Ok Pogria, if you are going to post Ace’s stuff I’ll do this one for Cohenite: Cute Owl
Ok Pogria, if you are going to post Ace’s stuff I’ll do this one for Cohenite: Cute Owl
Mark Sleboda: Putin CRUSHES Trump’s Ceasefire Trap, Ukraine’s Army COLLAPSES in Kursk!
Farking Brillo. 2 Billion Up Thumbs and a chocolate frog.
DOGE says 239 contracts canceled over 2 days, including a grant to teach trans farmers about ‘food justice’
Re 1: For about the fifth time, your retort not only makes no sense, but it’s also an intellectual travesty.…
The Oz is running an editorial about the shooting of Walker, and allowing comments.
I’m still only getting the Soros pay check.
Yes mine said bronze level. Sigh.
I know some people think they have powers way beyond those of mortal men but the ‘influencers/marketers’ shtick being leveled at anyone here who questions the holy martyrs narrative needs an update, because you know, it’s just stupid.
Over 700 comments on the mean girls column in the Oz.
I have had a similar experience using Tap and Go once too often. Turned out that one of the fraud triggers is using the function multiple times on the same day without interspersing with a PIN entry.
I was blithely doing my Christmas shopping, tap tap tapping when the wheels suddenly fell off. Fortunately I had the trusty AMEX to fall back on.
A call to the bank (Westpac) when I got home fixed it and I received an explanation.
7 News re ANZ
Daily Mail.
The girlfriend iirc who in 2019 claimed he was not violent.
It’s all impossibly sad.
Pity the government just didn’t stop funding remote settlements.
Let them stay only if they pay their own way.
So, rosie, the teachers for whom there is no sympathy deserve to have been sacked by the Andrews’s diktat but it’s Andrews who is to blame for the teachers having been sacked. Is that right.
you don’t think that will happen?
I’m quite happy sticking to my spinning aluminium discs, thank you very much.
Michael Smith News
Okay. ANZ card system down.
Keep the tap and go thing in mind if you’re doing a lot of shopping though. Do the PIN as well to be sure to be sure.
The reason I was so incensed was because I wanted to access my payments from the Liberal Party and the WEF for spreading propaganda and disinformation. Don’t know why they have to pay on the same day.
Normally when I go shopping I can see the respect I garner from the check-out chicks as a minion of the global conspiracy. This morning I will have looked like a normal person. How embarrassment.
Shit! Did I type that out loud?
You travel by bus?
I’m sorry.
We can’t be friends.
Any love for kd wrong? The Liars are going to need another elder statesman. Most people can’t stand the bloke. Gillard era deadwood, there’s a lot of it around.
And thanks to all above answering my question.
ANZ’s twatter feed says the problem has been resolved now, which might be true.
Nothing wrong with public transport. OK, maybe the public.
Sars-Cov-2 Kills T-Cells, Just Like HIV
by John Wilson
3 . 15 . 22
From the Oz.
I walk up to the shops grabbing coffees on the way, and then take the bus back home.
My usual coffee consumption on these trips is two double espressos and a large flat white.
If I drunk this much caffeine after lunch I think the only way I would sleep at night would be to suspend a frying pan above my bed, climb in, and sitting suddenly up with uncommon targeted force.
So long as they are far away people will think promises of more money will tackle the problems.
If instead they saw what happened…
Genuine question.
Why is Gonzo Lira worth listening to?
I’m all for independent sources, but he seems more like an aggregator of questionable click bait.
As I said, it’s a genuine question.
My usual coffee consumption on these trips is two double espressos and a large flat white.
Bullshit, you latte drinking son-of-a-bitch.
Hope not. Agriculture is in a bad enough way already because of green policies and the war.
The climateers won’t analyse this much because they dare not. If they did they might notice that seeding in the troposphere causes more rain. That’s because natural seeding is insufficient to get to equilibrium humidity.
And that’s the problem for the climateers (whose models have never managed to correctly model cloud cover). If natural seeding isn’t enough then extra seeding can cause more cloud cover. Sulfate from volcanoes can do that. And so can high energy cosmic rays.
High energy cosmic rays of course are the key feature of the Svensmark mechanism of indirect solar warming. Which explains over half the warming last century. The climateers hate it because if the Sun caused the warming then CO2 didn’t. It collapses their entire narrative and turns off the money taps.
So, Franx what are you on about?
Did I say the teachers were not deserving of sympathy?
No I didn’t.
Did I question Reignite Democracy’s targeting of only Catholic Schools in this supposed ‘class action’
Yes I did.
I’m well aware that you have never forgiven me for questioning your complaint that a Catholic presbytery did not answer the doorbell one weekend during the first lockdown because either no-one was home, they didn’t hear the doorbell, they chose not to answer because of the lockdown rules or because they had a policy of not answering the door to random strangers but it’s been two years.
Find someone else to be perpetually ‘disgusted’ by.
With the increasing amount of media banned, defending freedom and democracy sure seems to require an awful lot of censorship.
