Re 1: For about the fifth time, your retort not only makes no sense, but it’s also an intellectual travesty.…
Re 1: For about the fifth time, your retort not only makes no sense, but it’s also an intellectual travesty.…
Sheesh Duk, throw down a /sarc tag if you’re going to drop this sort of cold cut
My pleasure.
Douglas Murray Addresses the Mass Murder of Christians in Syria | Direct Address EP. 6 I am still thinking of…
I’d welcome some Truth Bombs.
Re Calli @ 6.59am
Yes – foot shortages coming in many places. Supply chains disintegrating rapidly, & there are many reasons converging.
Ah yes, those volunteer Sikhs in a Hiace who turned up to help floodees with food when they had no working kitchens…unlike the ADF who turned up for a photo op and put trash on people’s lawns.
Oh for the good old days when climate change meant no more rain bombs!
But in those more prosaic times we called such events a “downpour.”
If the vaccines reduce the severity of covid infections then perhaps they also reduce the likelihood of covid induced myocarditis.
Sorry Rosie but that does not follow since no study is provided to show myocarditis is less or more severe with or without a vaccine.
For higher risk young men, no evidence is provided that this cohort faces any increased risk of myocarditis from other vaccines.
The arrogance of the medical bureaucracy is astounding. They think we’ll swallow this illogical bullshit and be happy.
Albo is living in his own class struggle fantasy epic.
The reality is we’re all doing it a little tough as in inflation adjusted terms, government spending has tripled since 1972.
Australia is third world infrastructure at first world prices.
Australia. She used to be so hot. In 1988, she was Elle MacPherson’s twin sister.
Now it’s more like Madonna.
Very unfair.
I know one of those ADF personnel, spend several weeks away from family dragging stinky crap to the tip, then filling sandbags for the next ‘rain bomb’.
No, I’m making the giant leap that vaccines reduce the risk of severe disease and one aspect of severe disease is myocarditis.
“And does the Socialist candidate who failed to make the run off become far-left?”
Umm…no. How many socialist candidates, be it Bernie, Jeremy or here in Oz such luminous characters as Adam Bumdt, Bob Brown, Hanson-Dung and even Albosleazy ever get referred to as “far-left”?
Never. “Far” is only ever used to refer to those on the right.
read it.
another own-goal by rosie
roads are racist…. interferes with walkabout
rosie says:
April 13, 2022 at 7:37 am
No, I’m making the giant leap that vaccines reduce the risk of severe disease and one aspect of severe disease is myocarditis.
Based on what?
The ten fold increase in young men cited is not a result of severe disease as this group have very low risk of ever going to hospital from covid.
Logic my dear.
association between covid-19 and myocarditis using hospital based administrative data United States March 2020 to January 2021
It’s too early in the working day to find the links, but the evidence for increased risk(as a result of the genetic vaccines) of myocarditis and other manifestations of cardiac problems particularly in young men is well known. The epidemiologists and other specialists who have seen the accumulating evidence have been very vocal about this serious problem for some time.
It was my immediate concern recently when my (vaccinated) athletic grandson developed chest pains when his father recently suffered a serious injury. “Stress” you might say …..hmmmm
Thank you Rosie! Your link saved me the trouble!
Another one….
However, re the study: this of course shows the link between myocarditis & Covid. I suspect the same spike protein is involved in the increased incidence of myocarditis after vaccination.
I’m not arguing that young men are particularly at risk for covid 19 related myocarditis.
I’m simply saying young men know the risk of vaccine related myocarditis and can make their decisions accordingly.
It’s an argument against vaccine compulsion.
It appears that any virus or vaccine has the potential to cause myocarditis.
According to the lancet study the smallpox vaccine was more likely to cause myocarditis?
Matrix, there is only one problem with theorising on stupidity, whether collective or individual.
Most people never, ever in their wildest dreams, entertain the absurd notion that they might be stupid themselves.
Hang on. Ease up there Dot.
If that trash was originally on a roadway, and particularly one that led directly to a hospital then that’s what any disaster plan calls for. One of the first recovery actions is to clear arterial routes to medical services. It’s certainly in Darwin’s recovery plans for cyclones, and that’s what happened in the immediate aftermath of Cyclone Marcus in 2017.
That the ADF turned up late is not the fault of the ADF people who arrived to give the punters a chop out. This was lost on quite a few residents, and there are reports that they were actually spat on by people because they presumably weren’t there in ten minutes with one Blackhawk per person and free jetskis for everyone.
That the ADF personnel – whoever they were – didn’t start removing teeth and burn the remains of said spitter’s house down is to be commended. Perhaps their target should have been the NSW SES head who repeatedly knocked back their earlier offers of assistance.
The Lancet editor is an Extinction Rebellion supporter, so you can be sure that very little which is against Lefty doctrine is going to make it into that journal.
The ten fold increase in myocarditis in young healthy men not in hospital is not diagnosed or dealt with by the study.
The findings in this study are subject to at least six limitations. First, the risk estimates from this study reflect the risk for myocarditis among persons who received a diagnosis of COVID-19 during an outpatient or inpatient health care encounter and do not reflect the risk among all persons who had COVID-19. Second, misclassification of COVID-19 and myocarditis is possible because conditions were determined by ICD-10-CM codes, which were not confirmed by clinical data (e.g., laboratory tests or cardiac imaging) and could be improperly coded or coded with a related condition (e.g., pericarditis).
Yes it’s about choice Rosie but we are given none and fed information that dishonestly contradicts the known experiences of the community.
A young man should be given the right to not get a vaccine as the risk benefit isn’t in his favour.
Death cult.
Without even going to any links….dishonest people clutching at straws are producing reports dated before the vaccines were administered claiming that covid caused myocarditis and other heart problems we didn’t see prior to their introduction.
We have many many many times on this blog shown that those reports were Fauci funded orgs.
In other words he knew what was going to happen once those killer jabs were introduced.
They knew.
Although this has been proven and boosters will be coming notafan wants to assure you that when you die of something not one unjabbed young person has died from it’s because of covid not the booster you took.
What a good Catholic girl!
That was my initial point. Nobody knows why it wanes so quickly. There is something going on that isn’t good. Even the European medical agency said multiple boosters will damage your immune system. Why are only boosters damaging? My guess is that every shot damages your immune system. It’s know that S1 damages monocytes and depletes t-cells. Zero studies have been done to to ensure mRNA generates spike protein does not liberate S1.
You might get a high immune alert reaction for a few months but the immune system doesn’t seem to recover particularly in the older demographic. There isn’t exactly a rush to investigate either.
My observation for what it’s worth, is you can predict the industry focus entirely based on what does and does not drive vaccine sales. Hence the near complete lack of interest by governments in linking long covid with residual S1 debris.
I agree Farmer Gez.
Has been my view on vaccination especially since this emerged.
Certainly the only advice I’ve given to the young men of my acquaintance who, as is their right, made their own vaccination decisions.
