Open Thread – Weekend 19 Mar 2022

Boulevard de la Madeleine, Edouard Cortes, early 1900s

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Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 21, 2022 11:27 am

Is Scott Morrison still going to miss Kimberley Kitching’s funeral?

I think it is a mistake that he said he wouldn’t attend, and worse if he stick to that.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 21, 2022 11:30 am

Mater’s forensic evisceration of Numbers’ claims.

Well said!

March 21, 2022 11:31 am

Morrison isn’t going, barely knew her, has government stuff to do in Queensland. Rudd skipped Labor Icon’s John Button’s funeral to visit Cate Blanchett after all.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 21, 2022 11:32 am

Unfortunately Russians and Ukrainians are both very passionate peoples. And right now they’re really really passionate. Wasn’t good in the Russian Revolution, it also wasn’t good in WW2 and it’s just as not good now.

March 21, 2022 11:33 am

Plenty of people have been carried around St Kilda oval. Serial underperformers.

There is one thing to be said in the Saints’ favour: Their female supporters are, without a doubt, the best lookers in any grandstand.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 11:35 am

Numbers was and is a creep. He deflected whole threads. People who are nostalgic for the old bastard should flush their heads.

Steady on there.
To be clear, I am not wishing gor his return.
It’s just that I never saw anything which would warrant banning as much as others.
He was arrogant, insulting and still living a 1969 Ground Hog Day, but I didn’t see him post anything defamatory about people.
Having said that, if a blog proprietor doesn’t want him on their patch, that is their absolute right.

March 21, 2022 11:38 am

dover0beach says:
March 21, 2022 at 11:06 am
Via one of the Opposition parties just suspended:

Nina ? Byzantina
Ukrainian TV: “I gave instructions to my doctors. I have always been a great humanist & said that as soon as a person is injured, he is no longer an enemy, but a patient. But now, there’s a very strict order to castrate all [Russian] men, b/c they are cockroaches, not people…”

“one of the opposition parties that Zelensky banned in Ukraine the other day. You can see why. ”

Going by this tweet & the link Nina’s posted, it looks like she’s justifying the banning of Opposition Parties & combining all national TV channels in Ukraine into one platform under martial law, rather than so much as tut-tutting at Zelenskyy’s Order to Castrate Injured Russian Soldiers.

Nina ? Byzantina
The above video was shared by the founder of one of the opposition parties that Zelensky banned in Ukraine the other day. You can see why.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 21, 2022 11:39 am

Did any SA party stand on a barrel platform?
FMD. Sheep voting for a trip to the abattoir.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 11:42 am

 I have never ever seen more than five minutes of ‘Keeping Up Appearances’, so the characters apart from the central ones are fairly lost on me.

If you have seen so little of it why take umberage (deliberate) at being called Hyacinth?
You should watch more of it.
You may find the tag complementary (again, deliberate).

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 21, 2022 11:47 am

I love Ukrainian propaganda, its so much better than Russian propaganda.
Here’s a very lost Aussie parrot being rescued by firefighters in Kiev.
You’re a long way from home kiddo.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 11:47 am

I think it is a mistake that he [SloMo] said he wouldn’t attend, and worse if he stick to that.

Yep. Not unexpected though. Rarely fails to miss an opportunity. He was well suited to marketing.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 21, 2022 11:48 am

Hyacinth was fighting her own fight, which is not mine and never has been. Her character is plainly hypocritical as the quote in Matrix’s link shows. She seems in no way to have accepted people for themselves and was class obsessed in the context of her own small world. Some people, especially Brits, get like that, which is what the show lampoons.

For me ‘class’ is descriptor of identifiable social strata (i.e. sociological and demographic), not an insult, nor indeed is the term ‘classy’ as a tick of approval a commendation for all in all cases.
In the series Frazier, class in its US congtext and its various cultural forms is the basis of a lot of the scatological farce on which that show thrives.
Frazier’s good ex-cop dad calls his rather showy and brassy but generous girlfriend ‘classy’.
Which is all in the eye of the beholder as far as his two sons are concerned.
Hence in all of these matters, some perspective taking is often a good idea.
Context always counts.

March 21, 2022 11:49 am

Running 60 miles a week is next to pointless.

For what though? I like ball sports and pugilism.

I don’t practice underwater swimming that much because I don’t surf and never dive for cray’s – always get invited fishing though.

I swear by good cardio making weights much easier. Maybe I just was addicted to training at the time. 🙂

March 21, 2022 11:51 am

I’ll post it as soon as it’s available: an excellent interview with Bibi Netanyahu on Mark Levin’s Life, Liberty and Levin, including his commentary on the phony Get Bibi court cases in Israel that are now collapsing.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 11:52 am

There is one thing to be said in the Saints’ favour: Their female supporters are, without a doubt, the best lookers in any grandstand.

It might be why chicks like gay nightclubs. No bloke would willingly choose to be there. Can’t say I have seen a St Kilda match live so can’t speak from experience. Nor a gay nightclub for that matter.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 11:52 am

“He was arrogant, insulting and still living a 1969 Ground Hog Day, but I didn’t see him post anything defamatory about people.”

I could cope with his arrogance, his insults and his pitiful 1969 Groundhog Day existence. What I detested was his unrepentant apologia for communism and all other kinds of far-left tyranny and despotism, which also included Islamist fascism.

March 21, 2022 11:55 am

rickw says:
March 21, 2022 at 11:12 am

SA Legislative Council might go 5 ALP, 4 LP and 2 Green.

PHON an outside chance, LDP need a miracle.

This country is being rooted by the stupidity of its inhabitants.

FMD, how bad do things need to get? How many lives destroyed? How many freedoms decimated before The Mongs will vote differently?

PHON and LDP may not have the answers, but it is completely clear that the Uniparty don’t.

Yes, BUT, I believe our greatest stupidity is in trusting ‘our’/The Electoral Commissions to do what they’re supposed to do.

This is old news but it’s become worse since, not better –

Australian elections not as good as you think
Beneath these political uncertainties lie other less discussed uncertainties about the integrity of Australian elections. At the last federal election the Australian Electoral Commission lost 1370 votes from the Western Australian Senate vote count, causing a re-run of Senate elections in that state at a cost of around $20 million. The political and public outcry led to the resignation of AEC commissioner Ed Killesteyn and AEC state manager Peter Kramer. This may have been an isolated incident but it could also indicate deeper issues with the conduct of Australian elections.
Australia does not perform not as well as we might hope. On an overall scale of 0-100, the 2013 Australian election scored 70 points, ranking it 34th out of 180 contests since 2012.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 21, 2022 12:02 pm

If you have seen so little of it why take umberage (deliberate) at being called Hyacinth?
You should watch more of it.
You may find the tag complementary (again, deliberate).

I have seen enough to know that what I just said about the show is correct – it lampoons a great deal of British class aspiration and silliness in the figure and activities of an exceedingly unidimensional and stupid woman. Taking umbridge, correctly spelled, if such nonsense is applied to me because of what I say or have said here is a very considered response. I am in no way ever wanting to present myself as in any way better than any other commenter. I may be different and have different life experiences to many but that is not a crime. Nor is expressing it.

Now, I have a plane to catch and you here can discuss ‘Keeping Up Appearances’ with no regard to me whatsoever. Analyse it for itself and what it represents. It is just another British class sit-com.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
March 21, 2022 12:04 pm

Taking umbridge, correctly spelled,

OK, Dolores.

March 21, 2022 12:07 pm

The Mother of All Talkshows with George Galloway – Episode 147

Prompted to start at his interview with Gonzalo Lira the chap in the Ukraine, being hunted by the Ukraine’s version of the KGB for reporting the truth

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 12:08 pm

What I detested was his unrepentant apologia for communism and all other kinds of far-left tyranny and despotism, which also included Islamist fascism.

Quite so.
But just cause for banning?
It just gave an opportunity to remind people of the evils of Communism in particular (which was his favourite hobby horse).
I think “cheerful squalor” was one of his, was it not, in describing Cuba?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 21, 2022 12:11 pm

Today is Ground Hag Day.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 21, 2022 12:14 pm

That last one was pointed in the direction of Mzzes Wong and Pliebersek.
Not kittehs, who are gorgeous peoples.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 12:16 pm

“Quite so.
But just cause for banning?”

