Bev Macarthur is pretty good. A few of the vicco liberals are ok. Can’t think of any in new at…
Bev Macarthur is pretty good. A few of the vicco liberals are ok. Can’t think of any in new at…
Build loads of the new High Efficiency Low Emission (HELE) Coal Power Plants. The rest of the World is. Why…
From Dover – previous page There are Ukrainian reports that Russian soldiers are eating cats and dogs. Maybe, just maybe,…
They will be going all out to steal the election for the Dem. Report: Drag Queens to Fundraise for Democrat…
and all a result of what will probably turn out to have been an illegitimate Premier if they ever get…
Whose only military recourse is nuclear weapons.
I bet they didn’t – they were, by and large, scarred for life.
I don’t think smallpox survival is a good comparison. Chickenpox might be closer in lethality, but still not on the money as it’s more a childhood disease.
All Digger has proved is that you can get it and not suffer much at all. His supplement regimen is almost identical to mine. I don’t get crook either.
I do agree.
But this was already a de facto secondary or tertiary objective when NATO was merely retraining and professionalising the UAF. It just got publicly stated now the war efforts of both sides have become more overt.
They were indeed trying to protect UKR sovereignty, but since the UAF predominantly up against Russian Armour and Infantry formations or forces supplied and equipped from same, any equipment kills and casualties inflicted against them were a drain on Russian combat capability that they may not have been easily able to outright replace. Even from within the effective peacetime Russian economy and Military-Industrial Complex.
May 1, 2022 at 4:02 pm
I bet people who survived smallpox said
Awesome, I’m now naturally ‘vaccinated’ against smallpox.
Myeeeesss because a disease which is a pretty poor “boomer remover” is the same as one of the mist virulent and fatal diseases ever to inflict itself on mankind
(2021 article so figures will be out a bit for Covid mortality… But valid as no vaccine yet)
More contagious than Covid-19 and with a 30 percent mortality rate, smallpox was one of history’s biggest killers.
Currently, the coronavirus kills around 0.5 percent of the people it infects.
I have no supplement regime and despite best efforts appear to have not gotten covid.
The point is claiming getting a disease is somehow superior to getting a vaccine as a means to avoid getting a disease strikes me as ludicrous.
All anecdotes tell us is everyone is different, and other than some general guidelines, age comorbities etc we cannot tell who will or will not get very unwell.
After all the good sister in France survived covid at age 116.
That wasn’t my point moley.
I have to admit I am fortunate to be in a position to vote against him.
But it’s a bit like standing in a burning house, with pitchfork in hand, awaiting my chance to jab his fat flabby arse.
Can someone send me a sample, please?
Sister Anger came back from Melbourne with a sniffle that triggered a Coof test kit into displaying ‘positive.’ She has had a week off work doing her best Charles Bark-ley (*cough* *cough*), and not even a single skerrick of the rogue virus has managed to get anyone else in the house.
Oh and you can get covid more than once.
Princess Diana’s Lost (& Found) 80s Anime
Kenny Lauderdale.
Rex at 2:06 pm, before Putin attacked Ukraine I was not on their side because of the whole Biden involvement. Once the war and the invasion started I think Ukranians have a right to defend themselves any way they can. Putin is the aggressor and until he stops the war I will regard him as such.
He’s still at it over fifty years later.
Top Scientists: California Must End Neighborhood Oil Drilling, Phase Out Fossil Fuels (20 Apr)
Given Dr Ehrlich’s unparalleled achievements in wrongology I think this means we should drill baby drill without any worries.
Which plays straight into a key facet of Putin’s worldview – that the US is out to destroy Russia.
Mr. Anderson
11 days ago
Japan will make an anime of everyone and everything, one really niche one I like is the anime they made about a polish Catholic priest named Zenon Zebrowskie who worked in Japan helping people during WWII. It’s even free on youtube.
Oracle _89
Oracle _89
11 days ago
That’s actually really cool. What’s the show called?
11 days ago
Got the name of it for easier searching, please pardon?
Emiru Zaiikawa
Emiru Zaiikawa
11 days ago
I need that sauce, my guyyy
Mr. Anderson
Mr. Anderson
11 days ago
For those interested it’s called ZENON. Boundless love here on YouTube
Emiru Zaiikawa
Emiru Zaiikawa
11 days ago
@Mr. Anderson why thank you kind sire
11 days ago
I’ve watched it! Pretty good!
11 days ago
The fate series is a great example of this
Slapstick Genius
Slapstick Genius
11 days ago
There’s an anime about Anne Frank!
Oracle _89
Oracle _89
11 days ago
@Mr. Anderson thank’ee sir
9 days ago
Zenon ?ebrowski
Mr. Anderson
Mr. Anderson
9 days ago
@Lugia007PLn Sorry if I misspelled it, I’m not too familiar with Polish and I had seen people spell his name like that first
the_Pleiades 0929
the_Pleiades 0929
3 days ago
There is also an anime like Shoko asahara’s Chouetsu Sekai, probably the first in the world to have a voice actor sentenced to death.
They seemed a bit miffed when I said I wouldn’t bother unless I get symptoms … No test, no COVID, no problem.
Exactly what I did. I had symptoms so I got tested… I’m glad I did because I now know a hell of a lot more than if I hadn’t…
Yes. I’d like to know if the second time around is a variant of the first and has slipped by the somnolent immune system.
I miss DocDuk. He is probably busy with that evil, trumped up charge from the Canberra protest. He was walking back some of the more dire effects (eg. Vaids) of the vaxx before he became quiet here, and that our bodies are probably far more resilient than we thought. I hope I’m not verballing him here, but I think that was the gist of his comments on negative long term effects.
Miltonf at 2:44 pm, I don’t see that the US wanted a war and got one. I think what happened is that Putin convinced Biden and his advisors that he will just go into the Donbas region and slice off a small section. Remember Biden’s explanation that they expect a “minor incursion” by Russians. Putin lied and went the whole hog.
Of course the third possibility is that neither Biden nor Putin expected Ukraine to fight back and that’s when it all went wrong.
On this day , in 1986 I was in the May Day celebration in Moscow
Where I learnt of the Chernobyl explosion
From another tourist
And have lived to tell the tale
Believe it or not…
Interesting thing is the Diamond Princess data suggested that the unvaxxed have only a 25% chance of catching coof. Whereas the vaccinated appear to have about an 80% chance of catching it:
Nearly 60% of US population had COVID by February: CDC (MedXpress, 26 Apr)
Omicron is very mild, but this data does fit the view that any existing default defenses are zeroed by the vaccine, so that once the antibodies wear off you become infectible.
The PCR test is so subjective to handling and cycling, it’s meaningless.
The RAT test should be treated like the other famous pink line plastic tab… ie, don’t take it to the bank, consult your doctor. It’s an antigen test.
Do any antibody tests occur? Can they be meaningfully matched to an isolated virus that can be called COVID-19?