The ALP are pivoting away from the economy to health care with big bucks.
The policy is not about building hospitals but providing more support for GP’s to help people stay at home and not enter hospital.
Die at home while you’re on the phone.
April 13, 2022 at 7:23 am
Thanks for the Lancet article. It’s hard to overcome an initial reaction, and I don’t know whether anyone else here has it too.
Such is my distrust of any of the characters in this hideous charade that is styled “pandemic” – whether they be internet “experts”, local health authorities, once venerable publications and now, even my own doctor – that I even look on studies published by the Lancet with suspicion.
In the days of President W, each October of an even numbered year, The Lancet would produce “modeling” showing massive numbers of child deaths in whatever Middle Eastern nation the US was currnetly engaged. All pure political theatre.
Good morning Little Mr Knee.
Didn’t The Lancet publish that “scientific” study of the number of dead caused by the US/UK Iraq invasion?
The one that counted all the victims of the islamist insurgent bombings and was carefully timed for the US elections.
Who could doubt the word of The Lancet? That’d be like doubting Science!
April 13, 2022 at 8:05 am
Most people never, ever in their wildest dreams, entertain the absurd notion that they might be stupid themselves.
Kicking your own arse is very common.
The arrogance of the medical bureaucracy is astounding. They think we’ll swallow this illogical bullshit and be happy.
You will receive bullshit, and you will be happy?
BoN, I’m reminded strongly of Lewis’ story about the N.I.C.E. Just enough truth to muddy the waters and lull the punters.
My son, sons in law and my grandson didn’t know. The risk was not explained to any of them. That might be different now at a doctor-patient level, but the blaring of the MSM and our so-called “Health” entities are not explaining or warning about it in their wall to wall advertising.
How can anyone make a rational decision if they aren’t told, or that the risks are hidden beneath a blanket of pooh-poohing conspiracy theory allegations. The vaxx hesitant are still labelled anti-vaxxers, despite what we now know.
On your second point…quite so. Compulsion to take these things is a disgrace. You could argue that they were injected of their own free will, but when fear is ramped up, the things are promoted as a public good and dangers hidden, exactly how “free” is it? And that’s without considering loss of job or other restrictions placed on the unvaxxed.
What hope have they got with Notaclue giving them advice?
The village idiot.
What sort of bigotry requires a dig at someone’s religious beliefs in a discussion about health.
Someone sounds exactly like the progressives they fain to disdain.
Well mine did Calli, because I told him. The information was available before the move into vaccine mandating.
Israel sees probable link between Pfizer vaccine and myocarditis cases from 3 June 2021
We have new faith Rosie.
– trans women are women
– science is never wrong
– CO2 controls everything
– vanity is right
– humility is wrong
– government loves you
And the most idiotic thing is the village idiot making the village idiot comment’s son also went ahead and got vaccinated.
Umm…no. How many socialist candidates, be it Bernie, Jeremy or here in Oz such luminous characters as Adam Bumdt, Bob Brown, Hanson-Dung and even Albosleazy ever get referred to as “far-left”?
Never. “Far” is only ever used to refer to those on the right.
Time to take the offensive in the terminological war of words.
Refer to them as “neo-communists”.
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh you’re gonna kill all the nannas…..Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. …we’re all gonna die….Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. …look at Italy………Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. ..don’t be ridiculous, there’ll never be a vax passport.
Now boys listen to Aunty notaclue…I’ve got some advice to give you about jabs!
I think governments operate out of self interest and having thousands dying from vaccines isn’t in their interest.
Especially as for the last two years every covid death was a tragedy that gave us lockdowns passports and mandates.
from that link – a humorous snippet of newspeak.
Well, mine didn’t. Even the Jewish one. Perhaps because they were injected prior to the Israeli report.
Or the two post June 2021 ones – they just weren’t told by their doctors who should have known. And as for the ones lining up for shots at Homebush and other so-called clinics – they would never have been told of the risks.
This should have been out there in public view, not hidden away in Reuters reports and known only to news junkies like us.
local oaf
Unbelievable stuff.
I think I hear those chihuahuas again.
Everyone INTRINSICALLY has the right to make their own decisions about their bodies – its called ‘autonomy’. Evil governments telling you otherwise, and punishing you for non compliance does not change that.
Let he who hath not been dumb enough to take the jab giveth out the “booms” bespoke. I
I don’t know that Reuters could be fairly described as hidden away calli.
It is one of the largest news agencies in the world.
I don’t recall exactly which local news services picked up the story but would be surprised if it were none.
Quite simply notaclue you’re an evil bitch
The Doc, nurs or chistasistant gave them no info on the side effects, calli?
Rosie, it should have been front and centre of every news bulletin. It wasn’t.
Hiding an Israeli study away on page 6 or just before the weather report just doesn’t cut it. Not when there’s blanket coverage of the necessity to get jabbed.
So much of the public’s response was done in good faith, nudged on by fear porn and gaslighting.
No Calli….everyone was given a thorough physical for risk factors prior to the jab. …..ask Choo Choo.
Drop kick on the very same day then said that all he had to do for his third jab was sign something that said he felt healthy that day!
These jokes write themselves.
What a depressing start to the day.
Step 1 watch Tucker Carlson re Shanghai.
Step 2 read “The alleged conduct was in contravention of the NSW Public Health Orders and of departmental and school policies. and imagine what’s coming to Oz.
I expect there has been some very interesting meetings in the last 24 hours. Expect plenty of pivoting.
It is entirely NOT CREDIBLE that there were 600 deaths early on reported as LINKED to the vaccine in the vaers, and subsequently in the year that followed only a 100 or so. Clearly it is not in the governments nor big pharma interest to link vaccines injuries to to anything other than coincidence.
Senator Renick mentioned a tga whistleblower claiming that the true number is 2000+. My guess based on the extrapolation is the number is far higher due to active suppression in linking vaccine injuries to vaccines.
The Doc, nurse or chemist assistant gave no info on the side effects, calli?
Check your bias there Milton…..It’s hanging out your shorts like an ugly tropical wart.
It’s a sad thing when a bunch of TV jocks is more prepared to entertain talk of vax side effects than our political class and their so-called public health experts:
The fact that one member of the panel came down with Bell’s palsy no doubt has something to do with it.
I clearly remember the Israelis about a year ago saying the rate of Myocarditis after vaccination in young males was 16 x the normal rate in the population.
Taken as a total within whole population it is not that many but amongst males under 30 it is significant. Even more so when healthy males are not at great risk from Covid.
Incidentally I have never ‘raved’ about what a good Catholic I am.
I admit to being a practising Catholic. I defend my faith against what I see as untruthful or unfair criticism. I know it’s entirely unfashionable and leaves me open to scorn and derision but made the decision to be open about it because I’m sick of the Catholics aren’t allowed to have opinions in the public square bs which is the narrative you eagerly buy into.
I expect it on twitter but here it’s particularly pathetic.
