No, given he’s now the sole biggest obstacle to ending the war, he needed to be subjected to a very…
No, given he’s now the sole biggest obstacle to ending the war, he needed to be subjected to a very…
Sure Duk There were two parts to these wars. Removing Saddam was actually an astonishing success. Defeating the Taliban was…
This is deliberate.
I think you mean ‘failure to prove guilty’ = not guilty.
In the great majority of cases, ‘Bird Flu’, if it exists at all, causes nil to minor symptoms in your…
I would dearly love the new Sportage GTLine AWD turbo-diesel … but, unfortunately for me, the emphasis is on the word “dearly” — I simply can’t afford one.
I do have a 2011 Sportage at the moment: AWD Platinum turbo-diesel. I have had no complaints whatsoever after 152 000 km so far. Apart from tyres, brake pads and the normal servicing, the only thing that has “broken” on it were the front swing arms — and that was after hammering the poor damn thing several thousand km through the Pilbara and Kimberley back “roads”.
Fuel economy has been great (6.7 L per km on a run) and I still like the grunt it has when pulling away from a standing start. And KIAs reportedly have no problems with their DPFs — thank God.
Yeah, I’m happy, don’t drive like a Nanna — or aunt — would love a new one, but … think this will be it for another couple of years.
As a former Medical Scientist who spent the best part of a decade seeing more or less the same chronically ill people every other week to month for their own refusals to use their treatment, equipment or general learned helplessness, I find your faith in the ‘healing’ powers of the Medical-Industrial Complex disturbing…
Pure gold.
Back in the ’80’s we went on a trip in the Reliant Robin to Adelaide.
I remember we were paying something like 35 cents a litre in Victoria, but for some reason it was way cheaper in SA.
Turned on the TV to hear a bloke telling the Adelaide News Reporter that, “People just won’t pay over 30 cents a litre. They won’t stand for it.”
No joke, that’s possibly 900 bucks of fish.
Apparently King Geo. Whiting have retailed as high as $80/kg in recent years.
@ Bruce in WA-
The Koreans do damn good cars.
My Getz is 12 years old, and still gets around great. I have a set of suspension bushings that have finally cracked, but the RAC service guys have said don’t worry about it til the next service in August.
So apart from that, upcoming brake disc and drum replacements and some engine mounts (10yr lifespan on those), barely a thing wrong with it. And it’s been across the country twice.
Great little car. 🙂
Flying ducks (Bathroom wall style? 😉 ) says:
I did much the same with my technophobe doc and got just the questions rather than a lecture. His difficulties with uploading led to me taking the original form (which I had, fortunately – the doc kept the copy) to my local Medicare/Centrelink office, where they said they would scan it and pass it on to the immunization register for the formalities. It was there around 48 hours later. I’m not sure where my doc uploaded to form to.
Yeah, I have seen whiting and flathead for $70-$75/kg.
When sea bream fillets are $25 -$30/kg it’s a no-brainer.
It is pure restaurant hype and marketing, and nothing to do with relative quality and taste.
“Who can remember when fuel was less than 44 cpl?”
I certainly recall when it broke 50c/L.
Peter Smith – Not Pro-Russian, Pro-Life
Read all about it.
My brother lost his job with the YMCA as he won’t get jabbed. He’s trying to get Centrelink for the first time in his life as no one will employ him without a vax cert. Now Centrelink want him to provide a doctors certificate to prove he’s not jabbed. He has a separation certificate saying that’s why they sacked him but that’s not good enough.
I noticed it the other day – even the T72 T90 variant appear to be the same aproximate width as the late war Mk V tanks, while weighing 30% more.
(Figures approximate.) This must put their ground loading /sq inch much higher. It also indicates their BMP support for their Armour could be easily separated in muddy conditions. Unless there is a strake/grouser attachment for the standard track, or even an easily installed wide track and road wheel option.
I can just remember LPG @ 9.9c/l, soon after my dad got his HZ Statesman converted. The sign board said 12.9, but the new servo was trying to attract customers without the competition finding their little lurk.
Maybe the Centrelink person is just a “hamburger with the lot” type.
It happens a lot in the public service.
Braking the $1.00/l mark was fun. Nobody’s sign board was prepared to show such a figure. 1s created with electrical tape and other improvisations abounded.
From the horse’s mouth, Nuland’s, the pathogens in the Ukrainian bio labs, in all 16 of them, are not bio weapons at all but intended only for defensive never offensive purposes. Accordingly, the icbm’s are not weapons either.
If your name is Ferdinand, and your pronouns are Archduke/Sir, then beware the Ides of March and men carrying revolvers.
Lindsay Graham is a grub.
Sancho, I’ve obviously stung you. Don’t worry I still like most of your posts and we all do dumb things sometimes and mostly get away with it.
LPG wasn’t it Howard who put excise on it? Whoever did it they destroyed a great local industry and cheap fuel. When LPG is more than half the price of petrol it becomes uneconomic to use it, now that it hovers around half to two thirds of petrol it use as fuel is not warranted. Look around, many servos are removing their LPG bowsers and tanks, there’s almost no installers left. A great, cheap, environmentally friendly fuel made uneconomic by politicians now swanning around in their tax payer funded cars. A pox on them.
Breaking news: JC will be in the latest season of Deadliest Catch.
Fishing is awful.
Golf is better.
The End.
Seems that way.
And all that tells you, Winston, is that the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact did not ever intend to fight a defensive war on their own territory ever again.
They’d do it primarily in Western Europe and elsewhere in the world, where Rasputitsa is just a fancy-sounding foreign word that people would struggle to spell.
And they designed their armour and other fighting vehicles accordingly.
Interestingly, this table shows a range of WW2 and latter-day MBTs and their ground pressure:
Most modern armour is very similar to each other, while the very low ground pressure of the T-34 was primarily attributable to its weight (36.6T vs. 39-69T for T55 to M1A2).
As such, the ground mobility of most Eastern and Western AFVs is quite similar, as the HP/ton ratios are significantly higher now than in the late 1940s.
How on earth is giving people exactly what they want totalitarian?
It’s just. It’s moral. It’s effective. And we now know it’s legal (because apparently everything is if the government does it).
Is that a joke? Most Greens voters exist to virtue signal – that’s the point. They’ll all either have presence as journalists or social media personalities. Those that are simply brainwashed will stop voting Green because they’ll have no public idols to blindly follow. Either way, the Greens vote will collapse.
Why? Do the unjabbed believe hospitals should deny treatment to other people? It would only be people who seek to deny treatment to others who could be denied themselves – that’s the logic – and that would almost entirely be jabbed people from what I’ve seen.
I remember stopping for petrol at a service station on the way into Melbourne in the nineties and the staff had put the decimal point in the wrong place on the pricing. It wound up costing 10% of the proper price, good times.
Chad Thunderbrain is the same type of totalitarian arsehole he proclaims to be agin’.
That he is also a Nuffy who thinks that all disease is merely weakness and thus any form of medication or innoculation is evil incarnate just underscores it.
I’m not sure why Ukraine is still holding out.