-ie the tests are so corrupt, it’s no wonder you can “catch covid” again and again.
Oh, and the medical profession is corrupt too.
I am in the 20% then.
We few, we happy few… 😀
May 1, 2022 at 4:23 pm
That wasn’t my point moley.
So the choice of smallpox to illustrate your point was random then?
DrBeauGan at 3:10 pm, I don’t believe the US and the UK want a war but they are now stuck with it. If they abandon Ukraine NATO is dead and nobody will trust them again. It’s no longer just about Ukraine, it’s about the Western alliance.
(I’m still unvaxxed, and as far as I know haven’t had coof. Or if I had it was so mild I didn’t notice.)
I suspect that Digger simply wanted to know if he’d actually had covid and consequently, now has the natural protection that comes with it.
That was my motivation. I did not involve any medical ‘authorities’; the positive diagnosis was for my information only.
BTW, well done, Digger.
It suggested no such thing, Fester. Stop making shit up.
Wally, the test may at times not be accurate especially the RAT test, but they are not corrupt, you imbecile.
FMD, there are some mentally people on this board.
I’ve had a cold more than once too.
The western alliance is more Marxist than modern Russia
I have to tell you…
While we were up at the resort a tour bus pulled in for the restaurant. A long walk from bus to table, but that’s part of the charm.
Two pax on the bus were wearing masks. On the path. Middle of nowhere. The mental illness is strong in some.
Had a pleasant chat to the driver and guide – nice blokes and happy to be back working. I don’t know how they do it. The idiots they must encounter would drive me to drink.
I think that is confirmed.
Strictly speaking, the Russian psyche is all about existential crisis. Mind you, not the geopolitical one leavened with a splash of atomic paranoia we are presently discussing… 🙂
Dot put up a very interesting video a week or two ago, describing a 19th Century author’s exploration of the Russian psyche as being like a stampede of wild horses- Not knowing exactly where they are going, but everyone gets the hell out of the way.
I seem to recall said author (or was it a poet?) used it to describe the sort of psychic confusion and melancholy Russia felt in trying to decode where it was (Europe? Asia? Something else again?), but that the key to the question was not to answer it one way or the other.
Either way, I’d appreciate Dot putting the link up again if he has it- It made fascinating listening.
Fester, just out of curiosity. You live alone as you’ve told us you’re a confirmed bachelor. Do you ever go out other than regular shopping? Do you see friends and go out to eat? It’s getting onto 2.5 years now and by the sounds of it you only seem to share a meal with magpies.
That’s funny, Mole… or it would be if I were not a boomer. 🙂
Milton, don’t over-egg the pudding. We are some, but to suggest we’re as statist as the Russians is going a little too far. We’re not.
“Corrupt” – I took that to mean easily corrupted in a diagnostic sense, not nefariousness.
You have to depend on the person taking the test (usually yourself) and doing it properly without contamination. Not everyone is good at sticking stuff up their nose.
The side perks include young ladies on their gap year keen to forge new memories before settling in to the job in a ministry back home.
I think I am fairly safe. I spent the better part of a day sitting no more than a metre away from 2 young ladies on the last Friday before the last holidays. One tested +ve on the first Saturday and the other on the first Sunday, both , triple vaxxed, said it was like the worst flu they had.
I actually spend more time close to them than I do with the Mrs, but I am only a close contact if the Mrs gets it. Gotta love “the science”.
Mind you, I suspect the Ukranians had it much higher up the priority list, given it is more or less existential for them…
When you want to make a comment similar to this one:
It’s always a good idea to check references. Take a look at the Freedom index which measures lots of things.
Russia is 127th on the list. It below Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Nigeria, just to name an few.
We’re in 8th place.
Don’t get me wrong. We have issues – serious ones, but Russia we’re not.
Good grief. Sex starved strumpets?
Anyway, these guys were 50+, so probably safe.
Stockholm Syndrome.
I can’t believe how many eminently sensible catbots are still wedded to the idea of Everyone Drops Dead In The Street BatFlu.
What are the symptoms?
Oh, they’re cold and flu symptoms.
Who is affected?
Er, cold and flu people are.
What is the modal outcome?
Well, mainly like you’ve just had a cold. Or flu.
Who, if anyone, is dying?
Um, no-one really. Only really obese, diabetic, or old folks.
What, like the usual cold-n-flu season casualties?
Yeah! But not even the really young. At all. It’s… just awful. Save me, government!
Maybe not as statist a as Russia JC but I think the west has been poisoned more by cultural Marxism. Imported into the us from the Frankfurt school
And that makes you more right than how I took it? Why?
Sister was moving sheep with young lambs on the road today on, impatient Mong comes along. Dad asks him to drive on the extreme edge of the road to get past. Mong decides that pushing through the middle is best. Mong runs over lamb and drives on oblivious. Sister has to finish off the lamb.
Point taken JC
It would be nice to get a little higher on the list, but it’s a start.
Being a bit more honest about general corruption (let alone actually making non-partisam efforts to root it out) within the machinery of our various levels of government would be a great start.
I’m not sure that will work. Cans of baked beans might be a better idea.
I reckon TEOTEAWKI happened a while back. I agree with whoever said that the West is more Marxist than Russia. Cohenite I think.
Wally, I doubt that there’s one person on The Cat who believes that.
Simply by reference to the map, this certainly does appear to be the most likely case.
Very enormous – and without any obvious winners.
The sanctions will be debilitating, but depending on how the military situation ends, it’s unlikely that they will remain in place long-term on the current nearly global basis. That’s just realpolitik.
However I see the European fear and loathing of Russian adventurism as being the bigger and more permanent issue.
Looking at Germany – which still has the lived experience of having the Russian army coming to call – the political environment has been upended.
Reading the German MSM: it’s united, from jingoistic Right to Green Left, in horror of reported Russian atrocities and general barbarism. Trusted bloggers may say otherwise, but the political truth in Germany is that Putin’s Russia is a real and present danger – and all the stereotypes of the bestial Russian Bear have been confirmed.
This is immediately reflected in the extraordinary somersault in German politics. Huge military upgrades, Energiewende regulations suddenly swept aside allowing LNG terminals to proceed, direct military assistance to Ukraine, all done in two months by a Socialist-Green coalition government – with minimal to nil opposition.
Rinse and repeat for the smaller European countries and that translates into economic and political isolation that will last longer than Putin.
Then add in the US Cold Warriors, thinking they have crafted a victory…
Suddenly Russia is another hostile part of Xi’s Asia. And there is no comfortable, structured landing for anyone.
Ps: where are you getting the cigars?
Yes Calli, corrupt as in dodgy vindaloo.
And corruptible, as in PCR cycle rate.
And yes, like the old recipe for recruiting traitors, the medical profession has been corrupted by the income, the influx of sociopolitical power, and the flattering prestige of the sheep.
Of course the third possibility is that neither Biden nor Putin expected Ukraine to fight back and that’s when it all went wrong.
