there wasn’t even a campaign to correct common deficiencies such as Vitamin D
There is in Northern Europe.
Schools promote Vitamin D supplements.
A family member over there was surprised when they first saw it promoted when first child started going to school about a decade ago.
Dear Abbie,
I have a slight cold, should I flim flam for days taking multiple drugs including ivermectin or just take a couple of panadol at night and soldier on?
Sancho Panzer
June 9, 2022 9:55 am
Deaths from SADS occur predominantly in young males. When compared with official mortality, the incidence of SADS may be up to eight times higher than estimated: more than 500 potential SADS cases per annum in England.
So when was this again?
It was sufficiently totally unprecedented in 2007 to be a research topic which found:
Oh, 2007. Righto. So nothing to do with … no.
The long hand of Schwab detected…
Reaching back in time.
Fifteen years.
I could say more, but the Old Testament Book of Caractacus forbids it.
June 9, 2022 9:56 am
The runway of trials planned to start over the next 18-24 months in the US around monoclonal antibodies has exploded.
Half probably won’t go ahead, but that’s how these things work.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 9, 2022 9:56 am
Mongbourne doing quite well today, only 70% mask compliance on public transport.
They’re increasingly looking to be really seriously harmful.
“Results from this study strongly suggest that mask mandates actually caused about 1.5 times the number of deaths or ~50% more deaths compared to no mask mandates.”
The paper went on to theorize that the so-called “Foegen effect,” whereby hypercondensed droplets caught by masks are re-inhaled and introduced deeper into the respiratory tract, could be responsible for the increased mortality rate. The possibility was echoed by Dr. Aaron Kheriaty while discussing the study during a Saturday night appearance on Fox News’ “Unfiltered” with Dan Bongino
A new study conducted by researchers from a number of Italian universities strongly suggests that wearing face masks (either surgical or respirator-type) for extended periods of time exposes wearers to dangerous levels of carbon dioxide (CO2).
The study’s results are particularly relevant to school-age children who are, in some parts of the world, forced to wear masks for long hours, as carbon dioxide levels in mask-wearers were shown to be significantly higher in people under the age of 18.
Someone said “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help” is the scariest thing you will ever hear. Certainly has been the case with the Covid mess.
“Since I had the vaccine my heart sometimes feels like it is going to stop or beats very hard and fast, I have never experienced anything like this before, I’m healthy. I haven’t told my family, the would worry, I haven’t been to the Doctor, what’s the point?”
Go to the doc and get a baseline ECG done.
This is not normal.
Have you been to a Doctor and tried telling them that you have a post vax heart issue?
Mrs P’s nephew has.
28 year old.
Being treated.
Fuck that shit. It should have never of happened.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 9, 2022 9:59 am
Comment, on the Oz, regarding the Walker shooting, in response to the fool who suggested the police should have shot the pair of scissors out of Walker’s hand.
1 hour ago
That’s not an option when in close quarters trying to subdue or arrest a violent and or deranged person. Rolfe and his partner were in a confined space trying to do just that and at the same time protect each other. Your suggestion regarding shooting in the leg or foot is impractical given the inaccurate nature of pistol type arms. Any experience with such weapons even in the ideal precinct of a pistol range will demonstrate this.
On my way to meeting with patent attorney. Fingers crossed! ?
Not another Perpetual Motion Machine?
(Finely machined, of course!)
Sancho Panzer
June 9, 2022 10:06 am
Go to the doc and get a baseline ECG done.
This is not normal.
Ignoring it could be a fatal folly, and assuming all medicos are part of the Great Schwab Conspiracy is childish.
Pro tip. Don’t launch straight into “I’ve got X and it was caused by Y”.
Doctors are like any other profession. They don’t like the customer usurping their role. By all means ask all the questions but don’t lead with a home-made diagnosis.
Mother Lode
June 9, 2022 10:06 am
According to the Bilby centre in Charleville, fox numbers have indeed exploded.
Dover, in the strict Christian sense, there is no “innocent human life”.
Everyone’s life has the same value.
I never said a murderer’s life has no value, and there is a difference between the sin of the race and individual sin.
June 9, 2022 10:09 am
That’s not an option when in close quarters trying to subdue or arrest a violent and or deranged person.
I seem to recall someone posting a video on the old Cat of a mad f*ucker armed with a knife stabbing half a dozen police who failed to take appropriate action. I’ve no wish to see it again but nothing could better illustrate the problem.
No, it shouldn’t, and I have often said there should have been a cut-off age for vaccines (with exceptions on other medical grounds). I don’t know what that age is but it is not 30.
But once it has happened, ignoring it is not the answer.
there wasn’t even a campaign to correct common deficiencies such as Vitamin D
They went out of their way to NOT recommend extra Vit C, D, etc except in monitored trials.
Yesterday, the RBA raised its official cash rate by 0.5% to now sit at 0.85%. This increase was above market expectations and was the RBA has signalled that more rate rises are coming. This is particularly so given that the RBA has signalled that inflation is expected to go higher, not lower in the coming months.
Adams and North in the past two months have been warning that rates will go up, however, the key question is now how much pain is the RBA willing to inflict before it becomes too much and they need to stop.
This is the 64 million question which no one is able to forecast – including the RBA board. The RBA Board signalled that the one areas that they remain unsure are households and what impact will rising interest rates have on consumption.
However, one of the most critical points that has emerged from the mainstream media coverage is that many people don’t accept the level of mortgage and rental stress outlined in the DFA dataset set. North suggests that mortgage stress is at 43% which would signify a major economic problem – however, the banks and market economists suggest that Australian households are in a strong position to handle these jobs.
As Adams and North mentioned in the last show – there will be a certain percentage of Australian households who will be sacrificed and they will go to the wall. There will be no compassion to these particular households. Especially those who have purchased in during 2022 and who likely took a variable mortgage – these are the sheep that will go to the slaughter.
June 9, 2022 10:19 am
Four-Day Workweek Pilots
A six-month trial of a four-day workweek kicked off in the UK this week, the biggest pilot to take place so far. More than 3,000 employees from 70 companies will work one less day for the same pay. Organized by the UK-based research group Autonomy and its partners, analysts will track productivity and employee well-being during the pilot.
A similar trial conducted in Iceland from 2015 to 2019 found an increase in overall well-being while productivity remained the same; 86% of workers in Iceland are now on or transitioning to a four-day schedule. Other countries plan to test the schedule this year, including Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, and Spain.
In the US and Canada, 38 companies will participate in a similar pilot. The potential shift faces challenges to widespread adoption—a survey of 459 companies found 91% were not considering a shortened workw
June 9, 2022 10:21 am
No, it shouldn’t, and I have often said there should have been a cut-off age for vaccines (with exceptions on other medical grounds). I don’t know what that age is but it is not 30.
anyone under 60 that had no comorbidities should not be considered for the “vax that is not a vaccine”
Bruce of Newcastle
June 9, 2022 10:21 am
Comment, on the Oz, regarding the Walker shooting, in response to the fool who suggested the police should have shot the pair of scissors out of Walker’s hand.
On the other hand “I tried to shoot the scissors out of his hand m’Lud but oops I missed” has a lot going for it.
Mother Lode
June 9, 2022 10:24 am
KFC Australia Adding Cabbage to Sandwiches amid Lettuce Shortage (7 Jun)
The machinations of Putin are like the infinitely ponderous but infinitely powerful currents of rock in the earth’s mantle which unseen and unhurried conspire against the surface and only reveal themselves in the last moment as earthquakes and volcanic catastrophe.
Damn him! And damn all the fell ideas sparking in the web of his sinister rippling brain!
Pro tip. Don’t launch straight into “I’ve got X and it was caused by Y”.
Doctors are like any other profession. They don’t like the customer usurping their role. By all means ask all the questions but don’t lead with a home-made diagnosis.
First decide what you want done.
You need an ECG.
Don’t tell them you have had the vaccine, then when you get the ECG ‘remember’ you had it.
You are quite right – “They don’t like the customer usurping their role”.
If your doctor won’t do the ECG because he knows you’ve got the vaccine aboard, go to casualty and describe the symptoms.
You don’t want to spend three years on the transplant waiting list with a heart that needs a defibrillator/pacer implant. They aren’t pleasant, and there are good chances you’ll lose your drivers licence.
Any federal ICAC will be, particularly one based on the NSW model….
1. a political weapon used against the right,
2. further empower unelected bureaucrats.
No wonder Labor and the Greens are salivating at the prospect.
Apparently Dreyfus has already had a conversation with Princess Allegra about a proposed federal ICAC. Super-duper, a federal ICAC’s first job can look at politician’s ties and investments with renewable energy companies.
Fucking idiot.
There are heart related side effects but they are manageable if treated.
This from the jabbed Sancho of the slip lane.
Just incredible and proving beyond a doubt that my description of him as a moron with too much to say is spot on.
He’s taken the fucking thing and says that.
He knows what a cockhead he is.
Being honest, if it wasn’t so tragic you’d laugh.
But I cannot laugh.
The reason is fucktards like him and Notafan have at every opportunity sought to demonise those giving you the message that the jabs are deadly.
They have sought to find any excuse to not only dismiss the reports coming in, but to also claim that having a jab was a personal choice issue, when it clearly was a “stand against tyranny issue”.
Surrendering to tyranny maybe personal choice, but you do your fellow countrymen harm in doing so.
Hence the loss of respect.
Pure filth.
How many of you were lulled into taking the jab by Sancho and Co’s (including the fuckwittery of JC) into taking the jab, ……… many of you will admit it.
They have to live with that.
Sancho and especially Notafan are what human failure looks like once put under the slightest pressure.
And as the overall death rates for the working ages rises 20% here in Australia, (officially) and insurance companies make it obvious, old Struth here was right all the time, they were and are completely wrong.
And this is only the first year.
There’s plenty of you wishing you hadn’t taken them now.
Wishing you’d listened to old Uncle Struth now.
Maybe the constant attempt at character assassination by the jabbed sneerers convinced you that struth is just a dumb truckie, what would he know?
Then who really is to blame for you feeling the jab would be the right thing for you.
Being wrong is not something that to me is a problem…..unless
Making light of the jabs to others, knowing they were untested and killing people, shows a deep evil.
That is inescapable.
It shows such contempt for human life and personal responsibility.
Pure moral failure combined with being totally wrong.
The moral failure.
The lack of integrity to say to one’s self, I have no idea what these jabs will do, so I will not be positive about them or justify taking them in this situation to anyone” is INEXCUSABLE.
It really is.
That’s why I am like I am these days.
I treat them as I have always treated Monty and Numbers, as they are morally, no different.
June 9, 2022 10:32 am
Someone said “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help” is the scariest thing you will ever hear. Certainly has been the case with the Covid mess.
While some of that is true. You weren’t exactly leading from the front, Fester. At the time, when masks potentially did work against the other two variants, you were here bullshitting on about how useless they were. They appear to be useless with the Omni, but not with Alpha and Delta. In any event, even if masks weren’t effective, risk management suggested at the time, and with information current then that they were worth using inside. Fester, you’re basically a science pest looking for attention.
H B Bear
June 9, 2022 10:33 am
If 1990 was any indication I wouldn’t put a lot of faith in banks prognostications of what might happen when things go pear shaped. The RBA record isn’t great either, but better.
June 9, 2022 10:34 am
Since I had the vaccine my heart sometimes feels like it is going to stop or beats very hard and fast, I have never experienced anything like this before, I’m healthy. I haven’t told my family, the would worry, I haven’t been to the Doctor, what’s the point?
you may have to go doctor shopping if you can’t get a proper diagnosis. if you don’t have one of the carditises, getting a diagnosis for post vax injury is near impossible. if left untreated can be fatal.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 9, 2022 10:35 am
I seem to recall someone posting a video on the old Cat of a mad f*ucker armed with a knife stabbing half a dozen police who failed to take appropriate action
I’m going beck a few years, but there was an exercise of someone armed with a broad tipped, felt marker, simulating a knife, running towards someone with a holstered pistol, and seeing how many “slashes” they could get in…
June 9, 2022 10:35 am
How many of you were lulled into taking the jab by Sancho and Co’s (including the fuckwittery of JC) into taking the jab, ……… many of you will admit it.
They have to live with that.
10- 4 Rubber Duck.
I can humbly say that I would have had zero influence on this crew regarding the vax. You’re such a mouthy redneck.
Any federal ICAC will be, particularly one based on the NSW model….
1. a political weapon used against the right,
2. further empower unelected bureaucrats.
Margaret Cuneen was very good on this on Outsiders last weekend. For instance, pork barrelling is not even a matter for judicial investigation and should be dealt electorally, at the ballot box.
H B Bear
June 9, 2022 10:37 am
Wishing you’d listened to old Uncle Struth now.
I always wear my thongs in the Gunnedah truck stop. Especially at night.
June 9, 2022 10:40 am
Tachycardia is easy enough to diagnose and treat by a heart specialist. In fact my cardiologist matter of factly told me that he had seen a unusual number of tach cases in young people going in. most likely from the vaccine. He was much perturbed because it’s treatable and or it goes away in healthy young ones.
“Margaret Cuneen was very good on this on Outsiders last weekend. For instance, pork barrelling is not even a matter for judicial investigation and should be dealt electorally, at the ballot box.”
Yep…and she’d know, having been targeted because of her politics.
Dr Faustus
June 9, 2022 10:42 am
North suggests that mortgage stress is at 43% which would signify a major economic problem – however, the banks and market economists suggest that Australian households are in a strong position to handle these jobs.
Strong position?
With inflation accelerating away from 5%, I’d be a-hopin’ and a-prayin’ that the Great Albanese Wage Tsunami comes through.
June 9, 2022 10:42 am
Yes I had forgotten about 3 feet- I get the feeling that he doesn’t wish everyman well. Quite the opposite. Politics seems to attract these types.
H B Bear
June 9, 2022 10:43 am
The Liar AGs are the worst. Probably no worse than the Lieborals but with a terrible messiah complex. Inevitably the have years of impotence on the Opposition benches under their belts.
They appear to be useless with the Omni, but not with Alpha and Delta. In any event, even if masks weren’t effective, risk management suggested at the time, and with information current then that they were worth using inside.
Anyone who thinks the 24/7 attempts by the sneerering butplugs of society to keep you from being able to see clearly hasn’t happened, is a fool.
To justify their own failure, they basically doubled down in denial.
Whether or not you were swayed by them is irrelevent.
Their moral crime and failure is to be found in that fact that they were trying to do so.
Attempted murder is still murder attempted, failed or not.
June 9, 2022 10:54 am
Well I am in day 5 of a nasty bout of China flue, the anti viral is working, and I have improved for the first time since infection.
I AM UNVAXXED, no jab jab booster for me.
I agree with Struth on all things to do with china flue vaccine.
Oh and I’m 73.
June 9, 2022 10:56 am
Anyone who thinks the 24/7 attempts by the sneerering butplugs of society to keep you from being able to see clearly hasn’t happened, is a fool.
What grade did you get to, Stuth? Did you make it to 7th?
To justify their own failure, they basically doubled down in denial.
And to justify your own failure, you behave like the miserable redneck douchebag you are. No one listens to you, you mouthy redneck and that’s because you’re a fucking moron.
Whether or not you were swayed by them is irrelevent.
Lol. It’s irrelevant now is it? It took about three of your comments to go from Sanchez and I influenced others into getting the vax to it’s “irrelevant”. You redneck moron.
Their moral crime and failure is to be found in that fact that they were trying to do so.
Attempted murder is still murder attempted, failed or not.
You drama queen dickhead. Such white-trash.
Perth Trader
June 9, 2022 10:57 am
I had a great chat yesterday with a old cobber , the subject being the Albo’ govt. He said it was ‘going to be like prison sex…you know its going to be bad, your just not sure how bad its going to be’. I could’nt not stop laughing.
June 9, 2022 10:58 am
I seem to be getting the idea that JC disagrees with Struth, I wish he would make his position more clear!
June 9, 2022 11:02 am
The redneck been attention whoring me for the past few days.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 9, 2022 11:02 am
Also on masks I thought this one was pretty funny.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) upgraded its monkeypox travel notice to “Level 2” on Monday and initially recommended masking for travelers but has since retracted the guidance, according to internet archives and a report.
The CDC’s “Level 2” travel notice falls into the “alert” category and calls for travelers to use “enhanced precautions” as opposed to the lesser safeguards advised under the “watch” phase called “Level 1.”
“Wear a mask. Wearing a mask can help protect you from many diseases, including Monkeypox.” the CDC initially wrote as part of the latest guidance, internet archives show.
Given who has been catching monkeypox and how it’s transmitted maybe they mean wearing it somewhere other than over your nose.
June 9, 2022 11:08 am
Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome – as doctors seek answers through a new national register
Really, if masks are useless against omicron, what is there to say, apart from having been mistaken, that they were effective against alpha and delta.
