I’ve said it before. Attack Stevo ( Owner ) and Cash will snap. The PSI of his jaw is insane!…
I’ve said it before. Attack Stevo ( Owner ) and Cash will snap. The PSI of his jaw is insane!…
Jaw dropping 2 Ryan Routh, the man who tried to kiII Trump before the election, is deeply connected to Ukraine’s…
Forget martial arts. If you want self defence, learn to dance, My greatest regret in life is that I incorporated…
Today, in this hell we live in, the language of the penitent is no longer heard. Beyond unfashionable, it is…
I did no such thing. Massive comprehension fail on your part. I made comment of an expectation, that is not a lie. Stop being so uncharitable in your righteousness. And you are the one who mentioned Comensoli. Not sure why.
Not once did the bishops stand up and declare they would not close the churches. They forbade the Sacraments. How many Catholics died without receiving the Last Rites they requested because bishops would not allow priest to attend to them? I know of 3 but have heard of many more. How many Catholics died with unconfessed mortal sin because priests were prevented from hearing Confession by their bishops? The only priests I have heard that risked all were those associated with the Traditional Latin Rite – them one could depend on.
And since you brought up Comensoli, he is the bishop who forbade priests from attending the Rosary processions late last year. Imagine that! A bishop telling young priests – who offer both rites of the Mass – no to go to Rosary procesions with the faithful becuase ”it looks bad” for the bishop that is.
Heh. Pot calling the kettle black. Listen to yourself and heed your own condemnations.
You are so clueless it is beyond measure. I have a different opinions and experiences to you therefore I am bad. Right, got it.
Francis hates the usus antiquor, that is apparent. Why he hates it so much is anybody’s guess. Why he now decides to insult Benedict XVI and his Summorum Pontifcum – and while Benedict is still alive – is also a mystery. The Traditional Mass has been growing with great speed especially among the youth and young families, so yeah, let’s cut the faithful off from it. Tradition = bad but novus ordo clown masses (yes, priests dressed as clowns and many other atrocities) that’s all good,
Sadly for him, that Mass which has been around for 1500 years will not die off. All he’s doing is hurting the faithful who prefer to worship God in the same manner as billions of Catholics have done for ages. And he wonders why ”trad” Catholics are speaking out against his vicious attacks on the Mass. Still we pray daily for Francis’ soul, many prayers and some penances, and that his intentions are in accord with God’s Will.
So, stop lying about what I wrote. It’s a sin.
Grace tame looks like greta thunberg’s on the spectrum too elder sister. Such people are pedantic and totally self focused. People can confuse these characteristics with a sort of moral or virtuous purity when they are part of an issue like AGW or sexual assault. But they’re not; such people don’t care about other issues or people. The empathy is lacking. Ms tame will make an excellent left wing politician.
J’adore la France, mais… quelle surprise.
So they didn’t buy Pyne and MT? All it would have taken would be a couple of well placed mirrors in their birdcages.
That settles that.
I’m seeing a safe Greens seat.
I stand by what I said.
I very much dislike the looking down on Novus Ordo exhibited by some ‘tradition Catholics’.
Imagine being a white male employer in the elecorate & needing the help of your local member.
I am very fortunate here in having a beautiful church of St Matthew around the corner that celebrates daily ‘low mass’.
Naturally the church has an amazing history of destruction and restoration due to war and other things including being destroyed by bombardment in 1639 in a war between the Spanish and the French over who controlled this territory.
Obviously the French won.
The 1677 church was beautifully restored in 2017. The thorns of Christ given by Louis the 9th were saved and reside in a side chapel.
Which is a fantastic contrast to the decrepit state of say, the cathedral in Ajaccio.
St Matthew’s even has an order of the mass in French and Latin, I asked to buy a copy but the priest kindly gave it to me for free.
The Franciscan convent around the corner did not survive so well, all that really remains is part of the cloister and the chapel of Notre Dame des Anges which are now a public museum and government buildings.
Nor the Jesuit church and school which has disappeared completely, in what is now a large public square, more victims of the French Revolution.
I can’t see any problem – public self castration should atone for your sin of being born male.
And I very much detest the ”looking down” on the Traditional Latin Mass and those who choose to worship God in that manner to the point of determined eradication by the pope, most bishops, some priests and the disparagements by novus ordo Catholic laity.
Yes go ahead and ”stand by what you erroneously wrote in response, I’ve come to accept that’s how you roll when your lies are confronted.
Interesting fact, majority of those who prefer the Traditional Mass and Sacraments have refused the vax on moral grounds. Not so the novus ordo lot who think little or nothing of participating in an industry that promotes abortion to harvest aborted cells to use in vaccines.
Speedbox: but would like to see your reference point. Please link.
Ed: Mate, if you’re calling me a liar, that’s okay.
Ed, asking for evidence isn’t the same as calling someone a liar.
I admit you’re light on for experience of that truth since it’s not part of your modus operandi to provide evidence to back up your assertions, but it’s true.
People who do provide evidence often find themselves in a discussion of whether their source is reliable, whether they’ve understood their source material correctly, etc. That can be a useful challenge to their ideas without there being a hint of accusation that they’ve lied.
I hate it when the tribal elders fight.
Our very own Dr Phillipa Martyr on the Novus Ordo.
Mass meant to be in Latin.
My ears are burning…not wanting to get in an argument with two people at once, I am in a dilemma.
I made a stupid promise to get Novavax before I was aware that its safety testing (not development) involved a fetal cell line.
I also probably can’t get out of it without losing my job.
It’s a shit situation. Regardless, I am considering my options, involving working for myself again as a consultant or even doing odd jobs; honest work. I would gladly take Covaxin now; if it wasn’t coercive.
There is absolutely no way I am taking Moderna or Pfizer.
Is there such a thing anyway as “latin” mass? Think of romance languages, English is arguably a romance language. We all (?) still say kyrie eleison and the greeks probably say through my fault, through my own grievous fault in greek. The translation from latin to English seems near perfect.
