John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
It is 1994. I have no money. I think I’m in love with Downapha. I go to to Bangkok to…
I’ve said it before. Attack Stevo ( Owner ) and Cash will snap. The PSI of his jaw is insane!…
Jaw dropping 2 Ryan Routh, the man who tried to kiII Trump before the election, is deeply connected to Ukraine’s…
Even bringing to an end the requirement people who test positive to self isolate, in place til 24 March but likely to removed sooner.
I thought/hoped omicron fever might end mid January, be interesting to see what the rest of Europe now does.
bespoke says:
January 20, 2022 at 4:30 am
Congrats, I think?
Not so sure, I think it’s more to do with the bubble and having influence without consequences.
Cheers Gabor
Congratulations from me too bespoke
Cheers rosie.
Here’s to another 31 good years Bespoke. Cheers.
this is a lengthy round up of the covid situation in France and around the world, Japan announce new restrictions and laughably China accuse Canada of sending it omicron in a letter, yes really
Cheers Pogria
Some testing times but overall good and getting better .
Some testing times but overall good and getting better .
Sounds pretty normal to me. Keep up the good work. 🙂
an anniversary present for you. One of my favourite finds on the net.
Life in one photo.
Nope. There is emotion. How do you think Edward Bernays got his work done?
Institutional Trust
Good crop Tom.
Blower and Branco this morning. Branco in particular perfectly encapsulates the MSM’s fascination for clickbait disaster porn.
Nope. There is emotion. How do you think Edward Bernays got his work done?
By rocking out to Van Halen’s Panama?
RPA department head lashes ‘politically-driven’ management of crisis
The video from last week featuring Professor Torzillo is a rare insight into the unvarnished views of senior health staff and how the health system is caught between the pressures of shortening isolation for health workers and the need to keep the infection out of hospitals.
Professor Torzillo’s declined to comment on the clip, but told the Herald that “opening up in the weeks before Christmas was inappropriate”.
Angry doctor had usual month off at Christmas interrupted.
Boris Johnson is hanging by a thread….all of his own making.
Upholding their tradition of doubling down on idiocy, Gummint has now turned its watery gaze from Djokovic to 11-time world surfing champ Kelly Slater.
Slater evidently would like very much to visit our shores for some event or other later this year. According to Se7en, our betters have frontloaded him by proclaiming he will ‘never’ get a visa as long as he remains horribly unvaxxed.
Much like Djokovic, Slater is another of those terribly unhealthy disease vectors that will kill every man, woman and child in this country. Not like all those incoming students from third world Asian corners with latent TB whatsoever.
There must be a competition running for which country can look the most like fuckwits. Has to be.
How old is Kelly Slater now?
He’d be in the top 0.0001% healthiest people in that cohort.
The guy is a role model.
“There must be a competition running for which country can look the most like fuckwits. Has to be.”
I think Australia is way ahead in the competition
Slater is 49, bern.
Far too old to come in anyway. Forget I said anything.
My barber was on a surf trip somewhere off Indo (one of those boats you go out on for days at a time).
Slater was on another boat that turned up to the same break.
He said Slater would be out there for hours, longer than even the locals who have perpetual energy.
That would have only been 5 or so years ago.
There must be a competition running for which country can look the most like fuckwits. Has to be.
Russell Brand heard you KD.
It seems the poms have or are dumping all wuflu restrictions and requirements. Wonder how this will effect our pathetic PM and the Libs?
My view from the get-go has been that face masks serve no medical purpose.
With omicron, that is now un-deniable.
My view has been that from delta onwards, contact tracing served no purpose.
With omicron, that is now un-deniable.
These two components just have to stop.
Scumbag Morrison is saying that “voters are frustrated with Covid management”.
Memo to Scumbag….umm…..yes…..but not just Covid management, we’re also frustrated with your shallow, supine, Labor lite, smarmy leadership.
This is the same cretinous Scumbag who yesterday, when asked by some progressive germalist about George Christensen, a man whom the left have spent years trying to smear, ridicule and silence, could only come with the mealy-mouthed lacklustre response of “it’s a free country”. A Liberal PM with spine should have said…
“last I looked this is a country with free speech and the Liberal party believes in free speech. No one is forcing you to listen to what George Christensen says. If you don’t like him, don’t listen to him”.
“Next question”.
