Ash Wednesday today – the beginning of Lent and fasting — I’ve been practising with intermittent fasting between meals
Ash Wednesday today – the beginning of Lent and fasting — I’ve been practising with intermittent fasting between meals
Why? How? Who?
Telling the truth would so disrupt the narrative
Brutal-as reality often is
Espncricinfo. I wonder how long AI would take to work out the meaning of this whereas most cats would pick…
I am going to go out on the Faulty prediction limb here.
If Craig Kelly gets elected, he will end up in a yuuuge shit-fight with Fat Cloive within 18 months.
Just say I voted UAP above the line in Vicco for the Senate- can we find out how they are/will be directing preferences?
“The Big Fella was unfocused last time. All over the shop. Worse than useless. Not any more.
A descriptor that can be applied to 90% of all the Parliamentary troughers, Reps & Senate, so not really a worrying appraisal of his political nounce .. LOL! ..
Cassie we’ll have to disagree on the ‘low energy’, as for messiah, well I don’t believe in them, I don’t know why you would think I do. However the UAP do have a lot of energy, there’s money to push it to the fore and there’s a lot of good people in it. I believe that a good political system should still function and guarantee the rights of the citizens no matter who is in charge. The current mess we’re in demonstrates the flaws in our politics when second and third rate spineless politicians and public servants can destroy our society. We need a rethink of our current political structures as well as getting rid of all our current pollies.
Please don’t post the honeymoon photos.
Speaking of predictions:
It’s thirteen days until every person in the country who’s had the jab can look forward to the last 14 to 44 months of their lives.
As the hobo said – ‘Tick tock, Mr Wick.’
The meant-to-secret Trumble-Parkinson (how I loathe that creep)-Palmer dinner is a worry to.
In Melbourne CBD, The Fucking Bat Eared Mong has destroyed this city. The buildings are still there, but little else is.
NSW These clips are BOTH from today
They can’t even follow the same narrative…
Beyond beliefClive Palmer and Malcolm Turnbull busted in secret dinner meeting, along with head of treasury Dr Martin Parkinson
Israeli vaccine chief says closing schools & univerisites was a mistake, vaccine passports are already redundant, the vaccines were disappointing and covid will become like the flu.
Remains found on Colo R, he’s obviously not too bright. RIP young one.
Notice how turd Parkinson was playing politics. Not much of a public servant (sarc)
They also seem to be catching it more easily than the unvaxxed.. although he doesn’t seem to consider the potential for testing bias in the data (which I think is probably pretty high).
the LDP are pretty light on for details in their policy section as well. I don’t mind the lack of detail however the same people are using this against the UAP as a reason to not vote for them.
Why would lack of detail over policy be considered a problem for minor parties? ..
whatever else happens they are NOT gonna be implementing big tix agenda .. but with a few seats they may be able to dent some of the more over enthusiastic pie-in-the-sky outpourings of the gummint.
Too right rickw.
Deserted. There might as well be tumbleweeds rolling down Latrobe and William Streets, and the only pocket of activity appears to be the bottom end of Elizabeth Street.
To be fair, that bit of the CBD was always a shitfight but now – without the tens of thousands of normal people there to dilute the optics – it looks like every iced-up tweaker in Mongyang’s there looking to out-scrote all the other ones.
For once, this can’t solely be laid at Melbourne City Council’s feet. Andrews, step forward and receive your prize.
Hard to do when, accordingly to Kerry Chant, 33 of 36 deaths in NSW on Monday were fully vaccinated (even assuming we know what that means).
Watch Scumbag Morrison capitulate to Labor and censure Christensen…just like he did with Craig Kelly. From The Oz
“Morrison ‘must sanction anti-vax MPs’
Prime Minister Scott Morrison speaks to Nationals Member for Dawson George Christensen after making a statement on cyber security in the House of Representatives at Parliament House in Canberra, Monday, February 18, 2019.
Opposition health spokesman Mark Butler says Scott Morrison must sanction and not just rebuke rogue MPs over anti-vaccine rhetoric.
Backbencher George Christensen, pictured above with the Prime Minister last year, made comments on his social media accounts yesterday that questioned the safety data of children’s Covid vaccines.
Mr Butler said in response, the Prime Minister’s statement that condemned the posts did not go far enough.
“The Prime Minister over the last few days in relation to someone else said, “You can’t have one rule for ordinary Australians and another rule for celebrities”, the same applies to MPs,” Mr Butler told the ABC.
“There has to be some sanction to the MPs that are badging themselves as Morrison government MPs, using government resources, to promote these dangerous, divisive messages,” he said.
“What is he doing about the fact that these MPs continue to turn up to Parliament, continue to turn up to public activities without disclosing their vaccination status while police, teachers, nurses, health workers have to do that and if they can’t prove their vaccination status, they lose their job?”
mak siccar.
I too am from a mixed marriage with a fully vaxxed spouse.
The problem with the stats is that the raw data is polluted and it is risky to make deductions with any confidence.
Then we have questions like: are people who have a pre-existing illness more or less likely to be double vaxxed because of their worry about their health?
It appears that the mRNA stuff is an unhealthy choice for those under 50.
It is not like we have had trials with thousands of twins over decade or two.
There is a lot of dodgy data out there.
That will be construction work on the new junkie injecting centre.
Right next to Flinders St station where the juice-heads can harass people going to and from work for “twenny bucks for me train to Geelong”.
Not a day goes past without some ponytail announcing plans to “revitalise the city”.
Yesterday it was attracting people to look at the “cool laneway graffiti”.
Israeli vaccine chief says closing schools & univerisites was a mistake, vaccine passports are already redundant, the vaccines were disappointing and covid will become like the flu.
A bad day for the Idiocracy when idiots in the lead case start admitting “mistakes were made”.
That isn’t going to bring back the lives lost and destroyed by your stupidity, arrogance and authoritarianism.
No shit, Sherlock?
Wow. The story came out last year of 215 graves of children next to a Catholic school in Canada. The immediate response was outrage and many churches were burned down.
It was all lies.
An Indian graveyard with no bodies (18 Jan)
There were no graves and no bodies. But the poor Christians whose churches were burned down probably won’t even get an apology.
