Open Thread – Weekend 2 April 2022

The Combat of the Giaour and Hassan, Eugène Delacroix, 1826

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Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 4, 2022 8:09 am

Is this another review of Married At First Sight?

Ooh that Tamara is a piece of work.

April 4, 2022 8:10 am

It may well be that both are simply all hat and no cowboy, with Ukraine dependent on support from the west and the Russians relying on the nuclear arsenal to push their claims (I can’t help thinking of the sheriff in Blazing Saddles).

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 4, 2022 8:12 am

Seems both sides have now been implicated in torturing and killing prisoners.

Varies, but yes. On the better behaved end of the spectrum there’ve been several prisoner swaps since the start of the invasion. Appear to be more around Kharkov. Also the island defenders who fought to the death got prisoner swapped back to Ukraine about a week ago. Seems they made a remarkably good recovery from their fatal injuries.

‘Russia warship, go f**k yourself’ hero returns home in special Ukraine prisoners swap (30 Mar)

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 8:12 am

The social niceties continuum goes like this:-
Civilteh … cordiality ….. bonhomie …. get a room.

April 4, 2022 8:13 am

Putin is making a huge mistake here. If he hasn’t contacted Bob Katter for advice on what to do next, he’s lost the war.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 4, 2022 8:14 am

There plenty of moral equivalence and propaganda at play but an invading army of a foreign power tends to lend itself to the black hat stereotype.
The stupidity of Russia heading to Kiev instead of just concentrating on the separatist zones allows us to point the finger I think.

April 4, 2022 8:14 am

Seven Worst-Case Scenarios From the War in Ukraine

Good column from Niall Ferguson.
Also uses it as an excuse to give Steven Pinker a few jabs.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 8:14 am

Ooh that Tamara is a piece of work.

Most Tamaras are.
Let me guess.
Blonde, Queensland, fake tits, and with a fancy job title meaning receptionist or beauty ferapist.

April 4, 2022 8:15 am

Get a room is really an Entente Cordiale. I would, therefore, reshuffle the deck.

April 4, 2022 8:16 am

ALL the “news” coming out of an active war zone is propaganda with a political purpose.

With one exception. Brucie! Both sides are giving Brucie all the intel for further analysis.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 4, 2022 8:17 am

Blonde, Queensland, fake tits, and with a fancy job title meaning receptionist or beauty ferapist.

As if you don’t know.
Fake blonde, Ballarat, real tits, and a fancy job title as a property manager in a real estate company.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 8:18 am

Putin is making a huge mistake here. If he hasn’t contacted Bob Katter for advice on what to do next, he’s lost the war.

Or, as we like to call him, General George C. Hatton.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 8:20 am

Jeez, they a scraping the bottom of the barrel now.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 4, 2022 8:21 am

From the Oz.

Pauline Hanson profits from ‘mean girls’ merchandise Nick Tabakoff

2 hours ago April 4, 2022

Labor may be hoping that the “mean girls” affair involving the late Labor Senator Kimberley Kitching wouldn’t stick for long – but Pauline Hanson is about to make sure that the saga continues to have some adhesive qualities.

We’ve learnt that Hanson is embarking on an innovative fundraising drive to help bankroll her election campaign. And the One Nation leader has just decided that the sale of “Mean Girls” stickers is a winning formula to make some serious campaign ­dollars.

Diary has obtained images of the Mean Girls merchandise, featuring uncanny caricatures of Penny Wong, Kristina Keneally and Katy Gallagher, as featured in Hanson’s wildly popular South Park-style cartoon series, Please Explain.

The trio helped a recent episode of the series to go viral, when they featured as a loud three-woman cheer squad for Anthony Albanese in the wake of the Kitching saga. It also featured a slurring and snoring US President Joe Biden.

So popular was the episode that Hanson was motivated to roll out a mass print run of the stickers on the One Nation website at $2 a pop. They feature Wong, Keneally and Gallagher with the caption in block letters: “PLEASE EXPLAIN MEAN GIRLS”.

Please Explain is already becoming a serious money spinner for Hanson. The cartoon series – produced for Hanson by Melbourne animation house Stepmates – has regularly attracted half a million hits a week across YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 8:21 am

fancy job title as a property manager in a real estate company.

Receptionist who updates the rental roll.

April 4, 2022 8:22 am


That’s a scary piece.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 8:23 am

Footy joke doing the rounds …
“The last time Essendon started a season with three losses, the Prime Minister drowned.”

Real Deal
Real Deal
April 4, 2022 8:25 am

KD last night.

This generally involves the aforementioned hideous mezzanine floor, extra-polished floorboards and a tangerine colour in there somewhere. This usually precedes an appearance in a second-tier Better Homes and Gardens or the June issue of Qantas magazine where immaculate trolley boys Lionel and Quentin divide their time between flying the friendly skies and (badly) regrouting stained glass windows.

Not to belabour the point but the same couple usually have a “delightful” antique shop in the local village, well stocked with Shirley Bassey and Judy Garland LPs. There will also be a picture of them with their family that consists of a couple of schnauzers and a Honda Jazz in the driveway. Their impressive English cottage garden will have its own name like “Chatsworth” or “Pemberton”. The old ducks who are members of their Garden Club think they are adorable.

(Apologies to a couple of posters who drive Honda Jazz.)

April 4, 2022 8:25 am

I hope he’s wrong.
A swift end to the conflict with each side taking less than what they wanted please.
Putin’s reputation is in tatters regardless.

April 4, 2022 8:28 am

fancy job title as a property manager in a real estate company.

Receptionist who updates the rental roll.

Realy! Ill ask my little blond Sis.

April 4, 2022 8:33 am

I honestly cannot believe just how inept the Russian military appears to be.

Hence the joke…

The Russian military was ranked second in the world.

Turns out they’re only second in Ukraine.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 4, 2022 8:33 am

April 4, 2022 at 8:08 am
Seems both sides have now been implicated in torturing and killing prisoners.

ALL the “news” coming out of an active war zone is propaganda with a political purpose.

Indeed. At this stage, the only thing that can be claimed reliably is that things are neither as good nor as bad as each side says about itself and the enemy respectively.

Winston Smith
April 4, 2022 8:34 am

Cassie of Sydney:

Then I saw this “ABC Friend” follow a voter into the polling booth, an illegal thing to do, it contravenes Australian electoral laws. I yelled at him and told him he couldn’t do that. He then became very defensive and aggressive. I then said to him “do it again and I’ll lodge a complaint with the AEC”. That shut him up and he didn’t do it again.

Onya, Cassie>
Challenge the bastards whenever you can.

