Reasonable. Is there a chance you’re conversion therapy is starting to work?
Reasonable. Is there a chance you’re conversion therapy is starting to work?
Israel hasn’t been at war with either since 67, so I don’t get why you’ve dragged this in.Because you said…
4 million from Gaza?I thought it was 2.3 million.4M is both Gaza and West Bank.
Refresh my memory, if you would. It’s only been the middle of the eighteenth century, since anyone chose swords?
Sorry, not sorry.
I expect a $40k EV when it arrives will be pretty stripped out. Maybe not 25yo RAV4 stripped out but I can’t see JC in one, unless he is getting a lift with mUnty to lunch.
The image of the memorial to “Mother Canada”, mourning her slaughtered sons on Vimy Ridge, just won’t go away..
that goes like shit off a shovel
Highly useful in Melbourne. What you save on fuel you’ll pay in speeding fines.
If you want nicely made, buy Jap.
Good memes from Dash Cat.
An Iron Rule.
First two seasons were fun, then it went woke with that chick on the Navoo.
The pastor? Yeah, she was a pain in the arse. She stopped Amos from blowing the head off Nadine who was busy chewing magical steroids and ripping arms off every poor bastard. But of course at the end that allowed for a touching redemption between the pastor and Nadine after Nadine saved the lot of them from the alien shit storm.
Ceres would have simply fallen apart when spun up to 1/3 g at surface.
Please provide your calculations.
Hang on…I thought this was about saving the planet?
You do realise he just wants the car and is trolling, right?
Russian General Staff Claims Ukraine Army in Donbass Cut off and Being Destroyed
Alexander Mercouris
When it comes to depreciation and ownership costs, try buying a 45 foot boat at the wrong point in the cycle. The BIL sold a 60 footer and reckons he will cover 2 years of ownership costs. Knowing him he will have. Acquired as part of a poofta pansy divorce a couple of years ago. Think he even got a free carton because they didn’t want to even see it again. There are no small bills owning a boat. Another mate got a $15k bill for a single trip to Rotto blowing a turbo.
Farmer, probably something in that but if I get another 260,000 km out of this auto that will put me up around the 520,000km mark and I can live with that.
Has mØnty punched any Ukie nasties?
My future new Ute:
Naive and innocent.
Recycling materials out of dead EV’s and shipping them back to China for carbon-rich reprocessing into new ones is the future of well-paying Green jerbs.
Camouflage uniforms and long iridescent pink hair sticking out from under the helmet.
What could possibly go wrong?
The flouro fluff keeps getting pink misted! The platoon is almost out of diversity!
Is the Ranger a auto?
All those early auto models had transmission problems. Nearly a $5,000 fix.
Seems to be pretty common for rangers to be blowing black smoke as well.
The BIL sold a 60 footer and reckons he will cover 2 years of ownership costs.
Boat: a hole in the water you pour money into.
Dad got stung by a large bargain buy hull, all ready to be fitted out.
Then found out it couldnt be surveyed.
Effectively worthless.
Colonel Crispin Berkasays:
March 27, 2022 at 11:19 am
I favour a slightly less elevated description, quoted by Harold Macmillan from a lecture he attended as a student at Oxford:
“… nothing that you learn in the course of your studies will be of the slightest possible use to you in after life – save only this – that if you work hard and intelligently you should be able to detect when a man is talking rot, and that, in my view, is the main, if not the sole, purpose of education.”
Why can’t we extract and refine oil here?
We used to. Government just spent the last 50 years rogering the industry into oblivion.
Rickw, I haven’t seen the black smoke around our way but I guess it’s a thing if your injectors go. I got mine from a business in Albury that sold/services electronic equipment, full service history and books etc. It was the managers car and was in vgc, don’t think it had been flogged much, if at all. I’d never buy a Ranger from a young bloke, they cane the crap out of them and do heaps of mods trying to make it something they’re not.
As a 4WD it makes a good work ute but I wouldn’t take it in the bush, for any serious off road it would be back to a Landcruiser. Love Landcruiser’s, got my first one at 18 and took it to Cape York and nearly everywhere else in Oz, ex cop car that they rolled with only a few km on it. Here’s Cape York, it’s the white one. Turn the volume down all you can hear is the projector noise.
Ministry of Defence
I know nothing about military matters. But I bet that Western military analysts are getting their jollies watching Russia display its war-fighting capabilities.
I guess the somber takeaway must be that, in any future conflict with NATO, Russia will have a strong driver to use WMD to cover its conventional deficits.
If anyone looks at the video, skip to the 6 minute mark the first part is crap.
Boat: a hole in the water you pour money into.
Wasn’t it Kerry Packer who said racing yachts was rather like standing under a cold shower tearing up fifty dollar notes?
There is still a refinery in Geelong, but it’s not really operating. Pretty much the only reason it’s not been demolished is no one wants the headache of dealing with the ground contamination to redevelop.
Pivot can still produce fertilizer, but mostly just stores imports.
Sad sort of state for what was an industrial town.
according to their website, Viva supplies fuel to Shell and Liberty servos
In a rare moment Trump just dropped the F bomb when referencing the climate change hoax.
If one must go yachting a chap would be well advised to ensure it is a motor yacht.
Earthquake and tsunami warning.
So they transported the old thief’s carcass to Poland- a sort of eastern European Weekend at Bernie’s. Grotesque.
Ah, but there was no State enforcement of Christianity even in this, ‘not so long ago’, but Christians of good faith still worked together with a Christian ethic to build & advance communities & Nations.
However, sadly, it was also around the time when people started to reject Christianity and everything soon started down the slippery slope to todays great degeneracy –
Life In Australia: Geelong
NFSA Films
Produced by The Commonwealth Film Unit 1966. Directed by Antonio Colacino. Made for the Department of Immigration the Life In Australia series aimed to show potential immigrants an idealised picture of life in Australia with particular focus on the capital cities and large regional centres like the Victorian town of Geelong.
The Life In Australia series portrays Australian cities and rural centres as happy, lively places where good homes, abundant jobs, schools, hospitals and amenities provide the foundation for a relaxed lifestyle where sport, shopping, religion and even art combine to create a homogenous and prosperous society.
Hang on- the US is sending troops to the Ukraine now? The neo cons getting the war they want?
