The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
https://youtu.be/R0Iv28yYMCc?si=RYzBNGj2PqgTA5W0 enjoy this Mozart and Mendelson are the greatest
facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…
Blot called JD ‘an idiot’. Should be replayed in years to come.
Sean Spicer was very good. I felt like turning off Bolt but then saw Spicer so watched that.
Can anyone name anyone who at anytime made a joke here about child abuse?
That wasn’t:
1. Mocking the perpetrators.
2. Mocking false accusers.
3. Mocking feral confabulators, who make real accusations seem less credible?
Nope, I can’t either.
Biden Quietly Extends the Federal National Emergency Declaration Related to COVID Beyond Termination Date of March 1st – Provides No End Date
Rickw – Brilliant, never occurred to me, seen it done on other helmets, always good for a laugh. However if Albo was stupid enough to try the same thing, they’d never do it to him.
Mo Brooks: U.S. Should Grant Canadian Truckers Political Asylum
The first comment –
OTTAWA—Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed the nation on Tuesday to announce the mobilization of the Canadian Armed Forces against Poland, which he intends to invade and annex as part of the Canadian Empire.
“Oppressing our truckers has given me an insatiable taste for power,” said Trudeau. “So I’m directing our generals to strike Poland since it worked out so well for Germany.”
The foreign office has confirmed troops are already assembling at the Polish/Ukrainian border in preparation for a land invasion. Putin has reportedly become spooked by Trudeau’s sudden imperialist agenda and has ordered Russian troops to retreat.
According to sources, Putin held a virtual meeting with President Biden to discuss Trudeau’s recent actions.
“Trudeau is a dictator,” Putin allegedly told Biden. “Kind of makes me feel bad about the whole Ukraine thing, so I’ve decided to drop it.”
GiveSendGo issues statement…
For the mathematically/statistically minded –
CNN vs Ivermectin
CDC quietly lowers early childhood speech standards
Cut off when question is raised about WEF. Interesting…….
“Our” ABC “explains” what a “false flag” attack is.
Maybe these conspiracy theorists need to be fact checked?
Exactly who are they?
No Badges
No Name Tags
Cannot Speak English
February 20, 2022 at 1:42 am”
Tell us what you’re hiding slag heap?
Incorrect. I knew with 100 per cent certainty that there was no pathogenic virus.
Good on you Figures! Have a smiley stamp. 😀
“I also think there’s something ‘off’ with a single & childless old women choosing to support that group of men’s obsessive sick joking about the International Business of Child Sex Slavery, by going even harder & implying that the target of their twisted attacks is the “unsavoury” one.”
Dear Slag Heap, once again you’ve mentioned my name in a post…so I’ll respond in kind.
1. I’m not single.
2. I’m not an old woman, I suspect I’m a good deal younger than you.
3. Tell us what you’re hiding because anyone who’s so obsessed with “paedo conspiracy rubbish” is probably hiding something unsavoury and sinister.
4. You need to see a doctor, you are becoming increasingly unhinged, more than normal and that’s saying something.
5. The only sick joke here is you.
This place regularly sees its weirdos and whackos…..but they usually offer something to the blog but no one rivals you in sheer spite, venom, lies, fabrications and in outright nastiness. You are a danger to this site.
Again….fuck off.
“Swindon, which is a horrid place.”
On the train line when I visit my brother in the west country.
I thought Knuckles was mimicking Facebook’s desperate need to “fact check” regarding the Andy Ngo piece. It wasn’t against Ngo’s report but progressive hysterics.
It’s like a snowball rolling downhill – that initial bit of lightheartedness collected all sorts or detritus on its downward run.
Time to apply the blowtorch.
Oh look, it’s the never ending mutating virus…
From the Oz….can’t read the whole story because it’s paywalled but managed to get htis..
A sub-variant of the Omicron coronavirus dubbed the BA.2 virus is spreading faster, and could cause more severe disease.
New lab research from Japan on the bioRxiv server, shows BA.2 may have features that make it as capable of causing serious illness like the Delta variant.
BA.2 is also resistant to some treatments including sotrovimab, the monoclonal antibody that’s currently being used against Omicron.
The findings, which have not been peer reviewed yet also states: “It might be, from a human’s perspective, a worse virus than BA.1 and might be able to transmit better and cause worse disease,” according to Dr Daniel Rhoads, section head of microbiology at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
Dr Rhoads reviewed the study but was not part of the initial data collection and study.”
And so, like the band that plays on and on, this is a virus that mutates on and on. How long before we’re in lockdown again?
If there is any truth to this story then this is a result of the world not having built up natural immunity. Viruses generally weaken as they go through human populations.
But I blame climate change. Not only is climate change to blame for a hungry white pointer being offshore at an unprotected beach, in cold water, at Little Bay, climate change is causing endless virus mutations.
Lots of “mights” in that report, Cassie.
Pigs might fly too. Or…I might win Lotto.
Endless Covid porn, endless Covid hysteria, endless Covid lies.
Read the comments. Some excellent ones, including an earlier clip of Klaus himself saying how proud he is of Trudeau and that half his cabinet (and Argenina’s) was made up of their “Young Leaders”.
Dan Rather says something pithy too.
“It’s like a snowball rolling downhill – that initial bit of lightheartedness collected all sorts or detritus on its downward run.
Time to apply the blowtorch.”
Awww shiiit. Here we go again.
Granny Faulty* continues to confuse jokes about her ridiculous rabbit hole exploits on the web with jokes about child abuse.
* An apt nickname which associates her with Old Cat’s most abusive serial fantasist.
I will carry on it’s use.
Of all deaths in the pandemic in Australia:
-94.3% over 60
-3.2% under 50
-0.12% under 20
Throw on the serious co-morbidities for the under 60 set and the picture is damning for ‘state of emergency’ declarations with a death rate of 0.017% of the total population.
This is what I posted at 1546 yesterday (with correction of an editorial error).
