many..many lols
many..many lols
weber inlet chortle…. :)p~~~ I had twin side drafts on my rally car.
Leave him alone! Having a balloon head balanced on a pencil neck is not a crime.
Jack Smith & co did not receive a pardon. Neither did any of the Vindman cartel. That we know of.
March to the sound of the guns and all that!
Pedro, enough with the distraction squirrels, you have your Dorpers on a Vegan diet.
You fiend!
Joh, he looks deformed. And I bet he would never have been able to do the type of work my guys did day in, day out. They were lean and muscular and did a bit of weight training to assist them with lifting and barrowing and the like.
If anything all the sculpting made him weaker. And now he’s dead.
I reckon those Dorpers of Pedro’s are carnivores. Don’t let their docile charm lure you into a false sense of security.
April 14, 2022 at 1:55 pm
I do wonder with the athletes apparently carking it in higher than usual numbers if this chap has been seen around the back of the stands??
Either that or nose candy has been spiked.
Re the ‘Independents’, I live in Indi, it’s a traditional Lib/NP seat that Sophie Mirrabella managed to lose (that’s another story) and turn into an ‘independent’ seat. the current member is Helen Haines, she’s supported by Holmes a’Court like the other fauxdependents. For an independent she has an amazing amount of money to spend and an incredibly well organised campaign, I assume she’s using mainly volunteers but I have no idea how she gets so many. Someone said that as she’s really a green in disguise, all the greens know that and being the focused maddies they are they have thrown their energy and time behind her.
The thing that I don’t understand is the number of signs she has up on farms, I would’ve thought the cockies would know what she is but they don’t seem to.
rickw, what’s it like over your way? Has she signs plastered everywhere?
Kneel says:
April 14, 2022 at 1:16 pm
“With all the evidence coming in, the truth is your ticking time bomb just hasn’t gone off yet.”
Latest available is 2020.
All cause death rates – going down.
I am stunned that anyone on this blog would use Government statistics to prove their case.
Sophie Mirrabella lost her seat when a large number of Greens registered to vote in her electorate.
Anyone wondering why Tony Dinobore (One of the 2 independent catamites who led to the Red Queens reign) hasnt thrown his hat in the ring for a another attempt to harvest electoral funding wonder no more.
Apparently the rules were changed and pollies get money refunded per vote rather than a blob of money straight to their bank accounts.
So they have to actually show expenditures to get money, not like previously.
win, you have know idea about how she lost it. The fact is she was a lousy member, spent most of her time schmoozing in Canberra and living the good life. She is exactly what is destroying the Libs, except not as left and woke as the current mob.
It’s what they WANT to believe, now.
Everyone will be dropping off around them but if the government tells them it’s not happening……..
Art + narcissism – not a combination for long life. Plenty of examples.
Arnie’s still going strong and he’s had more steroids then the Russian army.
Frank Zane is hanging around, so is Lou Ferrigno and perhaps the best of the lot Steve Reeves had a long life.
But steroids will have all sorts of side effects; you only have to look at the women.
Then don’t close it, you f*cking morons.
At least I (finally) won’t be the only one baying for the blood of those responsible should this almost incomprehensible idiocy come to pass (which it no doubt will).
That body builder accidently rang one of the mean girls.
Has it been established which organisations are backing all of these prominent ‘independent’ candidates running in the posh deep blue electorates around the country? This Kate Chaney chick running in Curtin who is basically the opposition (have no idea who the ALP candidate is, haven’t seen any signage around) – she’s got a well-funded, slick campaign that looks suspiciously similar to those other independent candidates in similarly salubrious electorates.
Have you looked at the policy platforms of these women? They’re basically Greens. In fact, I think they’re Greens in disguise. The Chaney woman wants stronger action on climate change, the establishment of some national corruption fighting body (I suppose a national equivalent to ICAC) and makes a big thing out of how she’s pro-business, pro-free market, supports sensible and prudent economic policies, economic development etc etc. Now, in this electorate there are lots of well off people who can afford luxury beliefs so they love to hear about taking more action on climate change, they probably don’t care that much about the ICAC for Oz policy but it sounds harmless enough and it allows the candidates to play the moral outsider card.
But voters here are basically very Liberal, so it’s the claim about how she’s so pro-business, free market, restrained government spending and such that I guess her campaign strategists think are going to hook those Liberal voters in. Here’s the thing, though – look under the hood at what she means when she says she wants sensible economic policy, she’s pro business and so forth. It’s all Green agenda stuff. When she says she’s pro-business, it’s all in the context of renewballs and carbon neutral crap. When she talks about sensible government spending, she’s talking about spending on green energy. All of the standard ‘economic conservative’ language she uses is predicated on the assumption that transitioning into the carbon neutral economy is going to be tremendously profitable so it’s all wonderful investment opportunities for business and government. Of course that’s prudent and sensible government spending.
She’s a Green. How is her platform different from the Green platform? Okay, she can’t come out with all of the woke crap in this electorate that Greens run on- that’s too scary for voters here. But she’s lineball with them on everything else. Who’s paying for your campaign, Kate?
Ms Keneally moved to Liverpool from her Scotland Island home last year to contest the heavily Catholic seat of Fowler for Labor.
Love to know which part of Liverpool. Maybe a penthouse or equivalent apartment on one of those dog box high rise that have sprouted up on the northern end of Bigge st border the Hume Hwy or the 2 new ones on the 5 ways but can’t see her in an ex Housing Commission fibro on Hoxton Park rd. Even then I think she will not reside there in entirety. Good to see the Viets giving her stick in Cabramatta, I was last there just before COVID struck. Food is usually very good and cheap.
” I am stunned that anyone on this blog would use Government statistics to prove their case.
It’s what they WANT to believe, now.”
Look, were I citing official COVID or vax deaths, then sure that might be a little “rubbery” as it were, while they massage the data so they don’t look bad.
But all cause is a bit harder to fudge that way, if you get what I mean – no reason to hide how many died, plenty of reason to hide why they died.
I haven’t checked the release dates on previous years to see if they are on a similar schedule, which might indicate they are a bit worried about the actual all cause numbers – feel free to check that sort of thing yourself.
If you know somewhere to get all cause death stats in this country that isn’t government, I’m happy for you to let me know where to get it.
Finally, what I want has nothing to do with actual data – the data is what it is, and doesn’t care how I feel about it. “Facts don’t care about your feelings” – Ben Shapiro.
Body builders have a nasty habit of liver failure thanks to chronic steroid toxicity.
But let’s not let that nasty little factlet get in the way of TeH NaRrAtIvE.
Plans to accelerate the closure of Australia’s biggest coal-fired plant have the potential to create electricity shortages in three states
Then don’t close it, you f*cking morons.
They are intent on Third Worldening.
OCO – you’ve not heard of Simon Holmes à Court?
Fowler takes in some very nice spots around the Georges River like Chipping Norton.
She’ll be living comfy.
