The Greatest Fraud in History

Came across this: Wall Street analyst: COVID vaccines ‘greatest fraud in history’. This is the point:

Dowd and a Wall Street insurance analyst with whom he has teamed, concludes the CDC data show the Millennial generation suffered a “Vietnam War event,” with more than 61,000 excess deaths from March 2021 to February 2022.

That is more than just fraud, but mass murder if it’s true. But so far this only in my view makes it to second place. Above it is Global Warming about which I received a note today which said this:

Pursuing a Net Zero by 2050 target will jeopardise our energy independence and national security and raise the cost of living for mainstream Australians without making any discernible impact on global temperatures.

I see phrases like this all the time: “without making any discernible impact on global temperatures” as if this is a real problem that needs to be solved but we are perhaps either not doing enough or doing the wrong thing. For myself, the entire issue is a fraud. There is no problem that needs solving. There will be enormous costs across the world but nothing will be achieved since it is a non-existent problem, much in the same way as I think about Covid. This is not the return of the Great Plague, in the same way that Global Warming hysteria is not directed at an actual problem that is in need of solution.

The Number One fraud, to me, is and has been for a long time, modern macroeconomic theory with its fundamental equation learned by every socialist in their first year in economics: Output is the sum of Consumer Demand [C], Private Investment [I] and Public Spending [G]: Y=C+I+G.

So if there is unemployment then all the government needs to do is increase its level of spending [G] and the problem is solved.

The inflation in the US followed by the eventual collapse in its economy will demonstrate just how insane – and also fraudulent – this policy is. Trillions have been wasted over the years in pursuing this agenda with no success at any time ever in history anywhere.

But while the cretins who are funding their own lives along with their mates will do very well out of it, the rest of us will need to scramble just to stay ahead of the pack. See Venezuela (and Cuba, and the former Soviet Union) for examples of just how disastrous such policies can be.

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March 18, 2022 12:39 am

I’m interested that you can try to rank these 3 obvious frauds. IMO they all rank equally in damage to people but monetary policy is only understood by a few, so the number of suckers is limited.
Whereas Gerbil Warming and the China virus have conned billions. Making suckers out of the majority of people on earth.

March 18, 2022 6:38 am

Output is the sum of Consumer Demand [C], Private Investment [I] and Public Spending [G]: Y=C+I+G.

Nothing wrong with that, it is purely a way of disaggregating the national accounts/

So if there is unemployment then all the government needs to do is increase its level of spending [G] and the problem is solved.

Here is the problem; job and wealth creation relies on I, not G.

G is consumption, or at best investment with very poor returns. However voters have clearly demonstrated that they want government to steal money from the productive, and give it to the unproductive.

Luckily the productive are very productive, and Australia’s economy, at least until the more recent insanity, was chugging along at 2% real growth per annum.

March 18, 2022 6:41 am

There is also the fraud that a man can become a woman, with all of the implications that this is having on a society at all levels, but especially young kids who are being seriously affected mentally.

As I noted in another posts, this is is not a result of ignorance, but pure malevolence. Government, science and media are the fraudsters.

Economics is merely a sub-set of all three.

March 18, 2022 7:13 am

Ex the OP:
Modern macroeconomic theory with its fundamental equation learned by every socialist in their first year in economics: Output is the sum of Consumer Demand [C], Private Investment [I] and Public Spending [G]: Y=C+I+G.
So if there is unemployment then all the government needs to do is increase its level of spending [G] and the problem is solved.

Blind Freddie, without any economic nouse whatsoever would be able to tell you that by far the greatest amount of employed folk are happily at play within direct, or the indirect employ of Grubments.

Society, by investing solely in government productivity can only expect to eventually produce a non-sustainable yield.
But these days you can easily be temporarily fooled by jumping on the grubment tit and becoming a subsidised private Corporation.
Though finally the end result has to be to disappear up ones own ass, even if it is private transportation via the oligarchs super yacht.

Cassie of Sydney
March 18, 2022 7:22 am

March 18, 2022 at 6:41 am”

Well said. We are being drowned in lies…..and the MSM are doing the gaslighting for these lies.

An example of this evil gaslighting, earlier this year a male was arrested for inappropriate touching. This male now says he’s a female and has assumed a female name. This male is a convicted murderer, in the space of twenty years he murdered three different people. In any just society, he would have been executed. He was let loose last year and had been living in Western Sydney before police rearrested HIM in January. Anyway, every MSM story refers to HIM as a SHE/HER/WOMAN/FEMALE. It is a disgrace.