Russell Brand
Far from it.
For 15 years US governments have made no particular secret of the fact that the U.S. Defence Department has been/is funding biolabs around the world.
The response to that has been a shit-storm of speculation, much of it with a conspiracy, or misinformation bent. If you were slightly curious, you’d be able to look at that with no effort.
My amazement is at how seemingly unprepared the Biden Administration has been in the face of Russia taking control of these facilities and spinning a WMD narrative. (Less amazed at the MSM’s slack-jawed acceptance that these labs have only just come to light.)
Is funny Calli
I watched the Bosch series in the evening the last three weeks I was away and ‘circle back’ was a regular line used by various characters, I’m sure the episodes predate Psaki too.
(Michael Connelly is definitely on the progressive side of politics).
He also loved ‘the question answers itself’
Jacinta and her Mum are good people. Yet activists in the cities who insist upon the homeopathic potency of their drop or two of Aboriginal blood will shout them down and call them ‘Uncle Toms’ – the left is hopelessly derivative and would not even realise that they have just co-opted another Americanism.
Jacinta’s point to me suggests that the violent confrontation that lead to Walker’s death is endemic in these communities and it has only overflowed into mainstream consciousness because a racial aspect could be attached – and I mean attached, as in I don’t think it was part of the raw confrontation itself.
This Walker thug would have been similarly violent elsewhere when he did not get his way or he thought someone was squaring up against him. And similarly there will be a whole lot of this which is ignored because there are no whitey involved.
One hour wait time for a call back from commbank.
Banks must be flat out dealing with flood related issues.
My mistake, rosie.
So, I take it, then, that teachers, deserving of your sympathy, should not be required to be vaccinated as part of the campaign wrought by Andrews towards whom you are not sympathetic on the matter. Is that right.
ANZ is a shit bank, we stopped using them years ago
Psaki gets the Goebels award for 2022
The key word being ‘others’.
Key quote from the article:
This is in keeping with many other studies showing the spike protein is binding irreversibly with T-cells, such as Dutch et al.
Not much can be done about it now, but if they finally stop forcing boosters onto everyone natural immunity and those T-lymphocytes should slowly regenerate from stem cells. Neither the Covid virus nor the vaccine have the ability to hide in DNA like HIV does.
If the sign on the door of the branch I occasionally walk past is anthing to go by, they have a special relationship with the alphabet people. The average normie not so much, it would seem.
The latte drinkers are our eternal rivals. They think you should use the frothy milk with the espresso shot, dandified fops that they are.
We like our espresso shot covered by the heated milk itself. You know – drinking hot milk from a round-bowled cup with a handle large enough for a kid’s pinkie. Like a real man!
Years ago there was a place in Stanley Street East Sydney called Bill and Toni’s. It had a coffee shop downstairs where you could get a sambucca with your coffee. That was the only alcohol they sold. They would float a few coffee beans in it and everyone thought it was the height of chic.
I discovered afterward that the Italian was was to pour the sambucca into the coffee. And the coffee – none of your cappuccinos or lattes or flat whites.
A bit like all those Irish bars you go to with lines from Joyce or Yeats or GBS all over the walls, and Guinness posters from over a century ago, and rusted rustic farm implements strung up. No pub in Ireland would do this.
An interesting insight into the salacious and petty factional politics of the ALP.
However, the main story is buried in there and barely touched upon.
Why was k.d. wong so desparate to bury the Magnitsky Act which would identify and target individual human rights abusers overseas?
Seemingly a worthy aspiration.
Could it be that it might turn up a few Chinese individuals with links to the ALP?
I drink bulletproof coffee. Sets me up for the day.
Someone here was using the expression “Top men”.
It has left me pondering the Venn Diagrams of the other types of men.
Bottom Men?
Everyone is building new coal plants except Australia:
Middle men?
Isn’t it an Italian rule that once breakfast is over you do not add milk to coffee?
Speaking of lies and misrepresentations, a random question.
Has anyone here ever deliberately falsified entries in a heavy vehicle driver’s logbook?
Given they’d been fighting for 8 years in the Donbass and they were receiving financial and military support from US and other NATO partners, I think the ‘surprised by UKR resistance’ is another one of those imagined premises the media is promoting.
I had one of those nitrous coffees at place in Glebe pre COVID.
I have no idea how it works but it was like I was mainlining caffeine.
Never again.
I like the hit to wash over me, not jam it’s thumb up my arse.
March 16, 2022 at 9:08 am
Oh, my goodness!
That is scary.
Where does it come from?
Anchor, I watched 30 mins of MAFS recently (for research purposes only!)
The plot of the scene was two “experiment” participants leaving their “spouse” to hook up with a different “spouse”.
Cue outrageous outrage amongst the other participants and the 3 psychologists.
The stern lecturing by the psychologists had me wondering about the concept of “no judgement” during psychological intervention.
But the dog that didn’t bark in the night was the total absence of the blindingly obvious – it was those 3 psychologists who had orchestrated the matching of “spouses” which had failed so spectacularly.
