And I just love this – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yOZEiHLuVU
And I just love this – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yOZEiHLuVU
I like Desmond Black and Dekker. He did a good line in Irons in Brixton.
And another Great one – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a-HfNE3EIo
Top of the Page………..
As a multiple of Laws or in tonnes?
Jeez we’re oldsters too.
Who’s totally fucked.
I dunno how you can run a decent economy with the median age the mid to late 40s.
The median age in Africa is like just under 20. India is around 28, which is also on the younger side. Sub-Saharan Africa, I think i read once, was about 17!</em
No doubt youth helps but counterbalanced by other factors in poorer countries.
Population density in big western cities such as NY showed up early in the epidemic.
India has all these factors and worse. The predicted unmitigated disaster for India never actually happened.
I’d put the biggest factor as too many fat people in western countries that have congested systems throughout their bodies.
Most of us have returned from travels to other less fed countries and are shocked to note the blubber walking our streets.
The one rule about covid you can follow is that there are no freaking rules. When you think you’ve figured out how it works that something comes along to disabuse of that.
NYC is densely populated but so is Tokyo for instance to invalidate the view the closer proximity is an indicator. I’d say it’s an important element not it doesn’t solve this equation. The Netherlands is one of the most densely populated nations on earth. They weren’t big covid consumers 🙂
but it doesn’t solve.
I have asked before is covid a purge, irrespective of what is claimed in these videos, my experience with long covid suggest gov is actively suppressing early treatments for covid and treatments for long covid.
The targeting of comorbidities and the aged make this pandemic feel like eugenics in action.
I have watched the first 2 parts at 1.5x won’t comment on it till I see part 3
The blubber factor was apparent very early on. It was discussed ad nauseam at OldCat.
In response, our governments locked us in and limited outdoor exercise. And closed gyms, even though “Health” had some inkling of the benefits of both exercise and slimness (and VitD).
Thank you oh come on, Pedro and Mole for your thoughts on the issue of workplaces for people with intellectual disability – Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs).
My son’s intellectual disability is so severe he is simply unable to work so I don’t have a personal stake in this but there are 20,500 workers and their families and supporters who do and they are absolutely unrepresented.
A small group of family-carers set up a small organisation to push back against this relentless assault on ADES. Since 2012, when we embarked on this interminable journey, we’ve steadfastly avoided bringing publicity to the ongoing and vexing matters in relation to the employment of people with intellectual disability. We are very sensitive to the fears and anxieties of the intellectually disabled employees who work in ADEs who fear losing not only their jobs, but their purpose in life, their friendships and their social connections., their jobs mean the world to them.
For over a decade now these matters have been the subject of never-ending lawfare instigated by ideologues and the we-know-best brigade determined to drive out of existence all ADEs thereby diminishing the already slim options and opportunities for employment for people with intellectual disabilities who makeup the majority of employees in ADEs, over 20,000 of them. And this antagonism to the sector has been funded almost entirely by the Australian taxpayer.
This is a small but very determined group of taxpayer-funded advocates and ideologues. For a decade this group has brought progress and innovation to a standstill in the disability employment sector and they have done this through relentless delays, obfuscation and lawfare and all funded by the Australian taxpayer for the most part.
People with intellectual disability don’t have a lot of options for employment; so the very notion that these 3rd party actors are campaigning to take away the option of working in an ADE simply because they don’t like the option is astoundingly arrogant and smacks of the worst kind of snobbery.
Not since the days of the divine right of kings have there been people presumptuous enough to think THEY should decide whether and where people can work. And it should be noted that it seems only the workplaces of people with intellectual disability have come under this sustained and relentless attack, against the express wishes, will and preferences of those who are the actual stakeholders, the workers in ADEs.
Why has this attack been so long-lived and relentless? Would it be because the intellectually disabled workers do not have funded advocacy which articulates their will and preference, nor do they have funded legal assistance and for these reasons are easy pickings? Has their lack of capacity to self-advocate and articulate their position because of the intellectual disability emboldened these ideologues and taxpayer-funded actors to unilaterally and arbitrarily bring actions which endanger the very prospect of employment at all?
As far as I am concerned this is the ultimate exploitation, exploiting the disability by taking advantage of a group of people who are powerless, unable to self-advocate due to the very nature of the disability and unable to fend off the attacks on their choices of where they want to work.
The ideologues animate the fiction that: All people with disabilities can work in open employment with the right supports —- sounds good doesn’t it? But then again as has been said by the great Thomas Sowell “Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.”
That a perfect summation. Because of course the cost, the price and the consequences are borne by those who have personal knowledge of, a personal stake in the issues but are excluded from any participation in matters that are about them yet proceed without them.
Is this video even real? similar videos where shown during the very first lockdown with people singing
Shock, horror. A tiny spot of blood on the band-aid circle covering my Novavax done yesterday.
Dr. John Campbell would not be impressed at the lack of aspiration technique.
The Asian full-time nurse injector of super-efficient mien who works at the clinic we frequent would have been personally insulted had we asked for that and questionned her technique. So we took pot luck, fingers crossed. Luckily no problems so far, not even a sore arm.