When Scumbag is slaughtered electorally in May, he will not be missed. He’s the most insincere, shallow mediocrity ever to rise to be PM.
Everything needs to revert back to voluntary immediately.
If you want to shelter at home, feel free to.
If you want to wear a mask, feel free to.
But if you are a young, healthy person, there are better ways to come out of the closet.
PS, my barber also said that Slater had not one, but two gorgeous women who were his…errr…travel companions.
So clearly surfing for longer than anyone each day wasn’t enough for the great man.
From Pogria’s post.
Jim Jones was an avowed Marxist. He supported the North in the Korean War.
No, no, no no. The media in this country are doing a fine job.
Koch on the teev to Greg Hunt just now: ‘What are you going to do about George Christensen? How are you going to shut him up?’
Then – I kid you not – said it was a shame he was an Australian citizen and therefore couldn’t be deported for his views on vaccination.
And in the vein of Cassie’s post, the response was ‘oh, well, er….’
Said it before. These people aren’t journos. They are influencers.
Then – I kid you not – said it was a shame he was an Australian citizen and therefore couldn’t be deported for his views on vaccination.
I am without speech.
“the response was ‘oh, well, er….’”
That response encapsulates the Liberal party in 2022.
“Said it before. These people aren’t journos. They are influencers.”
Correct….scum like Koch are among the most execrable people on the planet.
From Pogria’s post.
Farmer Gez, huh???
“said it was a shame he was an Australian citizen and therefore couldn’t be deported for his views on vaccination.”
Australia in 2022…..who says we’re not a shithole?
Scroll down Pogria from the nice old couple photo.
Left wing BS abounds on Imgur.
From Ace of Spades, sad news. One of my favourite writers on that blog.
Oregon Muse
We got the worst possible news…our friend and coblogger Oregon Muse passed away yesterday afternoon.
He was surrounded by his family, and the last contact I had from him he was his usual combative and optimistic self…sure that he was going to beat Covid.
Oregon Muse has been the proprietor (his wonderful term) of the Book Thread forever! He put his deft and interesting touch on it and it has become a fixture on AoSHQ. His Morning Rant was his usual combination of sometimes savage observation tempered with what one can only describe as kindness! Not toward his targets, but for everything else…
He even created a devoted following for the Chess Thread. How many political blogs can boast of an accomplished amateur chess player doing a weekly post?
I have nothing but fond memories of him…his relentless optimism coupled with that wonderful perspective that amazed me every single time I read his rants.
I did a search of my emails, and I have hundreds from him…seemingly every single one had that spark of hopefulness and sanguinity that was his marvelous signature.
He will be missed by all….
HaMakom y’nachem etchem b’toch sh’ar a’vaylay Tzion v’Y’rushalayim
[May the Omnipresent comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem]
He will entertain himself by beating God at chess, while simultaneously reading a great book. 😉
Thanks Farmer Gez, I didn’t read the comments, I just liked the picture.
Sorry it led you to some garbage.
The left (Labor, Green, MSM etc) want to silence anyone with conservative and/or right-wing views and anyone who has the effrontery to disagree with the progressive narrative….you’re smeared and ridiculed as hard-right and far-right. Even NewsCorp engage in this…..last week when Tim James won pre-selection for Willoughby here in NSW, he was described in the Daily Telegraph as “hard-right”. This is all designed to smear and silence.
The left are winning……and they’re being aided and abetted by the the cowardly Liberal and National parties who simply REFUSE to rebut the lies.
Ask Bettina Arndt, ask Craig Kelly, ask George Christensen.
Koch is venomous trash.
Farmer Gez says:
January 20, 2022 at 7:34 am
It’s a service like Google, look at the offerings and ignore the rest.
A lot of left wing, or at least objectionable, crap is being posted here too. Should we all avoid Dover-cat?
TV has been one of the worst inventions of the 20th century. It has spawned and incubated the most loathsome parasites imaginable.
Yes, it is a shame.
I’d love to see Koch booted. Not deported, mind. Maybe posted as “our man at Heard Island”.
I don’t watch TV at home but I’m forced to when I wander into a roadhouse or meal room. Very much Orwell’s telescreen.
So many of these TV ‘personalities’ seem to be seriously nasty narcissists.