Anyway, back to re-runs of Midsommer Murders and Dalziel and Pascoe.
Yes Sancho
Seems the ALP are very focused on not upsetting China.
Very why.
Way back when (1990’s) I had dealings with a bloke in hospitality who looked at these “pubs”.
They came in kit form right down to the last artificially aged Guiness poster and the tam-o-shanter sitting on Danny Boy sheet music on the shelf.
Cost a bomb but they were being knocked out at the rate of one per day to meet world-wide demand.
Buyers could not depart from the plan once it was installed.
Has Pelosi had a stroke or is it some other sort of brain damage? That was slurred and almost incoherent.
Except for wanting to “take out” the forty miles of tanks.
And the wild gesturing as she searched for simple words. What is going on there?
A corretto in a North Melbourne dive, surrounded by illegal card gamers checking out what the cat dragged in.
I for one was suckered in by your introduction.
Assumed you were referring to some Morning Glory.
My mate’s girlfriend’s parents were Italian migrants – so she grew up in an Italianised environment, spoke perfect Italian, but had not been there.
She went for a holiday. She went into a place to get a coffee and had trouble asking for coffee made with milk. The quizzical expression on the shopkeeper’s face suddenly lifted with realisation and he said (in Italian), “Ah, American coffee”*.
*He might have done better to say something like ‘Starbucks coffee’ as I always think Americans do not reliably even use cream or milk.
Topper topped.
If you feel like reading about the FBI targeting a retard, google Fortenberry.
The retard is a Nebraska Republican.
But the FBI’s main charge, once all the noise is dealt with, is lying to the FBI.
Who is the target audience for ye old Irish pub?
Expats, descendants of the Irish diaspora?
I saw a few in Spain and France, always looked so out of place.
OSG, the clue was in the Kickstart your heart.
‘American coffee’ is a coffee menu item in Europe including Italy.
It’s usually the biggest coffee serving size.
She’s 81.
And who knows what meds she’s on other than her doctors?
Quick Dick McDick on the Canadian Trucker Convoy.
A good precis of what happened.
You can see what’s happening on the farm too. Just little snippets that convey the reality.
I checked on google, it’s espresso diluted with hot water to mimic brewed coffee.
It seems any excuse for Kitchen’s death is acceptable , except for the real one.
What insane theatre.
No one WANTS to know what she died of, and so they actually become all superstitious and Salem on each other.
Technology may change, but humans without Christianity are a sight to behold.
It was the Salmon mousse.
It’s similar in much of basic human instinct that there needs to be an enemy.
The people that have killed us, imprisoned us, and destroyed millions of Australian, and billions of lives in the west, over the last two years, completely at war with the once free populations of the west, demand that we now stand with them against Putin.
Um….[…] that.
A pox on both their houses.
I neither support Putin, or the WEF controlled west.
A west that has a WEF slut of a Canadian Tyrannical PM talking about freedom and democracy!!!!!!!!!
Talk about gaslighting and ‘avin’ a larf!
I have to say this.
Putin may be as bad as his opposition and their puppet Ukrainian President, but he’s not a globalist, and as he knows what the WEF Davos crowd are up to, he’s not letting them get Russia.
The more dangerous people to us, the ones that can and have proven to have done more harm to us, claim to be on our side, and demand we should be on theirs, after what they’ve done?
BE […].
Take it all with a grain of salt, cross reference to other sources. He does makes good sense.
Thanks for getting that stat into the MSM, Jacinta: the rate of black-on-black violence in Aboriginal communities is 73.6% — as horrifying as it is in America, where the vast majority of blacks dying violently are at the hands of other violent blacks.
But, hey, let’s blame whitey and/or the cops – anyone but who is actually responsible. Between the Democratic Party and the Australian political establishment, this is socialism good and hard where everything is never your fault if you’re in the designated helpless victim group – provided you don’t stray off the plantation and start thinking for yourself.
re the “Everyone is building new coal plants except Australia:”
And then the solid brick wall of reality smacks the stupid buggers in the gob.
Cookie cutter Irish Pubs have all the charm of a Maccas with beer.
The TOW guy will probably end up the same.
Very different combat environment from Afghanistan and Syria.
I went to an “Irish” pub in Dubai in the mid 90s when it was still a bit of work required to find a drink. Rolled out into a dusty limestone car park in century heat around midnight. It may not have even been run by a real Irish expat.
Breaking: Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan For Oil
[Picking scabs; stop]
“CLP Senate candidate Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, who lives in Alice Springs, said she could not support stripping police of guns in remote communities while family violence in those communities remained at such alarming levels.
“We know there have been 500 Aboriginal deaths in custody since the royal commission (in 1991) but since then 951 Aboriginal people have died of homicide and 700 of those were caused by other Indigenous Australians,” she said.
“Until the rates of interpersonal violence, domestic and family violence are dealt with, I don’t see how there can be a call to remove guns.”
Ms Nampijinpa Price said Walker’s death was a tragic event but overall she believed taking guns off police would have unintended consequences.”
