Build loads of the new High Efficiency Low Emission (HELE) Coal Power Plants. The rest of the World is. Why…
Build loads of the new High Efficiency Low Emission (HELE) Coal Power Plants. The rest of the World is. Why…
From Dover – previous page There are Ukrainian reports that Russian soldiers are eating cats and dogs. Maybe, just maybe,…
They will be going all out to steal the election for the Dem. Report: Drag Queens to Fundraise for Democrat…
and all a result of what will probably turn out to have been an illegitimate Premier if they ever get…
It’s still and foggy in my patch in Melbourne’s east right now. It’s good that coal is freely-available (like wind…
st ruth goes to work
I’m inspired to thing there are a hundred better things we could do to reduce Aboriginal disadvantage.
The top left photo in that little collage might have been him (doing a bit of an Insta pout) but that had no dress-ups of any note.
The other three with the dress-ups could have been any one of 20 million olive skinned teenagers.
Looking at it again, the facial details are indistinct but clothing details are quite sharp.
File this with “Whoopi Pays Rittenhouse $22 Billion”.
Identified as a Hispanic trans activist troll self-confessedly trying to goad “transphobes” on some social media platform or other. It’s a strange world some people live in, and frankly the less I know about it the better.
Charge them and impeach Merrick Garland.
May 27, 2022 at 10:15 am
[Me, previously] [Incidentally m0nty, even if you were right about “… he had told them during the day to march on the Capitol…”, what part of “…the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” don’t you understand?]
You are a very foolish poster, Tim N. The storming of the Capitol building led to death and destruction. It was not peaceful, there are no petitions presented. It was a riot. You idiot.
m0nty you fat mentally defective shiteater.
You were bagging Trump as an insurrection-stoker by saying “… he had told them during the day to march on the Capitol…”.
I pointed out that peaceful assembly and petitioning for grievance are a First Amendment right.
Even if your description of the actual events as a “riot” were correct, your allegation about what Trump said doesn’t get within a trillion light years of implying that Trump did anything beyond encouraging exercise of those rights.
BTW your disingenuous comment about the protest having “led to death…” is pretty vomitous. Unarmed protesters being shot hardly proves that the protesters were doing anything wrong.
When I read the Uluru statement I can’t help but hear Noel Pearson’s voice. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn he’s the lead author. It’s a great pity he’s turned out to be just another humbugger.
FULL STORY – Leading from the heart
Because if history teaches us anything, its that emotive statement with loose associations with the facts always ends well.
Probably double-jabbed as well.
Bruce, you are as dumb as a post. Thick as two short planks.
Hard to say whether it’s stupidity or misanthropy at work here.
Embrace the power of “and”. H/T Insty.
Yep. Better to leave that stuff to mUnty.
The crowd certainly interpreted it to be fomenting insurrection.
munty the mind reader can read people’s thoughts form thousands of miles away, but can’t work out the difference between gun culture and gang culcha.
Albanese will defend the Property Bubble at all costs!
In the Interests of the People
Albanese’s political capital consists almosty entirely of not being Scott Morrison.
He’s going to waste a lot of it pursuing the divisive issue of the constitutional voice at a time when Australian’s living standards are about to take their biggest hit in decades.
Michael Smith News.
Prosecutors won’t charge the FBI agents who disregarded Olympic gymnasts’ allegations that former national team doctor Larry Nassar sexually assaulted them and later made false statements to cover their mistakes, the Justice Department said.
Free Larry Nassar!
FBI agents on the spot declared he had no case to answer.
And you can trust the FBI.
You are a very foolish poster, Tim N. The storming of the Capitol building led to death and destruction. It was not peaceful, there are no petitions presented. It was a riot. You idiot.
The deaths (of unarmed protesters) were all caused by the police (no concern about police violence here), and much of the damage was caused by the many FBI instigators present. The Constitution allows petitions to be presented, but does not demand that they be.
But do carry on munty.
Bruce, you are as dumb as a post. Thick as two short planks.
Munty you were a fuckwit on the old cat, but you’re really reaching new heights.
Seriously, what’s wrong with you?
That’s how you speed up the count on election night.
than a police being whacked with a flagpole.
That’s not acceptable in enlightened Melbourne, where people get whacked with didgeridoos outside the MCG as exercises in, er, reconciliation.
When you speak to somebody who hasn’t submitted, who has fought this all the way, show some respect, shitfabrains.
You’re a submitting little bitch, a failure, yet you still feel the need to be a little upstart.
If you can’t work out that fighting can be non violent and that is exactly how it was said, and is always meant, I can’t help you.
But then again you knew that, didn’t you.
So have you fought any of this Sancho of the Slip lane, and whatever answer you give, who’d be stupid enough to believe a self confessed lying fiction writer?
May 27, 2022 at 11:09 am
They tracked down the chap who left the dud pipe bombs at the rally?
Or is that in the fogettery as the strange “case of the man leaving explosive devices in one of the most CCTV/controlled places on earth” stinks on ice?
The agenda has been made plain since the 1970’s – a “voice” to Parliament, constitutional recognition od Aborigines as “first people”, a treaty with massive sums in compensation and reparations, and recognition of Aboriginal sovereignty.
May 27, 2022 at 10:44 am
they sure did, go the pitchforks and baseball bats out… oh wait.
They beat a cop with a flagpole bearing an American flag. It wasn’t subtle.
Of course, no cop has ever been injured by fascist leftist protestors?
BTW, which of the unarmed insurrectionists (that’s sarcasm, idiot) shot the woman, and which bashed the other woman to death with truncheons? h, sorry, that was the police. No demonstrations by leftists against those examples of unnecessary police violence?
You idiot, munty.
How progressive. At last people are embracing First Nations culture.
To be fair, her group got 500 above the line.
What must be worrying, though, is the 2,000 Instagram likes for the “Vote 1 Caro” post only converting into 500 votes.
Considerable leakage of intent between couch and booth.
Doesn’t it concern you that with all the proof coming out now, with what you can see around you, that these Vaccines are knocking people off left right and centre, that overall deaths are going through the roof where people have been enjabbinated, that people post about it here daily, and yet all you have is nervous sarcasm in response?
Tick, tick, tick.
And didn’t they do some verbal gymnastics to try to slither out of tracking him down?
Flavia de Luce, book 9.
