Open Thread – Mon 14 Feb 2022

Napoleon’s Retreat from Moscow, Adolph Northen, 1866

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Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 18, 2022 12:38 am


How did the book launch go?

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 18, 2022 12:43 am

Dennis Waterman not only starred in New Tricks but also sang the theme song.
It had some lyrics many here could relate to.

It’s alright, it’s okay
Doesn’t really matter if you’re old and gray!
It’s alright – I say, it’s okay
Listen to what I say

It’s alright, doin’ fine
Doesn’t really matter if the sun don’t shine!
It’s alright – I say, it’s okay
We’re gettin’ to the end of the day

It was a great show. Waterman was the only actor to appear in all 12 series.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 18, 2022 12:44 am

You bastard.

February 18, 2022 1:22 am

A quick word

Feb 15, 2022
104K subscribers
I really do love you all.

February 18, 2022 1:34 am

Rita Panahi has an article up on HS about ABS statistics on Covid deaths.

I looked at ABS (in recent updates section) and whilst I stand to be corrected I think she has misinterpreted the info. My understanding is ABS is trying to say Covid was main cause of death in most of the cases. Seems confusing or they are trying to baffle us with BS.

It does mention ages of dying and other comorbidities.

A bit late but if anybody else has a look in the morning see if you think Rita interpreting it right. Her link in the article goes to wrong place.

February 18, 2022 1:34 am

7 months earlier …

Samson’s response to “Vax That Thang Up”

Jul 26, 2021

February 18, 2022 2:13 am

George Negus.
Clown face moustache.
RM Williams on his hooves.
Much publicised dalliance with a black woman.
Then a marriage that was more a political alliance.
Ozymandias marshalls the studio.
Nobody could squash him.
Now dementia.
Spare him a prayer.

February 18, 2022 4:01 am
February 18, 2022 4:02 am
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February 18, 2022 4:04 am
February 18, 2022 4:05 am
February 18, 2022 4:06 am
February 18, 2022 4:07 am
February 18, 2022 4:08 am
February 18, 2022 4:09 am
February 18, 2022 4:11 am
February 18, 2022 4:12 am
February 18, 2022 4:13 am
February 18, 2022 4:17 am

Biker Bob Gare (PRO)
Biker Bob Gare


Five major Canadian banks mysteriously go offline in hours-long outage

Five major Canadian banks mysteriously go offline in hours-long outage | Finbold
On February 16, five major Canadian banks went offline, preventing a number of customers from using e-Transfers and online banking services.

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?? ? ?? Suzy ?? ? ??
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King Arturius
King Arturius

Something going in with #Banks in #Canada

Either money frozen or #BankRunCanada

Tim Pool goes over possibility its intentional to crash the system for #TheGreatReset and just wait until he hears #JustinTrudeau accused Jewish MP of supporting Nazis, refusing to apologise twice and then running out

Said for several years now they are planning something, so you are not the only one, Tim

February 18, 2022 4:23 am

Thanks Tom. Lots to work with today.

February 18, 2022 4:31 am

Twitter saying Jaws is on 9Go tonight.
I haven’t checked to see if true or not.

We don’t close beaches on Sydney, it’s bad for tourism.

February 18, 2022 4:31 am

All. Sharks. Are. Bastards.

February 18, 2022 4:34 am

When NSW reintroduced the mask mandate on December 23, there were 5578 daily cases and everyone was going bonkers about daily cases.

Today it was announced the mask mandate would be largely scrapped, and there were 9995 cases and fewer people going bonkers

NSW ‘Elf twatter yesterday (?) was babbling about how ‘ffective masks are, “proven ta work!”.

February 18, 2022 4:35 am


“Kelly McGillis”

Press F to pay respects.


the wall remains undefeated


February 18, 2022 4:36 am

Anyone else see Kerry Chant is going on a well earned break?

February 18, 2022 4:41 am

Five major Canadian banks mysteriously go offline in hours-long outage | Finbold
On February 16, five major Canadian banks went offline, preventing a number of customers from using e-Transfers and online banking services.

Trudie Castro is likely prepared to watch Canada burn to impose his will, which is blessed with the power to create utopia.

February 18, 2022 4:44 am


A lot of people here need a smoke, drink, toke, to make love to the woman they loved 30 years ago…

The level of aggression here is quite astonishing.

Also, my line is this: If Dominic Peanuthead backs down on dropping restrictions, no Nononovavavax for me me me now Granville.

Good lord, I am pleasantly reasonable.

February 18, 2022 4:50 am

That bloody Great White was what looked liked 20 – 30 m from shores, max.

Made me shudder to think of the times I swam past the breakers.

February 18, 2022 4:53 am

I have to note, Kelly McGillis met Tom Cruise and then turned gay, then hit the wall at light speed.

Knuckles, Carpe, mole, your opinions would surely moderate my harsh thoughts.

February 18, 2022 4:54 am

Welcome plebs to Dot Talkback.

It’s Warhammer references and anti market monetarism 24 hours a day, a place with abundant fruit, I am glad you are happy and you are happy I am glad.

February 18, 2022 4:57 am


I am a 4’2″ midget incel with club feet and kleinfeldters disease broadcasting from a basement below my weird uncle’s basement below my mother’s basement.

(The stairs are a repurposed well).


February 18, 2022 5:20 am

Sushi & sashimi.
Plus a tempura hand roll.
Not the natural homes for msg.

February 18, 2022 5:21 am

You had Doki Doki panic.

February 18, 2022 5:22 am

You ok dot?
You haven’t fired up the glass bbq or anything ?

February 18, 2022 5:22 am

NSW ‘Elf twatter yesterday (?) was babbling about how ‘ffective masks are, “proven ta work!”.

There are two ways to deternine how effective masks are. One is to ask hysterical old women what they think. This is surprisingly popular, and not just among hysterical old women.

The other method is to do an experiment, masking one bunch of ppl, not masking another, and measuring the amount of cross infection. This has been done in the US, where some states have mask mandates and adjoining states do not. The result shows no significant difference between the two groups.

Of course, the second, experimental method reeks of white supremacy and mysogyny, involving as it does, reason and thought. So it hardly counts.

February 18, 2022 5:28 am

Masks are splash guards.
Nothing more, nothing less.

February 18, 2022 5:30 am

Hershel Walker looks like he’s going to be the GOP Senate candidate in Georgia.
Will make the next pollie tag football game fun if he wins.

February 18, 2022 5:33 am
February 18, 2022 5:34 am

Only fine Virginia tobacco for me sir.

February 18, 2022 5:40 am

Masks are splash guards.
Nothing more, nothing less.

They increase the level of carbon dioxide you breathe in and reduce the amount of oxygen in consequence. That’s enough to cause low levels of stress, which adversely affects the immune system.

There may be other bad effects. Splash guarding is the good news. The bad news we mostly don’t know about, but they’re bloody unnatural.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 18, 2022 5:53 am

Outstanding start to the day.

Not dawn yet, and already one Open All Hours reference on the books.

This is the sort of thing that brings the crowds back every week.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 18, 2022 5:56 am

Biker Bob Gare, or King Arturius or Finbold or somebody:

Five major Canadian banks mysteriously go offline in hours-long outage

Implies that the outage has finished. Any mail on whether the Canadaland banks are back or not?

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 18, 2022 6:10 am

Oh tom thank you what a bundle of joy are the cartoons, Bob Moran’s Turdo is just magnificent, Gary Varvel, they are all beauties today but I just don’t get Rowe’s – then again his cartoon are mostly like the contents of a long drop. Nice start to the day and how in your face are the actions of the banks — way to maintain confidence in the banking system.

February 18, 2022 6:11 am


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

Anchor What
Anchor What
February 18, 2022 6:15 am

The Australian no longer has a comment section under Perry Williams articles. Why do they employ a writer who their readers think is rubbish?

Anchor What
Anchor What
February 18, 2022 6:30 am

A run on Canadian banks? Now what might have caused that?
“Justin Trudeau’s Justice Minister, David Lametti on Wednesday said that being pro-Trump is a factor that will decide if your bank account is seized or frozen under Trudeau’s Emergency Orders.
Trudeau is also using the Emergency Orders to freeze personal accounts of people who donated to the trucker convoy.“
Gateway Pundit

Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 6:42 am

“Sancho Panzersays:
February 17, 2022 at 11:16 pm
Have you kneed Dave Sharma in the nuts with your new titanium knee yet?
If not, why not?”

Not yet….but I will.

February 18, 2022 6:49 am

In a huge fuck you to the woke community, Rogan has Joey Diaz on.
Oh boy.

February 18, 2022 6:55 am

Anyone else see Kerry Chant is going on a well earned break?

Why yes. Yes I did.

And I commented on it. I would have opted for the angler’s priest, but any old fracture will do.

February 18, 2022 6:55 am

I see evil stalked these hallowed halls at 12:12 last night.

Zyco! Explain yourself! 😀

February 18, 2022 7:04 am

Quite right.
Dover, can you please ban Zyco for posting that which can not be posted.