Oh look who gets a free pass…the grifter, the friend of Epstein and Maxwell and the daughter of an ex-PM….from The Daily Telegraph
“Elusive Keating daughter spotted out in Sydney with billionaire pub boss
A former prime minister’s elusive daughter is back on Australian shores, spotted on a night out with hospitality boss and “dear old friend” Justin Hemmes.
The elusive businesswoman daughter of former Prime Minister Paul Keating was spotted out and about in Sydney on Tuesday night.
Katherine Keating shared a number of images to social media of a night out with Merivale hospitality boss Justin Hemmes at his new eatery, MuMu.
In one Instagram post, Keating referred to Hemmes as “the maestro of Merivale and my dear old friend”.
Keating last featured in the Confidential pages in 2019 when her connections to associates of the late Jeffrey Epstein were revealed.
In August that year, it was revealed Keating once knew Ghislaine Maxwell, who was recently found guilty of recruiting teenagers to be sexually abused by disgraced billionaire Epstein, who killed himself while in federal custody.
A video released at the time dating back to 2010 showed Keating leaving Epstein’s Upper East Side mansion after a meeting with Prince Andrew. Then, Epstein had already been placed on a child sex offender list.
There is no suggestion Keating knew of, or had any involvement in, Epstein’s criminal activities.
In June 2013, Keating was photographed at a Dom Perignon-sponsored, intimate cocktail party at Maxwell’s $15 million New York home, to launch online start-up Ideapod with which she was involved.
Keating has been based in the United States for many years. She started her career in NSW state politics and consulting before moving to New York in 2010.
She is understood to work in philanthropy and has an extensive contact list including political leaders, celebrities and socialites. Keating’s LinkedIn states she is currently managing director at KKMetamedia.
“She started her career in NSW state politics”…thanks to daddy.
“businesswoman ” my arse.
Can’t bear to watch the morning program on Seven any more, even though it was rich pickings for DumbSpeak. My blood pressure couldn’t handle it any longer.
The Beloved sneaks up to the one in the guest room to watch. He lasts ten minutes, and for what passes as “news” only.
Seems they are getting even more venomous as the narrative collapses around them.
Tee hee. But they did raise it. I’m not quite sure it is a free pass, Cassie.
The paper is making sure the link remains in the public consciousness.
It’s a service like Google, look at the offerings and ignore the rest.
A lot of left wing, or at least objectionable, crap is being posted here too. Should we all avoid Dover-cat?
I shouldn’t have to do this.
I was merely pointing out that images on the service often are far left and historically ignorant. I thought the Jim Jones/Fox news pic was a complete howler and Cats may find it interesting.
You are free to look at whatever you want.
I don’t watch TV at home but I’m forced to when I wander into a roadhouse or meal room.
Breaking news: Milton is Patrick Swayze.
Farmer Gez,
I think we missed a beat somewhere. I thought the Jim Jones pic was great. It is stored now in my funny pictures file.
I didn’t think you were having a go at me. It is hard when only the typed word is available. This is also why I loathe the face nappies. When you are face to face, you can “read”, a lot more than mere words.
Have a great one!
“Tee hee. But they did raise it. I’m not quite sure it is a free pass, Cassie.
The paper is making sure the link remains in the public consciousness.”
You’re right Calli and good. But imagine the MSM hysteria if the woman’s name was Katherine Howard or Katherine Abbott.
He should like it. It has a volcano he can toss virgins into.
No worries Pogria.
I don’t look at all the pics on the imgur scroll either. That one took my attention because Jim Jones would be a star on CNN not Fox.
Seeing we’re talking about fascist lefties, John Hinderaker asks the question:
Are the Democrats Becoming a Fascist Party? | Power Line (19 Jan)
I would contend they always were. One of the most successful gaslighting project in world history is the Left’s success in painting fascists as righties, when they were always of the Left.
And boy have they been showing there colours here in Australia lately. Even oversea commentators are saying so regularly (whilst forgetting to note that Ponygirl, Sneakers and Dan are Labor).
Farmer Gez says:
January 20, 2022 at 8:05 am
It’s a service like Google, look at the offerings and ignore the rest.
A lot of left wing, or at least objectionable, crap is being posted here too. Should we all avoid Dover-cat?
No, you shouldn’t. As I said, just look at the picture posted and that’s it, if you choose to go further, that’s your affair.
You selected to go further and found something you object to, I have never seen that bc I looked at Pogria’s picture and that was it., your problem.