White House forced to walk back Biden’s comments on Putin
I think Biden is having a bad misspeaking day.
At least he didn’t declare war against China.
This Is Why America Is F**ked.
Russell Brand
At least he didn’t declare war against China.
pay to play corruptocrats don’t declare war against their biggest pay master
cohenite, from the article surface gravity is about .03g and that is what is holding it together. 0.3 g will cause it to fly apart unless you find a way of structurally reinforcing a 940km diameter asteroid. You might have to use Scrith.
Alternatively for 0.3 g at the equator the rotational velocity is 1.22 km/sec. Escape velocity is quoted at 0.51 km/sec = it falls to bits.
Show had some nice SF tropes like the Belter culture and language, fusion drive ships etc but the Protomolecule thing was garbage. Could have had a nice Belter war of independence a la Moon is Harsh Mistress or Poul Anderson’s Tales of the Flying Mountains but TV screwed it up again.
I’ve heard a modified version, citing tearing up five pond notes, attributed to Edward Heath.
Faustus bargained:
Have you not learned rule 1 of
wartimecovidany modern reporting: You aren’t being told the whole truth, possibly only the nouns are true, and even they are suspect.What if Russia is absolutely kicking arse with amazing high-tech weapons and you aren’t being told that because you’re more likely to acquiesce to war with Russia if you believe it’ll be a doddle. Yeah I just made that up, but how would you know it wasn’t true?
The refugees flowing out of Ukraine are real, and buildings are being shelled and levelled, so the war is real on that level. Given we’re going to do nothing about it, of what relevance is any of this war information – other than as a distraction from some other domestic issue that you could do something about?
US reporting of up to 60% failure rates of these weapons will compound Russia’s problem of increasingly limited stocks forcing them to revert to less sophisticated missiles or accepting more risk to their aircraft.
It may be cheaper to accept missiles with high failure rates and more of them than buy more expensive and reliable ones.
Ancestry does matter. As one of the lineage elders of our clan said when I discovered him on the internet and got in touch re the threat to our familial Church, people do need to have some idea of where they came from. He sees it, he says, in his large family law practice, where uncertainties about origins can have psychological effects. Another lineage elder I contacted spoke of family members making a ritual ‘pilgrimage’ to see the Church and our common ancestor’s burial stone in the Nave. Our name and that history is bonding even though we are now only all getting in touch because of the threat to our ancestral place.
The meeting I had called in Tasmania went well. Our ancestor too, as a Huguenot, also fled religious persecution as did Delta’s, ours fleeing to the UK the 1620’s from France, even though the Edict of Nantes in 1598 had tried to end the French Wars of Religion. Huguenots though were still persecuted. People like my ancestor, a French Count and his entourage, started the drift over to England, which after 1685, when the Edict of Toleration was revoked, became a Huguenot flood. His story is a fascinating one full of drama, a village burning, intrigue and double-crossing; it would make good historical TV.
Long-term knowledge of the interlinked many is what keeps societies together. A piece in last week’s Spectator covers the Royal side of ancestry’s fascination – ‘Prince Philip’s links with the Russian imperial court’. Even if the Church must go (I will fight that) at least we shall save the main ancestral stone, rebury his bones, and protect those memorial stones on the external walls and in the graveyard before the Church becomes some British oligarch’s holiday home.
Trump concludes after one hour twenty seven minutes.
This is also a problem in Australia’s Public Hospitals.
Timothy Neilson:
“Think of it as evolution in action.”
Neil Oliver: The way our leaders are going about things reminds me of the behaviour of toddlers
You might have to use Scrith.
I haven’t read the final book yet but I’m hoping the Pak stick their ugly heads up.
the Protomolecule thing was garbage.
Nothing wrong with a bit of alien magic. The protomolecule explained:
Read “The WEIRDEST people in the World”.
I, too, have a Huguenot ancestor that fled France, though they didn’t quite make it to mainland England.
One of their descendants married a descendant of the Dukes of Normandy, who probably number in the tens of thousands.
The world’s biggest automated four-master under sail carrying 270 passengers that we are booked to cruise on in August 2023 sells itself as a sailing experience, but I was happy to note it had a motor option too. Hate to get stuck in the doldrums. I think it wise to have base-load back up in all avenues of life.
They say they usually sail 70% of the journey.
Taylor Hawkins died ‘with 10 drugs in his system’
John H.
Based on that article sounds like it was definitely the vaxx.
As you appear to like hard Sci-Fi perhaps some Greg Egan novels might interest you. There is a movie in the works for one of his books but I’m not sure his ideas will translate well to the screen.
Catturd ™ Retweeted
Dr. Dirk Diggler
How bad is it? This bad.
One iron rule is that an attacker requires at least a 2:1 advantage over a defender in modern warfare.
I’m sure the Russians knew this.
Now they also know – if they didn’t earlier – about the problem of “friction”, i.e. the disparity between how units should perform as calculated on paper and how they actually perform in the field.
I suspect a bit of hubris may have led them to overlook that.
Fascinating documentary
The Century of Self
A tour through the last century of self-worship. From Freud to his propagandist nephew, Bernays, and how their fields have permeated advertising, politics, media and society. How they managed so easily to manipulate the ”stupid” masses, politically and socially.
Those of us concerned about the rise of trannies in womens sport won’t need to be reminded that the SBS second channel is showing the beach volleyball championships today. For those under the mistaken belief the A in AFL stands for Australian the Weagles match is on too. I hope this comes back to bite Gillon McPolo-Pony on the arse.
They could well be. Russia could have a Death Star blasting holes in Ukrainian kitten nurseries and I wouldn’t know about it.
My concern is that Russian senior politicians are actually talking up the use of nukes in the event that conventional warfare goes against them.
I can be told otherwise, but it doesn’t sound much like messaging from a team that’s happily and amazingly kicking arse.
Not consequence free.
Absolutely Rosie had nothing to do with decades of drug abuse resulting in cardiomegaly.
Zulu – saw that yesterday. Amos the J’ismist didn’t have too many friends in the comments.
Walker was 19, with a thirteen page criminal record…
Tech giant YouTube forced to unblock WION after global outrage
Everyone discusses EV’s in a suburban context. But I’m driving from Sydney to Brisbane and I hit the 500k range limit in my EV.