The US taxpayer is sending them $US20bill which will be washed straight back out to the oligarchs bank accounts.
How much more money are they expecting ?
“How would Abbott or any Coalition government be able to work out who precisely voted Greens?
Is that a joke?”
No…but most of what you write is.
Zelensky: Russian rockets will fall on NATO territory.
With reports of Russian equipment being abandoned to the Ukrainians, his certainty raises the question of just who be be doing the firing?
I can!!
My first after school job was at Shell Tranmere in 1978. My dad got it for my simply by asking the cashier – ‘so do you have a job for my son’. I worked the driveway 0600-0800 before school and 1600-1800 after it for 2 years, and also 5 hours in Saturdays, stopping only a few months before final exams.
Fuel was 26.2 to 27.9 cpl (no pricing cycles then) but the guys around the corner were a real rip off at 33.9!! I was paid the princely sum of 1.99/hour for weekdays and 2.99 on Saturdays. My co-workers included the full time ‘Gus’ (really Gaspari) who was on about $100 a week, and a variety of ‘tits’ who were mainly there to add visual appeal to the driveway, not to work it. We had mechanical pumps which ‘clicked’ each 10c meaning you could run 3 to 4 at once by counting the clicks 🙂
I used to do grease and oil changes on Saturday mornings too.
And try telling the young people today…..
He once told me that some readers are incredibly well informed and that details that purport to be facts in a book must be exactly that. If stated facts about, say, an aircraft carrier are wrong, then you will loose that reader forever – it won’t matter how good the rest of the story is as the reader will dismiss the author as not having credibility.
Thus, good fiction writers will often weave known facts into the much larger fictional story.
Indeed. One of the few ways for young readers to get a feel for “real” history these days is to read good historical fiction (that excludes anything by Fitzsimian).
The good ones weave reality into the story, so that readers learn as well as being entertained. From Georgette Heyer covering the battle of Waterloo to Wilbur Smith’s stories of Africa from Pharaonic times to the 20th Century, it is possible to learn a lot of history interwoven with the story.
There must be a level of bone-headed obtuseness to answer a rhetorical question.
except if you like the sound of your own opinion
Not really, I just had a bit of a laugh this morning when Duk related the story of his treatment at the hands of the ACT Plod, which was exactly what you said you might do to me (the “hamburger with the lot”), and I had said exactly what Duk said.
“I have dash-cam front and rear. Some petty Plod is going to go to get their arse handed to them in Court”.
Duk is on the right track.
In the interests of disclosure tell the prosecution you have full video and audio from go-to-whoa.
The prosecutor then asks the informing Plod if there could be anything embarrassing on the tape. Two montys on and he isn’t sure. He then starts to think, “Shit. I was pretty pissed off with the bloke. Did I say something which might get me in the shit?”
His wavering then turns into dropped charges.
In any case, petty and vindictive public servants and Plod need brakes on that sort of behaviour.
If the last two years in Victoria haven’t taught you that, nothing will.
montys = months
There is holding a grudge, then there is Slavs holding a grudge.
You know how there is a fantasy trope about Dwarves being scrappy, insular, curmudgeonly folks with very long memories? Everything has a cultural basis in reality…
Oh, FFS, William Hurt was diagnosed with prostate cancer well before COVID appeared on the scene, and it got progressively worse over the years. He was 71 when he died.
Attributing the death of any well known person to ‘the vax’ is just as bad as attributing it to COVID.
Sancho, I used to catch crooks for a living and generally ignored dickheads but what you did was dumb and the fact that you won’t admit it but seem proud of it, is what makes you worthy of a hamburger, probably a canary as well.
As for vicpol, I’ve been out almost 11 years and glad I am, I’m ashamed of what it’s become. A bunch of black shirted thugs carrying out political missions on behalf Andrews.
I presume the CIA has instructed him to lay the groundwork for an ‘accident.’ I also presume that particular Ukrainian army base was parked right next to Poland’s border for a reason.
Not sure why Connolly is comparing the Ghost to Azov neo Nazi claims:
One of these things is not like the other …
srr says:
March 14, 2022 at 2:11 pm
JC & Co. have been loudly & proudly invested in Bio Tech for years.
They’ve loudly & proudly promoted faith in their products for years.
This is not the time to put their (anonymous), word above that of doctors healing patients instead of obeying Govt (not medical), mandates and so, killing people instead.
Rex Anger says:
March 14, 2022 at 2:17 pm
doctors healing patients
As a former Medical Scientist who spent the best part of a decade seeing more or less the same chronically ill people every other week to month for their own refusals to use their treatment, equipment or general learned helplessness, I find your faith in the ‘healing’ powers of the Medical-Industrial Complex disturbing…
… but of course the irrelevant noise knows this, which is why he attempted a bait & switch in which he tried to trash me for what he knows JC & Co. actually do.
JC & Co. – ‘Shut Up & Stop Listening to those evil front line doctors actually healing people instead of killing them! Only Trust Dr Fauci & all those Bio-Weapon Lab techie experts.’
Me – ‘Nah, I’d rather listen to doctors who risk losing their licence to practice so they can heal people, oh, and this guy.’
A quick word. –
I wonder what the Fat Man is up to these days?
Very little blogging since Steve of Brisbane thought-policed him off his own site…
Which is why I asked the question.
“How would this ‘cut off electricity to Green voters’ work in practice?”.
Apparently Abbott is a failure because he didn’t introduce this ridiculous policy which, incidentally, would be overturned by the courts before afternoon tea.
But, yes, how would it actually work?
Cut power to entire electorates?
Including those who didn’t vote Green?
Only cut power to houses with Vote 1 Adam Bandit stickers in the window?
What if the wife votes UAP and the husband votes Green?
This is the sort of thing Greta Thunberg might say about Trump voters.
Look, Figures, you are – and I say this with the greatest respect – you are a fucking moron.
And how many voters just want everyone to pay for their own version of nirvana.
If I’m ‘IrReLeVaNt NoIsE,’ Faulty 2.0, why rush to snark back?
Furthermore, that isn’t what you said.
You are as prone to Glass-Jaw as the Kenworth King.
Accidental flagging.
I remember when petrol was sold in gallons.
Then again I remember people going to give up smoking when it hit 50 c a packet. And we had real cigarettes back then.
Nostalgia. About all that’s left that’s good in the world.
Serbian president reveals stance on potential NATO entry
Belgrade does not need the US-led military bloc as it has a capable army and won’t forget the 1999 bombing, he has said
Mar 12, 2022 23:41
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says his country is better off without NATO, which waged an “aggression” against the nation in 1999 when it was part of Yugoslavia, killing children and civilians. He insisted that Serbia’s military is capable of protecting the country on its own.
Vucic made the remark while addressing a campaign rally in Busije on Saturday. The predominantly refugee Belgrade suburb became home to Serbs who fled Serbian Krajina, a now-defunct self-proclaimed republic in Croatia, due to the Croatian military offensive in the mid-1990s.