Sancho Panzer
June 9, 2022 11:09 am
I always wear my thongs in the Gunnedah truck stop. Especially at night.
No, no and no!
Crocs are the only protection against Punjabi poo.
June 9, 2022 11:10 am
The athlete toll was shown to be a hoax. Athletes were are not dying at an elevated rate. It’s simply not true.
Everything about this story is suspicious. A California man travels all the way to Maryland only to be intercepted by unnamed police at 1:50am, and then admits he was intent on killing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh because he was angry about the possibility of SCOTUS overturning Roe -v- Wade. Uh huh.
The first indicator something is sketchy is the WaPo with the breaking news. The second indicator is Peter Strzoks BFF journalist Devlin Barrett with the story. Assuming the U.S. Marshals office still holds some credibility, the Occam’ Razor of the sourcing would indicate it’s the FBI delivering the information to the Washington Post.
Inside the suitcase and backpack, the authorities later discovered a “black tactical chest rig and tactical knife,” a pistol with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer, a screwdriver, a nail punch, a crowbar, a pistol light and duct tape, in addition to other items, according to the affidavit.
He said he had traveled from California to Maryland “to kill a specific United States Supreme Court justice,” the affidavit said.
From the Comments in Sundance Aricle above
He brought the gun and pepper spray on the plane?
Or did the FBI supply him once he arrived in DC area?
Auron MacIntyre
These people are actively breaking the law, the White House and the media are encouraging them to do so
None of this is an accident or a mistake
This is how the Left rolls.
Farmer Gez
June 9, 2022 11:16 am
We should run a book on the identity or position in the TaliDan junta of PRGuy.
My guess is a senior ministerial staffer.
Department of Premier and Cabinet directly involved would be super good.
There’s no way a member of the public has the time to be tweeting that much and on all topics supporting the manifesto of the Great Wingnut.
June 9, 2022 11:17 am
Keep in mind, we had to work with the information we had at the time. There’s absolutely no way science is able to prove or disprove masks worked or didn’t. You cannot create a falsifiable experiment to prove the science of mask efficacy. It’s mostly to do with risk management. The other two variants weren’t as contagious as the present variant and there is some science to suggest Omni is more mobile… Maybe.
Fester was telling us masks absolutely, no way, 100% didn’t work. He had no idea and he’s a fucking idiot.
Mother Lode
June 9, 2022 11:20 am
Complicit in this have been major media outlets and even the Australian Broadcasting Corporation; an organisation supposedly not tainted by commercialism but definitely by political ideology.
While I agree with the contents of the letter (well, I don’t think you can call ignorance criminal, but anyway) there is a strangely persistent prejudice against commerce.
Firstly businesses live with real consequences for their missteps. ‘Go woke, go broke’ has made its mark on many businesses, but government departments and especially the ABC are protected from ever facing that. The ABC was the only media institution that could preach garbage purely because they wanted to.
Secondly, just what is it the corruption that seeking profit supposedly creates? Far and away most people in the private sector want to just get by, or want a promotion to another position, or are jealous of what someone else has got, or scheming to suck up to a manager to get something – but they are not selling their souls. They are no more perverted by money than anyone in the public sector because their salary is set. The business can make a profit, but the bulk of employees do not. A few can benefit from profit, like any organisation with a goal.
And precisely the same sort of office dynamics would take place anywhere. Very few people have the job of steering the company into making more profit. And those in the private sector who do can expect to be fired if they do anything untoward. Target grannies and have the countless groups, TV shows, and ombudsmen come tumbling down upon you clamouring for blood. Wipe out a habitat and be hauled into court and be hit with exorbitant fines and people to face prison. In the public sector you can oversee a disaster and expect to be merely transferred – or even promoted out of harm’s way.
My suspicion is that an edict from a senior of a department or an ABC senior desk has more power and less constraint than an email from a manager.
The ABC is far more dangerous than any business and they are unanswerable for their ideological rampages. They are as susceptible to being corrupted by their own priorities and appetites as anyone. There are far more things to be greedy for than mere moolah.
Knuckle Dragger
June 9, 2022 11:24 am
Terrible news.
Terrible for the Death Campers, that is (the NT News):
THE NT’s worker vaccine mandate is set to come to an end.
Speaking at a press conference this morning, Chief Minister Natasha Fyles announced the mandate, along with the public health emergency will finish on June 16.
Recently-passed legislation means that the Chief Health Officer still has the power to issue a number of directions, including rules for isolating, mandating masks and vaccines and reporting test results.
The Howard Springs quarantine facility will also cease operations.
Sarah Hanson-Young and her local WEF cabal clearly have some explaining to do at the next national jamboree.
Further to a federal ICAC, especially with Dreyfus at AG, I remember reading this back in January 2020.
“How Labor’s top lawyer Mark Dreyfus steered bureaucrats against ex-PM Tony Abbott
Labor frontbencher Mark Dreyfus sparked the Attorney-General’s Department’s push for Tony Abbott and the Australian organiser of last year’s Conservative Political Action Conference to register as agents of foreign influence.
In a meeting with senior representatives of the department’s integrity and security division on July 22, Mr Dreyfus encouraged officials to examine whether the three-day CPAC event held in August would trigger registration requirements under the government’s Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme. The exchange is revealed in documents obtained under Freedom of Information laws and has triggered fresh claims that Labor sought to use the scheme to “censor the free speech” of political rivals, a move that threatened “Australia’s democracy and national security”.
It has also stoked fears from conservatives that senior bureaucrats were “conspiring in secret with the Labor Party” to pursue the ALP’s opponents rather than using the scheme to identify more pressing threats to the national interest.
An internal document from the Attorney-General’s Department, obtained by free-market think tank the Institute of Public Affairs, states that Mr Dreyfus, Labor’s legal affairs spokesman, “queried the application of the scheme to foreign political organisations holding events in Australia”.
“He specifically raised the upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) to be held in Sydney on 9-11 August 2019, as an example of an event that may trigger registration obligations under the scheme and asked what the department planned to do about it,” the document says.
Following Mr Dreyfus’s intervention, the department wrote on August 2 to the event’s Australian organiser, Andrew Cooper, whose not-for-profit group LibertyWorks co-hosted CPAC with the American Conservative Union.
Mr Cooper was asked to register under the scheme and later, in October, became the first person under the scheme who was ordered to hand over documents and threatened with jail time.
The department sent a separate letter to Mr Abbott on August 8, asking him to register because he was scheduled to speak at CPAC.
Both men rejected the requests, moves that challenged the integrity of the new foreign influence laws.
The letters followed a speech in the Senate by Labor’s home affairs spokeswoman, Kristina Keneally, on July 30 in which she railed against the ACU and LibertyWorks, questioning the extent to which they and their donors sought to “influence Australian politics”.
She also suggested that CPAC, which featured prominent international speakers including Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage and British political activist Raheem Kassam, would give a platform to “hate speech”.
The Australian can reveal that the Attorney-General’s Department secretary, Chris Moraitis, has ceased the probe into LibertyWorks and wrote to Mr Cooper on December 20 informing him that he would not be pursued under the new foreign influence regime.
While Mr Moraitis remained of the view that LibertyWorks “may have registration obligations in relation to the ACU and CPAC”, he said Mr Cooper’s statements to the media had provided sufficient transparency for the department to drop the issue.
“I do not consider that it would be an effective use of the department’s resources to take further action under the scheme in relation to this matter,” Mr Moraitis said.
The decision means that Mr Cooper, who previously accused the department of acting like the “old East German Stasi”, will no longer face the prospect of being jailed for up to six months.
Mr Cooper said on Thursday he wanted an apology from Mr Dreyfus and argued that freedom of speech was a “fundamental value of Australian democracy”.
“Mr Dreyfus has deliberately and methodically sought to use the state to censor the free speech of his political opponents at CPAC,” Mr Cooper said.
“It is a contemptible and cowardly act.”
A spokesman for Mr Dreyfus said he attended a briefing provided by the Attorney-General’s Department in which a senior adviser to Attorney-General Christian Porter was also present.
“The opposition cannot direct the Australian public service to do anything,” the spokesman said. “Whatever actions the Morrison government has taken in this regard are entirely as a result of decisions taken by the Morrison government.”
Liberal senator James Paterson said it was “alarming to learn that Mark Dreyfus thinks it is appropriate to use our foreign-interference laws to pursue the domestic political opponents of the Labor Party”.
“They were designed to protect Australia’s sovereignty from foreign meddling, not as another tool for his vexatious attempts to use state power to punish people he disagrees with,” Senator Paterson said.
IPA communications director Evan Mulholland said there needed to be an “independent and public inquiry into this scandal to establish how far and deep this conspiracy has spread”.
He also argued that the use of the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme to target Mr Abbott and Mr Cooper showed the law was deeply flawed and needed to be revisited.
“This absolutely disgraceful scandal shows why this law needs to be completely recast so this can never happen again,” Mr Mulholland said.
Mr Dreyfus has previously asked for investigations into a range of issues of political issues that could potentially advantage the Labor Party.
In October, he asked NSW police to probe how Energy Minister Angus Taylor’s office came to use incorrect figures in a political attack against Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore and whether a fake document had been created by Mr Taylor’s staff to mislead journalists. He also asked last March for an AFP investigation into whether the appointment of lawyer Jane Bell as a member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal by Mr Porter was aimed at influencing her push to win the Liberal preselection for the seat of Higgins in Victoria.”
Those who naively think that Dreyfus and a federal ICAC won’t deliberately target and pursue conservatives, both politicians and private citizens, should have their heads read.
We have been warned.
June 9, 2022 11:26 am
Suddenly a new syndrome. Could the elephant in the room be any bigger?
Approaching the size of a mammoth on steroids yet completely invisible to everyone in the vicinity. You would think that they would be getting a clue from t he faint whiff of the steaming pile of elephant droppings.
But no. A new, non elephant related, syndrome is to blame. Because science.
THE NT’s worker vaccine mandate is set to come to an end.
Speaking at a press conference this morning, Chief Minister Natasha Fyles announced the mandate, along with the public health emergency will finish on June 16.
Recently-passed legislation means that the Chief Health Officer still has the power to issue a number of directions, including rules for isolating, mandating masks and vaccines and reporting test results.
So the legislation allowing these Rights infractions are still available for use?
As we predicted.
They can go to buggery.
Sancho Panzer
June 9, 2022 11:27 am
The Howard Springs quarantine facility will also cease operations.
Well, what else would you have concluded?
Knuckle Dragger
June 9, 2022 11:27 am
Recently-passed legislation means that the Chief Health Officer still has the power to issue a number of directions, including rules for isolating,
Which have not been followed for the past nine months, at least;
mandating masks
See above;
and vaccines and reporting test results.
There won’t be rules for vaccines any more, and nobody reports test results either. There is zero, and I mean zero, enforcement – nor the inclination or intent to do so.
Lucky there’s a gas shortage. The death camps wouldn’t be able to do business anyway.
June 9, 2022 11:28 am
The Absurdity of Socialism | Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin #CLIP
Dave Rubin speaks on how young believe they are oppressed despite the great privileges they enjoy that past generations could only dream of. Jordan Peterson then enters the discussion, stressing that labelling our society as an oppressive patriarchy is fundamentally flawed, explaining how our system is superior to alternative worldviews, like socialism.
Knuckle Dragger
June 9, 2022 11:29 am
Well, what else would you have concluded?
Quote of the century. For the True Path followers, the conclusion is of course:
‘They will kill us all, and those who survive will wish they were dead.’
June 9, 2022 11:32 am
Just got a letter from NSW Rural Fire Service informing me that unless I can prove to them that I have been jabbed that I am no longer an operational member of the Rural Fire Service.
No clot shot for me, so they can go and roger themselves.
June 9, 2022 11:33 am
But once it has happened, ignoring it is not the answer.
This is true, but it runs against human nature to seek help from the snake after it has bitten you.
June 9, 2022 11:34 am
Tachycardia is easy enough to diagnose and treat by a heart specialist. In fact my cardiologist matter of factly told me that he had seen a unusual number of tach cases in young people going in. most likely from the vaccine. He was much perturbed because it’s treatable and or it goes away in healthy young ones.
I don’t think rickw is a young one. It’s all treatable, however unless things have changed getting a vax injury diagnosis is near impossible.
June 9, 2022 11:36 am
I don’t think rickw is a young one.
RickW? Oh okay, I read it that Rick’s coffee dude was telling him (RickW) about the problem.
June 9, 2022 11:40 am
They appear to be useless with the Omni, but not with Alpha and Delta. In any event, even if masks weren’t effective, risk management suggested at the time, and with information current then that they were worth using inside.
Victoria’s 2019 Pandemic Plan said that masks should not be mandated because they were ineffective and had not insignificant side effects.
Then everyone panicked and went full fascist.
June 9, 2022 11:43 am
RickW? Oh okay, I read it that Rick’s coffee dude was telling him (RickW) about the problem.
Correct, the coffee dude was telling me about their problem. Next time I see them I’m going to suggest they get it checked out.
June 9, 2022 11:43 am
This is true, but it runs against human nature to seek help from the snake after it has bitten you.
myocarditis and pericarditis can be fatal. it’s best to get a referral to a specialist.
Glamorous defence lawyer hits back at ‘uproar’ over sentence for teenage hit-and-run driver who mowed down a young pregnant couple – saying the public should be more outraged by ‘lack of support for troubled youth’
Matthew Field, 37, and Kate Leadbetter, 31, killed in horror Australia Day crash
Teen driving 4WD was jailed for ten years and will be eligible for parole after six
Lawyer Belinda Robinson said more support was needed for neglected youths
Court heard teen was exposed to domestic violence and abuse at a young age
Sancho Panzer
June 9, 2022 11:46 am
‘They will kill us all, and those who survive will wish they were dead.’
Well, they are certainly taking their sweet time getting started.
June 9, 2022 at 11:32 am
Just got a letter from NSW Rural Fire Service informing me that unless I can prove to them that I have been jabbed that I am no longer an operational member of the Rural Fire Service.
No clot shot for me, so they can go and roger themselves.
Perrotett is ending mandates, apparently?
June 9, 2022 11:49 am
Not another Perpetual Motion Machine?
(Finely machined, of course!)
They actually have a special que! Perpetual motion machine inventors please form an orderly que to my right!
‘They will kill us all, and those who survive will wish they were dead.’
Tell me oh brainwave, KD….it’s all over is it?
All finished?
We’re all free again and the camps once emptied means they can never again be occupied?
Gullible wish thinker……or worse….you choose.
If these people get their way, they’ll kill us all (I was stating conservative white people at the time, “colonialists”..conveniently left out by butt head) but yes they will, and those that are still alive will wish they were dead.
Stand by every word.
Now we could have a conversation with the brighter non sneerers amongst us about the need to grab the guns in the USA before the next move can really occur, as they went in too quick because of Trump, but as per usual the moronic moral vacants will attempt to hold us back.
And calm down you little wog poof.
No a needa to get a yourselfa all worked upa anda call people names.
Have a some a fucking class, surrender monkey.
Well, they are certainly taking their sweet time getting started.
They could have raised the overall deaths of working Australians by 20% in the first year and you’d see nothing, you fact free fuckwit.
Oh, hang on…….
June 9, 2022 11:52 am
Perrotett is ending mandates, apparently?
Was Parrot Turd a WEF youth ambassador? Sure looks like it.
June 9, 2022 11:55 am
I reckon this was the lathe deal of the century. I was trying to convince my mate to get off his arse and move to California so I could stick it in his garage!
One of the issues those who have had a bad Vax reaction face is that the experts will still strongly insist just take another Vax.
My son in his forties had a bilateral synovitis in both wrists, diagnosed by MRI, starting in the week following the second injection of Pfizer for Covid. He had bilateral wrist pain so bad he couldn’t function for nearly two months, unable to even lift a frying pan or wipe his btm. It is slowly resolving now and his wrists are nearly back to normal strength. At the time, a hospital Emergency room and no other doctor, including a wrist specialist, would accept that he had an autoimmune syndrome caused by the Pfizer; in fact they advised him to go ahead with the same vaxx as a booster. He has refused any booster. They were unable to offer any other aetiology for his wrist pain and its sudden onset (due to his level of pain, Emergency sent him for a possible fracture of one wrist – rather stupid and rather strange in a bilateral condition – which was negative of course).
My son is unable to claim any compensation for his period of severe injury because he has no medical confirmation (in diagnosis) of his condition as being due to Pfizer vaxx. He does have the MRI showing the level of damage.
Doctors are completely unwilling to attribute anything like this, clearly autoimmune, to the Vaxx. My sister, who is a medical practitioner with first class honours and years of experience as a GP and a Specialist, although retired and no longer holding her Provider Number, says she has seen plenty of cases in the past of autoimmune responses like this associated with vaccinations and with allergies to other injected substances. Go figure.
June 9, 2022 11:59 am
And calm down you little wog poof.
