Open Thread – Tues 15 March 2022

Caesar Crossing the Rubicon, Adolphe Yvon, 1875

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March 15, 2022 5:09 pm

I am in voluntary (though deeply resented) lockdown lite.
Having paid the equivalent price of a small car for tickets to Europe to visit my daughter I don’t wish to front the airport bug testing and be told that I am positive.
Just like Governments, it is unlikely that airlines will ever give up this power trip.
I despise all airlines and I never travel QANTAS but I imagine that the lepreconian faggot must be in totalitarian heaven. Compulsory rainbow coloured masks next.
Lots of Lambos being ordered by those in on the racket.
$80.00 for a test at the airport, $300.00 for a test locally. Medicare or health insurance? Not a chance sucker.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2022 5:11 pm

Gough Whitlam has a lot to answer for…

There’s been a lot of governments sine 1975

All of who have gone on to allow the “Aboriginal industry” to perpetrate the myth of “the noble savage, living in harmony with Nature and their culture on their traditional tribal lands..”

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
March 15, 2022 5:12 pm

Oh, I’ve never been a huge fan of Sophie Loren

Here I was thinking you were a man of taste and refinement.
PS – Sophia.

March 15, 2022 5:12 pm


Lockdowns now!

Until the lesson is learnt.

Three months, hard lockdown, right now!

Everyone without triple boosters should be forced into medical retirement by the end of April.

Lockdowns now!

I want the average voter so angry they’re drooling and constantly yelling on polling day.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Dot, I’d be surprised if anybody on this site has the remotest sympathy for any business which went above & beyond the bare minimum of the law in regards to Covid compliance & enforcement.

With a few notable exceptions, I’ve no knowledge of any owner-driver business that did anything but the minimum.
Corporates are another matter altogether, many of them went above & beyond to kick their customers in the groin.

For which they’ll be punished by the same customers (99.9999% of them anyway) returning as soon as they’re allowed back into the corporate bigbox shop.
Those same people will simultaneously insult, both verbally & with middle finger or a ‘forks’ sign, “You can’t compete on range & price, fuck you” the owner-drivers who did cater to the lepers.

The general public are (collectively) pretty much first-class arseholes.

March 15, 2022 5:15 pm

cohenite says:
March 15, 2022 at 4:49 pm

A run-by featuring the local women’s hockey or footy team, taking a slight detour, would suffice.

A slight problem would be that when the world champion women’s hockey team from the US played a boys under 16 team they got thrashed.

I rather suspect that you have missed the point. 🙂

March 15, 2022 5:15 pm

Why is there talk of lockdowns in NSW again?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 5:16 pm

I’ve finally found it!
The Frog of War!

Let the REEEEEE!!1!‘s commence… 😀

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 5:16 pm


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 5:17 pm

I rather suspect that you have missed the point

I haven’t.

Some of them are outright gorgeous!

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Three months, hard lockdown, right now!

Provided the lockdown is for everybody.

That is: The public service is on unpaid stand-down, there are no exemptions or waivers whatsoever, rules are applied across the board (i.e. no “it’s okay to mingle at the supermarket but not in the park”) and essential workers take a 25% reduction in pay during the lockdown – while still working.

We’re all in this together

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 5:21 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:

March 15, 2022 at 5:00 pm

Kathy Jackson’s selfish, entitled ex-partner Michael Lawler sues because he made a dick of himself on ABC 4Corners

Michael Smith News.

Ah, look.
You might want to apply a liberal coating of David’s Kosher salt to anything Michael Smith writes involving Kathy Jackson.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 5:21 pm

Here I was thinking you were a man of taste and refinement.


Also Sabrina….

Cassie of Sydney
March 15, 2022 5:22 pm

From The Oz. Watch the usual suspects stay shtum. A mother who murders her two children and then kills herself won’t raise the ire of left, nothing to see here, it’ll be consigned to the forgettery…..because it wasn’t the father who did this.

“Police reveal third party ‘very, very unlikely’ in tragic deaths of mum and two children in car fire

Three people, a mother and two children, were found dead in car at John Graham Reserve in Perth suburb of Coogee.

The heartbroken father of two young children who are believed to have been killed by their mother in a car fire is now desperately “looking for answers” as he travels home to Perth from overseas.

The remains of a woman, aged in her 40s, a 10-year-old girl and an eight-year-old boy were discovered in the back seat of a vehicle at John Graham Reserve in Coogee about midday on Monday.

Detective Inspector Quentin Flatman told reporters on Tuesday that it was “very, very unlikely” that there was a third party involved.

“There’s a lot that we don’t know and it’s very, very tragic,” he said.

“It hasn’t been ruled out, but it’s very, very unlikely that there is a third party involved.

“Sadly, it has the appearance of … three parties have died in the rear of a car via fire that has been started by one of those parties.

“There is no need for anyone to be concerned within the community as to any other person being at large or walking around community.”

The family is from Perth’s southern suburbs but have relatives in the United States, which is where the father was travelling at the time.

“We had some difficulties in contacting him,” Det Insp Flatman revealed.

“One of the officers from the homicide squad had the unfortunate task of advising him overseas via telephone of what had occurred.

“His reaction was what we would all expect in the circumstance and he is currently on an aircraft coming home as quick as he can so he can look for answers himself and we can provide the appropriate support.”

Det Insp Flatman said the information investigators had so far suggested the family was “normal, healthy, happy”.

“(The father is) quite shocked and is looking for answers,” he said.

“In the immediate, there is no rationale as to why this has occurred.”

Det Insp Flatman vowed police would leave no stone unturned in their investigation, adding “all of us want answers”.

“Any untimely death is absolutely tragic, but more so when we have children involved,” he said.

Earlier, witness Lincoln Morton said he heard what sounded like gunshots at the popular family meeting spot.

“I was coming back from the beach and I heard what sounded like a couple of gunshots,” he told The West Australian.

“When I was coming back from the beach that’s when I heard the first couple. I got to my car and I heard a couple more.

“Then I saw the heat and embers from the fire on the other side of the bush.”

Det Insp Flatman said the sound was unlikely to have been gunshots.

“When a fire impacts upon a vehicle there are some noises that are made that may be construed with being gunshots,” he said.

“Again, at our very, very early preliminary investigations, there does not appear to be anything connected with any firearms, and we suspect — which we’ll confirm during our inquires — that the popping or the gunshot sounds that were heard was the fire consuming the motor vehicle itself.”

Det Insp Flatman could not reveal the cause of death for the trio because it was unknown at this stage.

“Fire consumes a lot of the evidence that we have but the evidence is there,” he said.

“We’ve just got to examine that and make some determinations thereafter.”

The mother was last seen on Monday morning, with CCTV footage showing she was in Canning Vale at 11am.

Winston Smith
March 15, 2022 5:26 pm

Cliff Boof:

Five years on, Snowy 2.0 emerges as a $10 billion white elephant

Behold my shocked face.

So which of the lying SOB’s who got it started will be held to account?
Another example of how f….d is this country.

How much came from the Super funds?
The bastards are determined to get at this “National Resource” even if the aim is to piss it up against the wall, or set fire to it.
What Corporations and Unions are getting the lions share?

March 15, 2022 5:26 pm

I shouldn’t be but I’m still gob smacked at Sheridan twerp’s description of the old thief as a ‘good man’. Is he a cretin?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 15, 2022 5:27 pm

Snowy 2.0, according to an engineer at the Hydro Discovery Centre told me that it is, at best, 80% efficient.

That will be fairly truthy, given the “at best” qualifier.

The electric motor-generators will be about 96% efficient when running at full load. So a ~8% in/out loss just right there.

Then (both ways):
• impeller loss;
• Control loss;
• Electricity network loss;
• Friction/turbulence loss in the 27km of tunnels – and this is a major issue compared to other pumped hydro projects.

The Snowy Feasibility study was based on 75% RTE (which has been bagged out as overly optimistic). So 80% would be a very stretch outcome.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

rosie says: March 15, 2022 at 5:15 pm

Why is there talk of lockdowns in NSW again?

Implementation without notice, enforced by the riot squad (as practiced in the last two years) will no longer be accepted meekly by the punters.

The talk of lockdowns is to gauge the level of public tolerance for returning to masks/lockdown.

March 15, 2022 5:29 pm

The talk of lockdowns is to gauge the level of public tolerance for returning to masks/lockdown.

If you are polled, suggest that we wear multiple masks and ask for hard lockdowns.

The short memory of the public cannot be left undefended.

March 15, 2022 5:31 pm

Yeah I have a bad feeling they (the politico-meja class world wide) are up to something after reading about a schlockdown in Shenzhen. The new Wuhan?

March 15, 2022 5:32 pm

Remember Hazard said the words ‘new world order’

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
March 15, 2022 5:33 pm

The Snowy Feasibility study was based on 75% RTE (which has been bagged out as overly optimistic). So 80% would be a very stretch outcome.

Pink Batts. Big policy decision, possibly – just possibly – without adequate feasibility, cost/benefit etc. analysis before announcement. Implementation … shall we say “fails to deliver the full expected benefits”?
NBN. Big policy decision, possibly – just possibly – without adequate feasibility, cost/benefit etc. analysis before announcement. Implementation … shall we say “fails to deliver the full expected benefits”?
Snowy 2.0 Big policy decision, possibly – just possibly – without adequate feasibility, cost/benefit etc. analysis before announcement. Implementation … shall we say “fails to deliver the full expected benefits”? Implementation … shall we say “fails to deliver the full expected benefits”?