Orban’s values are out of line with EU values but Zelensky is perfectly aligned.
We need a new meme beyond clown world.
Bespoke, most people including me, were asked if we gave consent. That is all. There was a three page closely typed sheet of impenetrable gobbledegook presented for our perusal.
For myself, I already knew the risks…thank you Cats and Kittehs.
What can simple, frightened people do in the face of monolithic medical and government coercion? I watched them lining up at the chemist’s, some with their teenage children, anxious to be “protected” against the Wicked Virus.
Says it all in less than two and a half minutes.
Powerful new ad from American Principles Project
Bruce of Newcastle:
& juxtaposed to that?
Neither is the ATO or a ROSO.
But hey. At least it isn’t an Albanesesque unfettered law of the market Darwinian race to the bottom.
Think of the millions of poor Cosettes voting for the ALP and Greens this election.
They need more solar panels and corporate fuel cards.
Can anyone here that knew the slightest bit of history prior to losing their minds remember the truth that the biggest killers of people on the planet are their own governments?
Then we have to read “I don’t think governments want to kill anyone”……
In a recent speach on his web page he mentioned a Brisbane cardiologist trying to report 3 cases of myocardities due to vaccine and the medical people did not want to take that report.
In a normal world that cardiologist could go public but as we know that is going to end well for any Dr.
100% the figures are being suppressed. Simple reason is nothing can be allowed to interfere with the vaccine / booster rollout.
“Senator Renick mentioned a tga whistleblower claiming that the true number is 2000+. My guess based on the extrapolation is the number is far higher due to active suppression in linking vaccine injuries to vaccines”.
Well, he is Vlad’s close ally, so there’s that.
On that description I’d say exchanging him for a few Ukrainians might be a favour to Mr Medvedchuk. It’d be dangerous for him to stay in Ukraine in the current hypernationalistic hysteria.
Ukraine LIVE: Putin humiliated as close ally ‘cuffed and dressed up’ after trying to flee (12 Apr)
Get that jab, jab, booster, booster………………………………………
Nearly 60% of the UK’s population has received a third booster dose with almost 75% of the population (and nearly all adults) fully vaccinated. Yet hospitalization cases are skyrocketing.
Now you are getting the word hypocrite mixed up with victim.
Rosie you are ridiculous.
“Orban’s values are out of line with EU values but Zelensky is perfectly aligned.
We need a new meme beyond clown world.”
But Zelensky is a hero….don’t you know?
Blob Johnson flies to Kiev so that he can be pictured with a fellow clown. The thing is though, one plays a clown and the other is a clown.
All that the time line and tragedy from side effects demonstrates is that the present is the longitudinal study.
We can go round and round in circles about who said what when and how come no one knew. Some did know. And others attempted to suppress that knowledge or limit its impact on universal vaccination.
All because drug companies and governments neglected to do something that up until 2020 was basic and essential to vaccine development – longitudinal human trials.
But it’s not covid they are being hospitalised by……It’s jab side effects blamed on covid.
Bells Palsy is not from a cold.
Neither is myocarditis.
Neither is death.
How many boosters you getting?!
It’s pretty obvious that blojob’s brief was to ‘get Brexit done’ but to also make sure it was in name only. Blojob’s absurd ‘green’ policies and bliar style open borders prove this.
I think this is what got Labor elected here in South Australia. Their entire campaign was about “health” – ambulances, ramping, doctors, nurses, etc.
They openly implied that all the suffering and death from covid was caused by the Liberals recklessly opening up the state borders.
As much as I’d like to think the Libs were thrown out by enraged conservatives, I suspect it was timid, frightened victims of Gov and MSM brainwashing who ran to hide behind Labor’s skirts from the nasty viruses.
Demanding ten year longitudinal studies in the face of a virus killing thousands even in first world countries with decent hospitals.
Okay if you really think the cure was worse than the disease.
“No-one understands why vaccines wane. “
True, but we can guess.
Given the prevalence of auto-immune diseases, it seems likely that the “target” protein for the vax is very similar to some human proteins – same as many cold and ‘flu virus’ are.
This would mean that immune systems that “forget” such “similar” proteins would result in a greater survival advantage, and so become dominant.
This is why even though there are only about half a dozen ‘flu variants, you keep getting them, but for chicken pox, tetanus etc you are immune for decades at least.
So if that is true, your immune system is evolutionary “programmed” to “forget” immune responses that might “damage” you, and this one certainly seems in that category. It would/will be interesting to see the numbers in a year or two – comparison between 0/1/2/3/4 dose at that time might tend to support (or not) that theory.
It’s a problem in all wars: what do you do with locals who support or are ethnically close to the wrong side? We interned Italian-Australians in WW2 and the US did the same for Japanese-Americans. Lots of controversy around both issues. So it’s going to be déjà vu all over again in Russia and Ukraine over citizens in similar circumstances.
What a Truck driver? except your not, still stuck on the couch till the mail order bride chucks you out for being a self centred lazy slob.
This is true, Gez.
And the age boundaries of risk vs reward move even higher with weaker strains like Omicron.
“As much as I’d like to think the Libs were thrown out by enraged conservatives, I suspect it was timid, frightened victims of Gov and MSM brainwashing who ran to hide behind Labor’s skirts from the nasty viruses.”
Yes, and Labor are very good at running emotional distractions on such issues as health and ambos etc. However, I believe those kind of emotive Labor scare campaigns work mainly in marginals. That doesn’t explain the huge swings against the Marshmallow government in safe Liberal seats. Marshmallow was a soft supine leader who led a mint Green progressive government and so come election time, people registered their anger and disgust.
Beijing’s dilemma: Sri Lanka owes $6+ billion in debt. What happens if it can’t make the payments?
China Insights
This should become a question for Albo II at each and every one of his pressers:
if we had some decent journalists in this country they would have a list of useful questions each presser:
1. what are your plans for the nuclear submarine program?
2. How will you lower electricity prices for Australians – or will they be higher under your watch?
3. Seeing as the federal government was asked this question – how will your party in power address crime in Alice Springs?
4. How many new tanks will you buy the ADF?
5. What is the average wage for an Australian?
6. What is the average lifespan of males and females in this country. How will you address the “death gap” for males?
7. How will you ensure less Aboriginal people go to jail?
8. Do you believe children in primary schools should be taught lessons about gender?
“It’s a problem in all wars: what do you do with locals who support or are ethnically close to the wrong side? We interned Italian-Australians in WW2 and the US did the same for Japanese-Americans. Lots of controversy around both issues. So it’s going to be déjà vu all over again in Russia and Ukraine over citizens in similar circumstances.”
Doesn’t make it right.
Research officer to Tom Uren? Nice work by the Lieborals dirt unit. Personally I don’t think it will make any difference but gives us an inkling of what to expect.
More of the same. Fraudenberg on steroids.
Which is amusing in a blackly comedic way to read about Queensland’s current horrendous difficulties with ambulances, ramping, doctors, nurses, etc.