No a needa to get a yourselfa all worked upa anda call people names.
Have a some a fucking class, surrender monkey.
Go and have a smoke and let the boss catch you…
Lol.. You’re the epitome of a surrender monkey, you worthless redneck clown. Recall how you were telling us we’d all die from starvation because food transport couldn’t make it through state borders? I do. You’ve been scared stiff for two year, you big redneck Kunt. Scared witless and coming on here in posting hysterics.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 9, 2022 12:01 pm
My son was also told to leave only 21 days between his first Pfizer shot and his second one; far less time than Pfizer originally determined.
June 9, 2022 12:03 pm
If, as you say, which you did, that masks appear to be ineffective against omicron, it remains that they were equally ineffective against alpha and delta, regardless of stated intentions about controlling risks at the time – intentions which now appear as having been about the unleashing followed by the controlling of fear in a population. Witness the extent of that control evident in the number of miserable wretches still skulking behind fetid face cloths. I wonder if there is genuine free will in that. Maybe there is.
“The ABC is far more dangerous than any business and they are unanswerable for their ideological rampages. They are as susceptible to being corrupted by their own priorities and appetites as anyone. There are far more things to be greedy for than mere moolah.”
Correct. The ABC destroys careers and destroys lives. Just ask Cardinal Pell and Christian Porter.
Oh and I wonder, given that Labor is now in power, if we’ll see Louse Nilligan do a “Canberra Bubble” expose on Labor peccadillos.
On May 25th, the State Council, led by the Chinese Premier, held an emergency meeting entitled the “National Teleconference on Stabilizing the Economy”. The Wall Street Journal quoted informed sources as saying that Li Keqiang’s 100,000-strong conference was submitted to the Politburo Standing Committee for approval. Li said bluntly at the meeting that China’s economic growth is at risk of slipping out of the reasonable zone. If the economy fails to maintain a certain growth rate, it will pay a huge price and face a long road to recovery.
On May 30th, 2022, China’s National Bureau of Statistics held a video conference on the topic of statistical fraud and the mobilization and deployment of special efforts to combat the problem. Why is the CCP now making a concerted effort to crack down on statistical falsification? One possibility is that China’s economic crisis can no longer be covered up.
CAD have palladium at Pardoo, as well as nickel, cobalt and copper.
June 9, 2022 12:12 pm
If, as you say, which you did, that masks appear to be ineffective against omicron, it remains that they were equally ineffective against alpha and delta, regardless of stated intentions about controlling risks at the time
Not necessarily as Omni is ~twice more virulent by the look of things. From what I’ve read the other two variants were “thicker” than omni.
– intentions which now appear as having been about the unleashing followed by the controlling of fear in a population.
Which about mandates and has nothing to do with the effectiveness of masks or not.
Witness the extent of that control evident in the number of miserable wretches still skulking behind fetid face cloths. I wonder if there is genuine free will in that. Maybe there is.
You can’t make that judgement about people at such a basic level. Some people may have serious co-morbidity but may want to get on with their lives while trying to reduce risk and wear masks. Others nay actually be walking around with COVID and don’t want to spread it.
We’re in NYC and the allergy season is like something I’ve never experienced before. Wifey had a very serious coughing attack and wears a mask when its windy outside.
“Glamorous defence lawyer hits back at ‘uproar’ over sentence for teenage hit-and-run driver who mowed down a young pregnant couple – saying the public should be more outraged by ‘lack of support for troubled youth’
Matthew Field, 37, and Kate Leadbetter, 31, killed in horror Australia Day crash
Teen driving 4WD was jailed for ten years and will be eligible for parole after six
Lawyer Belinda Robinson said more support was needed for neglected youths
Court heard teen was exposed to domestic violence and abuse at a young age”
Oh righto, I’m supposed to feel sympathy for the scumbag that did this. NO. My sympathy lies the victims and their families.
This is proof that we no longer live in a society which values justice.
Farmer Gez
June 9, 2022 12:13 pm
The unfortunate problem with mask mandates is the tracking data doesn’t show any discernible drops in transmission on introduction or lifting.
The advice from medical authorities is little better than, “trust me I’m a doctor”
June 9, 2022 12:14 pm
which is about…
June 9, 2022 12:16 pm
The unfortunate problem with mask mandates is the tracking data doesn’t show any discernible drops in transmission on introduction or lifting.
The advice from medical authorities is little better than, “trust me I’m a doctor”
You can’t reach that conclusion Gez unless you had say two exact identical countries with exact copies of every single thing to the atom.
June 9, 2022 12:17 pm
Where’s Uncle Fester?Fester, is it haram to discuss masks?
A bit of “largesse” that won’t be appearing in the media courtesy of dum parrothead & NSW Housing ..!
a letter (yesterday) from Housing .. NSW honest Housing & non Housing tax-payers.. READ & WEEP! .. Not word for word but memory .. I’ve tore it up (as is usual!) .. LOL!
This is how Housing operates when working from home and the, embedded, twin cultures of corruption & inefficiency come into play .. “freebies” are easier than effort ….!
From beginning of June thru to end of July the Dept. is offering an AMNESTY to all tenants who are cheating on their rent thru non disclosure of change(s) of circumstances .. update your information with the Dept before the end July and all undisclosed debt will be forgiven/retired .. failure to do so and subsequent detection can lead to eviction and/or financial penalties ……
Just as well we’ve got so many here who know so much more than scientists do. Otherwise we’d never know that actual scientists are morons who have no idea what they’re talking about.
Thankfully there’s a few here who read something somewhere & it looked like it was prolly fair dinkum, so is grounds to call scientists rude names & for keyboard experts to rattle on about how much they themselves know.
Where would we ever be without the expertise of these really smart guys?
Y’know, sorta like a teenager who still knows it all.
June 9, 2022 12:24 pm
Doctors are completely unwilling to attribute anything like this, clearly autoimmune, to the Vaxx.
Medical Profession in full CYA mode. This contributes to the reluctance of individuals to seek help for vax side effects.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 9, 2022 12:24 pm
My son was also offered no treatment except Panadol for his excruciating pain. I gave him some stronger prescription painkillers that I had been given for far less pain to enable him to just barely function. My sister says he should at least have been treated with some corticosteroids.
He is penniless and comes across as indigent, has untreated bipolar disorder (diagnosed in prison), and in general I think he has been poorly served by our medical system. He is proud and refuses a lot of help from us, especially in the past when he was living on the streets, including legal help when he was rather unjustly charged with a $15k fraud for money he claims was due to him for work he did when employed, and so he went to prison for six months for that, getting very negligent legal aid. He’d skipped bail twice, being frightened and freaked out, which did him no good with the magistrate.
I spoke to him yesterday, dropping off a new doona and some pillows as the doona I got him previously was he says ‘full of mildew’ from being tossed in a corner all summer. He has thus run up last month in the cold while I was away a $500 electricity bill trying to keep warm. We discuss keeping the electricity costs down now he has a doona, and how hard it is on poorer people with the price skyrocketing. He is grateful now having a place to live and a proper bed. There’s an old aboriginal guy sleeping on the porch of the public toilets in the park, he tells me. Can I help him? I ask, thinking I have a spare swag somewhere. No, he says, he’s beyond taking help now, always drunk and mental. Surely some charity will approach him sensitively? I comment. Nope, says my son. He’s been there for weeks.
I drive home thinking of all the money we’ve spent on aboriginal welfare and at the grifters who get a lot of it, and I was just angry, and then very sad.
June 9, 2022 12:25 pm
Always projecting, Driller.
It’s laughable, as you’re known as the biggest blowhard know-it-all here and you’re criticizing others about their comments and what they say?
Go dust the bar, you ridiculous buffoon.
And by the way, I didn’t come up with describing you as a blowhard. Someone else did 🙂
“Glamorous defence lawyer hits back at ‘uproar’ over sentence for teenage hit-and-run driver who mowed down a young pregnant couple – saying the public should be more outraged by ‘lack of support for troubled youth’
My. my but he really was troubled .. baaaaaaaaawl, baaaaaaawl! .. Then again, it is fairly obvious from the circumstances that this poor “lad” is the real victim .. isn’t it .. FFS!
The driver, who cannot be named because he was 17 at the time, ran a red light while driving a stolen Landcruiser, colliding with a truck before rolling and hitting the couple.
The teen was found to have had a blood alcohol content between 0.151 and 0.192 per cent at the time of the crash. He had been drinking and using cannabis from about 10am that day.
June 9, 2022 12:27 pm
You can’t reach that conclusion Gez unless you had say two exact identical countries with exact copies of every single thing to the atom.
Yes, but I think it’s not unreasonable to refer back to the medical and health professions own conclusions before they lost their minds. They didn’t believe that masks made any discernible difference.
June 9, 2022 12:30 pm
Dover, a bit of a stuff up about identity creep invading soul. A mea culpa, then.
June 9, 2022 12:30 pm
Another example of what intel agencies like our own ASIO, AFP , America’s FBI and NAS, UK’s MI5 have been talking about referencing hard rightwing groups and individuals demonstrating murderous intentions.
Knuckle Dragger
June 9, 2022 12:31 pm
If these people get their way, they’ll kill us all (I was stating conservative white people at the time, “colonialists”..conveniently left out by butt head)
That’s actually not what you said at the time, but let’s run with it anyway. Conservative white people. Righto.
Restauranteur James Chiavarini who runs Il Portico in London joins us in the studio to discuss how a fundraising dinner for Ukrainian orphans with JK Rowling lead to his family-run business being attacked by trans activists.
June 9, 2022 12:33 pm
I never said a murderer’s life has no value, and there is a difference between the sin of the race and individual sin.
No you didn’t. We are on the same page.
And those on death row have the opportunity to make their peace with the Lord, something that they did not afford their victim. It is a great mystery, and one that can’t be answered or plumbed.
June 9, 2022 12:33 pm
They didn’t believe that masks made any discernible difference.
That first came from Fauci, Rick. He was lying and the others followed. It was exactly at that time when we should have lost faith in these large government agencies. Fauci lied and even admitted he did because he didn’t want to see a run on mask stocks that he believed were needed by the medical professions. He/They believed they were very effective actually and hence the big lie.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 9, 2022 12:35 pm
I drive home thinking of all the money we’ve spent on aboriginal welfare and at the grifters who get a lot of it, and I was just angry, and then very sad.
Recognition in the Constitution, a “voice” in Parliament, and a treaty will just make such a difference, won’t it?
Farmer Gez
June 9, 2022 12:35 pm
Being definitive in this pandemic is always difficult but looking at data gathered from multiple sources in various countries does give you a good ideas of what not to continue to do.
Victorian CHO Brett Sutton told us late last year that vaccines could reduce transmission by as much as 60%.
The data shows that to be outrageously untrue. Always better to look behind for proof than forward on a guess.
June 9, 2022 12:36 pm
Rickw, go see your doctor. Please.
I saw mine this morning. Off for ultrasounds to eliminate rotator cuff damage, which is half of bugger all compared to your problem.
June 9, 2022 12:40 pm
Bother. It’s your coffee dude, not you. My advice still stands.
We need all the good coffee dudes we can get!
June 9, 2022 12:40 pm
If you all recall the original advice was not to wear masks, because they wanted to save them for the frontline medicos. Mind you that’s not how they framed it. Being lying sacks of shit comes entirely naturally to the elite class.
June 9, 2022 12:43 pm
Being definitive in this pandemic is always difficult but looking at data gathered from multiple sources in various countries does give you a good ideas of what not to continue to do.
There’s absolutely zero conclusion you can reach from country comparisons. There is far too much variance to be worthwhile. Even small policy differences could have an impact.
Victorian CHO Brett Sutton told us late last year that vaccines could reduce transmission by as much as 60%.
Let’s agree that Sutton is a worthless scumbag. How are you going to prove he was wrong other than through assertion? You can’t really.
The data shows that to be outrageously untrue. Always better to look behind for proof than forward on a guess.
Not necessarily, because the come back is that it could have been worse. You cannot turn an assertion into fact through thin air. You need to prove it.
June 9, 2022 12:50 pm
The meeja make it sound like actor Matthew McConnery was just in the neighbourhood of the White House and just happened to “pop in” for a chat on guns…
It was clearly orchestrated and wouldn’t be surprised if he was flown into Washington and paid for the gig.
Farmer Gez
June 9, 2022 12:53 pm
Let’s check JC
90% double vaccinated in Australia by the 17th Dec 2021.
242,000 odd cases at point.
7,500,000 since.
Sutton’s comments preceded this by eight weeks.
There’s such a thing the bleeding obvious, that doesn’t need fine analysis.
Farmer Gez
June 9, 2022 12:54 pm
I’m off to get the price shock of a couple of big ticket items from a machinery dealer.
Out of smelling salts too.
June 9, 2022 12:55 pm
242,000 odd cases at point.
7,500,000 since.
Sutton’s comments preceded this by eight weeks.
You can’t reach that conclusion Gez unless you had say two exact identical countries with exact copies of every single thing to the atom.
Yes, you can. You’re trying to sustain this conclusion about masks by requiring this exaggerated need for a one to one identity between two countries, states, whathaveyou, which not even the most ideal physical experiment can satisfy.
June 9, 2022 12:58 pm
Yes, you can.
Okay, prove it.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 9, 2022 12:59 pm
My son in his forties had a bilateral synovitis in both wrists, diagnosed by MRI
I should add that I paid for the MRI. Our medical system certainly wasn’t going to pick up the tab.
June 9, 2022 12:59 pm
According to the NEM dashboard if it wasn’t for the 24/7 capacity of hydro power from Tassie the electricity supply in Victoria and South Australia would be in even greater dire straights. Yet the ABC in this article fails to acknowledge this fact. It appears to be a deliberate attempt to obscure the facts. I guess you wouldn’t want people to think that more hydro might be critical to supporting our fragile grid or that unreliable wind and solar are being propped up by hydro and gas. Story here: Tasmania’s link to Australia’s National Electricity Market explained
June 9, 2022 1:00 pm
Prove it while you adjust for policy differences, age, living conditions and every facet that could impact the standardization to make a scientific comparison.
Got the third jab on the day I was returning to WA as that steaming turd of a premier would not let me back in at the time. It was about 3 months from my 2nd jab. Very very very slight pain around injection site still. More curious than worried. Had an excercise ECG on tuesday as part of my normal work medical (every two years)… no problems detected. Still I would have preferred not to get the 3rd jab.
The pricks then changed the rules a few weeks after my third jab. I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 9, 2022 1:09 pm
He had been drinking and using cannabis from about 10am that day.
There’s the problem, right there.
‘Troubled youths’ need to be forceably told this is very bad behaviour, inexcusable, dangerous to self and others. Stopping this sitting around in idle learned helplessness is where the intervention challenge lies. Change their ‘culture’.
It is not a lifestyle, which is what current ‘harm reduction’ people suggest and encourage.
Must be one of those deplorable libertarian conservative alt right deplorable Pepe loving 4chan freaks, pro gun and anti abortion, right?
I think there is a clear case to bring in new surveillance laws and unexplained wealth rules with a reversed onus of proof.
Tintarella di Luna
June 9, 2022 1:18 pm
“Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
June 9, 2022 at 8:43 am
7 hours ago
Ok, draw the gun and be prepared to use it, but not necessarily to kill! Aim for the leg or foot.
Comment, over on the Oz, about the Walker shooting.” Alain, eh? isn’t that Joe Biden’s alias?
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 9, 2022 1:20 pm
Had an excercise ECG on tuesday as part of my normal work medical (every two years)… no problems detected.
I’m due for one of these now. Appointment in three weeks time. Passed with flying colours three years ago. Excellent for my age etc.
I am less fit now, carry some Covid Kilos, and am not looking forward to the coming ‘stress test’ because I am supposed to wear a mask! I will refuse to do it under those terms. Also, I couldn’t do it as well as previously anyway. After our long flight, on arrival in the UK lying down to sleep ex-plane I noticed for the first time ever that I was aware of my heartbeat; it was bothersome, so I had to lie on my back instead of my left side. Had a Novavax booster in the month before we left, six months after the two AZ’s and with catching Covid in the betweentime. Put it down to the flight, but it continued on and off over the month, so a bit of a worry.
Hairy’s first wife, his age i.e. seventy, ten years younger than me, died the other night of a heart attack in her sleep. Very sad and understandably very upsetting for my sweet love. My own ex, only five years younger than me, also suffered a heart attack while we were away in the UK. Luckily he survived it, gaining a stent. I get the feeling my generation is swimming now in dangerous waters.
Look after your heart as Calli advises, RickW. And any others.
June 9, 2022 1:24 pm
The point is the size of the virus versus the size of the holes in the mask
It is like trying to stop a tennis ball using scaffolding
Prove it while you adjust for policy differences, age, living conditions and every facet that could impact the standardization to make a scientific comparison.