Priest I know (also a canon lawyer) who can do latin masses and does some in small groups says there is a danger of the latin mass only movement becoming another form of Protestantism.
Funnily enough I watched bits of Beckett today and I saw the investiture scene, I could cobble together a lot of the latin. Not sure if the hymns were real but they seemed to have the same cadence of an English one I was familiar with when I was younger.
Fight each other – its what we do best.
Pedro it’s not just about the use of Latin. There is so much more to the traditional Mass and the Sacraments than just the language used. Some people even think the only attraction is the ecclesiastical Latin (LOL)- which has been the official and sacred language of the Church for centuries. together with Koine Greek and Hebrew.
We need McGowan’s “interpreter”.
From Pedro’s link:
Priests that say ‘That’s what she said’ during confession are worth their weight in gold.
Hilarious. Talk about arse-about. You do know that the novus ordo mass was designed to make Protestants feel comfortable enough to attend the new mass, to accommodate them? It is all well documented, especially by the persons responsible for ripping out 73% of the prayers in the Latin Mass.
Top EU cardinal calls for change in church teaching on gay relationships
In other news…
German cardinal urges lifting celibacy rule for priests. Card. Marx didn’t specify if the bride has to be biologically female, though.
But, hey! The Church has far greater problems than getting all picky about what human orifices are for, those old fashioned ideas about natural law or what priesthood is.
So long as we
CRUSH THE TRADS! THEY’re the problem!
Just think! Twenty-something moms who already have 3 or 4 well-behaved children in all those pews on Sunday mornings!
Long confession lines?!?
THAT’s not the kind of “walking together” they have in mind.
Pffft! Telling “sins” to a priest.
What about those young men kneeling for most of the Mass as if they actually believed God is there?!? Thinking they need forgiveness? Thinking there is Hell?
And they are HAPPY that way?!?
And they like … real … WOMEN!
Pachamama wouldn’t approve.
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity says:
February 9, 2022 at 6:57 pm
She was in a very bad state, not unlike someone who had been given a Date Rape drug.
I’ve seen quite a number of girls in one helluva helpless state after being administered a date rape drug.
It happens in pub all the time. The entire dose is administered in a remarkably short time frame.
The drug is known as “Vodka Cruiser” & usually 20 – 30 “doses” (i.e. a full “vial”) have been self-administered.
They’re quite helpless afterward.
Many years ago, I remember reading some old Police sergeant saying the same thing.
Most “drink spiking” is excessive alcohol consumption.
It is as fake as the rape epidemic at academic institutions.
So thanks to these two cowards, Constable Rolfe had to shoot to kill three days later.
They should be cashiered.
Rolfe was charged solely to avoid a pissant Floyd melodrama in the Territory.
I see the Roberts-Smith trial collapsed into an even bigger farce today.
Suddenly a ‘witness’ – probably the star witness – wants to bail.
labor member crossed the floor today to vote
from what I hear, the motion was supported
media bleats, in their most plaintive voice, “but it’s against the rulz”
bring these bolshie fuckers down
If it weren’t for Britney Higgins we wouldn’t have Peter Dutton as Defence Minister – at least long enough to make a difference.
God moves in mysterious ways
For those who have a subscription check out the editorial in the Courier Mail. Discusses international visitors and is against them being required to have a booster as the booster rate amongst many countries is low. Would be bad for tourism etc. Seems to be a change in editors view. Previously enthusiastic about unvaxxed being turned away from restaurants.
They have a poll asking if definition of vaccinated should be changed to mean three jabs. If you can vote (perhaps some HS and Telegraph subscribers can also) get over there and vote.
Was in small Qld town of Yandina today and good to see a poster about the protest in Canberra on Saturday. Hope many turn up as the truck convoy in Canada seems to have had an effect as provinces have been dropping their mandates.
Dot says:
February 10, 2022 at 12:15 am
Most “drink spiking” is excessive alcohol consumption.
It is as fake as the rape epidemic at academic institutions.
Yeah – I know…
Yep. I am now going to shamelessly do an srr and copy a comment I made on your blog, C.L. Directed at Grigory in response to his stellar Brave Sir Robin after trying to claim the entire affair was legitimate ‘whistleblowing’ today:
So Grigs-
Is Brereton still
And why is it I can only hear your scuttling in reply?
The one and only nearest thing that the Left in this country will ever get to an actual warcrimes prosecution against its Class Enemy, the Australian Defence Force over Afghanistan, is dropping pieces off it like a clown car. And has just about puttered its last pootle…
Ed Case says:
February 9, 2022 at 10:46 pm
You made the assertion, not me. I’m just asking for your reference point that Tame led the teacher on.
If you don’t have a reference point then it is no more than hearsay, or you made it up. Based on a good number of your previous posts, more likely the latter.
Courier Mail vote currently 62% against booster. Only 109 votes so far.
À partir de France.
I went for a wander this afternoon.
Medieval balconies, ‘Tudor style’ buildings, an unexpected 14th century circular marble horse trough in a foyer, the ancient cloister and cemetery next to the cathedral, now the afterschool hangout for teenagers and loud music.
A sign then lead me up to the ancient chapel of the third order Dominicans, now another exhibition space but had served time as a temple de la raison (and a military chapel) so Minerva is now included in the artwork behind where an altar once stood.
More signs lured me higher to an ancient l’eglise and the convent of the minimes, I think I found the church, but what was the point, clearly now apartments, then further up, after heading in the wrong direction there I was in place de puig feeling like I had just experienced a time slip and had stepped into 19th century Naples, though I had a pretty good idea where I was, in truth.
One minute in delightful central historic Perpignan and the next in just as historic, narrow streets of medieval houses but black clad women sitting on plastic chairs out in the street, clusters of men, children running everywhere, rubbish strewn with gay abandon, washing and air-conditioning units hanging from windows.