There’s a 4th possibility I read about:
Putler’s handlers and Irish Joe’s handlers colluded to give Putler cover to invade, the purpose being to completely depopulate Ukraine.
Now, before any starts screeching Lizard People and quotes Wikipedia on The Illuminati, let’s review what’s gone down by Day 66.
Instead of launching a conventional attack like everyone else and destroy the Water Supply, Comms, Road & Railway bridges and the Electricity infrastructure on Day 1, Putler opted for the No Civilian casualties approach, which has got a lot of his troops killed and allowed the Ukies to slaughter their own civilians anyway and blame it on the Russians.
Added to that, Zelenskyy keeps feeding poorly supplied troops into the meat grinder and everyone that could flee to other countries did so.
So, a reasonable Q & A is:
Q, When is the war going to stop?
A. When there’s no Ukrainians left in Ukraine.
Fair enough Milton. That’s a fair comment. I think though, the place really that’s infested with that bullshit is the US and it’s spreading it around the Western world. Having said that, I don’t think we’re as bad as they are nor some other European countries.
Definitely not me. But I do enjoy having a chuckle about it. Otherwise I’d throw things.
The only aspect I take seriously revolves around my 90+ parents. As even Her Maj has survived, I think they might too. But I don’t want them taking dumb risks. I will have to do without them both all too soon, sadly.
That should read “Good old Covid, for most people, no biggie”
There is a massive disconnect between the average Russian and the ruling class. That has been the case since the time of the Czars. The existential crisis or psyche you refer to is in the ruling elites , robber barons and oligarchs. Their paranoia of losing control over their slice of the vast land mass , population and huge resources. The national wealth of Russia.
The average Russian today is a working class punter, just like the rest of us with no illusions to world domination. They have been conditioned to some extent that the west is not to be trusted. The sanctions are both reinforcing that belief and questioning loyalties to Putin’s govt..
Putin, as a KGB agent, his job was to poison us with Gramscian cultural Marxism.
No. I just saw it differently. We can both be right in different ways.
You can be most right if you like. 😀
The above doesn’t suggest you didn’t mean the tests are corrupted in the common meaning of the word. I suspect you’re just back peddling now.
To be honest I’m horrified at what’s gone down in the US in the last 2 years.
Zelensky received greetings from Austria.
A local resident is surprised that Ukrainian “refugees” came to Europe in premium cars.
He believes that these are cars of people close to Zelensky.
“The oligarchs from Kiev, who concluded their lucrative deals at the expense of the lives of Ukrainian citizens and now allow themselves to drink champagne in Vienna with refugee status,” the author of the video notes.
And they’re coming up against resistance in the US.
I suspect – and hope – that the Biden administration represents “peak woke”.
(I’m still unvaxxed, and as far as I know haven’t had coof. Or if I had it was so mild I didn’t notice.)
Why don’t you get the shots and give us a running commentary of how you get on?
I don’t think anyone deeply believes it, Delta… but so many people are acting as though it’s extraordinarily dangerous.
It was clinically extraordinary, initially, I’ll give you that. But it’s been what, 800 days now? Sheesh. It’s been like those mindnumbing monologues from rollie smokers, initially about all the formaldehyde put in mass market ciggies by the illuminati, to the real good stuff they get somehow which is actually protective for you, to how thick or thin they neeeeed to have it and how an ex of theirs used to twist them up perfect whilst driving a column shift VJ one-handed…
I just think, sheesh, quit already. Or, shut up and enjoy your smoke, do you need to recite this recipe every time you’re down to your last five papers?
Putin, as a KGB agent, his job was to poison us with Gramscian cultural Marxism.
Putin was a pen pusher in some office cubicle.
He wasn’t Dusko Popov.
Can someone fill in the missing 2000 word screed which was supposed to link these completely opposed “ideas’ from the Ed-Mong?
Putler’s handlers and Irish Joe’s handlers colluded to give Putler cover to invade, the purpose being to completely depopulate Ukraine.
Putler opted for the No Civilian casualties approach, which has got a lot of his troops killed and allowed the Ukies to slaughter their own civilians anyway and blame it on the Russians.
Which somehow turns into this.
Added to that, Zelenskyy keeps feeding poorly supplied troops into the meat grinder and everyone that could flee to other countries did so.
So if Im reading this right its the underpants gnome theory or warfare.
.1: Putin and Biden plot to depopulate the Ukraine.
.2: Putin fights avoiding civilian casualties while Biden supplies his enemy
.3: Zelensky loses troops and civilians flee.
.4: ????
.5: Profit!
Wally D
And yes, like the old recipe for recruiting traitors, the medical profession has been corrupted by the income, the influx of sociopolitical power, and the flattering prestige of the sheep.
The full recipe is in the acronym MICE.
Money (got that – income);
Ideology (got that – sociological power);
Conscience (missing in action); and
Ego (got that – the flattering prestige).
The frightening one is the missing Conscience.
probably Musk’s starlink.
Putler’s handlers and Irish Joe’s handlers colluded to give Putler cover to invade, the purpose being to completely depopulate Ukraine.
So, a reasonable Q & A is:
Q, When is the war going to stop?
A. When there’s no Ukrainians left in Ukraine.
Put the bong down.
I suspect you’re just back peddling now.
Yeah Jesus, I was totes panicking. And you’ve got me on the ropes now… stop toying with me and serve up the coo de grah, put me out of my shameful misery.
Dot, Milton
Describe what you actually mean by cultural Marxism? One example would be critical race theory being taught in schools. All I see is retreat in the US. The parents are actually fighting back and winning against schools boards. The demonrat dickhead running for Virginia governor lost to the Republican on this very subject. It’s good to count up all the wrong shit going on in the world, but it’s always good to also score the positives too. And there are positives happening. Look at the American Abortion laws for another example. Texas put as fucking ax to anything goes abortion. The SCOTUS is currently working through a very important abortion decision. Watch and see what happens with this.
And the Demonrats are in the political sewer swimming against the current. It’s no all bad.
Russian TV peoples have certainly been excitably excited lately. From the Express which is also known to become excitable at times:
‘Pray for your moss-covered Queen’ Putin mouthpiece loses it in bizarre anti-UK TV rant (1 May)
‘British Isles are no more’ Russian politicians simulate NUKING UK in 200 seconds (1 May)
Putin may declare new World War in days in final push to defeat Ukraine, Ben Wallace warns (1 May)
Nazis are everywhere! Well if you need an excuse I suppose that is as good as saying the world is being destroyed by CO2. I’m not sure why they’ve decided Britain is a Satan especially deserving of being nuked by Satans. Although NLAWs are pretty good since the Ukrainian guys prefer them to Javelins. I like “moss-covered Queen”, that’s a cool insult.
That’s the one B Joan. It’s actually a sharp insight into base human nature, isn’t it?
No. I just would have said you’ve gone and got psilocybin-tainted gypsum off your dealer again.
You’ve gone allpsychederpic today.
Any “critical” study or analysis that bases recommendations on “power imbalances”.