February 18, 2022 7:04 am

That video is the Voice of Sauron in visual form.

February 18, 2022 7:05 am

Lol. Made ya look!

Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 7:05 am

February 18, 2022 at 4:50 am
That bloody Great White was what looked liked 20 – 30 m from shores, max.

Made me shudder to think of the times I swam past the breakers.”

As I’m not a shark expert, can someone help me? Why are there suddenly white pointers this far north? Growing up I was told that white pointers are a cold water shark…hence the fact that these sharks are traditionally been found in very cold water, like what is off the WA coast, South Australia, South Africa and California. Is it..

1. Because we’ve banned fishing in many places…so there’s more fish for the sharks to hunt?
2. Because we’re not killing/culling enough…due to “protection” measures introduced back in the 1980s when sharks such as white pointers were endangered?
3. Because the water getting colder….which to me isn’t a sign of global warming, rather it’s a sign that the planet is cooling?

What Twostix said yesterday is true…people will begin to shun swimming in the ocean, it’s already happening in Perth (where the beaches are not netted).


February 18, 2022 7:17 am


There are great whites in the tropics and the world record tiger shark was caught near Ulladulla.

Australia has a confluence of cold and warm water currents.

It makes for spectacular fishing for tuna, WA Jewish and Mahi Maho etc.

It also means a yuuuge array of large predatory sharks.

Great Whites have been protected since 1999.

There is an old newsreel of Bob and Molly Dyer catching sharks. We should all watch it. Sharks of many kinds were once abundant in and around Sidonee.

Simpler times, better times.

February 18, 2022 7:18 am

From The Oz. It looks like they don’t want to stop jabbing. For something that is of little danger to great majority of their staff and certainly the kids. No doubt justified by protecting the elderly who if they die are over average age already. It is despicable.

“NSW teachers look set to face strict booster mandates after the state’s education minister Sarah Mitchell told the Upper House that all school-based staff would be required to have a third dose of a Covid vaccine.

Ms Mitchell told the Upper House on Thursday that vaccinations formed a “core part of the Department of Education’s Covid-smart strategies”, with the department awaiting health minister Brad Hazzard’s approval of a new public health order to mandate booster doses.

Ms Mitchell said vaccinations – possibly including mandated booster doses at three months – would work alongside “masks, cohorting, physical distancing, ventilation, rapid antigen testing, hygiene and cleaning” to reduce the risk of transmission in schools”.

February 18, 2022 7:19 am

It’s odd Cassie. There’s a strong warm current flowing down from Queensland right now, and it does a u-turn off Jervis Bay and out to the Pacific. (Think Finding Nemo and the ride they hitch). Colder water from the south is hitting this and being deflected.

I wonder if the animal simply lost its way.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 18, 2022 7:19 am

They increase the level of carbon dioxide you breathe in and reduce the amount of oxygen in consequence.

Not strictly true- Masks increase your respiratory ‘deadspace.’ This is a term used in Respiratory Medicine to describe the portion of the respiratory system that has no part no gas exchange (i.e. O2 in, CO2 out). There are two elements to it, anatomical and physiological.

Anatomical deadspace in the average human being is about 150mL or so of your usual tidal volume (about 500mL), and represents the piping (pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi) that connects the gas-exchanging tissues of your lungs to the outside air. These areas see gas flow, but do not exchange.

The other element, physiological deadspace, contains a much greater volume of your total lung capacity (about 6 litres in the healthy human adult), and relates to areas of your lungs that have more gas when inflated than blood perfusion for exchange (apices), more perfusion than exchangeable gas (bases- Thanks to our old mate, gravity), any form of impairment of gas diffusion (alveolar damage and collapse, tissue thickening, high pulmonary arterial blood pressure which prevents easy gas diffusion) and any sort of external imposition that impedes efficient working and gas exchange (e.g. neuromuscular disorders, musculoskeletal defects). And this final category is where artificial apparatus like masks, snorkels and respirator kit comes in.

Trying to breathe through a cloth/paper mask, or a snorkel or other filtration gear increases the volume of your respiratory circuit, but adds no gas exchange volume to compensate. So you get a larger than usual volume of expired air (high CO2, low O2) reamining in your system, and admixing with every inspired breath. Normally, your system is pretty good at dealing with a quantity of that (since that 150mL of anatomical deadspace I mentioned earlier represents about 30% of every breath you take), but the brain’s respiratory centre will respond to the higher CO2 concentration. You feel this as an increased urge to breathe faster and deeper. Which can then lead to anxiety or exhaustion in certain cases. Particularly when first introduced to the challenge (e.g. first time snorkelling).

Fortunately for us, the human respiratory system has an adaptive ‘training’ effect, and can and will adjust to the demands placed on it over time.

But any existing disease process or injury that affects the respiratory system just makes it that much harder, and can provoke an unwanted exacerbation of something in a sick individual.

February 18, 2022 7:22 am

The shark attack was a one a gazillion.
Some people win powerball.
Some people get attacked by sharks.
If there were another couple up & down the Sydney coast I’d prick my ears up.
Otherwise, it just was bad luck.

Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 7:22 am

I work for a large company. A few days ago I asked a senior person whether boosters will be compulsory. He said no and nor should they be.

We’ll see. I haven’t had the booster jab and I don’t want it.

February 18, 2022 7:23 am

February 18, 2022 at 7:18 am
From The Oz. It looks like they don’t want to stop jabbing. For something that is of little danger to great majority of their staff and certainly the kids. No doubt justified by protecting the elderly who if they die are over average age already. It is despicable.

“NSW teachers look set to face strict booster mandates after the state’s education minister Sarah Mitchell told the Upper House that all school-based staff would be required to have a third dose of a Covid vaccine.

The teachers should just refuse. The gov will have no choice but to back down.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 18, 2022 7:23 am

Said for several years now they are planning something

Of course you have, Mrs Faulty.

But when the volcano doesn’t explode tomorrow, please do not be offended if we make efforts to stop you from sacrificing virgins to it in your frustration to see your prophesied doomsday come…

February 18, 2022 7:25 am

I might add, do we really want cowardly teachers educating our children?

February 18, 2022 7:34 am

I haven’t had the booster jab and I don’t want it.

Likewise. The Beloved had his a few weeks before he was red pilled by the release of the ABS figures. In his defence, he has a few comorbidities, including chronic asthma.

This time I don’t think he’ll be pushing me to have it. He’s watched me struggle with the injury the idiotic injection inflicted – I still can’t lift my left arm above 90 degrees without pain and still have a “bump” on the injection site.

As for “hysterical old ladies” and masks, I doubt whether many have Twitter accounts to whinge on. That area belongs well and truly to a younger cohort. Perhaps multiple doses of “vaccine” causes GenXers and Ys of both sexes to transform into old ladies. These jabs can do anything!

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 18, 2022 7:38 am

How dare they make a false certificate for a false problem.
The ABC – speaking power to truth

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 18, 2022 7:39 am

Perhaps multiple doses of “vaccine” causes GenXers and Ys of both sexes to transform into old ladies.

Only if I get to be Helen Mirren!

Or Diana Rigg. 🙂

Maybe Audrey Hepburn? 😀


February 18, 2022 7:40 am

Twitter is saying the Mick Fuller racehorse/NSW plod contracts to co-owners is the tip of the iceberg.

Where was this scrutiny when he was the top cop?
Oh that’s right, access journalism.

February 18, 2022 7:41 am

I see Dot got there first on the fishing off the NSW coast. Montague Island off Narooma is another great fishing ground, where currents collide annually.

In other fishy (or to be exact cetacean) news, the humpbacks are down in the arctic having a whale of a time feasting on krill. In a few weeks the first will be spotted off the coast making the great migration to the tropics. They often have a brief rest off the rocks at Birubi, before continuing north. Wonderful to watch them frolicking there.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 18, 2022 7:45 am


Monica Bellucci and Nigella Lawson are old ladies too…

😀 😀 😀


Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 7:46 am

Thanks Calli and Dot.

February 18, 2022 7:51 am

First they came for the teachers and I did not speak up and then they came for the ( ) and the (. ).

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 18, 2022 7:56 am

Shortly after this, Sinclair e-mailed me to say that Elizabeth regretted her remark and offered an apology. I accepted, and asked him to convey that to her. And I never mentioned the incident again, until now.

This does require a response.

I asked Sinc to email that although I could not recall EVER making a comment that might cause offense, if Delta had taken such offense at anything that I had said, then I was sorry. That is quite different to saying I regretted making an offensive remark as I don’t think I did make such a remark. But obviously, if a woman dealing with an amputation felt that I had, then I was deeply saddened by that and apologised for any offense she had felt, for no offence was ever intended.

56 people or more here think that I have been treated well here. The crowd here believe that a fixated woman’s demented chasing of me for years was quite appropriate, calling firstly my husband and then me ‘you rat with a Gold Tooth’ and worse, doxxing us and for years and years and years throwing constant denigration at my simplest statements; and in recent upticking times crowing about how well-received her viciousness was and then on a rival blog sententiously calling me ‘ill bred’ (a very ill bred thing to do, imho).

