Kamala donors paid Obama 100k “for travel expenses”. Zero shame. FMD, what a grift. Not a patch on USAID but…
Kamala donors paid Obama 100k “for travel expenses”. Zero shame. FMD, what a grift. Not a patch on USAID but…
They may operate on very slim profits but somehow they seem to have a lot of money to spread around.…
I got a huge belly laugh out of several Democrats had also warned that Trump would soon start World War…
Sounds very similar to the Aboriginal industry here
What a foul old phony the Warren slag is.
Best what?
Do you ever read anti vaxx sites?
Perhaps if you did you wouldn’t be rambling about ‘red herrings’.
You are trying to paint all those who are vaccinated with the same brush.
I’m sick of your dissembling.
You tried much the same the other day when I made the factual statement that many here took a personal decision to get vaccinated well before vaccine mandates were introduced in Victoria.
‘Nearly a year’.
How would you know this? It doesn’t mean there aren’t dumb people around, it’s just not as “measurable” as some believe.
A relatively small cohort of dummies is basically an anecdote.
Perhaps you meant the more exclusive ‘pureblood red herrings’.
A Neil Oliver quote.
Re the dregs we have as political leaders.
“To be a leader now you have to believe in nothing and be prepared to say anything “
Nails it.
I would have thought that a 65 IQ would be the most likely explanation for at least the first of the two.
The problem with your theory is that Ali had managers and they were smart guys who stood to lose fortunes over their meal ticket turning Muslim and refusing the Draft.
No one ever sued him for loss of earnings or Breach of Contract, so it’s reasonable to assume his entire career was a PsyOp.
Taleb’s position on IQ is that its meaningful on the low end but not the high.
He asserts that the lack of correlation with success on the high end makes it meaningless.
He’s drawing too long a bow on this point. It is reasonable to think that high levels of success might require more than just high IQ. That doesn’t mean that high IQ is meaningless.
Of course it was PsyOp. What else could it be.
It’s the issue and the circumstances and their consequences and not the individual that really bears looking at. I have no interest in your personal vaccination status.
So….that’s Easter done.
Any plans for ANZAC Day?
Well yes it does to some extent, because if there are other intangibles for success, a sox&sandles wearing mensa doofus most likely doesn’t have it.
Moreover, your own argument invalidates itself because people are using IQ as pretty much the sole indicator and suggesting there are other factors makes the IQ argument largely redundant.
And I have no interest in anyone’s.
Deves is a net benefit for Labor and a liability for the Liberal Party.
Scotty is either gonna have to cut her loose or break faith with his grassroots.
Remember, Deves is an Abbott style Captains Pick.
She’s got no Grassroots support at all.
Dawn service, followed by lunch at the ‘boozer” with a few souls of like kidney.
Same as last year.
LOL further to my rant on the Bruce hwy in NQ the other day. Found out today this billboard actually exists. Just south of the Whitsunday Airport turnoff and only seen by northbound traffic. Hence why I missed it.
Love to know who paid for it. Nothing appears online linking it to Palmer which was my first suspect.
There is that line about how nobody knows what IQ is other than to say it is measured by IQ tests and that IQ tests are obviously measuring IQ. That being said, I think the psychologists into individual differences would phrase it as IQ correlates strongly with future achievement rather than stating it is the sole factor involved. That is before you get into which type of IQ you are talking about… verbal, spatial, fluid, crystalline and all that stuff.
As a measure I don’t think it is useless.
Ali so did not have an IQ of 65.
And, if he scored it on a test, there would have been a deliberate reason he did that.
I am reminded of a former AFL player who often scored better on a concussion test after a heavy knock than he did on the pre-season baseline control test (which he deliberately dogged).
I’m in Port Augusta for ANZAC Day. Last year it was Wagga.
Looks like the RSL will be the hot spot.
It isn’t useless if you’re measuring extreme stupidity. Hell, I’m not sure you would even require a test for that as you can see it. 🙂
IQ tests weed out job applicants who qualify under other criteria.