The recommendation is nearly always full blown communism, to negate the consequence of an intentionally made up problem.
Ed Casesays:
May 1, 2022 at 5:09 pm
Putin, as a KGB agent, his job was to poison us with Gramscian cultural Marxism.
Putin was a pen pusher in some office cubicle.
He wasn’t Dusko Popov.
Are you saying that Putin wasn’t a real Spook?
As if their lives depended on it.
There was no reason to use the word “corrupt”. You could say they are inaccurate, somewhat ineffective, but corrupt? What was the intention of using that word? What was the intention when you also basically suggested, a little down stream, the entire medical profession is corrupt.
Okay, so the entire medical profession is corrupt, according to you, however the covid tests aren’t corrupt even though you were suggesting they are in fact corrupt. Okay, got that. 🙂
So yea, you’re back-peddling.
PCR is a procedure to amplify, harvest and (ultimately) purify genetic material.
It is not the assay per se.
However, if you run too many cycles you can end up amplifying the wrong target analyte that would otherwise be an impurity below the limit of detection.
IIRC the US ‘elf boffins changed the advice from 35 to 45 cycles and back down, suspiciously as the “need” for COVID to be a crisis emerged and faded away.
Evangelical rollie smokers, Larry Pickering springs to mind. I always found them to be pretty vicious on the lungs and throat compared to the filtered cigarettes. In particular there was a brand called Pravda which was a Russian take on White Ox, you can imagine the priorities with that one.
Wally D
Human nature in general, not simply in the espionage business.
The same acronym can be used to explain the actions of most politicians.
Coca Cola has sponsored diabetes and obesity conferences, plus there is the industry protection and demarcation, so I’d say 51% is closer to 100%.
Alexa, who has paid the largest corporate fine in US history?
Which is why I occasionally like to scream Grenata! before I drop my guts… 🙂
May 1, 2022 at 5:18 pm
There was no reason to use the word “corrupt”. You could say they are inaccurate, somewhat ineffective, but corrupt? What was the intention of using that word? What was the intention when you also basically suggested, a little down stream, the entire medical profession is corrupt.
It might have been better to use the word “corruptible”.
Closer to home. Our niece is currently going through the last legs of completing a specialty in general surgery. She rips out gallbladders, cancers and shit like that. How is she corrupt?
Makka at 5:04 pm, you say that working class Russians have no reason to trust the West. That works both ways, working class in the West don’t have any reason to trust Russian government, even less than their own lying governments.
Biden’s Strategy To PUNISH Elon Musk For Buying Twitter REVEALED By Jen Psaki: Robby Soave
Unless she’s doing unnecessary surgery…
The kickbacks in prescription drugs, lying on drug trails and funding of studies is where the problems are and it applies equally to government and the private sector.
Ed – Not planning to. The mRNA technique looks extremely flawed, except for where there is a real danger (eg. a 14thC style Black Plague-like scenario, but from a virus). It may become routinely usable if it can be targeted using specific receptors that prevent the particle from merging with the wrong cells – like blood vessel and heart cells: which appears to be why we are seeing the blood clots and heart inflammation problems. Even that might not help the autoimmune disease issues though, since causing healthy cells to display virus coat spikes is a fine way to cause the immune system to get confused and attack adjacent cell wall structural protein and carbohydrate assemblies. I have enough allergies from such things as it is.
And I don’t plan to get Novavax or a killed-virus vaccine like Covaxin (if it ever gets to Australia) because Omicron is roughly similar to the common cold. It’s pointless.
If any business requires me to be vaccinated against something damn near harmless then they’ve told me clearly they don’t seriously want my business. And I don’t want to buy anything from them either.
I’m warming to Elon Musk considerably.
Critical Race Theory, and other elements with the ‘culture wars’, can be as readily allied to neocon ideologies as to Marxism.
Someone, Duncanm? linked a study on the covid Holly roller gospel Diamond Princess cases which offered the theory that if people had been removed from the Diamond Princess and better isolated straight away, less would have contracted covid, and if they hadn’t been quarantined in their cabins once the authorities got involved, more would have contracted covid.
Which seems rational.
She rips out gallbladders, cancers and shit like that. How is she corrupt?
Corruption is generally defined not by what you do as your day job, but what you do when the chips are down.
To be fair to the medical profession, some have spoken out, but it’s generally not been Doctors. Nurses etc. concerned at the number of otherwise healthy people developing hearts issues post vax.
May 1, 2022 at 4:48 pm
Bruce of Newcastle says:
May 1, 2022 at 4:42 pm
(I’m still unvaxxed, and as far as I know haven’t had coof. Or if I had it was so mild I didn’t notice.)
Fester, just out of curiosity. You live alone as you’ve told us you’re a confirmed bachelor. Do you ever go out other than regular shopping? Do you see friends and go out to eat? It’s getting onto 2.5 years now and by the sounds of it you only seem to share a meal with magpies.
I am same as BON – Unvaxxed (only one in Family) – live in 3 Generation Family with Grandkids 7/8/9 – 5/8/10 years – all at school – 10 year old travels by bus to school – All kids schools/classmates/friends have had big outbreaks of Covid – I go shopping (hate mask and at the moment with head wound being dressed 3 times a week. unable to wear mask at Hospital or anywhere)
At Hospital at least 2/3 times per every 3 weeks over last 2 years, 4 Ops, 3 minor, 1 major – after 4 years, finally caught Cold from 10 year old Grandson and when chest started to rattle, visited GP and got antibiotics which together with pseudoephedrine, cured cold and chest cough quickly and had Flu Vaccine on that visit – as my cold finished, gave it to my wife
All 3 of us PCR tested and negative
Will continue to stick with antivirals
As over 75 and with Heavy Vehicle Driver’s licence had yearly GP and Cardiologist assessment earlier in year
Cheeky bastards, Zipster.
Fight tooth and nail to protect their mates from accountability over their censorship under s.230, only to threaten to remove it completely now a Class Enemy is in charge.
Then again, similar such rules already exist in Australia, courtesy of Dylan Voller and his activist boosters.
Fortunately for internet discourse in Australia, nobody else has tried suing a site or Facebook, etc.
Not unknown for haberdashers to refer to old, unreliable thread as ‘corrupt’ -definitive without being a value judgement or criticism.
You obviously can’t read crossie.
Here’s what I posted.
They have been conditioned to some extent that the west is not to be trusted.
“To some extent“. The point I’m making is that you have a lot more in common with the average Russian than you may think. These days, trust in any Govt is misplaced trust.
Putin will work out that 10,000 T34/85s + 5000 T54/55 will very quickly overrun and destroy the Ukrainian front lines and then run amok along the resupply lines, while 5,000 MiG21s occupy the airspace and, like the t34/55’s provide more targets than the enemy has countermeasures.
I see the reference here often “Quantity has a quality all of its own.” by others who I suspect don’t really understand the quantitative numbers involved. I’m talking about not 10:1, but 50:1 force ratios.
