The creep is simply an agent of the Washington War Machine and the Demoratic Party. Calling him a pay to…
The creep is simply an agent of the Washington War Machine and the Demoratic Party. Calling him a pay to…
The bottom line is that Zelensky behaved like a petulant teenager in his meeting with Trump and Vance. By the…
Besides the free falling polls and public backlash in Southport I reckon two tier Kier thinks he’s killing it.
Which deadshit? So many of them. King Tampon certainly doesn’t do Liz any credit.
I saw a picture of him on X and mentioned his full name here this morning. He’s a mentally ill…
Mr Dragger at 9:10.
Quite so.
Do you glow fluorescent yellow or orange for a week when you contract it?
Could it be dubbed ‘Glowies’ Disease?’
pretty sure that the opposite of that is true
reckon struth is winding up the frightbats
and don’t they go off
this joint used to be fun
… and it wasn’t struth that killed the buzz
Bing Bong!
An emergency meeting of the Executive Committee of the Hypothetical Tossers has been called for 0800 tomorrow.
Bing Bong!
Why not have a go at replicating that which you are nostalgic for somewhere else then?
I know the internet is a Big Place, but don’t be afraid.
You can do it.
No one has ever got anywhere shouting at Magistrates. Especially over video link.
Look, if we’re going to do this the dress code should be adhered to. This time.
King Gees, blue singlets, flannos and Jimmy Barnes Rising Sun headbands.
Another victim of the fun destruction cartel.
Mind you I still think SP and KD are witty and amusing much of the time.
Nick used to have some moments too, back in the day.
I still own and wear three of those four, incidentally.
I had one of the headbands in the 80s. Cool as all get out.
there you go you infant.
for your stupidity, I gave you an up-tick instead of a back-hander
I know it’s not a competition but we had our older lady resident last only 3 weeks after her first symptoms of cancer/ diagnosis straight after.
Though the chemo she had knocked her very badly as well..
The two most recent examples (Bosi and O’Keefe) would seem to support this.
Although I still don’t know if Bosi’s counter-warning to the beak to repent within seven days came to anything.
One thing we do know … the beak has no standing.
Do Australian politicians, especially progressives politicians ever have an original idea?
Greens push for Airbnb, short-term rentals inquiry to understand effect on ACT rental ‘crisis’
I’m glad I retired Nick-sock.
The character development had stalled.
Casting him as a Caaaarlton supporter was a mistake.
And there was I thinking caring parents would have removed their children from sub-standard care.
siblings expelled from daycare after complaints of horrendous conditions
Paul Joseph Watso
They may have no standing.
But what they do have is a mute button.
So you’re admitting it SP?
Next up you’ll be telling us you were Leigh Lowe.
Shit, Barnesy would be done for cultural appropriation these days.
I’m confused.
If the reserve bank raises the rates again and banks start paying more to depositors, but borrowers only have to pay 3% does that mean anything?
clive has the solution
I would never be silly enough to try that on.
That guy was tops.
I am not worthy to be spoken about in the same breath.
cheap political opportunism at SBS
they call this the Sancho Panzer effect
I reckon he’s got the kiai scream pretty down pat…
For those who just asked ‘WTF is a Kiai:’
Gentleman Farming is expensive
Drunk Scotsman is a bit of a tired cliche anyway.
Comedian Dave Chappelle attacked on stage in LA.
Only if he’s been hit by a Glasgow bus…
Calling Russia’s nuclear bluff – Russian nuclear doctrine & the Ukraine war
do try to keep the frottage to a minimum
… you know, to raise the standards
Andrew Lawrence, a UK comedian who’s been cancelled, has just uploaded this re. the Chapelle attack.
Lawrence nails it.
So why are you humping the carpet?
Yes, yes, yes, Kneel, I know all that. I could have done it from CLI as I use linux.
But that would require a token amount of work and might ruin a good story with facts!
On holiday in Scotland years ago, and found myself teaching the seriously pretty Aussie girl behind the bar, in a boozer in Edinburgh, how to serve whisky to Scotsmen…she’d lied about her bar experience to get the job….
Attacker armed with a fake gun and real knife is hospitalized after tackling Dave Chappelle during Netflix gig: Comic revealed he’d beefed up security when woke brigade tried to cancel him over trans jokes
The comedian, 48, was performing at the Netflix is a Joke festival at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles
A fan stormed the stage and tackled him during his set as Jamie Foxx and security intervened to detain him
Sources said he was subjected to a barrage of punches and kicks and he was later seen with a broken arm
LAPD said the man had a replica gun loaded with a real knife inside although it is not known if he tried to use it
Chappelle was uninjured and continued with his set, joking the attacker was a ‘trans man’
Chris Rock then performed and joked that the attacker was Will Smith following the Oscars ‘slap gate’ incident
That’s how you defeat terrorism-
You neutralise the threat. And then carry on, unimpeded.
oooff. That right arm looks pretty rooted.
The Greens want to ban all forms of hunting
There are a million and one reasons farmers, fishers, hunters, shooters and outdoors people should not vote for the extreme left Greens; however, they have made it very easy by outlining their intentions as a party.
The Greens want an end to all forms of hunting in Australia, full stop. A ban on hunting would then lead to a ban on firearms.
26. A ban on recreational shooting of all animals, including Australian native water birds.
Hopefully, the voting public remember the mess Aussie families were forced to endure when catastrophic fires fueled by limited backburning and ridiculous bush clearing rules saw lives lost and family homes burned to the ground.
The Greens have also set their sights on fishers looking to lock up the water with their new massive recreational fishing bans.
The Greens are “spoilers”, that is they are not in the electoral race for the purpose of gaining parliamentary power, but to spoil the mandate given to the elected party by the electorate, in the interests of a privileged few.
The Greens, whether at Federal or State level are extremists existing on the socialists end of parliamentary rhetoric, with no rational, balanced policies which could be acceptable to the Australian electorate at large.
If you’re in need of a good belly laugh, click on the following link and skip to the 56min57sec mark:
Doing a Livestream Because I’m an Idiot but There’s Depp and Roe and More
(It’s a Libs of Tik Tok feature plus on-point and very funny commentary re: REEEEEEEE re: SCOTUS leak. Not a cryptocurrency promo video)
Bruce in WAsays:
May 4, 2022 at 11:33 pm
The Greens want to ban all forms of hunting
Does that include the traditional practices of the indigenous brothers and sisters?
Remember, this is a battle between democracy vs autocracy.
Timothy Neilson says: May 4, 2022 at 11:43 pm
It would. Never mind what Taquiya the Greenfilth may speak.
Indigenous brothers and sisters who hunt traditionally may be able to feed themselves without Greenfilth help or nannying.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
David Rowe.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Patrick Blower.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
Robert Ariail.
Al Goodwyn.
Gary Varvel.
Bob Gorrell.
Tom Stiglich.
Ben Garrison.
“Not Suitable”, eh?
Then …
Processors struggling to keep up, eh?
Sounds like bullshit to me.
Labor’s found a Policy that makes sense, at last.
Yeah, it’s really really hard to train up staff to man a Mutton Chain.
It is the evening of May 4th today. Passing a school driving to St. Albans on May 1 we saw a school with children dancing around a beribboned Maypole. Britain is everywhere antique.
We have just got back from a visit to my ancestral church, wearing hard hats to inspect its condition. It is quite distressing, because there has been so much deterioration in the past five years after it was declared unsafe due to subsidence. A south wall buttress is cracking and support is lacking; both actual physical support and financial support.
My ancestor’s memorial stone from the 1640’s before the altar has been smashed in part; subsidence or a clumsy workman, or the work of some vandals who got in? This news will distress many many Australian family heads who are lineal descendents over the centuries, for that stone is the ‘pilgrimage’ site.