How about yours? I enquire of He Who Never Notices These Things.
He didn’t notice, of course. Never does what he calls ‘reverse shopping’ (after the event) anyway.
Zip , if the virus was a deliberate attempt to infect the world by the Chinese , wouldn’t they logically try to manufacture a bio-weapon that kills the young rather than the old?
If this is what you’re driving at.
I think it is real. The different to the first lockdown is that the population were on side, calling out encouragement via the Chinese phrase of ‘good oil’. Just like the Italians singing opera on their balconies. The Shanghai situation is really ugly – a drone compelling obedience, robots in the streets doing similarly, and the population being roughed up if they tried to come out for food. Techniques similar to Vic Pol under Dan were being put into action, all in Hazmat gear to sustain the Covid narrative.
Nightmare time.
“Joe Biden Presidential campaign surrogate, and climate change hardliner Lizzo posed in a tiny thong, showing off her buttocks while boarding another private jet on Sunday.”
Those people in the Shanghai tower blocks were howling.
Angry, hungry, in pain.
What do you reckon he weighs in at?
It’s hard to tell because George’s beard is about a meter in length and covers most of his mid section. The range being covered could be as much as 50kg. Pauline looks impressed in all the photos though; and she’s an old fish and chips girl.
Showing off her Hugh Jarse…..
China is under attack, it’s convenient to just call it COVID.
Announcing that it is some unknown Bacteriological Weapon would cause mass panic, not a good idea when there’s 25 million people going nuts.
That Lizzo thing is soft fat-porn. She’s just a slob.
If she’s so worried about the environment, she should start with herself. Eat less, exercise more and stop being a drain on resources. She probably eats the same number of calories daily as a small African village.
Tinta at 6.38. If I could give you a thousand upticks on this I would.
I think the idea of combining the excellent commentary here today into a Quadrant Online article (or a more full researched article in the magazine) would be a very good thing to do.
Tinta’s experience in the disability sector would be invaluable for government policy wallahs.
That’s why she won’t be consulted.
I reckon she’s trying to increase the fraction of gay men in the population.
Conspiracy or a stuff-up? I’d go for a stuff-up first.
If you wanted to constrain a population without panic you wouldn’t starve them.
You would be organising food supplies delivered and quelling fears.
I believe they are only just now getting around to some food deliveries.
Major stuff-up by bureaucrats is a perfect explanation.
Wonder if I need a bluetooth equipped toothbrush for $200.
Ergo the Population Ponzi or you just let it slide like Japan.
Michael, the Hockeystick, Mann goes full flog about tv in his hotel gym being fixed on Fox:
A friend who went motor bike riding in Japan explained it very well. Their infrastructure is first rate but most of it is 30 to 40 years old. The older population is essentially consuming the nation’s assets without modernizing nor replacing them as an ever smaller pool of tax money is being diverted to social services. This is what happens in an oldster society.
She probably eats the same number of calories daily as a small African village.
She ate a small African village?!!
And their animals! 😀
One of his boobs maybe.
Labor Governments wrecking what works, it’s all they do.
The bottom line is this:
Older parents of an Intellectually Disabled son are just grateful that he has somewhere to go during the week days, his wages are immaterial.
Of course, nobody ever says that, because it’s no Politically Correct, even though it’s 100% truth.
Hi. Dr Rudi here…
No! Wealth is cattle.
Nightmare time.
Was that outfit made like that or did her arse eat most of it?
Run Fatty!
Lizzie, have you not been keeping track of the evidence from the VAERS system in the USA & also here with AEFI, which indicates serious deficiencies in official reporting of vaccine injuries? Contrary to popular belief (and what you would expect!) reporting of such events by GPs, very pressured ICUs, hospitals in general is very sparse. The reports themselves require a great deal of onerous, bureaucratic paperwork which few of the above can find the time to do. And this is not even acknowledging the pressure on GPs, nursing staff, etc not to report, given the resolve of the government to pursue vaccination targets. Furthermore, even specialists, like cardiologists, while talking freely socially about the explosion of unexplained health emergencies, will not publicly address the “elephant in the room”.
The truth will “out” in the long term. Meanwhile there are still a lot of people in denial.
Tucker Carlson w/ An Update On His Show’s Investigation Into The Wake Forest Medical Student Who Stabbed A Patient For Laughing At Her “Pronoun Pin”
“She hasn’t been expelled. She’s going to be a physician, maybe at a hospital near you because she has the right political views.”
The Netherlands is one of the most densely populated nations on earth. They weren’t big covid consumers ?
Not a good result but Belgium next door had an absolute shocker with covid and densities aren’t that far apart.
you only make vitD outdoors in the sun. everything gov has recommended is the inverse of what should have happened.
I linked to it before, the government’s own recommendations say specifically not to use vitD, vitC, glutathione, zinc for covid.
every single drug is covered it’s all here
china continues to have a zero covid policy. what do they know about covid?
Whatever it is I expect Chairman Xi isn’t sleeping as well lately.
His grey hair outbreak is a testament to that.