I need to find somewhere with recharge facilities; they are of course everywhere in the bush. Of course, I can’t risk running the thing to the full 500, I’ll probably need to find somewhere around 400.
I then need to wait around for hours for the thing to recharge. What if other cars are ahead of me in the queue?
I eventually get going again but I’m still out of range for Brisbane and eventually need to find another available recharge station.
It’s now dark and I need to find a motel.
The Greens solution: “take a train, hire a bike when you get there”.
To quote the Zoomers “like, this is soo fucked dude”.
Reverend Gavin Ashenden: Liberalism has become totalitarian
It was the combination of anti-depressants and opioids that got my attention.
It seems like he had drug abuse problems going way back, which reached epic proportions in the early 2000’s (including being in a coma for two weeks after an OD in 2001).
The findings, which are published by a team led by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, suggest that the supposed benefits of alcohol consumption may actually be attributed to other lifestyle factors that are common among light to moderate drinkers.
The uselessness of so much research. For decades they told us low alcohol consumption was good and now they’ve changed their minds. I couldn’t care less because I rarely drink but I never understood why people believed consuming a toxin was a net good. Even that stuff about resveratrol was nonsense .
Another EV consideration.
When recharges start being charged at commercial rates (as they must be), on what basis will they be charged out.
The illusion of evidence based medicine
vidence based medicine has been corrupted by
corporate interests,
failed regulation,
and commercialisation of academia
Dr. John Campbell
Bons, I am in the same boat.
A round trip to Melbourne on the ranges advertised doesn’t work, especially if you include a safety margin.
Oh, but you can recharge in Melbourne I hear you say.
Firstly I am not going there for the sole reason of running around looking for a charging station.
Secondly, the things I am going there for require a car, so I don’t need it tied up to a hitching post for three hours.
And, thirdly, I really do need a good safety margin. Something which is advertised as having a range of 800-1,000 kms will probably achieve that brand new if driven conservatively, but I am betting the range will degrade over time.
People who consider themselves more accountable to a god report higher levels of three of the four variables of psychological wellbeing. The association was stronger in people who pray more often, suggesting accountability accompanied with prayer enhances psychological wellbeing for believers.
Ceres has better uses than just sitting in the asteroid belt – crash it into Mars.
Instant planetary rebuild.
(Well, at least after the Marsquakes stop and the Ceres remnants cease falling – no way that thing is going to hold together as it approaches Mars.)
As you appear to like hard Sci-Fi perhaps some Greg Egan novels might interest you. There is a movie in the works for one of his books but I’m not sure his ideas will translate well to the screen.
Egan is ok but I’ve gone off him since he turned to refugee advocacy in the early 2000s. I’m re-reading Jack Vance.
I believe this was the experience of a motoring journalist who took a Tesla from Sydney to Newcastle and back a few years ago and wrote it up. No doubt the availability of charging stations has improved since then, but, it is a problem in a country like Australia.
If you’re a Queenslander you’ll be pleased to know that you’ll be hit up twice to pay for the state government’s charging station network – once by William Street and again by your local council.
Yes, descent is like that. It can involve hundreds, even thousands, as collateral patrilines and even matrilines or bilateral lines develop. Our patriline carries an unusual identifying name, which allows the development of known lineages down the male generations gleaned from Parish records. Some have become extinct as no males were born to them, which happens quite a lot in past times (viz Henry the Eighth’s problems) but many still survive. Our branching descent lines involve around one hundred known people alive today if living females are counted (females usually marry and thus are technically ‘out’ as are their descendants in the matriline), but it is not yet a patrilineal clan, nor has it yet become like any of the Scottish clans which may have many bilateral multilineal rather than unilineal aspects.
Anthropologically, lineages merge into clans when the lineage relationships in the past become blurred and even bilateral (i.e. if you can find an ancestor even via a female, you’re in). In our case the focus is on known patrilineages, each traceable back to the 1625 ancestor and earlier in France if a professional genealogist was called in. Thus I can legitimately say we have lineage ‘elders’ who are limited in number and far more interested in family history in this line than younger generations are – yet. Obviously, in each generation, marriage introduces new genes to descendants and females also marry out, so we are hardly speaking of total genetic closeness, although genes still matter. The Romanov remains were identified by Prince Phillip’s genes, as his Great Aunt was the Tzarina and modern day descendants identified the carpark remains of Richard 111. Thus is always offering me new third and fourth cousins in East Anglia where the Church is located.
We are all ‘related’ to thousands of other people. No doubt about that.
Moron EXPOSES Chinese Government by Accident
Why do so many living things get the same number of heartbeats?
You ignoramus, Hallward. Depreciation, Rego, insurance, service would be roughly the same for both types of cars, so that’s zeroed out as you would compare to an equivalent car. Don’t start that crap that your Incel attempted to get away with one time when the Noggin-head was trying to compare a new Tesla to the running cost of his 150 year old Camry.
The average ks for an Australian car is around 12,000 , not 8,000, you low wattage dissembling clown.
I spent $152 on Friday afternoon to fill-up, which would give me an estimated 550 ks
12,000/550 = 22
22 x 152 = $3,344
For an EV
$16 gives you 430 k
12,000 / 430 = 28
28 x $16 = $446.50
Over 10 years, one is saving close to $30,000, you nonce or something like $2900 a year.
Hallward, you’re just an oppositional fuckwit. I know you would have given yourself 4 of those 6 ticks. It would be interesting to see who else is as numerically challenged as you.
I guess it works somewhat like beer goggles. Everything seems so much more believable when you are enjoying yourself. So grab that excuse and run with it. That’s what I do anyway. 🙂
The 16 bucks a full charge is what it would cost you to charge up at home through the regular line, so it is fully costed and I’m not counting freebies you can get.
Based on recent gaffes by Biden how much would you want to tell him about secret important stuff ?
He is at the point where he is blurting things out of his mouth without considering what he is saying.
Imagine having to brief him about a SEAL Team 6 operation now. Could end up with something like ” I just want to wish the boys at SEAL Team 6 safe journey tomorrow on your dangerous operation to locate Osama Bin Lollipop”.