We were met by am unexpected delegation of anxious people all hopeful we might have a solution: the new Rector and her female churchwarden, plus a senior decision-making chap from the Diocese, who quickly introduced four others. Two of these were key members of the Parish Council, another was the organist who grew up there and who has reserved her own burial plot in the graveyard, and a fourth was a local woman who has relatives buried there, as I do. The churchyard was overgrown, the south buttress protected by cyclone wire fencing, and a general air of dereliction hung sadly over the place No-one seems to know what to do next. Including us. We are considering options. It is not easy.
To assist us we also met with someone now I count as a new friend – an historian at the local museum. After a long afternoon of group discussionwith museum personnel over coffee in the museum she and I did the double-sided air-kiss goodbye with great warmth. An unusual exchange in this still very Covid-conscious country. She and I have been in a lot of email contact and the whole museum made us so welcome. We were expected, as news of our impending visit had flown around the village for a couple of days. My archaeologist and conservator friend who accompanied us was in her element with some ‘museum talk’ which she has missed since her retirement. And that was the day.
More meetings to come. Outcome dubious. The condition is much worse than we thought. I am immediately funding some restoration of the stone monuments to my ancestral dead, which is all I can do for posterity so far given the state of play. The National Trust will get a remonstrance from me. They purchased the manor but neglected its adjacent Grade 11A listed church. Historically, they go together. I’m wondering if we can work something out there with them, with a Trust Fund to help.
Off you go then to get your training.
U.S. Ministry of Truth Interrogates Man Who Shared Misinformation
AOC-Backed Congressional Challenger Blames Jewish Groups for Her Loss
Not very suprising Lizzie. Sadly the National Trust is woke and far-left these days. I doubt they have much time for Christian churches.
I-Team: Body found in barrel in Lake Mead may date back to 1980s, more likely to appear as water recedes, Las Vegas police say
Another via instapunit.
Looks like the bloke who assaulted Dave Chappelle took a bit of a tumble.
Last year, Mollie Hemingway wrote a book about the 2020 election. Its title was Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections. It is a comprehensive story of the numerous ways the left orchestrated the Biden win.
A few weeks ago, David Bossie released his film, also titled Rigged. It exposed the scheme perpetrated by Mark Zuckerberg: “Zuckerbucks” in the amount of $400M to fraudulently ensure a Biden victory.
This week brings the release of Dinesh D’Souza’s film, 2000 Mules. This film exposes and explains how paid “mules” in numerous states stuffed those drop boxes that Zuckerberg paid for with many thousands of ballots faked or harvested. Using geo-tracking of cell phones, Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote and Gregg Harris uncovered two thousand people who were paid via a variety of leftist non-profits to stuff those drop boxes, over and over again.
The film is a shocking exposé and reveals yet another complex and devious way certain leftist non-profits cheated to win. There can no longer be any question that Trump handily won the 2020 election and that the most criminal methods in American history were employed to steal his victory from the American people.
Neither film, Rigged nor 2000 Mules, addressed the possible manipulation of the voting machines by way of illicit programming or hacking via their connection to the internet. Those issues have been deeply covered by several cyber-experts. Peter Navarro’s report early on also essentially proved that the 2020 election was marred by massive fraud.
The above is the first part of Patricia McCarthy’s article.
Anyone denying that the 2020 election was stolen is suspect. This includes Piers Morgan, who said recently that he’d seen “no evidence”.
This makes him and anyone else who says so, at least two thirds of a three monkey trio.
Disaster for Piers Morgan as TalkTV ratings take nosedive after just one week (Express, 4 May)
Sorry Murdoch kiddies. There’s no market for fake righty swill. You either offer the real stuff or the punters will go elsewhere.
When will the Ministry of Truth start to ban all of the above publications and docos about the 2020 election?
And slagging off Nigel Farage isn’t going to help win eyeballs either Piers.
Piers Morgan takes brutal swipe at Nigel Farage over migrant crisis ‘Treacherous shark’ (4 May)
Processors struggling to keep up, eh?
Sounds like bullshit to me.
Cut the crap Ed.
Nobody is buying it.
Dave Chappelle, as reported overnight:
I note his assailant, 23 year old Mr Lee has his fingernails painted black. Any bloke with painted fingernails of any colour deserves treatment with caution, so I have no problem with the security people breaking his arm – if only to stop him undertaking further nail painting activities.
Also, and from the article:
Now that’s funny. It’s also a lesson for the pretend conservatives in this country. If they try to cancel you, there is zero point leaning over backwards to accommodate the points of view of these freakshows. All that happens is you end up beige and wishywashy, and appealing to no-one.
You double down, nail your colours to the mast, take the piss at every opportunity and wait for the squealing to reach ACDC concert volume. Then do it again.
Of course it sounds like bullshit to you. Being a professional shut-in, you have no life experience.
At Gem Pier in Williamstown there is a boat with a big sign denouncing Melissa Hoyle ? for ending commercial sardine fishing in Port Phillip and exhorting people to vote Greens who would allow it.
I didn’t believe it.
Sky’s CNN+.
Exactly KD.
The more anyone tries to cancel you the more you should mock them.
The Republican elite RINOs will be beside themselves in frustration.
Trump Endorsement Streak Soars to 55-0 (Newsmax, 4 May)
Who knew that righty voters actually want righty candidates with righty policies? Maybe ScoMo could listen to this lesson, seeing the coalition primary vote is in the cellar. Ditching Net Zero would be a start, chum.
Last I looked 13 and 14 year olds don’t vote.
‘Lies falsehoods’ ‘liberal lite’.
All new material.
Weeks after 14-year-old Leonardo Puglisi and 13-year-old Roman Mackinnon made headlines for grilling the prime minister, the pair have put the Opposition leader in the hot seat.
Not to mention both Morrison and Albanese are chumps to be interviewed by them.
SBS and Crikey etc have given these boys a huge amount of free publicity.
Could they be critiquing from even further left?
where have all the houses gone?
remember when everyone was screaming about Abbott bringing in a $7 co-payment?
Gillard weighs in on the gender pay gap. Timmy says nothing.
The Hun:
Terrible reporting.
‘Gunman.’ Patriarchal nonsense. Plus, the people reporting this event have very publicly assumed the newly-motionless person’s gender – making the dead person, who may well be trans or intersex – a victim several times over.
What we really need is an associate professor at a university somewhere to sort this out, and write an article or something.
Will the FBI raid the house of the reporter at Politico who published the Alito opinion, or is that reserved for journos who got hold of the Ashley Biden diary?
We all know what’s in Mickleham.
how to serve whisky to Scotsmen…
How do you serve whisky to Scotsmen, Zulu?
I thought you just gave them the bottle and they did the rest.
What’s this about?
Is there any truth to the rumour that a Bill is to be introduced into the Victorian Parliament by
and preventing the cultivation of fruit and vegetables at home?
The trouble with that idea KD is that biologists tend not to be good writers.
A pretty fair article…
Election 2022: Labor-lite or Liberal-left? It’s a dire choice
I’ve been closely involved in every election since 1998, as an increasingly senior political staffer and then as a media commentator. I can’t remember one that has given voters less real choice or had less to do with the real issues facing our country, none of which is going to be any closer to resolution by the result.
It’s a Labor-lite government versus a Liberal-left opposition; an unpopular prime minister against an unconvincing opposition leader; a government that says nothing really needs to change fighting an opposition that says the only thing that really needs to change is the prime minister; and two grey, unpersuasive blokes trading barbs, each in the hope he’ll be judged the lesser evil.
