When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…
Nah. The SGIC did it all for me. I just got the bill.
Of course UAP was robbed by the dirty rotten cheating AEC.
And the Liberal party.
And KK.
And ON.
And the LDP.
Plain as the nose on your face.
Oh and Labor in Griffith.
There are many ways people can be “receivers”
The only way I’d be one is if I was a television set.
However there are also those that drop their strides and bend over for government, and many other types of recivers.
However there are also the types like this example above, who can’t fathom anything bar sitting back and doing nothing and recieving benifits from others.
Clive never promised anything.
Nothing .
People had to vote for the UAP before they could do anything.
Actions, reactions.
This will be over Sancho’s head.
Way over.
The interest rate guarantee put a lot of educated people I know from voting for them.
And they didn’t vote for them.
You don’t think all the minor freedom parties were robbed?
I had to pick a team to support out of the freedom parties.
All of them have obviously been swindled.
I’m not just banging on about UAP.
One Nation and the LDP also suffered from this obviously corrupted election.
To think these elections were fair after the last two years shows a level of delusion by denialism that is the true sickness of this blog.
And it is pushed and encouraged by only a few.
Maybe they were not fair and clean (and that would make sense), but we don’t have evidence.
SA, VIC and WA voted strongly for labor. It defies logic to us, but apparently, they love a police state.
They like tyranny. Some East Germans want communism back, too. (Die Lienke).
The Australian government kneel to Marxists and shoot unarmed freedom protestors on the steps of one of our nation’s most sacred spots, imprisons people in their homes, mandates jabs to leave the country, stops travel over five k’s away from homes, etc etc etc, destroys lives wholesale and yet the elections were fairly run.
And we are still under a state of emergency.
With all the socialists winning………………..
The people who will support Climate change lockdowns by the WHO.
You don’t even feel the need to look into them, so in denial as you are.
And he delivered in spades.
And you won’t find it, if like Sancho, you scoff at the possibility…AFTER ALL THAT’S HAPPENED..
You people are so in denial, you can’t see the forest for the trees.
They have you right where they want you.
Deluded by choice.
Well, you get some things wrong. We were all right about the rage against Morrison & the distrust of Labor – both Parties each could only attract about a third of voters.
Personally, I thought UAP & especially One Nation would attract the disaffected. They did not – at least not in significant numbers to make a difference.
Instead, they made their acceptance of the myth of global warming clear. And the grievance female lobby also triumphed.
Sad – but in view of the dismal acceptance of government cruelty during the Covid panic – probably predictable.
Whatever you think of the Liars and Teals they have a much stronger ground game than the Lieborals. If politics is a contest of ideas the Lieborals have no choice but to win that. When you are in the trenches it is too late.
My wonderful but brainwashed grandson worked for the Kylea Tink campaign in North Sydney. The sort of thing energetic young people do – pub debates, handing out HTV cards at pro-poling and election day, holding a party on the night of the election.
He was seriously prepped on how to answer questions from the public, including this: “Kylea is only funded 45% by Holmes a Court”.
Ah, that makes things better!
Well they’re saying the UAP Senate guy in Vicco might get up. I voted for him too so I hope I won’t be disappointed.
KD @7:21
My vocabulary has been inadvertently widened.
Personally, I thought UAP & especially One Nation would attract the disaffected. They did not – at least not in significant numbers to make a difference.
me too
Was this the loss the Lieborals should have had in 2019 but nobody could bring themselves to vote for Peanut Head?
I’m not sure about the rest of you , but Albo’ walking around with his little dog on a leash looks kinda gay to me , [ not that theres anything wrong with that ] , it just looks kinda gay.
To repeat an old joke, “With petrol prices at an all time high, I’ve converted my petrol driven car into an electric vehicle.
Every time I fill up, I get a shock.”
I think this result is the inevitable culmination malign Trumble coup of 2015.
Plus the ads showing Craig Kelly as next PM. If Clive wants to play politics again he needs to start planning now and think purely about Senate and some key seats where might make a difference.
“The interest rate guarantee put a lot of educated people I know from voting for them”
How did I miss the federales doing an Odessa Steps?
You’ve got to wonder whether people actually read newspapers (as bad as they are) or just wallow in the pap that is TV these days.
Do they really understand the economic tidal wave, in the form of astronomical inflation & complete disruption of global trade and services, that is engulfing us? Do they have any understanding of the possibility of a war engulfing Europe within 12 months? Do they understand that the threat of hostile Chinese control of trade routes through the South China Sea is for real?
And Albo & his goons are going to save us?
Probably already noted but it’s sobering to note that in 2007 Krudd inherited a sound economy.
I’ll leave it at that.
Out of curiosity , what is Albo’s dogs name?…I need answers.
There was a much wider element to the Teals than just Climate 200. It was a popular anti-Lieboral movement with some strings being played in the background. Their success, particularly measured against the UAP, is undoubted.