I still stopped and read the signs, five hundred years ago the leper quarter, a complex more recently designed by Vauban, now walking in a street too narrow even for a Smart car and then back to clean and tidy, though I still got bailed up by a young blonde girl for the money, je ne parle pas Français.
just as I thought
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Warren Brown.
Warren Brown #2.
David Rowe.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Robert Ariail.
Gary Varvel.
Bob Gorrell.
Chip Bok.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Matt Margolis.
Al Goodwyn #2.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks, Tom. Ben Garrison has a strange one today.
DrBeauGan says:
February 10, 2022 at 4:37 am
I can’t sleep tonight for some reason, what’s your excuse?
Ran out of cigars?
astrazeneca now approved as booster
Camilla will get to wear Kohinoor. Nice
What’s the real Mike Pence story?
Andrew Coy does some digging and comes up with a searing indictment.
No, nothing as bad as that.
We had a power cut and it woke me up somehow. Came back about 01:30 and I’d got into some books by then. May not get back to sleep now.
A grade trolling by Canadian’s in Ottawa:
astrazeneca now approved as booster
Different colour of shit flavoured ice cream now available!
From Anchor What’s link :
Amazing how many people still see Pence as the very model of a solid, stolid citizen when he was really a coward who betrayed his country.
Department of Homeland Security:
“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.“
From an article by Thomas Lifson.
At what stage this year will an “act of violence”, probably a false flag operation (although the Dems and assorted leftists have done everything so far to provoke a right wing reaction) be used as the pretext to declare a national emergency and suspend the Half Term election 2022?
Nope, not gettin it. Suck on that politicians.
Re the Vic Labor member crossing the floor, she could’ve done the same thing back in December and defeated Andrews Enabling Act, but she didn’t. So why now?
Thats easy. Dan didnt fuck her preselection over until AFTER his stazi legislation got through. The Hunchback is a c*nt.
From The Daily Telegraph….good to see this in writing in a newspaper…
“Fair trial for Brittany Higgins rape accused ‘shrinks by the hour’: Lawyer
The lawyer for the man accused of raping Brittany Higgins said a fair trial was becoming more difficult after Ms Higgins repeated her allegations on Wednesday.
James Morrow
The lawyer for the accused in the Brittany Higgins matter has said that it is becoming more difficult “by the hour” for his client to receive a fair trial after Ms Higgins repeated her allegations of sexual assault against him in a speech Wednesday at the National Press Club.
“A fair trial, free of the interference, grandstanding and other improprieties of late, is what the community, Ms Higgins and (the accused) is owed,” said Warwick Korn, partner at Korn Tlais Defence Lawyers in Sydney.
“The likelihood of this occurring seems to diminish by the hour,” he said.
In a statement released in the hours after her speech, in which the former political staffer said that she was raped on a sofa in Parliament House, Mr Korn said that the public attention brought to the matter was harming the cause of justice.
“(Bruce) Lehrmann has entered a plea of not guilty and the matter is set for trial,” said Mr Korn.
“Mr Lehrmann voluntarily provided a lengthy interview with investigating police and has followed every protocol asked of him since.”
“My client has, from the outset, denied not only the alleged assault but also that any sexual activity, of any kind, ever took place.”
Mr Korn also said that Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s apology to Ms Higgins for the “terrible things that took place here” further threatened his client’s chance for a fair trial.
On Tuesday, Mr Morrison said he was “sorry to Ms Higgins for the terrible things that took place here.”
“The place that should have been a place for safety and contribution, turned out to be a nightmare,” Mr Morrison said.
According to the prime minister, Ms Higgins had “the courage to speak, and so here we are. We are sorry for all of these things, and in doing so, each of us take on accountability for change”.
Mr Korn said that “in light of the complexity, difficulty and importance of the task before any jury already, the behaviour of our prime minister and others in this last 24 hours truly beggars belief.”
Mr Lehmann is tentatively set to stand trial in June of this year.”
Quite so Mr Korn.
What election fraud?
Woman arrested on fake charges after refusing illegal instruction to delete voter records.
Gateway Pundit
You mean like the EU and China, right?
I agree with Dr Martyr, ad lib is awful.
Incidentally the Latin mass said here in France, sspx or otherwise, is slightly different to the one we have at home.
Trent Zimmerman – the new look “conservative.”
Why would you want an AstraZeneca “booster”?
It’s designed for the original virus. The virus has moved on.
Are we stuck in some sort of drug pushing Ground Hog Day?
February 9, 2022 at 9:19 pm
‘morally’ yes but ‘legally’ that would be upto Morrison. As for “vitriolic attacks” please don’t give them a reason to shut the new cat down.”
1. My words “vitriolic attacks” to describe what was said by Tame and Higgins yesterday were highly appropriate and I’ll use them again.
2. I doubt very much that my comments would ever give anyone a reason to shut down this site.
3. DB knows how much I value this site.
Those who follow such things…what are the ratings like for the Winter Olympics? Are viewers engaged or have they simply switched off?
I confess I haven’t watched a single event and don’t intend to.
“Those who follow such things…what are the ratings like for the Winter Olympics? Are viewers engaged or have they simply switched off?”
I haven’t watched….honestly, I’m not and have never been interested in the Winter Olympics. I’ll be interested to see the local ratings. I read somewhere that the ratings in the US are tanking.
Well aren’t the boosters supposed to be Pfizer? Last Friday I dropped over to my younger sister’s new home to drop off a cucumber from my harvest and a Big Red geranium I’d been striking for her – it was 9:00am I knocked a few times no answer so I left them at the front door – as I was getting into my car she came out in her dressing gown- she looked like death -reason? she’d had her booster shot on the Wednesday and was still really ill and could not raise her right arm at all — I was really shocked to see her looking so ill., she said she was going back to bed.
I rang her the following day and she said she was feeling a lot better and she did sound a lot better. Very worrying because she does have quite a few health issues and rhere are heart problems in the family.