A country that has had it good for a long time suddenly feels quite insecure. This week’s official interest rate rise is belated recognition that inflation is back. Six per cent-plus inflation means your wages don’t keep up with your costs, your mortgage repayments rise substantially and – for government – spending can’t keep increasing on the back of almost free debt. Yet both sides’ political strategy is based on spending more on every issue that comes up.
Our prosperity and even our safety as a nation can no longer be taken for granted. On top of inflation, there’s the end to globalisation and the resumption of history with the Ukraine war.
Yet this is an election about whether Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme prescriptions should be $12.50 or only $10 cheaper; how much further and faster we can reduce carbon dioxide emissions without any cost to any voter; and whether, on top of all the existing schemes to help homebuyers, low-income voters might benefit further from shared government equity in their homes.
On both sides it’s unquestioned that we have to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, that there’s no real problem with government debt skyrocketing towards $1 trillion and deficits for at least a decade, that there’s nothing that can or should be done about collapsing academic standards, and that there’s nothing more that can or should be done to bolster our military now, not decades away, despite China’s belligerence and US weakness.
There are no new proposals to address the dog’s breakfast of divided responsibilities that is our federation, made even worse during the pandemic by a national cabinet that turned the Prime Minister from our national leader into the chairman of an ineffective committee. There are no new proposals to make our economy more efficient or tax system more fair (indeed, the only proposal of substance is Labor’s promise to abolish the building industry watchdog that could increase construction costs by 30 per cent). And there certainly are no measures that might boost our national pride, other than self-serving exhortations that we’re a great country let down by a bad government; or a great country that shouldn’t risk a bad government.
Then there are the Greens offering a more left-wing version of Labor; the teal independents offering Greens policy without the stigma of being formally part of the Greens; and sundry protest parties on the right, none of which has a coherent policy agenda. The sanest voices – former Labor leader, now NSW One Nation backbencher, Mark Latham campaigning against politically correct schools; and former Nationals cabinet minister Matt Canavan campaigning against politically correct climate measures – are crying in the wilderness despite the fact they’re echoing ordinary Australians’ concerns.
With the Coalition facing such a concerted challenge from the teals in well-to-do seats as well as from Labor in regional and outer metro seats, yet with Labor struggling to keep its primary vote above the mid-30s, a hung parliament is an increasing prospect – yet a minority Labor government would be even more green-left and a minority Coalition government would be even more Labor-lite. In that eventuality, the likelihood of hard decisions to boost economic strength or national security is almost zero.
A re-elected Morrison government is unlikely to be a better government than the one we’ve had for the past term; while a victorious Albanese government is likely to be a lot more politically correct and leftist than it currently makes out. Hence the likelihood is that this election will push the whole polity further to the left.
John Howard used to describe the Liberal Party as socially conservative but economically liberal. At least under Bob Hawke and Paul Keating, the Labor Party was economically sensible and socially middle-of-the-road. But there’s not much of that left on either side. That explains why so many people, even if they’re still voting Coalition or Labor out of habit or loyalty, feel politically homeless.
Whichever side forms a government post-election will have to grapple with the budget and the security reality no one has wanted to face this campaign. Inflation at 6 per cent plus means higher interest rates and pressure for higher wages. Almost certainly that means more budgetary pressure, with the end of the Modern Monetary Theory fantasy that government could borrow all it wanted to spend from the Reserve Bank at almost no cost.
Whichever side goes into opposition will have to work out what it really believes and who it really represents, and develop a political strategy that’s beyond being against waste and mismanagement and for more honest and competent government. For Labor, that means choosing between the low-paid workers who want more jobs and better services, and the cultural left who want more action on climate change and identity politics. For the Coalition, that means being stronger on economic reform and stronger on traditional values, too.
For me, a party that promised to end the ban on civil nuclear power because that’s the only way to achieve net zero while keeping the lights on (and the only way to run the nuclear-powered subs we think are essential to our future security); that was determined to end the politically correct brainwashing of our kids by scrapping the insistence that every subject be taught from an Asian, Indigenous and sustainability perspective (because that’s the only way to ensure academic rigour and cultural self-confidence); and that promised no new spending whatsoever except on national security or economic infrastructure other than that funded by savings elsewhere (because that’s the only way to get debt and deficit under control and that still matters) would not just get my vote but win my enthusiasm. Come to think of it, that used to be the Liberal Party; I hope I live long enough to see this policy clarity return.
Hmm, from The Daily Telegraph….
Election 2022: Young people launch new tongue-in-cheek Save the Planet Party for under-18s
A group of teenagers – some not even yet old enough to vote – have launched their own tongue-in-cheek political party.
A group of teenagers have launched a tongue-in-cheek “political party” with a demand for the future prime minister to do more on climate change and introduce minimum standards for consulting young people on environmental policies.
Supported by charity Save the Children, the new Save the Planet Party – which isn’t a registered or real party – will go live on Thursday and aim to give youths not yet old enough to vote a platform to have their views heard and noticed.
Aimee Griffiths, 18, is part of the eight-person team behind the plan, which includes teens as young as 15.
The Canberra-based university student said they didn’t have any political associations, but a lot of them were still heavily involved in the School Strike 4 Climate movement.
“So many youths and so many Australians are taking to the streets and protesting and wanting to have some level of contribution and we want our concerns on climate change heard and addressed,” Ms Griffiths said.
“The concept of the Save the Planet Party, it’s a way to amplify youth empowerment and insert ourselves into politics when we’re so often ignored.
“Our message to any Australian government is we demand action on climate change, our future is on fire.”
The group’s policy calls for the next government to implement minimum standards for consulting young people about climate change policy and legislation.
It also wants the federal government to create a youth ambassador for the environment so they can represent young people’s interests in international discussions.
They are also calling on the next government to ratify the Third Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which allows children to bring direct complaints to the United Nations.
More investment in programs for young people to participate in disaster preparedness is another demand.
The group has already written to each major political party and to a number of independent candidates, calling on them to commit to these measures.
Save the Children acting chief executive Mat Tinkler said although young people couldn’t yet vote, they should still be able to have a say on what’s important to them.
“The climate crisis is proving highly destructive, dangerous and disruptive for children and young people who know that it is only expected to worsen without urgent action,” he said.
“Children are our future. Every day that we fail to act, we are failing them and risking their futures.
“Save the Children is proud to be supporting young people and their participation in our political process. Our democracy is stronger for it.”
Some thoughts…
1. This is more of the left using children for political purposes.
2. As for Aimee’s green progressive bullshit statement, “it’s a way to amplify youth empowerment and insert ourselves into politics when we’re so often ignored.”….NO, NO, NO. You don’t get to insert yourself anywhere until you start working and paying taxes.
3. As for Aimee’s statement “The Canberra-based university student said they didn’t have any political associations, but a lot of them were still heavily involved in the School Strike 4 Climate movement.”…sorry but I nearly fell off my chair from laughing so much. She clearly isn’t very bright.
4. I give a monthly donation to Save the Children which I’ll be cancelling today.
5. I doubt “Aimee” grew up in or lives in one of our cities many struggling suburbs.
6. What will Aimee be doing about her “carbon footprint”? I strongly suspect her carbon footprint is a lot higher than my carbon footprint was at 18. I look forward to Aimee committing to shutting down her computer, her mobile phone, only using public transport, refusing to travel overseas, refusing to go on her annual ski trip and all the other little pleasures that depend on evil carbon.
7. Finally, that old adage comes to mind when the subject of impertinent minors and adolescents such as Aimee comes up…..”children are allowed to be present during a conversation but should not be allowed to speak unless they are spoken to first“…so in other words my message to Aimee Griffiths is quite simple, until you start working and until you start paying taxes, you young lady, can shut the fuck up.