We live in evil times.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
March 18, 2022 7:50 am

And now we have the newest fraud thrust upon us – the Ukrainian : Russian war.
Putin is correct in calling it the Empire of Lies
Sadly the same people who got the jabs are also doing to believe the newest lie because that’s there way they are programmed.

March 18, 2022 9:04 am

Gerbil worming is by far the greatest fraud in human history, with daylight second. Although admittedly, it remains to be seen if the clot shots start causing excess mortality of hundreds of millions in the medium term (those deaths will of course, be sheeted back to good ol’ “natural causes”).

Millions have already died in the third world due to insane gerbil worming policies implemented in western nations (e.g. corn for ethanol rather than food), not to mention the tens of millions of lives needlessly shortened in the third world due to being denied access to fossil fuel driven cheap reliable energy. The cost (including opportunity costs) of this insanity in western nations alone would run into the hundreds of trillions. Don’t forget, this massive monstrous fraud has been foisted on us for over 33 years (and counting).

As for modern macro hypotheses (I refuse to dignify them with the term “theory” as they aren’t) the real equation is: Y=C+I-G.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
March 18, 2022 9:05 am

Every tradie who works on government infrastructure is a public servant.

March 18, 2022 9:09 am

I am placing a lot of hope in Dowd and particularly the US & Canadian insurance industry in not only exposing criminality in the vaccine trial data, but in disclosing it globally.

We need those immediately responsible to be subject to judicial process under oath. I understand this is underway here and elsewhere. The tentative victories in the NZ High Court and also here in junior courts prove it can come to pass.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
March 18, 2022 10:36 am

They’re the same – the theft of all our money.

Roger W
Roger W
March 18, 2022 10:49 am

As with so much else, Benjamin Franklin had something to say on these issues:

In these sentiments, sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no form of government, but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and believe further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

but most simply,

When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.

Once, people valued budgetary constraint. Now people hope they can simply live well now and to hell with the next generation. Promise enough free stuff and you win in a landslide.

Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
March 18, 2022 11:05 am

What a great article on exactly what is happening to our society. Weather is cyclic, just go to BoM site and have a look at Brisbane and Queensland floods from 1890’s. The worst floods ever are not in this century of fanciful “Climate Change”. That flight of fantasy always has been and always will be a power and money grab.
On the deadly vaccines, here in Oz, still being pushed even after the release of the monstrous Pfizer information documents they tried to hide for 70+ years. Over 1250 different medical issues are listed but our PM, Premiers, Health officers and MSM, particularly their AlpBC pretend it doesn’t exist. They still want everyone including kids jabbed. Crimes against humanity from my position. Then I would need a full page on the sexualising and destroying of our kids. Child abuse at its very worst.

March 18, 2022 11:13 am

For myself, the entire issue is a fraud. There is no problem that needs solving.

Exactly Steve. Once you concede that point, you have lost because you are agreeing that something must be done. No. There should not be one single government policy to try change the weather.

Gerbil worming is by far the greatest fraud in human history, with daylight second.

Agree Rabz.

March 18, 2022 11:45 am

The greatest hoax is evolution.
Then gerbils.
Then covid.
And now the Ukraine.
fmd…how are there so many gullible soy chai, beta-mongs?

March 18, 2022 12:20 pm

As for modern macro hypotheses (I refuse to dignify them with the term “theory” as they aren’t) the real equation is: Y=C+I-G.

The problem, Rabz, is that we are not dealing with rational people. Our ruling class comprises not only the stupidest people ever born, but devotees of new animism in its various manifestations – modern macro (a.k.a. Keynesianism), global warmening and critical race theory.

It doesn’t matter that none of them has ever worked; they’re branches of the same religion. What matters is not how demonstrably absurd it is, but how many people follow it.

A substantial minority of the human race, with a weighting towards the “highly educated” in the West, is in a production line queueing to wear the uniform of those who think the human race is evil and should be punished for its sins – exactly as you would expect of a cohort of newly minted athiests who left Christianity because it couldn’t offer them instant gratification.

Belief in the new religion is everything – and its followers are spreading it like Christian missionaries used to in centuries past. Only now the zealots have the implied violence of the state to force their beliefs on everyone – even if it means killing the world economy.

After all, what is the point of a free market if it doesn’t pursue social justice, as Marx set out to do two centuries ago and his disciples like Klaus Schwab are doing now?