Someone with genius level IQ might be driving a truck, but there aren’t any surgeons with IQ 95 [yet].
I think I will spend it here berating TraIToRs, GloBaList ScUm and paid-up liberals.
muk is actually getting pretty close to full autonomous. tbh I wasn’t expecting this much progress so quickly, google has been working on it since forever and is nowhere near musk
Like that would ever happen.
VicPol claim to have booked a woman doing 246kph in a VW.
I wonder who calibrates their radar guns?
Success has survivor bias.
One of my mate’s father was a smithy and a TAFE teacher. His friend taught electricians
Mate’s father’s mate said his dumbest students either went broke or became fantastical wealthy.
They simply had no understanding of risk.
April 18, 2022 at 5:09 pm
Samantha Maiden
Breaking: Liberal candidate Katherine Deves is facing a grassroots Liberal Party revolt.
In a new leaked email obtained by http://news.com.au, the NSW Liberal President Chris Stone has been urged to ask Ms Deves to stand aside in the next 24 hours
What a revolting party the Libs are, and the NSW admin, the worst.
Contact the bastards and tell them you won’t vote for them if Katherine Deves is disenfranchised:
I own a turbo Jetta. It’s a poor man’s turbo A4 Audi.
I doubt a woman would drive that fast and live to appear in court. 🙂
There is a surgeon with Tourettes though. OK once the scalpels come out apparently but full blown at home.
iq doesn’t measure motivation
That’s an interesting perspective. I always thought developers are in that category. It’s unimaginable to me how a person can take a 7 to 10 year project risk and if he makes loads of money he’s a fucking genius. No he’s not. He’s just lucky with the unpredictable economic cycle.
Cernovich is finding the path Christ. Amazing to see so many influential people finding Christ in recent years.
And, once you are at a certain level, you can learn the techniques to jack up your score.
A few years ago I did a few in quick succession and they were jumping 5-10 points at each repetition.
Sounds a tad suspect given engine governors and the model.
Got link areff, nothing coming up in direct searches or permutations. Get more on a chick manhandled at Kalkallo in the lockdowns than anything else.
This Deves thing is ultimately a blessing in disguise for the Liberals, which to me is bad…I want the Liberals destroyed.
Where has courting TERFs like J K Rowling gotten any conservative party? Bruce/Caitlin Jenner is a commentator on Fox News. It would be unwatchable now without Tucker.
As “uncool” as it is, the Liberals would win more votes by simply being the economically rationalist holy rollers they’re made out to be.
The net taxpayers of this country actually think that way or are sympathetic to that point of view.
They’re either compromised or have no balls.
I’m finding a path to the Simulation.
You know what’s hysterically funny. Just over a decade ago the left was giving the religious Right all the grief they could for even doubting any tiny part of evolution. How unscientific, how stupid.
Then the proposition that we’re living in a Simulation, which some tech billionaires believe in comes along. The Simulation puts aside evolution and there’s deadly silence from the left.
That happened a lot at the old economics factory. An old client of ours made lifts in Australia, expanded when we told them not to and collapsed hard.
Most clients really just needed some padding to whatever lender or investor they were wooing. Advice? I’m trying to get other people’s money!
Certainly took the romance out of it.
Now doubt she had floored it, but did wonder about 246 clicks too.
Ali so did not have an IQ of 65.
That was an estimate.
He graduated High School, never learned to read or write.
His old man was a signwriter, he said the kid is too dumb to follow in his footsteps.
Consistent with the BeauGan principle that you can’t assess the intelligence of anyone smarter than you, and IQ tests are devised by psychologists.
Morons use average iq to claim superiority over other races.
I went for a mostly commission based job at a warrant selling AFSL holder that shall remain nameless.
I answered their personality test as though I thought a psycho would answer it, I had seen some disclaimers taped onto their walls…this mob is known for flogging coffee and hog bellies to old nannas …I did not want to work at a place I thought the regulators could shut down so easily.
Anyway I got a call back and I turned them down.
I should have gotten the finest business cards possible.