Oh, Liberal preferences could get UAP sixth spot in Victoria.
Get a JR rail pass. When in Nagasaki go to Arita for the porcelain known as Imari which was the port nearby. Gunkanjima, (Battleship Island). Dejima in Nagasaki and don’t forget Thomas Glover’s Home the supposed inspiration for Madam Butterfly. Thomas Glover that is. Osaka, go to Nara for the temples. Call in on Carpe, he lives west of Kobe, not very far. Kyoto is about 30 minutes away. There is a little museum with the Asian equivalent of the Book of Kells. Himeji Castle and Kirashiki as well. Look on Japan-Guide website. There is too much to do. I loved Western Japan. Tokyo is over the top for me, Nephew lived there for a few years.
Somebody up thread mentioned the Herald Sun article about VIC schools and pronouns etc. I note they are now allowing comments as that could have got interesting.
Somebody needs to invite Jordan Peterson to VIC as his views on that agenda was what brought him to public attention.
All right. I’ll ask it.
By whom? Be specific.
Excellent too that Price got in. Morrison definitely deserved to lose particularly after the rebewbulls betrayal not mention all the anti man stuff spewing out of the Canbra coven (our watch, transexuals in Russell etc etc). Still horrified that anal is now PM.
The most heartening take away from Saturday is the Viet chick getting up Fowler. Maybe a cleaned out LNP is the way forward along with the abandonment of silvertail electorates. The UAP seems to have mostly flopped.
Shorten’s probably wondering how long before he can push Albo. I suspect he’ll have to join the queue.
No doubt Bear, comfortable rich liberals definitely didn’t think the LNP were going hard enough to solve the climate emergency.
The signs on the multi million dollar houses west of me were a dead give away.
Elbow, he’s a dog. Not a very nice thing to compare Rub’n’Tug with a dog. I’d take the dog any day.
You have got to be very confident in your sexuality to own a small, fluffy white dog or a convertible 3 series BMW.
“Oh Mr Albo, you very big man.”
It can only be a good thing the UAP were out there and made a difference in ways seemingly not significant and that someone like Craig Kelly had enough courage to reflect the nature of a decent human being.
Old School Conservative – had to laugh re your post about your grandson working for Tink in North Sydney. One of my closest friends was central to her campaign. All very awkward for us. Invited to celebration party last night but politely declined. Actually spoke to Tink on phone this morning. We had not met during campaign for obvious reasons, but we chatted about mutual friends in Ancient History Dept at Macquarie Uni.
GreyRanga……NO NO No…..not Albo….the dog, the dog. I suspect the dog will be on the cover of ‘House & Garden’ soon.
Pre Covid McDonalds and many coffee shops would have free newspapers to read. I could have $5 coffee and read The Weekend Oz and Courier Mail for free. Now those newspapers have not returned. In my case I did subscribe online but many will no longer be getting any news from their local food outlet newspapers. No big loss for Courier Mail but the Oz has had some great articles that deserved wider reading.
“You’ve got to wonder whether people actually read newspapers (as bad as they are) or just wallow in the pap that is TV these days”.
Few people more pathetic right now than Clive troofers. LOL.
My dog doesn’t mind me being on a lead and I’m not Ghey. The dog will be thinking ” who the effin hell is this idjit taking me for a walk. The dog was a prop.
Some of the wealthiest people in Queensland supported quasi socialists. I laugh at their stupidity.
I thought GetUp (in other words the American left) was after Peter Dutton. Looks like they didn’t succeed. That’s interesting too.
“It was a popular anti-Lieboral movement with some strings being played in the background.”
Not “some strings”…..many strings, including the Turnbull family.
TOTO….?……oh for fuks sake?..what sort of man calls his poodle toto?
Rub’n’Tug isn’t smart enough to know the dogs name, he thought Elbow had a good ring to it, when he hasn’t been able to find any Tories to fight for 40 years.
The fat lump of lard is like a left wing version of st ruth.
Thanks Greyranga
Just realised Japan was closed to tourists, reopening with quotas on 1 June.
Invite him to Lindsay Fox’s place. There’s a set of stairs I believe.
Maybe Albo called his dog TOTO cos’ its easy to spell?…..just throwin’ out the idea….
Er, Fatso.
Fat Cloive actually preferenced the Libs in a lot of seats.
If it was identified that the seat was going to be a LNP/ALP run-off, the AEC staff would start to prepare for preference distribution.
That is, for candidates with a HTV, divide them into two piles – those who followed the HTV and those who did not.
Once the primary count was done, the preference distribution is started.
Prior sorting of them just saves time.
Fat Cloive is a liar.
He knows that, having preferenced the LNP, a pile of his primary votes would get shifted to the Liberal pile eventually.
It’s how preferential voting works, Fatso.
I watched a clip last night of Albo rushing to the stage to embrace that Wong chap. Albos partner was close behind but Albo completely ignored her in the moment.