If only there was some pattern here that could indicate how to get better outcomes.

March 15, 2022 5:34 pm

If only there was some pattern here that could indicate how to get better outcomes.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2022 5:35 pm

Losing this court case feels like we’ve lost our chance for a safe future
Anjali Sharma
Student and climate activist
March 15, 2022 — 3.55pm

Growing up, children are told to take losing graciously because winning isn’t everything. We’re told that participation is what matters and, that if you’ve given it your best shot, that’s something to be proud of.

But in this case, it felt like winning was everything. We lost, and I’m angry. I’m angry, and so devastated.

It feels like we didn’t just lose a court case, like you can lose a blue ribbon at a high school athletics carnival. It feels like we’ve lost our chance to push the government further on the climate crisis, and with it, lost our chance for a safe future.

This morning the other litigants and I entered the Federal Court to hear the full bench deliver its decision on Minister Sussan Ley’s appeal against Justice Bromberg’s finding that she had a duty of care to protect young Australians from climate change when assessing fossil fuel projects.

I don’t know what we expected as we crouched on the floor holding hands, hearts beating. But whatever we expected, it wasn’t to be walking out of court with tears rolling down our cheeks having to come to terms with the fact that the minister’s duty of care no longer existed.

It didn’t seem real, and it still doesn’t. So much was riding on this case.

How many once-in-a-decade, once-in-a-century, once-in-a-thousand-year weather events do we have to go through before our government decides to take real action on climate change?

I fronted the media with some of my closest friends behind me, and my family at the back of my mind. I was born in India, an equatorial country that is on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Years ago when I visited in the spring months, the temperature would be 45 degrees by 9am on some mornings. Natural disasters constantly ravage the country and the pollution is like a thick, weighted blanket. The population there has been wearing masks as protection against pollution much longer than we’ve been wearing masks to protect ourselves from the coronavirus.

And yet, we’re the ones that complain.

Years ago, when I would explain the reasons behind my activism to people, I would hark back to my experiences in India and say that the threat of climate change is never more real than when it’s on your doorstep. I could say that today, and know Australians really understand what I’m saying.

Two years ago, Australia was on fire; today, it’s underwater.

This is climate change, and it’s on our doorstep, the only question now is how long we ignore it. Climate inaction has devastating consequences for young people, and we will continue to demand that those in power protect the most vulnerable.

The Federal Court today accepted the minister’s legal arguments that she did not owe Australian children a duty to avoid harming us when approving a coal mine. But there’s no denying that our moral arguments were much stronger. Today’s ruling does not change the minister’s moral obligation to protect young people from climate change. It does not change the science. It does not put out the fires or drain the floodwaters.

I’m trying to act strong. I’m trying to speak from the heart and reassure everyone, including myself, that we’ll be back, in some way or another.

But I’m terrified.

I’m terrified about the precedent this sets, and I’m terrified today’s ruling will be, in effect, a green light for more fossil fuel approvals. I’m terrified the floodgates will be opened for millions of tons of carbon emissions, and I absolutely shudder to think about what this means for my generation, and particularly those in more disadvantaged areas, like my family in India.

What I will say with absolute certainty, however, is that the world is watching the Australian government’s abhorrent failure to act on climate change. While other countries set strict emissions reductions targets and shift their focus to renewable energy, the Australian government approves more fossil fuel projects. Something has to change.

Grow up, snowflake.

March 15, 2022 5:36 pm

So 80% would be a very stretch outcome.

Yes. He appeared to be an optimist.

Winston Smith
March 15, 2022 5:36 pm

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Kumanjayi Walker.
I think we can safely rule out FAS as an excuse for Walkers behaviour.

March 15, 2022 5:36 pm

Are we seeing this in the MSM?

Thought not;

On the morning of March 14, around 11:20 a.m. local time, Ukrainian units struck the center of Donetsk with a Tochka-U tactical missile equipped with cluster munitions. The strike targeted the center of the city, where there is no military infrastructure or equipment. Civilians were deliberately chosen as targets. The nationalist units of the Kiev regime, using cluster munitions, sought to hit as many of the city’s inhabitants in the central part of the city as possible.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 15, 2022 5:37 pm

It could be anticipated that our PM who blindly supported rape accusations based on no evidence has failed to support or comfort this innocent young man.

Rolfe can count himself lucky that Scotty from Marketing didn’t come out with a formal apology to Walker’s family – and the Warlpiri people generally – for the tragic loss of a troubled but joyful soul.

March 15, 2022 5:38 pm

The Fourth Political Theory w/ Aleksandr Dugin
The “most dangerous philosopher in the world” visits The Stoa to discuss the fourth political theory.

“All the political systems of the modern age have been the products of three distinct ideologies: the first, and oldest, is liberal democracy; the second is Marxism; and the third is fascism. The latter two have long since failed and passed out of the pages of history, and the first no longer operates as an ideology, but rather as something taken for granted. The world today finds itself on the brink of a post-political reality — one in which the values of liberalism are so deeply embedded that the average person is not aware that there is an ideology at work around him.

As a result, liberalism is threatening to monopolise political discourse and drown the world in a universal sameness, destroying everything that makes the various cultures and peoples unique. According to Alexander Dugin, what is needed to break through this morass is a fourth ideology — one that will sift through the debris of the first three to look for elements that might be useful, but that remains innovative and unique in itself.”

March 15, 2022 5:39 pm

I’m trying to act strong. I’m trying to speak from the heart and reassure everyone, including myself, that we’ll be back, in some way or another.

But I’m terrified.

Here’s a tip, Anjli.

They’re lying to you. They don’t want to see you happy, healthy and enjoying a life as a teenager, young adult, wife, mum and eventually grandmother. That sort of stuff is old hat.

They want you angry, hopeless, defeated. That way, you can be controlled.

Kiddies…don’t be like Anjli.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 5:40 pm

Are we seeing this in the MSM?

Thought not

It’s SouthFront.

As blatant a spruiker of bias and propaganda as the MSM, just pro-Vlad Bae.

Too much ‘Nazi’ this and ‘Nazi’ that to take seriously beyond broad strokes.

March 15, 2022 5:42 pm

Accidental reported someone

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 5:42 pm

“All the political systems of the modern age have been the products of three distinct ideologies: the first, and oldest, is liberal democracy; the second is Marxism; and the third is fascism. The latter two have long since failed and passed out of the pages of history


According to Alexander Dugin, what is needed to break through this morass is a fourth ideology — one that will sift through the debris of the first three to look for elements that might be useful, but that remains innovative and unique in itself.”

I.E. A mix of the last 2 dressed up in a Cossack hat.

Nowhere near Cheeki-Breeki enough for the average Gopnik, Comrade…

March 15, 2022 5:43 pm

Rolfe can count himself lucky that Scotty from Marketing didn’t come out with a formal apology to Walker’s family – and the Warlpiri people generally – for the tragic loss of a troubled but joyful soul.

It’s still early days.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 5:43 pm


March 15, 2022 at 5:36 pm

So 80% would be a very stretch outcome.

Yes. He appeared to be an optimist.

Careful what you say.
It might precipitate another door-slam.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2022 5:44 pm

They’re lying to you. They don’t want to see you happy, healthy and enjoying a life as a teenager, young adult, wife, mum and eventually grandmother. That sort of stuff is old hat.

They want you angry, hopeless, defeated. That way, you can be controlled.

Well said, calli.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 5:44 pm

What is it with you and wanting to cut off everybody’s power?
Do you work in overdue debt collections for AGL or something?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Roger says: March 15, 2022 at 5:43 pm

Rolfe can count himself lucky that Scotty from Marketing didn’t come out with a formal apology to Walker’s family – and the Warlpiri people generally – for the tragic loss of a troubled but joyful soul.

It’s still early days.

Bit late now to be really effective.
To be on form, Slomo would have had to make the formal apology the week before Rolfe’s trial commenced.

March 15, 2022 5:46 pm

Australian PM’s department drops widely mocked ‘phallic’ women’s network logo

That’s the best one since UK’s Office of Government Commerce redesigned their logo in 2008.

Raymond Chen (Microsoft employee and Windows history raconteur) wrote that every logo should be reviewed by a group of teenage boys before release. 🙂

March 15, 2022 5:46 pm

slackster says:
March 15, 2022 at 5:03 pm

The brilliance of Stuxnet was that even the Engineers and Operators didn’t know that the information on their screens and logs/records were false.

True. Nothing could match Stuxnet for complexity or sheer cunning — the worm was able to spread imperceptibly penetrating hundreds of thousands of computers. Yet, it only manifested on computers operating Siemens programmable controllers and software. On landing on such a machine, it reprogrammed the controllers and set the rotational speed of the uranium-enrichment centrifuges too high, and they were destroyed – literally spun themselves to destruction.

Outstanding, although it did usher in a new type of warfare.

Cassie of Sydney
March 15, 2022 5:47 pm

March 15, 2022 at 4:50 pm”

Agree, I watched Richard Rolfe’s interview with Bolt. As I wrote earlier, Rolfe Snr, given his justified anger at what was done to this son, was dignified, measured and decent. I didn’t know the family had been doxed. We should all be outraged.

Richard Rolfe has every reason to be angry, there must be accountability and there must be justice.
Heads must roll, beginning with that cockroach, Gunner.

March 15, 2022 5:48 pm

Going by the number of fallacies in that piece I think Anjli -“student and climate activist” – needs more study and less activism.