Prob not. In some ways I kind of miss him

I tell you who I do miss, enormously, and that is Mater.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 12:18 pm

Tszyu marathon on Focks Sports.

Glorious. Lawn mowing and karchering can wait.

John H.
John H.
March 21, 2022 12:18 pm

March 21, 2022 at 11:49 am
Running 60 miles a week is next to pointless.

For what though? I like ball sports and pugilism.

I don’t practice underwater swimming that much because I don’t surf and never dive for cray’s – always get invited fishing though.

I swear by good cardio making weights much easier. Maybe I just was addicted to training at the time

I was also addicted. Recent research highlighted that addiction might be the relevant concept because it was established that sustained cardio induces a release of endocannabinoids. In my final year at high school I spent more time playing sport and exercising than I did studying. That was a mistake but my energy seemed limitless and the schoolwork was boring.

Good cardio makes the lifting much easier. My rest period between sets is currently 90 secs, really should be minimum 120 sec but I’m too inpatient for that. I’m currently just settling in with a standards 4×8 set regime and want to shift to a more strength based routine.

There was the time when resistance training was a thing freaks did and real exercise was all about cardio. Now the advice is for everyone to do some form of resistance training but that doesn’t entail going to the gym, there are simple measures one can do to achieve the desired physiological shift. A study published a few weeks ago highlighted that getting the recommended level of exercise isn’t enough, at least once a week there needs to be an exercise regime that pushes us, makes us work hard. At first this puzzled me until the bloody obvious emerged. The need to induce hormesis via stress causes the necessary physiological shift. It’s not enough to do the exercise, we must go beyond what is comfortable for the maximum benefit.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 12:19 pm


Good school. Great rowers.

March 21, 2022 12:20 pm

This from someone who was appalled at the denigration of the breadvan driver allegedly on the basis of his chosen career.

can you point to where I actually did that?

while you’re at, go find the part where Rex reckons I called him a Nazo

both yourself and Rex spend an awful lot of time putting words in people’s mouths

ie lying

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

–Saul Alinsky

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 12:23 pm

Driving around this morning with 3AW on (choices are limited) featuring Tony Jones filling in for Nanny Neil.
Truckie calls in to complain about slow traffic on the Geelong Rd.
Apparently drivers miss their timeslots at Graincorp.
Truth is, from my observations, it is just traffic congestion, without it being necessarily attributable to people driving at 85 kmh in the centre lane (trucks are banned from the right lane anyway).
Turns out his key agenda was “cars should always keep left” and “98 kmh is crawling”*.
Anyway, we eventually get to the punchline:-
AJ: “Do you get frustrated with cars crawling at 98kmh and tailgate them?
Truckie: “Not any more. If I get anywhere near the vehicle in front all these bloody BingBong! warnings go off.
“Not any more”.
(He may or may not have used the actual term “BingBong”).

* the calculated time lost between the Ring Road-Westgate merge and Graincorp, travelling at 2 kmh under target speed is 57 seconds.
Who plans their day to the minute?

March 21, 2022 12:26 pm

Yes, BUT, I believe our greatest stupidity is in trusting ‘our’/The Electoral Commissions to do what they’re supposed to do.

Votes used to be cast into heavy wooden boxes with steel reinforced edges, padlocks and tamper seals.

All these boxes existed and had been in use for decades. Then they were all thrown out.

Now votes are placed in cardboard boxes held together with zip ties.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 12:28 pm

What is the precise issue you have with Director’s registration?
Also, do you know of anyone in the building trade who has been left high and dry by directors of a client company which went bust, and who somehow set up again (debt free) a week later?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 12:30 pm

while you’re at, go find the part where Rex reckons I called him a Nazo

both yourself and Rex spend an awful lot of time putting words in people’s mouths

ie lying

Are we really going to have to play this rotten game now with you too, Matrix?

You did not call me a Nazi. I said since you appeared to be trying to take up Struth’s mantle on this blog when you started Nuffing about DINs (which you still seem deliciously unable to admit whether the requirement for to have one actually applies to you or not. Otherwise, why the pissing, moaning and Nuffing about it?), was that you were contractually obliged as Thought Leader to do so. As quoted below:

Rex Anger says:
March 20, 2022 at 11:56 pm

so essentially, you are NOT actually a director of anything

I’m sorry, troll.

But when the rules are so vaguely and badly written that when even a decent solicitor defines ‘directors’ as members of a governing board, that’s just the way it goes.

Have you been asked to do it as well, or is this just you indicating to all us SuBsUmEd By TeH NaRrAtIvE folks that you are taking up Struth’s mantle?

Remember, it’s a contractual requirement of the position that you call me a Nazi at least once every 25 minutes for a minimum of 4 hours a day, and rage at the entire blog for at least 3 days when a single jibe back upsets you…

I see now that this counter-jibe has upset you…

Iron Cove
Iron Cove
March 21, 2022 12:40 pm

2 years ago today Police Minister Elliot closed Bondi Beach and threatened to enforce new rules criminalising outdoor gatherings of more than 500, even on public beaches on 30 degree days.
It’s a little rich for him to be complaining about his Centre-right party now when he was in the vanguard of a government intent on smashing traditional liberal values; little things like “liberty” and the “purfuit of happiness”.
Labor was worse, suggesting beaches should just be closed.
I’m still in shock knowing that our state governments can legislate seemingly unlimited powers unto itself and justify its actions by saying “ but it’s the law”. And that we have no real avenue of appeal.

We need a Bill of Rights.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 12:41 pm

Oh, and “I’m a bit tipsy”.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 12:43 pm

so essentially, you are NOT actually a director of anything

How does not being a ‘director of anything’ disqualify one from commenting?

March 21, 2022 12:43 pm

China expert Michael Pillsbury, of the Hudson Institute, points out on Fox News that President Xi and the Chinese Communist Party are funding Putin’s war in Ukraine – apart from Putin’s indirect support from the Biden White House, which is financing the war by buying Putin’s oil because it refuses to mine more of America’s own oil.

The soaring retail price of petrol in the West is being driven by the anti-capitalist ideology of the Western left — not economics.

March 21, 2022 12:47 pm

It’s that bucket show a comedy?

March 21, 2022 12:48 pm

thefrollickingmole says:
March 21, 2022 at 10:44 am

Confession: I didn’t mind Monty so much. I thought he was (usually) good and if nothing else, he could engage on a range of topics. The numbers bloke was nuts. Nothing but nam, nam, nam and he was frequently caught out either bending the truth or outright lying. Unlike Monty, numbers didn’t have another arrow in his quiver. Useless.

The only thing numbers did give us was Cat folklore about shooting tents which endures to this day.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 21, 2022 12:49 pm

I’m still in shock knowing that our state governments can legislate seemingly unlimited powers unto itself and justify its actions by saying “ but it’s the law”.

In the hellhole of Viktoristan, Andrews’ rules are the law. We don’t need no steenkin bill of rights, we need a clean out.

Real Deal
Real Deal
March 21, 2022 12:51 pm

The best laid plans of pedalling & swimming all for naught again!
Sooo the fencer rings and sez, “sick, today coming tomorrow” .. 2, bloody, Mondays in a row I’ve swam at 5.30am for these folk and the 4th time in 10 days they’ve not turned up ..
tho it is the 1st time they’ve let me know .. so I suppose things are improving .. LOL!

Shatters, I am starting 3 weeks hols today. Was looking forward to riding 20ks a day, doing a few ks jogging and even some ocean swimming (sharks permitting). I now find that I may have broken a bone in my foot and will spend at least a month in a moonboot, no running, no riding and little swimming because I can’t walk. MRI scan today will confirm it but my foot really hurts. I don’t like this ageing thing much.

March 21, 2022 12:51 pm

…a very strict order to castrate all [Russian] men

I’m taking all reports out of Ukraine with a grain of salt.

Having said that, it was disappointing to hear Morrison announce yet more military aid to Ukraine today.

We’re also sending 70 000 tonnes of thermal coal, which could at least be justified on humanitarian grounds.

March 21, 2022 12:52 pm

You raise an interesting point.

Perhaps you could express your opinion better than me about somebody who says they are finished with the blog and will be writing about its bullying of her elsewhere. Particularly in view of the fact she then proceeds to post as normal. Are we now in a situation where any negative comment becomes part of her bullying claims?