Last year, Mollie Hemingway wrote a book about the 2020 election. Its title was Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections. It is a comprehensive story of the numerous ways the left orchestrated the Biden win.
It’s a great read.
That’s why I’ve been talking about it for months.
Pennsylvania & Arizona (GOP state houses voted for mail in voting).
Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota (Zuck bucks, but really Zuckerberg, Hoffman & Omidyar bucks).
Georgia (straight out fraud).
That’s what she said.
The data from the Ohio primaries shows what happened in the blue districts in Virginia is happening again.
In areas that voted Obama, Obama, Hillary & Biden, the numbers show that even in a GOP primary, there had to be either a tranche of them voting GOP or a major change in the electorate make up (like 10,000 people leave & 10,000 new people move in).
Sometimes I wonder if the DNC will do something so extreme like somehow postponing the mid-terms.
After what we’ve seen over the past 6 years, could you have 100% confidence in saying that won’t happen?
I don’t.
Very very very unlikely, but not impossible.
More from Port Keats/Wadeye:
Outback town erupts in violence as 500 people have their homes burnt to the ground after roaming gangs and rival families go to war as shocking new footage of the carnage emerges
Daily Mail. The MSM has been largely running dead on the issue….
“Hello, welcome to Mastermind. And what I your name?”
“Special Ed”
“And you chosen subject?”
Dave Chappell breaks the Golden Rule – don’t upset the trannies.
Donald J Trump
Everyone knows the wisdom embodied in the saying “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The WSJ’s May 2, 2022 editorial argues that we should ignore the blatant fraud that took place in Wisconsin in the November 2020 election as detailed by former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman in his 136 page Preliminary Report issued on March 1, 2022. To ignore the fraud that Justice Gableman continues to uncover is to allow that fraud to be repeated. Justice Gableman’s Report revealed many illegal and unethical acts including Zuckerberg funded election bribery, illegal ballot drop boxes, and obstruction of evidence gathering. Gableman also revealed that the Wisconsin Election Commission shared access to Wisconsin’s registration system with Zuckerberg funded left-wing activists, disregarded Wisconsin law so that tens of thousands of nursing home residents could be exploited for their votes, and illegally encouraged Wisconsin voters declare themselves “indefinitely confined” under Wisconsin law, thereby avoiding Wisconsin’s voter ID requirements.
These issues are far from “ghosts” as the editorial board claims. Here is a link to the Report so that people can see it for themselves. I encourage everyone to read it.
The fact that the WSJ editorial board came out with this hit piece the day after the nationwide premier of True the Vote’s movie, 2000 Mules, which proves a massive illegal ballot harvesting operation took place in the 2020 election—especially in key battleground counties like Milwaukee County—is also curious. Voters know that unless we fix what happened in 2020, those who stole the 2020 election will try to do it again in 2022. Ignorance is not bliss. Sky high inflation, threats of World War III, and the invasion across our borders are a direct consequence of the stolen 2020 election. What happened in 2020 can never be allowed to happen again!
The latest release of Pfizer documents (80,00 pages) ordered for release by US court is apparently revealing what we all suspected -that the potential for causing infertility in women is unknown. Similarly the likelihood of transmission of vaccine in breast milk.
But given the impossibility of longitudinal predictions in the limited research before release it was pretty obvious. Yet few people I have spoken to in the last two years even considered it. And this included medical professionals! One retired GP even protested “But they wouldn’t release a vaccine that wasn’t safe”!!!!!!!
Honestly, I would never have believed this level of insanity had it not happened in my lifetime.
How would you police the “no veggies” stuff? Choko Squad?
You’d have to rely on an army of well fed informers.
It is more noble to starve than to eat chokos.
When you read a headline your mind fills in details and summons associations to it.
Weirdest thing – as soon as I read that headline my mind started going ‘Beep beep beep beep…’ like a truck backing up.
Not asking if said Scotsmen wants ice with a good Islay single malt, and serving water in a small jug, so the customer pours his own, is a good start.
This entire home grown food scare started years ago with the squealing about seed that could not reproduce after the initial crop (F1). It was coupled with MonsantoHate.
Truth is there is so much reproducable stuff out there that it’s a joke. A glance at your compost heap will tell the story.
The biggest problem with home grown is the lazy idiots who refuse to control pests and diseases.
To be honest calli I think it’s a misunderstanding.
Labor left and greens think back yard farming can feed the nation.
Speaking of which, here’s a blast from the past by one of the original RadFems who made TERF a thing.
(For those who are not up with RadFem terminology, PIV is Tab A Slot B.)
Lazy or ideological.
And another thing…I wonder what happened to all the chooks acquired for home production at the beginning of the Covid scare. And spare a thought for the lockdown pets.
This whole nightmare extends way beyond damage to people.
The thing with the gender pay gap is that it is illegal, so if there were real cases of it occurring you would expect a deluge of court cases.
Like the Stolen Generations – everyone ‘knows’ it is true, but every time they look at a case it turns out that case is not the case.
But faith never wavers, but burns in the indignant heart hot enough to boil blood.
What ‘they’ want is women who work shorter hours because of family commitments/maternity leave to get paid extra to smooth away the so called ‘gap’.
There’s also the inconvenient truth that hundreds of thousands of “whitefella” children were similarly removed, for the same reason….
FiL is not far off dying , late 80’s, talking to the family yesterday BiL asked if he had any words of wisdom. “Don’t vote Labor”. He always said he made more money whenever Labor was in power at the expense of most people.
I’m wondering if we can work something out there with them, with a Trust Fund to help.
I’m guessing I shouldn’t pose the, obvious, question? ..
If the church management is soooo concerned about the deterioration of a church building why don’t they just fix it? ..
it only needs money and there is no such thing (except in their own set of books) as a poor church organization ..!
Total turn outs in Ohio.
GOP 1,070,906.
DNC 502,869.
Shatterzz, my thoughts exactly.
Time for meetings, no time to weed the churchyard. It seems to me they are looking for a wealthy donor to “save” them.
Sure, give them some money if that is what you want, but be under no misapprehension – loved buildings are looked after by the people who love them. It was built from and cared for for centuries by parish funds after all.
Every morning as husband watches Breakfast TV, switching constantly between channels, I catch up with world news through favoured websites, &, of course, via this exalted blog.
It’s all fairly dispiriting. But this morning, as I grappled with the implications of the new Pfizer data, I glanced out the window at the magnificent sight of the low cloud & early morning mist floating just below the tops of the mountains of our valley. I am very grateful for this refuge – even though, from time to time, it is threatened by fire & ravaged by drought.
Perhaps if Mz Rev preached the Gospel the church attendance might swell and the locals would learn to love the place again.
And there certainly are no measures that might boost our national pride,
Shirley, giving Warnie a gong for dying will lift our spirits towards enthusiastic highs ..! LOL!
One-way boatride for old sheep, goneski. Next: no truck rides either.
Using bush trees to make stuff, nuh-uh. Next: no firewood- no going into the bush at all.
Shooting critters, don’t you dare. Next: no long arms for the rednecks.
The bush will be devestated after this election. I can only hope that ONP have a good enough showing to make some noise. and slow the green-left rot.
And when they own 40% of your home (thanks Labor!) they will own 40% of your crop. Doubtless they will send police and political commissars to make sure all is collected.
It is the new serfdom! Tied to land to work for the master who will have very clear ideas on your obligations – are they really going to sit back and allow people to let the value of the property drop when there are ways to push it up.
Serf’s up, everybody! Family fails its quota! Hey, hang five.
I believe the only case they were able to find of an Aboriginal child withheld from its mother because he was an Aborigine unfortunately undermines the stolen generations myth: The nurse who kept the boy did so against the law, while the myth is that doing so was the law.