April 4, 2022 8:34 am

It’s a war.

You don’t expect anyone to tell the truth, do you?

April 4, 2022 8:40 am
April 4, 2022 8:45 am

I think I’d prefer the green cordiality to the red cordiality.

April 4, 2022 8:49 am

The good thing about tinyurl links: hiding the content from the algorithm.

The bad thing about tinyurl links: hiding the content from the cautious link-clicker.

But I can understand why Dennis Prager links may need shielding. 🙂

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 4, 2022 8:51 am

Environment Minister Ley refuses to stop work at ancient Indigenous site
Paul Garvey
Senior Reporter
8:08PM April 3, 2022

The fate of ancient Pilbara rock art that some Indigenous groups ­believe is at risk from a $4.5bn urea plant will not be known until after the election after Environment Minister Sussan Ley knocked back a request for an immediate stop-work order at the site.

Traditional custodians from the Burrup Peninsula in northwest Western Australia had written to Ms Ley earlier this year urging her to order multinational group Perdaman to stop any construction work that could affect several sites around its proposed Karratha urea plant.

Under section 9 of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act, Ms Ley has the ability to prohibit activity in a culturally significant area that is at risk from development.

Ms Ley wrote to one of the concerned traditional custodians, Raelene Cooper, last week informing her that she would not be making a section 9 declaration ­because she was not satisfied the area was under “a serious and ­immediate threat of injury or ­desecration”.

The proposed works at the sites are not expected to begin until May 23, which will fall after the election. Concerned traditional owners will have the opportunity to make another section 9 application closer to that date.

The minister will also weigh whether to grant long-term protection to the sites under section 10 of the act, with an evaluation of the sites understood to have begun.

Four potentially sensitive sites not identified during the formal assessment of the Perdaman ­development are at the centre of the push for protection. The sites include a piece of rock art that has been described as a culturally sensitive image of particularly high significance.

Interesting priorities. A urea plant – fairly crucial to agriculture – as opposed to same cave paintings and song lines….

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 4, 2022 8:52 am

Need a new phone case. Two bits of rubber and some plastic sheeting can cost over $100!

April 4, 2022 8:53 am


I’m no esteemed military historician as some here are. If the stories of depleted Russian supplies and supply lines are true Putin is a complete imbecile.

The joke is that we were worried about them overrunning Western Europe in the Cold War. These idiots would have likely taken a wrong turn and ended up in Siberia. Their military would have asked for asylum in Europe. Incredible.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 4, 2022 8:57 am


The joke is that we were worried about them overrunning Western Europe in the Cold War.

The concern was more that they could have made a good start (as they seemed to do in Ukraine), and the war would have rapidly become very hot – about a million degrees Celsius hot!

April 4, 2022 8:58 am

Thanks for that, bespoke.

“Do not be afraid” and variations are mentioned in the Bible 365 times, one for each day of the year. Pays me to remember that upon waking. So much of what we fear is irrational at best, deliberately sown in us by manipulative people at worst.

April 4, 2022 9:02 am

Might explain why little people who got cold after cold after cold at childcare never got covid despite both parents getting it.
And vice versa.

April 4, 2022 9:03 am

Prager U links get eaten by the WordPress gremlins, Nelson.

Dover is following in his predecessors practices by paying his Tech nerds with autographs.
So I’m not hopeful of change.

April 4, 2022 9:04 am

The stupidity of Russia heading to Kiev instead of just concentrating on the separatist zones allows us to point the finger I think.

The aim was to tie up large amounts of ukrainian forces away from Donbass. Same with the feints on Odessa. This was clear very early on.

April 4, 2022 9:04 am

The great disappointment is at it again! After two years of silence when our freedoms, rights and the constitution was trashed by the Federal Gov and the State Govs, Tony Abbott has found his voice!

It’s Ukraine! That’s right, our former PM and minister of giving in is using our taxes to travel the world and give advice on a war on the other side of the world. What a waste of talent.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 4, 2022 9:07 am

Good column from Niall Ferguson.
Also uses it as an excuse to give Steven Pinker a few jabs.

Giving Pinker a thwack is quite popular in academic circles. He is regarded much like their Gargooglery.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 9:07 am

Prime Ministers this century.
Howard, Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison.
Care to rank them best to worst?

April 4, 2022 9:09 am

The aim was to tie up large amounts of ukrainian forces away from Donbass. Same with the feints on Odessa. This was clear very early on.

The most expensive feint in military history?

April 4, 2022 9:10 am

It seems to me from that ABC article that the caravan has moved on.

We are now expected to forget the deliberate downplaying of comorbidities in death and disablement stats. Nothing to see there. It’s as if these things are suddenly being allowed to penetrate the media shell.

And the Ruby/Diamond Princess petri dishes, once discarded, are now proving to be right on the money as far as raw infection numbers go.

It doesn’t matter any more. The senile imbecile is in the WH, the west is in debt to its eyeballs, restrictions and mandates appear to be set in concrete and we have a nice, ugly little war to distract us. Our populations have been gaslighted into irrational and debilitating fear. And China continues to advance its tentacles towards us unchecked.

Thank you ABC for reporting the news. Two years too late.

April 4, 2022 9:12 am

Sancho, I wouldn’t know where to start, they vary from incredibly bad to absolutely useless, I guess what they all achieved was making the nation worse off at the end of their terms than it was when they started.

None of them made Australia a better place in the long term.

April 4, 2022 9:12 am

If the stories of depleted Russian supplies and supply lines are true Putin is a complete imbecile.

What’s more likely is that his generals weren’t telling him the truth, as their subordinates weren’t telling them the truth, and so on down the line. But Putin is responsible for presiding over this culture of fear and corruption.

April 4, 2022 9:13 am

BUDAPEST — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán scored a crushing victory in a parliamentary election on Sunday, securing a fourth consecutive term for the populist Kremlin-friendly leader.

With over 90 percent of votes counted, an alliance dominated by Orbán’s right-wing Fidesz party was on track to win 135 seats in Hungary’s 199-seat parliament.

April 4, 2022 9:13 am

Sri Lanka: Tear gas and water cannons used as thousands break curfew to protest over economic crisis
The protests come after social media sites including WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter, were blocked in the country due to being used to organise demonstrations.

April 4, 2022 9:15 am

Police have launched an investigation after more than 20 cars were deliberately set on fire in South Gloucestershire.

Up to 40 vehicles were damaged in total in the arson attacks, which began in the early hours of Saturday morning.

April 4, 2022 9:16 am

Thanks for the memories, rosie.