Russia can do this when it realises the tactics it is using at the moment aren’t working.
This will be phase 2 of the Special Operation and will happen after a stalemate of, say, 6 months while Russia repairs and refurbishes its own mothballed reserves and equipment.
Never underestimate the Russian character to rise to the fore when the chips are down. From their perspective, Mother Russia has been treated like a $5 meth hooker by the West and by their own curruptocracy.
Nice little article.
By the same token, what we could call behavioral poverty helps explain how some individuals spend their lives mired in poverty and social dysfunction. Behavioral poverty is reflected in the attitudes, values, and beliefs that justify entitlement thinking, the spurning of personal responsibility, and the rejection of traditional social mechanisms of advancement. It is characterized by high self-indulgence, low self-regulation, exploitation of others, and limited motivation and effort. It can be correlated with a range of antisocial, immoral, and imprudent behaviors, including substance abuse, gambling, insolvency, poor health habits, and crime.
While behavioral poverty’s causes are likely complex—involving the interplay between parents, genes, and culture—understanding its consequences is not complex: they are depressingly predictable.
*Paging Mr Pascoe and the Aboriginal grievance complex, as well as every other group being carefully educated to know they are hard done by victims…
How are they going to fund that? They already have enormous military spending to GDP.
Perhaps, Franx. Walter claims s/he went from one meaning to another in the space of two comments. Really?
Walter again
This coming from this very individual:
S/he reckons people here believe the above.
Oh oh, you silly, I didn’t mean the tests are like corrupt corrupt. Okay. 🙂
It’s ironic that these people are marching to demand they lose their jobs and get forced onto the dole.
People it’s the unions that are the vampires attached to your necks. Get rid of them before they destroy the industries employing you.
define: cultural marxism
marx (the actual bloke) , had a pretty inane and simplistic view of history.
1: the hand-of-god was replaced with market-forces
2: after class-conciousness occurs, shit flows from the bourgeoisie to the proles
3: over-throw … and everything is magically betterer
what made it worserer was that it wasnt really history as such, more like a projection of a future possible past.
cultural marxists are the mongs trying to make actual history == marx’s idiot ideas
if you look up the term on google there’s all manner of web-sites that will tell you that ‘cultural marxistm’ is absolutely a term used pejoratively by ‘facsists’ to make commies feel bad.
I’ve been around long enough and mixed in circles of self-avowed progressives, marxists, feminists, and eco-worriers. Academics mainly, and it wasn’t that long ago that these types used the term cultural-marxists to describe themselves and their rationale and aspiration was to achieve Marx’s vision.
if you think it isn’t “thing” and are dumb enough to believe some half-arse fact-checking bullshit you read on the internet that told you it was a conspiracy theory
…then you are dead fuking wrong.
like The Cat
normalcy bias with really big error-bars
everybody’s opinion that falls outside the error-bars is not anti-fascist enough
move left
Pick O’The Litter.
Don’t have a struth on us. Can you raise both arms?
Didn’t that name win the competition for the name of that ?Icebreaker?
marx (the actual bloke) , had a pretty inane and simplistic view of history.
1: the hand-of-god was replaced with market-forces blah blah …
Look, I’ll explain Marx for you.
Marx asked:
Where does the Surplus Value of Labour go?
Well, everyone knows the answer:
It goes to make the rich even richer and the worker poorer.
Or they’re just lying…
no, my shoulder’s fucked from doing actual work
ps. struth is correct
Jimi Hendrix died over 50 years ago.
That’s a long time to forget, hip-hop and rap has been around about ten years less.
I met some girlfriends this afternoon and we went for coffee followed by a long walk around Woollahra and Paddo. Like me, they’re residents and voters in Wentworth. It’s been a lovely day here in Sydney, a lot of people around, the Swans are playing at the SCG and so Princess Allegra’s groupies were out in force. When I see them I’m reminded of Scientologists and Moonies, all adherents of sinister cults. Anyway, we walked down from Oxford Street and there were a few of Sharma’s campaign workers. We stopped and spoke to them, I told them how I wasn’t happy with Sharma and that I was going to vote LDP. I also told them how I support Katherine Deves. My two friends will be voting for Sharma. I asked what the “feeling” was like out there for Sharma and they said it was quite positive and that many people are sick and tired of seeing Princess Allegra’s teal posters and teal groupies everywhere. I’m not surprised, I reckon Simon’s teal chick here in Wentworth is overdoing it and it may backfire. We’ll see.
jesu christo
Ed, you are typing proof that the surplus value of labour goes to making people stupider
At the same time we’re being told that Russia shows no regard for collateral damage from its airstrikes, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff are waltzing around Kiev.
Shows there’s no such thing as divine justice.
Seems like work gave you COVAIDS.
The locals know damn well what’s in store for them under Communist rule.
You’d have to ask our coprolologist experts.
Putin will work out that 10,000 T34/85s + 5000 T54/55 will very quickly overrun and destroy the Ukrainian front lines and then run amok along the resupply lines, while 5,000 MiG21s occupy the airspace and, like the t34/55’s provide more targets than the enemy has countermeasures.
Putting aside the endemic Russian corruption, which has probably seen not just the spare parts, but engines, radios and anything else moveable sold off, would it not be cheaper (and faster) to strip out the modern equipment from later designs and simply build more?
PS, unless those tanks and aircraft have been stored under cover, 50 years of Russian winters would have done – interesting – things to the chassis and airframes. There is not much in the way of the Nevada desert that seems to have been used to store these old items.
PPS, the MiG-25 which was flown to Japan by a defector back around the 1970s/1980s, a new design in front-line service, was suffering from corrosion. Store it for 40 years in uncontrolled conditions, and it will be a pilot killer.
I know where he can get a T34/85! It’s had a track shot off, but is in better shape than the T-72 in front of it.
Bill Maher SLAMS Twitter, DEFENDS the Babylon Bee and Elon Musk
Winston Smithsays:
May 1, 2022 at 6:23 pm
Already happened. Apparently there were 250 very civilized First Nations.
yeah, but which one is the real First Nation?
You’d have to ask our coprolologist experts.
I think it is time to use this “First Nations” crap to get up the noses of the so-called “progressives”.
Decree that anyone whose ancestors arrived here between 1788 and Federation to be “Second Nations”. Those whose ancestors arrived between Federation and the end of the Second World War to be “Third Nations”. Those who, or whose ancestors, arrived between the end of the Second World War and around 1970, when immigration from Europe dropped noticeably, to be “Fourth Nations”. Those who, or whose ancestors, arrived between around 1970 and the present to be “Fifth Nations”.
Each group then to be given declining levels of special privileges, analogous to the special privileges now given to so-called “First Nations”. Then wait to see how long it takes for the PC ratbags to realise that the “Fifth Nations” are predominantly “People of Colour”, and start screaming “Waaaayyyyyssisssm”.
Russian armour was usually quantity over quality.