Only give them aid in kind – their stupid bloody government will just steal money.
Sophie Mirrabella lost her seat when a large number of Greens registered to vote in her electorate.
Illegally registered, the AEC investigated and their response went something like “that’s a bit of bad luck isn’t it……”
Is he bankrolling all of them, Rabz?
Latest available is 2020.
Which is the Covid – no vaxx year. So this deadly virus failed to increase the death rate.
I’m sure 2021 will be “adjusted”. They could ask the BoM to do it.
Only give them aid in kind – their stupid bloody government will just steal money.
You could easily be talking about Australia.
Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients
The types of toxic-like peptides found resemble known conotoxins, phospholipases A2, metalloproteinases, prothrombin activators, coagulation factors, usually present in animal venoms, which are known to have high specificity and affinity towards human ion channels, receptors, and transporters of the nervous system, like the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Cheng et al. 21 reported the discovery of a superantigen-like motif in the S1 Spike protein, as well as two other neurotoxin-like motifs that have peptide similarities to neurotoxins from Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera. They conclude that neurotoxin-like motifs are present in SARS-CoV-2 protein products, acting as neurotoxin-like peptides. We checked in the full set of peptides we got (here we report only 36 examples), and we identified, in plasma and faecal samples, toxin-like peptides mapping on kappa 1a-bungarotoxin, Kappa 1b-bungarotoxin from Malayan krait, kappa-2-bungarotoxin and alpha-bungarotoxin from many-banded krait (Uniprot Accession Numbers Q8AY56, Q8AY55, P15816, and P60615, respectively), which were reported by Cheng and colleagues. Furthermore, we looked at the amino acid changes currently reported in GISAID data 22 , analysed by CoV-GLUE-Viz (update 15/09/2021) 23 , and occurring in the Y 674QTQTNSPRRAR 685 motif identified by these authors as homologous to neurotoxin motifs of animal venom proteins. We observed the existence of amino acid variations which makes this motif even more similar to the neurotoxin motifs of animal venom proteins (like variations Q677S and T676A observed in sequences assigned to PANGO Lineage B.1.596). Experiments to assess neurotoxicity of these peptides and of spike protein on 3D neuronal/glial model (“neurospheres”) obtained from human induced Pluripotent Stem Derived Neural Stem Cells (iPS-NSCs) are currently ongoing.
What follows is our attempt to elaborate a potential relation between their presence and extra-pulmonary COVID-19 symptomatology.
Conotoxins are neurotoxic peptides isolated from the venom of marine (genus Conus) cone snails. In their mature form, they consist of 10 to 30 amino acid residues, with often one or more disulphide bonds, which are used to classify them in structural classes (?-conotoxins, ?-conotoxins, and ?-conotoxins are the major classes). The mechanism of action of conotoxins is not yet fully understood 24 . Studies have found that they are able to modulate the activity of several receptors, including ion channels, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and acetylcholine-degrading enzymes (acetylcholinesterases), thus resulting in the alteration of acetylcholine levels and of cholinergic transmission 25– 27 . Regarding cholinesterases, a potential association between cholinesterase levels and severity of pneumonia in COVID-19 patients has been proposed 28 .
The presence of conotoxin peptides might explain the occurrence of many symptoms (like hyposmia, hypogeusia and the signs typical of Guillain-Barre syndrome) observed in some COVID-19 patients. Their presence can alter normal functioning of ion channels, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and of acetylcholine levels.
Phospholipases A2
Phospholipases A2 (PLA 2, E.C. hydrolyse phospholipids and lead to release of lysophosphatidic acid and arachidonic acid 29 . Arachidonic acid is a major precursor of many pro-inflammatory mediators like leukotriene, thromboxane and prostaglandin; as a consequence, abnormal presence of active PLA 2 can induce severe inflammation 30 . In animal venoms, PLA 2 act as neurotoxic proteins: they hydrolyse membrane phospholipids of the motor nerve terminal, and the plasma membrane of skeletal muscle, thus triggering a severe inflammatory degenerative response, which in turn leads to degeneration of the nerve terminal and skeletal muscle 29 . The drug dexamethasone can inhibit prostaglandins synthesis and leukotriene formation 31 . As dexamethasone is still the only therapeutic shown to be effective against the novel coronavirus in patients 32 with severe symptoms, it can be that the positive effect of this drug on COVID-19 patients is also due to the reduction of the here identified PLA 2-like peptides.
The last example of identified toxin-like peptides is those recognised as metalloproteinases present in animal venoms, zinc-dependent enzymes of varying molecular weight having multidomain organization. These toxic enzymes cause haemorrhage, local myonecrosis, skin damage, and inflammatory reaction 33 . It has been reported that symptomatic COVID-19 patients have significantly lower zinc levels in comparison to controls and that zinc deficient patients develop more complications 34 . The presence of this specific group of toxin-like peptides, which capture zinc, can be one of the reasons for such significantly low zinc levels in symptomatic COVID-19 patients.
Similarity searches by TBLASTN 14 with relaxed parameters at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website (see Methods) revealed (in addition to mRNA sequences from the animal species reported in Table 1) almost identical short stretches (up to 10 amino acids) of these peptides in potential coding regions of many bacterial and viral sequences, but no long potential coding frame entirely covering any of them was found. Consequently, at the time of writing we have not yet identified the “genetic source” of these peptides, which could be:
The SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome with its protein reading set, as proposed by Brogna 35 , who reported the identification in SARS-CoV-2 RNA of many regions encoding for oligopeptides (four–five amino acids long) identical to neurotoxin peptides typical of animal venoms.
The SARS-CoV-2 genome directly read by bacteria, assuming that the SARS-CoV-2 genome, or parts thereof, is capable of replicating with a possible ‘bacteriophage-like’ mode of action, as previously described 36 .
Genomes of bacteria, which, as a reaction to the presence of the virus, secrete these peptides. This could happen by using still not well known and debated mechanisms, like alternative reading due to rRNA sequence heterogeneity (as described in 37, 38), or the involvement of small bacterial ncRNA (sRNAs), known to be key players of gene regulation under conditions like stress response, quorum sensing, or virulence (in this context, in 1984 Coleman et al. reported the micF non-coding RNA as a functional bacterial sRNA 39 ).
A combination of the above e.g. the ‘toxin’ genetic code is present in the bacteria and expression may be triggered by SARS-CoV-2, acting like temperate bacteriophages, which are known to interact with bacteria so that they express (or not) certain genes, as described by Carey et al. 40 .
A detailed 3D structural similarity analysis between the toxin-like peptides found and reference proteins has not yet been conducted. Accordingly, at the time of writing, we can only speculate that these toxin-like peptides are involved in the clinical extra-pulmonary manifestations in symptomatic COVID-19 patients. According to our knowledge, these toxin-like peptides have never been searched in animals considered reservoirs of SARS-CoVs.
