Open Thread- Mon 24 Jan 2022

The Pioneer, Frederick McCubbin, 1904

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incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 28, 2022 2:58 pm

Jab mandate

Can’t have healthy unjabbenated walking the streets.

January 28, 2022 3:00 pm

Taiwan’s former vice-president Chen Chien-jen has boldy claimed that within six months millions of fully jabbed people will no longer need to worry about Covid-19.

He is right of course, by then they will have caught Omicron and developed real immunity.

January 28, 2022 3:00 pm

Yes you are completely correct. History will be rewritten by our media to claim that all the current institutions currently pushing mandates etc will be made out to have been against it – which they will be once they are convinced the worm has turned.

All these people thinking there will be some Nuremburg 2.0 where politicians and CHOs etc will be held accountable are completely out of touch with reality. EVERY institution has dirt on their hands over this, including the courts and ‘human rights groups’ and ‘civil libertarians’. NONE of them have any interest in any accountability. And the public simply to do not the attention span to stay focused long enough.

I’ve been in government long enough to know the bigger the stuff up and the more entities involved, the less likelihood there will be any accountability. Once COVID winds down, get ready for a wave of awards and rewards for health ministers, CHOs and the others involved. Australians of the year, promotions to other positions of influence. QLD already stated it with the promotion of it’s CHO to governor.

January 28, 2022 3:00 pm

I just opened the annual begging letter from the local cultural festival.
There are some big time donors here so generaly the event attracts heavyweight ballet, opera, musos and jazz folks.
My meager annual contrib ended abruptly a couple of years ago when they announced that Ol’ Scrotum would participate. My letter of whinge was of course ignored.
The situation was made permanent today when they announced that the Scrote will be replaced by….. you ain’t gonna believe this….Koch. Perhaps Fain and Pascoe are locked in Vic.
“Once was, never will be”.

January 28, 2022 3:01 pm

Had to spend nearly $15,000 of the companies money on rat tests today…

Someone is coining it.

January 28, 2022 3:02 pm

Just had a look at the DAC for CO2 removal. Crock of shit. Should be good for some subsidies and some high paying jobs for a while.
BoN, where do you think they’ll get the potassium hydroxide from? I hadn’t heard of CO2 sponges though. Do they exist?
Why do they want to sequester the planet’s oxygen?

John H.
John H.
January 28, 2022 3:02 pm

It isn’t COVID causing hikikomori, it is the restrictions.

COVID Threatens to Bring a Wave of Hikikomori to America

January 28, 2022 3:03 pm

I’m waiting to see if we have a horrible flu season this coming winter.

All these newly compromised immune systems just waiting to wave to white flag to the common cold ?

January 28, 2022 3:06 pm

It isn’t COVID causing hikikomori, it is the restrictions.

You are being raped by the condom, not the cock inside.

January 28, 2022 3:08 pm

Does Gunner’s government have a policy of “diverting” juvenile indigenous offenders from custodial sentences? Most state governments do. Which gives magistrates license to indulge such offenders well beyond what an habitual repeat offender who happens to be white could expect. The price of such indulgence is high both for the communities effected and, in the longer run, for the offenders.

There’s your ‘systemic racism’ right there.

January 28, 2022 3:09 pm

Once COVID winds down, get ready for a wave of awards and rewards for health ministers, CHOs and the others involved. Australians of the year, promotions to other positions of influence

So ….. no recognition for those who suffered fighting medical tyranny?:(

January 28, 2022 3:13 pm

Remind you of anyone ? *cough*QLD / NSW / WA / Vic CHO*cough*

Amway’s Recruitment Tactics Similar to those of Cults

Bait and Switch

Initially, I refused to believe that I’d been conned and thought “how interesting the men’s group brought in a guest speaker to talk to the men and their families”. My second thought was ‘I’m not prepared to speak to this many people about bipolar disorder”. After listening to the speaker for five minutes, though and he spoke for two hours it was clear that I had been lied to.


I spoke briefly to three people at the house who were already signed up with the company. While all three praised the company and its philosophy, none of the three would tell me exactly how much money they were making. Even Mr. Jones, who had lied to me to get me to attend, hedged about his profits. The most he would say is that “It’s a wonderful company and they don’t just sell soap”

Betrayal of Confidence

Mr. Jones used the information he had about me. He knew that I was a psychology graduate student and that I was dependent on my job with his company, and for those reasons, would be unlikely to refuse. He appealed to my vanity and willingness to help others


Had I done that, though, I would almost certainly have lost my job with Mr. Jones and causing a scene would have defied a crowd of fifty people. I really was stuck and Mr. Jones knew I would be

Social Proof

There was a roomful of people insisting that this method was easy and worked and would take little of their time. Logically we would think that these fifteen people should have said “No, I’m not going to make a financial and time commitment without thinking about it carefully and without checking out the company”. But there was a lot of pressure not to do that.

Law of Commitment and Consistency

it is highly unlikely that Mr. Jones had made any money from the company himself. Despite tricking me into attending the meeting, he was reluctant to lie about his success with the company. Instead, he praised the company and talked about the bi-weekly meetings he and a few other soap salesmen attended as a way to keep focused on their goals

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 3:17 pm

But what is the age breakdown for today’s figures?

You would have to record each day’s figures and do it by difference I guess.
I mean, does a single day’s figures matter that much?
I prefer Gez’s approach of taking the data since Omicron commenced.
Maybe he has day-by-day data?

January 28, 2022 3:18 pm

Jacinda Ardern’s poll rating at lowest since becoming New Zealand’s PM

Gee I wonder why? Could it have anything to do with enforcing a 24 day quarantine for ‘close contacts’? Twenty. Four. Days. Seriously, she should be sentenced to jail for a time totaling the sum of every sentence she has made innocent people suffer through.

January 28, 2022 3:22 pm

Interesting to read about horseface’s early days- associated with the bLIAR abomination. Figures.

January 28, 2022 3:24 pm

And Helen Clark filth

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 28, 2022 3:27 pm

So ….. no recognition for those who suffered fighting medical tyranny?:(

Medals all round.
Posthumous medals for some front line fighters.
Rewards for single jabbed who swapped sides.

Bar Beach Swimmer
January 28, 2022 3:39 pm

In high school, our Ag teacher smoked a pipe in the classroom

A primary school teacher I had, one day rolled up his sleeve to show a tattoo of a large anchor, which he got while in the navy, and then warned the class not to get one. Pleased to say I followed his advice!

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 28, 2022 3:41 pm

Louis @ 3:00pm

…the bigger the stuff up and the more entities involved, the less likelihood there will be any accountability. Once COVID winds down, get ready for a wave of awards and rewards for health ministers, CHOs and the others involved.

The full purpose of National Cabinet: minimum political risk + maximum political reward.

Against the laws of political physics.

January 28, 2022 3:42 pm

Could it have anything to do with enforcing a 24 day quarantine for ‘close contacts’?


NZ is the most obese country in the OECD.

Yet it has one of the lowest hospital bed & ICU bed to population rates in the OECD.

Its public health system is comparable to Mexico in that regard.

Not much she can do about obesity but she’s had five years to fix the hospital system.

You’d think that would be a priority for a Labour PM.