In Lefty heads exploding news…
ABC North American correspondents Carrington Clarke & Joanna Robin are predicting that laws against miscegenation will flow from the overturn of Roe v. Wade.
The first Rowe cartoon was better.
Splodey Head Alert, Donald Trump Encouraged Elon Musk to Buy Twitter
May 4, 2022 | Sundance
Cloimet Choinge.
Coal is important for “energy security,” government officials said at an April 20 meeting that approved plans to expand production. That information was reported by the business news publication Caixin.
Quite correct – the court found that the removal was illegal, and the plaintiff was awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages for “false imprisonment.” Of the nineteen other cases, brought before the courts, none has been successful.
‘Who Picked Her?’: Kennedy Presses Mayorkas On Controversial Disinformation Governance Board Pick
A fisking of Jomini of the West:
Double Word score! Aspiring hip-hop artist and ALSO trans-man…
Police released photos Wednesday of the replica gun with an ejecting knife that an armed man used to attack comedian Dave Chappelle at the Hollywood Bowl.
The images, shared by the Los Angeles Police Department, showed that a bayonet blade was affixed to the barrel of the handgun.
It remains unclear how Isaiah Lee, 23, snuck the weapon into the Netflix is a Joke comedy event on Tuesday night, but unnamed police sources told TMZ there was only one entrance area, where the metal detector could be circumvented.
He later allegedly used the weapon as he lunged at Chapelle, who was finishing up his comedy routine at the festival.
Chapelle was uninjured in the attack, as Lee was tackled by security guards who appeared to break his arm as he fought back.
Lee – an aspiring hip-hop artist who has posted rap videos on YouTube going back to 2020 – is now being held in LA County Sheriff’s custody on a single felony charge of assault with a deadly weapon.
His bail has been set at $30,000.
Lee’s motive for the attack remains unclear, though his brother told Rolling Stone that he has mental health problems and has some connection to the trans community – which Chappelle has been accused of disparaging – but it’s not clear what that is.
Daily Mail
perhaps he could weigh in on the gender performance gap….
Processors struggling to keep up, eh?
Sounds like bullshit to me.
Labor’s found a Policy that makes sense, at last.
Dickless comes out as an animal rights Green fanatic.
Met two medical specialists the other night, one was a retired medical scientist, can’t remember what he studied and the other a semi retired doctor. The vaxxes came up and both insisted that they were ‘safe and effective’, I pointed out that they neither stop you catching it or spreading it, the scientists agreed but insisted that they greatly reduced the symptoms and the doctor insisted that the vaxxes stop you spreading it, he wouldn’t hear otherwise.
I pointed out that nobody can know the long term consequences of the vaxxes and both insisted that they were completely safe as the labs have been running huge numbers of tests on them. That was it they wouldn’t even consider the thought that long term problems could arise. I asked about the mandates and both agreed that coercion and even force was ok as it would protect the population.
Two intelligent men with utterly closed minds. The idea that what the authorities say could be wrong, was beyond their thinking.
May 4, 2022 at 9:20 pm
The consequences of the stolen 2020 election are increasingly catastrophic
The elephant in the room is this: why has no DOJ investigation been mounted, given the overwhelming volumes of evidence of election fraud? Why have the courts dismissed each case without even looking at the evidence? The only answer is that the DOJ, every other federal law enforcement agency and the corporate media are corrupt. They are all agents of the Democrat party. As Dennis Prager often comments, truth is not a left-wing value.
The Democrats have descended into the ninth circle of hell. They are willing to destroy the nation rather than see Trump’s MAGA movement succeed anywhere.
The Biden regime has embraced the tactics of Marx and Mao and the prescient fantasies of George Orwell to gain and maintain control over the American population, all the while importing millions of migrants from around the world into the country. Biden seems intent on ruining the country by any means possible. He’s rendered us energy-dependent again so that Americans are paying $6+ for gas. Inflation is soaring, dragging us into a recession, likely depression. This sad state of affairs was fodder for comedy at the WHCD; Biden heartily laughed at the misery he has stoked.
Biden and the military-industrial complex wanted this war in Ukraine and are escalating it. The Ukrainian people are cannon fodder in a dangerously misguided attempt to take down Putin. The warmongers are at it again, briefly interrupted by President Trump, and the arms dealers want a war. Now the administration is depleting the American defensive arms inventory by shipping them to Ukraine and sending billions of taxpayer dollars that simply do not exist — money that, if it did exist, could be spent on protecting our southern border, not Ukraine’s eastern border. Ukraine is a European problem, not an American responsibility.
All this chaos and destruction is due to the catastrophic consequences of a stolen election. Purposeful? Indeed. The Biden administration’s agenda is the destruction of America, its middle and working classes, and the power of its currency. Biden is bowing to China and Russia, and, for inexplicable reasons, intent on letting Iran have nukes.
Jo Nova’s Blog – 2000 Mules: The election was “organized crime”
2000 mules is in 300 US theatres from Saturday May 7th. It premiered last weekend to reviewers.
Instructions far below on how to watch it since it might be a while before Warner or Disney pick it up. Dinesh D’Souza has to reinvent a whole new way of distributing it.
It sounds like there might have been three closed minds in the conversation.
I was wondering why every interracial couple would rise up.
The alphabet people too, because they might get knocked, not knocked up.
Let’s keep this in perspective. Groogs likes mutton.
I’m amused that Jomini’s stuff has gone from “look, a leaked CIA map!” to “we must discredit him”. He’s just a geek drawing from open sources.
The maps all pretty much say the same thing: nothing much has been happening. A bit here from Russia balanced by a bit there from Ukraine. I don’t see this changing notably unless something significant is brought to the table, which is why there’ve been all those May 9 column-inches being written lately.
The problem for Vlad, if he does formally declare war thereby allowing call up of reserves and conscripts, is that they’re going to take a couple months of training before they’re able to be committed.
The reality is that old stone churches are incredibly expensive to maintain, well beyond the resources of their dwindling congregations no matter how much love they have for the building, and the funds available to the National Trust, the Church Conservation Trust, government grants and the C of E itself are limited and simply cannot cover all preservation needs. It’s a wrench for the people concerned but perhaps it can serve as a reminder that they are the Body of Christ in that place (“living stones being built up into a spiritual temple”, 1 Peter 2:5), not the building.
Antony Blinken Tests Positive for COVID-19
The Two Words That Now Describe the White House Correspondents’ Dinner
We all knew this was going to happen. There were hordes of liberal elitists at the White House Correspondents Dinner on April 30. Sure, you had to download an app to load your medical documents, which was super creepy. Sure, you needed to get vaccinated, boosted, and show proof of your shots for entry. Is this Washington DC or Checkpoint Charlie?
You had to file more paperwork to attend this dinner than filing your taxes. And for what? We all know the COVID vaccine does not prevent transmission. You can still get it.
Trevor Noah joked about the event becoming a superspreader — and now the cases are rolling in. The annual White House Correspondents Dinner, along with the festivities held in the days before and after it, have led to the inevitable spread of Covid.
In the days since WHCD weekend, reporters and staffers from CNN, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, Politico, and other participating news organizations have tested positive for the virus. Most notably, ABC’s Jon Karl, who shook hands with President Biden and who sat next to Kim Kardashian, has fallen ill, as Politico’s Maxwell Tani first reported.
There is no exact data to indicate precisely how many people have caught the virus from the weekend. But, anecdotally speaking, much of Tuesday afternoon seemed to consist of attendees trading text messages and emails about colleagues and friends and people they had seen who had tested positive. That’s almost certainly going to continue in the days ahead…
Joe Biden, “This MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history”
Ahh Sancho, I’m putting you in the Ed Case category from now on. I never read his posts and for me he doesn’t exist, same for you now. Cheers.