“Boambee Johnsays:
February 19, 2022 at 3:46 pm
Dick Ed
Ed Casesays:
February 19, 2022 at 12:05 pm
According to UnzReview, everyone with the means to get outta Ukraine is getting the hell out.
So, they’ve gotta heads up that it’s gonna blow.
If you want to have any hope of being taken even half seriously, drop the pseudo semi-literacy.”
I am unclear of the connection with your discussion.
Smoke and Mirrors
I hope he’s right.
The War on Reality
Show off.
I’m like a broken record.
Corona is a false flag event to implement the WEF’s great reset. FarmerG, they know the stats mate, but it doesn’t matter.
Canada was another test on how far they can push the western countries without any major uprising, indeed most people support tyranny. They are winning.
For Arma
After the normal nightshift of vile abuse and off-the-wall rants about The Big Network of Abuse, someone manages to express that they are “uncomfortable” with ussr being called “Mrs Faulty” because it apparently disrespects the deceased IRL Mrs Faulty.
Be clear:-
.1 Faulty is a variant of the blog name Memoryfault invented by someone on Old Cat. It is no-one’s real name;
.2 The disrespect is directed solely at ussr and Faulty himself and no-one else, as a return of serve for the shit they serve up to anyone who dares disagree with them;
.3 I will continue to use the nickname “Mrs Faulty” or “Granny Faulty” with gay abandon.
Is that GymBro? The one that called covid BS a few years ago?
4,800 died with Covid in the two years of the pandemic.
3,136 died from suicide in 2020 alone.
76% were men.
“Sancho Panzersays:
February 20, 2022 at 9:08 am”
Agree 100%.
One of them was my cousin. The poor bugger. I blame the hunchback 100%.
Sky Outsiders just replayed Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake’s hilarious demolition of Australian Nein Network “reporter” Liam Bartlett.
Lake is a reporter who abandoned her profession to run for politics on major issues such as the theft of the 2020 election that gave us the disastrous Biden White House.
She was able to demolish Bartlett — who might as well work for the Democratic Party, like the rest of the Australian TV media — only because her husband taped the aftermath of the interview, in which he went totally off the reservation.
So there’s a reminder for Cats running as candidates in the coming federal election: if you are interviewed by the media, please ensure for your own protection that you record it.
Gentlepeople, please.
Can I ask that commenters cease and desist from corrupting Struth’s name to St Ruth?
Some Cats find it disrespectful to real saints, most of whom have passed on.
Also, Struth emails me every time you do it.
Thanking you in advance.
Gabor, Faulty only ever referred mrs faulty as Marilyn. Initially I sympathised with faulty until he started dining out on it trying to ensnare Ellie who is very disturbed. Whether faulty was a nutjob before Marilyn went downhill with cancer I don’t know, watching and waiting for a loved one to die will push some people over the edge. A blog like the Cat is not a place to expound on every crackpot thought you have without a lot of push back until everyone has had enough. It was only the generosity of Sinc and now Dover that the crackpots a hearing. Calling ssr mrs faulty is a
play on faulty’s incessant repetition. ssr just as easily could have been called mrs bird, but that would have been excessive as bird is a raving loony anti-semite who in his differing iterations could display some deep thinking for a short time until it became the Jews fault for everything. I still feel sad for Faulty’s wife but not for him anymore. Sympathy wears out when someone plays on it, they become narcissists.
Thanks, Sancho at 9.26am. After Kari Lake’s demolition of that clown from the Nein network, my second laugh out loud for the morning.
Further to Tom’s comment above, thanks to Outsiders for showing parts of the train wreck “interview “ with Bartlett and Kari Lake.
The media are truly the enemy of the people.
Really, you’re among friends here so tell us what happened to you as a kid. Who touched you?
I only wish one of the suicides had taken out Covidan instead. Their death is such a waste, his would not be.
3,136 died from suicide in 2020 alone.
I reckon that number is fudged by misadventure & overdose numbers.
That is the suicide numbers should be higher.
The other two lower.
Hopefully srr will donate their brain to science on them passing.
Worthy of a thesis or two.
Try to forget the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election.
America is 10,000 miles away and all that happened anyway is that the spooks swapped one malfunctioning puppet for another malfunctioning puppet.
The very best thing about the Lake-Bartlett thing was when she asked him what his objective was and he mumbled about “trying to get her to see things differently” or something along those lines.
She correctly then disassembled him like a Lego man, pointing out that journalists are there to enquire and report, not to shape opinion.
It was his George Fungus-Maggie Thatcher moment.
Thancho has finally come out of the closet.
“Sky Outsiders just replayed Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake’s hilarious demolition of Australian Nein Network “reporter” Liam Bartlett.”
It is hilarious…but also disturbing. To me the whole interview is a near perfect insight into why journalism is dead.
PS, how is that thesis of ill repute going?
I think Mater said it was held up due to a funding issue, but not entirely sure.
At long least James Patterson gave it to them on Insiders had all his arguments and facts together Savva still being a first class hater .
Thancho @ 9.08
Re Russia invading the Ukraine.
1. Let me out this out there. I am anti war. This has nothing to do with the USA let alone Australia. I will not sign up if asked (I severely doubt it will come to this).
I don’t think a “real” war will happen. Possibly blow up the planet over the Ukraine joining the EU or not? We’re not that stupid, right?
2. Is this just a face saving exercise for Biden? Act tough, do nothing, avert attention from your awful performance?
3. Why is this more serious than anything since the Cuban crisis? How much of this is manufactured by the Western media? How much worse off is the average Ukrainian when ruled from Moscow?
4. We all know Putin is an ex KGB snake. You wouldn’t trust him of course – but this really has nothing to do with us. The whole separatist thing could by Russian spooks and we know that Yanukovich was a puppet and they rigged Parliamentary votes in the Ukraine.