A recent meme at WIP was good. Imagine how embarrassing it wouid be if an alien landed and said take me to your leader. I just hope any alien landings don’t take place in Canada, USA, NZ, UK or Oz.
As a 4WD it makes a good work ute but I wouldn’t take it in the bush, for any serious off road it would be back to a Landcruiser.
Yeah don’t know what the obsession is with 4WD. More bits to break and wear out and they’ll never be a patch on the likes of a land cruiser.
Glad your ranger isn’t a smoker!
I was only kidding about the Expanse.
I’ve never watched it because there’s that Iranian actress and her voice is really annoying. Yes, I’m shallow like that as little things trip me up.
They have been fro the start. In Russian held areas they have started paying pensions and providing welfare support. If Russia wanted to raze Ukr cities, they would be flattened already. Mariupol was an Azov Brigade stronghold and they refused to leave despite weeks of Russian requests to do so. That city situation was an exception but that fkwit Zhelensky sacrificed the place to augment his media propaganda while the Azovs hid in built up areas.
Lizzie people can do as they wish but the medical profession should be more rigorous. A recent analysis concluded that even one serving of alcohol a day was bad for us. Sheesh at this rate we’re going to have live like ascetics perched on long poles(so we’ll die of skin cancer anyway).
JC has convinced me. If you were going to spend $120k on a medium SUV and pootle around the suburbs EVs really do stack up.
Proving Vladimir Putin Correct, Joe Biden Demands Regime Change in Russia
March 26, 2022 | Sundance | 294 Comments
Russian President Vladimir Putin has long accused NATO and the collective west of trying to interfere in the nations of their adversaries. Using the recent examples of Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Syria, specifically Putin has said the United States wants to overthrow the elected leader of Russia.
Until today the western governments have denied this allegation. However, in his rambling and inarticulate speech in Poland today Joe Biden stated of Vladimir Putin “for God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” a direct call for the regime change the same Biden administration has denied.
Expect a clean-up effort in 3,… 2,… WATCH:
Overall, it was clear the people behind the Biden administration were attempting to use the background of a grand speech in Poland to reset the failing administration of Joe Biden. However, they failed miserably. [Transcript forthcoming]
It was yet another “democracy -vs- autocracy” narrative effort by the people trying to prop up Joe Biden.
I know somebody who puts his Tesla on charge every day when he goes to the office. Easily 5-6 hours per day. The electricity he is using is from the business he works in which a couple of years he sold to his number 2. Little sign in the font window says the range is 502 km and whilst I don’t know where he lives I doubt he would be doing more than 50km per week day. Has been doing this for almost a year.
Does the charge stop using electricity once fully charged ?
“The 16 bucks a full charge is what it would cost you to charge up at home through the regular line, so it is fully costed and I’m not counting freebies you can get”.
‘Yeah but that was just Crazy Old Biden blabbering.’, you say.
Well this is one of the people in his Govt that even smart people say is smart, so …
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Says Nothing Will Deter Biden Administration from Eliminating Fossil Fuels
March 26, 2022 | Sundance | 270 Comments
Current Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is a Davos/WEF devotee of the highest magnitude. Yellen is ensconced in the worldview of those who run the operations of central banking and global finance. She is the globalist secretary of world treasuries and has been throughout her professional life.
As more people become aware of the Build Back Better agenda, or as some would say “The Great Reset,” and its direct connection to the dreams and aspirations of the climate change ideologues in the elitist class, it is worth paying attention when Yellen says nothing will deter the Biden administration from eliminating fossil fuels; and it is her role to make that objective financially possible.
Yellen emphasizes the Biden administration position about how the conflict in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia are an example of why the global energy resources need to fundamentally change to renewable resources. Her strength of advocacy, in alignment with the Davos/WEF position, is yet another data-point to highlight the predictable cleaving of the world economies into two distinctly differing groups of nations. WATCH:
It doesn’t matter how economically painful it is to chase these energy policies, the elitists who operate western government are all-in on the same program. The same western governments who used totalitarian emergency powers to destroy liberty and freedom under the guise of COVID-19 mitigation, are the same western governments now aligned to use the crisis in Ukraine to advance their energy ideology.
I suspect a bit of hubris may have led them to overlook that.
I haven’t really got into this issue, but I just spent a bit of time watching what I thought was quite a good bit of analysis. My 1 cent.
1). Russia has quite a bit of recent combat experience. They are not novices.
2). Russia is fighting a force that they have very intimate knowledge of their weapons, capabilities, logistics etc. They were part of the USSR.
3). Russia from their perspective it is fighting to secure the safety of many Russian speakers. They’re not on the final drive to Berlin, if there are high civilian casualties, they have failed. They must go carefully.
I find it hard to believe that the Russian are doing as badly as Western Propaganda tells it. Nor are they doing as well as their propaganda tells it.
The whole situation is fucked. It seems to stink to high heaven of western corruption and malfeasance, particularly with regard to escalation.
It’s a hell of a thing to be getting into so your stupid drug addled kid can keep getting $50k a month.
The Hypocrisy of Biden Speaking About Democracy vs Autocracy in Poland Is Choking When Contrast Against Western Govt Behavior During COVID
March 25, 2022 | Sundance | 285 Comments
There comes a time when a person has no more tongue to bite. Joe Biden speaking to U.S. troops in Poland about “democracies at an inflection” point in history, is jaw-dropping when you consider the behavior of every western government leader over the past two years.
Once again, Joe Biden, the same authoritarian who mandated that every American worker undergo a medical procedure in order to qualify as a person who might earn a living, sits atop his high-horse and pretends that western government leaders have some inherent claim to the protection of democracy.
Given their collective behavior over the past two years, the hypocrisy of this continued talking point is beyond outlandish.
[Transcript] …”We’re in the midst of — and I don’t want to sound too philosophic here — but you’re in the midst of a fight between democracies and oligarchs. Xi Jinping — who I’ve spent more time with, they tell me, than any other world leader — points out to me that he believes, in China, that democracies can’t succeed in the 21st century. The reason is things are moving so fast, change is happening so quickly that democracies require consensus, and we can’t put together consensus as quickly as autocrats can.