Sorry JC, you triggered this:
😀 runs away and hides…
A few years ago I did a few in quick succession and they were jumping 5-10 points at each repetition.
Ha ha.
Post a link to the “tests”.
If you mean you repeated the same test over and over to guess the ones you flunked, then that’s hardly invalidating IQ Tests.
As a matter of fact, it indicates that you rate the tests highly.
Phoned in a hoon this arvo. Looked like a child in a hotwired WRX- anyhoo it was totes deadly accident waiting to happen, so i thpught I’d set the example for the kids. It’s been hard to find affirmation of policing, so we got the plates, bring bring.
Automated answering:
If it’s an emergency, ring 000.
If it’s COVID-19, go to a website.
Your call is being transferred.
Bring bring.
This call is being recorded.
If you are reporting a breach of batflu orders, please press 1.
If you are etc etc
…this county’s stuffed. It’s seriously embarrassing.
The Interwebs tell me that a Golf GTI TCR Mk7 has a top whack of 161 mph, which is close to 260 kph.
Wouldn’t try that on any Victorian country road though.
The Ladybird Book series about Family Life problems for the jaded:
What to do when Grandma becomes a Lesbian
When Your Best Mate is Dating your Mum
Why Step Mums are Better then Real Mums
Young Children and Coitus Interruptus
Diarrhea and Constipation in Children: which is preferable.
I have an IQ of 149 and I drive a truck. Well, a compactor actually but you get the idea 🙂
The Leb is basically saying that’s impossible to measure the future success of reasonably smart(ish) people with a number, whereas you can for really dense morons. I think that’s about right. He thinks people like Steve Pinker and the dude – the former Harvard prof- who wrote about race and IQ are frauds. He really seems to have it in for Steve Pinker. I think it’s the hair. 🙂
Ha ha, Dot.
I fudged a pre-employment MBTI once.
Not to completely flip it to another type, but just throttle back on a couple of attributes.
Something occurred to me last week that I swear must have come from out of the Simulation.
Come on, man!
A compactor is completely different.
Does it ever Bing Bong! you?
Last comment meant for RockDoc.
There are too many people calling themselves docs here.
Beware the simulacra.
How do you define “woman”?
IQ Tests test for Pattern Recognition, which is a marker for Intelligence.
That’s it.
So, obviously a guy that tests at IQ 145, but is functionally illiterate, isn’t going to succeed at a job where literacy is required.
But he’s still a very smart guy.
CrazyOldRanga says: April 18, 2022 at 7:43 pm
The bloke who was in the Guinness Book of Records as having Australia’s highest IQ (dunno if he’s still there) was a garbo in Rockhampton.
Though I dunno if he drove, perhaps he rode the footplate.
Shame the pince-nez never caught on instead of those ankle length leather jackets.
Oh god!
To think I almost got myself in a pissing contest with Googlery about “intelligence”.
What the fuck was I thinking?
The first Trannie?
The big problem is what constitutes ‘success’. IQ correlates with income up to a point, but past that point, very bright ppl have different objectives. Trying to understand the universe a little better, for example.
The Passion of the Christ and The Descent into Hell
Bannons War Room Published April 16, 2022
Pattern recognition is not as ambiguous as those tests imply in real life situations.
Original Bob Hoover aerobatics footage:
Jihad Watch
You need to go to an epitaph for that.
As the Austrian economists would say, money is the commodity most in demand. You’re presenting exceptions to the general rule. Exceptions don’t make the rule though.
This War Is A Propaganda Campaign Wrapped In A Psyop: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
I take it you don’t earn as much as you think you should, BG?
Polish-Jewish journalist quits newspaper after it demands different description of ‘neo-Nazi’ Ukrainian militia
One other thing Doc, those dudes trying to appreciate the universe some more aren’t exactly lowly paid.
I’m sure it the same here.
This isn’t lowly paid by US and certainly world standards.
It’s called an epithet, dickhead.
He asserts that the lack of correlation with success on the high end makes it meaningless.