Queensland paramedics face three-hour delay for hospital access, leaving hundreds waiting for care (12 Apr)
Electing Labor to improve the health system is like saying you should go to a vampire to fix your bleeding problem, since vampires are experts who know more about bloodloss than anyone.
Careful what you ask for Calli, Ken Worth might show up at your place.
You’ve been jabbed haven’t you old coffee snob Ranga?
Not real bright are you?
However I do get a laugh from your emotion sniping.
I was thinking about getting a ouija board so I didn’t miss out on any future tearies.
Told you before, I haven’t and won’t be Dipshit.
the pfizer trial data didn’t exactly inspire confidence did it. Perhaps the powers in charge decided the collateral damage was worth it when measured against the forecasted deaths.
they are not going to tell us anything. nothing about what they knew about the virus, the vaccine nor vaccine injuries and deaths. all we got was forecasts of 1918 style pandemic deaths. active suppression of alternatives to vaccines.
all of which were wrong.
Not in Oirland apparently.
They’re hot to ban peat burning so future non-existent kiddies from their
plummeting birth rate won’t die from not burning pelletised Siberian and Canadian forests.
Or something.
In fact there is no evidence I can find that the testing stage for vaccines ever require ‘longitudinal studies’.
All the covid-19 vaccines were subject to the standard phase 1 2 and 3 trials.
Israel did a deal with pfizer to do an unprecedented stage 4, if you like trial.
history of vaccines.org
In the calculus of the left, if 99% of people are to the right of you then they are still ‘far-right’ while you yourself remain a centrist.
Humphrey at 9.14am, Australian voters aren’t stupid. They have already sussed Albo as a lefty who will trash the economy. So the contest for Albo is between Labor-leaning realists and the tribal zombies who will always vote for the home brand.
Australia is essentially a socialist country. The electoral split between socialists and the rest is never far from 50:50.
None, if I need Greens support.
Besides, anything remotely suggesting that there might be some serious side effects: well, remember, remember, these were conspiracy theories, remember.
Local oaf earlier:-
From memory they recorded “reports” of deaths.
And not some carefully collected statistics in a report.
Anecdotal reports.
Which meant the same death could be reported ten times by ten different people.
Cassie – Nor is allowing a 5th column to hurt your citizens. Unfortunately we can’t read minds to determine who in an ethnic community with external allegiances would do that sort of thing, thinking as I am of a certain demographic we often discuss on the Cat.
It’s above my pay grade: that’s why pollies and security agency heads get paid the big bucks. Things can get quite emotionally heated in situations like the current war, and as Dover rightly points out propaganda right now is hyperbolic.
They really didn’t have a clue.
Something that doesn’t work and has never worked, can’t wane.
Notafan still thinks no one died of old age until they died WITH covid………while there was no overall rise in death rates while she was literally shitting herself about Italy and New York, and while they had to burn bodies in India coz , of course, they’d never done that before,…..there certainy is now AFTER the jab has been introduced.
We were taken over by Globalists, many who, like Fauci and Gates want the population of the world to drop a few billion.
You got the jab and are going to sacrifice your life so they can achieve that goal.
These jabs have mostly been aimed at western people who know freedom.
The Chinese screaming from their apartments are much more controllable, they’ve never known freedom.
Just this morning, people who wouldn’t know if they had a cock up them, and don’t want to know if they do, have become so used to being told by authorities and bureaucrats what to believe, and what the official truths are (an Oxymoron) that are waiting for the official declaration of war from Soros, Gates, and Klaus…..the Davos elites, before believing their little Greg Hunt and all the traitors here with us pinned down for two years, might not have our best interests at heart.
More solid black citizens:
New York City Manhunt: Police Describe Subway Suspect as Black Male in ‘Construction-Type Vest’
New Jersey: Man Allegedly Yelled Anti-Semitic Slurs As Police Arrested Him for Stabbing Three Jews
the pfizer trial data didn’t exactly inspire confidence did it. Perhaps the powers in charge decided the collateral damage was worth it when measured against the forecasted deaths.
Forecasts which turned out (like so many other epidemiological forecasts) to be grossly exaggerated.
Definition of gross ignorance: 144 epidemiological forecasters.
duk earlier:-
Presumably this applies equally to a fit 19 year old who doesn’t want the jab and to an 80 year old who does want to take the jab.
In a prior, as usual, witty and entertaining conversation with head prefect I opined that there was a 50:50 chance the demorats would either cancel or disrupt the mid-terms because in any fair election they would be reduced to AOC’s teeth and Joe’s colostomy bag. Well, Naomi Wolf agrees:
Naomi Wolf: 2020 was the story. It launched a narrative. The narrative is you can restrain billions of people, lock them in their homes, inject them against their will, mask them against their will, destroy their economies, suppress all their human rights, but if the narrative said COVID, that was the plausible deniability that you weren’t an outright fascistic tyrant… And you’re right to worry about the midterms. Given the history of totalitarianism, there’s no reason to believe the midterms that will deliver a resounding defeat to the Biden administration are going to be allowed to unfold without an emergency. And if that emergency keeps us all at home, all the better.
Watched it last night. Sickening, infuriating and coming to a “liberal western democracy” near you, which was Tucker’s key point.
The bags full of cats on the kerb were a nice touch.
There’s only one reason why the chinese are doing this – they now expect idiotic treasonous western “governments” to mindlessly ape the former’s disgusting totalitarian excesses. After the hitlerist idiocy we’ve been subjected to over the last two years (some of which still lingers on) that’s not even remotely surprising.
Never forget what these future HOP Time recipients have stolen from you, nor what they think they’ll be able to get away with in the (no doubt) very near future.
Pfizer employees were never forced to take the jab.
Pfizer employees were never forced to take the jab.
“There’s only one reason why the chinese are doing this – they now expect idiotic treasonous western “governments” to mindlessly ape the former’s disgusting totalitarian excesses. After the hitlerist idiocy we’ve been subjected to over the last two years (some of which still lingers on) that’s not even remotely surprising.”
I saw the footage on Andrew Blot last night and I found it distressing. This is the government that our own governments and health authorities in the West copied. If they ever try and lock us down again, we need to hit the streets.
More solid black citizens:
New York City Manhunt: Police Describe Subway Suspect as Black Male in ‘Construction-Type Vest’
I wont end up being massively surprised if this ends up being an actual garage nazi with a face full of shoepolish.
Convenient how the cameras were all broken in the area.
/Alphabet agencies intensifies.
I didn’t demand that, rosie.
The point I was making is that certain side effects were known very early. You pointed it out yourself.
Yet our government still persisted in the face of it. And worse – they mandated, coerced and punished.
Wow Struth. Not only are you a liar for effect, you are illiterate.
The third at my GP required going through a long form with a series of ‘Have you had any of the following reactions or conditions?’ Corresponding to pretty much everything reported in folks up to that point.