5. So what? It has nothing to do with us.
6. Was Belgian neutrality worth the dead of the western Front? What did Australia gain in net terms from WW1?
7. The EU idea may have had merit but Ukraine being part of NATO is not only provocative, it doesn’t make any sense.
8. Putin might have a legitimate reason to invade, but one he can openly say, as to enforce discipline among the pro Russian militias.
#UnitedwithUkraine is a thing.
Blinken tweeting it.
Watch all the blue ticks fall over themselves to virtue signal.
Now these are really preventable deaths.
The Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) perspective was penned by Professor Ian Scott, Director of Internal Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology at Princess Alexandra Hospital, and Associate Professor Carmel Crock, Emergency Department Director at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital.
They claim an estimated 140,000 cases of diagnostic error occur in Australia each year. Of those cases, 21,000 are of serious harm, and result in 2000–4000 deaths.
Remember when the left were anti war and raged against the villainous pharmaceutical industry?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Simpler times, better times.
“he cannot openly say…”
I see plenty from my balcony in our current temporary accommodation at Bullock Beach.
‘Journalists’ are merely click-bait developers. They even have click KPIs for their ‘reports’. It’s a disgrace.
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Haha, some quality Family Guy there dot.
I posted here a while back about a psych I met (socially not professionally) who had a theory about that.
Many of the obsessed crusaders were abused by a family member who is still revered within the family. The abuse either remains totally secret or, if it has surfaced, is played down and not talked about.
Their defence mechanism is to buy into the conspiracies of vast irresistable global networks of abusers and that abuse is prolific to the point where it is the rule rather than the exception.
In other words, what daddy did is the norm.
And I can also rail against it without mentioning daddy.
Biden escalates the rhetoric.
The corporate media amplifies it.
Nothing happens.
Biden the peace-maker.
The corporate media amplifies it.
Those unidentified thugs perporting to be police in Ottawa should be beaten to a pulp. Then again so should the mounted police. Stand your ground.
Well calli, I thought that may have been a bit Captain Obvious at the time, which was why I did it.
But no. There’s a Supergranny somewhere, jowls-deep in teh webs that hasn’t worked it out yet.
Oh puh-lease.
“Gay abandon” had a meaning long before the word “gay” was commandeered by homosexuals.
And if you argue with me on that I will slap you soooo hard my make-up will crack!
I had not previously been especially enamoured of any of the music from artists in the freedom movement. That is, until I heard this today: Lena Smith – Silent Ones
Another coincidence:
Careful Diogenes, you are great peril.
I thought that was when you ditched your Mardi Gras date halfway through the evening.
The Canadian cops make VicJack Inc look saintly.
I then added that “amateur sleuths” running sting operations on the web and fucking announcing it to the world before charges were laid can be a tad problematic when (if) it comes before a JURDGE.
Apparently this statement of legal reality is both dissing Andy Ngo and tipping off pedos to an admissibility angle for their defence. Which their lawyers wouldn’t know about if I hadn’t posted it here.
Darlink, staying with your date until the dessert menu arrives is what we call a long-term relationship.
No.1 Son (who still lives at home despite my best efforts to try to evict him to a place of his own) has just turned up after two days of drinking with his mates reeking of alcohol, vomit and cat piss. The Italian Greyhound thought it was a walking smorgasbord.
I only accept slaps by way of handbags, anything else is just a bitch slap.
All right.
Thought about it. Wasn’t going to say it. But then again:
But what if the date is the dessert*?
Anyone for salad?
He needs to stay away from those cats.
February 20, 2022 at 9:46 am
Biden escalates the rhetoric.
The corporate media amplifies it.
Nothing happens.
Biden the peace-maker.
The corporate media amplifies it.”
Meanwhile silence and complicity about what is happening in Canada.
It’s kafkaesque.
No.1 Son (who still lives at home despite my best efforts to try to evict him to a place of his own)
My youngest (daughter, 34) eventually moved out about about 6 months ago ( renting one of my son’s properties) .. since then i’ve been doing her odd jobs & mowing grass, few bob here & there to help with the costs .. found out (accidently, she let slip) yesterday she has close to $100 000 bank/invested .. I’m on the OAP ..!
Kids .. they tellz me ya gotta luv ’em .. LOL!
GreyRanga at 930.
Exactly why the Scottish government will no longer release figures on Covid deaths and hospitalisations by vaccination status.
LOL, Rowan Dean just called Fidel Castro Justin’s daddy and put up photos showing the similarity and Margaret Trudeau being very friendly with Castro.
Re Russia invading the Ukraine.
Maybe this is VLAD playing 4D chess in the the master’s absence .. withdrawal/build-up right thru to the mid-term elections .. doesn’t take much to make JOE look a fool but every little bit extra helps .. LOL!
Daily Mail.
He needs to stay away from those cats.
Claims he fell asleep and a mate’s cat managed to piss on him.
They’re all watching closely to see if Trudeau gets away with his bit of tyranny. If he does, they’ll copy him.
That old chestnut.
Trudeau is wearing a wig, male pattern baldness, same as Pappy Pierre.
Rowan Dean is trying to whitewash Castro, who was 100% Flamer.
Now why would he do that?
Biden, it’s the pace-maker.
Send him out into the back yard to wash off under the hose.
Ukraine is a near perfect distraction for our various western leaders and their mouthpieces in the MSM…almost all of whom are a joke…
1. Boris Johnson aka Blowjob Johnson – a perfect distraction for him from the various Covid disasters, from his ghastly toffy green princess wife who’s ruling the roost at No. 10 along with her rich green obsessed mates like Zac Goldsmith and others (many of whom are making lotsa dosh from renewables such as windmills), a perfect distraction for him from the investigation into how he and his wife partying whilst forcing Britons into lockdown.
2. Joe Biden aka The Sniffer in Chief – a perfect distraction from the disastrous Covid management, from soaring inflation, from the disaster that is unfolding every day on the southern border, from the increasingly obvious corruption that infects Biden and his family.