January 28, 2022 3:46 pm

Fantastic private equity story.
Neil Young gave Spotify an ultimatum, him or Joe Rogan & they chose Joe (that’s the old news).
The great news is that Neil Young sold a 75% stake in his catalog to a private equity firm.
And the vast majority of the streaming revenue came from Spotify.
Which is now gone.
So it means that it’s likely the private equity firm could sue Neil Young for damages, but that’s unlikely.
It’s more likely that to avoid litigation he’ll have to sell them more of the catalog for nothing.
Stupid hippy.

January 28, 2022 3:47 pm

It’s expected that other platforms will add Young, but they’ll be paying a lot less than what Spotify was paying.
Poor suffering private equity firm, lol.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 28, 2022 3:48 pm

45 minutes before I can leave for the pub.
I hope Keno will be kind to me again.
I only drink to forget.
Whatever it was.
Please watch the language while I’m gone.
I’m not used to that sort of thing.

January 28, 2022 3:48 pm

The great news is that Neil Young sold a 75% stake in his catalog to a private equity firm.

Neil…you sold out, man!

January 28, 2022 3:50 pm

Nancy is out a week earlier than expected (and there’s a good section on Pell):

January 28, 2022 3:50 pm

January 28, 2022 at 3:46 pm
Fantastic private equity story.
Neil Young gave Spotify an ultimatum, him or Joe Rogan & they chose Joe (that’s the old news).
The great news is that Neil Young sold a 75% stake in his catalog to a private equity firm.
And the vast majority of the streaming revenue came from Spotify.
Which is now gone.
So it means that it’s likely the private equity firm could sue Neil Young for damages, but that’s unlikely.
It’s more likely that to avoid litigation he’ll have to sell them more of the catalog for nothing.
Stupid hippy.

Justice for another LWNJ.

January 28, 2022 3:56 pm

So Neil Young sold out to a private equity firm.
Then he takes a pro censorship stance that favours big Pharma.
Go back to 1985 & tell the Neil Young fans that would happen & they’d throw their bong water at you.

January 28, 2022 3:58 pm

Had to spend nearly $15,000 of the companies money on rat tests today…

Someone is coining it.


January 28, 2022 3:58 pm

Go back to 1985 & tell the Neil Young fans that would happen & they’d throw their bong water at you.

But in 2022 they’re all vaxxed and masked up!

January 28, 2022 3:59 pm

I wonder how his performance earnings are impacted.
He gets the tickets sales for a gig, but he has to pay away 75% of the royalties for singing his own songs.

January 28, 2022 4:00 pm

But in 2022 they’re all vaxxed and masked up!

Same thing happened at a Rage Against the Machine gig in New York last year.

January 28, 2022 4:05 pm

Not much she can do about obesity but she’s had five years to fix the hospital system.
You’d think that would be a priority for a Labour PM.

Her priority is wrecking the NZ economy irrevocably. Communists are like that.

January 28, 2022 4:06 pm

I wonder how his performance earnings are impacted.
He gets the tickets sales for a gig, but he has to pay away 75% of the royalties for singing his own songs.

I suspect there would have been a clause in the contract whereby the firm waived its rights in that regard.

January 28, 2022 4:09 pm

Her priority is wrecking the NZ economy irrevocably. Communists are like that.

During her first election campaign she claimed there were 100s of 1000s of starving kids due to John Key’s policies and people had to save them by voting Labour. Oddly, she never found any such kids once elected.

Now she wants to put families on the breadline out of work for three weeks.

January 28, 2022 4:11 pm

Go back to 1985 & tell the Neil Young fans that would happen & they’d throw their bong water at you.

But in 2022 they’re all vaxxed and masked up!

Of course. They always buy into the fashionable idiocy, even when the new idiocy explicitly contradicts the older one.

January 28, 2022 4:12 pm

They are hoping that the virus naturally subsides so they claim victory for the mask mandate.

I’m thinking of honouring my mask(s) with a frame & a spot on the wall when it all ends .. used only two in all this time, 1st one retired after one of the elastics snapped about 9 months ago, kept it tho .. it deserves a reward! ..LOL!

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 28, 2022 4:12 pm

Just before I head off.
Had a look upthread at CL’s list of comorbidities.
At the time of writing I don’t have liver cancer.
On the strength of this I am getting in a couple more cartons of full strength Malboros.

January 28, 2022 4:16 pm

incoherent rambler says:
January 28, 2022 at 2:03 pm

I would like to see age stats by year of birth (ungrouped) for 55 to 75.
I suspect there is an age breakpoint where things go wild.

The COVID death by age statistics mirror almost exactly the risk of death at any age. Being a covid case increases risk of death in any year by about 10%. So if you were 1% likely to die in the next year without COVID, then that increases to 1.1% with COVID.

As a rough approximation, getting COVID increases your risk of death in the next year by about as much as being 1 year older.

If you look at a standard actuarial table, you see that it starts to get a kick along from 65 onwards.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 28, 2022 4:25 pm

In Mongyang. Came in hot through Donald and Charlton, and then straight down the Calder with the black stuff up high and on the right.

Almost made it without getting wet. Almost.

mole – magnificent fisking on the Caleb/Chad whinging at lunchtime.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 28, 2022 4:26 pm

The Alice Springs Town Council.

It’s almost as though they were asking for a federal intervention of some kind.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 28, 2022 4:27 pm

I only drink to forget

For you Miss A. Some WC Fields

I never hold a grudge. As soon as I get even with the son-of-a bitch, I forget it.
I don’t drink water. Fish fuck in it.
Fell in love with a beautiful blonde once. Drove me to drink. And I never had the decency to thank her.
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?
There are three things in life that are extremely hard ; steel, a diamond, and to know oneself.
Drowned in a vat of whiskey… Oh Death, where is thy sting?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 4:27 pm

So it means that it’s likely the private equity firm could sue Neil Young for damages, but that’s unlikely.
It’s more likely that to avoid litigation he’ll have to sell them more of the catalog for nothing.
Stupid hippy.

Not sure why they wouldn’t sue his arse off.
They’re private equity.
They don’t give a fuck what a bunch of ageing Californian weed-smokers think.
Cut and dried.
Open and shut.
He sold them product which they could reasonably expect to make an income stream from, then he makes a public statement which damages that income stream.
He is screwed.

January 28, 2022 4:30 pm

Gotta hand it to whoever gets the big bucks running running Oz fitba for their lacklustre efforts .. The A League has been dogged by cancelled fixtures since , at least, November .. week after week the majority of, scheduled, matches have been postponed and blamed on BAT FLU whilst other sports have had their problems with BAT FLU none, even the womens version of fitba, have cancelled so many fixtures .. then we come to this week .. one game was played on Tuesday night but the rest until tomorrow (Saturday) have been cancelled .. YET & I repeat YET! .. tomorrow night two games are still on but like last week what does A League management do?.. it leaves the starting times for both games at the same time sooooo you can watch one or the other but not both .. you’d have to expect with the loss of soo many weekly games that re-scheduling times would be the obvious thing to do ,, but NO let’s make sure they clash ………. duuuuuuuuh!

January 28, 2022 4:32 pm

Panzer, they want more equity.
One way or another they’re gunna get it.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 4:32 pm


January 28, 2022 at 3:59 pm

I wonder how his performance earnings are impacted.
He gets the tickets sales for a gig, but he has to pay away 75% of the royalties for singing his own songs.