Name a popular mainstream internet service, not on the dark web, that is not of the left! I dare you.
Should we not use them? Cut noses to spite faces springs to mind.
The end to Covid restrictions in the UK follows my past appraisal of Boris.
A fool of a man who occasionally and inadvertently does good things.
Give it a break Gabor.
Conflating crap.
Pogria, ‘Life in One Photo’.
Just beautiful.
LNP.Farmer Gez says:
January 20, 2022 at 8:24 am
Go and grease whatever needs greasing, and make sure you use the correct grade right wing grease.
Anyone got a right wing alternative to Imgur?
Ah yes the Verminous David Koch. I havent seen his latest marxist rant I avoid at all costs. Supercilious bloated with selfsatisfaction and authority dripping lies and misinformation from the tips of his venomous bifurcated tongue.
NOW – UK PM Boris Johnson: “The government will no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere.”
Gabor says:
January 20, 2022 at 8:31 am
LNP.Farmer Gez says:
January 20, 2022 at 8:24 am
Can’t help yourself.
Not a lot of choice in the bush but there’s not a chance in hell I’m voting LNP.
Any other unsupported assertions you can think of?
Eyrie says:
January 20, 2022 at 8:34 am
yeah, it got out of hand, I’m sorry, but to complain about a delivery service is silly.
Would you not take a letter delivered by a hard core communist if your ideology differed?
‘Milton is Patrick Swayze.’
‘I want you to be nice. Until it is time to not be nice.’
Keating has been based in the United States for many years. She started her career in NSW state politics and consulting before moving to New York in 2010.
She is understood to work in philanthropy and has an extensive contact list including political leaders, celebrities and socialites. Keating’s LinkedIn states she is currently managing director at KKMetamedia.
No real job yet wealthy and successful. There’s a lot of money sloshing around in The Deep State and most of it is yours!
Inspired by the Ace of Spades post.
Just before I die, 70 years from now, I will take great pleasure in rasping out my final words:
‘At least I beat covid.’
Sorry Farmer G, got carried away.
it is particularly poignant to me at this time.
I am happy you liked it.
So many of these TV ‘personalities’ seem to be seriously nasty narcissists.
Isn’t that part of the required skills?
Starbucks is lifting the vaccine mandate for their US employees.
Crossed wires Gabor.
We’re all short tempered over this intolerable shit our governments and medicos are putting on us.
Have a great day.
Wheels coming off the narrative across the world? So we’ll be dragging it out another six months or so then.
Not to mention blessed with brains the size of peanuts, which you can hear rattling around their thick empty skulls when in their proximity (not to be advised).
During the Djokovic hearing, I think it might have been kept under wraps that the judges themselves were exempt from the vax.
The argument could be, though, that while the judges could deport an exempt person because that person was in some way influential, the very power to deport did not itself mean that the judges were influential. No, for it seems that the judges can not only influence but can moreover effect outcomes – without being influential in any way at all about the vax.
Starbucks? Wokest of the woke, apparently.
Business will beat ideology every time. It may take some time, but it does.
Unfortunately, government is owned and operated by ideology.
UK Labour has had some very loud anti vaccine passport voices.
And anti mandatory vaccine.
I wonder if those voices will remain like that if they form a government at some stage in the future.
Normal people are seen. Celebrities are spotted.
On the other hand the internet was a real eye opener, in particular the comments section (not here obviously). TV starts to look like a representative sample, filtered by those in possession of a good haircut and a willingness to offer sexual favours.
England’s sharp Covid U-turn is being dismissed by the usual suspects because Boris Johnson is an oaf, drowning in a tank of scalding political shite.
But wee Nichola Sturgeon is independently doing similar things in Scotland:
Covid Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon announces restrictions on indoor events and hospitality will be scrapped from Monday and vaccine passports will not be extended
The UK politics are such that she is not blindly coat-tailing Bozza.
Yeah, and the CDC has now said that cloth face masks don’t work. Which we’ve been saying since day 1, and even Fauci admitted internally in March 2020, before backflipping. So now they’ve backflipped again and Rand Paul is not happy.
Rand Paul Wonders If YouTube Will “Kiss My… And Apologize” After CDC Admits Cloth Masks Aren’t Effective (19 Jan)
And I think he has a very good cause for being unhappy. When you have these backflips over and over, with the admissions that the right was correct all along you wonder why anyone could ever now believe the CDC, AMA, TGA or any other Cathedral health fascists.
