Open Thread – Weekend 5 March 2022

Golden Autumn, Isaak Levitan, late 1800s

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March 5, 2022 5:27 pm

Liz Hurley at 56. Step aside Julie Bishop.

Keith Forwheels
Keith Forwheels
March 5, 2022 5:28 pm

Hi Zipster – If you don’t mind sharing, I was wondering how your heart rate issue is going, and if your research has taken you in any further direction re possible treatment protocols?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 5, 2022 5:28 pm

Volodymyr Zelensky’s home town’s blunt message: ‘Welcome to hell, Russians’
Ukrainians are ready to die for their country and their president
Anthony Loyd
in Kryvyi Rih
Friday March 04 2022, 8.30pm GMT, The Times

The blunt message was scrawled across a banner on a bridge over the entry road to Kryvyi Rih, the mining city whose most famous son, once a stand-up comedian, now leads his country in war. “Welcome to Hell, Russian Occupant”, it said.

“Comrade Ivan Ivanovich, I don’t think the locals are friendly..”

March 5, 2022 5:29 pm

Also a “vegan friendly” beard brush!!!

Obviously not made from road kill porcupine spines.

March 5, 2022 5:44 pm

Rex Anger has a horrible habit of replying when cornered, with random words that have little or nothing to do with WHO (it’s never “what”), he’s replying to.

He perpetuates this habit because those ‘against those he’s against’, never bother to call out the idiot for letting the team down with idiocy.

Good on ya, His Team! 🙂

March 5, 2022 5:44 pm

Well ive heard the most blatant smear/bullshit i think ive ever heard presented as fact on the ABCcess.

The bits I caught were basically name dropping every conservative figure/group in Australia with the “young fascists” complete with a actor based “interview” with its apparent ex-leader.

The height of their activities so far.
Getting kicked out of the nationals when they tried to branch stack.
Shitposing on 4 chan.
planning to move to a town and take over the council.
Having some meetings.

Seriously, try and listen to 5 minutes and see just how much propaganda their abc can squeeze in.

Tony Abbott
One Nation etc, etc.

Im sure they will be doing a similar job on the Fabian scum next week….

March 5, 2022 5:46 pm

This is in French but you should get a translate option.
My general impression is that the French capital is doing very well, most shops have tenants, people everywhere, the beautiful La Samaritaine, closed since 2005 iirc reopened last year, the Bataclan also has gig posters plastered everywhere.
Hard to get the pulse of smaller regionals because it’s the off season though never did I see anywhere as depressing as say Melbourne’s Williamtown.
macron declares

March 5, 2022 5:47 pm

Feels like Australia stopped while everyone just got on with it.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 5:51 pm

Don’t read Rex Franger’s stuff, let alone reply to it.
Basically, he’s only here to create a disturbance.
He’s not the only one, of course, but he’s more skilled at it than most of the others.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 5:53 pm

March 5, 2022 at 5:25 pm

Rage on, little Nuffy. 🙂

Come back to me when you have something real.

I quite like home-made pizza. 🙂

Cassie of Sydney
March 5, 2022 5:58 pm

“Im sure they will be doing a similar job on the Fabian scum next week….”

Don’t be ridiculous. I wonder whether their ABC will report on the the Miller/Tudge stuff as well as the Greens candidate and her “Adolf Hitler had fun” joke.

Here’s what I think…..there’ll be silence.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 5:59 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 5, 2022 at 5:51 pm
Don’t read Rex Franger’s stuff, let alone reply to it.
Basically, he’s only here to create a disturbance.
He’s not the only one, of course, but he’s more skilled at it than most of the others.

Grigs and his set of pre-templated mong ambits for today, colourised.

Old bloke
Old bloke
March 5, 2022 5:59 pm

Regarding the Ukrainian Nazis, in WWII the occupying German army in the Ukraine had many local volunteers join the SS. They were anti-communist and, as that part of the world has a long history of antisemitism, they fitted in well with the Nazi ideals.

In 1944 they were sent to France to fight the French partisans, but they were no longer supporters of the German cause. They mutinied, killed their German officers and NCOs, and joined the French partisans.

At the end of the war they joined the French Foreign Legion rather than be sent home to the Ukraine where they would have faced summary execution or many years in the gulags.

Ukrainian SS Mutiny – France 1944

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 6:03 pm

Miller has got a genuine grievance against the Tudgester, even though she acknowledges her responsibility the trainwreck of both their marriages.
Hitler Girl up in Byron Bay?
She’ll be gone by Tuesday, Bandt’s standing by her is just WindowDressing to disguise reality for their dumb voters.

March 5, 2022 6:06 pm

Caudill @Caudill
9m ·
Here’s the future of Texas, a “red state”. Do you understand why people are “black pilled”? There’s no voting to fix this. The damage is done.

Machiavelli @TheRISEofROD
1h ·
Found the entire clip of Biden voters…
These people are seriously deranged.
Communist Indoctrination has fucked that entire classroom of morons.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 6:07 pm

Rex Anger has a horrible habit of replying when cornered, with random words that have little or nothing to do with WHO (it’s never “what”), he’s replying to.

He perpetuates this habit because those ‘against those he’s against’, never bother to call out the idiot for letting the team down with idiocy.

It is nice to see that you are trying Struth’s ambit there, SRR.

You might have noticed that it does not work well for him, particularly when his melodrama and hyperbole leads him to claim some ridiculous and very obvious fabrication.

Why are you trying to do the same?

I am sorry you do not like having people roll their eyes at your societal annihilation fantasies. But calling me names as a distraction tactic from your wilder outbursts is terribly ineffective…

March 5, 2022 6:07 pm

I just read that Liz Mitchell (BoneyM) is 73.
Nah, can’t be. That would make me….
She was in my never humble opinion the best looking woman of the disco era, with the best voice. “By the rivers of Babylon….”

March 5, 2022 6:07 pm

Doctor Doom ? @DoctorDoom
11m ·

March 5, 2022 6:08 pm

Bruce of Newcastle says:
March 5, 2022 at 4:11 pm
Finland, and to a lesser extent Sweden, need to think very very carefully about joining NATO.

Speedy – Not really. Putin is sensitive about former parts of the Tsarist Russian Empire/Soviet Empire joining NATO. Which doesn’t include Finnish snipers and Swedish gryphons.

Not so sure that ‘goodwill’ will extend to giving Finland a pass to join NATO. The Finnish border is very close to St Petersburg (Putin’s birthplace) but much much worse, exposes the Russian border to NATO from Latvia to Estonia and all the way up through Finland. Too big and undefendable. Russia will never acquiesce.

The issue with Ukraine is that they were earmarked as an essential part of the remanufactured empire, so it was unacceptable to Putin for Ukraine to join NATO.

The invasion has nothing to do with a reconstituted empire. This is about NATO encroachment and Ukraine was the last big piece of the puzzle. Russia has repeatedly expressed its alarm about NATO expansion. Think back to 1962. The Americans were apoplectic about Russian missiles in Cuba, 160 kms off the American coast but America expects Russia to be ok with NATO next door!
Bruce – I wrote a guest post on this that Dover put up today. Go and read it.