March 21, 2022 at 10:03 am”

Funny, I could have sworn that yesterday you made a mocking comment or two directed at a certain person…..designed to irritate.

Real Deal
Real Deal
March 21, 2022 12:52 pm

Shatterz, sorry. Predictive text again.

March 21, 2022 12:58 pm

March 21, 2022 at 10:19 am

SA Legislative Council might go 5 ALP, 4 LP and 2 Green.

PHON an outside chance, LDP need a miracle.

its a pity the conservative parties can’t get together or preference deal in a meaningful way.
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation (M) 4.2% 0.50 seats
Liberal Democrats Less Government More Freedom (A) 3.5% / 0.42 seats
Family First (F) 21,291 3.2% 0.39 / seats

That’s at least one guaranteed seat if they combined, and more votes that the greens.

March 21, 2022 12:58 pm

Foreign oil dependence a ‘massive vulnerability’ as defence experts call for EVs, green transport

I parked behind a Tesla today and, honestly, it made me nervous. I was wondering when it would blow up. Pretty to look at, though.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 21, 2022 12:58 pm

The idea that the RUS are doing poorly is Western hubris.

View from guys like Ryan is the Russians are totally fucked big and proper. Latest thread here.
Ryan is pretty centrist, and as previous commandant of AD College is knowledgeable.
I get the same view from a lot of sources. One unconfirmed report is the Ukrainians destroyed an entire BTG NW of Kiev yesterday, very serious casualties primarily due to artillery. Not sure it’s true, but not sure it isn’t true. Telenko the truck guy (fairly partisan UKR) also thinks the Russians are totally screwed. His latest thread on truck logistics is worth a read.

His comments about truck driver fatigue are just like what was happening in Libya when Rommel first attacked. 9th Div truck drivers were so exhausted they were falling asleep at the wheel on the retreat to Egypt. The trucks’d stop in the middle of the road holding everyone up, requiring someone to go and wake the driver up again. Managing exhaustion in the face of the enemy is a big aspect of good leadership, and very hard to do well.

My view is that the RGS will assault Mariupol and capture the city, which may be very costly, then having secured the link from Crimea to Russia will push for a peace deal which keeps those gains. I don’t know if the Ukrainians will accept it though. They might, since their losses have been heavy also.

March 21, 2022 1:01 pm

As promised:

In an interview airing Sunday on “Life, Liberty & Levin”, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned against the U.S. potentially empowering the terrorist-supporting regime in Tehran by going ahead with approving a new nuclear deal.

Netanyahu told host Mark Levin that when the regime currently led by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Ebrahim Raisi is armed with nuclear weapons, they can threaten anyone they want while also having the boosted defense capabilities that nukes provide:

“First of all, they can take the entire world hostage,” he said.

“Once you have a predatory, and especially in a rogue theocratic regime like this, have nuclear weapons, they can use them in two ways: One, they can threaten you directly with atomic bombs. Secondly, they have a nuclear umbrella, which is … to threaten you with conventional weapons like regular missiles or terrorists or anything else.”

(Link includes five-minute Benjamin Netanyahu interview extract).

March 21, 2022 1:02 pm

We need a Bill of Rights.

A new Constitution with teeth also. It seems to me that in the US the Federal Constitution applies to things the States cannot do also. Here, the States signed on to the Federal Constitution and blithely ignore its provisions on what the Commonwealth is prohibited from doing. i.e. medical treatments. How does a State do this without seceding?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 1:03 pm

The only thing numbers did give us was Cat folklore about shooting tents which endures to this day.

You forgot the bit about where Collaborator Bob said there was nothing wrong with his weapon handling and discipline, it was all the Company’s fault for having bad procedures… 😉


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 1:04 pm


March 21, 2022 at 12:47 pm

It’s that bucket show a comedy?

Some say* … it’s a documentary.

* Use Jeremy Clarkson voice.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 21, 2022 1:04 pm

Negative comment: bullying
Liking someone else’s comment: bullying
Positive comment about anyone else: bullying’

Anyone who uses the “B” word on an open blog , should not be here.
Oops. Sorry I have to leave because I used the B word.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 1:08 pm

Negative comment: bullying
Liking someone else’s comment: bullying
Positive comment about anyone else: bullying

Sword and shield.


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 1:08 pm

Not you Rambler.

The concept.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 1:09 pm

Here, the States signed on to the Federal Constitution and blithely ignore its provisions on what the Commonwealth is prohibited from doing. i.e. medical treatments.

Every State in this country had access to the same information, and all their medical experts unanimously chose to do the same thing re: stabs. The National Cabinet was just a clearinghouse and method of resource co-ordination. Remember how all the States de facto overrode the Federal Government’s recommendations on lockdowns and internal border closures?

Trying to solely blame the Feds now for the vaccine rollout is a bit disingenuous. It was not that long ago, we were cursing them for letting States like WA go charging off with blanket mandates for more or less the entire working population, where the evidence and good sense suggested only the sickest, most-at risk folks and their immediate carers.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
March 21, 2022 1:10 pm

We’re also sending 70 000 tonnes of thermal coal, which could at least be justified on humanitarian grounds.

Could be great wedge politics.
Propose a motion in the Senate commending the government for helping Ukraine with its energy needs. See how the Greens vote.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 21, 2022 1:13 pm

We’re also sending 70 000 tonnes of thermal coal

Hilarious! About half what Liddell burns in a week.

March 21, 2022 1:15 pm

incoherent ramblersays:
March 21, 2022 at 12:49 pm
I’m still in shock knowing that our state governments can legislate seemingly unlimited powers unto itself and justify its actions by saying “ but it’s the law”.

In the hellhole of Viktoristan, Andrews’ rules are the law. We don’t need no steenkin bill of rights, we need a clean out.

Never mind we are supposed to have a charter of human rights, that appears only to be obeyed when it’s convenient. It’s not even worth the paper it’s written on.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 1:16 pm

See how the Greens vote.

Like most greens, our Greens don’t much care so long as they don’t have to be made to see it.

Which is how we get the madness of importing woodchips from South America to burn in power stations in the UK, while Welsh coalmines are run down, closed down and/or banned from development.

And we get the additional madness of ersatz ‘ovoids’ made from anthracite and powderised olive pips, bound with molasses.

March 21, 2022 1:17 pm

Just been reading the blog of an acquaintance from Hong Kong. He’s an American from NY therefore a lifelong Democrat and the hysteria level is high. Says he now ‘hates’ anti vaxxers and blames them for the dire situation there. It’s because of them that Covid is spreading and people are dying. When I pointed out that masks don’t work and vaccines are useless he banned me from commenting. Heh.

March 21, 2022 1:18 pm

PHON an outside chance, LDP need a miracle.

Do the LDP believe in miracles?

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 21, 2022 1:18 pm

I have discussed with my beloved spouse (Baldy) and she thinks it is okay if I return to this blog.
The undisputed status as premier blog commenter and my masterful wit, charm and unquestioned super-intellect make it imperative that I return.
I have returned*.

*you have permission to quote me and use my highly entertaining words that we just know everybody loves.

March 21, 2022 1:21 pm

Trying to solely blame the Feds now for the vaccine rollout is a bit disingenuous.

??????? Who is blaming the Feds except where they are mandating the jabs for their employees or other people. The Feds could have pushed the point that we cannot mandate or coerce vaccines and as you States all signed on to the Constitution, you can’t either or no money for you.
Unfortunately this is not an honest or principled country and political expediency over rides everything.

John H.
John H.
March 21, 2022 1:21 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
March 21, 2022 at 12:58 pm
The idea that the RUS are doing poorly is Western hubris.

View from guys like Ryan is the Russians are totally fucked big and proper. Latest thread here.
Ryan is pretty centrist, and as previous commandant of AD College is knowledgeable.
I get the same view from a lot of sources. One unconfirmed report is the Ukrainians destroyed an entire BTG NW of Kiev yesterday, very serious casualties primarily due to artillery. Not sure it’s true, but not sure it isn’t true. Telenko the truck guy (fairly partisan UKR) also thinks the Russians are totally screwed. His latest thread on truck logistics is worth a read.

His comments about truck driver fatigue are just like what was happening in Libya when Rommel first attacked. 9th Div truck drivers were so exhausted they were falling asleep at the wheel on the retreat to Egypt. The trucks’d stop in the middle of the road holding everyone up, requiring someone to go and wake the driver up again. Managing exhaustion in the face of the enemy is a big aspect of good leadership, and very hard to do well.