If that were Scomo the media feminista would have their narrative for the next 6 months.
Some of the wealthiest people in Queensland supported quasi socialists. I laugh at their stupidity.
Socialism for others not for them I assume. It’s is hard to understand though I agree. It’s probably only over the last five years or so that I’ve noticed many many leftists are posh private school ‘educated’. It’s just speculation but I suspect they have an underlying disdain for or hatred of aspirational working people. Hence the wish to shut down mines, farms and factories.
And keep his own name off the ballot.
Toto is Japanese for toilet. Cos that’s what the band named themselves after.
Toto is Japanese for toilet…….?……Really?….poor bloody dog. Does Albo know that?
ASX 200 up slightly in early trading. Welcome to the Albo era.
A lot of people are happy when their piles disappear.
Correction Toto is a brand of Japanese toilets.
Left are already going after Dutton as next lib leader. The left never sleep.
mUnty, I don’t think that post will age well. Have you thought about breakfast TV?
Whitehaven Coal steady at $5.26…..move along folks. Nothing to see here.
Fatboy, they’re fucked spending wise. If they try to increase spending, the RBA will set off the impact on the economy by tightening policy. The RBA will not let them get away with runaway spending with this level of debt, you lardball.
Maybe a cleaned out LNP is the way forward along with the abandonment of silvertail electorates.
I am old enough to remember when anyone even vaguely leftist sneered at “silvertails”. Now they are a key left demographic. It is a good illustration of how far the Labor Party has moved from its origins in the rural and urban working class.
The left (including our pet Kulak, munty) are all silvertails now.
Fair Shake…I had a weird experience in a fully automated Japanese toilet….I dont want to talk about it.
Remember, they were leaking against him in the first week of the campaign.
You’d think any move in the first 12 months would be unseemly…but let’s see how many stuff ups Elbow can execute in the meantime.
He’ll be feeling very much under pressure, caught as he is between the Mean Girls and the Teal Girls.
May 23, 2022 at 10:02 am
Few people more pathetic right now than Clive troofers. LOL.
Almost, but not quite, as fascist leftists who come to a conservative blog to gloat at the defeat of the Liberals, only to discover that most present are happy at the event?
Are you proud to be a member of the silvertail party?
You may have forgotten a comma, Humphrey.
Anthony Albanese reiterated his commitment to embrace the Uluru Statement from the Heart and enshrine the Voice in the constitution
AnAl can have all the commitment he likes, he has to convince a majority of voters in a majority of states.
I hope these guys get this newish concept to work:
I really like the idea of a home power pack for complete independence from the grid. You may even be able to power your car with a slightly larger version. Go beyond the “save the planet” boilerplate they have on the website. This is a real game changer. It is known that IEC (inertial Electrostatic Confinement) fusion works as you can buy a commercial neutron generator using the principle which was first noted by Philo Farnsworth, the American inventor of electronic colour TV, many decades ago. The problem, as with all fusion devices was getting nett energy out.
The late Robert W. Bussard had a concept also, as did LockMart Skunk Works. Seems to have all gone quiet.
Ditto the Democratic Party, now the party of choice in the richest zip codes in the US.
It’s just speculation but I suspect they have an underlying disdain for or hatred of aspirational working people. Hence the wish to shut down mines, farms and factories.
The “disdain for or hatred of aspirational working people” among the modern fascist left is real. See many of munty’s comments yesterday for examples.
Meanwhile, if you’re in a protected class, the rules do not apply.
Haha. Mr Thirty Per Cent surrounded by angry frightbats and unable to do anything without their permission.
He’ll be a global laughing stock inside six months.
Sorry Mont.
Albo is not in charge of the fortunes of the economy at the moment.
He’d be wise to actually play the economic conservative line he promotes.
There is probably no time outside war that our economy is so driven by the winds of international events.
He can only make matters worse. Business, trade and the money markets are boss.
mUnty’s level of thinking and crude collectivist analysis makes him a natural for Breakfast TV. Cons – he’s fat and a ranga. I don’t think Kochhead has anything to worry about.
Iirc, it was Bertrand Russell who observed that much that passes in the world as idealism is either a disguised hatred of human beings or a cover for the love of power over others.
C.L has a ripping take on the election at his site.
It’s Devine providence that leads us to disaster.
You didn’t press the tampon remover button?
linky please
May 23, 2022 at 10:56 am,…..’I said I dont want to talk about it’….
I’d hesitate to call Monty a Kulak.
He’s the type who sent the Kulaks to the salt mines.
Have you not been paying attention the last thirty years, JC. Ever since Hawke/Keating, Labor has been the party of low taxes and responsible spending. It is the Libs who blow out the deficit with handouts to their mates, while raising taxes to record levels. The stats across decades don’t lie.