Mr Abbott said governments approached the pandemic like “trauma doctors instead of thinking like health economists”

He accused Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews of wanting to extend a “health dictatorship” by pushing for an extension of state of emergency powers

He said the media had spread “virus hysteria” and people should be allowed to make their own decisions.

Which of of these bullet points from his speech were unwise or untrue? The responses to the tweet give you an idea of the mental capacity of his detractors.

April 4, 2022 9:16 am


Car tax or Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) is increasing on April 1, in line with inflation, meaning many drivers will be seeing their payments rise.

VED is calculated using the vehicle’s age and CO2 emissions, with bigger, older engines usually producing more CO2, resulting in higher costs.

Cars with a list price of over £40,000 when new pay an additional rate of £355 per year on top of the standard rate, for five years.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 4, 2022 9:16 am

The concern was more that they could have made a good start (as they seemed to do in Ukraine), and the war would have rapidly become very hot – about a million degrees Celsius hot!

That appears to be the guts of Putin’s message to NATO.

Sure you could turn the Invincible Russian Tank Army to scrap in 48 hours, but first sign of that sort of shit and Berlin tactical targets gets frizzled.

Reading the tea leaves, Germany has received loud and clear.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 4, 2022 9:18 am

Up to 40 vehicles were damaged in total in the arson attacks, which began in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Agents of the EV industry levelling up the score…

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 4, 2022 9:18 am

The aim was to tie up large amounts of ukrainian forces away from Donbass.

Well they’re gone now. Amazing change in a couple of days:

That’s an update from Maj Gen Ryan a short time ago. I suspect the Russians will withdraw from that area north of Sumy too, as the fighting has been pretty fierce there also.

If so things may become very interesting. There will be a long stretch of Ukr/Rus border from north of Chernigov right down nearly to Kharkov that has no Russian forces on the Ukraine side of the border. But there will be plenty of Ukrainian forces in those areas. If I were a Russian on the Russian side of the border I would be getting quite worried about now.

Russia’s strategy may be to move their forces into Donbas to create a fact on the ground pending negotiations but there’re two sides in this game. Ukraine just might decide to create a few counter facts in the SW Russia homeland. I’ve seen this discussed nowhere, but it seems logical.

April 4, 2022 9:19 am

sick nutcase

A top city health official and progressive crusader ignited a firestorm when she used different terms for white and minority mothers.

Dr. Michelle Morse, the chief medical officer at the Department of Health, touted a new “birth equity” initiative to provide more midwives and doulas to moms in a series of tweets — selectively using the woke term “birthing people” instead of pregnant women.

“The urgency of this moment is clear. Mortality rates of birthing people are too high, and babies born to Black and Puerto Rican mothers in this city are three times more likely to die in their first year of life than babies born to non-Hispanic White birthing people,” she said in the March 23 tweet.

Critics immediately jumped on Morse, who is black, for using the head-scratching term — saying she was “canceling” women and differentiating mothers by race.

“White Mothers are called ‘birthing people’ and black and Puerto Rican Mothers are called Mothers? Your license to practice medicine should be revoked,” tweeted Kimberly Morin.

April 4, 2022 9:19 am

Need a new phone case. Two bits of rubber and some plastic sheeting can cost over $100!

Go to a Sunday market & pay cash; considerably less.

April 4, 2022 9:19 am

Abbott was right on the money from day one. I suppose he knew, none better, what his colleagues from both sides of the house and the toxic media would make of the crisis.

And yes, he is using our money to travel. He is also volunteering, as usual, to help others.

Show me what our other PMs (current and ex) are doing please.

April 4, 2022 9:21 am

“White Mothers are called ‘birthing people’ and black and Puerto Rican Mothers are called Mothers? Your license to practice medicine should be revoked,” tweeted Kimberly Morin.

Clearly not a biologist.

April 4, 2022 9:22 am

If I were a Russian on the Russian side of the border I would be getting quite worried about now.

Russia has issued evacuation notices for some areas near the border. It would be foolish for Ukes to spearhead into Russia, it’s almost certainly a trap. Reports on the forces massed near Donbass suggest the force is larger than the first wave.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 4, 2022 9:24 am

What’s more likely is that his generals weren’t telling him the truth, as their subordinates weren’t telling them the truth, and so on down the line. But Putin is responsible for presiding over this culture of fear and corruption.

Didn’t the Egyptian Army have the same problem in 1967?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 4, 2022 9:25 am

Police have launched an investigation after more than 20 cars were deliberately set on fire in South Gloucestershire.

Plus this:

Eco-Extremists Claim Credit for Deflating Tyres of 2,000 SUVs (2 Apr)

So which set of religious fanatics got all car burny?

Cassie of Sydney
April 4, 2022 9:27 am

April 4, 2022 at 9:19 am”

Well said Calli.

April 4, 2022 9:27 am

Abbott was the only Australian politician to say anything sensible about the pandemic, he said it several times but got drowned out.
And, as often happens, we discussed his excellent comments at the time.

April 4, 2022 9:28 am

Be nice if there was a well-featured CC code base for blog software to complete with WordPress, Bespoke. (Disclaimer: I haven’t looked.) That model seems to be largely working for browsers.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 4, 2022 9:29 am

Teh Paywallian Media Diary speculates that Mrs Snowcone will take over 7:30 with Mr Snowcone as Exec Producer. Do it Ita! The final nail in the coffin.

April 4, 2022 9:30 am

it’s almost certainly a trap.

Strange way to set a trap:

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 4, 2022 9:32 am

One wonders what the current payment arrangements are with the Snowcone family despite neither of them having held an on air role for over six months?

April 4, 2022 9:32 am

Show me what our other PMs (current and ex) are doing please.

John Howard went to SA to shore up the Liberal vote.

That went well.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 4, 2022 9:33 am

Reports on the forces massed near Donbass suggest the force is larger than the first wave.

That would be hard since Russia committed three quarters of their BTGs in the first wave. Including the best and most professional formations. About a third of those need serious rest and re-equipping based on photo-verified vehicle losses.

I can believe that the odds and sods from Chechnya, Syria and elsewhere may be about to be committed in Donbas, but their performance hasn’t been very effective so far. On the other hand in Donbas the Russians will be defending on interior lines, which is a significant advantage.

That is exactly why the Ukrainians may go after SW Russia instead, since frontal assaults against prepared defensive positions aren’t great tactics.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 9:34 am

Apparently war correspondent (and erstwhile on-line dating coach), Gonzalo Lira, is able to identify fake massacres because of “the way bodies are laying”. Apparently they “usually” don’t fall that way “in such situations”.
Makes you wonder how many massacres he has attended.