My view is that the RGS will assault Mariupol and capture the city, which may be very costly, then having secured the link from Crimea to Russia will push for a peace deal which keeps those gains. I don’t know if the Ukrainians will accept it though. They might, since their losses have been heavy also


Thanks Bruce. I haven’t been keeping up with the war. I’m wondering if the Russians are baulking at the prospect of sustained urban warfare. They may have left their move too late because if the anti-tank weaponry arrives in the Ukraine tanks in streets are going to be steel coffins.

I don’t think Ukraine will accept anything except the loss of some eastern regions. Ukraine is now better off standing its ground and demanding the withdrawal of all Russian forces. This is potentially going to become very ugly because Putin cannot back down so may go in hard with massive artillery bombardments hoping that will cause the civilians to give up the fight. Carpet bombing in WW2 was supposed to have the same effect. Didn’t work then, I don’t think it will work now.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 21, 2022 1:22 pm

I don’t know how ScoMo is going to deliver those 70,000 magical tonnes of coal. Not by sea, since the Russian Black Sea Fleet is blockading all remaining Ukrainian ports.

Ukraine war: Russia blocks ships carrying grain exports (18 Mar)

March 21, 2022 1:26 pm

I don’t think Ukraine will accept anything except the loss of some eastern regions.

Zelensky quoted overnight saying he would defend Ukraine’s territorial integrity in any negotiations.

Seems a more aggressive stance than last week, although it could be posturing.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 1:27 pm

I don’t know how ScoMo is going to deliver those 70,000 magical tonnes of coal. Not by sea, since the Russian Black Sea Fleet is blockading all remaining Ukrainian ports.

Germany, the Netherlands or France, then put it on a through train to Poland. Maybe even straight into Ukraine itself that way. Or truck it the last few hundred miles or so, whatever the current supply line involves.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 1:28 pm

I have returned

Hi, Dougie MacArthur! 😀

March 21, 2022 1:28 pm

duncanm says:
March 21, 2022 at 12:58 pm

March 21, 2022 at 10:19 am

SA Legislative Council might go 5 ALP, 4 LP and 2 Green.

PHON an outside chance, LDP need a miracle.

its a pity the conservative parties can’t get together or preference deal in a meaningful way.
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation (M) 4.2% 0.50 seats
Liberal Democrats Less Government More Freedom (A) 3.5% / 0.42 seats
Family First (F) 21,291 3.2% 0.39 / seats

That’s at least one guaranteed seat if they combined, and more votes that the greens.

I’m not sure what the Libs did with the Legislative Council how to vote cards, but in the House they preferenced PHON last, after the Greens and Animal Justice in my seat.

Dan Cregan, the sitting Independent (ex Lib) did the same.

PHON preferenced the Libs second and Cregan third in the House and LDP and Family first in the Council.

March 21, 2022 1:29 pm

I don’t know how ScoMo is going to deliver those 70,000 magical tonnes of coal.

Presumably to a European port and overland by rail.

Trafigura is handling the logistics.

March 21, 2022 1:29 pm

From AAP just popped into my feed. This comes 3 weeks after Police and NZ Defence unvaxxed won their case in the high court. However Police have still not been able to return to work as Commissioner has a directive about unvaxxed not being able to enter police buildings. Health workers and Teachers were also going to the same high court judge and I suspect Jacinda seen the writing on the wall.

See if this or Wednesdays decision gets reported here and if media actually do their job and question our so called leaders.

“Jacinda Ardern’s cabinet is on Monday reviewing mandates, vaccine pass and traffic light systems, with changes to be announced on Wednesday.

Restrictions are proving increasingly unpopular in New Zealand, which has persisted with gathering caps, indoor spacing requirements and mask mandates among other rules to stop the virus’ spread.
Government-issued employment mandates, which affected Kiwis employed in health, aged care, education, defence sectors, as well as the police, are to be severely curtailed.

The prime minister also foreshadowed a lessening of reliance on vaccine passes, which restrict the places that unvaccinated Kiwis can visit, including non-essential businesses.”Things like vaccine passes, with a highly vaccinated population … aren’t as critical as they once were for us,” she told TVNZ.

“They’re looking to change those up, and also change up the way we use mandates as well.”Once you’ve got a first big wave that’s come through, it does mean a number of people who have not been vaccinated have now had COVID. It changes up the equation.”

The changes come as the country suffers through its worst outbreak and loss of lives of the pandemic”.

March 21, 2022 1:29 pm

Snap, Rex.

Thank God for trains, eh?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 1:35 pm

The Feds could have pushed the point that we cannot mandate or coerce vaccines and as you States all signed on to the Constitution, you can’t either or no money for you.

In your last paragraph, you alluded to political expediency.

As I once tried to go through with Struth, the opening words to the States’ and Federal Constitutions (be they discrete documents, or like WA’s strewn about through at least half a dozen separate Acts) all use “For the Good Governance Of…”

Now, applying that phrase is entirely up to interpretation of the lawyers who draft a piece of legislation, the pollies who debate and pass it, and the judges who interpret it.

And this is why every consolidated Act in this country (including those blasted Emergency Acts) all start with the same words, or have it as boilerplate early on in the document.

And every last thing we have suffered for the last 2 years is covered by that.

The Constitution is not the problem. In fact, it never has been.

The problem is the people and the culture that allowed the law of the land to be used (weaponised, even, if I choose to use the hyperbole) in the way it has these last few years…

March 21, 2022 1:38 pm

We’re also sending 70 000 tonnes of thermal coal, which could at least be justified on humanitarian grounds.

Coal produces roughly 100 kg of CO2 when burnt, so we could look at it as Scomo reducing Australian emissions by 7,000,000 kg.

Winning strategy to get the Green vote.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 21, 2022 1:38 pm

Rex Johnson is right.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 1:41 pm

Anyone who uses the “B” word on an open blog , should not be here.
Oops. Sorry I have to leave because I used the B word.

Particularly when the B word is thrown up in defence of someone* who arrived here every moaning wearing his “individual freedoms” t-shirt and proceeded to erect a monumental hectoring word-wall containing the most obnoxious and sustained abuse directed at various people from time-to-time (but always one in particular every day), merely for daring to differ from The Omnipotent One.
If you remained silent during all that, you might just have forfeited the right to bitch about “blog bullying”.

* No names.

March 21, 2022 1:42 pm

ABCcess covering a protest by about a dozen people…

A handful of close in shots and picked quotes with no numbers estimation.

Must be an anti Lib protest then…

Lismore flood victims call for climate action outside Scott Morrison’s Kirribilli home

They held signs including: “Morrison your climate mega flood destroyed our homes”, “Lismore now, where next?” and “Your climate inaction killed my neighbour”.

Lismore resident Kate Stroud said she wanted Mr Morrison to “understand the level of loss our community has been through”.

Their ABCcess, all the news that fits the agenda.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 1:43 pm

The undisputed status as premier blog commenter and my masterful wit, charm and unquestioned super-intellect make it imperative that I return.

You forgot to mention your boundless humility.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 21, 2022 1:45 pm

It is hard to be humble.

March 21, 2022 1:46 pm

Whats the odds???
The Project on Twitter: “Lismore resident Kate Stroud wanted …
9 Mar 2022 — Lismore resident Kate Stroud wanted to speak to Prime Minister Scott Morrison about her loss and struggles following the devastating floods.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 1:48 pm

It is hard to be humble.

Incoherent Johnson is right!

Indeed, it is hard to be humble.

When you’re perfect in every way…


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 1:49 pm

incoherent ramblersays:

March 21, 2022 at 1:45 pm

It is hard to be humble.

That much is apparent to us all.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 1:49 pm

Errr… When He’s perfect in every way!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 1:49 pm

Humility is for losers.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 21, 2022 1:49 pm

“Morrison your climate mega flood destroyed our homes”

He’s pretty good if he can destroy the planet just by his own emissions.
Try not eating beans ScoMo. Maybe then these people will vote for you.

March 21, 2022 1:54 pm

Bourne1879 says:
March 21, 2022 at 10:03 am
CMD Longtime Lurker says:
March 21, 2022 at 5:46 am

So what say you JC, time to give it a rest?