The bottom end of Elizabeth St near FSS has always been a very seedy, sleazy, greasy, undesirable part of town. I’m sure it’s even worse now if that were possible.
Yesterday it was attracting people to look at the “cool laneway graffiti”.
I find the stench of stale urine and rotting garbage really completes the Mongyang Graffiti Experience.
Future tours will be much more interesting. The preserved footpath still showing the blood stains where TBEM was dragged out and beaten to death by an angry mob.
True, Sancho.
However, after enduring 64 Australian summers, you’d think I would have made a bit of progress. 🙂
I grew up in Sydney but moved here, among other reasons, because I prefer the climate. It is rarely humid, even if it is hotter in summer, and I quite like the cold. Dem furrin genes again!
The bottom end of Elizabeth St near FSS has always been a very seedy, sleazy, greasy, undesirable part of town. I’m sure it’s even worse now if that were possible.
I can report that it’s worse than ever, the stream of workers in and out of flinders st used to minimise the accumulation of filth. There is no stream of workers anymore.
Corner of Collins and Spencer is pretty horrible too. Was at QV on Sunday- that was pretty good.
Spotted two polis in a hybrid Camry, wearing masks and rubber gloves.
It’s been too hot to walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Indeed. And Israel led the way.
Meanwhile, our idiot PM has censured George Christensen for “dangerous messages” on the vaccination of children when Dr. Nick Coatsworth, the face of the governments vaccine rollout campaign, has said the risks outweigh the benefits. You know…an actual expert.
New product from pharma friends
Meanwhile, our idiot PM has censured George Christensen for “dangerous messages” on the vaccination of children when Dr. Nick Coatsworth, the face of the governments vaccine rollout campaign, has said the risks outweigh the benefits. You know…an actual expert.
Australia’s authoritarian politicians are way out on the thin ice.
I’m expecting UAP to do pretty well in Melbourne. There’s billboards everywhere, keeping the messaging simple and to the point. If they are running candidates in every seat I reckon there will be a significant protest vote that swings their way.
Like the LDP or not, they don’t have the spark of charisma that makes the media pay attention even when they want to ignore something. I think that was a big part of Trump, even when he was portrayed in the worst light, he somehow still got the core of his message out.
Meanwhile, TheirABC keeps running ‘stories’ about how parents are either grateful that they have got their children jabbed or furious because they have to wait for their children to get the jab.
Apparently, in this whole wide brown land, they have not found a parent with the slightest reservation about it. Nor anyone they deem to be an ‘expert’ ditto.
Amazing, eh?
“Meanwhile, our idiot PM has censured George Christensen for “dangerous messages” on the vaccination of children when Dr. Nick Coatsworth, the face of the governments vaccine rollout campaign, has said the risks outweigh the benefits. You know…an actual expert.”
Calling Scumbag Morrison an “idiot” is way too kind.
Give him a break .
He is auditioning for a part in Idiocracy II.
Very wise, stats can be abused to put a stigma on the majority.
Thanks, Rockdoctor, it looks as though that’s the path we’ll be going down.
A tale of Bravery and Loss in Australia’s northern waters
On 20 January 1942, 80 years ago today, the Imperial Japanese Navy I-124 submarine was sunk just outside Darwin Harbour.
I-124, along with three other submarines, was conducting minelaying operations and attacking shipping along the northern coast of Australia.
On 20 January 1942, the Japanese force targeted a convoy inbound to Darwin Harbour.
Three Australian corvettes Deloraine, Katoomba and Lithgow were sent to hunt the submarines.
The Deloraine soon narrowly avoided being hit by a torpedo fired by I-124. The ship charged down the path of the torpedo and the submarine half-surfaced, perhaps to fight it out with her deck gun, the equivalent to Deloraine’s. But I-124 was depth-charged at point-blank range and sunk with the loss of 80 lives.
This 80 metre Japanese submarine still lies outside Darwin’s harbour with her 80 crew on board.
I-124 was left undisturbed until the 1970s when she was the subject of salvage attempts. The site was considered by both the Japanese and Australian Governments as a war grave. In December 1976 the Historic Shipwrecks Act was enacted to protect all shipwrecks in Australian waters and in I-124 was placed in an exclusion zone around the wreck site.
Darwin’s Submarine I-124 (Avonmore Books) tells this tale, the story of the first Japanese submarine sunk by the RAN in WWII.
Well, the child lived in Queensland with her grandmother and was visiting mum and ‘new daddy’ over the holidays.
Horror stories for the public.
If you sift through the numbers and dates for when Omicron started to impact hospitalisations and deaths, you find the contradiction of lethality versus narrative.
Twenty two days ago saw the Australian hospitalisations start to ramp up and are now five times that original number.
Then go back twenty two days previous to the tail of Delta infection and compare deaths/hospitalisation.
Omicron 13.66%
Delta 32%
Everything points the opposite direction to the jab and fear frenzy.
Certainly true when I was in Melbournibad 15 years ago. Fortunately you aren’t there long before wading through the homeless along Flinders St. Throw in most of Swanston St too. Pedestrianisation hasn’t done it any favours.
It’s so sad. Melbourne was beautiful.
January 19, 2022 at 9:37 am
It’s so sad. Melbourne was beautiful.”
Yep……just like San Francisco was once beautiful. Progressive governance destroys everything.
I haven’t been to the Sydney CBD for many years. Is it quiet and decrepit too?
January 19, 2022 at 9:39 am
I haven’t been to the Sydney CBD for many years. Is it quiet and decrepit too?”
It isn’t decrepit…..but it’s quiet because of Covid. I hobbled into our CBD office yesterday (nearly killed me) and it was sooooooo quiet.
I think Kyrgious realises what a deficient game tennis is. He should drive onto the court in a clown car – until he is eliminated by an East European automatron in the 3rd Round.
Are they crapping on the streets in Melbourne yet? Only a matter of time…
Vicki at 7.46am
I noticed this morning that my comments on a well known blog (not this one !) are “under moderation” despite the fact that they are far from controversial & hasn’t happened in the past.
Suppression of facts and opinions, particularly about covid wrongology (a huge topic), ruinable energy, and the lying, cheating persons who stole the 2020 election (and how they did it) is now what much of the media do.
None of them will get any financial support from me if they continue down this path.