So, what’s at stake — not just in what we’re doing here in Ukraine to try to help the Ukrainian people and keep the massacre from continuing — but beyond that, what’s at stake is: What’s — what’s — what are your kids and grandkids going to look like in terms of their — their freedom? What’s happening? The last 10 years, there have been fewer democracies that have been formed than we’ve lost in the world.
You may have missed it, rick – the Russian army reported on Friday it was now consolidating its efforts on securing the Donbas. This tallies with Ukrainian reports of Russians east of Kiev pulling back.
Fog of war and all that, but we’ll find out of its true before long.
I imagine the Russians will try and keep their gains further south but that won’t be without risk.
Rickw, I’m often on dirt roads and driveways with all the heavy gear, the 4WD allows me to get in and out without doing damage, especially when it’s damp. Plus I ski most days in winter and having 4WD means it’s rare to have to fit chains. I haven’t fitted them in years.
JohnH, one Greg Egan novel was set in Eastwood. It was weird reading a sci-fi novel about local areas, I prefer dystopia to be happening somewhere else.
See the map below. It’s been clear all along the south and SE of Ukraine were Russia’s objectives. Kiev is an exercise to keep Ukraine’s leadership focused elsewhere. However, Odessa must be in Russian sights.
Charging depends on how much power goes through the line. Most modern homes now have three phase which cuts down charge time.
Bobs, under your parameters, don’t buy an EV as it’s unsuitable.
Kiev, as the birth place of Rus, is central to Putin’s religious-political ideology.
I don’t doubt he was intending to take it.
Old Mate leaving the 90% charged vehicle on the charger at work is mainly doing nothing after the first hour.
But for a big battery setup it would take 24hrs++ to reach full charge with the 240v home charger.
Useful EV charging link:
Level 2 charger: cost ~$17, 5+hrs;
At home if you install one, or in public car parks when fitted.
Level 3 charger: cost ~$40, 1hr.
At public charging stations.
Don’t forget to cost the increased depreciation on a $120,000 + EV.
I thought you were a finance whiz?
With Biden calling for Putin’s removal from power Putin could get a global laugh by demanding Biden’s removal.
Evil or brainless, who is more dangerous?
So what is
1. the resale value of an ev after ten years
2. the length of battery life – our solars are ten years max, more like 8, is it the same with EV batteries?
3. How much to replace the batteries?
I don’t think Ukraine can let Odessa go to Russians, it would make them landlocked and less viable as far as trade and future defence goes.
Are we ready to watch half a million more Ukrainians be killed or injured just so Putin can attain his objectives?
Charging depends on how much power goes through the line. Most modern homes now have three phase which cuts down charge time.
The capacity of the power supply does not determine charge time: the capacity of the battery does. A typical electric car (60kWh battery) takes just under 8 hours to charge from empty to full with a 7kW charging point.
Orangutan Bard, if Sniffy Joe’s handlers and the warehouses upon warehouses of caged Grigses in deepest, darkest
SiberiaBrisbanesomewhere stirring up trouble on the internet are still to be believed… 😉(/sarc)
I didn’t bother because there’s enough cushion in the 30k differential. I also didn’t allow for the much reduced maintenance cost for an EV vs a petrol car. It’s still a massive saving. Interesting put down from an imbecile who only takes the non-fuel costs for one side and ignores the other, you dishonest dissembling twat, Hallward.
They’re going to 22 kw for private stations even.
More? Get a grip. There’s that hyperbole again.
What does this look like?
(a) Assassination attempt? – nuclear WW3 to follow;
(b) United Russia party losing an election? There are a lot of social conservatives in Russia. For a left wing party to take more ground it would need to move right on social issues. I am not aware of a left wing party anywhere having successfully done that.
(c) United Russia party endorsing someone else? Best bet of the three. Some diplomacy could work here. Maybe start with the IDU offering United Russia membership, and some international dialogue along those lines persuading them of a different approach.
@ Helen,
I think your questions 1 and 2 are more or less identical, as a li-poly or li-ion battery has a life limitation dictated by the number of discharge-recharge cycles. And the buggers discharge and degrade themselves over time anyway, even if you don’t cycle them.
So JC might find, for example if he owned an IC-powered Mercedes Benz 300SL Gullwing (the good one, JC. Not the soulless, clunky and already dated-looking remake) for 25 years and only drove it on the odd Sunday and the yearly tool down the Great Ocean Road, the vehicle would still be in reasonably good mechanical nick and perhaps only need a few extra cycles to keep the working parts oiled and the fuel from going off in the tank.
An electrified one wouldn’t even bother to wake up and roll its eyes at you after 25 years of more or less the same treatment, even if you religiously charged it every day- The battery’s chemical reactions will have carried on regardless to the point of total exhaustion.
And to answer the 3rd, a replacement battery pack would probably cost as much as a new (current-model) Tesla.
And probably much more, as the pack’s technology and connections, etc. would likely be totally obsolescent (by design) and rarer than hens’ teeth.
JC says:
March 27, 2022 at 2:10 pm
Charging depends on how much power goes through the line. Most modern homes now have three phase which cuts down charge time.
With the limitation of the transformer that feeds the house lines.
Our system wouldn’t cope with lots of EVs charging off a feeder network not designed for extra big draws for hours on end. Hot evening, aircons going and the car plugged in, not going to work.
In the link I posted earlier the point was made that the length of the front is very long and Russia clearly has under estimated how much will be required to control that front. Russia must have anticipated a quick result but now it is obvious that is mistaken. Ukrainian resistance is much stronger than most anticipated so if Russia wants to continue to occupy the whole country it is faced with a series of very difficult problems. It may not be worth the effort in the short and long term to do that. Russia needs to be able to soon declare a victory so it might opt for occupation few key regions. I don’t know what Russia gains out of all this. I’m missing something or is this invasion just about symbolism and\or Putin shoring up his reputation as a big tough guy?
2. the length of battery life – our solars are ten years max, more like 8, is it the same with EV batteries?
Manufacturers guarantee them (albeit with declining performance) for up to 8 years. 10 years is a common figure offered for max life.
3. How much to replace the batteries?
Battery prices have fallen and are now stabilised around $150/kWh. So $6,000 for a Nissan Leaf, or $15,000 for a long range Tesla – but likely a bit less.