What has been mentioned nowhere is that IF the alliance HAD ALREADY admitted Ukraine then this war would never have happened. Putin would not have dared bite off Ukraine in such a circumstance.

True, but Ukraine has had many opportunities to defuse this situation since 2014, but didn’t. In fact, they prodded the bear on numerous occasions thinking that Russia ‘wouldn’t dare’. There comes a time when you have to stop believing your own press releases and Zelensky just wouldn’t do so. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia was as inevitable as night follows day.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 6:10 pm

Regarding the Ukrainian Nazis, in WWII the occupying German army in the Ukraine had many local volunteers join the SS.

Dunno, but i’ll take your word on it.
The important thing is that Central Intelligence funded the Ukrainian Nazis for many years in the [western] Ukraine and it took the Soviet Union, which was a far more ruthless outfit than Putin’s Russia, ten years to liquidate them.
In the meantime, Bandera, who musta been a Major War Criminal from WW2, if his Wiki entry is any guide, lived peacefully in West Germany.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 5, 2022 6:16 pm

He’s not the only one, of course, but he’s more skilled at it than most of the others.

Pot meet kettle.

But he is certainly smarter than you are.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 6:20 pm

The important thing is that Central Intelligence funded the Ukrainian Nazis for many years in the [western] Ukraine and it took the Soviet Union, which was a far more ruthless outfit than Putin’s Russia, ten years to liquidate them.

Has Grigory got anything that might conceivably back this up?

Or is he muttonposting again?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
March 5, 2022 6:25 pm

Or is he muttonposting again?

Is “muttonposting” a euphemism?
If so, I strongly suspect he is.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 6:30 pm

But he is certainly smarter than you are.

And generally civil, affable and gregarious. 🙂

Delta A
Delta A
March 5, 2022 6:30 pm

She was in my never humble opinion…

Onya, bons!

I never “IHMO” because I’ve never had a humble opinion in my life.

Be proud and own it, IMO.

Winston Smith
March 5, 2022 6:31 pm

Winston, where is that ‘Don’t Tard On Me’ Flag? It needs another run…

I made an Imgur account so have a look here.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 6:31 pm

Is “muttonposting” a euphemism?
If so, I strongly suspect he is.

Oy Vey.

Well, ‘shitposting’ is an overused term, and Grigory’s ambits are so wildly off the planet, they deserve something else. 🙂

I also like the term ‘gypsumposting.’

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 6:32 pm

Thanks, Winston! 😀

March 5, 2022 6:34 pm

Thanks Old Bloke for the Ukraine video.
Saw the French resistance wearing FFI armbands.
Obviously didn’t stop the Germans arbitrarily shooting them if they were captured.

March 5, 2022 6:34 pm

Why Teenagers Are God’s Revenge. Jeff Allen

Some light entertainment posted by the mole (I think) some time ago.

March 5, 2022 6:38 pm

The important thing is that Central Intelligence funded the Ukrainian Nazis for many years in the [western] Ukraine and it took the Soviet Union, which was a far more ruthless outfit than Putin’s Russia, ten years to liquidate them.

Ed_mong doing more alt-history again?

The CIA attempts to do more than set up/fund émigré groups and publications were massive, howling failures.
Legacy of Ashes is a great account of this

In short one of the key people involved in actual operators parachuted into the various regions of the USSR was a KGB agent himself.

March 5, 2022 6:46 pm

I always thought the H in IMHO represented ‘honest’. I believe I’ve used it here meaning honest.

The ‘H’ In IMHO Does Not Mean Humble or Honest

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 6:47 pm

From Warnie’s Wiki entry:

In August 2021, Warne contracted COVID-19 and was placed on a ventilator “to make sure there were no longer-lasting effects”

May not be true, but his latest pics didn’t look great and he died 7 months later.
Covid related, Vax Related, Drug Related, or something else?

March 5, 2022 6:50 pm

A day ago:

The takeover of Cricket Australia by the millenial kiddies in the national side won’t end well.


First Test, day 2:

Pakistan 1-302.

March 5, 2022 6:50 pm
Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 6:50 pm

In short one of the key people involved in actual operators parachuted into the various regions of the USSR was a KGB agent himself.

So, you’re saying that anecdote explains why Bandera, who was a Major War Criminal in anyone’s language, lived unmolested in the American Colony of West Germany for 14 years.

Cassie of Sydney
March 5, 2022 6:51 pm

Further to the Greens candidate….a joke is a joke and normally I wouldn’t care however insensitive the joke was. But the Greens and the progressive left are extremely sanctimonious and hypocritical when it comes to their political and ideological opponent’s history and if this person was standing for…say….PHON, the Libs or the Nationals and had made a bad taste joke about….say Christchurch….the left would be having a field day, it would be splashed across their ABC and the woman would have already quit as the candidate. Instead Bandt supports her. This says everything you need to know about the left and hypocrisy….and the reason they’re so unashamed in their hypocrisy is because the right have allowed it.

Delta A
Delta A
March 5, 2022 6:52 pm

I always thought the H in IMHO represented ‘honest’.

In my honest opinion I thought the H stood for humble. There you go. 🙂

Thanks, P.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 6:55 pm

Covid related, Vax Related, Drug Related, or something else?

Mutton toxicity.

(Seriously Grigs- Leave the man’s memory in peace. I know you like molesting dead and inanimate things that can’t fight back, like chemistry, Ukrainian history and Joe Burns’ career, but as the Beatles once said…)


Delta A
Delta A
March 5, 2022 6:56 pm

P, if you’re still here, please tell me does my emoji come up as a smiley or a question mark? It looks like a smiley to me, but may be different on other devices.

March 5, 2022 6:57 pm

Some here seem to think NATO is really good- I don’t even know why it exists other than nice jobs for connected people. NATO was set up to contain the Soviet Union which no longer exists.

Delta A
Delta A
March 5, 2022 6:58 pm

Correction: but might be different etc.

May/might; another of my picky-pickies.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 6:58 pm

@ Delta A-

If you physically type the smiley in, it seems to go OK.

This iteration of WordPress does not seem to like it when you copy/paselte or ‘type’ an emoji from a smart device. This makes me sad, as my usual preferences are unusable… 🙁

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 6:58 pm

First Test, day 2:

Pakistan 1-302.

One of the problems with appointing a pace bowler as captain.
Green’s selection was pointless, Lyon is so far over the hill his scone is outta sight, and they didn’t pick a second and third spinner.
None of that is the players fault.

March 5, 2022 6:59 pm

Is there a single #MeToo victim who isn’t a bunny boiler?

Delta A
Delta A
March 5, 2022 7:01 pm

If you physically type the smiley in, it seems to go OK.

So, you can see me smiling, Rex?

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 7:02 pm

NATO was set up to contain the Soviet Union which no longer exists.

NATO was set up to:
1. Contain and suppress Germany.
That’s been a “success”.
2. Prevent close Economic ties between Euro giants Germany and Russia.
That’s also been a “success”.
Meanwhile, Americans are living under bridges, in their cars …

March 5, 2022 7:03 pm

Ed Case says:
March 5, 2022 at 5:51 pm
Don’t read Rex Franger’s stuff, let alone reply to it.
Basically, he’s only here to create a disturbance.
He’s not the only one, of course, but he’s more skilled at it than most of the others.