The overwhelming cases & deaths from Omicron are now among the vaccinated.
The pandemic of the Unboosted has begun.
The pivot will kick in anytime now.
This week is rapidly getting better and betterer.
I hope we get to see Scomo and Maximum Dan have a dance-off to a Weird Al Jankovic parody
Then we’ll see who really runs the c
ountryThis is why I find the remarks of the Israeli Immunology chief significant and why I drew attention to the:
They are more than a personal mea culpa.
They could well be one of the first indicators that the covid paradigm pushed by the medical establisment is beginning to collapse because it is being undermined by evidence.
Smart people can be very limited in their thinking (I was going to say stupid, but that would be unkind), including scientists. They work within reigning paradigms and apply the tools of those paradigms to problems because that’s what they’ve been trained to do. A sort of group think operates among them and there are professional consequences for going outside of it.
But paradigms aren’t perfect; they are just a working hypotheses that summarise knowledge on a subject up to a point in time. Every paradigm has weaknesses that are exposed by new problems. But scientists only come to recognise this slowly…at first, because they have so much invested in the reigning paradigm. Data that doesn’t fit the paradigm might at first be discarded. But eventually this data becomes too much to ignore. Then the reigning paradigm begins to collapse under its weight.
The covid paradigm is beginning to collapse. The vaccines don’t work as promised; interminable booster shots are tantamount to an admission of this. Lockdowns, school closures and vaccine passports only delay the inevitable – we have to live with the virus. The focus will shift to treatments for the seriously ill and common sense responses to any future variants. If politicians and the media refuse to accept this, you’ll know that it’s nothing to do with the science.
Actually a day at the AO is a great experience. I used to get a ground pass for the middle Friday and race to get a seat in the front row behind the baseline on Margaret Court Arena (no roof or allocated seats in my day). Used to get a couple of great games before the Quarter Finals. Sitting alongside an outer court on day 2 or 3 is also great but you will have no idea who you are watching.
Three days earlier, Matabele* ran out of luck:
The survivors were unable to release the Carley floats because they were frozen in their lashings and had to jump overboard. Some of them were killed when the depth charges of the sinking destroyer detonated, but the most died of hypothermia in the icy water before they could be rescued. Only two of the four men picked up by HMS Harrier survived.
* Tribals were the most handsome ships.
Undermined by evidence?
The usual trick is to bury the evidence.
Only Chairman Dan and his fellow Party members.
Australian Lamb National Rollout annual advert….
Aaaaaand the jacks found the nine year old girl’s body in a barrel.
Wait for it.
‘Mental health.’
‘In the grip of a drug addiction.’
‘Which he got by being caught up with the wrong crowd.’
‘No coping mechanism.’
‘Didn’t mean to do it.’
‘Lashed out.’
Which, of course, will all be horseshit.
There’s one more step which follows this template and makes it even worse, and which hasn’t come to light yet. If that’s the case, it won’t just be the bloke concerned I’ll hold accountable.
The correct term is “bundled out”.
‘undermined by evidence’
Hide the decline!
Fremantle used to be a good spot for some culture, retail therapy and fine dining, when we had the farm, but the Greens wrecked that one…
Looking back at the reports (I hadn’t been following it closely) it looks like something came to light on Saturday/Sunday which turned it from “missing person” to “murder”.
Mummy caved in?
“under moderation” despite the fact that they are far from controversial & hasn’t happened in the past.
wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
Shirley, there must be a law against the publication of evidence that shows our elf nazimorons are the frickin’ lowest of the low, lying, putrescent pieces of sh1t.
* I feel better now.
Roger at 9:51 -in theory that is what the parliament is designed to eliminate, thinking back to the original Greek democracy drawn from the “demos”. Now it is just another example of the sort of monoculture you highlight: timeservers, machine men, axe grinders, ex-staffers, jumped up undergraduate pol sci failures and narcissists.
go on sancho, see how many woke talking point cards you can spike the deck with.
The truth outs sooner or later.
KD There’s one more step which follows this template and makes it even worse
It will be a given – where do they get this damned template from anyway. Shit world just gets shittier.
Time to throw some fruit at state politicians.
Defecated tomatoes.
Usually later and often too late.
The party system has done as much as anything to undermine Westminster democracy, particularly in Australia, where party discipline is enforced more strictly than in the UK, both in the pre-selection of candidates and in limitations placed upon them in parliament. Independent minded people are unlikely to flourish under such a system.
Yep, toxic Meternalisam.
Bearing in mind this is all speculation as it’s ‘what’s in the paper’ which I am usually dubious of anyway, but following the template – it wouldn’t matter if Mummy caved or not.
Sadly, the homicide jacks have all been down this road before, know which buttons to push, and in all likelihood gave the crook just enough rope to reel him in.
It would actually be easier to pull the strings if Mummy didn’t cave.
I note that nobody’s contacted Rosie Batty for comment.
Didn’t Jewish scriptures promise one?
Time to throw some fruit at state politicians.
Defecated tomatoes.
Even Wran, who I didn’t like, built power stations (Mt Piper, Erraring I think) and put aluminium smelters in the Hunter. Can you imagine any of the current crumbs doing that now?
The exit strategy is made harder because they’ve so pilloried all treatment protocols, which is what is left when it becomes clear the vaccines are worse than useless.
So I think one of two things will occur.
– They will embrace the expensive “Pfizermectin” protease inhibitor, which fits with the seemingly general capture of the medical profession lately by Pfizer money.
– Or they will wait until Pfizer comes out with a NEW IMPROVED!!! vaccine (or booster) which I think is due in March, based on the omicron spike protein.
Perhaps it will be a bit of both. But the one thing is sure as eggs: the Cathedral will not admit any mistake whatsoever and they will keep the vaccine injury plague suppressed.
Roger – no doubt. We will never see a Nigel Farage in Australia. The closest we have seen is possibly KRuddy, the false messiah who rose despite any factional (or possibly any) loyalty, until he could be cut down at the earliest opportunity. We get a few iconoclasts who manage to survive in various upper houses.
Cf. the recently published study by the University of Auckland that determined from satellite images and on the ground observations that islands in Kiribati and the Marshalls are either maintaining their size or increasing their land mass, in some cases by up to 8%, and no island had decreased in size over the period studied.