Ridiculous to say the least…yet think Grigory has done nothing wrong?
Come on, man!
Razey, if she crossed because her preselection was gone, then that makes her a “c*nt” as you so put it. She sold the state out and empowered Dan and now wants to be some sort of righteous hero. No as Mark twain put it “I’m just trying to ascertain the price”.
I’m not Christian. I can appreciate revenge can be very, very sweet.
“Tintarella di Lunasays:
February 10, 2022 at 7:18 am”
Tinta, I’ve heard similar stories re. the booster.
If da booster is supposed to deal with omicron, none of the original crop of vaccines might do anything – unless omicron uses exactly the same spike protein, in which case natural immunity is the best course.
All sounds dodgy to me. But I’m a hard case. Had the two shots of AZ, that’s your lot.
If they don’t work it’s another reflection on the idiots we have running things.
By the way, it’s reported that Fauci now favours a fourth shot!
Is it really all about Big Pharma competing among themselves to see who can be mega-wealthiest in the shortest time?
What part is ridiculous, Dot?
When in doubt, follow the money.
Re the Winter Olympics, as my handle indicates I would normally be watching the events but I won’t be watching this one as I refuse to support that regime in any way. As an aside, Gary Varvel is either a skier or has studied photos of ski racing as the skier in his cartoon is in a good technical position for a pure carve turn.
This has the hallmarks of R v Batterham written all over it in big red texta. In both cases:
The bloke was charged because feelings, and because there was a perception in higher circles about a need to Be Seen to Do Something;
The standard of evidence resulting in the charge is waaay lower than would otherwise have been required, had the ‘victim’ not been one of the in-vogue persecuted demographics at the time;
Publicity. Commentary in all forms of media;
Wide-ranging yet unsubstantiated assumptions from certain quarters of guilt;
The bloke at the centre of the allegations becomes pixeled over, and representative of The Bigger Problem;
The alleged victim is elevated to sainthood, canonised by victimhood advocates across the country.
One would hope for a further parallel, which would be Mr Korn taking into account the prospect of a malicious prosecution proceeding after Lehrmann’s acquittal.
The Sunbather had the Kelly Report on last night and saw just a snippet of that evil-eyed, thin-lipped termagant “you know who” – straight out of the bestiary – a basilisk – the hatred, spite and venom against Scott Morrison was just appalling you’d think he’d been guilty of some personal attack on her, when all we’ve seen from Wobbleguts is galling kowtowing trying to please the unpleasant and unpleaseable
The display by the dumpy and the grumpy was a perfect application of Alinsky’s Rule 13: pick the target, freeze it, personalise it, and polarise it. However every sensible Australian has already applied Rule 7: a tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. and these two dragons have really dragged it on for far too long.
I confess I didn’t even know they were on. ?
“The display by the dumpy and the grumpy was a perfect application of Alinsky’s Rule 13: pick the target, freeze it, personalise it, and polarise it. However every sensible Australian has already applied Rule 7: a tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. and these two dragons have really dragged it on for far too long.”
Beautifully said Tinta.
Apparently the Olympians are being served crap food that all know.
Rugby Skier (strange moniker) I would normally watch the alpine skiing events, not this year. Haven’t seen any of it and not going to. It’s worse than the 36 Olympics, everyone knows what China is doing and will do to the rest of us and we don’t have war fatigue like they did after WW1 when the west didn’t want another war. Anyone who doesn’t understand that China is not our friend is either corrupt or a fool.
One would hope for a further parallel, which would be Mr Korn taking into account the prospect of a malicious prosecution proceeding after Lehrmann’s acquittal.
Now wouldn’t that be fun.
Sadly Missy Higgins is inside the bubble of fembot invincibility and hasn’t been reminded that laws to protect citizens against malicious prosecution or civil action to defend your good standing and reputation still exist.
A very dangerous game to play and she’ll be left all alone when the outrage circus moves on.
February 9, 2022 at 9:58 pm
Special Ed is an algorithm.
A spam bot.
Picks up on key words or people upthread and constructs a word salad around them with deliberately provocative terms.
It’s clever but when you look closely is lacking in any consistency both morally and ideologically.
So, modelled on a standard lefty?
Speaking of standard lefties, just checked out Phat Pussy. munty has not posted since 16 September. Driven away from his own blog by the combined efforts of Stepford and Homer acting as the thought police. Sad.
Perhaps he should re-appear here, at least he was treated with mildly amused contempt, rather than as a political heretic.
EXCLUSIVE: ‘It’s perfect timing!’: Republicans mock Democrats for suddenly ‘ditching science for politics’ to roll back mandates so they don’t get crushed in the midterms – with polls showing Americans are tired of COVID
Bloody nuisance! .. I’ve had to give up on Tom’s toons cos my, bloody, computer instead of going back to where I was when I click .. it reloads the pix and then goes back to the start page and I have to start all over again .. started doing this late last week after an auto update to Windows .. duuuuuuuuh!
The Hunchback will read this and triple down. Govern me harder Dan, harder!
Not really funny. Just gets through talking about all the shots she’s taken and collapses on stage. She was just bemused in hospital after.
Comedian collapses on stage after taunting Jesus
Scotty apologised yesterday for everything that had happened to Higgins from the time she first confronted Reynolds til the day she resigned.
Special Ed reverts to Sneakers Ed mode.
PS, add “nunna” to the list of stupid words programmed into the spam bot.
There’s a very simply solution to this. Don’t just click on them, Ctrl click and it will then open in another window. You can then view, close and return to the original page.
I sure they are thankful to get back something that wasn’t yours to take.
sfw, not really that strange. I’m a blindside flanker who is a semi-professional skier. Boy did I feel triggered when the crowd here moved from bagging rugby to have a go at skiing 🙂
What you can’t do, is expect me to do your research for you.
Rough translation of the latest spam bot output: “Damn, I made it up, and now I’ve been challenged. Solution: resort to bluff.”