Yes, Rex Anger is only here to create a disturbance, but I must disagree with the character’s skill level.

They’re an irrelevant idiot which makes me delight in the fact that none of his own ever call him in for a bit of ‘Russian Pool’ for letting the side down.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 7:05 pm

Brittany Higgins is the only one who doesn’t come across as a grifter, though she appears to be being advised by a couple of them.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 5, 2022 7:06 pm

Is there a single #MeToo victim who isn’t a bunny boiler?

The Lieborals do seem to attract them. Des, what is the Canberra equivalent of dying on Clapham Common naked with ladies pantyhose on your head and an orange in your mouth?

March 5, 2022 7:08 pm

I think he was at home HBB! 🙂
iirc the comment at the time was ‘knowing our luck he was wearing a pink tutu’

March 5, 2022 7:09 pm

A smiley, Delta.

Like most all of your comments, I always see a smiley there even if there is none. Who cares if presents as a question mark.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 7:10 pm

Some here seem to think NATO is really good- I don’t even know why it exists other than nice jobs for connected people.
NATO was set up to contain the Soviet Union which no longer exists.

It remains a practical military alliance, underwritten by a superpower. That can aid you to train your forces using the best of everyone’s tactics, techniques and procedures, simplify equipment acquisition and upgrade considerations (STANAG), gives you a voice and some teeth in international disputes you might otherwise lack, and is not a bureaucratic nightmare on the same level as the busybodies of the EU (who exist only because NATO was successful in proving that everyone in Europe could pull together without the usual suspects making it all about them). The mutuality and practical underwriting by the US military means that you can also get away with doing the bare minimum on your own territorial defence (as Germany did since Mutti Merkel took over), and send some experten here and there to avoid awkward questions being asked.

If you were a European leader concerned by events involving a certain former occupying power to your East, and not subscribed to the current Fuck Us! zeitgeist* over the last 3-4 weeks, you’d be criminally silly not to buy in.

It’s like certain 3rd world nations who perenially commit troops to UN Peacekeeping operations worldwide as a way to fund their militaries out of its budget (i.e. The rest of the world subsidises them). You’ll never see them outside the wire, but they are certainly inspection-ready when the UN auditor comes through to tick the boxes and OK the cheques.

* Being a not unreasonable reflex to the Fuck Them! media messaging we have been bombarded with at the same time.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 7:13 pm

They’re an irrelevant idiot which makes me delight in the fact that none of his own ever call him in for a bit of ‘Russian Pool’ for letting the side down.

Excellent. I’ve upset another one. 🙂

I think there’s a song for this…


H B Bear
H B Bear
March 5, 2022 7:14 pm

Milton – TBH I’m not sure of the original quote but it’s such a marvellous (and useful) image. A mate in London lived just off Clapham Common and I’ve trudged across it a few times.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 7:15 pm

So, you can see me smiling, Rex?

Yes! 😀

March 5, 2022 7:15 pm

No 1 enemy of the European people is the EU and the European establishment- Victor Orban knows this.

March 5, 2022 7:15 pm

Is there a single #MeToo victim who isn’t a bunny boiler?

Maybe bunny boiler is a bit strong but the urge to rush to the press and make a spectacle is pretty odd given the context, IMHO.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 7:16 pm

Also, let’s congratulate Grigory.

The gypsumposter has managed to sucker the Nuffy.

Well done, Grigory. 🙂

March 5, 2022 7:16 pm

Ronnie Burns – Smiley (1969)

1969 the year my second son was born.

Also the year S.K. Warne was born.

A great year.

Winston Smith
March 5, 2022 7:17 pm

Did that link give you access to all the piccies or just the one?

March 5, 2022 7:17 pm

I think the Clapham Common incident was another prominent person possibly Lord Brown from BP.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 7:17 pm

No 1 enemy of the European people is the EU and the European establishment- Victor Orban knows this.

I think the fact none of the Visegrad or Baltic States have abandoned NATO despite their public disgust and contempt for the EU tells us a lot.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 7:18 pm

Did that link give you access to all the piccies or just the one?

Pretty much the whole roll, if that Guile from Streetfighter post was yours…

March 5, 2022 7:18 pm

yes true Rex

March 5, 2022 7:20 pm

Way too nice for one of mine.

Dating advice.

the lovely laaaaydies.

and respectful chaps.

March 5, 2022 7:20 pm

I always thought the H in IMHO represented ‘honest’.

well, I always thought it stood for Half-Arsed

…and wondered it was hyphenated or not

March 5, 2022 7:32 pm

what is the Canberra equivalent of dying on Clapham Common naked with ladies pantyhose on your head and an orange in your mouth

Being a gliberal MP, Bear. Although as it was described about tory MPs back in the day – “He was found hanging from the ceiling in women’s underwear, with a citrus fruit lodged in his mouth”.

March 5, 2022 7:34 pm
March 5, 2022 7:34 pm


That last one was just annoying, go away!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 7:35 pm

and respectful chaps.

Your Gopnik is most cheeki breeki, Comrade. 🙂

Opa! 😀


March 5, 2022 7:37 pm

Try this (it is Saturday night after all)…

Milligan’s corpse was found naked except for a pair of stockings and suspenders, with an electrical flex tied around his neck, his head covered and an orange in his mouth.

March 5, 2022 7:38 pm

You too Rex the tax eater.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 5, 2022 7:39 pm

Rex A

Has Grigory got anything that might conceivably back this up?

Evidence? Dickless Ed don’t care about your steeekin’ evidence. Not about this, not about anything he puts up here.

March 5, 2022 7:39 pm

Boambee Johnsays:
March 5, 2022 at 5:12 pm

If you have a moment, hop over to CL’s blog (the Putin shells Rupert Murdoch thread) and give Homer Paxton a few home truths about the real economics of ruinables.

This is all you need:

Bearing in mind maximum demand in NSW is about 12000MW and base demand about 8000MW and there is already over 24000MW of installed wind and solar. People who advocate wind and solar should be imprisoned with flannels. As a matter of interest the eurotrash have just determined gas and nuclear are green energy sources.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 5, 2022 7:40 pm

Rex Angersays:
March 5, 2022 at 6:30 pm
But he is certainly smarter than you are.

And generally civil, affable and gregarious. ?

But not Grigorious.

March 5, 2022 7:42 pm

Doctor Doom ? @DoctorDoom
1h ·

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 5, 2022 7:43 pm

So, you’re saying that anecdote explains why Bandera, who was a Major War Criminal in anyone’s language, lived unmolested in the American Colony of West Germany for 14 years.

No, Dickless, you’re saying that.

March 5, 2022 7:45 pm

Your Gopnik is most cheeki breeki, Comrade.

God help us.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 5, 2022 7:46 pm


NATO was set up to contain the Soviet Union which no longer exists.

The three original objectives were to keep the Americans in, the Soviets out, and the Germans down.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 7:47 pm

As a matter of interest the eurotrash have just determined gas and nuclear are green energy sources.

Since Leftwits are all about twisting words and corrupting meanings, it was the easiest thing to do.