Delta A
Delta A
April 4, 2022 9:40 am

Hungary: PM Orban claims ‘great victory’ in election (4 Apr)

Do our pollies look at Orban and wonder, “How does he do it?”

The answer is simple, of course. He promotes family and community and commonsense.

Oh, for a Viktor Orban in The Lodge!

April 4, 2022 9:41 am

What’s more likely is that his generals weren’t telling him the truth, as their subordinates weren’t telling them the truth, and so on down the line. But Putin is responsible for presiding over this culture of fear and corruption.

That’s the problem in dictatorships. A useless general gets the boot in the west and receives a pension. In a dictatorship you get a bullet in the head and worst of all, no pension!

April 4, 2022 9:43 am

Sancho Panzersays:
April 4, 2022 at 8:23 am
Footy joke doing the rounds …
“The last time Essendon started a season with three losses, the Prime Minister drowned.”

Here’s hoping.

April 4, 2022 9:44 am

Gonzalo Lira,

That was USSR’s go to Twitter account. Find the most useless, deranged account and run with it. Good strategy.

But really, shouldn’t it be Gonzalo Euro?

April 4, 2022 9:46 am

Former politicians, including Prime Ministers should have the decency to disappear into private life and STFU forever. It isn’t as if they ever did any good.

April 4, 2022 9:46 am

That’s the problem in dictatorships.

There’s video from Russian TV of Putin consulting his council of state on the war. Anyone who raises the least of objections is goaded into submission by him.

Harlequin Decline
April 4, 2022 9:47 am

feelthebern says:
April 4, 2022 at 8:14 am

Seven Worst-Case Scenarios From the War in Ukraine

Good column from Niall Ferguson.
Also uses it as an excuse to give Steven Pinker a few jabs.

Ferguson opines the situation is more 1970 than 1939.

I reckon it is more like 1938 and the annexation of Sudetenland since we’ve already had Anschluss with Crimea.

Good article and I like how he adds some quantitative information to support his views.

Winston Smith
April 4, 2022 9:47 am

Sancho Panzer:

Let me guess.
Blonde, Queensland, fake tits, and with a fancy job title meaning receptionist or beauty ferapist.

Never seen her before so I had a look on google.
MAFS Tamara?
First photo seen – Bunny Boiler!!!

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 4, 2022 9:47 am

Sancho- just reading the tea leaves.

April 4, 2022 9:50 am


Be nice if there was a well-featured CC code base for blog software to complete with WordPress

Still a few open source alternatives but less refined.

April 4, 2022 9:52 am

Former politicians, including Prime Ministers should have the decency to disappear into private life and STFU forever. It isn’t as if they ever did any good.

You’d think seeing their political memoirs remaindered would be enough of a hint as to what people outside the political class think.

April 4, 2022 9:52 am

Far more likely his real name is Gonzalo Ruble

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 4, 2022 9:53 am

“White Mothers are called ‘birthing people’ and black and Puerto Rican Mothers are called Mothers? Your license to practice medicine should be revoked,” tweeted Kimberly Morin.

Being wrongly gendered I can’t speak with authority, but it seems to me that biological women are consistently getting beaten with the shitty stick in the Woke Revolution.

As a male identifying being, I’m yet to be assailed by lesbians or cougars in the toilets and change rooms, affronted by male impersonators playing in mens sports, or being medically classified as a ‘sperm donator unit’ rather than ‘Father’.

April 4, 2022 9:54 am

Did Marki Kay retain his seat?

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 4, 2022 9:55 am

Show me what our other PMs (current and ex) are doing please.
John Howard went to SA to shore up the Liberal vote.
That went well.

Howard is a one man, vote gathering machine. SloMo will need him.

April 4, 2022 9:55 am

Howard, Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison.
Equal seventh.

April 4, 2022 10:02 am

Remarkable how some switch from critic to defender (and back again) of Abbott depending of whose initiates.

Delta A
Delta A
April 4, 2022 10:03 am

April 4, 2022 at 8:45 am
I think I’d prefer the green cordiality to the red cordiality.


Don’t even hint at red cordial around this place.

April 4, 2022 10:05 am

Readers of English-language media may wish to reconsider their sources of information about Hungarian politics.

you can expand that to any MSM talking points

April 4, 2022 10:05 am

With what we are now seeing out of Bucha, shit you cannot imagine being faked, I think we can understand why Ukrainians might have given POWs harsh handling.
From India Today, on the ground and certainly not Pro Ukraine in editorial content.
Fuck Putin.

April 4, 2022 10:05 am

If I was Vlad, about now I’d have my guys drilling some deep holes in a nuke test area and setting one off underground. Then when the outrage builds over the next couple of days, do two more.
He’ll know his nukes work as will the West. Not too sure about the Wests nukes. Haven’t been tested in a long time. Relying on computer simulations.
The Ukes will get the message.

April 4, 2022 10:05 am

Depends what he’s up to, Bespoke.

He isn’t perfect, but the frame today was Covid and Other PMs. Against which Abbott performs quite exceptionally.

In other areas…not so much.

Winston Smith
April 4, 2022 10:06 am


Interesting priorities. A urea plant – fairly crucial to agriculture – as opposed to same cave paintings and song lines….

Start with confiscating the royalties paid to the locals and using them to defray the $32 Billion /year rent. It’s a staggering amount and doesn’t get to the minor families – it just cements the abusive power of the “Big Men”.
After the first confiscation from the companies, watch the ‘sacred sites’ disappear.
It’s way beyond time this scam was taken out the back and buried.

April 4, 2022 10:06 am

I’d be interested in his comments on Ukraine/Russia.

April 4, 2022 10:08 am

It wasn’t a stupid move at all.

It wasn’t a feint; they wanted Kiev.

Massive overreach as it turns out, and not just militarily.

Winston Smith
April 4, 2022 10:12 am


With over 90 percent of votes counted, an alliance dominated by Orbán’s right-wing Fidesz party was on track to win 135 seats in Hungary’s 199-seat parliament.

I wonder if any of the worlds democratic nations will heed the obvious lesson?
But I doubt it – they will turn themselves into multi dimensional pretzels find reasons why it doesn’t apply to them.

April 4, 2022 10:16 am

Knuckle Dragger says:
April 4, 2022 at 7:16 am
Just wondering if any of those corpses were holding the free AKs given out by the Ukrainian government to civilians – which improved their status from civilian to partisan, but that also reduced that status to immediate receipt of two in the head when located by the other team.

