,
I have a question for you. I suffered a lot from Tonsilitis as a child. Never had them out, parents didn’t believe in it. Grew out of it. Had the usual coughs, colds and flu over the years, including a dreadful year of bronchitis in my early twenties. Smoked heavily for twenty years. When I was 33, I had adult onset Tonsilitis. aaargh! jeez it’s rough when you’re a grown up.
Since then, I have never had a cold or flu, no matter how much pus and snot was sprayed my way by various diseased family, friends or complete strangers. I still get seasonal hayfever, and the sinuses blow up occasionally, but the usual lurgies pass me by. I stopped smoking at 37, long after the Tonsilitis attack. Wouldn’t have a clue if I have had the pox or not as there has been no change in my health over the past two years. Any thoughts? Or should I just shut up and count myself lucky?
I do believe I am fortunate re, not having caught anything for almost thirty years.
Peake will head an ‘expert panel’ whose job it apparently is to review WA Health’s… governance system.
And just like the experdipendent panel that cooly reviewed WA’s electoral system and handed MaoGowan the pink slips to abolish the upper house, she’ll give the boss what he wants to hear.
My prediction: St John’s Ambulance will be effectively taken over by the Lizard People.
Conjob seems to have taken the usual anti Australia day hysteria off the media….odd?
Medical bureaucracies have set this country back 100 years.
It’s like giving cash to Oxfam. Billions and billions of OPM sunk into Health Departments each and every year, and 95% of it goes into porked-up multi-layered administrations, each more wasteful and inefficient than the last.
I am absolutely convinced that not one single lockdown anywhere in this land would have occurred had the country’s hospital systems not ‘needed protecting’.
What actually needed protecting was the reputations of people running hospitals on Hail Marys for years while they and their sponsored mates were trousering cash.
Three people have had covid at the family business. Two were in their 20s while an older lady is over 60.
The two twenty year olds had a headache for a couple of days, a cough and mild fever and felt tired. It lasted about 4 days. The older gal was flat out sick for about 10 days and she’s pretty fit. Both twenty year olds reckoned it was hard to distinguish between Covid and a cold.
This scabrous thing was pilloried at the subsequent enquiry for failing to provide critical information to ex-Health Minister Jenny Mikakos.
Full disclosure, I do know Kym slightly, but have no idea about what the truth is about the covid fiasco.
However I’d caution against believing anything stated by said “enquiry”.
The whole way Labor governments operate in Victoria is to make sure that no-one can ever prove that any Labor minister knew anything, so that when something like the covid fiasco occurs the minister can always if necessary claim it was someone else’s fault for not telling them. I know Mikakos was herself thrown under the bus, but even so it is obviously more satisfactory for Labor’s political spin to primarily blame a bureaucrat than a Labor politician.
Your “sinecure” comment is of course correct in general, but if it does apply here it’s likely to be on the basis that Labor is cushioning Kym’s fall as part of the usual strategy to give the sacrificial victim a reason not to cause trouble – i.e. better for Kym to get the message “nice job you’re getting in WA, pity if any unfavourable publicity about past events made it necessary to remove you” than to have her struggling to get a job and deciding to try to clear her name.
How can you possibly feel better if you gave up smoking a long time ago. You’re lucky to be alive without cigs.
I never said I felt better, only that I don’t seem to be able to catch anything. I always told people that the fags killed all the germs before they had a chance to damage my airways! LOL!
Can’t afford the fags now. When I stopped, it was only costing me forty bucks a week. The other day at the supermarket, I saw a bloke hand over $130.00 for two packs of forty. My eyebrows must have looked like Pelosi’s. I used to smoke forty-fifty a day. Double that when I went pubbing and clubbing.
‘You’re lucky to be alive without cigs.’
One of the great truisms of our time.
George Christensen steps down as chair of parliamentary committee after controversial COVID-19 vaccine comments (ABC, 19 Jan)
Pity. As I recall ScoMo has a majority or one seat, so if Christensen changed sides teh government would theoretically fall. But since the election is only in three months’ time that would be a hospital pass to Albo as the new PM. What fun would all that have been?! Looks like George has wimped it though.