1. the resale value of an ev after ten years
Hard to guess. You’d have a 8 or 10 year old vehicle with ‘old technology’ and a big bill in its future. If it’s a Mercedes it will be worth a bit. If it’s a Leaf, I’d go with zero.
Head prefect high capacity chargers can speed up charging but they need a battery which can accommodate high charge inflow. Early days. We may get there before lithium runs out. I don’t know. I’m going to get one of these.
Sure, with the divorce fees you charge, buy a couple.
Cronkite, Tesla charging stations take about 20 minutes for a full charge. And that’s just Tesla.
Gez, without trying to sound harsh, as I never want to be with you, I don’t give a shit about other people. I just the “system” to cope for my needs and wants.
Sure, with the divorce fees you charge, buy a couple.
I have a mate, a defamation lawyer, who owns one, a 66 V6 hard top, that he bought for 40K back in the day when we were only on $200 per hour. The damn thing is now worth 300K plus. Try getting that resale benefit from a goddamn Tesla.
geez JC, what are driving a bull-dozer?
$135 and my range guide says near on 1000km
It’s a three litre wagon BMW, Matrix and was close to empty. 98 was around $2.12 a litre. The car isn’t exactly a guzzler.
March 27, 2022 at 1:35 pm
You ignoramus, Hallward. Depreciation, Rego, insurance, service would be roughly the same for both types of cars, so that’s zeroed out as you would compare to an equivalent car.
I don’t think Eyrie was talking about a $120,000 ICE vehicle. Depreciation and insurance on a $120k EV would have to be greater than on a normal say $40k ICE car.
My wife was offered one from a then-boyfriend back in the 70s at a knockdown price.
Fortunately, she had more brains as it was the V12 model. She bought a canary yellow Celica 1600 instead. The things we managed to do in that car …
Why compare a 40K car to one that costs 140K. These are entitely different market categories.
mh says:
March 27, 2022 at 10:17 am
5.66M subscribers
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the West is trying to cancel Russian culture. He also added that an attack on culture is like Nazi book burning.
I think I see the problem here.
You need a Getz, JC. 91 octane, frugal and can go 500-odd km on a 45L tank.
I just miss filling the thing completely for 1.5-2 weeks’ driving for $50. $42.30 for 23L yesterday was uncool. Though I was very excited to get to figure out how many snacks and drink cans I could squeeze into a $50 note, and even more pleased to pay in exact change.
The Covid madness has sure done a lot to make one appreciate life’s little pleasures… 🙂
wow, I get twice the range
… mine is 2.2 TD
Most modern homes now have three phase which cuts down charge time.
no they don’t- most domestic power is single phase
So you can imagine how much is spent of Social Media characters to sell Jabs –
kaysee says:
March 27, 2022 at 2:37 pm
US Government Paid News Media $1 Billion to Promote Vaccines
– A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by TheBlaze shows Health and Human Services spent $1 billion for a media campaign to build public confidence in, and uptake of, COVID-19 vaccines using mainstream news outlets
– News outlets that did respond to TheBlaze assured them the editorial staff are not influenced by advertising money, but it’s not hard to imagine management would not look kindly on editorial staff who write content that doesn’t align with the advertising narrative
– Mounting evidence demonstrates why the government is paying for good press since insurance companies reported a rise in all-cause mortality in late 2021
– The first batch of Pfizer documents the FDA used to approve Comirnaty (Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine) were released March 1, 2022; mRNA technology inventor Dr. Robert Malone believes these papers show a break in the indemnification clauses, exposing Pfizer to potential civil and criminal liability
If you are unable to access the article at Mercola’s site, check it here.
And of course no strings attached. Strings like pro-Biden/pro-Dem spin on everything, radio silence on the Dems disastrous energy policies and such. There was none of that.
A Getz makes my old RAV look pretty good. Less embarrassing to be seen in.
As proof you linked to a propaganda film by the government of the day, srr.
Do you see the irony?
If I was obsessed with how good and manly I looked getting to and from work, I’d be a FIFO dump-truck driver.
Front costs money, fashion is fickle and Hiluxes are appallingly overpriced for such a practical piece of gear.
Affable eccentricity holds its value. And Getzes are bombproof… 🙂
Zulu’s link at 12.56:
This is horseshit, but not for the reasons he thinks.
The IRT concept is fine, I believe. The use of force in that case was (obviously) just dandy. It’s what the IRT became that was the problem.
Apparently, and it is said by some the IRT was proposed and set up by a copper who’d spent a long time in Alice Springs after being booted from the NT jacks’ TRG for reasons unknown. It was supposed to be a pool of coppers that had the capacity to move into a community at short notice to either provide a surge capacity for general unrest, or to pinch a specific target that was causing drama – ie, Walker.
The problem was that the copper who thought it up then created a mini-empire of his own by sourcing funding for gear like bean bag shotguns, turtle suits and whatnot for this unit – while staffing it with relatively inexperienced coppers, who may or may not have gravitated towards the sense of undeserved ‘elitism’ that the bloke who thought it up cultivated. Possibly and maybe because he wanted to create a mini-TRG thing in his own image after being removed from an actual one.
Some of them got camo gear – allegedly for hiding in spinifex, but there were people around who thought it was just wankery. Mission creep crept in, apparently, and they became jacks of all trades with differing approval processes at different levels for different jobs – which is not unusual in cop stuff, but it was allowed to become like that because bosses were lazy.
To emphasise – there was zero wrong (I believe) with the Walker job in terms of tactics, how they went about it and the use of force. However, and on a broader scale the IRT was thought up as a faux-elite fiefdom under a bloke who’d been thrown out of a ‘tactical’ police unit, and the NT one at that.
Incidentally, there is talk that the bloke who thought up the IRT concept – the fief owner – and Andrew Barram, the dunderhead fake ‘expert’ bought by the prosecution and shredded to ribbons in the box at Rolfe’s trial, hate each other. Which is cool, because they’re both fucking idiots, but whether that had any impact on the broader trial or the upcoming coronial process.
That’s the thing- even in a Corolla or a Getz (*in good condition), you would feel confident driving to Coober Pedy and even if you felt a little range anxiety, there is always a jerry can.
Sharp little storm. Backyard’s LIDERALLY underwater after five minutes of wet stuff.
*remains to be seen.*
Apologies. Distracted by the rain. Big fat angry rain.