Biden appoints the brother of one of his biggest media supporters as ambassador to Poland.
Biden uses his press conference wisely:
The advantage of low expectations.
I think Rosie and Cassie should collaborate on a book. Working title:-
“On The Buses”.
Whether you liked George Lazenby or not the doco about him becoming Bond is fascinating.
Johnny English series are wonderful
Wrong Fred.
So getting into the UK is now easier.
The problem remains how to get out of Ozstan.
In Colour! – ON THE BUSES – NOT TONIGHT, 1971
TaliDan has reversed the decision to ban IVF procedures.
Make public offerings to the great leader for his benevolence.
Local stupidity summed up in one picture.
Our new council must have been afraid to have their photo taken outside.
In the very best of hands, as always.
New faces.
“With five new faces in the chambers this term, I look forward to working with all councillors on projects that make real change,” Cr Palmer said.
Will the garbage bins still be picked up?
Great, now how about those potholes.
Iowahawk is on fire, more so than usual today.
They drive me insane, Bern.
They’re always mouthing about diversity and inclusion and all the other MongWords, but the roads here are atrocious.
I wish they’d “include” some resurfacing and drainage diversity works.
Bugger! Bespoke beat me to it!
There is a direct inverse relationship between the amount of diversity mongering and the status of basic services. Almost as if it were a law of nature.
Looks like an all-male council then Calli.
If this is satire, it is brilliant, but I doubt it.
“Universal orphanhood”
Nope. Leah Anderson is a Laybor Diversity Wymmyns.
From a recent press release:
That’s sorted the crappy roads then.
I got to be a cooler by default.
By being nice.
My headstone will say “I asymptomatically infected millions with COVID”.
Son, it breaks my heart to say this, but I believe you are a very troubled and confused young man. I believe you are searching for the answers in all the wrong places.
Related: drunk fat and stupid is no way to go through life son. That leaves weight loss as an option.
Without words.
Zimbabwe’s climate migration is a sign of what’s to come
Climate change will force tens of millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa to migrate by 2050. In Zimbabwe, it’s already started.
Zimbabwe biggest problem is climate change.
Jab Heil!
How long do they unvaxxenenated have before they all cark it?
They/we seem to be taking a very long time. This has been going on for years.
Boosters Uber Alles!
or in case I heard it wrong,
Hooters Uber Alles!
Nice! What about:
Hate to smother your dreams with a pillow,
but you won’t be there when they fill in the official paperwork.
Jordan Peterson reads his recent column about Diversity Inclusion and Equity : D-I-E must DIE – excellent.
I thought people only went there for the buffalo wings.
Have I been misled?
Maybe suggest to Mzzz Anderson that she push for a VFT from Newcastle. That way ebil private cars would be unnecessary and she wouldn’t have to fix the roads.
Ech! Not his problem.
Especially not when the headstone has been pre-ordered… 😉
TGA provisionally approves Novavax (Biocelect Pty Ltd’s) COVID-19 vaccine NUVAXOVID
20 January 2022
Bugger! Premature Transmission!
To completey post from 10:38AM-
Where there’s a Will and Estate, there’s a way…
Tells you the priorities when cancer patients, etc. are being delayed.
Bwah ha ha ha ha, calli.
I am on a ‘citizens consultative group’ at our local council.
My suggestions around things like ‘Focus on Potholes’ has a few people shifting in their seats.
If all those present used the barrows they are pushing to fill potholes, we’d be a lot better off.
hzhousewife, your Jordan Peterson didn’t work for me….
Lax History 2:2
Such is the power of the undead, that Dan raised his hand and he smote all disease from the land.
SloJo to Vlad: Expect sanctions.
BoJo to Vlad: Expect missiles.
Trying JP via bitchute “D-I-E must DIE
TGA provisionally approves Novavax (Biocelect Pty Ltd’s) COVID-19 vaccine NUVAXOVID
20 January 2022
Well fuck you! Stupid useless arseholes. To late for pretty much everyone.
NovaVax approved.
hzhousewife, your Jordan Peterson didn’t work for me….
Same. This video is private message.
BTW, IVF procedures are now largely used by people that delayed children well past the peak of their childbearing years or it’s arrangements that per se cannot have children (singles and gays). It is hardly ever a couple in their mid-late 20s that is finding it difficult because of some medical condition to have children.