Dover, would you please consider instituting a temporary time-out / naughty corner for excessive trolling, argument for the sake of dispute, and personal abuse that’s not funny or insightful? I’m not calling for the Ban Hammer, just a circuit breaker for when things get tiresome. Since it wouldn’t be permanent, one needn’t worry too much about justifying the decision. Perhaps it would be possible for a member of the Cat to raise it as a point of order (“I call for ‘x’ to be benched for two days for blatant trolling”), to be ratified by popular acclaim (eg a minimum of, say, 20 upticks). With the right settings one could discourage the most egregious behaviour without turning moderation into a daily timesuck. Of course, if it did turn into an unacceptable timesuck, you could write it off as a noble experiment that failed. But if it works, it might lift the level of debate and would surely provide some comedy gold along the way.
H B Bear
At last people are embracing First Nations culture.
Port Keats culture spreading
Easy, tiger.
We all do our bit in our own way.
But not much point detailing it to a closed mind, who has decided in advance to reject it.
Now toddle off and get us some more stuff from those trusted sources on CHRISTIAN websites, there’s a good chap.
I don’t mind making a prediction.
The Monkey virus is bullshit and put out to show they won’t lock down unles “it’s serious”
I’m not saying it doesn’t exist (for the sticklers), it’s just that you are hearing about it for a reason.
What comes in under six months will have those jabbed folk with weakened immune systems dropping like flies.
With no power, empty shelves, poverty via inflation, homes repossessed and people brainwashed into being violently in fear of each other by a virus, criminal activiy everywhere it will be such a great place to be, we’ll all get our social credit points to buy the bugs………….
The alternative, if that’s all bullshit, is the last two years didn’t happen and the WEF aren’t holding a war cabinet meeting now.
p.s. my last comment was a couple of hours in brewing, and not directed toward Cats and comments immediately above, which I haven’t yet read.
May 27, 2022 at 11:27 am
“How could you know that?” he asked. “Are you a witch?” “Yes, I am,” I told him, enjoying the moment. “I practice a specialized kind of witchcraft called thinking. It’s a very mysterious power. Quite unknown to the average person.”
Flavia de Luce, book 9.
The good news is that munty is not a witch?
Can you bench “Behind Enemy Lines” please?
Thanks in advance.
vvv Uptick here vvv.
M0nty is not adding anything to this site.
Playing with both your dicks does nothing to help, and all you’ve done is empower tyranny.
You surrendered.
You gave in.
You bent over and took it.
That’s the reality of your “own way”
Seconded. I’ve previously suggested a “sin bin.”
I expect quite a quite a few of them would fall into a key Friends of the ALPBC demographic and have forgotten what they have gone to the polling station to do anyway.
Haven’t seen Faustus about recently, or have I missed him?
Iirc, his wife was ill.
Trigger Warning chatters, Find ya ‘Safe Place’. Anything I post from here on in should be taken with a ‘pinch of salt’. My opinion is my own and if you dont like it , get ya own opinion.
Or you could set the mood yourself, Behind enemy lines, so everyone feels like naturally heading toward you, and your conversation, attacted by your warmth and mirthy mirthness.
Have a crack.
The uptick is mightier than the sword.
No shit?
We’re all gunna Die. Thats not a opinion, its truth.
Albo will get around to shutting the live sheep trade to satisfy the hurt feelz of the genTeal ladies in the best postcodes.
Meanwhile Fletcher Australia (big processors of lamb) report that shortages in containers and shipping is causing big problems domestically and for customers. Regular supply has given way to haphazard opportunities and as a result either no containers are shipped or too many for the customer to handle.
Perhaps Albo might fix the freight before he destroys the live trade. The boats involved in this are of course specialised and cannot be used for other freight.
I had to go to Melb early on Monday, I was around Benalla on the Hume at around 5am and was passed by a Tesla. When I got to Euroa I passed the same Tesla, he was doing around 60km/h, dunno why, but wondering if his batteries ran low and it went into limp mode or something. It was a cold morning and headlights and heaters would suck juice.
Exactly Trader.
I have largely scrolled the Donut King and I wouldn’t want St Ruth banned and deprive us of our daily entertainment as he spins and rattles like a top.
If you don’t like it, scroll until you do find something you like or want to engage with.
And if you don’t find anything you like or value, don’t let the door etc, etc.
Caro on the campaign trail:
“Sometimes I lose my temper. That’s one of the reasons some people like me – I say what I think”
Well, at least 18 people do, Jane.
Perth Trader says:
May 27, 2022 at 11:37 am
Trigger Warning chatters, Find ya ‘Safe Place’. Anything I post from here on in should be taken with a ‘pinch of salt’. My opinion is my own and if you dont like it , get ya own opinion.
“Your opinion offends me sir. In future I will be taking my thinking elsewhere!”
Sancho Panzersays:
May 27, 2022 at 11:43 am….TY. That was my point.
Sancho will not die.
Apparently (according to some) he is a team of paid-up Soros/Gates disruptors. If one dies another steps into his place.
Sort of like The Phantom but without the purple underpants.
Anyone with a VPN and the time and inclination can deliver dozens of upticks to a single post
thank you for having a go.
Our hero declares, “The pen is mightier than the sword!”
At this point, a Samurai enters the shot from stage left.
He unsheaths his sword and disembowels our hero with two swipes of the blade.
He re-sheaths his sword, bows and adjusts his Jimmy Barnes headband.
“Try doing that with a Bic ballpoint, son.”
Farmer Gez….the live animal export to the middle east has been halted till Sept. From now till Sept are the hottest months in the middle east. The Abbs. will have access to more cattle and sheep for now , as long as they can get staff to work on the kill floors.
Precisely what Long Time Lurker has in mind.
M0nty – All been linked here and on the old Cat. And it keeps on being confirmed by video and FOIA. I can’t help it if you are wilfully blind and dim. Even the lefty MSM is now covering the FBI Get Trump project details.
Modern Lefties are fascists M0nty. They are in league with big business, enforce their ideology, have secret police and persecute anyone they disagree with.
“Behind Enemy Lines”.
Not “Long Time Lurker”.
Where did that come from?
BBS, I seemed to be selling something that many people didn’t want to buy, it didn’t help that the people in charge had me selling one product then changed it at the last minute without explanation. Oh well, it was fun.
To quote George Costanza:
‘The sea was Dark ‘N’ Stormy that day, my friends’. Earlier:
Scream hoarse about international thousand-year-old conspiracies, attach myself to every whackadoodle self-described revolutionary on teh webs, proclaim the existence (any daaaaay now, a la mOnty) of non-existent death camps, demand actions by others you won’t do yourself, unsuccessfully try to be pre-selected for a party run by the country’s largest failed billionaire, be beaten by a woman for the role:
Then get fatter, sit on the couch for months and call everyone else cock smokers?
