Open Thread – Tues 1 March 2022

Cain and Abel, Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond, mid-1800s

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March 3, 2022 3:31 pm

Poor stupid bastard who will die for nothing defending the corruptocrats in Ukraine (and the rest of Europe and the US). There’s no helping some people as shown by the “vax” takeup.

Of which:

One In Thirty

That’s my latest “best guess” when it comes to people who took the jabs for permanent and material impairment of their health.

One in thirty.

Incidentally that might be conservative; I would not be surprised if its worse than that.

My estimates in this regard keep going the “wrong” way; what was a couple months ago one in a couple hundred is now close to ten times worse than that.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 3:35 pm

Rex, “jeep” carriers probably aren’t much good with modern jets. They weigh far more than WW2 aircraft and require far higher takeoff and landing speeds. With a ski jump a carrier doesn’t actually do much. A blogger called Neptunus Lex wrote about this over 10 years ago. He died in an F-21 near Fallon in a snowstorm in 2012.

Point taken, Eyrie.

But I still think a smaller aircraft carrier (pissing that Harrier-style ski jump business clean off- You want decent ordnance capacity and launch reliability, you go CATOBAR or you just don’t bother) is still the way.

I think a modern (appropriately upsized as needs me) take on a Light Carrier like the old Majestics or even upsizing to something like the latter-day modified Essex class is the way to go about it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 3, 2022 3:36 pm

It’ll be Runnybum time soon won’t it?

Couple more cans.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 3:37 pm

Every statement that McGowan makes needs to be verified by third parties. A lot of fibs were told about the death of another man recently

Situation: No Change.

The sooner the man gets rolled by the polling (or the ‘wave’ he’s hyping collapses over Easter), the better…

March 3, 2022 3:38 pm

He said prisoners with combat experience would be released from jail, and told them to “compensate for their guilt in the hottest spots of war”.

The ghost of Sven Hassel smiles…

March 3, 2022 3:44 pm

They started building [Concentration] camps the very first week of two weeks to flatten the curve, when they claimed to know nothing of covid.

I replied:

…have you imaginated something else you cannot (or will not because you cannot) link to, and will call me more names about instead to distract from the fact you cannot do anything to support that claim?

To a denialist, a scared little boy, the first statement is not enough.
He’ll need to see cattle cars and work makes free written on the gate and the smoke from the crematoriums.
Try to think Rex. you can do it.
Try to nut it out.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 3:45 pm

Struth says:
March 3, 2022 at 3:19pm

Hmmm… Which explains it better?

WEF/NWO/Tunnel Lizard/ Globalist-Nazi-Communist-Pooftah-Pansy weather manipulation using cloud seeding and drones?

Or Climate Change?

What about Australian weather is famously unpredictable? And has been since forever?

And all because Struth wants to deflect from a bullshit ambit about death camps being built from “…the very first week of two weeks to flatten the curve, when they claimed to know nothing of covid.”

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 3:48 pm

March 3, 2022 at 3:44 pm

Shame you forgot to pay attention to this bit, Struth:

So he spat some name-calling wordwalls, tried a pile-on and then started Nuffing about cloud-seeding from drones and planes and rockets,

Before you started back at the top of the cycle.

So, now you’ve got the word-wall and name calling out ofnthe wat Struth darling, when’s the next attmpted pile-on due? nd what will you distraction-Nuff about next? 🙂

March 3, 2022 3:48 pm

It’ll be Runnybum time soon won’t it?

Couple more cans.

ah yes now I get it

Winston Smith
March 3, 2022 3:53 pm


Meanwhile, Australia is sending $70m worth of missiles and bullets to Ukraine.

We have $70 million worth of missiles and bullets?
What is the Ukraine going to do with twenty tons of OOD .303 ammo?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 3, 2022 3:53 pm

They are very slow to round up the recalcitrants and ship them off to the Deaf Camps.

March 3, 2022 3:55 pm

I did once see a drawing of one of our fast trimarans with a hangar for F35B’s. It was given some consideration.
Had a pal who flew Trackers off Melbourne. I used to ride in the back seat of the MB326H quite a few times while he was piloting. Yeah I got to fly it too.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 3:56 pm

Struth says:
March 3, 2022 at 3:47 pm

That was a terribly disappointing distraction-Nuff, Struth…

March 3, 2022 3:57 pm

Now Rex, you are somewhat predictable hence I play you like a fiddle.
The sane people on this site read what I said and regarding the cloud seeding, I declared it was a conspiracy theory.
But you grabbed at it with both hands with pure denialist desperation and emotion.
Couldn’t wait to tie me to it as a conspiracy theorist nuff nuff so off you went.
Talk about notafan level easy.
I’ve done this to Frank many times.
Note he joined in.
He gets all emotional and doesn’t read all that’s written and has many times jumped to idiotic conclusions in an attempt to get me kicked off the blog.
He’s also not that bright and just full of piss and wind.

That’s right Frank, I was talking about the NZ high court, remember…
Ah the good ol’ days.
Funny as fuck.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 3, 2022 3:57 pm

Rex A

I think a modern (appropriately upsized as needs me)

Following that course leads to something like the new HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales. Nothing wrong with that, but the RN is now largely composed of those two Carrier Groups (including their escorts and replenishment ships), the SSBN (4) and SSN (7) force, and a range of minor war vessels.

Getting the RAN to three such, plus the subs, might be a challenge. (Noting that the RN maintained fixed wing flying skills with the RAF and USN in the interregnum between closing off their old carriers and the arrival of the new; the RAN has long since lost all of those skills.)

March 3, 2022 3:57 pm

Struth says:
March 3, 2022 at 3:19 pm

I watched barely one minute of that, Struth.

The bloke’s not a fruit loop.

He’s an unmitigated whack job.

Spare us the weather manipulation, chemtrails bullshit, ffs!

March 3, 2022 4:00 pm

Another battle is currently raging.

A group of purportedly pro-Russian hackers calling themselves Killnet has taken down a website associated with the Anonymous hacking collective, a site belonging to the far-right Ukrainian militia group Right Sector, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s own website.

Users who attempted to access were unable to do so, receiving a 500 internal server error….

RT intermittently offline.

March 3, 2022 4:01 pm

Back when I was in the weather forecasting business it was the perceived wisdom that the problem with cloud seeding was that you could never tell if it worked as rainfall was such a fickle variable thing anyway.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 3, 2022 4:02 pm

New Zealand netball sponsor ANZ released a statement saying: “we do not support the views of Silver Fern Maria Folau and have made our views known to her employer Netball NZ”

This is not actually the opinion of ANZ – but of a small group who presume to speak for an entity which has no brain or soul or anything. It may well be that their employees and shareholders (the ones who are people and not fellow corporations) are more varied in their opinions.

The directors who speak for ANZ already have their entitlement to their own opinion just like everyone else, so why do they feel the need to press the corporation into service? Well, I suppose they feel they have to. It is what businesses do. There will have been a slow culling over the past 50 years. A winnowing out of those focussed on the business of the business and their seats filled with social poseurs.

I should love to see someone in authority ask them how it is their business – and if they are venturing into the social and political spheres then they can expect to be treated accordingly.

But this isn’t right. This is not cleaning something up? Politics is the source of the problem. It would be like rinsing out a puke bucket with vomit.

This is what shareholders ought to be demanding – that these businesses focus on doing a good job in their business and sharing the reward with them. But I get the feeling shareholders don’t think they can.

Now whenever a new progressive cause arises, a bunch of ninnies who think they are polymaths because they sense there is no area of knowledge where they are weaker – because they are uniformly weak in them all – will threaten businesses that people who do not buy their products…will not buy their products.

And the businesses fall for it because the report of the boycott is perceived as being more damaging than the boycott itself.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 4:03 pm

They started building those camps the very first week of two weeks to flatten the curve, when they claimed to know nothing of covid


But before we can win, first things first, we have to get scoffing denialist idiots like yourself to see it is already happening.

Who is ‘we’? We The People?

But you seem to trust these types.

Not at all. As I have previously made clear, many times over. I do not, however, believe there is a secret tunnelling society hiding in plain sight determined to both kill us all and somehow enslave the rest of us.

Because if there was such an organisation and they had that intent, they would be the stupidest people alive, because according to you all the vaccinated people will be dead in 13 months and that is a piss poor ROI.

Look, what’s eating you two up, I get it, is that what I’ve been on about for two years has been proven true.

True? The death camps bit, the supply chain bit, the dead in 13 months bit, the Last Holdout bit or the ‘only white Anglo Saxon Christian blokes can save us’ bit?