3. Macron the Puny – the emasculated little Napoleon has an election in a few months so Puny Macron is strutting about trying to be a peacemaker and world leader. Ukraine is a perfect opportunity for him to try and flaunt his dubious Napoleonic legacy except I doubt Putin and every other Russian would be very impressed with any “Napoleonic legacy”. You see, unlike in western Europe, the US, Canada or here in Oz, in Eastern Europe they actually do remember their history…which is why Putin doesn’t want NATO on his doorstep. I could go on.
4. Scumbag Morrison – a buffoon.
5. Justine Trudeau aka Klaus’ little Manchurian candidate – there’s nothing funny about this grotesque fascist and he and his companeros above are the real threats to the west….Not Vladimir Putin.
AOC has been labeled a hypocrite for living a luxury lifestyle while her constituents in the Bronx and Queens live in poverty
I don’t think that’s the hypocrisy. The hypocrisy is living a luxury lifestyle – taxpayer-funded i.e. not earned by her at all – while railing against other people’s wealth.
New Wave 1978 – 1985
Katrina and the Waves. Katrina Leskanich was a stunner in her day.
Psychedelic Furs.
Enough of the epidemiologists and vaccine experts. I want to hear more from the other normally boring group, the statisticians and mathematicians.
Indolent posted above a link to a substack article that looks at a Ivermectin trial in Malayasia. Only 249 in both study groups but the results were clearly in favour of taking it. If multiplied out amongst millions the saving of life would be very significant.
Author then says Alex Berenson (some may know him from his Rogan interview about 6 months ago) wrote negatively about the trial. When I went to look at Berenson article it seems to be closed and can’t see comments.
We need more articles like the recent Quadrant one and one by Panahi in HS that look at ABS and NSW Health stats where the stats tell the real story. Not the type where they just say another 15 people died without mentioning ages or comorbidities.
AOC comes from big money.
Congressmen’s salaries don’t even cover the costs of having to campaign every 2 years.
LBJ remembered arriving at Congress as a newly minted CongressCritter in 1937, the lift operator was a former Congressman.
Ole LBJ thought to hisself
Everybody knows Sinatra, but nobody knows who Sinatra knows.*
Seems like there are people who prefer it that way.
*Old jungle saying.
Anecdote o’clock.
A friend of the family, 22 y.o. woman, got boosted last Tuesday.
Felt sick all week.
Admitted to hospital yesterday with a racing heart.
Remember when every case of covid was newsworthy, but now vaccine injury is swept under the carper.
The Canadian cops make VicJack Inc look saintly.
Yep, real scum of the earth, I saw the footage of the elderly lady being trampled by horses (who later died), the sick fucks riding the horses absolutely loved it.
Incursion lotto, anyone?
My youngest (daughter, 34) eventually moved out about about 6 months ago ( renting one of my son’s properties) .. since then i’ve been doing her odd jobs & mowing grass, few bob here & there to help with the costs .. found out (accidently, she let slip) yesterday she has close to $100 000 bank/invested .. I’m on the OAP ..!
Kids .. they tellz me ya gotta luv ’em .. LOL!
When I was a single dad I had a lady looking after my son after school.I was paying her cash and she was pretty strapped for cash.Her adult daughter was living at home rent and board free.She asked her to pay board. Adult daughter started crying and said “but if I pay board it will take me longer to pay off my investment property”
Who hasn’t?
Send him out into the back yard to wash off under the hose.
He is protected by his mother:
‘Go and have a shower and bring your dirty clothes to the laundry.’
The saintliness of vicpol relative to the Canadian police. I don’t think so.
I would have thought differently in the past.
Ah, Doctor Googlery MD.
Fact check.
“Male pattern baldness” is not inherited from the father.
It is inherited from the maternal grandfather.
If you are looking for inherited male pattern baldness in Justine, Pierre or Fidel or Mick Jagger or the milkman have nothing to do with it.
Look to Margaret Trudeau’s father.
You’re welcome.
‘Russia could invade as early as next week.’ I reckon this could could go on longer than ‘two weeks to flatten the curve.’
One suspects alcohol was involved. From AAP:
A man has been charged with murder after another man died when his leg was allegedly cut off by a circular saw in a far north Queensland park.
Police allege the men – aged 36 and 66 – drove together to Innisfail’s Fitzgerald Park before 4am on Saturday and sat under a tree.
They said about 20 minutes later the 36-year-old used the saw to cut off the 66-year-old’s leg below the knee before helping him back into the car then leaving on foot.
The injured man was discovered by passers-by at about 4.30am and emergency services were called but the 66-year-old died soon afterwards.
The 36-year-old man was located by police around noon at a Innisfail residence and has been charged with one count of murder.
He will appear at an Innisfail court on Monday.
Police are appealing for information or anyone with dash cam or CCTV footage.
The “worst case scenario” for BloJo and Hiden is that Vlad remains parked indefinitely.
Forget Invermectin, Trump, Brandon, Castro, Justin, JL,OJ, JFK, LBJ, FDR,
J. Edgar, Edgar Rice Burroughs, William Burroughs, King Billy,
Bill McMahon, & Skippy!
Employers in Australia have been enforcing a Vax Mandate since Christmas, soon, if you’re one of the Great Unvaxxed, you won’t be working.
A bit later, you won’t be eating.
This has happened before:
Ukraine, 1929-1933; The Holodomor.
An incredible degree of economic security.
Remember that Australia was a semi-disparate and scrappy* collection of small outposts of a global empire, in an era where major powers liked to jostle each other around their colonial outposts. A brushfire war might reasonably boil over into an effective coup de main and overwhelming of local defences by the time the Royal Navy might be able to sortie to defend Australian waters, and a diplomatic fait accompli to London before it arrived.
It was the same not unreasonable security fears with Imperial Russia, Japan (post-1904, with their thrashing of Russia on land and sea) and the French before that.
In 2 world wars, Australia’s essential trading links were imperilled by foreign surface combatants. Rabaul was initially a German deep-water naval base and colony, which is why HMAS Sydney and its surface parties were dispatched there to blow up its radio station.