The presence of (oligo-)peptides almost identical to toxic components of venoms from animals has been observed. Data and results reported here suggest an association between COVID-19 disease and the release in the body of these, and raise a series of questions:
Are these findings in line with what was proposed by Tizabi et al. 41 , i.e. a potential therapeutic role for nicotine, nicotinic agonists, or positive allosteric modulators of nicotinic cholinergic receptors in COVID-19?
If induced by SARS-CoV-2, can the production of toxin-like peptides be involved in the neurological disorders and injuries observed in hospitalized COVID-19 patients?
If induced by SARS-CoV-2, can the production of toxin-like peptides influence complex diseases apparently triggered or enhanced by COVID-19, like e.g. Guillain-Barré Syndrome 42 or Parkinson’s disease 43 ?
Are toxin-like peptides associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection or to other viral infections or, more in general, is their presence related to sickness condition?
Are our findings supporting the suggestion made by the iVAMP Consortium 44 on the relationships between animal venom glands and microorganisms’ microenvironments?
We consider that the immediate sharing of these results can contribute to the untangling of the multifaceted set of clinical manifestations in symptomatic COVID-19 patients, and to the further understanding of the mechanisms involved.
If there are so many excess deaths, why isn’t there a conga line to the local cemetery. Daily. Those bodies have to be processed somehow, they don’t just disappear. Funeral directors and priests and pastors would be run off their feet.
But I won’t believe the death stats. Or even the evidence of funeral services at the local church. Rando internet people are so much more truthy.
Funeral directors and priests and pastors would be run off their feet.
A couple of pommie funeral directors were seeing lots of younger deaths than normal. Do you really think that in Australia they’d be allowed to make a fuss about it?
I think it would get around pretty fast, Eyrie. I know one. Business as usual. I’m also on the roster for funeral food (don’t laugh, it’s perfectly edible!).
Nup. Nothing. Most people will have a church send-off, particularly up here.
I’ll let you all know if I’m overwhelmed with calls for sandwiches and the like. 😀
OCO – I didn’t bother to watch Crudlin’s TV special on the “Voices of” candidates, but HaC is bankrolling more than just Spender in Wentworth. If the WA candidate’s campaign material is “Teal” coloured, then in all likelihood, yes.
Johanna has an excellent post on Adam’s Cat. (Hope she doesn’t mind me posting it here.)
Cali exactly as I think it has been a play on words by friendly media types, not a hope in hell she would be in Liverpool its self. Rabz nailed it perfectly. Yup Keneally’s front address would definitely be out Chipping Norton way.
There was the life insurance data too. Deaths up 40%.
OCO- I went to a Curtin Uni 2019 Election Post Mortem Presso and this was the exact point every single speaker made: “Labor and Greens hold luxury views that working families cant afford” and that “this is why traditional and expected Labor wins were never realised.”
@ Calli-
I am told rum balls are quite spectacular if the small kids get into them. It apparently makes them hyper.
Mama Anger once helped out a family friend who was organising her mother’s wake, I think. She made up a large plate of rum balls (with proper rum, as you do) as part of some quite substantial contributions to the spread put on for the grieving family.
The kids found the rum balls, thought they were great and demolished the lot. Confused by their now-hyperactive behaviour, and their declarations of “Mum, these things are GREAT!” she and her husband took a suspicious sniff of what was left of the plate of rum balls, and realised what had happened.
This unintentional hilarity completely changed the course of her experience, from crushing grief to laughter.
Mama Anger was bemused when she was quietly asked a few days later, “So, what did you put in those rum balls?” All was forgiven, and all had a good laugh.
Kids do the darndest things… 🙂
A Liberace haymaker from Mr. Worth:
No, you demanded that everyone comply* with your idea and denounced those who refused as cowards, while at the same time comparing the several who did to the ANZACs landing at Gallipoli.
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Loved her reaction when that GetUp imbecile had a “medical episode” next to her on Q&ALPBC.
(Unintentional) Comedy* gold.
*The only type you’ll ever see or hear on the ALPBC.
This is strength. Worthwhile watching. Young man destroying muscle junkies.
Yep. Some of the funniest stuff since they took Hendo and Mincing Marr off air.
Exactly calli.
My parish has a little notice board of deaths in the last six months, might be eight/nine faces, mostly in their eighties and nineties and just one who I think was in her fifties (and I have no idea of cause of death though it appears not unexpected).
The other late fifty something I know who died was long term cancer sufferer.
A couple of funeral directors (in the whole wide world) with an agenda and some alleged insurance stats does not a vaccine death epidemic make.
Bruce, SST have been very high across Jan-Feb up this way. We were still seeing above 30 deg last month relying on if the data was “unhomogenised”. The wet season was a fizzer, the lack of cloud cover contributed to that. No TC’s either to facilitate the normal transfer of heat from the sea the atmosphere, they all spun up well out towards New Caledonia or drifted south as lows to give you guys the rains you got.
I have no doubt there was some coral bleaching, however we get to the how much and if it is precedented. I’d say on the balance probably been worse. You were right when I mentioned the 32 deg SST in Halifax Bay a few months back that cure Coral Bleaching screeching.
Expect more hype in the next month from the usual suspects.
But steroids will have all sorts of side effects; you only have to look at the women.
Best penis strapping job I have ever seen!!
“Have you looked at the policy platforms of these women? They’re basically Greens. In fact, I think they’re Greens in disguise. The Chaney woman wants stronger action on climate change, the establishment of some national corruption fighting body (I suppose a national equivalent to ICAC) and makes a big thing out of how she’s pro-business, pro-free market, supports sensible and prudent economic policies, economic development etc etc. Now, in this electorate there are lots of well off people who can afford luxury beliefs so they love to hear about taking more action on climate change, they probably don’t care that much about the ICAC for Oz policy but it sounds harmless enough and it allows the candidates to play the moral outsider card.”
It’s exactly the same here in Wentworth, and the Labor party is running dead, deliberately so. They did this with Phelps.
I presume Chaney is using her family name, just like Diva Spender, in an attempt to shore up her “Liberal” connections and credentials. However like Spender she’s a fraud.
As for “the ICAC for Oz policy “, this is being pushed by progressive scum in the Greens and Labor and it’s also one of Simon Holmes a Court’s pet projects. Note that it isn’t for any noble or honest intent, they want the same ICAC model as here in NSW because they intend to use it solely against against Liberals and conservatives. ICAC was set up in the late 1980s by the Liberal premier Nick Greiner, and then what happened? ICAC subsequently went after Greiner who was forced to resign, the first ICAC Liberal scalp and not the last. Then, oddly enough, ICAC was AWOL during the seventeen years of very corrupt and rotten Labor governance under premiers Carr, Iemma, Rees and Nobody’s girl….like Eddie Obeid were running amok yet ICAC wasn’t interested however it oddly resurrected itself in 2011 when the Liberals in NSW came to power and since then ICAC has been busy, very busy, destroying people’s careers and trashing reputations and, of course, it’s claimed another two Liberal premier scalps, one over a bottle of Grange Hermitage wine.