Brilliant design was unstuck by shit builds. T34 tanks were ahead of their time in sloping armour and using American design Cat wide tracks but they leaked water in rain because the riveting and welds were so poor that there were gaps.
You used to be able to get Russian berry jams in a tin. They were very good.
It did.
The Royal Institute was not impressed. But they applied that name to the ship’s tethered UUV as a consolation prize.
It also led to a great deal of ‘X-y Mc-X-face’ bullshit on the internet, that seemed to stop shortly after Sydney Ferries got miffed with all the people who voted for ‘Ferry McFerryface’ for a new ship they were going to commission, and told everyone to behave themselves.
Possibly the only time anyone has ever actually listened to, let alone obeyed a Public Transit Official where a health and safety risk was not present…
The motors were very limited in running time between overhauls, too. Reputedly 50 or so hours at best. They got better, but even by war’s end the T-34/76s and /85s were automotive nightmares and widely internally reported as such.
And those bash-plates behind the Final Drives are actually intended to smack the loose-fitting track pins back into the links before they fly out!
lol let’s assume Putin has anything like that in his store that hasn’t either rusted into the ground or been stripped and flogged off, in 6 months (or whatever your timeline) he won’t have anyone left competent enough to drive a tank in a straight line! He’s already having to recruit deep in goatfuckistan just to field a starting 11.
I’ve argued that it’s the primary duty of any Nation to protect it’s citizens from foreign occupation, and, by that standard, the “First Nations” failed lamentably. “Sovereignty?” What’s that?
The way this war is going for Putes, pretty soon all Russians will literally be 5 dollar hookers.
As far as massed waves of T-34s in the latter era go, I think their utility might be a little limited.
The 85mm gun would no longer be competitive against more modern MBTs (it could wreck lighter IFVs and wheeled APCs without worry), assuming ammo could be found/made for it.
And I suspect most modern 30mm autocannons might well have the ballistic performance to defeat the thing from most facings other than the gun mantlet and maybe the glacis plate.
A mere 66 days into Putin’s 3-day “special military operation” and NATO’s border with Russia is about to be extended by 1300 km! Putin won’t do anything because his nuclear arsenal was barely maintained at all during the Yeltsin years and Putin cannot afford to drop a dud nuke in full view of Xi Jinping. Obviously, any Russian conventional threat now will attract horse laughs.
What a master strategist Putin is!
Russia bought 30 T-34s off Laos two years ago. In working nick too*. True story.
From Hitler to Beyond: The Russian T-34 Tank Is Still Fighting (20 Jan)
T-34s may even be in action in Yemen, although that is hard to confirm. There’ve been photos though.
* Photo from this story from last year.
That should help air traffic to Dubai.
It’s time to compare The Putler with Hitler.
Putler invades Ukraine, conducts non war, no end in sight, NATO massing troops in Romania meantime, Black Sea Fleet flagship sunk, no one’s saying what happened there.
Hitler blitzes France, drives 300,000 British Troops into the Dunkirk Cauldron, then orders his armies and Air Force to stand down while the completely defeated British frantically evacuate their men.
18 million dead Germans later, he suicides [allegedly].
Ya gotta arksk:
Is Putler havin’ a lend?
Boambee John:
Not under this USSC, headed by John Roberts.
Whatever it is, the Swamp have something on him. Something really nasty.
you obviously haven’t been to Odessa
Bullshit. The mechanized elements of the Wehrmacht had outrun their horse drawn supply columns, and Goering claimed that the Luftwaffe could finish the Brits on the beaches.
Biden-EU economic policy, ‘Lunacy taken to a greater level’
The Duran
.Dr. Samuel Johnson
I think Scotty has finally worked around the Liberal Party/Woman problem issue:
select hotties like Katherine Deves.
Let’s say you had 40 Deveses in the Caucus and fired the Paynes, Reynoldses, Prices, etc, what’s Labor gonna say then?
Liberals have an ugly women problem?
Goering claimed that the Luftwaffe could finish the Brits on the beaches.
The Lutwaffe was ordered to stand down, dumbarse.
The cover-up in Ukraine is getting worse | Redacted with Clayton Morris
U.S. Congress continues to funnel money and weapons to the Azov Regiment, a neo-nazi-run paramilitary in Ukraine. This is not some fringe group but rather a major part of Ukraine’s military.
It’s what aboriginal activists explicitly ceded to the Crown when they accepted Mabo.
Germany’s inflation expected to hit 40-year high in April
The Luftwaffe raided Dunkirk repeatedly, they dropped 30,000 bombs on the place, and had 97 aircraft shot down. Some stand down!
Mad bastard Russians crushing shit with an hydraulic 500 ton press.
Interesting, considering that the latest demand of the activists around here, is that sovereignty was never ceded, and “You are standing on Aboriginal land!”
Maybe popular support is exaggerated.
You can’t be this stupid. You must be here solely to troll and make us look bad – you are a laughable faux conservative.
Protests against Rajapaksa family intensify in Sri Lanka on Labour day | WION
A little attempt there to try and trash talk the perfectly valid results and observations from the Diamond Princess.
The theory about removing people etc, etc?
Would apply to any infectious disease so is basically a moot point.
“He’s” an algorithm.
Albeit a clever one.
err, gee, thanks mole for alerting me to the existence of Miss Mylett.
Sacré bleu! 😕
No, that’s your job.
You’ve got a fair few helpers though.
Interesting map here.
I very much hope that that is indeed the case. The point is that no one actually knows for sure and forcing a new and not properly tested drug on whole populations is an unprecedented crime against humanity.
Craig Kelly kinda pissed at having been criticised for recommending Vitamin D as a COVID preventative, now the study results are in…..
What trash talk?
You think the science is settled?
I was referring to a study that looked at what might have happened if more rigorous land based quarantine of infected passengers had been implemented or if passengers on board being confined to quarters etc had not been implemented.
Iirc a passenger from this ship commented here shortly after the event mentioning how she and her husband avoided the buffet scrums on the cruise ( they weren’t infected). Different behaviours of individuals obviously matter too.
Not every person had contact with every other person, viruses take time to replicate and once people were confined to their cabins the replication rate would have been affected.
People can pretend that the Princess provides a perfect example of something. It can’t. ( especially as we now know that different strains reproduce at different rates too).
Decisions taken after the ship docked could and no doubt did affect the reproduction rate. (Unfounded speculations about air conditioning that may or may not have been interconnected aside).
The point being that what happened on the Diamond Princess doesn’t provide any firm basis to know what percentage of people will get covid, it didn’t then, it doesn’t now.
‘A crime against humanity’
Talk about trash talk.
is that:
a. your scientific opinion?
b. something you can’t imagine?
c. something you can imagine?
d. all of the above?
T34 tanks were ahead of their time in sloping armour
Everyone knew about the benefits of sloping armour but it’s a packaging issue. The Russians just decided that no one over 5’6” could be a tanker, problem solved.
Great points , Rosie.