There is a cubic bumload of wastage from Lib corruption for Albo to slash. So much trousering of taxpayer cash by corporate lobbyists to stop. The biggest positive effect on the budget bottom line may be ICAC, as it unravels the LNP rorts one by one.
The Greens will get an exhumation of the CEFC or something similar to keep them happy. There will be a lot of hair-on-fire screaming about interest rates returning to historically normal levels, but there won’t be much to actually complain about if you’re not insanely over-leveraged.
The adults are back in charge, basically.
or convince (pay) the right people at the AEC.
When asked for actual evidence and locations, the We Wuz Robbed party spokesman has suddenly gone quiet.
Bugger Albo. Does Dorothy know?
DOROTHY?…..who the fuk is Dorothy?…I really need to get up to speed on the ‘who’s , who’ in Canberra.
Yes, a linky to C.L’s post please…
When you can’t tell a cat from a pussy .. bad things can happen .. LOL!
OT – But I ask cats, who are far more learned than me… does anyone have any good book recommendations on the history of Anglo Saxonism from the early days of Wessex, Vikings and Ireland and how King Athelstan came to be the first King of England?
Our family has been Irish for hundreds of years (if not more) and, while I wasn’t surprised to learn that recent DNA studies show up-to-a 20% Norwegian DNA in Irish blood, I was alarmed at my ignorance on the Vikings who bought and stole Irish (and British) women to populate Iceland.. anyway, Athelstan seems to be the “high point” of these many ventures…
Given I live in a totalitarian State (WA) with now a totalitarian Federal Government, I may as well get used to not tuning into Lamestream and reading by candlelight…. 😛
Hug your wealth.
Sorry I mean hug the People’s wealth.
Twostix will be overjoyed about the forthcoming war on the Boomers.
Sorry Buddy, you still aren’t getting through house. That’s going to the cronies.
Lysander says:
May 23, 2022 at 11:07 am
Yes, a linky to C.L’s post please…
Perhaps my phone is different to a computer but if you scroll down on this site to Blogroll CL is there.
Bons at 11:15.
Snort, cackle.
While you’re looking at links make sure you don’t miss the Lotus Eaters.
I put their podcasts on the Bluetooth in the ute or tractor. Humour an added bonus.
I was going to say “over the rainbow,” but you sound a tad frazzled, Trader, and that might confuse you further.
Dorothy (and Toto) from Wizard of Oz.
Sports Illustrated to bring in topless models, yay!
The Last Frontier of Justice-Oriented Body Positivity (21 May, via Instapundit)
Bend over and spread em Australia, you are about to get it good and very hard!
People get the governments they deserve! FMD at no time in my life did I do anything to deserve Albo and that Wong chap.
Here you go. Pls bookmark CL while you are there, his is a fine blog.
Violet Lites and Silent Types (23 May)
Thanks Farmer Gez; linky works fine 🙂
132andBush says:
May 23, 2022 at 10:58 am
I’d hesitate to call Monty a Kulak.
He’s the type who sent the Kulaks to the salt mines.
I’m pretty sure the Kulaks are us Bush, or aspirational Kulaks at the very least.
FRAZZLED?…..now theres a word I have’nt heard in ages. I might use that in my next speech . Thanks Delta. Ohhh,…I’m not frazzled?. just confused by all the new personalities in Canberra.
m0nty says:
May 23, 2022 at 11:00 am
Have you not been paying attention the last thirty years, JC. Ever since Hawke/Keating, Labor has been…………………………………………………
FMD what rock does this guy live under?? Denial of all the economic history of the last 50 years or what?
Where to now for Fat Cloive?
After the obligatory shadow-boxing and threats of litigation against the AEC, that is.
I’m betting good money Albo thinks it can be done by legislation.
Bosi ran fifth in a field of eight in Greenway.
With 3.4% of the vote, just behind UAP and just ahead of LDP.
The People have spoken.
He has no standing.
Ever since Hawke/Keating, Labor has been the party of low taxes and responsible spending.
munty can’t even remember the discussion a couple of days ago, when he tried this preposterous line of spin.
Reminder, munty. R-G-R took Australia from zero nett Commonwealth debt when KRudd was elected to 30% of GDP nett Commonwealth debt six years later when they were rightly thrown out on their fat arses. Average increase of 5% pa increase across their time in government.
Abbott-Turdballs-SloMo took that to 48% in nine years, average of 2% pa increase across their time in government.
Fat idiot!
Sancho Panzer says:
May 23, 2022 at 11:35 am
Where to now for Fat Cloive?
After the obligatory shadow-boxing and threats of litigation against the AEC, that is.
Back to counting his money, elections are just an entertaining interlude for Clive.
May 23, 2022 at 11:30 am
m0nty says:
May 23, 2022 at 11:00 am
Have you not been paying attention the last thirty years, JC. Ever since Hawke/Keating, Labor has been…………………………………………………
FMD what rock does this guy live under?? Denial of all the economic history of the last 50 years or what?