Any federal ICAC will be used by the left against Liberals and conservatives. The Liberals know this, but like the cowards they are, especially under Scumbag, watch them capitulate.
Red Fred was one of the first of the dripping wets.
Regarding this feral election we all know the fuckers who have been shafting us for decades will be voted back in to fuck us over once again, doesn’t matter if it is the liars or liars lite, we are fucked.
The average Australian voter (& many on this blog) are dumb as dogshit.
Turkeys voting for Christmas.
FFS cue coral bleaching not “cure”. Autocorrect grrrr.
A little nostalgia for the oldies.
Kindergarten visits country children.
Episode of Australian Diary 1957 – made by Dept of the Interior.
“Latest available is 2020.
Which is the Covid – no vaxx year. So this deadly virus failed to increase the death rate.
I’m sure 2021 will be “adjusted”. They could ask the BoM to do it.”
As I said, that is the latest they show on their web site – by all means check the dates when they released previous years data and see if they are hiding anything (or at least potentially so). Don’t forget to tell us whether it looks sus or not.
Got anywhere else we can check number of deaths overall? Somewhere, you know, not run by commo-pinko-lefty murderers?
Or perhaps you can find such data for other countries – again, make sure it isn’t from a Gov, ’cause that would be unbelievable, right? They’re all in on it you know.
Seriously, I do take much of what they say with a rather large grain of salt (probably enough to give anyone a heart attack!), but they just aren’t that smart – I have no doubt “death from” has been conflated by “death with” and so on, but I don’t think they are smart enough to convincingly hide millions of extra people dying.
Yes, I think the vaxes are dangerous – it is obvious from the data we have that they are considerably more dangerous than pretty much every other one.
Yes, no-one knows long term consequences – they didn’t do the normal long term trials, so no-one CAN know.
And that’s as true for “most people will be fine” as it is for “shitloads are gonna die” – either could be correct, but WE DON’T KNOW.
And no, I’m not happy about being mercilessly pushed to take it under the circumstances – unethical, arguably illegal (breach of human rights). Didn’t stop them doing it, even when this was pointed out to those whose job is to protect us from these sorts of things. Pretty disgusting.
So of course I am interested in finding out what is going on. But I want data, not speculation. Get me the data and I’ll happily join you to string the bastards up. But if you want to do that based on speculation, you’re worse than you claim they are.
Currently, you haven’t provided evidence, let alone evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Happy to look at any you have – evidence that is, not speculation.
On Easter TV viewing, I note FTA TV is showing Ben Hur as they usually do each Easter. Apparently it’s an Easter movie?
Channel 7 is showing Hop (a kids easter bunny movie), then there’s a bunch of other random non-Easter related viewing on. However, the reason I post this comment is to ask if Channel 9 is on cocaine?..
They’re showing Fred Claus tomorrow night. WTF?
I’m just reporting what I see, not stuff from internet people however “trusted” they are. We have been warned against trusting anything from the government. Fair enough. That should also extend to other sources unless we can verify it for ourselves.
And another thing. Shutting down health care in order to handle the imagined influx of Covid patients, isolating and closure of clinics to “stop the spread”, poor staffing and gigantic waiting lists that are the obvious result of the disruption is going to see a spike in severe, undiagnosed illness and subsequent death. Death from panic and neglect.
If you want to muddy the waters, it will be all too easy to ascribe the raw figures to vaxx injury.
Everyone is so heavily invested in their point of view, down to losing jobs, income, family, freedom it will be all but impossible to change minds at this stage, even to entertain the mere thought that there are other factors at work. The whole thing has become emotionally charged, almost to the point of being an article of faith.
If you were a smarter man Dribbles, you’d Plead The Fifth more often.
And so would your OG account…
**Klaus** (as in a fucking Santa movie!!!)
Pity, Michael Chaney was a very effective CEO of Wesfarmers, and despised the Greens…..
Lysander, the full title of Wallace’s story is “Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ”.
It is an Easter story. The Christ is central to the narrative although it appears incidental to the casual eye.
thanks Calli… I haven’t watched it from start to end but recall (the real) JC being a walk on for about 5 seconds…
RD – The sea anomaly data by depth is interesting. Shows the surface is pretty normal and the warm stuff is all down around the 100 m depth mark. Similar during the previous 4 month period too. That’s BoM’s equatorial data, dunno what it’s like at 10-20 deg south.
Across the other side of the Pacific it seems to be getting serious. I mentioned earlier this week that Portland, Oregon got snow in April for the first time in recorded history. Now there’s this:
“Historic Blizzard” Pounds Northern Plains With Feet Of Snow (14 Apr)
Not good timing. And this is just as Biden is trying to divert even more US corn to ethanol for cars too. Dems are crazy ignorant druids who can’t even notice what the real world is doing.
Choo choo man shows he is voting for more of the same shit.
Just fuck off ya dumb union fuck.
And some more Easter trivia.
This is the third time this century that Good Friday and Passover coincide (2012 and 2015).
Enjoy and wonder at the great, full Passover moon and the events it has witnessed.
Oh, and FWIW, Fred Chaney was the only man I heard who could give a clear and concise explanation of John Hewson’s “Fightback.”
Thanks Calli
we do a passover celebration every year in our parish – it starts at 11pm and finishes up around 6pm. It’s a hoot!
But not this year cos McClownin and very minor flu in our house called covid…
Keating! The musical did a very funny song on Dr J:
Via Instapundit, I came across a US/Jewish magazine called Tablet ( It had a couple of interesting articles, particularly one by David Mamet.
Have you seen it, if so, what do you think of it?
Bruce, interesting. Weird weather at the moment, SE trade winds have picked up like we are already in a winter pattern but daytimes are still very warm and humid.
GFS is throwing up a Cat 1/2 crossing N-S near Townsville around 20th, been consistent for a few days now. No other Models, ACCESS-G or Euros been interested. The heat in the sea is there for one, there is virtually no wind shear just needs some vorticity.
April 14, 2022 at 3:33 pm
Lysander, the full title of Wallace’s story is “Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ”.
It is an Easter story. The Christ is central to the narrative although it appears incidental to the casual eye.
More to the point, is it the “real” Ben Hur, with Charlton Heston, or the recent one?
The few bits of the recent one that I have glimpsed while channel surfing did not fill me with awesome wonder.
Interesting to make an observation then afterwards find the explanation. In this case it was a mystery of why all the birds of Cafe Bruce had vanished for the last half hour or so. Gone, vamoosed.
Answer was in the neighbour’s jacaranda: a collared sparrowhawk stripping meat off a corpse. I couldn’t see what the unfortunate victim was, although there were no evident feathers, so it might’ve been a rat. But likewise I may be short a customer. Anyway I got the answer: the Cafe clientele didn’t want to become a menu item.
Hewson never asked Keating one question – “How could you support a Goods and Services Tax as part of Option C for tax reform in 1989, yet are so bitterly opposed to one, now?