On this site, the ridiculous and insulting ‘Hyacinth’ meme, to which I have always expressed objection, has been used in a class-envious manner (which bears analysis in itself) against any any sociological or personalised observation I might make (I observe sociologically wherever I find myself; I have been a film-maker in cinema verite and have published on this mode, which later morphed into Reality TV).

At a vulnerable time, I was deeply hurt by Delta’s view that I had slagged off at her amputation and in particular by her expressed belief that it indicated some character deficiency in me; but my feelings do not seem to have been given any consideration. I did ask Sinclair to ask Delta to please let me know what comment it was of mine that she so misinterpreted so that I could more readily understand her viewpoint. But that seems to have got lost in the messaging. She did not reply.

My husband I know both know that I will never get a fair hearing here and that using an open public blog to defend myself simply increases hostility to me and is seen as demeaning. That is sad, regrettable, and indicative of something particularly nasty in the atmosphere here.

I am currently in another vulnerable time and my resolve to leave is nothing but more resolute (and please be quiet you endless and boring ‘don’t slam the door’ idiots). I do not want to be a presence here so it is not much to ask that you all put up with this correction; I will not seek others. I am nothing but a scapegoat anyway to the crowd behaviour here. No sensible person wants to engage under those terms.

My PCR returned Covid positive. That is a good thing. Natural immunity is proving to be the winner although I have my fingers crossed due to my age.

Dr. BG, I know you are hug-resistant, but I will give you a free Coviddy hug if you’d like to catch it. 🙂

February 18, 2022 8:00 am

This is what it sounds like
When doves cry

February 18, 2022 8:01 am

I only wanted to see you in the purple rain.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 18, 2022 8:01 am

it just was bad luck.

Good luck for the hysterical media.
Mucho, mucho grande coverage.

Leon L.
Leon L.
February 18, 2022 8:06 am

Don’t know if anyone posted this yesterday. Been busy and it’s to ugly to scroll back.
Earlier this week, someone was wondering whether covid was creating dwarves.
It certainly is shrinking brains.

From the treehouse:

COVID-19 appears to have created a dissociative condition called cognitive COVID madness. Fewer people are injured by covid related respiratory damage than are injured by covid related brain damage.

“ If you are non-compliant with the vaccine/testing rule you must get a suspension for five days as punishment for not getting the vaccine or missing a test. However, the County cannot suspend the firefighter because they don’t have staff. So, the vaccine/testing suspension is delayed until they get enough staff to suspend you….. And somewhere, in some bureaucratic office of some knucklehead, this all makes sense.”

February 18, 2022 8:11 am
February 18, 2022 8:12 am

So have any of our rubbish ‘leaders’ condemned Justine’s war on the working class? Surely ‘tin shack’ Joyce will.

February 18, 2022 8:16 am

I just checking out the calculator.
That is farking funny.
Well done dot.

February 18, 2022 8:19 am

Delusional score will be now applied across everything.

February 18, 2022 8:28 am

“NSW teachers look set to face strict booster mandates after the state’s education minister Sarah Mitchell told the Upper House that all school-based staff would be required to have a third dose of a Covid vaccine.

In the future we need a Constitution that prohibits anybody who has willingly taken a vaccine from working as a politician or judge. People who believe in vaccination instantaneously become evil and stupid.

February 18, 2022 8:33 am

The only way to weed out the free thinkers amongst the teaching population is to require 4 or 5 boosters over the next 2 years.

February 18, 2022 8:35 am

Twitter takes down the project veritas undercover video of the FDA official.
Because rules apply.

Twitter leaves up the hacked doxxing list of the trucker donors.
Because rules don’t apply.

February 18, 2022 8:36 am

There was some discussion about Engineers being no good at being politicians yesterday.

They couldn’t be any worse than the innumerate idiots we have in charge at the moment.

2800MW Erarang to close.

Matt Kean – ‘but mah.. we’re putting in a 700MW battery’

Ok – but what’s its capacity in MWh, ?

Apparently, it’ll be more than 4x the SA Tesla battery, which has been recently expanded to 189MWh

Ok.. so we put a 800MWh battery in there. At 960MW, that’ll keep Tomago running for about 50 minutes.


btw – Tomago contributes about $1.5B to the economy annually.

Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 8:37 am

If you want to know what’s wrong with our society, it’s that people vote for Green scum and this Green scum infest and infect our body politic.

From The Daily Telegraph…

“Little Bay shark attack ‘a bite’ – Greens slammed over playing down fatality

Shark researchers and government bodies are moving away from using term ‘shark attack’ but the PC push has sparked a backlash.

Ferocious and savage shark attacks are being ­renamed “shark incidents” and “shark bites” under a politically correct push to move away from so-called “alarmist” language.

Shark researchers are concerned the public thinks sharks are “mindless man-eating monsters”.

Surf Life Saving NSW has now officially stopped using the word “attacks” saying “we’ve moved away from the term ‘attack’ as it doesn’t ­accurately reflect the behaviour of sharks in their natural habitat”.

It described Wednesday’s horrific tragedy as a “fatal shark incident”.

The NSW Department of Primary Industries, in charge of keeping swimmers safe, also now just uses the term “shark bite”.

And the Australian Shark Attack File managed by ­Taronga Zoo has been ­renamed the “Australian Shark Incident Database”, with marine scientists citing “negative concerns” around the previous name.

It said it would include phrases such as “interactions” and “negative encounters”.

Greens Deputy Mayor at Randwick Council Kym Chapple, part of a Greens party team that has pushed to remove netting off Sydney beaches, described Tuesday’s tragedy as a “shark bite”.

“Awful news from Little Bay tonight with a person killed following a shark bite – beach is currently closed,” she wrote in a now-deleted tweet.

When questioned by someone who said “it wasn’t a ‘bite’ it was a full blown, ongoing attack”, Ms Chapple ­replied: “I’ve seen the video and I’m following the guidance of shark scientists who say this is more accurate terminology – also I think there’s a real risk this is used for either vigilante action or more nets which would both be really bad outcomes.”

One Nation NSW MP Mark Latham said removing the word attack reflected Greens party beliefs that the “human got in the way of the shark”, instead of the reality that the shark attacked the human.

“I think it’s wrong for people to be implying sympathy for the shark when the life has been lost and the family and loved ones would be completely devastated,” he said.

“They are trying to downplay this as a bite rather than an attack.

“Humans have got the right to protect human life.

“Calling it an incident is pathetic, when a life has been lost, call it what it is.”

Asked about her tweets, Ms Chapple said she wasn’t fully aware of the extent of the attack and it was clearly deeply awful and traumatising.

“This was a tragic and ­horrific death and it’s not about politics or some argument on language it’s about concern for a grieving family,” she said.

One Nation NSW MP Mark Latham said removing the word attack reflected Greens party beliefs that the “human got in the way of the shark”.

Former Randwick Liberal deputy mayor Brendan Roberts, who fought to save shark nets, said Ms Chapple had “imposed on the community the politically correct language of ‘shark bite’ when ­describing their attacks on people.”

“Clearly this new Greens councillor, gifted the position of Deputy Mayor last month with Labor support, has instinctively sided with the importance of protecting the reputation of killer sharks,” he said.

Australian Marine Conservation Society researchers have complained that “alarmist language” by the media and politicians could “inflame public fears” about beach safety.

One shark researcher told an Australian conference last year the move away from ­saying attack was “because it helps dispel inherent assumptions that sharks are ravenous, mindless man-eating monsters”.

Film maker and shark specialist Andy Casagrande on Thursday defended sharks, saying Australian policy is “infamous for its brute-force shark nets and shark culls” and the ocean was their home.

“Bottom line, sharks are ocean based apex predators, and if they wanted to, they would hunt and kill humans every day of the year, but they don’t,” he said.

“Humans on the other hand, do hunt and kill sharks every single day of the year.””

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 18, 2022 8:39 am

Book launch went really well Knuckles. Four TV crews, and lotsa grog.

Best image of the night was this one I think:

Book launch pix by Vicki T. Brian Winspear (in uniform), former Hudson bomber gunner and Vultee Vengeance divebomber crewman, is with radar operator Austin Asche. Both served in the RAAF in WWII. Austin is a former Supreme Court judge, and an Administrator of the Northern Territory.


Boambee John
Boambee John
February 18, 2022 8:43 am

February 18, 2022 at 4:36 am
Anyone else see Kerry Chant is going on a well earned break?

That’s a strange way to spell “sulking”.

February 18, 2022 8:47 am

Humans have got the right to protect human life.

In a society where killing infants in utero and sending off oldies with the green dream is perfectly acceptable and enshrined in legislation, that “right” has been swept away.

Unless we apply it “certain” human life. Ubermensch comes to mind.

Why not go full Nazi? They know they want to, but just won’t admit it.

Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 8:48 am

February 18, 2022 at 8:35 am
Twitter takes down the project veritas undercover video of the FDA official.
Because rules apply.

Twitter leaves up the hacked doxxing list of the trucker donors.
Because rules don’t apply.”