Thanks Hz – new link workee
If Ukraine goes kinetic and the US gets its arse kicked, what does it do for Australia’s security outlook?
On the wiki page for Novavax, is show that testing has only been done for the Alpha strain, with no reports for Delta or Omicron. So, why bother except for getting a tick to travel.
Yeah, I think old Jim would definitely be right at home on CNN
After all his followers were dedicated communists…
why bother except for getting a tick to travel.
Reason enough in itself if you haven’t seen your kid for three years.
This guys whole YouTube channel is now pretty much built on shit and spastic things happening in Victoria:
what does it do for Australia’s security outlook?
Who cares? Getting invaded is our best way out of this mess.
The ABC’s Steve Cannane nails the reason for England’s poor Ashes performance:
Institutional racism and classism.
Like all the others?
Sadly, true.
Sadly, this is what many many French said prior to the WW2 invasion.
Novak Djokovic preparing to sue the Australian government for $6m over visa scandal
Watch Scott passionate fingers channel McGowan and pass legislation to stop it based on focus groups feedback. Sad thing is at the moment while I am only being tongue in cheek part of me wouldn’t put it past them…
The real issue with the IVF ban was that private patients in private hospitals were still going ahead but there is no capacity in public hospitals.
The ban was all about class envy.
“If I can’t have it, no-one can”.
Another ALPBC j’ismist raised in the Marxist kindergarten of JJJ and unable to let go of Aunties apron strings.
To be fair the Usurper lobbed $200m worth of goodies to Ukraine today. Not huge, but would buy a fair number of Javelins and Stingers.
US Boosts Military Aid to Ukraine as Russia Tensions Soar (Newsmax, 19 Jan)
I suspect it’s on its way already. One plus of having Biden owned by leftist corporate types is the military industrial complex is one of those owners, and they do like selling stuff to willing buyers.
Jordan Petersen – take 2
I’d like to see Djokovic clear customs with Pistol and Boo. During the election campaign.
January 20, 2022 at 9:29 am
Local stupidity summed up in one picture.
What is it with local government?
The City of Yarra (largely correlating with Adam Bandt’s federal seat) floated the idea of using ratepayers’ money to build a memorial to dead drug addicts.
At about the same time they announced that rates (which have increased by more than inflation every year this millennium and as far back before that as I’m aware) could only be increased by about 2 or 3 times the inflation rate because of a decree by Maximum Leader, and were therefore (so it was said) no longer sufficient to fund services. Their idea to solve the problem was to charge other fees for garbage collection and other actual services, leaving rate revenue available for bloated admin, “expenses” and other troughing, and grandiose vanity projects like said druggo memorial.
I infer that the pushback from ratepayers was sufficient for the druggo memorial and service fees both to be shelved. Of course appalling “progressive” ideas never truly die, so I’m waiting for both to re-emerge some time soon.
Tucker: We’re watching civilization collapse in real time
If you had statues of dead junkies in Richmond you couldn’t use the footpaths.
Has a sweet gig as European correspondent atm.
From his piece: Asian cricketers need to be twice as good as whites to be selected for the England team.
Haseeb Hameed’s County average last year was 37. Hardly stellar, let alone twice that of Rory Burns (47). In fact, it was the second lowest of any recognised batsman in the County championsip.
This guys whole YouTube channel is now pretty much built on shit and spastic things happening in Victoria:
Is he only operating one channel? Surely there’s enough material to expand.
If you had statues of dead junkies in Richmond you couldn’t use the footpaths.
It’s hard enough using the footpaths stepping over the live ones.
01:39 Report reveals Fauci’s China investments
03:44 Study: China’s real virus deaths may be 1.7m
07:07 China’s Covid-19 scare over post and pets
09:08 Team co-owner: ‘Nobody cares about’ Uyghurs
11:12 Philippines buys missiles, boosts deterrence
12:21 Report: Japan, U.S. jointly stockpiling munitions
13:36 China’s interest in a Sri Lankan port: Explained
19:13 No sign of upturn for China’s property crisis
20:08 College lecturer fired over class discussion
This was the great hope until it was found out that it is an abortion-tainted vaxine.