Let’s hope Fester and Hallwad stop using that silly cruise liner as a worthwhile take on the pandemic. Frankly, I’ve had enough from those two meatheads.
Journalists Underfire As Shelling Hits Civilian Area In Ukraine – Russia War
Patrick Lancaster
Eddles is correct – I saw it in the documentary “Dunkirk”. Quoting below, from memory:
Sir Kenneth Branagh (having ditched his German uniform for a British Navy one): “There are 500,000 men on this beach, I tells ya!”
Subaltern: “Is that why they’re all asleep?”
SKB: “Indeed, my good man – ‘itler and the fat preposterous personage who’s name I’ve forgotten have told the Jerry Cans to stand down.”
S: That’s a jolly good bit of luck isn’t it, Sir?”
SKB: “It is indeed, you smelly little man – now be a good a chap and go and fetch some tea, eh what.”
Cue to some Spitfires cruising above the Channel …
You go girl….from The Daily Telegraph….
“Lib candidate Katherine Deves hits back and labels Zali Steggall a hypocrite on women’s issues
Steadfast Liberals hopeful Katherine Deves has come out swinging, lashing Warringah opponent Zali Steggall and highlighting the concerns of “a lot of quiet Australians” on women’s sport.
James Morrow
Steadfast Coalition candidate Katherine Deves has hit back at her critics, saying the “silent majority” of Australians support her campaign to protect women’s sport and that current Warringah MP Zali Steggall, herself a pioneering female athlete, is a hypocrite who is “trying to pull the ladder up behind her”.
Speaking in her first print interview since coming under fire for historic social media posts about transgender athletes, Ms Deves also said that if elected she would be a far better advocate for local issues like aged care, cost of living and infrastructure with a seat in the Coalition party room than independent Ms Steggall, who can only offer private members bills.
“My opponent had extraordinary success in the Olympics and she is to be commended for that,” Ms Deves said of Ms Steggall.
“Her sports success led to her professional success, and yet she’s not prepared to stand up and defend the rights of women and girls coming after her.”
When asked previously by The Daily Telegraph if she would have been prepared to compete against biological males in the 1998 Olympics – where she took bronze in the women’s slalom – Ms Steggall declined to answer and instead said the issue was “creating division”.
While Ms Deves has apologised and said she regretted that some of the language she used in her tweets, including references to Nazis, offended some people, she also said the overall issue of protecting women’s sport was resonating across the country.
“I think there’s a lot of quiet Australians out there who do hold common sense positions on many things and I’ve received messages of support from all over the country, even internationally,” she said.
Asked why her campaign to keep transgender athletes from competing against women had attracted such criticism, Ms Deves said it was about a conflict of rights that needed to be resolved.
“Historically, we women have had to fight very, very hard to participate equally in public life, and this is just another demonstration of women fighting for their rights.”
“A lot of the tactics we have seen really debase the electoral process and I don’t think Australians take kindly to intimidation and bullying,” she said, referring to vile threats she has received and to an incident where a man was charged after allegedly pushing a Liberal volunteer at an event she was attending at a local RSL.
However, Ms Deves is quick to make it clear that if she is sent to Canberra she will be fighting for her constituents with a “seat at the table”.
“Warringah deserves to have a representative who is in the party room, who can affect change, who can represent them, and who’s not sitting on the crossbench,” she said.
“When I’m out on the hustings, the themes that continually arise are to do with the economy and cost of living pressures.
“People think the Northern Beaches or Warringah is all millionaires, but you know it’s really a pretty ordinary middle class type of community around here and the cost of living is biting.
“I hear people talking about the price of petrol, the price of food.
“And people are also really concerned about aged care – they want to make sure they have choice in their retirement.”
Infrastructure is another key issue for Ms Deves, who says that it is beyond time for the Beaches Link Tunnel to be built.
“The Spit Bridge is decades old and it is not sustainable for people trying to get around having to sit around waiting for the bridge to go up.”
Born in Sydney, Ms Deves moved to the Central Coast when she was 3 and was a boarder at Abbotsleigh School on the Upper North Shore.
After studying business at UTS she worked in the wine industry in the US and Australia before going back to law school when her twin girls were barely toddlers, having her third child midway through her studies.
“I think I had been very sleep-deprived and hadn’t really thought about what I was getting myself into, but I managed to complete it,” Ms Deves said.
“So I was trying to juggle three little kids and be studying law and doing part time paralegal work, with my partner working as a tradesman running his own business.”
“Just like with so many Australian families, everything’s a juggle.”
“We ended up here because my partner is a beaches boy, and this is where we wanted to raise our family – this is the best place in the world to raise a family,” she said.
Ms Deves says her foray into activism began when her daughters began to get interested in sport.
“I had been looking into the issue of how gender identity was coming into conflict with sex, and I realised that in Australia there were policies that were being put in place that were going to prioritise gender identity over sex in sports,” she said.
“There wasn’t in my view, a proper debate being had about that.”
Hand-selected by Scott Morrison to stand in Warringah, the Prime Minister has subsequently backed her views, saying “I think Australians are getting pretty fed-up with having to walk on eggshells everyday because they may or may not say something one day that’s going to upset someone”.
For a start, it was two variants ago. The transmission rates are different. We’ve had so much more contemporaneous data since that fits in with the variants. Plus, all that Rosie pointed out.
is a city not a scaled up version of a silly cruise-liner?
The point being that what happened on the Diamond Princess doesn’t provide any firm basis to know what percentage of people will get covid, it didn’t then, it doesn’t now.
Why the fuck not? It represents a worst case scenario because the ships air conditioning system would have helped guarantee that everyone got exposed.
I hope that certain politicians and medical experts in Australia will face prison precisely because of the Ruby Princess and Diamond Princess because they both represented a worst case with a very mild consequence. Despite knowing this hard data they then proceeded to fuck the country for two years.
not while steaming … of course
Rex Angersays:
May 1, 2022 at 6:48 pm
Brilliant design was unstuck by shit builds. T34 tanks were ahead of their time in sloping armour and using American design Cat wide tracks but they leaked water in rain because the riveting and welds were so poor that there were gaps.
The motors were very limited in running time between overhauls, too. Reputedly 50 or so hours at best. They got better, but even by war’s end the T-34/76s and /85s were automotive nightmares and widely internally reported as such.
And those bash-plates behind the Final Drives are actually intended to smack the loose-fitting track pins back into the links before they fly out!
Forty to 50 years in unmaintained, semi-open (carport style) storage will solve all of those problems.
Makes a change from “controversial” and “embattled”, presumably.
Another paper, published in April, suggested that – despite the fact that the measures put in place prevented more than 2,000 cases – evacuating all passengers and crew members would have stopped the spread of the virus.
For the reasons Rosie enumerated and I added t0
Instead of starting a counter with that stupid comment argue the case on FACTS, Rick otherwise STFU.
Go through each and every single point and pony up with the counter arguments.
