I shouldn’t tell you baby boomers but you can get any book on annas archive, including this one. I’ve lost…
I shouldn’t tell you baby boomers but you can get any book on annas archive, including this one. I’ve lost…
False flag? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14458487/Sydney-mosque-threat.html Put money on it, pip squeak in his north face gear and keystone cops will be all…
Have I got this right? 1. Trump floats the mineral deal as a quid pro quo for aid to Chicken…
Mmmyes. As branding goes, “Coalition of the Willing” rates about on par with “New Coke”.
Big mistake. Like a kid trying to show off to mum and dad. There are consequences, fool.
It is entirely possible to see the UAP as in the mix of minors (particularly in the Senate) and be wary of Fat Cloive’s erratic and self-destructive tendencies.
It is just that I will be looking elsewhere in the first instance, probably LDP.
Hey, I like the idea of a new upstart party that pulls back the curtains and opens the windows and let light and air pour in. Clive has been a boon (I believe motivated by his own interests rather than ours) in getting so many candidates and getting so high a profile, and with the money to make their presence known.
It so often happens with new parties there will be a few who register in the public mind but for whom most cannot vote anyway.
I swear that is why new parties look good and then quickly fade into soundbites that get reported less and less – even when what they are saying is so very important.
But it would be the triumph of fond hope over lived experience to not recognise potential weaknesses – ones which could be exploited by those who want them to fail. Stir up dissent, make them look petty, or like cranks, or have them expend their youthful energy on internecine personality competitions.
You want to guarantee the continued uselessness dominance of the LNP and Labor? Walk into their (and the ABC’s) trap.
Are we above the law here?
That is actionable.
ussr needs a rest from the medication and 256 open tabs ‘tracking evil in real time’.
Now that is actionable.
I intend to arrest ussr under Maritime Law.
To be tried for Crimes of Treason.
By a Grand Jury the People.
I’m just convening it now.
All for free speech, but this has got right out of hand over the past week. It is the blog equivalent of shouting fire in a theatre.
Woman trampled by Trudeau’s forces during freedom protest identified as Indigenous elder
The elderly woman who was reportedly injured when police on horseback rode through a crowd of Freedom Convoy protesters Friday evening has been identified as Candice “Candy” Sero. She is reportedly a full-blood Mohawk woman who lives in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory in Hastings County, Ontario.
Footage showed mounted police officers charging through a narrow opening in the pro-freedom crowd, knocking down some people on the way through.
One of those who were knocked down was Sero, who was seen in video and photographs lying in the middle of the horses with her walking assist device.
According to her alleged niece, Sero suffered a broken clavicle from the event.
“Now stay away from the horses,” Sero’s alleged niece joked.
I said for the sake of peace that I would not.
Integrity is an act of violent rebellion in an age of ‘front,’ swagger and arrogant braggadocio…
Don’t forget your “Written and authorized bys”.
Political discussion is no longer allowed in Awstraya unless you supply your address.
Last night it was anti-Catholic bigotry as well.
But apparently the consensus is that we shouldn’t use the law to redress this shit.
The barriers to entry for a new party are very high, in fact way too high to have any impact within 10 years.
This is why we must aim for a split. Historically this has been the way new parties form and prosper.
But it must not be one or two members, even 20% split is doomed to fail.
The split must be close to 50% so each half can remain viable, form a tactical coalition with the other, and grow and shrink in line with the support of its policies.
Sadly this would need two great leaders, when we do not even have a single one.
As a start, put a ban on Cool and the gang copy and pasting the stuff for hours on end.
Have you got an actual JURDGE? 😉
(Excited nerd voice: That’s so COOL! All I got was standing… 🙁 )
From the Oz.
Unregistered party?
Does that mean he isn’t running candidates?
Or has he decided the AEC “has no standing”?
And I’d agree with that.
Dover’s site, Dover’s issue, Dover’s decision.
Team ussr’s endless cut-paste-link, cut-paste-link of the same old shit is pretty annoying.
Those Canuck horses are a bit of a worry (NSFW Warning)
It’s just a blog lads.
Until the law of the land is breached and someone decides it is ‘actionable’.
Why do you think Sinc Cat went off the air?
I may be being a little indulging my imagination here, but I would truly not be surprised if one of Trudeau’s lickspittles, lapdogs or lackeys, upon hearing this, reacted with “Curses!* If only we could have made it a white woman!”
*Don’t know why, but for some reason the Dick Dastardly’s voice seems natural.
Make sure you get her birth certificate.
They’re currency you know.
Grand Jury verdict in!
ussr guilty on all counts of Treason, Sedition, Aiding and Abetting the Enemy and keeping a gerbil without a valid permit!
Appeal denied.
The defendant has no standing to appeal.
Sentencing to follow.
Read this one between the lines:
Devastated family and friends are paying tribute to a teenage boy whose life was tragically cut short following a collision with a police vehicle over the weekend.
Jai Wright, an Indigenous 16-year-old from Revesby in Sydney’s southwest, died on Sunday following an incident in Alexandria in the inner city.
According to police, officers from Inner West Police Area Command sighted two suspected stolen vehicles – a black Mercedes and blue 2019 Sherco trail bike – near Enmore Road and King Street, Newtown at around 7am on Saturday.
Police allege the trail bike was last seen turning right into Sydney Park Road, Alexandria.
Shortly after, about 7.35am, the same trail bike collided with an unmarked police vehicle at the intersection of Henderson and Mitchell Roads, Alexandria.
The rider, a 16-year-old boy, was ejected from the bike and suffered serious injuries. He was treated at the scene by NSW Ambulance paramedics and taken to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.
Just before 7.45am, police observed the black Mercedes on Henderson Road. A 16-year-old boy was arrested nearby at Progress Road, Eveleigh.
A cute projection from the anklebiter.
Sorry Barry, but it’s topper time.
Horses are amazing
From The Daily Telegraph…
“Christians, Catholic church slam police for photo with Mardi Gras punters dressed as nuns
NSW Police have been chastised by the Catholic church- and have deleted a photo off social media- after their officers were seen posing at a Mardi Gras event with men dressed up as nuns.
The Catholic church has slammed NSW Police after a photo was posted of officers posing at a Mardi Gras event with men jokingly dressed as nuns.