Indeed. You may recall that a few weeks ago here on the Cat there was discussion about that very point following the news and photos of civilians ‘practicing’ with their new weapons. It was also revealed that civilians received just two days (!!) of training in weapon handling, target practice and ‘tactics’.

I think we all agreed that handing out weapons to civilians with that level of training was a tragedy waiting to happen because if you appear in your doorway with a gun, it won’t matter whether you are a defender or simply going to the shop for some milk, your status has irrevocably changed.

It was incredibly irresponsible of Zelensky to authorise this.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 10:17 am


April 4, 2022 at 9:44 am

Gonzalo Lira,

That was USSR’s go to Twitter account. Find the most useless, deranged account and run with it. Good strategy.

But really, shouldn’t it be Gonzalo Euro?

Ha, ha.
He’s a total dick.
I my go-to guy is Pedro Peso.
Maybe Percy Pound or Danny Deutschmark at a pinch.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 4, 2022 10:18 am

With over 90 percent of votes counted, an alliance dominated by Orbán’s right-wing Fidesz party was on track to win 135 seats in Hungary’s 199-seat parliament

So, a little better than the WA Lieborals.

April 4, 2022 10:19 am

It was incredibly irresponsible of Zelensky to authorise this.

Yes it put a target on all civilians.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 4, 2022 10:20 am

Maybe Percy Pound or Danny Deutschmark at a pinch.

Dieter Deutschmark surely?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 10:21 am

H B Bearsays:

April 4, 2022 at 10:20 am

Maybe Percy Pound or Danny Deutschmark at a pinch.

Dieter Deutschmark surely?

Yeah, sorry.
It was Danny Drachma I was thinking of.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 4, 2022 10:23 am

Eat that, globalists.

I would imagine the Hungarian Jane Caros are packing their bags for the move to Finland.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 10:23 am

Or Dimitry Drachma.

April 4, 2022 10:25 am

I think we all agreed that handing out weapons to civilians with that level of training was a tragedy waiting to happen

And yet the often stated position on here was that private individuals should be able to own whatever weapons they wanted.
One of a few libertarian arguments I have warmed to over the years.

April 4, 2022 10:26 am

Apparently war correspondent (and erstwhile on-line dating coach), Gonzalo Lira, is able to identify fake massacres because of “the way bodies are laying”. Apparently they “usually” don’t fall that way “in such situations”.

the videos are on southfront, sorry but looks completely fake.

April 4, 2022 10:27 am

It wasn’t a stupid move at all. It pinned a lot of UKR forces in the north, incl. some of their best formations, which gave the RUS the opportunity to make large gains in south and east and pin down a third of the UKR forces in Donbass.

Shades of the 4 Kotluban offensives, which were costly to the Russians, but they did a great job pinning down German troops on the Don who could have been sent to reinforce Stalingrad.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 10:28 am

Ah, but is someone trying to disguise a real massacre by filming a fake one around the corner so as to discredit the reports of the real massacre …

April 4, 2022 10:28 am

You have to be prepared to defend your home with whatever weapon comes to hand, even just waving your arms about and shouting if that’s all you have left.

Surrendering is the other option.

The sad fact is that you may also die in the process.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 10:28 am

Time to close some tabs and get some sleep.

April 4, 2022 10:29 am

One has years of living with and using the other don’t


Winston Smith
April 4, 2022 10:30 am


Police have launched an investigation after more than 20 cars were deliberately set on fire in South Gloucestershire.
Up to 40 vehicles were damaged in total in the arson attacks, which began in the early hours of Saturday morning.

You won’t see this headline:
“40 Vehicles Damaged by One EV Charger Malfunction”.
I suspect it is similar to Men of No Religion, or Member of No Political Party.

April 4, 2022 10:31 am

Vehicles of No Appearance.

local oaf
April 4, 2022 10:33 am

Ziggy Zloty?

April 4, 2022 10:35 am

If they could have taken it, they would have…

On 26 Feb the Russian state run news agency RIA Novosti accidentally published a pre-written editorial stating that Ukraine had fallen and boasting that the West should never have believed that Russia would ever give up Kiev.

if there was ever any doubt, the cat was now out of the bag.

Winston Smith
April 4, 2022 10:37 am


Which of of these bullet points from his speech were unwise or untrue? The responses to the tweet give you an idea of the mental capacity of his detractors.

None of them.

April 4, 2022 10:40 am

On 26 Feb the Russian state run news agency RIA Novosti accidentally published a pre-written editorial stating that Ukraine had fallen and boasting that the West should never have believed that Russia would ever give up Kiev.


The thing is, this might also be how fake news works.

Putin puts out so many lies with the truth they are so hard to tell apart, that you lose an economic war in sorting fact from fiction and give in and believe everything they say.

Can’t say our mainstream press are too different.

Could also be signalling of intention, kite flying or psychological warfare, aimed at the top of western governments.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 4, 2022 10:40 am

Fighting an actual war can be very damaging to an army’s reputation.

April 4, 2022 10:41 am

Thinking Putin some anti- globalist hero was always a mistake,I warned against it early.
Get off that bus, it’s headed nowhere good.
You can be against the globalists without getting it on with a Soviet era dictator in an unholy alliance with the CCP.

April 4, 2022 10:41 am

Good toons today. But then the leaders today, biden and the other swampies, blojo, macron, scomo and rub and tug are so easy to lampoon.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 4, 2022 10:42 am

Sure irritating reactions will be under reported, but doctors treating severe cases are obliged to report through the Yellow Card system.

Not good.
But beware anecdotal statistics of doom.

My son’s wrist synovitis was extremely severe, he was crying with pain and unable to use his hands for weeks, even now after months he has deficits in wrist strength still. No doctor anywhere would say it was due to the second Pfizer jab given only 21 days after the first, although he has never had any autoimmune reaction before and it started the day after the jab and built up heavily in the next five days till it was excruciating. No diagnosis was offered until I paid for an MRI of both wrists (c$700) showing severe synovitis in both, he was sent away by his GP to take panadol, to see a wrist clinic in six weeks (still no aetiology offered there nor any treatment with corticosteroids etc) and no doc was prepared to go on record relating it to the vaxx. I would expect there are many thousands like him, not on any reporting schedule.

Winston Smith
April 4, 2022 10:44 am


Didn’t the Egyptian Army have the same problem in 1967?

Yes they did. But there may be a cultural difference at work.
Armies of Sand. Kenneth M Pollack.

April 4, 2022 10:45 am

No point having all your fuel depots away from the action.

The point was, how many do they have not if the dumps are close or far away.