Spain’s solar energy crisis: 62,000 people bankrupt after investing in solar panels • FRANCE 24
Gez, without trying to sound harsh, as I never want to be with you, I don’t give a shit about other people. I just the “system” to cope for my needs and wants.
Now you’ve really hurt my feelings.
Twenty seven minutes at Methtown Coles.
Parked in the Stuart Diver Experience Memorial Car Park.
The couple at the Tesla charger when I arrived, had all their doors open when I left.
Who knew EV ownership would include so much carbon monoxide?
Battery prices have fallen and are now stabilised around $150/kWh.
I think that’s the cost of the cells, add pack and assembly cost, manufacturer and dealer margin, removal of old and fitting. I’d be surprised if it was less than 2 to 4 times that for the end user.
I’m still of the opinion that Rolfe was to be thrown under a bus to placate the BLM protestors.
The latest complaint is that his family wasn’t allowed into the police station to comfort the dying Walker – weren’t they outside. throwing rocks at the station?
WTF is a Getz?
sigh …
Did you see what happens?
“kaysee says:
March 27, 2022 at 2:37 pm
US Government Paid News Media $1 Billion to Promote Vaccines”
Click and oh look, yet another link at Mercola’s site –
The Crucial Role of NAD+ in Optimal Health
Which would be why kaysee also provided this link –
“If you are unable to access the article at Mercola’s site, check it here.”
Hyundai sub compact JC
We are driving to Queensland on Thursday, and it will cost what it will cost. Better than wearing a face nappy in the plane and all the usual hassle at the airport. Plus, although staying with family we need a car up there to drive out to the sticks somewhere to see a clan member who like the Tasmanians has a lot of family history stuff to share. And there was my poor brother, deceased in 2020, working on this stuff thinking he was alone with it. So much has already been done, which is lucky because his widow isn’t keen to share his findings. Maybe sorting it all out is still too painful for her.
On electric cars, how will they go when the blackouts start? Apparently some owners are carrying around little electric generators in the boot, sufficient to get them home in a crisis. All seems stupid to me. I like my Q5, and it’s going gangbusters again now that the turbo charge has been repaired at cost of $5000, a cost which makes it worth keeping for another year before turning it over.
Very useful, that great turbo charge surge, I find. Possibly overworked. lol. 🙂
Advise skip first six minutes of stupid narrative bullshit in that vid link.
It was a respone to
Life In Australia: Geelong
Hyundai sub compact
One of these, but in a rubber suit
IIRC Tesla is now charging 50c Kw/h for fast charges at their stations in the US.
Yes I was talking a $50,000 Jap car. Ours is a Mazda CX-5 with all the bells and whistles. Nice car. More than adequate power, enough carrying and towing capacity, Head up Display (brilliant!), leather interior, all nicely put together. I’m not a car person. Swift, quiet, comfortable transport. Why would I spend 2.5 x for the Merc EV which appears to be around the size of a CX-3 or CX-30?
Only thing is I didn’t realise how many of the things Mazda had sold until I started driving it, particularly white ones. I wanted red but Mrs Eyrie wanted white so white it is.
Drove a mate’s Audi Q7 a while back ($122,000 about 3 years ago). Couldn’t see the extra money although it has an infrared viewer which works well for night time etc.
Are there any front lines in Ukraine?
It seems a very disperse and haphazard affair with the exception of a few city sieges.
Why is there so little video and up front reporting?
All trees are felled at ground level,* Mole. Terry Pratchett said so.
* Although he admitted this was an excessively bowdlerised translation of the Dwarvish saying “If his armpit is higher than your head, his groin is level with your teeth…”
Friend of mine had an absolutely immaculate (in every respect) Chrysler Crossfire SRT soft-top. (Basically a Merc under the bodywork.) One of only 75 sold in Australia. Went like sh!t off a shovel.
One day, out of nowhere, he took it to the local Toyota dealer and traded it in on a … bloody three-cylinder Yaris!! And to top it off, the mongrel dealer only gave him $10k as a trade-in. (Selling for north of $30k — $40k on CarSales)
Why? He wanted Apple CarPlay and the Yaris has it… go figure.
There’s plenty about, not all of it fits, though.
That’s funny.
Yes, I know who made the film, I posted the details, but guess what, it wasn’t a lie, it was where & when I grew up, and I was literally part of those Christian Community builders.
You know that thing now of, “You couldn’t make it today.”, well it isn’t because of costs & OH&S, as they lie.
We could actually make more, better & safer with all our new tech.
It’s only anti-development legislation that penalises or outright criminalises those with the same work ethic in that video, that’s prevented Australia being developed to the point at which it would make the US look like a land of backward simpletons.
Because there are no cheap EV cars.
Yep, far from the bloody thirsty, barbaric monsters that the Western Media would have the world believe Putin is ruthlessly making murder Ukrainians.
It wasn’t that long ago you were blaming a nebulous world elite for selling the lie that inland Australia was an arid desert wasteland that was ruining our ability to develop it. And driving down your rural property values to boot.
Make up your mind, SRR.
Even I can relate to some of it srr still faded memories, wishful thinking reinforced by the Leave it to Beaver style programs that was popular back then. Are not reliable.
Armies break shit and kill people. It’s what they are for.
Any reports to the contrary are a sidebar to the main menu of death and destruction.
I don’t think it’s organised or that even anyone cares. I believe it’s just simple social evolution, native populations find another culture more attractive than their own and adopt it. That’s been the case for most of the 20th century mostly due to faster communication methods. The internet is speeding up the process.
I remember a story from the 70s where travellers to the USSR were approached to sell their Levis to the locals. There were offers of $300 to $500 in Russian money per pair of jeans.
The vid I posed highlighted that disperse nature of the invasion. It is a big strategic error. They should have focused their resources on taking the Kyiv and capturing Zelenskyy. That would have been a huge win.
Now I’ll watch Arky’s vid.
Why compare a 40K car
Which one?
It is unfortunate that governments seem to have forgotten that. Disaster response, limited ROE etc. are all fine and dandy, but end of the day a military is all about hurting people and breaking their shit.
Putin said the West is trying to cancel Russian culture.