It‘s understood some police officers of the Catholic faith were outraged after the image, which shows ten officers posing and smiling alongside two Mardi Gras Fair Day punters dressed as nuns, was uploaded to the official NSW Police Instagram.
The event is for the LGBTQIA+ community and supporters to come together and kick off Mardi Gras celebrations.
“Had so much fun at today‘s Mardi Gras 2022,” read the photo caption, alongside a collage of photos featuring police posing with drag queens and puppies as well as a group shot of them holding rainbow-print fans.
“Thanks for coming down and saying hello!”
The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney slammed the image, which was posted yesterday afternoon but removed on Monday.
A spokesman said the organisation was “disappointed” to see police pose with others who were making a “mockery” out of a religion.
“It’s sad to see an event created more than forty years ago to promote equality and end discrimination now evolve into something that celebrates and promotes the mockery of others,” the Catholic spokesman said.
“Our Church, as articulated by Pope Francis, believes that gay and lesbian people should never be marginalised, but respected and welcomed at all times. – It is upsetting that as Catholics we are not afforded the same respect.
“The NSW Police have been trusted with the responsibility of safeguarding our entire community. It’s extremely disappointing to see them promoting disparaging acts of any group, regardless of their values or beliefs.”
“It’s sad” Mr Elliott said. If police paid such disrespect to Islam, Judaism or Hinduism like this I would sack them.”
The two men dressed as nuns are not police employees and are thought to be revellers at the Mardi Gras event.
Assistant Commissioner Gelina Talbot, NSW Police Force Corporate Sponsor for Sexuality, Gender Diversity and Intersex said the officers had attended the event to show the force‘s support for the community.
“The NSW Police Force is proud to support the LGBTIQA+ community and remains committed to building and strengthening relationships through continuous engagement,” Asst Comm Talbot said.
“The attendance of police at the Mardi Gras Festival Fair Day on Sunday (20 February 2022) is part of the ongoing commitment of officers to support our own LGBTIQA+ identifying employees, as well as the broader LGBTIQA+ community, and aims to reduce barriers to reporting crime.”
Social media users also expressed their emotions about the photo before it was deleted from Instagram.
“Why the need to mock Catholicism? Shameful,” one wrote.
“The mocking of Catholicism and the NSW Police actively participating in that activity,” another wrote.”
Question to Mr Elliott, when will you sack them for being disrespectful to Catholicism? Or is it that there are double standards, offending Catholicism = quite okay, offending Islam = not okay. I find that “sad”.
Give Dick Dastardly thick black rimmed glasses and he would look suspiciously like Dan of the Dead.
Have they been seen in the same room together?
Apropos of Clive’s having created a ‘Frankenstein party’.
Frankenstein was not the monster.
“probably unlikely (though not impossible) that the UAP won’t win any lower house seats.”
I agree, it’s unlikely however the UAP policy is that the sitting member is last on the preference chain, no matter what party, I think that the only preference swap they’ve agreed on so far is with the LDP. The preferences for each seat will be worked out but the majors and the greens will also be as low down on the list as possible if they aren’t the sitting member. This election the more candidates standing the lower down the uniparty and the greens will be. I reckon that’s a good thing, they may still get up but it will be on preferences and hopefully they’ll get the message.
I just don’t get those who say they’ll not vote at all rather than UAP because they don’t like Clive, in doing so they will just support the uniparty. I suppose it’s some sort of desire to sell themselves to themselves as pure of heart.
Further re Bosi…from The Oz…
“Among those being monitored is an ex-SAS officer, Riccardo Bosi, who has figured prominently in the Convoy to Canberra protests, often dressed in military fatigues.
Mr Bosi, who leads the unregistered AustraliaOne Party and has more than 40,000 followers on Telegram, has called several times for politicians and others to be charged with treason and hanged.
In one recent video, he made vile remarks about Senator Payne.
“That bloated cow … if we hang her … we’re going to have to get an arrestor cable off an aircraft carrier to suspend the weight,” he said.
Mr Bosi has openly called for the execution of media figures ranging from Sky’s Peta Credlin and Andrew Bolt to the ABC’s Ita Buttrose for their alleged roles in protecting pedophiles.
“Watch them hang by their necks till they’re dead … we’ll draw a lottery to see who gets to pull the lever,” he said in one obscenity-filled rant.
Ho hum. I wonder what kind of tirade he’ll spew at the judge or magistrate next time?
That’s actionable now?
Oh dear. 🙁
Oh wait- Mine’s a Chinchilla. 🙂
NOTE FOR PROSPECTIVE OWNERS: Please be aware that they are prone to shrinkage if ignited by itinerant magicians…
Clive left and dumped on the Libs when he thought he was not getting his ‘props’, created a Frankenstein party by stitching together different body parts and running some money through it (and we are still haunted by Lambie), and now this one.
And, not forgetting his ultimate “bride of Frankenstein, ” …
Sarah Two Dads ..leaves Lambie looking “page 3” material .. LOL!
Leyland P76 – or if you’re in SA a Mitsubishi 380.
I just don’t get those who say they’ll not vote at all rather than UAP because they don’t like Clive, in doing so they will just support the uniparty. I suppose it’s some sort of desire to sell themselves to themselves as pure of heart.
I’m not a huge fan of CP but I’ll def vote UAP in the HoR and probably UAP-LDP in the Senate. The alternative for me in the HoR for me is not to vote at all.
I have had to endure a couple of rants from dedicated Lib voters who argue that, by voting UAP & One Nation, I am guaranteeing a Labor Party victory. I don’t see that scenario as inevitable – and, as I say in the return “serve” – I WILL NOT vote for a “conservative” Party that has abandoned every principle of of what I believed the Libs once stood for.
Is Bosi for real or is he a unipardy plant?
The LDP is fine, their hearts are in the right place.
However ask the average person in the street:
1. Who are the LDP and what is the full Party name?
2.Who is the leader of the LDP
You’ll get blank looks mostly. Will fail miserably at next election.
OTOH everyone knows who Clive is. I don’t care if his party gets reasonable representation and then behaves like a Spetsnaz unit on a KELT* raid in Parliament.
* Kill Every Living Thing
The JURDGE has spoken.