Twitter is a sewer of progressive hypocrisy and double standards.

February 18, 2022 8:49 am

Max @AuH2O
Trudeau Labels a Jewish MP a Nazi, Won’t Apologize, Claims He’s Protecting Canadians’ Freedoms by Stripping Their Freedoms – Ignores that His Deputy Prime Minister’s Grandfather Was a Nazi

February 18, 2022 8:51 am

Max @AuH2O
28m ·
Donald Trump Jr.: “This Is Actually Worse than Watergate and Yet All of Those Clowns Are Strangely Silent – They Know They’ve Been Caught” (VIDEO)

February 18, 2022 8:53 am

Max @AuH2O
30m ·
PURE EVIL: YouTube CEO Pushes for More Government Laws to Crack Down on Unacceptable Speech

February 18, 2022 8:54 am

Thanks to all who responded to my comment about detective/crime/mystery shows.

To the person who suggested Bosch I am an avid fan and have spent many a wee small hour mainlining coffee to watch it. (Why, oh why, do they put excellent programs like this on only after midnight??) That and The Closer are my current faves among the US crop.

New Tricks is on about its third repeat after originally being shown on TheirABC years ago, and I’ve seen them all more than once. I think it declined in quality towards the end, but the early ones were excellent. And I agree that Dennis Waterman was great in that, as he was in Minder and The Sweeney.

If I missed mentioning any other suggestions, apologies, but from what I recall I’ve already seen them all. 🙂

The 1960s to mid seventies was the Golden Age for British crime and spy shows, IMHO – production standards started to rise and the scripts were tight and focused on plot, not special effects or bangs and biffo. I’ve managed to find quite a few on Youtube and Daily Motion that were never shown here, and they are much better than the lazy trash being made these days – with a few notable exceptions.

My source for a lot of the previously unknown titles is the comments below ones I like – commenters often suggest or ask about other shows of the same genre and quality. You have to wade through a lot of dross to find them, but there is gold in those otherwise inane Youtube comments!

February 18, 2022 8:55 am

“NSW teachers look set to face strict booster mandates after the state’s education minister Sarah Mitchell told the Upper House that all school-based staff would be required to have a third dose of a Covid vaccine.

If having boosters/wearing masks/social distancing are so necessary for schools/kids/teachers why has the NSW Dept. Education quite happily allowed the, usual, February School swimming carnival(s) season to go on unabated out here in Fairfield, NSW .. no masks/social distancing and all years inter-mingling freely ..
does this mean that BAT FLU either abbhors swimming or has it been placed in detention and confined to school grounds for the duration? ..

February 18, 2022 8:55 am

Get well fast, Lizzie. At least you and your husband can battle the spicy cough together. And…you can make sure he isn’t milking it as men are wont to do!

My whole family has had the thing. All triple enjabbenated apart from the littlest ones. All with a huge range of symptoms from totally bedridden to a bit frayed around the gills.

Today appears to be fishy day – first the angler’s priest for Chant, then ocean currents and sharks, a whale report and now gills. *idea* I might pull out some nice salmon for tea.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
February 18, 2022 8:56 am

Hi Lizzie. It’s not just the left that eats their own. Just remember that it’s a reflection on the accuser, not the accused.

And good luck with covid, but don’t worry too much. It’s almost certainly Omicron, and the “underlying conditions” are things like very late stage 4 cancer and morbid obesity with diabetes and then some.

February 18, 2022 8:58 am

Monica Bellucci and Nigella Lawson are old ladies too…

Catherine Zeta Jones .. honourable, very honourable mention .. LOL!

Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 9:00 am

Lizzie, I have emailed you privately. I hope you and Hairy get well soon. As I’m going to rehab three times a week I get tested three times a week…and each time I’m negative. I actually want to get the bloody thing but the virus doesn’t seem to like me.

Re. testing, at the large company I work for they’ve bought thousands of rat tests in order to test staff. Each morning you’re supposed to get tested. I’ve told them no, it is not necessary with me because I am getting tested regularly.

It is ridiculous.

February 18, 2022 9:00 am

Twitter is saying the Mick Fuller racehorse/NSW plod contracts to co-owners is the tip of the iceberg.
Where was this scrutiny when he was the top cop?

Protected species .. maaate of GLADYS .. nuttin’ to see ‘ere .. mooove along, pleeeze! .. LOL!

February 18, 2022 9:00 am

Figures: That’s the same Sarah Mitchell who refuses point-blank to boot Dark Enu from the classroom.

February 18, 2022 9:01 am

Apropos several “News” items discussed here in the last 24 hrs, and beyond:
NOTE: Everyone here probably already knows this, but it’s worth summarising.

There is NO doubt that Twitter, Facebook, Gab, YT etc.. have Deep-Learning Neural Network-based algorithms evaluating and directing traffic to/fro their sites.
Anyone using these sites has seen how, and which, items are presented, when and how they relate to current trending topics, how they magically appear, and how they disappear from the feed, just as quickly.

This is the “Living in a Simulation” argument made by many on YT (the only site I use), eg. Scott Adams, JBP et al.

Reptilian-brained humans, clumped around 2SDs of the Normal distribution react strongly to fear, bad news, impending doom, deaths, conspiracies, scandal, gossip, conflict etc.. In other words, overwhelmingly made-up shit, salacious and “terrifying news” with zero or near-zero factual content.

Panic, conflict and a sense of impending doom/catastrophe focuses the primordial mind.

So that’s what is promoted and amplified by social media.

The MSM knows this, they are trying to survive their death spiral by simply providing a different channel for the same garbage, chasing $$ thru clicks.
Recycling of said garbage fills-in the gaps in the 24-hour cycle.

…and the overwhelmingly majority fall for this.. every time.

February 18, 2022 9:02 am

Water defeats coof except at Bondi Beach.

It’s like this:

Rock smashes scissors
Scissors cut paper
Paper wraps up rock

Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 9:03 am

February 18, 2022 at 9:00 am
Figures: That’s the same Sarah Mitchell who refuses point-blank to boot Dark Enu from the classroom.”

Correct, she’s a moron….who’s also stood by whilst “Safe Schools” was introduced and did nothing. The Liberals in NSW are useless.

February 18, 2022 9:04 am

Marine Corps Announces 640 Marines Discharged over Vaccine Mandate

And just to juxtapose –

It’s time to start ‘inching’ toward normalcy, Fauci says; 73% of Americans may be immune to omicron: Live COVID-19 updates

They’re not letting go there and they’re not letting go here. The very worst part – segregation and discrimination – is still in place with no prospect of removal in sight. And why would there be, when we now know the whole thing was created from whole cloth in the first place.

February 18, 2022 9:06 am

On crime shows – Wallander.

Branagh is very good and an excellent support cast, but it’s the cinematography that sucks me in every time. That slightly overexposed “northern” light quality.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 18, 2022 9:11 am

Regarding the “Shark Incident” did I see fishermen on the rock ledges?
Don’t swim where people fish.

February 18, 2022 9:12 am

Haven’t got my WBC money yet Panzer.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 18, 2022 9:13 am

Cassie of Sydneysays:

February 18, 2022 at 9:00 am

… As I’m going to rehab three times a week …

Say “Hi!” to Andrew O’Keefe for me!

February 18, 2022 9:14 am

I’m not sure what is more bizarre.
That Ben Rhodes isn’t in a Colorado supermax.
Or that he’s quite happily tweeting away about some of the most corrupt shit to ever come out of a Whitehouse.

February 18, 2022 9:16 am

Latest Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain, Episode 15 “Please Explain The ABC”

Extremely accurate, I thought.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 18, 2022 9:17 am


February 18, 2022 at 9:12 am

Haven’t got my WBC money yet Panzer.

Me neither.
Maybe Justin Trudeau took it.
Better come through because I had an ASX splurge just before close yesterday which is on T+2 settlement.

Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 9:17 am

“Sancho Panzersays:
February 18, 2022 at 9:11 am
Regarding the “Shark Incident” did I see fishermen on the rock ledges?
Don’t swim where people fish”

Correct…which is what I wrote yesterday. I was brought up with many shark warnings…and one being “don’t swim where people fish”.

Another one I recall is to never swim if there are seals in the water.

February 18, 2022 9:18 am

Bing Bong.
Canada threatening to take truckers dogs.
Bing Bong.

Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 9:20 am

“Sancho Panzersays:
February 18, 2022 at 9:13 am
Cassie of Sydneysays:

February 18, 2022 at 9:00 am

… As I’m going to rehab three times a week …

Say “Hi!” to Andrew O’Keefe for me!”

LOL…..Mr O’Keefe is still incarcerated, his lawyers tried the rehab shtick with the judge to get him let out of jail but it didn’t wash.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 18, 2022 9:22 am

Correct…which is what I wrote yesterday. I was brought up with many shark warnings…and one being “don’t swim where people fish”.

Sorry, only read Cat indermiddendly yesterday.
Busy doin’ stuff.

February 18, 2022 9:23 am
February 18, 2022 9:26 am

Regarding the “Shark Incident” did I see fishermen on the rock ledges?
Don’t swim where people fish”

Poor chap was English; possible he hadn’t been taught that.