That sort of advice? Which will ‘help’ me in life? Should I put that on my Tinder bio as well?
Thanks, Faulty.
Sorry to hear that.
I want him back so we can vote him off.
Calls for the Russian Orthodox Church to be expelled from the World Council of Churches after its Patriarch, Kirill, expressed enthusiastic support for war in the Ukraine, saying there are no Ukrainians, only sons and daughters of Holy Mother Russia.
Mmm…yes, expel them from the WCC; that’ll teach them a lesson!
In a previous life, Kirill was a KGB officer tasked with subverting the WCC with the Soviet disarmament propaganda, and quite successful at it too.
There’s a mental picture no one needs.
As I suggested earlier, it might be time for you to put some undies on.
Craig Kelly MP
Since being first elected in 2010 I fought not for power or position, nor for virtue signalling or self indulgence, nor for what was fashionable
I always fought for YOUR Freedoms
We may have lost a battle, but the fight against tyranny & abuses of human rights CONTINUES
With quote – https://twitter.com/CraigKellyMP/status/1529991259061747712
This road has been travelled before, I believe.
Dickless upticks are not the barometer. Anyway, Ed would never get a run if that was adopted.
In any event, temporary banning of the Kenworth Katastrophe would only give life to his latest Faulty-stolen fantasy and give him the impression Dover was really Schwab, fulfilling Part IV of his dastardly plan to inconvenience provincial ex-truck drivers.
Don’t be too sure.
This is a feature, not a bug.
Perhaps it was because Euroa is a town, and has a 60km/h speed limit.
Your 100km/h may be the problem, not the Tesla’s battery.
(Written in a sense of bonhomie and good cheer. I don’t do emojis)
I feel sorry for you KD.
They really took the independent thought process out of you in Vicpol cadets, didn’t they.
Belong to the vicplod gang at all costs.
Never question…..
We know how you got there, and we’ve seen what that level of brainwashing does to cops, and what it gives them licence to do in their own minds.
We’ve been shown many times over the last two years.
You sit there and continue to make shit up so you can stay on the collectivist side.
If you’re not a cop you’re the enemy………
Where else are you applying that approach in your life.
Ignorance is bliss…just do what you’re told and don’t ask questions.
Throw all your emotion into cricket………….
No charge for the diagnosis, I hope it helps.
Sometimes being cruel is the most loving option.
And I do love you KD.
You could be a top bloke.
If you weren’t such A WANKER.
how do you say sovereignty in abo?
… where people get whacked with didgeridoos outside the MCG …
…where people get paybacked with yidakis on Womindjeka country
Funny how the urge to remake Australia fades when it’s bad news.
He walks off mumbling, but Caro is already smiling and targeting her next potential voter.
“Sometimes I lose my temper. That’s one of the reasons some people like me – I say what I think”
Well, at least 18 people do, Jane.
Worst thing is, she has 20 family members.
What is spiritual?
Tease this one out, next time a leftie tries to put it past you. I can’t see how it’s anything other than 1. inherited religion, or 2. made up according to muh feelings.
The Abbs. will have access to more cattle and sheep for now , as long as they can get staff to work on the kill floors.
Plenty of stock in the east and the live trade doesn’t exist much anymore. The problems in the supply chain are depressing saleyard prices and there seems no short term fix.
Farmers are cropping more this season and you can expect fewer lambs to be produced in the near future. The price of around 700 cents per kilo gives a clear signal to pull back on livestock, if you have other options.
If you think meat is dear now, just wait.
Speaking of the Titanic Failure.
Here we are, at day 6 post poll, and the very litigious and rambunctious salad dodger has issued precisely zero writs challenging the results.
I watched that video on JoNova about the two blokes. They had no insignia, no distinguishing features, could have been literally anyone. It’s no wonder that they have not been on wanted lists… there is no way to identify them from the thousands of other white dudes there that day. And they didn’t even do much of anything.
To conclude that they must be FBI stooges is demented paranoid delusion. Nobody has confirmed anything. You are a gibbering fool, Bruce.
This takes jus soli to a whole new level.
If I’d seen it, I’d have given him a full souvlaki with eleven herbs and spices.
Or whatever that thing is.
Waaaay ahead of you.
I happen to be the greatest bloke in world history according to my family and useless dog, and that’s quite enough. If only yours could say the same.
For additional inspiration I plan to envisage you on the recliner for the day’s remainder, rehearsing ‘I’ve Been to Paradise, But I’ve Never Been To Me.’
Fester, you actually make Fatboy sound smart. There were not a couple of hundred intel people there.
You complete nimrod, uncle fester ,
There were likely to be a few, but a couple of hundred is just idiotic. Go feed the magpies.
You’ll find out soon enough.
In the meantime, your word for the day is makaratta.
OK, OK, Dover, there is no need for this level of abuse.
That hurt.
What sort of a fucking show are you running here?
You’ve got people posting comments without undies on, most are heavily in denial, can’t see the forest for trees, Monty’s back and now this!
What a fucking show this has turned out to be.
M0nty – Ray Epps was on the FBI wanted list and was mysteriously removed. John Sullivan is well known, trying to sell the footage of the shooting in the Capitol for $90,000 before being made to stop attracting attention. Sullivan’s brother fessed a couple days afterwards that there were over 200 Antifa in the crowd.
All this is very well known having being discussed and linked to both here and on the old Cat. Your selective ignorance is fun as well as predictable. The ad hom stuff is also a tell.
Is that like the Macarena?
Geez “Monty”, all this crap you spout has got whiskers on it.
You should change your screen name to Monty Woolley!
Is that a biscuit?
It means reconciliation via a spear to the thigh.
The Abbs. will have access to more cattle and sheep for now , as long as they can get staff to work on the kill floors.
Back in my Army Reserve days, during annual camp, a general came around to visit the troops and ask the usual bland questions.
He collared a corporal from a rural town. “And what do you do in civil life, corporal?” “Sir, I’m a licensed killer.” Unamused general tromps away from the abattoir slaughterman.
Education or indoctrination? Babies and toddlers taught LGBTQ
Deborah Tigard in The Spectator
Last Wednesday was my son’s last day at his daycare centre. It had been a good place for him, starting since he was about 10 months old until just before his 2nd birthday. The staff were loving, the management professional, and the facilities the best I had seen.
