Re 1: For about the fifth time, your retort not only makes no sense, but it’s also an intellectual travesty.…
Re 1: For about the fifth time, your retort not only makes no sense, but it’s also an intellectual travesty.…
Sheesh Duk, throw down a /sarc tag if you’re going to drop this sort of cold cut
My pleasure.
Douglas Murray Addresses the Mass Murder of Christians in Syria | Direct Address EP. 6 I am still thinking of…
Tom, that is one of the most shocking things I have ever seen. I’m literally shaking.
A good account of the reasons he had can be found here in this article by Jacques Baud.
Double-Injected Have SIX TIMES the Infection Rate of the Uninjected in New Zealand — Government Data
COVID ‘stealth’ variant is fueling rise in cases in HALF of US states with infections up 25% up on last week – but White House pandemic chief says Americans should not be ‘excessively concerned’
“Stealth variant” being the vaccine reaching negative efficacy?
Huh? You did. Here:
I never really expressed a view as all I did was try to see if Bruce Nobel was bullshitting. Yes, it appears that in the opinion of the virus dude, Nobel was indeed peddling crap in part of his comment.
I wasn’t derogatory toward Nobel. I just said that in certain circumstances I don’t trust him. Hallward though was actually derogatory and then ended up getting his arse kicked by John H for being an asshat.
So, if we are on the subject of media partisanship and the current ‘Special Operation,’ why is anything pro- Vlad Bae uncritically accepted here as the total and honest truth and aggressively excused when reality does not quite match the statements, e.g. Kharkov’s and Mariupol’s devastation, as but 2 exanples, do not match the rhetoric of Russia taking extreme care to minimise civilian damage to brother Slavs, the poor downtrodden invading side in 2014 seeded the Donbass with brutal Neo-Nazi paramilitaries of their own, and is about to reinsert them into the assault on Kharkov. And a surprisingly tactically and strategically inept Russian army has so far only succeeded where it has had a crushing numerical advantage?
And in turn anything even vaguely in favour of the invaded, regardless of the source, is decried and its supporters either implied to be or outright denounced as Nazi-supporters spewing leftist pro-Soros, pro-WEF/oligarch Western propaganda and worthy only of contempt and bile?
Also, the ‘crazy talk’ about Russia possibly breaking up due to internal frictions from the war came from within. From one of their own journos and political scientists, no less. A guy not unlike a Paul Joseph Watson, or Jack Posobiec:
Are we all to accept that the truth is not what it seems from all sides, or am I going to get piled on for challenging a salon zeitgeist again?
Do you know how those 26 million Chinese in one city ended up screaming from their little apartments starving and going insane?
Some were heard to say, but I could get a fine ……………………when it was just for driving more than five K’s from their house.
If you would only admit we are governed by the same people fighting Putin, you’d understand why the Aussie Media are so Ukraine biased, but getting jabbed seems to mean your arse does all the thinking.
The Australian MSM are the globalist controlled media, and while you support Ukraine, you are supporting the same people that put us in lock down and who are stealing the country by stealing your fucking dumb minds..
What misery, you will most likely be dead in under four years, and you’ll be that hysterical by that time you still won’t know the names of the people gang banging your arse.
The vaccine is the BioWeapon
Since the Disease itself is minor, anyone still sitting on the fence is in delusion.
talk of sweden and finland joining NATO. fast tracking ukraine into the EU. Britain openly sending volumes of anti tank and aircraft weapons into ukraine. any of these could lead to a hot war.
You’re a fence sitter, Franger.
Since there’s too many fence straddlers here already, and since you’re a blow in anyway,…
fuck off.
And all this election talk…..I don’t know….you guys used to be fairly well on top of things until you took the death jab.
USA had their election shafted by postal votes.
Because of the covid.
We are going to allow people to vote from phones,….because of covid.
Now what could possibly go wrong?
Hello Shanghai
Great idea sending MANPADS to Ukraine. I’m sure there will be a full accounting chain for them. After all we wouldn’t want some corrupt Ukes selling them to Jihadis on the black market would we?
Lolwut, Grigory?
I told you, you are utterly wasted as a Nuffy. Stick to your strong suit of gypsum-powered wrongology.
You fuck off first.
Battle Raging On The Azov Sea In Mariupol (Special Report Under Fire)
Patrick Lancaster
you can bet your arse the the virologist did at some point recommend Phizzer and before that recommend AZ too.
Same expert.
It’s awesome being an expert without accountability
Does our SAS have any blokes in Mariupol?
Have we ever sent any of our guys over there for “training”?
The Chinese have had a long time to get used to submission. Australians not so long, but we’re catching up.
Perhaps because America is pushing it hard? And do you really think our little links and views here counteract the full reach of the MSM and official organs? I never knew we were so powerful.
If you can’t trust him you ought to be able to explain what you find wrong with the above, right?
If a highly trained BMW mechanic remains silent when someone is completely fucking your BMW with bodgie maintenance, his opinion and how much he knows is fucking irrelevant from that moment on.
Videos abound of people getting something a whole lot more kinetic than a fine for being 5km from their house.
Heck, didn’t have to travel that far, people were in the same level of strife for putting out their wheelie bin, walking (in a manner Plod determined was not exercising), trying to get some tucker from Victoria Market & so on.
Cavalry (er… “mounted police”) were sooled onto people who walked along the foreshore (aerial footage abounded) & were body slammed to the ground for being at the beach.
Crash tackled & a ruck piled on for … lighting a cigarette.