“Some say that we should join NATO, and I say that we have a beautiful country, the most beautiful in the world, and that is why we should keep it alone, and defend its sky and its freedom! That is why our army is the strongest,” Vucic said, as quoted by the Serbian media.
“As far as NATO is concerned, cooperation is always good, and it is nice to forgive, but we cannot forget,” the president added. He then went on to recall the names of Serbian children killed during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
Not far from here, they killed Milica Rakic. We will soon mark the anniversary of the aggression. And we will not hesitate to call it aggression, and not intervention or campaign
Milica Rakic was three years old when she was killed by a cluster munition in her home in the Belgrade suburb of Batajnica on April 17, 1999 as NATO targeted a nearby military base.
After Russia launched its offensive on Ukraine on February 24, Serbia’s breakaway region of Kosovo urged NATO to streamline its accession to the bloc, even though four of the alliance’s members do not recognize it as an independent state. Belgrade has taken a neutral stance towards the ongoing Russia-Ukraine military conflict. On Friday, Vucic vowed to punish Serbs seeking to go to Ukraine to fight for either side.
Belgrade, however, has come under mounting pressure from the EU to “harmonize” its position on Ukraine with the rest of the bloc. While the EU shut its airspace to Russian planes, Serbia continues to maintain air travel with Russia.
You are yet to outline what actual road laws you think might have been breached apart from “you attack St Ruth so therefore are worthy of a write-up”.
The point is, the behaviour you talk about in paragraph 1 (hamburgers and canaries issued at the whim of the Plod on the spot) is precisely what leads to the shit you are “so ashamed of” in paragraph 2.
They are intrinsically linked.
They are both an arbitrary and capricious abuse of power.
And this is why I said I find your faith in the Medical-Industrial Complex disturbing.
Unless you are currently putting on some sort of Nuffy-level performance art because you are presently in a hospital bed and have somehow decided that ingratiating yourself might get you better treatment or quicker discharge, you of all people know that you are only a Number in the System. And those perpetually harried Registrars and Residents racing about you (and the occasional Consultant that swans by in their regal insouciance) will only care if you refuse something they tell you to do or suddenly worsen. And they tend to get mightily offended if you do either.
It appears that members of the foreign legion near Lviv got more than they expected.
Your taxes at work!
A decent vet could probably make a lot of $ under the counter these days.
A ‘pox on both their houses’ gambit?
You forget schadenfreude, that is still worth getting out of bed for. And revenge.
Tough decisions of times past.
Will I spend this 20 cents on a packet of cigarettes or a gallon of fuel?
“How would Abbott or any Coalition government be able to work out who precisely voted Greens?
Start with Canberra.
Just that place.
In summer.
While all the Pollies are in the joint.
Its not like you would be hurting real people then.
Braking the $1.00/l mark was fun. Nobody’s sign board was prepared to show such a figure. 1s created with electrical tape and other improvisations abounded.
The old mechanical pumps were never designed to go over unity pricing so the answer was to switch the dollars position to the litres and vice versa.
Look, I live in Wentworth and the seat will probably fall to a very vacuous and very moronic green dunderhead by the name of Allegra Da Big Spender. I don’t want my electricity cut off just because some idiots in my electorate voted for her.
Oh and isn’t that called “collective punishment”? The Nazis and Communists were good at that.
I thought it was Keating who did that after Datsun built a factory in Australia making 180/200B LPG cars.
I understand Datsun were really pissed off about that.
Hey, but I could be wrong even though it’s the sort of thing Keating do.
I don’t want my electricity cut off just because some idiots in my electorate voted for her.
It’s probably going to happen no matter what, system overload. As someone pointed out the real solution is to give the green idiots the option of voluntarily having their power cut during excess demand to “save the planet” via their smart meter, or, if the opt for “green power”, then their electricity cuts cut off when green power stops delivering via the same mechanism.
I’ve added the following to the comments page:
So let it be written. So let it be done.
Datsun was Nissan by the Keating was treasurer- the bluebird era
Oh and isn’t that called “collective punishment”? The Nazis and Communists were good at that.
You know what people dont claim about collective punishment?
That it doesnt work.
Its also why a few thousand hairy assed goat rooters from Afghanistan were able to boot out the yanks. They have no scruples about telling a village elder if someone shoots at his chaps he and his family will be killed.
Just read the Bolt column about Kimberley Kitching.
Was not a fan due to her appearance in Union Royal Commission. Recall she was taking tests for HSU delegates. Not happy when soon after became a Senator.
Always wondered why Bolt had her on his show so often. Did admire her for comments about China influence.
Bolt mentioned she was told she could not even ask questions in the Senate.
The fact that Wong and Kennely did not like her is a clear sign she must have been doing something good. No surprise she was having to fight for her Senate spot as clearly did not fit in.
Janet A also has a column about KK expressing support for Nicole Flint.
Whatever you think about her politics she certainly had guts and willing to speak out. A loss to us all but not to the rusted on Labour ladies.
What’s the lowest denomination of Australian currency that you would bother to bend down and pick up off the pavement. A $2 coin is probably enough to make a decent Molotov cocktail but that lumbago…
That’s a crazy thread.
Imagine, Redditors didn’t realize they could like actually get killed??!! And that Russians have weaponry that can like actually nail them from like right out of the sky??!!
Rats leaving a sinking ship…..
Was just looking at pricing of canola oil in bulk quantities. Another 70 cents a litre on diesel and it will be at home cooking oil price parity. How insane is that?!
As you Wish.
About tracked vehicles and ground loading.
Thanks for that, I’ve printed that table out for reference.
However, I’m still wondering if the Russian tank losses are also attributable to the separation of infantry and armour, or just a function of superior anti tank weapons – range and angle of attack.
Mind you if I was an infantryman I’d be really nervous about being near a tank being shot at by anything – there seems to be a majority of them with reactive armour in this conflict.
Q & A must be circling the bowl. A floater. At least Snowcone didn’t have two deaths on his watch. That was why he was paid the big bucks.
Would love to see Mrs Snowcone drive 7:30 into the ditch.
FMD this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.
Have you been in a coma the last two years?
Did you know that Dan Andrews had the right to walk up to you with a syringe and demand you take what’s in it otherwise you’d lose your job? Two years ago we all assumed he couldn’t possibly have that right.
But he does. The courts said so. And their literal justification was “the government can do whatever the fuck it wants”.
New Rules in a shortened form:
Especially those with asterisks.
At the risk of Allan Sherman’s lawyers calling me and screaming “That’s actionable!”, some not entirely original lyrics for The Truckie Troubadour:-
Stay tooned.
More to come.
If anyone could give me a rhyme for “gas shower” it would most appreciated.
As I recall about 30 fairly long range missiles launched from Russian launchers in Belarus. Expensive to do that and I suspect in limited stock. I think it was done as part of the political message re the transfer of ordnance (as well as the foreigners).
Still not much indication of widespread Russian air force sorties, for the same reason. While the remaining Ukrainian SAM launchers are obviously an endangered species, combined with protecting Stingers it makes them a hard target as the Buks can do the high altitudes while the Stingers prevent helis and low level counter AA strikes. Losing expensive jets is painful, and even if the pilots eject they have to be close to their own lines or they get captured (or worse).