You virtually had to take a bullet to see your mother interstate, and yet you want to deny it was anything to be up in arms about.

It was my father, and no I didn’t get to see him – and as I clearly demonstrated at the time and constantly afterwards, I will be up in arms about it until I’m in my own grave.

Insurance companies are seeing massive increases in deaths and nearly everyone knows someone who has become seriously ill with side effects or died from the jab.
Yet you scoff at this.

I am not, and have never scoffed at this. I am scoffing at your ham-fisted attempts to get other people to do, once again, that you will not. And sneering at your further attempts to gee up the sheeple by making wilder and wilder claims.

But hey, there’s always chemtrails.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 4:03 pm

I watched barely one minute of that, Struth.

The bloke’s not a fruit loop.

He’s an unmitigated whack job.

Spare us the weather manipulation, chemtrails bullshit, ffs!

Careful, Bush.

Struth’ll play [you] like a fiddle too!

I know he thinks he’s being clever and saying he’s the one who’s really winning here, but I think Struth’s successfully failed his way into Iampeter territory instead.

(Actually, who’d like to see Struth’s take on poorly understood and clumsily applied Randism? I’d personally love to see him call somebody a ‘politically illiterate leftist…’ 😀 )

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 3, 2022 4:04 pm

Tensions boil in Ben Roberts-Smith trial as soldier says he was ‘manipulated’

Perry Duffin
Senior Court Reporter
NCA NewsWire
An hour ago March 3, 2022

An SAS soldier, who testified Ben Roberts-Smith kicked an unarmed Afghan off a cliff, says he was “manipulated” by Mr Roberts-Smith’s enemies under questioning so heated the judge intervened.

Mr Roberts-Smith is suing Nine and its journalists over allegations he was involved in the unlawful killing of six unarmed Afghans while deployed.

Among Nine’s allegations against Mr Roberts-Smith is that he kicked a handcuffed shepherd down a cliff before another soldier executed the injured Afghan.

He denies every allegation – Nine maintains they are true.

A decorated SAS soldier known as Person 4 told the court, this week, he witnessed Mr Roberts-Smith kick Mr Jan in the chest during the Darwan raid.

Person 4 claimed he helped drag Mr Jan across a dry creek bed and was standing just metres away as another SAS soldier, Person 11, shot Mr Jan dead in front of Mr Roberts-Smith.

Back at the SAS base, Person 4 told the Federal Court on Thursday, he watched Mr Roberts-Smith tell a group of soldiers “I kicked that c*** off the cliff”.

“What you told the court is a fantasy by you,” Mr Roberts-Smith’s barrister Arthur Moses SC said to Person 4.

“That is not correct,” the soldier responded.

Mr Roberts-Smith has told the court other soldiers within the ranks of the SAS regiment wanted to bring him down – partly because he had been awarded Australia‘s top military honour for his actions in the 2011 battle of Tizak.

Person 4 told the court he fought alongside Mr Roberts-Smith in the crucial moments of the battle of Tizak overcoming the overwhelming odds pitted against the SAS by two Taliban machine guns.

Mr Roberts-Smith, in his Victoria Cross citation, is credited with killing both gunners but Person 4 claims he felled one gunner with rifle fire.

Despite Person 4’s bravery during Tizak, the court has heard, he did not get a Victoria Cross – it took two years for him to be awarded the Medal For Gallantry for his actions at Tizak and that upset him greatly.

“The regiment doesn’t deserve lies and cowardice and, Your Honour, I’m not a liar or a coward,” Person 4 told Justice Anthony Besanko on Thursday.

Mr Moses asked Person 4 if he was suggesting Mr Roberts-Smith was a liar or a coward.

“Absolutely not, I’ve seen that individual perform heroic feats on the battlefield,” Person 4 said.

Person 4 told the court he had a conversation with one of Mr Roberts-Smith’s known enemies within the SAS, a soldier known as Person 7, about the “cliff kick” at Darwan.

Mr Moses suggested Person 7 used Person 4’s “bitterness” about the Victoria Cross snub to extract damaging allegations about Mr Roberts-Smith.

“You were used by Person 7 to tell a story about Darwan so he could bring Mr Roberts-Smith down,” Mr Moses suggested.

“I’ve suspected that,” Person 4 replied, agreeing he “ruminated” on the issue.

“(Person 7) put you in that position?” Mr Moses asked Person 4, his voice rising.

“I believe so.”

Justice Besanko stopped the cross examination – telling Mr Moses he had the power to reject questions that were disrespectful or belittling in tone.

“Do you have a suspicion that Person 7 told the media about the story (about the cliff kick) you told him in 2016?” Mr Moses asked.

“I have a suspicion,” Person 4 said.

Person 4 was the best man at Person 11’s wedding but the two soldiers haven’t spoken since 2018 because, Person 4 believes, he accused Person 11 of murdering the shepherd.

It was in December 2018 that Person 4 met with Mr Roberts-Smith at a restaurant in Brisbane to discuss a scholarship offered to former soldiers.

Person 4 said the conversation, over entrees and a bottle of wine, became emotional and delved into why the two decorated soldiers had grown apart.

Mr Roberts-Smith said he “understood” why Person 4 was upset, Mr Moses suggested, but Person 4 could not recall.

He could also not recall whether he told Mr Roberts-Smith he had “said things you shouldn’t have” to Person 7.

“Do you recall Mr Roberts-Smith said to you individuals had been using your upset about the awards to attack him and they didn’t really care about you?” Mr Moses said.

“I don’t recall but that’s exactly how I felt…I believe I’ve been manipulated,” Person 4 replied.

“You said to him you wished it hadn’t happened?” Mr Moses asked.

“Correct,” the soldier replied.

The trial continues.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 4:04 pm

Exhibit A. Wilder and wilder.

The clip at 3.19.

March 3, 2022 4:05 pm

WA tourism operators, not to mention a lot of other businesses, and ordinary people, are finding out what it means to live in North Korea:

As Western Australia’s hard border falls for the first time in nearly 700 days, Premier Mark McGowan says he cannot guarantee it is gone for good.

With a double-dose vaccination rate of 96.5 per cent and the third dose rate at 64.6 per cent, Mr McGowan said the state was well prepared.

But he told 7.30 could not rule out the border being used again for pandemic management in the future.

“It’s been done before, back in the Spanish influenza,” Mr McGowan said.

“If there is another pandemic, the High Court has ruled that these things are available, and they work.

“Every state in Australia did it. We all did it at various points in time.

“The media seems to focus most of all on Western Australia, for some reason. But every state in Australia did it.”

Mr McGowan said he thought it was unlikely hard borders would be needed again during the current pandemic, but would not rule that out either.

The foolishness of the Commonwealth not supporting Clive Palmer’s challenge, because they don’t like him, is underlined here. It would have made a big difference if the Commonwealth had hired some big guns to challenge the notion that Premiers can close borders whenever they wake up with a stomach ache and a grumpy attitude.

Having visited WA, I know that there is always a degree of separation there from ‘over East.’ I would have thought that bringing the country together would be the first priority of a PM who believed in the Constitution and the Federation. It seems that Morrison has no concept of that at all.

Meanwhile, TheirABC has lots of stories online about how thrilled and happy people being reunited with families and friends are – and not a single one of them is remotely critical of the WA government. Au contraire, they are grateful for the munificence of McGowan. Every single one.

As Gerard would say – how about that?

March 3, 2022 4:05 pm

They are very slow to round up the recalcitrants and ship them off to the Deaf Camps.

You want it to go a little faster, Mr Compliant?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 4:07 pm

International Brigades anyone?

I read on the internets that 70 Japanese have gone to Ukraine to fight Russians. Banzai!

Also 200 Dutch and 400 Swedes. Dunno if any of it is true, but I hope Google doesn’t turn off Google-Translate, or they will be in a bother.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 4:08 pm

St. Ruth.

Here’s the nub of it.

You are exactly like our Premiers. Exactly. You have made such very public, wild claims about the end of the world occurring in 20 minutes’ time for so long, you can’t walk it back any more so have to double down.

You lie for effect, and have said you lie for effect.

You are a dishonest, big-noting bullshit artist, and all the wordwalls in all the world (of which you have most) do not conceal that.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 4:08 pm

Getting the RAN to three such, plus the subs, might be a challenge. (Noting that the RN maintained fixed wing flying skills with the RAF and USN in the interregnum between closing off their old carriers and the arrival of the new; the RAN has long since lost all of those skills.)

There is that.