One video was by a bloke who was pulled over by a four-car response, where Plod walked up & accused him of……. driving along a highway. (It came out in the same tone as would “molesting a child”)
Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
It’s all okay now, coz Vikpol have decided to rebuild trust with the public.
We’re all friends again coz Gruppenfuhrer Patten says we are.
So people are not allowed to change their minds when the facts change?
Particularly if their initial thinking goes against one’s chosen Narrative?
Tom, that is one of the most shocking things I have ever seen. I’m literally shaking.
I asked my CCP buddies via WeChat a couple of days ago how their friends and family were doing in Shanghai. Radio silence.
The CCP might be seeing the good in a bad situation. Getting to put the boot on the throat of the most cosmopolitan and pro western city.
Makes little sense otherwise.
So people are not allowed to change their minds when the facts change?
They most definitely should.
When did any of these arseholes say shit when the Ruby Princess data came in?
About a year ago I encountered the sister of someone I knew from somewhere. She was heavily tattooed with pictures of unicorns and the usual dreamcatchers, and so on. Decent looker, pretty good rig.
Anyway, at one point there was a romantic interlude.
I took the scenic route.
To Calli: scepticism is when you don’t believe anything, but you assign different degrees of credibility to various hypotheses, the credibility depending on the evidence and the credibility of the evidence.
Denialism is when you decline to believe a proposition no matter how fervently some individual or institution assures you of its truth. The individual or institution then calls you a denialist. This is supposed to make you change your mind.
and …
^ ^ ^ this ^ ^ ^
err.. no it doesn’t.
Maybe you’re thinking you’d like to route some joinery?
And it seems they are.
But the stultifying and censorious effects of internal groupthink, or having it imposed on them by angry third parties looking for scapegoats to avenge themselves on, means you won’t necessarily hear it outside of the most guarded and private conversations.
Everyone has been made to pick a side thanks to mutual fear, confusion and ambitious and angry folks looking to stoke it to further their own agendas.
JC, just in passing, what is wrong g with Pfizer, according to your friend. I may have missed the reasoning.
Only if I’m not very good at it…
Yes it does.
regime change in pakistan
Pakistani MPs elect Shahbaz Sharif as new prime minister after Khan ouster • FRANCE 24 English
All of their ongoing lockdowns only make sense in that light.
I seem to recall sporadic reports out of China in late 2020, indicating that Wuhan and its surrounding province more or less revolted en masse after the first one or two (legitimate?) lockdowns. People streaming through roadblocks, pushing provincial police out of the way (and the neighbouring province’s as well). And the lockdowns have just continued at random ever since.
It seems that the Party might now now be using the viral threat in the same way it might have marched a PLA brigade into the place in days of yore. Except that the virus allows them to be even more brutal than merely enforcing curfews and randomly breaking down doors to crack heads and make examples of folks on local Party Officials’ shit-lists.
I have met Dai Le on several occasion she is the real deal, in fact if I am not mistaken, she was a long-time member of the Liberal party — isn’t it amazing that such a magnificent Vietnamese woman has not been promoted by the Liberal party – she is extremely popular in the Fairfield area.
My fervent prayer is the complete failure of the compounded failure that is KKK.
Was her name Nic?
And did this happen any time when you could see her?
Otherwise, it was probably not a See-Nic Root…
Ask any internet “send money to keep up the fight” expert.
The whole thing is riddled with shonks and snake oil.
Welp, I’ll expect to see her Gillarded into power then, Tinta…
Cambridge English says no.
Great Expectations there Rex Anger, I’ll bide my time and keep on with the prayers
If the people of Shanghai get hungry enough they may start to barbeque and eat the minions of the regime.
Trendsetter or just Xi-Xi opportunists
There are other agendas at play here. One reason the West likes sending weapons abroad and getting involved in regional conflicts it is a great way to test their new toys. The Russians are so terrified of the new anti-tank weapons they are erecting those silly cages on top of the tanks. The Brits finally can test their new starstreak missile. Everyone can get a measure of Russian military capacity and readiness, both of which aren’t coming up good; a result consistent with several years of analyses highlighting Russia’s inability to maintain military readiness. It’s good for European countries to wear down Russian military capacity. Ukraine is being funded while Russia is being bankrupted. They have a long memory, they remember the Soviet threat and\occupation For many of those nations while Putin is in power the Soviet threat remains. Putin has bitten off more than he can chew, the best result would be back out because if he takes the Eastern regions without taking all of Ukraine the end result will be another tragic repeat of history with a simmering war going indefinitely. Other nations will love that because through Ukraine they can continue making Russia bleed. They don’t need a hot war.
“No, I don’t claim that I know all the truth. I know some. Enough to smell the bs being spewed by MSM. It’s funny watching all these “leaders” of the Western world cry about the rise of authoritarianism when for the last two years they were openly spitting on our rights, constitutions, laws all in the name of “keeping us safe”, cheered on by the MSM (being handsomely paid by our taxes, or by people whose names cannot be mentioned here, because “conspiracy!”). And I can see similar MO in the “current thing”, which we were told we are all supposed to support.”
Well said. And I couldn’t help but laugh at the pictures of Blob Johnson walking with Zelensky through Kiev in a feeble attempt to emulate Churchill. Remember that this is the same piece of fat shit who, with his bimbo toff green zealot wife, partied in the gardens of 10 Downing Street whilst forcing the rest of the UK, that is ordinary Brits, to lock down, they weren’t even allowed visits from family members. One thing is for sure, whilst Zelensky might once have performed as a clown, Blob Johnson is a clown.