And it will destroy them. 🙂

You know all those sick, cancerous little memes they spent infiltrating into Western philosophy, culture and art since 1935? The ones metastasising into the woke parody of society we live in today?

That change of definitions shows us it goes the other way too.

Between the cultural immune reactions of UKIP, Brexit, Orangutan Bard, Democrats being toppled from everything from Governorships and school boards, to declaring they will not contest the 2022 mid-terms, the LDP and UAP becoming big and viable voices in Oz and the counter-infiltration of hard reality like energy security and converged defence and civil security organisations cannot do their jobs, I think we are not as irreversibly fucked-up as we first assume.

And anyone who angrily tells you otherwise (regardless of where they sit on the spectrum) has still to put the dots together… 🙂

March 5, 2022 7:49 pm

GD AU AU (PRO) GD AU AU @gailauss
2m ·
Australia – Southern Land NEWS
Australia is ‘on the verge of a rental crisis’, a new report says, as vacancy rates reach the lowest point on record across major capital cities

Sydney’s rental market availability has tightened to its lowest point since 2017.
National vacancy rates are at the lowest point on record, with availability in almost all cities falling over February.
A shortage of available properties and an insufficient pipeline of new builds are driving an affordability crunch.

March 5, 2022 7:49 pm

So, you’re saying that anecdote explains why Bandera, who was a Major War Criminal in anyone’s language, lived unmolested in the American Colony of West Germany for 14 years.

I said nothing about that chap.
I instead made the first bit of your Ed-story about the CIA successfully funding insurgents inside the USSR disappear in a puff of well researched and linked proof.

Get your surprisingly lifelike* Ed-Mong doll here.

*compared to mummie ed

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 7:52 pm

But not Grigorious.

And thank heavens for that! 🙂

March 5, 2022 7:52 pm

Dem Demons @BOBON
50m ·
Fox News neo-con puppet IN SHOCK after Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls Zelenskyy a PUPPET..

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 5, 2022 7:53 pm


Thanks, I’ll do a bit of copy and paste. Do you wish acknowledgement?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 7:55 pm

Get your surprisingly lifelike* Ed-Mong doll here.

Only one thing to say. 🙂

Winston Smith
March 5, 2022 7:55 pm

…since the Greenham Commons protests where greens would breach the perimeter fencing while GRU/Spetsnaz operatives timed the security response.
Russia has been shit stirring the West for decades, but now squeals when we push back?
BOTH sides have a legitimate complaint.
I went to Wiki for more information, but after 3 pages, not one pro West article was pulled up.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 5, 2022 7:56 pm

Sydney’s rental market availability has tightened to its lowest point since 2017.
National vacancy rates are at the lowest point on record, with availability in almost all cities falling over February.
A shortage of available properties and an insufficient pipeline of new builds are driving an affordability crunch.

So our “leaders” and their bureaucratic “advisers” have decided now is the time to reinstate the immigration Ponzi. What a brilliant idea!

Harlequin Decline
March 5, 2022 8:01 pm

Five score and one days ago I slipped the surly bonds of Oz and departed for Asia. It took about 50 separate documents, 15 of which were for permission to leave this fair land, the rest for the visa, bat flu bullshit,entry permit and so on.

For the 4 months away was busy remedying 2 years of neglect on a couple of properties.

Coming back the worst part was the PCR test requirement. I debated going to a well run private hospital but, as it required a few hours travelling in the end opted for the local government run hospital. Big mistake.

We got there before 8AM, confusion all round as they required passport, ID card etc, then gave them back then needed them again. In the meantime took my blood pressure and weight for reasons unknown. They were weighing everyone including one poor bastard on crutches who had to be lifted onto the scales. They decided my BP was a bit high so I had to have it taken again, it was even higher the second time as I was getting pissed off but of course it was ignored.

About 9:30AM we were told to come back before 11AM for the test. We got back and waited with 40 or so others all sweltering under a tin roofed shade. We were each given a tube and a swizzle stick for the test but nothing was happening. When asked the nurses said they were waiting for the doctor to arrive to administer the test.

After 45 minutes this oblate spheroidal entity manifested itself-double masked with additional faceshield, gloved and a full length protection gown. It was the doctor with an attitude similar to Christ come to cleanse the temple.

She bobbed behind a perspex podium with two industrial strength gloves protruding from it, plunged her arms into the gloves which were then adorned with another set of gloves from one of the attendant nurses making her triple gloved.

The first victim appeared clutching his test tube and the swizzle stick . He had to do a weird sort of limbo dance with head craned back in order to get to the glove height for the stick to be jammed up his nostrils. I began to worry how I was going to deal with it and after few remarkably stoic people had been processed in a similar fashion it was my turn.

With a stiff neck, dodgy ankle and knee my limbo was not up to scratch so they had to sort of twist and push me down to get to the right height. Since my nose has been broken twice the upper reaches are very sensitive and with her attitude and no feeling through 3 pairs of gloves it was extremely painful. Most pain came from my nose but also ankle, knee, back and neck. I yelped as I batted her hand away twice before she finally secured a sufficient snot sample.

I suppose it at least it kept the locals amused.

We picked up the results the next day. They were negative which meant we could complete the online DPD form which is a new bullshit requirement to enter Australia in addition to the yellow customs form.

At the airport check in they looked at all the covid documentation plus the DPD form before issuing the boarding passes. Finally got back into Sydney last night. We got straight through the automated system without the need to present the extra documentation. However there was a disgraceful hour long immigration queue for all others that couldn’t use the auto system.

We did a rapid test at home this morning which, being negative meant we were free to roam NSW.

Winston Smith
March 5, 2022 8:02 pm

Is it just me, or does that AEMO chart look odd?

March 5, 2022 8:03 pm

Thanks, I’ll do a bit of copy and paste. Do you wish acknowledgement?

No mate; only from head prefect, the selfish, unfeeling cad.

March 5, 2022 8:03 pm

Bee #Unacceptable (PRO) Bee #Unacceptable
The Epstein Associate Nobody’s Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 8:06 pm

You too Rex the tax eater.

You’re not supposed to encourage me like that, Bespoke.

I just cackle like the anarchic little goblin I am and do more! 😀

#OmNomNom 🙂


March 5, 2022 8:07 pm
March 5, 2022 8:08 pm

Via the lotus eaters. A 1 minute YouTube vid on the Simpsons if they were Russian.

THE SIMPSONS. Russian Art Film Version

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 8:09 pm

Is it just me, or does that AEMO chart look odd?

If we could generate kilowatt-hours from ‘promises’ and ‘commitments,’ we would be an energy superpower beyond reckoning.

A Rangie in every driveway, and a pot for every chicken…


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 8:12 pm

I think I see where you went wrpng, Bespoke.

You are watching the wrong carpentry videos.

Try one of these:

#VeryCheekiBreeki 😉

March 5, 2022 8:13 pm


March 5, 2022 8:13 pm

Russia has declared a ceasefire in Ukraine as of 07:00 GMT in order to open humanitarian corridors for civilians.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 8:14 pm

The Epstein Associate Nobody’s Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS

Oh Noes!

It’s the Perfidious Js now who are after our precious bodily fluids!