Great, now I have a vision of a morbidly obese Orca impersonator who’s turd cutter gets so much work it’s evolved teeth
George Christensen must be ok because that old shithead john laws can’t stand him.
Yeah but didn’t you say he banned you, Cohenite? How do you get banned from Mr Tonsils? Say that Toyotas are crap, or Valvoline is rubbish oil?
Furthermore, even specialists, like cardiologists, while talking freely socially about the explosion of unexplained health emergencies, will not publicly address the “elephant in the room”.
Poor bugger who had a stroke at work is completely stuffed. Had just been pfizered. Everyone encouraging him to put in a claim for vaccine injury.
And the real irony is that the official treatment, Remdesivir, is known to cause kidney damage. But has that stopped them using it? How can anyone believe that our welfare is of any concern at all in the scheme of things.
That ess, eff you can rrrooon.
At least it’s not her Hugh Jampton 🙂
Bruce, I’ve watched a couple of Dr. Ardis interviews, one with Stew Peters and two parts of a three part interview with Mike Adams (can’t find the third part) and from what I can gather from his research, two different venoms are used. There was a lot of information thrown around and I didn’t catch it all, and I have another handicap in these matters, i.e., “I’m not a biologist.”
The vaxxs inject the mRNA for your cells to produce the spike proteins from the krait venom, and the intravenous remdesivir medication carries the cobra venom. Different venoms behave differently, the spike protein from the krait venom for example cause blood coagulation, hence the blood clotting issues from the mRNA vaxxs. The cobra venom found in remdesivir has the opposite effect, it is a blood thinning agent, hence the liver and kidney failures once they stick a pipe down your throat and attach the remdesivir drip.
That’s my understanding of what Dr. Ardis was trying to impart, I may not have captured that completely.
Cute gal in the vid has Russians hopping mad. Can I just make one suggestion next time the Ukes film a neck lopping vid. Can you make sure the gal either has full lipstick gloss to cover the herpes on her lips or just get another gal to do the vid.
Fellas, it’s important!
Government makes a lot of Health Recommendations.
I prefer to consider it as an intelligence test from Mother Nature.
Would you avoid direct sunlight because Skin Cancer?
Plenty did, the cemetery is full of them.
Would you eat Margarine because Butter is full of Saturated Fat?
Yeah, it’s the cemetery again.
Would you vaccinate your kids because Big Nursie says “Do it!”?
Plenty did, except for, cough … cough, General Practitioners, where the compliance rate is 5%
Ha ha cohenite.
Maybe Pauline is paying him in dimmies.
Too hot in the kitchen?
Albo cuts presser short, infuriating far-left journalists (which is to say most of them).
Seems he didn’t want to talk about anything other than the reheated GP super clinics policy, which was a distinct failure the last time around.
At this rate he’s on track to become the Kamala Harris of Australian politics.
Except he can’t play either the race or the gender cards.
From the Age.
Democrat Timing
Salty’s comments on the natural coincidence of Pedo Joe talking about gun control and 80% lowers and the start of active shooter season.
Is Albo campaigning to lose this election? He hasn’t done a thing right and there’s zero enthusiasm on his side. The libs may end up pulling through because the Albanian is so horrendous.
Albanese literally means Albanian in Italian suggesting that part of his origins come from Albania.
AIDS took the best part of 20 years and the government and Big Pharma weren’t invested anywhere near what they are in Covid. I don’t expect I will see it in my lifetime.
H B Bearsays:
April 13, 2022 at 6:55 pm
I dunno how you can run a decent economy with the median age the mid to late 40s.
Ergo the Population Ponzi or you just let it slide like Japan.
The problem with the population ponzi is that some elements of the ponzi are more interested in welfare than work.
Albo is a favourite of the Labor Rank and File.
I reckon he’s going to answer the question:
Could [pre Junie Morosi] Jim Cairns have been elected Prime Minister?
Because if this fuckhead can get up, Cairns woulda been a certainty.
Or the crunchy bits of batter left in the fryers.
Fellas, it’s important!
I wonder who the target audience of that propaganda was?! The herpes was certainly attention grabbing!
I was hopeful that if I was ever required to have a vaccination that I would probably choose Novavax. Thanks to Vicki who put up info here on the adjuvant in Novavax I now know that if forced by ciccumstances to be vaccinated that I would take any other than Novavax because of the adjuvant used as I am allergic to quinine which has similar properties.
B John
Most people at this site despise Asian immigration. Look, that’s okay as we all have our likes and dislikes. However, if these same people think it would be better to get young folks in from Europe, let me persuade you that would also be an absolute fucking nightmare.
Most of the young people I’ve had experience with coming in from the old continent would most likely vote Green.
You don’t understand Ponzi Schemes, SpongeBob.
A Ponzi is a fraud, full stop.
Unless the fraudster is stopped, he’ll flee with the loot to somewhere that doesn’t extradite.
It’s the same with the Population Ponzi, it’s either stopped, or the bones will be picked clean.
Norman Wisdom was a huge star in Albania.
Not many people know that.
And he played the clown far better than Albo.
Tinta at 6:38.
I can’t figure out what these activists want.