March 15, 2022 5:48 pm

.. but honestly.. the energy efficiency is actually not too important if you have renewballs with 400% overcapacity during a sunny and windy day, and 0% overnight when there’s no wind.

coaxing solar-trons and wind-trons from Horsham to push water up Kosciuszko was always a big ask.
that water will get up there using coal-trons

I’ll tell you what they’re attempting.
It’s their pi-in-the-sky gambit to handle the imagined transition to 100% ruinables

longest drop-punt evah

Winston Smith
March 15, 2022 5:48 pm


expiry dates of the vaxxes are determined by the manufacturer, that is, the efficacy (such as it is) is a matter of ‘science’ and not of bureaucratic expedience, surely. I wonder if consumer affairs is agreeable to stale vaxxes. Might be ok for boosters, though.

Expiry dates of the vaxxes are determined by the manufacturer -yes.
At the start of all this, the government over rode the manufacturer recommendation and instituted their own UBD.

March 15, 2022 5:49 pm

NSW law enforcement is headed by Commissioner Karen.

If only the bench was as headed by a Judge Susan.

Oh wait…

March 15, 2022 5:49 pm

Bit late now to be really effective.

It’s bound to come up in the election campaign.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 5:50 pm

This morning the other litigants and I entered the Federal Court to hear the full bench deliver its decision on Minister Sussan Ley’s appeal against Justice Bromberg’s …

Judge Mordy?.
Come on, man, surely someone told them Mordy has a very ordinary batting average on appeal knock-overs.

Cassie of Sydney
March 15, 2022 5:51 pm

“But I’m terrified.

I’m terrified about the precedent this sets, and I’m terrified today’s ruling will be, in effect, a green light for more fossil fuel approvals. I’m terrified the floodgates will be opened for millions of tons of carbon emissions, and I absolutely shudder to think about what this means for my generation, and particularly those in more disadvantaged areas, like my family in India.”

Oh fuck off you stupid and very dumb green fascist.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2022 5:52 pm

Ah, look.
You might want to apply a liberal coating of David’s Kosher salt to anything Michael Smith writes involving Kathy Jackson.

I dunno, even with a pinch of salt, it looks a classic case of honour amongst thieves……

Ex-Fair Work vice-president Michael Lawler sues ABC over infamous Four Corners episode

James Madden
Media Editor
2 minutes ago March 15, 2022

Former vice-president of the Fair Work Commission Michael Lawler is seeking millions of dollars in damages from the ABC, claiming he was duped by the public broadcaster into appearing on an episode of Four Corners.

In a statement of claim lodged in the NSW Supreme Court, Mr Lawler said the ABC and one of its star reporters, Caro Meldrum-Hanna, convinced him to appear on Four Corners by deceiving him about the true focus of the program.

The episode in question, aired in October 2015, showed Mr Lawler secretly recording phone conversations with his former boss, Ian Ross.

On the program, Mr Lawler also staunchly defended his decision to take extended sick leave to help his girlfriend, Kathy Jackson, prepare for her appearance before a royal commission.

She was subsequently convicted of misusing union funds.

In his statement of claim, Mr Lawler says Meldrum-Hanna first approached him in August 2015 and noted he had been “subjected to numerous attacks in The Australian newspaper over a period of many months without his side of the story being told”.

Mr Lawler claims Meldrum-Hanna proposed his involvement in a Four Corners program that would be about “your truth”.

The court documents claim Mr Lawler told Meldrum-Hanna he “was not interested” in participating in a program that was about Jackson and allegations made by or against her, nor was he interested in co-operating with Four Corners if the focus was to be on recent news events – namely, allegations of misconduct – levelled at him and at Jackson.

Mr Lawler said the ABC journalist had promised him the “primary subject matter” of the program would focus on the “serious and systemic corruption affecting his own institution, but also affecting courts and institutions more generally”.

According to Mr Lawler, the ABC and Meldrum-Hanna did not comply with the agreed conditions of the interview.

Mr Lawler said he would not have agreed to appear on Four Corners if it wasn’t for the undertakings Meldrum-Hanna had made about the proposed editorial focus of the program. He also claimed the airing of the program left him “incapacitated”.

“The program and its broadcast caused a serious decline in the plaintiff’s mental health that permanently incapacitated him from performing the duties of his office,” his statement of claim says.

He resigned from his office in March 2016, shortly before a report recommending his dismissal for misconduct was due to be considered by parliament.

He is suing the ABC for dam­ages, specifically the loss of millions of dollars of income from the time of his resignation in March 2016 through to March 2026, when he would have reached the mandatory retirement age of 65. He is also seeking compensation for “pain and suffering”, and repu­tational harm.

The ABC has declined to ­comment.

The matter is before the NSW Supreme Court on Wednesday.

March 15, 2022 5:53 pm

I’m terrified about the precedent this sets, and I’m terrified today’s ruling will be, in effect, a green light for more fossil fuel approvals. I’m terrified the floodgates will be opened for millions of tons of carbon emissions, and I absolutely shudder to think about what this means for my generation, and particularly those in more disadvantaged areas, like my family in India.”

Well fuck off back to India, get on the plow and start building a sea wall.

March 15, 2022 5:53 pm

Heads must roll, beginning with that cockroach, Gunner.

cockroach is the word
Gunner went to school in Alice Springs, Tennant Creek and Darwin. He began a law degree at Northern Territory University (now Charles Darwin University), switching to a Bachelor of Arts degree which he completed.[1] He supported himself by working at retail chain Big W and as an electorate officer. He has represented the Territory in rugby union. Gunner went on to work as a senior government ministerial and policy adviser between 2001 and 2008 to former Chief Minister Clare Martin.[2][3]
we are ruled by cretins and dilettantes

March 15, 2022 5:54 pm

Going by the number of fallacies in that piece I think Anjli -“student and climate activist” – needs more study and less activism.

She should not come on the Çat. We have all the hysterical schoolgirls we need.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 15, 2022 5:57 pm

But I’m terrified.

Being terrified of invisible and undetectable things is called “insanity”. We used to have mental hospitals for people with such delusions.

Some should ask her why we’ve just had the coolest summer that I can recall. No days over the old ton mark and very few even in the thirties.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 5:58 pm

Bons at 5:09.
What tests are airlines demanding?
How does insurance work if you get bumped due a positive test?
We are looking at booking tickets soon too, but that stuff will be a minefield.
If insurance works I am thinking about buying it before I book (or simultaneously).
I usually wait until after.
Anyway, hope it all goes well.
Bons voyage!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 15, 2022 5:58 pm

I didn’t know the family had been doxed. We should all be outraged.

Activist doctors at the Alice Springs Hospital.

Trust the medical professionals. Always.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

calli says: March 11, 2022 at 6:57 pm

How about this one? It has all the right ingredients. It might be an environmental thing – gran used to store hers on the windowsill.
And make sure you feed the thing!

Thank you very much Calli.
I’ll give that recipe a go.
(There’s much discussion here about the type of yeast, sugar, and ginger that should be used – as these ingredients used to vary a lot from one part of the country to another)
Like everyone I’d assumed the windowsill (or thereabouts) location was one of convenience.
In the past couple of days we’ve got a few plants under way, & are keeping them in naturally aspirated & naturally lit places.

I’ve run ginger beer plants for much of my life, likewise my 2-i-c, however we’ve never started one.
Like most people, we come from a family where Ginger Beer plants were an unremarkable part of life.
I’ve asked mum, who has run Ginger Beer plants most of her life, but when pinned down on it, had never actually started a plant either, coz there was always a district full of them & if yours died you’d just take a calf from one of the neighbours.

Up until 2020 or so when, in a sign our society is in decline, I suddenly can’t find anyone who is running a Ginger Beer plant.

Cassie of Sydney
March 15, 2022 6:00 pm

“Well fuck off back to India, get on the plow and start building a sea wall.”

Quite so…and the little green eco fascist can go join her relatives in India who are forced to still burn wood and use cow dung for cooking fuel, something that leads to over a million deaths a year from indoor pollution.

I’m sorry, but these little green eco fascists need to be put in their place.

March 15, 2022 6:01 pm

Zelensky in tee shirts; such unpretentiousness.

put him on the front line

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2022 6:06 pm

I didn’t know the family had been doxed. We should all be outraged.

Didn’t Rolfe have his house trashed by said activists?

Perhaps said doctors at Alice Springs hospital might like to volunteer to help out in some of those communities?

March 15, 2022 6:06 pm

Is Alice Springs still the lezbian capital of Australia? They say your typical Nthn Territorian is not a cattleman but a pubic servant

March 15, 2022 6:07 pm

The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset

Alexander Dugin’s The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset is an open declaration of war against the twin diseases of liberalism and Western political modernity. Dugin calls upon the inhabitants of the Heartland to relentlessly attack, on all theoretical and practical fronts, the global elites of the coastlands, who try to impose their perverse, anti-human ideals by ruthlessly eradicating the long-standing cultures and traditions of all peoples in the world.

The demented usurper Joe Biden and his slavish Democrat acolytes are opposed by the Trumpists, who represent normal America and do not want to see their country submerged in a one-world, transhumanist dystopia. Just like the other rooted societies, they want to preserve their time-honoured way of life amidst the strangling tentacles of hysterical trans- and homosexuals, treacherous anti-White agitators and murderous Black Lives Matter grifters and terrorists.

Thus the stage is set for a showdown of truly apocalyptic proportions, pitting the forces of righteous anger, those who want to preserve traditions and the true richness of human diversity, against the Antichrist and his Soros-backed minions of insidious degeneracy and evil, who want to erase all bonds and communities – down to the human race itself.