March 3, 2022 4:12 pm

Again this is a conspiracy theory, I do not claim otherwise.

The cloud seeding is conspiracy theory and I made sure I declared it to be such before I posted it.
However, those so desperate for me to be wrong about all else, and to discredit me, just couldn’t resist trying to say I believed it.
For those following this, it must be quite the eye opener to see just what they desperately want to believe, they will believe.
Because the reverse is true.
What they desperately don’t want to believe, they won’t either.

My work here today is done.
Struth the Freud signing off.
He He.

Winston Smith
March 3, 2022 4:14 pm


If you have an hour and a half to spare listen to the podcast of Victor Davis Hanson speaking to John Anderson on the issues in Ukraine

I’ve never downloaded these podcast thingies, how do they work?
I want to listen to them while I’m driving and put them on a USB stick.

March 3, 2022 4:14 pm

When we bought the Trackers and Skyhawks back in the 1960’s we simply sent a bunch over to learn to fly with the USN. Their training system hardly noticed but a good proportion of the guys we sent came home with American wives.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 4:14 pm

Meanwhile, TheirABC has lots of stories online about how thrilled and happy people being reunited with families and friends are – and not a single one of them is remotely critical of the WA government. Au contraire, they are grateful for the munificence of McGowan. Every single one.

It is interesting that you mention that, Johanna.

The only articles out of TheirABC you will find that are somewhat cool on the man (and that’s a borderline heretical attitude to take amongst the staff collective, as we all well know), come out of the Perth office…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 4:15 pm

My work here today is done.

Runnybum logs on in 3…2….1…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 4:17 pm

Struth the Freud signing off.

Bye, IamStruth! 😀

Have fun failing at us tomorrow!

Winston Smith
March 3, 2022 4:18 pm


Makes it sound like she was boiling shoe leather for sustenance
or sledding supplies across Lake Lagoda.
Not a one year old when the siege was lifted.

She’s bloody lucky she didn’t end up in the cooking pot.

March 3, 2022 4:19 pm

20 minutes…world ending…..FMD.

I’ve been wrong about only one thing this entire time.
And that was the supply chain into Melbourne back at the start KD.
And man enough to admit it.
Should try it sometime.

YOU and choo choo man shouldn’t really be opening your wrongologist gobs about anything, and judging others.
It’s , well, embarrassing…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 4:22 pm

However, those so desperate for me to be wrong about all else, and to discredit me, just couldn’t resist trying to say I believed it.

Not sure how that works when it was rather obvious Struth was distraction-Nuffing to deflect from his TeH DeAtH CaMpS WuZ BeInG BuIlT In WeEk OnE Of TeH CoViD CrIsIs bullshit.

But okay… *Shrug*

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 3, 2022 4:22 pm


March 3, 2022 at 4:12 pm

My work here today is done.
Struth the Freud signing off.
He He.



March 3, 2022 at 4:19 pm

20 minutes

Actually, no.
Seven minutes was all you could last after “signing off”.

Old bloke
Old bloke
March 3, 2022 4:23 pm

Rex Anger says:
March 3, 2022 at 2:25 pm

They started building those camps the very first week of two weeks to flatten the curve, when they claimed to know nothing of covid.

Which one was that, Struth?


Or have you imaginated something else you cannot (or will not because you cannot) link to, and will call me more names about instead to distract from the fact you cannot do anything to support that claim?

Rex, here’s another two, closer to home, Bullsbrook and Mandurah

March 3, 2022 4:25 pm

I’m not sure who st ruth thinks she’s fooling

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 4:27 pm

I’ve been wrong about only one thing this entire time.

And that was the supply chain into Melbourne back at the start KD.

OK, Struth….

And man enough to admit it

Okay, so where is your evidence about death camps being built in Australia (or anywhere else, for that matter) on “the very first week of two weeks to flatten the curve, when they claimed to know nothing of covid.”

You’ve spent the last several hours dancing away from that, while claiming you have us at bay.

C’mon, Almighty Road Warrior-Troubadour, He who is the One and Only Speaker of Struth.

Pony up your proof and show yourself the true hero of this dark time.

Demonstrate the choo choo man is the true denialist.

Otherwise, we will see you tomorrow for more of the same glass-jawed antics you engaged in today. 🙂

March 3, 2022 4:28 pm
Boambee John
Boambee John
March 3, 2022 4:29 pm

March 3, 2022 at 4:14 pm
When we bought the Trackers and Skyhawks back in the 1960’s we simply sent a bunch over to learn to fly with the USN.

But the RAN had been operating fixed wing off aircraft carriers since the early 1950s. There was a body of experience to call upon which no longer exists.

Note also, on her recent Far East deployment, HMS QE had a USMC F-35 squadron on board, in addition to RN squadrons. It takes time to build up from a low base, longer (much longer) from a non-existent base.

March 3, 2022 4:29 pm

When you compare this with what blm and antifa got away with:

Jan. 6 defendant takes own life after prosecutors seek jail term for ‘domestic terrorism’

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 3, 2022 4:30 pm

They are very slow to round up the recalcitrants and ship them off to the Deaf Camps.

Huh? Say that again please?

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 3, 2022 4:31 pm

fixed wing aircraft …

March 3, 2022 4:32 pm

When you compare this with what blm and antifa got away with

Sorry to say this but I hate the US now- how they treat their own people and trying to pump up a war with Russia.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 3, 2022 4:32 pm


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 4:32 pm

Rex, here’s another two, closer to home, Bullsbrook and Mandurah

Sorry Old Bloke,

But those are neither:

A) Death Camps

B) Constructed on “the very first week of two weeks to flatten the curve, when they claimed to know nothing of covid.”

However, if the pattern of the First Great Truck vs. Train War of 2021 is anything to go by, this will now be seized upon and screechily used to declare victory.

Because to Struth, any goalpost’s a goalpost when you are desperate to deflect from your own rhetorical stuff-ups. No matter how hard you have to move them…

*Rolled Eyes*

Cassie of Sydney
March 3, 2022 4:34 pm

March 3, 2022 at 4:21 pm
BNO News
· 8h
BREAKING: Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov’s super yacht, one of the biggest in the world, seized in Germany – Forbes

The rule of law and ‘our values’.”

It’s still cold in Germany and people need heating.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 4:35 pm


So, errr… Who was it who won the 1977 F1 World Championship again?


March 3, 2022 4:36 pm

Jan. 6 defendant takes own life after prosecutors seek jail term for ‘domestic terrorism’

how the fuck is that any different from what Stalin did or the Cultural revolution in China?

March 3, 2022 4:37 pm

The Australian Spectator has some interesting articles this week.
See especially :

In this article author Kerry Wakefield claims

the Australian Electoral Commission saying it is already working with social media companies to take down electoral ‘misinformation’ in the coming poll, on issues such as postal voting security and bias.

What tha?????

Winston Smith
March 3, 2022 4:37 pm

Top Ender:

and what we need right now is a three carrier fixed wing navy, coupled with 12 nuclear submarines, stand-off nuclear missiles, a long-range bomber fleet, etc etc etc

Do we really need a 3 Carrier navy?
Sure, it would be nice, but I’d rather the 12 nuclear subs – and our chances of getting them now look pretty bloody slim because the US and GB will be keeping everything they can build for their own navies – wouldn’t be better to lease a dozen B1 bombers off the US and keep them based in Australia?
Honestly I think carriers, while being able to project power across oceans, are too vulnerable to submarine launched nuclear torpedoes to be able to get to the position at which they can use their power projection.

March 3, 2022 4:42 pm

Bruce of Newcastle says:
March 3, 2022 at 4:07 pm

Indeed. And how do you control these forces? Multiple languages and potential widely differing military training and/or experience. Set them up as a sniper on a hill somewhere with a diagram of ‘friendly’ and ‘unfriendly’ uniforms?

And how do you know if their claim (or extent of the claim) of military experience is accurate? A call like this will also attract a fair share of ‘wanna be’ soldiers with impossible to check forged documents attesting to their daring in far-off battlefields.

Zelensky’s been bloody irresponsible opening this gate.

March 3, 2022 4:46 pm

Take a looksee at the CRB index. Get a load of the components.

It’s a commodity index expressed in US Dollars.


UK gas is up 944% year on year. Coal 357%!

March 3, 2022 4:48 pm

Zelensky’s been bloody irresponsible opening this gate.

maybe his pals in DC suggested it

March 3, 2022 4:49 pm

Two months through and the index is up 42%.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 4:49 pm

wouldn’t be better to lease a dozen B1 bombers off the US and keep them based in Australia?