Pearl Harbor, December 7th 1941, 0800 aboard the battleship U.S.S. Oklahoma.
“Man your battle stations! Real planes! Real bombs! This is no shit!”
“Pearl” Daniel Allen Butler, P187.
The Russians are so terrified of the new anti-tank weapons they are erecting those silly cages on top of the tanks.
Just like the cages around Strykers in Iraq.
You are full of shit on this and vaccines.
No, sadly. Just a miserable (and somewhat cynical, I do agree) prediction based on the reliability of observed patterns of political behaviour. 🙁
It’s just how modern Leftist (okay, and other) political parties reinforce failure. The shoutiest, dirtiest and most ‘loyal’ to their factional masters get privately promoted as high as their personal ambitions and ability to offer favours allow, then are publicly humiliated by their lack of character and utter inability to deliver on either their internal or external promises.
Julia is but one. I also saw Kevni, Tanya, KKK’s last stint as Premier, Kamala Harris, Bill Shorten, Adam Bandt and Bob Brown, Resident Joseph Robinette Biden, his predecessor Barack Obama, Gordon Brown, our would-be Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, St. Gough and more.
That’s the spirit Cassie, just saw Laura Ingraham talking to Nigel Farage who was saying that under Biden the US has lost the mantle of leader of the free world and it’s been laid on the shoulder of the Fat Clown of 10 Downing Street – what a laugh. Boris the Blob
The World in 2050: Characteristics of New Rising Powers
World Government Summit
Good heavens but AnAl is doing it tough, fluffing his lines ‘n all — maybe it’s the new teeth, they’re a bad fit and are allowing all sorts of spittle-flecked nonsense to escape showing AnAl to be the gormless husk he really is.
We both had Novavax boosters today, would never take Pfizer. On top of actual Covid, plus two AZ jabs, we think we likely gain some protection with this vaxx against stray nastier forms of Covid than Omricon which we may meet on our travels. Seemed like a reasonable reason to take it, it is not an mRNA vaxx, and we are both fine so far, not even a sore arm. So yes, we took it voluntarily.
As for compulsion, which someone asked about last OT with regard to Novavax, even having had Covid, without a booster we probably wouldn’t in the UK be able to visit the 96 year old Jewish lady who has been a wonderful Step-Granny to the two children of our marriage; and we certainly wouldn’t want to miss seeing her this trip, as I doubt we will ever see her again. Although maybe we’ll get back to the UK sooner than we think.
duncanm says: April 12, 2022 at 6:58 pm
Cambridge is on the other side of the world.
Their pronunciation ejaculates “Dossier” as “dossi-ay”, “Eat” as “ett”, “Shire” as “sheer”, “Paddock” as “padd-och” (actually “paddik”) & lots more abominations.
They probably even pronounce “Castle” to rhyme with “parcel” instead of the correct “hassle”
In utterly abominable linguistic perversions, I’ve even heard “Yeah” & “Beer” pronounced with only one syllable, instead of two.
They most definitely should.
And it seems they are.
How long does it take? They had two independent and complete data sets from cruise ships more than two years ago.
If the dreaded pandemic does sweet FA on two floating RSL’s……
Yeah sure fuckbrain like the Javelin missile was used on Iraq. No defense against that with those cages.
As if you would have clue about immunology. You wouldn’t know a fcy from myd88 so your opinion on that subject is utterly worthless.
Good luck and travels Lizzie.
I am unvaccinated and I sincerely hope that all Cats who were forced, coerced, fearful or voluntary participants are not adversely affected by the vaccines.
This is my sincere wish.
No, he’s got a point.
Bar armour was intended to combat RPGs at fired at relatively flat angles to the vehicle.
Top protection of this nature is relatively new. And also field-retrofitted- The Javelin is a shaped-charge missile, but optimised to strike at the thinnest armour on the turret roof. It is also a tandem charge warhead, so Explosive Reactive Armour is nullified by the second shaped plasma jet. It is the first time, as far as I am aware, that the weapon system has been used against the sort of peer opponent for which it was designed. It has been mostly fielded against strongpoints and fortified houses in Iraq and Afghanistan until now.
The Russians use similar warheads in the Kornet ATGMs and the RPG-29 Vampir. And I believe the Kornet and its later derivatives have top-attack capability as well.
The overhead bar armour was probably considered to provide the best prospect of defeating an incoming Javelin at the outset of the conflict, as like bar/slat armour against RPGs, it forces the charges to detonate prematurely and disrupt the jet formation.
The very best ‘passive’ defence would be a modified variant of the Arena system Russia already produces, or the Israeli (and increasingly Western-standard) Trophy system, optimised for shooting down top-attack missiles. Trophy has already been demonstrated to swat incoming tank sabot rounds, and they are supersonic.
The best active defence against such weapon systems (and their operators) remains good infantry-armour co-operation and reconaissance, neither of which have been much in evidence on the Russian side thus far.
Greg Sheridan on Blot.
TaliDan is nothing like Xi. Not for want of trying and intent.
The Grecian 2000 has seeped into his atrophied old brain.
Was it here that someone linked, a few years ago, to a website dealing with the parbuckling of the Oklahoma?
Dozens of photographs, reams of text. Utterly fascinating, over the next several weeks it occupied hours of my time reading & digesting it.
Thank you, whoever it was.
So Morrison has discovered the culture wars.
Bit late.
Prof. Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum, during a session titled ‘Our World Today: Why Governments Must Act Now’
World Government Summit
Good (albeit rhetorical) question, Rick. 🙂
We are arguing against that terribly human characteristic of not wanting to appear wrong and lose face in the face of an increasingly obvious mistake.