Might just be in time to save my job, but at this stage I am in two minds about it. Any of the current vaccines and boosters are of no use combating disease. Their only use now is to combat stupid government mandates….but then it feels like I am enabling it.
Only 2 or 3 times the infaltion rate, eh?
There’s an enormous productivity dividend to be had by subjecting councils to performance standards. Wages & salaries are rising as services decline and indicators are that corruption is on the rise too.
Senate meeting interrupted by Final Fantasy porn
A prankster played a graphic ‘Final Fantasy’-themed clip during an event held by Italian senators and academics
Andrews: Three doses needed to be protected (Skynews, 20 Jan)
Perhaps he could try magic amulets instead?
a very good article at unherd by Vinay Prasad about the issue of vaccine discussion censorship
“Top doctor” Norman Swan: Omicron is as virulant as Wuhan-1.
So we have another vaccine approval against the extinct Alpha strain. Sure to help bigly.
Stay as a filthy holdout. Those vaccines are filth.
Vax boosters are filth.
Those with buyers remorse are becoming pathetic.
Hold the line.
January 20, 2022 at 11:39 am
I was waiting for this, didn’t want to enable the bastards either. Don’t think I will take it, but my 17 y.o daughter is furious at me for not getting her j@bbed to date. I promised her novavax … I’d rather not, but probably won’t be able to get out of it for her.
Stavrogin says:
January 20, 2022 at 10:55 am
NovaVax approved.
Not as a booster or for the kiddies.
Only Pfizer can set your heart aflutter.
novavax has been tested for efficacy against other variants and is currently evaluating efficacy against omicron
Foreigners have always been welcome in the English Test side. For a while there a white Englishman had about as much chance as a middle aged white man has of securing a management appointment.
The Sun piece, Zulu @11:06 referred to:
Given the full bench of the Federal Court found Djokovic was lawfully booted, you’d think he might struggle with the £2.3 million prize money part of the claim.
Perhaps the plan is to use a Serbian court…
Pete Steele? I didn’t know Type O Negative had so many fans.
Women lose 90% of their eggs by 30.
A career selling packets of nails and broomsticks at Bunnings can wait.
A journalist at The Daily Mail writes that “top doctor” Norman Swan has a “doctorate” in paediatrics.
Fact check: He was awarded a diploma in child health in the UK in 1978.
His only doctorate is honorary, courtesy the University of Sydney.
Which invites the question, when did Australia’s “top doctor” last practice medicine?
Last time I checked to remain registered a medical practitioner has to work in a clinical setting one day per week plus fulfill other requirements. Australia’s “top doctor” might be fulfilling those requirements, but I’ve never heard him speak about it, which is curious given that he’s such a loquacious chap. I know he has been a consultant -not in the medical sense but the business sense – to many organisations over the years on medical and ethical matters but I doubt that would count.
Inquiring minds…
This protein vaccine is provisionally approved and included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) for active immunisation to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 18 years of age and older.
Yes it is.
Tramples on nearly everyone’s corns.
I am not a cat guy.
This is a cool Cat.
That was a victory. Owe town got a ‘Princess’ Diana fountain that was originally proposed as donations only and ended up built with the infrastructure budget.
January 20, 2022 at 12:11 pm
… individuals 18 years of age and older.
Right well then…. fuck it, it was just for compliance sake anyway. I wonder if the gumnit is making it compulsory for schools. Although hardly worth worrying about given the propaganda from Vicgov.
This is a cool cat
Andrews: Three doses needed to be protected (Skynews, 20 Jan)
Perhaps he could try magic amulets instead?
He has in the past, but they interfere with people’s breathing and the elastic can make people’s ears sore. They’re still required in some indoor settings, though.
Farmer Gezsays:
January 20, 2022 at 12:18 pm
This is a cool cat
High point of human civilisation!
Not since the Iliad has humanity produced epic poetry of such taut brilliance as:
“Kiss her for the first time
And then I take her home
I’m invited in for coffee
And I give the dog a bone”.
So novavax is approved the day after I effectively lose my job because it’s logistically impossible for me to get jabbed to standard by the end of the month.
I continue to be wildly impressed with the governance and institutions in the western world. /sarcasm.
Thanks for the novavax research and extension link, rosie.
It’s good of them to be pursuing their due diligence. But I firmly believe the bugmens’ hive mind was already long made-up on Novavax back when provision was first sought last January.