Of course, the elephant in the room is that the new religion can’t ascend to its final rapture until freedom is abolished. So the new theology depends on making people so stupid they can’t see the obvious.

March 18, 2022 12:22 pm

“…how are there so many gullible…”

Because for quite a long time the public “servants” and the “experts”, as well as the educational institutions, were if not non-partisan then at least balanced and truthful.
So we trusted them.
Then the “long march” happened and no-one really notice – well, not the majority, anyway.
The left leveraged that trust to get their way in many things – environment, LGBQWERTY, vaxes and now it seems, war.
I hope that the majority has now learnt this trust is no longer warranted, but we shall see I guess. But even if they have, can they stop their political masters (who are always the last to know such things) in time?

Bread and circuses – that’s where we are. Will most see it before a collapse? Probably not. Will the politicians notice? Even less likely – there are some, but are they enough?

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 18, 2022 12:32 pm

Wot Rabz said.

March 18, 2022 2:12 pm

Incompetent physicians become bureaucrats, and suddenly find themselves in possession of absolute power. Even over their Premiers, who are only too happy to defer to their ‘experts’ and shift the blame. Wrecking society-it’s not even clever, it’s morons doing what they do, and desperately avoiding blame.

March 18, 2022 4:26 pm

Some doctors seem to think that they sit above the judicial system. Very deluded.

Winston Smith
March 18, 2022 7:29 pm


Gerbil worming is by far the greatest fraud in human history, with daylight second. Although admittedly, it remains to be seen if the clot shots start causing excess mortality of hundreds of millions in the medium term (those deaths will of course, be sheeted back to good ol’ “natural causes”).

Would you put it past a panicking government, with people ready with the ‘nooses’ to let loose a new bioweapon with a 10% death rate?
Two years ago, I would have thought “No government – apart from China and the Norks would be that deranged”.
Today, I’m not so sure.

Winston Smith
March 18, 2022 7:38 pm

Has anyone seen this list?
I don’t know how accurate it is, but what’s going on in them?
Virology Laboratory of the Queensland Department of Health Australia, Queensland, Coopers Plains Level 4
University of Queensland – Sir Albert Sakzewski Virus Research Centre (SASVRC) Royal Women’s Hospital Brisbane P3 (BL3) Australia, Queensland, Herston Level 3+4
Australian Animal Health Laboratory Australia, Victoria, Geelong Level 4
National High Security Laboratory Australia, Victoria, North Melbourne Level 4

Winston Smith
March 18, 2022 7:41 pm

Damn, forgot the link:
According to the United State Government Accountability Office (GAO) report published on October 4, 2007, a total of 1356 CDC/USDA registered BSL-3 facilities were identified throughout the United States (GAO-08-108T ). This represents a very conservative estimate of the number of facilities in the US in 2007. Approximately 36% of these laboratories are located in academia. Only 15 BSL-4 facilities were identified at the time, including 9 at federal labs.

March 18, 2022 8:49 pm

Rabz: Would you put it past a panicking government, with people ready with the ‘nooses’ to let loose a new bioweapon with a 10% death rate?

Any “bioweapon” with a 10% death rate would be the most successful, evah and not one that we would like to see let loosed on this planet. I’m not nostradamus, Squire. 😕

March 19, 2022 11:38 am

“Rabz: Would you put it past a panicking government, with people ready with the ‘nooses’ to let loose a new bioweapon with a 10% death rate?”

Hmm… let’s see.
Fences around the US DC Capitol building because several hundred truck drivers want to make a peaceful protest; A$1T+ Gov debt, many small businesses destroyed, and peoples human rights ignored to “save us” from a disease that only 99.9% survive and that mainly has bad outcomes for those over 70 and/or with significant other co-morbidities; A$billions p.a. added to electricity bills to make the system less reliable and spent mostly overseas, while also causing significant environmental damage.
There’s more, obviously, but even this small selection hardly inspires confidence that those in charge are of even moderate intelligence, let alone above average.
And given they also seem intent on starting a war with the country with the most nuclear weapons on the planet, it’s very hard to put anything past them.

  1. Congrats to the Blue Origin people. Massive achievement. They made orbit on their first ever attempt. That is not easy.…

  2. None of the above is what the BBC World Service reported at 5.30 am this morning. Mr Ben- Ephraim is…

  3. California Governor And L.A. Mayor Diverted Billions From Fire-Fighting To Migrant, Homeless, And Climate Subsidies

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x