March 15, 2022 6:07 pm

I don’t mean a policeman type public servants I mean deskbound shiny bums.

Winston Smith
March 15, 2022 6:10 pm


I’m still thinking a Trump/Tulsi ticket might be ok.

Just NO.
You might as well have Trump/Pence again.
Tulsi will only show her true colours when the chips are down – like Pence.

March 15, 2022 6:13 pm

ruce of Newcastlesays:
March 15, 2022 at 5:57 pm

Some should ask her why we’ve just had the coolest summer that I can recall. No days over the old ton mark and very few even in the thirties.

Those days got trapped in WA due to McClowns hard border.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2022 6:15 pm

Is Alice Springs still the lezbian capital of Australia? They say your typical Nthn Territorian is not a cattleman but a pubic servant

Bucking the stereotype of an outback Northern Territory town, Alice Springs has one of the highest proportions of lesbian couples in the country

March 15, 2022 6:15 pm

Tim N, great comment re the Snowy etc. I’ve reposted it elsewhere if that’s ok with you? If not I won’t.

March 15, 2022 6:16 pm

Is Alice Springs still the lezbian capital of Australia? They say your typical Nthn Territorian is not a cattleman but a pubic servant

They say that and I’d certainly believe it.
Small businesses and medium mostly all gone, all young dickhead public servants fresh out of Uni there to save the aborigines from white people by dyeing their hair purple, smashing their faces into tackle boxes and wearing see through singlets, ….and that’s just the boys.
They get confused with what they see, move on and the next lot of fuckwits come in.
If they don’t move on, that is because they are radical marxist brainwashed human vermin.
It’s one sick little town.

March 15, 2022 6:16 pm

As blatant a spruiker of bias and propaganda as the MSM, just pro-Vlad Bae.

Stick to your constant drivel with Struth. The story is backed with facts and on the ground local reporting. Not the CNN style of 2nd and 3rd hand “reports of” you want to see.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 6:17 pm

ZK2A at 5:52.
Smith seems to be barracking for that atrocious stitch-up merchant Caro Meldrum-Hanna to have a win over Lawler.
Wasn’t Smith competing with Lawler for the affections of the divine Ms Jackson at one point?
Honestly, Smith has a total blind-spot when it comes to Jackson, and it has done him no favours.

March 15, 2022 6:20 pm

Hey Frank,
If you’re lost on what to make up today, may I suggest you enlighten us with your usual type of fiction, you know, where you sock it to ’em, tell ’em how it is, and then laugh in their face as you ride off into the sunset.
It is, after all, a day that ends with “y”.
No big, long, fiction pieces today?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 15, 2022 6:20 pm

.. but honestly.. the energy efficiency is actually not too important if you have renewballs with 400% overcapacity during a sunny and windy day, and 0% overnight when there’s no wind.

That’s quite true.

But for a piece of 100 year lifespan infrastructure, someone is betting big that Australia can continue to function with that degree of Green efficiency.

It may not worry me too much, but if Australia isn’t running nukes in 30 years time it’s game over.

March 15, 2022 6:24 pm

Operative words ‘if the batching story is true’.

It’s 100% that it’s true because people have tested vials from multiple batches and found differences far beyond standard variation for a mass produced product manufactured by so-called professionals. And the reason they did this was the suspicious clumping of side effects at specific locations.

What Naomi Wolf has done is find documentary evidence of these differences, so it’s actually been proven three ways –

– observed effect
– testing of vials from multiple batches
– written confirmation

How much more proof do you need?

March 15, 2022 6:26 pm

How much more proof do you need?

OOOhhhhh, ….hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe…..Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ah, just that simple question says it all…………………………….fucking funny.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 6:27 pm

Trust the medical professionals. Always.

One tiny example of medical arrogance.
Mrs Panzer had to drive her bestie down to Coastal Town hospital for a scan last week.
Strict instructions to be there by 6:45 a.m. which means a sparrow’s fart start because it is a decent drive.
They arrive on time.
Along with ten others arriving and waiting for the doors to open at 7:00 a.m.
The other ten are also there for scans.
Her friend gets in at 1:30 p.m. and when it is all said and done they get back at 6:30 p.m.
Apparently the arsehole running the show doesn’t like to be kept waiting so always racks and stacks the entire day’s appointments for opening time.
Her bestie has been really crook and was exhausted by the end of it.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 6:31 pm

That stung a bit didn’t it St Ruth?
Launching into a diatribe about Woad Wage which was Actionable! and “blocking a twuck going uphill”.
Only to find out you had a gutful of bait, hook, sinkers and line.
Pop out and have a practice on your 16 speed cash-box, there’s a good boy.
Don’t want to get rusty do we?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 6:31 pm

The story is backed with facts and on the ground local reporting

By whom?

Ethnic Russians belonging to the separatist Peoples’ Republics?

Just like those nasty Ukranians you like to shit on because Western corruption, Everybody has a bias and a spin.

March 15, 2022 6:33 pm

Just in case the afternoon shift are not aware… Frank has admitted his blazing road warrior incident with the blue singletted brigade never happened.
None of it.
He had to either live with being accused of being a dick by others as his own bullshit made him out to look like a goose, or make up some dribble that he was only trying to bait people.
Fucker can’t lay straight in bed.
Liberal party troll.

Next he’ll be on a bike.. telling this bastard Kenworth driver to get over his own side of the road.

March 15, 2022 6:33 pm

Going by the number of fallacies in that piece I think Anjli -“student and climate activist” – needs more study and less activism.

They obviously don’t introduce students these days to Dorothea Mackellar’s My Country.

March 15, 2022 6:35 pm

Alexander Dugin is an evil demented nutcase who makes Hitler look like an amateur. And Dugin is Putin’s close confidant and adviser.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 6:35 pm

Do twucks still have 16 speed cash-boxes?
Or are modern Bing Bong! twucks fully auto?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 15, 2022 6:37 pm

Only to find out you had a gutful of bait, hook, sinkers and line.

A bit of fishing innuendo going on, what with:

dyeing their hair purple, smashing their faces into tackle boxes and wearing see through singlets, ….and that’s just the boys.

Oo-er. Don’t mind me, sailor.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 15, 2022 6:38 pm

Or are modern Bing Bong! twucks fully auto?

I think that discussion may have been had several months ago, and which finished in a dead heat with the sudden departure of another poster.

March 15, 2022 6:39 pm

That stung a bit didn’t it St Ruth?
Launching into a diatribe about Woad Wage which was Actionable! and “blocking a twuck going uphill”.
Only to find out you had a gutful of bait, hook, sinkers and line.
Pop out and have a practice on your 16 speed cash-box, there’s a good boy.
Don’t want to get rusty do we?

Let’s go back and we’ll find the truth.
You went off telling porkies and making shit up.
Ex police officers told you that if you had actually done what you said you had done, he throw the book at you.
I knew you weren’t baiting, you just had shit on the liver with truckies and made shit up.
I came in and called you a road warrior or some such and made the point that ypou were trying to , yet again, steer the subject matter for the day, like the Liberal party toll you are.

I have now changed your nickname.

Panzy Smollett

March 15, 2022 6:39 pm

Mrs Panzer had to drive her bestie down to Coastal Town

another car story ??

this one’s true though, right?

March 15, 2022 6:44 pm

Dear Baba,

I have now been under investigation by the New South Wales ‘Thought Police’ for 2,879 days. World War Two was done and dusted in less time.

Since this started Australia has had three prime ministers. Kids have had time to finish primary school. All of it. And then get a year into high school as well.

It kicked off before Steve Smith had captained his first test match. Gough Whitlam was still alive.

Schapelle Corby had only just been released from jail. She wouldn’t return to Australia for three years.

Yet, despite the years of investigation, not a single finding has been made against me.

The New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Board has had a go at finding fault. So has the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal, the New South Wales Local Court, the New South Wales Supreme Court, the New South Wales Court of Appeal and the High Court of Australia.

And while Covid might have shut down our lives for much of the past two years, even it proved no match for the relentless pursuit for hurt feelings. The process has ground on.

So I will be back in the New South Wales Local Court in Sydney on 4 April 2022.

There are other additional proceedings too. The New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal is considering a motion to set aside its decision that Garry Burns should not pay any costs for his most recent failed complaint against me (he’s never had to pay costs for any of his 35 failed complaints against me). An appeal is also pending on that decision.

And an appeal has been lodged against the Local Court’s decision that it has powers to retrospectively hear complaints against me dating back to 2014 under laws that were passed in December 2017.

All up, the costs I have incurred defending myself are now about $600,000. That is a lot of money. But I am asking for your help once again. And I really need it – I will not be able to afford legal representation without your support.


I have not written about everything that occurs in court. Sometimes I need to bite my tongue. I did this late last year.

But I will now reveal that a magistrate who has a history of ‘liking’ pro-homosexual articles on LinkedIn and who has links to gay activists was suddenly panelled to hear Burns’ current complaints before the New South Wales Local Court – even though these matters have already been part heard.

I have no idea why this occurred. I also have no idea why, just two days before the hearing in November last year that this magistrate was just as suddenly pulled from this matter.

It all could be a mistake. Or it could be that someone decided to shuffle judges in the Local Court for this matter. I don’t know.

You can read all the details here.

But I remain gravely concerned about this bizarre event. And I am gravely concerned about additional issues as well which I will not detail publicly now.

Religious Discrimination Bill

The Religious Discrimination Bill was a disaster and we are very lucky this law did not head to the Senate. The law that was passed by the House of Representatives would have destroyed Christian freedom in Australia.