If all restrictions and mandates and bullshit were abruptedly rescinded at suppertime tomorrow, how long do you think it would take your employer to admit defeat and shamefacedly ask you back?
You see how hard we posture at each other here. How much worse might it be for a group of wonks who were (and worse, still might be) resolutely convinced they were absolutely right to do what they did? 🙁
Off CL’s page.
The stupidity of the green left played on real people. Disaster quickly follows.
They are a death cult.
big day today.
#3 sworn in as a solicitor.
left skool, double in Law and Arts straight into internship and now 100% Legally Blonde
turned 25 last week
And I sincerely hope and believe that the unvaccinated and vaccinated alike will be universally free of all of it before this year 2022 is concluded.
We’ve had our generational flirt with self-inflicted crisis. Now we need to be ready for the proper generational one, courtesy of a near power with Imperial ambitions and the long patience it displayed wearing thin due to demographic pressures and its own internal contradictions needing an external outlet to (at least temporarily) stave off collapse …
Good on her. 🙂
What’s she looking to specialise in?
MatrixTransform says:
April 12, 2022 at 7:27 pm
big day today.
#3 sworn in as a solicitor.
left skool, double in Law and Arts straight into internship and now 100% Legally Blonde
turned 25 last week
Can she cook?
A great naval expert on this site – the name escapes me- said all those battleships were WW1 vintage and obsolete – why would they salvage any of them?
and then he redeems himself
Rex the Trophy system would find defending against Switchblades and other loitering munitions a doddle.
[email protected]:
As I said, we don’t believe that we will evade contracting the virus. We are still amazed that in spite of considerable community contact we are still virus free – although it is still possible husband contracted a month or so ago. On that occasion (RAT negative but that is not conclusive) we “hit it hard & early” with recommended protocol & he was fine in about 36 hours after treatment every 4 hours.
But we remain careful & prepare as best we can in terms of general health – something, incidentally , that has never been promoted by our venerable medical profession during this pandemic.
been charmed with the idea of criminal law and being a Perry Mason since she was a teen
working for The State lately may have tempered that enthusiasm though so, she’s considering her options.
not a skerrick of science or math in her head so it prolly wont be in industry
9 off sworn in, and only one was a boy … but the boy did Civil Eng before he did Law
der … cakes
April 12, 2022 at 7:27 pm”
Mazaltov MT.
John H., who gives a shit? The end result numbers are coming in and they don’t look good. That’s what counts.
It just hasn’t had to, yet. And neither has Arena.
This fight, and the Armenia-Azerbaijan one last year, are pioneering fights for such tactics, weapons and countermeasures. Up there with Yom Kippur and the first use of Soviet man-portable ATGMs by Egypt against Israel in 1973.
We may see AFVs get heavier, or more simply, additional consideration paid to top armouring during the design phase of new vehicles and refits of existing ones. And integral active protection systems standardised on practically everything.
Intellectual Property law is probably one of the more interesting sides of that bit. Contract Law is involved in pretty much all of it.
And the amount of stuff even a Solicitor doing basic conveyancing might have to be across is incredible.
If she doesn’t have it, she’ll no doubt pick it up as it is needed. Anyone who doesn’t (and there are a lot of old and established lawyers like that, particularly in the bush) is not worth their Practicing Certificate nor the fees they charge.
from above link
Neighbour over the road and his wife both contracted COVID
It came on suddenly for both one evening
Sore throats ( razor blades) coughing and tiredness
“Thank goodness we had the booster , it could have been much worse”
We are arguing against that terribly human characteristic of not wanting to appear wrong and lose face in the face of an increasingly obvious mistake.
If I am a virologist wouldn’t outbreaks in isolated populations be pure gold? A definitive answer on how infectious and how deadly? Wouldn’t I be keenly interested?
At this time the circus was barely getting going, and yet in a country where one in ten are apparently virologists, no one said a word.
They weren’t in deep then, but they’re fucking in real deep now. “Virologists” are absolutely culpable in this clusterfuck.
“Thank goodness we had the booster , it could have been much worse”
It’s very hard to out Mong Australian’s!
that’s the fossil fuels ‘you can’t eat’, for the local dimwits.
The mass psychosis is still very big here in WA.
Then human nature and the prospect of monetising one’s findings gets in the way.
Ditto whatever the fashionable thing is in the field at the time- Something medicine as an industry is somewhat notorious for.
Predictive computer modelling was an exciting and popular concept for novel pathogens among virologists, so it was applied. Badly and broadly.
And we ended up with that Niall Ferguson chap becoming a household name (twice) over a GIGO model that failed even against the traditional bellcurve model of infectious disease that the established WHO model response of contact-tracing and targeted isolation might initially have helped. Until it was acknowledged to be a spicier-than-usual headcold like SARS, and similar methods adopted.
Despite the circumstantial of a great many people being terribly lackadaisical and (rightly) not complying with the bullshit rules except in certain places like the supermarkets and so forth.
The numbers reporting of X thousand cases is not helping that, but past Easter and into May the brutality of the bell-curve end* means that none of it will be sustainable as policy.
* Yes, it was deliberate. Stop laughing.
“The stupidity of the green left played on real people. Disaster quickly follows.”
Of course. The title of Ian Plimer’s book Green Murder is a perfect description for Green ideology. Green ideology kills people…be it of starvation, of cold, of respiratory diseases, of burning (due to lack of bush management) and so on. I believe it’s all deliberate.