Interesting comment “Bourne”. If you were really objective you would see that I’m actually not the one commencing stoushes all the time but responding to abuse sent my way. But you’re not objective and I have a suspicion or two as to your disguise.
Ironically, your comment resembles a certain person who I used to call our thought leader. I hope it’s not you hiding behind this pathetic attempt at objectivity.
Frankly you’ve said nathink I would say is enlightening . If you don’t like what I have to say then use the scroll function on your keyboard in between thinking about making somefink. Now fuck off.

March 21, 2022 1:55 pm

I can’t get over how effective letting Ukrainian Nazi’s run amok, maim, torture & murder people in the Ukraine, has been as far as making people too scared to speak out against their supporters here.

The more impossible it gets to portray the ‘Ukraine’ Govt as the ‘innocent good guys’, the more Westerners (even all the way down here in Australia), are cowering in desperate silence on the actual evils being celebrated & boasted of by the Pro-‘Ukraine’/WEF, Clinton/Biden et al mobsters.

But, it’s way too late to play, “But we didn’t know!”, game, so all they have left is to mob together harder, and desperately try to pick off the witnesses against them.

March 21, 2022 1:59 pm

What this site needs is good argumentative foils like mOnty and…dare I say it….Bob from Toowoomba.

Give yourself a fucking uppercut. “Good argumentative foils” FMD.

Numbers is the most boring man on Earth. Bar none.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 1:59 pm

A genuine question for Matrix.
What is your issue with the Director’s ID thing?
Is it:-
.1 That you see it as unnecessary red tape without any discernible benefit? or
.2 It is a sinister move to track and control company directors? or
.3 Something else?
If .1 then maybe that argument has some merit, but I don’t see it as any different from hundreds of other registrations and pre-requisite credentials. For example, a train-driver’s ticket or a Cert IV in Aircon mechanics. Which of these various certifications are worthy and which are not?
If .2, then why choose such a relatively narrow slice of the population to track? Granted, there are millions of directors and trustees out there, but it is by no means a catch-all. And what information will <<>> garner through this that they don’t already have?

March 21, 2022 2:05 pm


Could you please check the IP address of “Bourne” and confirm the thought leadership hasn’t rebirthed?

local oaf
March 21, 2022 2:06 pm

Lismore resident Kate Stroud wanted to speak to Prime Minister Scott Morrison about her loss and struggles following the devastating floods.

For how many years after albo becomes prime minister will all future natural disasters be slomo’s fault? At what point will albo start to get blamed for fires and floods?

Answers please on a postcard ….

Winston Smith
March 21, 2022 2:07 pm

Doc Faustus:

Foreign oil dependence a ‘massive vulnerability’ as defence experts call for EVs, green transport

I want those ‘defence experts’ identified and sacked for sheer bloody incompetence.

March 21, 2022 2:09 pm

Foreign oil dependence a ‘massive vulnerability’ as defence experts call for EVs, green transport

Defence experts are now giving advice on petrol vs electric? How about diesel? FMD

Winston Smith
March 21, 2022 2:10 pm


FMD, how bad do things need to get? How many lives destroyed? How many freedoms decimated before The Mongs will vote differently?

They need to get worse.
Much worse.
Currently building meat stocks.
New 300l + 200l freezers and order in at the local butchers.
Enough diesel for a year.
Fairly sorted unless it’s an EMP but then I’ll have a lot more to worry about.

March 21, 2022 2:10 pm

An alternative hypothesis is that you could lift like a beast because you were in your early 20s.

Nope. Men get stronger with age, up to a point.

March 21, 2022 2:10 pm

Who is ready to see Barry Hall clobber SBW?

Should be a great night of bloodsportage.

Delta A
Delta A
March 21, 2022 2:11 pm

Anyone who uses the “B” word on an open blog , should not be here.

Hear hear!

Whiney schoolyard stuff.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 21, 2022 2:19 pm

I’m not sure what the Libs did with the Legislative Council how to vote cards, but in the House they preferenced PHON last, after the Greens and Animal Justice in my seat.

Confirmation that the Libs realise that PHON (and LDP) are the threat – they can lose votes to them. So they want to keep them out of Parliament.

How petty a person do you have to be to prefer to be captain of a sinking ship than a crewmember of one afloat.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 2:21 pm

JC earlier.
Quite so.
My suspicions are always aroused when we see three paragraphs of soothing (but vacuous) rainbows and unicorns Rudd speak*, followed by some very selective complaining about “stoushing” and “bullying”.
Interesting that your usual stoushing interlocutors didn’t rate a mention, despite giving as good as they get.
* I was particularly thinking of the stuff served up just after Tom’s toons this morning, but it could apply equally to others.

Winston Smith
March 21, 2022 2:23 pm


But now, there’s a very strict order to castrate all [Russian] men, b/c they are cockroaches, not people…”

There’s a reason you treat PoWs humanely. If you don’t, they won’t surrender and you lose more of your own young men.
Seems pretty basic, but remarkable how often it needs to get drummed into the rabble rousers.

March 21, 2022 2:25 pm

Foreign oil dependence a ‘massive vulnerability’ as defence experts call for EVs

EVs will be useless if the Chinese take the grid out.

I’d call that a “massive vulnerability”.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 2:28 pm

Who is ready to see Barry Hall clobber SBW?

Winner gets to root Candace Warner in a pub dunny.

Hang on. We need a different prize.

March 21, 2022 2:30 pm

What is the precise issue you have with Director’s registration?

These comments might apply to any new law.

Will another layer of bureaucracy prevent the criminal and immoral behaviour exhibited by a minority of directors?

What other and previously unthought of purposes might directors identification numbers be put to? The obvious one is excluding those considered “undesirable” from trading.

Is the regulation efficient? The cost of vast numbers of bureaucratic Mongs and the cost of compliance versus the cost of the problem it claims to solve.

When in the history of Australia has a government bureaucratic process delivered any benefit without a vast swathes of unintended consequences?

Essentially: After 100+ years of fucking up everything they touch, the Australian Government can get fucked.

Oh, and if they haven’t fucked up everything for the last 100 years, why has the standard of living plummeted from 2nd in the world to 16th over this period?

March 21, 2022 2:34 pm

Funny, I’ve never heard any sound argument from the, “Russians are evil”, Pro-Ukraine commenters, to counter any of what’s said here –

[…] interview with Gonzalo Lira the chap in the Ukraine, being hunted by the Ukraine’s version of the KGB for reporting the truth

– but I do notice a lot more intense sniping by them at the people who refuse to buy their Ukraine Fairy Stories.

March 21, 2022 2:36 pm

FMD, how bad do things need to get? How many lives destroyed? How many freedoms decimated before The Mongs will vote differently?

The problem is that the product of our Marxist education system like things the way they are heading, wokeism, socialism, free everything and of course “you will own nothing and you will be happy”. Having promoted this lifestyle so successfully over the last 40 years it is time to reap that which has been sown.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 2:38 pm

March 21, 2022 at 12:52 pm”

You are clearly lacking in some self-awareness.

March 21, 2022 2:39 pm

Indeed, it is hard to be humble.

When you’re perfect in every way…

Thanks for the song!
Here’s another.

I Love Me – Jack Hayley – Wizard Of Oz Tin Man – Lyrics – 1923

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 2:42 pm

You raise another one – the “slippery slope” argument- which is difficult to really form an objective opinion on, because it is contingent on future extensions of regulation.
If the argument is largely about red-tape, that has merit, and there is a mountain of existing stuff to look at as well.
That is the thing.
I genuinely don’t know what Matrix’s precise argument is.
I haven’t really followed the Director’s ID thing closely (although I have read some stuff on it a while back). I did wonder at the time why they couldn’t just link Individual TFNs to company ABNs to track directors and identify who might be linked to a series of dodgy liquidations.
I guess not every director of an Australian company has an Australian TFN.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 2:44 pm

btw rickw I am not arguing for or against the ID.
And certainly not arguing for more red-tape without a demonstrable benefit to The People.

March 21, 2022 2:52 pm

I heard an interesting comment today. The upkeep of Russian equipment is horrendous and there is only minimal equipment maintenance carried out. Most of the crap being used in the invasion has about two weeks before it simply breaks down.

Again, I have no idea if that’s true but it sounds plausible as the country’s GDP is about the size of Spain’s and they have a very large military to maintain. This suspicion gels, I think.