Only lease, Winston?

A Wing would not be a bad idea, now we have the tankers to support them.

Unless the USAF gets its next bomber project sorted out and running very soon, I suspect there’s sufficent spare airframes and parts at Davis-Monthan AFB for us to buy and maintain them for a time.

Maybe even get Boeing or Lockheed-Martin’s (Whoever nommed up Rockwell between 1990 and now) Australian office to design and build a modernised derivative when the old ones are no longer viable.

Old bloke
Old bloke
March 3, 2022 4:49 pm

rosie says:
March 3, 2022 at 2:18 pm

I didn’t think the ACT police owning LRAD devices was controversial.
It’s actually mentioned in the manufacturer’s publicity material that the ACT have two of them.
I would not like to be in range when it is used as a warning device.

I agree Rosie, there’s nothing controversial about a police force owning crowd control devices, but there are other questions that need answering. These are, did the police activate their LRAD and microwave devices, and more importantly, why did they do that?

I wasn’t there on the lawns in front of Parliament House but from the video images I have seen, they didn’t appear to be an unruly crowd. There was not attempt to break the police line and storm Parliament House for example, and no assaults on the police officers present.

There was no direction from the police for the crowd to disperse, and no notification given that LRAD and microwave devices were about to be activated. I don’t know if they were turned on, some images of people in the crowd suffering from burns, including blisters inside their mouths would suggest that they were assaulted with the microwave devices.

If they were used on the unsuspecting crowd, and used without directions to disperse, and used without prior warning, then some people should be facing criminal charges. This heavy handed policing is totally unacceptable in Australia.

March 3, 2022 4:50 pm

Boo…I’m back.
When you’re clutching at straws you might claim that someone who said concentration camps was “death camps”….however the amount of death already going on here by the jabbed, and the fact that us good old pure bloods can’t leave until we submit to the globalist’s death jab, (Klaus has given Greg specific orders) you could call the whole country a slow death camp.

Those camps were announced in the first week of the pandemic and weren’t going to be ready for two years into two weeks to flatten the curve.

This fun fact is not going to penetrate the scone of the denialist, because it would destroy their pretendy poo world of fingers in the ears and screaming.
Nope, nothing to see here, not a problem.
After two years of state of emergency based on lies.
However, I even posted the Premier’s slip about those being for the unvaxxed and those deemed “a danger” to the community.
My point today, is after two years of fingers in ears, every body is a nuff nuff, tantrum throwing, surely by now you can grow the fuck up.

March 3, 2022 4:51 pm

Struth and Lizzie are joined at the hip, personality-wise. They flounce like angry toddlers, but when nobody is paying attention to them, they are back because they can’t stand being ignored.

Incidentally, Lizzie posted at Adam’s the other day, which is her usual route back to here.

It goes from ‘I don’t feel safe’ (yes, she said that – who cares) to ‘I feel I must respond to the attacks on me.’

My prediction is that her next line of attention-seeking will be her or the unfortunate henpecked spouse’s health problems.

It would be very mean to apply any critical analysis to people with health problems, right? So, that would excuse many people here, not to mention politicians, bureaucrats, coppers, dog catchers, etc.

Sad creature that she is, she is greedily reading every word here, hoping for contributors apart from Cassie to demand that she be reinstated with honours.

I’ve been sitting on the upstairs balcony outside my room, with the sun shining, the cumquat tree fruiting in a pot outside my door, the wall of creeping fig, the roar of Harleys and trucks outside, and I don’t have to indulge anyone else, nor (and this is important in your case) do I have to boss anyone around.

Her condescending comments about someone who is currently living in a motel in Queanbeyan say a lot more about her than they do about me.

I am pre-empting her inevitable next farewell tour. She simply can’t help herself, poor old thing.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 4:55 pm

Actually, no.
Seven minutes was all you could last after “signing off”.

It’s St. Lizzie in the blue singlet. My last word for today, until this one, and then that one.

Flounce count of three (so far).

NB: Lizzie drove trucks too, in her youth. I remember the story. Did it without driver-assist as well.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 4:55 pm


March 3, 2022 4:56 pm

Dover I sent you an email.

March 3, 2022 4:56 pm

dickless upticks for KD and Johanna

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 4:57 pm

you could call the whole country a slow death camp

Ha ha ha.

Dishonest bullshit artist who can’t walk it back.

March 3, 2022 4:57 pm

Never flounced in my life you stupid old battleaxe, Johanna.
And your previous comment I left alone but it was so fucking naive and stupid regarding Sco Mo and the western Australian border, again after two years, and only a couple of weeks ago Sco Mo and the team reporting in to Klaus and to get their new orders, you still claim they let the Clive Palmer case go because they didn’t like Clive.
Think about how dumb that is after the last two years and the facts we now know.
You’d have to have a touch of denialism as well.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 3, 2022 4:59 pm

So, in these days of escalating tensions, would it be considered indelicate to reach out to Malcolm Trumble and ask him why we were getting Le Tard class diesel subs built in Adelaide in 2035 (or whatever – and add a few years for the bugs to be worked out) rather than Virginia class subs off the shelf rather sooner and rather cheaper?

March 3, 2022 5:00 pm

Ah, the clutching at straws and the telling of untruths.
I was leaving because my point was made, for the day, as I had things to do, but it started raining here again (Frigging cloud seeding).

Note to the perpetually thick.
Signing off for the day is not flouncing.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:00 pm

Boo…I’m back.

…[Assorted Wah Wah Wah]….

…[More assorted Wah Wah Wah]….

Ooh! This is interesting:

Those camps were announced in the first week of the pandemic and weren’t going to be ready for two years into two weeks to flatten the curve.


Announced does not mean Built, Struth.


(And he’d have got away with it too, except for those darn denialists!)

#ChooChoo,Motherfucker! 😀

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 5:00 pm


*Flounce count

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:01 pm

I was leaving because my point was made,

***Derisive Laughter From The Crowd Intensifies***

March 3, 2022 5:01 pm


“The foolishness of the Commonwealth not supporting Clive Palmer’s challenge, because they don’t like him, is underlined here”

To understand the Commonwealth actions (actually the Morrison Gov) actions you need look no further than this esteemed site. There’s more than a few here that would rather vote informal than vote for the UAP because they don’t like Clive. Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face.

March 3, 2022 5:03 pm

Struth was right about 70% of everything in March 2020 and onwards. His Angry Tears entourage have been right about approximately 0%.

So there’s that.

March 3, 2022 5:04 pm

Those camps were announced in the first week of the pandemic and weren’t going to be ready for two years into two weeks to flatten the curve.


Announced does not mean Built, Struth.

Think of emotion overriding the ability to think straight and you get this.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 3, 2022 5:04 pm

Self sufficiency in fuel is a national security issue.
I wonder if any action at all was taken with this report.

March 3, 2022 5:04 pm


They are hiding in plain sight!

Mocking you as you realize they were here before the pandemoc!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:04 pm

Never flounced in my life you stupid old battleaxe, Johanna.

Ho ho! It’s Struth vs. the world now…

Why can I hear bridge burning music?

March 3, 2022 5:05 pm

Only 70% Twostix?
I’m shattered.
I’ve lost all self confidence.


March 3, 2022 5:06 pm

There’s more than a few here that would rather vote informal than vote for the UAP because they don’t like Clive. Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face.

You can’t trust the fat slob. Last time, the fat prick was sucking Al Gore’s cock, metaphorically speaking ( I hope). Voting for that glutton would be like a battered wife heading back to hubbie after a few weeks at a shelter with his promise it will never happen again (until next time). And he gave us Lambie!

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
March 3, 2022 5:08 pm

Just killed a brown snake

Thanks for triggering my self-inflicted PTSD.
Many years ago I took the blunt edge of a spade to the head of a snake lying on sodden grass.
You are way ahead of me.
Suffice to say one very angry, badly injured but not dead snake made for “interesting” reactions from snake and audience.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:08 pm

@ Farmer Gez-

Self sufficiency in fuel is a national security issue.
I wonder if any action at all was taken with this report.

I can tell you that I was an eyewitness to the expansion of several fuel tank farms and the construction of a quite substantial greenfield site in Kwinana over the last 15 months.

Money was quietly released to encourage fuel companies here to expand their holding capacity.

I do not know what went on in other States, but there was definitely movement here in WA.

March 3, 2022 5:09 pm

That lithium chart has gone verticle.

March 3, 2022 5:10 pm

Ho ho! It’s Struth vs. the world now…

Johanna ia the world now?