Atm they’re trying to fit the data into the climate change model, like a kid trying to put a square peg into a round hole. Eventually they’ll give up and maybe even develop a new model!
Or even a Margaret Thatcher.
And what deck would I be spiking, exactly?
Roger says:
January 19, 2022 at 10:23 am
The truth outs sooner or later….
Atm they’re trying to fit the data into the climate change model, like a kid trying to put a square peg into a round hole. Eventually they’ll give up and maybe even develop a new model!
The new model will accept square pegs in round holes.
If that looks a bit cumbersome, the data will either be deleted/ignored or tortured to fit the new model.
Last year, Andrew Bogut quoted in an article on a high profile realestate webste:
This year:
Victorian Electoral Commission says, every time you comment you’ll need to put on your name and address”
What a bunch Bolshie fucks
Disgusting overreach.
But “new Daddy” is often the culprit in these cases.
Which get bundles into “the father kills most of these kids”.
Lumping biological dads as the same as Murry Methmouth, mums new boyfriend.
Which is then used in family court to “inform” decisions.
“..discovered, in their analysis of homicide data from Canada and Detroit, that stepchildren, those who live with a stepparent (usually, a stepfather), are anywhere from 40 to 100 times as likely to be murdered or maimed as those who live with two biological parents in the household.”
This paper should be posted to feminists just for the lulz.
In their paper, Temrin et al. do not question that stepchildren are more likely to be killed and maimed by their stepfathers; they only question discriminative parental solicitude as the explanation for it. They point out, and empirically demonstrate with a small Swedish sample, that men who become stepfathers, by marrying women who already have children from previous unions with other men, are more likely to be criminal and violent to begin with. And Temrin et al. argue that their greater tendency toward criminality and violence, not their genetic unrelatedness, is the reason they are more likely to kill and injure their stepchildren.
Once again, in retrospect, this makes perfect sense. Divorced women with children are on average older, so they have lower mate value than younger women without children. Given choice, and all else equal, all men would prefer to marry younger women without children rather than older women with children with other men. The logic of assortative mating would suggest that women with lower mate value are more likely to mate with men with lower mate value. And, as I explain in an earlier post, men with lower mate value are more likely to be criminal and violent.
I asked a leading feminist to make a statement on this paper.
A last shot..
And in cases where stepfathers kill children in their family, they are equally likely to kill their genetic children as they are to kill their stepchildren. (Of course, given the ubiquity of cuckoldry – especially in Sweden! – and thus paternity uncertainty, they are not necessarily real genetic children; they are only putative genetic children.)
From Mark Latham on Twitter
He has a good way of cutting through the BS.
Mark Latham can be brutal:
We once had a number of politicians like Latham. Now, he’s more of an anachronism. Funny how they seem to come from the “Right” Left than Conservatives.
I have never liked Latham, probably coloured by that power handshake and his disparagement of Abbott and Howard for providing references for Cardinal Pell.
I’m just about over that now, although the second is harder to put in the Forgettory than the first.
KD at 10:17.
They would have had one eye on him from the start.
Seriously, a nine year old goes missing on Thursday night and it isn’t reported until Friday morning after “a relative enquired after her”.
That rings alarm bells straight away.
And then someone comes along and points out the obvious, “You know what? Our model’s stuffed.”
As long as the scientific method survives, that will happen.
And the Lysenkos are left alone in their labs experimenting with plant cuttings.
Parties are not a ‘system’. It stands to reason that people in decision-making bodies will make alliances, and often these become parties.
In democracies, there are two choices. Either you have pretty much a two party setup (like Australia, UK, US) or you have proportional representation with lots of parties who need to make deals to create a government. Neither of them is particularly attractive; both have significant pluses and minuses.
No important decision making body is ever going to have a working majority of ‘independents’. It’s a contradiction in terms.
So it appears my comment about “new daddy” has a sound statistical base?
Yes, those stats get twisted, interpreted and excused.
But they remain fact.
I would be happy if governments stepped away from “decision making” of any kind and just worked at keeping essential services going at a fair and reasonable cost to the public.
As dislikeable individual as Richie is, I’m not sure his health can be seen as a result. STDs excepted.
Roger says:
January 19, 2022 at 10:47 am
…..As long as the scientific method survives, that will happen.
Roger – you’re pretty optimistic there. The “scientific method” should never have allowed the CAGW scam to happen in the first place. The current fiasco with these so-called “vaccines” is another. Along with all the other aberrations in the world today.
In all honesty, I think the scientific method is dying with Western civilisation.
Hey – I have just listened to 20 minutes or so of the podcast of the interview of Robert Malone by our own George Christianson that has been sending the MSM into a frenzy. It is terrific.
Particularly, at the 16 minute mark, Malone’s recorded plea to parents against vaccinating their children is played. THIS is what is causing the furore. He is straight to the point & summarises the truth of what is at stake.
Top Ender,
do you have a name for the Captain of the Deloraine? That story was great. The Captain had to be a brave/madman to do what he did. Awesome!
32 deaths WITH covid
18 with 2 doses
5 with 3 doses
1 with 1 dose
8 unvaccinated
Dr Kerry Chant NSW
Westminister doesn’t require parties per se to function but only a Treasury bench and an Opposition. We already have a Washminster system; I would favour diluting the power of parties further by permitting Prime Minister to form his Executive and outer Cabinet from outside of parliament, although they would remain subject to the legislature. This would deepen the currently shallow “talent pool” – which goes back to the remarks I made about the way parties funcion – considerably.
I haven’t been to the Sydney CBD for many years. Is it quiet and decrepit too?
The amount of public drinking is confronting.
Post the restrictions ending in 2021, it became really noticeable.
I predict at some stage a homeless drunk assaulting someone and then NSW plod announcing a “crack down”.
johanna – true. Getting parties out of pre-selection and “professional” politicians/ex-staffers would be a good start.
It certainly shows that.
But for some reason, the NoTricksZone ‘study’ fails to note the Public Health Scotland warning that the data for 1/1/22 to 7/1/22 is preliminary and incomplete. Or that the denominator used in the unvaccinated rate calculation is an estimate based on GP registrations that may be inaccurate due to people moving out of Scotland.