Why shouldn’t he?
More so if he backed the LDP, the government of WA has really shafted him.
Just vote like that, work together, build up support, smash the uniparty.
That’s the thing- Palmer has money and I see his bill boards driving Melbourne.
in which order or just follow one of their HTVs?
The ‘Report comments’ got to it. But, yeah, probably not the smartest thing to do amplifying a statement by quoting it. Just report it.
Your decision, HTV cards are guides, NOT orders.
Understand that BJ- I just worry that if I fill out lots of boxes it won’t be counted properly. Silly I know
Bosi is St Ruth.
Can we have some “jokingly” dressed as Muftis?
If not, why not?
Is Bosi for real or is he a unipardy plant?
If his task was to make uni party alternatives look like complete lunatics, what would he be doing differently?
Leyland P76 – or if you’re in SA a Mitsubishi 380.
Contents of barrels may vary.
If his task was to make uni party alternatives look like complete lunatics, what would he be doing differently?
correct- the smart arsed comments from rusted ons just write themselves.
doubt it
they will keep messing with LCOE assumptions like using stupidly small Discount Rates,
lying about Capacity Factors and burdening fossil users with (-)ve subsidy
everything will get more expensive and they’ll make damned sure that fossil always looks worserer than everything.
Canadians voted for this. Seeing a few on Twitter having regrets, but they’ve displayed their ignorance of evil in their midst, despite being warned.
Except that, every time ussr is challenged, she refers back to a different comment as a red herring (refer the bullshit over the weekend where she tried to rope BJ and ZK2A into something they had made no comment on).
Or alternatively, she claims that any abridged cut and paste is misquoting or verballing or that the person laying down the challenge is a pedo enabler.
Dover, like it or not, her obsession with linking to rabid unsubstantiated libel is going to get this site into hot water at some point.
In any case, feel free to ditch my later comment directly quoting her bile. It serves no useful purpose now that the original comment has been deleted.
How do his rants make anyone look stupid, apart from himself?
I don’t think anyone is turned off UAP or LDP or PHON because of what he says.
To adapt a recent contribution in The Speccie, it boils down to ‘Would you rather be stabbed in the back (Lieborals) or the front (Liebor)?’.
A pox on both of them!
To a point BJ.
But not enough people know that above the line voting in the Senate is, in effect, a defacto completion of your #1 preference’s HTV card down to, I think 12 candidates.
“Canadians voted for this. Seeing a few on Twitter having regrets, but they’ve displayed their ignorance of evil in their midst, despite being warned.”
I would agree with that however the Conservative Party of Canada, under flabby Erin O’Toole, provided no opposition whatsoever, it was and remains simply “Trudeau lite”….which probably contributed to Trudeau winning for a third time last September. Why vote Trudeau lite? The only decent party in Canada is the People’s Party of Canada (PPC), under former Conservative Maxime Bernier. Bernier, like Rebel News, is constantly smeared as far-right and Nazi. And it’s an indictment on our times that being smeared as far-right, waaaaacist or Nazi means you must be doing something right. Apparently the PPC is now polling at about 10%
Having said that, the Conservatives in Canada are trembling and they have a new leader, O’Toole was sacked two weeks ago. O’Toole was against the truckers….unbelievable but true. Their new leader is a woman and she’s been quite impressive up against Justine Castro.
But you’re right, until voters wake up, more of this will continue….in Canada and also here.
Threats to bring down the Law for such a comment to not belong here
Are we above the law here?
Dovers response.
“I have had to endure a couple of rants from dedicated Lib voters who argue that, by voting UAP & One Nation, I am guaranteeing a Labor Party victory.”
Just ask them to tell you the major policy differences between Liberal and Labor, that shuts them up.
NSW Liberal party factional turmoil escalates to supreme court action
The Guardian
Member of state executive seeks to force party to follow constitution which calls for rank and file preselection ballots
NSW state MP Melanie Gibbons has indicated she may quit politics if she’s unsuccessful in gaining preselection for the seat of Hughes, which could trigger a byelection and plunge the NSW government further into minority government.
Voting. So I get a choice about which end of the pineapple?
Downside, if I choose spiky end first then it hurts more on the way out.
The reality is that unless you are in an electorate that regularly swaps sides your vote is irrelevant. I’m in Curtin. I could set fire to myself, nude, inside my car on polling day it would not make an iota of difference.
I have a dream.
I dream of a world where the Bat Eared Mong is King.
The nation is ruled in perpetuity by the benign Green/Union coalition under a UN appointed President, presently Julie Bishop.
Where Her Excellency Lisa Wilkinson is the ‘activist’ Governor General.
Where Australia’s first WEF resident envoy is Ambassador Tony Blair.
Where all matters related to the environment are under the control of the World Heritage Commission (Aust).
Where definition and implementation of the social contract has been allocated to the Oxfam Statuatory Authority
Where, in a breakthrough concession, the period of WEF review of Australian legislation has been extended to two weeks annually.
Where Tax Office approval to withdraw funds from personal accounts is no longer needed for sums of less than $1,000.00, provided that the purpose of the withdrawal is in line with ATO defined approved expenditure concessions.
Where the interest rate on power bills arrears is reduced to 10% provided that grandchildren are prepared to act as guarantors.
Where domestic travel approval is automatic for two yearly family reunions, provided that all travel is by public transport and a public chaperone is appointed.
Where school children can undertake supervised parental visits once per term. The purpose of the visits being replacement of uniforms and renegotiation of child living expense obligations.
Where the Primary Producer Environmental Restitution Tax is halved for soy producers.
Where the war against the breakaway Republic of North Queensland is going badly due to high levels of desertion.
Where I am not around to see it, hopefully having been shot during a freedom rally.
This is puerile stuff I might expect from a 12 year old with ADHD.
FFS, man, stop the grift and get a job.
A real job.
Not the public masturbation of “motivational speaking” or writing book # 26,432 on “Leadership”.
You have no idea what the word means.
oh ffs … they don’t want an actual energy market
what would they do with the left over subsidies?
“H B Bearsays:
February 21, 2022 at 3:34 pm
The reality is that unless you are in an electorate that regularly swaps sides your vote is irrelevant. I’m in Curtin. I could set fire to myself, nude, inside my car on polling day it would not make an iota of difference.”