Old bloke
Old bloke
March 5, 2022 8:18 pm

bons says:
March 5, 2022 at 6:07 pm

I just read that Liz Mitchell (BoneyM) is 73.
Nah, can’t be. That would make me….
She was in my never humble opinion the best looking woman of the disco era, with the best voice. “By the rivers of Babylon….”

Yes, she has a lovely voice and is an attractive lady.

Boney M’s ‘Rivers of Babylon” is a remake, a cover version of Giuseppe Verdi’s “Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves” from “Nabucco”.

You can find the lyrics here, though I prefer to hear it sung in Italian. It’s interesting that this Psalm was written by David about events, the exile of the Jews to Babylon, which didn’t occur till many hundreds of years later. I’m sure that was also sung, I wonder how that music score went.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 8:25 pm

The Epstein Associate Nobody’s Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS

And having seen the mugshot of this apparent personification of evil, I must say she looks quite attractive. In a very striking and Bond Villain-esque way.*

I must break out my dinner suit and PPK, and practice my brogue…

* Electronic Mong warning. IQ-shielding by copious alcohol consumption and/or earworm pop music recommeded before following SRR’s link.

March 5, 2022 8:27 pm

David Vance @DavidVance
· 2h

Zelensky is upset that NATO rejects WW3.

War in Ukraine: Zelensky slams Nato over rejection of no-fly zone

Zelensky said Nato has given Russia “a green light” to continue bombing Ukrainian towns and cities.
Posted on 6:18 PM · Mar 5th, 2022

March 5, 2022 8:28 pm

Reading Le Parisien, or more correctly deciphering headlines, the French have sent 5000 troops to reinforce the Romanian border and Microsoft H&M join Ikea in closing in Russia but Auchan and Danone continue to operate there.

March 5, 2022 8:29 pm

After 45 minutes this oblate spheroidal entity manifested itself-double masked with additional faceshield, gloved and a full length protection gown. It was the doctor with an attitude similar to Christ come to cleanse the temple.

Perfect! Not the experience, the description.

Welcome back Harlequin.

March 5, 2022 8:32 pm
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 8:34 pm

I must break out my dinner suit and PPK, and practice my brogue…

Afterr all, if the Bond moviesh have taught ush anything about covertly shaving the world in time for breakfasht, itsh quite churrlish to kill the terrifyingly comely lady villain/henchperrshon beforr you’ve tupped herr…


Cassie of Sydney
March 5, 2022 8:37 pm

Hi DB, if you’re lurking, ssr at 7.45 has posted a link to an British anti-Semitic neo-Nazi by the name of Mark Collett. You might want to delete the comment.

March 5, 2022 8:39 pm

Edward Dowd Explains Bombshell ‘Fraud’ Charge re Pfizer Hiding Deaths Data
DailyClout – Published March 4, 2022

‘Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager, Investor Edward Dowd, Explains Bombshell ‘Fraud’ Charge re Pfizer Hiding Deaths Data; Many Media Outlets are ‘Accomplices to Murder’ DO NOT MISS. Historic.

March 5, 2022 8:42 pm

Oil Prices Pass $115 Barrel, White House Jen Psaki Says Russia To Blame for Joe Biden Gas Prices
March 4, 2022 | Sundance | 169 Comments

Within the book of instructions for the ideological Chicago crew (Alinsky peeps), there are chapters on how to create off-ramps to cloud their agenda. If they need a bigger cloud, they create a bigger crisis. The crisis then becomes the cover, the justification to explain the outcomes of their agenda.

In the latest example, the White House is shifting blame for massive gas price increases and overall U.S. inflation. The crisis in Ukraine then takes on a geopolitical angle and a domestic angle. Last year’s doubling of gas prices and the current increases are now being blamed on Russia. WATCH:
[at link below]

If they keep doing this, and the Ukraine conflict continues, you’ll be amazed at how many Americans will forget everything before (Biden policy) and believe all things bad in the economy are Russia’s fault.

March 5, 2022 8:48 pm
March 5, 2022 8:59 pm

Some good news although the walking shit-stain and his swamp are opposing it:

Supreme Court reinstates death penalty for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

And the current list from the whacky world of islam:

March 5, 2022 9:01 pm

Not much diversity at the SCG tonight. 99% white and plump.
One group wears dog masks and prance about. We are told they are a group dedicated to “getting into the head space of a puppy”. This information is passed without any hint of levity by the compères. It’s like Stalinists talking about a missile parade through Red Square.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 9:08 pm

It’s like Stalinists talking about a missile parade through Red Square.

My synapses just made a terrible connection involving the word ‘warheads.’

I am very upset now, Jorge. I don’t think I’ll be able to mentally bleach that one out, without a great deal of scrubbing. 🙁

(Having said that, rows and rows of erect weapons being paraded for hours past a fellow and all his very closest confidantes is probably somehow still less gay than Mardi Gras…)

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 9:10 pm

Not much diversity at the SCG tonight. 99% white and plump.

Never in the field of human history, has blanc mange been made so unattractive to so many, by so few…

March 5, 2022 9:12 pm

Very unpleasant experience for you Mr Decline and a little shock to me, I knew I needed a test but had forgotten about the declaration which I’ve now partially completed, hopefully a couple of pharmacies here are open tomorrow so I can pop in for a rat.
My outbound declaration for the EU was completed at the check in counter in Melbourne. 🙂

March 5, 2022 9:14 pm

Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager, Investor Edward Dowd, Explains Bombshell ‘Fraud’ Charge re Pfizer Hiding Deaths Data; Many Media Outlets are ‘Accomplices to Murder’ DO NOT MISS. Historic.

The bloke was interesting, but the bimbo was a pain.

March 5, 2022 9:16 pm

Le Parisien also showed a neat clean street dressed in black jeans, jacket and runners ‘saboteur’ being marched hands in the air by a soldier with a big gun.
Sort of for the camera photo that makes you shudder.

March 5, 2022 9:22 pm

Now the proudly Self Proclaimed “Jewish Princess”, is going all Pro-Racist, attacking a source in order to avoid the content she demands banning –

Cassie of Sydney says:
March 5, 2022 at 8:37 pm

Hi DB, if you’re lurking, ssr at 7.45 has posted a link to an British anti-Semitic neo-Nazi by the name of Mark Collett. You might want to delete the comment.

Why aren’t you reporting or emailing Dover?
What, you’re doing that to but your Primary Objective is NOT to remove “anti-Semitic” content (that isn’t there at all), it’s to push your desperate bullshit about those who have your number.

srr says:
March 5, 2022 at 7:45 pm
Mark Collett @MarkCollett
According this info graphic Russians are completely evil and of course white. Russians as a people are now being painted as demons.
Also, British people are black.

Anyone who tries to claim that this isn’t The New Racism being pushed as positive when it’s a deliberately divisive lie no one is allowed to challenge without a ‘Cassie of Sydney’ branding them an ‘ist’ of some sort, is a blind idiot or one of The New Stasi hiding behind an ‘untouchable’ group.

Maybe ‘Cassie of Sydney’ should simply do a stand alone post of all those she want’s banned forever and then hang all her friends who don’t search all sources until they find someone ‘bad’ and so not share any of the content. You know, put EVERYTHING through HER Approval.