Another 3-6 months at minimum of bureaucratic zombie-walking will ensue.
Or until the stocks of Pfizer and Moderna finally go off (more likely) or run out.
Australia Post as a decrepit service. Recent events:
Rural Russia to Sydney 10 days. Cleared customs 1 day. Sydney to Brisbane (Aust Post 16 days)
Melbourne (ex warehouse) to Adelaide metro 23 days (Aust Post parcel delivery).
Brisbane to Brisbane (Aust Post parcel delivery) 5 days and still waiting. Tracking doesn’t even show it ready for delivery.
These are just a sample. How the fvck do Aust Post management justify their salaries. If ever there was a ‘service’ in desperate need of reform/overhaul, Australia Post would be top of the list (followed by the ABC). For contrast (yes, FedEx is an entirely different animal) two separate FedEx deliveries in the past 10 days.
Italy to Brisbane (FedEx delivered) 4 days
Spain to Brisbane (FedEx delivered) 4 days
Confusing headline of the week in the Oz:
Novavax gets go ahead for use in Australia
Does this mean he is coming back to play?
Looks as though the claim will be in regard to his treatment in detention rather than the visa decision. His mother is already talking to the press about maggoty food and bed bugs.
Could shine a light on the conditions of his fellow detainees, in which case it’s another own goal by the Morrison government.
But I’d have thought it bad PR for him personally. It’s not as though he needs the money.
Yes, but the first hearing in the Federal Court found he had been unlawfully detained. Perhaps that’s the one they are focussed on.
Snap, Roger.
More Squeeze.
Not to mention the Cartier watches.
Based on his history I would not be surprised if he donates it to charity. I don’t think the money is the issue, he is after the titles. If he can further embarrass* the Boofhead and Friends excuse for a Federal Government then that’s an added bonus.
* Not difficult.
Gillard having AusPost buy out Star Track was spiteful pinko unionist sabotage.
And I give the dog a bone”.
Layers of meaning right there.
But as any return to the country over the next three years to compete depends on him being in the good graces of the Australian government, I would have thought embarrasing them internationally on the sensitive subject of immigration detention to be not a particularly wise move.
FedEx May be delivering but DHL is sinking like the Titanic. Parcel from the US posted November 18th with tracking has gone who knoweth where. Tracking info on DHL website gives a long winded error message equating to ‘We have no idea where it is.’ It then suggests I take it up with the sender.
So am I understanding this gem of customer service correctly? We have charged you and the sender for the luxury of a tracked package but we take no responsibility when we have not bothered to track it? Brilliant marketing strategy. I’m now looking at Sendle as a far more reliable option.
That’s a sentence incredibly loaded with expectation, unreliability and complexity in the current environment.
That Jo,
I am in a similar position with my 18yo daughter. I don’t think I can stop her now.
Morrison left the door open after the decision. I suspect Albo, a much more ruthless operator, might not be so magnanimous if there’s a political angle to be exploited. Much will depend on the washup from the king tide of covid madness.
No doubt.
But that episode didn’t contribute to him being rissoled from the Open and missing out on the potential £2.3m.
What odds that, just like the French politicians, it is all for the camera and the masks disappear straight after?
I would have thought embarrasing them internationally on the sensitive subject of immigration detention to be not a particularly wise move.
He may not give a rats arse.
Possibly not.
His sponsors might.
Might be wise to let a few more test subjects bravely get injected with Novavax and see how the side effects, effectiveness in the wild, etc, go for a few months at least.
The total number of doses they intend mandatorily giving you is six. Two last year, three this year and at least one this time 2023.
There’s no surprise. This has been mainstream knowledge since April last year when Israel were telling the world that two doses don’t work and they were already talking about the third. Now we’re on three and they on four. See how this operates?
Why do you think Australia has 280 million doses of it secured in contracts until next year? Are people this propagandized and blind?
At some point governments will have to stop pretending and the bizarre theatre about these ‘decisions’ made being ‘on the fly’, and people will have to stop pretending they believe it. Everyone knows the reality of what’s happening, at least deep down.
That’s not to say they’ll get to six though, politics can happen, but people will have to choose to refuse and go through the uncomfortable moment, to many a mentally impossible situation, of being outside of the mob. Of being the target of vilification for a moment.
I may get diagnosed with COVID. I promised work to get Novavax but I’m not comfortable about it.