I have produced a five article/video series outlining the problems with the Religious Discrimination Bill, the debate around it and the real solution to the religious freedom wars. They are all linked below.

If you only have time to watch one, please watch video three where I explain just how bad the Religious Discrimination Bill is:

comment image

The Religious Discrimination Bill was sold as a law that would protect Christians. I cannot be any clearer: that message is a lie.

The Religious Discrimination Bill is an anti-Christian complaint factory. If it ever passes it will destroy Christian freedom in Australia.

I strongly urge you not to donate to any Christian group that continues to promote this disaster of an idea, particularly the Australian Christian Lobby.

This organisation has done tremendous damage and it continues to do so. On the very day Christian schooling was almost destroyed in this nation it launched a new campaign for religious discrimination laws. This is madness and it should not be supported.

If you have any questions or comments about my series – and I am sure some people will – I am more than happy to answer them.

Finally, I regret to admit that last year I was overwhelmed by this fight and felt at times unable to do anything other than just deal with the legal proceedings against me.

Over Christmas I needed to refresh and then reorganise. But now I am back writing (and producing videos too if you prefer that). I intend to continue anew in 2022 – although there will be breaks in production. For instance, the next month will be very busy preparing for the hearing in April.

Thank you once again for your prayers, support and generosity!

Kind regards,

Bernard Gaynor
Christus Rex!

March 15, 2022 6:44 pm

A commenter upthread mentioned that the “volunteers”, rushing to fight for Ukraine, may get more than they bargained for.

Dozens of foreigners who volunteered to fight for the International Legion in Ukraine have abandoned the country and recrossed the border into Poland following a Russian missile strike on their training base, according to reports.


Breitbart has more of the story.

March 15, 2022 6:45 pm

By whom?

I posted the link so read the story dummy. Imagery and vids as well.

The point here is that of the hundreds of thousands of twitter and MSM propaganda stories breathlessly pro- Ukraine and absolutely hell bent against the devil incarnate Russia, it might be enlightening to view an alternative report from the silenced , cancelled, and abolished satanic side of the conflict.

But it seems you must have MSM stamp of approval to consider that kind of review. And try to shout down any alternative to the braindead PC approved version of events. You daring thrill seeking rebel you.

March 15, 2022 6:49 pm

Why is there talk of lockdowns in NSW again?

Because we live in a Mongocracy.

This shit is very far from over.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 6:50 pm

Ex police officers told you that if you had actually done what you said you had done, he throw the book at you.

The so-called ex police officer offered me a hamburger with the lot, including a canary, I believe.
But, when challenged he couldn’t quite say what offences had been committed. And he had no idea of the RWC state of my car, so the canary would just be being a malicious prick.
I said that it could get awkward if I produced front and rear dash-cam in court (which I do, in fact, have).
Funny thing is, FlyingDuk arrived the following day with a similar ‘fit-up’ story by ACT plod and saying he was using Go-Pro footage to defend himself.
So St Ruth.
Are fit-ups by coppers OK?
Or are they only to be used for ‘dickheads’?
And who gets to determine who is a ‘dickhead’ when no apparent law has been broken?
Are you on the side of VikPol unloading rubber bullets into anti-mandate protestors and loading them up with charges because of some arbitrary judgement that they are ‘dickheads’?
Truth is, you are no different to the likes of Andrews and McGowan.
Given the opportunity you would do exactly the same stuff to your enemies.

March 15, 2022 6:50 pm

They obviously don’t introduce students these days to Dorothea Mackellar’s My Country.

All you who have not loved her, You will not understand

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2022 6:52 pm

Wasn’t Smith competing with Lawler for the affections of the divine Ms Jackson at one point?
Honestly, Smith has a total blind-spot when it comes to Jackson, and it has done him no favours.

He may have, but Lawler Vs the ABC is one of those situations where it’s a pity they both can’t lose.

Delta A
Delta A
March 15, 2022 6:53 pm

She should not come on the Çat. We have all the hysterical schoolgirls we need.

Yo talkin ta me???

March 15, 2022 6:53 pm

Are you on the side of VikPol unloading rubber bullets into anti-mandate protestors

sounds like pure Mong-istani to me

Are fit-ups by coppers OK?

are fit-ups by you ok?
you shit-talker

March 15, 2022 6:54 pm

Q anon76 @QAnon211 · 36m
Citizens of Ukraine confirm Ukranian forces are firing on their own people.

Remember that Kindergarten that was blown up?

PS: anyone can confirm

Serb4Trump @Serb4Trump · 5m
I believe that they are attacking their own to draw sympathy from the west ultimately resulting in dragging other countries into the conflict.
This same tactic was used by the Bosnian muslins to try and make the Serbian forces look barbaric .
Remember the bombing of the people waiting in line for bread ? All staged for the fake news media .
The Racak massacre in Kosovo that was staged by the Deep State actors Clinton and Albright which led to the bombing of the capital city of Serbia Belgrade for 78 days killing thousands of innocent people.
These Deep State parasites had the audacity to come clean a few years later admitting it was all staged for the cameras.

March 15, 2022 6:54 pm

Just in case the afternoon shift are not aware… Frank has admitted his blazing road warrior incident with the blue singletted brigade never happened.

I wonder if he can represent me next week?

March 15, 2022 6:55 pm

If Zelenskyy were to walk toward a negotiated ceasefire, the bullet that kills him would come from the rear. That’s how corrupt this conflict is.

Tucker Carlson didn’t exactly say this but it jibes pretty well with what he did say.

Delta A
Delta A
March 15, 2022 7:02 pm

Bucking the stereotype of an outback Northern Territory town, Alice Springs has one of the highest proportions of lesbian couples in the country


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 7:02 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:

March 15, 2022 at 6:38 pm

Or are modern Bing Bong! twucks fully auto?

I think that discussion may have been had several months ago, and which finished in a dead heat with the sudden departure of another poster.

I do not recall.
Must have been before my time.
And ‘lie’ is such a harsh word.
I prefer to call it ‘a parable to enlighten the faithful’.

March 15, 2022 7:06 pm

Tim Gill @Timinator88
Dr. Malone: The Hospital System Has Been Corrupted to Incentivize Bad Outcomes

“I cannot explain the data, the observations, of what has transpired over the last two years without resorting to the explanation that there are multiple structural incentives in place in our system, which has caused it to become profoundly corrupt.”
[video clip]

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
March 15, 2022 7:07 pm

March 15, 2022 at 6:15 pm
Tim N, great comment re the Snowy etc. I’ve reposted it elsewhere if that’s ok with you? If not I won’t.

Be my guest.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 15, 2022 7:10 pm


The Cops would have a pretty good idea, since lesbians are notorious for
unbelievably brutal Domestic Violence.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 15, 2022 7:11 pm

Then there’s the Registry of the Family Court in Alice Springs, they’d have a pretty good idea too.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 15, 2022 7:13 pm

Both sides are using cluster munitions, although as much under the radar as they can get away with. Never been much attention to laws of war in the eastern bloc areas. The cluster munition attacks in Kharkov are the best known (there’s at least one video that I’ve seen), but there’ve been several others. There was even one such strike in the Ukrainian part of Donetsk, so maybe this one is motivated by revenge. A lot of that sort of thing has been going on, especially payback for various past actions. Excitable lot Russians and Ukrainians, they could teach Sicilians a thing or two I think.

March 15, 2022 7:14 pm

On government bastardry, a topic rarely touched on here as we all love big brother..

Lady in Feraldton had her house knocked over in the cyclone that went through. Insurance came to the party, debris removed and they will pay for the new place etc…
But its 5 years before the build will be done.

Ladys property takes in an old town tip (known about) and the driveway for the place was the old access road to the tip.

Shes put in an application for demountable housing to be on the property while she waits for the new house to be built.

1st application for the demountable: Knocked back, as the driveway isnt gazetted. (thats the one in place while it was a tip)
So she has to put in a new driveway.
But wait: Theres a threatened species of bird that might be there.
In the end she ends up having to follow the firebreak round the edge of the property as her new driveway.

She resubmits, rejected, rejected, rejected, all on individual different grounds each time, because god forbid they give you all the objections in one hit so they can be dealt with.
Requests if she can have a caravan on her property while applications are going in etc.

More than a year of this so far, poor cow.
Running out of money because some mongs in the council are lazy, incompetent brain dead shits.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 15, 2022 7:14 pm


Northern Territory Electoral Rolls where a woman’s address is not disclosed by Court Order.
That say Lesbian Stalking with Intent, like nothing else.

March 15, 2022 7:15 pm

If only there was some pattern here that could indicate how to get better outcomes.

Shrink wrapping Malcolm Turncoat to the Parliament House flag pole and then deploying the well known patterns of atomic bomb detonation would be a good start.

March 15, 2022 7:18 pm

This sudden outbreak of womens sport for “fitba” & “thugby” baffles me .. neither womens code attracts much in the way of spectators yet they need the same sort of money to run them that mens do .. where does that sort of money come from? .. Is there some tax lurk involved? .. it’s not usual for private organizations to go full on into publicity “feelz good” gimmicks that cost money rather than make money .. there just has to be something not being mentioned to make this sports “equality” bandwagon worthwhile!

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 15, 2022 7:18 pm

Bucking lesbians. And I get pinged for phrasing.

March 15, 2022 7:21 pm

Yo talkin ta me???

Actually, I was thinking of three blokes who I had hitherto supposed were fairly masculine. Obviously, the feminisation of society has gone farther than I had imagined.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 15, 2022 7:21 pm

No need to be aGooglin’ that one eh Groogs? Your own Wikipedia page too?