I remember as a kid our Dad would take us out on the water at Easter.
Then he would start beating that drum.
Very weird to see you father’s usually amiable face scowling at you and growling, “Row well, and live, 41.”
All the other kids got chocolate eggs.
I don’t credit McClown with anything but it was rather funny when Parliament erupted into laughter when he gaffed, about NSW Prem: “I met Dominic online.”
The Speaker nor anyone in the room could get it together for at least five or six minutes afterwards…
Some in the Army seem to be at least trying to focus on their real jobs.
Yup ZK!!!
He sorta covered it in “Fightback”
I actually read the whole thing (snore) I forget where, but part II or somesuch was headed “The case for a GST by RJ Hawke & PJ Keating” & was some document the silver bodgie & the lizard had written a few years before.
Kneel, always remember the boosters are coming.
What is done is done, we all get that.
But you’d be fucking mad to get a booster.
You know I think you weighed everything up when you got the jabs looking at the situation you saw it being.
IN MY OPINION…You, thinking the vaxxes aren’t as deadly as they are decided on getting it.
No job, no career is worth it.
Your call and you did what you did.
However, there are boosters.
So let me get to the point.
Right from the start those that bothered to do a bit of research about CEPI, event 201, Gates involvement….worse still, his wife’s involvement, what Fauci was up to, Jane Halton, etc etc etc, told everyone here right from the start you’ll have to keep getting jabbed, keep complying to keep your tick.
You saved nothing.
You will lose everything by complying anyway, including maybe your life and those of your loved ones you couldn’t stop being jabbed.
Like my son…He went and did it as well.
You take the word of specialists in the field of expertise, would you not?
Would you take the word of those funded by government (your enemy trying to enslave you) or those who are experts going against the government narrative combined with what you can see with your own eyes?
Because those are the people I’ve been listening to, and they predicted from the very start and in specific details that the jab would do exactly what it is doing.
So far….not government…..tick.
Been right so far …..tick.
The other person who has been right about everything is Klaus Schwab.
He’s not predicting anything, he’s just telling what they intend doing next.
It was instructive that they were unable, presumably after trying, to tease out anything inspiring from Keating’s defeat at the hands of Howard – so they changed the facts and made it a Keating win.
Keating. Yay! Howard. Boo! Hiss! Mere pantomime. I expected the guy who played Keating to turn to the audience and fling lollies to their upturned cherubic faces.
Well, tax dollars.
Albanese-sque re-writing of history.
And of course Keating turned up repeatedly to see the show and would slap his hands together like a seal that got into the sardine storage.
The myth of the cadaverous old scrote was more important to cleave to than the truth.
” A couple of pommie funeral directors were seeing lots of younger deaths than normal.
There was the life insurance data too. Deaths up 40%.”
I know you’ll call me on “their” side, or that I’m in denial and looking for excuses, but I’ll say it anyway, because it’s true.
Stop and think – what do you reckon happens when the fear porn in the MSM means people avoid hospitals and doctors because a) they don’t want to “overload” the medical system and b) they might catch it and DIE!; when they get locked down for months or years, so very little fresh air or sunshine; get reduced exercise; probably eat a lot more and put on weight; have increased stress and anxiety from all the above, including extra financial stress, family stresses and so on. What do you reckon that might do to an already statistically over-weight and unhealthy population? What do you reckon that might do in terms of finding diseases such as cancer, diabetes etc early so they can be treated early? And that is on top of the known risks of the vax itself, which is every bit as dangerous (if not more so) than even the alpha and delta variants? And if “long COVID” is real, how does that play in to it? What about inflation, think that adds to stresses? What about – go on laugh – finding freaking toilet paper?
I’m not saying this isn’t concerning, I’m saying it’s multi-factorial and that blaming it all on the vax is just as silly as saying everyone who tested positive for COVID and then died is a COVID death. It’s not that simple – ask an epidemiologist, any one you like. I guarantee you they’ll prevaricate and at best come out with “maybe” and “possibly” and “concerning”, but they will NOT say it is proof – of anything (except people dying)!
We simply won’t have a good handle on any of this until it is all done and dusted – full stop. Sorry to say it, I wish it was otherwise, but that is the reality. You could be underestimating the ultimate damage, or you could be overestimating it. No-one knows. No-one CAN know. Reality is a bitch – deal with it.
Now, if you want to say that those who pushed this shit on us deserve to lose power and never be seen in polite society again at best, and thrown in gaol forever at worst, I’m in full agreement – how do you suggest we go about it, when do we start and how can I help? But if all you are going to do is pull random stuff from the internet then thanks, but I am perfectly capable of finding such “evidence” on the internet for any side of any argument you care to name – it ain’t hard. If you’re not prepared to apply some critical thinking, if you’re just going to throw random shit around to support your argument, go away, I don’t want to hear it!
Totally agree MOther… it was utter ahistorical bullshit and deification of Keating and Gough… but the music was good.
Hey choo choo man, who you voting for, more of the same shite?
I’m also on the roster for funeral food
Do you also serve savaloys at circumcision ceremonies and Horsemeat sausages to pony club BBQs*
*Dad did this one
It’s a 40% increase in young people dying,..or should I say working age.
Funeral homes businesses are booming…more immigrants more people more deaths.
More young people in cities than country, many a varied factor.
There will definitely be an increase in deaths due to the pressure on people of the globalist take over, the coup…
However, you know there is perfectly healthy…”he had no problems” young people dying of heart problems in exploding numbers.
People drinking themselve to death usually have issues before they just drop on the spot at 23.
Not kosher. I’d be run out of town.
I saw footage of Keating, in Parliament, citing the existence of the “Brisbane Line”, FFS…..
Obviously airhead Zali is to be protected at all costs. Noticed more muck raking about the Lib candidate online, Libs need to dispense with the nice guy schtick. Hopefully Zali’s ex gives them some bodies to unearth…
Didn’t realise Zali had an OAM, they really do hand these out like confetti these days don’t they? Yeah and I am not even going to look for what it was for.
Hoping all involved are OK, it nevertheless has to be said that a security detail shouldn’t be crashing their vehicle on a sleepy country road in Tasmania.
Questions will have to be asked.
Jesse Watters lists some of the BLM terrorists; there is no doubt there is a war by elements of the black community on whites:
Plibersek: “This is me at 19.”
Truly now a trinket more embarrassing than honourable.
The front of her ‘other’ office on Military Rd has stuff like ‘Renewable Energy’ and a couple of others. As I looked at it today, though, I thought “Has she actually, in any way, delivered on these?”
If placeholders have placeholders, they would be called ‘Zali’.
The lesson being: Steer clear of politics. Look what it turns you into.
Pity everything went wrong after that.
Serious question, does anybody think this country will improve after this next election?
OK, Kneel, explain this data then.
Analysis By German Prof: “Thousands Of Hidden Deaths Daily” …May Be Greatest Medical Debacle In Human History (21 Jan)
This graph is the key set of data. Note the timings correspond with the order of vaccination: 80+ were first to get it, then 70-79 then 60-69. Look at the peaks.