The overwhelming cause of the gender pay gap is due to high levels of female employment in:
• jobs with comparatively low skills requirement and ‘work value’* – eg bottom end aged care/child care, or retail;
• part time and casual work that fits in with raising children.
Everyone offering to ‘solve the problem’ is either lying, or slavering for a huge social engineering program with no known boundaries.
* a technical term regarding price, rather than the ‘value’ of the activity.
Normalizing Perversion
The reasons for the Left’s perverse sexualizing of very young children make sense only if you are sexually neurotic. None of it makes sense if you are a rational, healthy, sexually normal person. For example, what is to be gained by first graders learning about drag queens and transsexuality? How is a child’s life improved, how is the culture improved when children whose brains are not physically equipped to process such information get exposed to it? If it is the hope of sexualizers that children will be more accepting of perversity, to what end?
No government-schooled child of any age should be taught matters of sexuality, sexual behavior, or sexual identity beyond the egg-sperm basics. There is no legitimate reason for it. Let’s back this truck up and reframe the argument: Instead of settling the debate where conservatives concede “age-appropriateness” ground to the sexualizers, reverse this polluted stream and remove all sexual material from all public and private schools and leave these matters to parents. Conservatives have been far too accommodating on this matter.
Why is the Left so anxious to expose little kids to sexually explicit cartoons of two boys (or one man and one boy) engaging in oral sex, as has been depicted in some schoolbooks? To normalize adult sexuality, normal or perverse, for small children is to tell them that it is normal for them to engage in it at their age. It isn’t. This is like putting a boulder on an egg. Kids are eggs, easily molded and more easily scrambled. That makes them perfect victims for pernicious child predators. The same goes for transsexual material. Why groom a child into transsexuality, then try to hide it from parents if it is not wrong? Is this mere prurience or something more deeply malevolent?
kitten corner: horse sense
Insight, Green Senator Lidia Thorpe says she is a ‘crazy angry Blak woman’. Thank you.
From the Comments
What makes her think that she is a woman?
Is she now a Biologist also?
Aren’t they those odd, indefinable creatures (comprising 50% of humanity) who now lack the basic sporting prowess to even compete in their own sporting contests thanks to pig-ignorant misogynist A.L.P./Green Socialist Leftards?
meanwhile, back in the northeast
A medico who is able to think outside the paradigm they were taught is, in my experience, rare. Increased specialisation in the various fields of medical science hasn’t helped. The discovery of the role of Helicobacter pylori in stomach ulcers by two Australian medicos in the 1980s is a classic case of a paradigm shift in medical science. The scientific community was very reluctant to accept that they had been wrong about the cause of stomach ulcers until Barry Marshall, unable to experiement on anyone else, ingested the bacteria himself and became ill as a result, thus proving his theory.
It is not inconceivable that they are lying precisely in order to achieve that radical goal.
Faith of our fathers, living still …
Solomon Islands Prime Minister ups ante with criticism of Australia while praising China during tirade in parliament
At the bottom, this is all about Guad v Malaitan politics and keeping Sogavare’s supporters well fed.
Watch this space.
To Spy on a Trump Aide, the FBI Pursued a Dossier Rumor the Press Shot Down as ‘Bullshit’
The FBI treated as suspicious Carter Page’s 2016 trip to Moscow involving his speech at the New Economic School, above, where President Obama also once spoke (photo below). But that tip about Page was dismissed by the Washington Post’s sources as “bullshit.” Later the paper wasn’t so skeptical.
By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
May 4, 2022
The FBI decision to spy on a former Trump campaign adviser hinged on an unsubstantiated rumor from a Clinton campaign-paid dossier that the Washington Post’s Moscow sources had quickly shot down as “bullshit” and “impossible,” according to emails disclosed last week to a D.C. court hearing the criminal case of a Clinton lawyer accused of lying to the FBI.
Though the FBI presumably had access to better sources than the newspaper, agents did little to verify the rumor that Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page had secretly met with sanctioned Kremlin officials in Moscow. Instead, the bureau pounced on the dossier report the day it received it, immediately plugging the rumor into an application under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to wiretap Page as a suspected Russian agent.
The allegation, peddled to both the press and FBI in the summer of 2016 by Fusion GPS, an opposition research firm hired by Hillary Clinton’s campaign to dig up dirt on Trump during the presidential race, proved to be the linchpin in winning approval for the 2016 warrant, which was renewed three times in 2017 – even though the FBI learned there were serious holes in the story and had failed to independently corroborate it.
The revelations of early media skepticism about the Trump-Russia narrative before journalists embraced it are included in a 62-page batch of emails between Fusion and prominent Beltway reporters released by Special Counsel John Durham, who is scouring the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign for evidence of abuse and criminal wrongdoing.
The documents suggest that some journalists, as keen as they were to report dirt on Trump, were nevertheless more cautious than FBI investigators about embracing hearsay information served up by Clinton agents. (The FBI declined comment.)
Long and interesting read.
May 5, 2022 at 8:15 am
To be honest calli I think it’s a misunderstanding.
Labor left and greens think back yard farming can feed the nation.
And replace the current export market?
Unicorn farts for fertiliser?
Your complaint was about closed minds, yet you used phrases like “I pointed out” as if your position was absolute fact.
Antony Blinken Tests Positive for COVID-19
From the Comments
– On an unrelated note he tested negative for testosterone.
– Are only the vaccinated getting covid now?
Mother Lodesays:
May 5, 2022 at 8:40 am
Labor left and greens think back yard farming can feed the nation.
And when they own 40% of your home (thanks Labor!) they will own 40% of your crop. Doubtless they will send police and political commissars to make sure all is collected.
Hmmmmm. Isn’t that how the Holodomor happened?
In Skewed Sample news:
Vote Compass asked how much voters would be prepared to spend each year to help prevent climate change.
It’s pretty safe to say that everyone is going to get the Green Dream on this one – and then some.
Most don’t know it yet.
Hillary Clinton’s blood-red Met Gala dress turns heads
Based on the color of her dress, her outfit would have been appropriate for paying homage to either abortion or Benghazi.
Hillary said the dress embellishment “also reflected Joseph’s interest in what were called ‘friendship quilts’ that women used to embroider sayings or phrases or the names of family or friends.” A nice touch could have been to embroider the names of Hillary’s dead friends as a reminder of the morgue quilts that cover the corpses of all the “suicide” and Benghazi victims Hillary and Bill would rather forget.
Accompanying her was what appeared to be a masked black servant-type who kneeled while arranging the folds of her gown so she wouldn’t trip and fracture her other wrist.
WATCH – Teachers Brag About LGBT Indoctrination: ‘My Classroom Is One of the Gayest Places Probably on the Planet’
World’s Largest Shipper Warns About Stagflation: “Don’t Think It’s Temporary”
Like his biblical namesake, he’s proving a loyal vassal to his foreign lord.
More economic doom and gloom.
78-Year-Old Fund Manager Is Bracing For “Biggest Bear Market In My Life”
REVEALED: CDC bought cell phone location data to track COVID-19 public health order compliance
The article relates to America but I simply stopped carrying my phone during the lockdowns and restrictions. I’m only just starting to get used to taking with me again now.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
May 4, 2022 at 7:09 pm
“ANY sign of cheating by the Democrats will have far reaching ramifications.”
In 2020 I thought the US was inching towards civil war, in 2022 I believe the US is galloping towards civil war. It’s inevitable.
Do we need a capitalist civil war?