Shame works, like weighing them at the excess baggage check-in.
Makes sense.. Even Kaos was registered in Delaware.
Feck it’s toasty. Just cycled home from work. Scarring the cockroaches by walking around the house nekkid.
I buy B&H Smooth – the 20 pack. They’re 48 bucks a pack! I was given a few chop cigs to smoke but they just don’t do it for me. I like the branded and won’t go near chop. Look, it’s really no biggie anyway because I try to keep it down to three a day so a pack lasts a week or more because I can’t smoke on weekends much as wifey is always hanging around and she thinks I’m a clean skin :-). I just don’t want the extra argument.
But boy, if you had a pack a day habit, the cost is prohibitive. $340 a week is just beyond all reason.
JC Fancy food report:
I tried peanut butter on a bacon & egg burger (with smoky bbq sauce) last night. My buns were lightly toasted on the hot plate (won’t sit on that again).
Actually, the burger was nice.
“Rogue Coalition backbencher George Christensen will quit his lucrative position as the chair of a parliamentary committee, after coming under renewed criticism for his anti-vaccination rhetoric.”
Christensen should walk away and let the Scumbag grubbermint fall.
As Bruce said, that would be a hospital pass to Albo.
Win, Win!
Delaware may not have a corporate tax regime. I can’t recall if they have one for companies that are state based and zero for out of towners. Can I add one important point here. Those two idiots are not evading either federal nor California tax because you will still have to pay state based taxes no matter where the company is registered. Tax is dependent on the personal residency of the ultimate owner of the corp. entity in the US. And the states most certainly do swap information among themselves. They aren’t avoiding tax.
Cigars price has exploded. They’ve become the domain of the ostentatious rich, just like in old times.
Not too bad in the U.S., but I can’t seem to get them landed here.
Dude, really! I’ll try next time I burn up a burger and thanks for trying it out.
My neighbour manages that on the pension somehow, he can’t give up. He is built like strips of biltong though so food is probably not a priority.
Theoretically, if he’s buying branded cigs a pack a day, he’s ploughing most of his pension on cigs. Look, I’m sympathetic to that. 🙂
Why bother eating when you can smoke. You only live once.
I was going to grow my own. I am pretty good at growing fruit and veg and worked in plant nurseries for years, so growing baccy was a no-brainer. I even sourced seeds from up Byron way. (you didn’t hear that from me). But I had started winding down the huff and puff so didn’t go on with it.
I have given serious thought to growing a small crop when I move, just to supply friends with some chop-chop and have a go at rolling cigars, for fun. Would have to hide it better that a dope crop as there is no leniency whatsoever if you are caught growing tobacco. Dope, if you are caught is a big meh.
Can you grow any tobacco? Is there any limit for personal use?
Local CWA lady rang me today and very politely informed me that I would not be welcome at the Wednesday tea and scone morning unless I produced a green tick thing on my phone.
I equally politely thanked her for the warning and reassured her that I was indeed in a possession of a green tick thing and would cheerfully produce it on request.
Very weird, as I have never darkened the door of the CWA rooms since I moved here away from the red dirt and spinifex.
I did buy a raffle ticket from them once, though.
There is a reason why ciggies and coffee were called the “Breakfast of Champions”.
Army WOs are like that Duk, and they’re particularly descriptive when addressing their disapproval towards RAAF or pussers who may chance to saunter across their parade ground.
Are you trying bang any of the gals there as that could be the reason you got the invite?
JC, there is NO amount of home grown tobacco allowed. Nada, zip, zilch, niente.
‘would cheerfully produce it on request.’
You should have turned up with a cardboard box under your arm and said ‘I thought it would be nice to bring my pet taipan, Keith, along. He needs an outing.’
‘He mostly only bites at night. Mostly.’
Will be interesting to see motivated the murder. Poor grandparents.
Names all suppressed and photos obscured at the Daily Mail together with links to earlier stories with full names and photos.