Between non-existent SuBsIdIeS, DeAtH CaMpS, denouncing people as BaD CaThOlIcS for not fellating your self-declared victimhood and Jessica Mauboy being a WEF Murdergenocider, I often think your cause woud be best served by you shutting up…
there’s another video from a different angle showing the same scene. not sure who was filming. war is hell.
Beware the pompous doctor types who may be very clued into the subject matter but who are often as naive as your pet dog to the corruption and politics involved in the reports they read and take as gospel.
Often these people are also educated but have no common sense.
Once you have a disease that can be asymptomatic, yet register you as sick, and once the vaccine for it is declared to never stop you from catching the virus, and only lessens the symptoms they didn’t know how bad you were going to have them….ALL reports need to be treated as bullshit.
At the start they told us one jab and you’d never catch covid.
I’m serious here, and not meaning to be a smart arse.
Look back over what was claimed in the last two years……..how good are your memories these days.
Good memories will instantly tell you that you have been gaslighted, you have fallen for fear propaganda designed to get you to, as a western person, kill yourself off, while introducing a digital credit scheme via a vaccine passport.
Anyone that can see what is happening now and what everyone was told, stacked up against the reality knows this.
Then you can see what the Ukraine war is all about and why it will drag on and Putin will go in half arsed.
Why is it so easy to see if you are not jabbed, and so hard to see if you are?
St Ruth on “evil old religious zealots”.
Don’t you have issues you need to address along those lines closer to home?
How is ussr, by the way?
9. What is a woman?
“Unfortunately we can’t read minds to determine who in an ethnic community with external allegiances would do that sort of thing, thinking as I am of a certain demographic we often discuss on the Cat.”
I’m sorry BoN but you did presume when you wrote earlier “what do you do with locals who support or are ethnically close to the wrong side?”. The thing is, Viktor Medvedchuk is Ukrainian…….so I ask the question, what is he guilty of? Advocating closer ties to Russia? Working with Putin? If Viktor Medvedchuk is a puppet of Putin then Zelensky most certainly is a puppet of Biden, Nuland and the EU…..and I reckon there’s more evidence of the latter.
Arresting and handcuffing Medvedchuk is a PR stunt by Zelensky for the Western MSM.
the ccp is now snookered. western governments by “sheer coincidence” have all decided at the same time to let omicron rip. Xi can now follow suit and drop zero covid and lose face or he can release a new variant and try to force the west into lockdown again. There is absolutely no way he can keep omicron out.
Whatever happens we are in for a bumpy ride. I keep saying it, but everyone needs to have plans for the worst case scenarios.
Inflation rate in US to be ‘extraordinarily elevated’.
True. I don’t buy that the Lieborals are better economic managers but the Liars are definitely worse. I figure it takes about 10 years for the electorate to forget. It’s time.
“In fact there is no evidence I can find that the testing stage for vaccines ever require ‘longitudinal studies’.
All the covid-19 vaccines were subject to the standard phase 1 2 and 3 trials.”
Not true, Rosie.
Normally requires multi-generational animal studies.
Normally requires at least 2-3 years of human trials.
These were “skipped” or “abbreviated” for COVID vaxes.
Sorry, there is just no way that they can honestly say “all done” – except that they had “permission” to skip certain things because “urgent need”, or whatever. In fact, the reason they got legal protection for bad outcomes is precisely because they didn’t follow “standard” procedures in this case – without such protection, they never would have released them (and neither should they have), too high a risk of exposure to compensation claims that would have sent them broke (yes, even Fizzer!)
Also highly recommended to AVOID mass vax while epidemic in progress – well known for many years. We did that too.
To enter a Queensland hospital other one carer for a patient you have to be vaccinated. It appears all the competent nursing staff left and they are employing any one as long as they are vaxed and some are doozies lazy, ignorant and deadly.
At our special school we see the same drop in standards.
I’m going to presume they persisted because the risks from the disease were greater than the risks from the vaccine.
Incidentally I’m not buying the hundreds thousands of fantastically fit young people dropping dead of heart attacks long after getting vaxxed are because of the vaxx.
Especially not athletes whose health is closely monitored.
This was a problem in professional sport before covid vaccines came along.
They have a suspect and a photo. Usually the lefty MSM rolls out the white supremacist thing at this stage but they are keeping schtum at the moment because the suspect doesn’t quite fit that description. But the NYPD already say they know he isn’t a terrorist, which makes me think there’s something they’re not telling us about him.
Brooklyn Subway Shooter Still At Large, NYPD Identifies Suspect From Credit Card At Scene (13 Apr)
You hear that practising Catholics? Have a contrary opinion to St Ruth on any subject and you’ll be labelled an evil old religious zealot.
Other people might forget but you were using this line well before covid came along.
Hit the streets? Let’s remember that there were protesters who last year hit the streets week after week. The people were, in the main, maligned. The damage has been done.
Serious question, St. Ruth.
If you are demonstrably unable to influence your own son – your flesh and blood, your breed – in which freedom and self-reliance is strong (your words) not to get jabbed, what makes you think you can influence people on the internet you’ve never met?
Is this entire thing a form of overcompensation on your part? How do the family BBQs go in terms of conversation points?
“…I often think your cause would be best served by you shutting up…”
What about the rest of us? Who we supposed to point at and roll our eyes?
You do understand that the first is mutually exclusive of the second and third, correct?
You can’t be controlled if you are dead…
Losing face and admitting error is a big deal, both politically and professionally.
You can start off in good faith, but as more and more information becomes available a sensible approach would be to ease off. Instead, nightly, we are being told to “give ourselves a boost”.
And nothing, nothing ever justifies this.
He’d just love the attention. 🙂
Really Kneel.
There’s a polio epidemic and the best advice to parents was to not get their children vaccinated?
I don’t believe you.
Nor am I particularly concerned about Trump’s fast tracking.
I expect modern medicine to be well, modern.
In an early interview Professor Ian Frazer opined a covid vaccine could be developed within a year but what would he know?
From The Daily Terror…
“Fireproof Australia protesters have again caused headaches for Sydney commuters, blocking traffic on the Harbour Bridge.”
There’s an easy solution to this.
“Is this entire thing a form of overcompensation on your part? “
Seems to be KD.
Go back and have a look – despite his claims about people like me “losing it”, he’s the one who has gotten more and more extreme, and has (knowingly or not) provoked the reactions he says show us going crazy.
Or so it seems to me.
I don’t watch free to air TV or listen to the radio.
Missing out it seems.
From Dashcat.
Ragu says:
April 13, 2022 at 9:27 am
This is causing a bit of a stir among the usual blindfolded types
Myopericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination and non-COVID-19 vaccination: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Looking through the references, the main comparator ( Death Jab mRNA vs Other vaxx) over 3 references is the same population over a similar timeframe of Mandatory vaccination of US Military personnel with a smallpox vaxx, Dryvax.