The strategic reports and map sites still don’t should much happening on the ground. On the other hand Russia does seem to’ve gotten the Ukrainians to talk more realistically of a peace deal in the last day or so, at least that is what the headlines suggest. I think the real problem for the Ukrainians is that it’s really easy to shoot off ammo and really hard to get resupply. That counts for small arms ammo, artillery shells particularly. Not stuff they can easily get in quantity from the donors.
Mask Report.
I am a prophetess! Zero masks at S&B today. One wearing one on entry noted our charming smiling faces and immediately took the stupid thing off.
Sadly, Woollies full of the Masked, some in hideous dirty coverings that looked as wholesome as a soiled nappy. Also noted a depletion of the shelves – salt is in short supply. Anyone else notice this? It is a staple.
Clearly you never proof read your own stuff.
Unfortunately it was done under cover of Emergency Legislation which, when passed, people thought might be a fire, flood, earthquake or tsunami, with pandemic well down the batting order.
In any case, I guess most people thought that would be a three month thing and probably localised.
The point is, right or wrong, it has legislative coverage.
Under cover of what legislation would Abbott have been able to “cut off power to Green voters”?
And, if there isn’t any such legislation, how would he have passed such legislation through a Senate with a majority of ALP, Greens and Fat Cloive (who was fellating Al Gore right about then)?
‘cows deflowered’
ass power?
I can only shake my head.
We’re losing civilization. We have no bodily autonomy, we can be shut in our homes on a whim and we’re not too far away from mass famine and you’re worried about such frivolity?
Do you not understand that within a week of any right wing leader implementing such policies then there would be no Greens voters?
And sorry Sancho but I’ve been the most right about all of this bullshit from day one. You OTOH were sure the vaccine would be safe and effective. I didn’t need to wait for weeks or months or two years to realise none of the responses would help because I knew from first principles that they couldn’t. So show some respect.
And yes Cassie. Commies use collective punishment.
But a) my proposal is neither collective nor a punishment; and b) who the fuck cares? It’s perfectly legitimate to use your opponent’s tactics against them (albeit not their strategy). In fact, it’s immoral not to as you guarantee the bad guys always escalate their tactics.
“but I’ve been the most right about all of this bullshit from day one”
No you haven’t.
“But a) my proposal is neither collective nor a punishment; and b) who the fuck cares? “
(a) I’m pretty sure cutting off electricity to certain people based on how they vote is a form of punishment.
(b) I care.
KG whiting fillets (frozen) at local seafood shop (Catalano’s for the sandgropers) at $95 a kg.
Right. So you now admit that, indeed, the government absolutely can do whatever the fuck it wants.
Communism is a pandemic.
It’s infinitely more dangerous and contagious than any virus.
Ergo, it’s an emergency. Ergo, the government can do whatever the fuck it wants to stamp it out.
Of course, you’ll say “but if we use government this way then won’t the Left do the same thing when in power?”
To which the response is: a) the right wing leader is only giving people what they say they want; b) left wing governments need businesses, right wing governments don’t need social activists; and c) no leftist would ever refrain from using any power available to them regardless of precedent (see Justin Trudeau).
“We have no bodily autonomy, “
I thought the smiley was the giveaway.
It was from a time when I was a young fellow and people would ask a question.
The answer was usually “I give in – I’ll play your stupid fucking game, why does …”
Obviously not as common as I thought.
What have I been wrong about Cassie?
Not if they claim to want precisely that.
B) Fair enough.
Welcome to WA:
Shocking Discovery: Paying People Not To Work Makes People Not Work
I remember the “I’ll play your silly fucking game then, what …”
It was quite common. Not to be used to your superiors in general and not advisable under any circumstances in a disciplined service.
Possibly out of use amongst the youngsters these days. Could be hate speech or something.
For failing to convince your neigh bores of the error of their ways, I hereby sentence thee to no electricity.
Has your bag burst?
Putin’s clever move looking dumb.
What the Ukrainian Invasion has Revealed about Russian Military Power
Good infantry-armour co-operation tactics cover a lot of sins. And it is always noticeable when it isn’t being practiced.
And there is a lot of armour ambush footage (propaganda or not) coming out of this current fight, that suggests that Russia’s combined arms co-ordination in the field has been somewhat limited.
The US Army and Marine Corps applied a lot of lessons from Russia’s experiences in Grozny and their first action in Fallujah in 2004 they went in the second time. And their infantry and armour and engineers worked very closely together to protect and support each other.
An anti-armour team with guided missiles, rockets or recoilless rifles make a a great point defense system or ambusher. Right up to the point where infantry sweeps flush them out ahead of the armour, or the tanks’ suppressive fire keep them occupied until the infantry assault and kill them.
The tanks themselves also need to be well-spaced and the drills for moving through close terrain (with and without supporting dismounts) well understood and practiced. You expect losses in an ambush, but an entire company getting totally boxed in inside a small village, bunched up and annihilated in detail is catastrophic.
In addition to the ABC ratings nosedives mentioned above, apparently Trioli is riding the morning radio show into the ground as well.
KD and Lysander.
Youse are no Gershwins or Carole Kings.
Pig Shots:
or to be vaccinated. these people are fascists.
No, fuckwit.
It. Was. Done. Under. Legislative. Cover.
Abbott. Had. No. Such. Legislation.
Ergo, the minute he pulled the switch, an injunction would have been granted and it would be back to square one.
Stop being a stampy-foot Greta.
But he does. The courts said so. And their literal justification was “the government can do whatever the fuck it wants”.
Exactly, plenty held out against the jabs in the hope that justice would prevail.
In return, they got fucking no justice.
I remember when “mendacious” was a favourite word at the cat.
That was before people discovered how many cats posts were just that.
So here’s another example of the outright bald faced lies that get posted as a matter of course because … ? …
“Rex Anger says:
March 14, 2022 at 3:35 pm
And this is why I said I find your faith in the Medical-Industrial Complex disturbing.
Unless you are currently putting on some sort of Nuffy-level performance art because you are presently in a hospital bed and have somehow decided that ingratiating yourself might get you better treatment or quicker discharge, you of all people know that you are only a Number in the System. And those perpetually harried Registrars and Residents racing about you (and the occasional Consultant that swans by in their regal insouciance) will only care if you refuse something they tell you to do or suddenly worsen. And they tend to get mightily offended if you do either.”
What Rex Anger pretended to quote so he could build more lies on his lies –
… but of course the irrelevant noise knows this, which is why he attempted a bait & switch in which he tried to trash me for what he knows JC & Co. actually do.
JC & Co. – ‘Shut Up & Stop Listening to those evil front line doctors actually healing people instead of killing them! Only Trust Dr Fauci & all those Bio-Weapon Lab techie experts.’
Me – ‘Nah, I’d rather listen to doctors who risk losing their licence to practice so they can heal people, oh, and this guy.’
A quick word. –
No need to open the box. It’s dead.
(a) I’m pretty sure cutting off electricity to certain people based on how they vote is a form of punishment.