Unless they want to create and industry of perpetual dependence which provides employment for Elf Perfessionals.
There are a few businesses in our town which a dedicated to providing employment to relatively mildly disabled people. The model is to integrate a few disabled people with an “able” supervisor, and seems to work pretty well.
Just stop it Lizzie.
Please, you have a certain responsibility to stop dribbling shit .
They were dancing in tik tok videos and standing outside in their full PPE costumes cheering the BLM marches along.
Healthy Nurses dying….FMD.
Albonayzee – redefining the concept of a slow motion train wreck.
He probably hasn’t even yet had his “GST Cake” moment.
Good thing there’s only what, 36* days to go?
*32 if he hides in one of his basements over Easter.
I don’t quite get the Albanese name thing. As far as I have understood, the father was working on a passenger ship, which docked in Sydney. Dad scored a legover with the mother and 9 months later out pops the left-wing little fuckhead.
I understood it was either a one night legover or a very short-term legover and then he was gone. Why did the mother name him after the ship working dad if there was never going to be any future connection?
I just look at the facts:
first infections occurred during the wuhan military games in october 2019. An excellent way to spread the virus internationally.
the CIA through various ngos had involvement in the gain of function research at wuhan.
none of the characters involved, fauci, dasic etc have been charged with anything implying they were working with the CIA.
Hong Kong demonstrations where starting to spread across the border into mainland china. An existential threat to the CCP.
Trump had also ripped the friendly mask off the CCP and its tactics, imposed sanctions and was forcing the CCP to correct the trade deficit with which it financed its international operations.
Demonrats were able to use post in ballots as the core of their election theft, only possible due to lockdowns and the virus.
Hong Kong was instantly shut down and the protests disappeared never to return.
Trump was expelled with the help of the big tech billionaires, which would not have been possible without the lockdowns.
A bioweapons primary role is to strike fear into the population, not to kill everything in sight, otherwise it comes back to haunt you.
Despite the entire west moving to let covid rip, china continues to have a zero covid policy.
china did not copy the mRNA vaccines, Russia did. very strange.
Gov have not told us the truth about anything covid related and mysteriously all did a 180degree strategy turn around with the arrival of omicron which is almost certainly lab created.
The virus is designed to maim not instantly kill, it can kill the aged and the comorbidity inflicted. the world average for long covid are in the order of 30-40% of the population. the virus causes long term damage. it is nasty. It reads like an eugenics program. Why was the CIA involved in wuhan gain of function?
seems to me there are multiple overlapping agendas at work
The TGA are now reporting deaths in children from the covid vaccine.
Permit me a very general observation::
East Asians make excellent immigrants.
They tend to be smart, hard working & family oriented people.
But you have to watch the numbers to encourage them to integrate rather than form enclaves.
I think that’s common sense.
April 13, 2022 at 7:43 pm
B John
Most people at this site despise Asian immigration. Look, that’s okay as we all have our likes and dislikes.
My reference was to a different group, much seen among so-called “refugees”.
Maybe he just gets to drink the oil out of the fryers when she needs to change it.
Roger that may be true, but my comment was focused toward the Euroweenies coming here. They’d end up giving the greenscum a whole heap of support.
Ed Casesays:
April 13, 2022 at 7:43 pm
The problem with the population ponzi is that some elements of the ponzi are more interested in welfare than work.
You don’t understand Ponzi Schemes, SpongeBob.
A Ponzi is a fraud, full stop.
It says much for your level of stupidity that you seem to have decided that I am in favour of the scheme.
And from what I’ve seen, I agree, JC.
Sancho Panzersays:
April 13, 2022 at 7:43 pm
Tinta at 6:38.
I can’t figure out what these activists want.
Unless they want to create and industry of perpetual dependence which provides employment for Elf Perfessionals.
Got it in one!
No issue. I’m just highlighting the huge fear I have about Euroweenies. Can you imagine the fucking nightmare scenario of thousands of Greta Thumbnails handed citizenship. Actually, that’s not a nightmare, that’s hell. Hell on earth.
Anthony Albanese is calling for civil discourse. LOL. Then saying that he needs security. LOL.
I’m curious Mr Albanese, just what politicians and commentators have been physically attacked in this country, oh I remember, here’s a list…..
Andrew Bolt – assaulted in broad daylight the perpetrators still not found or charged.
Tony Abbott – headbutted in broad daylight in Hobart.
Christine Forster – physically assaulted when attending a celebration to honour her brother.
Fraser Anning – assaulted with an egg in Melbourne.
Scott Morrison – assaulted with an egg.
Craig Kelly – – assaulted with an egg.
Hmm, what do these politicians/commentators all have in common? Well here’s a clue Mr Albanese, they’re all from the right side of politics. That’s what the left does, it demonises political opponents and those who disagree with them. And I can guarantee you that every time a right of centre politician is assaulted, activists and other scum on your side of politics celebrate on social media sewers…and heck, they even celebrate on your favourite media, the tax payer funded ABC. Say again Mr Albanese, who needs security? I’m yet to hear of any left-wing politicians in this country being physically assaulted. Let me know when that happens and I’ll take your shallow concerns about needing security seriously.