Dryvax was so bad that it is no longer used. Remove the smallpox comparison from the Lancet paper and the rona vaxx mRNA is terrible.
It wasn’t the sex that got them, it was the Hitler documentary. 🙂
That there book learnin’ killed your grandpappy.
seems the ukes were making a tiktok gloating over a captured russian tank, while ignoring the russian tank rolling within 50m or so.
looks like india gave lets go brandon the finger
U.S. monitoring rise in rights abuses in India, Blinken says
I feel the need to pop this bit in because the jabbed will have the tendancy to scoff at my last point.
They all want us dead yet want to introduce a vaccine passport, digital social credit scheme…yeah right struth…why bother with the digital passport if they want to kill us all.
Fuck off struth you idiot.
You can hear it ticking over in their now mushy brains.
Firstly, they want to kill off us…people who have experienced freedom…..not everybody.
If you can’t destroy a vibrant rich beautiful civilisation from the outside, it must be done from the inside.
Which we all know they’ve been working at for decades.
More than you dying, what they want from you now, is the mental decline from knowing it.
or suspecting it.
Your bewilderment and confusion.
It may be argued I’m helping them in showing you that they do intend to kill you.
Not very nice of me and helping the enemy struth!
No because you can stand up against boosters.
You’re not supposed to work things out until it’s too late.
You’re meant to scoff at “conspiracy theorists” and “nanna killers” take that third, forth, fifth jab (that still hasn’t freed you, while not one SoE has been rescinded anywhere) until when you do wake up, it then turns you destructive, or very sick.
Right now you are in denial.
The next step, via blaming a small Eastern European war for food shortages, massive inflation and the usual tricks socialists do to destroy a country, which make us turn on each other, as we are already starting to do, and too busy trying not to starve to fight them.
Classic Venezuela style.
You’re not going to all die at once, you’ll be getting cancer soon, or anything that you catch via VAIDS which, as cases rise will put pressure on everyone until we get total social collapse.
They will then save those left (their new slaves) only if the accept the social credit points, pack them densly into shared unit accommodations (you’ll own nothing and be happy)to allow for rewilding and, well no need to go into the rest of the insanity they have planned, yet they aren’t hiding because they know YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW.
You are supposed to believe that it is because the vax “wanes” that people are dying of covid, and become so insane as the death rate explodes as to think it is all from covid (when it’s from the jabs) and at least another jab will give you a few weeks protection, while as you die claiming, well thank god I got the vax or this could have ended much worse.
Socialism requires your minds.
A dribbling , fearful, cretinous population of spineless, emasculated nut jobs will allow anyone to take them over.
Rosie, if you neither watch nor listen to FTA, you may not be aware of the relentless bombardment being foisted on the people.
It is utterly corrosive.
My son has only just started paying attention to alternative media and the change in his world view is astonishing (and pleasing).
And see how I knew Rex was going to claim exactly what I said he would.
I was writing the word wall when he did that, because I knew at least one denialist would.
Not surprising it was him.
“Why a passport if they want us dead”
He’s not a bright boy.
Interesting video Zipster. Toward the end I had a bit of a larf.
$843+ Billion in loans to foreign countries to build infrastructure?
When you owe a bank a million dollars and you can’t pay it back, you have a problem.
When you owe $843 Billion to the bank, the Bank has a problem.
China has to be hoping like hell the 150+ debtor nations don’t form a bloc and demand remaking the loans taking into account that China has lied to them about the income projections made when the loans were negotiated.
“Really Kneel.
There’s a polio epidemic and the best advice to parents was to not get their children vaccinated?”
The point is not that same vaccines are more dangerous than others – certainly “live, attenuated” polio vaccine is significantly more dangerous than most. But the disease is also very dangerous, killing or seriously injuring a much greater proportion of all ages than COVID. And we know very well the likely side effects and other risks with that vaccine. Ditto most others like tetanus, chicken pox etc etc. With COVID vaxes, we just don’t have the data on long term effects – obviously, we can’t because they haven’t been around long. So mandating is unethical at best.
And if you care to check, you’ll find that there have been many attempts (going back to the 1950’s) to create a vaccine against the common cold and a “universal” ‘flu vaccine. Most have failed, and a great many failed for the very reason that “efficacy waned” after a short period. And for those that didn’t, the long term effects (auto-immune etc etc) made them too dangerous for general usage. Which I guess is not bad news – it seems likely that waning efficacy means they are less dangerous, long term, than they would be if they didn’t wane.
Cassie – The divide between ethnic Russians and ethnic Ukrainians within the borders of the state we know in Ukraine is the root of this whole thing. Same as ethnic Germans and ethnic Czechs in Czechoslovakia in 1938.
What do you do with the ones who are close to the war opponent? Mr Medvedchuk is a pro-Russian pollie and represents that demographic. That’s fine by me, but things are very angsty and if I were him I’d be getting out of Dodge until the dust settles. He didn’t do that, so has been caught and arrested. I do not know what crime he has committed other than escaping from house arrest.
This is an issue on both sides. The ethnic Ukrainian minority in the Donbas region are in the same sort of situation as the ethnic Russian minority in the Ukrainian government-controlled areas are.
I have said it’s baddies vs baddies many times now. Zelenskyy and Putin are both dictatorial and undemocratic, with little tolerance of people who they regard as opponents. The ethnicity problem is in common with many nations – you know yourself what the problem in Israel is, for example. In British India the result was Partition. Will that happen here? I don’t know. I do know it is a mess and both sides have dug in politically so that a peace deal is going to be very difficult to achieve any time soon.
I read the review of the US military smallpox vaccine program in 2002 and 2003 and then found the announcement regarding the withdrawal of dryvax in 2008 and the reason it was replaced.
“Deadline for destroying vaccine
In the Feb 29 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the CDC announced Wyeth’s intention to withdraw the Dryvax license. “This withdrawal is not necessitated by any safety, purity, or quality concerns with the product but rather is consistent with a contract agreement between CDC and Wyeth,” the notice said.”
what a pity that ‘so bad’ claim is not well supported
We are all pretty predictable when it comes to our responses. I wouldn’t take too much away from that.
That looked like the bulls eye view of one posted a couple of days ago when the the guy further back across the road was videoing.
“Bruce of Newcastlesays:
April 13, 2022 at 10:23 am”
You’re all over the shop BoN.
“My son has only just started paying attention to alternative media and the change in his world view is astonishing (and pleasing).”
Nice to hear.
Denialism and straight out bullshit
They didn’t know that, so why stop Hydroxochloroquine?
Best you conveniently forget that.
There’s a surprise!
Pure stubborn ignorance.
dryvax was so bad it was only used for over 100 years, Wyeth stopped manufacturing it after smallpox was eradicated in 1980, the US military used stockpiled doses in it’s 2002/2003 vaxx program.
OMG Rosie-sock. You’re saying that the people who would be culpable and their mates said that they weren’t culpable? Never! I won’t have it. How dare you suggest that anything of the sort might happen all-the-time.