Yes, that bitch wasn’t funny in the least. Interesting that the crowd laughed the most when she keeled over. LOL.
“astrazeneca now approved as booster”
Is that for the over 50’s only, or has the science changed again?
calli says:
February 10, 2022 at 7:03 am
From the Daily Caller (allegedly non-far-left):
Just 7.2 million people watched the first day of the Olympics from China. That’s down 55% from 2018 and down 64% from 2014. Americans are overwhelmingly refusing to watch an Olympics that features athletes and countries bowing down to Chinese dictators. Love to see it.
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) February 4, 2022
From Variety (far-left):
TV Ratings: Beijing Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony Draws 16 Million Viewers, Down 43% From 2018 Games
Haven’t wasted too much time looking into it, the data is seriously selective..
The numerical discrepancy is entirely unsurprising.
We are being assigned opinions, not given facts.
BTW: thank you for your, and Tinta’s, comment yesterday.
The sentiment’s very mutual.
Perhaps he should re-appear here, at least he was treated with mildly amused contempt, rather than as a political heretic.
He should, that way his reality therapy can continue.
Is that for the over 50’s only, or has the science changed again?
Fuck knows what the science is, just get some Big Pharma in you!
If a woman has those initials,run.
Grace makes Greta seem nearly normal.
Two secs replayed on Bolt and it screamed “Bunny boiler”.
Strange times when I find myself agreeing with a Guardian article written by Bernie Sanders.
Seems to me they might be getting worried about all the damage the mRNA gene therapies are doing. Now they are just making shit up.
Razey says:
February 10, 2022 at 8:13 am
Comedian collapses on stage after taunting Jesus
Yes, that bitch wasn’t funny in the least. Interesting that the crowd laughed the most when she keeled over. LOL.
Even after hearing the loud thud of her head hitting the floor. Not something that can be faked that well.
The leftard audience truly are evil morons.
That such base sub-human stupidity is being supported, even encouraged in today’s West tells you all you need to know about our future trajectory.
Heart problems surge in COVID patients up to 12 months after infection
Purports to be about covid sufferers from the original variant prior to vaccine distribution. Pushes the importance of vaccination but doesn’t even try to explain how generating the most toxic part of the virus in your body will protect your heart. Also doesn’t mention whether these recovered patients were subsequently “vaccinated”.
I recall m0nty warning me in 2020 that if I visited my parents I would kill them. He was quite graphic about them “drowning in their own juices”. Apparently I was supposed to leave the old people to their own devices to sink or swim.
Not dead yet, by a long chalk.
On the dynamic duo angry fembots, those two will ride this sucker to the bottom regardless of the grievance caravan moving on. They are utterly committed. This is the price foolish youth pays – they haven’t been around long enough to see the thing for what it is.
“On the dynamic duo angry fembots, those two will ride this sucker to the bottom regardless of the grievance caravan moving on. They are utterly committed. This is the price foolish youth pays – they haven’t been around long enough to see the thing for what it is.”
Yes….I’ve been thinking along these lines as well.
In the manner of our Premiers and Chief Ministers, yes.
Doubled-down to the point where they can’t walk it back, so the only alternative is noise.
There’s a very simply solution to this. Don’t just click on them, Ctrl click and it will then open in another window. You can then view, close and return to the original page.
Thanx! .. tried another browser, Edge (I usually use BRAVE) and back to normal so must be a BRAVE update causing the problem ……
Brave is awesome. Not a single AD on youtube for years.
Stating the obvious as far as I’m concerned. How long have we known this?
Mysterious Link Between Vitamin D And COVID-19 Reaffirmed in ‘Striking’ New Findings
Well that’s a pretty good way to start a war…
White House Sends Kamala Harris to Europe to Lead on Ukraine Crisis (9 Feb)
She can teach the Ukrainian Army how to cackle. Russians would flee just to get away from it.
Almost 2 years.
This was auto-translated from French so might sound a bit strange. Looks like courage spreads as fast as fear.
Ed and monty don’t wind me up like he does others. And Ed plays the oppositional card well getting people to flip on topics.
Kind of funny and unfortunate at the same time.
Shatterzzz – I’ve been using Brave and haven’t had the issue you mentioned, but always I do the Ctl-click or R-click-open in new tab things. (The latter is often easier as you only need the mouse.)
Brave is also good for dropping the ad block for sites you want to get revenue. It remembers those sites and while preventing ads on other sites like YT.
University That Funds Biden’s Think Tank And Hosts FactCheck.Org Has Contract With BioNTech, Gets Paid For Vaccine Sales And FDA Approvals
CDC Spreads Misinformation on Masking, Not Science
A revisit of an old AP article but still relevant.
If you’re forced to get a booster get AZ.
vaccines work:
Viral Vectors
All of the approved COVID-19 vaccines train the body to recognize the spike protein that coats the outer surface of the coronavirus.
Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca use a harmless version of a cold virus as a vector to give our cells the instructions they need to make the coronavirus’s spike protein.
The immune system recognizes the protein and makes antibodies, which then allow us to fend off attack if exposed in the future.
Johnson & Johnson uses a human adenovirus, or a cold virus, to create its vaccine while AstraZeneca uses a chimpanzee version.
Johnson & Johnson’s is the first single-dose vaccine approved in Canada. AstraZeneca, like Pfizer and Moderna, requires two doses.
Experts say it takes a couple weeks for the body to build up some level of immunity with any of the vaccines.
Messenger RNA Vaccines
Moderna and Pfizer use messenger RNA (mRNA), a novel technology that essentially teaches our cells how to produce the coronavirus’s spike protein. That triggers an immune response if we become infected with the virus in the future.
All four of the vaccines basically work the same way, but there’s one less component involved with the mRNA versions.
Whereas the viral vectors use another virus to give our cells the info they need to make the spike protein, mRNA dumps the genetic code in directly, without using another virus as a vessel.