April 4, 2022 10:46 am

No one has any idea what happened in Bucha…


I’ve seen pics of bodies next to Russian rations that are typically distributed to the civilian pop

Which is it? No one has any idea of what happened in Bucha, or YOU know that the Russians were busy handing out supplies to civilians and kissing babies?

April 4, 2022 10:49 am

Not to worry, there’ll be plenty of green jobs.

April 4, 2022 10:49 am

Goering said “It’s easy to make an atrocity propaganda film…”.
But then, he was seated in a courtroom in Nuremberg when he said it.

April 4, 2022 10:50 am

The thing is, this might also be how fake news works.

Even an inebriated Russian bear wouldn’t have bought it.

All those boys at the front have mobile phones.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 4, 2022 10:51 am

We now will not have Pfizer as a booster before we go to the UK. I consider a booster may be useful even though 8 weeks ago I had Covid, as I am in a dangerous age for Covid and I don’t want another dose of it at any level of impact while I am travelling. We are prepared to accept a Novavax booster, but you try getting one anywhere through an online booking. You get given an online run around leading to a telephone run around in which the person at the end of the telephone suggests you try the exact same NSW Health website which has led to your call to her. Totally circular. They do not list anywhere that explicitly provides Novavax boosters and the only information is to consult your doctor, who we find may agree to a Novavax for you, but who hasn’t a clue either where you may get it as a booster.

Clearly, they still want to unload their stores of Pfizer on the unwilling.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 4, 2022 10:54 am

Lorenzo used to be a main contributor on the Legal Eagle site about ten years ago.
Sinc was fond of it, but I always thought it was rather pretentious and overly-academic.
Especially Lorenzo.
Hope that helps.

April 4, 2022 10:56 am
April 4, 2022 10:58 am

Lizzie @ 10.42am-

Very sorry to hear of your son’s synovitis. I live in dread of hearing adverse developments after vaccinations of my family members. So far only transitory problems. Most of them, in spite of vaxx have succumbed to Covid. Although initially mild symptoms, daughter & grandson developed chest & breathing problems 2 weeks after recovery. Daughter followed a couple of my recommendations (amazing) based on protocol of FLCCC. But she eventually consulted their GP, which I thought would be futile.

I was pleasantly surprised when said GP prescribed Dymista, a combined antihistamine & steroid drug. It worked a treat, as you would expect, & they both improved dramatically in 24 hours. Good to see a GP who understands the nature of this respiratory virus & what works.

April 4, 2022 11:03 am

Lizzie, I do hope you have considered what flyingduk & others have reported here in respect to Novavax. Some early bad reactions already being reported elsewhere in Oz.

April 4, 2022 11:06 am

Re the assumed executions of civilians by Russians in Bucha-

anyone considered the possibility of looters from local population? Looters not tolerated in such circumstances.

John H.
John H.
April 4, 2022 11:20 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
April 4, 2022 at 10:54 am
Lorenzo used to be a main contributor on the Legal Eagle site about ten years ago.
Sinc was fond of it, but I always thought it was rather pretentious and overly-academic.
Especially Lorenzo.
Hope that helps.

They created a blog that was a cross between a forum for regular readers and specialists in particular fields. It didn’t work, it couldn’t work because blogs are more about casual discussion and social interaction. Blogs are best for “butterfly cognition”, drifting across various subjects in an almost whimsical manner. They tried to present specialist style content across many subject areas. That was a mistake and yes too often pretentious.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 11:22 am

I am leaning towards the view that there are egotistical corruptocrats on both sides of the Ukraine punch up.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 4, 2022 11:24 am

Oddly there weren’t bodies in the street before the Russians came.

John H.
John H.
April 4, 2022 11:33 am

Farmer Gezsays:
April 4, 2022 at 11:24 am
Oddly there weren’t bodies in the street before the Russians came.

How dare you malign Russian soldiers. They were perfect gentlemen in WW2. All the German POWs were returned in full physical and psychological health, no women were raped, and they created day care centers for the children of Berlin.

April 4, 2022 11:35 am

I am leaning towards the view that there are egotistical corruptocrats on both sides of the Ukraine punch up.

Relying on my many hours playing Command and Conquer, watching historically inspired moves like Saving private Ryan and years serving in the AAL.

I agree Sancho.

April 4, 2022 11:35 am

April 4, 2022 at 10:25 am
I think we all agreed that handing out weapons to civilians with that level of training was a tragedy waiting to happen

And yet the often stated position on here was that private individuals should be able to own whatever weapons they wanted.

right – but with that level of gun ownership for people that want it, comes years of firearm experience/training and handling.

Also the wherewithal to know that if you’re carrying a weapon, you’re a threat and therefore a target.

April 4, 2022 11:42 am

I am leaning towards the view that there are egotistical corruptocrats on both sides of the Ukraine punch up.


What is also clear is that a majority of Ukrainians don’t want to be absorbed into Putin’s Greater Russia.

Not that they’re crazy about their own oligrachs and their political puppets either.

Going back to something I wrote last week, it seems the FSB did report to Putin that Ukrainians were unhappy with their leadership and this led Putin, in a gross miscalculation, to believe Russian troops would be welcomed.

John H.
John H.
April 4, 2022 11:43 am

For the military buffs. This is a remarkable surface to air missile. Laser guided so it can’t be spooked, very fast, two man operation. Helicopters are doomed.

The First Time a Russian Aircraft Shot Down by British-made Missile System!

John H.
John H.
April 4, 2022 11:47 am

April 4, 2022 at 11:42 am
I am leaning towards the view that there are egotistical corruptocrats on both sides of the Ukraine punch up.


What is also clear is that a majority of Ukrainians don’t want to be absorbed into Putin’s Greater Russia.

Not that they’re crazy about their own oligrachs and their political puppets either.

Going back to something I wrote last week, it seems the FSB did report to Putin that Ukrainians were unhappy with their leadership and this led Putin, in a gross miscalculation, to believe Russian troops would be welcomed.

If Putin knew then what everyone knows now this conflict would not have happened. It’s an embarrassment for Russia, the exact opposite of what he desired. One of Russia’s fundamental problems is trying to maintain a massive military with such a pitiful GDP.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 4, 2022 11:47 am

H B Bearsays:
April 4, 2022 at 9:32 am
One wonders what the current payment arrangements are with the Snowcone family despite neither of them having held an on air role for over six months?

Double pay to compensate for lack of exposure?

John H.
John H.
April 4, 2022 11:58 am

Boambee Johnsays:
April 4, 2022 at 11:47 am
H B Bearsays:
April 4, 2022 at 9:32 am
One wonders what the current payment arrangements are with the Snowcone family despite neither of them having held an on air role for over six months?