I made the decision to abruptly pull him out of this centre upon scanning a recent email informing parents that the children would be the latest pawns in an ‘inclusivity’ agenda to combat homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia for the May 17 – International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism, and Transphobia Day (IDAHOBIT). This would be called ‘Rainbow Day’ and the small children, who can barely talk, would participate in activities exposing them into radical gender theory.
I remember when I first became a mother. Going from carefree independence to being responsible for a new life was like being sucked into a vortex of constant hypervigilance and cortisol. With time, and a couple more kids, the hypervigilance normalised as I established trust with people and institutions in society who assisted me in this parenting journey.
Putting trust in caregivers, babysitters, teachers, relatives, and friends saves one’s sanity; it is a social contract that reflects the shared values of our society. When the babysitter arrives you tell her about the kid’s mealtimes, bedtimes, and house rules, and there are certain things that are assumed which would be insulting to even mention: don’t watch R-rated movies with the kids, don’t invite your boyfriend over, hands off the whisky, etc.
I held similar assumptions for my son’s daycare, that he would not be exposed to inappropriate subject matter, sensitive topics, politics, and adult agendas, especially without my permission. With these assumptions thrown out the window, the social contract was broken and that felt like a betrayal.
Feeling sideswiped by the news of IDAHOBIT Day at the daycare, I called the centre manager. I was informed that not only was Rainbow Day on the agenda, but that LGBTQ material was a ‘part of the children’s curriculum’.
Now, I am very supportive of adults making their own decisions about how they live their lives, but it is wholly unacceptable to use children to make a group of adults feel validated about their own decisions and sexual lifestyles. It is no longer about doing what is best for the kids – but about making a group of adults feel better for the sake of ‘inclusivity’. This is the definition of narcissism, and we should know better.
You could argue that their intentions are in the right place and they are trying to make families feel welcome. But the reality is, LGBTQ activism casts a very wide net, and among their most prominent themes is trans theory and queer theory. You don’t need a degree in gender studies to know that these topics have already impacted children and adolescents in our society.
In Victoria in 2011, there were around a dozen referrals to the Royal Children’s Hospital of young people under 18 seeking gender treatment. In 2020 that number was just under 500, and last year in 2021 it was over 800. That was just in Victoria. These numbers are consistent with trends in both America and the UK.
Ask yourselves, parents, do we as adults bear the responsibility for any of this? What are we pushing our children towards, and who stands to gain over the long term from medicalising and sterilising children for life?
With two older children in primary school, I am on high alert. I can no longer assume any institution is immune from falling prey to the predations of this ideology.
Australian parents, check your school’s diversity, equity, and inclusion policies, look at the curriculum for health and wellbeing lessons, and know if there are any outside organisations being brought in to facilitate these lessons. If you find subject matter that simultaneously flies in the face of biological reality, science, human reason, and history, you have an ideological doctrine on your hands.
We have no choice but to be hypervigilant of what is happening in schools, even for the very young.
Deborah Tigard is a wife and mother to three children working in cyber security in Melbourne.
Mz “Shout Your Abortion” had two.
Only regretted as two possible additional votes. Had she allowed them to live.
No, it’s music to a dance.
I watched that video on JoNova about the two blokes. They had no insignia, no distinguishing features, could have been literally anyone. It’s no wonder that they have not been on wanted lists… there is no way to identify them from the thousands of other white dudes there that day. And they didn’t even do much of anything.
Stupid, even by your low standards. The FBI put much effort, including searching video takes and tracking mobile phones, to find much more obscure members of the crowd, but could not find some prominent “urgers” captured clearly on video, pushing others to enter the Capitol.
Mmm hmm, so you’re running rubbish from Rudy Giuliani now. Gee, his legal strategy sure worked a treat to reinstate Trump to the presidency.
Time on earth has been scaled back to just six months.
Just like that.
Does that mean “loomed cloth”? Or baseball cap? Or US crime gang gestures?
So much cultural appropriation in one photo.
Wait! What? Where?
Yea B John, because the FBI has never ever never been known to egg folks on. Never. Fatboy is so right… LOL
See the result of the attempted Gov Whitmer kidnapping case.
And the Labor government has it as a policy.
Metaphorically, of course.
The spear wound will be the endless dollars that flow from the process.
Great day here in Gods Country, West. Aust. where a young man with a Tradie Ticket can still aspire to own a merc. work ute and buy a 6bed squat in Cottesloe next door to Andrew Forrest. Get the Jabb and come on over.
Very good thread. A lot of this looks like the US cynically depleting it’s out of date inventory/stock in order to generate new orders/ models.
How China’s push for ai weapons threatens the world | China in Focus
China in Focus – NTD
JC, in the Whitmer case, it wasn’t mere egging on either, there were more FBI involved than accused, and the FBI were doing all the work in organising the ‘kidnapping’. Without the FBI, there would have been no kidnapping plot at all.
Were you elsewhere at the time? Or have you forgotten?
The amusing one was the followup attempt at the “Justice for J-6 rally” which was a complete set up. Trump and the Right warned no one to turn up, so the only ones who did were the glowies in their Ray Bans. It spurred numerous entertaining memes.
Oops, first sentence inadvertently block quoted out of habit. Sorry!
This isn’t entirely out of the question for the 6th of January either.
An email from Clive. I dunno if there’s anything in what he sees.
“Was the election rigged?”
Hello Everyone,
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has released figures (see table below) showing that one quarter of Australians who are enrolled to vote did not turn up to vote.
This means over four million Australians decided not to vote in a country where voting is compulsory. It is the highest number of people who have failed to turn out for voting since 1922.
Additionally, of the people who did turn out to vote, the AEC would have us believe that across the country over 5% cast informal votes, with informal in New South Wales alone over 7%.
Two left-wing media outlets – the Guardian and the ABC – reported exit poll results from pre-poll polling booths saying the UAP had received more than 25% of the vote in New South Wales and a swing of more than 15% towards us in Victoria.
The party has video evidence from a number of sources showing AEC officers removing large numbers of ballot boxes in vans which, in breach of the law, were taken to their private residences. Moreover, our party has been flooded with serious complaints of improper occurrences on Election Day and have been contacted by other parties who have experienced a whole range of anomalies requiring investigation.