The sacred talking points of the fascist left must be believed and regurgitated, lest he be cast into outer darkness. These are his “truths”, not necessarily connected to reality.
Strutting around with Trudeau and the rest for the photo ops, can’t wait for the fawning local coverage of the statesmanlike image.
I give it about a year before the wheels fall off and thereafter it’s a matter of available options or how savagely they control the messaging before something has to give.
Yes. If “Aspirational Kulak” appears on the blog you’ll know who it is.
Zoe Daniel on the other hand, six months tops.
Canavan, “Labor, Green, Bant, Teal Government” LGBT go woke go broke.
Here is a perfect example of why the Liberals lost and will continue into irrelevance. First, they backed Clive Palmer’s WA hard border challenge. But then they pulled out because apparently it wasn’t popular.
The lesson they should take from this, is that they should have stuck to the principle of free movement between states, you know, as stated in the constitution. But no, the lesson they have taken from this, is that they should never have backed Clive in the first place, because that was unpopular.
They chose popularity over principle therefore pissing off both conservatives and gullible Covid loons. Morons.
I hope the Fat Bastard sticks to extracting money from the Chinese Communist Party’s Australian mining tenements. He has no future in politics.
The political junk food he attempted to foist on low-IQ voters in this year’s election campaign, instead of being a vote magnet, was a vote repellant that, along with the LNP incompetence and treason, helped clear the field of all but leftwing neo-religious climate loonies.
The 2022 election will be remembered as a political leadership vacuum, the inevitable conclusion of Malcolm Turnbull’s disastrous prime ministership which ended the career of his chosen successor, a political nobody named Scott Morrison.
He’s got a bit less to count than he had six weeks ago.
Probably not a huge dint in his reserves, but you wonder how long he can put up with the public humiliation of throwing cash into a black hole election after election.
He did the same in 2013 and screwed the senate as a result.
I really do think, with less than 1 in 3 preferencing Labor 1st, Albo and Labor will quickly go into negative territory (as Cats have stated above). The pressure will be on, despite the luvvies in the media.
I don’t think the Libs will have to do much at all to see that happening – which means this is the chance to get back to proper Liberal values and disavow the Kean’s, Zimmerman’s, Falinsky’s and other wankers’ woke shite.
So why isn’t Novavax approved as a booster?
ATAGI recommended it on 2 April. Why the holdup?
It was a gateway trick to get the ‘reluctant’ and ‘hesitant’ onto the mRNA subscription.
I think Monty is a teal.
Rorts. Rorts. ICAC. Rorts.
Can’t name a single one but they’re there.
The only rort that springs to my mind is wind and solar subsidies and I’m betting teals are knee deep in those.
Anyhow will enjoy seeing all the rortie rorters being brought to icaccy justice.
But what a happy time for Xi eh? The US in economic turmoil, militarily spent. Europe on the precipice of a major energy crisis, a new soft-on-China Government in Australia that haven’t been fully briefed on the real “strategic situation…”
This could be “fun”
Please state the Fed balance sheet for the day after Rudd was elected.
Clive fancies himself Australia’s Trump.
He ain’t.
Ugh Rosie!!! Picturing fatboy Munty in lycra, taking his kids for a soy latte in Tamarama…. that’s ruined my day…
All the talk of a federal corruption commission, and I can’t help but wonder why? Isn’t investigating federal corruption the job of the federal police? Or are they lapdogs the way Vicpol are?
If that’s the case I can’t see a federal corruption commission being effective, look at the Vic one and how little has been done.
A complete list of the Liberal Party’s corruption over the last 7 years
Or they may just choose to wait it out and not change at all.
Geeze Munty, why don’t you just send a link to the Labor Party website? Fuck me, “the Chaser” is your authoritative source of information?
The Chaser. Really?
Maybe Frank but Albo is starting off like Krudd’s 2nd term: Nobody likes him (but they “liked” him a bit more than Scomo)… there will be no honeymoon period – it’s all downhill from today onward.
Okay Monty.
A bunch of allegations, many of them a trifle bizarre.
Perhaps I was wrong, you prefer to wear a red tshirt.
Military contractors.
Get those treasonous bastards and perfidious foreigners before the Senate on the hook for a life sentence.
Seven years to “integrate” an already working munition into our platforms our largest ally has?
I smell so many corpulent rats.
Lysander, I meant the libs and how developing a spine might be too much to ask for. It runs counter to all the political instincts of the type.
It’s so easy to trigger you lot. All I have to do is link to a long (very long) list of corruption by your boys, and you start shouting like a Canberra cooker.
One can only imagine how loud you will bleat when ICAC has LNP Cabinet ministers on the stand day after day.
I agree with Rowan and Rita on yesterday’s Outsiders that now is the time to get back to what you actually stand for. Canavan was great on their show saying “McDonalds doesn’t pretend to sell health food so why are the Libs pretending to sell socialist policies?” But sadly, your Devines and Bishops say “avoid the lurch to the right.”