February 18, 2022 9:28 am

Bank accounts, crypto wallets associated with protest convoy frozen: Freeland
Convoy accounts frozen

The Canadian Press – Feb 17, 2022 / 1:39 pm | Story: 360433
Photo: CPAC screengrab
Chrystia Freeland
Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland says the RCMP has shared the names of individuals, businesses and crypto wallets associated with the protest convoy with banks and accounts have been frozen.

She is not saying how many accounts have been frozen, citing the ongoing operation and not wanting to jeopardize law enforcement’s work.

Freeland adds those details will be disclosed later.

She says in the coming days she will be laying out details about broadening the scope of rules against money laundering and terrorist financing to apply to crowdfunding websites.

Freeland says those websites will be able to report suspicious activity to Fintrac, Canada’s financial intelligence agency.

She says she’s spoken directly with the heads of major banks and the director of Fintrac, her cabinet colleagues are meeting very regularly, and their focus is ending these illegal blockades and occupation.

She says it gives her no pleasure to impose these measures, and in fact, the government does so with “great sorrow,” but she says no one should doubt its determination to act to restore peace, order and good government.

Tamara Lich, one of the spokespeople for the convoy in Ottawa, says her personal bank account has been frozen and it may be inevitable that she’s going to prison.

In an interview today, she says the Emergencies Act and extra forces downtown make her feel like police action could be imminent.

She says she doesn’t feel anxious because she is on “the right side.”

Steve Bell, interim chief of the Ottawa police, confirmed that enforcement against protesters is “imminent.”

Bell tells a news conference police from different parts of Ontario and Quebec have joined Ottawa officers and they are absolutely committed to ending this unlawful demonstration.

He says there will be a secure area with over 100 checkpoints to make sure only people working and living in the downtown area will be allowed in, along with people with a lawful reason to be there such as a medical appointment.

February 18, 2022 9:29 am

Banks Have Started Freezing Accounts of Some Involved in Protests, Canada’s Deputy PM Says
By Andrew Chen February 17, 2022 Updated: February 17, 2022

The RCMP have started sharing names of individuals and corporations, as well as their cryptocurrency wallets, with financial institutions to freeze the accounts of some people involved with convoy blockades and protests, federal ministers say.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland told reporters in a press conference on Feb. 17 that information is now being shared by law enforcement with Canada’s financial institutions to cut off funding for the ongoing protests that oppose the federal government’s COVID-19 mandates.

“The names of both individuals and entities, as well as crypto-wallets have been shared by the RCMP with financial institutions, and accounts have been frozen, and more accounts will be frozen. Crowdfunding platforms and payment service providers have started the registration process with FINTRAC,” Freeland said.

The announcement comes after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act on Feb. 14, which gives authorities sweeping additional powers to respond to the protesters. The majority of provincial premiers have opposed the move, saying the unprecedented measure is unnecessary.

“The measures we enacted include broadening the scope of Canadian rules to fight money laundering and terrorism financing so that it includes social financing platforms and various financial transaction institutions, it will also enable them to report suspicious and other activities to FINTRAC and it will help put an end to this,” Freeland said.

“It will require that financial institutions reassess their links with all persons involved in blockades and inform our national security organizations.”

She said the emergency order will also allow federal, provincial, and territorial governments to communicate information to banks and financial service providers, which will “enable them to put an end to funding and financing to unlawful blockades.”

Freeland refused to release the specific numbers on how many accounts, either personal or corporate, have been targeted, saying that she doesn’t want to jeopardize the “operational actions [that] are being taken.”

Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino also said at the press conference that on Feb. 16 he had officially tabled a motion to confirm the federal government’s emergency declaration made under the Emergencies Act, and he expects to debate the motion with MPs “over the next few days.”

The protests in Ottawa and across Canada started with truckers who opposed the federal government’s COVID-19 vaccination requirements for drivers crossing the Canada-U.S. border. Starting on Jan. 29, large convoys of trucks drove to the capital to protest the measure, while supporters opposing pandemic-related mandates and restrictions joined in.

Many protesters have said they will remain in the nation’s capital until the mandates are lifted.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 18, 2022 9:29 am

The Grauniad gloats:

The early closure of Australia’s biggest coal plant caught Angus Taylor by surprise – but it shouldn’t have

Apparently Matt Kean and AEMO have everything in hand and AGL and Origin have our best interests at heart.

The solution: replace filthy 2,880MW coal-fired Eraring power station with a crisp, clean 700MW/1400MWh grid storage battery.

What? A 24/7 power station swapped out for a battery that could discharge at 25% of Eraring’s capacity for 2 hours. How’s that work?

Luckily Minister Kean wasn’t asleep at the wheel and can tell us:

NSW response to closure of Eraring Power Station

The NSW Government has developed a comprehensive plan to ensure that NSW continues to have reliable and affordable electricity following the closure of the Eraring Power Station.

Energy reliability and the Waratah Super Battery

Lots of words follow, but the guts are spilled out in the neat little chart in the middle:

1) NSW has an Energy Security Target of 15,550MW of ‘firm’ (ie always available) electricity supply – below which chaos starts to reign.

2) When Liddel and Eraring are taken out of the system by AGL(2023) and Origin(2026), firm supply falls to 12,906MW (17% below minimum) – chaos reigns, the NSW average power price is bid towards $15,000/MWh, and electricity company bonuses run free.

3) In Kean’s cunning plan, Armageddon is avoided by:

• ~1,000MW of new open cycle gas turbine generation at distress prices (Hi AGL and Origin);
• ~350MW discharge from the Waratah Super Battery (for about 4 hours);
• 164MW of new renewables – mainly solar;
• 128MW of ‘demand management’; and
• 937MW of “firm capacity enabled by the Waratah Super Battery and transmission upgrades” – mostly solar and existing Snowy Hydro.

This all scrapes NSW back, just, to the Energy Security Target.

Leaving aside the gas supply issues for the 1,000MW ocgt ‘screamers’, the takeaway is: after 2026 the security of the NSW electricity supply will be dependent on solar and four hours worth of fully charged battery.
Plus there being enough water in Tumut.

Reliable redefined.

Pro Tip: From 2027, don’t be in a lift in Sydney, after dark, when the wind isn’t blowing really hard.

February 18, 2022 9:29 am

The dying liberal order.

A few quibbles but well worth a read.

February 18, 2022 9:30 am

Oh dear! .. BAT FLU plummeting in the media ratings so off we go back to CLIMATE! .. LOL!
I live out in the far western suburbs haven’t used the air con most of summer but time to brace cos it’s gonna get HOT .. sez the experts! .. LOL!

February 18, 2022 9:30 am

How do you freeze a crypto wallet without the help from the provider?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 18, 2022 9:30 am

I’ve seen the video and I’m following the guidance of shark scientists who say this is more accurate terminology

‘I changed the terminology from “shark attack” to “fish cuddle” on the best scientific advice.’

As Doctor C was so fond of saying, just before the horrible accident that saw him ejected in the pod whilst horribly disfigured:

‘Please. This is a place of science.’

February 18, 2022 9:31 am

Tried out a new Jap place tonight via uber eats.
Now my heart is beating out of my chest.
How does that work?

Too much Wasabi?

February 18, 2022 9:32 am

“Mr. Singh, who comes from Amritsar, So, a year ago, he got a licence and found a company to work for in Surrey, B.C.”

It doesn’t say where he got his licence but if it was India then he would’ve got it from a bribe or a mate. There’s not much in the way of semis or doubles in India and then he’s driving 45 tonnes on icy, snow covered roads? A recipe for disaster.

As for the gov saying there’s a shortage of drivers, well there’s a great solution increase pay rates until there’s no shortage. Migration of mass numbers of low skilled people only reduces wages for the less skilled native born. But perhaps that’s the plan.

February 18, 2022 9:33 am

National actually and same old story…

Mitchell was born in Gunnedah, and moved to Grafton as a child. She moved back to Gunnedah while in high school, completing her Higher School Certificate at Gunnedah High School in 1999. She moved to Sydney in 2001, and studied politics and international relations at the University of New South Wales, obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in 2016. Mitchell later moved back to Gunnedah, where she worked as an electorate officer for former Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson. She continued working for Mark Coulton, Anderson’s successor as local MP, upon Anderson’s 2007 retirement

February 18, 2022 9:34 am

PRGuy has been very shy these last few days. The success of Somyurek’s motion and Avi’s legal bid to have Twitter unmask him clearly has him rattled.

Recycling a 4 year old hit piece on Avi is very low energy.

February 18, 2022 9:36 am

Maybe Audrey Hepburn?

I know, I know… but the Europeans would call it art and in this instance I would tend to agree.

February 18, 2022 9:36 am

NSW has an Energy Security Target of 15,550MW of ‘firm’ (ie always available) electricity supply – below which chaos starts to reign.

Have the idiots factored in the impact of the restart of the immigration Ponzi scheme on demand?