NSW? 5,472,469? 4,340,003? 79.31? -12.85
VIC 4,344,208? 3,303,653? 76.05? -16.57
QLD ?3,503,609 2,613,938? 74.61? -16.61
WA 1,773,969
1,281,601 72.24 -17.81
SA 1,272,047 972,569 76.46 -16.61
TAS 402,331 332,606 82.67 -11.67
ACT 314,329 263,420 83.80 -9.35
NT 145,938 97,045 66.50 -11.44
TOTAL 17,228,900 13,204,835 76.64 -15.25
Anthony Albanese was sworn in as Prime Minister, together with his interim ministry, before any writs had been returned or any final result of any seat was known. Never in Australian history has a new Prime Minister been sworn in so quickly after Election Day. This is truly unexplainable and means the Coalition and the Australian Labor party were working together to maintain the status quo in Australia.
It’s easy to conclude that our democracy is dead. However, we must remember the words of a great man who once said; “Governments may come and go, but ideas go on forever.”
I want to personally thank each and every one of you for joining our party. We have a high resolve to pursue the things we believe in, so each and every Australian can be all that they can be and that freedom returns to our country. Thanks for everything you have done at this election.
With this letter there are two videos – one of my speech at the National Press Club in 2014 and an appearance on Q&A when I highlighted the issues and concerns regarding the AEC and the integrity of the elections it conducts in Australia.
CLICK HERE for the National Press Club video
CLICK HERE for the Q&A video
It is worth noting that following the 2103 election, the AEC lost over 1500 ballot papers in a recount after our Senator Dio Wang was elected to Parliament, forcing a new election to be called. At that re-election, our party received 17% of the primary vote and Dio was officially elected again to the Senate giving us the balance of power in the country. The whole process resulted in the Australian Electoral Officer in Western Australia resigning in disgrace.
The actions of the AEC at the 2022 Federal Election are much more serious and their published figures relating to voter turnout and informal votes is simply not believable.
We’ll keep you updated. God Bless Australia,
Clive Palmer
China has warned the US president not to underestimate Beijing’s resolve on Taiwan.
Joe Biden said he’d intervene, militarily, to defend the island from any invasion.
He spoke in Tokyo – on an Asia trip he hopes will firm up relations with allies.
sfw I have been trying to post the actual link of the UAP letter, but I can’t, can you or not.
Some of the best in fact.
Almost certainly true.
The problem for Clive is that the election was deader than a dead parrot. No one was much interested in it nor the candidates on offer. Including him. Primary votes were in the cellar and the fine for not voting is only $20, which few people ever have to pay anyway. Why bother?
As to Clive the lefties weren’t ever going to vote for him, not with the horde of other minor lefty parties on offer. And righties like me still remember his stunt with huckster Al Gore.
Little bloke in is pre-k, 2 days a week at school, 4 years old.
Yesterday they were shown sorry day videos and subjected to the usual “they took my baby away (before he died of neglect)” activities.
Not amused.
Bit strange Clive comes out with elector numbers before counting has even finished…
you don’t really get the whole logical fallacy thing, do you?
try again and again
Yea B John, because the FBI has never ever never been known to egg folks on. Never. Fatboy is so right… LOL
See the result of the attempted Gov Whitmer kidnapping case.
Which is why there will be no legal action against the Orange Oaf about the so-called “insurrection”. The FBI could not afford to have its role disclosed in court.
How do you know it wasn’t killed.
People don’t stay home, they put in a protest vote.
Whether for Lib dems, or one nation or ULP, I don’t care, all of them are better than the uniparty, and people know who the freedom parties were.
A quarter didn’t have themselves crossed off?
I bet none of them get a fine for it.
Imagine that.
Being fined for not voting when you did………………….
As to Clive the lefties weren’t ever going to vote for him, not with the horde of other minor lefty parties on offer. And righties like me still remember his stunt with huckster Al Gore.
Queenslanders know him more as a spoiler. He has done more damage to conservative parties up this way than Labor.
And righties like me still remember his stunt with huckster Al Gore.
Amen brother.
The counting may not be totally finished but the votes should be in by now, so they should know how many voted..
Did you vote for a freedom party?
Or do you just BELIEVE you voted for a freedom party and your vote was counted?
You saw your name being crossed off , didn’t you?
Therefore you voted and it’s recorded.
FMD, we’ve been a communist country for two years.
You have no idea how corrupted the election was, but sane people would expect it….greatly.
And be looking to expose it, not sitting back thinking it’s still 2007.
Funny how the global socialist CLIMATE people got in, since everything coming is going to be to save us from da climate.
There was also the lib dems who got no votes, and one nation etc.
Stuff fat Clive, and leave your hatred for him aside for a minute, and then try to think about what may have happened.
Papua New Guinea…
Not really strange.
He knows that he crashed and burned miserably because he, Fat Cloive, is on the nose.
What he is hoping is that he can gee-up the low info knee-jerk faithful (hi St Ruth and Greta Thumbstix!) to take ACTION (ie donate to a litigation fund).
But, yes, he knows how the count system works. He is just winding up the troops.
I agree with everything you say about Clive and I remember his bullshit with Al Gore as well, however, THIS IS NOT 2017, 2018, or 2019…..this is two years into tyrannical , very tyrannical State of emergency rule.
And two years of State of emergency equals communism.
If you weren’t in denial of that fact you would quite easily work out that these are very different times and assuming things are as they were is extremely idiotic.
I am not stating we can prove corruption, but for god’s sake, after what has happened in the USA and France etc, and looking at the reality we are in, a fraudulent election should have been expected.
Again, if you were still free and not brainwashed, and this was happening in another country…like Venezuela….you’d be scoffing at the idea their elections were above board.
You’d have laughed at the suggestion.
And you used to.
I remember you all back in the days before we lost you to this shit.
9yr old grandson came home with flu symptoms last Friday. RAT test negative. Returned to school on Wednesday (4 days later) but coughed in class a few times.
He was shunned by his classmates and very upset. No one would talk to him and even his best friend would not high five him.
Off to the doctor that evening who advised that he was no longer infectious and prescribed a cough mixture to lessen or stop the cough which he described as a post viral influenza cough.
Can’t help but think of the damage suffered by these young ones who would have been only 7 when all the scary isolation commenced.
Yep, no reason why votes can still be received until June 3. If people are in circumstances where they need to vote absentee/ postal/ whatever, no reason why the vote cannot at least have done so and had their vote recorded as received by election day. We ought to know on the night how many votes there have been, how many have been counted, and how many yet to be counted, especially where the number of absentee/ postal votes are over a quarter of the vote total.
I remember you back in the day before you lost your shit.
May 27, 2022 at 1:53 pm
Papua New Guinea…
80 years ago the Battle of the Coral Sea stopped the Japanese from occupying Port Moresby.
Now we’ve let communist China walk through an open door.