Finally Mr Albanese, the plain truth is that on my side of politics we don’t headbutt, we don’t throw eggs, we don’t aggressively shout and scream at PMs and we don’t punch Sky commentators on their way to a book launch.
We didn’t star the fire Mr Albanese, your side did……you disgusting hypocrite.
Simplest explanation?
The Albanese story is bullshit and his dad is someone not named Albanese.
Does he look Italian?
have to wait till part 3, is the virus carrying mRNA to create venom proteins? is it not just the S1 which is toxic?
One thing I picked up from the 1st 2 part is the damage to muscles, after my mild convid infection I remember constantly tearing muscles. Never put the two together. Tachycardia was another strange post infection symptom that alerted me something wrong was going on.
Does this mean the unclean can leave from the 18th??
If you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident seeking to leave Australia prior to 18 April 2022, your vaccination status impacts your eligibility to leave. From 18 April 2022, travel restrictions for Australian citizens and permanent residents are being eased, but you may still be asked about your vaccination status.
The Australian Government recommends passengers departing Australia be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and travel with proof of vaccination status documentation. Unvaccinated Australian citizens and permanent residents are strongly discouraged from international travel due to the health risks.
Dunno Mr. Ed. Do you look Micronesian?
STFU and stop annoying everyone. Between you and Stuth you really are annoying asshats.
Not since Gough Whitlam was pelted by a group of angry farmers in Perth, in the early 1970’s……
Jim Cairns, 1973.
He was savagely beaten by a non family member in his Melbourne home.
Only the [weekly] Melbourne Truth covered the story with any great vigour.
His mum looks pretty rough but it turns out she was the sort to frequent bars down by the docks. It just gets better and better.
He could try the fat adjacent card in lieu of his recent Jenny Craig efforts.
the other thing I picked up is venom damage to mitochondria.
it’s popping up in recent research that celular energy deficit is a probable cause of many downstream long covid symptoms. niacin is now recommended for long covid to boost the NAD production and help cellular repair.
Residents were imprisoned in the Kensington tower blocks in Melbourne. Most people, apart from the residents,approved. Unbelievable yet it was so. Nothing separates us from the morals of the ccp.
“Not since Gough Whitlam was pelted by a group of angry farmers in Perth, in the early 1970’s……”
Forty-nine years ago…..my examples above are all in the last five years.
Did she frequent Footy Clubs of a Saturday Night?
Is it possible it was your old man and he gave the girl the made up name “Albanese”?
Perhaps he had used “Matriciana” a bit too much.
That would make you and Albo halfies, right?
Point taken, cassie, that’s how far back you have to go before a left wing politician was assaulted – mind you, Whitlam did call his audience a mob of “lazy bludgers, who’ve never had it so good” and that’s when the barrage opened.
Let me ask her?
She said no.
“What I was told was that (my mother) travelled overseas, met my father, married him overseas, returned to Australia and that he died in a car accident,” Mr Albanese told 7.30.”
Anthony Albanese’s long-held family secret
Mr. Ed.
Maybe it was all a Soviet intel operation to seed an aussie woman with their Manchurian candidate hoping at some stage he’d lead Australia as PM.
It was a spook thing, right?
Don’t spoil it rosie.
No Sanchez, it was a Soviet op. Ask Mr. Ed. Some Sov spook banged her.
That’s what they all say. I’m already married.
I thought it was a legover in oz – not overseas.
I accept that Australia needs a limited level of immigration, but those selected should have real skills (not humanities wackademics, fingernail extenders or hairdressers) for which there is an identified need, and preferably should be hired directly by a business.
So she told him it was a shipboard romance with the steward. Seems plausible. We need to know if there were any tattoos involved.
When evil meets wrong the 4 chins are there to record it.
I’m impressed and disgusted at the same time.
This may be the greatest and worst link I’ve posted. And apart from a bit of language is quite worksafe

I’m yet to hear of any left-wing politicians in this country being physically assaulted.
But, but, but, there are lots. There was Arthur Calwell in the 1960s. And there was Peter Baldwin in 1980. Oh wait, he was assaulted by Labor Party members.
Uhmmm, there must be others, but they slipped my mind.
Being compared – unfavorably – to Gough Whitlam – now there’s the kiss of death…
That’s crazy sock talk. Right Groogs?
Nice work by Latho. Keatingesque. Too late to get something on SloMo?
lol.It really looks like Hitler
niacin is now recommended for long covid to boost the NAD production and help cellular repair.
Evening Zipster, apparently niacin & statins are a bad mix, no idea why, but apparently it’s one or the other but not both together. What do you think?
Yeah but didn’t you say he banned you, Cohenite? How do you get banned from Mr Tonsils? Say that Toyotas are crap, or Valvoline is rubbish oil?
Praise Trump.
In other news stephen conroy absolutely off his dial on PML tonight, trying to defend rub and tug. Methinks this election is going to closer then the polls show.
Jim Cairns, 1973.
He was savagely beaten by a non family member in his Melbourne home.