The curves are for unvaccinated people because they were unvaccinated when they received the first dose, and remained “unvaccinated” until after the second dose. Also see the second set of data in this graph, which shows non-covid mortality in the same period. Same peaks nearly same heights.
Now tell me how it wasn’t due to the vaccines. The data is quite clear. And no I have not seen vax injury data that matches it, because Germany’s health system was just as punitive on medicos reporting such things as ours has been.
Slight correction: the graphs are for England/Wales. However the NHS was just as horrendous on vac injury reporting as I recall. Germany comes in later in the text as having “the very same pattern”.
Plibersek: “This is me at 19.”
Looks like a drug dealer’s moll to me.
Pay that one.
I’m voting you off Australian Idol, mate.
That’s all you need to know…
Not when the three biggest parties all promise Net Zero or worse.
Europe may be getting a road to Damascus energy moment but we’re too far away for that to penetrate the skulls of our bunch of pollies.
Now, if you want to say that those who pushed this shit on us deserve to lose power and never be seen in polite society again at best, and thrown in gaol forever at worst, I’m in full agreement – how do you suggest we go about it, when do we start and how can I help? But if all you are going to do is pull random stuff from the internet then thanks, but I am perfectly capable of finding such “evidence” on the internet for any side of any argument you care to name – it ain’t hard. If you’re not prepared to apply some critical thinking, if you’re just going to throw random shit around to support your argument, go away, I don’t want to hear it!
Struth wants us to line up in the trenches like British soldiers on the morning of 1 July 1916, on the Somme, fix bayonets and charge. This has about as much chance of success as the British plan did.
We need something more akin to 8 August 1918, the “Black Day” of the German Army in WW I. But for that, we need to know a lot more about the “enemy”. Not just Klaus and his WEF myrmidons, but Soros and dozens more.
How do we do that? Thinking caps on, everyone.
Hey Ken when you write dribs dribbles do you use your left hand so you think its someone else.
Going through west Mongstralias new “science!!!!” public health measures.
Note something about this statement.
Density and capacity limits
The 2sqm rule also applies to:
Licensed hospitality venues
Convention centres and function centres
Fitness venues
Entertainment venues
Galleries and museums
Places of worship
Hairdressers, beauty services, spas, saunas, tattoo and massage parlours
Perth Crown Complex
Community, recreation or youth centre facilities
Outdoor events with more than 500 patrons.
The 2sqm rule does not apply to the following venues that were previously subject to density limits:
Perth Zoo
Swimming pools and libraries
Higher education including universities and TAFEs for teaching environments e.g. lecture theatres, classrooms, laboratories. They do apply to on-campus non-teaching environments like cafes.
Because science!
Also unvaccinated parents cannot attend hospital with their kids.
Verbatim from the FAQ
” People who are vaccinated are less likely to end up in hospital with severe illness due to Covid-19.”
Thats quite a long way from “vaccines stop transmission & vaccines will stop you getting it’
“Plibersek: “This is me at 19.””
She is actually a very attractive woman. I loathe her politics and would never vote for her but I’ll take her any day over Keneally.
Given the AFL’s deep rooted desire to ensure recognition of minorities and diversities and cultural contributors, such as the Indigenous, Gays, Trans, Women, Anzacs… is it too much to ask for the Good Friday game to have Bach’s Matthew Passion played before the match?
…it only goes for two and a half hours…
Did you see my question at 1550?
“Boambee Johnsays:
April 14, 2022 at 3:50 pm
Via Instapundit, I came across a US/Jewish magazine called Tablet ( It had a couple of interesting articles, particularly one by David Mamet.
Have you seen it, if so, what do you think of it?”
Just seen it. Yes, Tablet is superb. Dover has a link on right-hand side. They have some very, very good writers.
More scraps for the Putin cheer brigade, from the Australian.
Putinists fake a BBC video blaming Ukraine for bombing
Russian propagandists have made a fake BBC news video blaming Ukraine for the massacre bombing of the Kramatorsk train station | SEE VIDEO.
Those are weird legs – unnaturally thin thighs for a woman, even a 19 year old. Anorexic?
I loathe her politics and would never vote for her but I’ll take her any day over Keneally.
Are you coming out Cassie?
The ones you have to watch out for are the small, wiry guys with muscles like steel. We have plenty of them around here, refugees from the former logging and mining towns.
They guys who did my last house move were like that. Never over 5’9, skinny, and could lift a refrigerator solo.
But my point was that the chap who died had obviously made his body into an artwork. With predictable results.
Speaking of good sites on the side bar, Sultan Knish on Disney:
Worth a look.
Plibersek: “This is me at 19.”
Long sleeves for the track marks??
Check your email.
That’s a very homosexualized comment, Cronkite.
Check you mail.
Check your telex.
Plibersek joined the Labor Party at the age of 15.
She is not normal. She is, and has always been, a political creature. Politics, and socialist politics in particular, has shaped her life as religion shapes the lives of others.
The siren song of the pretty 19 year old luring young ones to the Labor Party is an age old strategy. Why else would she use the photo? Imagine Tony Abbott or even Morrison doing such a thing and the reaction.
Aren’t you wearing specs? Those are a great set of pins. If your preference is for thick tree stumps then that’s okay too, as I’m not being judgemental.
That’s a very homosexualized comment, Cronkite.
All my comments are.
I’ll check the horizon for smoke signals.
Well Well well. And another long covid symptom coincidence
Snake Venom Induces Human Mast Cell Degranulation
To test whether clinically relevant snake venoms can activate human MCs we first stimulated LAD2 cells with venom from six taxonomically and geographically diverse venomous snakes, which are all listed by the World Health Organization as snakes with a high medical importance in their respective region (1, 24–26). All venoms induced dose-dependent MC degranulation as assessed by ?-hexosaminidase release (Figure 1A). Since LAD2 cells differ considerably from primary hsMCs [for example, they contain comparatively low levels of proteases (27)] we also tested freshly isolated and purified hsMCs. Skin MCs from three individual healthy donors degranulated in the presence of all tested venoms (Figure 1B).
That’s me done until next week Kittehs. Play nicely and remember:
Christo e risorto veramente! (not Christo e rissotto like I used to get wrong before my edumacashun). 😛
The telex is in the basement and not attached.
Here is someone who made a stand, at great personal cost.
What is the cost of a conscience?
Look folks, she may have been crazy for joining the Liars party at 15, but she did have a decent set of pins at 19 and no one can take that away.
Duk and others, there may be an opportunity for me to participate in the Covax-19 trial (for un-vaccinated people) at my local GP. What are the drawbacks of this vaccine?
My reasons are these. My mother is going into a nursing hoe and to visit her as an un-vaccinated person I will have to wear full PPE – their rulez.