Aside from that, the NoTricks piece fails to ask the most basic questions about why the result in Scotland is apparently so hugely different to the rest of the UK – which shows a significant vaccine benefit in terms of preventing hospitalisation and death.
Similarly NoTrickZone strays into statistical error with its strong conclusion about ‘negative effectiveness’ against Omicron.
The UK data for that is taken from a negative-case control study at the beginning of Omicron – which compares the vaccination status of people who test Omicron positive. This methodology is efficient and convenient, but it reflects the effectiveness in the sample rather than the population – and as such is highly exposed to sample size and bias.
(Bias examples: do vaccinated people behave with less caution? Are vaccinated people allowed into more Omicron-filled venues because of their vaxx status?)
You see the effect of that by looking at the most recent UKHSA report (two weeks later) – where, with a much larger Omicron sample, the apparent negative vaccine effectiveness has vanished.
I bang on about this, but this is a classic case where partial and incomplete statistics can be combined with confirmation bias to form strong, but completely unbased conclusions.
Does not help the discussion.
Does help the ‘reeee, look, stupid anti-vaxxer’ response to any challenge to the Narrative.
Fat chance.
Slim chance.
No chance.
Pick one.
Fat Tony Johnson is right!
We are well advance into the decline/
Victorian Electoral Commission vote these dicks into oblivion.
Chucking the entire Australian Federation, taxation system, the Senate and electoral system into the air wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Big job. Perhaps it can wait.
Test #2
Could much of the dissatisfaction with politics really be because neither branch of the UniParty actually does what it says on the box? The Liars actually do a better job of delivering for their constituents.
Speaking of templates followed, adding on to the de rigueur “All men should be …” inexorably tied to the murder of Ashling Murphy in Oirland mentioned yesterday,
came first-
– which I’m guessing has something to do with all the racist little people being less than gruntled with those New Oirish imported to reinvigorate Oirland.
And then today
(Bearing in mind arrested and charged are two different things.)
The deceased vaxxed were “generally unboosted”?
Today, I’m vewy vewy cross with Scotty from marketing.
Many thanks Dr F. The first casualty in this pandemic of fear has been truth an honesty. Now I don’t know what to think. I suspect, however, that the current injections have little or no benefit in reducing hospitalisation against the apparently now dominant OMG variant.
The Church in Italy is in big trouble, no wonder it is losing authority:
Two falsehoods – ‘the vaccine’ in two words.
Firstly, there is no ‘the’ about the various nostrums being stuck into arms. There are several, all different, and therefore each having greater or lesser risks and rewards.
Secondly, readers here know that the word ‘vaccine’ is a dishonest misnomer.
Just as well that there are not lepers needing help from the Church in contemporary Italy.
This is serious.
I have just had a second customer contact me to say they are recovering from a stroke.
Both are 45 ish.
Freaky coincidence ?
And of course Charlise’s “step-dad” has been charged.
Screw the gilt trip.
There’s an opportunity for cashed up entrepreneurial types.
If only Pope Che knew.
The little Angel was dead for THREE days before she was reported missing. The filthy junkie mother was in on this as well, no doubt. God, I hope prison justice is meted out to both of them.
Graham Richardson, who was so unhealthy he had to be gutted like a fish and carries around a shitbag?
What a lovely turn of phrase from Latho!
Its certainly true with lions…
Not to be pedantic, but Richo has two bags.
One for the poop.
One for the wee.
But Latho’s sentiment is bang on.
Latho doesn’t always get it right (who does?) but for someone who came up through politics as the ultimate insider, he’s come up trumps. I hold him in very high regard.
I’m sorry if I’ve clouded your thinking – that was never my intent.
I wouldn’t know a leukocyte if it bit me, but for what it’s worth, the UK data* suggests that:
Otherwise, form your view on your personal risk/reward – but bear in mind that the reward probably shouldn’t include too much of the warm glow of ‘protecting your community’ and achieving herd immunity.
* Seems to be the best and most comprehensive information available in the English language.
Mongyang public transport almost 100% masked, scared and weary is the look.
What is that picture on Latho’s twitter page? Possibly Renshaw government people? Maybe the opening of Green valley?
Years ago my mate was a Microbiologist with Phd. Got paid less than tradies but he loved it. His flatmate was a top microbiologist with more letters than he knew what to do with. He also was paid poorly but even worse he couldn’t get a contract, little a full-time job for longer than a year at best coz the employers all thought he would be away at the next best offer to come along even though he was really happy where he was. As universities have got bigger offering degrees in useless subjects to useless students they have got away from education to edugrindr’s (TM). The scientific method died years ago with the publish or perish method employed by Universities. Professors all over are known for stealing the ideas of students.
Vaccination is a probably good idea if you are over 50 and suffering from an ailment or condition that reduces your immunity;
Vaccination is probably a great idea if you are over 70;
Think carefully about jabbing children. Then probably don’t.
Spot on IMHO.
What is that picture on Latho’s twitter page? Possibly Renshaw government people? Maybe the opening of Green valley?
The contents of Richo’s bag?
I thought all elective surgery was off in NSW.
A chap I know is getting his nose fixed this week.
It’s a long standing sports injury but the jokes have been around the nose candy & vanity as the real reasons.
The bat eared mong glances enviously at McClowns gem studded rotating codpiece and thinks ‘Id like some of that action”.
Andrews has suggested that the number of industries that will have third dose vaccine mandates imposed will likely grow, stating that he does not want Victorians to view the booster shot as optional. He also alluded to the new definition of “fully vaccinated” may be changed to three doses by national cabinet in the weeks to come.
The Health Minister last Monday made a number of announcements for a number of different classes of worker. Decisions are made under a new public health act so with a pandemic-specific provisions of that act so I won’t cut across that.
There’s every chance that we add to that list, for the best of reasons. We mandated a number of people, many people across many different sectors, a first and second dose and I think you’ll see very soon, out of national processes, you’ll see the terminology and the recognition of the third dose be crystal clear.
This is not an option, not an add-on, not “a good thing to have”. I think we’re close to a change in policy that will simply reflect the fact that in order to be fully protected, you need three doses, not two plus an optional extra, to in fact be fully vaccinated, vaccinated, you need three. We can all be proud, as a Victorian community, that 93%-plus of us have had two doses. We need to make sure the number of those with a third dose grows every day. It’s a common sense thing. We need to make it easier for people to get that third dose and I think Victorians will absolutely do that.