Double pay to compensate for lack of exposure?

There was a GoFundMe campaign that doubled their income on the condition they stay off the air.

April 4, 2022 11:59 am

Worth recalling that Zelensky’s polling was in the doldrums before the war started due in large part to his failure to resolve the Donbas situation as promised. Mind you, the Azov people all but accused him of treason when he asked them to stand down (his being a native Russian speaker wouldn’t help his standing with them). He’ll come out of this with a lot of popular goodwill, but one wouldn’t want to be in his shoes trying to enforce a settlement on his own side.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 12:00 pm

Going back to something I wrote last week, it seems the FSB did report to Putin that Ukrainians were unhappy with their leadership and this led Putin, in a gross miscalculation, to believe Russian troops would be welcomed.

If he had visions of Ukes throwing flowers on to Ruskie tanks as they drove on through, I want whatever he’s been smoking.

April 4, 2022 12:01 pm

My sister got novavax booster a couple of weeks ago.
No difficulty at all.

April 4, 2022 12:01 pm

Vicki says:
April 4, 2022 at 11:06 am
Re the assumed executions of civilians by Russians in Bucha-

anyone considered the possibility of looters from local population? Looters not tolerated in such circumstances.

There are numerous videos of Russian soldiers looting.
If the Russians want to shoot looters, they should start with their own.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 4, 2022 12:02 pm

You can be against the globalists without getting it on with a Soviet era dictator in an unholy alliance with the CCP.


And upticked.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 4, 2022 12:04 pm

if you’re carrying a weapon, you’re a threat and therefore a target.

Don’t all Swiss householders own a gun and are trained to use it?
Would this mean that in the event of a conflict there were no civilians in Switzerland?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 4, 2022 12:07 pm

My sister got novavax booster a couple of weeks ago.
No difficulty at all.

Good to hear, Rosie. We will keep trying. But they are not making it easy in Eastern Sydney via their online or telephone channels.

April 4, 2022 12:07 pm

That’s the point, if the Russians hadn’t invaded, there wouldn’t be millions of refugees, towns and villages in smoking ruins and thousands of dead Ukrainians and Russians, mostly male and mostly young.
Pope Francis was correct in saying this is the powerful deciding when the poor should die.
Still, Zelensky should be under as much pressure to end this as Putin.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 4, 2022 12:07 pm

one wouldn’t want to be in his shoes trying to enforce a settlement on his own side.

That’s why he’s been saying any peace deal must pass a referendum.
Because he knows no peace deal will pass, at least none that Russia would agree with.

April 4, 2022 12:11 pm

Some more black on black carnage in calishitia. White supremacists will be blamed:

Sacramento Shooting: Police say 6 adults killed, 12 others shot downtown; Search for multiple shooters

No mention of colour in the article but last photo is the give away.

April 4, 2022 12:12 pm

How much of the alleged looting is people scavenging for food?
Ukraine is a poor country, what are people supposed to do.

John H.
John H.
April 4, 2022 12:13 pm
April 4, 2022 12:18 pm

“There is now a danger that, on the one hand, children who wear masks will be teased by classmates as wimps and overprotected, or on the other hand, pressure will be exerted on non-mask wearers,” Heinz-Peter Meidinger, the president of the German Teachers’ Association, told dpa.

Well Dah!

He advocated a voluntary commitment by teachers and students to continue wearing masks in class and on school grounds, at least until the country goes on a two-week Easter holiday..


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 4, 2022 12:20 pm

Timing is everything in politics. And Albo has managed a fine faceplant. Not his fault though.

Anthony Albanese says he aims to replicate Qld Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk in government if he becomes Prime Minister (Sky News, 4 Apr)

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese has foreshadowed what a federal Labor government would look like, pointing to Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk as his “template”.

Queensland’s Tourism Minister suggests the controversial ‘bin chicken’ could be the mascot for the 2032 Brisbane Olympics (4 Apr)

Minister for Tourism, Innovation and Sport Stirling Hinchcliffe has put forward an unlikely contender to be the 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games mascot. He suggested the ibis, which is colloquially referred to as the bin chicken, should be considered for the position.

There you go, Albo plans to be the bin chicken of Prime Ministers…

April 4, 2022 12:21 pm

If he had visions of Ukes throwing flowers on to Ruskie tanks as they drove on through, I want whatever he’s been smoking.

It’s called Russkiy Mir (Russian World), and it’s a pretty heady blend.

It starts with the laudable aim of promoting Russian culture at home and abroad, but also inculcates a belief that Russia has a Eurasian “manifest destiny”, to borrow a term from another context.

April 4, 2022 12:23 pm

Lizzie try the federal government website. According to that site, which you can book through, Rose Bay North pharmacy, Gaslight pharmacy, Bondi doctors, Bondi pharmacy and Double Bay doctors are all offering novavax boosters.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 4, 2022 12:24 pm

John H – from your link:

The man from the eastern Germany city of Magdeburg, whose name was not released in line with German privacy rules, is said to have received up to 90 shots against COVID-19 at vaccination centres in the eastern state of Saxony for months until criminal police caught him this month, the German news agency dpa reported on Sunday.

If you’d put this up last week – well. Goodness me. My wordy lordy oh my.

What? Is that the time? Geez the weather’s shit.

April 4, 2022 12:25 pm

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese has foreshadowed what a federal Labor government would look like, pointing to Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk as his “template”.

Arrogant and corrupt.


April 4, 2022 12:25 pm

April 2104

This April, a few weeks after his emergency appointment as governor of Dnipropetrovsk province, Kolomoisky was photographed proudly wearing a particularly scandalous T-shirt. It combined the Jewish emblem of the menorah along with the Ukrainian ultranationalist symbol of a trident, and all in red and black. Beneath it said “Zhidobandera” – an amalgamation of a Russian-Ukrainian word for Jews, normally regarded as derogatory, and the name of Stepan Bandera, the most controversial figure in Ukraine’s history. Bandera was the leader of the Ukrainian national movement, resisting Soviet rule, before and during World War II. At least some of his followers carried out pogroms and mass murders of Jews.

There is something seriously wrong with Zelie and Kolomoyskyi.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 4, 2022 12:27 pm

Sacramento Shooting: Police say 6 adults killed, 12 others shot downtown; Search for multiple shooters

We can only hope the dead were shot with semi automatic hand guns and not automatic assault weapons.
The news anchors seem very worried about the method of dying.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 12:30 pm

Great to have a smorgasbord of boosters.
How quickly do they update your green tick?