They haven’t learned in WA that’s for sure. Seems the same to me in Vic (?) with that Guy….
Sancho Panzer says:
May 23, 2022 at 11:51 am
Back to counting his money, elections are just an entertaining interlude for Clive.
He’s got a bit less to count than he had six weeks ago.
Probably not a huge dint in his reserves, but you wonder how long he can put up with the public humiliation of throwing cash into a black hole election after election.
Public humiliation? If you saw Cloive in his too small tee shirt at one of his rallies you would know that public humiliation does not compute with Cloive.
Munt, your side might be for **feels** (as evidenced by the many lefty/alp convictions in this space) but those of us on the other side prefer facts. A link to The Chaser Boys (avg age of 47) is hardly fact.
Send me a link to a court transcript/finding on this non-list. Go fatboy go.
How about a list of Labor pedo ph iles?
“Geeze Munty, why don’t you just send a link to the Labor Party website? Fuck me, “the Chaser” is your authoritative source of information?
Too kind.
May your children live in interesting times. May you come to the attention of the authorities. May you find what you are looking for.
Give it a few months, the new federal ICAC will be right on that.
Same old pompous, moronic “Liberal club members” having a go at Palmer voters for being low IQ.
Yet these same voters have the brains to know the level of shit we are in, the intellect to put freedom above some stupid kooky side policies of the UAP that would have never got up because what we were voting for, we knew, was a hung parliament at best.
Those of you so pompous as to do the typical Liberal “Club” wank of throwing it all away because you don’t like the candidates tie, or can’t fathom what the lack of alternatives there are, and therefore what we had to work with, might one day, take a good hard long look at their unpractical arrogance and idiocy before calling others low IQ.
Fuck wits.
A short train ride from Hiroshima is Kure, a seaport, which is home to the Yamato Museum. She was one of two huge battleships the Imperial Japanese Navy lost at the end of the war, and is commemorated there in the biggest model I’ve ever seen. Lots of other good stuff in the museum. There is a modern diesel-electric submarine on display outside, and you can walk through it.
A tram ride in Hiroshima is memorable too.
AAAAAAAahahahahahahahahahaha *snort* hahahahahahahahahahaha
Champagne comedy Munty
Elbow’s win. Does that mean French subs are back on the order books?
Low IQ is deciding you can’t bring yourself to vote for a party based on their economic policies while they are fighting for the freedom, against the parties you gave away your country to, via your submission to tyranny.
Think twice before you talk of IQ.
And think even more than that before you start spouting off about morality and responsibility.
The problem is parliamentary members have different notions of what they do actually stand for stand for.
Bridget Archer (yes, first time I’d heard of her too; holds Bass by the tighest of margins) told Patricia Karvelas on AM today that she will potentially put her hat in the ring for deputy leader and fight hard to prevent the Liberal Party going “further right”. The Liberal Party belongs “in the centre”, she opined.
Oh no, not more Aldi bags? heaven forfend
So you’ve actually got nothing lol!
You send a link listing “lnp corruption” and now you say give it a few months? You don’t happen to work for VicPol do you?
Hey M0nty will the Federal ICAC investigate the rivers of gold flowing from “Industry Superfunds” to Labor, or will they leave that to ASIC and the AFP?
Corruption is only bad if it isn’t done by the Left eh?
What about “Industry Super funds” investing heavily in “renewables” which in turn hoover up vast sums of public cash in the form of RECs etc.
The LNP weren’t even hiding their corruption. Morrison used to say it was just local members knowing where to put the money because they knew their electorates.
ICAC will have a target-rich environment.
Hey St Ruth.
Didn’t you predict an election fix with ScoMo getting up because he was the preferred Klaus WEF GloBaList candidate?
The Diamantina is flowing brown and fast – this is water that fell at Easter finding its way down through the channel country. It is just slipping under the new bridge. The old crossing is well and truly inundated, as is the normal route to the Burke and Wills tree.
Undeterred, we used another route over the dunes via the yards where the horses are kept for the Birdsville races. After a bit of hunting we find it, old and gnarled with a star picket and a sign. I thought a while about Burke, Wills and King and their ill fated journey from this point down to where two finally perished in great distress. Heroes, regardless of some of the decisions they made… I am standing in the shadow of great courage and endurance.
The drowned, tree studded channels are filling, there will be more water coming after the recent rains, so now was our window of opportunity. We drove the few kilometres down to the SA border for a photo of the Track, then stopped at the Humpy Café for elevenses. Sitting in the yard, an old cable spool for a table, and out comes our coffee complete with a French press and demitasses! My only comparable experience was morning tea in a corner diner in Winslow, AZ, sipping icecream sodas. And yes, it was that corner.
Off to the Big Red dune this afternoon for another glimpse of natural beauty.