The working class suffer when elites agree
For much of its history, Japanese politics was characterised by conflicts among its ruling daimyo, and later between the great industrial zaibatsu who replaced them as dominant powers. Similarly, America’s politics is now being shaped by a civil war not between classes, but within the ruling capitalist elite.
As the 2022 congressional elections approach, two sides are polishing their armour and fletching their arrows. In one corner stand the daimyo of the gentry corporate elite, largely drawn from the ranks of tech oligarchs and much of Wall Street. Their focus lies in the creation of a capitalist utopia rooted in paternalistic state control, much along the lines of the corporatist “Great Reset”. In the other corner, meanwhile, stand their opponents to the Right, largely made up of those who own private capital and are therefore anxious not to see their activities curbed.
Amid a contentious climate, who will win this new capitalist civil war? Hopefully neither side, at least not too decisively.
To put it simply, a capitalist civil war isn’t necessarily all bad news. Although voters should not expect either side to defend their core interests, conflict between corporate moguls gives leverage to the middle and working classes. Like the plebeians in the Roman Republic, the average American could use this conflict to their own advantage.
Not just Carter Page. He was just the excuse, whereupon they bugged everyone and completely accidentally listened to everything.
The amazing thing is they found nothing they could use, which shows just how clean Trump and his campaign staff were.
Their ABC sees Monsters:
The end of Roe v Wade would likely embolden global anti-abortion activists and politicians
A routine and safe alternative to contraception.
Health care.
Beyond words.
Two intelligent men with utterly closed minds.
sfw, the word you are looking for is corrupt.
The Supreme Court’s integrity demands its leaker be prosecuted — and the decision released now
By Andrew C. McCarthy
Notafan resorts to lies again.
I have never called for anyone’s banning , ever.
COmplete lies by the queen of bullshit.
Delta A asks me what do you want us to do?
Accept the fucking truth would be a start, so we can move on.
I knows it’s bloody hard with 24/7 bullshit coming from a small number of retards, but accepting the truth.
Stop living in denial.
How to check if you may be in denial?
Anything Rosie says or does, you agree with.
If you think she should have participated in segregation, shown her good Nazi pass and off to Europe while millions of her countrymen stood against the tyranny losing all in the process, you might want to look at your understanding of civic duty and responsibility to your fellow man, for example.
While we can talk about important matters at the Furniture shop without childish crap interfering from the usual half a dozen here, they wouldn’t be banned there either.
It’s called freedom Australia for a reason and unless you go right off like Bird, all are welcome to say what they like.
I’m glad they only infest here, but they wouldn’t be banned.
And the grotesque KD likes to tell everyone I order people to do things I won’t do myself.
Is there anyone buying this crap, born of his own guilty conscience?
So far I have never put a mask on, never had a test, I have never submitted to any of it.
I’ve lost tens of thousands of dollars by doing so.
So have a good few million Australians.
Decent, great Australian nurses, people from all walks of life.
And the jabbed scum here, the little gang, so angry at the world, so angry at themselves, sneer at all of them.
Little triple jabbed whores to McGowan, who bent over for him time and again to keep their union jobs while nurses who save lives and are at the core of decency and humanity, give up all to fight something choo choo immediately submitted to.
I despise people like that.
Surely I have a right to.
You don’t get respect by acting like a bitch when you are supposed to be a man, and the women, like those nurses, have to show you how to behave.
Port Augusta teacher Ammy Singleton accused of grooming boy for sex … !
When I was a teenager there wouldn’t have been a need for any lengthy grooming process if I had a teacher half as good looking as her.
“Hey you, come here” would have sufficed.
Yes, how dare you attempt to operate as if there is an independent, verifiable reality, rather than accept that the truth is whatever is acceptable to the wider group.
Conform you peasant.
LOL. Here’s what an actual poll looks like.
So exactly two thirds of poll respondents refuse to pay anything at all.
Voters will not pay extra to achieve Boris’s Net Zero targets – POLL (3 May)
From the furniture shop as to why it’s so important to stop living in denial.
Remember when it was supposed to be legal, safe and rare?
St. Ruth, 9.59:
wah wah wah wah wah
This would be the ‘repetitive gibber’ spoken of yesterday.
From the Daily Expose and Madam Zeeee from Zeeee Media? Trusted Bloggers, right?
Sort your own family out before you point fingers at the rest of the country while clad in the Cloak of Khaki and Righteousness, if you don’t mind.
So – stand and fight and if necessary fall, right?
I also note the reappearance of that old coup d’etat chestnut.
The electoral fraud in 2020 has been anything but buried in a media blackout – had you looked.
Nothing to see here, from the most jabbed country on earth which just happen to be the Jews…..funny about that.
Durham wants jurors to hear about ‘Steele dossier’ during ex-Clinton lawyer’s trial
Oh my goodness me. That is a superb arrangement of molecules.
Countless double entendres relating to ‘education’ spring to mind.
YES, you fucking idiot.
First peacefully by resisting submission , by disobeying, but once all options are exhausted what’s left?
Nothing’s changed in my way of thinking……the way most people thought for many years.
What do you have against fighting this, you little bitch?
Not all of us are born to conform and obey all government decrees like people who join the police force seem to be.
Some of us will never submit.
Fed Lifts Rates by Half Point in Biggest Hike Since 2000
Federal Reserve lifts rates half a point, says ‘soft landing’ likely
Washington | The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by 0.5 of a percentage point – the biggest rise in 22 years – and cut bond purchases as it attempts to tackle soaring inflation and maintain chances of a soft landing for the economy.
The US central bank’s policy-making Federal Open Market Committee on Wednesday (Thursday AEST) voted unanimously to increase the Fed funds rate to a range of 0.75 per cent to 1 per cent. The move follows a quarter-point increase in March that ended two years of near-zero rates.
Fed chairman Jerome Powell, in his first in-person press conference in more than two years, said the 40-year-high in inflation was “much too high”. He said further 50 basis point rate rises “should be on the table” at future meetings, especially as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine added pressure on inflation.
However, in a slightly more dovish tone, Mr Powell ruled out a rate rise of 0.75 of a percentage point at future meetings. He said that was “not something the committee is considering” and suggested that high wage growth might level out as labour demand and supply came back into balance.
The yield on 10-year Treasuries closed down 4 basis points to 2.93 per cent. US equities leapt higher; the Dow closed up 932 points or 2.8 per cent.
“Inflation has surprised to the upside and further surprises could be in store,” he said. “We are highly attentive to inflation risks. If higher rates are required, we won’t hesitate to deliver them.”
‘Economy is strong’
However, Mr Powell said that even with the most aggressive monetary policy in years and a tapering of fiscal policy, there was a good chance of a soft landing for the economy.
“The American economy is strong and well positioned to handle tighter monetary policy. I think we have a good chance to have a soft or softish landing. I think we have a good chance to restore price stability without a recession. It will be very challenging, it won’t be easy.”
Financial conditions including sharemarkets, debt markets and credit spreads would be closely monitored by the Fed when considering how fast and hard to move on monetary policy.
“We’ll be prepared to adjust any of the details of our approach in light of economic and financial developments. Our policy affects financial conditions and financial conditions affect the economy.”
“We don’t focus on any one market, the equity market or the housing market. We focus on financial conditions broadly.”
Mutton, did that get a mention upthread?
When you consider the amount of quackery medicine has attracted over history you can excuse them for clinging overly tightly to the “scientific method” or what remains of it.
Qantas to acquire Alliance in $614m deal
Qantas will acquire charter flight operator Alliance Aviation in an all-scrip deal, funded by the issuance of new Qantas shares valued at around $614 million.
The Flying Kangaroo first bought a 20 per cent shareholding in Alliance in February 2019. The deal announced on Thursday would see Qantas get the remaining 80 per cent of the company.