Marles and Wong would be happy. Albo wouldn’t have a fucking clue.
You can guarantee the data centre delivers every bit of data to Beijing.
You are a gibbering fool, Bruce.
How’s your health montifa? Everything ok?
Now we’ve let communist China walk through an open door.
Marles and Wong would be happy. Albo wouldn’t have a fucking clue.
When the Australian delegation turn up immediately after the Chinese leave, do the Pacific Islanders think that one of the Chinese blokes got left behind?
Deakin is still being counted, 948 votes in it.
Current ‘turnout’ is 85.07% with 5681 envelopes not yet processed.
That will probably put Deakin within the normal voting federal percentage of around 90%.
Electorates where the number of unprocessed votes are insufficient to change the outcome must get counted after the close races are completed.
It’s too early to make bold claims about election boycotts.
deakin details at the AEC
Kevin Spacey To Be Charged In U.K. With Sexual Assault Against Three Men
I rully wanted to vote for Ken Worth so I did, but when the results came out my vote wasn’t recorded and Ken had been removed from the ballot. Now I’m being fined for not voting or voting for a tosser, not sue which.
People aren’t responsible for the vagaries of the post office.
What is wrong with dropping your postal vote at the PO on the Friday before the election?
There is nothing new in the amount of time correctly postmarked postal ballots are allowed to be included.
Only reason I’ve voted postal for years is I got sick of getting accused by AEC of not voting after I stood in a queue and watched my name being “crossed off”.
I know they can throw away my postal vote if they feel like it, but there’s a paper trail to prove I voted and as a bonus, I don’t have wait in line to be insulted.
“As to Clive the lefties weren’t ever going to vote for him, not with the horde of other minor lefty parties on offer. And righties like me still remember his stunt with huckster Al Gore.”
That wasn’t his only stunt. I remember how he was an ABC favourite, all because he was a thorn in Abbott’s backside. He was even a guest at the ABC’s Midwinter Ball table, invited by Mark Scott no less. The ABC loved him and he loved the ABC.
Clive is a failure politically. And if the UAP candidate in Victoria gets up in the senate, how long will he stay by Clive’s side? I reckon he’ll do a runner within months.
May 27, 2022 at 2:11 pm
Deakin is still being counted, 948 votes in it.
Sukkar may just make it. And Constance for Gilmore. Both are wets though.
“Deakin is still being counted, 948 votes in it.”
I look at the AEC website a few hours ago, they’ve given Deakin to the Libs.
Gilmour is still tight but Constance is ahead.
“Sukkar may just make it. “
I never thought Sukkar was a wet.
Clive is a failure politically. And if the UAP candidate in Victoria gets up in the senate, how long will he stay by Clive’s side? I reckon he’ll do a runner within months.
I’ve suggested to Kelly he become a staffer if the UAP gets up as a senator.
The motive for stealing the 2020 POTUS election was clear – Orange Man Bad *had* to go. Where’s the motive to steal the Australian election? I just don’t see it, sorry. And the outcome is hardly surprising. Outside of the die-hards, was there any enthusiasm for a coalition victory? Nope. Was there a popular desire for a change in government, combined with a lack of enthusiasm for the prospect of an ALP government? Yep. The results bear this out. The ALP is probably going to just squeak over the line and form government in its own right, on the back of a historically low primary vote. Not exactly a ringing endorsement, but it makes sense if the average voter thinks an Albanese government will be slightly less crap than another term of a Morrison government.
How’s the cheating being alleged to have happened? What’s the theory in how it went down? What are the logistics of this electoral heist? Who benefited and who got shafted?
I think the explanation that turnout was low because of increased antipathy for the political class plus a cohort of Covid worry-warts too scared to go to crowded polling stations is more compelling than widespread electoral fraud.
I don’t think Sukkar is a wet either.
Until postals are all counted we don’t even know if turnout was low.
I’ve always found Michael Sukkar quite impressive.
Wong gives blistering and unambiguous warning in small serve of lukewarm word salad.
They will know how many postals have been received even if these have yet to be tallied, thus turnout can be calculated.
You’re compost!
I already knew that!
The Morrison govt’s publicising the interception of the Sri Lankan boat was pretty frickin’ lame. Sad and pathetic.
Cronkite, please stop giving advice. Things are pretty, pretty bad for the Right at the moment without your intervention. Please cease and desist.
“How’s the cheating being alleged to have happened? What’s the theory in how it went down? What are the logistics of this electoral heist? Who benefited and who got shafted?”
Very good questions OCO. I hope you’re not expecting any answers based on logic and facts.
But is this true?
132andbush et al:
It’s as obvious as the testicles on the drovers dog that we are slowly heading into a crisis in governance and and its execution. So what are we going to do about it?
Buying an extra tin of baked beans a week isn’t going to do it.
20 litres of fuel in a jerry can won’t do it.
The poor people won’t be able to afford it anyway.
So are there going to be mass marches for them?
One block of Compound 4 at the 2 meter mark from an indeterminate Communist States submarine/ scuba diver will rapidly sort those things out.
I wonder if that’s been thought out by the smartest men in the room at Russell Street/Parliament House?
Cronkite, please stop giving advice.
I think you’ve benefitted greatly from my advice head prefect. I think it would be churlish not to allow other folk to benefit as well.
Sukkar may just make it. And Constance for Gilmore. Both are wets though
I can see why you’d say that of Constance. But Sukkar? I’ve always thought of him as one of the better ones.
Firstly, pointing out the way the AEC record votes and particularly turnout, is by no means a defence of all of the AEC methodologies.
As for total votes received, I believe they should do a raw count of the numbers of pieces of ballot paper they have in their possession on election night. In person votes, postals, absentees, the lot. That would give a control total to balance to, with the only change being late postals*.
Turnout is then largely locked in.
* I will post a separate comment on this.
I dunno.
Deakin’s envelopes awaiting processing has just increased to 7,062 and the margin has narrowed to 719.
Late postals.
No way should there be two weeks leeway.
Fuck, the Electoral Act places all sorts of onus on in-person voters, but allows all sorts of slack for postals.
Here is a way of ramping it up.
.1 All postals must be done using special Express Post envelopes. Not necessarily the 24 hour ones at $5-$6 each. Do a deal with Australia Post for them to be 96 hour delivery, at a cost of, say $2 per envelope.
.2 Valid votes must be posted in an Express Post box by 6:00 PM on election eve.
.3 Australia Post to provide a data dump of the pre-numbered envelopes by close of business the Monday after polling day.