Everyone knows that’s how Federal Assistance Grants (FAGS) work and have done so since their inception. The local State and Federal members are consulted. Sheeeeeiiiit, they have interests.
Well it would be if it didn’t wear a blindfold when anything of the Left was visible.
Maybe it could take shooting lessons from Stormtroopers.
Wouldn’t want to hit a lefty target accidentally.
That would be bad for the collective.
Clay Davis would have been proud of some of the pork barrelling. Somehow very little of it went to Labor safe seats. Funny, that.
what a beautiful description – and one of Malcolm’s Mannequins at that — also loved the description coined by Lizzie about the performing Teals – the Stepford candidates
I suppose the most important thing for small, insignificant types is wreaking revenge on opponents rather than building or mending.
This is nothing new.
Such are the pigmies who govern us and those who bray and grunt in satisfaction.
I love Lefties and their projection.
You could use them to launch shells at Russians they’re so projectish.
Let’s not leave this stranded over the page:-
Along with the disaster he served up from 2013 – 2016, and siding with Trumble and the ABC to whiteant Abbott the best hope Conservative Australians have had for twenty years.
And if any Abbott Derangement Syndrome types want to take issue, they need to tell me how any of Rudd, Gillard, Scomo or Trumble were better than Abbott.
Fat Cloive doesn’t give a shit about conservative politics. He is looking for influence to advance the interests of a certain XXXXXL sized Queenssslander.
Very big whiteboards get used, apparently.
Showing my age.
A federal ICAC based on the NSW model will only ever be used to bludgeon conservatives. We’ve all seen what’s gone on here in NSW with ICAC…and how, oddly, it was missing in action for the seventeen years of arguably the most venally corrupt Labor governments in NSW history…Carr, Iemma, Rees and Keneally.
I once spoke at length to Margaret Cunneen about what she endured at the hands of ICAC here in NSW. The ICAC probe into Cunneen was purely political and a very deliberate attempt at destroying Cunneen’s character and career, it had nothing to do with corruption. It was petty and vindictive. It only failed because Cunneen, being a seasoned lawyer, knew how to fight. However there have been many individuals who’ve had their lives destroyed by ICAC here in NSW.
I note that the adolescent Monty says nothing about corruption in the Andrews’ government or the QLD Labor government. All of this confirms to me that Monty isn’t particularly concerned about corruption per se, it just depends on the ideological side and he wants another useful weapon to use against conservatives.
Talisker single malt aged 10 years is very nice.
Hmm, so you’re saying the NSW ICAC never went after Labor figures? Think you might be mistaken there, Cassie.
“Think you might be mistaken there, Cassie.”
No, I’m not. ICAC only investigated Obeid after Labor lost the 2011 election.
It’s you who’s mistaken….as usual.
My God you’re a cretin.
Thanks for reminding us about Cuneen, Cassie.
I often wonder whether she was pursued because of her prosecution of the Skaf gang.
Not so much because she secured convictions, but because she went hard and demonstrated that they were basically a racially based rape gang with a pre-determined plan to prey on ‘Skip’ girls.
That did not fit the multi-culti narrative.
I think she was meant to try them separately and offer up a soft “four with a minimum of two” deal for a quick guilty plea, and no awkward testimony from the traumatised victims.
“Sancho Panzersays:
May 23, 2022 at 1:02 pm”
All correct…and she’s a well known conservative. The ICAC set up was a very deliberate and malicious persecution.
If there’s going to be federal ICAC one of the first things they can look at is the Slug gate affair and Albanese’s ties to it.
I won’t hold my breath.
May 23, 2022 at 12:02 pm
Rorts. Rorts. ICAC. Rorts.
Can’t name a single one but they’re there.
A complete list of the Liberal Party’s corruption over the last 7 years
Now, can you do one on the Victorian Labor Party? Start with a billion $ to not build a road.
NSW ICAC is worse than a kangaroo court, it’s akin to the Moscow show trials….overseen by characters similar to Andrey Vyshinskiy.
No wonder the adolescent approves.
Clay Davis would have been proud of some of the pork barrelling. Somehow very little of it went to Labor safe seats. Funny, that.
Watch the next three years, and get back to us on what constitutes “corruption”, idiot.
Are you wearing your Red Shirt today?
NSW ICAC is worse than a kangaroo court, it’s akin to the Moscow show trials….overseen by characters similar to Andrey Vyshinskiy.
Megan Latham with her “pulling wings off butterflies” quote resembled Roland Freisler of the People’s Court. He had a very poetic ending.
.overseen by characters similar to Andrey Vyshinskiy.
munty now furiously Googling Vyshinskiy.
As they say, be careful what you wish for.
One of the Skafs got 55 years. Greatly reduced on appeal unfortunately.
Federal ICAC may be worth their salt if they take up what IBAC has thus far ignored in relation to Pell in Victoria.
mUnty, The 80s called. They want their salmon pink Stubbies and lemon penguin shirt back. Excuse me, I’ve just to change sides on my Talking Heads cassette.