Incidentally, I saw a claim that a 3rd world migrant to Australia increases her carbon footprint four fold by adopting the Australian lifestyle, which actually seems modest to me.

For argument’s sake…it would seem that the quickest way we can arrest our carbon emissions is by cutting back on immigration.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
February 18, 2022 9:36 am

Great line in Laura Cohen’s column on Mark Steyn’s site re “sanctifying middle class privilege as though it’s a moral virtue”:
“Being able to WFH & get your shopping delivered does not make you a better person. You’ve spent 2 years outsourcing your risk to poorer people.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 18, 2022 9:37 am

LOL…..Mr O’Keefe is still incarcerated, his lawyers tried the rehab shtick with the judge to get him let out of jail but it didn’t wash.

I don’t know if that was him or his lawyers.
Tells the Magistrates he needs out because “mental elf” and threatens to take it up to daddy’s old stamping ground (Supreme Court).
Supreme Court says “take a number. We are really quite busy and won’t get to you for at least a month”.
(This is legal speak for “Fuck off back to the Local Court where this belongs”).
Where bail is refused.
The cunning plan was to get bailed to the care of a psych at Sydney Clinic who would grant him day release and declare him cured after two weeks and free to go.
Back door bail using the psych isn’t going to fly.
His lawyers need to submit a whole range of conditions (ankle bracelet, no phone, strict confinement in a clinic 24/7) or he isn’t going anywhere.

February 18, 2022 9:37 am

Michael Malice did a show a couple years back on US cops shooting dogs on purpose as a tool to escalate a situation.
And we aren’t talking pit bulls or staffies.
We’re talking about beagles & other smaller breeds.
They shoot the dog.
The owner goes berserk.
The owner gets arrested & the charges get bumped up to a felony because of the reaction to their dog getting shot.
It’s insidious.
The trend started after Ruby Ridge where the FBI shooting the family dog turned shit up to eleventy.

February 18, 2022 9:38 am

Click for embiggening, you filthy perverts.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 18, 2022 9:40 am

Kelly McGillis met Tom Cruise and then turned gay, then hit the wall at light speed.

I am aware that at least one other commenter here finds McHaggis stunning.

From my own perspective: In Top Gun she looked like the dog from Turner and Hooch, and she’s fallen away badly since then.

February 18, 2022 9:40 am


I have left my hacked email account live to see what would happen.

1. Got an email verification ping
2. Getting fishing emails from fake Trump support sites.

February 18, 2022 9:43 am

“Being able to WFH & get your shopping delivered does not make you a better person. You’ve spent 2 years outsourcing your risk to poorer people.”

Nailed it.

local oaf
February 18, 2022 9:45 am

johanna says:
February 18, 2022 at 8:54 am

Thanks to all who responded to my comment about detective/crime/mystery shows.
The 1960s to mid seventies was the Golden Age for British crime and spy shows, IMHO –

If you want something more in the fun than gritty drama, you can’t go past Department S.

A small three person team of specialists tackling baffling crimes. Beautiful girl computer expert, all round American action man and suave lothario Englishman Jason King.

King, played by the very gay Peter Wyngarde was likely one of the main inspirations for Austin Powers.

A bit quaint and camp now, but they had some clever and intriguing plots.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 18, 2022 9:49 am

Class envy is when people try to take others down because they perceive them to be unjustified in their social position (at its worst, sheer socialism), or in a peculiar twist, class envy can occur when social positioning is seen as being claimed by an individual or group not entitled to make such a claim (which very fact gives implicit acceptance of a class system and coterminously a dislike of recent entrants into a given social class). Class envy is thus a complex sociological phenomenon which occurs strongly in societies with an egalitarian ethos. All societies are class stratified in some way. In a society where class is not supposed to exist or matter, a melange of ‘status’ ascriptions become seen as class markers. Class in this sense then becomes something not mentioned in polite circles, relying on literary or other behavioural, interactive and cultural aspects of a moneyed ‘leisure’ class for validation. Hence in egalitarian societies ‘real’ class, something seen as a social ‘fact’, is validated by humility about one’s economic and social class position, which is often transcribed as ‘breeding’.

The TV Series Keeping Up Appearances was about social striving within class boundaries, not between them. It represents the peculiarly British rigidities that still exist about social ‘niceties’ within bounded hierarchies and the petty and pretentious manner in which striving for upward mobility occurs in these settings – and it is readily satirised.

I have spent much though not all of my career making sociological observations of such things, writing advertising that draws on people’s class feelings, filming them in real life, interviewing people in various social strata about their perceptions of others, and noting how class envy operates in large and small ways, in daily life and of course in political formations. It is a fascinating area of study, especially if, like me, you have moved in many different social circles and felt the full force of class as economic and cultural deprivation in early life – as did many Australians of my generation. When you live it as well as study it, you get pretty good at recognising it.

And going lol about it rearing its ugly head on Catallaxy. Class is always a very touchy subject.
Johanna’s version of Nouveau Riche btw is particularly outdated and hilarious. It says far more about her own perceived class insecurities than it could ever say about me. I don’t have any class insecurities. Anyone who knows me could tell you that, quite honestly, I accept all people on their own merits not who they are or where they come from. That is why the denigration of me here is particularly egregious. It is based on silly memes and prejudices.

A lot, though not all, of my publications on Quadrant are reflections on class in books, movies and my own life. This much is worth pointing out here.

Doves are sweet birds, but Currawongs are my avian choice. 🙂

February 18, 2022 9:50 am

Hi, oaf – I’ve seen that one too! And Wallander, calli – in fact I recommend the books if you haven’t read them.

Hard core, me. 🙂

February 18, 2022 9:51 am

OMG, what number of faux (look at moi! look at moi!) flounce are we up to now?

Surely we’re in double figures.

February 18, 2022 9:51 am

George Negus has dementia. The world’s greatest Doctor is taking a break. There’s something they’re not telling us.

Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 9:54 am

So the grotesque fascist Boy King currently ruling Canada gets up in parliament and accuses Canadian conservatives of standing outside under the swastika flag. His statement perfectly encapsulates progressive theology in 2022…and it’s been brewing for years but particularly since Donald Trump was elected in November 2016…at the core of progressive theology is that anybody or anything who’s against us is a Nazi or sympathises with Nazism. So, we now have the situation where Andy Ngo, who does real reporting on far-left extremism, is a Nazi, Joe Rogan is a Nazi, Dave Rubin is a Nazi, Larry Elder is a Nazi, GB News is a Nazi channel, Sky News Australia is a Nazi channel and on and on it goes.
Of course progressive scum have been ably abetted by their comrades in the MSM…..who also delight in parroting cheap Nazi smears at every opportunity. This Nazi label is deliberately designed to belittle, to sneer, to smear and to silence because nobody likes being called a Nazi. It’s no different here, the left and their MSM comrades are doing the same thing…..smearing conservatives, libertarians and those who are right of centre as “Nazis”……even a CPAC conference is smeared as a far-right neo-Nazi rally by that disgraceful American Skank Keneally. Having attended two CPAC conferences I’ve searched for Nazis and swastikas but alas I never found any, what I found were people who think like me…so I guess in the mind of a progressive, I’m a Jewish Nazi.

What is happening in Canada is a template for what will happen here….especially when Labor assume power.

We’re all Nazis now.

February 18, 2022 9:56 am

Not news to most here, I suspect, but I was watching the Canadian parliament last night and Trudeau & the Liberals are using the “white supremacist” trope against the truckers and accusing the Conservatives of guilt by association. Bear in mind the Canadian Conservatives sitting across the Table are more multi-ethnic than our parliamentary Labor Party. One representative of Jewish ethnicity called on Trudeau to apologise, whereupon he up and left. He’s not a great parliamentary performer.

February 18, 2022 9:56 am

Snap, Cassie!

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 18, 2022 10:01 am

So have any of our rubbish ‘leaders’ condemned Justine’s war on the working class?

I think our leaders have taken the lesson of Trudeau’s missteps to heart.

You cannot do these things in one go. You have to do it piecemeal, giving the proles time to become accustomed to intermediate steps so finally declaring most of the population terrorists or terrorist sympathisers deserving the full weight of martial law is just one more small step.

I don’t mean politicians – they are like cats after a laser pointer trying to appear likeable in the MSM’s shifting narratives.

February 18, 2022 10:06 am

Shark researchers are concerned the public thinks sharks are “mindless man-eating monsters”.

Years ago did some thing where an expert trying to counter sharks’ poor PR explained the ones with spikey teeth were generally fish eaters
and not that dangerous.
Only the Noahs with triangular teeth were equipped to chomp through femurs, pelvises and scapulas.
Opining any threat assessment that required being close enough
to make a dental survey was insane, didn’t prove popular.

Iron Cove
Iron Cove
February 18, 2022 10:10 am

Some info for you all.
Little Bay is accessed by walking thru the middle of a golf course.
It’s very popular with divers and snorkelers. There’s plenty of rock platforms and reefs and a lot enter the water via the rocks on both sides of the bay.
The water can be quite calm there and swimmers get (relatively) still water ocean swim at times.
I haven’t been there this summer but it is my daughter’s favourite beach for swimming and snorkelling.