My father would agree entirely…he lives in the seat of Fremantle.
LOL. That’s as good an example of beclowing as you’re likely to find this month.
A must read Folks.
Of course.
Clive was Frankenstein.
Wish Lambie was Frankenstein’s wife, but she has outlived then all.
Fremantle and Curtin -have returned some dross over the years. Nothing like a safe seat to reward the party faithful who can’t find a place on the red leather.
A mouthful of broken teeth offers more protection against Covid-19 than a N95 mask.
‘Father Rod signs off’
Father Rod Bower, author of politically charged church billboard, leaves Central Coast
oh fmd … the ironing
Eyrie says: February 21, 2022 at 7:51 am
Heavy helicopter handles differently to a light model.
Who’da ever thunk it?
Best part of an Iroquois autorotation: After putting it on the ground, there can be sufficient remaining inertia in the blades to pick it up, do a full pedal turn, & put it down again.
Not an option available to lighter models.
‘Father Rod signs off’
What a fake, pompous, pretend to be pious old grifter.
He’ll go far.
Father Rod was the biggest walking, talking cliché you’ll find south of Toowoomba.
Well, the HoR is practically irrelevant for 75% of the population.
All you can do is register a protest vote and direct your AEC funding to someone you think is deserving.
The Senate is a whole different kettle of red herrings.
There is a chance a vote for a minor party might stick.
If he ends up with a full-fledged “Mohawk Standoff” (complete with Armalites) on his hands, Turdeau will pine for the simpler times of having nothing more than peaceful truckies occupying his driveway.
direct your AEC funding to someone you think is deserving.
The LNP will not get my AEC funding at this election.
It needs to be earned.
I genuinely hope it’s total gridlock in the Senate.
What I explained continually, is that people shouldn’t take offense with Bird’s antisemitic comments because Bird was mentally ill. There would be a record of the many times I said that. Bird isn’t a friend of mine.
USSR, you really are a dissembling, disgusting worthless lying piece of shit. Go fuck yourself .
Listen to the attitude of these goons talking to citizens.
Good lord you’re full of yourself.
There is much more scope for artistry on the Senate ballot paper.
Hmmm…. numbering every box might take 10-15minutes.
Maybe I’ll just draw a nineteen inch Hugh G. Rection. Should only take 15 seconds.
The Senate voters in 2019 didn’t think so.
Clever people!
Electoral Pendulum.
There are a total of 32 seats out of 151 (~ 20 pussent) with a swing of less than 5% to unseat the sitting member.
Eighteen ALP and fourteen Coalition.
And 5 pussent is a yuuuge swing.
Realistically it is seats under 2.5% – 3% in play, ignoring the occasional local upset (popular retiring member etc).
That is 3 LNP seats and 12 ALP seats under 3%.
Yet more disjointed, random, made up bullshit & repeats of the same old bullshit.
You’re not saying anything in good faith because again you’re injecting partial ‘quotes’ around your collection of shit straws ‘as if’ you’re making some point for point argument, when you know damn well you’re not but desperately hoping everyone else is too thick to see what you are doing.
And you know what, whenever I’ve posted the fact that children are in more danger from State institutions than the Catholic Church, this little mob here breaks straight into their “Pizza” ‘Jokes’ and tells me to shut up about it.
They are also madly desperate that no one recall what it’s like for me to constantly defend Cardinal George Pell to the faces of his deranged haters when I have cause to be in his home town.
Quite different to Cassie’s perpetual dropping of the name Pell on an anonymous forum of Pell supporters; being an open supporter of Pell in the town where he’s openly treated as a demon, gets you more enemies than one gets at the cat for openly not liking Cassie.
The anti-Semite continues with her savings.
She makes Bird look normal.
Venom oozes out of every pore. DO NOT TOUCH!
Are you illiterate or just stupid?
I am under no obligation to you, you absolute clown, to quote you in full.
The reason why it was truncated was because I found your comments sickening and I will not lend them further credence.
Quite different to Cassie’s perpetual dropping of the name Pell on an anonymous forum of Pell supporters; being an open supporter of Pell in the town where he’s openly treated as a demon, gets you more enemies than one gets at the cat for openly not liking Cassie.
Exhibit 25461 in the case of “Is SRR a total loon?”
The jury isn’t expected to deliberate for long.
What…they’re back already?
PS, I believe I am the last Australian to do an operational mission in a UH1H (2014) – any takers?
February 21, 2022 at 3:16 pm
Eventually, it will dawn on the fools that it is actually cheaper just to run the fossil plants.
doubt it
they will keep messing with LCOE assumptions like using stupidly small Discount Rates,
lying about Capacity Factors and burdening fossil users with (-)ve subsidy
everything will get more expensive and they’ll make damned sure that fossil always looks worserer than everything.
By requiring them to deliver, consistently, 50% of the total installed capacity (not any capacity factor) of their ruinable wind, solar or batteries on a 24/7/365 basis, or pay penalties, they will be forced to operate fossil plants. The incentive to slag off at the fossil plants they run will be minimised.
It will also expose the massive over-capitalisation required to produce any halfway respectable output. No more faffing on about “700 MW batteries” or “1000 MW” solar farms, they will have to show actul the output in MWhours.
He’s dead?
Aaron Ginn
The Canadian police knee you in the face for the public health
Rosie says that might be photoshopped.
Stop and wait for the official footage to be put up by the authorities.
And if its not put up it must be fake.
I tell you one bloke who has.
Edgar Maddison Welch.
Learnt the hard way not to swallow everything the ussr’s of this world spew out on the web.
rosie also demanded someone prove the trampled woman actually existed, well yeah, she does and her injury is not minor –
Jack Posobiec ?? @JackPosobiec
· 3h
Woman trampled by Trudeau’s forces during freedom protest identified as Indigenous elder
Woman trampled by Trudeau’s forces during freedom protest identified as Indigenous elder
Sero reportedly suffered a broken clavicle from the trampling.
Posted on 12:26 PM · Feb 21st, 2022
Sancho Panzersays:
February 21, 2022 at 3:24 pm
Boambee Johnsays:
February 21, 2022 at 3:07 pm
Your decision, HTV cards are guides, NOT orders.