.4 Normal in-person votes attract (I think) $2.90 AEC electoral funding. Postals would attract 90 cents, with the balance to fund the Express Postage.
Postals would halve, because the major parties would stop pushing them. Two bucks down the drain every time they do.
The report apparently touts offshore wind as one supply solution.
The HTV card I received in the letter box from the local member – Liars – had a large photo of that on the cover.
I actually thought that that would scare off some of the environment lovers in the electorate. But the Liars lost only just over 1% and the Greens received an extra 4+%.
China Insights
While Shanghai remains under lockdown, the outbreak continues to worsen in Beijing. Authorities are escalating their controls. Many neighborhoods have adopted closed management. Couriers and delivery workers are prohibited from entering.
Beijing has a total of 16 administrative districts with a population of permanent residents of over 20 million. The outbreak has now affected 15 districts. Some of the more critical districts involve a minimum population of 11.8 million people.
The virus has breached the heart of the Chinese Communist Party; the forces at play in Beijing’s control measures could trigger unpredictable events that could exacerbate the already volatile political scene in China in 2022.
Does that mean 1381 additional postal votes were received for Deakin today?
That is the point.
Get your hands on, say, 2,000 postals and send in just enough to get yourself over the line.
Thanks Rosie – I see Sukar’s getting 10% more primary than Liebor but the Green primary has pushed the seat to 50.4 to 49.6 for Sukar… UAP and PHON collectively getting about 4% primary…
Today is International Bonhomie Day.
I don’t know what they do Sancho, they must check the postmarks, do they also check of the sender has also voted in person on the day, seeing as postals are counted afterwards?
Iirc people doing postal and then voting in person is a significant source of double voting.
It won’t make any difference the election outcome though.
I can see why you’d say that of Constance. But Sukkar? I’ve always thought of him as one of the better ones.
Is Sukkar on the climate change bandwagon?
Women’s Liberation will be dead the moment the grid goes down. And I’m not sure it will resurface in the next 100 years.
If that doesn’t concentrate a few minds, think of the society that will ensue when the lights go out.
I actually feel sorry for the bloke.
I give him six months.
Given he will be the UAP Lone Ranger, he will be getting ten calls a day from Fat Cloive, with the calls after lunch contradicting the calls before lunch.
In fact, Cloive’s lunchtime is the only three hours of the day he’ll get any peace.
And eventually he will crack it.
Alan Joyce and hubbie’s new pile in Mosman.
Women’s Liberation will be dead the moment the grid goes down. And I’m not sure it will resurface in the next 100 years.
If that doesn’t concentrate a few minds, think of the society that will ensue when the lights go out.
I think a lot of the liberated women and soy men will go catatonic.
From Facebook”The Monkey Pod club:
‘Mr Sukkar and Senator Seselja are lieutenants to the conservative Liberal heavyweights Peter Dutton and Mathias Cormann. The foursome reportedly are a “very tight unit” that serves as a kitchen cabinet within Mr Dutton’s infamous Monkey Pod lunch club for conservative MPs….Meanwhile, Mr Sukkar is part of the conservative push in Victoria to rid the Liberals of moderates, which he’s described as socialists and termites that must be crushed.’
from The Daily Mail 10 July 2018
Hard line religious fundamentalists.”
Percy and Fred were both respected members of the Liberal Party of past times. Each had a granddaughter who carries their surname into the new parliament. Both TEAL.
Who’d have ever thought?
The WH has since “clarified” his remarks.
On Sukkar.
(From wiki) but it doesn’t give any information on his position on the global warming shakedown.
Michael Sukkar:
Entered parliament in 2013 for the marginal seat of Deakin.
Sukkar served on a number of parliamentary committees [after the 2013 election], such as the Chairman of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security. In 2014 Sukkar launched the Deakin 200 Club with other conservative Liberal MPs to fundraise for marginal seats held by conservatives within the party.
Michael Sukkar speaking on government initiatives to release Commonwealth land at a housing industry conference in May 2018.
At the 2016 federal election, Sukkar increased his margin by 2.5 points, the Liberal Party’s largest swing in Victoria. On 24 January 2017, the new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, appointed Sukkar to the ministry as Assistant Minister to the Treasurer. Turnbull gave Sukkar responsibility for addressing housing affordability.
In June 2017 Sukkar, Greg Hunt, and Alan Tudge faced the possibility of being prosecuted for contempt of court after they made public statements criticising the sentencing decisions of two senior judges while the government was awaiting their ruling on a related appeal. They avoided prosecution by making an unconditional apology to the Victorian Court of Appeal.
Sukkar supported Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton during the Liberal leadership spill in August 2018, and had a pivotal role in removing then-Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. At the May 2019 federal election Sukkar was re-elected for a third term, although with a reduced margin of 4.8% (a swing of 1.7%), despite support in his electorate falling to 47% of the two-party-preferred vote in an opinion poll released shortly after the leadership spill. Sukkar was not returned to the ministry after Scott Morrison succeeded Malcolm Turnbull, but returned as Assistant Treasurer.
In December 2020, Sukkar was given further responsibilities. He was sworn in to the roles of Assistant Treasurer, Minister for Housing and Minister for Homelessness, Social and Community Housing.
Political views
Sukkar is a member of the National Right faction of the Liberal Party.
In his maiden speech, Sukkar categorised himself as an “economic liberal” and with “strong conservative foundations”. He credited his Catholic religion as being one of the two most significant influences in his life, in addition to his family. In 2013, he expressed support for the school chaplaincy program at an Australian Christian Lobby forum.
Sukkar opposed same-sex marriage during the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey. Although initially stating he would follow the outcome of the survey, Sukkar abstained from the vote despite his electorate voting 66% in favour, saying that he could not support the bill.
Third generation rule?
The Future Is Built by Us’—World Economic Forum Pushes for Stakeholder Capitalism, But What Is It?
Crossroads with JOSHUA PHILIPP
Women’s Liberation will be dead the moment the grid goes down. And I’m not sure it will resurface in the next 100 years.
If that doesn’t concentrate a few minds, think of the society that will ensue when the lights go out.
Looks like i picked a bad week to stop reading the Gor series of books.
Gor (/????r/) is the fictional setting for a series of sword and planet novels written by philosophy professor John Lange, writing as John Norman. The setting was first described in the 1966 novel Tarnsman of Gor. The series is inspired by science fantasy pulp fiction works by Edgar Rice Burroughs, such as the Barsoom series. It also includes erotica and philosophy content. The Gor series repeatedly depicts men abducting and physically and sexually brutalizing women, who grow to enjoy their submissive state. According to The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, Norman’s “sexual philosophy” is “widely detested”,[1] but the books have inspired a Gorean subculture.[2]
May 27, 2022 at 3:24 pm”
Yep….a real dripping wet like Zimmerman and Sharma and Allen and Martin….NOT.