Well said Jacinta. My understanding is that Walker was kin to Price, through her mother Bess. Jacinta knows all too well the chronic dysfunction and violence endemic in indigenous communities across the country but particularly in and around Alice. Jacinta herself has personal experience of being on the receiving end of violence from indigenous family members.
[Picking scabs; please stop]
Cassie of Sydneysays:
March 16, 2022 at 7:59 am
“Real Mark Latham
Why is it that filthy rich, powerful rent seekers in Russia are known as ‘Oligarchs’ but here in Australia they are called ‘renewables investors’?”
All living in electorates such as Warringah, Wentworth, North Sydney, Higgins and Curtin.
All of which electorates a sensible conservative party would leave to the Liars and Slime to fight each other over, preferably at exorbitant cost.
Right there Bear. Has Benny Wong ever had an original idea in her life. Mind you that goes for every other Poliwit we have. How does one become a political fuckwit? I suppose they start off without the wit. Over the years I’ve known quite a few of politicians from both sides and most are excellent with a smattering of scum. Sad to say almost none now.
People who want to make it look like their getting hammered was more of an enriching experience than passing out on the tiled floor down the street at ‘The Imperial’ or ‘The Trough and Lolly’.
In Osaka there was a popular pub called Murphy’s. Apart from the name, and a large carving of a genial if bibulous, largish gentleman in early 19th century attire, on one wall, had nothing much more than a few small-framed quotes from Irish authors on the walls. Apart from that it was a bar and some tables and stools. But, it was a gaijin bar so it was also usually crowded.
And it was somehow a little more homely to see a pint slammed down with some of the head sloshing over into the splash tray, rather than the meticulously filled daijoki you got in Japanese places.
Then another place opened called ‘Dubliners’. You could guess from the name that it was going to be one of those gaudy comically Irish pastiche places, and you would also have been right. Japanese loved it.
Surprisingly Murphy’s lost much of its business, yet I never saw that many gaijin in Dubliners. No one who had been in Japan more than a couple of months and for whom an Irish pub was more familiar than street level.
Alcoholic Dementia.
Another aspect is Korsakoffs Psychosis.
Even more distressing for the relationships that exist, is the uninhibited behaviour that sometimes occurs.
Call of Duty too.
Paging any lazy journalists.
Health insurance snake oil.
Under the email headline ‘Premiums Frozen’.
Your fund has saved a squillian due to reduced activity … Covid etc.
Unused funds will be returned to members through frozen premiums.
As you have paid your premium 12 months in advance there will be no effect upon your premiums.
Followed by: “The Fund’s savings for the last financial year have been returned through support to members”.
Bald faced deception.
Commonly referred to as “Plastic Paddies”.
First LOL moment of the day.
Tucker Carlson on Silicon Valley’s seamless switch from masks and Kung Flu lockdowns – and banning everyone who doesn’t obey — to everything bad is caused by Putin: “It is like watching synchonised swimming in Pyonyang”.
Mark Latham’s Outsiders
Coming back into parliamentary service three years ago, the thing that has surprised me most about the NSW Government is the huge amount of time and money wasted by senior public servants in the workplace.
Since 2019 I have been alerted to and collected information on the following activities inside government departments during work-time:
Welcome to Country ceremonies
Rainbow Flag-raising ceremonies
Rainbow Cake-cutting events
Harmony Council meetings
Reconciliation Units
Critical Race Theory training
White Privilege shaming walks
Time in the ‘Imaginarium’ room contemplating the future
Personal Well-Being Sessions
How to Laugh lessons, like the disgusting one held last week during the flood crisis
Yoga and other ‘relaxation’ classes during Lockdowns
How to bake Indigenous cookies
Hanging expensive Indigenous paintings in the Treasury tea-room
Setting up special Yarning Circle rooms
Paying for Busker entertainment during Zoom meetings
LGBTIQ Alphabet hand-wringing sessions
Handing over floor space at the Powerhouse Museum to the ‘Department of Homo Affairs’
Unconscious bias therapy training
Bruce Pascoe Book Clubs
Wear It Purple Day
Meetings to get rid of girlie photos in the toilets of construction sites
Gender Equality Units
So-called Cultural Sensitivity training.
After all these activities have been completed, they must have 7 minutes left before knocking off for the day – enough time for sorting out their personal pronouns (as Transport for NSW did recently).
There’s your answer as to why the trains aren’t running properly, our school results have gone down the drain and hospital emergency rooms are over-crowded. Instead of doing their day jobs, senior public servants on big money are involved in woke political rubbish. More junior public servants tell me they resent this campaign as they, quite properly, they just want to do the job they signed up for.
Premier Perrottet could end this with one simple memo to Departmental heads: announcing a new productivity measure of saving hours every day by abolishing the woke politics and getting back to actually serving the people and taxpayers of NSW.
How hard is that? But Perrottet is scared to act. He knows of the problem but finds it too hard to stand up to his Leftie public service bosses. In practice, he’s not running the State, they are. And taxpayers are being ripped off badly – paying for politics, instead of customer service.