That was Junie Morosi’s hubbie donut.
His real name is Anthony Case.
How are we off for cobras? Do we have a strategic reserve?
Will the supply chain hold up?
“Point taken, cassie, that’s how far back you have to go before a left wing politician was assaulted – mind you, Whitlam did call his audience a mob of “lazy bludgers, who’ve never had it so good” and that’s when the barrage opened.”
Sorry Zulu, I wasn’t being personal. I just don’t recall any politician on the left being physically attacked over the last few years.
When tonight I heard that sanctimonious oink Albanese talking about civility, I laughed out loud and I thought, what fucking chutzpah. All the left ever does is attack their ideological opponents…and when they do the attacks are mean, nasty and personal, just look at how they’ve treated Abbott, Morrison, Howard and so on over the years, to name just a few….just look at how Pauline Hanson has been treated over the years.
I know that there are others here who’ve experienced violence from the left. A few years ago I attended CPAC here in Sydney, it was July/August 2019. I remember how a few days before the event that ALP skank, Kristina Keneally, decided to stir up hysteria about the conservative conference. She whipped up a media frenzy about the conference, smearing the conference as far-right and the speakers, Raheem Kassam and Nigel Farage, as “Islamophobes” and far-right”. On the second day there was violence at the conference when protesters turned up. Luckily, because it was held in Sydney (unlike in Melbourne with the Milo and Lauren Southern events), the NSW police were effective and did their job. They kept the protesters and conference attendees apart. However I don’t recall Albanese reining in or condemning Skank Keneally’s rhetoric, I don’t recall him or anyone else in Labor calling for civility or respect. I don’t recall him saying that conservatives should be allowed to have a gathering. No, there was silence. I remember being rather fearful about attending, I had seen the footage of what ensued in Melbourne at the Milo and Southern events and I remember thinking, what happens if I get assaulted trying to walk into the event? Thankfully that didn’t happen, thanks to the NSW police….who aren’t yet a political arm of the ALP. I guess what I’m trying to say is that political violence in this country, over the last few decades, is the preserve of the left.
Political violence always starts with violent rhetoric….so it’s no surprise that politicians and commentators on the right, from Andrew Bolt to Craig Kelly to Nicolle Flint, have been subjected to physical intimidation and violence. That’s why Sleazy’s words about “civility” are bullshit. Such chutzpah from a man who’s proudly declared that he likes “fighting Tories” and who once in parliament, when a government minister was speaking, was filmed screaming “smash her”….”smash her”.
Jim Cairns, 1973.
He was savagely beaten by a non family member in his Melbourne home.
That was Junie Morosi’s hubbie donut.
hadn’t heard that one- I thought it was bikies
Dan Andrews, 2021.
He was savagely beaten by a non family member for sexual assault. (nothing from the corrupt ‘media’).
Andrew Bolt – assaulted in broad daylight the perpetrators still not found or charged.
Tony Abbott – headbutted in broad daylight in Hobart.
Christine Forster – physically assaulted when attending a celebration to honour her brother.
Fraser Anning – assaulted with an egg in Melbourne.
Scott Morrison – assaulted with an egg.
Craig Kelly – – assaulted with an egg.
Nicole Flint: abused, stalked, office covered in threats, death threats
Sophie Mirabella: attacked by university students and has to be rescued by police.
Apparently Gillon McPooftah-Pansy made the decision to step down whilst watching the slow-moving, cellulite-ridden disaster that was the AFLW grand final.
Finally, the enormity of what he had done dawned on him.
Maybe she was made up to look as though she’d copped a flogging but was still fighting?
Looked a bit that way to me.
I heard the same thing – a group of gatecrashers, gatecrashing an ALP fundraiser.
Albanese spruiking himself as an economic policy adviser to Tom Uren, when he was a well known hard left socialist Trot*. I can’t stop laughing, I wonder what advice he offered to old Tom….
Please please Tom, I’ll fight Tories in Balmain and Lidcombe
Please please Tom, I’ll smash Tories in Auburn and Parramatta
Please please Tom, I’ll hunt down Tories in Fairfield and Cabramatta
I’ve had a terrible day so it’s good to have a laugh.
* Correction…Albanese IS still a well known hard left socialist Trot.
With apologies to Monty Python:-
Albo : “What?!? You were raped?”
Albo’s mum : “Well … yes … at first …”
not a doctor but from what I can find simvastatin and pravastatin are synergistic with niacin at low doses ie 50mg niacin. check the side effects for statins and keep an eye out for them. they are fairly obvious.
incelldx I just found out today is 10mg pravastatin. flccc is 40mg atorvastatin. these are only taken for 4-6 weeks anyway for long covid.
He looks like a nazi
Neocons and boomers.
Over a thousand UKR Marines surrendered today in Mariupol.
LVIV, Ukraine, April 13 (Reuters) – More than 1,000 Ukrainian marines have surrendered in the besieged port of Mariupol, Russia’s defence ministry said on Wednesday of Moscow’s main target in the eastern Donbas region which it has yet to bring under its control.