Qantas boss Alan Joyce said the takeover would allow regional arm QantasLink to better compete.
“Alliance’s fleet of Fokker aircraft are perfect for efficiently serving resources customers in WA and Queensland. They also have a big inventory of spare parts that would significantly extend the practical life of a combined
fleet of around almost 70 Fokkers,” he said in a statement to the ASX.
“Keeping these aircraft operating reliably for longer than either carrier could achieve by themselves will help keep costs down, which is ultimately good news for charter customers. There are also benefits from bringing together our operations planning and training facilities.“
Qantas is funding the deal entirely through scrip – Alliance shareholders will receive $4.75 worth of Qantas shares for each Alliance share they hold.
The full buyout follows the conclusion of a nearly three-year Australian Competition and Consumer Commission probe into Qantas’ initial 20 per cent holding in Alliance.
The ACCC concluded the inquiry in April, deciding that not further action was necessary.
Alliance primarily operates as a fly-in, fly-out charter operator for mining clients and a wet-lease wholesaler for the bigger airlines. Wet-leasing is one airline provides the aircraft and crew for another carrier to operate.
Qantas will cut Alliance’s wet-leasing ties with Virgin Australia if the buyout succeeds.
The Australian Financial Review has contacted Virgin for comment.
The deal is subject to the regular shareholder and regulatory approvals.
The Alliance board unanimously recommended shareholders accept the takeover.
“The transaction represents a compelling opportunity for our shareholders to exit the Alliance business following a period of significant industry upheaval, and to realise a strong return on Alliance’s fleet assets,” Alliance chairman Steve Padgett said.
“Qantas is Australia’s national carrier and has been operating for more than 100 years. It has a consistent approach to business and would be a quality ongoing owner of our business.“
Mutton dressed as mutton. That’s different.
Please. No external word salads.
Net zero policies split over hydrogen, batteries
Colin Packham Energy and resources reporter
The Morrison government will focus energy spending on technology that aids the development of hydrogen and carbon capture and storage if it wins the election, while zero emission energy that feeds batteries and storage is at the heart of Labor’s plan.
Managing Australia’s energy transition is a major election battleground, with both sides trying to reassure voters they can manage the decline of fossil fuel generation to ensure no massive price rises and to safeguard energy security.
Both sides have also pledged billions of dollars of investment but the focus of the spending varies, an analysis of spending pledges shows. Experts say the difference will help dictate the pace of Australia’s energy transition.
“The coalition is orientated towards blue hydrogen, which would prolong fossil fuels. It is a long journey from here to carbon capture and storage, however, Labor is not as enthused about blue hydrogen and is making more noise about green hydrogen.
The different approaches will determine the speed of the energy transition in Australia,” said Bruce Mountain, director of the Victoria Energy Policy Centre.
Blue hydrogen
The coalition has pledged $22 billion for its so-called technology road map, the cornerstone of its plan to reduce emissions without new taxes.
Technology gains, the coalition government estimates, will achieve nearly all of Australia’s emission reductions. Its technological road map focuses on six areas, including hydrogen, batteries, green steel and aluminium, carbon capture and storage, soil carbon and low-cost solar panels, for particular support.
Hydrogen has been the recipient of recent Coalition spending pledges as it aims to develop the fuel source alongside developing new gas supplies.
The government argues that gas can be the transitional fuel for Australian households and industry before becoming the energy source for producing hydrogen.
Using gas to produce hydrogen will require emissions to be captured and stored, and the coalition has promised millions of dollars in assistance.
Still, hydrogen is still years away from being commercially viable, which the government says would require the cost of producing hydrogen to fall below $2 per kilogram.
Ian Learmonth, chief executive of Clean Energy Finance, a federal green bank, says this is years away.
Mr Learmonth says hydrogen is going to play a very significant role in the long run and in the near term will be competitive with fuels like diesel, creating hydrogen opportunities potentially in trucking and heavy haulage.
“But that macro idea of large-scale electrolysers producing exportable green hydrogen to Asia – which I think is Australia’s kind of endgame – I think it’s a 10-year plus opportunity,” he has said.
Green hydrogen
Labor has proposed $3 billion for new low-emission technologies, including developing and manufacturing wind turbines, batteries and solar panels, biomass, and hydrogen electrolysers.
But new transmission lines are at the heart of Labor’s plan to cut emissions and manage the energy transition. It has pledged $20 billion to accelerate the development of transmission lines, which it believes will unlock scores of new zero emission energy generation.
“We need a massive upgrade in transmission to get energy, renewable energy from where it’s created in Australian regions to where it is consumed,” said Chris Bowen, the opposition spokesman for climate change and energy.
“We need a big increase in storage so we can store the renewable energy during the day and use it in the evening.”
Connecting new zero emission generation will, Labor says, will reduce the cost of wholesale electricity production and heighten the prospect of green hydrogen production.
Using renewable energy generation would negate the need for carbon capture and storage, but experts are divided on whether Australia could produce enough zero emission energy to fuel hydrogen production on the scale that would allow Australia to capitalise fully on global demand.
1. One rule for all – if guilty, she gets severely punished; or Grace Tame’s abuser is not an abuser and walks.
2. Women and girls are different and need less rights as a function of being protected, as per their differences to men and boys.
Those doctors can’t admit anything about the vaccines as it makes them liable.
It makes them murderers.
Which they are.
Fired up Anthony Albanese LOSES IT at Ally Langdon as she blasts him for forcing colleagues to answer tough questions directed at HIM on the election trail: ‘Shouldn’t YOU know the answer?
Ooooh. The Dark ‘N’ Stormies appear to have an early appearance today.
Go on then. Explain your plan for The People’s Revolution. I am aware this is a little slice of yesteryear when you first started spouting this, and you never answered the questions asked then so I’ll do it again now:
1. Who’s in charge of the uprising?
2. What, specifically, are the goals?
3. What’s the replacement framework?
4. Explain a) who will run the New World, b) what the rules will be, c) how they will be enforced, and most importantly d) who, exactly will deliver the sentencing for transgressions against the incoming Carny Code.
You have to have a plan. If you don’t have a plan for this sort of thing – well, you’ll just sound like a lazy couch-dweller wanting everyone else to do the work while you sail in over the top.
You wouldn’t want that. Would you?
Ha Ha and we are going for nett zero and destroying our industrial base. Oh and Russia Russia Russia.
India’s coal output soared by 28 per cent to 66.1 million tonnes in April amid high demand from thermal power plants as several parts of the country grappled with power shortage
There is a lot of peer pressure to conform to established paradigms I would imagine.
The problem is there’s nothing scientific about that.
Again, the H. pylori discovery is an illustrative case study; millions of people were misdiagnosed, told their condition was caused by stress and spicy foods and prescribed medications which merely masked the symptoms but left the cause of their condition untreated.
Moment Russia uses ‘thermobaric warheads’ to devastate Azovstal plant: Communications are lost with heroic last defenders of Mariupol a day after Russian troops began storming the steel works
‘I’m not allowed to go to South Australia because an unelected public servant simpleton said so, so I won’t.’
‘I had to abide by heavy vehicle regulations.’
‘I had to get a bus licence.’
‘My bread van has to be registered.’
‘I had to pay stamp duty when I bought my house.’
St. Ruth. It’s not about what you want to do. It’s about what you do. And you, to date, have done nothing except screech at people in the exact manner of a trans activist outside a primary school.
Labor has pledged to increase childcare subsidy rates for every family earning less than $530,000.
The policy would save families between $600 and $2,900 a year and cost taxpayers $6.2billion over four years.
All hands to the tax/middle class welfare churns!