To a point BJ.
But not enough people know that above the line voting in the Senate is, in effect, a defacto completion of your #1 preference’s HTV card down to, I think 12 candidates.
Not really. You put your #1 preference, then YOUR next several preferences until you pass the limit necessary for a valid vote, or as far as you wish to go.
I think (but pls check) that the minimum is 6 in a half-senate election, and 12 in a full (double dissolution) election. I tend to go a bit beyond the minimum, and finish up with the lowest candidate in the less ruinous half of the UNiParty whom I can stomach. That prevents a “creative” ballot counter with a pencil from adding their preferred candidate, as the vote will exhaust in one of the majors.
Didn’t he turn up to some gasbaggery soiree dressed in the cassock of a Catholic Monsignor? I saw it, I believe, at Tim Blairs before the paywall went up.
Tim did seem to enjoy needling self-fellating old Tartuffe.
Tell me! Tell me USSR does NOT believe there are 10 million kids hidden in tunnels in Australia and held in storage for sex trafficking. 10 million kids!
The stupid fucking cow needs a lobotomy. There are no drugs strong enough to prevent that level of delusion and conspiratorial “thinking”.
Missed your “Above the Line” point, probably because I don’t vote ATL in the Senate. I don’t think that anyone other that a straight donkey voter should, as it essentially gives your vote to the party machine, no matter which party. Not my scene.
Yes, that’s the spirit!
Numbers had Toowoomba itself pretty much stitched up.
Proof positive of what I said to Dover upthread.
If you don’t quote her verbatim and in full, she goes the full “out of context”, “verballing”, “misquoting” or “lying”.
Or if you simply reply she pretends you were referring to another comment or subject entirely.
Oh, and show me on the dolly where daddy touched you.
We already have that, they form the Liberal and Labor factions of the Uniparty.
Sancho Panzer at 4:08 – if you were careful with your sampling you could avoid the whole spectacle by talking to a handful of people in the street. Allowing people to vote every 3 years stops them from rioting (mostly).
Wrong- She dared to challenge the breathless reporting that the woman was so badly mangled she later died (plus the other two folks who were claimed as fatalities), and declared herself unconvinced by single frames of footage on social media.
Like I said last night, in their desperation to have a ‘win’ against the leftist Establishment and the psychological relief that generates, people are now uncritically believing Narratives that, but for one or two different words or concepts, they would immediately identify and disregard as the sort of psychosis the Left engages in. And violently turn on anyone who might spoil that ‘cope’ high.
I get it. I really do. But the angry tribalism that results from ‘denialists’ and skeptics being unsure of the ‘truthiness’ of things reported here uncritically at times can be wearing.
There are currently 132 million kids hidden in tunnels across America held for future sex trafficking.
132 million corresponds to the proportion of Australia’s population and the 10 million hidden here vs the US.
10 million (330 million/25 million) = 132 million.
True BJ.
And sometimes it is worse than giving your vote to a single party machine.
You can find a deal has been done by a Glenn Drury “preference whisperer” type for the second or third preference of a candidate who looks half reasonable to be exchanged with some complete nut-job in another party or independent grouping in the hope that the web of preferences gets a few minors elected.
Hellooo, Andy Meddick and Fiona Patton.
Well I can’t see myself ever attending an Anglican church anywhere near Cafe Bruce.
February 21, 2022 at 3:38 pm
The coal and gas guys will bend them over the table to contract to supply the power the renewable scammers are forced to buy from them. Should pretty much make the “economics” of renewable supply totally transparent.
oh ffs … they don’t want an actual energy market
what would they do with the left over subsidies?
Of course they don’t want an energy market. The aim of these suggestions is to force them into one, preferably while they are kicking and screeching fit to be visible and audible on Mars.
If we apply the same proportions, there are 210 million kids hidden in Tunnels in Europe.
There were seven Liberal Party members who want to end the mandates, Senators Rennick and Antic, and five members in the lower house who crossed the floor and supported Craig Kelly.
The two senators are not up for election this year but I would preference the five lower house members who crossed the floor over Labor, but I’ve got no idea who they are. As for the rest of the sitting members, whether they are Liberals, Labor, Nationals or Green, they all deserve to be sacked, vote them last.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
February 21, 2022 at 3:04 pm
Soldier told comrade he didn’t feel ‘safe’ around Roberts-Smith, court told
By Georgina Mitchell and Michaela Whitbourn
February 21, 2022 — 1.17pm
These witnesses against BRS have to be gay. Poor dears were trembling in their woollen underwear every time the big bad man scowled at them. This trial is reading like a bitch fight amongst 14 year old girls.
Hmmm…. numbering every box might take 10-15minutes.
Read the instructions, you don’t have to number every box.
And there is form for this.
Remember the “young tradie” struck in the head and killed by a rubber bullet in Melbourne back late last year?
It was reported here for several hours and had the desired effect of arcing up the troops.
Except it didn’t happen.
The tell was when Rukshan (who was on scene) didn’t report it.
“Ooooh, they’ve cut his feed!”
No they didn’t. He didn’t put anything out there because he was sceptical about it.
Later in the day a name surfaced of the ‘brave young tradie cut down in his prime’.
A Facebook search turned up an account which was only a few days old with no background detail and one post from that morning about the protest.
In other words, a pre-meditated scam.
That’s quite a lot.
Do you have any evidence to back up your claim?
Same for Café calli. The diocese isn’t getting a cent of my money for him to run through his pet “social” programs.
A work not used enough.
And very fitting for the chap in question.
He and Numberwang should get together, it would be like a version of the circular human centipede, except for where their mouths are stitched on.
If it comes down to a choice between kids being kept in tunnels or kids sitting behind me on a plane kicking the back of my seat, I vote for tunnels every single time.
I for one am not taking the piss out of 10,000,000 kids in tunnels. Because they don’t exist. I could if I wanted to, but I’d rather take the piss out of you.
My status as the owner of a watch and a television qualifies me to make this comment.