Mark Latham MLC
16 March 2022.
another fag rino
Bill Maher Explains to Ben Shapiro How He Was Tricked by ‘Woke’ | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report
the top four are shit banks.
They’ve just swapped out Trump for Putin. Covid was simply a waypoint.
No need for lunch.
Ms Nampijinpa Price said Walker’s death was a tragic event but overall she believed taking guns off police would have unintended consequences.
No, the consequences will be exactly what is intended. Anarchy, followed by bleats for more gummint munni.
Now the white can’t be Blak?
bons says:
March 16, 2022 at 11:12 am
Health insurance snake oil.
Last year mediwank sent me notice that they were returning “savings” to members. This was in the form of “free days” can you imagine my joy at receiving 3 days free for 2021?
These people must think we are all drongos less than 1% saved during a year where most elective surgery was cancelled and people stayed away from doctors in droves.
Ritual is important for the new religion Mr Latham. Surely you realize that. Gaia must be placated.
I went to an “Irish” pub in Dubai in the mid 90s
It was at the airport in Dubai. Everything in Dubai is faux to attract the European management level workers. Brilliant concept. A country, UK, France, spend 25 years to trains its people to the best (a burden) , Dubai attracts them with 20 -50% extra wage and a bunch of faux playthings. They work for 20 years or so, then return to home country to become a burden again. Best ROI ever. The West is just plain stupid, but at least they feel superior.
People fuming because they couldn’t pay for their morning coffee, FFS.
Who goes around without even $10 in cash on them?
After the first time I experienced a card provider outage at the shops, years ago, I (a) made sure I had a decent stash of cash tucked away at home, and (b) never left the house without at least a pineapple’s worth of cash on me.
Relying on cards with no backstop is just plain stupid.
Ukraine will not join Nato, says Zelenskiy, as shelling of Kyiv continues
Shame he didn’t suggest this a few weeks ago.
Whatever he is, he knows what he’s up against, while the average westerner wouldn’t know if a bus was up them.
“Synchronised swimming in Pyongyang”!
An unbeatable descriptor of our age – brilliant.
It deserves masthead treatment.
That bloke was a real downer. Never appreciated the value of sinister music in advocacy documentaries.
If the sign on the door of the branch I occasionally walk past is anthing to go by, they have a special relationship with the alphabet people. The average normie not so much, it would seem.
Same with the NAB .. I’ve an online account and all the heading advertising is always WOKE .. either some ‘special needs” pix or the obligatory “mixed” colouring family unit .. normal white folk are, apparently, classed as arare species, nowadays .. LOL!
From the Daily Terror…
“Brittany Higgins rape case: Bruce Lehrmann to apply for trial to not proceed
The man who is defending allegations he raped Brittany Higgins will make an application to permanently stop the trial going ahead.
The man charged with raping Brittany Higgins in Parliament House will apply to permanently halt the six-week trial.
Bruce Lehrmann’s barrister David Campbell SC on Wednesday told ACT Chief Justice Lucy McCallum that Mr Lehrmann would be seeking a permanent stay of proceedings or, alternatively, a temporary one.
It comes a week after Chief Justice McCallum gave the deadline of Wednesday for an answer on whether an application would be made amid concerns over whether Mr Lehrmann could have a fair trial.
The trial is set down for six weeks in June.
Mr Campbell also told the court that they would be writing to the media, asking them to take down publications relating to matters before the court.
If the media did not consent to this, he told the court that Mr Lehrmann might apply for certain material to be taken down.
Further, Mr Campbell said Mr Lehrmann would be making an application to prevent any further publication if a permanent stay of proceedings was not granted.
Chief Justice McCallum set down a hearing for April 1 with regard to the foreshadowed applications.
She again gave a stern warning to anyone with interest in the proceedings.
“The more this case is ventilated in public forums the more likely it is that the accused will not be able to have a fair trial and the consequence that must follow is a stay, either permanent or temporary, of the prosecution,” she said.
It comes a week after she warned in court: “The more people keep talking about this case the greater the risk the prosecution will be stayed.”
Mr Lehrmann has pleaded not guilty to one count of sexual intercourse without consent.
Police allege he raped Ms Higgins in the office of senator Linda Reynolds on March 23, 2019.
Fascinating article and thread:
From the thread:
You don’t say.
Last year mediwank sent me notice that they were returning “savings” to members. This was in the form of “free days” can you imagine my joy at receiving 3 days free for 2021?
What does a 3 free days entail ? .. stay in hospital for 7 only pay for 4.. LOL?
Shame he didn’t suggest this a few weeks ago.
Zelensky is desperate for this to end.
The man charged with raping Brittany Higgins in Parliament House will apply to permanently halt the six-week trial.
6 weeks set aside for a trial that if it goes ahead boils down to what he sez, she sez with very little, if any, physical evidence/witnesses .. wonderful what being on BRADBURY’s fast dial can achieve …..