Taleb admits that he can’t measure “success” because a lot of it’s not quantifiable but then spends a whole article denouncing IQ tests on the basis of his emotive vague generalities like “lifeless bureaucrats”, “nerds” etc, and touting his graphs of IQ and income.
If he can’t measure “success” why is he bothering?
And even if he’s talking only about money he’s overlooking (a) the law of diminishing returns and (b) risk/reward itself (i.e. Dot is right that “success” if measured as $ has “survivor bias”).
People whose skills are the type measured by IQ tests often look at their opportunities and see very good risk/reward calculations for jobs that won’t ever makes them billionaires or anything like it – but will still give them the house in Toorak, the holiday house in Portsea or Noosa, the five star/first class overseas holidays etc. Very often they go for those jobs. The people who make those choices are the partners at Big Four accounting firms or major law firms, or the medical specialists, or similar skilled professional types.
They’re never going to be billionaires or anything like it so their IQ doesn’t show up at the extremes of Taleb’s IQ/$ graphs but their choices are perfectly valid. They’re valid because the “reward” of having way more money from some other career path wouldn’t be very important (e.g. how many more rooms does the Toorak mansion really need, and how much use would the second and third holiday houses really get?), whereas the risks of their choice aren’t that great (e.g. someone who’s got a high IQ and is willing to work is pretty certain to be able to pull a significant multiple of average weekly earnings at a big firm even if they never make partner, and they won’t go broke and lose everything).
Obviously what I’ve written here is anecdotal and qualitative, but Taleb himself in the article rails about people looking at stats without thinking through what underlies them, so I don’t feel I’m being unfair in proffering this critique.
Who doesn’t?
VicPol claim to have booked a woman doing 246kph in a VW.
Did the spend 45 minutes with her on the side of a busy freeway?
I don’t.
I mean, I make shitloads working two days a week, getting up late and knocking off early.
Hi Ted!
No, an epithet is that toggle switch that works the driver’s side window in any vehicle higher than a Landcruiser.
God. Some people.
All correlated and primed for future success.
For the quick egress of boots and trousers in an emergency?
The Leb is going a little further than that though. He argues that national IQ is basically crap, which it is.
Your content at the level you are, Sancho. This doesn’t make less intelligent then Soros.
The B-29 project was vastly expensive. IIRC more so than the Manhattan project and a miserable flop at its original mission of high altitude daylight bombing.
Yep, massively expensive, took a long time to get it sorted. Didn’t stop the Russians from building a copy though.
The B-29 came into its own as a nuclear bomber. Close counts with nuclear weapons. That’s why the Russians copied it, as they knew all about the Manhattan project and would soon get their own bomb.
Flush riveting really, really counts where you expect laminar flow on the leading edges of the wings, tail and front part of the fuselage. The flow soon turns turbulent anyway (B-29 did not have a laminar flow airfoil although the B-24 did, as did the P-51 although under service conditions it is doubtful if it really helped as with dirt, insects, rough paint etc likely turbulated the flow earlier than designed). Once turbulent, the boundary layer grows in thickness quite quickly so flush rivets don’t help much at all on the trailing parts of flying surfaces.
For the last pair of trousers you have.
You’re such a Boeing.
This is true.
I do see a couple of “very successful” (and wealthy) people in my life, and I so do not want to swap places with them.
I still haven’t identified the model but I am going to start eliminating a few.
Not a Kombi.
One always packs spare trousers on a long voyage.
Large American bank stocks are well down this year from their highs. About 20% plus down. This is even more surprising as bond yields have risen smartly with the 10 year bond yielding 2.8%. Banks were supposed to do well in a rising yield environment. I think this strongly indicates one thing. Recession down the road. It’s not 100% obviously.
Dr. Vernon Coleman says “don’t send me any money as I’ll only spend it on books and ice-cream.”
There is a rumour circulating that Ricardo Bosi is [What the hell, Sancho? What are you trying to do to me? Dover].
Each time I refresh I get a brief glimpse of John and Peter.
I’ll miss it – that look of hope in their eyes.