Well done DM.
Local CWA lady rang me today and very politely informed me that I would not be welcome at the Wednesday tea and scone morning unless I produced a green tick thing on my phone.
You could imagine the disappointment the sour old cum sock felt when you said you had one.
JC, the gals are pretty much all old boilers, although I can look past that considering some of them are very, very wealthy old widow boilers having seen off a broadacre farmer husband or two.
But, yeah, nah.
Standards must be maintained. 🙂
Anne Frank would have lasted 5 mins in modern Australia.
I got 500 baccy seeds from Ukraine… lost half of them in a breeze, buggers to germinate but ok to grow. I need to apply more science to drying (semi-drying of course) and fermentation.
Variety is important, it’ll take a bit of ebay scrolling but Connecticut Broadleaf is the schnizz as both a filler and cigar wrapper.
Put ’em in a border, say a bloke down the road gave them to you cos they keep the moths off yer tomatoes.
Really. Oh wow.
Smoking still a very popular pastime in France and there seemed to be legal marijuana for sale in Rome.
I’ll have to see how much a packet cigarettes are here. Not that I have anyone to take a pack home to any more.
From GBNews on the scourge of Islamism…..which Britain is now importing to attack and kill Jews in other countries…..
Colin Brazier on GBNews….Saying you can’t criticise Islamism is like saying you can’t impugn Marxism
Patrick Christys on GBNews…..I’m sick and tired of terrorists being ‘known to authorities’
I think I was paying Euro 2.80 a pack in Italy for Merrit Blue pack.
The Country Women’s Association has an intelligence network that makes the Israelis look like rank amateurs. Any male below the age of 70, who is mobile on his own legs, and can breathe without an oxygen cylinder is on their radar.
Hmm perhaps that should be part of my holiday activities.
I saw a lady yesterday smoking a very elegant looking long cigarette yesterday, tres cool.
Plenty of opportunities for second hand smoking.
“which Britain is now importing”
“which Britain is now exporting
For sure.
I smoked for a coupla year, can’t remember ever feeling hungry.
By the way, Peter Smith appears to be moderating comments on the To Boosters and Beyondthread.
Does that qualify him as trying to be a Thought Leader?
Whoever said Scummo was an arsehole masquerading as a boofhead had it right.
You know the country is stuffed when even the CWA ladies are now wearing SS uniforms and doing goose step marching. Scones with little swastikas inscribed in jam on them, yum!
Cassie of Sydney
Cassie – what’s this Islamism shit of which they speak??
Didn’t Erdogan state rather emphatically that Islam is Islam (no soft-cock versions will be entertained)
Local CWA lady rang me today
Pedro, normally I wouldn’t go any where near a question like this, but it intrigues me that she knew your phone number.
Excise, you’re cheating them out opf it if you grow Tobacco.
Fair enough, too.
I gave up smoking twenty-three years ago. I loved smoking but I knew I had to give them away at some stage. When I smoked, I was thin…..reed thin. Smoking suppresses your appetite. What I can’t understand is seeing young women who smoke and yet who are fat.
“Didn’t Erdogan state rather emphatically that Islam is Islam (no soft-cock versions will be entertained)”
He did indeed.
Mate’s ex had surgery to lose weight that halved the capacity of her stomach. She’s now bigger than she was before the surgery (est. 140Kg + now). I cannot understand why people will let themselves go that badly. Where is your self respect?
This idiot was one of the vanishingly few who opposed this shitshow from the very beginning.
I’ll help you out with a thing called epistemology.
There is no way to sensibly control for the placebo effect for chemo. If you’re in a trial and you were given an *actual* placebo, you’d get suspicious of the fact that you had zero side effects so you would be effectively unblinded. This would render the results of the trial invalid.
But not to worry you see because doctors are smart. They found a way to “resolve” this problem.
Their brilliant solution is to give the control group poison! Usually a different form of chemo. If you die slower in the new chemo group than the old chemo group that means the new chemo is a raging success!
So in fact, each chemo trial is only finding out whether the new poison is killing you at a slower rate than another poison and, if so, millions of dollars are to be made.