Unless his lawyers are as stoopid as he is, there is probably a carve out for his own subsequent live performances, but he couldn’t record those performances and sell the recordings.
I guess the PE guys would own the rights to the recorded music.

January 28, 2022 4:33 pm

Old man, look at my life
I’m a dill like you were

January 28, 2022 4:33 pm

He is screwed.

The equity firm – Hipgnosis -reportedly backed him against Spotify, even though it means a 60% loss in revenue.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 4:34 pm

No doubt ‘bern.
They will squeeze him big-time.
They may ultimately choose not to sue him, but he will be delivering a pound of flesh to the suits, one way or another.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 4:36 pm

The equity firm – Hipgnosis -reportedly backed him against Spotify, even though it means a 60% loss in revenue.

Fucking idiots, if true.
Or was it a “calm the waters” public statement of support for his “integrity as an artist”, but it was lawyers at ten paces in the back room?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 28, 2022 4:37 pm

Prior research has shown that domestication of animals by humans generally leads to a decrease in brain size. To date, this has been seen in dogs, sheep and rabbits. In this new effort, the researchers wondered if the same were true of house cats, which first became domesticated approximately 10,000 years ago.

Chasing birds, lizards and mice is a lot of hard work. Much easier to train a waiter.

Attapuss has a huge body compared to his tiny brain case. He has no idea about anything much except pestering us for food. The vet put him on a diet but it didn’t work. We couldn’t stand it. 🙂

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 28, 2022 4:37 pm

Woman whose biological clock timed out before she was able to have the number of kids she wanted, ponders whose fault this is, concludes it’s everyone else’s fault.
‘How many children do you want?’ Innocent question setting women up to fail


Cassie of Sydney
January 28, 2022 4:39 pm

January 28, 2022 at 4:33 pm
He is screwed.

The equity firm – Hipgnosis -reportedly backed him against Spotify, even though it means a 60% loss in revenue.”

Probably because the firm has swallowed the woke kool-aid. Serves them right.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 4:39 pm

Snap Roger at 4:06.
Just saw your comment.

January 28, 2022 4:39 pm

Hipgnosis was the name of the company that did every album cover of note in the 70s.

January 28, 2022 4:40 pm

Young claims he spoke to them before the decision.

Nothing from them yet afaik.

They do seem to be a rather enwokened company.

January 28, 2022 4:42 pm

Snap Roger at 4:06.
Just saw your comment.

I don’t see these artists relinquishing performance rights.

That reminds me…I owe the Stones a heck of a lot of royalties from the ’70s.

Better lay low for a while.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 28, 2022 4:42 pm

Gosh. It cost me 8.50 today to send two ten page letters to New Zealand. I’d run out of stamps so tossed them to the postal clerk this morning to get some more to put on these two last ones.

Online it said $1.50, so I posted some yesterday with $3 on them thinking they’d be ok. Oops.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2022 4:43 pm

BoN, where do you think they’ll get the potassium hydroxide from? I hadn’t heard of CO2 sponges though. Do they exist?

Eyrie – We ran the Benfield process at QNI, although on high pCO2 gas stream. Works fine but needs energy.

Ideally CO2 recovery would be by a molecular sieve, like the zeolites used in oxygen plants (pressure swing absorption process). So you develop a porous substrate, either pellets or a membrane, then use pressure swing or temperature swing to absorb-desorb.

I don’t think any of this is necessary for a few thousand years given how much coal in the ground and how little effect CO2 actually has.

(This is second attempt, first was eaten by the spam monster so I’ve taken out the Benfield link.)

Cassie of Sydney
January 28, 2022 4:43 pm

Neil Young v Joe Rogan.

LOL…Neil Young, a crinkly cranky old mediocre ex-hippy from the 60s and 70s that very few young people today have heard of versus the uber cool Joe Rogan whose podcasts generate millions of viewers.

I can’t believe Spotify even had to ponder the choice for ten seconds.

Cassie of Sydney
January 28, 2022 4:45 pm

I went to rehab this morning and got a taxi home. The taxi driver started talking about politics and waxed lyrical about Anthony Albanese which filled me with nausea and then he said that his favourite politician was Jacinta Ardern and he wished we had her as our PM. I started to gag and had to get out of the taxi very quickly.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 28, 2022 4:47 pm

When you ask a woman for her ideal ‘number’, you set her up to fail

That’s absolute crap. Women want as many kids as they end up having, because you never want to send any back. The only thing you might want is to have had more of them. But you can always think of reasons why that might not have been such a great idea.

That linked article is just going on and on about nothing. Desperate for a story of any sort.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 28, 2022 4:50 pm

It seems that, during the last “national cabinet”, an agreement was made between the states to stop disclosing the vaccination statuses of those who died of/with Covid. If so, I wonder why that would be?

Perhaps they’ll also stop reporting hospitalisations and deaths soon. After all, the vaxxes prevent this and just about everyone is vaxxed, right?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 28, 2022 4:54 pm

It would appear a certain former White Ribbon ambassador has had his bail refused, will spend his time in the bin prior to his next court appearance, and yelled ‘No justice. Fuck!’ at the beak when he found out he wouldn’t be dropping into the BWS on his way home.

During the hearing, he is also said to have yelled ‘There was no choke!’

Aside from a reference to his own career, that may be arguable.

January 28, 2022 4:57 pm

The vast majority of the unvaxxed are either dead or have had Orig/Alpha/Delta/Omicron and are immune.

Soon 100% of cases and deaths will be vaxxed (1+).

I suppose they see no benefit drawing attention to that fact.

January 28, 2022 4:59 pm

Plenty of rain about around The Great Ocean Rd
My mothers aged care in Anglesea got flooded today
All residents evacuated
It is built on a creek bed next to wetlands (swamp)
In weir St
About 180 mm in the gauge (bucket)

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 28, 2022 4:59 pm

“national cabinet” meeting notes:

scumo: “Good to see you Dan. Wazzup?”
dan: “Do you reckon I can go for three compulsory jabs? They won’t revolt.”
scumo: “Leave it another week. Just flag it and see what they say on twitter”
dan: “How much do I get in the paper bag ?”
scumo: “Dan. Please! The microphones are still on.”

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 28, 2022 5:02 pm

I started to gag and had to get out of the taxi very quickly.

I hope you at last managed to politely gasp at him as a parting shot that you begged to differ. Tell him that your friend in NZ who is a taxi driver is doing 24 days quarantine wihtout pay as one of his passengers made him a close contact, and another friend of yours, an uber driver in Sydney, just had his electric car spontaneously combust. The left lie all the time, so give a bit of invention back.

They have you over a barrell until you arrive, especially if you are feeling below par, so have your little muse as you exit the vehicle and leave him to ponder his leftie fate.

Better luck next time, maybe get a driver of a different stripe.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 28, 2022 5:06 pm

That linked article is just going on and on about nothing. Desperate for a story of any sort.

Yep. My advice to anyone who wants children is start having them in your 20s rather than your 30s. The sooner, the better. Career advancement can wait. Get used to living more frugally.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Border Closure

Commander telephone systems. Anyone remember them?
They must have a business of roughly zero (or heading that way fast)
Anyone thinks I’m misguided, give ’em a call & try to buy a telephone system.