Re: the coffe conversation from earlier this afternoon…
We get our coffee from here
I am unvaccinated and I sincerely hope that all Cats who were forced, coerced, fearful or voluntary participants are not adversely affected by the vaccines.
I’m 74 and no interest in either BAT FLU or the jab and not even a sniffle since it all began .. 4 adult kids, 8 grandkids .. all the kids and 3 eldest grandees jabbed .. all have/had BAT FLU at some stage .. LOL!
Nah, these people aren’t Nazis, …

heh heh
LGBTQI+ activist and apologist Crispin Blunt MP in hot water for defending a poofter Muesli p3d0 fellow MP, according to the BBC. No surprise there, perhaps, except that these two are from the so-called Conservative Party.
He3re’s another one, Donald Tusk and his GrandPappy:
And people don’t look like their dogs, Grigory:
Unless you had a translation for the cyrillic in the bottom corners of your linked image that supports your assertion?
Look out, this guy’s the German Minister for Finance:
Grooglery Wiesenthal
Who ya gonna call?
Spook bustas!
Flamer re-arrangers!
Oh God…
Look, it’s all a coincidence, yeah, German Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach’s GrandPappy was a big wheel in the Waffen SS, but that was a looong time ago.
[H/t Unz Review}
I think this might have been what the Norwegian Blue was doing before it suddenly started pining for the fjords…
Ed Casesays:
April 12, 2022 at 6:21 pm
Does our SAS have any blokes in Mariupol?
Have we ever sent any of our guys over there for “training”?
Ask your spook contacts. At the same time, ask them about Curtin’s plan to hand Australia over to the Japanese in 1942.
Yes, and most of East and West Germany’s military and civil apparatus were full of such folks postwar. Much like many ex-Iron Curtain nations are still administered or predated upon by former Communists.
Your carry-on is invalid.
I’m 74 and no interest in either BAT FLU or the jab and not even a sniffle since it all began .. 4 adult kids, 8 grandkids .. all the kids and 3 eldest grandees jabbed .. all have/had BAT FLU at some stage .. LOL!
Calm down there tiger.
Viruses don’t worry much about chest puffing.
I thought the same and then got the coof. Not a big deal and very mild. I’m sure you’ll be asked to dance soon.
Eloquent and accurate – well said.
So many people heroically ‘saving the planet’.
I’d prefer to not have to take the week off, just because of the onerous crap and reportage involved…
“Humans are a virus on the planet” is a core belief of many environmentalists.
With this in mind everything they push makes sense.
I came to this conclusion at least 15yrs ago.
Also have suspicions re how funding for these people comes about. (cui bono)
It’s an inconvenient truth for some.
This is not bad:
Saudi Arabia TV SAVAGES Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Hey Bush
A number crunching broker told me today that he reckons the current forward price of canola is equivalent to $700 with higher costs factored in and don’t get too excited.
Ed Casesays:
April 12, 2022 at 8:14 pm
He3re’s another one, Donald Tusk and his GrandPappy:
Dickless believes that the sins of the (grand)fathers should be assigned to their sons, even unto the seventh generation.
Ed Casesays:
April 12, 2022 at 8:17 pm
Look out, this guy’s the German Minister for Finance:
Amazing, he was a Pole only three minutes earlier!
If only the Wicked Virus *twirls moustachioes* would take pity on this umble wallflower.
Ian Plimer’s book cites Gina Rinehart as calling out human induced climate change as nonsense.
They probably even pronounce “Castle” to rhyme with “parcel”
Sal, it does rhyme with “parcel” – as in “Newcastle” – not as in “Castlemaine.”
cohenite says: April 12, 2022 at 8:46 pm
Biden/Harris. The adults are back in charge. USA again has international respect.
A pink lathe?! Machinetool Liziqi!
Is he saying there’s more upside?
I’m suddenly thinking of Billy Connolly’s story about getting jumped by Isabelle…
#NextSaturdayNightIwasOut,Looking ForIsabelle…
But six months after going organic, the country that was once self-sufficient in rice production had to import more than $600 million of foreign rice.
The ban on fertilisers saw crop yields plummet, triggering inflation and crushing Sri Lankan exports of tea and rubber.
The impact on the tea industry alone — Sri Lanka’s main export — amounted to an economic loss of $573 million.
At least a $1 Billion Green Hole. Impressive!
I keep an eye on how this bloke is going
The pertinent info is in the last few minutes.
Although it can change on a dime, things are still not looking good in big areas of Canada and US.
I also had advice from the number crunching trading gods to quit all my warehoused canola @$820 ish.
I held it all and was at least $50 up even before Putin started this shit show.
Now close to $100 up.
David Starkey, on Talk Radio a few days ago……
“Tyranny comes from the left. The threat of tyranny within the West comes from the left.”
“A Twitter storm is exactly the same as the “Hate Week” in Orwell’s 1984″.
“The extraordinary perversion of language which says that a transwoman is a woman and you must accept it and that a transman is a man and you must accept it is exactly as Orwell predicted when he wrote in his book 1984 “two plus two equals five”.
“Orwell predicted woke and Orwell predicted the perversion of language that we are now witnessing in the West”.
Is he saying there’s more upside?
Not really. He’s pouring a bit of cold water on contract port pricing that’s getting a few farmers signing up quite big tonnages.
If you factor in carry on the current price then these numbers aren’t over the top.
He’s worried about short term overheating in price coming off boil once positions are covered.
I sold APW at $400 delivered locally today. It’s a very good price and I’m more than happy to let others catch upside if it comes about.