The US keeps ramping up to the State of Emergency the Democrats desperately need to cancel the mid terms and save themselves from ‘hanging from nooses.’
You watch – there will be mass shootings every week now.
You do know hydroxychloroquine use for covid was stopped for a reason?
“July 1, 2020 Update: A summary of the FDA review of safety issues with the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat hospitalized patients with COVID-19 is now available. This includes reports of serious heart rhythm problems and other safety issues, including blood and lymph system disorders, kidney injuries, and liver problems and failure.”
When medical authorities report myocarditis side effects from pzifer vaccination you accept the risk is real but when they report serious side effects from hydroxychloroquine treatment you don’t?
fda caution on hydroxychloroquine
“Many of the large-scale clinical trials that will provide evidence of safety and effectiveness are still progressing and these results will be provided to the TGA as they become available. The TGA will also evaluate quality data (such as how the vaccines are manufactured).
The TGA will only be in a position to make a provisional registration decision for a vaccine once all required data relating to safety, quality and efficacy has been provided and assessed.”
From the TGA website 8/4/22.
Struth, you again fail in your ambit.
Why introduce controls for a population expected to be completely wiped out by the kIlLsHoTs? The third world isn’t being primed for any of it.
Your nuffiness on this subject is incredible- What do you think the WEF murdergenociders under your bed are going to rule over? Blasted ruins?
That John Brumble .
Always with the making no sense.
Tell you what, Struth.
When I die in 12-42 months’ time, you can have my Nano-wriggler legions. They are the only way to stop Klaus and Jessica Mauboy….
April 13, 2022 at 10:23 am
I read the review of the US military smallpox vaccine program in 2002 and 2003 and then found the announcement regarding the withdrawal of dryvax in 2008 and the reason it was replaced.
“Deadline for destroying vaccine
In the Feb 29 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the CDC announced Wyeth’s intention to withdraw the Dryvax license. “This withdrawal is not necessitated by any safety, purity, or quality concerns with the product but rather is consistent with a contract agreement between CDC and Wyeth,” the notice said.”
what a pity that ‘so bad’ claim is not well supported
Newsflash: government announces that it didn’t inject many many thousands of its citizens with a dangerous substance – it’s just withdrawing that substance because the manufacturer doesn’t want it used any more!
We can certainly give 100% credence to that.
Was Ragu correct in saying that statistically Dryvax was so awful for myocarditis that if Dryvax was excluded from the Lancet study’s stats the mRNA vaxxes looked terrible? That’s the real issue.
[Little does he know, Cats, that I am taking their activiation codes with me to the grave…]
***Evil Laughter Intensifies***
George Christensen to run for the Senate.
I make my points for smarter people than you Rex.
Notafan, you only believe what you want to believe, and it’s usually from the ABC or the government, but I repeat myself.
Please let us know how long hydroxychloroquine has been used safely on humans?
Why cold viruses are rare amongst Africans who regularly take it to fend off a raft of tropical diseases and mosquito tranmitted viruses?
Who are you getting paid by?
According to rosie’s link:
One in 175.
So why are you the one going mad, Struth?
You can’t die of the evilbad murdergenocide KiLlShOtS- You never took any!
My employer. 🙂
Who are you getting paid by?
My taxes? 🙁
Rex scoffs because he thinks evil is practical.
Money means brains.
Or some shit.
The rest of your ignorant questions have already been answered.
Cold viruses are not recorded, dumbshit. Nor are they of any particular interest to African and western tropical and population medicine folks alike, trying to reduce the incidences of far naster and persistent and preventable conditions like malaria, typhus, cholera, parasitic infestations, gastroenteritis and more.
A mere sniffle is a bit of a nothing when every day is a struggle to survive. I’ve seen it. You should go and see it, too.
It might do something to help your Invincible Ignorance about life beyond your couch and computer screen…
I am waiting for him to be caught in the middle of an explosion from some cruel Russian wonder weapon that exposes him to neutrino rays or quark radiation or something, and to arise from the rubble with a Ukrainian flag around his neck as a cape, and a pair of blue and yellow underpants on the outside of his leotards. Then to see him streak across the skies and give what-for to those dreadful, surly, and brutish Russkies!
POW! as he punches a tank which then hits the one behind, and they the one behind until there are a dozen or so pancaked to a depth of two metres.
FLING! as he hurls a Russian Baby-Killa missile (patent pending) back into the Russian heartland.
PHOLLOP! as picks up one end of a highway and snaps down suddenly, sending a wave along the road that one by one tosses troop carriers hundreds of feet into the air where they pause momentarily at the top of their arcs – just long enough to show the expressions of comical panic of the troops – before plummeting earthward.
Cut to a shot of Putin in his bunker, propped up at a gigantic conference table in a high-chair, glowering and saying “Curses! Fiddlesticks! He thwarts me once again…I will get you Z-man!”
Final shot of Zelensky, sun setting in the background, cape flapping in the wind, arms folded, gazing out off camera to some place far away, martial triumphant music in the background.
But most of all, I want to see the credits for this wonderful performance. WaPo, NYT, NATO etc.
Aaand before anyone thinks it, I am not siding with the Russians. But I cannot entertain the ridiculous melodramatics, the heroes and villains, that passes for reporting of the whole thing.
April 13, 2022 at 10:34 am
You do know hydroxychloroquine use for covid was stopped for a reason?
“July 1, 2020 Update: A summary of the FDA review of safety issues with the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat hospitalized patients with COVID-19 is now available. This includes reports of serious heart rhythm problems and other safety issues, including blood and lymph system disorders, kidney injuries, and liver problems and failure.”
When medical authorities report myocarditis side effects from pzifer vaccination you accept the risk is real but when they report serious side effects from hydroxychloroquine treatment you don’t?
fda caution on hydroxychloroquine
I clicked all the way through to the actual FDA report. I couldn’t find the bit where they compared their findings about hospitalised covid patients treated with hydroxychloroquine to findings about the same clinical occurrences in hospitalised covid patients who weren’t treated with hydroxychloroquine.
Can you point me to it please? I mean it must be there. Surely.
You still can’t rebut Mickleham, Wellcamp and Howard Slrings’ uselessness as DeAtH CaMpS, so no. They are not.
And never will be. Because all you can tell us is Struth, and to factually demonstrate your assertions beyond merely flinging hyperlinks and screaming at people would be lies.
And Heresy…
My observation of PNG highlands … noses are always running. It’s like a permanent head cold, regardless of anti-malarials.
The third world is just that, and comparisons are fraught.
“Aaand before anyone thinks it, I am not siding with the Russians. But I cannot entertain the ridiculous melodramatics, the heroes and villains, that passes for reporting of the whole thing.”
Especially given it’s the average Ukranian rifleman, tankie, artilleryman, drone operator, pilot, mechanic, truckie and storeman who’s carrying this entire thing. Yet we never see nor hear a word about or from them.