Going back to epistemology, if you don’t understand what causes cancer, you can’t come up with a valid metric of how successful any intervention is.
Note that this is true of “alternative” medicine too (with the caveat that, at the very least, they’re almost always harmless).
Most people aren’t aware of “spontaneous remission”. Doctors say it’s rare but they have no idea about the extent of it because they’ve never tried to find out. The existence of it *at all* renders the entire epistemological basis of chemo (and the idea that intervention is necessary) invalid.
Employing cigarette addicts is another matter.
Getting to the smoke rules their life. Jobs are rushed and their mind is never fully engaged. Every vehicle they use ends up stinking.
I wouldn’t do it again.
“Mr Porter will not contest the next election.”
Porter cucked out of continuing action against their ABC…and yet now he’s saddled with this.
“Mate’s ex had surgery to lose weight that halved the capacity of her stomach. She’s now bigger than she was before the surgery (est. 140Kg + now). I cannot understand why people will let themselves go that badly. Where is your self respect?”
It’s quite simple…..she stuffs her face and does no exercise.
I don’t get how western Australians are the most docile, bootlicking zombies in the entire country.
Then again, about 98% of them live in concrete jungles. The hardy western Australian is a myth.
‘But muh genes.’
People that draw that magic smoke down into the lungs stay thin, puffers don’t get much benefit from smoking, but i’d say they’re still as likely to get cancer of the mouth and gums.
Said mate is ~190cm and she doesn’t even remotely come up to his shoulder. He’s a hefty bloke ~130Kg with a farm boy build.
Not an employer myself, but i’ve noticed smokers tend to be on time and focused.
They’re also quite a bit more likely to have an AntiSocial Personality and send an employer broke.
Which never seems to bother them, because, as Solzhenitsyn was quoted as saying here a while ago,:
You’re sundowning again. To bed, now!
I gave up smoking 8yrs ago after 53yrs happily smoking. At 73 I reckoned I’d pushed it far enough. I started at 20yrs. Almost no nurses those day didn’t smoke.
I gave up cold turkey as a 30 a day smoker. I am still endeavouring to recover. I was never a drinker, always a coffee and cig addict.
I had to give up coffee for four years after I gave a the cigs because of the association. I only now have an occasional coffee.
There’s no-one at the tennis. Not for Barty, Osaka, Murray.
Looks like the players and sportscasters are doing the “tokyo 2020” routine, and wittering on into the big liquorice icecream about how great the crowd are and how so many of them have turned up to show support.
BIL just sent me a joke (translated from Russian):
– Why was Djokovic deported from Australia?
– Being an anti-vaxxer is not a serious enough crime to be accepted there.
he was shown on social media footage “stoking” the flames and police
… wetting themselves and retreating into a safe side door?
Farmer Gez.
I am not a smoker but on surface exploration jobs I have seen many a driller who has problems like bogged rods or rig breakdown after the stilsons or some tool/piece of PPE is launched across the pad in a fit of rage, he walks over to the muster point and has a durry. Then comes across to find another way to fix the problem, usually my cue it is all clear for me to approach for a bit of info as well. Sometimes it can be beneficial.
If your BiL ever comes to visit here
and Border Force as him, “have you ever committed crimes before entering Australia?”
he can say to them, “No … but honestly, I didn’t know you still needed to”
JC, look, I know you think you’re a Psychopath and that earlier comment was directed at you, but the thought never crossed my mind.
Just out of interest tho, do you know if Sancho is a smoker?
FMD. It must be good being a Canberra tradie.
*sparks up*
The’re a Vogon?, do they do poetry?
Carpe, she could be a poet,
And she didn’t even know it!
I just watched Max Igan’s latest post on Bitchute and he’s got some interesting video footage of things you won’t see on the MSM:
3 mins: 3 players down at the Australian Open. There’s video of only one player and the ball-girl, I didn’t see anything about the third player. He may have been referring to the bloke in the Sydney Open (or whatever it’s called) who withdrew last week.