Pfizer and Moderna use synthetically-produced mRNA that’s packaged in a fat coating. The mRNA is dumped into the cell when the vaccine is injected into the arm muscle and it then translated into protein to make the antibody.
The vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna were the first inoculations approved for humans to use mRNA, but the technology was being worked on for decades before it was adapted to vaccine creation.
Previous research had been done on creating mRNA vaccines against Zika and other viruses, and there were earlier efforts focused on cancer treatments.
Early pitfalls against the mRNA technology was that it was too unstable and fragile, with the mRNA disintegrating upon entering the body. That problem was solved by packaging it in the fat coating, giving it something to help bind onto cells easier.
VAERS Data Supports DoD Whistleblowers Despite Pentagon Data “Glitch”
FMD, News Breakfast now has Stephen Jones ‘gender nonconforming’ son on for an interview. Right this minute.
Truly disgusting. How can anyone still believe these people are well meaning?
School kids should even be masked in states with NO mandates and a ‘huge chunk’ of Americans still want face coverings: Psaki doubles down on White House NOT budging on COVID despite Democrat states rolling back, UK dropping all rules and cases dropping
Latest from the QLD AMA, who evidently want the ‘unvaxxed’ to FOAD
‘Not much sympathy for the unvaxxed’, Queensland AMA head says
By Adam Vidler 07:02
Dr Perry has slammed people who are still unvaccinated, saying they are falling for misinformation spread by “not very intelligent people”.
He said only about five per cent of Australians were “truly” anti-vaxxers, but that people weren’t taking up the booster shot at the same rate as their first two doses.
Addressing Queensland’s deadliest day of the pandemic yesterday, Dr Perry said “most doctors have given up on the unvaccinated”.
“When they get sick, yeah, we look after them, but there is not much sympathy for the unvaxxed,” he said.
The majority of yesterday’s 24 recorded deaths, he said, were of people over the age of 80.
“For the elderly dying of pneumonia, (COVID-19) is said to be the old person’s friend,” he said.
“Generally it is a peaceful death, it is the way most of us are going to die.”
I’m from WA. The only thing I know about skiing is that you have to follow the Melbourne football club.
Actually summer holidays skiing in Japan might have replaced the annual trip to Eagle Bay. I would rather go for a surf.
If you’re forced to get a booster get AZ.
With what we know now, anyone who takes ANY shots of this shit either is stupid, ignorant or has a death wish.
I was going to say “What an insanely stupid man, unqualified for the high office entrusted to him.” But this is not fair. He is not being stupid. Just that his cunning is not appropriate to his office.
He saw a chance to jump on what he saw was the zeitgeist to curry favour with voters. That is his skill. Not that he is great at it, but it is the one through which he expresses himself. And all because the myopic little turd saw it in the SMH and on the ABC.
He need only have said he would not, and indeed it was not his place to, express an opinion until the case had been heard in the courts. He must, as PM, leave the matter to them.
Get people to remember that the courts and politicians are separate. Re-state an important principle being lost in the MSM. But noooo…
Fool me twice more fool me, fool me three times that’s government policy.
Actually, if the guy is found not guilty, I would love the court to censure the PM for trying to pre-empt them in their work.
You have to wonder, in his church, are they just in child-like awe of the old imposter, or do they perceive what a week and morally vacuous man he is and feel ashamed that he is among them.
Yawn. Dr Retard can go suck a bag of dicks.
At least 7 Australians died from blood clots due to the AZ vaccine.
Why on earth would you take that risk?
AZ is still mRNA. Only the delivery mechanism is different.
The Latin Mass.
I am glad it was ditched generally and Mass in the language of the congregation became the norm.
The Latin Mass and all that went with it was part of what turned the clergy into Tin Gods, set apart and above their parishioners.
Which was exploited by some priests.
And the MSM.
Reposting from last night.
For those who have a subscription check out the article in the Courier Mail. Discusses international visitors and is against them being required to have a booster as the booster rate amongst many countries is low. Would be bad for tourism etc. Seems to be a change in editors view as also column from him but comments all appearing in main article. Previously enthusiastic about unvaxxed being turned away from restaurants.
They have a poll asking if definition of vaccinated should be changed to mean three jabs. If you can vote (perhaps some HS and Telegraph subscribers can also) get over there and vote.
Currently 67% against booster.
IF you are at risk of death in a Covid vulnerable group (aged, immuno compromised,comorbities) it makes sense to balance the relative risk of the vaccine, assuming you can receive it. If you are not in a Covid vulnerable group I’m not sure why you would.
Of course, misclassification of Covid deaths and media coverage have made this task all but impossible.
Get people to remember that the courts and politicians are separate
Really? This is Australia, a corrupt corporate state where the law is what the government finds convenient at the time and the Courts go along with it.
IF you are at risk of death in a Covid vulnerable group (aged, immuno compromised,comorbities) it makes sense to balance the relative risk of the vaccine, assuming you can receive it.
Latest data out of UK raises questions about even that. The shit not only doesn’t work but makes you more vulnerable. The authorities are now hiding certain data so people can’t use the official numbers to come to conclusions the authorities don’t like.
Leak’s Dan Zedong has definitely stuck.
Labor just lost the Christian vote.
If they keep this up we’ll be facing the worst case scenario: a coalition of convenience with the Greens.
So, we know for sure that 33% of the population is mentally retarded.
Yeah, the AZ deaths were all young people who had no need of a vaccine at all.
After the AZ deaths, the TGA suppressed all reporting of vaccine deaths, so it is really hard to compare the risk of AZ vs Pfizer vs Moderna.
For really old people whose immune systems are buggered, it probably doesn’t matter. Vaxxing might juice you for a while, but none of them will bring your immune system back to life.
A masterstroke!
Her witch’s cackle at inappropriate times will insult the Ukrainians when dealing to them, and the Russians when dealing with them. They will forget their differences and forge a common front against a shared enemy.