I’m happy to wait as I’m sure others are too.
May 1, 2022 at 8:39 pm
Makes a change from “controversial” and “embattled”, presumably.”
Yep, I’m getting sick and tired of Deves being described as “controversial”.
I’m putting out there now
the scale v silliness is not a linear relationship
on a city sized silly-boat, the silly approaches bat-shit crazy
and on a national scale I’d call it fucking mental
Unfounded speculations about air conditioning that may or may not have been interconnected aside
Of course the fucking air conditioning is interconnected. All air conditioning systems only do a partial change of air, the rest is just recycled. The new air introduced needs to be cooled down to cause condensation to drop the humidity to the specified level and then warmed back up. All this costs money and space so you do as little refresh as you can.
The older airliners such as the B767 used to be referred to as aluminium coated flying farts because the change out rate was so low.
If it’s highly infectious it will zoom through a liner like nits through a kindergarten. Tummy bugs were the big worry, because people are grotty.
Just because people don’t engage in the smorgasbord scrum doesn’t mean they aren’t closely confined with other pax, particularly on embarkation/disembarkation for tours and even in common areas. That argument is a furphy.
I find the transmission rates for the DP curious, particularly between cabin sharers. They are definitely sharing the air con. As for the rest of the ship, the air will go through centralised units. Whether the virus survives that is the question.
At the time of the DP, it was only the one variant, as far as I’m aware.
rumours that Metricon is in trouble
how the hell in a building and price boom do builders go underwater?
watch this space
Hitler blitzes France, drives 300,000 British Troops into the Dunkirk Cauldron, then orders his armies and Air Force to stand down while the completely defeated British frantically evacuate their men.
At Fatty Goering’s request, Das Heer was stood in place while Goering’s Luftwaffe was going to destroy the Dunkirk position. Hitler was then silly enough to take Goering’s word that he could defeat the RAF and RN, to clear the way for the invasion.
Live: Evacuations begin from Ukraine’s Mariupol steel plant as Pelosi visits Kyiv • FRANCE 24
Not every person had contact with every other person, viruses take time to replicate and once people were confined to their cabins the replication rate would have been affected.
There were plenty of instances people in the same cabin with an infected individual who never became unwell.
My reading this evening is the start of RAN activities in WW2. An interesting possibility was that Graf Spee, who’d stopped and searched a Dutch merchant ship off Mozambique, might keep on going east. The Oz Navy Board sent HMAS Canberra and HMAS Australia to Freemantle in response.
A fight between our two 8″ heavy cruisers and a German 11″ pocket battleship is one of those fascinating what-ifs. As it turned out Graf Spee instead went west and got in a tangle with three Pommy 8″ cruisers off of Uruguay, who were too much for her and she was scuttled in Montevideo harbour.
Apparently the Dutch merchie Mapia managed to take a cinematographic film of Graf Spee at the time. Be interesting if that footage still exists. Sadly I couldn’t find it, but there is a still photo that a crew member of the Graf Spee took of the Mapia. Even though Holland and Germany weren’t yet at war I suspect the Dutch captain might’ve needed a change of underpants after that encounter.
(I once spent four miserable hours in Montevideo stuck on a 747. I had flu, and earache. Miserable place. Then missed my connecting flight at Buenos Aires. I was not a happy chappy. Better off than the German sailors though.)
Fixed contracts without real attention to price increases of the nature that we’ve seen. That’s how.
Building booms are also dangerous for contractors.
Fixed price contracts and materials hikes. Loss of momentum affecting cash flow. Wet weather.
Ed Casesays:
May 1, 2022 at 7:20 pm
Goering claimed that the Luftwaffe could finish the Brits on the beaches.
The Lutwaffe was ordered to stand down, dumbarse.
Then it must have been the RAF dive bombing the evacuation ships?
Ugh, never scratch an itch. Fresh off a major service yesterday I tried to track a bearing noise that has been getting louder since Christmas. Found, water pump after removing radiator, shroud and half the front of the motor.
Tomorrow Labour Day QLD, what’s the chances I’ll pick something up… Not.
Best thing was I have been left alone most of the afternoon being covered in vehicle muck.
Zipster says:
May 1, 2022 at 8:35 pm
Journalists Underfire As Shelling Hits Civilian Area In Ukraine – Russia War
Patrick Lancaster
Give it a break.
Ukrainians are “descended from Germans” really?
Shit propaganda.
Zali Stegall has been a disappointment in Question Time, the Speaker usually has to help her frame a valid question.
Perhaps she’s been a good local Member, but you’d have to think
if Scotty is returned he’d be a lot better disposed towards Katherine Deves.
[Mr Ed] can’t be this stupid.
To the contrary, Dickless makes the Mt Everest of stupidity look like a molehill.
May 1, 2022 at 8:31 pm
T34 tanks were ahead of their time in sloping armour
Everyone knew about the benefits of sloping armour but it’s a packaging issue. The Russians just decided that no one over 5’6” could be a tanker, problem solved.
And they continued that policy well into at least the 1980s.
Nearly 400 people in the Kharkiv region alone have been detained under anti-collaboration laws enacted quickly by Ukraine’s parliament and signed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy after Russia’s February 24 invasion.
Associated Press
Instead of starting a counter with that stupid comment argue the case on FACTS, Rick otherwise STFU.
I think I’ve done enough. To pretend that Diamond Princess and Ruby Princess didn’t provide the Australian Government and Medical Authorities with a very solid data set with respect to the preeminent COVID strain at the time is breathtaking stupid. It’s fucking dogshit dumb.
They had access to the passenger age profile, the design of the fucking air conditioning system, details of passengers with guaranteed exposure (shared cabins) and the fucking Mongs still decided it was going to be virus Armageddon, and it wasn’t and it was never going to be.
They had an absolute gift in terms of an inadvertent real world trial and they completely fucked up using that information in a sensible manner.
Instead they shut down the country for two years and frankly I’m fucking sick of hearing stories about suicides, vaccine injuries and job losses and I’m not about to give these fucking destructive arseholes an inch of leeway.
Even up to the relatively current-spec T-90. T-54s and -72s are really quite small and low relative to Cents and Leopards. And positively tiny next to an M1.*
Not sure about the Armata family, but it is still fairly low-profile, despite its overall size. The three crewmen are all concentrated in the hull.
* (I’ve poked around in an M1A1, and it is surprisingly small inside for such a big vehicle. The roomiest position is the loader’s, and for obvious reasons).
clearly, they aren’t as paranoid as me !
What Russians think about Navalny?
they shoulda had a Flannery Clause in the contract
Linking to the mention in an article of “Another paper published in April… 2000 infections… etc, etc” sans context is ridiculous.
Normally JC would jump on something like that but your’re ideologically one and the same on this so I guess not.
Yes, at the time. At the time we had nothing else.
But why use that data now?
People helping Russians zero in on Ukrainian army positions or movements might just be a problem for a country that’s been INVADED.
I think that’s my fist capital crime.