8 mins: Police are powerless in Germany and France against protestors, they are just pushed aside. Maybe they need some of Dan’s ninja turtles.
10 mins: Kazakhstan, President and Prime Minister have both fled the country, mobs are arresting police, doctors and politicians. The last straw was when the government mandated that people couldn’t go to the bank to withdraw cash unless they had a passport document.
16 mins: very strange phone call in the UK, doctor (?) says don’t come for vaxx, all will be withdrawn soon.
25 mins: 5 children “down” in NZ following the jab, 3 dead in Australia.
27 mins: Suicides up in NZ, some police dealing with three or four suicides a day. NZ Government changes death recording procedures to show the deaths as “accidental deaths.”
30 mins: 73 year old anti-vaxxer shoots two neighbours in Melbourne
35 mins: Pfizer CEO a reptile??? Where’s Anne when you need an explanation.
39 mins: Karen mums becoming child abusers.
41 mins: Biden tells audience to buy an electric car as they can drive right across the USA on a single tank of petrol.
42 mins: Shopkeeper somewhere in Australia arrested by 3 female police. They had to struggle even though he didn’t put up a fight.
47 mins: No life insurance for the jabbed. Insurance company said people knew the jab was experimental so they aren’t covered. I’ve heard previously that private health insurance companies have said the same, can’t verify.
51 mins: 85 year old Canadian farmer talks about some elderly neighbours who were denied a meal at a restaurant as they didn’t have a passport which they didn’t know about. The farmer says it’s time to start hanging people for their disrespectful treatment of the elderly.
55 mins: Cannabis smoothies reverse the vaxx damage if taken over 10 days??
1:02 mins: talk of a USA – Canada border truck strike to close the border.
The link is on Bit chute which I’ll post separately as those videos are banned by this blog’s software, even using tiny url.
Link to the above:
It’s Time to Reclaim Our World
Wrong. New commentor.
Women now run universities and that’s why we have the collapse of reason.
Superb comment from Heather MacDonald in her superb discussion with Gad Saad on Youtube.
Thanks Dover. The accusation, given the poster, surprised me too.
The repairs would take “many months” with the initial costs to be more than $4 million.
FMD. It must be good being a Canberra tradie.
Arky, hook up the trailer, we’re going to Canberra!!!
The Big Show, aka Glenn Maxwell tearing it up.
154 red inks in the BBL.
“Most of the rooms on the main floor are tarnished by soot.”
She said everything would need to be hand cleaned, repaired and repainted.
Arky, forget about packing any tools, just ladders, sandpaper and paint. It’s basically an $4M patch and paint job!
Put ’em in a border, say a bloke down the road gave them to you cos they keep the moths off yer tomatoes.
Wally Dali,
if you still have or can source some seeds this winter, would you like to split them? I would really like to have a go at growing some tobacco. Where I am going to live soon is really isolated. It’s almost Duelling Banjos country.
in my late teens, early twenties, my friends and I thought we were sooooooooo sophisticated when we would take a pack of Sobranie Cocktails with us when we went clubbing. The multi-coloured ciggies gave us cachet. LOL. I used to enjoy the occasional pack of More, also.
I gave up the fags ten years ago, still like the smell though. Don’t miss the poor health that went with them, hopefully got out in time before the lung rot set in. Drowning to death internally in a cancer ward seems like a shit time.
Teaching on the survival course, way back when – obviously, in a non tactical situation, was “Stop things getting any worse, get into a sheltered spot, light up a durry and make a plan.”
JC, there is NO amount of home grown tobacco allowed. Nada, zip, zilch, niente.
Really. Oh wow.
If you want to do serious time, forget about coke, smack, ice, meth, illegal tobacco will get you the decades.
The criminal cartel running this joint take extreme displeasure at anyone denying them their cut of the action.
But Figures, our very Chad Thunderbrain does.
Weakness and emotional trauma manifesting in the body as disease.
That is what Chad Thunderbrain thinks cancer is caused by.