WTF are you talking about?
Ask people if they want green electricity. If they want to tick the box inform them that when the “green” isn’t available they will be first to be cut off to reduce demand. It isn’t punishment for how they vote it is consequences for the way they want things.
Why should people who have no desire for the green fantasies have their electricity cut off when green doesn’t deliver? That is what will happen the way we are going.
Something tells me this regime is not what it appears to be from its tweets.
I’m sorta with Figures on this.
I’d not cut off the power to an entire electorate, not based on who got elected under a preferential voting system.
However I would inflict upon that (or any other) electorate, Solar Farms covering the park & windfarms along the beachfront/foreshore, and purchase surreptitiously the first dozen residential dwellings to come on the market in that electorate, and convert them to hostels, and house in them refugees from Afghanistan, Sudan, etc.
(I’m thinking of, say, the downhill skier’s electorate)
Furthermore, anybody who is vocally public about “defunding police” would have their telephones blocked from being able to call “000”
hey RickW,
the Pig Shots look delicious. I am going to have a look at the other videos as well. I love smoking meat and cooking over fire.
Have you ever come across the Ooni Pizza oven? I have always wanted to build a Pizza oven but, seeing as very soon I will be cooking for one, the Ooni seems to be the way to go. Should be able to smoke meats and bake bread in there as well. The videos are worth a look.
how many people are they paying to parrot the propaganda. who knows its really going.
Dams are partly about flood mitigation, not just about irrigation.
How long is it since any dams were built in NSW? 45 years?
How do you feel about that at the moment, Lismore?
I’ll take that as a compliment Sancho 😛
If the forces are near even, why are RUS forces advancing in the south and east?
From Jesse Kelly:
Even most people on this site don’t understand this.
Glass Jaw, go on…
Son says he loves smoking fish, but the papers get soggy.
Finished glowing yet, Chad Thunderbrain?
Dumb question, I know, but are there any remaining Labor Right faction members?
And whenever civilians take casualties, there are always corresponding stories of Ukrainians hiding their forces inside residential areas.
Footage of Russians shelling apartment blocks with no horrific casualty aftermath (thank God). Empty building occupied by Ukraine forces? Azov brigades SOP.
Isn’t that the Liberal Party?
Very funny Calli… but I can’t seem to find many of the likes of Jo Bullock, Fitzgibbon, Kitching…
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labor_Right (most of the “right” in this list are still very left!)
Son says he loves smoking fish, but the papers get soggy.
Delta A,
Pay that!
True, it’s unfair to penalise a whole electorate or LGA on the votes of a majority, as it’s unlikely to be a 100% result.
How about, if you select a ‘green’ electricity plan, you’re consenting to a smart meter if you don’t already have one and you’re consenting to have it cut off if despatchable ‘green’ power is not sufficient to meet demand for a period.
However, when despatchable supply is lacking, you may opt to be a priority customer by nominating the premium you are prepared to pay to avoid being cut off.
Those who don’t pay the premium or an insufficient premium are the ones who get cut off on a first-off last-on basis. You may revise your premium offer in real time.
Those of us on carbon-based power can pop our corn as we desire. 🙂
(Sorry for the bad joke above, Pogria.) Best Man likes experimenting with the smoker. He’s made excellent smoked fish (which I caught), chicken legs/wings and pastrami, although he’s still searching for the ideal wood for pastrami. Cherry was recommended, but it leaves an ever so slightly tarry taste, which doesn’t deter the family mob in the slightest, but doesn’t meet his strict standards.
Any suggestions?
The terribly biased Russian media report on the protests.
RT News;
Tom Brady is back…yeah baby.
Ward Carroll is a retired RIO. His channel has too few subscriptions to warrant any monetary attention. So what is propaganda? Only that which casts Russia in a poor light? What sources can we trust and why?
Kafkaesque bullying.
Claim you’re a trans indigenous.
we need recall on judges and all public servants. vile bugmen have infested the public services
You’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.
When the jab for job mandates came in they were challenged in *state* courts. The judges explicitly said to the plaintiffs “fuck off. The government can do anything it likes and none of you have any rights. Yes. I know you *thought* that common law meant protection against such draconian government measures but you’re wrong. If the government chose to execute your firstborn and said it was for some kind of emergency then it could do so.”
Read the rulings Sancho. You didn’t read the vaccine studies before you ran out and jabbed yourself as often as possible so maybe you’ll learn to pay attention in future.
I can’t stress this enough.
We have no laws in this country. None. You are whatever the politicians say you are.
The left made this. We didn’t ask for it. But we would have to be utter morons not to use it against them.
It’s actually astounding to me that there are libertarians out there who recoil in horror at the thought of holding a leftist down and injecting them with experimental drugs. Why wouldn’t you want this?
you can’t trust any sources, especially the ones that keep claiming they somehow know what the russian plan is. Ill post some russian sources or independent stuff that doesn’t read like MSM parroting to balance out the MSM BS. take it all with a grain of salt.
why are they paying “influencers” to spread the BS?
Because that is your totalitarian fantasy, Chad Thunderbrain.
Nobody else’s.
Much like the Nuffing about how Tony *should* have done what you wanted, but was weak.
Hi Delta A,
Have you tried Hickory or Mesquite for the Pastrami? I love the over the top flavour of the Hickory and Mesquite. I reckon if I am going to smoke meat, I want bushfire flavour. I also add bunches of fresh thyme and rosemary every couple of hours throughout the smoking process.
There is an Apple, Cherry and Mesquite blend that your husband may like to try. It may not leave the “tarry”, flavour you mentioned.
Have you tried making Duck Proscuitto? It is worthwhile, even if you have to buy a couple of breasts at the supermarket. Duck Proscuitto isn’t normally smoked, but you could always start it in the smoker for an hour before it is hung. I smoked a whole goose once after I had it soaking in a brine bath for 48 hours. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Fish is great smoked, isn’t it? I always throw a few Eucalyptus twigs in with the wood when I am smoking fish or chicken. It seems to freshen the flavour of the delicate meats.
What didn’t I read exactly?
I live in such an electorate.
There’s no need for the government to cut off every potential Green voter from electricity. They just have to show they’re *willing* to do so.
There’s millions of ways to do this – targeted, broad brushed, whatever.
The only thing that matters is that right wing governments are prepared to make virtue signalling painful.
What I’m saying shouldn’t even be controversial – we can argue the implementation but the principle is bleedingly obvious.
“There’s no need for the government to cut off every potential Green voter from electricity. They just have to show they’re *willing* to do so.”
Oh, so we’ve now moved on from “Greens voter” to “potential Greens voter”.
My God, how utterly fascistic.
Hmm…what about twenty-one year old Greens voting university students living at home with their Liberal or Nats voting mum and dad? Do they get their electricity cut off all because their child votes for the Greens?
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
No One Is Talking About the Mass Food Shortage and Grocery Bill Increases US Is Barreling Toward
Question to farmers etc – One more crop with a reduced yield due to fertiliser still in the soil? Then back to 1/3 the current yield if the fertiliser and trace elements aren’t added?
good grief. the coke head really doesn’t care about his people. I said day one, they should surrender, Putin was clear about the mission, eradicate the ukrainian forces.