I hope Sukkar wins. Sadly Zed Seselja lost his senate seat to that moron David Peacock.
Sukkar consistently voted for:
A citizenship test
A combined Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
A same-sex marriage plebiscite
An Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC)
An emissions reduction fund
Banning mobiles and other devices in immigration detention
Charging postgraduate research students fees
Civil celebrants having the right to refuse to marry same-sex couples
Decreasing availability of welfare payments
Deregulating undergraduate university fees
Greater control over items brought into immigration detention centres
Increasing eligibility requirements for Australian citizenship
Increasing funding for road infrastructure
Increasing indexation of HECS-HELP debts
Increasing or removing the Government debt limit
Increasing scrutiny of unions
Increasing state and territory environmental approval powers
Increasing the cost of humanities degrees
Increasing the initial tax rate for working holiday makers to 19%
Increasing the Medicare Levy to pay for the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Increasing the price of subsidised medicine
Political intervention in research funding grants
Prioritising religious freedom
Privatising certain government services
Putting welfare payments onto cashless debit cards (or indue cards) on a temporary basis as a trial
Putting welfare payments onto cashless debit cards (or indue cards) on an ongoing basis
Reducing the corporate tax rate
Senate electoral reform
Speeding things along in Parliament (procedural)
Stopping people who arrive by boat from ever coming to Australia
Temporary Exclusion Orders
The Coalition’s new schools funding policy (“Gonski 2.0”)
Tighter means testing of family payments
Turning back asylum boats when possible
Sukkar consistently voted against:
A fast transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy
A Royal Commission into Violence and Abuse against People with Disability
Building dedicated quarantine facilities (COVID-19)
Considering legislation to create a federal anti-corruption commission (procedural)
Doctor-initiated medical transfers for asylum seekers
Federal government action on animal & plant extinctions
Increasing access to the JobKeeper Payment
Increasing consumer protections
Increasing funding for university education
Increasing funding for vocational education
Increasing investment in renewable energy
Increasing legal protections for LGBTI people
Increasing marine conservation
Increasing penalties for breach of data
Increasing protection of Australia’s fresh water
Increasing support for the Australian film and TV industry
Increasing support for the Australian shipping industry
Increasing the age pension
Increasing the diversity of media ownership
Increasing trade unions’ powers in the workplace
Increasing transparency of big business by making information public
Letting environmental groups challenge the legality of certain government decisions
Parliament continuing to meet during the COVID-19 pandemic
Protecting Australian sovereignty in trade agreements
Removing children from immigration detention
Reproductive bodily autonomy
Requiring every native title claimant to sign land use agreements
Restricting foreign ownership
Stopping tax avoidance or aggressive tax minimisation
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)
Transgender rights
Treating the COVID vaccine rollout as a matter of urgency
These are the sorts of comments I’m just gobsmacked by.
I can’t believe I have to say this.
We’re dealing with socialists, the country is ruled by decrees enforced by the point of a gun…….um what aren’t you seeing?
After the last two years are you really under the spell so much that you think millions of healthy Australians got locked down for the sniffles?
You do remember SCo MO telling us it would be mild on most people and only kill the oldies …..LIKE THE FLU DOES EVERY YEAR.
He said that while we were in the first two weeks of the two years to flatten the curve.
It truly is sad.
I have not changed throughout all this.
I was arguing this was bullshit from day one.
Old Struth has changed!….no I fucking haven’t.
You really need to ask yourself….are you in denial.
A lot of you need to do that.
It will help save your life and your fellow countrymen.
People have worked it out.
Journalists from the Non corporates are in Davos now because everyone knows what is going on.
You just have to come to terms with what has happened.
Elections have been a joke in NZ, Canada, Australia and France the USA etc ever since the coup started.
Not just small scale stuff like usual……….we will never get a 2000 mules movie here because Australians would prefer not to know….
I am absolutely gobsmacked that people are so gone……
Greens have gained c. 1.4% across the board.
Where are those votes coming from? First-time voters?
Incidentally, both new Greens coming into the House have hyphenated names.
Gor probably inspired the worlds worst RPG system…
The one with such vital statistics as anal circumference….
Struth, given your views, I’m surprised you believe elections matter. Assuming you’re right, they don’t need to cheat to win elections as they’ll get what they want anyway.
Ok, Sukkar is a good guy.
Oops…not Fred Chaney!
Spender left an altogether more impressive legacy.
I think Dot was a DM for the game system for quite a while.
Constantly banging on about “the Uniparty” and “they are all in Klaus Schwab’s pocket” kind of means it doesn’t make any difference.
Unless … unless … we believe Fat Cloive was going to win 76 reps seats and 39 senate seats and he wuz robbed.
Is that it St Ruth?
About 8 million stolen Fat Cloive votes?
Looks like the system was a total fuckup in its preparation for and response to the latest school shooting:
And idiots wonder why folks want guns to defend themselves and not have to reply on other idiots in uniform.
Sanch Panzer:
I thought they were Teal!
How embarrassment!
No they want more than that. We witnessed the logical end-game at ‘Dreamtime at the ‘G’ on Saturday night: White Australians kneeling before their Aboriginal lords and masters, who stared ahead not even acknowledging the sub-humans groveling before them.
Indeed i believe* Dot wrote large parts of the rules system
Heres his best work…
And yes, this is from a real game.
*Surprisingly similar to an Ed-Fact, and 93.1% more reliable so i believe.
Your Mum…
Wrote the rule book…about your Dad!
(Hiya Mr &Mrs Mole Snrs, we love ya!)
I write a your momma joke and you get in seconds beforehand?
Okay I’ll admit it.
I am Matt Ward.
My point re Sukkar really is that Deakin’s numbers continued to change through the day.
Now it’s a margin of 657 votes with 7,207 envelopes awaiting processing.
and you get in seconds beforehand?
Theres probably a table for that in the “struggle cuddle” section of the book.
I am gobsmacked that actually exists, I thought it was a internet joke like “the Titanic was sunk by nazis” or “Biden won the most votes in history”.
Has actual cheating by the AFP rejects at the AEC actually been uncovered?
It wouldn’t surprise me, but actual evidence would be nice.
Albo! Time to stop this corruption!