If the Russians take the Azovstal industrial district, where the marines have been holed up, they would be in full control of Mariupol, Ukraine’s main Sea of Azov port, which would allow Russia to reinforce a land corridor between separatist-held eastern areas and the Crimea region that it seized and annexed in 2014
Following up on the points Cassie mix above.
The left likes to pretend the reason they are violent is because their opponents are extremist.
Okay, let’s forget the labels for a few minutes. We can see that there are two sides. For example, at the CPAC events Cassie refers to there are the people attending, and the people protesting.
Both sides have their own politics. Both sides have their own political events. Only one side response to the difference between them with violence.
So wouldn’t the ones who are violent be the extremists?
That was hilarious.
Probably actionable too.
I’ve tried a dozen times to put up a comment about Adam Brandt’s left eyelid seeming to have dropped – he was at the National Press Club today. As well as Joel Fitzgibbon’s and Stephen Conroy’s over about the last two months, as a possible side effect of the vax.
(A report from Sept 2020 had Myasthenia gravis listed as a side-effect of the coof).
Albanese has yet to develop traits of great Labor leadership. He has, at the time of writing, not:
1. Lived in the family car as a child;
2. Developed such a raging communist reputation that a Trades Hall pub in Carlton was named after him;
3. Acquired and maintained the second-largest Italian suit collection outside of Italy;
4. Held a collapsed churchgoer’s ankle as he was being carried out by other people;
5. Been sacked by the Governor-General;
6. Held an empty suitcase over his head in stagnant floodwater;
7. Grown an arse the size of a Tarago after dodging up loans that didn’t need paying off for former roots; or
8. Burst into tears on the teev at a time his polling happened to be shit.
Withdrawn Australia troops from Vietnam.
Maybe if he stopped picking up random Scrabble letters and attaching them to “AFL”.
Jesus. Wasn’t that a shitshow.
I’d rather have watched AFLW than AFLX.
That’s how shithouse it was.
Australian guidelines for the clinical care of people with COVID-19
by Australian National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce
modifying treatments that are not recommended
Do not use aspirin for the treatment of COVID-19.
Do not use azithromycin for the treatment of COVID-19.
Do not use hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19.
Do not use hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin for the treatment of COVID-19.
Do not use ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.
Do not use ivermectin plus doxycycline for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.
Do not use fluvoxamine for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.
Do not use N-acetylcysteine for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.
Do not use vitamin C for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.
Do not use vitamin D analogues for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.
Do not use zinc for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.
KD at 9:49.
.9 Got sacked from a law firm for opening a file for the purposes of [Uh-uh, Sancho, we can’t go there … Dover].
.10 Had a fence built by a big Grik bullshit artist. For cesh. From the tin behind the fridge.
.11 Been to a Young Labor camp and [Sorry, that’s off limits too … Dover].
Another couple of seasons and AFL and AFLW will be indistinguishable. Then we’ll all have to spend more time with the family.
I will bet the person who invented it still has a job at the AFL.
Sancho, you better see yourself out.
Threatened Michael Smith with a Senate inquiry into the media if he followed up the story?
Guys from Russians with Attitude finally got nuked by Twitter. Can’t have an account that surpassed 100K followers in one month continue providing counter-narrative info.
Can I just finish my …. ?
OK, have it your way.
Shit place anyway.
I was just leaving.
The PowerPoint was fine.
The “West Australian”, normally noted for playing “Little Sir Echo” to the Labor Party, has a banner headline.
I may renew my subscription, after all..
Sounds like Little Kerry has gone off reservation. Not good news for Sneakers.
I know, right?
It had welcome to country.
It had all the right sound effects on slide transition.
The focus groups showed really great brand affinity with the LGBQTBI communidy.
We went with a rectangular field which would make it really easy to crack difficult foreign markets like New York, London, Dandenong and Wagga.
What happened?
Watching THAT Press conference, outside the hospital in Midland, McGowan looked as though he wished he was somewhere else…
Canada PM Justin Trudeau seeking to forcibly silence news outlet
Rebel News founder Ezra Levant speaks out to Tucker after government denies newly-created journalism ‘license’. #tucker #foxnews
He was.
He was in Perth.
You can’t get more “somewhere else” than that without paying Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk $50 meg.
You’re absolutely right. Any excuse will do. In a dictatorship you don’t even need an excuse, you just do whatever you want. That’s what people don’t understand. Or perhaps they are just starting to.
In a dictatorship you can be living a normal life one minute and have it all turned on its head the next. The CCP is, in effect, exterminating their own people.
I think Mr Covid can hear the Zulu drums.
That’s fine. Gotta make sure the military stay on board.
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind*, so that they do what ought not to be done.
* we are at this point!
Perth’s OK. Ask Basil Zempilas.
Growing up, Paul Kelly ran the nicest pub in town.
I know you are stirring, but seriously!
What about quercetin, aka vitamin P?
So you’re effectively saying that we’re being poisoned either way.
Do not use ivermectin plus doxycycline for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.
I approved with participating in this experiment. Unlike the experiment that the government was running.
no mention
Sneakers could strangle a fluffy little kitten on live TV and still get re-elected in WA.