Why would I need to account for any of that? All I have to say is that masks are ineffective because at the level of practice, the population will not use them correctly (they’ll continually adjust them, wear them too long, not clean them or replace them regularly, and so on) and that is all I need to do to argue that masks, at the aggregate level, are ineffective.
Your argument is basically, they could be effective if everyone in the population used them correctly but that this is confounded across countries because of age, health, living and other relevant variables. No. About 99% of the population used them incorrectly, so every confounding variable is beside the point.
Mother Lode
June 9, 2022 1:27 pm
New research shows wearing face-masks increases inhaled CO2 to dangerous levels
Ha! I suspected on this.
incoherent rambler
June 9, 2022 1:30 pm
I’ve had the plague. As has everybody else I know.
Bad cold.
The jabbenated got the plague at the same time and seem to suffer more acute symptoms than the pure bloods.
The pure bloods have recovered more quickly. The oldest unjabbed seems to have been the least affected.
June 9, 2022 1:32 pm
They appear to be useless with the Omni, but not with Alpha and Delta. In any event, even if masks weren’t effective, risk management suggested at the time, and with information current then that they were worth using inside.
Victoria’s 2019 Pandemic Plan said that masks should not be mandated because they were ineffective and had not insignificant side effects.
Same in the Australian Pandemic plan 2020 which concluded there was nothing proving the effectiveness of masks in a general population setting.
It did basically rate them as effective as propaganda to remind people of an illness.
Homeopathic health protection, in effect.
June 9, 2022 1:32 pm
New research shows wearing face-masks increases inhaled CO2 to dangerous levels
This was also pointed out early in the nonsensical fear ramp up by a number of brave doctors and researchers who were promptly silenced for disinformation.
Non-persons cannot then point out anything that goes against the accepted narrative.
June 9, 2022 1:33 pm
The point is the size of the virus versus the size of the holes in the mask
It is like trying to stop a tennis ball using scaffolding
The first variants got around on water droplets apparently. Masks likely offered some protection though not 100% …but some. If anything masks may have reduced the loading. However, if you were in a room with little draft and reasonable proximity, the only way you could avoid infection was to stop breathing. 🙂
Onmi apparently gets around without hitching a ride.
Risk management suggests that in certain circumstances masks may have worked.
incoherent rambler
June 9, 2022 1:33 pm
Note that I washed my digits before posting.
June 9, 2022 1:35 pm
New research shows wearing face-masks increases inhaled CO2 to dangerous levels
Okay, so surgeons and related medical stuff are brain severely damaged.
June 9, 2022 1:37 pm
I always wear my thongs in the Gunnedah truck stop. Especially at night.
It was at Hay.
And you should, there’s a lot of shit around these days.
incoherent rambler
June 9, 2022 1:37 pm
Okay, so surgeons and related medical stuff are brain severely damaged.
That is certainly true of the medical practitioners in my extended family.
Thick as two short bricks.
June 9, 2022 1:39 pm
The other clue that masks don’t work is that when you go to a hospital or Old Persons Home you are given an N95 mask
A new one
Farmer Gez
June 9, 2022 1:39 pm
Good lord!
Just over one million dollars retail for a new Case self propelled boom sprayer.
June 9, 2022 1:43 pm
Stop whining and just buy the fucking thing. You can afford it.
Oh dear, things must have taken a U-turn in Ukraine. Sky News UK had RUS ‘pinned’ and ‘running out of steam’ yesterday in the Donbas. Today, they are back to talking about Snake Island.
June 9, 2022 1:46 pm
Good lord!
Just over one million dollars retail for a new Case self propelled boom sprayer.
Went to Farmfest at Toowoomba on Tuesday. Saw an Agrifac self propelled boom sprayer (55 meter boom). Asked how much. “What do you want on it?” Mid range for $900,000. They just sold a tricked up one for $1.3 million.
The other clue that masks don’t work is that when you go to a hospital or Old Persons Home you are given an N95 mask
A new one
Timothy Neilson
June 9, 2022 1:51 pm
Prove it while you adjust for policy differences, age, living conditions and every facet that could impact the standardization to make a scientific comparison.
But such assertions are exactly the basis on which we were told that masks (and also lockdowns, curfews etc.) were beneficial. There weren’t randomised clinical trials showing that they were effective. Pre-covid it was generally thought that they weren’t. See rickwsays:
June 9, 2022 at 11:40 am.
June 9, 2022 1:55 pm
I’m going beck a few years, but there was an exercise of someone armed with a broad tipped, felt marker, simulating a knife, running towards someone with a holstered pistol, and seeing how many “slashes” they could get in…
Long ago the Canadian rangers were trained to draw on an attacking bear.
They used a flying fox coming at you fast.
One ranger having survived a bear attack said that what he remembered most was the stench of the bear’s breath.
He was lucky he wasn’t buried half dead at the cave entrance.
June 9, 2022 1:57 pm
China in Focus – NTD
01:40 Mexican President Boycotts Americas Summit
04:36 China Advances in Latin America Through Trade
07:32 Top Economist Urges China to Seize Chip-Maker TSMC
09:27 Top China Economist Proposes Seizing TSMC
11:33 Examining the W.H.O.’s Ties to China: Report
Try being nice to Publicans, after all, in Australia , not everyone wants high priced ethnic slop and coffee.
Men like pub meals and a beer or two.
He’s much more useful to the world than you’ll ever be, so show some respect.
Mother Lode
June 9, 2022 2:15 pm
Okay, so surgeons and related medical stuff are brain severely damaged.
I was thinking of the the wearing of masks during more rigorous physical activity, even things like energetic walking, hauling the shopping around, doubtless stuff related to workplace, where you would be breathing harder.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 9, 2022 2:17 pm
Today, they are back to talking about Snake Island.
That may be because the Ukrainians apparently now have the UK supplied Brimstones operational. The Russians would’ve known this was coming for a while though.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is creating a new department to enforce martial law, ministry spokesperson Irina Volk said Tuesday.
Among other things, the powers of the GUOR (Main Directorate of Rapid Response) will include “ensuring the legal regimes of martial law,” Volk said, according to The Moscow Times.
The department is being created in response to a decree Russian President Vladimir Putin issued on Monday, the Times reports.
“Can finally share that my in-laws, Moscow Chief Rabbi @PinchasRabbi & Rebbetzin Dara Goldschmidt, have been put under pressure by authorities to publicly support the ‘special operation’ in Ukraine — and refused,” Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt tweeted on Tuesday.
Goldschmidt has not been a vocal critic of the war, though Le Figaro reported that he was sufficiently concerned about it that he reached out to rabbis in neighboring Moldova in mid-February, days before Russia invaded Ukraine, to warn of a potential flood of refugees.
The martial law one is noteworthy in that it’s coming from official channels. What it means I don’t know, but it doesn’t bode well.
June 9, 2022 2:17 pm
Tachycardia is easy enough to diagnose and treat by a heart specialist
Wait, what ? In my case I was prescribed a beta blocker and blood thinner. After 30 months I can detect no change but the response is always ‘keep taking the medication.’ I believe the next step is an ablation but that too is unpredictable and likely temporary in effect.
Easy to treat ? Yep. Easy to treat effectively ? Nope.
Mother Lode
June 9, 2022 2:19 pm
‘vigorous’, not ‘rigorous’.
My part of my brain that watches what I type seems to have vigor mortis.
Have some of that! UK missiles force Russia to retreat 100km as Putin changes tactics
BRITISH anti-ship missiles have helped chase Russian naval forces away from the Black Sea coast in a humiliating setback for Vladimir Putin.
LOL. I’m not getting any such vibe from my sources.
incoherent rambler
June 9, 2022 2:38 pm
One ranger having survived a bear attack said that what he remembered most was the stench of the bear’s breath.
It wasn’t the bear’s breath, it was his soiled trousers.
I’ve been to Griffiths so much if I never go there again it would be too soon.
Shit hole.
Again, I said pub meals.
In Australia dot, this means steaks and vegies, or Schnizels and chips……Lamb Chops, Mixed grills, Reef and Beefs, …..good hearty Australian tucker washed down with a beer.
WhoTF was talking about wanky fusion food?
Griffith…the club will do id you are unfortunate enough to get stuck there.
Who’d a thunk it! .. apparently, Biloela is a thriving metropolis not a two bob watch country town .. LOL! .. appears 600 000 signatures on the petition to bring the illegals home .. they must have used “dominion” adding machines for the final count .. LOL!
Knuckle Dragger
June 9, 2022 2:48 pm
I’d take “ethnic slop” over wanky fusion food and over hopped craft beer any day.
No, no, no Dot. You want ‘white people’ food.
Mixed grills – sausages (German), schnitzels (also German) with chips (French – they started the potato off as a food source) and steaks, vegies and seafood (universal).
Preferably cooked by noggies and/or wogs in the kitchen.
Top Ender
June 9, 2022 2:49 pm
Ah, back in the Territory don’t you know it.
Having lunch in a local nosherie. The experience was enlivened by “some locals” coming in frequently, and asking people buying stuff for money.
At one stage a local came in and sat down at a table where some southerners – you can tell, you know – were eating. Asked them for money to go “go and buy some food”.
As there were about 10 hanging about outside you could tell what would happen if the business owners decided to get tough on them.
You certainly can.
And so can the blackfellas, obviously.
Hmmm, I wonder what it is?!
June 9, 2022 3:03 pm
I’m reluctant to share my story but here goes.
Pfizer shots one & two last August.
Booster first week of March (also Pfizer).
Booster laid me out for a week, then the problems began.
Sometimes discomfort, sometimes chest pain, sometimes it feels like my heart is about to burst out of my chest.
My GP is a good guy.
He’s sent me off for different scans, tests & blood tests & all have come back great at best (low cholesterol) to at worst ok (blood pressure could be lower).
He’s said if in doubt, get to an emergency room.
I’ve been hospital twice over the past 3 months when my ticker has felt like it’s going nuts.
On both occasions they’ve hooked me up to the ECG & said there’s nothing abnormal happening & have sent me home.
I’ve been to two different specialists, but only one put me on the treadmill with a the things attached to you.
Both have had access to all the scans & tests etc.
Both say nothing is wrong.
But both say, if in doubt, get yourself to hospital.
One of those trips to hospital was in the last week so it doesn’t seem to be fixing itself.
Seeing my GP next week to discuss referral options.
I’m no martyr.
If I can’t get answers here, I’m already exploring options in the US.
June 9, 2022 3:03 pm
Qld Fire commands RFS and SES in Qld. My understanding is one of the reasons they did not mandate the Vax was knew would lose too many. Interesting also that Lifesaving NSW did enforce Vax mandate whereas Qld dropped it a few weeks before deadline.
“Just got a letter from NSW Rural Fire Service informing me that unless I can prove to them that I have been jabbed that I am no longer an operational member of the Rural Fire Service.
No clot shot for me, so they can go and roger themselves”
Sancho Panzer
June 9, 2022 3:05 pm
Golly gee, chaps, the bonhomie has slipped today.
Sancho Panzer
June 9, 2022 3:09 pm
St Ruth.
Who was it who fed you the duff info on the supermarkets running out of stuff in August 2020?
I know I’ve got a screenshot of it somewhere. Someone fessed up that their missus worked for Colesworth ordering the canned beans for East Gippsland and she was getting lots of Bing-Bongs! on her computer, and they fed you the info.
Been busy packing up house and haven’t had time to scroll back. Apologies if the demise of Arky’s Model A has already been discussed. See Adam’s dash Cat. Poor b@stard. Totally devastatingly bad luck.
June 9, 2022 3:16 pm
After going for my customary daily walk around the farm & being nearly frozen to death, & it being too cold for outdoor jobs, I have spent much of the rest of the day by the fire reading (finally) Ian Plimer’s “Green Murder”.
Wow – how he has packed so much information, not merely about his chosen field, but about so much of human history, I just can’t imagine. I have earmarked so many pages – just so that I can find actual facts and figures to quote to climate fanatics et al. I heard him speak years ago at one of the “think tank” events – & he was fantastic. He is now even more “ornery”than at that time – perhaps because he totally sick of the climate change ratbaggery.
I thoroughly recommend his book – can’t imagine many of you disagreeing with most of it. In any case – it is thought provoking, as all such books should be.
June 9, 2022 3:18 pm
Old Ozzie earlier posted a link and part of the Letter to the Law which was sent to Police Union bosses. Pretty good letter (apart from mention of Kimberley Kitching death).
The author, Kevin Loughfrey, is a formed LtCol (Engineer) who was a Palmer candidate. He has his own web page and lots of IT related stuff. Looks like a smart guy.
I like his idea of writing to Police Union heads as the state’s relied heavily on Police to enforce Covid policies. The current Police mandate in Qld certainly does not make sense as their members would have little to fear from Covid although the mandate was introduced before Omicron. If Qld Commissioner was to drop the mandate it is difficult for Govt to impose elsewhere when it is apparent experts will soon want to go for 4th jab. I suspect in the case of Qld the Union boss has probably traded his silence and members health in return for some benefits. You can read their Police Journal online and incredibly the Vax not been mentioned in last two which covers time since Vax mandate. Clearly suppressing dissent.
June 9, 2022 3:18 pm
Yes, Mak. Hard to put into words. I’m gutted and the thing wasn’t even mine. And so is the Beloved – he followed the restoration along with me. Arky’s work was a great inspiration to him.
June 9, 2022 3:18 pm
Seeing my GP next week to discuss referral options.
Good luck, Bern.
I trust my GP, but she’s recommended a booster shot and I have declined.
It’s a matter of luck whether you have a reaction to the jabs. I’ve had nothing, which I reckon has more to do with my country upbringing than any medical reason.
June 9, 2022 3:22 pm
Masks. There was a 1981 UK study where the surgeons in a hospital stopped wearing them in theatre for 6 months. Got half as many wound infections in the patients. A dozen studies since have tried to debunk this and have failed.
Not being au fait in contract law and I am not sure whether it gives him the ability to back out of the deal, should he wish, without penalty.
I gather the agreement was that he waived due diligence on aspects of the business so he could not complain if those areas turned out to be in a bad way, but I would think that if Twatter lied in response to his queries that might be different. The difference between taking your chances and being deceived.
June 9, 2022 3:25 pm
Masks. There was a 1981 UK study where the surgeons in a hospital stopped wearing them in theatre for 6 months. Got half as many wound infections in the patients. A dozen studies since have tried to debunk this and have failed.
And as one of the two scientifics here can you see where the study fell apart?
Feel the Burn… were warned, you dumb bastard.
You will, as all will, pay dearly for submitting to this.
You are already starting to.
Others will be getting different cancers, or suddenly dying with clots etc.
However, it is too high a price to pay .
Your doctors are fucking you around so as not to be held to blame.
Testing cholesterols etc.
“Everything is fine” when it obviously isn’t and only started after THEY jabbed you.
Jabbed morons, you are going to your murderers asking to be cured!
Asking them to admit to murder!?
Your doctors are going to admit nothing.
A medical degree doesn’t get you into the priesthood.
They will see you dead first, and the sooner the better.
We now know what it will be called, SADS.
(Honestly, you couldn’t make this shit up…..but then again)
Always remember, I pleaded with you not to take it.
With you all.
The complete opposite of Notafan and the sneerers.
When are you going to get angry?
Although it was your own fault for taking it…sorry, I know, but it’s the truth, hard as it is, …….this is 2022, and YOU aren’t to blame for anything.
So who did this to you?
Who killed you?
They didn’t kill you straight away and now the propaganda is meant to keep you believing all those deaths around you, before yours, are normal.
And so will yours be.
We’ll know different.
Won’t we?
Feel the Burn.
I’m being honest, not heartless.
Now is not the time for bullshit.
Bullshitting you is truly heartless.
Get active…. (not physically)
Some of those posts I have put up tell you things that may help.
And get vengeance before it’s too late.
Mother Lode
June 9, 2022 3:29 pm
There was a 1981 UK study where the surgeons in a hospital stopped wearing them in theatre for 6 months. Got half as many wound infections in the patients.
Call me a stickler but that sounds weird to me. How does that work? How could wearing masks double infections. Hey, there might be a reason, but I will have trouble believing this without a reason.
Same reason I was skeptical from the outset of Covid – a lot of claims made no sense, and no better explanations were forthcoming.
June 9, 2022 3:29 pm
feelthebern says:
June 9, 2022 at 3:03 pm
I’m reluctant to share my story but here goes.
I am heartbroken to hear your story, feelthebern.
All I can say is that you should locate the advice of the FLCCC on treatment of Long/Covid and/or Vaccine injury. I am not a medical doctor – so I can only repeat what I have read. My recollection is that the treatment for vax injury is virtually the same as for Covid (logical – since the culprit is almost certainly the spike protein) – ie Vit C. Vit D3, Zinc, Quercetin )or Ivermectin if you can get it). Also anti-histamine and/or aspirin. But also acquisition of a cortico steroid – Prednisone apparently the one of choice.