It all makes sense now as to why it’s such a c..t of a place.
We live in the southern Johannasphere.

March 3, 2022 5:10 pm

I’m not an “agriculturist” . Has anyone got any idea what happened to wheat prices overnight because it’s showing a collapse in the US market. Supposedly, it went from US$1,056 a ton to UA$747. WTF?

Is it agriculturist or agronomist? 🙂

March 3, 2022 5:11 pm

Just had a look at the satellite image, and the Low From Hell has wandered off into the sea and disappated. So much for Armaggedon for southern NSW.

At about 10.00 am this morning I clicked onto the BOM’s pressure map, and it was the one from 6.00 pm the previous day.

Too busy confecting ‘Climate Change’ narratives to do their fucking job.

In what universe is putting up maps over 12 hours old acceptable? This is 2022, not 1972.

March 3, 2022 5:11 pm

You can’t trust the fat slob.

As opposed to who?

March 3, 2022 5:11 pm

In my HoR seat it’s either vote informal or UAP. I will vote UAP more for Kelly than Palmer.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:14 pm

Think of emotion overriding the ability to think straight and you get this.


Words are cheap and easily flung about. As you demonstrate on a daily basis.

It took some 15-19 months for various State and Federal Governments to even begin to talk about planning specific quarantine facilities.

And even then, your sole example to cling to was built by a private company who had no intention of ever using it to imprison ‘purebloods,’ until a quick scribbling of ‘Quarantine Facility’ in the ‘purpose’ box of the planning submission got it over the line. With some splashes of Federal and cash to speed things along.

You need to shut your mouth and jam your gears more, Struth.

I suspect your delivery rate when you were on the road was orders of magnitude better than your current efforts as a prophet…

March 3, 2022 5:15 pm

Fuck off Stuth. Get back to working out the bread delivery schedule for the next day.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:17 pm

You need to shut your mouth and jam your gears more, Struth.

In fact, because I am not a total arsehole and appreciate good Blues music, here’s some George Thorogood and the Destroyers to inspire you:

Gear Jammer

(Actual Road Warrior footage entirely accidental…)

March 3, 2022 5:19 pm

and only a couple of weeks ago Sco Mo and the team reporting in to Klaus and to get their new orders, you still claim they let the Clive Palmer case go because they didn’t like Clive.

The Gospel according to St Ruth.

March 3, 2022 5:20 pm

I suspect your delivery rate when you were on the road was orders of magnitude better than your current efforts as a prophet…

Oh yeah, the last major “propheteering” I recall was that the loackdowns would result in mass starvation across the continent because He couldn’t make his bread deliveries all over the country.

It’s really hard to forget. We went without food for weeks and nearly died from starvation.

March 3, 2022 5:22 pm

JC, if there is an alternative candidate in your seat, vote for them but refusing to vote for UAP or putting them higher on the preferences than the uniparty or voting informal merely demonstrates your strange desire to remain pure at all costs, but your very actions will ensure the success of the uniparty. Still if that’s how you like it…..

March 3, 2022 5:22 pm

Just noticed on the google/satan homepage they have added a little box “celebrate with the LGBTQIA+ mardi-gras” apparently linking to a youtube.

Do you suppose the Indonesian version does the same?

March 3, 2022 5:23 pm


That 70% crapola reminds me of those old ads for trading systems that went … “the system is correct 90% of the time” without mentioning the 10% losing trades would cause the entire loss of capital.

March 3, 2022 5:24 pm

I vote LDP, SFW. No drama. Cliver is a fat pig.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
March 3, 2022 5:25 pm

TheirABC has lots of stories online about how thrilled and happy people being reunited with families and friends

I’ll bet London to a brick that the stories don’t mention having to be triple vaxxed to cross the border.

March 3, 2022 5:25 pm

No way, JC.
As a confirmed terrorist, I’m looking for smart arsed wogs.

Do you know were I can find one?
They’re usually sipping latte’s and hiding their smoking from the missus.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:26 pm

I’m not an “agriculturist” . Has anyone got any idea what happened to wheat prices overnight because it’s showing a collapse in the US market. Supposedly, it went from US$1,056 a ton to UA$747. WTF?

I’d take a punt about the collapse being related to a combination of the present war in Eastern Europe’s bread basket upsetting futures predictions, difficulties in Australia (particularly here in WA) getting their massive harvests onto ships and out into the market, and to a lesser extent the Sniffer’s SOTU address and the various other supply shocks and policy-mediated crises we’ve talked about coming home to roost. 🙂

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 5:27 pm


March 3, 2022 5:27 pm

March 3, 2022 at 3:31 pm
Incidentally that might be conservative; I would not be surprised if its worse than that.

My estimates in this regard keep going the “wrong” way; what was a couple months ago one in a couple hundred is now close to ten times worse than that.

And that is only the short term effects. Wait until the long term cancers start kicking in.

March 3, 2022 5:28 pm


I’m still waiting for legal papers.

And stay off busy streets as I don’t want you being tempted… if you know what I mean.

March 3, 2022 5:31 pm

They announced the camps, especially Dan Andrews in the first week.
Remeber it well.
And it looked like Lindsay Fox was getting the contract…remember?
No I don’t expect you would.

They then spent the next few months working out who was getting all the contracts as you say.
And then the building started.
You’re splitting hairs.
They ANNOUNCED their intention to build camps immediately, and therein begs the question you don’t want to ask because they weren’t going to be finished and ready for at least two years.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:32 pm

We went without food for weeks and nearly died from starvation.

He nearly got what he wanted when the Trans and all the East-West Highways flooded out in January, and not even his beloved saviour trucks could get through to WA for two and a half weeks, and a bare trickle for another two after that.

But despite nearly being handed that win by force majeure, the warehousing policies followed by all the big retailers in the West and its own produce suppliers kept us mostly afloat.

I mean, it was terrible that I couldn’t get a particular brand of mayonnaise or chilli ketchup I liked at ALDI for a few weeks, but nobody went hungry over here…

March 3, 2022 5:32 pm

March 3, 2022 at 5:22 pm
Just noticed on the google/satan homepage they have added a little box “celebrate with the LGBTQIA+ mardi-gras” apparently linking to a youtube.

Do you suppose the Indonesian version does the same?


I worked at a Tier 1 for a while. Part of the induction had some homosexual pervert telling me about its husband. I noticed there was an induction specially for the middle east countries, so I did that one as well. Sure enough the faggot was no where to be seen. Disgraceful how degenerate the West has become.

March 3, 2022 5:33 pm


I think the wheat price drop is bullshit and likely to be a misprint. I checked my trading site and they’re showing the price closing at US$1,133 per ton in Chicago. At ease.

March 3, 2022 5:34 pm

There won’t be anything legal about it, JC.

Well, if I’m going to be accused of it anyway………………………………….

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:35 pm

You’re splitting hairs.

Says the stooge who spent the day claiming they were building them from day one.

You idiot. So desperate to have a win, you’ll now try and find the one unburnt hair on a dead animal corpse and say See?! You didn’t get it all! Therefore animals don’t burn when you set them on fire! REEEEEEEEE!!!1!

March 3, 2022 5:36 pm

A conservative is someone who knows what needs to be put in place to create the world a libertarian desires.

March 3, 2022 5:36 pm


Really, like you couldn’t get your brand of Mayo? The world must have come to an end. Struthie was right after all then. It was a mayo shortage that caused mass starvation, which some people say was worse that Stalin’s.

March 3, 2022 5:39 pm

Ukraine president asks Jewish people around world to speak against Russia

Of course the Russians don’t remember the Jewish roll in the Bolshevik take over.

In the Communist seizure of power in Russia, the Jewish role was probably critical.

Two weeks prior to the Bolshevik “October Revolution” of 1917, Lenin convened a top secret meeting in St. Petersburg (Petrograd) at which the key leaders of the Bolshevik party’s Central Committee made the fateful decision to seize power in a violent takeover. Of the twelve persons who took part in this decisive gathering, there were four Russians (including Lenin), one Georgian (Stalin), one Pole (Dzerzhinsky), and six Jews.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 5:39 pm

At about 10.00 am this morning I clicked onto the BOM’s pressure map, and it was the one from 6.00 pm the previous day.

Johanna – I find the model map a reasonable guide out to about 3 or 4 days.

I’ll be happy when the ECL dissipates as the blue-face honey heaters have been sitting at my front door going WEEP WEEP loudly for three days now. They’re a lot of fun but they make noisy miners seem quiet.

March 3, 2022 5:39 pm

I’m running with the bull here. The Aussie dollar is heading up against the Euro.