I dont suppose theres any chance the “science” of this will,be released??
If you’ve had Covid your immunity will wane quite quickly. We know the immunity post-vaccination is much longer and higher than the disease itself. So yes, my advice would be that as soon as you’re well enough after your Covid illness, go and get a booster vaccine.
So having covid will provide antibodies for 3 months before you need to catch it again??
This is almost certainly a lie.
Talking with people in their 80’s none can remember one like this.
Wait, what? You got them off of subjects like Covid and caravans and caravans with Covid long enough to talk weather?
Cool story, bro.
Perhaps. But isn’t there an election due in May or before and isn’t it known that any benefit from boosting lasts for only a couple of months? Pretty risking for the government if people with 3 shots starting dropping like flies with infections right before the election. Those already boosted are likely to become vulnerable again soon.
Everything you read on the Cat comes true eventually, example number 665¾.
Booster interval to be reduced to three months across NSW vaccination hubs (19 Jan)
I wonder when the punters will start noticing the vax injury problem?
I wonder when the punters will start noticing the vax injury problem?
Russian Roulette with syringes.
3 monthly jabs.
Warranty not valid for the first 2 weeks.
Dodgy brothers healthcare.
We’ve known this from day one.
We know the immunity post-vaccination is much longer and higher than the disease itself.
What The Actual Fuck?!
These people are complete fucking loons.
I expect accident, panicked and mental Elf will be doing some heavy lifting in the future.
Ha ha. No. Don’t do that.
But it is a healthy marriage. Kelly supplies the integrity and Clive supplies the money.
Are you sure about that?
The report I read said she was last seen Thursday evening and reported missing on Friday morning after an enquiry from a relative (probably gran in Queensland).
Of course, if she was ‘last seen’ by one of the suspects, who knows?
Andrews is not doing himself any favors. Awful lot of people feel coerced or outright forced into taking the two does, and the constant talk about how great it was to get to over 90% will reinforce that.
I hope he leads Labor to a shattering loss at the next state election.
Amazing how flexible ‘the science’ is, when the rubber hits the road, the polls and focus group results come in, and it is assumed that everyone has the memory of a goldfish.
I’ll see your Dodgey Brothers and raise you a Bodgy Builder Workplace Accident.
Bodgy Bob reminds me of the Bat-eared Mong.
This suspect is 32 years old right?
It is almost impossible that this is the first time that he’s done something violent towards a child.
We need to lower the threshold for locking up violent crims.
We can make room for them for raising the threshold for locking up other punters.
the latest update from Daily Mail.
Here we go:-
Nope, the LDP are good but not good or strong enough for me.
Biggest policies are supporting gay marriage, open borders if you can afford their price and legalising vaping.
What’s not good or strong about that? Seriously! It’s almost brave!
Some good questions that need answering (from a mainstream thinktank):
-Why won’t China allow further investigation into origin of virus?
-Why didn’t China act quicker and disclose leaks?
-Was virus man-made, natural and leaked purposefully or not?
-Why didn’t countries immediately try to put more pressure on China?
-Why was DG of WHO re-elected by countries after not putting enough pressure on China?
-Why hasnt the US government disclosed the full extent of its funding to WIV projects, let alone explained why its agencies would fund research at an institution linked to the Chinese military.
And final thought:
Nope, the LDP are good but not good or strong enough for me.
Strong enough to protests the lockdowns in Victoria.
Ah, OK.
So it looks like the “last seen Thursday evening” came from mummy and new daddy.
I am betting grandma was keeping a close tab on things from afar and they couldn’t stall her any longer.
Read ticking time bomb who would have had multiple incidents in the past.
Presumably the scientists are able to lay out a set of options and the likely outcome of each according to whatever theory is popular at the time. From there the administrative and political caste take control and make a choice according to whatever criteria they choose. Following this the scientists are coopted to implement it–some would say to provide cover for–according to the best of their technical ability. This seems fairly obvious distinction between scientific advice pre and post fact a course of action being chosen by non scientists acting under various levels of advice. A distinction we are all waiting for the press to latch onto in their coverage because it is getting a bit tedious by now, offensively so.
All the peasants that were contemplating a second jab suddenly gave up on that idea.
The enjabbenated tag is impossible to reach.
Working from home today.
Tucker is on fire.
“Manufactured Crisis”.
He’s talking drugs & homelessness.
Could be applied to so many other aspects of western democracies today.
“The usual trick is to bury the evidence.”
The MSM (the ALPBC will of course lead the charge) will cover the evidence – with a pillow, until it stops breathing.
If that fails, and/or they detect that the tide has turned, they will RedCon and pivot their way into being “heroes” that “uncovered” the mal/mis-feasance, with politicians and/or “scientists”/”experts” being thrown under the nearest bus. That the MSM themselves covered it up in the first place will be studiously ignored.
Rinse and repeat until the plebs go back to sleep.
Welcome to your Brave New Fahrenheit 1984 Vendetta – you’ll own nothing and
we’llyou’ll be happy.do you have a name for the Captain of the Deloraine?
Lieutenant Commander Desmond Menlove.
Unfortunate surname, but apparently an excellent commander of his men. He forged HMAS Deloraine, a new ship with an all Reserve crew, into a very effective fighting platform within a few months of taking command in July 1941, and arriving in Darwin in December.
I knew a few of the chaps from Deloraine and interviewed them. If the bridge command team had not been so well trained and on the ball the I-124’s torpedo would have hit them. The immediate course change when the torpedo was sighted saved the ship. Frank Marsh, who was loading depth charges on the quarterdeck, said he thanked God every day of his life thereafter for Desmond Menlove.
Why is he saying anything? Scumbag always wants to inject himself into everything. From The Daily Telegraph……
“Scott Morrison’s embarrassing blunder in tribute to girl found dead
Scott Morrison awkwardly said he “hoped” a nine-year-old girl was okay before almost breaking down when told on live television that a body had been found.
Scott Morrison has awkwardly sent “thoughts and prayers” to the family of a nine-year-old girl, not appearing to know her body had been found, before revising his comments.