Jen Marohasy very good on Insiders over the weekend, lambasting the stinking BOM and it’s fucked predictions and fear-mongering about climate change. She mentioned the BOM’s closure of inconvenient weather stations which show worse conditions in the past. The BOM is a fucking scandal.
Pogria, that blend sounds good. Is it readily available?
BM was reluctant to try hickory or mesquite alone, concerned that those strong flavours might dominate the taste. In any event, he has fun experimenting. And we have fun eating. 🙂
Thanks for the tips.
The Russian plan wasn’t for the war to last thing long. The criticisms of Russian military preparedness long precede this conflict. The absence of the air force points to an inability to obtain air dominance, a critical factor in most if not all modern conflicts. Russia has been playing propaganda game a lot longer than the current MSM. Russian sources are just are probably just as bad as the MSM so why trust those anymore than the MSM? Why is everything reported in the MSM wrong? Fair enough we all carry faith based assumptions but if we’re going to discuss this the first premise to establish is what constitutes reliable information. If no-one can do that then there is no point anyone here making any claims whatsoever about the conflict.
Make your mind, either we have access to some accurate information which we can hopefully obtain some measure of truth or we all shut up.
On smoking…
Best wood I found for cooking & smoking was called snakewood.
Hard as goats knees and a “delicate” smoke.
Anybody wondering about the quality of Breakfast TV should take a look at the “brains” behind Sunrise, executive producer Michael Pell in today’s Paywallian. No subscription necessary.
I would hate to know how much he is paid.
The BOM is a fucking scandal.
another Canbra abomination
When the jab for job mandates came in they were challenged in *state* courts.
Yes, because they were state mandates.
The judges explicitly said to the plaintiffs “fuck off.
Yes, because the mandates were legally valid under legislation passed by democratically elected Parliaments acting within their Constitutional authority. We may not like it, but that’s what happened.
The government can do anything it likes and none of you have any rights.
Did they? Do you have a citation for a reported judgement where any state Court said that?
I’d be very surprised if any Court said any such thing. A Court looks at the specific claim brought before it and pronounces whether the claim entitles the party bringing the claim to any remedy that that party was seeking. It’s very rare for a Court to say anything purportedly definitive about matters beyond the specific assertion of rights being brought before it. It can happen (see Mabo), but it’s very rare.
And I’d be prepared to make a very large bet that no Court has said that a government can “do anything it likes” even where it acts beyond the legislative authority given to it.
If that’s what the Courts really say, how have purported covid fines been overturned (which has definitely happened in some cases)?
Yes. I know you *thought* that common law meant protection against such draconian government measures but you’re wrong.
Did anyone really think any such thing? Anyone who had done year 11 legal studies ought to be aware that, within its legislative area of authority, an Australian Parliament can override common law, and that they do so on an almost daily basis. But that doesn’t mean we’ve got no laws or no rights.
Oh and BTW Figures, will you shove those asterisks up your arse? It’s a stupid, juvenile trashing of written English.
In fact, Son bought us a (frozen) duck as a thank you after he stayed with us last week. I had been thinking roast duck with red cabbage, or even Peking duck. (I made it once many moons ago. It still haunts me.)
Duck Proscuitto sounds great!
Ryan Cole made his claims in March 2021, jabbees should be dropping from cancers and autoimmune diseases within six, nine, twelve months.
Several times now we’ve about to get something something within weeks, another claim that’s been repeated since last year.
Also a pathologist reviewing skin samples isn’t ‘doctors healing patients’
Some people seem to vacillate between all doctors good all doctors bad.
okay it’s a ‘fact check’ and I don’t care about the ivermectin part.
Outcome of the stabbee stabbee girl who got shot for her trouble.
Damn fine outcome.
this guy is just parroting MSM BS. I saw an interview with a black guy stuck in ukraine saying that the it was the ukrainian forces preventing people from using the evac corridors. they want civilian casualties. it’s all a big PR exercise by the corruptocrats.
Depends totally on the soil in question Winston.
I cannot speak on a macro scale regards the effect on the national yield.
Re: fertilizer alone:
Soils ain’t soils.
Some country does not need fertilizer, & has never been fertilised.
Other country, the minute you stop piling on the Super, all it grows is scrawny yellowish anaemic little plants that barely have seed on them.
& everything in between.
Courier Mail has another column up mainly quoting expert Paul Griffin who not surprisingly wants more to be vaxxed and take the booster.
CM seems to have only one expert it gets comments from and no balance.
I am more of a Nick Coatsworth fan. Unfortunately it seems the medical fraternity are fully on board with the Vax train and mere members of the public should listen to their every word.
I for one have little faith in what they say anymore.
Albo getting the sympathy vote for his marriage breakup; no mention of rubbing and tugging:
What he is saying is mirroring what many military bods have long been saying about the Russian military capability. Of course Ukraine is engaging in their own propaganda. Our MSM is bad but the Russian state controlled media can be trusted? How do you know the information about the evac is true? What isn’t BS. Show my the criteria by which you decide what is true.
All the important things are misleading and lies. Why? To mislead gullible fools and manipulate public opinion towards leftist POV. I thought that was plainly obvious.
The US military claimed increases in miscarriages (300%), cancers (300%) and neurological disorders (1000%)
has been rejected as a database glitch in relation to 2016 to 2020 being under-reported.
People can believe what they like.
So where is the truth Makka? What sources do you rely on?
rosie cancer rates are up. myocarditis rates are up dramatically. doctors are going out of there way to not link anything to the vaccine less they incur the wrath of the medical establishment which has been completely politicised.
I have had my access to medicines on the flccc blocked by state health dept. why????? they have nothing to offer, except “manage symptoms”, how many years am I supposed to “manage symptoms”?? what are they waiting for? pfizer rep to waltz in with some miracle drug they can blow budgets on?
Basically they take anyone willing to fight. Plenty of 80 year olds and grannies have volunteered.
The amazing thing is they seem to have firearms for them all. Add in the 900,000 formally trained reserves and that means a whole lot of firearms salted away. It smells like they’ve been preparing since 2014. Small arms in the hands of grannies would be useless for an offensive against Donbas. So it seems to be a defensive plan.
Two good threads of general analysis of Russian military readiness and tactics:
Maj Gen Mick Ryan (Aussie) analysis thread today.
Michael Kofman (US based long time Russian military watcher) thread from last night.
Kofman particularly points that we see a lot from the UKR side but very little from the Russian side. So we see stuff happening to Russians (that’s in the Ukrainian’s interest to broadcast) but we have next to no idea what is happening to Ukrainian forces. Losses could be heavy. On the other hand the Ukrainians have been welcoming anyone and everyone from day one, so I can’t be surprised that kids are volunteering.