March 3, 2022 5:40 pm

You are making a fool of yourself Rex, because you’ve been done over.
I said they announced them in the first week, and they wouldn’t be ready for two years, WHICH IS THE WHOLE POINT.
But don’t let that bother you, it’s all about trying to catch me out on a word rather than looking at why they did that.
And that’s what they did.

Do you think you may have some reality acceptance issues?
I mean I’ll grant you, it’s not been that uncommon the last two years.

Delta A
Delta A
March 3, 2022 5:41 pm

Has anyone got any idea what happened to wheat prices

Yes, and I was wondering what’s happing with canola, barley and pulses. It all seems very unstable.

For our farmers: what factors are affecting price atm? Rex at 5.26 gave some good input, but what’s your view? I hope it’s positive because, after such a good year, it would be terrible if the current situation negated your returns.

March 3, 2022 5:43 pm

Precisely little of this on our MSM.

No no no.
Zelensky looks like a good guy, he can’t be a baddie.
Just as Justine Castreau’s hair is far too fabulous for him to be up to no good.
On a side note, cataloguing all the knocked out Russian vehicles seems quite the thing.
But little enthusiasm for counting Ukrainian KOs.
Suspicious types might begin to wonder if a lot their hardware
never made it out of laager.

March 3, 2022 5:45 pm

no Runnybum today?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:45 pm

Really, like you couldn’t get your brand of Mayo? The world must have come to an end.

It was terrible, man!

I was desperate enough to try making my own.

The chicken eggs were easy enough, but because Struth could not get through the hard borders or flooding, I had nothing to squeeze for Vegetable Oil…


Oh come on
Oh come on
March 3, 2022 5:45 pm

Getting the RAN to three such, plus the subs, might be a challenge

Just…no. This is insanity. Why on earth does Australia need that kind of power projection capability? Our defence posture is dangerously unbalanced and reliant on the US being there to save our arses in a time of desperate need (which they probably won’t be, because that time if desperate need is likely to occur because the US is unable or unwilling to act). The ADF needs to be all about defence. Get rid of the bulk of the surface fleet. We need subs. The F35 is nice but let’s not do something like that again. Long range land-based anti-ship missiles. We’ll need lots of them. A proper air defence network.

We have or are acquiring far too many big ticket items that will be lost in the opening days of any serious conflict. Virginia-class subs are a step in the right direction but I’m starting to think that by the time they start coming online, they’ll already be somewhat obsolete. I think it may be worth seriously buying into the development of the Virginia-class replacement – or possibly even looking at underwater drone tech.

We should be developing a defence force that makes an invasion look far too costly to attempt, even if it would ultimately succeed. This is not the military we have today, nor what we will have in 10 or 20 years based on decisions being made today.

March 3, 2022 5:46 pm

Actually, it was bullshit. According to Market Watch, wheat prices surged overnight.

The price of a bushel of wheat surged to levels not seen in more than a decade on Wednesday as investor anxiety surrounding potential supply shortages from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine stretched to its seventh day.

Wheat futures for May delivery W00, 7.08% on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange surged to $10.28 a bushel, the highest since 2014, according to analysts at Commerzbank, who noted it rose by its expanded 75 cent-limit, having climbed by its 50-cent limit on Tuesday.

“Both Ukraine and Russia are large producers of wheat, together accounting for around 30% of the world’s wheat exports, so this is one of the channels where the direct economic impact is acute,” said strategists at Deutsche Bank led by Jim Reid, in a note to clients.
Soybean Oil Continuous?ContractWheat Continuous ContractCorn Continuous Contract2010’15’20-50-250255075100125%

Ukraine announced at the start of the week that its key Black Sea ports would remained closed until the Russian invasion ended, “meaning that no wheat shipments can be sent from Ukraine by sea for an indefinite period,” said Carsten Fritsch, commodity analyst at Commerzbank.

Read: Ukraine invasion stokes stagflation worries because Russia is a ‘commodity superstore’

“Furthermore, shipping companies are no longer accepting orders for deliveries from or to Russia. And in any case, virtually no buyer is likely to be willing at present to order wheat from Russia. This means that up to 30% of global wheat exports are now more or less cut off from the market,” said Fritsch.

He added that the Ukraine war may make it difficult to plant spring grains, reducing next season’s supply and sufficient alternative suppliers would be hard to find.

Corn and soybean oil futures prices have also been surging. May corn C00, 2.72% futures were up 5.25 cents, or 0.7%, at $.7.31 a bushel after touching levels not seen since 2013.

Surging agriculture prices echoed what was seen elsewhere in the commodity sector, with crude futures CL00, 3.45% trading above $110 a barrel.

Growing global unease over the continuing conflict in Eastern Europe has reportedly spurred China to start trying to secure supplies of energy and commodities, according to Bloomberg, which cited sources familiar with the matter. Officials are concerned about the effect of soaring prices of those commodities on China’s economy

And this sites to back it up.

Wheat futures are
soaring. Food prices
could be next
1 day ago
Wheat prices soar to
highest since 2008 on
potential Russia supply hit

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:46 pm

no Runnybum today?

He never left… 😀

(Though he did apparently sign off for seven minutes an hour or so ago)

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 5:47 pm

Flounce count – 12.

Now expecting a declaration of pebblecrete replacement with sandstone, and a critique of the captain’s cabin prior to online dance classes.

March 3, 2022 5:48 pm

miltonf says:
March 3, 2022 at 5:45 pm

no Runnybum today?

Thursdays he’s busy loading up the banana truck for the weekend markets. Don’t pester him. He’s totally focused.

Old bloke
Old bloke
March 3, 2022 5:48 pm

Rex Anger says:
March 3, 2022 at 4:32 pm

Sorry Old Bloke,

But those are neither:

A) Death Camps

B) Constructed on “the very first week of two weeks to flatten the curve, when they claimed to know nothing of covid.”

That’s correct but the question is, or should be, why are they still under construction? According to the government’s official advice, they were needed to provide quarantine facilities for overseas visitors, yet here in WA we have hundreds, possibly thousands, of overseas arrivals coming in weekly, our universities are taking in thousands of overseas students, yet no one is going into quarantine. Interstate visitors are coming in to WA (silly buggers), yet no one is going into quarantine.

The only purpose these one to two thousand people internment camps could provide is to detain the recalcitrants who won’t get jabbed. The Queensland Premier is on record saying that’s their purpose in Queensland, should we expect a different purpose elsewhere?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:50 pm

Virginia-class subs are a step in the right direction but I’m starting to think that by the time they start coming online, they’ll already be somewhat obsolete. I think it may be worth seriously buying into the development of the Virginia-class replacement – or possibly even looking at underwater drone tech.

I think you would not go wrong acquiring both. Particularly if the drones (which could be as simple as a modded Mk48 torpedo) could double as a persistent lethal sonar early warning net/minefield.

I don’t think total robotic systems will ever be a goer (too easily suborned/spoofed/taken out at a single node), but as a force multiplier for a smallish military like ours, stellar.

I like the serious considerstion for Integrated Air Defence, too. For both static territorial defence, and for mobile columns, too. The RAAF cannot be everywhere, and planes need to land.

March 3, 2022 5:52 pm

Old blokesays:
March 3, 2022 at 5:48 pm
Rex Anger says:
March 3, 2022 at 4:32 pm

Sorry Old Bloke,

But those are neither:

A) Death Camps

B) Constructed on “the very first week of two weeks to flatten the curve, when they claimed to know nothing of covid.”

That’s correct but the question is, or should be, why are they still under construction? According to the government’s official advice, they were needed to provide quarantine facilities for overseas visitors, yet here in WA we have hundreds, possibly thousands, of overseas arrivals coming in weekly, our universities are taking in thousands of overseas students, yet no one is going into quarantine. Interstate visitors are coming in to WA (silly buggers), yet no one is going into quarantine.

The only purpose these one to two thousand people internment camps could provide is to detain the recalcitrants who won’t get jabbed. The Queensland Premier is on record saying that’s their purpose in Queensland, should we expect a different purpose elsewhere?

No. We will use them to house the Overlords once the people rise up to overthrow their oppressors.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 3, 2022 5:54 pm

Still heading North.
Going to tee up another meeting with Ted over the weekend but I’ll bet the big wimp will be a no-show … again.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 5:55 pm

Ukraine president asks Jewish people around world to speak against Russia

The Israeli government has been on the fence since they have a large electorate of Russian Israelis but they also have a US Government who is partisan towards the Ukrainian side. Tough diplomatic equation.