Rock surfing is very popular this year off Ben Buckler (Bondi) rock shelf. It’s not usual to see 20 plus teenagers lining up to throw themselves off the rocks and ride the swell back onto the rocks. This is 100 m+ out from the beach. Maybe Little Bay too? I don’t know.
Ocean swimmer numbers are huge these days too.
All up there’s a lot more targets in the water out beyond the breakers these days.
I’m happy to be one of the old blokes out the back mumbling to Huey to send one down.

February 18, 2022 10:11 am

Trudeau Does Not Want To End The Protests Peacefully. He Wants Violence
The Federalist – February 17, 2022

Everything Justin Trudeau has done since the protests began has made a confrontation between protesters and police all but inevitable.

February 18, 2022 10:11 am

Cassie of Sydneysays:
February 18, 2022 at 9:54 am
So the grotesque fascist Boy King currently ruling Canada gets up in parliament and accuses Canadian conservatives of standing outside under the swastika flag. His statement perfectly encapsulates progressive theology in 2022…and it’s been brewing for years but particularly since Donald Trump was elected in November 2016…at the core of progressive theology is that anybody or anything who’s against us is a Nazi or sympathises with Nazism. So, we now have the situation where Andy Ngo, who does real reporting on far-left extremism, is a Nazi, Joe Rogan is a Nazi, Dave Rubin is a Nazi, Larry Elder is a Nazi, GB News is a Nazi channel, Sky News Australia is a Nazi channel and on and on it goes.

And Russell Brand is now a right-wing Nazi too!


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 18, 2022 10:11 am


February 18, 2022 at 9:51 am

George Negus has dementia. The world’s greatest Doctor is taking a break.

Really funny.
I had the TV going yesterday with the sound down.
The George Fungus story came up and I could see what it was about from the ticker line.
What footage did they use to run under the story?
Yep. George getting his arse handed to him by Maggie Thatcher.
Clearly chosen by some production assistant who had no idea of the history.

local oaf
February 18, 2022 10:12 am


have you tried Public Eye (1965-1975)
Not sure how much of this show survives, might have to go to bittorrent to find it.

Also, I remember liking The Chinese Detective (1981-1982)

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 18, 2022 10:12 am

Real class is temporarily descending from the mountaintop to the fetid lower middle class suburbs, graciously rationing out dunny roll through the Audi driver’s side window to the underclasses (‘from our limited stock’ was the phrase used, I believe) before retiring back up above the smog-infused nasty little fibro houses, accompanied by hosts of cherubim.

And then telling everyone about it*, in the complete expectation that tsunamis of critical acclaim would ensue and that nobody would seize on that golden opportunity to take the piss.

Seriously, that was well inside the top ten no doubt unintentionally funniest things I’ve ever read.

*The very public announcement of good deeds tends to cross the line from good-heartedness to showboating, and reminds me of low-rent pollies at pressers spruiking about their 50 grand handout to the local retarded kid school.

February 18, 2022 10:16 am

From NZ Herald from a Kiwi mate

Kiwi sailing icon Sir Russell Coutts has revealed he plans to travel to Wellington to join those protesting against the Government’s pandemic measures, calling the country’s current rules “irrational”.

Hundreds of people have been camped out on Parliament grounds for the past 10 days, protesting against the country’s Covid-19 vaccination mandate – choking the streets around the Beehive with illegally parked vehicles and reportedly intimidating Wellingtonians.

The standoff shows no signs of being resolved soon, with more protestors arriving on a daily basis.

“I’m heading to Wellington next week to join the protest. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt compelled to join a protest,” Coutts wrote.

“I’m not anti-vaccine (I’m vaccinated) but I’m definitely against forced vaccinations.

“I’m also strongly opposed to the ever-increasing erosion of our human rights and the growing limitations on our freedom of choice. I believe in having the freedom to be able to question so-called “expert” opinion”.

February 18, 2022 10:19 am

Twitter says that Pastor Pawlowski is in the clink somewhere in Calgary after he gave a pro truckers speech.
Bail denied.
It’s good to put a line through ever going to Canada.

February 18, 2022 10:19 am

oaf, I’ve heard of Public Eye but never been able to source it. I see from the IMDB page that most of the episodes are lost.

But thanks for reminding me, time to do another search. Things just turn up sometimes, including programs previously thought to be lost.

February 18, 2022 10:21 am

Far kan joke … if you close your eyes and spin, spin ever more desperately, no one will see how truly twisted you are, they will only see, YOU, and that’s all that matters … far kan pathetic joke.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 18, 2022 10:22 am

Class envy is thus a complex sociological phenomenon which occurs strongly in societies with an egalitarian ethos.

Not sure about this one.

The UK still has (or at least remembers) a finely tuned class structure, within which class distinctions are/were important, and moving upward between classes is/was an important objective for many.

It was still strong enough in the 1990’s to support Keeping Up Appearances – which was essentially a one-joke series.

But you wouldn’t really define Britain as having a particularly egalitarian ethos. Probably the reverse.

February 18, 2022 10:22 am

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks the end goal was to seize crypto & everything leading up to this was just theatre as far as Castro’s kid is concerned.

The fact that the Assange cause has been funded via crypto donations for years should not be lost of people.

February 18, 2022 10:23 am

Hundreds of people have been camped out on Parliament grounds for the past 10 days, protesting against the country’s Covid-19 vaccination mandate – choking the streets around the Beehive with illegally parked vehicles and reportedly intimidating Wellingtonians.

That’s the downside to forcing people out of their jobs.

They’ve got time on their hands.

Their mere presence would be “intimidating” for Wellingtonians.

February 18, 2022 10:24 am

Bandt will tell voters in coal and gas electorates in NSW and Queensland that the Greens will help create new mining jobs and protect their communities in the transition to a net-zero-carbon economy

If there was any previous doubt, it’s now been dispelled. The greenfilth’s economic policy advisors are the Underpants Gnomes.

Bandt, who wants to visit coalmines and gas sites in both states, said “no workers or communities” can be left behind in the march to carbon neutrality

Ah yes, the mighty “march to carbon neutrality”. WTF is “carbon neutrality” and how does one march towards it? Yet another example of the insanity of public discourse in this stupidest age in human history.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
February 18, 2022 10:24 am

We’re all Nazis now.

Can we still all be Johnsons?

fsck it. I’ve had enough. I’m leaving.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 18, 2022 10:27 am

“don’t swim where people fish”
Obviously no one told the people at City Beach groyne. The biggest danger trying to get a wave off the groyne is a sinker to the head.

February 18, 2022 10:27 am

Tamara Lich, one of the spokespeople for the convoy in Ottawa, says her personal bank account has been frozen and it may be inevitable that she’s going to prison.

The name of this bank should be widely advertised. If I banked with it, I would make other arrangements. Does Canada have multiple smallish banks like the US?

February 18, 2022 10:27 am

February 18, 2022 at 8:54 am
Thanks to all who responded to my comment about detective/crime/mystery shows.

Almost certainly already seen, and only 2 short series, but the Life on Mars series was a good one.

spin off ashes to ashes was good as well.

February 18, 2022 10:27 am

Bandt, who wants to visit coalmines and gas sites in both states…

I believe I predicted this… 😀

Please God, let it happen!

Delta A
Delta A
February 18, 2022 10:28 am

Another one I recall is to never swim if there are seals in the water.

Correct. And since seal hunting has stopped there are more tasty seals to attract the sharks.

Our house on Kangaroo Island was on a small cove which supported a penguin colony. When we first moved there in the late 1990’s there were dozens of burrows and nights were filled with the discordant cries of happy, sated penguins.*

It was with great excitement that we spotted a sealion playing in the cove a few years later. Gradually, seal sightings increased and in a few more years, the squawking penguin parade was gone. So, too, was the penguin tourist centre, the rangers who conducted tours and a profitable small venture.

*The raucous chorus (he he) began again at 3.30 am daily. I never thought I’d miss the racket, but I certainly did. Once, there were signs warning motorists to look out for little penguins at night. No more.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
February 18, 2022 10:28 am

I’m back!
And the new world record holder for the shortest tantrum/flounce/whatever.

Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 10:29 am

“All up there’s a lot more targets in the water out beyond the breakers these days.”

I know some people who swim out beyond the breakers. There’s a swim between Bondi and Coogee. I remember one person telling me that she once saw a large shark, not a white pointer but a shark nonetheless. I think these people are mad.

February 18, 2022 10:29 am

February 18, 2022 at 10:16 am
From NZ Herald from a Kiwi mate

Kiwi sailing icon Sir Russell Coutts has revealed he plans to travel to Wellington to join those protesting against the Government’s pandemic measures, calling the country’s current rules “irrational”.

Sir Russell is now a right-wing Nazi, white supremist, homophobe, transphobe, Trump lover and bigot.

I’m sure I missed quite a few.