Tim Neilson, I know the courts folded to the state gov however some legal academic wrote some articles in Quadrant pointing out that the constitution specifically forbids ‘Medical Conscription’. I asked in the comments would he mount a challenge to the state mandates, silence. I know most here despise Palmer but he took the border closures to court and lost. Would a similar case on medical conscription lose too? I don’t know which court Palmer lost in and if there’s any appeal possible but surely the High Court would rule in favour of the constitution over state laws? The legal profession seems to have gone very quite in regard to wuflu, the same as all the Human Rights lawyers and the various Human Rights organisations, useless the lot of them.
How do we know what the time frame was? It took the Germans four weeks to defeat the Poles and that was aided by Soviet involvement in the latter stages and the mobilisation of far more soldiers.
Oh look, heres a pile of “nobody wants him back”…
NT Police Association accuses government of ‘political interference’, calls for investigation into Zachary Rolfe’s murder charge
NT Police Association president Paul McCue also accused Chief Minister Michael Gunner of “political interference” regarding the matter.
On Friday, the NT opposition made similar calls, saying Mr Gunner must answer “serious questions” regarding the “appearance of political interference prior to charges being laid”.
On Friday, Constable Rolfe was acquitted of murder, as well as two lesser charges, in a unanimous decision from a Northern Territory Supreme Court jury.
Shortly after Mr Walker’s death, NT Police Commissioner Jamie Chalker, Mr Gunner and NT Police Minister Nicole Manison travelled to Yuendumu to meet with the community.
Mr McCue said Commissioner Chalker’s decision to attend the community meeting was the “right one” but described Mr Gunner and Ms Manison’s attendance as a “catastrophe”.
In Yuendumu, Mr Gunner told the community “consequences will flow” following the shooting — a comment which the Chief Minister later said was taken out of context.
“The Chief Minister’s comment that day, before an emotion-charged audience, was irresponsible if not clumsy, and one which let down the police and the community of Yuendumu,” Mr McCue said.
“Political interference was alive.”
Mr Nielsen at 6:31.
A-wishin’ and a-hopin’ doesn’t make it politically achievable.
I do wonder how many head explosions there would be among these nut-jobs if it was proposed that “UAP voters (or people who are likely to vote UAP) will lose access to government services X, Y and Z, because [insert partisan reason here].”
Also the advice about asterisk insertion is on the money.
I don’t rely on any souces, but I actively search out both sides media. I’ll then form my own opinions. I look for facts that can’t be disputed.
One thing you should take on board. For over 2 years you have been aggressively lied to and oppressed by your own Govt, the west in general, our media and their institutional lackeys. We know for certain they are completely untrustworthy.
I’m just waiting for the first farmer to go on air and state baldly “My crops will be so crap this year that it’s not worth planting them.”
There will be dead silence for a poofteenth of a second, then chaos on the trading floor.
Apparently in Victoria the covid police are doing spot checks of records at Catholic presbyteries.
Apparently they are dens of vaccination iniquity.
That’s right; Andrews is a Catholic, he just hasn’t attended mass for many years, promotes abortion to birth legislation, championed euthanasia legislation because of dear old dad, legislated forcing priests to breech the seal of the confessional, is making faith schools employ people who openly disagree with the tenets of those faiths.
Yes, because the mandates were legally valid under legislation passed by democratically elected Parliaments acting within their Constitutional authority. We may not like it, but that’s what happened.
The Victorian Human Rights and Responsibilities Charter had some pretty plain language on this except it was nixed “because it’s an emergency”.
If anyone was asked in 2019 what it meant they would have said it barred all forms of coercion to take medication. As did the Federal guidance on vaccination. Why do they still get you to sign a consent form that says you weren’t coerced?
Well, when the fuck else did they think these sorts of laws might come into play?
You have zero rights in Australia because it’s all subject to “reasonableness”, which means it’s all subject to whatever psychosis they happen to be experiencing at the time of judgement.
Delta A,
Samba brand for the Apple, Cherry and Mesquite. Use duck breasts for the Proscuitto and confit the rest.
Mole, thanks for the tip on the Snake wood. Will see if I can ferret some out over here on the East coast.
There is a South African Braai specialist in my town whom I have been meaning to check out very soon. He has an amazing stock of woods, rubs, seasonings and sauces from what I can see through the window. He also stocks different meats and cuts of meat.
Yeah I saw that and disregarded it because I checked the prevalence for those conditions with other stats which shows no increases but it suits the narrative of some here to unquestionably accept those types of reports. When we see reports like the above the first step is to compare that data with other relevant data.
If people here want to trust a site hosted by RFK junior, a longstanding anti-vaxxer and greenie they’re welcome to it(someone here posted from that website). Apparently he is an honest dude we all should trust.
From the link by tfm.
Gee. No comments at the story.
I wonder why?
Labor throws his wife under the bus for the visuals – no sympathy for her.
That’s Sadism on stilts.
The amazing thing is they seem to have firearms for them all. Add in the 900,000 formally trained reserves and that means a whole lot of firearms salted away. It smells like they’ve been preparing since 2014.
The whole area has vast amounts of arms as the USSR never threw anything out. They refurbished it, greased it and put it literally into salt mines. The break up of the FSU denuded the place of mosin nagant rifles and 1910 maxim’s because they could be imported into the USA and elsewhere, the same thing didn’t happen with AK-47’s and AK-74’s because of the USA’s assault weapons bans and the greater degree of difficulty in general in moving and selling relatively modern weapons. In short they mightn’t have done any accumulating, just breaking out what the USSR left there in storage.
There is a South African Braai specialist in my town whom I have been meaning to check out very soon. He has an amazing stock of woods, rubs, seasonings and sauces from what I can see through the window. He also stocks different meats and cuts of meat.
Is it this chap?
“If people here want to trust a site hosted by RFK junior, a longstanding anti-vaxxer and greenie”
I’m not one of those people.
..he states on paper that he saw me ‘strike and injure a vulnerable road user’
..GOPRO recorded him as walking up to my window and stating ‘you nearly struck that man.
First thought is “Game Over”
However anything can & sometimes does, happen once a court is involved.
Hmm…what about twenty-one year old Greens voting university students living at home with their Liberal or Nats voting mum and dad? Do they get their electricity cut off all because their child votes for the Greens?
Pay attention. Who pays the bill signs up for whether or not they want “green” electricity. If the parents pay the bill they likely haven’t so won’t get cut off in load shedding. They might like to deny the kids the use of light and power for their PC’s and phones though in those circumstances.
I’m just waiting for the first farmer to go on air and state baldly “My crops will be so crap this year that it’s not worth planting them.”
There will be dead silence for a poofteenth of a second, then chaos on the trading floor.
The trading floor is already well aware of the problems in food production caused by lack of inputs and the trebling of prices for those inputs.
Look at the futures. The numbers for Oct and Nov are very little below the current high rates. This usually means that by that time the prices will be well above current rates if all factors forecast remain in play.
“They might like to deny the kids the use of light and power for their PC’s and phones though in those circumstances.”
Hmm…perhaps they might like to refuse to cook for them or allow the kids to cook for themselves…..in those circumstances.