After 30 minutes of hard combat with an autistic Pakistani (in their – haha – “sales” team) who had the salesman ship ability of a subcontinental civil servant, my final words were “…[long pause]…… forget it!” * click *

January 28, 2022 5:07 pm

The equity firm – Hipgnosis -reportedly backed him against Spotify, even though it means a 60% loss in revenue.

They have an obligation to unit holders in the fund that owns the equity in Neil Young.
Maybe the PE firm is woke, but there will be investors who will be suing the PE firm for not suing Neil Young.
In the US, investors suing managers for breach of mandate is a regular occurrence.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 28, 2022 5:15 pm

It would appear a certain former White Ribbon ambassador has had his bail refused, will spend his time in the bin prior to his next court appearance, and yelled ‘No justice. Fuck!’ at the beak when he found out he wouldn’t be dropping into the BWS on his way home.

During the hearing, he is also said to have yelled ‘There was no choke!’

Aside from a reference to his own career, that may be arguable.

He wasn’t a bad TV game show host, in all honesty. IIRC, he was slick and had good chemistry with the contestants and audience. He should have stayed in that lane. When he moved into opinion TV, he exposed himself as a politically correct, sanctimonious tosser (figuratively, not literally – well, not that I’m aware of). Hence no one is shedding any tears at his demise.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2022 5:16 pm

I get the impression that the mass migration of great and good (eg. from Hollywood) to Unzud has quietly gone out of fashion ever since Jacinda started dressing in a Kim fat-suit.

Covid 19 Omicron outbreak: New Zealand has become a ‘hermit kingdom’, David Seymour writes in Daily Mail column (27 Jan)

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 5:17 pm

Good News, Everyone!

I’ve identified the anti-Kates Cult of Covid Troll, it’s our old I’m Da OnE Tro0 CaPiTaLiZ, and Yo0z R AlL PubLik SeRvUnTz wHo DuN’ GeDdIt friend Kimmy G!

GetUp! must be suffering from the same skills shortage as the rest of Australia- You just can’t get decent help any more…

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 28, 2022 5:18 pm

Article on improved treatments for Covid. From The Age, via msm.

Problem with early at home treatments would be getting them in time.
Unless they allowed you to stockpile some at home. As many people do already with Ivermectin.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 28, 2022 5:21 pm

The vast majority of the unvaxxed are either dead or have had Orig/Alpha/Delta/Omicron and are immune.

Utter rot.
The vast majority of the UnVaxxed, i.e., all of them, haven’t had any of these events happen.
Vaccinated people are showing up at hospitals with Heart/Lung Disease that sounds suspiciously similar to what we were originally told, back in the days of the Wuhan BatFlu lab leak, were the symptoms of Covid.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 28, 2022 5:22 pm

Hence no one is shedding any tears at his demise.

I just hope he gets a fair hearing about his DV accusations.

I wouldn’t deny that to any man, given the way we’ve seen some women lie.

January 28, 2022 5:23 pm

Anyone know what date scummo has to announce the date of the feral election by?

January 28, 2022 5:24 pm

In the US, investors suing managers for breach of mandate is a regular occurrence.

True, but this is a UK firm with, I suspect, a woke clientele.

January 28, 2022 5:25 pm

Sure borgndolent (just catching up).
How many suicides have you posted up here as vaccine induced deaths now?

I’m not the one endlessly posting bizarre nonsense from loonie tunes conspiracy sites.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 5:25 pm

Vaccinated people are showing up at hospitals with Heart/Lung Disease that sounds suspiciously similar to what we were originally told, back in the days of the Wuhan BatFlu lab leak, were the symptoms of Covid.

C’mon, Grigs.

More proof, less glowing please…

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 28, 2022 5:27 pm

He wasn’t a bad TV game show host, in all honesty. IIRC, he was slick and had good chemistry with the contestants and audience.

That’s true, though still not much of a rap.
Knuckle Dragger likes to kick a man when he’s down, he got stuck into Ellie a few times too, just quietly.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 28, 2022 5:28 pm

I don’t feel much sympathy for men like him who cheered on the system at the top of his lungs until it came for him. Screw him.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2022 5:30 pm

Anyone know what date scummo has to announce the date of the feral election by?

I think Saturday 21 May is the last general election date. So maybe March for the announcement.

January 28, 2022 5:30 pm

Anyone know what date scummo has to announce the date of the feral election by?
I think early April to mid April give the required time before the election which has latest date of 21st May.

January 28, 2022 5:30 pm

Hmmms… just had my 5th phone call from a nice Indian accented lady at Telstra who was getting in touch to let me know that ‘due COVID19, you are having a 30% reduction in your bill …. I just need to confirm your details”

From the outset, it always sounded scammy so I always cut her off by saying thankyou thankyou thankyou, please do start the discount, using the details you have on file … then I hang up.

Anyone else getting these ?

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 28, 2022 5:34 pm

The New Senate has to be empaneled on July 1, 2022 , he’s gotta give a minimum of 28 days Notice and time is needed to count the votes.
Pretty obvious, after what happened with Trump, that Labor will steal the Election if it’s Postal Votes only, so Scotty has his work cut out.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 28, 2022 5:36 pm

Sure Ed October.

I’ll give O’Keeffe a kick. I don’t care how down he is. He’s not down enough – and even if, as Lizzie notes above, the process is the punishment (which I very much doubt is the case here) – that cockhead has demonstrated a pattern of kicking the chicks about, his industry has covered for him in the past and he deserves every single thing he gets.

Remember, proper crooks in jail have adult daughters, and they may not take kindly to poncing frauds who belt the ladeeees.

January 28, 2022 5:36 pm

Old man, look at my life
84 and there’s not much more
Live alone in a nursing home
Rollin’ a joint or two
I’ve been first and last
Now I’m on my 28th glass
Spotify just gave me the arse
I’m headin’ to Alabama fast.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 28, 2022 5:37 pm

Plus, Ellie was a Spook before she was PoisonEd.

January 28, 2022 5:39 pm

I have a suspicion that women are wired to want to have (another) baby in their late thirties, early forties, sort of a last gasp of failing fertility.
Also the reason mature age pregnancies are more likely to result in twins?
Dr Philippa mentioned something along those lines once.
Have there been any studies, or do we just have to listen again and again to some desperate woman gushing about her incredible insight.
(I think wanting to have a baby is the reason for that Australian comic actress’s recent weight loss.)

January 28, 2022 5:40 pm

January 28, 2022 at 5:30 pm
Hmmms… just had my 5th phone call from a nice Indian accented lady at Telstra who was getting in touch to let me know that ‘due COVID19, you are having a 30% reduction in your bill …. I just need to confirm your details”

From the outset, it always sounded scammy so I always cut her off by saying thankyou thankyou thankyou, please do start the discount, using the details you have on file … then I hang up.

Anyone else getting these ?

I’ve been getting a whole lot of SMS spam trying to get me to click a link. Must be that time again….

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 5:42 pm

Knuckle Dragger likes to kick a man when he’s down

If you were a smarter man, Grigory, you’d stay down…

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 28, 2022 5:42 pm

Anyone else getting these ?