There was a very original split screen Kombi in the car park here today. Hate to know how much they would go for nowadays.
Bear, WTF is a split screen Kombi?
The People love Albo:
Scumo might just win this turd race.
The very best in German EVs.
From the same site as the dick sizes, Average IQ
Combining the two, is one the inverse of tother?
Many years ago I worked in an institution for disabled people with extremely low IQs. My informal observations there would support that conjecture.
One of the nurses in the unit thought it was a great waste and injustice!
April 18, 2022 at 8:16 pm
The Leb is going a little further than that though. He argues that national IQ is basically crap, which it is.
I think he’s on solid ground there. If there’s any utility in all in such a concept no-one seems to have been able to explain what it’s supposed to be.
Did you see that the National IQ graph ranked Israel 40th? Not sure trying to outwit Mossad would be my “percentage option” choice of activity.
Rarity is pushing up old Kombis- anything that might get parked in a hipster wedding party photo shoot will ask $120k. Don’t know how deep the market is tho
Split screen Kombi’s are cool, Bear. Not the classic for me though.
Mini moke
HB, there’s a factory down the road where they’re working on the resto of one of these:
Apparently right this moment dating coach Gonzo Lira is at a poker tournament in New Jersey.
Well, that’s what Google says.
Au contraire, take a look at any ‘world IQ by country’ map and you will see a very strong correlation between higher average national IQ and more productive, less violent societies. Conversely, the biggest shitholes are also all ‘red’ on the low IQ scale.
Finding new lows.
The ok groomer network
Saw the ad while the little bloke was watching one of his shows.
No one ever sued him for loss of earnings or Breach of Contract, so it’s reasonable to assume his entire career was a PsyOp.
Ali was a spook?
Is there anyone ever born who, in your estimation, wasn’t a spook?
I do like Talebs take that IQ shows you know how to take IQ tests well.
Is he holdin’ a pair ‘o deuces?
Who the buggery is Tom Harwood? Insane and evil. Not even Orwell predicted this
50 year old Rusty VW BUS Revival
The medical profession really step up when things fuck up… or not:
A clown on GBNews.
What do you call an independent which has all the same policies as the Greens and the prog-left of the Labor Party?
Zali Steggall: Parents’ concerns about transgender athletes in women’s sport is ‘transphobia’ (Sky News, 18 Apr)
Tiny bit ironic that in the current day men in frocks would have won all the medals she did, and she’d then be a non-entity.
Two more resignations at my former workplace last week.
Roughly five more to go to reach 100% change out of management and admin since December.
Rex Anger:
You will be pleased to hear Rex, that when the Greens were putting up the case for the Koala Korridors on the NSW coast and hinterland, farmers were going around, shooting every bloody koala they could find.
Unintended consequences indeed.
FMD – after a story on Australian medicos volunteering in the Ukraine the next store was the cruise ship powering into Sydney Harbour – some shiela began crying as she was overcome and how booked 4 cruises in the next 6 months.
Someone here was saying Netflix’s Anatomy of a Scandal fell into a major plot failure halfway through.
Certainly did, and if you finish it the whole story gets even more ridiculous.
But believe all ladies, right?
Uncle Fester
Clive Palmer?
Clip of the Moskva after the incident. Tug in attendance, incl. another vessel, all of which indicates there was time enough to get the surviving crew off the vessel before it sunk.
Yes Rosie. I’m one of them.
Given suppliers of blood products aren’t going to segregate, what do you think you will do if the prospect of a transfusion arises?
Thanks Dover at first I thought it was the guy who used to mc ‘it’s accademic’ but that was from a saner era.
Oh dear, Annabel Crabb is attempting humour again:
Election campaign goes so far back to the future it’s prehistoric for Morrison and Albanese
LOL that actually is hilarious! Imagine a Liberal politician doing this! The LNP genius, neverfail strategy is to alienate voters who otherwise would vote for them by attempting to strike a chord with a bunch of people who weren’t voting for them anyway.
Muhammad Ali had a low IQ?