March 15, 2022 7:21 pm

More than a year of this so far, poor cow.

An approach to A Current Affair or similar might speed things along.

March 15, 2022 7:21 pm

shatterzzz I think a lot of the money for wimmin’s sport comes from Canbra (ie us). I know Canbra pays TV stations to broadcast it. Marxist social engineering on the taxpayer dime.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 15, 2022 7:23 pm

This sudden outbreak of womens sport for “fitba” & “thugby” baffles me .. neither womens code attracts much in the way of spectators yet they need the same sort of money to run them that mens do .

It’s AgitProp funded by Government.
Don’t worry, they fund Mens Footy too.
Cricket is the only Sport that doesn’t take the Government Shilling.

Winston Smith
March 15, 2022 7:23 pm


If insurance works I am thinking about buying it before I book (or simultaneously).
I usually wait until after.
Anyway, hope it all goes well.
Bons voyage!

We need a down tick as a matter of urgency.
Especially for Dad Jokes.

March 15, 2022 7:24 pm

On behals of the pig lying in shit community can i just say any attempt to sully our good name by connecting it to the Blinken/Biden cartel will be actionable, before a jurge.

We condemn the Russian Federation’s missile attack on the International Center for Peacekeeping and Security in Yavoriv, close to Ukraine’s border with Poland. The brutality must stop.

— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) March 13, 2022

I may be wrong but this International Center for Peacekeeping and Security was where the foreign mercenaries/volunteers were pummeled with missiles.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 15, 2022 7:26 pm

Hey Salvatore,
Still thinking about heading over to Ukraine to do a spot of Rambo-in’?

March 15, 2022 7:26 pm

More than a year of this so far, poor cow.
Running out of money because some mongs in the council are lazy, incompetent brain dead shits.

Do, then deal with the consequences. Lazy, incompetent brain dead shits then works in your favour.

March 15, 2022 7:27 pm

An approach to A Current Affair or similar might speed things along.

Ill suggest that.
Just the worst lumps of semi-animate matter to deal with.

Winston Smith
March 15, 2022 7:28 pm


Alexander Dugin’s The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset

bought. And through our site too.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 7:28 pm

But it seems you must have MSM stamp of approval to consider that kind of review. And try to shout down any alternative to the braindead PC approved version of events. You daring thrill seeking rebel you.

Do you feel suitably virtuous now?

You stated your opinion about one side of the media reporting being blatant omissions in favour of one side. And presented your source as a comparative fountain of ‘truth.’

I stated my opinion in turn, that the source you linked, having it read it previously, to was as guilty of the same biases in its language and presentation. Just in a different direction

You got offended, called me ignorant and added in a few extra names and unfounded accusations about my ‘preferred’ media sources.

I, in turn, pointed out that everyone has a bias and a spin.

You have become even more offended, and rushed to accuse me of some degree of devilry.

I am sorry that you feel so defensive and easily offended by the perceived partisanship about your sources vs the partisanship of others.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 7:28 pm

What Winston?
Bons voyage?
I could barely type it I was laffin’ so much.
Champagne comedy.

March 15, 2022 7:29 pm

It’s grotesque how the illegitimate junta in the US is trying to trade on former prestige and still play world policeman while impoverishing the US simultaneously.

March 15, 2022 7:29 pm

Surely van Styn would take care of it all FM?

March 15, 2022 7:31 pm

Apparently the arsehole running the show doesn’t like to be kept waiting so always racks and stacks the entire day’s appointments for opening time.

Not an altogether uncommon occurrence! .. when I was scheduled for post chemo appointments they’d always be at 8.00am, same as 20/30 other folk and they didn’t do them in order of turning up .. it was more in the how-long-you-might need based on condition .. nothing unusual to be sat there waiting until 3 or 4 in the afternoon .. Nepean Hospital Cancer Care circa 2012/13

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 15, 2022 7:33 pm

Joyously I received a copy of Hunter News in my mailbox today. Joel says sadly “Dear Resident, this is my last newsletter as your Federal Member”.

It has thirty two photos of Joel in it. I counted them. Amazing. The one of him with Hillary sums things up perfectly.

He’ll probably pop up again soon in some quango, corporate post, ambassadorship or international NGO.

Winston Smith
March 15, 2022 7:36 pm


Quite so…and the little green eco fascist can go join her relatives in India who are forced to still burn wood and use cow dung for cooking fuel, something that leads to over a million deaths a year from indoor pollution.
I’m sorry, but these little green eco fascists need to be put in their place.

The part I find amusing? is the bit where they don’t realise their own ignorance.
There’s no shame in ignorance – the shame is a consequence of staying ignorant.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 15, 2022 7:36 pm


Perhaps said doctors at Alice Springs hospital might like to volunteer to help out in some of those communities?

Is Alice Springs all that much better than the “communities”?

March 15, 2022 7:37 pm

Sancho, a road ranger gearbox has 18 gears not sixteen, for someone who prides himself on accuracy you appear to be engaging in ultracrepidarianism.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 7:38 pm

In fact, Cats, I hereby make a general broadcast apology to each and every one of you that I may or may not have somehow offended in any way by not unquestioningly following each and every one of the various zeitgeists on this entire blog.

March 15, 2022 7:39 pm

Surely van Styn would take care of it all FM?

The council is run by a CEO, not the councilors.

Elected Councilors cannot
1: Ask a council staff member a direct question on behalf of a constituent. Instead they must all be addressed to the CEO to “manage’ the answers.
2: Accompany a constituent into a meeting with council employees to assist resolve issues.

These slithering turds move from council to council being CEOs in order to stymie whatever vestiges of accountability remain in the system.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
March 15, 2022 7:39 pm

One disturbing aspect of the ruling of the full bench of the Federal Court in favour of Sussssssan Ley is this:
The judgement said while the evidence of climate change and its dangers to humanity was not disputed

Oh yes it is disputed, Sherlock.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 7:43 pm

Not an altogether uncommon occurrence! .. when I was scheduled for post chemo appointments they’d always be at 8.00am, same as 20/30 other folk and they didn’t do them in order of turning up 

Yeah, I get that their time and the kit they use are valuable resources.
But, in this day an age, with booking and scheduling apps, there are plenty of options to work a bit more flexibly.
Look, I once got a phone call from my GP at 7:30 to get straight in for an urgent chat. I never got shitty with him for running late for routine visits after that because he probably had other urgent cases he just had to queue-jump.
But just stacking them all up at 8:00 in the morning?
Pure disrespect and arrogance.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 7:45 pm

What is a 18 slot road rager cash-box sfw?
My googlin’ indicates they are somewhat passé.

March 15, 2022 7:50 pm

Yeah, I get that their time and the kit they use are valuable resources.
But, in this day an age, with booking and scheduling apps, there are plenty of options to work a bit more flexibly.

This only occurred during out-patient post-care .. the operation(s), in- hospital stays & chemo sessions were all top notch ..

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 15, 2022 7:50 pm


An almost unknown practice at any version of the Cat.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2022 7:51 pm

Perhaps said doctors at Alice Springs hospital might like to volunteer to help out in some of those communities?

Is Alice Springs all that much better than the “communities”?

I know a bloke whot knows a bloke who used to have the contract to fly in and out to some of those communities, back in the day. He said the funniest were the new community staff, bursting with zeal to help the poor, the hard done by, the victims of racism, the victims of colonialism….their views had usually changed, radically, after six months “on the ground.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 7:51 pm

I sort of get why you want a degree of separation of councillors from day-to-day management.
Could be total chaos with no clear chain of command.
I have worked in commercial entities where board members (think young Mr Grace) kept arriving in the office to ‘help’.
But not allowing councillors to accompany electors to a formal meeting?
I don’t think so.

March 15, 2022 7:53 pm

The part I find amusing? is the bit where they don’t realise their own ignorance.

At some point, though, wilful ignorance becomes downright wicked.

Such as being willing to trash Australian standards of living on the mistaken belief that it will protect Indian villagers from extreme weather events.

March 15, 2022 7:54 pm

Just incase you didn’t think there was a uniparty:

March 15, 2022 7:55 pm

An almost unknown practice at any version of the Cat.


March 15, 2022 7:57 pm

Bernard Gaynor
10 hrs ·

More than 1,000 Catholic school teachers in Victoria alone have been sacked for choosing not to take the experimental Covid vaccine.

This is outrageous.

I am not involved in this – but there are efforts underway for a class action against the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

If you have been affected, get in contact:
I hope you obtain justice.

March 15, 2022 8:01 pm

Damn! late night tonight not often I’m up ’til midnight but the A League “fitba” in Perth doesn’t kick-off until after 10pm tonight …….!
been watching the TV series, REACHER, based on the Jack Reacher novel, The Killing Floor, totally over-the-top crime/action stuff but very well written and enjoyable keeps you interested thru-out all 8 episodes .. 10/10

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 15, 2022 8:01 pm

Guess you guys saw this already? The ABC is only talking about it because it is a State, not a Federal agency.

Poor treatment that you’re gagged from talking about even after you’ve gotten out. Reminds me of Camp X-Ray.

It’s like we’ve been the Eloi all these years, the country has not actually changed but only now are the long-running activities and machinations of the Morlocks coming to light.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 8:01 pm

This only occurred during out-patient post-care .. the operation(s), in- hospital stays & chemo sessions were all top notch ..