Kure is great TE, the day I was there it was packed and that was during the week.
Holy ‘climate change’…. if it rains anymore here i’m going to need a bigger rainwater tank.
Was that Munty on the cover of Sports Illustrated?
On the subject of political mannequins (thanks, Gez), is Albo’s new squeeze up to date with her actors’ equity dues ?
Is that like Meg’s career in foot porn?
C.L has a site?
Reports this morning of a degree of mayhem during and after the “Dreamtime” game at the MCG.
One person still in hospital after being struck with … wait for it … a didgeridoo.
Of course, Plod trying to play it down this morning:-
“Investigation continuing. Working through it. Progress being made. Blah, blah, blah.”
The MCG is covered by overlapping CCTV cameras everywhere.
How many didgeridoos would there be at the footy?
They could have tracked the clubber back from the incident right to his seat and ID’d him in an hour if they wanted to.
How do I know this?
Because every time someone goes homophobic, islamophobic, waaacist whatever, they get a knock on the door very early the next morning and, if they are a club member, they are drummed out of the Brownies before lunchtime.
Was the clubber part of the First Nations pre-game charade?
Speaking of which, is it any wonder tensions rise when you run a puerile display of white-fella prostrating himself at the feet of the black-fella, and call it entertainment.
Italics fail.
Under “Currency Lad” in the blogroll below (or to the right depending on your device).
Yes, CL has a site, which is quite a sight, that needs to be cited more often.
Fleeced, here is C.L.’s blog.
He has a new and improved feature. Dickless upticks.
let the enwokening begin!
The back-tracking begins early! .. Bill Shitten has “quietly” dumped the review of CentreLink benefits promised a month ago …!
Was the clubber part of the First Nations pre-game charade?
If not they’ll need to review their carry-in baggage policy .. not many didgez that’ll fit in yer pocket, I’m guessin’ .. LOL!
Terry McCrann (Paywallian):
Australia is now embarked on a classic big-spending Whitlam-style Labor agenda mixed up with a new-age big-spending Dark Green agenda. It is not going to end well.
Even if Labor gets to the 76 seats and majority government in its own right, it will be effectively in a de facto coalition government with certainly the formal Dark Greens and essentially also with the so-called ‘Teals’.
It both has to be, and it will willingly seize the opportunity to do so, because Labor and the Greens will together have a majority in the Senate, even without counting the likely support from Tasmania’s Jacqui Lambie and her possible-to-likely second senator.
Both the formal Dark Greens and the ‘independent’ Teal-Greens demand the same thing: the destruction of our national electricity generation system that has given us plentiful, cheap and reliable power for the last 80 years – albeit, increasingly less so in recent years.
And the speedier the ‘better’, in a mad, bad and dangerous – and utterly pointless – race to 2030.
These assorted Greens also demand a ban on any new coal, gas and oil projects; and then, where it starts to get really ‘interesting’, the actual closures of our existing mines and oil and especially gas production.
That does suggest it will become an increasingly fractious marriage; as the crazy-Green agenda collides with the reality of government and trying to keep the economy this side of Venezuela, far less North Korea.
But at least initially it will be hugs all around as Labor, Dark-Green and Teal-Green rejoice in taking “real action on Climate Change”.
‘Action’ that will have zero effect on either the world’s or our local climate, thanks to China belching more and more CO2, and even ‘woke’ Europe deciding it actually wants to keep its lights on.
Pointless ‘action’, that will have massively destructive impacts on our industry and on household budgets.
Then add on the classic big-spending Labor agenda, which WILL produce bigger deficits and keep the national government debt heading from $1tr to $2tr.
Labor has ‘fessed up to spending at least another $20bn – but that’s only the amount spent over the four years of the formal budget out to 2025-26. And it WILL prove a massive underestimate.
As it unfolds it will grow to a much bigger sum, just in those four years – and build in ever-increasing spending in every year after that.
Look at the NDIS. It was supposed to start at $15bn-a-year and grow ‘modestly’ year-to-year. It’s already at $30bn this year and is projected to hit $46bn by 2025-26.
All this is going to be happening as inflation runs at its highest level since the early 1990s and we are facing the very real risk of a wages-inflation spiral developing.
The Reserve Bank is already going to put up interest rates; if the spiral develops it will have to hike them savagely even if the economy plunges into recession.
Further, it’s not as if all this will be taking place against a benign global backdrop. Globally, things are getting seriously complicated and nasty.
Buckle up. With a full racing harness.
Emerald Grain have 22/23 APW MG del Melb @ $500/t
Worth a nibble I think.
Looks like we will be going full on treaty stuff. Funny how it was never highlighted before the election. We can expect more wokeness.
“Prior to his press conference, staff replaced two of the three Australian flags behind the podium to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags”.
Is Gillard’s “man” still in a caravan on the Murray or was that just a rumour?