Conversely, the Americans are supposedly absolutely fastidious in their upkeep.

Comparably, as a rough guide, the Americans and Russians numerically have about the sized armour and planes.
The Americans spend about $700 billion a year on the military, which is about 50% of Russia’s GDP!

We’ll see.

March 21, 2022 2:56 pm

Foreign oil dependence a ‘massive vulnerability’ as defence experts call for EVs, green transport

psssh …. let them eat coal

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 2:57 pm

I thought you’d been ‘booted’ St Ruth.
Please don’t tell me that was just pity trolling hyper-bowl.

March 21, 2022 2:59 pm

Oh God.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 2:59 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:

March 21, 2022 at 2:38 pm

March 21, 2022 at 12:52 pm”

You are clearly lacking in some self-awareness.

And what are your thoughts on blog bonhomie and good cheer, Cassie?
Too much?
Not enough?
About right?

March 21, 2022 2:59 pm

There are several reasons why this unique identifier for company directors is a good idea.
But it’s an admission by ASIC that they have no confidence of the data they make a gazillion dollars a year to administer is correct.

March 21, 2022 3:00 pm

Justice Clarence Thomas has been hospitalized because of an infection, the Supreme Court said Sunday.

Prayers for him are needed at this time.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 3:00 pm

Abuse the place up hill and down dale, then put a Furniture Store bumper sticker on Dover’s car.

March 21, 2022 3:02 pm


I was recently asked by a brokerage firm to prove my ID and this would be held internationally. It’s supposedly an international identifier . Have you heard about this?

March 21, 2022 3:02 pm

…it is indicative of state of mind.

No doubt.

Putin’s rhetoric has also heightened in recent days; he spoke of Russian war dissidents as scum and compared them to “gnats” that the Russian people will “spit out of their mouths onto the pavement.”

March 21, 2022 3:04 pm

Not sure what that is JC.
Sounds like they are confused.
Also, there’s no obligation for you to do anything until later this year (for existing directorships).

March 21, 2022 3:08 pm

It’s so basic what ASIC is trying to do.
They have a lot of legacy systems.
A unique identifier allows them to use an overlay to connect most of the legacy systems.
It’s similar to something Comm Bank did in Australia before the GFC.
They used a unique customer identifier to connect all their client records.
It was called CommSee or something like that.
All the banks rolled it out a few years later.

March 21, 2022 3:08 pm

Making a lengthy political speech, Landeryou is demonstrating why eulogies should be banned at Catholic funerals.
They were never allowed in the past are being prohibited in an increasing number of dioceses.

The purpose of the funeral is to pray for the repose of his wife’s soul. Nothing else.

March 21, 2022 3:09 pm

They were never allowed in the past AND are being prohibited in an increasing number of dioceses.

March 21, 2022 3:10 pm

I’m waiting for the Kitching wake — where some of the protagonists get shit-faced and start opening up &/or belting each other.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 3:11 pm


March 21, 2022 at 2:59 pm

There are several reasons why this unique identifier for company directors is a good idea.
But it’s an admission by ASIC that they have no confidence of the data they make a gazillion dollars a year to administer is correct.

Agree on both counts.
As I say, if you need to do it, simply map TFN to ABNs/ACNs.
For foreign directors (which would be a tiny minority) insist they need to get a TFN even if they never lodge a return.
In fact, that is what surprised me.
I thought this TFN/ABN mapping would have already been done.
I know when I call the ATO over trust related matters they have identified me as trustee by using my individual TFN.

March 21, 2022 3:12 pm

I’m not surprised to hear he did it CL, though I agree, have left strict instructions.

March 21, 2022 3:13 pm

20 years ago when NAB blew up a couple hundred million on the bus companies with no busses, they had no idea a seperate channel of the bank had already knocked them back as they were already effectively insolvent.
A unique customer identifier would have alerted them to that.

March 21, 2022 3:15 pm

Landeryou’s peroration was lifted word for word from Ted Kennedy’s eulogy for RFK.
No attribution, though.

Those of us who loved [her] and who take [her] to [her] rest today, pray that what [she] was to us and what [she] wished for others will some day come to pass for all the world.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 3:15 pm

I can’t get over how effective letting Ukrainian Nazi’s run amok, maim, torture & murder people in the Ukraine, has been as far as making people too scared to speak out against their supporters here.


March 21, 2022 3:18 pm

Panzer, the ATO doesn’t give a shit about ASIC.
They’d be laughing at the hoops ASIC are jumping through to clean up their data.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 3:18 pm

Have a look at the great frilly blouse.

Rational argument. Can’t win. Class war (ie, ‘I’m just a lowly blue-collar etc). Can’t win.

SovCit stuff. Can’t win. Bosi fanboi-ism. Can’t win.

Sees that there are, in fact, no death camps. Can’t win. Observes his entire identity, crafted over two (three, if you count his attachment to Faulty) years, go in the bin. Not winning.

Policy of lies ‘to shock people into action’. Exhibit A. Wife got sacked then ten minutes later got another jobs paying twice as much. Exhibit B. Can’t go interstate (he could) to see his parents who ‘did not submit’ (arguable) because there was nobody to look after them (his brother was there the whole time doing just that).

Australia One. Lost. UAP? Lost.

Abusing all and sundry. Not winning. Bored in his echo chamber? Absolutely.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 3:19 pm


March 21, 2022 at 3:13 pm

20 years ago when NAB blew up a couple hundred million on the bus companies with no busses, they had no idea a seperate channel of the bank had already knocked them back as they were already effectively insolvent.

You mean like Bill Papas just (allegedly*) did with photocopier and excavator leases?

* To protect Dover from the Grafia.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 3:20 pm

Forgot one.


March 21, 2022 3:24 pm

Under Martial Law, Ukraine President Zelenskyy Consolidates All Media Into State Media, Disbands All Political Opposition Parties
March 20, 2022 | Sundance

Following the ‘democracy must be destroyed in order to preserve it model‘, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has dissolved all political opposition parties and consolidated all media.

There’s a word to describe when a single national leader takes control over all media platforms and dissolves the political parties of his opposition. However, apparently, we are not allowed to notice that because Russia “invaded a sovereign democracy” or something.

LVIV, Ukraine, March 20 (Reuters) – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has signed a decree that combines all national TV channels into one platform, citing the importance of a “unified information policy” under martial law, his office said in a statement on Sunday.

Ukrainian privately owned media channels have hitherto continued to operate since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24. The decree announcement, made on the presidential website, did not specify how quickly the new measure would come into force. (link)

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 3:24 pm

Was that a trailer for Kenn Worth – Road Ranger, the movie?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 3:24 pm

I also note that St. Ruth’s fanbois have all gone very, very quiet indeed.

Or, they turn up pissed at midnight with a few cryptic ten-word posts and then disappear.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 21, 2022 3:25 pm

We need a Bill of Rights.

But NOT one written by the current establishment.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 3:25 pm

CMD. Because you’re lurking.

It is exactly this horseshit which cannot go unchallenged.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 3:26 pm


March 21, 2022 at 3:18 pm

Panzer, the ATO doesn’t give a shit about ASIC.
They’d be laughing at the hoops ASIC are jumping through to clean up their data.

Of course, a Treasurer could bang their heads together, but I know where that would lead.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 3:27 pm

Abuse the place up hill and down dale, then put a Furniture Store bumper sticker on Dover’s car.

Kenn Worth, Road Ranger thinks that he can abuse his Class Enemies remotely without triggering Dover’s rules.

I congratulate him for being considerate enough to the Cat to make scrolling past so easy.

And then laugh at him because his Glass-Jaw is now so bad that he wants to continue to abuse everyone he doesn’t like here, but can’t bear the emotional trauma of being Bird-ed in turn for his behaviour.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 21, 2022 3:27 pm

In the hellhole of Viktoristan, Andrews’ rules are the law. We don’t need no steenkin bill of rights, we need a clean out.

Victoria already has a Bill of Rights, written by and ignored by the current establishment.

March 21, 2022 3:27 pm

The Bee had their Twitter account suspended for this

The Babylon Bee has selected Rachel Levine as its first annual Man of the Year.
Levine is the U.S. assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where he serves proudly as the first man in that position to dress like a western cultural stereotype of a woman. He is also an admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. What a boss!
Rachel’s original name is Richard Levine, but he changed it to Rachel for some strange reason a few years ago. Who cares? Who says a dude as accomplished as this can’t be named “Rachel?” This king doesn’t care what people think about him! He often wears a dress, which some people think is weird—but he doesn’t care one bit. Come on! Men in India wear dress-type garments, don’t they?