Therefore, if you, like Chad Thunderbrain, are not weak (Impossible of course, because you are not Chad Thunderbrain) then you will never get cancer.
Chad Thunderbrain of course gets mightily upset and even quite petulant when this distillation of his worldview and medical knowlesge and its myriad flaws of logic, reason and physiology are pointed out to him. I suspect he comes down with a rather nasty cough for a week every time someone engages with him.
Which is why he only ever engages in drive-by trolling nowadays…
Not commenting on specifics but since you are saying you’ve seen this happen many times.
One of the AntiSocial Personality’s “tools” is to be regularly creating Uproar, then solving the problem.
These people are scary on a visceral level, and they always seem to land on their feet, except when they run into someone in authority big and mean enough who spots their game early, which isn’t often.
Rick, are you sure it’s not because they care about our health so much?
SOP for something bad happening in a train is pretty much exactly that, except to put the kettle on instead.
The problem with you, Grigory, is that you seem constitutionally incapable of doing the latter…
Excise is a legit Tax Raising measure.
Sure it’s been overshadowed by a host of illegitimate Tax Raising measure, such as the GST, Income Tax and Fuel Taxes, but Excise remains legit.
but Excise remains legit.
Except when it’s so fucking high that it invites organised crime into the import & distribution of such product.
Queenslanders may no longer enjoy a cigarette on their balcony after a ‘game-changing’ decision to ban a smoker was backed by a body corporate.
An unhappy resident living on the ninth floor of the Artique Resort in Surfers Paradise complained their downstairs neighbour was a ‘chain smoker’.
She told a body corporate she feared the ‘unbearable’ tobacco smoke would start to have an impact on her health,’ the ABC reports.
In an incredible first, the Office of the Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management’s adjudicator ruled in favour of the non-smoker.
The adjudicator said the ‘game-changing’ decision made last month came after it was determined the tobacco was indeed a hazard to the upstairs tenant.
The body corporate ordered the eighth-floor resident must no longer smoke tobacco-based products on her private balcony.
They added salt to the wound by ordering the woman must take steps to ensure no other tenant is affected by her smoking indoors.
Dr. Peter McCullough: Is Fauci Really “Science”?
The Glazov Gang Published January 18, 2022
An unhappy resident living on the ninth floor of the Artique Resort in Surfers Paradise complained their downstairs neighbour was a ‘chain smoker’.
These are the people who stop firies from backburning because “muh sensitivities”.
Quarantine fiasco health boss scores plum new job
Phew! Back at the trough!
But the family downstairs with the new Webber BBQ on their verhanda which coats your ceilings in pig fat is still OK?
Mollycoddling Organised Crime has never worked.
Locking them up is a form of MollyCoddling, but them’s the only options ATM.
George Washington had the right approach during the Whiskey Rebellion, he hanged them.
I heard a report that a local cardiologist is very busy. Apparently the vaxxes are good for business.
Old bloke says:
January 19, 2022 at 9:05 pm
I just watched Max Igan’s latest post on Bitchute and he’s got some interesting video footage of things you won’t see on the MSM:
16 mins: very strange phone call in the UK, doctor (?) says don’t come for vaxx, all will be withdrawn soon.
Two threads on it –
I know, the Jabbers are still saying the ’emergency powers’ overrule everything but Questioning the ‘Mandates’ at Law (along with all the Jabbed who are dying), is spreading enough to make enough people too scared of Nuremburg 2.0 to keep going along with the Jab-A-Thons.
Dr Peter McCullough cardiologist epidemiologist
42 seconds of convicting monsters
January 19, 2022 at 9:48 pm
Interesting case but WTF is am Office of the Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management? Having myself been down the road of body corporates I have sworn off owning Strata Titles ever again. Too much hassle and too many shonky management companies.
Ok where to start, personally I’d be telling this nosy QANGO to sod off and the Owners Corp but leaving open the option they buy my lot off me at market rates if you don’t like. If she’s a renter she’s probably screwed but if an owner I’d be taking it to QCAT within the 6 weeks of limitations.