Yesterday they were forced to side with the Ukrainians a bit because the Russians blew up the TV tower in Kiev resulting in damage to the Babi Yar memorial. So they voted with the majority in the UN to condemn Russia.

Gets even messier since UAR has publicly sided with Russia, even though Russia is more or less associated with Iran and Hezbollah. And Biden appears to be caving to Iran in negotiations. All that’s going have staff guys in Tel Aviv scratching their heads about what to do.

Then there’s the huge rise in the price of oil, which means it’s time for Persian Gulf guys to replace their old Rolls Royces.

March 3, 2022 5:55 pm

JC says:
March 3, 2022 at 5:39 pm
I’m running with the bull here. The Aussie dollar is heading up against the Euro.

Yeah, but down (relatively) against the ruble. Was as high as 85:1 yesterday but now down to 71:1

Ditto USD. Was 117:1 now 98:1

Why is that? Market settling in?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 3, 2022 5:55 pm

We need an inflatable flouncing castle.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:57 pm

That’s correct but the question is, or should be, why are they still under construction? According to the government’s official advice, they were needed to provide quarantine facilities for overseas visitors, yet here in WA we have hundreds, possibly thousands, of overseas arrivals coming in weekly, our universities are taking in thousands of overseas students, yet no one is going into quarantine. Interstate visitors are coming in to WA (silly buggers), yet no one is going into quarantine.

I would not discount the fact that policymaking tends to overtake infrastructure development. The game has changed so rapidly, not even a private facility’s planning processes would keep up.

It’s like cutting down a tree- You might stop just short of going all the way through the trunk because you realised at the last minute you needed to aim it elsewhere, but the tree will not get the message, and gravity is going to land it on your house regardless of your newfound insight.

The only purpose these one to two thousand people internment camps could provide is to detain the recalcitrants who won’t get jabbed

To what end? Pretty much every ostensibly WEF-driven Western government is reluctantly loosening its coercive shackles and allowing life to recommence. Why imprison folks when your Narrative is gone and switching out to distract from it?

Even Comrade Sneakers is going to struggle to continue with ‘The Evil Unvaxxxxxxed’ come Easter and Omicron has blown itself out here. He’s no doubt already got enough pressure from outside as it is. It is just that nobody within his own Party and government is yet brave enough to topple him.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 5:58 pm

Actually, it was bullshit. According to Market Watch, wheat prices surged overnight.


Ah well. The world is a strange place. 🙂

March 3, 2022 6:00 pm


Dunno, as I’ve never traded not watched the “Rubble”.

Here’s my hunch on markets. I think if the Russians look like winning, it will be good for markets because it will take away some of the uncertainty. It will remove uncertainty but while Russia and obviously Ukraine are embargoed, then commods look great. And if commods look good then the Aussie will too. A possible Russian win combined with trade embargoes means Aussie will head higher against the Euro. That’s my play for now.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 6:00 pm

But little enthusiasm for counting Ukrainian KOs.
Suspicious types might begin to wonder if a lot their hardware
never made it out of laager.

Or the majority of it is decisively engaged on the Donbass/Donetsk front, where the information blackout/fog of war/actual EW and counter-intel effort is greatest…

March 3, 2022 6:02 pm


Ted is busy loading up. Please stop bothering him. He has a stack of bananas to box and load up. Shsssssh.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 6:03 pm

Even Comrade Sneakers is going to struggle to continue with ‘The Evil Unvaxxxxxxed’ come Easter and Omicron has blown itself out here.

Sorry, Old Bloke. I’ll rephrase this:

Even Comrade Sneakers is going to struggle to continue with ‘The Evil Unvaxxxxxxed’ come Easter, when his authorities’ own modelling predicts that Omicron will have blown itself out here.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 3, 2022 6:05 pm


I think it may be worth seriously buying into the development of the Virginia-class replacement – or possibly even looking at underwater drone tech.

Perhaps four Virginias as drone control/motherships?

Chynerr has MR/IRBMs allegedly with terminal guidance, which if true, would make carriers rather too vulnerable. OTOH, if we had such *(and they worked) ???

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

I’ll bet the big wimp will be a no-show … again.


March 3, 2022 6:07 pm

The F35 is nice but let’s not do something like that again.

I think it may be worth seriously buying into the development of the Virginia-class replacement – or possibly even looking at underwater drone tech.

And yet, you did do it again in the space of one post.

March 3, 2022 6:08 pm

I read on the internets that 70 Japanese have gone to Ukraine to fight Russians. Banzai!

Also 200 Dutch and 400 Swedes. Dunno if any of it is true, but I hope Google doesn’t turn off Google-Translate, or they will be in a bother.

Mongs to the slaughter.

March 3, 2022 6:08 pm

Damn, I was barracking for Ukraine, but I think they’re gonsky. The next best thing is to make some money finally on the Ruskie win.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 6:09 pm

I said they announced them in the first week,

No you didn’t you said they built them from day one.

That’s not denialism, that’s you engaging in Grigs-level mendacity for the purposes of provocation.

Struth tells a lotta lies, pal…

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 3, 2022 6:10 pm

Old Bloke

The only purpose these one to two thousand people internment camps could provide is to detain the recalcitrants who won’t get jabbed. The Queensland Premier is on record saying that’s their purpose in Queensland, should we expect a different purpose elsewhere?

They’re going to need a lot more of them.

Accept (dubious as it might be) that over 95% are double jabbed, and they will all line up for continuing boosters, that leaves around 1,300,000 recalcitrants.

March 3, 2022 6:12 pm

JC says:
March 3, 2022 at 6:00 pm

Thanks for that. I don’t trade currencies but appreciate your input ‘cos it has broader market implications.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 6:12 pm

Oops that should be UAE not UAR. Showing my age.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 6:12 pm

And yet, you did do it again in the space of one post.

You naughty man. 🙂

BUT, given that Boeing is still somehow wringing good use out of the F-15 airframe, a fair few gen. 4.5 aircraft like F-15SG or even more FA-18 E/F/G could not hurt us. And the latter would be both a bargain and a minimal strategic risk.

March 3, 2022 6:13 pm

Top Ender:

and what we need right now is a three carrier fixed wing navy, coupled with 12 nuclear submarines, stand-off nuclear missiles, a long-range bomber fleet, etc etc etc

What we’re defending right now isn’t worth more than a “Cooee” shotgun and a duck punt.

March 3, 2022 6:13 pm

March 3, 2022 at 6:08 pm
I read on the internets that 70 Japanese have gone to Ukraine to fight Russians. Banzai!

Also 200 Dutch and 400 Swedes. Dunno if any of it is true, but I hope Google doesn’t turn off Google-Translate, or they will be in a bother.

Mongs to the slaughter.

Japo’s have an ongoing land dispute with Russia.

March 3, 2022 6:24 pm

Honest question as opposed to dishonest.

Obviously, it’s not 100% because CL I think lives in Queersland. But why are nearly all the stupidest, mouthy idiots who post on the Cat all from Queersland? And it’s both Left and right too. It’s really uncanny. You can go from Numbers, Mr. Ed to Steve from Brisbane on the left and you can then you can go to Ted, Driller, and Struth on the Right just to name a few.

Does anyone have any theories? I think it’s a combination of the weather and inbreeding, but I’m unsure.

March 3, 2022 6:25 pm

Without looking at the time the comments are posted, one can almost guess the time of day. Once the sun’s past the yardarm it seems to become ‘Scotch O Clock’. Manners rapidly dissipate and it’s on. Just makes for more scrolling however.

March 3, 2022 6:27 pm

No. We will use them to house the Overlords once the people rise up to overthrow their oppressors.
Temporarily, before we hang them.

March 3, 2022 6:28 pm

German health insurer and vax injuries, disconnect between government figures and their figures:

March 3, 2022 6:29 pm

Roger’s a banana bender and he’s a very good poster but I must admit I’ve thought the same thing JC.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 3, 2022 6:32 pm


March 3, 2022 at 6:02 pm


Ted is busy loading up. Please stop bothering him. He has a stack of bananas to box and load up. Shsssssh.

Scratching together another excuse to dodge out again.

March 3, 2022 6:34 pm

Does anyone have any theories?

Some of us remember to add a little kerosene to the water.
It kills wrigglers and improves regularity.

March 3, 2022 6:34 pm

We seem to live in an “Atlas Shrugged” world. However unlike John Galt deliberately stopping “The motor of the world” these incompetent arseholes have done it by accident.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 3, 2022 6:36 pm

Wrigglers, that’s a blast from the past.