Bugger! I forgot the signallers.
Never forget your sigs… 🙁
“Why introduce controls for a population expected to be completely wiped out by the kIlLsHoTs?”
They certainly haven’t thought about the consequences of killing large numbers of people anyway.
For one, they won’t be able to pay the plebs crap money to make their toys if there are no plebs.
For another, they won’t be the rich elite if they are the only ones left – they’ll have to get down and dirty to feed, clothe and house themselves.
Hint: it’s always a good idea to ask “And then what?” at least 10 times before making irreversible choices like killing 90% of the population…
Besides, I tend to agree with Elon Musk – we need more people, not less. For several reasons, including the requirement for greater specialty in all areas, and to “push” us to further boundaries like getting into space etc. We need to expand or we’ll fall. And while there are other areas to expand rather than the simple physical frontiers, these others are failing under leftist leadership as well (eg, cultural – seen any good movies lately that weren’t a remake of a classic or part of a franchise of existent movie series?)
Dip shit.
I’ll type slowly.
Africans who regularly take Hydroxychloroquine are magically not dying of covid, so to stop a safe drug being used to treat covid in the west is an act of genocide.
If it was a real pandemic, it would be going through them like a flood.
Got your will sorted Choo Choo?
You’re on it Tim.
The FDA just make it up.
Case closed.
Take all the hydroxychloroquine you want.
A seemingly endless stream of callers to 3AW this morning providing details of their experiences in emergency in VIC hospitals.
Quite a heartbreaking number have had family members pass away without proper treatment or timely attention. One man waited for three and a half hours for an ambulance for his father and in the end was told to get him to hospital in his own car. His poor dad didn’t make it.
All because of Covid hysteria.
They want you dead Kneel.
They don’t want a little hard working slave in China dead.
But meglomaniac murdering Left wing psychos throughout history always have a plan to destroy, it’s the rebuilding into their Utopia that they struggle with.
Pope Francis, a leading advocate of Doormat Christianity, is at it again. Although it is traditional for papal podiums to depict the crucifix, during his recent visit to the island of Malta, Pope Francis ditched the cross lest it offend Muslim migrants. As the archdiocese of Malta openly admitted, “The podium will not be adorned with a crucifix, given that the majority of migrants are Muslim.”Cranky Frankie is truly evil
Zipster says:
April 13, 2022 at 10:15 am
looks like india gave lets go brandon the finger
U.S. monitoring rise in rights abuses in India, Blinken says
There’s over 200 million Muslims in India.
An idiotic administration making enemies of allies and pump priming terrorism with political showboating.
There’s no worse in recorded US history than this lot of grafting narcissists.
Have you even seen a Death Star? What a waste of resources and people!
Certainly when a few dozen Imperial Star Destroyers can do the same job more cheaply. It just takes longer, and they are harder to wipe out in just one go…
Cassie – In what way? I have no dog in this fight. On the other hand I’ve been reading about such things for several decades. It’s an issue which has resisted a solution for quite a while now.
Likewise as you know there’s been a lot of violence from a certain ethnicity in Israel lately. That issue has been going on since the British Mandate, a century, with no answer that can be reached that is acceptable in a civilized state.
Regularly this too is stirred up by external powers. Same as is going on in Ukraine, as we’ve all been discussing. I don’t know what the answer is, but I am reading a lot about both it and the current Israel situation since both are history in action. I would love a peaceful resolution to both, but I have no ability to influence that. Meanwhile one can be an observer without being a participant.
Some more:
.9 Will labore introduce or increase the following taxes?
– CGT on principle residences
– Death duties
– Income tax
.10 How will labore pay down any of the trillion dollar government debt run up by your party and the gliberals?
.11 How will you ensure that yet more labore MPs aren’t bought off/corrupted by the CCP?
.12 What is labore’s plan to reduce Australia’s reliance on chinese imports?
No doubt there are many others.
China has to be hoping like hell the 150+ debtor nations don’t form a bloc and demand remaking the loans
The Chicoms aren’t a bank .. they won’t have debt collectors making phone calls they’ll have troop deployment exercises ……
April 13, 2022 at 10:54 am
You’re on it Tim.
The FDA just make it up.
Case closed.
Take all the hydroxychloroquine you want.
Poor old gullible credulous rosie.
Just keep worshipping the vaxxes rosie. And just keep worshipping government.
I didn’t say they made up the cases, I just suggested that their data on those cases is utterly meaningless unless its compared with data about comparable patients who weren’t treated with hydroxychloroquinine.
But do feel free to tell me how, in the absence of such a comparison, the FDA report tells us anything about hydroxychloroquinine.
And do keep believing that no government health department is ever influenced in its decisions by non-scientific matters.
Predict that!
There’s some similarity between the current war and the Iran-Iraq war. Which went on for what 8 years? Until both sides were completely exhausted. That was baddies vs baddies too, which didn’t stop people sending oodles of armaments to both countries.
It actually is, but because of every other disease and poor health burden the populations suffer over there, plus malnutrition plus popular fear and ignorance, it is the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back. But hard life and death are just what happens there.
You just don’t hear about because you have no contacts there. I do. De factofamily in fact. When a Kenyan says “life is very difficult,” it is a terribly polite understatement for “The only reason we are not dead too, is the sheer Grace of God.”
Please, continue to revel in your invincible ignorance and immaculately contrived Narrative that Africa is somehow unaffected by covid because HCQ is not denied to them by idiots like it is here. Despite good health and nutrition being far more conducive to beating the bug, and we should all have that here…
“Likewise as you know there’s been a lot of violence from a certain ethnicity in Israel lately. That issue has been going on since the British Mandate, a century, with no answer that can be reached that is acceptable in a civilized state. “
First it was for honour, then for revenge. Now, they don’t know how to stop.
Ireland is about the only place they managed to stop such crap after decades of angst.
Well, OK, Yugoslavia while Tito was still alive had a bit of a hiatus, but straight back to the previous fighting once he kicked off.
As for the ME, I’m tempted to say “We’re putting up a fence around all of you. No-one and nothing in or out until you sort it out between yourselves. Have fun.” They’re like kids – time to lock them in their room until the figure it out, IOW. You want to kill each other, fine, you do that – just keep it away from the rest of us!
Of course, we’d never do it…
PS rosie.
Among the things that the FDA were screaming hysterically about was alleged kidney damage in hospitalised covid patients who had been treated with hydroxychloroquinine.
It’s been asserted that covid causes kidney damage. See link below.
So how do the FDA know that any hospitalised covid patients who had been treated with hydroxychloroquinine got kidney damage from the hydroxychloroquinine, not from covid, if they don’t compare incidences of kidney damage in those people with incidences of the same thing in hospitalised covid patients who hadn’t been treated with hydroxychloroquinine?
Answer – they don’t even try. They just announce that there had been reported instances of kidney damage in the ones treated with hydroxychloroquinine, then scream hysterically, then ban hydroxychloroquinine.