I seriously don’t know how anyone puts up with the poison challis that ‘Cassie of Sydney’ is, knowing that no one is safe from her confected outrages and bitter preciousness.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 9:27 pm

Mark Collett looks like a Spook, srr.
Pretty much everyone involved with the BNP, astroturf popup “Far Right” organisations has Spooky ties.
His RaceBaiting is also a giveaway, there’s a few of them on this site too.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 9:29 pm

Women are crazy, srr.
Don’t take them too seriously, because they never know when to stop.

Delta A
Delta A
March 5, 2022 9:32 pm

Cheers, P.

Cassie of Sydney
March 5, 2022 9:36 pm

“I seriously don’t know how anyone puts up with the poison challis that ‘Cassie of Sydney’ is, knowing that no one is safe from her confected outrages and bitter preciousness.”

What confected outrage? You, slag heap, have posted a link to a racist and neo-Nazi…someone who denies the Holocaust……but once again you refuse to take any responsibility for your actions and you always play the victim.

Oh and by the way slag heap, it’s poisoned chalice.

You really are a fetid disgrace….but even that description is too charitable.

Dover….can you please remove the link at 7.45…..she jeopardies the blog by posting links to neo-Nazis.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 9:38 pm

The Hedgehog has been in the Fridge since June 2020.
In other “news”, Ukraine is winning the War!

March 5, 2022 9:39 pm

Watching Shane Warne highlights for hours on end. Wicket after wicket. Then change channels to the test …


March 5, 2022 9:39 pm

Warnie became a serious poker player after leaving cricket behind. He partnered with Joe Hasham (world champ in Las Vegas) and together they won a number of tournaments. Always said he hated drugs but who would know. He bought the joint next to his ex and put up a big pile so that he could stay in touch with his kids. I think he bought and sold a few places over the journey so that with the poker wins and the TV commentary here and elsewhere probably contributed to that 50m estate.

Harlequin Decline
March 5, 2022 9:44 pm

Thanks Calli.

BTW In the 4 months away my Sydney backyard garden has reverted to a tropical rainforest and some difficult to find strawberry eucalyptus seedlings have been eaten by the resident bastard possum.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 5, 2022 9:45 pm

West Pakistan 3/434.

Ahahahahaaa. Eat shit you mongs.

Cummins picked his greentop show pony specialist Starc instead of a genuine flat track packhorse in Boland, and it shows.

None of the Strayan bats have spent two days in the field for years. Fun fun fun. Hopefully the Pakis will bat into the third day and declare at 8/700.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 5, 2022 9:46 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 5, 2022 at 9:27 pm
Mark Collett looks like a Spook, srr.
Pretty much everyone involved with the BNP, astroturf popup “Far Right” organisations has Spooky ties.

As usual, Dickless Ed makes unsupported assertions, expecting others to take them on trust. Does he actually have any evidence, or does he just make things up? Certainly, if every person and organisation he labels as “spooks” actually is one, the Stasi would be envious of the scale of operations.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 5, 2022 9:47 pm

They could also have dropped Hazlewood for Swepson or Agar. Oh no – Hoff was one of the blokes behind Langer’s sacking.

Now they’re using Labbashagnee as a Test spinner. Fuck off.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 9:52 pm

They could also have dropped Hazlewood for Swepson or Agar.

They shoulda picked Agar and Swepson and not played Green and Cummins.

Cassie of Sydney
March 5, 2022 9:52 pm

So “ssr” has posted a link to a racist, anti-Semite by the name of Mark Collett….but instead of taking any responsibility…..she claims to be the victim.

The slag heap certainly has chutzpah.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 9:54 pm

So, Mark Collett is legit, SpongeBob ?

March 5, 2022 9:57 pm


Did ussr fake the content?
I’m being charitable and assuming the source is unknown to her.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 5, 2022 9:58 pm

not played Green and Cummins

So the captain would drop himself. Righto Ed, you great flamer.

March 5, 2022 10:00 pm

Raven Constantine @Artraven

you gave yourself death, or worse a lifetime of crippling problems because you believed what evil people told you.

Disclosure Library @DisclosureLibrary

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 5, 2022 10:00 pm

‘Flamer’ is a compliment.

Isn’t it?

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 5, 2022 10:00 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 5, 2022 at 9:54 pm
So, Mark Collett is legit, SpongeBob ?

Never heard of him before this evening. You claim to know all the spooks, you provide some evidence.

Cassie of Sydney
March 5, 2022 10:01 pm


Did ussr fake the content?
I’m being charitable and assuming the source is unknown to her.”

I don’t know. The source may well be unknown to her but she should be more careful. All I did was alert DB to the comment at 7.45..and what does she do? She refused to take any responsibility that she might have fucked up.

BTW, I don’t want her banned and I have never advocated for her to be but rather than take any responsibility, she simply posts vicious and vindictive comments about me or Rosie and then claims to be the victim. It’s her shtick. Pathetic creature. Collett is a known racist and anti-Semite…a very unsavoury person.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 10:04 pm

‘Flamer’ is a compliment.

Isn’t it?

Let’s put it this way:
If I called you a Flamer, yes, it would be.

March 5, 2022 10:07 pm

I’ll take your word on the chap as I don’t want to search his name.

But yes, you 2 aren’t friends and she can be very shotgun with her links.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 10:07 pm

And now to Zelenskyy, who, as well as being a Flamer, is an WEF Global Young Leaders Graduate from the same Class as Tulsi Gabbard and Greg Hunt.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 5, 2022 10:07 pm

Thanks Ed.


Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 10:08 pm

Hunter Biden* is also involved.

*Not a Flamer [possibly].

Cassie of Sydney
March 5, 2022 10:09 pm

“But yes, you 2 aren’t friends and she can be very shotgun with her links.”

I’m happy to ignore her crap. I just scroll her…but she picks fights and then becomes extremely nasty. There’s a reason why she’s banned from other sites.

March 5, 2022 10:09 pm

Putin is a mere distraction from the “main game”.

Hold on to your hats.

March 5, 2022 10:11 pm

Do we detect some barely concealed repressed homoerotic tendencies in Ed via the constant references to flamers. Signs point to yes. Would not recommend.

March 5, 2022 10:13 pm

I’m surprised Special Ed wasn’t called up, he can spin bullshit for Australia.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 10:14 pm

Do we detect some barely concealed repressed homoerotic tendencies in Ed via the constant references to flamers.

Are you on the hunt for HomoErotic tendencies, Frank?
Is that how you spend your day?

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 10:21 pm

Labuschagne just got a wicket.
If they’d played Agar and Sweppo, they mighta been okay.

March 5, 2022 10:22 pm

Ed has homo-donut tendencies.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 10:23 pm

Come to think of it, a LOT of cats have been re-posting material by someone else denounced as an ‘Anti-Semite’ here,

C’mon then, Nuffy.

Put up your names.