German surface combatants and Japanese submarines then spent parts of World War 2 laying mines and interdicting Allied merchant shipping in Australian waters. The sheer scale of Australia makes the overall numbers of sunk and damaged vessels seem minuscule, but the strategic effects were (and would still be today) unacceptable.
* Not much has changed after 120-odd years, it seems…
Ukrainian squirrels are the biggest and bestest squirrels. Especially ones from around Chernobyl.
Send him out into the back yard to wash off under the pressure cleaner.
They were getting legless?
Alcohol involved? Well at least one of them was legless.
And to use the foot as a getaway device was a step too far.
They claim an estimated 140,000 cases of diagnostic error occur in Australia each year. Of those cases, 21,000 are of serious harm, and result in 2000–4000 deaths.
Instead of pontificating about road deaths and other matters beyond their control, perhaps the AMA should focus on improving the standards of doctors/nurses/other health professionals?
No Grigory.
The Holodomor was a combination of Soviet incompetence, cruelty and spite leading to mass harvest failure and the confiscation of crops from those who did succeed. And a large number of murders and deportations for reasons unknown. Probably even to the Party itself.
It had nothing to do with your allegations that employers are trying to murdergenocide the ‘unvaxxed,’ whatever the hell your Controllers and Commissars have decided that means this morning…
There is a hagiography out about her written by some excitable fanbois from New York Magazine. Tucker Carlson gave it the treatment on a recent segment which is pretty withering. In case there was any doubt that journalists are whores this puts it to rest.
Nothing, it was a total loss.
We lost 61,000 dead plus another 200,000 wounded, plus uncounted thousands who were driven insane.
In other words, we lost our future.
German Colony in New Guinea?
I’ll bet they wish the Germans would return to New Guinea, [the same with Samoa, Tanganyika and Namibia].
My 2 oldest children (34 & 28yo) still live in a house i bought in Bundy in 1998 they pay the rates and utilities but MUST visit their Grandmother twice a week. My brother left each of my children 150K in his will, oldest (daughter) blew the lot, 2nd eldest (#1 son) has blown 100K with nothing to show for it except happily pissed mates and a fvking tinnie with a shitty 15 horse motor on the back. Our youngest son (26) owns an apartment in Tokyo he rents out and built a house for himself in Korea.
The 2 eldest will shit themselves when their grandmother eventually goes to God, we have made clear the house will get sold and they can have first go on fair market value. They see this as a threat to make them homeless the ungrateful little shits.
Oh look…the Oz MSM are now trying to drum up an Oz style 6 January 2021 “insurrection”..
Just in from The Australian…
“Canberra protester ‘had gun, parliament house map’
Alasdair Belling
A protester arrested at an anti-vaccine mandate rally in Canberra yesterday was found to be carrying a firearm, ammunition and map of Parliament House, Australian Federal Police have confirmed.
Speaking at a Senate estimates hearing, AFP commissioner Reece Kershaw admitted that the arrest had caused concern, but noted that overall protesters were well-behaved.
“We had specific information on some of those … and that was how we were able to work with the state police intelligence agencies as well, who were able to help us with the numbers coming into Canberra,” said Mr. Kershaw. “”
LOL. I await Senator Skank Keneally’s analysis…this will be manna from heaven for the skank.
Hugh – Excellent. Amazing what you can do with a simple keyboard, two singers and some good music and lyrics.
“The Holodomor was a combination of Soviet incompetence, cruelty and spite leading to mass harvest failure and the confiscation of crops from those who did succeed. And a large number of murders and deportations for reasons unknown. Probably even to the Party itself.”
Correct. The incompetence, the cruelty, the spite and the crop confiscations were all preventable. Mao did the same thing in China. The Holodomor represents the essence of communism.
If charges aren’t laid, and the identity isn’t made public in some other way, you’d be tempted to think so. Wait and see.
I live in Kooyong and expect Josh to be rolled.Monique Ryan has signage everywhere mainly doctors wives I know .
But she also has expensive billboards and is carpet bombing Google.She is also running well attended public events.
I don’t expect her to be elected but I also don’t expect her voters to second preference Josh.
A Greens or Labor victory would not be a surprise as I expect lots of candidates and the vote split as never before.
Like, who hasn’t had that happen to them, that’s like saying it’s abnormal to wake up naked on the footpath with your car keys up your arse.
There’s a lot of it about.
For those who aren’t too familiar with UK politics,
Our Angie has the personality you’d expect from a marxist ranga.
White Russians were the Bolsheviks’ biggest enemy, including the Cossack movement.
So sad if something bad happened to them.
Sunday morning and the folks are Castros bastard child and cat frottage.
All normal then.
They were getting legless?
Like the dead guy, the incident has me stumped
Until proven otherwise, 100% Spook.
Avi has an interesting encounter online with the guy arrested with the sawnoff in Canberra. The guy looked like trouble and same with his mates. I can see why Cossack came away wary of the organisers.
naked on the footpath with your car keys up your arse.
In that case Brittany Higgins got off easy
Perhaps, but White Russia is nowhere near Ukraine and Cossacks had been driven out years before The Holodomor.
Ed Casesays:
February 20, 2022 at 11:02 am
What did Australia gain in net terms from WW1?
Nothing, it was a total loss.
We lost 61,000 dead plus another 200,000 wounded, plus uncounted thousands who were driven insane.
In other words, we lost our future.
German Colony in New Guinea?
I’ll bet they wish the Germans would return to New Guinea, [the same with Samoa, Tanganyika and Namibia].
Ed, between WWI and now there was a thing called WWII. For a while during WWII Australia was fighting against Japan, which was an ally of Germany. But don’t take my word for it. You can look it up on the internet.
If New Guinea had been a German colony during WWII, Australia’s resistance to the Japanese might have had an added degree of difficulty.
Or hasn’t needed the car for a while.
How does automong mangle subjects into “ folks”???
You might lose them otherwise.