I know, I know.
but I can’t see it happening as they’ve already put so many decades of groundwork into un-leveling the playing field.
and look at how successful that’s been
the ‘industry’ is now a massive cartel with in-members and out-members.
it comprises a enormous amount capital, both social and financial … global capital
it enjoys increasing growth, revenue, and profit
and all that is baked-in already.
nobody’s gonna change anything to make it level, or transparent
did you know, that to participate in the ‘market’as a Large Scale Generator, that your margins are baked in when you join the big boys club?
honestly, on that basis alone, there is no logical end to how much more new-balls infrastructure we “need” to save the planet
More along the lines of serious personality clashes that would never have been tolerated in a subunit like that for the potentially lethal risks in any other situation, but for the fact that every fit and able Operator available was required at the time for rolling deployments.
You don’t exclusively use 2 Regiments (that are well understrength relative to a conventional Rifle Battalion) for a decade plus of constant near-conventional operations (that all our allies used standard infantrymen for, and saved their SF for the toughest nuts and headhunting tasks), without cohesion and morale problems.
Ben Roberts-Smith VC may well be an arsehole in the minds of some folks, and efficient but difficult to relate to for others. But that does not de facto make him a war criminal.
Biggles you dumb prick Sinc dumped the site because he was probably threatened of being removed from the taxpayer tit.
Also he was an arsehole.
That’s gunna hurt some, especially the thawing out.
Finland skier suffers frozen penis in Olympics mass start race
Any evidence to back that anklebite, Dribbles?
Or are you going full Grigs today?
Never ski without a heated cod piece.
Ted, do you get aroused when picking the Lady Finger bananas?
Sinclair is a lovely person – runnybum, your name is runnybum and you threaten to punch on with people on a blog.
I am not taking your word for it he is an arsehole.
“Bruce of Newcastle says:
February 21, 2022 at 10:41 am
Areff – I wouldn’t be surprised if a horde of DDoSing lefties are attacking it, and all their plausibly denying alphabet agency mates. Legality is for the little people.
May also be geoblocked since Nunes was saying they’re starting only with US users.”
Nah, can’t be, because according to Dot & Co such mobs don’t exist, especially not on a Nations most influential Political & Economic Forum
Seriously though, this is a very clear look at, “The Big Club”, openly, proudly, boastfully bullying the world –
The Tendrils of the World Economic Forum
Feb 20, 2022
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
It’s something to keep in mind whenever you wonder why so many people have absolutely no qualms about constantly telling bald faced lies.
When you choose to serve such a great monster, you really don’t care what the monsters excess livestock thinks.
Do you have any evidence to back up your claim?
Evidence doesnt have standing.
The Science (a poem)
Your mask works.
But only if I wear mine.
And only if you have
thetwothree vaccines.And only if I have
thetwothree vaccines.And only if there are < 45,953 punters at Optus Stadium.
And only if there are <31 people at your home.
Big Daddy is keeping you safe.
Should be a laugh a minute:
Former SMH columnist Elizabeth Farrelly prepares her next political push
Two months after what she sensationally dubbed the “ruthless king hit” that ended her 30-year stint as a columnist at The Sydney Morning Herald after she briefly joined the Labor Party, Elizabeth Farrelly has seemingly decided to permanently leave the media.
And it seems the media’s loss may be politics’ gain.
Undeterred by a valiant but ultimately unsuccessful tilt at the inner-western Sydney seat of Strathfield in a by-election a week or so back, where she has so far won around 9 per cent of the vote, Farrelly tells Diary she is closely contemplating a second tilt at politics – this time in the NSW upper house.
The outspoken environment and architecture columnist and advocate says she wants to make a difference to the environment in Sydney.
“A lot of people have said to me that I should run in the NSW upper house, the Legislative Council,” she tells Diary. “They say, ‘Your profile is Sydney-wide, and you could get into the upper house’. They have told me that I have the same following across Sydney that I do in Strathfield, and it’s an advantage in an upper house vote. That’s why it could be tempting. It’s an eight-year term. It might be a good way of having an influence on the future of the city, and that would be an interesting thing to do.”
And this time, she may look for some help by calling Climate 200 founder and independent backer Simon Holmes a Court to try to make it happen. “I might give him a call,” she says.
Farrelly says the decision may come down to a “core group of about half a dozen” supporters and a larger group of volunteers who helped her on election day. “The volunteers want me to have another go,” she says. “They say it makes sense. I just need to see how my core team feels.”
Interestingly, Farrelly says that she expects to almost break even on her Strathfield campaign, through donations and Australian Electoral Commission funding. “I’ve spent around $30,000 on the by-election. You get a few dollars per vote if you’re over about 4 per cent. So with the combination of that and what I got in donations, I’ll almost break even.”
Meanwhile, amid her political ambitions, going back to professional journalism seems a more distant prospect. “I could go back to writing, but I’ll need someone with a platform and someone who will pay you.”
The funny part isn’t the journalist and the politician getting into a punch-on on Ukraine TV. The funny part is at the right of the screen with a chick doing sign language explaining the groans to the Ukraine hearing impaired.
I can’t truncate your posts but you can lie? Fuck off, scum. I have repeatedly made some claims I can’t prove like Bernardi was a plant and Bosi is a spook. I am not denying that the authorities engage in nefarious activities.
You are not going to chain this to your ongoing crusade against everyone who refuses to agree with you 100% and having them smeared as supporters of heinous crimes against the vulnerable.
Don’t we all?
Do tell Ted.
What government funding did Sinc receive which was conditional on the Cat closing?
And try not to quote any work he might have done for government bodies for years and years before.
Because it doesn’t make sense to wait five – ten years to silence your class enemies, right?
Off you go.
I don’t even know why I am bothering with you Ted, when you failed to show up twice after I called you to a meeting.
Weak as piss, Ted.
Savvy, if cynical, operators will take the government’s money when the government is trying to shut down our reliable power sources, and then take government money when the embarrassed government tries to ramp reliable power back up.
The one constant that can be relied upon in good times as in bad, in drought or flood or blizzard, in high places and in low, out far as in near, is that the government will be pouring out money with new policies that will be meant to deal with old policies but in fact be setting the scene for even newer policies not glimpsed yet.
They are like drunken sailors standing facing a wall urinating, heedless of the fact the urine is running down the wall and pooling about the feet, and even as their piss is being expelled at one end they are pouring fresh rum into the other.