A 32-year-old man has been charged with the girl’s murder after human remains were found in a barrel in the NSW Blue Mountains on Tuesday. The gruesome discovery was made after a five-day search for the girl.
The Prime Minister said on Wednesday he “couldn’t imagine” the difficulty the girl’s family were going through.
He then followed up with a bizarre comment saying he “hoped” the nine year-old was okay.
“I have been following this privately, this matter … I can’t imagine what the parents and their community have been going through,” Mr Morrison said.
“I – look, you know, hope for the best and pray for it but it doesn’t always occur. My thoughts and prayers frankly are with the family today and that little girl.”
He added: “I hope she’s alright. I really do. I’m sure we all do.”
“Let’s hope that that has a good ending and if that’s someone who’s been brought to justice, then that is also very important.”
Mr Morrison later appeared to be on the verge of tears when told a body had been found.
He apologised when asked if he wanted to revise his comments.
“I’m sorry. I hadn’t seen that before I came out today. That is devastating news. I’m very sorry that…, I’ve been engaged in other issues, as I’m sure you can imagine. Having heard that news, that’s… It’s just… devastating. Thank you.”
Morrison needs to shut the fuck up about everything.
and people looing to score points.
Mmmmyaaas, and the howler monkeys would have condemned him, had he NOT said anything?
Could a kind Cat please advise that if you are tested positive to the ChinaVirus does that mean you are exempt from the jab?
Asking for a friend.
Morrison is the Showboater Extraordinaire – I’ll leave it to this legendary commentator to call him out
it is assumed that everyone has the memory of a goldfish.
Most do… the common answer I get to “sorry to hear you are sick, so it doesn’t work then?”
is “It was never meant to stop you catching it”
oh but it was.
The Libs have been losing votes because of this for a decade.
Coal miners might disagree about the last point, Bear.
Why is the phrase “Gain of Function” used instead of the more precise “Increased lethality” when referring to the Fauci directed and funded work at Wuhan.?
Morrison is trying to win an election by pretending to be a busybody who wants to fix everything while achieving nothing – the latest thought bubble being that foreigners who won’t get vaccines that don’t work must be banned.
Today we learn why the Sputnik vax had to be ok’d.
Fees waived on temporary worker visa’s.
175,000 of them.
Good luck with that pay rise little people.
Had a quick shufti at Fightradar24.
Either kevni is waging an aircraft noise campaign in the Ukraine
or there aren’t too many willing to risk a Buk in the face.
Hong Kong flu in 1968
Killed my cousin, twenty one year old medical student.
Reading earlier in the news an article about the drop in consumer confidence and the resultant retail slump and what is causing it .. lotza economic theories .. blah .. blah blah .. and the, now familar, BAT FLU ect ..!
None hinted that it may be as simple, across the board, as why others, like me, ain’t spending much .. After being locked down and banned from retail because of UNCLEAN, for lengthy periods, I’ve just got out of the habit of window shopping and impulse spending .. I buy groceries, fruit and, maybe once a week, wander around the local shopping centre for something to do but the urge to buy isn’t there anymore .. in fact the whole “going to the shops” routine doesn’t really have the appeal it once did ….
So it’s ok for the Sputnik vaxxed punters to come to Oz.
But Novavax still isn’t approved in Oz.
Doesn’t make any sense.
DOJ Docs Obtained by Judicial Watch Confirm Communication Between FBI & Pfizer about Project Veritas
Fresh calls for a new Australian flag WITHOUT the Union Jack – as Peter Fitzsimons pushes for the country to ditch the Queen
High-profile columnist Peter FitzSimons wants to rip the Union Jack from the Australian flag if the nation becomes a republic.
The former Wallaby and husband of TV host Lisa Wilkinson shared a proposed redesign of the nation’s flag featuring the Southern Cross with the Aboriginal flag in the space currently occupied by the Union Jack.
FitzSimons retweeted the proposed change, included the caption: ‘This would at least be a step in the right direction.’
The flag sparked debate on social media, with many wanting a new design – but not that one.
The writer shared a redesign of the nation’s flag featuring the Southern Cross with the Aboriginal flag inset in the corner (pictured)
‘Honestly it would feel more than a bit disrespectful to fly the Aboriginal flag to represent our nation as a whole,’ said one, echoing previous arguments that the red-black-yellow flag belonged to the indigenous people and should not be taken away and repurposed.
Another commented simply on the jarring aesthetics and added: ‘Unfortunately it’s hideously ugly. Steak and ice cream.’
One sharp-eyed movie fan pointed out that Sam Neill had worn the same design on his arm in the 1997 movie Event Horizon.
The flag design sparked debate on social media (pictured), with many wanting a new design – but not the one FitzSimons posted
Other tweets mocked the rough and ready style of the design (pictured)
FitzSimons, 60, leads the Australian Republican Movement, which wants to replace the Queen with an Aussie as head of state.
He has now set up a company dedicated to finding a new design for the Australian national flag and also for state and territory emblems.
He is one of the directors of Ausflag, alongside politicians, celebrities, writers and businessmen including Vince Sorrenti, Ray Martin, Philip Adams and Anne Keating.
Daily Mail
Custard; I think it depends on State laws if you get coof and then need jab or not.
From WA, I believe the answer is you need two shots, a booster or fuck off and die (McClown quote and not my sentiment)
He is one of the directors of Ausflag, alongside politicians, celebrities, writers and businessmen including Vince Sorrenti, Ray Martin, Philip Adams and Anne Keating.
I don’t know who Vince Sorrenti but the others- tired old turds who won’t go away. Why don’t they ask Michelle Grattan to join ? Or Malcolm Fraser (sarc)?
Odd that the revenge strip-search assault of Renata Voracova by vaxxer Border Force didn’t take off as an issue in the media. If she was found in Customs pissed and in the company of a Liberal staffer, it would have been a different story.
Wow Ray Fartin’s near 80
feelthebern says:
January 19, 2022 at 12:35 pm
Today we learn why the Sputnik vax had to be ok’d.
Fees waived on temporary worker visa’s.
175,000 of them.
Good luck with that pay rise little people.
These would be the replacements for the sacked health workers, teachers, tradies, engineers etc who refused to get the death jab.