I will try to find the actual reference for the vax injury advice. I have collected so much material over the past two years…….
But look – the best news I can offer is that leading FLCCC Covid physicians (Dr.Marik, Dr. Kory & Dr. Peter McCullough – a cardiologist) have recently speculated that they doubt that the adverse reactions from the vaccines will last longer than a year, and that most reactions they see occur very soon after the vaccination.
It’s a matter of luck whether you have a reaction to the jabs. I’ve had nothing YET, which I reckon has more to do with my country upbringing than any medical reason.
No, it’s just about a year in, you dumb bastard…do you think that gives you the all clear.?
But look – the best news I can offer is that leading FLCCC Covid physicians (Dr.Marik, Dr. Kory & Dr. Peter McCullough – a cardiologist) have recently speculated that they doubt that the adverse reactions from the vaccines will last longer than a year, and that most reactions they see occur very soon after the vaccination.
We are really only “very soon after the vaccination” now.
You don’t want to spook the horses.
June 9, 2022 3:37 pm
The advice from medical authorities is little better than, “trust me I’m a doctor”
Not all of them. My GP, whom I rate as better than average, never wore a mask during consultations with me, even at the height of the panic. I had to wear one to get in the door of the group practice, but took it off the moment I got into her room. She knew and knows I was not and am not jabbed, BTW. Never mentioned it.
I suspect that there are many like her, who understandably were not prepared to throw away their careers and be left with nothing but their student debt. That was the Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.
Of course, she would have had to be multi-jabbed herself in order to continue practising medicine. I regard it as taking one for the team.
June 9, 2022 3:38 pm
I have located the following from FLCCC (https:/
Management of Post-Vaccine Syndrome
Major public health authorities do not recognize post-COVID-vaccine injuries; and there is no specific
ICD classification code for this disease. However, while no official definition exists, a temporal correlation between receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and beginning or worsening of a patient’s clinical manifestations is sufficient to diagnose as a COVID-19 vaccine-induced injury, when the symptoms are unexplained by other concurrent causes.
Since there are no published reports detailing the management of vaccine-injured patients, our treatment approach is based on the postulated pathogenetic mechanism, clinical observation, and patient anecdotes. Treatment must be individualized according to each patient’s presenting symptoms and disease syndromes. It is likely that not all patients will respond equally to the same intervention; a particular intervention may be life-saving for one patient and totally ineffective for another.
Early treatment is essential; it is likely that the response to treatment will be attenuated when treatment is delayed.
Intermittent daily fasting or periodic daily fasts.
Fasting has a profound effect on promoting immune system homeostasis, partly by stimulating the removal of damaged cells and mitochondria and clearing misfolded and foreign proteins. Intermittent fasting likely has an important role in promoting the breakdown and elimination of the spike protein. Fasting is contraindicated in patients under 18 (impairs growth) and during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Patients with diabetes, as well as those with serious underlying medi- cal conditions, should consult their primary care provider prior to fasting, as changes in their medications may be re- quired and these patients require close monitoring.
Ivermectin: 0.2–0.3 mg/kg, daily for up to 4–6 weeks.
Ivermectin has potent anti-inflammatory properties. It also binds to the spike protein, aiding in the elimination by the
host. It is likely that ivermectin and intermittent fasting act synergistically to rid the body of the spike protein. Ivermectin is best taken with or just following a meal for greater absorption. A trial of ivermectin should be considered as first line therapy. It appears that patients can be grouped into two categories: i) ivermectin responders and ii) ivermectin non- responders. This distinction is important, as the latter are more difficult to treat and require more aggressive therapy. Due to the possible drug interaction between quercetin and ivermectin, these drugs should not be taken simultaneously (i.e., should be staggered morning and night).
Low dose naltrexone (LDN): Begin with 1 mg/day and increase to 4.5 mg/day, as required. May take 2 to 3 months to see full effect.
LDN has been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and neuromodulating properties.
Melatonin: 2–6 mg slow release/extended release prior to bedtime.
Melatonin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and is a powerful regulator of mitochondrial function. The
dose should be started at 750 mcg (?g) to 1 mg at night and increased as tolerated. Patients who are slow metabolizers may have very unpleasant and vivid dreams with higher doses.
Aspirin: 81 mg/day.
Vitamin C: 1000 mg orally three to four times a day.
Vitamin C has important anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-enhancing properties, including increased synthesis
of type I interferons. Avoid in patients with a history of kidney stones. Oral Vitamin C helps promote growth of protective bacterial populations in the microbiome.
Vitamin D and Vitamin K2: A dose of 4000–5000 units/day of Vitamin D, together with Vitamin K2 100 mcg/day is a reasonable starting dose.
The dose of Vitamin D should be adjusted according to the baseline Vitamin D level.
About this Protocol
This document is primarily intended to assist health- care professionals in pro- viding appropriate medical care for vaccine-injured patients. Patients should always consult their health- care provider before em- barking on any new treat- ment.
Patients with post-vaccine syndrome must not receive further COVID-19 vaccines of any type. Likewise, patients with long COVID should avoid all COVID vaccinations.
Note that there are signifi- cant overlaps between the symptoms and features of long COVID and post-vac- cine syndrome. However, a number of clinical features appear to be characteristic of post-vaccine syndrome; most notably, severe neuro- logical symptoms appear to be more common following vaccination.
Please check our website
tocols for updates to our COVID-19 protocols. New medications may be added and/or changes may be made to doses of existing medications as further evidence emerges.
For more information on nutritional therapeutics and how they can help with COVID-19, visit
For Additional Potential Treatments, Disease-Spe- cific Therapeutic Adjuncts, and References please see the complete guide, “An Approach to the Manage- ment of Post-Vaccine Syndrome,” available at
??? continue on page 2
I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol · Version 2 · June 8, 2022 · Page 1/3 i-recover-post-vaccine- treatment
??For updates and more information on our treatment protocols please see:
ADJUNCTIVE/SECOND LINE THERAPIES Listed in order of importance.
???(continued from page 1)
Quercetin: 250–500 mg/day (or mixed flavonoids).
Flavonoids have broad spectrum anti-inflammatory properties, inhibit mast cells, and have been demonstrated to reduce neuroinflammation. Due to a possible drug interaction between quercetin and ivermectin, these drugs should not be taken simultaneously (i.e., should be staggered morning and night). The use of quercetin has rarely been associated with hypo- thyroidism. The clinical impact of this association may be limited to those individuals with pre-existent thyroid disease or those with subclinical thyroidism. Quercetin should be used with caution in patients with hypothyroidism and TSH levels should be monitored.
Nigella Sativa: 200–500 mg twice daily.
It should be noted that thymoquinone (the active ingredient of Nigella Sativa) decreases the absorption of cyclosporine
and phenytoin. Patients taking these drugs should, therefore, avoid taking Nigella Sativa. Furthermore, two cases of serotonin syndrome have been reported in patients taking Nigella Sativa who underwent general anaesthesia (probable interaction with opiates).
Patients with post-vaccine syndrome classically have a severe dysbiosis with loss of Bifidobacterium. Kefir is a highly recommended nutritional supplement high in probiotics. Suggested probiotics include Megasporebiotic (Microbiome labs), TrueBifidoPro (US Enzymes) and yourgutplus+.
Magnesium: 500 mg/day.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Vascepa, Lovaza or DHA/EPA; 4 g/day.
Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the resolution of inflammation by inducing resolvin production.
June 9, 2022 3:42 pm
Thanks Vicki, but I’m on top of it.
The reality is, I’ve got a whole supplement regime already.
there wasn’t even a campaign to correct common deficiencies such as Vitamin D
There is in Northern Europe.
Schools promote Vitamin D supplements.
A family member over there was surprised when they first saw it promoted when first child started going to school about a decade ago.
2022 number one on the hit parade
Dear Abbie,
I have a slight cold, should I flim flam for days taking multiple drugs including ivermectin or just take a couple of panadol at night and soldier on?
So when was this again?
Oh, 2007. Righto. So nothing to do with … no.
Reaching back in time.
Fifteen years.
I could say more, but the Old Testament Book of Caractacus forbids it.
The runway of trials planned to start over the next 18-24 months in the US around monoclonal antibodies has exploded.
Half probably won’t go ahead, but that’s how these things work.
They’re increasingly looking to be really seriously harmful.
New Study: Mask Mandates Associated With Increased Covid Death Rate (5 Jun, via Climate Depot)
New research shows wearing face-masks increases inhaled CO2 to dangerous levels (29 May)
Someone said “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help” is the scariest thing you will ever hear. Certainly has been the case with the Covid mess.
Go to the doc and get a baseline ECG done.
This is not normal.
Andrew Bacevich: “Who Lost Fiji?”
Americans can afford to be philosophical about such developments; Australians, less so.
Fuck that shit. It should have never of happened.
Comment, on the Oz, regarding the Walker shooting, in response to the fool who suggested the police should have shot the pair of scissors out of Walker’s hand.
Happy global warming everyone!
Not another Perpetual Motion Machine?
(Finely machined, of course!)
Ignoring it could be a fatal folly, and assuming all medicos are part of the Great Schwab Conspiracy is childish.
Pro tip. Don’t launch straight into “I’ve got X and it was caused by Y”.
Doctors are like any other profession. They don’t like the customer usurping their role. By all means ask all the questions but don’t lead with a home-made diagnosis.
Bilbies have better PR people than foxes.
Frickin’ bilbies.
I never said a murderer’s life has no value, and there is a difference between the sin of the race and individual sin.
I seem to recall someone posting a video on the old Cat of a mad f*ucker armed with a knife stabbing half a dozen police who failed to take appropriate action. I’ve no wish to see it again but nothing could better illustrate the problem.
No further comment from moi.
No, it shouldn’t, and I have often said there should have been a cut-off age for vaccines (with exceptions on other medical grounds). I don’t know what that age is but it is not 30.
But once it has happened, ignoring it is not the answer.
Reasonable eating, but not a lot of meat on them.
there wasn’t even a campaign to correct common deficiencies such as Vitamin D
They went out of their way to NOT recommend extra Vit C, D, etc except in monitored trials.
No Mercy for the Debt Sheep sent to the Slaughter
In the Interests of the People
Yesterday, the RBA raised its official cash rate by 0.5% to now sit at 0.85%. This increase was above market expectations and was the RBA has signalled that more rate rises are coming. This is particularly so given that the RBA has signalled that inflation is expected to go higher, not lower in the coming months.
Adams and North in the past two months have been warning that rates will go up, however, the key question is now how much pain is the RBA willing to inflict before it becomes too much and they need to stop.
This is the 64 million question which no one is able to forecast – including the RBA board. The RBA Board signalled that the one areas that they remain unsure are households and what impact will rising interest rates have on consumption.
However, one of the most critical points that has emerged from the mainstream media coverage is that many people don’t accept the level of mortgage and rental stress outlined in the DFA dataset set. North suggests that mortgage stress is at 43% which would signify a major economic problem – however, the banks and market economists suggest that Australian households are in a strong position to handle these jobs.
As Adams and North mentioned in the last show – there will be a certain percentage of Australian households who will be sacrificed and they will go to the wall. There will be no compassion to these particular households. Especially those who have purchased in during 2022 and who likely took a variable mortgage – these are the sheep that will go to the slaughter.
anyone under 60 that had no comorbidities should not be considered for the “vax that is not a vaccine”
On the other hand “I tried to shoot the scissors out of his hand m’Lud but oops I missed” has a lot going for it.
The machinations of Putin are like the infinitely ponderous but infinitely powerful currents of rock in the earth’s mantle which unseen and unhurried conspire against the surface and only reveal themselves in the last moment as earthquakes and volcanic catastrophe.
Damn him! And damn all the fell ideas sparking in the web of his sinister rippling brain!
First decide what you want done.
You need an ECG.
Don’t tell them you have had the vaccine, then when you get the ECG ‘remember’ you had it.
You are quite right – “They don’t like the customer usurping their role”.
If your doctor won’t do the ECG because he knows you’ve got the vaccine aboard, go to casualty and describe the symptoms.
You don’t want to spend three years on the transplant waiting list with a heart that needs a defibrillator/pacer implant. They aren’t pleasant, and there are good chances you’ll lose your drivers licence.
Any federal ICAC will be, particularly one based on the NSW model….
1. a political weapon used against the right,
2. further empower unelected bureaucrats.
No wonder Labor and the Greens are salivating at the prospect.
Apparently Dreyfus has already had a conversation with Princess Allegra about a proposed federal ICAC. Super-duper, a federal ICAC’s first job can look at politician’s ties and investments with renewable energy companies.
This from the jabbed Sancho of the slip lane.
Just incredible and proving beyond a doubt that my description of him as a moron with too much to say is spot on.
He’s taken the fucking thing and says that.
He knows what a cockhead he is.
Being honest, if it wasn’t so tragic you’d laugh.
But I cannot laugh.
The reason is fucktards like him and Notafan have at every opportunity sought to demonise those giving you the message that the jabs are deadly.
They have sought to find any excuse to not only dismiss the reports coming in, but to also claim that having a jab was a personal choice issue, when it clearly was a “stand against tyranny issue”.
Surrendering to tyranny maybe personal choice, but you do your fellow countrymen harm in doing so.
Hence the loss of respect.
Pure filth.
How many of you were lulled into taking the jab by Sancho and Co’s (including the fuckwittery of JC) into taking the jab, ……… many of you will admit it.
They have to live with that.
Sancho and especially Notafan are what human failure looks like once put under the slightest pressure.
And as the overall death rates for the working ages rises 20% here in Australia, (officially) and insurance companies make it obvious, old Struth here was right all the time, they were and are completely wrong.
And this is only the first year.
There’s plenty of you wishing you hadn’t taken them now.
Wishing you’d listened to old Uncle Struth now.
Maybe the constant attempt at character assassination by the jabbed sneerers convinced you that struth is just a dumb truckie, what would he know?
Then who really is to blame for you feeling the jab would be the right thing for you.
Being wrong is not something that to me is a problem…..unless
Making light of the jabs to others, knowing they were untested and killing people, shows a deep evil.
That is inescapable.
It shows such contempt for human life and personal responsibility.
Pure moral failure combined with being totally wrong.
The moral failure.
The lack of integrity to say to one’s self, I have no idea what these jabs will do, so I will not be positive about them or justify taking them in this situation to anyone” is INEXCUSABLE.
It really is.
That’s why I am like I am these days.
I treat them as I have always treated Monty and Numbers, as they are morally, no different.
While some of that is true. You weren’t exactly leading from the front, Fester. At the time, when masks potentially did work against the other two variants, you were here bullshitting on about how useless they were. They appear to be useless with the Omni, but not with Alpha and Delta. In any event, even if masks weren’t effective, risk management suggested at the time, and with information current then that they were worth using inside. Fester, you’re basically a science pest looking for attention.
If 1990 was any indication I wouldn’t put a lot of faith in banks prognostications of what might happen when things go pear shaped. The RBA record isn’t great either, but better.
you may have to go doctor shopping if you can’t get a proper diagnosis. if you don’t have one of the carditises, getting a diagnosis for post vax injury is near impossible. if left untreated can be fatal.
I’m going beck a few years, but there was an exercise of someone armed with a broad tipped, felt marker, simulating a knife, running towards someone with a holstered pistol, and seeing how many “slashes” they could get in…
10- 4 Rubber Duck.
I can humbly say that I would have had zero influence on this crew regarding the vax. You’re such a mouthy redneck.
Margaret Cuneen was very good on this on Outsiders last weekend. For instance, pork barrelling is not even a matter for judicial investigation and should be dealt electorally, at the ballot box.
I always wear my thongs in the Gunnedah truck stop. Especially at night.
Tachycardia is easy enough to diagnose and treat by a heart specialist. In fact my cardiologist matter of factly told me that he had seen a unusual number of tach cases in young people going in. most likely from the vaccine. He was much perturbed because it’s treatable and or it goes away in healthy young ones.
“Margaret Cuneen was very good on this on Outsiders last weekend. For instance, pork barrelling is not even a matter for judicial investigation and should be dealt electorally, at the ballot box.”
Yep…and she’d know, having been targeted because of her politics.
Strong position?
With inflation accelerating away from 5%, I’d be a-hopin’ and a-prayin’ that the Great Albanese Wage Tsunami comes through.
Yes I had forgotten about 3 feet- I get the feeling that he doesn’t wish everyman well. Quite the opposite. Politics seems to attract these types.
The Liar AGs are the worst. Probably no worse than the Lieborals but with a terrible messiah complex. Inevitably the have years of impotence on the Opposition benches under their belts.
Look at this shit.
He’s still doing it.
They were MANDATED you quivering spag.
wasn’t much..
Cabbage in Macca’s.