I was sent by the GP direct to A&E at 9:00, scanned and diagnosed by lunch, met the surgeon at 5:00 p.m.
He told me what was coming out and what was staying in and how he was going to do it.
“This won’t be keyhole Sancho. It needs to be done and it needs to be done fast. I will schedule it in for Thursday evening, but I won’t do it if I am too tired. Otherwise it’s Saturday morning. If we get to it quickly we can cure this.”
Like most surgeons, blunt and right to the point.
He did it when he said.
What I didn’t realise is that these blokes rarely use the c-word … “cure”.
He was right.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 8:02 pm


March 15, 2022 at 7:55 pm

An almost unknown practice at any version of the Cat.

Have you been told today?

March 15, 2022 8:07 pm

I am not involved in this – but there are efforts underway for a class action against the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

How does this help anyone?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 8:08 pm

Damn! late night tonight not often I’m up ’til midnight but the A League “fitba” in Perth doesn’t kick-off until after 10pm tonight …….!

What gives?

Whose television schedule demands a timeslot that late?

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 15, 2022 8:08 pm

Kevin Rudd ranting about “Fat Clive” over at Michael Smith News, and other stuff, along with Labor MP Julian Hill.

Totally cringeworthy.

March 15, 2022 8:10 pm

Guess you guys saw this already? The ABC is only talking about it because it is a State, not a Federal agency.

The malevolence of the QLD Public Trustee makes Centrelink look like The Benevolent Society.

This has been known for decades.

Politicians of both stripes have done little about it because there are no votes in it.

March 15, 2022 8:11 pm

I’ve been told lots of things. All interesting, some even believable. Trouble is I ask way too many questions.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 15, 2022 8:14 pm

Bill Shorten has urged Australians to buy electric cars because petrol prices are so high, while blaming Scott Morrison for the unaffordability of EVs.

The former Labor leader has called on the government to make electric vehicles, more affordable as a solution to the high cost of living.

Mr Shorten, who is paid $211,250 of public funds per year as a federal politician, drives a taxpayer-subsidised $60,900 Tesla and said he enjoys not facing the same rising fuel expenses as most Australian drivers.

Daily Mail

Winston Smith
March 15, 2022 8:14 pm

I do not recall.
Must have been before my time.
And ‘lie’ is such a harsh word.
I prefer to call it ‘a parable to enlighten the faithful’.

Now, that’s funny!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 8:15 pm


Is there a cream for that?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 8:18 pm

Mr Shorten, who is paid $211,250 of public funds per year as a federal politician, drives a taxpayer-subsidised $60,900 Tesla and said he enjoys not facing the same rising fuel expenses as most Australian drivers.


I dunno, Cats. Does anyone else see what’s off about this?

Winston Smith
March 15, 2022 8:19 pm


She resubmits, rejected, rejected, rejected, all on individual different grounds each time, because god forbid they give you all the objections in one hit so they can be dealt with.
Requests if she can have a caravan on her property while applications are going in etc.
More than a year of this so far, poor cow.
Running out of money because some mongs in the council are lazy, incompetent brain dead shits.

This sort of crap is where the disgruntled citizen finally cracks, digs up her AK 47 and massacres everyone in the front office.
Justice is where she gets off with hunting out of season.

March 15, 2022 8:20 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 15, 2022 at 5:35 pm
Losing this court case feels like we’ve lost our chance for a safe future
Anjali Sharma
Student and climate activist

Fucking entitled brats; I hope when rub and tug gets in and gives this brats what they want, when the lights go out their wailing is loud and long.

The Judgment Summary is here.

What is galling in this Judgment is their reference to the fact that neither the government or Whitehaven contested the IPCC proof of climate change evidence which was shovelled into the court in the primary hearing. Because it was uncontested the Appeals Bench also had to accept that it was undisputed. Whitehaven wanted to keep a low profile and allow the government to use the Jones/Bolt defence that Australia’s contribution to CO2 levels was so slight no duty demanded by the brats of the minister could be proportionate. It worked so I guess their strategy was ultimately successful but it’s still galling that this shit evidence is before the courts as a given.

March 15, 2022 8:20 pm

Very true FM. So MANY CEOs from regional LGAs move to other regional LGAs… it’s very swampy…

Had a fair bit to do with van Styn back in the day…

March 15, 2022 8:22 pm

Mr Shorten, who is paid $211,250 of public funds per year as a federal politician, drives a taxpayer-subsidised $60,900 Tesla and said he enjoys not facing the same rising fuel expenses as most Australian drivers.

Bill’s always had a heart for the workers.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2022 8:23 pm

Mr Shorten, who is paid $211,250 of public funds per year as a federal politician, drives a taxpayer-subsidised $60,900 Tesla and said he enjoys not facing the same rising fuel expenses as most Australian drivers.

Unkind soul on the “Daily Mail” wants to know if Shorten’s car has been modified, so his little legs can reach the pedals…..

March 15, 2022 8:25 pm

Death by ants is too good for biden: first Afghanistan, then Ukraine; then it will be a toss up between Taiwan and a nuclear dust-up in the ME because the senile deviant is giving the mullahs in iran the bomb and Israel will have to pre-emptively bomb the towelheads.

How Biden Has Forced Israel to Attack Iran

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2022 8:26 pm

Mr Shorten, who is paid $211,250 of public funds per year as a federal politician, drives a taxpayer-subsidised $60,900 Tesla and said he enjoys not facing the same rising fuel expenses as most Australian drivers.

“Pull up the ladder, Jack, I’m all right…”

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 15, 2022 8:27 pm

Because this door is wide open –

Question: What is a 18 slot road rager cash-box?

Answer: The Carlton ALFW run-on team.

March 15, 2022 8:29 pm

Mr Shorten, who is paid $211,250 of public funds per year as a federal politician, drives a taxpayer-subsidised $60,900 Tesla and said he enjoys not facing the same rising fuel expenses as most Australian drivers.

Hope it catches fire and burns his house down.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 8:29 pm


March 15, 2022 at 8:11 pm

I’ve been told lots of things. All interesting, some even believable. Trouble is I ask way too many questions.

Ha ha, yes.
As far as I could see, all you were saying was “I don’t see conclusive evidence either way. I am holding on forming a final view on this one.”
A perfectly reasonable position.
The response from Schrodinger was not at all reasonable.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 8:33 pm

Mr Shorten, who is paid $211,250 of public funds per year as a federal politician, drives a taxpayer-subsidised $60,900 Tesla and said he enjoys not facing the same rising fuel expenses as most Australian drivers.

Could he lose two unloseables in a row?
Why, I do believe he could.
Remember Bowen’s response to his “tax da rich” policies in 2019?
“If you don’t like it, don’t vote for it.”
We didn’t.
And we didn’t.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2022 8:33 pm

Hope it catches fire and burns his house down.

Which waterfront mansion would that be?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 8:35 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:

March 15, 2022 at 8:27 pm

Because this door is wide open –

Question: What is a 18 slot road rager cash-box?

Answer: The Carlton ALFW run-on team.

I just get a feeling that this may not be the correct answer.
Please don’t tell lies here.
It’s unbecoming.

March 15, 2022 8:36 pm

Whose television schedule demands a timeslot that late?

Not sure if it’s on any of the TEN stations but I watch AL via the Paramount streamer
Perth is 3 hours behind Sydney so they’ve a WA kick-off 7.05pm ..
Gets worse their weekend game is a close to midnight kick-off affair .. I won’t be up for that .. LOL!

March 15, 2022 8:39 pm

Um, the stop rape on campus chick has been at it for 30 years. Either she sucks or she’s a grifter.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
March 15, 2022 8:40 pm

All those people posting their various health and medical conditions should note that mine are fascinating. Others, perhaps, not so much.
Actually that’s a porky. I enjoy all the gory details.
Had my pacemaker tweaked. Leaping about like a 60 year old.

March 15, 2022 8:40 pm

The malevolence of the QLD Public Trustee makes Centrelink look like The Benevolent Society.

The various state public trustees were founded because at the time lawyers were too expensive.

How ironic.

Really stuffing things up requires government.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
March 15, 2022 8:42 pm

I won’t be up watching the soccer either. Rest assured I stand by you sandgropers.
No watching soccer for me.

March 15, 2022 8:42 pm

You hit on the reason given for such a separation.

But the reality is it was done to insulate council staff from those horrible plebs who have the gall to expect services and help from those they rule over.

The amount of economic and social wreckage they cause is massive.
The Main Street has buildings which have been empty for decades.

Here’s their wank after jacking rates 12% in 2 years.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 15, 2022 8:45 pm

Mr Shorten, who is paid $211,250 of public funds per year as a federal politician, drives a taxpayer-subsidised $60,900 Tesla and said he enjoys not facing the same rising fuel expenses as most Australian drivers.

If Mr Shorten were to drive an ICE car instead, he would still “not [be] facing the same rising fuel expenses as most Australian drivers”, because he would have a Commonwealth issued fuel card to put all his petrol/diesel costs on the taxpayer purse.

Lying hypocrite.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 15, 2022 8:46 pm

Bill Shorten has urged Australians to buy electric cars because petrol prices are so high, while blaming Scott Morrison for the unaffordability of EVs.

This year electricity price rises are going to be huge. Gas prices are humungous ($11.50/GJ according to AEMO just now) and thermal coal prices are at stratospheric heights I wouldn’t’ve believed possible a few years ago.

Maybe Kevin can talk to ScoMo and get him to OK a few gas fracking wells and new coal mines. Also to prevent closure of Eraring and Liddell. I’m sure he feels great pain for the suffering of ordinary people whenever they get their electricity and gas bills.