March 3, 2022 6:37 pm

I am here biggles…you in Brisbane?

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 3, 2022 6:40 pm

Of the twelve persons who took part in this decisive gathering, there were four Russians (including Lenin), one Georgian (Stalin), one Pole (Dzerzhinsky), …

Um, Razey, …
Stalin wasn’t a Georgian, Lenin wasn’t a Russian, and I doubt the other 3 were either, and Dzerzhinsky wasn’t a Pole.

March 3, 2022 6:43 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 3, 2022 at 6:40 pm
Of the twelve persons who took part in this decisive gathering, there were four Russians (including Lenin), one Georgian (Stalin), one Pole (Dzerzhinsky), …

Um, Razey, …
Stalin wasn’t a Georgian, Lenin wasn’t a Russian, and I doubt the other 3 were either, and Dzerzhinsky wasn’t a Pole.

Provide links if you are refuting the information I provided (that was in a link)…..

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 6:43 pm

I am here biggles…you in Brisbane?

Excellent. We now go from performance art for dramatic effect wordwalls to proper and honest anklebiting. 🙂

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 6:46 pm

Um, Razey, …
Stalin wasn’t a Georgian, Lenin wasn’t a Russian, and I doubt the other 3 were either, and Dzerzhinsky wasn’t a Pole.

Provide links if you are refuting the information I provided (that was in a link)…..


Grigory’s picked a fight with the Glowie.

Now all we need is a Birdstrike to finish out this most remarkable Thursday… 🙂

March 3, 2022 6:47 pm

Justine Castreau’s hair is far too fabulous for him to be up to no good.


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 6:48 pm

Struth was right about 70% of everything in March 2020 and onwards.

Assuming that is correct – and it isn’t -, his credibility is shot because he lies, and admits that he does so.

Plus, he leads from the couch. And his judgment is demonstrably such that he spent weeks reproducing block-texted wads of shit from the deepest internet*, purporting it to be his own, using words he didn’t understand the meanings of, and dependent on his mood of the day either condescends or wishes death and pestilence on the population.

He went from being a Faulty adherent to Bosi to Palmer, and failed at all three.

And no, it is not made any better because Doing Something, because what he does is counterproductive to one of the most righteous causes in the past several centuries.


March 3, 2022 6:48 pm

Choo choo man do you answer for biggles?

March 3, 2022 6:48 pm

miltonf says:
March 3, 2022 at 6:29 pm

Roger’s a banana bender and he’s a very good poster but I must admit I’ve thought the same thing JC.

Roger’s really good value. But note, I did say it wasn’t 100%. It’s a pattern/propensity thing. A fat tail on the probability curve.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 3, 2022 6:49 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 3, 2022 at 6:40 pm
Of the twelve persons who took part in this decisive gathering, there were four Russians (including Lenin), one Georgian (Stalin), one Pole (Dzerzhinsky), …

Um, Razey, …
Stalin wasn’t a Georgian, Lenin wasn’t a Russian, and I doubt the other 3 were either, and Dzerzhinsky wasn’t a Pole.

So much wrongology in just two lines. munty would be impressed.

March 3, 2022 6:49 pm

HP, I thought you were in Ukraine hunting Putin?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 6:49 pm

Choo choo man do you answer for biggles?

Do you substitute for Struth when he’s too butthurt to show his real face?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 6:50 pm

When this goverment is not calling for foreigners to pay for their brinksmanship it’s demanding others to punish Russian civilians abroad. What a despicable bunch.

Damn straight.

March 3, 2022 6:50 pm

Frank says:
March 3, 2022 at 6:47 pm

Justine Castreau’s hair is far too fabulous for him to be up to no good.


I think he’s transitioning. Seriously, it will be Justine in a couple of years max.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 3, 2022 6:50 pm

Provide links if you are refuting the information I provided (that was in a link)…..

Hang on a flash, Razey.
You were caught posting some crappy link without any idea of whether or not it was right, and now you want me to do your research for you?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 6:50 pm

So much wrongology in just two lines. munty would be impressed.

No no, Boambee John!

Step back- Grigory’s breaking up and discombobulating a discount Bird…


March 3, 2022 6:51 pm

Mongs to the slaughter.

Back in the days of misspent youth we referred to that as “like trippers to the bull bar”. Of course, this was as a reminder to self to avoid a poor outcome rather than a prime directive.

March 3, 2022 6:53 pm

Oh come on

We should be developing a defence force that makes an invasion look far too costly to attempt, even if it would ultimately succeed. This is not the military we have today, nor what we will have in 10 or 20 years based on decisions being made today.

Our final defence position should be like Israel’s – ‘an unlimited reprisal capability’.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 3, 2022 6:54 pm

Now, there’ll be quibblers who assert that Stalin was an Ossetian, but that’s not right either.

March 3, 2022 6:54 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 3, 2022 at 6:50 pm
Provide links if you are refuting the information I provided (that was in a link)…..

Hang on a flash, Razey.
You were caught posting some crappy link without any idea of whether or not it was right, and now you want me to do your research for you?

If you cant refute that information, then just keep responding to your fuck buddy sexy rexy.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 6:55 pm

Now, there’ll be quibblers who assert that Stalin was an Ossetian, but that’s not right either.

Shit. Stalin’s a Quenthlander.

It all makes sense now.

March 3, 2022 6:56 pm

Choo choo man, I was thinking of helping HP in his hunt for Putin, as you are the site’s weapons expert I was wondering what ammo I should take.
I have a six shot nerf gun, should I take the hollow point sponge darts or the fluffy different coloured ones?

March 3, 2022 6:56 pm

When this goverment is not calling for foreigners to pay for their brinksmanship it’s demanding others to punish Russian civilians abroad. What a despicable bunch.

Damn straight.

yeah they’re not winning friends for their cause but of course the legacy meja will cover for them.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 3, 2022 6:57 pm

I think he’s transitioning. Seriously, it will be Justine in a couple of years max.

Well, Castro was a Flamer and his mother was a slut, so that’s certainly on the cards, but it’s Male Pattern baldness.
He’s as bald as a coot.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 3, 2022 6:58 pm


March 3, 2022 at 6:37 pm

I am here biggles…you in Brisbane?

Heading as far North as Coffs.
Can you drive the banana van down that far?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 6:58 pm

If you cant refute that information, then just keep responding to your fuck buddy sexy rexy.

Discount Bird confirmed…


March 3, 2022 6:58 pm

I reckon the clown in Kiev or where ever he is atm is just the US state department’s ventriloquist dummy.

March 3, 2022 6:59 pm

National Vanguard being brought up to support Russia, because Ukraine are the real Nazis?

I’m out.

I can’t associate with you freaks anymore.

March 3, 2022 7:00 pm

The Ukrainian voice of Blinken.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 3, 2022 7:01 pm

If you cant refute that information, then just keep responding to your fuck buddy sexy rexy.

Razey [or should i say, Sancho?], when you say StupidShit, which is most of the time, I may point that out.
What I won’t do is waste time doing simple research for you.

March 3, 2022 7:02 pm

Living in QLD is to be perpetually stewed in your own juices for an ungodly portion of the year. Add booze to the equation and it’s not a pretty picture. Probably poor stock to begin with. Tasmania on the other hand…

March 3, 2022 7:04 pm

Living in QLD is to be perpetually stewed in your own juices for an ungodly portion of the year

Not in the mountains. Lovely climate. 4 seasons.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 7:04 pm

Does anyone have any theories? I think it’s a combination of the weather and inbreeding, but I’m unsure.

It’s not the weather. Plenty of places hotter than Qld.

Perhaps the other one. And/or chemtrails.

I find Rockdoctor a sensible chap as well. Exceptions that prove the rule.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 7:06 pm


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 7:06 pm

Okay, it must have been the link…

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 3, 2022 7:06 pm

Appears that Putin is in the tank, which is very bad news for Russians.
And we’ve been sold a pup about Guerilla Warfare.
It’s just another name for cowards using Human Shields.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 7:09 pm

Since WordPress did not like my link and ate the first attempt, I shall try again.

I have a six shot nerf gun, should I take the hollow point sponge darts or the fluffy different coloured ones?

I would recommend you not even bother to get your passport out, if you are going to waste you time with a piffle-gun like that.

If you were serious, you would be asking me about these:

1 7 8 9 10 11 14
  1. Pretty unaustralian if you ask me. I was hoping for the perfect combination of two Australian icons. Didn’t happen.

  2. Probably ring ins from PNG or Indonesia. Get out the shottie and demand loyalty tests. And if they fail, Maggie…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x