Dr.Evil-Klaus at work.,vid:ZXRfnIfFYFI,st:0
Anyone who thinks the 24/7 attempts by the sneerering butplugs of society to keep you from being able to see clearly hasn’t happened, is a fool.
To justify their own failure, they basically doubled down in denial.
Whether or not you were swayed by them is irrelevent.
Their moral crime and failure is to be found in that fact that they were trying to do so.
Attempted murder is still murder attempted, failed or not.
Well I am in day 5 of a nasty bout of China flue, the anti viral is working, and I have improved for the first time since infection.
I AM UNVAXXED, no jab jab booster for me.
I agree with Struth on all things to do with china flue vaccine.
Oh and I’m 73.
What grade did you get to, Stuth? Did you make it to 7th?
And to justify your own failure, you behave like the miserable redneck douchebag you are. No one listens to you, you mouthy redneck and that’s because you’re a fucking moron.
Lol. It’s irrelevant now is it? It took about three of your comments to go from Sanchez and I influenced others into getting the vax to it’s “irrelevant”. You redneck moron.
You drama queen dickhead. Such white-trash.
I had a great chat yesterday with a old cobber , the subject being the Albo’ govt. He said it was ‘going to be like prison sex…you know its going to be bad, your just not sure how bad its going to be’. I could’nt not stop laughing.
I seem to be getting the idea that JC disagrees with Struth, I wish he would make his position more clear!
The redneck been attention whoring me for the past few days.
Also on masks I thought this one was pretty funny.
Report: CDC Reverses Course After Issuing Monkeypox Masking Guidance (7 Jun)
Given who has been catching monkeypox and how it’s transmitted maybe they mean wearing it somewhere other than over your nose.
Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome – as doctors seek answers through a new national register
Really, if masks are useless against omicron, what is there to say, apart from having been mistaken, that they were effective against alpha and delta.
No, no and no!
Crocs are the only protection against Punjabi poo.
The athlete toll was shown to be a hoax. Athletes were are not dying at an elevated rate. It’s simply not true.
Interesting Question in the Comments
California Man Intercepted One Block from Justice Kavanaugh Home, Tells Police He Wanted to Kill Brett Kavanaugh
June 8, 2022 | Sundance | 388 Comments
Everything about this story is suspicious. A California man travels all the way to Maryland only to be intercepted by unnamed police at 1:50am, and then admits he was intent on killing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh because he was angry about the possibility of SCOTUS overturning Roe -v- Wade. Uh huh.
The first indicator something is sketchy is the WaPo with the breaking news. The second indicator is Peter Strzoks BFF journalist Devlin Barrett with the story. Assuming the U.S. Marshals office still holds some credibility, the Occam’ Razor of the sourcing would indicate it’s the FBI delivering the information to the Washington Post.
Inside the suitcase and backpack, the authorities later discovered a “black tactical chest rig and tactical knife,” a pistol with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer, a screwdriver, a nail punch, a crowbar, a pistol light and duct tape, in addition to other items, according to the affidavit.
He said he had traveled from California to Maryland “to kill a specific United States Supreme Court justice,” the affidavit said.
From the Comments in Sundance Aricle above
He brought the gun and pepper spray on the plane?
Or did the FBI supply him once he arrived in DC area?
This is how the Left rolls.
We should run a book on the identity or position in the TaliDan junta of PRGuy.
My guess is a senior ministerial staffer.
Department of Premier and Cabinet directly involved would be super good.
There’s no way a member of the public has the time to be tweeting that much and on all topics supporting the manifesto of the Great Wingnut.
Keep in mind, we had to work with the information we had at the time. There’s absolutely no way science is able to prove or disprove masks worked or didn’t. You cannot create a falsifiable experiment to prove the science of mask efficacy. It’s mostly to do with risk management. The other two variants weren’t as contagious as the present variant and there is some science to suggest Omni is more mobile… Maybe.
Fester was telling us masks absolutely, no way, 100% didn’t work. He had no idea and he’s a fucking idiot.
While I agree with the contents of the letter (well, I don’t think you can call ignorance criminal, but anyway) there is a strangely persistent prejudice against commerce.
Firstly businesses live with real consequences for their missteps. ‘Go woke, go broke’ has made its mark on many businesses, but government departments and especially the ABC are protected from ever facing that. The ABC was the only media institution that could preach garbage purely because they wanted to.
Secondly, just what is it the corruption that seeking profit supposedly creates? Far and away most people in the private sector want to just get by, or want a promotion to another position, or are jealous of what someone else has got, or scheming to suck up to a manager to get something – but they are not selling their souls. They are no more perverted by money than anyone in the public sector because their salary is set. The business can make a profit, but the bulk of employees do not. A few can benefit from profit, like any organisation with a goal.
And precisely the same sort of office dynamics would take place anywhere. Very few people have the job of steering the company into making more profit. And those in the private sector who do can expect to be fired if they do anything untoward. Target grannies and have the countless groups, TV shows, and ombudsmen come tumbling down upon you clamouring for blood. Wipe out a habitat and be hauled into court and be hit with exorbitant fines and people to face prison. In the public sector you can oversee a disaster and expect to be merely transferred – or even promoted out of harm’s way.
My suspicion is that an edict from a senior of a department or an ABC senior desk has more power and less constraint than an email from a manager.
The ABC is far more dangerous than any business and they are unanswerable for their ideological rampages. They are as susceptible to being corrupted by their own priorities and appetites as anyone. There are far more things to be greedy for than mere moolah.
Terrible news.
Terrible for the Death Campers, that is (the NT News):
Sarah Hanson-Young and her local WEF cabal clearly have some explaining to do at the next national jamboree.
Further to a federal ICAC, especially with Dreyfus at AG, I remember reading this back in January 2020.
“How Labor’s top lawyer Mark Dreyfus steered bureaucrats against ex-PM Tony Abbott
Labor frontbencher Mark Dreyfus sparked the Attorney-General’s Department’s push for Tony Abbott and the Australian organiser of last year’s Conservative Political Action Conference to register as agents of foreign influence.
In a meeting with senior representatives of the department’s integrity and security division on July 22, Mr Dreyfus encouraged officials to examine whether the three-day CPAC event held in August would trigger registration requirements under the government’s Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme. The exchange is revealed in documents obtained under Freedom of Information laws and has triggered fresh claims that Labor sought to use the scheme to “censor the free speech” of political rivals, a move that threatened “Australia’s democracy and national security”.
It has also stoked fears from conservatives that senior bureaucrats were “conspiring in secret with the Labor Party” to pursue the ALP’s opponents rather than using the scheme to identify more pressing threats to the national interest.
An internal document from the Attorney-General’s Department, obtained by free-market think tank the Institute of Public Affairs, states that Mr Dreyfus, Labor’s legal affairs spokesman, “queried the application of the scheme to foreign political organisations holding events in Australia”.
“He specifically raised the upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) to be held in Sydney on 9-11 August 2019, as an example of an event that may trigger registration obligations under the scheme and asked what the department planned to do about it,” the document says.
Following Mr Dreyfus’s intervention, the department wrote on August 2 to the event’s Australian organiser, Andrew Cooper, whose not-for-profit group LibertyWorks co-hosted CPAC with the American Conservative Union.
Mr Cooper was asked to register under the scheme and later, in October, became the first person under the scheme who was ordered to hand over documents and threatened with jail time.
The department sent a separate letter to Mr Abbott on August 8, asking him to register because he was scheduled to speak at CPAC.
Both men rejected the requests, moves that challenged the integrity of the new foreign influence laws.
The letters followed a speech in the Senate by Labor’s home affairs spokeswoman, Kristina Keneally, on July 30 in which she railed against the ACU and LibertyWorks, questioning the extent to which they and their donors sought to “influence Australian politics”.
She also suggested that CPAC, which featured prominent international speakers including Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage and British political activist Raheem Kassam, would give a platform to “hate speech”.
The Australian can reveal that the Attorney-General’s Department secretary, Chris Moraitis, has ceased the probe into LibertyWorks and wrote to Mr Cooper on December 20 informing him that he would not be pursued under the new foreign influence regime.
While Mr Moraitis remained of the view that LibertyWorks “may have registration obligations in relation to the ACU and CPAC”, he said Mr Cooper’s statements to the media had provided sufficient transparency for the department to drop the issue.
“I do not consider that it would be an effective use of the department’s resources to take further action under the scheme in relation to this matter,” Mr Moraitis said.
The decision means that Mr Cooper, who previously accused the department of acting like the “old East German Stasi”, will no longer face the prospect of being jailed for up to six months.
Mr Cooper said on Thursday he wanted an apology from Mr Dreyfus and argued that freedom of speech was a “fundamental value of Australian democracy”.
“Mr Dreyfus has deliberately and methodically sought to use the state to censor the free speech of his political opponents at CPAC,” Mr Cooper said.
“It is a contemptible and cowardly act.”
A spokesman for Mr Dreyfus said he attended a briefing provided by the Attorney-General’s Department in which a senior adviser to Attorney-General Christian Porter was also present.
“The opposition cannot direct the Australian public service to do anything,” the spokesman said. “Whatever actions the Morrison government has taken in this regard are entirely as a result of decisions taken by the Morrison government.”
Liberal senator James Paterson said it was “alarming to learn that Mark Dreyfus thinks it is appropriate to use our foreign-interference laws to pursue the domestic political opponents of the Labor Party”.
“They were designed to protect Australia’s sovereignty from foreign meddling, not as another tool for his vexatious attempts to use state power to punish people he disagrees with,” Senator Paterson said.
IPA communications director Evan Mulholland said there needed to be an “independent and public inquiry into this scandal to establish how far and deep this conspiracy has spread”.
He also argued that the use of the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme to target Mr Abbott and Mr Cooper showed the law was deeply flawed and needed to be revisited.
“This absolutely disgraceful scandal shows why this law needs to be completely recast so this can never happen again,” Mr Mulholland said.
Mr Dreyfus has previously asked for investigations into a range of issues of political issues that could potentially advantage the Labor Party.
In October, he asked NSW police to probe how Energy Minister Angus Taylor’s office came to use incorrect figures in a political attack against Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore and whether a fake document had been created by Mr Taylor’s staff to mislead journalists. He also asked last March for an AFP investigation into whether the appointment of lawyer Jane Bell as a member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal by Mr Porter was aimed at influencing her push to win the Liberal preselection for the seat of Higgins in Victoria.”
Those who naively think that Dreyfus and a federal ICAC won’t deliberately target and pursue conservatives, both politicians and private citizens, should have their heads read.
We have been warned.
Approaching the size of a mammoth on steroids yet completely invisible to everyone in the vicinity. You would think that they would be getting a clue from t he faint whiff of the steaming pile of elephant droppings.
But no. A new, non elephant related, syndrome is to blame. Because science.
Knuckle Dragger:
So the legislation allowing these Rights infractions are still available for use?
As we predicted.
They can go to buggery.
Well, what else would you have concluded?
Which have not been followed for the past nine months, at least;
See above;
There won’t be rules for vaccines any more, and nobody reports test results either. There is zero, and I mean zero, enforcement – nor the inclination or intent to do so.
Lucky there’s a gas shortage. The death camps wouldn’t be able to do business anyway.
The Absurdity of Socialism | Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin #CLIP
Dave Rubin speaks on how young believe they are oppressed despite the great privileges they enjoy that past generations could only dream of. Jordan Peterson then enters the discussion, stressing that labelling our society as an oppressive patriarchy is fundamentally flawed, explaining how our system is superior to alternative worldviews, like socialism.
Quote of the century. For the True Path followers, the conclusion is of course:
‘They will kill us all, and those who survive will wish they were dead.’
Just got a letter from NSW Rural Fire Service informing me that unless I can prove to them that I have been jabbed that I am no longer an operational member of the Rural Fire Service.
No clot shot for me, so they can go and roger themselves.
But once it has happened, ignoring it is not the answer.
This is true, but it runs against human nature to seek help from the snake after it has bitten you.
I don’t think rickw is a young one. It’s all treatable, however unless things have changed getting a vax injury diagnosis is near impossible.
RickW? Oh okay, I read it that Rick’s coffee dude was telling him (RickW) about the problem.
They appear to be useless with the Omni, but not with Alpha and Delta. In any event, even if masks weren’t effective, risk management suggested at the time, and with information current then that they were worth using inside.
Victoria’s 2019 Pandemic Plan said that masks should not be mandated because they were ineffective and had not insignificant side effects.
Then everyone panicked and went full fascist.
RickW? Oh okay, I read it that Rick’s coffee dude was telling him (RickW) about the problem.
Correct, the coffee dude was telling me about their problem. Next time I see them I’m going to suggest they get it checked out.
myocarditis and pericarditis can be fatal. it’s best to get a referral to a specialist.
if you dont have either then vax injury is very similar to long covid, for which flccc provide the base line treatement.
the best treatment is through incelldx, they do full cytokine and S1 testing but its only available in the US & UK.
I have all incelldx’s protocols, they work.
Daily Mail.
Well, they are certainly taking their sweet time getting started.
Perrotett is ending mandates, apparently?
Not another Perpetual Motion Machine?
(Finely machined, of course!)
They actually have a special que! Perpetual motion machine inventors please form an orderly que to my right!
Tell me oh brainwave, KD….it’s all over is it?
All finished?
We’re all free again and the camps once emptied means they can never again be occupied?
Gullible wish thinker……or worse….you choose.
If these people get their way, they’ll kill us all (I was stating conservative white people at the time, “colonialists”..conveniently left out by butt head) but yes they will, and those that are still alive will wish they were dead.
Stand by every word.
Now we could have a conversation with the brighter non sneerers amongst us about the need to grab the guns in the USA before the next move can really occur, as they went in too quick because of Trump, but as per usual the moronic moral vacants will attempt to hold us back.
And calm down you little wog poof.
No a needa to get a yourselfa all worked upa anda call people names.
Have a some a fucking class, surrender monkey.
Go and have a smoke and let the boss catch you…
They could have raised the overall deaths of working Australians by 20% in the first year and you’d see nothing, you fact free fuckwit.
Oh, hang on…….
Perrotett is ending mandates, apparently?
Was Parrot Turd a WEF youth ambassador? Sure looks like it.
I reckon this was the lathe deal of the century. I was trying to convince my mate to get off his arse and move to California so I could stick it in his garage!
My son in his forties had a bilateral synovitis in both wrists, diagnosed by MRI, starting in the week following the second injection of Pfizer for Covid. He had bilateral wrist pain so bad he couldn’t function for nearly two months, unable to even lift a frying pan or wipe his btm. It is slowly resolving now and his wrists are nearly back to normal strength. At the time, a hospital Emergency room and no other doctor, including a wrist specialist, would accept that he had an autoimmune syndrome caused by the Pfizer; in fact they advised him to go ahead with the same vaxx as a booster. He has refused any booster. They were unable to offer any other aetiology for his wrist pain and its sudden onset (due to his level of pain, Emergency sent him for a possible fracture of one wrist – rather stupid and rather strange in a bilateral condition – which was negative of course).
My son is unable to claim any compensation for his period of severe injury because he has no medical confirmation (in diagnosis) of his condition as being due to Pfizer vaxx. He does have the MRI showing the level of damage.
Doctors are completely unwilling to attribute anything like this, clearly autoimmune, to the Vaxx. My sister, who is a medical practitioner with first class honours and years of experience as a GP and a Specialist, although retired and no longer holding her Provider Number, says she has seen plenty of cases in the past of autoimmune responses like this associated with vaccinations and with allergies to other injected substances. Go figure.
Lol.. You’re the epitome of a surrender monkey, you worthless redneck clown. Recall how you were telling us we’d all die from starvation because food transport couldn’t make it through state borders? I do. You’ve been scared stiff for two year, you big redneck Kunt. Scared witless and coming on here in posting hysterics.
My son was also told to leave only 21 days between his first Pfizer shot and his second one; far less time than Pfizer originally determined.
If, as you say, which you did, that masks appear to be ineffective against omicron, it remains that they were equally ineffective against alpha and delta, regardless of stated intentions about controlling risks at the time – intentions which now appear as having been about the unleashing followed by the controlling of fear in a population. Witness the extent of that control evident in the number of miserable wretches still skulking behind fetid face cloths. I wonder if there is genuine free will in that. Maybe there is.
“The ABC is far more dangerous than any business and they are unanswerable for their ideological rampages. They are as susceptible to being corrupted by their own priorities and appetites as anyone. There are far more things to be greedy for than mere moolah.”
Correct. The ABC destroys careers and destroys lives. Just ask Cardinal Pell and Christian Porter.
Oh and I wonder, given that Labor is now in power, if we’ll see Louse Nilligan do a “Canberra Bubble” expose on Labor peccadillos.
Don’t hold your breath.
Hot Copper is still bloody hilarious.
“These bastards haven’t made me millions, surely they’re lazy shiftless bastards!”