Bolta angriest I’ve seen him for a while ranting about the green influence on preventing Australia and the West from being prepared against opportunistic shit-holery by putin and perhaps the chunks.
My personal view is that all greens should be covered in oil.
Have you ever come across the Ooni Pizza oven? I have always wanted to build a Pizza oven but, seeing as very soon I will be cooking for one, the Ooni seems to be the way to go. Should be able to smoke meats and bake bread in there as well. The videos are worth a look.
Looks good!
They’re not that stupid.
Who’d want to be in the shoes of an NT blackfeller who sat on a jury that;
(a) convicted an indigenous defendant.
(b) acquitted a white defendant accused of a crime where the victim is indigenous.
March 14, 2022 at 6:43 pm
The US military claimed increases in miscarriages (300%), cancers (300%) and neurological disorders (1000%)
has been rejected as a database glitch in relation to 2016 to 2020 being under-reported.
We’re being asked to believe that NOBODY in 2016 looked at the stats for the year and said ” I wonder why all these conditions have suddenly drastically decreased since last year?”
This stat. came out in an enquiry by Senator Ron Johnson along with the Lt Col Flight Surgeon at Ft Rucker who was seeing her young pilots coming in with chest pains which got diagnosed as myocarditis.
factcheck: TRUE
Scroll down to the last picture [of Albo and his new beard].
“mh says:
March 14, 2022 at 6:01 pm
‘The Age
Fourth COVID-19 vaccine doses ‘necessary’: Pfizer chief executive
Albert Bourla says people will need a fourth dose given protection offered from third doses “doesn’t last very long”.’
We need to ensure all our politicians get that fourth shot.
Official verification that they are getting the real thing.
I want them safe.
Each and every one of them.”
LOL, they actually salted them away. Makes sense. Better than what the Germans did with their hilariously mouldy East German SAMs they gave to the Ukrainians. It was very Yes Ministerish.
From what I can tell most got their orders in early and had them delivered.
Next season will be where the rubber hits the road.
After 12 months of doing nothing Government* will of course get hit in the face by another ball and will no doubt panic.
*Not that they need to help, we’ve had enough of their help, they just need to clear away the obstacles they built against local production.
obstacles they built against local production.
Last week I saw a whole heap of flashing lights on the road, assumed it was the cops. No, it was Worksafe Enforcement X 2 in their quasi police get up. They had pulled over some poor bastard in a truck towing a wood chipper. Seemed like he had a solution at hand…..
where are the stats that show nothing has changed in the US or UK?
QLD Civil Liberties Union voicing strong opposition to extending CHO’s emergency powers.
The actual LNP Opposition silent as far as I can see.
Once he’s in Albo will blame the Russians.
That’s what Biden is doing.
March 14, 2022 at 6:50 pm
There’s a section in the Commonwealth Constitution, S. 51 para (xxiiiA) which authorises the Commonwealth Parliament to legislate for:
the provision of maternity allowances, widows’ pensions,
child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical,
sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services
(but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription),
benefits to students and family allowances;
There was a statement in an old High Court case (the BMA case) that this paragraph did not authorise the Commonwealth to force people to participate in medical treatment (i.e. the no civil conscription bit).
A later Federal Court case muddied the waters a bit as regards compulsory vaccination of children, at least (though the High Court’s comment still stands at least as a general proposition).
And, regrettably, since that section is only about the Commonwealth, it doesn’t apply to State Parliaments. (It probably does apply to Territory legislatures, though).
State Constitutions generally contain very little restriction on the State legislature – it’s pretty much left up to them what they do. But the government still has to act within the legislation as it is, and it’s not impossible for a citizen to challenge the constitutional validity of State legislation (just highly unlikely to succeed except in very limited circumstances).
So in summary a State mandate properly within the cope of enacted State legislation probably isn’t actually unconstitutional.
We’re being asked to believe that NOBODY in 2016 looked at the stats for the year
Having crunched safety data in previous roles, the idea that the data wasn’t scrutinised is laughable. Collecting the data is all about analysing trends and explaining what sits behind the trends the data trends indicate. Oops we missed some data isn’t a potential explanation.
Wow, Bolta even madder when talking about the Rolfe verdict and the fucked alp admin in the NT
The Thousands of Fetal Deaths Recorded After COVID-19 Vaccines that Nobody Wants to Report and that Facebook is Trying Hard to Censor
We’re being asked to believe that NOBODY in 2016 looked at the stats for the year and said ” I wonder why all these conditions have suddenly drastically decreased since last year?”
No dont be silly.
Its the 5 years rolling averages between 2016 and 2020 .
I wonder if any bonuses were dished out for such a remarkable reduction in illness for those 5 years.
After all slashing miscarriages ( down 300%), cancers (down 300%) and neurological disorders (down a whopping 1000%) must have maxed out a fair few KPIs.
And note, Im just as cynical that fraud is as realistic an explanation as the reverse, a cover up of increased numbers.
23 year old, world No. 2 golfer.
Nelly Korda diagnosed with blood clot, receiving treatment at home in Florida
they have deliberately withheld images of ukrainians being blown up. I am guessing that’s not the bad blood they want circulating post war as a constant reminder.
CNN “Health”
A 4th dose of Covid-19 vaccine will be needed, Pfizer’s CEO says, but the company is working on a shot to handle all variants
Thanks for this, I find them very watchable 🙂
“Steve trickler says:
March 14, 2022 at 5:38 pm
So, Russia has lifted All C-19 restrictions with masks only being a recommendation.
No jabs needed, no jab passport, no employment limitations. That was four days ago. Yet here we are in Australia being screwed over….grrr. As for the clip, it is tour of a huge supermarket; and a well stocked one at that.
Will be interesting for some and no doubt boring for others.
PRICES IN RUSSIA After 2 Weeks Of SANCTIONS! (+ some News!!)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb8wmcavFPs “
Albert Bourla says people will need a fourth dose given protection offered from third doses “doesn’t last very long”
After a fair trial and conviction, I’d pull the handle on the gallows trapdoor on that bastard in a heartbeat.
Albo is looking a bit more trim than usual, the goons in Labor HQ must have bought him some Spanx.
Would I take flying lessons from JFK Jnr?
Would I take medical advice from RFK Jnr?
No and no.
“Would I take flying lessons from JFK Jnr?
Would I take medical advice from RFK Jnr?
No and no.”
I also wouldn’t take relationship or marital advice from RFK Jnr.
A spokesperson for the Northern Territory Supreme Court said jurors were chosen at random from the electoral roll, which did not collect information about people’s racial background.
“The Sheriff’s Office does not record the ethnic background or Aboriginality of people summonsed to jury service or empanelled on juries,” the spokesperson said.
Interesting! I’d understood that on the day the Rolfe trial started no indigenous potential jurors showed up as summoned. I suppose that’s not inconsistent with this statement by the Court. They don’t check the ethnicity when doing the summoning, but a random set of those summonsed in the NT will as a matter of near statistical certainty include some indigenous people, and when some of those summoned show up and others don’t, and all the ones who do show up are non-indigenous, it’s not the Court’s fault that there are no indigenous jurors.