No, but beat this for a series of dodgy text messages:

You are suspected in Tax Evasion.
Connect your cryptocurrency wallet to provide transaction history please visit

Then today:

The package you ordered has been shipped.
Here is where and when you -u3f- will receive it:

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 5:43 pm

I can’t believe Spotify even had to ponder the choice for ten seconds.

Spotify reportedly paid Rogan $100 meg for exclusive podcast rights.
If they ditch him they are up for the $100 meg plus they get sued by Rogan for the reputational damage in effectively endorsing Young’s comments.
What do they lose by ditching Young?
Well, not much.
A few ageing hippies cancel their subs, but nothing like $100 million.
Forget the listening numbers for Young on Spotify.
A lot of that comes from cross-referencing other similar artists (“you might also like” and “people who listened to this also listened to …”).
Spotify is yuuuge.
When the music is on other platforms and a dedicated Neil Young channel the listening numbers will drop.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Border Closure

Hmmms… just had my 5th phone call from a nice Indian accented lady at Telstra who was getting in touch to let me know that ‘due COVID19, you are having a 30% reduction in your bill …. I just need to confirm your details”

Used to be I’d offer them a job, at Australian pay rates.
This changes the direction of the conversation quite markedly.

One girl (in a Singapore call centre) I managed to make a date with, though I never had reason to be in Singapore during the year or so before she cooled off on it. (Couple of emails, she seemed well bred & well adjusted)

These days I handle it as above, “You’ve got my account details on file, commence the discounting/other-incredible-offer immediately, thank you”

January 28, 2022 5:44 pm

January 28, 2022 at 5:25 pm

I’m not the one endlessly posting bizarre nonsense from loonie tunes conspiracy sites.

How many shots till freedom rosie?

Morphed immediately from one to 2, now 3…

No mask/masks
etc etc etc.
But keep having carnal knowledge of that Gallus gallus domesticus…
comment image?auto=webp&s=f15a4759f3dbf49c54853f9a7842b9c02df3dfc7

January 28, 2022 5:47 pm

Oppressive COVID Rules For Unvaccinated Were Based On Software Error Claims German Minister

Not a word about what they plan to do about it, of course.

Should we say, accidentally on purpose?

As GreatGameIndia reported earlier, according to extensive email exchanges obtained by a group of lawyers in a legal dispute, the German Interior Ministry hired scientists to develop fake coronavirus model in order to justify strict lockdown.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 28, 2022 5:51 pm

Remember, proper crooks in jail have adult daughters

Proper crooks in New South Wales went through Mittagong Boys Home & Gosford Boys Home, and the only things they leant there, apart from how to darn socks at MBH, is that adult males will tend to fuck young kids, a lesson many of them put into practice when they got the opportunity.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2022 5:52 pm

just had my 5th phone call from a nice Indian accented lady at Telstra

I like the ones from the “Technical Department of Telstra and Optus”. Trying to cover all bases! Yes they say this, it’s always good for a chuckle. Maybe some bright spark decided to save on phone calls by combining the Telstra scam calls with the Optus scam calls.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 28, 2022 5:52 pm

“The Sixties. Man. They’re over.”

January 28, 2022 5:52 pm

Hipgnosis was the name of the company that did every album cover of note in the 70s.

Certainly did. Amazing graphic artists. I have a great book “The Album Cover Album” that features their work.

I don’t think it has anything to do with the song fund though.

January 28, 2022 5:55 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2022 5:55 pm

Oppressive COVID Rules For Unvaccinated Were Based On Software Error Claims German Minister

I suppose the Holocaust was based on a software error too. Germans, sheesh.

January 28, 2022 5:55 pm


I don’t think the old toe rag lives by himself. An article I read a couple of days ago stated that he was married to Darryl Hannah.

sigh………. can never watch Splash again.

January 28, 2022 5:56 pm

Young obviously learned nothing from having his arse handed to him by Lynryd Skynyrd for his arrogant mouthings:
Well I hope Neil Young will remember
A southern man don’t need him around anyhow.

He was very lucky that CS&Nash didn’t sue him till his skin bubbled for the number of times he left them in the lurch.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 28, 2022 5:58 pm

Wouldn’t want to be on Andrew O’Keefe’s table at this years Logies. You’re only as good as your last bail hearing.

January 28, 2022 5:58 pm

Sounds like a dirty old stink.

January 28, 2022 5:59 pm

In high school, our Ag teacher smoked a pipe in the classroom

Sounds like a top bloke.

January 28, 2022 5:59 pm

Neil Young that is

January 28, 2022 5:59 pm

ABC: Federal Govt to spend additional $1bn to
‘try to protect’ Great Barrier Reef. No bias. No agenda.

January 28, 2022 6:00 pm

Remember, proper crooks in jail have adult daughters, and they may not take kindly to poncing frauds who belt the ladeeees.

Indeed, not as much tolerance for women beaters as the public thinks.

January 28, 2022 6:02 pm

Proper crooks in New South Wales went through Mittagong Boys Home & Gosford Boys Home, and the only things they leant there, apart from how to darn socks at MBH, is that adult males will tend to fuck young kids, a lesson many of them put into practice when they got the opportunity.

You are seriously fucked in the head, even of there is an element of truth to this.

January 28, 2022 6:03 pm

I couldn’t care less about the so scary vaccines moley.

I’m in France, doing as I please.
I think France currently has 12 million cases (12.8 million actually) in a population just under 80 million.
I haven’t seen a single queue for people to get tested in either Bastia* or Ajaccio, the outdoor mask mandate ends here on 2 February, there are no shortages in supermarkets, life seems normal.
Apparently the unvaxxed can’t eat out or go to museums or ostensibly use public transport, but I’ve never seen anyone enforce the public transport though museums and restaurants do.
*where I saw 40 people at the ‘freedom rally’

January 28, 2022 6:04 pm

Knuckle Dragger says:
January 28, 2022 at 5:36 pm

Agreed. I have four children of whom two are boys (well, grown men now) and from the time they were old enough to understand I taught that you mustn’t hit girls. When they were old enough, I told them that they may meet a woman who, if she was a bloke, you’d smack them in the chops for their words/behaviour. But as the person is a female, just walk away. Hitting a woman is a coward’s act. To the best of my knowledge, both lads follow that doctrine.

I have no sympathy for O’Keefe. If he has mental issues then they should be addressed with treatment. If he is just a bully, then that will also be addressed.

January 28, 2022 6:05 pm

Roger Dean was one of Hipgnosis’ best artists – he did amazing covers for Yes, Osibisa, Uriah Heep, Pink Floyd and many others.

They were mesmerising. With the advent of cassettes, and then CDs the art form died. If you have any of the original covers – look after them. They are precious.

January 28, 2022 6:06 pm

Poor suffering private equity firm, lol.

I always felt sorry for CHAMP as I slugged away for a salary.

January 28, 2022 6:09 pm

I couldn’t care less about the so scary vaccines moley.

I’m in France, doing as I please.

Apparently the unvaxxed can’t eat out or go to museums or ostensibly use public transport,

Holy shit lol.

This has got to be a troll account. Leigh Lowe, is this you?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 6:09 pm

From the Oz.
Ms Marsden is Andrew O’Keefe’s defence barista.

Ms Marsden said O’Keefe sustained substantial injuries during the incident.

Skun knuckles?

She told the court if granted bail O’Keefe could attend The Sydney Clinic rehabilitation facility.