Meeting of 100K attendees: Terrible economy scares CCP officials/China’s premier warns of calamity
China Insights
On May 25th, the State Council, led by the Chinese Premier, held an emergency meeting entitled the “National Teleconference on Stabilizing the Economy”. The Wall Street Journal quoted informed sources as saying that Li Keqiang’s 100,000-strong conference was submitted to the Politburo Standing Committee for approval. Li said bluntly at the meeting that China’s economic growth is at risk of slipping out of the reasonable zone. If the economy fails to maintain a certain growth rate, it will pay a huge price and face a long road to recovery.
On May 30th, 2022, China’s National Bureau of Statistics held a video conference on the topic of statistical fraud and the mobilization and deployment of special efforts to combat the problem. Why is the CCP now making a concerted effort to crack down on statistical falsification? One possibility is that China’s economic crisis can no longer be covered up.
CAD have palladium at Pardoo, as well as nickel, cobalt and copper.
Not necessarily as Omni is ~twice more virulent by the look of things. From what I’ve read the other two variants were “thicker” than omni.
Which about mandates and has nothing to do with the effectiveness of masks or not.
You can’t make that judgement about people at such a basic level. Some people may have serious co-morbidity but may want to get on with their lives while trying to reduce risk and wear masks. Others nay actually be walking around with COVID and don’t want to spread it.
We’re in NYC and the allergy season is like something I’ve never experienced before. Wifey had a very serious coughing attack and wears a mask when its windy outside.
“Glamorous defence lawyer hits back at ‘uproar’ over sentence for teenage hit-and-run driver who mowed down a young pregnant couple – saying the public should be more outraged by ‘lack of support for troubled youth’
Matthew Field, 37, and Kate Leadbetter, 31, killed in horror Australia Day crash
Teen driving 4WD was jailed for ten years and will be eligible for parole after six
Lawyer Belinda Robinson said more support was needed for neglected youths
Court heard teen was exposed to domestic violence and abuse at a young age”
Oh righto, I’m supposed to feel sympathy for the scumbag that did this. NO. My sympathy lies the victims and their families.
This is proof that we no longer live in a society which values justice.
The unfortunate problem with mask mandates is the tracking data doesn’t show any discernible drops in transmission on introduction or lifting.
The advice from medical authorities is little better than, “trust me I’m a doctor”
which is about…
You can’t reach that conclusion Gez unless you had say two exact identical countries with exact copies of every single thing to the atom.
Where’s Uncle Fester?Fester, is it haram to discuss masks?
A bit of “largesse” that won’t be appearing in the media courtesy of dum parrothead & NSW Housing ..!
a letter (yesterday) from Housing .. NSW honest Housing & non Housing tax-payers.. READ & WEEP! .. Not word for word but memory .. I’ve tore it up (as is usual!) .. LOL!
This is how Housing operates when working from home and the, embedded, twin cultures of corruption & inefficiency come into play .. “freebies” are easier than effort ….!
From beginning of June thru to end of July the Dept. is offering an AMNESTY to all tenants who are cheating on their rent thru non disclosure of change(s) of circumstances .. update your information with the Dept before the end July and all undisclosed debt will be forgiven/retired .. failure to do so and subsequent detection can lead to eviction and/or financial penalties ……
Just as well we’ve got so many here who know so much more than scientists do. Otherwise we’d never know that actual scientists are morons who have no idea what they’re talking about.
Thankfully there’s a few here who read something somewhere & it looked like it was prolly fair dinkum, so is grounds to call scientists rude names & for keyboard experts to rattle on about how much they themselves know.
Where would we ever be without the expertise of these really smart guys?
Y’know, sorta like a teenager who still knows it all.
Doctors are completely unwilling to attribute anything like this, clearly autoimmune, to the Vaxx.
Medical Profession in full CYA mode. This contributes to the reluctance of individuals to seek help for vax side effects.
My son was also offered no treatment except Panadol for his excruciating pain. I gave him some stronger prescription painkillers that I had been given for far less pain to enable him to just barely function. My sister says he should at least have been treated with some corticosteroids.
He is penniless and comes across as indigent, has untreated bipolar disorder (diagnosed in prison), and in general I think he has been poorly served by our medical system. He is proud and refuses a lot of help from us, especially in the past when he was living on the streets, including legal help when he was rather unjustly charged with a $15k fraud for money he claims was due to him for work he did when employed, and so he went to prison for six months for that, getting very negligent legal aid. He’d skipped bail twice, being frightened and freaked out, which did him no good with the magistrate.
I spoke to him yesterday, dropping off a new doona and some pillows as the doona I got him previously was he says ‘full of mildew’ from being tossed in a corner all summer. He has thus run up last month in the cold while I was away a $500 electricity bill trying to keep warm. We discuss keeping the electricity costs down now he has a doona, and how hard it is on poorer people with the price skyrocketing. He is grateful now having a place to live and a proper bed. There’s an old aboriginal guy sleeping on the porch of the public toilets in the park, he tells me. Can I help him? I ask, thinking I have a spare swag somewhere. No, he says, he’s beyond taking help now, always drunk and mental. Surely some charity will approach him sensitively? I comment. Nope, says my son. He’s been there for weeks.
I drive home thinking of all the money we’ve spent on aboriginal welfare and at the grifters who get a lot of it, and I was just angry, and then very sad.
Always projecting, Driller.
It’s laughable, as you’re known as the biggest blowhard know-it-all here and you’re criticizing others about their comments and what they say?
Go dust the bar, you ridiculous buffoon.
And by the way, I didn’t come up with describing you as a blowhard. Someone else did 🙂
“Glamorous defence lawyer hits back at ‘uproar’ over sentence for teenage hit-and-run driver who mowed down a young pregnant couple – saying the public should be more outraged by ‘lack of support for troubled youth’
My. my but he really was troubled .. baaaaaaaaawl, baaaaaaawl! .. Then again, it is fairly obvious from the circumstances that this poor “lad” is the real victim .. isn’t it .. FFS!
The driver, who cannot be named because he was 17 at the time, ran a red light while driving a stolen Landcruiser, colliding with a truck before rolling and hitting the couple.
The teen was found to have had a blood alcohol content between 0.151 and 0.192 per cent at the time of the crash. He had been drinking and using cannabis from about 10am that day.
You can’t reach that conclusion Gez unless you had say two exact identical countries with exact copies of every single thing to the atom.
Yes, but I think it’s not unreasonable to refer back to the medical and health professions own conclusions before they lost their minds. They didn’t believe that masks made any discernible difference.
Dover, a bit of a stuff up about identity creep invading soul. A mea culpa, then.
Another example of what intel agencies like our own ASIO, AFP , America’s FBI and NAS, UK’s MI5 have been talking about referencing hard rightwing groups and individuals demonstrating murderous intentions.
That’s actually not what you said at the time, but let’s run with it anyway. Conservative white people. Righto.
Pooey Indian truckies are exempt then.
Trans Activists Tried to Ruin My Restaurant
Restauranteur James Chiavarini who runs Il Portico in London joins us in the studio to discuss how a fundraising dinner for Ukrainian orphans with JK Rowling lead to his family-run business being attacked by trans activists.
No you didn’t. We are on the same page.
And those on death row have the opportunity to make their peace with the Lord, something that they did not afford their victim. It is a great mystery, and one that can’t be answered or plumbed.
That first came from Fauci, Rick. He was lying and the others followed. It was exactly at that time when we should have lost faith in these large government agencies. Fauci lied and even admitted he did because he didn’t want to see a run on mask stocks that he believed were needed by the medical professions. He/They believed they were very effective actually and hence the big lie.
Recognition in the Constitution, a “voice” in Parliament, and a treaty will just make such a difference, won’t it?
Being definitive in this pandemic is always difficult but looking at data gathered from multiple sources in various countries does give you a good ideas of what not to continue to do.
Victorian CHO Brett Sutton told us late last year that vaccines could reduce transmission by as much as 60%.
The data shows that to be outrageously untrue. Always better to look behind for proof than forward on a guess.
Rickw, go see your doctor. Please.
I saw mine this morning. Off for ultrasounds to eliminate rotator cuff damage, which is half of bugger all compared to your problem.
Bother. It’s your coffee dude, not you. My advice still stands.
We need all the good coffee dudes we can get!
If you all recall the original advice was not to wear masks, because they wanted to save them for the frontline medicos. Mind you that’s not how they framed it. Being lying sacks of shit comes entirely naturally to the elite class.
There’s absolutely zero conclusion you can reach from country comparisons. There is far too much variance to be worthwhile. Even small policy differences could have an impact.
Let’s agree that Sutton is a worthless scumbag. How are you going to prove he was wrong other than through assertion? You can’t really.
Not necessarily, because the come back is that it could have been worse. You cannot turn an assertion into fact through thin air. You need to prove it.
The meeja make it sound like actor Matthew McConnery was just in the neighbourhood of the White House and just happened to “pop in” for a chat on guns…
It was clearly orchestrated and wouldn’t be surprised if he was flown into Washington and paid for the gig.
Let’s check JC
90% double vaccinated in Australia by the 17th Dec 2021.
242,000 odd cases at point.
7,500,000 since.
Sutton’s comments preceded this by eight weeks.
There’s such a thing the bleeding obvious, that doesn’t need fine analysis.
I’m off to get the price shock of a couple of big ticket items from a machinery dealer.
Out of smelling salts too.
What do you mean by the above>
Yes, you can. You’re trying to sustain this conclusion about masks by requiring this exaggerated need for a one to one identity between two countries, states, whathaveyou, which not even the most ideal physical experiment can satisfy.
Okay, prove it.
I should add that I paid for the MRI. Our medical system certainly wasn’t going to pick up the tab.
According to the NEM dashboard if it wasn’t for the 24/7 capacity of hydro power from Tassie the electricity supply in Victoria and South Australia would be in even greater dire straights. Yet the ABC in this article fails to acknowledge this fact. It appears to be a deliberate attempt to obscure the facts. I guess you wouldn’t want people to think that more hydro might be critical to supporting our fragile grid or that unreliable wind and solar are being propped up by hydro and gas. Story here: Tasmania’s link to Australia’s National Electricity Market explained
Prove it while you adjust for policy differences, age, living conditions and every facet that could impact the standardization to make a scientific comparison.
Four Yorkshiremen.
Got the third jab on the day I was returning to WA as that steaming turd of a premier would not let me back in at the time. It was about 3 months from my 2nd jab. Very very very slight pain around injection site still. More curious than worried. Had an excercise ECG on tuesday as part of my normal work medical (every two years)… no problems detected. Still I would have preferred not to get the 3rd jab.
The pricks then changed the rules a few weeks after my third jab. I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.
There’s the problem, right there.
‘Troubled youths’ need to be forceably told this is very bad behaviour, inexcusable, dangerous to self and others. Stopping this sitting around in idle learned helplessness is where the intervention challenge lies. Change their ‘culture’.
It is not a lifestyle, which is what current ‘harm reduction’ people suggest and encourage.
Must be one of those deplorable libertarian conservative alt right deplorable Pepe loving 4chan freaks, pro gun and anti abortion, right?
I think there is a clear case to bring in new surveillance laws and unexplained wealth rules with a reversed onus of proof.
“Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
June 9, 2022 at 8:43 am
7 hours ago
Ok, draw the gun and be prepared to use it, but not necessarily to kill! Aim for the leg or foot.
Comment, over on the Oz, about the Walker shooting.” Alain, eh? isn’t that Joe Biden’s alias?
I’m due for one of these now. Appointment in three weeks time. Passed with flying colours three years ago. Excellent for my age etc.
I am less fit now, carry some Covid Kilos, and am not looking forward to the coming ‘stress test’ because I am supposed to wear a mask! I will refuse to do it under those terms. Also, I couldn’t do it as well as previously anyway. After our long flight, on arrival in the UK lying down to sleep ex-plane I noticed for the first time ever that I was aware of my heartbeat; it was bothersome, so I had to lie on my back instead of my left side. Had a Novavax booster in the month before we left, six months after the two AZ’s and with catching Covid in the betweentime. Put it down to the flight, but it continued on and off over the month, so a bit of a worry.
Hairy’s first wife, his age i.e. seventy, ten years younger than me, died the other night of a heart attack in her sleep. Very sad and understandably very upsetting for my sweet love. My own ex, only five years younger than me, also suffered a heart attack while we were away in the UK. Luckily he survived it, gaining a stent. I get the feeling my generation is swimming now in dangerous waters.
Look after your heart as Calli advises, RickW. And any others.
The point is the size of the virus versus the size of the holes in the mask
It is like trying to stop a tennis ball using scaffolding
Why would I need to account for any of that? All I have to say is that masks are ineffective because at the level of practice, the population will not use them correctly (they’ll continually adjust them, wear them too long, not clean them or replace them regularly, and so on) and that is all I need to do to argue that masks, at the aggregate level, are ineffective.
Your argument is basically, they could be effective if everyone in the population used them correctly but that this is confounded across countries because of age, health, living and other relevant variables. No. About 99% of the population used them incorrectly, so every confounding variable is beside the point.
Ha! I suspected on this.
I’ve had the plague. As has everybody else I know.
Bad cold.
The jabbenated got the plague at the same time and seem to suffer more acute symptoms than the pure bloods.
The pure bloods have recovered more quickly. The oldest unjabbed seems to have been the least affected.
They appear to be useless with the Omni, but not with Alpha and Delta. In any event, even if masks weren’t effective, risk management suggested at the time, and with information current then that they were worth using inside.
Victoria’s 2019 Pandemic Plan said that masks should not be mandated because they were ineffective and had not insignificant side effects.
Same in the Australian Pandemic plan 2020 which concluded there was nothing proving the effectiveness of masks in a general population setting.
It did basically rate them as effective as propaganda to remind people of an illness.
Homeopathic health protection, in effect.
This was also pointed out early in the nonsensical fear ramp up by a number of brave doctors and researchers who were promptly silenced for disinformation.
Non-persons cannot then point out anything that goes against the accepted narrative.
The first variants got around on water droplets apparently. Masks likely offered some protection though not 100% …but some. If anything masks may have reduced the loading. However, if you were in a room with little draft and reasonable proximity, the only way you could avoid infection was to stop breathing. 🙂
Onmi apparently gets around without hitching a ride.
Risk management suggests that in certain circumstances masks may have worked.
Note that I washed my digits before posting.
Okay, so surgeons and related medical stuff are brain severely damaged.
It was at Hay.
And you should, there’s a lot of shit around these days.
That is certainly true of the medical practitioners in my extended family.
Thick as two short bricks.
The other clue that masks don’t work is that when you go to a hospital or Old Persons Home you are given an N95 mask
A new one
Good lord!
Just over one million dollars retail for a new Case self propelled boom sprayer.
Stop whining and just buy the fucking thing. You can afford it.
Oh dear, things must have taken a U-turn in Ukraine. Sky News UK had RUS ‘pinned’ and ‘running out of steam’ yesterday in the Donbas. Today, they are back to talking about Snake Island.
Good lord!
Just over one million dollars retail for a new Case self propelled boom sprayer.
Went to Farmfest at Toowoomba on Tuesday. Saw an Agrifac self propelled boom sprayer (55 meter boom). Asked how much. “What do you want on it?” Mid range for $900,000. They just sold a tricked up one for $1.3 million.
Prove it while you adjust for policy differences, age, living conditions and every facet that could impact the standardization to make a scientific comparison.
But such assertions are exactly the basis on which we were told that masks (and also lockdowns, curfews etc.) were beneficial. There weren’t randomised clinical trials showing that they were effective. Pre-covid it was generally thought that they weren’t. See rickwsays:
June 9, 2022 at 11:40 am.
Long ago the Canadian rangers were trained to draw on an attacking bear.
They used a flying fox coming at you fast.
One ranger having survived a bear attack said that what he remembered most was the stench of the bear’s breath.
He was lucky he wasn’t buried half dead at the cave entrance.
China in Focus – NTD
01:40 Mexican President Boycotts Americas Summit
04:36 China Advances in Latin America Through Trade
07:32 Top Economist Urges China to Seize Chip-Maker TSMC
09:27 Top China Economist Proposes Seizing TSMC
11:33 Examining the W.H.O.’s Ties to China: Report
The insanity.
The toughest of shots is a critter running straight towards you. Fear don’t help.
Hey JC.
Try to control your jab effected mind.
Try being nice to Publicans, after all, in Australia , not everyone wants high priced ethnic slop and coffee.
Men like pub meals and a beer or two.
He’s much more useful to the world than you’ll ever be, so show some respect.
I was thinking of the the wearing of masks during more rigorous physical activity, even things like energetic walking, hauling the shopping around, doubtless stuff related to workplace, where you would be breathing harder.
That may be because the Ukrainians apparently now have the UK supplied Brimstones operational. The Russians would’ve known this was coming for a while though.