Correct re the Cossacks, at least.
Sad. I used to like him and enjoy his work, but Sky business editor Ross Greenwood has become a full-blown climate loon campaigning for high power prices driven by subsidies.
Greenwood just interviewed federal energy minister Angus Taylor, who did a sterling job trying to defend the corrupt energy policies the Morrison regime has put in place, which rely on subsidised rooftop solar making coal-fired power stations unprofitable.
Because it believes in nothing but hanging onto power, the Morrison government is the dumbest in Australian history.
Let’s wait for the evidence. Nobody has experienced the shame of a Canberra Lieboral.
Never accept the manstration.
Fine little musical tale of woe.
February 20, 2022 at 11:10 am”
I don’t know about Kooyong but I’m in Wentworth and Allegra Da Big Spender is the candidate for the “Grifters of” Party (and a party it is).
Allegra is a nonentity and despite the dosh that Holmes a Court is throwing about, I can’t see her having much of an impact. She’s very vanilla and she doesn’t have the profile of Phelps. I’m not a fan of Sharma and I won’t be voting for him…I’ll be voting for the LDP candidate.
I may be wrong.
The car keys aren’t the problem. It’s that the parking valet still has his fist wrapped around them.
Ten whole years. Or eleven! Gosh, it’s not like Stalin didn’t have a long memory. I did give a link btw.
Soviet–Ukrainian War
That’s another link. Communists are such noble people they’d never ever hold a grudge.
I’m guessing Borka drained off a little too much for his
coolant and raisin martini.
On Monique Ryan’s chances in Kooyong:
What happened last time?
Josh only won 48% Primary, but ended up winning by 11,000 votes.
So Josh got 6,000 preferences out of 30,000 votes to get him over the line.
Either Animal Justice or Labor didn’t direct preferences, they had a split Ticket, or they gave Josh their Prefs.
No, so long as Josh is drawing 48% there’ll be enough leakage to get him over the line.
BTW, both The Saturday Paper and The Weekend Australian are puffing Josh to replace Scotty before the Election.
I am watching Reece and the ASIO dude.
We start talking about foreign election interference (mainly Chinese).
Once the agenda is up and running they will pivot.
“Yes, we did an exhaustive investigation of the Chunks and found nothing of concern. However, we did uncover election funding flowing to conservative candidates from shadowy far-right groups in the USA.”
(They are always ‘shadowy’).
Poor man’s Kochie.
“Perhaps, but White Russia is nowhere near Ukraine”
Actually Dick Ed, White Russia has been used as a term to describe “Belarus” which is very close to Ukraine…it borders Ukraine to the north.
Stick to stuff you know, Googlery.
Whatever that might be.
Klaus Schwab was on Outsiders. A cartoon caricature of evil in looks, accent and mostly in smug. Big big ABC type hateful smug.
Celebrated his overturning of democracy in Argentina, and especially celebrated his “penetration of the cabinet in Canada and New Zealand”.
He didn’t mention how much Peters cost.
Our web host would loose his ticket if I express my feelings.
The decline of the AMA – from c. 90% representation to c. 20% – and other professional associations over the last 30 years is paralleled by the decline of the churches, the two main political parties & the banks and corporates.
All white anted by progressives.
Even the various state CWAs now regard their primary role as political advocacy.
Conquest’s Law #2.
Roger’s Law #1. The Left politicises everything.
Correct also re White Russia not being Ukraine.
Perhaps Bruce was referring to the Opposition during the Civil War rather than White Russia?
He used to be very good with his own show on 2GB. Made things easily understood for the plebs, probably why he got taken off.
Some of you know about engines.
I have a question about power-to-weight ratios.
There was a vid pushed at me (correctly this time) by The Algorithm which showed a Ford F6 ute that had a turbo + aftercooler + various controllers added and tuned to yield 600kw at the wheels. [ref https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4C7PYwGpp4%5D.
I look at the size of the whole engine fitting snugly in this standard engine bay, and I can’t help but wonder why the turbo Diesels in large bulldozers with the same nominal power seem to be over 50% larger (and therefore 3.3x+ the mass). To my untrained eye this Ford F6 engine must have had a power/weight ratio of something like 2 kW/kg. Compare this to the specs for a Cat C18 which on paper (barebones, no exhaust treatment included) is 597kW for 1717kg or a mere 0.35kW/kg.
Is it just the Diesel requires high compression for ignition and so it needs thicker cylinder walls, and that by itself is enough to explain the huge difference?
Is it because petrol has more bang per gram than Diesel fuel?
Is it because the Cat is expected to have peak loads for long durations and a longer service life than a ute?
All of the above?
Why is there this huge difference in the ratio?
He most likely has substantial investments in Lithium stocks.
Top Googlin’ young lady.
Saying Ukraine is White Russia is like saying New South Wales is Queensland.
Yeah, I know, there’s a common border …
Torque is more important for big machines.
Rabz says:
February 19, 2022 at 11:24 pm
Short skirt, long jacket, in theory …
Good one!
Something like this.
Ya think!?
Context is your friend.
The Russians want to secure the Donetsk Region. Forever. Like Crimea. They will move in to take it. Russia’s deployments beyond that looks like positioning just in case things escalate after that grab. Strategically, Putin wants Nato and the west to know that if their designs on Ukraine include a NATO/EU take over then there will be a heavy price to be paid and they are ready. It would get very messy and Putin knows the West has no stones for it. No matter what clowns like Johnson, Biden and the Euroweenies may postulate. NATO will not get into a hot war with Russia over slav squabbles in the far corners of the Ukraine. I don’t see the US Armed Forces putting their people in harms way as a cover for Hunter Biden’s corruption in Ukraine.
Conversely, NATO will have achieved it’s aim of remaining relevant and growing it’s empire and budgets. “Look what those horrible Russians have done in poor wittle Ukraine. We need more money, resources, power, more more more”.
Peters always seemed driven by hatred of others who didn’t see his wonderfulness and acknowledge it.