As much as I dont want to do this, I do want to spend any remaining time I have with my mother (which is not so long she is old and frail and a stack of health issues not least diabetes, dicky heart, high BP, an severe fluid restrictions, yadayada.)
And I would feel like shyte for the rest of my life if I put my principles above holding her hand and smiling with her and al the communication and interaction we should have between mothers and daughters.
I just want some informed comment so I can make a balanced decision. Thanks
One drawback is I might be inexplicably attracted to light …
Let’s look at her again:
The legs are pretty good; but her face while pretty has that little squirrel snub nosed aspect to it. The big feet are a give away too.
Is it true that Plibersek and [redacted] were involved in a [redacted] with the wife of [FFS! Seriously Sancho? You want to get me sued? … Dover]
… except Father Time and Colonel Sanders.
My reasons are these. My mother is going into a nursing hoe and to visit her as an un-vaccinated person I will have to wear full PPE – their rulez.
Lie like a pig in shit.
Get a fake pass and revel in your glorious lie-ability.
Cronkite is the hotshot lawyer city Lawyer.
Cronkite, can you be sued for asking a question? Any question.
Is on the money.
The wheels come off any sensible discussion about Covid and Covid vaccination once you enter a world where:
1. It’s taken as an article of faith that an omnipotent government can do anything it wants to change and suppress data, silently, flawlessly and without detection.
2. Huuuge claims by Trusted Bloggers – a 40% increase in deaths, 84% of vaccinated mothers miscarry, zero deaths from Covid-related coronary disease before vaccination started, and so on – are accepted as Points of Truth without any supporting data.
We all know that governments always, always, fuck up whenever they try misinformation on.
The leap of faith to suppose that governments are somehow Narrative Ninjas at the vanishing point of [enter conspiracy theory here] is just extraordinary.
Similarly with the Big Claims.
Why would anyone not notice a 40% increase in deaths? Or a PD James style absence of babies? Again an extraordinary suspension of disbelief.
Russell Brand on Shanghai. I’m trying to work myself up to watching it.
This Is F*cking Terrifying
You think the world is fucked? You ain’t seen nothing yet; latest from:
Cronkite, can you be sued for asking a question? Any question.
Don’t ask.
No, come on, can you? Stop it was the smartarsery.
C.L. says:
April 14, 2022 at 4:31 pm
Hoping all involved are OK, it nevertheless has to be said that a security detail shouldn’t be crashing their vehicle on a sleepy country road in Tasmania. Questions will have to be asked.
According to a news report:
“The crash involved an unmarked police car and a Mitsubishi Triton, which were both travelling west between Deloraine and Latrobe,” Tasmania Police said in a statement.
“Circumstances surrounding the crash are being investigated, however initial enquiries indicate that the Triton has collided with the rear of the police vehicle, while attempting to merge.”
Oops. Ran up the back of the cops and pushed them off the embankment. Probably a few demerits and a reasonable fine coming that driver’s way.
BTW, Tassie has great country roads. I competed in several Targa Tasmania events and a few Rally Tasmania. On small sections of some roads the bitumen doesn’t ever see direct sunlight and at particular times of the year has this black ‘moss’ growing on it – not that I’m an expert in such things but I reckon it would have to be one of the most frictionless natural substance known to man. Effectively identical to driving on ice.
Claims re miscarriages are disgusting.
None of the vaccinated pregnant and recently pregnant women I know have had miscarriages yet the claim is higher than 3 out of 4.
Loons need to get a grip on reality.
The bint who claimed she was kicked out of bed by Tudge is still with her hubbie. I wonder if the $500K kept him interested?
Lie like a pig in shit.
Get a fake pass and revel in your glorious lie-ability.
I agree. I should have gone hard and early on lying to the dogs.
Don’t worry, Cronkite. I just asked my kid. He reckons you can be sued for asking a question.
And zero amount of self respect.
How the heel can he keep this going?
Oops. Ran up the back of the cops and pushed them off the embankment. Probably a few demerits and a reasonable fine coming that driver’s way.
No chicken truck award either.
This one is for Rabz. I’m not a big fan of 80s/90s music generally, but Spandau Ballet were a very good band indeed.
They did notice a 40% increase in deaths. I gave you the link to an industry guy noticing. Not altogether surprising when they have to pay out on lots more life policies than usual. The second one from the German prof is using NHS’s data. I do believe that is from the UK government last I looked.
You do know which side the MSM bats for, don’t you?
+1. Dickless uptick.
I mentioned the other day the disturbing, quasi-religious fervour some people display in attributing every death, regardless of circumstance, to the vax is exactly the same as some others had in 2020 and 2021 in attributing every death, regardless of circumstance, to covid.
Faustus, just now:
Trusted Bloggers again. Dr Maria Zeeee from Zeeee Media reckons that Big Claim is on the money. She also interviewed someone (a ‘doctor’, so y’know – cred) about self-replicating mini robots in vaccines.
Maria Zeeee, who by the way actively begs for cash as well also insterviewed someone else claiming to be ‘an Embalmer’ (complete with capital E), and who claims that red sludge comes out of dead vaccinated people instead of blood.
The absence of mainstream reporting of baby droughts and dead 20 year old is obviously because They are pulling the strings, and They are not to be trifled with.
She is not normal.
None of them are. No normal person would get into politics unless they had worked for 30 years and then grudgingly got into politics to correct the shit they had experienced thus far.
Geez they can twist and slime a story like an eel in a 44 gallon tub of KY gel..
Gruinaid version
Video shows police officer kneeling on Black man before fatally shooting him
Video shows Lyoya running from the officer who stopped him for driving with a license plate that didn’t belong to the vehicle. They struggled in front of several homes while Lyoya’s passenger got out and watched.
Winstrom said the fight over the Taser lasted about 90 seconds. In the final moments, the officer was on top of Lyoya, kneeling on his back at times to subdue him.
See, kneeling on the poor benighted pickaninny before plugging him for no good reason at all.
Then theres the reality.
Cop has tried reasoning, tried physical force, tried taser and has then lost his taser (Im unsure if its been dropped or if the shot chap had it).
Its an awful shooting, but the cop looked about rooted by that stage.
14:30 on has most of the fight.
Some downtown businesses boarded up their storefronts
Obviously expecting firely but mostly peaceful protests…
The liars’ candidate for Hunter, dan repacholi, is 6’8″ and 300lb. Has a gold medal for shooting. He looks and acts decently but is as thick as a brick.
Apparently no one in Colombia knows how to fly a DC3. They’re crashing one a week at this rate on take offs and landings.
I have no edge and it’s just a feeling. I think the punters were prepared to give the Liars a chance because people are (rightly) fucked off with the Libs. But as campaign time grinds on, they are taking a closer look at the Liars and don’t like what they see. The Libs could pull off another upset.
Like everything else, YMMV. Some people seem to thrive on steroids, but many don’t.
Humans are a varied lot, which is why insisting that they all get shot up with ‘vaccines’ developed yesterday is a very bad idea.