March 21, 2022 3:28 pm

Foreign oil dependence a ‘massive vulnerability’ as defence experts call for EVs

They put the inverted commas in the wrong place. This is more accurate:

Foreign oil dependence a massive vulnerability as ‘defence experts’ call for EVs

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 3:30 pm

Makes one wonder why Australia’s leading Furniture emporium, with foot traffic numbers that e-bay would die for needs to advertise here, to a useless grab-bag of ninnies, nannies and (ahem) “rooster curers”*.

* h/t Timothy Nielsen.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 3:30 pm

It would almost be worth going into the Shop and calling the squealy pantsuit a shallow cock smoker, just to get banned. But I shan’t.

It would increase the number of posters there to four, so, y’know, it would be a plus for them.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 21, 2022 3:30 pm

Foreign oil dependence a ‘massive vulnerability’ as defence experts call for EVs, green transport

Strange that the unidentified “experts” didn’t have the expertise to suggest exploiting our own ample oil reserves.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 3:31 pm

Snap Mr Panzer.

March 21, 2022 3:33 pm

March 21, 2022 at 3:27 pm
The Bee had their Twitter account suspended for this


Since announcing this award, we’ve been told that Levine actually identifies as a woman. We have still chosen to give the award as his self-identification has no bearing on the truth. Congratulations, Rachel Levine!

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 3:33 pm

“And what are your thoughts on blog bonhomie and good cheer, Cassie?
Too much?
Not enough?
About right?”

Goodness, whilst I do like blog bonhomie and good cheer, I also like robust disputations, disagreements, discussions, stoushes. Isn’t that why we’re here?

I was trying to point out the hypocrisy of Bourne. This morning he was trying to censor JC for being what he called “uncivil” yet yesterday he himself didn’t have a problem making snide remarks about Lizzie.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 3:34 pm

Panzer, the ATO doesn’t give a shit about ASIC.
They’d be laughing at the hoops ASIC are jumping through to clean up their data.

I said yesterday that as far as I am concerned, the ATO is the only Federal Organisation in this country I am comfortable with having panopticon-like persistent surveillance powers over every person here.

And that’s because outside of their remit, they don’t really much care what you’re doing. Just lodge your returns and pay your bills on time. And don’t be dodgy.

There’s no activists and do-gooding busybodies in the ATO- They’re impervious.

March 21, 2022 3:36 pm

Dover is well aware of who I am as I told him when I joined here. You may be right in your suspicions. I was about to sign up to Dash Cat at the start over there but saw a previous posters email details were visible to all and decided better to change my email details for blog use. So one of the reasons why I adopted a new forum name was I created a new email to go with it.
I liked the bit about you saying it was the others who always start the stoushes. Hilarious ! Mere coincidence it is mostly you engaged in them. If scrolling is the solution why dont you for example scroll all Sal’s posts ?

March 21, 2022 at 2:05 pm

Could you please check the IP address of “Bourne” and confirm the thought leadership hasn’t rebirthed?

March 21, 2022 3:37 pm

There’s no activists and do-gooding busybodies in the ATO- They’re impervious.

Not so fast. Some of them feel they are on a mission.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 3:37 pm

The purpose of the funeral is to pray for the repose of his wife’s soul. Nothing else.

I think it also serves another purpose and that is to comfort loved ones, which is best coming from someone who is close to them.
But I do agree that it is not the place for overt political or social justice statements, or anecdotes which might be better left for the wake. A bit like the best man who reprises his buck’s night speech on the wedding day.
Same goes for recessional hymns composed by the brothers Young.

March 21, 2022 3:37 pm

Rex, that’s not quite right.
The ATO get things wrong often.
And it costs a lot to prove that is the case.

March 21, 2022 3:40 pm

A study published a few weeks ago highlighted that getting the recommended level of exercise isn’t enough, at least once a week there needs to be an exercise regime that pushes us, makes us work hard.

I find a good root achieves that.

March 21, 2022 3:40 pm

joint’s lost the plot

it has become absurd
the misrepresentation is infantile

March 21, 2022 3:41 pm

Again, I have no idea if that’s true but it sounds plausible as the country’s GDP is about the size of Spain’s and they have a very large military to maintain.

Add in a lot of corruption and draconian punishments in a conscript based army and how many “issues” do you think get reported up the chain?
There are probably a lot of nervous army storemen waiting for a knock on the door and a “please explain” as to why there were only 50,000 rations in stock instead of 5,000,000 and the bowser ran dry after the first 1/2 a dozen vehicles.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 3:42 pm

“I find a good root achieves that.”

Are you overdosing on the Viagra?

Winston Smith
March 21, 2022 3:42 pm


Foreign oil dependence a ‘massive vulnerability’ as defence experts call for EVs, green transport

One thing I’d like to point out is that the fuel industry being removed is a combination of government and industry decision making.
The price of fuel in Australia is largely directed by taxes/excise, and profitability.
We could be refining our own fuel here if government had cut down the rates which made it too expensive in Australia. The industry has essentially stopped refining because greater profits can be made by buying overseas.
So. Australian government decision making has forced the refining industry to close down because they won’t give up the revenue.
A classic example of the parasite killing the host – the parasite knows what will happen, but continues doing what it does because like the scorpion and the frog, it cannot do otherwise.
(Dammit – I know what I’m trying to say, but it isn’t coming out right.)

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 3:43 pm

St. Ruth’s wailing from afar reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Homer drives past Lenny and Carl on the street, yelling something unintelligible before driving away.

Carl: ‘What did he say?’
Lenny: ‘Dunno. Something about being gay.’

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 3:43 pm


March 21, 2022 at 3:37 pm

There’s no activists and do-gooding busybodies in the ATO- They’re impervious.

Not so fast. Some of them feel they are on a mission.

My experience has been variable.
Sometimes I ring a number purported to be precisely dedicated to the problem at hand and they are nothing short of useless, and simply keep referring you to the website.
I’ve read that.
That is why I am calling.
About 1 in 3 calls you get someone who really knows their stuff.
Pretty much, if you start out with “I am only trying to do the right thing” tone they are OK.
Not saying people don’t cop anything up to two audits in one year, but.

March 21, 2022 3:43 pm

Ha ha…..
And you’ll all quietly promise yourselves to move on and not make bitchy little remarks but you won’t be able to.
Scrolling back, I own you guys.
Because I speak the truth.
Maybe too straight forward, I’ll admit that, but it’s all true.
Be a sport, Dover, and let that one stay.
We hear your being trained by facebook!

March 21, 2022 3:43 pm

Now on to the third eulogy…
Bill Shorten begins by thanking the traditional owners of St Patrick’s Cathedral.
That would be Melbourne’s Catholics.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 3:45 pm

“That would be Melbourne’s Catholics.”

Well said C.L.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 3:46 pm

Not so fast. Some of them feel they are on a mission.

Rex, that’s not quite right.
The ATO get things wrong often.
And it costs a lot to prove that is the case.

Well, yes. There is that.

But they are not obsessed with Racial and Sexual Equity, the petennial scourge of Garage Nastis, Climate Change and electric vehicles (beyond the bureaucratic demands of administering whatever subsidies the government comes up with).

Let’s face it, nobody’s ever faced off against a tax agent in an action film.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 3:46 pm

Look, I may have missed it, but can you outline your issues with the Director’s ID thingy?
I genuinely don’t know exactly what is the issue from your standpoint.
And please don’t go the “if you don’t know I can’t help you” line.
If you are looking for people to get behind it that won’t do it.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 3:47 pm

Because I speak the [S]truth

Fixed for the passive-aggressive Kenworth Mong.

Winston Smith
March 21, 2022 3:47 pm


Justice Clarence Thomas has been hospitalized because of an infection, the Supreme Court said Sunday.
Prayers for him are needed at this time.

Prayers also for the US – if he karks it, the Dems will put in another lunatic leftie, which will mean a complete USSC of Socialists & Sympathisers.
There will be no protection for the citizenry against a State of Emergency cancelling the mid terms.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 3:49 pm

Scrolling back, I own you guys.