This is not the work of a low IQ man:
You think the world was shocked when Nixon resigned?
Wait ’til I whup George Foreman’s behind!
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
His hand can’t hit what his eyes can’t see.
Now you see me, now you don’t.
George thinks he will, but I know he won’t.
I done wrassled with an alligator,
I done tussled with a whale.
Only last week I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalized a brick.
I’m so mean, I make medicine sick.
—Muhammad Ali
I’ve seen George Foreman shadow boxing. And the shadow won.
—Muhammad Ali
The funniest thing is when the ALPBC wheel Crabb out as a political pundit at election time after 3 years of lady pages fluff and expect people to take her seriously.
Crabb takes herself seriously but I suspect she is in the minority.
I take her seriously, Bear. You do too.
The absolute state of political analysis in this country.
After months of talking about2PP, Newspoll shows the UniParty primary vote is in the toilet.
Much better analysis here
give it time.
much better than it looks
Sweet Tooth
a bit like Wizard of Oz … all the characters of The Cat are in the dream
Who is this Crabb female, and why should I give a rodent’s ringpiece about what she thinks?
I think it was Ms Crabb that referred to Bronwyn Bishop as a funnelweb in a frock when she wrote for the SMH. It’s a pretty good line but you would get cancelled for it these days.
Albanese is done. Whether he’s growing John Howard eyebrows or not.
Done. Gorn.
Others in senior Labor ranks are highly sceptical about sending Mr Rudd to Washington, fearing his status as a former Australian prime minister and apparent appetite for maintaining a high personal profile could pose problems for Canberra.
FMD. Appointing Rudd to the most important post in Australia’s entire diplomatic network? The US would be justified in severing diplomatic relations just to avoid having to put up with the exceedingly disgraceful little turd.
Let’s see him answer a couple of presser questions on this subject without him shutting it down.
If you are outside, as I am just before farter time, you can actually hear the preening from where I am.
I bet the porky little ferret’s on the treadmill as we speak.
Why does the ABC keep trotting out these ridiculous stories:
Rising cost of living sees more West Australians rely on donations and spiral into debt
They always manage to find some bullshit artist you’re supposed to feel sorry for:
Uh huh…
Um when did the fuel fly up to $2.40? Unless you’re driving a McLaren and need to buy that expensive E85 ethanol-based petrol for your supercar.
Someone check this woman’s visa. We’ve got an illegal here. Somehow this Saigonese street person made it over to Perth.
LOL she can’t afford to buy a pot…seriously? People believe this garbage? Does the typical ABC luvvie actually know any poor people? I guess not. They seem to believe being poor means you live in hopeless Dickensian poverty, constantly on the brink of starvation. If Coles nixes the Down Down price on Snappy Tom, they’re dead.
Sancho Panzer:
Depends on the circumstances.
If it’s a situation where there is time to self donate – like PFO* and broken femur, then delay for two days, donate 3 units of your own blood to retransfuse post op. This allows time for the volume to be restored before you go to theatre and then post op loss to be made up with your own.
If not, volume can be made up quickly and safely with non blood products like Haemaccel and seeing you would not be indulging in marathons after surgery, then having supplemental oxygen for a couple of days and letting your system make up the difference over a month would be fine.
The bodies blood supply is designed to react to blood loss very quickly. A litre lost will make virtually no difference to total O2 carrying capacity.
*Pissed and fell over.
One of the images shows her cuddling a dog – she could always eat that…
Those whacky muslims:
Sweden hit by fourth day of unrest over planned Quran burnings
From Cohenite’s link.
Malmo? Malmo? Wasn’t someone on the old Cat going to Malmo, to write an article, and folded up when challenged to go?
I think the source of the “Mr Rudd Goes to Washington” is probably Kokoda Kev himself.
Why would we send Kevni to Washington?
I’ll bet he doesn’t even know who Greg Norman is.
Snuck into a mini brewery last night, on the proviso that i was only buying takeaways… had a cheeky pint before my long-suffering wifey reminded me that it would be best not to serve the kids with another china virus sca dal to round out their holidays.