“Saying Ukraine is White Russia is like saying New South Wales is Queensland.”
Nice try Dick Ed but I never said Ukraine is White Russia.
Elaborate on the relationship between Russia and Battenbergs…..you great intellect…..because there is one.
RockDr beat me to it about the Avi
“encounter online with the guy arrested with the sawnoff in Canberra. The guy looked like trouble and same with his mates. I can see why Cossack came away wary of the organisers”.
Not watched Media Watch for years but they used some of the footage, edited out of context, to slur Avi. They owe him an apology but as usual the mud has been thrown.
The female who complained about Avi was very odd compared to his actual footage of their encounter. Seems she had been got at by those dodgy organisers. I did note Jack the Insider column suggested some funds raised appeared to have gone missing and no surprise if those were the “organisers” Avi encountered.
I watched FlyingDuks podcast about his protest experience. I think one of the people he mentioned was the same one who was prominent at the Brisbane protest a month ago who was going on about his sons Vax experience years before Covid. Aboriginal and almost made me feel like I was in a BLM protest based on first three speakers.
Flyongduk made much of his medals being taken away from him while in custody. I appreciate your service and your concern about your medals. Several years ago a group of soldiers, in uniform, were returning back from Afganistan though Sydney airport to Brisbane. Security told them they could not have their single NATO medals in carry on due to security reasons. This was because of the broach behind the medal ! I think it is standard practice to remove all personal items from all people going into police cells.
“They claim an estimated 140,000 cases of diagnostic error occur in Australia each year. Of those cases, 21,000 are of serious harm, and result in 2000–4000 deaths.”
Mate of mine his wife has been in cancer remission for the last four years. Due to covid her regular checkups and tests have been postponed and delayed, around four months ago cancer back. Picked up way too late to do anything, she died three weeks ago.
Who knows?
However, it now appears that the Russian Civil War was a hoax with the intention of ensuring The Bolsheviks controlled the entire land mass despite have virtually no popular support.
Australian Troops were part of that, they were sent to Archangel, tho they did no fighting.
The cat can run at full power all day every day for 20,000 hrs. The ford could be run at full power for about 24 hrs.
“Roger’s Law #1. The Left politicises everything.”
Correct….and then they destroy it.
The alignment of the James Webb telescope and the focusing of the mirrors is fascinating. Not least because it’s all being done a million km away.
Webb team brings 18 dots of starlight into hexagonal formation (Phys.org, 19 Feb)
A Russian majority region whose airport the Ukrainian military is presently shelling, in violation of a cease fire agreement.
Reuters filed a report on this two days ago which only the Jerusalem Post, afaik, published.
The Lieborals are overdue for another Kooyong Kid. The last one is worm food.
So this must have been a battery-operated saw?
A man has been charged with murder after another man died when his leg was allegedly cut off by a circular saw in a far north Queensland park.
Check the nearby Bunnings for sales!
‘The Holodomor was a combination of Soviet incompetence, cruelty and spite’
More than just incompetence. Rather it illustrates one of the specific aspects of Marxism that, many would argue, makes it uniquely dangerous.
Marxism is supposed to be a’science’ . Engels use to compare Marxism to Darwinism, one is a scientific theory of how biological organisms evolve, the other is a scientific theory about how societies an economies evolve.
The thing about a ‘science’ is that it has to work. The agricultural collectivisation in the Ukraine was based on Marxist-Lenisist ‘science’, so it couldn’t fail. This meant (a) that any reports of failure had to be lies; (b) any attempt at changing course would be ‘unscientific’ and (c) any actual failure could only be the result of treachery and sabotage.
“One Timex digital watch. Broken.”
ScoMo and Albo were at the Bombing of Darwin commemoration yesterday, as was the GG.
Albo trumped everyone else by exaggerating the number of Japanese aircraft in the first two raids. He claimed 260 – much better than anyone else. One went for 245; another 250.
Other than that it was a totally forgettable speech. Of course, like everyone else, he acknowledged the local Larrakia people.
If you won’t accept the truth because you are stubborn and don’t like the source it comes from, that’s not my problem. That says more about you.
Parden me for being blunt with people who have had the truth smacking them in the face for two years but refuse to accept it.
Don’t be fooled by the people here who would have you believe that holding a mirror up to their denialism is tyrannical in nature.
It’s holding a mirror up to their denialism and they don’t like it. That is all.
And I held a mirror up to your denialism and you opted for the same excuse.
I’m the same as Justin Trudeau or Dan Andrews for doing so!!!
How pathetic.
Truly pathetic.
H B Bear says: February 20, 2022 at 12:11 pm
Fix the cigarette lighter.
Colonel CB,
Big machines like a bulldozer are designed to run at fixed revs for long hours. They are designed to work all day at these fixed revs and to do that they need to be built rugged. That Ford 6 will do wonderful things for short periods of time but after a few hundred hours there will be issues or even a massive bang and all the smoke will get out. Meanwhile the big dozer will be up around 10 000 hours before something serious starts to develop plus it will have paid for itself many times over.
Power to weight is relative in dozers. A d10 weighs roughly 80 tonne and has 800 HP available. another 200 hp is not going to significantly change the P-W but it will make the blade fill up quicker. Conversely 100HP less will be noticeable. Also as said above, torque is more important than P-W.
Look up a Komatsu 575 with a single tyne ripper on youtube. 130 tonnes and “only” 1100 HP but it can rip 6 feet deep. Ideal for constructing a mass re- education centre for wayward pollies
W: Darling, do you know where my keys are?
H: Um err hang on. [grunts] Well looky here.
FMD. Sky News is reporting that drag queens will be on hand at Sydney airport tomorrow to welcome back international flights.
Is it any wonder why Xi and Putin see us as a soft target.
They were in the south too. Interestingly they fought on the same side as the Bolsheviks: against the invading Turks.
Lt. Gen. (then Capt.) Savige was quite a busy man.