Doubt it. You’re a distraction, a side deal in between cricket and football discussions.

You’re on the same level as Ed. A deliberate troll who’s good for poking now and then.

One more thing:


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 3:49 pm

Australia won the toss and are batting, by the way.

March 21, 2022 3:50 pm


First off ,why would Dover be well aware of who you are.? That simply doesn’t make any sense as all one needs to do is post a comment under a blog name and email address. What’s with the additional checking as it makes no sense?

I liked the bit about you saying it was the others who always start the stoushes. Hilarious !

Okay cockhead, sample yesterday as an example and you will see both Driller and USSR begin trolling dialogue with me.

Shove your ‘hilarious’ up your fundament you dishonest turd.

Mere coincidence it is mostly you engaged in them. If scrolling is the solution why dont you for example scroll all Sal’s posts

I’m not the one complaining, dickhead . You are. So if you feel aggrieved then scroll away and fuck off.

Also, while you’re mentioning the Driller he initiates stoush trolling more than I do. I just give back twice as hard.

As I said, fuck off.

March 21, 2022 3:51 pm


However any thoughts on a forum member saying they are finished with the blog, yet again, because they have been bullied here and intend to write about the experience elsewhere and then proceeding to post as though not said that ? Was it drama or the truth, who knows ?

I get that you are a loyal friend and good on you for backing up your friend. However perhaps you might tell your friend some of their posts does her no favours. It is nothing to do with her background or supporting her “nemesis”. In fact I would rather she be here than not but boy is she sensitive.

March 21, 2022 at 12:52 pm”

You are clearly lacking in some self-awareness.

March 21, 2022 3:52 pm

Since announcing this award, we’ve been told that Levine actually identifies as a woman. We have still chosen to give the award as his self-identification has no bearing on the truth. Congratulations, Rachel Levine!

Where will this stop?

Brisbane Girls Grammar School group call themselves ‘furries’ and act like cats

March 21, 2022 3:52 pm
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 3:52 pm


How’s that John Farnham song go, Struth?

This is gonna be the Last Time I deal with you pooftah-pansies?

Nah, maybe this time.

What about this time, deniers?

(I miss squatting on and all over this blog and the dribbling mental case denier Nazis that infest it. Dover pls no ban uWu…)

March 21, 2022 3:53 pm

Are you overdosing on the Viagra?

What dosage do you recommend?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 3:53 pm

And, lo, on the third day it came to pass that the ‘booted one’ arose from the dead.
And he didst speak unto them; “I am miffed and peeved that my crack suicide squad didst not follow Me to AdamD’s promised land”.
Then they remembered his prophecy; “Before the cocksmokers crow three times, youse fuckers will desert me. Youse are not ‘ken worthy!”

March 21, 2022 3:54 pm

Australia won the toss and are batting, by the way.

Go Pakistan!


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 3:54 pm


March 21, 2022 at 3:53 pm

Are you overdosing on the Viagra?

What dosage do you recommend?

For lawyers?
Half a packet.

March 21, 2022 3:54 pm

Foreign oil dependence a massive vulnerability as ‘defence experts’ call for EVs

eat lentils proles!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 3:55 pm

the misrepresentation is infantile

If you don’t like the way people respond to your Nuffing, Nuff coherently…

March 21, 2022 3:57 pm

“We need a Bill of Rights.”


Not legislated, in the constitution.
Not positive citizen rights, negative government rights.
That can only be overridden against you if you have had due process (each person, individually) in a court of law.

Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, freedom to peacefully protest, autonomy over your own body, to own and carry firearms, to a speedy trial AT LEAST. These are things NO democratic Gov should EVER remove from you without first showing in an independent court that should lose those rights due to you breaking a law that itself does not breach those rights.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 3:57 pm

And, lo, on the third day it came to pass that the ‘booted one’ arose from the dead.
And he didst speak unto them; “I am miffed and peeved that my crack suicide squad didst not follow Me to AdamD’s promised land”.
Then they remembered his prophecy; “Before the cocksmokers crow three times, youse fuckers will desert me. Youse are not ‘ken worthy!”

Right- That’s going in the opening credit crawl of the first movie.

But I don’t know how much it will cost to get Cate Blanchett to do the voiceover, Lord of the Rings-style.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 3:58 pm

Anybody who has used a database knows how hard it is to keep clean. I expect it has improved over the years but when Bondy hit the skids we got a 2 page A4 memo of company names (presumably from the liquidator) that were part of the Bond group.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 4:00 pm

Then they remembered his prophecy; “Before the cocksmokers crow three times, youse fuckers will desert me. Youse are not ‘ken worthy!”

There is no Dog* but Faulty, and St. Ruth is his Profit^.

‘Follow me!’ he said. ‘No’, they said.
‘Shallow cock smokers!’, he cried.

^Also deliberate.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 4:02 pm



God I hope he coaches England and beats our ‘team’ like red-headed stepchildren.

March 21, 2022 4:02 pm


“First off ,why would Dover be well aware of who you are.? That simply doesn’t make any sense as all one needs to do is post a comment under a blog name and email address. What’s with the additional checking as it makes no sense?”

Only a few minutes ago you asked Dover to check my IP address which is a contradiction to what you now say above.

As for the rest here is a summary :

Okay cockhead

Shove your ‘hilarious’ up your fundament you dishonest turd.


scroll away and fuck off.

fuck off.

A couple of days ago Sal mentioned something about deaths of Russian Generals and it set you off for something that was a nothingburger. You could not let it go. You then seemed to want Dover to fact check what Sal had said and you were asking Dover to explain things to you. It was pathetic.

Fact check on this below. UNTRUE.
“Also, while you’re mentioning the Driller he initiates stoush trolling more than I do”.

Winston Smith
March 21, 2022 4:04 pm

Boambee John:

Strange that the unidentified “experts” didn’t have the expertise to suggest exploiting our own ample oil reserves.

This situation is entirely the making of our “Expert Managerial Class” who took the short term profits and ignored the long term needs – just like in Europe and the US.

March 21, 2022 4:04 pm

I’m not sure why the martyr shows up here.
For two years he told everyone they were traitors for not getting off their arse to protest.
Then doesn’t participate when the big ones are on in Canberra.
Then keeps coming back here and calling everyone a traitor again.
I just don’t get it.
What am I missing?

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 4:07 pm

Thank God I didn’t throw out the Waylon Jennings cassettes.

Iron Cove
Iron Cove
March 21, 2022 4:09 pm

Incoherent Rambler
“In the hellhole of Viktoristan, Andrews’ rules are the law. We don’t need no steenkin bill of rights, we need a clean out.”
A clean out of pollies and bureaucrats is a good start but in no time we’d just end up with more of the same, politicians claiming more power for themselves and bureaucrats expanding their realms.
So we would still need a bill of rights to protect us when government overreach harms our “inalienable” rights.
The US model would be a good place to start; free speech, gun ownership, privacy, things like that.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 4:10 pm

Then doesn’t participate when the big ones are on in Canberra.


‘They’ have a dossier on him, you see.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 4:13 pm


One for the good guys.

Warner LBW. 7. Even that mouthy cack-hander knew it wasn’t worth reviewing.

Today gets better and better.

March 21, 2022 4:14 pm

“I don’t like this ageing thing much.”

My question is: who put that old bastard in the mirror? What happening to the strapping young lad that used to be there, where’d he go?


March 21, 2022 4:15 pm

However any thoughts on a forum member saying they are finished with the blog, yet again, because they have been bullied here and intend to write about the experience elsewhere and then proceeding to post as though not said that ? Was it drama or the truth, who knows ?

You forgot to include

1. Kenn Worth – Road Ranger
2. Thought Leader

But more to the point, what actual business is it of yours although flounce denial is amusing? It’s none of your business is it, you busy body?

However perhaps you might tell your friend some of their posts does her no favours.

Again, why is it any of your business and why don’t you tell her instead of making requests of others?

It is nothing to do with her background or supporting her “nemesis”. In fact I would rather she be here than not but boy is she sensitive.

And you aren’t, which is why you’re hyper in responding?

March 21, 2022 4:17 pm

Marnus gone!

1 8 9 10 11 12 16
  1. Short late bookshop-bonehead anecdote time. Local bootique bookshop, specializing in eco-catastrophe, coffee table glossy and misery memoir. Hip DINK behind…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x