Asked how long they stayed open on a sunday, with an eue to nippingback when the nippers were asleep- barman (part owner) looked at the room and said, we’re licensed to 10 but I’d say we’ll knock off at 8 tonight. Regardless of 15% surcharge, can’t even pay overheads with public holiday loading, his most experienced hands laid off by jab commands, and punters barred at the door for no green tick.
We’re in a clusterfuck where venues are empty and bleeding out while holiday accommodation is at healthy capacity, and as soon as flights to nicer landscapes take off, it’s the long dark tea-time of the south.
GJ Muslims.
Further down Cohenite’s link:
Even further down Cohenite’s link:
Bassheads – Is There Anybody Out There?
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
David Rowe.
Brian Adcock.
Andy Davey.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Ben Garrison.
Thank you Tom
Their Salary Will Be $0 If…”: Elon Musk Targets Twitter Board
The seven times rule?
Seems more like a whinge that someone’s business model is running out of steam because someone else’s is doing better.
How the seven-time rule is destroying vintage fashion or oh noes someone doesn’t want to wear a badly stained tshirt
Subject to the fabrics used, this is no problem that a sharp pair of scissors and a mate who needs his/her workshop rag bin refilled couldn’t fix.
Denim and cotton drill make excellent spill absorbers, grease/oil collectors and polishing rags. 🙂
Red morning
Lucky you. It’s all smoke all the way from Canning Vale down to Freo today- All trapped by the inversion layer. Dunno if actual fire or backburn.
Yes Rex, a stained tshirt would never make it on to an op shop floor, straight into the rag bag.
I don’t know how much used clothing gets exported, the US used to export a lot.
Haha, Albo has to use the Australian to tell Kevin to shut his trap and behave. No goodies for you sonny if you make a scene.
used clothing, still big business
In 2020 Ukraine was the second biggest importer of used clothing.
The only stuff that ends up in landfill is poor quality.
Australia’s biggest a grade second hand clothing exporter
Rex Anger:
Well it won’t be for undergrowth clearance – they’re bad for the ‘vironment, you know.
Bruce of Newcastle:
It’s not going to shut him up, he’ll be having press conferences every hour now.
There has been quite a bit off burning off close to Melbourne over the last few weeks.
Made the news because it was impacting air quality.
She sashays into op shops, set up by charities for the needy and staffed by volunteers, picks the eyes out of the clothes on offer and pays the tiny sum on the price tag, then puts them in her own shop at a massive mark up.
What an amazing woman! Of course, the poor shouldn’t have access to good secondhand clothes. Ever. And now what she has done through her gleaning has become a reality – good clothes are no longer available anyway. There are only ever a limited number of YSLs thrown out ducky.
I love the way the SMH has woven (tee hee) this story into an environmental tirade against “fast fashion”. Unfortunately the genuine problem has been diluted with the froth of the silly business story.
It would have been better for the writer to do the hard yards and investigate the sweatshops of Vietnam and Laos, the blue denim waterways of India, the massive piles of landfill worldwide. Much of what is thrown out is new or almost new and if the loaded racks of non-moving stock here are any indication, covid and wfh has changed the merchandising landscape for the foreseeable.
The Coming US Civil War
Union Pacific must be run by Democrats who want to punish all those farmers in flyover country – who are probably Trump voters – by restricting shipments of fertiliser by rail in the Spring planting season.
Gateway Pundit has the story.
I read Kevin is coming home to campaign in 20 seats for the Labor party.
Perhaps that was just someone on twitter having fun.
Darwin is, among other things, a garrison town. Has been for decades.
The USMC has been in this town for the last of those decades, growing in presence from 240 to a rotating crew of about 2500 today. Plus infrastructure. Aside from a few times a year when they participate in charity runs, you hardly see them because they’re either out bush or in training in barracks. When you do see them, they are unfailingly the most polite people on Earth.