Umm… me.
Something you won’t see in the breakfast news, etc.:
[It’s not only the picking scabs here that annoys it’s now the gratuitous repetition of profanity arising from a single comment]
What’s wrong with Bosi’s take?
Brittany should be praying for a stay. A trial for her would basically be like an ASX penny dreadful actually drilling a hole. Why would you do it?
Me too Bear.
$6 in my wallet, I’m richer than I thought.
I image he’d be pretty keen for a cease fire in place before Kiev is invested and Vlad starts landing troops near Odessa.
The last thing Brittany could want is a trial and a not guilty verdict.
It’s also odd that when the courts normally go to great lengths to preserve victim anonymity she’s a household name.
“I dunno, Cats. Does anyone else see what’s off about this?”
Oh, certainly – clearly there is an issue with his pay, right?
I mean, there should be an extra zero on the end, shouldn’t there?
He’s so clearly worth more, inne?
“Justice is where she gets off with hunting out of season.”
There’s a pig season?
I’m glad I worked in remote Aboriginal communities in the old days (1995-2010) when they were merely completely dysfunctional.
I think you’ll find it’s not the courts putting out media releases.
Jacinta Price – bravery award stat!
I know, right?
What a dick.
And badgering poor old Faulty to publish the actual patent numbers of those very fuzzy photos of “damning documents”.
That was elder abuse.
I suggest because he’s on the spot and tells things as he sees them. I entirely disagree with him that there’s no overarching plan, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t worth listening to on what is happening on the ground there.
Gentlepeople, please.
Can we cease and desist with the faux Irish pub commentary.
That isn’t on the PDS (Party Distraction Schedule) until Friday afternoon.
True Bear.
The BF produced a dossier for Labor to belt the liberal party around the head with.
Seems to be working well, pity about the collateral damage.
I don’t think they care.
If they get a guilty verdict, all good.
If it is not guilty, cue the hand-wringing about the patriarchal judiciary and “growing calls” for “believe all women” provisions in Evidence Acts.
Followed by some half-arsed civil case.
I have a confession to made.
Never been inside an Irish pub, faux or otherwise.
Yes, I figured she’d still get by with the believe all woman nonsense but you never know something said at trial might have proven she had misremebered.
And besides that ‘believe all women’ might wash with some people but not everyone.
And I’d expect any civil action to be as successful as that multiple cases against Cardinal Pell.
He just popped up out of nowhere
At risk of being accused of same, might I suggest a slip of the tongue?
rosie says:
March 16, 2022 at 12:20 pm
I have a confession to made.
Never been inside an Irish pub, faux or otherwise
Well Rosie, here is a pop up one sans Guinness.
This isn’t a movie scene, but a campaign add
I have a confession too. I’ve been to fake Irish pubs, real Irish pubs and possibly the Guinness factory tour.
It was in February. Pretty hard core.
Here’s the bleeding obvious in detail.
Neither is going to happen. The Russian forces are stretched very thinly and are really short of warm bodies. Also ammunition. One of the issues with their poor logistics (only 200 trucks per division in prewar TO&E) is that artillery ammunition is really really heavy. So as the emphasis switches from penetration columns to siege and assault is they’re having trouble getting ammunition up to the front. Running out of combat rations is also a bit of a tell, as Adams touched on in his toon this morning (thanks Tom!). (I commented on the Russian request to Mr Xi for rat packs yesterday.)
Maj Gen Mick Ryan is one of the more neutral commentators, the thing about ammo shortage comes from his previous boss Lt Gen Ben Hodges (ret US Army). Hodges is very UKR partisan, but his comments about ammunition were interesting.
Russia’s effort to conquer Ukraine may culminate within the next 10 days (15 Mar)
At the moment the Russians are concentrating on the south, plus edging around the northern cities to try and isolate them. But the more they do so the more thinly spread they are, and rear area security is suffering. Which the UKR territorials have been taking advantage of with hit and run tactics.
[…] off. Only Roughmen, who are prepared to do violence to keep you safe, are welcome here.
We’re not going to join a defensive union because we are being invaded and shelled by our biggest threat and they don’t want us to.
Umm… never mind.
You’re so … (flutters eyelashes) … manly!
Meanwhile in the NT, it just keeps keeping on:
A coronial inquest is examining how a 17-year-old boy who fell from a power pole was failed by NT Health, Territory Families and mental health providers.
‘Chronic issues’ failed NT teen haunted by the devil
Oirish pubs are for lightweights.
Try a GAA* hall for the full feckin’ Crown and feckin’ Pikeys experience.
*Gaelic Athletic Association.
Thanks Johnjjj.
You’ve been everywhere, Bear.
Been in a couple of Irish pubs – in Dublin.
90% of covid deaths are in the vaccinated…….who really thinks they are dying of covid?
Bruce of N
I commented on the Russian request to Mr Xi for rat packs yesterday.
When asking Chynerr for food, I would avoid the term “rat packs”. The supplied product might turn out to be exactly that!
Let’s see what he says to Congress later today.