The price of coal has doubled since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (15 Mar)

European thermal coal prices have more than doubled since the start of the war in Ukraine—from $186 per metric ton on Feb. 23, to $462 by March 10—according to an analysis based on the Rotterdam benchmark by Rystad Energy, an Oslo-based energy research company. Prices moderated since last week but still remain twice as high as before the invasion.

Australia’s Newcastle futures contract, a benchmark for Asian prices, touched $440 per ton on March 2, and remained above $400 last week.

The skyrocketing price is a result of already tight global coal supplies tightening further as western sanctions made it difficult to trade Russian coal. Russia is the third-largest exporter of coal.

“There is simply an almost complete absence of surplus thermal coal available globally,” Steve Hulton, vice president for coal at Rystad Energy, said in a statement. Hulton projected that coal prices could breach $500 a ton.

That’ll feed straight into electricity prices here too.

March 15, 2022 8:49 pm

Callis quip reminds me of a Mark Twain quote.

A lot of interesting things have happened in my life, some of which actually occurred

March 15, 2022 8:51 pm

Fears began when he was a newborn: Kumanjayi Walker’s tragic life before he was shot by NT cop Zachary Rolfe

It was the copper who ended up on the stand, not the social justice warriors.

It hardly seems fair when you think about it. Zachary walked straight into a mess created by bureaucrats over a couple of decades, and he’s left holding the bag.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 8:52 pm

Had my pacemaker tweaked. Leaping about like a 60 year old.

My pacemaker is a Roadrager Cashbox 18 speed.
I run it from the @jumpalead app on my smart phone.
Fully adjustable.
Don’t know what happens if my phone battery runs flat.

March 15, 2022 8:54 pm

To add insult to injury, the very ones who caused all this shit are openly demanding the “key be thrown away”.

Winston Smith
March 15, 2022 8:55 pm

Boambee John:

Is Alice Springs all that much better than the “communities”?

Oh yes.
Yes it is.
But on the other hand, that’s where all the politics emanates from. So it’s a bit like the rotten apple which has infected the rest of the barrel but some of the rest are still -somewhat – edible.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 15, 2022 8:56 pm

All those people posting their various health and medical conditions should note that mine are fascinating. Others, perhaps, not so much.
Actually that’s a porky. I enjoy all the gory details.

I had two front (lower jaw) teeth out this morning, clearing the way for some denture work.

I’m now getting more gaps than I have teeth. These gaps, however, are more visible than the others.

Collingwood supporter confirmed.

March 15, 2022 8:56 pm

Leaping about like a 60 year old.

Just in time for Rabz’ Disco Night in a couple of weeks. Don’t forget the flares and platforms.

March 15, 2022 8:57 pm

Virgin council staff asking Dorothy Dixer:

Can’t we cut costs or reduce services to save some money?



Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 9:00 pm

Um, the stop rape on campus chick has been at it for 30 years. Either she sucks


March 15, 2022 9:01 pm

Craig Kelly’s Happy Birthday to his son Trent. 26 Years running against the wind. Well worth watching:

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2022 9:04 pm

NT police need to justify carrying of guns in remote communities, says MP
Zach Hope
By Zach Hope
March 15, 2022 — 6.59pm

Parliamentary elder statesman Warren Snowdon has called on the Northern Territory police force to justify why officers must always carry guns while on duty in remote Aboriginal communities.

Mr Snowdon, who has served the vast electorate of what is now Lingiari for more than 30 years, said remote policing procedures should be reviewed and community leaders heard in the conversation, which must also address poverty, alienation and the “international disgrace” of Aboriginal incarceration rates.

The 2019 Yuendumu shooting death of Aboriginal man Kumanjayi Walker by white officer Zachary Rolfe, who on Friday was acquitted of all charges in the Supreme Court, prompted the anguished Warlpiri people of the desert to call for “no more guns” and karrinjarla muwajarri, or police ceasefire.

“There were issues [in Yuendumu], obviously, and I don’t want to make judgements around trying to detain someone,” Mr Snowdon said. “But most instances, in most circumstances which involve people in communities, don’t require weapons. Not at all. In fact, quite the opposite.

“There needs to be justification made for the continuation of that practice [of carrying guns], in my view. And there may well be justifications that I don’t understand or appreciate, but I think a conversation needs to be had.”

The Northern Territory Police Association said officers needed to be armed to protect themselves and others. Such was the case in Yuendumu, it said.

In that incident, Constable Rolfe, a decorated officer, fired three rounds into Mr Walker’s back and torso after the latter stabbed him in the shoulder and then wrestled with a fellow arresting officer.

A Darwin jury determined all three shots were legally justified in the circumstances.

Three days before his death, Mr Walker, 19, charged at two local Yuendumu-based policemen with an axe during an attempt at arrest for the breach of a court order. No one was injured, and neither officer drew their guns.

While the officers admitted to freezing or being at Mr Walker’s mercy, the trial also heard they did not believe he intended to hurt them. The “axe incident”, as it became known, was ultimately a Warlpiri display of bravado, one of them testified.

“There are many fine community police in the Northern Territory who work their guts out to try and work with Aboriginal communities,” Mr Snowdon said. “It’s worth noting the people involved in this incident weren’t [based in Yuendumu].

“In many communities, the police who have been there for some period have become well-loved and are seen as part of the community. I mean, I’ve been to funerals of prominent Aboriginal people where the police have been very important in the funeral ceremonies because of their relationship with the deceased.

“I think we’ve got to be understanding of the circumstances in which [police] work, but also understand and appreciate the frustrations Aboriginal people feel as a result of the justice system.”

About 25 per cent of the Northern Territory’s population is Aboriginal. In Lingiari, which includes everywhere outside the capital of Darwin, it is more than 40 per cent, according to the 2016 Census.

Senior Warlpiri man Ned Jampijinpa Hargraves delivered a message on behalf of the family of Kumanjayi Walker after police officer Zachary Rolfe was acquitted of his death.

The retiring MP joined the Warlpiri in questioning why the 12-person jury was mostly caucasian, by crude observation only, and contained no Aboriginal members.

“How does that work?” he asked. “I’m not saying there was any intent around the construct of the jury, but you have to ask the question. I think it’s something worth contemplating a little further.”

In the iconic red centre, the first inhabitants often live in “appalling” conditions, while disengaged and alienated young people in Alice Springs involve themselves in anti-social behaviour on an almost nightly basis. The story was complex, Mr Snowdon said, but, in his view, was rooted in poverty and a sense of alienation.

“The over-representation of Aboriginal people in the justice system is an international disgrace and there has got to be alternatives,” he said.

“It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to send people to prison. Why don’t we spend the hundreds of thousands on prevention strategies at the front end rather than the back?

“That’s what we should be doing. Sadly, governments are reluctant to do that, it appears.”

Addressing the gun question on Tuesday morning, NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner told Darwin radio station Mix FM that officers had to “have the kit they need … [and] whether it’s a gun or not a gun, that’s a decision for police command”.

Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt said the issue was a matter for the states and territories, but he urged the Northern Territory leadership to discuss remote policing with Aboriginal communities.

March 15, 2022 9:05 pm

Stop eating your own products then knuckles.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 9:06 pm

Miss A at 8:40.
Being serious for a moment, that is one of the reasons I crack the shits with people calling Straya a shithole.
I think plenty of people here would attest that, if you really insist on getting sick, this is the best country in the world in which to do it.
Yes, yes, I know JC will tell you that only Harvard or Yale med school will do. Of course, the quality of service in the US is good, as long as you can pay for it.
The NHS in the UK? Off you go.
Asia? Again, possibly OK depending on where you are and if you have enough cash. Or not.

Winston Smith
March 15, 2022 9:10 pm

Rex Anger:


Is there a cream for that?

Sorry Rex – it’s a suppository.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 9:15 pm

Just in time for Rabz’ Disco Night in a couple of weeks. Don’t forget the flares and platforms.

Saturday Night Grease!



Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2022 9:15 pm

Mole at 8:42.
I agree.
I get why you don’t want councillors involved in day-to-day stuff.
You’d end up with a Greens councillor turning up to every vegetation management tree haircut.
But banning councillors from accompanying ratepayers (you know, the ones financing the shit-show) to scheduled meetings with staff is a protection racket.
I am on an advisory committee for our local council. You have just filled my book ‘o questions for the next meeting.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 15, 2022 9:16 pm

Sorry Rex – it’s a suppository.

Oh dear.

Not even an innuendo will fix that… :\

March 15, 2022 9:18 pm

Bernard Gaynor
10 hrs ·

More than 1,000 Catholic school teachers in Victoria alone have been sacked for choosing not to take the experimental Covid vaccine.

This is outrageous.

I am not involved in this – but there are efforts underway for a class action against the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

If you have been affected, get in contact:
I hope you obtain justice.

Anzac Te Oka
If the unvaccinated number really is 1000, which is a great polling sample, then the so called figures of 98% vaccinated is a steaming pile of…………….?

March 15, 2022 9:18 pm

That’ll feed straight into electricity prices here too.

All the generators get paid … that’s what the AEMO does.

more generators hitting the market means more generators need to be paid.

there is nowhere for energy prices to go except up

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 15, 2022 9:20 pm

Roger says:

This has been known for decades.

Okay, fine.

Look at me.

Look at me.

I am the Eloi now.

March 15, 2022 9:21 pm

Don’t know what happens if my phone battery runs flat.

Bing Bo …

  1. @DefiyantlyFree Conservatives are getting swatted. Journalists are being killed. Teslas are being burned. Students are being terrorized on campus. The…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x