Two stories of interest today:
Russia Prepares for Martial Law (8 Jun)
Moscow Chief Rabbi in exile for refusing to support Putin’s war (8 Jun)
The martial law one is noteworthy in that it’s coming from official channels. What it means I don’t know, but it doesn’t bode well.
Wait, what ? In my case I was prescribed a beta blocker and blood thinner. After 30 months I can detect no change but the response is always ‘keep taking the medication.’ I believe the next step is an ablation but that too is unpredictable and likely temporary in effect.
Easy to treat ? Yep. Easy to treat effectively ? Nope.
‘vigorous’, not ‘rigorous’.
My part of my brain that watches what I type seems to have vigor mortis.
I am guessing struth doesn’t go to Griffith much.
You’re missing out on a lot. Your loss.
I’d take “ethnic slop” over wanky fusion food and over hopped craft beer any day.
Hehe, snob.
New ski boat?
LOL. I’m not getting any such vibe from my sources.
It wasn’t the bear’s breath, it was his soiled trousers.
I’ve been to Griffiths so much if I never go there again it would be too soon.
Shit hole.
Again, I said pub meals.
In Australia dot, this means steaks and vegies, or Schnizels and chips……Lamb Chops, Mixed grills, Reef and Beefs, …..good hearty Australian tucker washed down with a beer.
WhoTF was talking about wanky fusion food?
Griffith…the club will do id you are unfortunate enough to get stuck there.
No wog has coffee with their meal. It’s either beer or wine. Coffee is after dinner.
Think of the depreciation. The government is practically giving you free money.
Elon Musk is the best thing on Twitter right now. His replies are interesting, like this one.
Yes, we are spoiled for choice.
Who’d a thunk it! .. apparently, Biloela is a thriving metropolis not a two bob watch country town .. LOL! .. appears 600 000 signatures on the petition to bring the illegals home .. they must have used “dominion” adding machines for the final count .. LOL!
No, no, no Dot. You want ‘white people’ food.
Mixed grills – sausages (German), schnitzels (also German) with chips (French – they started the potato off as a food source) and steaks, vegies and seafood (universal).
Preferably cooked by noggies and/or wogs in the kitchen.
Ah, back in the Territory don’t you know it.
Having lunch in a local nosherie. The experience was enlivened by “some locals” coming in frequently, and asking people buying stuff for money.
At one stage a local came in and sat down at a table where some southerners – you can tell, you know – were eating. Asked them for money to go “go and buy some food”.
As there were about 10 hanging about outside you could tell what would happen if the business owners decided to get tough on them.
Australia, you’re standing in it.
Griffith, sister city of Dubbo.
Just with more wogs.
More mafia.
What are noggies?
Hope you stayed away from that continental crap. ‘White man food’ is apparently the go.
A bit of light reading for you KD, to help you catch up. No need to thank me. It’s from “Things you can’t learn from Alan Border”
You certainly can.
And so can the blackfellas, obviously.
Hmmm, I wonder what it is?!
I’m reluctant to share my story but here goes.
Pfizer shots one & two last August.
Booster first week of March (also Pfizer).
Booster laid me out for a week, then the problems began.
Sometimes discomfort, sometimes chest pain, sometimes it feels like my heart is about to burst out of my chest.
My GP is a good guy.
He’s sent me off for different scans, tests & blood tests & all have come back great at best (low cholesterol) to at worst ok (blood pressure could be lower).
He’s said if in doubt, get to an emergency room.
I’ve been hospital twice over the past 3 months when my ticker has felt like it’s going nuts.
On both occasions they’ve hooked me up to the ECG & said there’s nothing abnormal happening & have sent me home.
I’ve been to two different specialists, but only one put me on the treadmill with a the things attached to you.
Both have had access to all the scans & tests etc.
Both say nothing is wrong.
But both say, if in doubt, get yourself to hospital.
One of those trips to hospital was in the last week so it doesn’t seem to be fixing itself.
Seeing my GP next week to discuss referral options.
I’m no martyr.
If I can’t get answers here, I’m already exploring options in the US.
Qld Fire commands RFS and SES in Qld. My understanding is one of the reasons they did not mandate the Vax was knew would lose too many. Interesting also that Lifesaving NSW did enforce Vax mandate whereas Qld dropped it a few weeks before deadline.
“Just got a letter from NSW Rural Fire Service informing me that unless I can prove to them that I have been jabbed that I am no longer an operational member of the Rural Fire Service.
No clot shot for me, so they can go and roger themselves”
Golly gee, chaps, the bonhomie has slipped today.
St Ruth.
Who was it who fed you the duff info on the supermarkets running out of stuff in August 2020?
I know I’ve got a screenshot of it somewhere. Someone fessed up that their missus worked for Colesworth ordering the canned beans for East Gippsland and she was getting lots of Bing-Bongs! on her computer, and they fed you the info.
It’s always been a thing, you know, like dying from mean words or holidaying in Thailand.
Been busy packing up house and haven’t had time to scroll back. Apologies if the demise of Arky’s Model A has already been discussed. See Adam’s dash Cat. Poor b@stard. Totally devastatingly bad luck.
After going for my customary daily walk around the farm & being nearly frozen to death, & it being too cold for outdoor jobs, I have spent much of the rest of the day by the fire reading (finally) Ian Plimer’s “Green Murder”.
Wow – how he has packed so much information, not merely about his chosen field, but about so much of human history, I just can’t imagine. I have earmarked so many pages – just so that I can find actual facts and figures to quote to climate fanatics et al. I heard him speak years ago at one of the “think tank” events – & he was fantastic. He is now even more “ornery”than at that time – perhaps because he totally sick of the climate change ratbaggery.
I thoroughly recommend his book – can’t imagine many of you disagreeing with most of it. In any case – it is thought provoking, as all such books should be.
Old Ozzie earlier posted a link and part of the Letter to the Law which was sent to Police Union bosses. Pretty good letter (apart from mention of Kimberley Kitching death).
The author, Kevin Loughfrey, is a formed LtCol (Engineer) who was a Palmer candidate. He has his own web page and lots of IT related stuff. Looks like a smart guy.
I like his idea of writing to Police Union heads as the state’s relied heavily on Police to enforce Covid policies. The current Police mandate in Qld certainly does not make sense as their members would have little to fear from Covid although the mandate was introduced before Omicron. If Qld Commissioner was to drop the mandate it is difficult for Govt to impose elsewhere when it is apparent experts will soon want to go for 4th jab. I suspect in the case of Qld the Union boss has probably traded his silence and members health in return for some benefits. You can read their Police Journal online and incredibly the Vax not been mentioned in last two which covers time since Vax mandate. Clearly suppressing dissent.
Yes, Mak. Hard to put into words. I’m gutted and the thing wasn’t even mine. And so is the Beloved – he followed the restoration along with me. Arky’s work was a great inspiration to him.
Good luck, Bern.
I trust my GP, but she’s recommended a booster shot and I have declined.
It’s a matter of luck whether you have a reaction to the jabs. I’ve had nothing, which I reckon has more to do with my country upbringing than any medical reason.
Masks. There was a 1981 UK study where the surgeons in a hospital stopped wearing them in theatre for 6 months. Got half as many wound infections in the patients. A dozen studies since have tried to debunk this and have failed.
Sorry to hear that, Bern. Get well.
A victory to Elon.
Not being au fait in contract law and I am not sure whether it gives him the ability to back out of the deal, should he wish, without penalty.
I gather the agreement was that he waived due diligence on aspects of the business so he could not complain if those areas turned out to be in a bad way, but I would think that if Twatter lied in response to his queries that might be different. The difference between taking your chances and being deceived.
And as one of the two scientifics here can you see where the study fell apart?
Feel the Burn… were warned, you dumb bastard.
You will, as all will, pay dearly for submitting to this.
You are already starting to.
Others will be getting different cancers, or suddenly dying with clots etc.
However, it is too high a price to pay .
Your doctors are fucking you around so as not to be held to blame.
Testing cholesterols etc.
“Everything is fine” when it obviously isn’t and only started after THEY jabbed you.
Jabbed morons, you are going to your murderers asking to be cured!
Asking them to admit to murder!?
Your doctors are going to admit nothing.
A medical degree doesn’t get you into the priesthood.
They will see you dead first, and the sooner the better.
We now know what it will be called, SADS.
(Honestly, you couldn’t make this shit up…..but then again)
Always remember, I pleaded with you not to take it.
With you all.
The complete opposite of Notafan and the sneerers.
When are you going to get angry?
Although it was your own fault for taking it…sorry, I know, but it’s the truth, hard as it is, …….this is 2022, and YOU aren’t to blame for anything.
So who did this to you?
Who killed you?
They didn’t kill you straight away and now the propaganda is meant to keep you believing all those deaths around you, before yours, are normal.
And so will yours be.
We’ll know different.
Won’t we?
Feel the Burn.
I’m being honest, not heartless.
Now is not the time for bullshit.
Bullshitting you is truly heartless.
Get active…. (not physically)
Some of those posts I have put up tell you things that may help.
And get vengeance before it’s too late.
Call me a stickler but that sounds weird to me. How does that work? How could wearing masks double infections. Hey, there might be a reason, but I will have trouble believing this without a reason.
Same reason I was skeptical from the outset of Covid – a lot of claims made no sense, and no better explanations were forthcoming.
I am heartbroken to hear your story, feelthebern.
All I can say is that you should locate the advice of the FLCCC on treatment of Long/Covid and/or Vaccine injury. I am not a medical doctor – so I can only repeat what I have read. My recollection is that the treatment for vax injury is virtually the same as for Covid (logical – since the culprit is almost certainly the spike protein) – ie Vit C. Vit D3, Zinc, Quercetin )or Ivermectin if you can get it). Also anti-histamine and/or aspirin. But also acquisition of a cortico steroid – Prednisone apparently the one of choice.
I will try to find the actual reference for the vax injury advice. I have collected so much material over the past two years…….
But look – the best news I can offer is that leading FLCCC Covid physicians (Dr.Marik, Dr. Kory & Dr. Peter McCullough – a cardiologist) have recently speculated that they doubt that the adverse reactions from the vaccines will last longer than a year, and that most reactions they see occur very soon after the vaccination.
I wish you a speedy recovery!
No, it’s just about a year in, you dumb bastard…do you think that gives you the all clear.?
Fucking delusional denialism.
June 9, 2022 at 3:03 pm”
I hope all is okay Bern. Please get well.
“I trust my GP, but she’s recommended a booster shot and I have declined.”
I haven’t had the booster.
My elderly mother, who had the booster, was told a few weeks ago by her GP that she needed a fourth shot. She said no.
We are really only “very soon after the vaccination” now.
You don’t want to spook the horses.
Not all of them. My GP, whom I rate as better than average, never wore a mask during consultations with me, even at the height of the panic. I had to wear one to get in the door of the group practice, but took it off the moment I got into her room. She knew and knows I was not and am not jabbed, BTW. Never mentioned it.
I suspect that there are many like her, who understandably were not prepared to throw away their careers and be left with nothing but their student debt. That was the Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.
Of course, she would have had to be multi-jabbed herself in order to continue practising medicine. I regard it as taking one for the team.
I have located the following from FLCCC (https:/
Management of Post-Vaccine Syndrome
Major public health authorities do not recognize post-COVID-vaccine injuries; and there is no specific
ICD classification code for this disease. However, while no official definition exists, a temporal correlation between receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and beginning or worsening of a patient’s clinical manifestations is sufficient to diagnose as a COVID-19 vaccine-induced injury, when the symptoms are unexplained by other concurrent causes.
Since there are no published reports detailing the management of vaccine-injured patients, our treatment approach is based on the postulated pathogenetic mechanism, clinical observation, and patient anecdotes. Treatment must be individualized according to each patient’s presenting symptoms and disease syndromes. It is likely that not all patients will respond equally to the same intervention; a particular intervention may be life-saving for one patient and totally ineffective for another.
Early treatment is essential; it is likely that the response to treatment will be attenuated when treatment is delayed.
Intermittent daily fasting or periodic daily fasts.
Fasting has a profound effect on promoting immune system homeostasis, partly by stimulating the removal of damaged cells and mitochondria and clearing misfolded and foreign proteins. Intermittent fasting likely has an important role in promoting the breakdown and elimination of the spike protein. Fasting is contraindicated in patients under 18 (impairs growth) and during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Patients with diabetes, as well as those with serious underlying medi- cal conditions, should consult their primary care provider prior to fasting, as changes in their medications may be re- quired and these patients require close monitoring.
Ivermectin: 0.2–0.3 mg/kg, daily for up to 4–6 weeks.
Ivermectin has potent anti-inflammatory properties. It also binds to the spike protein, aiding in the elimination by the
host. It is likely that ivermectin and intermittent fasting act synergistically to rid the body of the spike protein. Ivermectin is best taken with or just following a meal for greater absorption. A trial of ivermectin should be considered as first line therapy. It appears that patients can be grouped into two categories: i) ivermectin responders and ii) ivermectin non- responders. This distinction is important, as the latter are more difficult to treat and require more aggressive therapy. Due to the possible drug interaction between quercetin and ivermectin, these drugs should not be taken simultaneously (i.e., should be staggered morning and night).
Low dose naltrexone (LDN): Begin with 1 mg/day and increase to 4.5 mg/day, as required. May take 2 to 3 months to see full effect.
LDN has been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and neuromodulating properties.
Melatonin: 2–6 mg slow release/extended release prior to bedtime.
Melatonin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and is a powerful regulator of mitochondrial function. The
dose should be started at 750 mcg (?g) to 1 mg at night and increased as tolerated. Patients who are slow metabolizers may have very unpleasant and vivid dreams with higher doses.
Aspirin: 81 mg/day.
Vitamin C: 1000 mg orally three to four times a day.
Vitamin C has important anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-enhancing properties, including increased synthesis
of type I interferons. Avoid in patients with a history of kidney stones. Oral Vitamin C helps promote growth of protective bacterial populations in the microbiome.
Vitamin D and Vitamin K2: A dose of 4000–5000 units/day of Vitamin D, together with Vitamin K2 100 mcg/day is a reasonable starting dose.
The dose of Vitamin D should be adjusted according to the baseline Vitamin D level.
About this Protocol
This document is primarily intended to assist health- care professionals in pro- viding appropriate medical care for vaccine-injured patients. Patients should always consult their health- care provider before em- barking on any new treat- ment.
Patients with post-vaccine syndrome must not receive further COVID-19 vaccines of any type. Likewise, patients with long COVID should avoid all COVID vaccinations.
Note that there are signifi- cant overlaps between the symptoms and features of long COVID and post-vac- cine syndrome. However, a number of clinical features appear to be characteristic of post-vaccine syndrome; most notably, severe neuro- logical symptoms appear to be more common following vaccination.
Please check our website
tocols for updates to our COVID-19 protocols. New medications may be added and/or changes may be made to doses of existing medications as further evidence emerges.
For more information on nutritional therapeutics and how they can help with COVID-19, visit
For Additional Potential Treatments, Disease-Spe- cific Therapeutic Adjuncts, and References please see the complete guide, “An Approach to the Manage- ment of Post-Vaccine Syndrome,” available at
??? continue on page 2
I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol · Version 2 · June 8, 2022 · Page 1/3 i-recover-post-vaccine- treatment
??For updates and more information on our treatment protocols please see:
ADJUNCTIVE/SECOND LINE THERAPIES Listed in order of importance.
???(continued from page 1)
Quercetin: 250–500 mg/day (or mixed flavonoids).
Flavonoids have broad spectrum anti-inflammatory properties, inhibit mast cells, and have been demonstrated to reduce neuroinflammation. Due to a possible drug interaction between quercetin and ivermectin, these drugs should not be taken simultaneously (i.e., should be staggered morning and night). The use of quercetin has rarely been associated with hypo- thyroidism. The clinical impact of this association may be limited to those individuals with pre-existent thyroid disease or those with subclinical thyroidism. Quercetin should be used with caution in patients with hypothyroidism and TSH levels should be monitored.
Nigella Sativa: 200–500 mg twice daily.
It should be noted that thymoquinone (the active ingredient of Nigella Sativa) decreases the absorption of cyclosporine
and phenytoin. Patients taking these drugs should, therefore, avoid taking Nigella Sativa. Furthermore, two cases of serotonin syndrome have been reported in patients taking Nigella Sativa who underwent general anaesthesia (probable interaction with opiates).
Patients with post-vaccine syndrome classically have a severe dysbiosis with loss of Bifidobacterium. Kefir is a highly recommended nutritional supplement high in probiotics. Suggested probiotics include Megasporebiotic (Microbiome labs), TrueBifidoPro (US Enzymes) and yourgutplus+.
Magnesium: 500 mg/day.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Vascepa, Lovaza or DHA/EPA; 4 g/day.
Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the resolution of inflammation by inducing resolvin production.
Thanks Vicki, but I’m on top of it.
The reality is, I’ve got a whole supplement regime already.