Farmer Gez says: January 19, 2022 at 8:32 pm
It’s like employing a one-armed man.
LOL. 3 doses and still a case. Pretending that the failure here is mitigated by the ‘protection’ it provides re severity is tremendous for under 50s. Lastly, ‘thank you science’. The clearest sign she and others are in the grip of an ersatz religion.
Old bloke says:
January 19, 2022 at 9:05 pm
Lockdowns = suicides.
No matter how many they try to call misadventure or natural causes, the data regarding calls to lifeline & a range of crisis services can’t be disappeared.
Dang …. 2 weeks of close contact with multiple symptomatic cases, including 2 hours in a car with one and I can’t raise a sniffle 🙁
Someone’s been snorting the gypsum over at the Furniture Store, have they?
I’d go with a clear sign that she is not very bright.
Jimmy showing the Epps footage would be the first time a lot of lefties would have seen it.
And it’s great to see Dan Crenshaw getting roasted publicly.
The same is waiting for Jim Jordan the next time he comes out from behind the velvet rope.
feelthebern says:
January 19, 2022 at 10:22 pm
…the data regarding calls to lifeline & a range of crisis services can’t be disappeared.
In this Brave New World (Order), anything and anyone can be disappeared.
But Jaala is still a candidate for long covid. Amiright?
remember when cats were declaring New Zealand was better?
New study link via Insty shows Ivermectin reduces death risk by 70%
sad we are not allowed safe medicines anymore.
Micheal Smith News has a post – 44 years ago, he enlisted in the Australian Regular Army. Guess who’s posted there about the 63,000 who had no choice, the 200 who were killed and the thousands traumatized as a result?
Unless you mean Leigh Lowe, Nick and a few others.
Heard the latest ?
Djoker has just been made Captain of the England cricket team.
It takes the Aussies two weeks to get him out.
Right, carry on.
Whatever happened to Nick? Was he accidently kicked under a bed to eek out the rest of his life among dust bunnies?
Baba says:
January 19, 2022 at 11:22 pm
Whatever happened to Nick? Was he accidently kicked under a bed to eek out the rest of his life among dust bunnies?
I’m pretty sure he was a sock of Leigh Lowe / Professor Higgins / Sancho Panzer.
Nick always seemed to show up just after LL started posting – to support LL.
Boris Johnson to face MPs as leadership threat grows over No 10 parties row
UK plans to scrap all COVID-19 laws and moves to accept the virus like the flu: Report
Wrong and lol.
A certain someone had big plans to quit Australia and move to New Zealand until they voted in Jacinda.
There seems to a fair amount of great minds think alike between two apparently disparate identities here and on discord though.
A suggestion.
If travelling to Europe soonish, France first to get your ‘health pass’ then italy, or anywher else.
I only have a paper copy but it scans into the French system, the first time someone bothered, after being only the second time I’ve been asked, the Italians were much, much more zealous.
UAP rumours
Smoked for just over 30 years. At my peak, it was 60+ Winston a day. Even woke up at night a couple of times for a durrie or two to get back to sleep. Never ate breakfast, rarely ate lunch, was built like a marathon runner. Twenty-something years later, triple bypass, two stents, suspected COPD, asthma, 20 kilos heavier … yay!
The worst bit? I would still kill for a fucking cigarette!!
Even the linesmen appear to have gone on strike.
Younger daughter in Sinney just called in. Said last flu was worse. Very tired and lethargic, headache and sore throat.
I anything happens to that kid, God help anyone over there!!
I should be there to hold her while she drops off to sleep, to tell her it’s OK, Dad’s here.
I’d better stop because I am soooo angry!
BTW, her sister, our older daughter, is my stepdaughter.
I came into her life when she was just 18 months old, and she’s now 45, happily married, and has given us two beautiful grandchildren.
From the moment I met this little blonde-haired bombshell my heart was hers, and she was “my” daughter.
No-one EVER try to tell me (or her) different!
You are dealing with ppl for whom facts are irrelevant.
Don’t watch TV much, and now I know why I don’t miss it.