Meantime, is Mr. Xi going to climb through the window of opportunity and be Europe’s saviour?
He appears tobe the only one who has any sway over Putin.
Bloody typical.
Trying to de-rail a serious discussion on Irish pubs with a “Hey! Look over there! War in Ukraine!”
[picking scabs], the people you trusted are laughing at you .
Hey look, over there, Ukraine and oooooo Russia!All giggles at the CDC.
Who are the thugs in this scenario?
I think he was badly let down by the law.
The Law of Gravity.
This is the sort of stunts the MSM pull that have people […] shitting [them sel[ves].
As someone said yesterday, Bill has a heart for the wukkas…
[so does picking it out]
In this instance the UK Sports minister, who is leaning on Wimbledon to “do something”.
I imagine the last thing tennis officials want is the world no. 1 not playing.
The Left make everything about politics, now faux conservatives are following suit, oblivious to the nightmare world of social conformity they are enabling thereby.
Why is the WSJ editorial board still publishing Rudd?
Seriously, people, I don’t want to waste my days constantly moderating your feuds.
The problem for the Russians is similar to the problem Julius Caesar faced at Alesia in Gaul. He had to build 25 miles of trenches, walls and forts to keep Vercingetorix’s guys under siege. Then he had to build another 25 miles of trenches, walls and forts outside the inner line to keep Mr Vercingetorix’s friends from freeing him. Hence his nickname The King of Spades.
Kiev, Chernigov and Kharkov are each much bigger than Alesia. So the Russians have a terrible dilemma how to keep the defenders isolated and under siege whilst preventing the territorials from chewing up the besiegers. I think the frontages are just too large with the forces Russia has available. Julius Caesar had about half the forces the Russians have: but he only had one city to besiege, not an entire country the size of France/Gaul.
What evidence exactly are the cops going to tender at the trial?
They have zero DNA evidence. There will be some video evidence (presumably) of the pair of useless drunken parasites blundering into parliament house at 2:00am on a Saturday morning demanding access to the ministerial office wing and some footage (again presumably) of them proceeding to blunder towards and into Reynold’s office (from within the ministerial office wing). Unless some video footage emerges from within Reynold’s office of the alleged without consent intercourse taking place, the prosecution’s case is likely to go precisely nowhere, very fast.
The testimony of the equally useless security guards could be interesting, but if you were Lehrmann, all you’d have to state is that “I did not have sex with that woman”*. Guilty of sexual intercourse without consent, beyond any reasonable doubt?
Not a chance. Still, after the Pell debacle, nothing is out of the question.
BTW, I am not a lawyer and have never claimed to be, although I did have the misfortune of being a juror in a particularly sordid abduction and sexual assault case in the ACT about seven years ago.
*It’s not as though that has never been used before.
A report released Greece’s Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs has found 2,339 incidents of desecration of the country’s Greek Orthodox churches during the five year period between 2015-2020, making them the main target among the various religious groups in the country, accounting for approximately 92.57% of the cases
There appears to be a correlation between the increase in illegal migration and the incidents of attacks on Greek Orthodox religious churches and religious spaces during the five year period which occurred during the peak of the migration crisis
What is insane is idiots like Struth attributing her death to the vaccine without any evidence.
I am definitely anti Vax mandates but the idea that heart attacks should be put into the vaccine death column is a bit of a stretch without actual evidence. Does Struth or anybody even know when her last shot was?
“It seems any excuse for Kitchen’s death is acceptable , except for the real one.
What insane theatre”
Going to be interesting and hopefully we’ll reported on by the press. Need a Janet A or Panahi inside.
“What evidence exactly are the cops going to tender at the trial?”
That’s the horror of it, spending a week in Dublin and not going to an Irish pub, faux or otherwise.
Still, how did it end for the Gauls?
Must concern them that the ides of March have passed – if that was part of their strategy.
has passed.
He wanted to go play war and got one handed to him.
I mean seriously, WTF did he think was going to happen?
Dr Faustus says:
March 16, 2022 at 11:34 am
Ukraine will not join Nato, says Zelenskiy, as shelling of Kyiv continues.
Shame he didn’t suggest this a few weeks ago.
Up until a few weeks ago, Zelenskiy had the opportunity to milk this like a bandit. He could have negotiated a vast and profitable deal for Ukraine that would have enriched the entire country. And not just with Russia, he could have engaged the EU, in particular, if only he would have pledged neutrality. A new ‘Switzerland’. The opportunities would have seen the streets paved with gold, not pitted with bomb craters.
The headline cutely fails to mention that some of the muslim immigrants were using churches as toilets.
Greece: Muslim Migrants Desecrate and ‘Turn into Toilets’ 2,339 Churches (14 Mar)
The Occupy London protesters did the same to St Pauls. Seems to be a thing.
I watched that video earlier this morning, shades of how the Spanish Republicans treated the international brigade.
They ended up exporting Irish pubs.
Thanks, Zulu:
Trying to avoid imagining how the “erotic purposes” would have worked out – but she was obviously quite happy with things for three years.