Not sorry to be out of it all…
The Unspoken Evil of Climate Change Tyrants
Evidence of Egypt in Israel. Brief but interesting:
Gonzalo Lira with Scott Ritter.
Scott Ritter and The Battle of the Donbas
That’s good going.
Have been selling SFW (everything wheat and barley wise up here was downgraded) to local feed millers/feedlots for over $300 del.
Went into the bags at $250-260
As a side note:
I know a bloke who has close farming contacts in Ukraine and apparently they have managed to get 75% of their crop in the ground so far! Pretty good effort I would suggest.
Live from Tahiti.
We might be chasing a red herring. The waning of of vaccine efficacy is not uncommon. I’m not going to bother looking into this anymore because as indicated below no-one understands why it happens. If the experts are puzzled by it there’s no point me wasting my time over it.
No-one understands why vaccines wane.
The slow motion train smash that’s the Albanese election campaign continues. Prime Minister of Australia? Council dogcatcher in East Warralakin, more like it.
Anyway, Sliante to all you mob. Day in Perth tomorrow, as the Memsahib does the round of the medical specialists and the tests.
Something else, watch this.
Almost a perpetuum mobile.
I’d hate to find the one ball bearing that failed the Quality Assurance process- That thing could launch unbalanced bearings all over the place.
But what a job figuring out how long a run was needed, how high it could reach and at what angle was optimum velocity reached!
*Chef’s Kiss*
Magnificent. 🙂
Thank you, Custard. It is mine too. My own son is one of those whom the Pfizer vaxx has severely and adversely affected. I realise that many people have lost health, income and their life’s work due to improper government handling of Covid via both lockdowns and vaccination requirements and that to those people seeing someone like me finding a benefit in the vaxx can be galling. I am sorry that is so but I have some faith in the value of vaccinations, even genetic ones if the situation warranted their voluntary use. They should know though that I have not found much benefit from lockdowns: I was an early opponent of them, and of the sorts of enforcement measures we have seen in Australia.
The Australian:
For farming folks.
I spent the day on a farm in Essex. Early April and the canola is above knee high with a crop density we would never contemplate.
The farmer said that he has increased seeding density three times in the last ten years.
‘The future’. There is no future according to him. Like in Oz, Government don’t care about farmers; Ministers are Sloan Ranger idiots; policy is shaped by the Civil Service who are all Greens. He has secured fertiliser and spray for next year, but after that, all bets are off.
He has resisted wind farms so far, but is terrified of the rewilding madness which has a life of its own.
Outrageous to be standing in an agricultural paradise surrounded by depressed folk forecasting the collapse of 1,000 years of agricultural leadership.
Sharri Markson in the Paywallian:
Anthony Albanese rewrites his economic history
Anthony Albanese has tried to ¬inflate his status as an “economics adviser” to the legendary reformist centre-right Hawke government in a bid to pump up his damaged economic credentials but was in fact a “research officer” to a hard-left out-of-cabinet minister and was ¬strongly opposed to the major ¬reforms of the time, including ¬privatisation, HECS and financial deregulation.
Mr Albanese sought to re-¬establish his economic credentials on Tuesday after being caught not knowing the cash rate or the ¬unemployment rate a day earlier.
In doing so, he claimed during a press conference he “became an economic policy adviser to the Hawke government” after spending four years at Sydney Univer¬sity. However, the only position Mr Albanese held in the Hawke government, which was in office from 1983 to 1991, was working for Tom Uren, who was minister for territories and local government and then administrative services.
The late Uren was also minister assisting the prime minister for community development and ¬regional affairs. Uren was not in cabinet and had no role in economic policy with the Hawke ¬administration.
In his parliamentary biography, Mr Albanese lists his qualifications and occupations before entering parliament as “research officer” for Uren from 1985 to 1989.
And in a biography on Mr Albanese written by journalist Karen Middleton, for which he participated, she also describes him as a “certain research officer working for Tom Uren” and a “protesting activist” during the Hawke government.
Uren’s memoir, Straight Left, does not mention Mr Albanese as an economics adviser.
There is only one passage referring to Mr Albanese in the entire book. Mr Uren says that for the first year or two that Mr Albanese worked for him they spoke only occasionally.
“Anthony was an activist in Young Labor and was one of the main organisers of the Left in NSW,” Uren wrote. “When I first put him on my staff some of my comrades on the Left said, ‘Oh, you’re putting a young Trot on your staff’.”
A spokesman for Mr Albanese said – despite Uren not having an economic portfolio in government – that he was employed in the ¬office as an economist.
“Anthony Albanese was ¬employed as an economist by Tom Uren, who served as minister for local government, territories and administrative services between 1985 and 1989. He gave Mr Uren advice on issues including taxation and economic matters,” he said.
Not only did Mr Albanese not advise the Hawke government on economics policy, but he opposed the major economic reforms of the Hawke government – as did Uren.
It’s a point author Troy Bramston makes in his new book, Bob Hawke: Demons and Destiny.
“Anthony Albanese, a delegate to the national conference, was among those in the Left who voted to return to a regulated ¬exchange rate,” Bramston writes.
“Albanese opposed many of the major reforms of the period, from fiscal consolidation and privatisation to cutting tariffs, ¬exporting uranium and introducing HECS.”
Mr Albanese gave an interview to the Sydney Morning Herald in 1987 to complain that the Hawke government had lost touch with voters over its economics policy. “When they talk about wages, budget deficits and cuts, they talk about it like it is out of a textbook,” he said.