Hi Custard
Based on wife researching it for Qld:
– do not recommend any vax for 4 weeks post infection (nor testing as it will show positive due to past infection)
– natural immunity is strong for 6 months
– however they still recommend vax (or booster) after 4 weeks as your natural immunity is to that strain and not others etc etc.
Yes it is strange how long Novavax is taking but apparently due to being shut out of US production they are using India and it is proving hard to get reliable production. All testitng has been great – just can’t make it safely.
however they still recommend vax (or booster) after 4 weeks as your natural immunity is to that strain and not others etc etc.
Riiight, so getting a booster for the Alpha strain is somehow better?
Top Ender,
thanks very much for Lieutenant Commanders’ name.
I have heard of Lieutenant Commander Menlove. His name has appeared in a couple of books I have read. While I am particularly interested in learning about War, apart from watching docos, I have only recently started reading about it. My parents lived through WWII in Europe so it is close to home.
Barry says:
January 19, 2022 at 12:30 pm
Why is the phrase “Gain of Function” used instead of the more precise “Increased lethality” when referring to the Fauci directed and funded work at Wuhan.?
“Gain of function” makes it sound like you’re making it better, a positive thing for Mankind.
Otherwise known as lying.
it is assumed that everyone has the memory of a goldfish.
The ‘recollection’ of most will be shaped by the MSM narrative. If called to account the politicians will duck for cover by saying they were acting on “the best health advice available” and the whole thing will be allowed to subside (at least in terms of accountability). The unspoken arrangement between the MSM and the politicians will be in return for the MSM not hammering the politicians too hard, the MSM will not be subject to official enquiries on their role in publishing data/comment that was ‘erroneous’ or not in the public interest.
Thus, the public’s ‘recollection’ will be shaped and massaged.
Bear in mind that there is a large percentage of people who actually support government actions to date so little, if any, shaping of their recollection will be necessary. They will sit back and nod their heads in agreement. There are only a few sites, such as the Cat, that will query, question and refute the official narrative but collectively those sites have very limited national input/coverage.
Riiight, so getting a booster for the Alpha strain is somehow better?
These people are flat out in your face liars.
I’m not sure the other SA would go that far.
But his family is wealthy so there’s that.
2:00 – Russian CNN on telly.
Folder of “Hillary C” emails and a “Trump Kompromat” tape in the VCR.
Speaking of Morro needing to shut the fuck up about everything, this is absolutely priceless:
Visa fee refund offered to entice students, backpackers to fill COVID worker shortage
Okay, let me get this straight. We’re still going to rob the visa holders who were prevented from coming to Australia (or were booted out) of the money they paid to obtain said visas if they decide not to accept this incredible offer? Morro makes his case:
We fucked you over before, but come back now, please! We need you! Look, I’m even dangling a few crumbs in front of you to sweeten the deal.
Students with visas have 8 weeks to enter the country to get the visa fee rebate. Backpackers/ working holiday types have 12 weeks. I can think of a few reasons why these people wanted to come on down but no longer want to:
– who wants to visit prison island?
– who wants to get the Novak Djokovic treatment?
– who wants to spin the roulette wheel on whether they get caught up in the capricious, arbitrary fuckery that’s afoot in various forms in the various jurisdictions across Australia?
– Covid camps. ’nuff said.
– has the Prime Minister seen the price of airfares recently?
It boggles the mind that the federal government believes the damage to Australia’s desirability as a travel destination incurred over the past two years is so minor that offering the above pathetic incentive will have them all flocking back. Who would want to come to this authoritarian shithole? I certainly wouldn’t recommend anyone visit unless they absolutely have to.
The Italian Constitutional Court has paved the way for migrant families with work permits of more than six months to receive the Italian government’s baby bonus and maternity allowance, ruling that the previous requirement of a long-term stay permit is unconstitutional.
t was the Italian Cassation Court that raised doubts about the legitimacy of the condition for receiving the subsidy for newborns — which ranges between €80 and €160 per month for a year in the case of the first child, based on the family’s economic situation declared on the ISEE form — and the maternity allowance.
Birth rate in Italy hits new record low.
The average number of children per woman living in Italy fell to 1.24 in 2020, with this rate even lower for Italian women – 1.17 – the lowest ever.
The highest number of births was recorded in Bolzano in the north (1.62) and the lowest on the island of Sardinia (0.94).
Custard, my thoughts
Mask exemptions should apply to anyone with susceptibility to throat, lung, skin, allergy or psychological conditions… but they don’t, because no GP is game to write one in defiance to the CHO / NWO.
Same goes for hypothetical jab exemptions. They do no exist, or will not exist for long (three month jab anyone?) because the CHO / NWO want to have every prole and the whole of the medical sector under their yoke.
Union Pacific is considering changes to rail operations including avoiding Los Angeles County as a rise of cargo theft in the area hurts business.
The problems have escalated for months as imports surge through the twin ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, and freight sits idle for weeks before heading north or eastward on trucks and trains. Theft is adding to the multitude of logistical headaches that have slowed the movement of goods to American store shelves and factory warehouses to such a degree that the White House felt pressure to get involved.
UP is calling on local law-enforcement officials to prosecute more aggressively.
Whether it “belongs to” indigenous people is debatable. However what is not debatable is that the Aboriginal flag is devisive and should not be flown by Australian governments. Nor should that other silly one of the bloke bending over.
the replies to that tweet are illuminating. 95% really pissed off about it. One Bot trolling its way through.
Despite what the pope and the media think, his words are not law, just his opinion and can be ignored.
Vakzeen Uber Alles
Jab Heil!
Soon to be six months past the second jab and beginning to feel like an outlaw.
No effort required in becoming a dangerous and hated citizen these days.
I’ve begun wearing my Collingwood gear and cancelled the dentist appointment.
The fridge is loaded with Woodstock and the pantry is packed with jerky.
My kid is about to turn 18.
Not at all academic, but a good conscientious worker. Best job market I’ve seen in years for jobs that suit him.
Now Morro wants to bring in a whole lot of cheap labour to undercut him. Fuck you Morro. Voted Liberal for the past 35 years. Never again.
Labor supports immigration since it provides them voters.
Libs/Nats support immigration since it provides big donors with cheap labour.