Not well. But Julius Caesar was one of the most talented generals the world has ever seen, and he had less of a task tactically than the Russian GS have, relative to available forces.
One of the comparisons that can be made is this campaign vs the first Iraq War. Colin Powell’s guys overestimated the effectiveness of the the Iraqi Army, which was the third biggest in the world at the time. That is entirely forgivable. Powell assembled an assault force well over 500,000 guys, more than twice what the Russians assembled, and with full combined arms and air support. The US had total air superiority. The Iraqi Army was flattened. The wiki about The Battle of Norfolk is typical. US armor and infantry destroyed about 500 Iraqi tanks for loss of half a dozen (some from friendly fire). Many of those Iraqi armored vehicles still feature in the Russian T&OE.
You get this when the assigned forces are insufficient: the offensive grinds to a halt as the front line units suffer casualties and supply problems. Then they have to go over to hold-in-place. That is what has occurred a lot, especially in the northern front. They just don’t have the forces they need.
If the Russians could get clear air superiority and provide close air support consistently maybe they could get their ground forces moving. But I’m not seeing much sign of that. The influx of manpads has been breathtaking.
I just watched a clip of Dr Kerryn Phelps warning me of the dangers of the dreaded coof that is inhabiting my being like the creature in Alien.
I risk:
-Heart attack
-High blood pressure
-Brain shrinkage
-Early dementia
I’m relieved that she didn’t mention my balls exploding. A silver lining perhaps.
It was/is an unfathomable form of suicide, climbing a power pole and then arcing out on the cables. So much so that cages had to be placed to prevent access to the cables, like those that prevent possums from climbing.
The thing is, that even after seeing someone turn into a fried fruit bat, others still thought is was something to aspire to. Through chemical induced joy or despair, I dont know.
The community enables this.
“Up until a few weeks ago, Zelenskiy had the opportunity to milk this like a bandit. He could have negotiated a vast and profitable deal for Ukraine that would have enriched the entire country.”
Russia offered that, pre-war – including free gas! – if they’d agree not to join a “block” (NATO or EU) and some other conditions. He knocked it back because “freedom” and “democracy” and “self-determination”.
So you might say their “self-determination” was to be destroyed by Russia. Who am I to argue?
“The headline cutely fails to mention that some of the muslim immigrants were using churches as toilets.”
Imagine the outrage if you used a mosque as a abattoir for pigs…
Biden: ‘The First Lady’s Husband’ has COVID
For military techheads this thread is quite interesting. The Russians are now equipping their ballistic missiles with decoys. Nice. The Americans won’t be happy at all.
the high level of child suicide in Aboriginal communities is probably also an indication something is not right, the Conversation, from 2019, I’m not paying much heed to the claims regarding causes though
It was only a quickie from London when I was in the UK. I think a mate just wanted to go so we could catch Air Lingus. Fair enough really.
My comment earlier that Odessa wasn’t likely to be taken may be in error. Observers today are seeing an amphibious force heading towards the city.
I still think the Russians are going to have a lot of trouble though. The Ukrainians have known the Russians want it for weeks now, and will have been fortifying the place with gusto. Worth watching though.
Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he:
Jussie Smollett’s lawyers and family are demanding an emergency suspension of the actor’s five-month jail sentence, saying “vicious threats” including a highly disturbing anonymous phone call raise serious concerns about his safety behind bars.
One of Smollett’s siblings received the alarming call Friday morning on the number that was given as his emergency jail contact when he was taken into custody Thursday night following sentencing for his hate hoax conviction, a Smollett spokeswoman says.
Rolling Stone, where darlin’ Jussie is shown to be trying every trick in the book to get out of the can…
100% confirming that Wussia has replaced Wuflu as our current existential crisis
Can we hold off on the Irish pub talk until Friday?
The party strategists have a plan but if we get ahead of ourselves it will muck things up.
Could they hear if they were wearing MAGA hats?
Overwhelming Anecdotal evidence much of which I and many others have posted here regularly.
You can claim she died of being a politician and people will believe that over the bleeding obvious (anecdotal evidence) and I note no one here is disagreeing with the theory put forward that she died because that chap Wong was nasty to her,…….but the emotions surely start (above) when the obvious is stated.
If only you’d required evidence od covid before you all shit yourself.
Now every vax death you want a fucking autopsy!!!
Of course you do……
“Dedollarization” – interesting strategic moves by China and Russia. Cats can look it up but it is what it says it is. 🙂
Let’s not prejudge Groogs expert testimony. I’m sure he has been diligently working on those tapes despite the appearance of being on here posting poorly Googled crap to annoy people.
I was talking to a bloke about Ukraine and Russia in an Irish Pub…
How Russia and Ukraine both fit into an Irish pub I will never know.
Never been inside an Irish pub, faux or otherwise.
Heres a small bit of hard won wisdom from my youth.
Dont enter a proper Irish inhabited pub wearing a “Margaret Thatcher Block” T shirt.