“There may not be a bed available until early next week,” Ms Marsden said.

Despite the eye-watering fees and high profile clientele, the Sydney Clinic is no luxury day spa. Conditions are spartan for regular guests and even more so for those on suicide watch. It is run as a very tight ship, with high levels of compliance and discipline imposed, particularly on substance abuse patients.
I’ll bet his lawyers and tame doctors have been pleading to get him in to the clinic, which would increase his chances of bail.
I wonder why the clinic couldn’t (or wouldn’t) find a spot for him.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 28, 2022 6:11 pm

This has got to be a troll account. Leigh Lowe, is this you?


Delta A
Delta A
January 28, 2022 6:12 pm

Oh come onsays:
January 28, 2022 at 4:37 pm

Thanks for posting that, Oco. It is a peek into the psyche of many modern young women* – mememe!, poor me, I want it now! – but this case is a tad weird: allowing a childhood fancy to rule her life.

Even so, she’s guaranteed the support of her readers – * – because she’s baby-yearning. And it’s everyone else’s damn fault, for presuming to ask (when she was a child) how many children she’d like.

(Still, it’s a nice change from all the modern young women who are keen to kill thir unwanted babies before they take their first breath.)

*To be fair, every young woman – boomers and millenials alike – was self absorbed to some degree at some stage. The difference is that they didn’t all have social media to reinforce that they were extremely hard done by. A good whinge to a friend or sister, then back to it.

January 28, 2022 6:13 pm

The 1800 Victorian deaths includes 2020?
It would be interesting to see the 2021 separately.

January 28, 2022 6:13 pm

I have a suspicion that women are wired to want to have (another) baby in their late thirties, early forties, sort of a last gasp of failing fertility.

every bloke that ever dated a 37 yo knows this .
the bell that rings day and night

dammit … just reverse the vasectomy now you bastrds!!

January 28, 2022 6:15 pm

Perhaps you should offer the invisible french unvaccinated persons some cake if you ever do see one begging outside of the tourist traps that they’re not allowed to travel to enter, Marie Antoinnotafan.

January 28, 2022 6:17 pm

dammit … just reverse the vasectomy now you bastrds!!


It’s irreversible.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 6:18 pm

 If you have any of the original covers – look after them. They are precious.

We got some frames to accommodate the 12″ covers and have several hanging in the city penthouse.
We rotate them, but Abbey Road never comes down.

January 28, 2022 6:18 pm

Hey biggles it’s Friday night, a question for you before you get too pissed.

Do you & choo choo man wake up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat & shouting FAULTY!!! FAULTY!! & FURNITURE STORE!!!

Genuine question.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 6:20 pm


January 28, 2022 at 6:13 pm

The 1800 Victorian deaths includes 2020?
It would be interesting to see the 2021 separately.

Yeah, I guess that is the total of the tape since it started.
I haven’t looked in detail but there used to be some Excel downloads available.
Maybe they can be used to sort the data by time period.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 6:24 pm

Helloooo Ted!
No Faulty nightmares Ted, but you must admit, he does provide excellent entertainment value.
Particularly when he and Bird lock onto each other.
They are the Mohammed Ali and Joe Frazier of outrageous failed predictions.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 6:25 pm

Do you & choo choo man wake up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat & shouting FAULTY!!! FAULTY!! & FURNITURE STORE!!!

Do you?

Or is it the sheer horror of your nightmares about the Hidden Masters of Australia’s Central Bank, the Grong Grong Football (and Netball) Club that keeps you from sleeping, Shit Dribbler?


January 28, 2022 6:26 pm

At least the mask is properly off now.

But back in reality does anyone actually believe that old woman “rosie” is gallivanting around covid clown Europe right now and shit posting daily here about it? While simultaneously young people here and there aren’t even allowed to enter hospitals, doctors and dentists as part of the never ending lockdown upon us – that she demanded, we’d also have to endure an OG Covid Karen now regaling us about her fifth European Tour?

Nah. Too perfectly clown world. Troll account.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 6:26 pm

No Faulty nightmares

Thank heavens for that.

Properly-functioning ones are bad enough…


January 28, 2022 6:26 pm
January 28, 2022 6:27 pm

Rosie doesn’t care so much she’s posted non stop “ vaccines and people losing their living if they don’t get a medical procedure are great” for the last year and a half.

Self awareness is something that happens to other people

January 28, 2022 6:27 pm

C.L. says:
January 28, 2022 at 1:04 pm

Marlboro were/are horrible cigarettes.

Really, you don’t hate Marlboros? I don’t smoke the brand but I think Lights are okay. I puff B&H Smooth. They’re the nearest to Merrit Blue in the US, which was my brand.

Delta A
Delta A
January 28, 2022 6:27 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 28, 2022 at 5:27 pm

Accidently read an Ed Case post.

Are they all full of lies like this one?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 6:28 pm

But back in reality does anyone actually believe that old woman “rosie” is gallivanting around covid clown Europe right now and shit posting daily here about it?

Absolutely, Struth-sock.

After all, as you have proclaimed ad nauseam the boomers are just laughing at us as they continue to scheme and plot to do away with us all.

Right down to the last inheritance dollar…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 6:29 pm

Accidently read an Ed Case post.

Are they all full of lies like this one?

Every. Last. One. 🙂

Real Deal
Real Deal
January 28, 2022 6:29 pm

Hypnosis did some great album covers for 10cc. “How Dare You” and Bloody Tourists are standouts. The cover they did for one hit wonder, Voyager’s album, “Act of Love” was a cracker. The album covers and inside covers always told a story.

January 28, 2022 6:30 pm

UK Daily Mail

Top doctors refuse to give their own kids a third shot as studies find chances of vaccinated boys between 12 and 17 being hospitalized are 0.3 out of 100,000

The CDC had recommended COVID boosters for everyone 12 and up despite vaccinated teen boys only having a 0.3 out of 100,000 chance of hospitalization
Teen boys, however, had a 10 out of 100,000 chance of getting myocarditis, a rare heart inflammation, due to the boosters

What is the hospitalisation rate for unvaccinated children? I would suggest it’s less than the 0.3 out of 100,000 mentioned. And they’re still calling myocarditis “rare”. I wish someone would define that for me.

Delta A
Delta A
January 28, 2022 6:33 pm

I taught that you mustn’t hit girls.

As any decent father would do.

However, someone needs to teach certain ‘ladies’ that they mustn’t hit men.

January 28, 2022 6:33 pm

Choo choo & your boyfriend, still have no idea about Central banks & money creation.
You think because I don’t like central banks that makes me anti due ish.
As I have said before you shouldn’t be that stupid with only one head.
The Fed in the USA is talking about raising rates, generally they only raise rates when they have a republican president.
Research it you two dumbfucks.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 28, 2022 6:34 pm

Young Miss Cardimona has just nuked the Greens. Good.

Empty shelves proof that business has fallen into a Greens trap (28 Jan, paywalled)

Empty supermarket shelves across Australia is a sign that our resources industry is being seriously hampered by activists who have no idea how things are made or where it comes from, writes Vikki Campion.

On the other hand I suspect most of the cause for empty shelves is due to insane coof regulations given from on high by our pollies and their CHO overseers. But since they’re part of the same species homo eliteitis I think it’s still fair.