Nightly news bulletin has a brief on a wuflu positive patient at the brand new Fi Stanley hospital, which you think would be built for this sort of thing. But oh no, now 11 staff are in isolation- though they’d surely have to be maximum jabbed. Anyhoo, the stock images of the brutalist pile of angles was overlaid with a transparent red miasma wash, with giant rolling coronas leering through. Firking ridiculous, i’ve seen more level-headed presentations on Mamamia!
Ad for iced coffee- bloke is white, dumb, plump, unshaven. Woman is wise.
Ad for broadband- bloke is white, dumb, plump, unshaven. Woman is wise, slim, dark.
Ad for payday lender- bloke is white, dumb, unshaven. Woman is wise and slim.
never. ever. try to reason with them. waste of time
Bugger! Miata’s disease still hasn’t got him. And seems equally shocked by this fact as well…
That’s the problem with hospitals- Turn up for something relatively innocuous, and panic the staff when something you’ve shrugged about for years turns out to be rather important.
Happens all the time. A great many of the bewildered people who turned up at the Sleep Medicine Clinic I once worked in had come to hospital for pretty much any other condition you care to name, but made the mistake of snoring in ear- and eyeshot of an attentive nurse…
The Toowoomba schoolteacher never got over the fact of discovering that Ho Chi Minh was a hardline Communist, and there would only ever be one model for an independent Vietnam – a Stalinist dictatorship – any rival Nationalists were either betrayed to the French, or murdered. The purges began days after the Declaration of Independence in 1945.
As Heather Macdonald says on the Gad Saad video, when you can’t persuade ppl by facts and reason, the only thing left is violence. This is true and needs to be confronted by all reasonable ppl.
Another uncomfortable fact that must be faced sooner or later.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
January 20, 2022 at 12:19 am
And seems equally shocked by this fact as well…
…. The purges began days after the Declaration of Independence in 1945.
Well, at least they started off by doing socialism properly that time…
Bob’s reaction in 1972, colourised…
Seriously, that car looks like it is in a perpetual state of mild shock.
One, Two?
Don’t rely on proxies. Suicide data does not support the linkage.
Zulu movie fan been lurking, test.
Did not know French revolutionaries banned depictions of kings and queens on playing cards.
And Napoleon’s uncle was a Cardinal Fesch, sent into exile along with the rest of the family he moved to Rome where he accumulated nearly 18,000 works of art, mostly paintings majority were sold but his home town of Ajaccio has 1000 pieces and Bastio 100.
I’m in the doldrums.
It is too hot to think in the old house, despite having a golden opportunity to shift furniture while the girls are still away.
The consolation of hot stinky weather- diving off the west coast for abalone while conditions are at a rare standstill- is out of reach, because the Volvo has conked out.
No car, no gymn, where I was hoping to hit hard for a week and get some advice on general weak spots.
No car, no Perth rally this weekend.
No car, no taking doggo out to the beach.
Actually, I could sneak to the beach on the motorbike. That might be a bit of fun.
Now I’ve been to the museum I can say with confidence I am staying in a former ‘palais’ in the Genoan style, once were shops on the ground floor, first floor or ‘noble’ floor for the aristocratic owners, the next two for everyone else.
I thought the plasterwork in the stairwell was a bit fancy with faded artwork on the vaulted ceilings and plaster columns on corners , but the main entry confirms the 17th century high ranking origins.
On the rear wall of the building, on what must be the not yet renovated side, one side/half of the balcony at each level have been converted into enclosd toilets. There must have been the same on my second floor apartment (you can see the altered alterations) but all ablutions are now performed indoors.
I would not have been happy if the other arrangement was still in place, though even that would be preferable to what must have been the original.
Being devoid of transport is very frustrating Wally.
Hope the motorbike option works out.
Johannes Leak.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Tom Stiglich.
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Tina Norton.
Perhaps in three or four months Australian premiers will follow suit
Boris Johnson brings to an end all mask mandates and covid passports immediately
Spent yesterday celebrating the 31st anniversary doing odd jobs together and watching Vikings.