Otherwise you’re doing a Struth, and just dancing around a distraction squirrel wasting everybody’s time…

March 5, 2022 10:23 pm
March 5, 2022 10:28 pm

No I’m good. The sad part is the repression, times have changed, we are all open minded these days. If nothing else you can always find a bath house or some culvert somewhere. Remember, regret for things you have not done is far worse than for the things you have.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 10:32 pm

Remember folks, that poisonous woman has declared that I can’t love my Jewish Grandchildren because of my Ukrainian blood and it’s their blood to hate Jews.

You know Cassie, awful as this sounds, I actually want to see how she managed to draw that conclusion.

That’s right up there with the time where she once tried to claim that 220+ years of recorded history showing that Australia is a very hard place to farm and exploit arable land resources the further inland you go was a set of elitist lies designed to talk Australia down and prevent its allegedly abundant resources being used up before the Elites could all settle here, exterminate the population and have it all for themselves.

And drive down her rural property values.

She didn’t like being reminded about the Soldier-Settlers, the ghost town of Quorn in the Flinders Ranges of SA, nor the fact that in the last 100 years every idea that has been proposed for catching uncatchable water flows in unreliable wet seasons (Y’know, those ‘Droughts and Flooding Rains’we blame on Climate Change and coal burning now) has been knocked back on grounds of crippling cost, which is a nice way of saying it they were engineering impossibilities…


March 5, 2022 10:34 pm

In 1956 Britain lost control of a vital strategic asset, fought a short campaign and regained possession but then had to relinquish it due to international pressure.
There is a lesson here for the Russians.

March 5, 2022 10:35 pm

Eugenics & Forced Sterilisation in the US

Catholic — News Report — A Lasting Legacy

Mar 5, 2022
Church Militant

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 5, 2022 10:35 pm

Warnie was part of The Establishment, so he was always going to shill for TheVax.
The harder to believe part is that he actually went out and got jabbed himself.
Was he really that stupid [or was he a closeted Flamer who faked his own death to escape the limelight]?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 10:44 pm

was he a closeted Flamer who faked his own death to escape the limelight

I’m not quite sure you get how flamers work, Grigory…


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 5, 2022 10:47 pm

I’m not quite sure you get how flamers work, Grigory…

Are you referring to the nautical version of a “flamer?”

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 10:57 pm

Are you referring to the nautical version of a “flamer?”

There’s an aeronautical definition, too.

Japan’s Navy and Army Air Forces were full of them innthe 1940s…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 5, 2022 11:03 pm

There’s an aeronautical definition, too.

I was referring to a game played by Royal Australian Navy sailors, none of who was sober, involving a sheet of newspaper and a lighted match.

March 5, 2022 11:06 pm

The Cashless Hell World
[Your Bank Has Been Deleted]

Mar 5, 2022
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
March 5, 2022 11:09 pm

Hohohoho. (NSFW)

I know what Zulu is rather politely referring to:

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
March 5, 2022 11:13 pm

Link failed above.

Try this one : Dance of the Flamers.

March 5, 2022 11:14 pm

Looks like there is going to be a march of some sort up Rue de Rivoli shortly, street blocked to motor vehicles, a modest atm police presence.
I’m assuming in support of Ukraine.
What would a couple of days in Paris be without?

March 5, 2022 11:22 pm

nor the fact that in the last 100 years every idea that has been proposed for catching uncatchable water flows in unreliable wet seasons (Y’know, those ‘Droughts and Flooding Rains’we blame on Climate Change and coal burning now) has been knocked back on grounds of crippling cost, which is a nice way of saying it they were engineering impossibilities…

I wouldn’t say impossibilities, spec not engineering impossibilities.
Everything is possible within, limits, if you put your mind to it, at least in this area.
Problem is that the cost-benefit calculations said no then and saying no now, but we don’t know what the future holds, and vast amounts of money were and are being spent on far more useless enterprises, for no discernible benefit to society.

March 5, 2022 11:22 pm

I did walk up to St Paul for midday mass.
In the chapel they said, but the side chapels in the church are too small.
I looked for clues, the side doors were open, then I saw a petite lady walking purposely towards them, I hastened to follow her, out the doors, through an unlocked gate and down a narrow passage running alongside the church, I felt a bit like a potential mugger, but then she opened a door and asked me to close it behind us.
A pretty place in white and gold, with an upstairs choir, it might have belonged to the Jesuits who once had a seminary behind the church, now the Charlemagne school (sorry for the trigger dot)

March 5, 2022 11:23 pm

Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of COVID-19
The cardiovascular complications of acute coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are well described, but the post-acute cardiovascular manifestations of COVID-19 have not yet been comprehensively characterized. Here we used national healthcare databases from the US Department of Veterans Affairs to build a cohort of 153,760 individuals with COVID-19, as well as two sets of control cohorts with 5,637,647 (contemporary controls) and 5,859,411 (historical controls) individuals, to estimate risks and 1-year burdens of a set of pre-specified incident cardiovascular outcomes. We show that, beyond the first 30 d after infection, individuals with COVID-19 are at increased risk of incident cardiovascular disease spanning several categories, including cerebrovascular disorders, dysrhythmias, ischemic and non-ischemic heart disease, pericarditis, myocarditis, heart failure and thromboembolic disease. These risks and burdens were evident even among individuals who were not hospitalized during the acute phase of the infection and increased in a graded fashion according to the care setting during the acute phase (non-hospitalized, hospitalized and admitted to intensive care). Our results provide evidence that the risk and 1-year burden of cardiovascular disease in survivors of acute COVID-19 are substantial. Care pathways of those surviving the acute episode of COVID-19 should include attention to cardiovascular health and disease.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 5, 2022 11:24 pm

This is from this afternoon. It is,of course, St.Ruth:

“We’ve had some fun with your “I surrendered because I did it for others” schtick over at the furniture shop, kneel!”

As it turned out, and because I was bored and tired after being a pirate all day, and because I had a look at it, it wasn’t ‘we’ at all.

It was three posts, one after another, all from St. Ruth, and all wordwalls.

Including this bit:

Now just for the readers here.
This level of argument to my mind is also lacking a Christian thought process.

Nobody’s bothered to answer this, which probably (slightly) lifts my opinion of the other Shop people.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 11:26 pm

I wouldn’t say impossibilities, spec not engineering impossibilities.
Everything is possible within, limits, if you put your mind to it, at least in this area.

Okay, call it impracticalities.

The point remains that the initial ambit was off-the-wall, and trying to point the unfashionable reality did not go well.

But the accusation I was somehow driving her property prices down by saying so was the most interesting part.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 11:27 pm

I was referring to a game played by Royal Australian Navy sailors, none of who was sober, involving a sheet of newspaper and a lighted match.

Oh boy..m


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 11:29 pm

it wasn’t ‘we’ at all.

Royal ‘we.’ 🙂

March 5, 2022 11:29 pm

It seems that ‘Christian’ is now solely a descriptor for the unvaxxed, devoid of any other meaning.
There must have been an eleventh commandment most of the rest of us missed.
Thou shalt not vaxx (against ye covvid pestilence)

March 5, 2022 11:35 pm

I remember a day long enthusiast discussion here, about the feasibility of replacing Australia’s eucalypt forests with rain attracting European trees to change the climate.
Don’t know whether Australia dried out by itself or firestick farming changed it.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 5, 2022 11:37 pm

As it turned out, and because I was bored and tired after being a pirate all day, and because I had a look at it, it wasn’t ‘we’ at all.