January 28, 2022 6:34 pm

shatterzzz says:
January 28, 2022 at 4:12 pm

They are hoping that the virus naturally subsides so they claim victory for the mask mandate.

I’m thinking of honouring my mask(s) with a frame & a spot on the wall when it all ends .. used only two in all this time, 1st one retired after one of the elastics snapped about 9 months ago, kept it tho .. it deserves a reward! ..LOL!

What? You didn’t punch a hole in the corner and retie the elastic? Wasteful. 😛

Real Deal
Real Deal
January 28, 2022 6:34 pm

That should be Hipgnosis. Damn auto corvette!

Old bloke
Old bloke
January 28, 2022 6:35 pm

I was reading this morning about an Irishman who was transported for life to the Colony of New South Wales for engaging in Whiteboyism (the forerunners of the Sinn Fein movement). When facing court, the Prosecutor’s address claimed:

“… that by the Act of the 16th and 17th of George the Third it was enacted, that any persons compelling His Majesty’s Lege subject to quit their possessions or employments, were guilty of a felony without benefit of clergy”

People are currently losing their homes and employment due to government compelling them to do so for refusing to take an experimental medical procedure. Those guilty of this crime should be hung, or transported for life to Heard Island.

From the same book:

“[English law in Ireland was] a machine … as well fitted for the oppression, impoverishment, and degradation of a people …as ever proceeded from the perverted ingenuity of man.”

Edmund Burke on The Penal Laws, 1765

Things really haven’t improved

January 28, 2022 6:36 pm

Nah. Too perfectly clown world. Troll account

it’s the 12 Monkeys script avec shit-posting.

if she is in France, she can put me down for 2 off gallic hotties … just don’t tell them about the vasectomy.

… I’ll save that nugget for break-up night

January 28, 2022 6:38 pm

Oh dear someone is triggered.
It’s off season, most restaurants are closed, as are all private tourist places, boat tours etc, the usual beggars are in their usual places, outside the supermarket and the church after mass on Sundays.
I’ve been in France many times, other than mask conformity indoors, in the main, life is normal.
The restaurants that are open on the weekends, are crowded, with locals.
Incidentally until a couple of days ago you could show a rats test (which only cost €2 each) or a recovery certificate to eat out etc.

And as I pointed out no-one on public transport is asked to show their green pass, even when the police are on the train, here or in Italy.
On other words the restrictions were ineffective at nudging the reluctant to vaccinate, which is why macron cracked it and removed the rats option.
And if you think not being able to dine out is real suffering, I suggest you rethink your world view.
And trust me a baguette alfresco in the sun with a fabulous view can be just as enjoyable.

Delta A
Delta A
January 28, 2022 6:39 pm

I like the ones from the “Technical Department of Telstra and Optus”

Daughter had one of those some years back.

Long story short: she followed the ‘technicians’ advice, leading him along for a while, knowing that it was a scam, then said anxiously, “I’ve got the blue screen of death!”

“Are you messing with me?” he spluttered, before hanging up.

January 28, 2022 6:42 pm

Come on choo choo man, post a link that the Australian taxpayer owns the RBA.
Even the money gobshite Head Prefect the all knowledgeable should be able to help you with this.

January 28, 2022 6:46 pm

I suppose the Holocaust was based on a software error too. Germans, sheesh.
Germans. Dogged, determined, competent at what they. Attention to detail, hate losing. Great to have on your side.
Only problem is when they get pointed in the wrong direction.

January 28, 2022 6:46 pm

In high school, our Ag teacher smoked a pipe in the classroom

Sounds like a top bloke.

I had a lecturer who smoked Kent coffin nails during class.

January 28, 2022 6:46 pm

However, someone needs to teach certain ‘ladies’ that they mustn’t hit men.

and other things but it’s a delicate balance of pointing those things out and avoiding enabling the violence.

January 28, 2022 6:47 pm

Lol srr used to accuse me of not being in Europe when I said I was, pre 2017.
I said many many times over the last two years, I wasn’t afraid of catching covid and that I was living my life and breaching restrictions on a daily basis.
I made a personal judgement regarding vaccines, I made a personal judgement about travel, I made a personal judgement about omicron and went ahead with my plans.
Tomorrow I’m catching a ferry to Marseilles, though I booked the €55 budget cabin, pretty pointless paying extra for a view on an overnight trip when I can get up in the morning and enjoy the view coming into Marseilles from the deck.

January 28, 2022 6:47 pm

Daughter had one of those some years back.

good on her.

had some sub-continental ring me up years ago and told me my PC was infected.
So I strung him along for about 30 minutes on the phone while he tried to coax me into opening a CMD window and handing him control of my PC.

In the end he was convinced I was really stupid
I told him it wasn’t that… it’s my eyesight
need new glasses mate … let’s try again.

when he got really exasperated
I asked him, “what’s it feel like to be fucked around for 1/2 an hour mate?”

January 28, 2022 6:48 pm

Got to go, attending 9.30 am mass at the cathedral.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 6:55 pm

I have no sympathy for O’Keefe. If he has mental issues then they should be addressed with treatment. If he is just a bully, then that will also be addressed.

Pretty clear it is leaning towards the latter.
Evidence was put forward that the mental elf defence has worn out it’s welcome.
And when you are remanded in custody for an assault charge, that is a strong indicator that the beak thinks there is a high chance of conviction and is ultimately looking at time in the slot, “so you may as well get started now”.
Obviously the magistrate thinks O’Keefe is out of control and likely (almost certain) to assault someone else. Probably also thinks it might help dry him out.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 6:57 pm


January 28, 2022 at 6:47 pm

Lol srr used to accuse me of not being in Europe when I said I was, pre 2017.

If ussr says you are not in Europe, take a look around.
More than likely you will see the Eiffel Tower, the Parthenon or the Brandenburg Gate.

January 28, 2022 6:58 pm
January 28, 2022 7:01 pm

o’Keefe’s missus? … sure, butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth

January 28, 2022 7:02 pm

Biggles, come on support your tag team member.
Show me with evidence of who runs the RBA (hint it ain’t us).
Insulting me helps your case.
Check your email.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 28, 2022 7:02 pm

Wasn’t it O’Keefes 4th time up before the beak? Whatever you think of police AVOs (not much) magistrates don’t like it if you look like you are taking the piss – unless you are a recognised minority group.

January 28, 2022 7:03 pm

Got to go, attending 9.30 am mass at the cathedral.

Just think how depraved Rosie would be if she weren’t a good Catholic to give her some sort of approximation to a moral sense.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 7:03 pm

After all, as you have proclaimed ad nauseam the boomers are just laughing at us as they continue to scheme and plot to do away with us all.

Ha, ha, yes.
Greta Thumbstix gets totally triggered at the mere suggestion of someone over 60 churning through the kid’s inheritance on a European vacation.

January 28, 2022 7:04 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 7:04 pm

Just think how depraved Rosie would be …

Well, so far she hasn’t claimed to be buying icecream for kids …

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 28, 2022 7:08 pm

But .. but …but the Neapolitanas.

Cassie of Sydney
January 28, 2022 7:08 pm

“I have no sympathy for O’Keefe. If he has mental issues then they should be addressed with treatment. If he is just a bully, then that will also be addressed.”