April 4, 2022 12:32 pm

Good to see Zelensky at the Grammy’s.
It’s about time there was a song for Ukraine.

April 4, 2022 12:32 pm

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese has foreshadowed what a federal Labor government would look like, pointing to Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk as his “template”.

criminally incompetent

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 4, 2022 12:34 pm

There you go, Albo plans to be the bin chicken of Prime Ministers…

He has the necessary scavenging skills and personality.

April 4, 2022 12:34 pm

Queensland’s Tourism Minister suggests the controversial ‘bin chicken’ could be the mascot for the 2032 Brisbane Olympics

Ibis used to keep insect plagues down in agricultural areas.

They were known as “the farmer’s friend”.

Now they are urban scroungers.


April 4, 2022 12:34 pm

Exact Sancho.
Variety is the spice of life.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
April 4, 2022 12:35 pm

So, does Magdeburg Man (aka Magd Lad) have less than 12-42 months to live?

Or did he hear a certain challenge spoken forth from the depths of the Antipodean Internet, and declared “Ja…”





Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 12:35 pm

The man from the eastern Germany city of Magdeburg, whose name was not released in line with German privacy rules, is said to have received up to 90 shots against COVID-19 at vaccination centres in the eastern state of Saxony for months until criminal police caught him this month, the German news agency dpa reported on Sunday.

Can I suggest you don’t have to go that far afield to find similar stories.
Dead easy when all you need is a Medicare card. Arrive around closing time at a busy centre and the ID only gets a cursory inspection.
Theoretically that’s how it would work.
90 shots, eh?
He’d be setting off the x-rays at Tullamarine going past the Bell St exit.

April 4, 2022 12:36 pm

How quickly do they update your green tick?

You need your blue tick/pass now.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 4, 2022 12:39 pm

You need your blue tick/pass now.

When did they go blue?
I’ll bet it is UN blue too.

April 4, 2022 12:41 pm

When did they go blue?

Just the international pass.
Not really a UN blue.
A tad darker than azure.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 4, 2022 12:43 pm

Queensland’s Tourism Minister suggests the controversial ‘bin chicken’ could be the mascot for the 2032 Brisbane Olympics

Dim bulb. They’re missing out on many, many more controversial invasive species:

• Cane toads,
• Carp,
• Dengue mosquitoes,
• Victorians.

(Retires immediately.)

April 4, 2022 12:44 pm
April 4, 2022 12:45 pm

Oh that’s a link to Lorenzo again.
I was trying to find a link to legal eagle, found that.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
April 4, 2022 12:46 pm

You need your blue tick

Last tick I got was brown.

Still got the marks from the little bastard… 🙁

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 4, 2022 12:48 pm

pointing to Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk as his “template”.

criminally incompetent

Surrounded by colleagues seething in annoyance that such a dim bulb lucked it into the top job.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 4, 2022 12:49 pm

The Magdeburg guy was collecting a vax passport each time he got a jab, then was selling it to someone who didn’t want to be vaxed. Good money. As usual only a government can instantly create a completely unnecessary black market out of thin air.

The lefty German Health Minister even now wants to make vaccination mandatory despite all the recent stuff going on. This is the thing with lefties: once they decide on something nothing ever changes their mind, no matter how persuasive and truthful. It’s a weird die-in-a-ditch syndrome that’s really strong in that political species.

German Health Minister STILL Wants Forced Vax Despite Lack of Parliament Support (3 Apr)

April 4, 2022 12:50 pm

intersting read – times of israel

Grandson of Ukrainian fascist reckons with a legacy of Nazi collaboration
Steve Bandera’s grandfather Stepan led a movement whose followers killed tens of thousands of Jews and Poles

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
April 4, 2022 12:53 pm

This is the thing with lefties: once they decide on something nothing ever changes their mind, no matter how persuasive and truthful. It’s a weird die-in-a-ditch syndrome that’s really strong in that political species

When one just knows they have the secrets to saving and perfecting humanity, no cost is too high to bear…

…For someone(s) else to pay on one’s behalf.

April 4, 2022 12:54 pm

Ibis used to keep insect plagues down in agricultural areas.

They were known as “the farmer’s friend”.

They still do, Roger. I welcome their appearance. They hoover up Noctuid caterpillar outbreaks.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
April 4, 2022 12:59 pm

@ Bruce-

I also forgot to mention that the Left is incredibly cliquey and trend-conscious.

So when one group does something particularly spectacular, trumpets about its achievements and appears to have gotten away with it, others immediately want to jump on the bandwagon.

This is how they end up appearing so monolithic to the outside observer- Everyone wants to copy everyone else. Down to the last detail. It’s how we got Captain Cook being called an enslaver and doused with red paint, because the leftwits here had seen the same thing being done with statues at random in the UK and US. And et cetera, et cetera and so forth…

April 4, 2022 1:01 pm

Gabor says:
April 4, 2022 at 4:34 am

still asleep, Dr BG?

Not now, Gabor.

April 4, 2022 1:02 pm

Avi’s bodyguard put through the wringer by victoristan wallopers after he protected Avi from street trolls:

April 4, 2022 1:04 pm

The Russian military was ranked second in the world.

Turns out they’re only second in Ukraine.

Recalling the 300 dead Russians in Syria when they challenged the US. The USSR was a feminist paradise: on-demand abortion and child care from a young age. Those young, very young, children grew up in a collective, and showed little initiative and non-conformity. I suspect much is the same in the RF, and the average soldier is unable to show any flexibility and initiative to go outside their orders, or show any talent whatsoever, much like a bunch of public servants.

April 4, 2022 1:04 pm


Re Brighton

I was the family business earlier today and the gals working there were hysterically excited. The Danish princess (Mary) was having lunch at the Pantry Kitchen. It’s a well known digs down there. She even had a salad!

Just thought you wanted to know. 🙂

April 4, 2022 1:06 pm

Oh Last week apparently .

April 4, 2022 1:07 pm

They still do, Roger. I welcome their appearance. They hoover up Noctuid caterpillar outbreaks.

Good to hear there’s still some earning their keep on the farm, JMH!

We get smallish flocks foraging along the creek bank which is presently teeming with grasses and insects but they don’t come near the yard, which is a pity because there is ample evidence of caterpillars munching on my capsicums.

  1. Rarely a word said in the media. Why is it when it’s a choice between Communism and Freedom, our media…

  2. Had convo with husband about this earlier today. Drove past a tyre store closed down and so got to talking…

  3. “We don’t need no steenking customers!” Sounds like they’ve taken on the business model of the underpants gnomes.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x