What I think he means is mean, pathetic little stunts like cancelling a Tchaikovsky concert in Wales.
lotocoti says:
March 27, 2022 at 4:31 pm
Why is there so little video and up front reporting?
There’s plenty about, not all of it fits, though.
There’s oodles of propaganda parades from both sides but I’m looking for the embedded front line stuff from past conflicts.
My guess is the media with a few exceptions are well away from the danger zone and not wanting or not allowed to venture too far from the hotel.
Relative of mine did very well out of that lurk, thank you.
Armies break shit and kill people. It’s what they are for.
According to my mate, the former Army attack helo pilot you get through 7 pages on the Australian Army website before they mention that stuff.
Again I can only recommend, “Gonzalo Lira”, to explain thing clearly from Ukraine (such as why & how it is that the Russians are not being haphazard), and also if you can get on Telegram, that’s full of videos that Western MSM (and some Western ISP’s I’ve discovered), don’t want you seeing.
Gonzalo Lira
123K subscribers
Part 1—The False Flag Will Happen In Kiev
Part 2—The False Flag Will Happen In Kiev
Part 3 (Coda)—The False Flag Will Happen In Kiev
He also has more links, including to Telegram, in the description box of those YouTube videos.
very often single phase 80amps
sometimes single phase 6mm like in many post-war homes. lucky to get 40amps outta that.
and a 7.0kW charger will pull some where in the order of 32Amps
your average oven/cooktop will also be about 30amps
so charge yr car after dinner
Vietnam ‘reporting’ Mk II.
Careful Matrix or JC won’t want to be with you either.
err please stop watching MAFS,Gez.
The tricky part for the western tourist was how to distinguish a black market offer from a police setup.
Black market offer = you’re $300 to $500 richer & down by a pair of $10 jeans.
Police setup = you’ve deliberately engaged in a serious breach of Soviet law & are booted from the country, possibly with a night or two in Soviet custody as a bonus experience. Also your Intourist guide is likely sacked & reassigned to a low paid job on a dunny cart in Siberia.
Or just charged into and forcibly occupied the Eastern regions and land bridge from Sevastopol they wanted in the first place. The supply lines and logistical effort would have favoured them to do so.
Kiev was just a power move, as in “Look at us! We total Chads not only took your land off you without a shot being fired 8 years ago, now we just took your capital and topped your elected leadership and you cpuldn’t do a thing to stop us! WOOOOOO!”
Except that it didn’t quite work out that way…
Nah, what you just wrote there, that’s propaganda.
You’re just waving away realities you don’t want people pondering.
I’ll repeat –
“… it wasn’t a lie, it was where & when I grew up, and I was literally part of those Christian Community builders.
You know that thing now of, “You couldn’t make it today.”, well it isn’t because of costs & OH&S, as they lie.
We could actually make more, better & safer with all our new tech.
It’s only anti-development legislation that penalises or outright criminalises those with the same work ethic in that video, that’s prevented Australia being developed to the point at which it would make the US look like a land of backward simpletons.”
JC insensed petrol costs $150 to fill up. So looks at spending $120k? Seem to recall you only tootle round mongbourne, go for it, you’ve already convinced yourself its not a waste of money. Make sure you ping it after 4 years so at least it might be worth something. I’ll give $20k for the gas guzzler sight unseen.
Nobody will risk their accreditation reporting bad news.
Why is there so little video and up front reporting?
For maps and up front reporting I visit here among others. Mostly factual without the hysteria;
MSM is shit;
* Russian bias mostly , but I can see pro- Ukraine rubbish anywhere.
That’s certainly true today.
In January I asked that question at Metro Hyundai and, although I didn’t quite get a straight answer (warranty, warranty, limited experience), it eventually sounded like $12-$14,000.
My answer above came from trying to peer forward 8 years to what might be when battery replacement is less of a rarity in Australia.
Off your keyboard, SRR, that statement is hilarious.
I say hilarious, because your antics on the various platforms you inhabit demonstrate you don’t understand or comprehend irony…
bespoke says:
March 27, 2022 at 4:53 pm
Careful Matrix or JC won’t want to be with you either.
err please stop watching MAFS,Gez.
Gee thanks for the reminder. I’ll have to tape it as I’m booked to ‘learn’ the Pride of Erin at my daughters deb practice tonight. Oh joy!
sfw says: March 27, 2022 at 12:03 pm
1975 eh?
That date answers one question & raises another;
Question answered: Letter “S” not yet prefixed to the name of the Coen pub. (see sign on roof)
Question raised: At the 10.04 mark there is a contraption visible (until 10.07) on the river bank.
Is that Norm Needham & Ian Wright’s Landcruiser raft? Abandoned?
sfw1956, you may have inadvertently exposed a piece of history.
I think it’s a German bicycle.
They are winding you up.
Spain’s solar energy crisis: 62,000 people bankrupt after investing in solar panels • FRANCE 24
I would declare war on you Gez if I wasn’t so filled with disappointment.
It’s been like that at my place, dumped 40 mls over lunch and raining again.
On the vid posted by Arky there are some very amusing vids of tractors towing various Russian hardware. Rather odd that so much hardware is being captured because typically that is destroyed to prevent capture.
A stone cold mystery only Hercule Poirot could solve.
I’m going to get one of these.
I thought we settled this months ago, cohenite; it’s a blower Bentley, or it’s nothing.
Truly heartbreaking to hear the news of the passing of the amazing Dr Cat Pausé.
… Prof Doug Whistle could not be contacted for comment
Does Emma Peel come with the Bentley?
But, but johnH, only pro Russian so-called news is propaganda shit whereas anti- Russian pro Ukraine news is real news and not propagandist bullshit. Thank God for our thought leadership. If only the Russians had our thought leadership.
Does Emma Peel come with the Bentley?
just her scarf
Matt Gaetz: ‘I’m Going To Nominate’ Trump For Speaker Of The House
A stone cold mystery only Hercule Poirot could solve.
How much of the house did they have to demolish to get out the carcass? Or did they go the time honoured explosives route?
Does the US speaker of the house of reps have to be a member?
Who votes on the election of speaker JC?
Congress members?
“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast.
pretty much what’s going down in the USA 2022
so charge yr car after dinner
My guess is that many suburbs substations and infrastructure wouldn’t cope either, unless they’re former industrial areas?