I have zero sympathy for him. He has long been a smarmy, nasty, arrogant bully. As for the “mental issues”….I say bullshit. What he has is anger issues….very different to “mental issues”.

I don’t enjoy taking please from other’s misfortune….but I make an exception for O’Keefe.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 7:09 pm

H B Bearsays:

January 28, 2022 at 7:02 pm

Wasn’t it O’Keefes 4th time up before the beak? Whatever you think of police AVOs (not much) magistrates don’t like it if you look like you are taking the piss

That was the tone of the reports I saw.
Rolling up and flipping the mental elf card off the bottom of the deck wasn’t going to fly.
Speaking of taking the piss, his brief advanced the technically correct (but skating on thin ice) argument that he had no priors.
Well, he would have had a prior conviction six months ago apart from pulling the mental elf stunt, then promptly got back on the pipe.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 28, 2022 7:12 pm

If you have any of the original covers – look after them. They are precious.

Had all of Pink Floyd’s in vinyl, complete with posters and the postcard from Wish You Were Here. Also the Beatles’ White Album in white vinyl, and Sgt Pepper in red vinyl.

Sold them all in 2007.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 7:15 pm

I have zero sympathy for him. He has long been a smarmy, nasty, arrogant bully. As for the “mental issues”….I say bullshit. What he has is anger issues….very different to “mental issues”.

It is exploitation of people with genuine mental illness to just keep trotting it out as an excuse for SBS*.
I know of someone who was in the clinic concurrently with him a while ago.
What happens in the clinic stays in the clinic but let’s just say your suspicions are confirmed.
* SBS – Shitty Behaviour Syndrome.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 7:16 pm

Sold them all in 2007.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 28, 2022 7:19 pm

I don’t know why, but apart from Abbey Road, my favourite covers are “Late For the Sky” (Jackson Browne) and “Nebraska” (Bruce Springsteen).

January 28, 2022 7:22 pm

Where you gone choo choo man?
You & your tag team member were insulting me for weeks for saying that the taxpayers don’t own the central banks.
Time to show evidence or STFU.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 28, 2022 7:22 pm

132andBush says:
January 28, 2022 at 6:46 pm
In high school, our Ag teacher smoked a pipe in the classroom

Sounds like a top bloke.
I had a lecturer who smoked Kent coffin nails during class.

Our school bus driver used to make and smoke a rollie while driving.
Was a top bloke.

January 28, 2022 7:24 pm

I see you are moving from the subject biggles.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 28, 2022 7:26 pm

I have a suspicion that women are wired to want to have (another) baby in their late thirties, early forties, sort of a last gasp of failing fertility.

You think so? I reckon this applies to women who have delayed having kids for too long (obviously), or perhaps have divorced and remarried in their mid 30s and decide they want to have a kid with the new guy…but women who have had their full complement of kids with the same bloke suddenly yearning for another with the same bloke in the years running up to menopause? Hmm. I haven’t heard about this before – can the ladies here confirm or deny?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 28, 2022 7:27 pm

I had some really good RBA material, but accidentally dropped it down a tunnel in Tel Aviv.

January 28, 2022 7:29 pm

In high school, our Ag teacher smoked a pipe in the classroom

Sounds like a top bloke.

I had a lecturer who smoked Kent coffin nails during class.

The famous micronite filter, asbestos wasn’t it?

I woke up from surgery once and asked the nurse for an ashtray, she bought it for me too. That was only 30 years ago.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 7:32 pm

Come on choo choo man, post a link that the Australian taxpayer owns the RBA.


You’re the one sticking to the Protocols, not me…



January 28, 2022 7:33 pm

Good info knob dragger…as dumb as the tag team.
But normal.

January 28, 2022 7:34 pm

Would you be interested in my new health tonic.
Tastes great but the information on what’s in it is hidden for 50 years.

And I have a study I conducted that shows it’s an order or 2 of magnitude better in the tests than the real world.

Anyway it doesn’t matter if you want it or not the blokes who used to work for me at the TGA just mandated one a day or you can’t go to work.

Lead gives everything such a nice mellow flavour.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 7:34 pm

I had some really good RBA material, but accidentally dropped it down a tunnel in Tel Aviv.

I was wondering why my last pizza tasted a bit rich…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 7:37 pm

You & your tag team member were insulting me for weeks for saying that the taxpayers don’t own the central banks.
Time to show evidence or STFU.

Why are you so desperate to deflect from your Juice obsession, discount-knockoff Bird?

Why not embrace it, like he did? You won’t be any more [or less] of a nuffy if you do…

January 28, 2022 7:37 pm

Choo choo you really are dumb as dogshit.
Go shunt a train you bonehead.
Show me who owns the RBA, Not insults you fucking idiot.
Come on show the evidence.
You can’t.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 7:39 pm


I once invested in an airship company that boasted of using this thoroughly modern material throughout its aircraft’s construction.

It never got off the ground.

I’ll never take financial advice from Ed Case ever again…

January 28, 2022 7:41 pm

need more dad jokes.

vlad redux
vlad redux
January 28, 2022 7:42 pm

I used to get those “Telstra” calls when I had a landline. One time I told the guy “I work for Telstra actually.” (I didn’t.) He told me to fark off and hung up.

Now I’m getting an SMS pretty much every day about the parcel what got delivered etc.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 7:42 pm

Show me who owns the RBA, Not insults you fucking idiot.

But why?

You already know who runs it. You keep telling us it’s the [Grong Grong Football and Netball Club]!

Go shunt a train you bonehead.

You do make me smile when you start with the sprays, Runnybum… 🙂

January 28, 2022 7:43 pm

No wonder this country is fucked when people have no idea of the banking system & how it works.
People should educate themselves, it is all out there on the internet thing.
But lotsa people rely on a train driver.
We are fucked.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 28, 2022 7:44 pm

I’ll never take financial advice from Ed Case ever again…

Try the mutton. It’s delicious.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 28, 2022 7:44 pm

vlad reduxsays:
January 28, 2022 at 7:42 pm
I used to get those “Telstra” calls when I had a landline. One time I told the guy “I work for Telstra actually.” (I didn’t.) He told me to fark off and hung up.

Now I’m getting an SMS pretty much every day about the parcel what got delivered etc.

Have you missed out on the one about your face appearing in a video somewhere?

January 28, 2022 7:44 pm

Still driving the porcelain bus runnybum?

Old bloke
Old bloke
January 28, 2022 7:46 pm

Here’s an interesting interview of Craig Kelly by Prof. David Flint.

I’m surprised that Prof. Flint was unaware that the vaxxines were only provisionally approved by the TGA, he’s always impressed me as a very erudite gentleman, I thought he would have known.

January 28, 2022 7:47 pm

Miltonf, beats the fuck out of a porcelain brain.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 28, 2022 7:48 pm

But lotsa people rely on a train driver.

Yep. Ain’t we grand? 🙂


January 28, 2022 7:49 pm

The Commonwealth owns the RBA. Schoolchildren understand how M3 creation works. It doesn’t drive inflation. Intentional loose monetary policy does.

There is no mystery or conspiracy.

January 28, 2022 7:49 pm

Now I’m getting an SMS pretty much every day about the parcel what got delivered etc.

Me too, also “is this you in this video”.

The SAS could be put to good use in dealing with these people, quietly mind.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x