I just asked my kid. He reckons you can be sued for asking a question.
Im not SAYING JC is the spawn of a jackal and a pig, merely asking the question if any other unnatural pairing would have resulted in such a hideous malformed outcome?
Similarly it might be wise to ask the question how such a person could have lawfully come by the income they have, it is not unknown for merciless thugs to take advantage of others, such as old widows, and I ask you does he not have the cold, dead eyes of someone whod bump off a wealthy elderly widow on their honeymoon night just to inherit her wealth?
All of the above is merely questions which should be put directly to this JC (if that even his real name, who knows what past they may be hiding by such a possibly gangland related moniker) under oath to dispel this miasma of illegitimacy and hooliganism which some say, surrounds him.
/my people are expecting a call from your people. Please keep it to bullet points, they charge by the minute.
Choo choo, it doesn’t matter what I post here you will go against it.
You are another twunt.
Go drive your train you insignificant arsehole.
Check your email.
Also mandatory if using numbered points are full stops before the numbers.
And so on. Everyone prefers it that way.
It certainly feels like a possibility.
It certainly feels like a possibility,
We are fucked again.
Brazil minister for defence Bolsonaro faces hard scrutiny and stiff questions over military’s purchase of penile implants and distribution of Viagra to troops.
And Mengele was decent young anthropologist …
Point 1. It’s a tail-dragger. You need to get the tail off the deck before you do anything.
Point 2. This is much harder to do when playing from the rough off the fairway.
Come on, that’s a kind of funny but really silly analogy. She looks nothing like Josef Mengele.
“Stories about China’s “snake flu” began to spread through social media alongside official reports about new confirmed cases. There’s just one problem: Other researchers think it’s probably not true.
“It’s complete garbage,” says Edward Holmes, a zoologist at the University of Sydney’s Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, who specializes in emerging RNA viruses, a class that includes coronaviruses like 2019-nCoV. Holmes, who also holds appointments at the Chinese CDC and Fudan University in Shanghai,
look at that, china fact checks the snake flu theory and redirects you back to the false bat narrative.
WTF are you saying? It looks like randomized sentence choice.
This dude can shoot, 1100 yards with 1874 Sharps, standing, takes a couple of shots but he gets a hit on the plate:
Who gives a fk about her legs? Her toxic ideology is what she’ll use to make our lives more miserable.
Dude, walk and chew gum at the same time. I know you can do it!
Point 1. It’s a tail-dragger. You need to get the tail off the deck before you do anything.
Check out the previous one on his channel, hard to tell if it’s take off or landing but pilot slams the tail on the deck and then it all gets really ugly!
Wow, 76% of demons!
If the 76% of the Rats don’t shift, his approval rating is likely to have bottomed as you can’t get much lower than this.
This dude can shoot, 1100 yards with 1874 Sharps, standing, takes a couple of shots but he gets a hit on the plate:
Mark and Sam after work are good value; but he does all the shooting and she does all the spotting.
Twenty-six per cent of independents approve of Biden, along with 76 per cent of Democrats and just 3 per cent of Republicans
That’s still a lot of fucktards. Anyone who speaks favourably about biden literally has shit for brains.
I only respond to telegraph and Party Line phone calls.
Struth-sock, check your Station Master…
(Signalmen and signal boxes here in WA were pretty rare outside the Metropolitan area…)
Is JWH still cheering for Albo?
Given that I am a woman (no, I’m not a biologist but I am fairly sure I’m an adult female human being) and I regularly upvote comments I like….
Does that make me a dickless upticker?
It’s a label I will wear with pride.
Got any NOK or extended family named Richard?
Knuckles, any thoughts about the implosion of the party up north?
It’s all a bit mysterious to the rest of uss.
Me. Ed
Is the Albanian a spook?
Actually you gave a link to Jo Nova making an inference about massive vax casualties on the basis of zero evidence.
A classic case of Trusted Blogger itis.
Gotta watch the babushkas.
Forget I even suggested the libs have a chance. This put the kibosh on that silly thinking.
A banana now has more chance of winning than the libs.
Whilst I agree with the sentiment it really means you are still playing their game.
RB hits 5.5 million viewers, won’t be long now:
They’re all Spooks of one kind or another.
I’m still exploring the Albo/Who’s his Daddy mystery.
Sure, Howard was right about the Unemployment rate Gaffe, but is he still making excuses for young Albo’s poor performance?
That sucks having to make a choice like that.
Whilst I agree with the sentiment it really means you are still playing their game.
Not playing their game has a pretty significant price.
Lol. He’s absolutely horrendous.
This guy was one of the first to write to Fauci indicating he thought virus was not from nature. However he was not one of the three Aussies who soon after signed the Lancet letter organised by Peter Dazack of Eco Health.
“It’s complete garbage,” says Edward Holmes, a zoologist at the University of Sydney’s Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, who specializes in emerging RNA viruses, a class that includes coronaviruses like 2019-nCoV. Holmes, who also holds appointments at the Chinese CDC and Fudan University in Shanghai,
This came up a few weeks ago and I checked with the RSPCA? site.
Apparently it is illegal and the person can be in quite a bit of strife.
Bwahahahaaaa. Knock yourself out Inspector Clouseau.
Anything on punching dorpers Winston?
The Courts should have better uses than prosecuting vegan cats.
WW3 is likely only weeks away, alleged conservatives are worried for the future of women’s sport and vegan cats.
Yep, nothing sexy about crazy chick’s, makka.
A they are listening story.
A few days ago was on the phone having a long conversation. The guy on the other end spent a few minutes discussing his vinyl record collection. Not something I would ever raise in conversation or look up or search on a computer.
Get home a few hours later and switch on PC and go to YouTube. Right at the top of home page is a Vinyl clip discussing top 20 vinyl albums a collector should have in their collection.
My phone also happens to be a Google phone.
Yeah, I know.
Hope things are working out.
I do enjoy a good prang.
As long as it involves others.
Well, are we seeing a Luke Skywalker/Darth Vader scenario unfolding?
With Scotty playing Palpatine [had to GOOOOOOgle that one]?
?? President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally in Delaware, Ohio, on Saturday, April 23, 2022, at 7:00PM EDT.
Saturday, April 23, 2022, at 7:00PM EDT
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks
Delaware County Fairgrounds
236 Pennsylvania Ave
Delaware, OH 43015
Timeline of Events:
8:00AM – Parking and Line Opens
2:00PM – Doors Open and Entertainment Begins
4:00PM – Pre-program Speakers Deliver Remarks
7:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks
General Admission Ticket
How long has Snake Venom been used as an Adjuvant in vaccines?
Any day old babies getting a shot of Cobra Venom?
Bloody hell.
Which implosion, and which party joh?
I thought Hannity’s interview with Trump today was very interesting.
It goes for almost 40 minutes
I’m not sure if this link will work
McGowan and Andrews still holding out on mandatory vaccines. May they have taken all their boosters and personally have interesting times ahead.