Except the bravado evaporated when he found out my preferred meeting place was staffed by South Pacific First Nations Peoples who I was on good terms with.
“Oooh, aaahh. Maybe not there. Could we go somewhere quieter? Like a park near a taxi rank?”
What a shock choo choo man, you coming to biggles defence.
I would put a pound to a pinch of shit (your brain) that Davidson voted for the ANC or some other left wing party in South Africa & then legged it here to climb on the taxpayer tit.
Now fuck off & drive a train you dumbarse.
Sadly, yes. And most of it’s from the MSM the exact same people accurately decry as being biased.
ABC. Ask questions. Believe nothing. Check everything.
We have a temporary vacancy here.
She could post as “Elizabeth (Lizzie) F”.
Not sure about the money, though.
Fruit picker is charged with murder for cutting his friend’s leg off with a circular saw even though he ‘wanted it chopped off and PAID thousands’ for his mate to carry out the grisly act
The ALPBC? The numbers are pretty clear however. Closed borders = higher employment but not necessarily job growth.
Now the borders are open again. Let’s see what happens to UE figures and wage growth.
Dot, I do not give a fuck what you think, you are a lawyer & that is one of the lowest lifeforms on this planet.
I think Ted means well.
I am so so soooo sorry about posting this.
Brain bleach, get your brain bleach.
10 bucks a gallon.
Dover, please ban me.
I know I deserve it.
Bern. That was evil.
On a serious note, I’m sick and tired of cocks in frocks pretending to be women. They used to be honest men and called themselves “female impersonators”.
Now they are just lying creeps.
Biggles, I was at the Exchange in Brisbane at 4.45pm, I said on this site & you didn’t turn up.
What happened A340 wouldn’t start?
Hospitality has been kicked from here to Sunday because of two years of covid restrictions and a materially impacted labor market brought on by the fact that a huge number of hospitality workers went back home.
Eating places are either closing down or simply not opening because of the severity of labor shortages. My friendly cafe dude, told me the other day, that several potential workers have gone in asking for 40 bucks and hour for regular shifts.
The layout of our hospitality industry was based on labor supply of a much bigger scale. If supply doesn’t change then a huge number of these establishments will have to close down. This means much higher prices to consumers. And when I say much higher, think of a coffee, snack or restaurant bill 50% higher at least.
Contemplate your crimes on the tree of woe.
Ted’s hidden desire is to be respected, which is an impossible ask.
Dot is that anything like Homer’s rock of shame?
From Binary:
Lia Thomas, formerly known as William, has been destroying women’s swimming in the US for months now.
As a male swimmer the best ranking he could manage was 462nd. That’s in college sports. Not the nation and not the world. A measly 462 among male swimmers in college in the US.
Since changing his name to Lia and donning a female swimmer’s costume, Thomas has skyrocketed to the number 1 female college swimmer in the US. He is smashing female records and stealing podium finishes from real girls. Girls who have sacrificed, trained and competed for years.
This politician in the US has produced a fantastic ad to expose the lunacy of allowing males to appropriate womanhood in sport.
In other news, those two leg sawing enthusiasts appear to have been engaged in a consensual business transaction.
Man paid $5000 to amputate leg: cops.
Sounds German.
Dot, I do not give a fuck what you think, you are a lawyer & that is one of the lowest lifeforms on this planet.
Is not. And Dot is not a lawyer. He is too rambunctious.
I was very clear it was The Exchange in Port Melbourne you big sook.
You know the rules.
You get called to a meeting by a fellow Cat to sort stuff out, you show up.
No ifs.
No buts.
No maybes.
Got it?
It is based on foreigners and backpackers. Who it’s well known are often underpaid and exploited. But, that’s beside the point and only one facet of our labour force. If Aussies paid more for their cafe service, perhaps they would demand a better end product instead of the regular crap we have become used to. And don’t come back with high end fantasy stories.
This country should not live or die by the number of imported Indians and Chinese we can crush load into our over crowded cities.
Okay. I have read The Iliad, and The Odyssey, and do not recall a rock of shame.
Is this a Hollywood re-imagining? Perhaps the Trojans were a matriarchal, Helen a woman same-sex attracted to the Trojan princess Paris – free at last to live by her nature rather than the role imposed on her by brutish Greeks, Hector was a princess who studied mathematics and philosophy, and the Greeks the savage beasts at each others’ throats when they were denied the chance to rape maidens?
Sounds very Amazon.
Beaten to it by Top Ender it would appear. The baby oil really makes it with those photos of Wilkin’s kid.
In other news:
Appropriating womanhood has reached new extremes. A man who appropriates womanhood has undergone vagina-reconstructive surgery using the skin of tilapia fish.
dover0beach says:
February 21, 2022 at 3:05 pm
Last night Sancho Panzer threatened to bring the weight of the State down on Dover if Dover did not remove a comment by ssr.
The dumb, crass and insulting statement has been removed but Sancho’s copy and paste of it remains.
The ‘Report comments’ got to it. But, yeah, probably not the smartest thing to do amplifying a statement by quoting it. Just report it.
Yeah – Leigh Lowe (Sancho Panzer) in Sinc’s old thread repeated a stupid statement from MemoryVault probably half a dozen times a day for 6 or more months instead of just letting it die a lonely death.
I’ve just read through last night and the garbage content was astounding.
Sancho Panzer, Rex Anger, Knuckle Dragger and even Cassie joined in on one of the most unsavoury sessions I’ve read for ages. If srr shits you all that much, ignore her. Remember Lizzie??
Last night was bordering on insanity.
And you are all capable of intelligent and interesting posts – Lift your game
Again Head Prefect I don’t give a flying fuck what you think of me.
You as a real dumb bastard got the poison jab, which is being exposed around the world as less than useless & with many medical research people thinking you fucking idiots have now a shortened life expectancy.
All because you wanted a holiday & you say I am dumb?
Biggles, I have no intention of ever going to Smellbourne, ya chickenshit.
No-one has come forward to say they were trampled.
The police said two people fell when the horses pushed through but immediately got back to their feet.
‘Trampling’ is hyperbole in the circumstances.
However there was a serious separate incident of apparent actual ‘trampling’ currently under investigation.