Stop worrying about Bunter Hiden now. He’s a famous artist. What a family of absolute grubs.
Do LRAD devices actually cause burns? Did the Federal Police use some other toys on the protestors last weekend as burns appear to be the common complaint.
Why were these things used?
The Australian government is trying to turn their protestors into rotisserie chicken!
Struth has had his morning coffee, and decided today audience is big enough for a spot of theatrical demagoguery.
A few hours either side of this (as demonstrated after 11pm eastern time on the Friday Night Open Thread), and he’d be merely anklebiting like the insignificant little manlet he is.
Brandon’s Delaware home.
Brandon’s vacation home.
All totally affordable on a senator’s and VP salary.
Sorry for the question marks, Dover’s site doesn’t like cyrillic.
JC says February 20, 2022 at 12:26 pm
JC remember it has been claimed by Hunter that a big slice of his income is “taken” by Joe to cover family expenses. But no, I don’t recall what the income and the percentages were.
Nobel Laureate one minute, statesman, ladies man and bird watcher after. There’s nothing a properly attuned incel can’t do.
What a bizarre story.
True Australians.
I can’t recall either but it was a decent portion of the take. The media took such an interest in the disclosure Twitter banned the New York Post from reporting on it.
Thanks calli but there’s a more salient point here than me blowing my trumpet.
Those saying “we didn’t know how bad the virus was so we can’t be blamed for supporting lockdowns early on” are actually saying that the next time a virus taken from a sick person is sequenced for the first time then it’s ok for the government to put us through this all over again.
It should have been obvious that no matter how real or dangerous or contagious covid-19 was that you can never ever imprison non-criminals or shut down the economy.
No matter how scared you were of the virus you should have always accepted that other people have the right to take on whatever risk they see fit. The idea that people are responsible for other people’s health, let alone the trajectory of germs is disgusting.
Thanks calli but there’s a more salient point here than me blowing my trumpet.
Those saying “we didn’t know how bad the virus was so we can’t be blamed for supporting lockdowns early on” are actually saying that the next time a virus taken from a sick person is sequenced for the first time then it’s ok for the government to put us through this all over again.
It should have been obvious that no matter how real or dangerous or contagious covid-19 was that you can never ever imprison non-criminals or shut down the economy.
No matter how scared you were of the virus you should have always accepted that other people have the right to take on whatever risk they see fit. The idea that people are responsible for other people’s health, let alone the trajectory of germs is disgusting.
Queensland appears to have been overcome by the urge to visit Bunnings and do terrible things with sharp objects. Also, just now, from AAP:
A man has been charged with attempted murder after a woman locked herself in a bathroom overnight to escape an alleged hammer and saw attack in Brisbane’s south.
Police say officers found a seriously injured woman in her 30s with multiple head and body wounds when they were called out to a Doolandella house about 8.30am on Saturday.
They allege a 43-year-old man attacked the woman with the hammer and saw on Friday night, forcing her to lock herself in the bathroom “for a number of hours” before a concerned friend discovered her the next morning.
The woman was taken to hospital where she remains in a serious but stable condition.
The 43-year-old man – who police believe is known to the woman – has been charged with a series of domestic violence-related offences also including deprivation of liberty and wilful damage to the alleged victim’s phone.
He is in police custody and will appear in a Richlands court on Monday.
Should we be listing attractiveness as a covid related morbidity?
More attractive people have stronger immune systems, study says
“They claim an estimated 140,000 cases of diagnostic error occur in Australia each year. Of those cases, 21,000 are of serious harm, and result in 2000–4000 deaths.”
In 2011, at 63, I started feeling very lethargic and run-down sooo off to the quackticians surgery in the local hospital (Fairfield) at the top of the street .. gave me the once over but ordered no tests of any sort just concluded with, “Not too worry your getting older.. it happens with age”, despite me pointing out that 3 weeks ago I felt & acted perfectly normal ..
fast forward 3 months, two kids, still living at home, but both on European jaunts of several weeks so I’m home alone with just the cats & dog for company .. never noticed that my sleeping -in was, gradually, getting longer, up to 20 hours a day, and I’d almost stopped eating, the odd sandwich but no cooking, as I’d no appetite and developing short term memory (tho with no one around I’d not noticed this either!).
Anyway kids come home take one look at me (lost 25kgs it turns out) and my son drags me off to his quack ..!
Lotza how didn’t you notice and other stuff tho by then remembering what was said a minute before was an effort .. sent across the street for an, immediate, cat scan & to bring the results back .. an hour later bundled back into son’s car and into Penrith Hospital emergency .. admitted after 2 hours in waiting room .. told I had Non Hodgins Lymphoma .. very advance and needing exploratory surgery very, very quickly! .. Op dun next morning .. chemo started following day .. 8 days straight chemo before I came back to reality ..
Apparently, I’d been sooo late in being assessed it was touch & go whether I’d survive the 1st 3 days but fortunately the body responded immediately to the chemo and the next 3 months I went onto once a fortnight doses then another coupla months on various tablets (22 a day, I was rattlin’ .. LOL!) .. took until 2016 to get back to normal .. weight, mind ect …..
Now, 74, swim 1 km x 3 times a week, bike ride an average of 50kms most other days & feel healthier & fitter than I did at 30 …!
Could/would have been soooooo different if the kids had been O/S an extra week .. they’d have, probably, opened the door and found a corpse ..
One thing I do now know, with my variety of, Non Hodgins Lymphoma , it is totally, painless, the lethargy/memory loss is due to the white cells eating the red cells in the blood until one day there is no red cells left and you don’t wake-up .. game over..!
Sooo very close to the point-of-no-return because of a non-diagnosis and there was no one else around, at the, almost, crucial time, to notice my physical/mental deterioration ..!
There should be a whole bunch of protestors turn up dressed exactly the same.
“Impersonating a police officer? Hardly, see, I am not even wearing a badge!”
Maybe it was 33% based on the equity split in an unspecified business in China.