What do they call the plane that Harris flies on? It ought to be ‘Broomstick-One’.
Is that a red line in the snow?
Sending America’s best prostitute to suck dicks. Wow, what a tactical move. Sure to work.
AZ is still mRNA. Only the delivery mechanism is different.
AZ uses a dead virus to transport the spike protein. The mRNA instructs body cells to produce the spike protein and it goes to places where it shouldn’t. Novavax is a sub-element vaccine (again just transporting some spike protein) so in effect probably more like AZ than like mRNA.
The admiration don’t have support for another military adventure but it want stop them using it as a distraction squirrel.
I think Gretchen Whitmer has first dibs on the name Broomstick One for her plane. Closely followed by Randi Weingarten.
that ‘jerry can in every protestor’s hand’ is trolling of epic proportions.
Treating the unboosted as unvaxxed just compounds the madness but does boost the numbers. On balance, it probably helps the cause. The cause being me being able to have a dine in coffee of course. Oh, and people getting their jobs back. What a fucking outrageous state of affairs.
No. AZ still turns the body into a pathogenic spike protein factory. Just using DNA rather than mRNA.
Nonovax just injects the pathogenic spikes right into you.
Anti lockdown / vaccine /etc protestors in Australia could learn so much from the Canadians.
That’s how you do civil disobedience!
Anyone see the woman on Sky last night who was questioning the timeline of that Tame bint’s “a high profile gliberal mansplainer rang me up and told me to be nice to Goose Morristeen at the Australia Day reception” phonecall?
Sounds suspiciously like the stupid narcissistic petulant li’l bint has made it all up.
Indeed Bear. Dividing family and friends like the US civil war that will have long term cultural implications.
Canadian Socialist activist Nora Loreto:
‘In the Steward’s Handbook made by the Canadian Labour Congress, it states that labour is the only real line of defense against fascism. That when democracy fails to protect people, labour is their only hope. A very lofty goal that has been true in the past.
In 2017, I wrote this for The Walrus. I argued that labour needs to step up and lead if it hopes to have any relevance for average people and, importantly, to fulful the goal of fighting fascism.
And yet, days into this ridiculous stunt in Ottawa, labour has been nowhere. No flatbed trucks, no speakers, no rallies, no covert civil disobedience, no stunts, no press conferences … nothing.
And so now that it’s needed, it’s an absolute shame that there hasn’t been a concerted counter attack staged by labour.’
Um…lady, the truckers are the workers rising up against Fascism, which is you.
The real problem with the anti mandate/ anti vaccine protests is that it makes it too easy for opponents (and I include the media here) to characterise them all as Pete Evans antivaxx loonies. J’ismist blowhard, Jack the Insider, is an example.
Keeping everyone on a single message is not an easy task. Such as when your tent embassy ends up setting fire to Old Parliament House.
“Sounds suspiciously like the stupid narcissistic petulant li’l bint has made it all up.”
You reckon?
Nora Loreto
Sounds like another hate filled marxist psycho
The left don’t really like the working classes at all.
Close but no cigar, out by a factor of two. By construction 17% are at 85 and below on the IQ scale or if you prefer, one in six is not much use for anything. Then again, apparently hydrocephaly laying waste to sizeable portions of the brain since birth is no impediment to getting a degree from university.
What do they call the plane that Harris flies on? It ought to be ‘Broomstick-One’.
I thought that was Pelosi’s or Hillary’s.
Close but no cigar, out by a factor of two. By construction 17% are at 85 and below on the IQ scale
That was before they got vaxxed.
Indeed Roger. The real problem with spontaneous uprisings is they have no need for Nora Loretos, ratepayer funded community activists, the ACTU and the usual professionally aggrieved. Totally unacceptable.
Not when they think for themselves, no.
They prefer their workers to be submissive and silent.
I dont think they are the ‘left’. These people are grubby globalist elite wanna be’s. They want to be in the elite group once the dust settles.
I was listening to an Econtalk podcast saying economics and political science have enough to say about the moral and cultural underpinnings of the West. You could not say that about an Islamic society.
You mean Fascists.
Daily Mail. She sits in Parliament to deliver this tirade?
Socialist have always been elite wanna be’s exploiting what all people seek a better life. Pity the alternative narrative is failing.
Should have stayed in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan then.
I dont think they are the ‘left’. These people are grubby globalist elite wanna be’s. They want to be in the elite group once the dust settles.
yes that’s my opinion too- Bishop (The WA one) is a typical example
That should be do NOT have enough to say… of course
It would interesting if a “friendly” j’ism named the “offender”, who then sued the j’ism and Tame.
Phone records, cross examination etc etc.
More likely is that someone from the Australia Day Council rang to give her the run down for Straya Day, Ms Tame has got aggro and the caller has tried to calm her down.
go to 25 minutes in for the weaving snake eyed loon who they picked for Australian of the year.
Most of the news bits cut out at “sounds familiar to me”.
What goes on next is a bizarre conflating of Morriswine with her abuser.
“I remember standing in the shadow of a trusted authority figure being threatened in just the same way, I remember him saying ill lose my job if anyone hears about this and you wouldnt want that would you. No. What i wanted in that moment is the same thing i want right now and that is an end to the darkness, an end to sexual violence. Safety, equity, respect, a better future for all of us, peace, a future driven by unity and truth not one dictated authoritatively under the politics of division and spin”
The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.
But, enough about 2017 to 2019, what’s happening now?
Anyone see the body wriggling and other assorted contortions that she was putting on in front of the Liar’s party press club to express herself? She really is disgusting.
February 10, 2022 at 7:01 am
Why would you want an AstraZeneca “booster”?
It’s designed for the original virus. The virus has moved on.
Are we stuck in some sort of drug pushing Ground Hog Day?
They have to do something with the stocks, and dumping them would be an admission of error, and therefore unacceptable to both politicians and bureaucrats.
Sounds likely.