It’s funny how I’m supposed to be embarrassed because I didn’t accept the narrative but those posting ‘three dead’ can just double down and attack me personally with a few swear words directed at me for extra value.
And no I don’t believe LRADs were deployed as ‘sonic weapons’ in Canberra*, even more so now Bosi has come out and made more claims about yet some other weapon.
*I hope the injured are lodging a class action civil suit against ACT police for alleged injuries sustained.
Tilapia are pretty tasty, another thing ruined.
Funny how almost no-one has an issue with the many rubbish links to utter nonsense now posted here but if anyone pushes back it’s rumplelstiltskin time.
LEAKED RCMP MESSAGES: “Time for the protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground”
The IT crowd: I want to eat you
There are 2 things that smell like fish. Fish is one of them.
February 21, 2022 at 5:21 pm
You are bad and should feel bad
But on the upside.
Take comfort in knowing “dickie” Wilkins geneseed will perish, potentially in your lifetime.
Also google is lying, the search terms “Richard Wilkins flogbag” turned up nothing… they claim.
Fatso at 5:45.
Apparently Sancho, Cassie, KD and Rex got “unsavoury” last night.
No comment about ussr I see.
Accusing “all Catholics” of sanctioning “baby murder” because a few bishops in the US are pro-choice.
A comment which thankfully has been deservedly binned.
Any thoughts about children in tunnels Fatso?
Or are you afraid your answer might upset the resident loon?
And thanks for reminding us of Leigh Lowe’s work in the mental disintegration of the gone but not greatly missed Faulty?
That was some of Lowe’s finest work I think.
Nailing the old fraud to the wall and not letting him slide out from under.
The brain explosion in the end was something to behold.
(Although threatening Sinc’s family with violence was a bridge too far don’t you think?)
Nothing that deranged power-seeking manipulative lunatic Faulty says should ever – ever – be ‘allowed to die a lonely death’.
And now, here’s a maudlin video clip of a song intended to seduce a mentally ill woman.
If you feel inclined to do to your ears what feelthebern’s link did to your eyes then there is Richard Wilkins (nee Wilde) in an earlier incarnation as lead singer of Wilde & Reckless. Dick Wilde.
Larry Dykes
1 day ago
They not only TELL us what they want to do. They SHOW us as well – see what Turdeau has just done in Canada. He will be honored for his tyranny by the WEF.
This is true and has long been evident.
It’s why decades ago I stopped trusting smart people who say otherwise.
Watch, these are facts that have been made public for decades –
The Tendrils of the World Economic Forum
“Sancho Panzer, Rex Anger, Knuckle Dragger and even Cassie joined in on one of the most unsavoury sessions I’ve read for ages. “
Absolute codswallop. It’s not me, KD, RA or SP who’s turning this site into a toilet. Oh and since you’re always lecturing others to “scroll”….perhaps you should practice what you preach…..after all, I do recall you telling Lizzie to “scroll”.
And try the cunning linguist!
It’s really good!
Yes you do, Ted.
Second Lithium battery Electric Vehicle carrying ship self immolates in as many days. A ferry this time, meaning lots more passengers.
I’ve never seen underpayment or exploitation of backpackers.
Seen plenty of the inverse, i.e. backpackers crapping all over a business that employs them.
The hospitality trade may differ in the CBD, with a (previously) unending supply of hardworking ethnics who walk in & will work for $10.
In regional it was always long term locals mixed with itinerants (who sometimes are backpackers) in remote it was always someone who’ll shift for several months or a season (sometimes backpackers, I preferred domestic or NZ applicants)
This has not been the case for quite some time. The shortage – obvious more than a year ago – is this year a crisis.
The labour shortage is now chronic rather than acute.
Yes Candice Sero got knocked over, was helped up by police, walked away, then later went to hospital with a sore shoulder.
Not exactly the hysterical ‘women killed’ narrative that ricocheted around the world.
Candice Sero YouTube. Looks like her family wasn’t too impressed with the BS
Ah Jesus Christ Sancho. I’d finally forgotten about that particular lure for the Radio Rental cohort’s edification.
LOL ok Tokyo Rosie.
“I choose to reject your reality, and substitute it with my own far more pleasant one that suits me perfectly as I enjoy the Mediterranean sun while you’ll fight for the return of the freedom I demanded you give up.”.
Snapchat will teach Indigenous languages from Monday, when anyone can learn Aboriginal words for common objects and animals by opening an app on their phone and pointing their camera at it.
The messaging app for mobile devices has partnered with First Languages Australia to launch a series of language-learning lenses that use augmented reality to identify objects and display their names in English and in one of four First Nations languages: Wiradjuri from central NSW, Yugambeh from the Gold Coast, Wakka Wakka from central Queensland and Yawuru from Broome in Western Australia.
Initially, the lenses will be able to identify just over 170 animals and objects, such as an ear (wudha in Wiradjuri), a spider (wanggarranggarra in Yawuru) and a hat (binka in Yugambeh).
Oz – comments are quite risible
I believe an occasional nostalgia-driven hint of Faulty, None and/or Annie is not only excellent comedy value, it serves as a reminder of how good this platform is compared to what it could have been.
The trouble with finding people to cut your leg off is finding someone who doesn’t want to eat you as well. Good interview technique is essential.
No they aren’t. The vast bulk of the labor supply in the sector are Australian citizens.
It’s actually not well know. More and more payment traffic is going through Eftpos and credit cards, which offers very little room for grey market payment.
It’s an important sector.
It has a knock on effect on every other sector.
I have no idea what that even means.
Let’s not get so melodramatic, shall we.
The industry was based on higher labor pool. Sending a decent portion into the abyss is not the way to go. It’s also terrible for the consumer.
You were fighting for freedom in Canberra twostix?
Good for you and all the best with getting compensation for your injuries.
Some people are prepared to go to unbelievable lengths to fabricate a workers compo claim.
Night shift is only for the brave, drunk or drugged. Or some combination thereof.
The only thing I think of you Head Prefect is having the satisfaction that you spend all your waking moments wondering when you will take your last breath or when your minuscule brain will seize up, it maybe today or maybe a year from now & all because you believed it would make you superior to us unvaxxed peasants.
Get the booster soon, it’s safe & effective.