“Someone like Keating can put himself up as a possible Labor PM but he is more comfortable mixing with millionaires and business executives than he is with working-class people.”
In his own biography, Albanese: Telling it Straight, Middleton writes that Labor figures “Bruce Childs and fellow Left convener Gerry Hand would blast their own government’s measures, using briefing notes prepared for them by young Left staffers including a certain ¬research officer working for Tom Uren.
“The advisers would begin combing through the budget as soon as it was handed down.
“‘We would stay up all night – literally all night,’ Anthony says.”
Mr Albanese discusses in the biography how, during the ALP NSW state conference ahead of Mr Keating’s 1985 tax summit, he and other young Labor delegates protested as the treasurer ¬explained “his reasoning for proposing to pay for income tax cuts with a consumption tax”.
Middleton writes how the “protesting activists” threw Monopoly money in the air.
At the 1991 Australian Labor Party centenary conference, Mr Albanese also criticised the Hawke government, saying the profits of the Prices and Incomes Accord (an agreement between the ACTU and the Labor Party) “have been wasted and squandered in an orgy of speculation and unproductive investment”.
In defending his economic credentials, Mr Albanese on Tuesday said: “I’m absolutely across the economy and what we need to do, which is why I have a practical plan to deal with the economic challenges that Australia faces.
“I have an economics degree from Sydney University. I studied both orthodox economics and political economy. I spent four years there doing it, and then I became an economic policy ¬adviser to the Hawke government.”
Uren was best known during his time in the Hawke government for overseeing the construction of New Parliament House, playing a role in the creation of self-government for the ACT, and increasing funding for local ¬government and community housing.
The late Labor Left icon was highly critical of Hawke’s economic reforms, describing unfettered market forces as “the law of the jungle”.
In a media interview on Tuesday, Mr Albanese said Uren had been a mentor to him.
Uren wrote in his autobiography that Hawke rushed into the decision to float the Australian dollar and allow foreign banks into Australia.
He described his relationship with Hawke as “confrontation” and accused the Labor prime minister of making economic ¬decisions to “benefit the elitist -element”.
“My view was that the Hawke government, particularly in its early days, was making decisions to benefit the elitist element,” he wrote.
“I think the decision to float the dollar, allowing foreign banks to come into Australia, was made too quickly. We did not consider the deeper implications.
“I think what worried me deeply was Keating’s headlong rush to free up the Australian economy to market forces and allow the market to run its own race with blind faith that it would stimulate our economy.
“We went down that path far too quickly. As far as I’m concerned, unfettered market forces are the law of the jungle.”
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Patrick Blower.
Christian Adams.
Morten Morland.
Brian Adcock.
Graeme Bandeira.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Gary Varvel.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Bob Gorrell.
Al Goodwyn.
Tom Stiglich.
Ben Garrison.
Inflation to “Albo” is all about how to inflate his status as a previous “economic adviser”…………….
This is one tough gal. Sometimes you see incredible courage.
Russian model Victoria Bonya cut up her Chanel bag in protest at the company’s “russophobic” policies. Arthur Mola/AP
But then she’s a looker so she gets a pass.
Best news of the day — it’s about time. If ever a redhead changed the political landscape in Australia it was Pauline Hanson NOT Labor’s over-promoted snaggle-voiced redhead or any of the 1998 handbag hit-squad – Pauline Hanson woke up the country to what was/is being done — then the media and the Uniparty tried to destroy her but she wasn’t for destruction.
Heart inflammation after Covid vaccine ‘no more common than after other jabs’
Obviously the Victorian state government isn’t interested in ticket sales
Victoria confirmed as 2026 Commonwealth Games host with regional centres to host most events
Potential far-right victory in France seen as threat to EU
It is fascinating to see that France has shifted right after covid, does it mean that the French are also rejecting the notion of a climate emergency?
Macron has shifted to more nuclear, Le Pen was already there.<a href="https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy/news/le-pens-climate-programme-pro-nuclear-and-pro-hydrogen-but-anti-wind/"le pen pro nuclear pro hydrogen but anti wind
“Myopericarditis is a rare complication of vaccination. However, there have been increasing reports of myopericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination, especially among adolescents and young adults. We aimed to characterise the incidence of myopericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination, and compare this with non-COVID-19 vaccination.”
the lancet study
France is very pro-nuclear. They believe in doing something about climate change, but they won’t suffer the stupid measures that are so often proposed for it.
Fox rat Wallace has joined a sinking CNN ship! Big cuts looming.
Not quite true. In 2018 Macron announced he was going to to shut down about a third of the French nuclear capacity and replace it with stupid renewables. He backflipped once the energy crisis started and prices skyrocketed.
The Germans still intend to close their three remaining nuke plants this year. Germans go nuts roughly on an 80 year recurring cycle. You can see why they’re so keen on Russian gas, since without it the lights go off once they close those plants.
Macron probably started shifting after the green policy fuel hikes caused widespread protests, the first of the yellow jacket.
His new nukes announcement was the icing.
It is interesting that according to le pen article France’s cheap power goes into a general eu market and they are forced to buy it back at higher prices.
Massive ticket clip by who?
Thanks Tom!
Spooner is being subversive. Hopefully Lachlan and James don’t notice his toon or he’ll receive the wrath of their net zero editorial policy upon him from on high.
Re energy supply.
The politicians in this country must have been briefed by now about the state of the grid.
And yet.
Ramirez…why oh why settle for a cheap imitation?