I mentioned last week that Pru Goward wrote that even Labor figures walked on eggshells around Tame.
Does this idiot realise that the British Monarchy are actually Germans. Hahaha
They like the dependent, malleable ones. These are their flying monkey disruptor legions.
They dislike the independent, non-unionised ones. As for those self-employed traitors to the wokka…they are for burning.
“It would interesting if a “friendly” j’ism named the “offender”, who then sued the j’ism and Tame.
Phone records, cross examination etc etc.
More likely is that someone from the Australia Day Council rang to give her the run down for Straya Day, Ms Tame has got aggro and the caller has tried to calm her down.”
Here’s my take…and I might be wrong but I reckon someone might have rung her (because remember…apparently this “phone call” was months ago) to advise her to tone down her partisan political rhetoric on that sewer called Twitter.
Last night I turned down the volume when Sky showed Tame….I couldn’t believe the tsunami of aggression coming through into my room even without the volume turned up.
The best I can say is that I pity her. Anger is not healthy and it will, in the long run, gobble her up.
As for Brittany, I once had a modicum of sympathy for her….no more. It’s evident (it has been from day one) that she’s being used by her partner and leftist activists to attack the right.
My sympathy is now with the accused…who’s been judged guilty until proven innocent….common law has been trashed in this country….from this disgraceful PM down.
What a sad country we live in now.
Pfizer expects to sell $54 billion worth of COVID-19 shots, treatment pills in 2022
“Should have stayed in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan then.”
Yep, personally I find Faruqi even more of a disgrace than the attention seeker Thorpe. I also note that Faruqi has never said anything about the horrendous religious persecution of Christians, Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan but the slag has a lot to say about Israel. Like all Greens, she’s a hypocrite.
Yes, would be interesting to see a full transcript of the the “threat”. If I was the fiancé, I would be getting taped video consent on the wedding night and as required.
Another incongruous one is this:
This is a real headline: “ACLU challenges Youngkin order mandating choice on school masks” (9 Feb)
So the American Civil Liberties Union is now fighting to prevent civil liberty. Weird how this works.
Mob hysteria – The Spectator
Kevin Donnelly
While both Grace Tame, a victim of sexual abuse, and Brittany Higgins, who was allegedly raped in Parliament House, have every right to argue men are misogynist and their mistreatment of women is motivated by a thirst for power – their appearance at yesterday’s Canberra Press Gallery cannot go unchallenged.
While the woke commentariat attending responded to every criticism and attack with applause and nods of approval, the reality is what occurred represents an appalling lack of journalistic impartiality and objectivity while serving as an example of mindless group think and mob hysteria.
In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, set at the time of the Salem witch hunts but also reflecting the anti-communist inquisition led by Senator Joe McCarthy, mob mentality and unchecked emotion rule the day.
A play where Abigail and her accomplices conjure the devil to accuse the innocent, including John Proctor, and where the court betrays any sense of justice and a commitment to the truth.
A play where Miller reveals a deep-seated, primitive side of human nature and where once the laws are trounced there is nowhere to hide.
While Grace Tame is no Abigail, anyone who saw her performance yesterday witnessed somebody accomplished in working the audience by using every utterance, every pause and inflexion, and every movement to reinforce her message that Scott Morrison and the Liberal government are beyond redemption.
A partisan performance, where an alleged phone call by an anonymous senior bureaucratic is used as evidence to prove the Prime Minister is insensitive and callous and consumed by a thirst for power.
Although Brittany Higgins’ rape allegations have yet to be tested in court, she also swayed the audience to abandon any sense of objectivity. Reminiscent of the Salem witch hunts, an unproven accusation was taken as truth with no attempt to question the events surrounding the alleged crime.
Higgins, working in concert with Tame, also accused the Prime Minister of insincerity and an unwillingness to admit his complicity in what both characterised as a parliamentary atmosphere riven with misogyny and sexual abuse.
As argued by the American feminist Camille Paglia, such is the pervasive influence of the cultural-left’s political correctness and cancel culture. We are living in a time ‘where intolerance masquerades as tolerance and where individual liberty is crushed by the tyranny of the group’.
A time where primitive emotion trumps reason, language is weaponised to enforce mindless group think, and where conservative men – condemned as white, male and stale – are especially targeted and forever guilty.
Dr Kevin Donnelly is a senior fellow at the Australian Catholic University and editor of Cancel Culture and the Left’s Long March.
Quite a few Canadian Teamster reps in the protest, reportedly.
Unofficially, as The Brotherhood maintains covid is the real enemy of truck drivers.
The beastly virus is no doubt conspiring to lower their wages as we speak.
“For the elderly dying of pneumonia, (COVID-19) is said to be the old person’s friend,” he said.
“Generally it is a peaceful death, it is the way most of us are going to die.”
Doesn’t sound much like munty’s description given gratuitously to Calli?
… rolled tankie Lee Rhiannon in a pre-selection battle.
I guess the greens swapped repellant with obnoxious.
No wonder the AMA and the Nurses Federation are worried.
Ok, so will Green Miss Faruqi now denounce as ‘racist’ and ‘colonialist’ the green climate activism by Princes Charles, William and Harry? No I didn’t think so.
February 10, 2022 at 9:26 am
Labor just lost the Christian vote.
What have they done now?
Individual men may be, but labelling an entire sex thus is feminist boilerplate and a grave injustice to the many decent men in our society.
You should know better, Kevin.
Gotta get up pretty early to outwatermelon Lee Rhiannon. Well done NSW Greens.
They’ve opposed the religious discrimination Bill “on principle” to quote Albo.
It’s 2019 all over again.
February 10, 2022 at 9:58 am
The left don’t really like the working classes at all.
They see the workers as cannon fodder in a war for political power.
I’m sure she has a lot to say about the use of slave labour to manufacture solar panels in China.
With what we know now, anyone who takes ANY shots of this shit either is stupid, ignorant or has a death wish.
Or might need food and shelter.