It was three posts, one after another, all from St. Ruth, and all wordwalls.

Two words to describe the entire thread:



March 5, 2022 11:37 pm

Rosie light up another strawman.
Oh how he dances.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 5, 2022 11:37 pm

KD at 11:24.
There hasn’t been a flurry of witty repartee at the Furniture Store?
Fuggin’ get outta here!

March 5, 2022 11:40 pm

Keysborough, Viktoria

Bunnings – 4 litres of Whisper White
Aldi – micro-fibre dusting wand
and IGA – those little tins of french peppercorns that are rarer than rocking-horse shit … 5 of em

I did a bit of count of punters … 50% masking-ness

March 5, 2022 11:40 pm

What strawman mole, I’m seeing a theme emerging, and last I looked my opinion can be my opinion.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 5, 2022 11:43 pm

Try this one : Dance of the Flamers.

Mate, asking for a friend. Which one’s you?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 5, 2022 11:50 pm

Fuggin’ get outta here!

I know right?

I fully expect the wordwalls-in-waiting to turn up here on the morrow.

Edit – quick check completed.

Posts on FlashCat since midnight – 795.
Post on The Shop since midnight – 15.

Of those 15, 12 were by St. Ruth, and one of those was a straight copy-paste of someone else’s work here.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
March 5, 2022 11:54 pm

Streaming service Stan showed the Super Rugby match between the NSW Waratahs and ACT Brumbies tonight.
Half time analysis had David Pocock being interviewed on the sideline.
Short rugby discussion followed by a leading question about his political career, giving him several minutes to describe how selfless and noble he is.
He came across as boring, inarticulate, and sluggish on his feet.
In short, he’s put his head into too many rucks.
One of the best rugby players I’ve seen though.

pete m
pete m
March 6, 2022 12:27 am

Horrible week – best friend of my wife passed away Thursday morning – ovarian cancer. 47 with a 10yr old son and husband.

Scanning in some old photos for them tonight – family a bit lost and many helping organise her funeral next Friday.

School teacher – so very large community – church will be overflowing, tears too.

Bruce in WA
March 6, 2022 12:34 am

That’s terrible, Pete


March 6, 2022 12:37 am

Ok let’s bring it back here if you want to grandstand amongst those who are only too willing to see themselves as heros for taking the jab.

“We’ve had some fun with your “I surrendered because I did it for others” schtick over at the furniture shop, kneel!”

I make no claim to thinking of “the community” or otherwise in my choices, merely that what and who matters to me most, most affects my choices.

Meanwhile, you – who has not been forced into such a choice

Excuse me?

– attempt to poke fun at my situation and my choices. Not very gentlemanly or ethical in my view, but do as you will. Your rants show your true colours, and I leave it to others to decide who is making the more moral choices here. I have made mine based on what is appropriate for me,

fuck everyone else

and expect others to do the same. I would have preferred that the government did not force such distasteful choices upon me, but I cannot change the past.

That you aim such propaganda at me as some sort of defense, when I have clearly stated many times that I find the mandates to be utterly and completely wrong is, quite frankly, disgusting.

You stating something sir, means SFA.

Your lack of ability to take the nuances and variations of different people into account, and instead make it a simple black and white, good vs bad case shows, in my view, the shallow nature of your position and the weakness of your argument. It seems that you are taking the position that any who do not agree with you in the entirety of your position are wrong and to be derided. Quite pathetic – even childish. But then, you have already shown a complete lack of empathy,

If you don’t take the jab you have no empathy…..I see

and the willingness to judge others based on incomplete knowledge here before, so in truth I am hardly surprised that you have not changed or learned – such absolutists as you present as here rarely do, often to their own detriment.
My hope that presenting “the other side” might make you more carefully consider was clearly in vain, however others may benefit from it, and if so, the effort was not wasted. And so I will continue to “waste my time” pointing such out to you, however much you may despise me – it is not always about you, regardless of your narcissism and self pride.


In response to this dribble.

It is simple.
And it is black and white.

Your choices are detrimental to you, the ones you love, and to your fellow man.
And to me.
And to my loved ones.

Own it.

You may have noticed, there are people who are suffering now because they did not give in to tyranny.
Probably a few million in Australia easily.
What do you say to them?
If no one had given in, they wouldn’t be suffering now.
Who owns that?
You pompously speak as if I am the only one standing up to this.

Do you wish to ignore the millions who won’t surrender, and attempt to suggest it’s only me?

You can blovate in front of your vaxxed mates who wish people like me would go away.
They cheer you on because it sooths their guilt.
“Why can’t these unjabbed arseholes losing everything to fight just move on !!
I mean, FFS, what is done is done.
So we’ve all become good Nazis and flash our pass everywhere, we’ve moved on, why can’t they.
What’s done is done, and us good Nazis want to forget it”.

Of course you do.

You want to move on, however, we millions are still out here, segregated and discriminated against, because we chose to stand.
Some losing everything.
Don’t self righteously excuse yourself to me.
Especially claiming some sort of virtue signalling empathy for doing so.
Do it to the millions who did not fold.

I repeat, you haven’t helped yourself, the ones you care about or your countrymen, and pulling the victim card in a few long winded paragraphs falls on deaf ears when those ears are sacrificing to fight this.
Spare me.

Just say you made a mistake, or your missus threatened you and you weren’t man enough to control your woman when she threatened to leave you if she didn’t let the kids get jabbed, or you were really pissed…., or you thought you were getting a tattoo……..whatever.
You failed at a crucial moment.

I’d be on your side in an instant, and there with my hand out to shake it and call you brother.

But talking to those that have lost everything because you didn’t stand up to this as well, in the fashion you are, is , well, to put it mildy , a bit rich.

And most of my scorn were for people gleefully using their good nazi passes once they got the jab, the only reason you and millions got the jab, claiming they just felt like it was “right for them” when they knew it came with a passport.
THEY KNEW THAT IT CAME WITH A PASSPORT and still did it. For a disease they knew they were going to survive.
And the people now segregated , who have lost everything, to fight against this are all supposed to be polite little people and let you all move on as if nothing happened.
Well, it’s still happening to me and millions of others.

So the mirrors aren’t going anywhere.

“Sorry Mr Churchill, but I’m surrendering to the Nazis”.
“Fighting wars could mean I won’t be able to look after my family or see my old mum”.
“I can keep looking after my family if I surrender”.
“Hitler promised”.
“Good luck with the war, I’m sure others will fight”.
“Oh, and just so you know, I support you all the way”.

Bruce in WA
March 6, 2022 12:41 am

I am saddened by the passing of Warnie, but am also becoming irritated by his constant deification in the press and on the idiot box.

Sure, I’m old, but I remember equally the legend that was Rod Marsh behind the wickets, and the triumvirate: Lillee, Thommo, Marshie. Sadly, his death seems to have been pushed aside in the obscene haste to flaunt Warnie on our screens.

“Ashes to ashes
And dust to dust
If Lillee don’t get you
Then Thommo must.”

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x