Sandgropers love him. The brotherly love does not extend to Albo or his Eastern States parasites.
Designer granny glasses and store bought teeth won’t cut it on the Western side of the rabbit proof fence.
Been that way since Lang Handcock advised Western Australians, all they needed to secede was half a dozen strike aircraft, with atomic weapons…
Don’t diss the dentata immaculata.
Elbow is a man of the working class. Visiting shady places to raise fallen women by delivering his extreme unction and extolling the virtues of communal kittys for the labouring class.
FDA is ‘purposely hiding facts’ about COVID jab safety ‘problems’ from public, says former official
“dentata immaculata” LOL, ‘mole.
I am stealing that.
One of the symptoms of long covid is dysautonomia, also a krait venom symptom, being neurotoxic.
Explains tachycardia, brain fog, unstable blood pressure, digestion problems , shortness of breath, even tinnitus.
and there it is. what the living fuck?!?!?
Superantigenic character of an insert unique to
SARS-CoV-2 spike supported by skewed TCR repertoire
in patients with hyperinflammation
Further Examination of the Motif near PRRA Reveals Close Structural Similarity to the SEB Superantigen as well as Sequence Similarities to Neurotoxins and a Viral SAg. The insertion PRRA together with seven sequentially preceding residues and succeeding R685 (con- served among ?-CoVs) form a motif, Y674QTQTNSPRRAR685, homologous to those of neurotoxins from Ophiophagus (cobra)
californian medical commissars
the best way to enforce a false orthodoxy of experts is to predicate their livelihoods upon ideological purity
Fat black dude who shot up the NY subway was a jihadist; what a shock:
Jihad Watch
full quote:
“The insertion PRRA together with seven sequentially preceding residues and succeeding R685 (con- served among ?-CoVs) form a motif, Y674QTQTNSPRRAR685, homologous to those of neurotoxins from Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera, as well as the neurotoxin-like regions from three RABV strains (20) (Fig. 2D). We further noticed that the same segment bears close similarity to the HIV-1 glycoprotein gp120 SAg motif F164 to V174.
Ophiophagus is cobra. Bungarus is krait. RABV is rabies. HIV-1 glycoprotein gp120 allows HIV to bind and enter CD4 lymphocyte.
that is one nasty ass toxin and a new insert to the virus.
there is two possibilities, a snake flu virus picked up the venom part of DNA from snakes or someone gain of functioned it in, somewhere between sars-cov-1 and 2019.
Bacher Houli’s annual Ramadan meal for AFL players was tonight.
A good turnout.
Certainly more than will be turning up for church on Easter Sunday morning.
HIV dementia
The HIV viral protein gp120 induces apoptosis of neuronal cells by inhibiting levels of furin and tissue plasminogen activator, enzymes responsible for converting pBDNF to mBDNF.[23] gp120 induces mitochondrial-death proteins like caspases which may influence the upregulation of the death receptor Fas leading to apoptosis of neuronal cells,[24] gp120 induces oxidative stress in the neuronal cells,[25] and it is also known to activate STAT1 and induce interleukins IL-6 and IL-8 secretion in neuronal cells
No, he just smells that way.
I just checked and I am sure you will all be pleased to know that the Y674QTQTNSPRRAR685 insert is still present in omicron.
COVID-19 can cause brain shrinkage, memory loss – study
Houli is on the surface a genial, likeable bloke.
He is engaging and has a kind of quiet masculine strength.
In the Gold Coast lockdown his kids were the best behaved of all.
He was often quoted as saying he is very conscious of representing his community but that is double edged.
showing us that Muslims are normal people ? Fine.
Proselytising ? Spreading the faith ?
He’s at pains not to give that impression but how could an annual Ramadan meal be anything else ?
Just been around the workplace a few minutes ago & removed all of the A4 signs for check-in, vaccine, Covid comliance statement, etc. etc. et-bluddee-cetera.
The stack of removed paper is one-inch thick.
(Vaccine mandate for patrons & staff was lifted at One o’clock this morning.)
Then I went for a stroll 4 shops down & had a look through the windows at what had until last week been a restaurant. One that didn’t make it. Too few customers.
The place has been emptied. All the furniture gone, all equipment gone. Remaining is only a forlorn counter top and wall-mounted blackboard with a coloured chalk menu.
There was Five or Six jobs in that restaurant. The family that operated it are gone, nobody knows where.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
David Rowe.
Christian Adams.
Steve Bright.
Morten Morland.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Steve Kelley.
Tom Stiglich.
Matt Margolis.
Henry Payne.
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Regional cities overlooked to host events during the 2026 Commonwealth Games have expressed disappointment and frustration with Tuesday’s announcement
“A Labor-supporting “social activist” confronted Scott Morrison at a private event in Western Sydney where he screamed at the Prime Minister, calling him a “disgrace” for his response to the bushfires.”
seems this is Labor’s campaign plan
“The fact Victoria was the only bidder in the race for the Commonwealth Games just proves “taxpayers have been sold a pup”, according to Sky News host Peta Credlin”
it’s an immigration scheme
John Howard campaigning for Anthony Albanese