I always wear it best. 😀
After coal, the EU faces an uphill battle to ban Russian oil and gas
rosie says:
April 13, 2022 at 5:54 am
Obviously the Victorian state government isn’t interested in ticket sales
Victoria confirmed as 2026 Commonwealth Games host with regional centres to host most events
Not about ticket sales you know.
It’s about creating jobs from a one off sporting event in regional Victoria according to TaliDan.
I guess you could say floods create jobs as well.
They’ll opt for the path of least resistance taken for the past 40 years, which is to run it on a Hail Mary and hope it finally implodes completely on someone else’s watch.
variety review of Father Stu
Catholic review of Father Stu
This should become a question for Albo II at each and every one of his pressers:
‘Do you believe unfettered market forces are the law of the jungle?’
Interesting story from Bons overnight.
Coupled with the energy idiocy in Europe and elsewhere and rampant inflation across the states, Sri Lanka, Lebanon already feeling the pinch and the prospect of much of Africa devolving once again into chaos and starvation…the picture is taking on a familiar and worrying pre revolutionary shape.
How long before the avalanche?
Seems a trend to claim a threat to democracy whenever someone they don’t like gets in.
Well I predict Victorian commonwealth games will be a victorian government lead debacle of venues, transport, accommodation, catering.
Perhaps we’ll get a new government that says yeah nah.
We also need something to improve east west traffic movement in Melbourne.
Everytime a nightmare.
The Sri Lanka story is appalling to me.
How could they have pretended crop yields would not plummet?
It sounds like Mao running China with a trillion less excuses.
rosie says:
April 13, 2022 at 5:52 am
Heart inflammation after Covid vaccine ‘no more common than after other jabs’
The header for the story has little relationship to the facts.
RNA jabs causing myocarditis is more common, particularly in young men, yet no explanation is given for the ten fold increase in incidence in this group.
Side effects are much worse from a covid infection we’re told, “much worse” being a precise scientific fact.
Since the vaccines don’t stop you getting covid, how is a statement that the risks from the vaccine are preferable to getting myocarditis from an infection? It’s called a double whammy.
Some people are so smart they’re stupid.
It is interesting that according to le pen article France’s cheap power goes into a general eu market and they are forced to buy it back at higher prices.
Massive ticket clip by who?
Doesn’t quite work like that.
France generates most (75%) of its power from nukes, which it runs largely as base load – exporting the surplus to European markets during French off peak. Hence efficient operations and cheaper average power prices.
As a result of running its nuclear generating base flat chat, with unreliable renewables dominating the rest of its generating fleet, France has limited peak generating capacity.
Hence, although it’s a net electricity exporter, during peak demand, France buys back from European markets to cover French generating shortfalls.
Obviously at a higher price than they sell their off peak surplus.
Maybe Dan could build a road.
Oh wait.
The lancet article suggests post vaccine myocarditis happening is not unique to covid vaccines.
If the vaccines reduce the severity of covid infections then perhaps they also reduce the likelihood of covid induced myocarditis.
Whatever the case vaccines should not be mandated and everyone should have the risks explained before deciding to get vaccinated.
It’s hard to think anyone here in Australia doesn’t know about them.
Thank you Dr Faustus. I never confuse you with Dr Fauci.
Obviously France needs to build a few more nuclear plants.
What did countries do to manage demand surge before renewables?
More briquettes in the stove?
If a far-right candidate wins the presidency of France does she then become centre-right?
And does the Socialist candidate who failed to make the run off become far-left?
I mean, the centre will have shifted right, right?
Roads are bad according to the experts.
I think it was Brown’s toon this morning that featured what is probably not the poxiest, self-perpetuating media-designed terminology in recent memory, but which is certainly in the top two or three.
‘Rain bomb.’
The terminology lends itself to overly dramatic and/or sinister reporting, and acts a gateway of sorts for even more lurid clickbait. It also allows gawky reporterettes to practice being solemn and mainstream.
If one is bombed (albeit by rain) it is not that far a jump for a befuddled punter to receive less than a minute of coaching, and then be thrown in front of a camera and make the ‘It’s like a war zone’ claim.
I’m not without empathy, if not sympathy for flood victims, of whom many have lost quite a bit. But there is no house to house fighting. Frozen bodies are not piled up and used as ramparts. Nobody is on the receiving end of 155mm shells by the hundred, and no-one is clearing their town throwing grenades into cellars full of hiding civilians because a combatant or two might be hiding in there as well.
It is not a war zone, but that is exactly the imagery hoped for and which leads to follow-up headlines like ‘Dash for safety as rain bomb looms’ and ‘Rain bomb sparks call for climate action’.
On farming stuff I was interested by 132’s comment since I saw this story yesterday:
For First Time, Measurable Snowfall Hits Portland, Oregon, in April (11 Apr)
If the ~60 year cycle is turning, and solar output is down, then the growing season in Canada in particular is going to be squeezed. Snowcover in fall and winter trends have been increasing for some years.
Thanks for the Lancet article. It’s hard to overcome an initial reaction, and I don’t know whether anyone else here has it too.
Such is my distrust of any of the characters in this hideous charade that is styled “pandemic” – whether they be internet “experts”, local health authorities, once venerable publications and now, even my own doctor – that I even look on studies published by the Lancet with suspicion.
This is what happens in a post truth, peer reviewed, fact checked world. Wonderful stuff.
Can we call nukes sunshine bombs?
Albo needs to be de “briefed” on a daily basis. Maybe he should be wearing Stephen Conroy’s red underwear on his head too………………………………………….