Naturally, the Greens want to throw them out because they’re named in a Midnight Oil song (the NT News):
Presumably Blair – of course it’s Blair – thinks Pine Gap makes his Foxtel work. Blair’s actual agenda is of course sucking up to communists:
Blair finishes with a stupendous piece of naivety found elsewhere only in toddlers wanting to pat slavering pit bulls:
We could supply them with people named Blair.
Rosie, some gets sent up to PNG. I’ve been in a shop that sells used clothing – all set up nicely by one of the local churches (possibly the Sevvies). The locals loved it and used it a lot. All of the items were freshened up and never, ever damaged.
If I’m sending clothing packages to the third world, I always include a little pack of underwear as that is the item that you can’t get secondhand for obvious reasons.
I imagine a lot of what is exported is actually new – remaindered stock from last season that just doesn’t shift.
That’s Clown of Death stuff. H/t Blair
Go Kevni!
My observation calli is that too often chain charity shops overprice because of their changed business models and can be more expensive than fast fashion outlets like kmart and best and less.
Why would the poor buy second hand when they can buy new?
One for Top Ender.
UK’s show of force to Putin – photos show missiles being loaded onto Navy sub in Gibraltar (18 Apr)
Interesting that Audacious is being ammoed up, and next to the Georgia. Suggests the navy guys in Washington and London want a bit of firepower available in the Med in the next month or so, just in case.
Why indeed? What might Australia have that China might want? Has this clown ever been to China?
News Flash for the numpty – we are already a target. A big, fat, juicy, supine one.
Some might be new calli but I think Savers Salvos Vinnies etc have arrangements for onselling just about anything.
No, Zippy, two doses five months previously (so reduced immunity) and we got the virus, very mild too.
We got the booster two months after having had Covid, to give some (minimal) immunity on top of the natural one especially as we are travelling o/s soon.
John H – yes, there are better Covid vaccines on the way, far less invasive and causing fewer reactions.
However, we thought it advisable to take one that was passport recognised in case we wish to go to Europe from the UK in the month we are there. Don’t intend to, as the UK has NO restrictions at all now, don’t even have to show vaxx status to enter or leave. We place most reliance re Covid now on the fact that we have natural immunity due to having had it, and that the virus has mutated mild. Also on the way are better treatments, possibly over-the-counter ones.
Russia targeting cities in Western Ukraine
What are the odds that if Musk did achieve purchase of Twitter the Dems would suddenly see sense in “ breaking up that monopoly”.
Monomania it’s everywhere
Kevni on his favourite subject I can’t imagine him in a ‘diplomatic’ role
Correct. Which is why it’s so important that good quality second hand items remain available for the poor – I’m thinking business wear like suits for instance.
Children’s play clothes and casual stuff, not so much.
“More economic mistakes by Anthony Albanese and another clean up job by Labor. Albanese declared yesterday that their health plan was “fully costed” – turns out Kevin Rudd’s recycled health policy is not costed, and we still don’t know when Labor’s costings will be released.”
Yes, our only real hope is in mutual defense alliances. The smiling ‘teal’ green Stepford Candidates have absolutely no idea about any of this. They are captive to the climate cult and its rich green male funder.
If they hold the balance of power and Labor wins with it then we may look forward to becoming another Venezuela very soon, and quite a nice piece of low-hanging fruit for China to pick in any way it thinks best – by soft power or hard take-over.
Do’ya reckon the Greens realize that Switzerland is armed to the teeth with military grade rifles in every house in the country? With every able-bodied man and many women trained in national service?
I’ve said several times that the Swiss porcupine model would be the defense strategy for us. A rifle behind every spinifex bush.
If you wanted to know the excuse for cancelling the Mid Terms in the US, it looks like this will be the one.
Food shortages.
And from the Gateway Pundit…
apparently Elbow has ruled out a News Corp RC, now he proposes Rudd as US ambassador, how will that placate the angry little man?
MSNBC – Elon could control what people think … and that is our job!
Powerline Blog
An engineered food collapse in the US.
I guess we can circle back to that great prediction in a few months.
areas where Australians refuse to work
With the rest picked though by the staff.