February 18, 2022 10:30 am

Pretty sure the headline is a deliberate piss take,
not a sign of solidarity.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 18, 2022 10:34 am

Bandt, who wants to visit coalmines and gas sites in both states…
I believe I predicted this… ?
Please God, let it happen!

Greens propose $40 billion takeover of electricity sector to eliminate coal by 2030

OK guys, make sure your mortgage is paid off in 8 years.

The Greens.
Always last on the ballot paper…

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 18, 2022 10:35 am

We’re all Nazis now.

We may be but we’re not allowed to call Trudy a Nazi. Which is fun since he looks, quacks and acts like one.

AJC slams Elon Musk for tweet comparing Justin Trudeau to Hitler (17 Feb)

Lefties are such sensitive people.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 18, 2022 10:36 am

If you get eaten by a shark you are just having a very bad day. Having said that, I have little doubt there are more around with the annual whale smorgasbord that heads up both our coasts each year. Again, “The Science” is worse than useless.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 18, 2022 10:37 am

The UK still has (or at least remembers) a finely tuned class structure, within which class distinctions are/were important, and moving upward between classes is/was an important objective for many.

I think it still exists, albeit less overt.
I still see it in Bwits I meet. Probing and searching for subtle hints as to pecking order, and whether they should tug their forelock and (figuratively) get on their knees and unzip your fly, or whether they can treat you with utter disdain.
Although I think the British class system has a stronger hold in India than it does in the Old Dart.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 18, 2022 10:38 am

crypto wallets associated with protest convoy frozen

Anyone know of a previous Lord Of The Blog who could comment on governmental deep dives into private blockchain currency?

February 18, 2022 10:39 am

In Victoria, QR code check-ins, including vaccine requirements, will be abolished for shops, schools, and staff at ‘many workplaces’.

However, they will still be required at hospitality and entertainment venues despite contact tracing not being rigorously conducted.

Mr Andrews said the main reason QR codes would remain in those settings was to keep unvaccinated Victorians out.

But, ultimately, it’s just the simplest and easiest thing to do to validate that you are vaccinated and that you are allowed to be at the pub or in the restaurant,’ he said.

Your vaccine passport is version 1.0 of the social credit system:

Mr Andrews said the main reason QR codes would remain in those settings was to keep unvaccinated Victorians out.

But, ultimately, it’s just the simplest and easiest thing to do to validate that you are vaccinated and that you are allowed to be at the pub or in the restaurant,’ he said.

Victorians who are silent on this atrocity and are settling into the New Normal of “being allowed” to go places as long as you show your compliance licence to be there, well, you know who you are.

February 18, 2022 10:39 am

Trudeau Does Not Want To End The Protests Peacefully. He Wants Violence

Oddly, in Feb 2020, when real terrorists (but leftists) were derailing trains and blockading large area of Canada Trudeau chose to call for negotiations with the “protesters”, close RCM stations they were opposed to, and generally give them whatever they wanted.

Leftist Pipeline Protests Shuts Down Canadian Rail Networks

CN Rail announced it would be shutting down all rail traffic in eastern Canada and Via Rail announced nearly all passenger traffic across Canada will halt as aboriginal and far-leftist protesters continue blockades against a natural gas pipeline project.

It’s not like they were hard to find as the antifa branch actually made posts containing how to execute the violence, how to hide evidence, etc..

Obviously, under the Trudeau regime, leftist violence gets the kid glove treatment while normal Canadians protesting get the book thrown at them.

February 18, 2022 10:40 am

Now its not deniable ABCcess rush out “only and expert” to explain why its actually a good thing.
As thousands of anti-vax protesters descended on Canberra last weekend, police were out in force in the nation’s capital, with Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw noting that the lack of coordination among demonstrators provided a “challenge” for law enforcement.

The police, however, had an advantage: long-range acoustic devices (LRADs), which are used to transmit messages or alarms at high volumes and frequencies.

Photos and videos shared by protesters show the devices atop a police vehicle and in front of Parliament House. A spokesman for ACT Policing confirmed to Fact Check via email that LRADs were deployed during the protests.

But while the devices are known to cause harm (they are often referred to as non-lethal weapons), claims made by Canberra protesters that the use of the devices caused them to feel ill are likely incorrect.

Reading this paper it appears the use of sound outside the ranges of hearing can be done, with effect, but results and experiments have varied form useless to “why dont we use audible ranges anyway??

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 18, 2022 10:41 am

H B Bearsays:

February 18, 2022 at 10:36 am

If you get eaten by a shark you are just having a very bad day.

That is true.
And, as the “shark interaction” unfolds, hopefully you have enough time to reflect on the amount of flake you have eaten in your lifetime. This may lead you to conclude that this “person-fish interface event” is, in fact, a justifiable squaring of the ledger of life.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 18, 2022 10:41 am

Greens propose $40 billion takeover of electricity sector to eliminate coal by 2030

Bandt is in a tough time since the major parties have all gone into fruit and nut land too. So he’s struggling to find any fruitier and nuttier policies to keep his dwindling base from jumping ship to the ALP or the furries (like the AJP) and various exotic fruits (like Ms Patten).

February 18, 2022 10:43 am

We all know that Trudeau is a moron with delusions of absolute monarchy, but I can’t believe the stupidity of Canadian banks in going along with this banana republic stuff. Aren’t there any grownups among their Boards and management who can see what this will do to (a) their brands and (b) their own security by becoming effectively a part of the government?

They are supping with the Devil using a child’s teaspoon.

Cassie of Sydney
February 18, 2022 10:44 am

A few months ago Catholic churches across Canada were being set fire to by arsonists. The reason? Manufactured lies. And what did Trudeau do? He sympathised with the arsonists.

February 18, 2022 10:46 am

Obviously, under the Trudeau regime, leftist violence gets the kid glove treatment while normal Canadians protesting get the book thrown at them.

It’s the Somewheres versus the Anywheres.

The working class wedded to their local communities and also unashamedly patriotic v. people who have no loyalty except to their own class, which is rootless, leftist and globalist.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 18, 2022 10:47 am

mole, just now:

Appreciate the links. There you go. The pooftah-pansy ACT jacks had LRADs.

Wasn’t sure before, but that’ll do me.

local oaf
February 18, 2022 10:48 am

johanna says:
February 18, 2022 at 10:19 am

oaf, I’ve heard of Public Eye but never been able to source it. I see from the IMDB page that most of the episodes are lost.

There are some dvds available on eBay, not cheap though. All surviving episodes are available on bitorrent sites, if you know where to look. 😉

February 18, 2022 10:48 am

I can’t believe the stupidity of Canadian banks in going along with this banana republic stuff.

It’s obviously a while since you met a bank executive then.

February 18, 2022 10:48 am

Old School Conservative says:
February 18, 2022 at 10:38 am
crypto wallets associated with protest convoy frozen

Anyone know of a previous Lord Of The Blog who could comment on governmental deep dives into private blockchain currency?

Shhhh … haven’t you noticed all the insane flailing about with any stupid topic BUT, since this (bloody obvious from the get go), vulnerability started being Big News around the still largely free Net?

February 18, 2022 10:48 am

February 18, 2022 at 10:40 am

Thanks for posting mole-man.

February 18, 2022 10:49 am

From the 40 billion dollar green dream article..
Can anyone spot the teeny weeny problem.

“Our revamped Snowy Hydro would build 25 gigawatts of new renewables* and storage**, which is about the same as what the coal fleet currently puts out***,” Greens leader Adam Bandt told the ABC.

The Greens’ plan would also see:

All coal and gas-fired power plants phased out by 2030
Snowy Hydro selling electricity at cost price to consumers
A reversal of the federal government’s $600 million investment in the Kurri Kurri gas power plant in the Hunter Valley
The Parliamentary Budget Office estimates it would cost $40 billion for the Commonwealth to construct the power, transmission and storage facilities required for the Greens’ proposal.

*This one generates electricity, the same as what you are planning to close does
**This one stores energy for short term use, it is not a “generator”.
*** See that word “output”, its not the same as “storage”.

February 18, 2022 10:49 am

Blooody hell the Tim Paine case has turned nasty.If half of what the alleged victim alleges is true it was a nasty little cesspit down in the Apple Isle.

February 18, 2022 10:49 am

So the ABC proudly reports the head plod at the AFP didn’t know.
What a time to be alive.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 18, 2022 10:50 am

Poms actually love their class system. Yep it is subtle. Newspapers, supermarkets, department stores, cars… everything carries class distinctions. As an Aussie abroad, you can commit numerous faux pas and not even know it.

February 18, 2022 10:50 am

Can you say “sovereign risk”?

but I can’t believe the stupidity of Canadian banks in going along with this banana republic stuff

They have established the precedent they can grab your money, everything from now on is just looking for a pretext to do so.

February 18, 2022 10:51 am

Case in point:

The bloke who presided over the crash and burn of Australian Rubgy during the Folau affair was formerly the MD & CEO of NAB.

1 12 13 14 15 16 18
  1. Election to be April 12, with Mediscare the main plank.

  2. Trip down memory lane. During the 2016 campaign I watched that PBS news hour on SBS a few times a…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x